Knots of various shapes. Survival school "stalker"

Each of us has ever had to deal with the process of knitting knots. Sometimes you need to tie a simple knot. But there are times when you need to make more reliable connections. It is then that it is worth resorting to using the well-known " sea ​​knots". Knowing a dozen of the most common, you can choose the right one for every task, from tying a hook on a fishing trip to lifting bulky loads on a rope cable.

Brief history of occurrence

It originates at the dawn of time. Since ancient times, primitive people have used knot letters to convey information. In the absence of other materials, such compounds were also used to create tools and household items.

However, the knot weaving technique gained the greatest popularity with the development of navigation. Even then, prerequisites arose for the creation of a system of nodal connections capable of reliably fixing ship equipment.

Sailors used a triangular wooden plank with a rope tied to it. Knots were tied along its entire length. The distance between them was a multiple of a certain fraction of a nautical mile. Throwing the board overboard, the sailors timed the unwinding of the string. In such a simple way, they determined the speed of the vessel. Subsequently, this unit of measurement was called the sea knot.

From the school curriculum we are well acquainted the so-called "Gordian knot". They were tied to a cart in the temple of Zeus in Phrygia. The legend said that whoever could untie it would easily conquer the whole world. But this could not be done by anyone before the great commander - Alexander the Great. He just cut the bundle with his sword.

At the end of the twentieth century, the popularization of tourism (and in particular mountaineering) gave a new impetus to the development of knot weaving techniques. An important role in the third millennium is given to knitting fishing equipment. Depending on the methods of fishing, different types of connections are used.

Classification by main features

They are divided according to a number of factors. From here you can divide them according to several main features:

There are many more signs by which nodal connections and loops can be qualified. For complete knowledge, you will need to study more than a dozen books on this topic. In practice, it is enough to have an idea about a dozen basic methods of how to tie knots on a rope.

Types and methods of knitting

If you try to classify knots and loops into groups according to certain criteria, then such an occupation will take a very long time. AT different countries there are names and modifications of the same species. In addition, over time, constructive changes are made to some of them. But still it is worth noting the most commonly used compounds in various spheres of life.

It is best to start with the study of rope types:

To bind objects

Having mastered the above connections, you can go to fasteners. Of these, it is worth highlighting a few of the main ones:

  1. Noose - easy to learn and quite reliable. It gains the greatest strength when using more than four internal revolutions. The best application is a constant uniform load. In its absence, it is quite easy to untie.
  2. A quick-release knot is designed for temporary fasteners. One end is used to hold the load. By pulling the second, you can quickly release the entire cord. Indispensable in cases where you need to lower the load and return the rope.

Tourists and climbers

Tourist knots have, as a rule, narrow specialization. They are used for knitting functional loops:

Help for the angler

A special place is occupied fishing knots. Depending on the material of the main cord used (monofilament fishing line, braid, fluorocarbon) and the diameter, one or another nodal connection is used:

For decorative crafts

The main semantic load of such weaving is undeniably spiritual or aesthetic perception. For a long time, religious or mystical background belonged to certain weaves.

The pagans made protective amulets and bracelets from different kind nodes. With the development of Christianity came to the fore decorative weaving function:

In each direction there are a dozen time-tested nodes. Therefore, do not fill your head with detailed information about various modifications. It is better to choose a dozen specific ones for yourself. But for this you only need practical experience their use.

A few basic terms

If you start to go into the details of knitting certain knots, then in the necessary literature you can find set of certain specific terms. Having general idea about them, it will be much easier to comprehend the necessary information:

Any knowledge, including about weaving knots, will definitely come in handy in Everyday life. One way or another, any sphere of life, whether it be a hobby or everyday work, is connected with this science. Therefore, spending a couple of evenings on the basics of weaving knots, you can avoid most of the difficulties in the future.

June 1st, 2016

I remembered and re-read the topic about. But I don’t know how to tie sea knots at all, even the simplest ones.

However, the skill is useful and you never know exactly when it will come in handy. That's why I decided to start learning something. Where do we start?

Let's try with these as they say simple and useful options:

flat knot

It has long been considered one of the most reliable knots for tying cables of different thicknesses. Having eight weaves, the flat knot never tightens too much, does not creep and does not spoil the cable, since it does not have sharp bends, and the load on the cables is evenly distributed over the knot. After removing the load on the cable, this knot is easy to untie.

The name "flat knot" came into our maritime language from French. It was introduced for the first time in his "Dictionary of Marine Terms" by the famous French shipbuilder Daniel Lascalier in 1783. But the knot was, of course, known to sailors of all countries long before that. What it was called before, we do not know. It has long been considered one of the most reliable knots for tying cables of different thicknesses. They even tied anchor hemp ropes and mooring lines.
Having eight weaves, the flat knot never tightens too much, does not creep and does not spoil the cable, since it does not have sharp bends, and the load on the cables is evenly distributed over the knot. After removing the load on the cable, this knot is easy to untie.
The principle of a flat knot lies in its shape: it is really flat, and this makes it possible to choose the cables connected by it on the drums of capstans and windlasses, on the welps of which its shape does not interfere with the even overlap of subsequent hoses.

In marine practice, there are two options for knitting this knot: a loose knot with tacking of its free running ends to the root or half-bayonets at their ends and without such a tack when the knot is tightened. A flat knot tied in the first way (in this form it is called the “Josephine knot”) on two cables of different thicknesses almost does not change its shape even with very high traction and is easily untied when the load is removed. The second knitting method is used for tying thinner than anchor ropes and mooring lines, cables, with the same or almost the same thickness. At the same time, it is recommended to first tighten the tied flat knot with your hands so that it does not twist with a sharp pull. After that, when a load is given to the connected cable, the knot crawls and twists for some time, but, having stopped, it holds firmly. It is untied without much effort by shifting the loops covering the root ends.
As already mentioned, a flat knot has eight weaves of cables and it would seem that it can be tied in different ways - there are 256 different options for tying it. But practice shows that not every knot from this number, tied according to the principle of a flat knot (alternating intersection of the opposite ends “under and over”), will hold securely. Ninety percent of them are unreliable, and some are even dangerous for tying cables designed for strong traction. Its principle depends on changing the sequence of intersection of the connected cables in a flat knot, and it is enough to slightly change this sequence, as the knot gets other negative qualities.

In many textbooks and reference books on maritime practice published in our country and abroad, the flat knot is depicted in different ways and in most cases incorrectly. This happens both due to the negligence of the authors, and due to the fault of the graphs, which, redrawing the knot scheme from the author's sketches in one color, cannot always make out whether the end passes over or under the other end. Here is one of the best forms of a flat knot, tested and tested by practice. Other valid variants of this node are deliberately not given by the author so as not to scatter the reader's attention and not give him the opportunity to confuse the scheme of this node with any other. Before putting this knot into practice for any responsible business, you must first remember exactly its scheme and tie the cables exactly along it without any, even the most insignificant deviations. Only in this case, the flat knot will serve you faithfully and will not let you down.
This marine knot is indispensable for tying two cables (even steel ones, on which a significant effort will be applied, for example, when pulling a heavy truck stuck in mud on half a wheel with a tractor).


This classic knot forms the basis of a dozen other, more complex knots for various purposes. It can be used as a stopper at the end of the cable (unlike a simple knot, it does not damage the cable even with strong pull and can always be easily untied) or, for example, for rope handles of a wooden bucket or tub. You can even fasten the strings to the tuning pegs of violins, guitars and other musical instruments with a figure eight.

Portuguese bowline

It is used when you need to tie two loops at one end at once. For example, to lift a wounded person, his legs are threaded into loops, and with the root end (when knitting knots, they act as the so-called running ends of the cables, and those ends around which the running ends are wrapped are called root) around the chest under the armpits a half bayonet is knitted. In this case, the person will not fall out, even if he is unconscious.

Improved Dagger Knot

AT foreign practice rigging, this knot is considered one of the best knots for tying two large diameter cables. It is not very complicated in its scheme and is quite compact when tightened.

It is most convenient to tie it if you first lay the running end of the cable in the form of a figure of the number 8 on top of the main one. After that, thread the elongated running end of the second cable into loops, pass it under the middle intersection of the figure eight and bring it out over the second intersection of the first cable. Next, the running end of the second cable must be passed under the root end of the first cable and inserted into the figure-eight loop, as the arrow indicates. When the knot is tightened, the two running ends of both cables stick out in different directions. The dagger knot is easy to untie if one of the extreme loops is loosened.

Flemish loop

It is a strong and easily untied loop at the end of the cable, being tied in a figure eight on a cable folded in half. The Flemish loop is suitable for knitting on both thick and thin cables. It almost does not weaken the strength of the cable. In addition to maritime affairs, it can also be used for fastening the strings of musical instruments.

flemish knot

In fact, this is the same figure eight, but tied with two ends. The Flemish knot is one of the oldest marine knots used on ships to connect two cables, both thin and thick.

The Flemish knot is one of the oldest maritime knots, which has found its application both at sea and on land. Also, this type of knot has a second name - the oncoming figure eight. This knot originated in Europe about 800 years ago. This knot is quite strong and easy to untie and easily fastens thick cables and ropes, as well as thin ropes and threads.

We bend one end of the rope and make a loop, draw it under the main rope and make a second loop;
We thread the end of the rope into the first loop of the resulting figure eight;
Similar actions, only in mirror image, we carry out with the end of the second rope;
At correct knitting you should get a twisted figure eight;
We tighten the knot;
Flemish knot - ready!

Fishing bayonet

For five thousand years of the existence of shipping, people could not come up with a more reliable knot for tying an anchor rope to an anchor than a fishing bayonet. This knot, proven by centuries of experience in marine practice, can also be safely used in all cases when working with cables when they are subject to strong traction.
Read on Don "t Panic:

Stop knot

This type of marine knot is designed to increase the diameter of the cable to prevent it from slipping out of the block, as it does not slip and holds securely. To make the stop knot even larger (for example, when the diameter of the hole through which the cable passes is much larger than the diameter of the cable), you can tie a knot with three loops. It can also come in handy when you need to make a convenient handle at the end of the cable.


It has long been one of the most indispensable units in the sailing fleet. Logs were tied with a noose in the water for towing, it was used to load objects cylindrical in shape, rails and telegraph poles were loaded. Moreover, this knot, proven by centuries of experience at sea, has long been used on the shore - not in vain on many foreign languages it is called "forest knot" or "log knot". The noose with half bayonets is a reliable and very strong knot, which is extremely tightened around the object being lifted.

"The knot will be tied, the knot will be untied ..."- this is how the Russian singer Alena Apina sings in the once popular song. Only in mountaineering, the knot must be tied so that there is no unforeseen “untied”, but at the same time, if necessary, it should be easily untied.

Most of the climbing knots are of marine origin. In the beginning it was ... Hence the marine names of many knots.

Quite often we use various nodes in everyday life, without even thinking about their name, origin and use in mountaineering or navigation.

When classifying nodes in mountaineering, they most often rely on their purpose and distinguish 3 categories:

  • binding (or for binding);
  • strapping (or for strapping and loops);
  • auxiliary.

Knots for tying ribbons and ropes

Used for tying ribbons and ropes, both the same diameter and different.

In the first case, most often used:

  • direct (marine);
  • clew;
  • weaving.

In the second:

  • counter;
  • bramshkotovy;
  • academic.

straight knot

The straight knot is very simple to perform: both ends of the rope are parallel on one side.

Its main drawback is spontaneous "sliding", i.e. propensity for self-unleashing.

In this regard, for additional strength, its ends are strengthened with control safety knots (“controls”), although in everyday life this is most often not necessary. These "controls" under extreme loads on the rope will prevent it from slipping and untying the main knot.

How to tie a straight knot step by step


The grapevine knot is considered reliable and beautiful. It is used not only for tying ribbons and ropes, but also for knitting loops for bookmarks and guy loops.

It is extremely practical when tying a lanyard loop.

The advantage of this node is the ability to adjust the length of the loop.

Under the influence of the load, it is able to tighten strongly.

Step-by-step instructions for knitting a grapevine knot

Counter knot

The counter knot is ideal if you need to tie completely different materials, for example, a ribbon with a rope, a rope with a cord, etc.

It not only holds well and does not creep, but is also easily untied after removing the load. At the same time, it tightens perfectly under load.

The counter node has a second name - looped. In the practice of mountaineering, loops of braid of different widths are often used. To tie them, only a counter knot is used. That's where the second name comes from.

Step-by-step instructions for knitting an oncoming knot

clew knot

The clew knot creeps only under variable loads, but at the same time it does not tighten.

This knot belongs to the category of reliable and knitting easily.

Tying "controls" is a must.

Knitting a clew knot step by step

weaving knot

The weaving knot is very simple in execution, but it is able to tighten strongly under heavy loads and crawl under variable loads.

It is often used during rescue operations in the mountains while providing assistance to victims.

Step by step instructions for knitting a weaving knot

Bramstring knot

Bramshkotovy knot is single and double.

Perfectly binds ropes of different diameters. When performing, you need to monitor the parallel arrangement of the strands and the correctness of the knot pattern.

academic node

The academic node is a relative direct node.

Ideal for tying ropes of different diameters.

A loop is made with a thick rope, and a loop is wrapped with a thin one. Be sure to tie control knots for reliability.

Knots for tying and loops

These knots are used to tie the climber when organizing insurance and to form non-tightening loops.

Remember the beginning of the movie with Sylvester Stallone?


Bowline is used for tying to the main rope.

There are two options for knitting a knot. Traditional sequence and knitting with one end of the rope. The second option is more suitable for tying the chest harness harness.

A simple bowline needs to be fixed with a control knot, as it is prone to unraveling. This knot must always be tightly tightened.

Bowline knot step by step instructions

double bowline

The double bowline was proposed by the mountaineering instructor Emelyanov E.B. for binding as particularly reliable.

When knitting it, a soft rope or half-rope about 5 meters or a 20 mm tape is used.

The knot is characterized by the presence of two self-insurance loops:

  1. At the end of the rope that enters the loops of the chest harness.
  2. This one is longer, at the end of which it connects the gazebo loops.

This knot allows, in the presence of self-insurance on a short loop, not only to dissolve the lower part of the gazebo, but also to remove it. This technique is used when there is a need to change clothes while moving along the rock (for example, take off).

Node Explorer

The conductor knot has one indisputable advantage - the extraordinary simplicity of its knitting.

Sometimes we often use it in everyday life, not even suspecting that the knot is climbing!

Since the conductor tends to be strongly tightened under the influence of a load, it is recommended to insert a metal object into the plexus, which will simplify its further untying.

This simple knot can be made either at the end or in the middle of a rope. One of the nodes often used in rescue work.


  • in the absence of a harness for tying to the middle of the rope;
  • for tying ropes.

figure eight knot

The figure eight knot is one of those knots that does not require control knots.

It is characteristic that it does not drag on and does not creep.

This knot is obtained as a result of an additional half-turn of the loop after knitting the initial stage of the conductor.

Step-by-step instructions for knitting a figure eight knot

Auxiliary nodes

This includes a number of nodes that are necessary when pulling the crossing and railings, when lifting a load or a person.

Knot (loop) Garda

Knot (loop) Garda is applicable on a rope of any condition. Very easy to tie.


  • when transporting the victim;
  • for insurance.

Grasping knot

The grasping knot has lost its position in the category of the main ones used for insurance.

This is due to the fact that in practice and during tests under extreme conditions, melting often occurred, or even worse, a break in the assembly. However, it does a great job when there is not much friction when moving very fast on the rope.

It is knitted from an auxiliary rope to the main one. There are two ways to knit it:

  • loop;
  • one end of the cord.

Tip: to increase reliability, you can knit three turns.

Bachmann knot and carabiner knot

The Bachmann knot (Fig. a - c) can be easily pulled along the rope in the absence of load. Its reliability is manifested in any kind of work on the transportation of victims.

You can knit on single and double rope.

Step-by-step instructions for knitting a Bachmann knot

The carabiner knot (Fig. d, e) has the same characteristics and application as the Bachmann knot.


The stirrup can be called universal knot, which is very easy to tie even at the end of the rope, even in the middle.

To properly tie a marine knot, first of all, you need to remember that the fixed end of the rope is called the root, and the movable end is called the running one. There are several simple examples of knitting that will come in handy both at home and during outdoor activities.

It is also called gazebo and belongs to the fundamental knots. It contains elements of several schemes, which gives it universal properties: the mount allows mooring, securing sailors, fixing the rope to the hook. Bowline is very reliable, it can be used with almost all ropes, regardless of material and thickness. The arbor is quickly tied and easily untied (but not spontaneously), it does not slip, and when used in marine conditions, it shows high reliability.

Knitting pattern for a sea knot for beginners:

  1. Form a loop from top to bottom.
  2. Pass through it the running end from the bottom up.
  3. Spend the running behind the root and again skip into the loop.
  4. When the running end is enclosed in the resulting small loop, the rope must be tightly tightened.

To untie the bowline, it is enough to slightly shift the loop in the direction from the running to the root end.

Knitting a marine knot figure eight

This is a typical modification, which got its name due to its characteristic shape. The figure eight is usually performed to form a stopper or stable attachment. The main plus is that it is easy to deal with, even if the rope gets wet.

How to knit a marine knot:

  1. Circle the running end of the root, pull the first one from above so that you get a loop.
  2. Pierce the resulting loop with the running end so that it can then be brought in for itself.
  3. Tighten.

A beautiful knot is formed with rounded outlines of the figure eight.

Knitting pattern for a straight sea knot

One of the oldest modifications, in ancient Greece, the knot was called Hercules. With it, you can firmly connect two ropes that have approximately the same diameter. But the scheme cannot be called reliable: under heavy loads, the junction will stretch excessively, often it slides along the cable. It is not recommended for use in critical situations and when activities involving immersion in water are planned.

Classic technique:

  1. Take 2 running ends of the cables, one should cover the second.
  2. The other end forms an open loop.
  3. It is necessary to stretch the rope into this loop so that the first end is also braided.
  4. Tighten both ropes.

There is a subspecies of the direct knot - reef, it is distinguished by the ability to quickly untie.

Half bayonet and bayonet

The half-bayonet is not tightened; to perform it, the object on which it is planned to fix the cable is wrapped with the running end, circled around the root and passed through the formed loop. Then both ends are fastened together. The unit is able to withstand a lot of weight, is reliable.

With the help of a bayonet, the mooring ends are fixed and towing is performed. It is based on 3 half-bayonets - this amount is enough for any purpose. It cannot be considered that 4 or 5 half-bayonets are stronger, the effect when used will be the same.

How to tie a sea knot with a fishing bayonet

This variation has ancient roots, it has survived to this day due to the fact that it allows you to fix the rope at anchor as tightly as possible, it is adapted for all types of manipulations in conditions of strong traction. Initially, you need to fix the cable on the object with the help of an additional hose, then you can begin to form half-bayonets. The first of them must capture the hose encircling the base.

If the ends of the rope are not visible, outwardly this knot cannot be distinguished from a straight one. It got its name due to the fact that this similarity was actively used on ships in order to identify the fact of theft of personal property of sailors, provisions. The connection is used mainly for domestic purposes, since when tensioned, the knot can spontaneously untie.


  1. The running end of the first rope is folded into a loop.
  2. The second cable is threaded into this loop in such a way as to capture the root and running ends, and lead out in the opposite direction.
  3. Tighten both double ends.

Indicative cords are often attached in this way.

How to tie a woman's and mother-in-law's sea knot: a simple diagram

The variations are extremely similar: these are two erroneous ways of forming a thieves knot. The names “baby” and “mother-in-law” are based on the specifics of everyday use - they are widely used to connect ropes, but they do not take into account the unreliability and even some danger of sliding fastening.

Knitting a sea knot is not difficult: two running ends pass through each other in different directions and duplicate this action in a mirror image.

Professional sailors and adherents of an active lifestyle show a woman's knot only in educational purposes, as its use in the field is fraught with injury and property damage.

The mother-in-law's knot differs from the woman's knot in that here the ends of the cable come from the finished combination in a diagonal direction. The modification was first used in European countries in shipping, but subsequently it was replaced by more practical and stronger knitting options that do not have the ability to spontaneously untie. Now, in practice, it can only be found in the subsidiary farm as an auxiliary link for packaging raw materials and food products.

To perform the mother-in-law knot, you should:

  1. Form an incomplete loop from the running end of one rope.
  2. Draw the second end into the loop from top to bottom, go around the first rope and bring it out.

Even if tightened tightly, there is a high probability that with further tension the ligament will open.

Types and methods of performing a noose knot

The noose knot can be performed in straight, flat, fishing variations. In the first case, a strong bond is formed, which increases the strength when wet.

Knitting pattern:

  1. Form an open loop on the rope: give it the shape of the letter "s" and proceed to the formation of turns, located as close as possible in relation to each other.
  2. Thread the running end into the lower eye left after winding the rope.
  3. Tighten.

The carabiner has narrow scope use - it is popular with professional climbers. Here, the running end is fixed on the carabiner with an 8-shaped connection, the remaining part of the rope, if necessary, can be passed through the carabiner with coverage of the support, say, a tree.

The noose on the support is knitted as follows: the rope covers the support, enters the loop and wraps around it 3 times, then passes into the small loop. Even if the rope is wet, a stable connection is formed that can be used without support.

All marine knots, despite the characteristic name of the category, are widely used in everyday life. Thieves, mother-in-law and women - a quick opportunity to pull the neck of the bag, a noose with a skillful approach helps in working with loads and sports. All variations of bayonets allow you to quickly fix the rope on a stationary support. It must be remembered that the strength of the connection depends not only on the skill of tying, but also on the strength of the rope.

The knot in rock climbing and mountaineering refers to the basic elements. For a mountaineer, the practice of working with knots is as crucial as the ability to knit sea knots was during the days of sailing. It would be correct to say that the foundations of modern knotting technology were formed precisely in that pre-steam era. The sailors had to climb the masts at a decent height and fix the sails in such a way that they could withstand the huge force of the wind pushing the ship.

Requirements have changed little since then. They should be strong, provide a secure fit and, if possible, be easily untied.

What nodes are

No one can give an exact answer to the question of how many options there are to tie a knot. With all the variations and nuances, there will be a couple of thousand of them. It is clear that there is hardly a person who, at least in theory, knows all of them.

To be fair, it should be noted that there are people who are especially fanatical about knotting and masterfully know how to knit a hundred or two options. Most climbers use a limited set.

It is customary to single out a basic set that should be mastered by any person intending to go mountain climbing. In this category should be mentioned:

  • Flemish (figure eight);
  • double fisherman (grapevine);
  • Italian (UIAA);
  • stirrup;
  • prusik;
  • oak.

You can also select a block of basic additional nodes that are used by more experienced climbers:

  • bowline;
  • Austrian guide (butterfly);
  • Austrian grasping;
  • French grasping;
  • Munter's knot;
  • loop Garda.

General rules

  1. Knit a certain knot should always be the same, without any options.
  2. Knots should be “beautiful”, have the correct pattern, and not have overlaps.
  3. Be sure to tighten the rope well.
  4. The length of the free ends is from 6 rope diameters.

Basic knots

Knowledge of the basic nodes and the ability to combine them is enough to solve most climbing problems.

Flemish (figure eight)

The simplest, most versatile and most versatile knot. It is used for insurance, for tying two ropes, for organizing a bundle. Has several options:

  • Simple eight (for insurance)
  • Double eight (for the organization of an insurance station of increased reliability)
  • Counter eight (tying the ends of two ropes)

It got its name because, when tied, the rope "draws" the number "8".

Double Fisherman (Grapevine)

One of the most reliable, which, unlike the Flemish figure eight, is also suitable for tying ropes of different diameters. To do this, the ropes are placed in parallel. First, one rope is knitted onto another, then vice versa. A feature of grapevine is that it needs to be tightened well. A small drawback - it is difficult to untie.

Italian (half stirrup, UIAA) and stirrup

The node must be known, because. it is used when climbing or rappelling in the absence of a belay device. It is one and a half loops fixed in a pear-shaped carabiner. It provides a good glide of the rope. Allows you to control the course of the cable, insuring against falling.

The stirrup is a sophisticated version of the Italian half stirrup. It consists of two loops fixed on a carabiner, on a support, on any object with a smooth surface, as well as on a tree, a pole, etc. It is used to make stirrups, stretchers.


Belongs to the group of seizing knots. It is knitted with an auxiliary rope (cord) on the main rope. It is used for belaying during ascent and descent, when lifting a load, when pulling a rope at a crossing. The advantage of the Prusik is its "double" state. If the cord is loose, it moves easily along the rope, and when a load is applied, it tightens and stops movement.

The ratio of the diameter of the cord and the base is important - 2:3. That is, with a cord diameter of 7 mm, the base should be approximately 10 mm. Also, the cord should be soft, with a nylon braid. Kevlar and dyneema ropes should be avoided.

oak knot

Advantage - ability the best way pass obstacles and not get stuck in relief dismemberments. It is a safe alternative to the counter eight when descending on a double rope with the need for further pulling.

The knot is easy to knit (it is also called a simple flat) - at the end of the rope, in the middle, at one end. It drags on while loading. On hard ropes with a heavy load, it slowly crawls. But in any case, the load at which the oak knot begins to creep is twice that at which the eight slips. The scope of use is wide: for attaching a loop to something, for tying a Prusik to a safety system, to use it as a “just in case” knot when lifting and other situations.

Additional nodes

Although basic mountaineering tasks can only be performed using the basic node set, more complex additional options allow you to work more efficiently and faster. Most of them require knitting a mandatory control knot right next to the controlled one.


Reliable, but limited in application node. It is not suitable for tying to a rope, for blocking a chest harness. The main application is tying to a support: to a tree, rings, a pole, a stone. Tends to creep under varying loads. Pros: it does not tighten much, it is easily untied, and therefore it is widely used in rock climbing. In a bowline, you cannot load the station loop, but only the main outgoing rope.

Austrian conductor (Butterfly)

Lightweight and in some situations irreplaceable. It is used to form braking knots in a bundle, to isolate a damaged section of a rope, to form an attachment point on a rope, to tie two ropes of the same diameter. It requires almost no skills, even beginners can easily knit it. After removing the load, it is easily untied.

Austrian grasping

The scheme and purpose are the same as those of the Prusik. It can serve as a belay device, clamp, be used for fixing on a rope. The Austrian grip is considered the best for use in extreme conditions: on icy, dirty, wet rope. It is rigidly fixed on the rope, bending it, minimizing slippage. For this reason, it is not the best choice for organizing a suspension crossing.

The number of turns of the cord around the main rope can be increased on thin and slippery rope, thereby achieving greater reliability. On the double - on the contrary, reduced. The average number of turns is from 6 to 10. The ratio of the diameter of the cord and the warp is the same as in the Prusik.

french grasping

Light version of the Austrian version. He is more mobile on the main rope. Suitable for situations where the system needs to be loosened under load, such as during rescue operations and emergency descent of the victim. Compared to Prusik and Austrian Grasp, it requires less effort to control.

Munter's knot

Complicated knot combination: half stirrup, reef and control knots. It is used when organizing a crossing, for fixing a grappling knot to the station, for blocking belay and descenders.

Loop Garda

It has a limited scope. It is used when organizing the lifting of cargo in the chain hoist system. Since the loop is thoroughly fixed by the applied load, it is not used as a top insurance.

It is easy to knit, which allows you to minimize the requirements for the condition of the rope. The noose performs well on wet, muddy and icy ropes. It is effective only when tying two unmuffed carabiners, which, in turn, must be attached to a free loop. Only in such a system will the Garda loop function correctly.