How to provide a poultry house with homemade turkey nests. Necessary materials and tools for work

Turkeys prefer to lay eggs in nests, as do other poultry. The requirements for them are the same: soft and thick bedding - for a turkey, its thickness should reach 15–20 cm, low lighting and the obligatory absence of observation. Birds do not even tolerate being next to each other, therefore, when building several nests, partitions must be installed between them.

There are several types of such structures: from the simplest - open, to a multi-level battery. However, all options are united common feature: they are located at a distance of 50–70 cm from the floor. A short flight of stairs is optional, since turkeys fly well, but building a perch in front of the entrance will make visiting the nest more convenient.


Turkeys prefer to lay their eggs in closed dark places. In principle, any site is suitable for this definition - a corral with insufficient lighting. But in this case, the eggs will attract the attention of not only the owners of the farm, but also the birds themselves. In addition, laying on a hard floor or common bedding often results in damage to the eggs.

IN general view any of them involves soft, dry bedding and fairly high walls, since it is customary to separate turkeys from each other.

To make the egg-laying process comfortable and keep the eggs safe and sound, you need to equip a special device - a nest. There are many options for the basic design.

Read how to make drinkers for turkeys.

Turkey is a large bird, on average, the weight of the female varies from 8 to 12 kg. Accordingly, the nest for it should be roomy, you can’t save on space.


This is the simplest option, in fact, which is a box or box of suitable sizes without lids or any other overlap on top. Such models are installed only in one tier and only indoors: in the aviary they are flooded with water during rain.

the only prerequisite for such a model is a sufficient height of the walls. Turkeys prefer privacy, both while laying eggs and during incubation. Be sure to arrange a nest in the darkest place.


They differ from the previous ones by the presence of the upper overlap. The latter can be removable - a hinged cover, or stationary. Such models can be installed in open enclosures.

As a rule, buildings are located in one tier. However, if desired, you can create a multi-tiered structure from them. Closed options are much more comfortable for the bird, as they provide blackout and isolation at any time of the day. Picking up eggs from closed nests is no more difficult than from open nests, especially if you arrange a hinged lid.

With egg collector

Turkeys are not as curious and not as greedy as chickens. However, they can also show unexpected gastronomic interest in their product. To avoid this, equip nests with an egg collector.

Such models are used in cases where they do not expect offspring from a turkey. If a bird is going to be placed on eggs, it must find them in the same place.

The main difference between this nest is the sloping floor. The egg rolls along the soft bedding to the edge of the box and falls into a special tray or chute. To prevent the turkey from reaching it, this part of the structure is separated by a low bar.

Recognized as the best mother hens.

This option is rarely used, since turkeys really do not consider their own eggs as a food product.

Requirements for driving turkeys

When arranging a nest for a bird, the following recommendations should be followed:

The size and number of nests are calculated based on the number of individuals. At the same time, turkeys do not rush: according to statistics, 1 female occupies the nest while 4 of her companions are feeding. Accordingly, on average, 1 device is installed for 5 individuals.

Turkeys are much larger than other poultry, so the models for them are also noticeably larger. The following parameters are considered optimal.

Read about the largest breed of turkeys on.

What can be made

You can build a nest from a variety of materials and finished products of a suitable size. As a rule, devices in small farms are made by hand.

From the box

Nests for turkeys from plastic boxes for vegetables.

The easiest way is to use ready-made containers that are suitable in size. Such requirements are met, for example, by a standard vegetable box - wooden or plastic. The first is preferable, as it retains heat better.

do not use metal boxes or any other structures for nests. The metal conducts heat too well and the eggs are supercooled.

  1. The box is cleaned, treated with disinfectants and dried.
  2. On one side of the box, the wall is removed, leaving only a side up to 20 cm high.
  3. Line the box with a soft cloth, straw, sawdust. Sometimes branches are placed at the bottom to improve ventilation.

The box can be installed on the podium - not on the floor, and also build a canopy from above to provide twilight or protect turkeys from rain if the structures are set up in an open aviary.

DIY brick

Another simple option is a brick structure. This option is stronger, but not as convenient.

  1. An elevation is laid out of brick. In the areas where the actual nests will be placed, burlap is laid in several layers.
  2. Brick is laid - flat, constructing sides around the nests.
  3. The space between the walls is filled with straw and compacted well.
  4. Install partitions made of plywood or cardboard to separate the nests from each other.

Turkey kennels, size

This design includes several nests located in 1 tier under a common roof. The construction is framed, so it is easy even for a beginner to complete it.

The nest will require the following materials:

  • wooden beam with a section of 50 * 50 mm;
  • plywood 1 mm thick for walls and roof;
  • perches for entry;
  • fasteners - screws, nails, metal corners;
  • improvised materials - tape measure, ruler, saw, jigsaw.

the thickness of the beam, as well as the total amount of material, depends on the number of places. For one nest, you will need 2 wooden blocks with a smaller section. For 5 - additional bars to strengthen the structure.

Making nest boxes for turkeys is quite simple. It is important to choose the right size.

  1. First of all cut pieces of plywood- walls, base and covers. The blanks are polished, the edges are processed so that there are no burrs left and the birds do not get splinters.
  2. Inlet holes are cut in the front walls large enough for the laying hen to easily climb into the nest. The distance from the hole to the edge of the front wall is 20 cm. The edges are ground.
  3. Cutting a wooden beam by size. It is desirable to treat the material with antiseptics.
  4. A frame is assembled from a bar on self-tapping screws or nails according to the drawing. Perches for perches are fixed in front of the front wall. To strengthen the structure, use metal corners. Also, with a large number of places in a row, the base and the back wall of the structure are reinforced with additional crossbars from the same beam.
  5. Lids it is recommended to mount on folding loops: in this way it is much more convenient to get the eggs.
  6. Straw is placed inside hay, branches in a thick layer.

To make it easier for the birds to get to the nest, they make a ladder - just a wide board with transverse crossbars.

With turkey egg tray

The main difference of this option is the sloping bottom. Its basis can be an ordinary nest-booth or a frame structure.

The product is mounted according to the same scheme, but taking into account the features.

  1. The base of the nest should be larger than the dimensions of the "booth" itself. As a rule, the egg collector is placed at the back.
  2. At often fenced with a side 20 cm, and separated from the main part with a bar. The distance from the bar to the bottom should be such that the egg passes freely under it.
  3. The bottom is fixed at an angle of 10-15 degrees. You can install 2 bottoms if you intend to install a multi-tiered structure.
  4. The top of the egg bin must be closed. To do this, mount the cover on hinged hinges.
  5. The litter is used ordinary, but so that the egg can roll into the egg collector, but not too quickly, the bottom is upholstered with rubber or cloth.

How to care for turkeys will tell.

Turkey Battery

This design is required for, with a large number of laying turkeys. In this case, it is more advantageous to place the nests vertically in order to save space in the corral.

unlike a similar multi-level structure for chickens, a ladder is not required here, since turkeys take off easily. But to equip a perch - a perch in front of each nest, is necessary.

The assembly scheme is not too different from the previous one.


Video about building a nest for a turkey.


  1. Turkeys, like any other birds, are best suited to lay their eggs in a special nest. To maintain the maximum level of egg production, the farmer must take care of the construction of nests (where to drive them and remove eggs so that it is easy).
  2. The design can be very different: open models, closed models with a hinged lid, with an egg collector, multi-tiered.
  3. Turkeys are large birds, so their nests are very large. To save the pen area, they are installed on a platform at a distance of 50-70 cm from the floor.

Read about breeding turkeys as a business.

In order for turkeys to please with numerous additions, it is necessary to create comfortable living conditions for them. One of the elements of successful incubation is a cozy nest.

The nest helps keep the hatching process under control, otherwise you have to look for nesting places for turkeys throughout the house. It is not recommended to keep turkeys on bare ground, as they are extremely heat-loving birds. Under harsh conditions, the health of southern turkeys can suffer. Not to mention the fact that it is impossible to hatch chicks if the appropriate conditions are not created for this.

Where is the best place for turkey nests? And what places for incubation should they have? What requirements must they meet?

Requirements and location

Turkeys are shy and secretive birds that need a darkened room and privacy while incubating their eggs. The walls of the turkey nests are made as high as possible so that the birds cannot see each other.

Caring mothers - turkeys fervently take care of their masonry, creating comfortable conditions for future chicks. The number of eggs in turkeys varies from 15 to 20 pieces.

In the darkest place, several nests are made at a height of 25-50 cm from the floor. They should be spacious, measuring 60 by 70 cm and the height of the partitions is more than half a meter. One nest is used by five females.

Branches are laid inside, hay is placed on top of them. In other cases, you can fill the ground for the lowest layer.

Many novice farmers are interested in: how many nests should there be for a given number of turkeys? It is clear that all the females will not rush at the same time, but at least one turkey out of five will be carried. Then, one nest for five turkeys will be enough. It turns out that if there are much more laying hens, then the number is increased.

An important point for laying hens is the location of the turkey nest. It should be placed in the usual place that the turkeys have chosen for themselves. Self-selection of birds does not mean that if one of the turkeys has chosen to lay their eggs in the bushes on the street, then you should leave it as it is. It is advisable to help the turkey with the arrangement of the masonry site, placing it in the darkest places away from the entrance to the house.

Nests should be located in such a way that the turkey cannot see how the owner enters the house. Since the turkey may experience stress from the unsafe location of the brooding area.

It is also desirable that the nest be away from various chickens and ducks. It is also necessary to pour a few gravel pebbles into it. This will help avoid pecking eggs.

Dryness and warmth are an important factor in the successful rearing of eggs. Therefore, the constant presence of straw or hay in the nest should be monitored. Some laying hens eat straw or hay, in these cases a thinner layer of hay can be laid.

Types of Turkey Nests

Consider several options for do-it-yourself nests for turkeys:

Simple nests - boxes

  • The usual nest from the box;
  • Nest from improvised means;
  • Frame nest.

The most common nest can be made using a vegetable box. Sizes are standard. It is best to take wooden boxes, as eggs need ventilation and airing.

An ordinary nest is also made from improvised means, which can be a variety of buckets, baskets, wooden barrels and other devices. At the same time, it is not recommended to use metal containers and barrels as a place for hatching, since a turkey, burying eggs deeper, can lower them to a cold metal bottom.

A turkey nest essentially differs only in size from the same chicken or duck nest. Turkeys like to be located higher from the ground, it is warmer and more comfortable there.

How It Works - Turkey Breeding

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It is made from a long box without a front wall. Side boards for nests are installed. Their number is calculated based on the size of the box. The front wall is made of long plywood, round holes are cut into them for entry or two boards are nailed on top and bottom. Attach to the box.

Unlike a battery chicken nest, which is equipped with a ladder, a turkey nest does not need such devices, as they fly up easily. For convenience, a cornice or platform is required here in front of the entrance to the dwelling.

The size of the box is 60x60x3000 cm. The number of places is 4.

DIY nest building tools:

  • Large size wooden board, plywood, chipboard;
  • Hammer or screwdriver;
  • Wood saw or jigsaw;
  • Nails or screws.


Draw the dimensions of the boards for the nest and cut them out. The battery nest requires 3 boards 60x3000, 2 boards 60x60, 1 narrow board 15x3000 cm.

Mark future places for each nest on wooden boards; for four nests, three lines should be marked where the boundaries between them will pass.

First you need to knock down a box of three long and two short boards - with the so-called sidewalls.

After that, walls should be made between the nests, inserting them into the intended places marked with lines.

At the final stage, it is required to nail the nut for turkeys so that the eggs do not roll out. She is a long narrow board, nailed to the front of the battery nest.

Now it remains to complete the manufacture of the nest, placing it on a platform 30–50 cm high.

frame nest

The frame nest is a structure assembled on a "skeleton" of wooden bars. Thanks to him, the product acquires increased stability and strength. The thickness of the bars can be arbitrary, the length depends on what size it has or a group of them.

So for one nest you will need:

  • bars with a cross section of 3–4 cm and a length of 60 cm;
  • Thick plywood size 60x60.

Of the tools, a construction stapler is convenient, it will just firmly fix the plywood sheets. In the absence of a stapler, small nails with hats are used.

Cut a round hole the size of a turkey in one sheet of plywood. Then the parts are collected.

The assembly technology is simple, first the frame is assembled, then plywood is stuffed on it from five sides, leaving the front part open.

At the final stage, the front plywood with a round hole is fixed. Make a soft bedding of straw and branches.

"Nest with egg collector and combined nest for turkeys

Egg collector for poultry - you can do it yourself

Egg production or households often use a "smart" nest to collect eggs. They are called "nests with an egg collector".

As a rule, they are made if they do not plan to have offspring. The main component is a sloping floor, on which the egg rolls into a special tray, or a floor with a funnel - a recess and a hole in the floor.

For turkeys, this type of nest is rare. Most often, conventional or combined nests for turkeys are used.

Combined nests are large boxes that can accommodate up to 5 birds. A small partition fences off one hen from another.

cozy nest rules

In order for the turkeys to be comfortable and not leave the nest, two rules must be observed:

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Video: How many eggs does a turkey carry

Most breeders decide to build nests for laying hens with their own hands. It is much easier to cope with the task if you look at photos, videos and know the optimal dimensions. A well-designed nest with a receiver prevents hens from pecking eggs, which is beneficial for the farmer. It is enough to use the leftovers building materials to avoid financial costs.

So, my task was to build nests for 15 hens quickly and without financial costs. One section is designed for 5 layers, so a three-section box was assembled.

Chipboard from an old cabinet was used as the main material. The sizes used are:

The following tools were used:

  • Screwdriver;
  • Roulette;
  • Long ruler;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • Hacksaw or circular saw.

Step by step instructions with photos:

  1. First you need to draw a sheet of chipboard and saw it into blanks.

This gloomy guest helped me with this:

  1. Now we fasten the internal partitions and sidewalls with a screwdriver and self-tapping screws. You can get by with nails and a hammer, but nails do not fit well into dense material.
  1. Next, we fasten the upper part of our structure.
  1. Now you need to screw the nut at the bottom of the socket.
  1. I closed the back side with ordinary fiberboard.

The laying nest is ready. It remains to install it in the house and lay the litter inside, in my case it is straw.

And here are the first results:

laying nest requirements

Instead of a take-off bar, the one in front of the nest entrance, I attached a snag (a dry branch from an apple tree). It turned out more naturally and the chickens use it as a perch.

Assembling the nest is half the battle. You still need to install it correctly. There are several rules:

  • The nest must be at least 30 cm above the floor.
  • The cross-section of the take-off bar is 5x2 cm. It must be placed at a distance of about 10 cm from the nest.
  • For flooring, you can use sawdust or straw (hay).
  • The bottom can be made from metal mesh, which will improve the ventilation of the nest.
  • It is not recommended to mount the box close to the wall, as in winter the cold from the walls will enter the nests.

The box must be installed in a draft-free and dark place where no one will interfere with the laying hen. Do not forget that you must have free access to the nest in order to easily change the litter and collect eggs.

General requirements for a turkey house

Regardless of what kind of poultry house you are preparing, ready-made or from scratch, there are mandatory requirements for it. In order for turkeys to grow and develop well, the room must have:

  • Dry and cool. Normal humidity for poultry is 65–70%. The optimum temperature depends on the season: in winter - not less than -5 degrees and not more than -3 degrees, in summer - from 18 to 20 degrees. Often the bird begins to get sick precisely at high humidity and high temperature.
  • Purely. Cleanliness should be maintained regularly. Particular importance must be given to the litter - it must be fresh and dry. In winter, the litter is renewed with a new layer, and in spring and autumn it is changed.
  • Proper lighting. In addition to artificial light, natural light should also enter the house.
  • Ventilation. It is necessary to think over and organize a ventilation system in order to periodically ventilate the air in the room.
  • No drafts.

In addition to the basic requirements, the correct maintenance of turkeys also provides for the installation of drinkers, feeders, perches, nests, and an aviary for summer walking.

Properly equipping a chicken coop for turkeys

A new turkey house or an existing room for keeping turkeys must be equipped with the necessary equipment.

One of the main elements is the perch. For installation, choose the warmest side of the room. For perches, you can use planed bars or hewn poles. The surface is brought to a perfectly smooth state. Usually, perches are installed in a pyramid in several tiers - the first at a distance of 80 cm from the floor, the topmost - 80 cm from the ceiling. The distance between the bars should be about 0.5 m. A distance of 25 cm should be left between the perch closest to the wall.

Feeders and drinkers

Feeders can be made by hand. To do this, an oblong narrow box is knocked together with a plank in the middle from boards or plywood. Drinkers are easy to make from plastic sewer pipes.

In specialized stores, there is now a very large selection of drinkers and feeders, the main thing is to choose such that each individual gets free access to food and water.

For laying hens and hens you will need nests. They are made from wooden boards or plywood with the calculation of 1 nest for 4-5 turkeys. The optimal size of one nest is 40x70x60 cm. The nests should be located at a height of 60-70 cm from the floor. In order for the bird to have free access, a small threshold is attached to the entrance to the nest at a distance of 8-10 cm.

How to make an aviary for turkeys

It is necessary to attach a special corral (aviary) for walking to the turkey house. Turkeys are quite active and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe corral depends on the livestock - the larger it is, the more area will be required. It is not difficult to build an aviary - it is assembled from several pillars and veins. Then the whole structure is covered with a mesh with cells through which the bird cannot climb.

The height of the enclosure should be about 2 meters, since adult turkeys are pretty good “flyers”, and there is a danger from above in the form birds of prey may strike quite unexpectedly.

How to make nests for laying hens with your own hands

In terms of choosing a place for laying eggs, chickens are very picky creatures, they can ignore a convenient nest in your opinion and start rushing in a completely inappropriate place for this. Therefore, before you equip a nest for laying eggs, watch the birds: what places they prefer, how many hens sit in the same nest, at what time.

In order to choose the desired nest design for laying hens with your own hands, you must proceed from the number of chickens in your household. For a few farms, simple designs and drawings are suitable, and for large farms, more spacious and complex ones.

The most elementary option is the most ordinary wooden box of a suitable size, in your opinion, for arranging the nest of laying hens so that eggs do not peck. At the bottom you need to lay straw or hay, and you're done!

Another option is to put together a box yourself from plywood or board, sawing it into 3 identical parts. Next, install the bottom, fill it with dry material. General rule for all types of nests: they should be installed at a height of about half a meter from the floor.

The final step is to install a ladder to the nest so that the bird can get into it. It is better if it is a wide board with crossbars nailed to it. The dimensions of such a box can be something like this: depth - about 40 cm, width - at least 35 cm. These dimensions are observed for all types of boxes.

How to make a nest for a laying hen with an egg box

It happens that it is impossible to visit your pets regularly, and it becomes necessary to save the eggs until the next visit. In this case, it is recommended to build a nest with an egg collector. Its essence is that chicken eggs roll into a special tray at the bottom of the box and accumulate there.

The process of making a box with a pallet is quite simple: first knock down a simple box, as mentioned earlier, cut a hole for the egg in the bottom, and install the second retractable bottom not evenly, but with an inclination of 8-10 degrees. And, as usual, line the bottom with bedding.

Such a nest with an egg collector for laying hens can be improved by making several sections or tiers in it. The angle of inclination of the bottom in such a box is not 10, but about 40 degrees. Making it a little more difficult than the previous one, but quite capable. The nest should be higher from the floor than usual - at a distance of at least half a meter. A kind of “corridor” must be built along the entire length of such a box so that chickens can enter free sections. Such boxes are installed in such chicken coops, where there are many laying hens.

You can also make a house that looks like a dog house - completely closed with a hole cut in the front wall, enough for a chicken to crawl into it. For comfort, add straw to the nest - and you're done.

For craftsmen, there is an interesting option - a frame nest according to individual sizes. To make it, you need to put together 2 frames for attaching wooden bars about 40 cm in size to them. The frames must be fastened together with bars in such a way that a square or rectangle is formed. Next, install the walls of the nest for laying hens, a suitable bottom (flat or sloping), fill with hay or straw. This design is highly durable.

As can be seen from all of the above, special skill and skills are not required to build a chicken nest. Materials can be used at hand, tools - a hammer and nails - can be found in every household. The point is small - to find an acceptable solution and bring the idea to life!

Do-it-yourself nests for laying hens can be made from a photo, knowing the dimensions. Experiment, then your chickens will not peck eggs and will please you with high egg production. When administering farming and growing poultry at home, observation and resourcefulness are important.

How to make nests for laying hens with your own hands so that eggs do not peck

Feather pecking at their own eggs is a serious problem faced by thousands of breeders every year. Weaning the female from the taste of the egg is quite difficult. According to poultry farmers, chickens, having tasted their taste, tend to eat each. If you do not equip the nest with an egg collector, then birds addicted to pecking eggs must be sent to slaughter.

In specialized stores, you can buy factory-made nests. The farmer can choose from a large number of shapes and sizes. However, why buy them if you can make your own chicken nests from any materials from the garage and not spend a dime at the same time ?! Homemade devices are no worse, and are guaranteed to last for many years.

The most accessible and lightest design is the laying nest from the boxes. The bird quickly becomes accustomed to such a nest. It is very easy to get the number of nests you need if you connect several boxes together. It is enough to put a litter on the bottom. Simple box nests are very reliable, convenient for both birds and the farmer. It is only important to periodically change the straw for fresh, and in the cool period to put a larger sheaf.

Even cardboard boxes are suitable as materials for making a nest. They are short-lived, but as a temporary solution they are quite suitable. Novice breeders decide to use just such options. As you can see in the photo, plastic boxes for vegetables, baskets, ordinary wooden structures are excellent nests in which laying hens will rush all summer. The main thing is that the inside should be clean and dry, and the nests should be in secluded places where there are no drafts.

To prevent chickens from pecking eggs, it is better to improve the nest and build a receiver at the bottom. The advantage of this option is that the chicken does not see the egg. It immediately enters the receiver and the bird cannot peck at it. According to poultry farmers, some chickens are clumsy and can accidentally crush a laid egg. The egg collector completely eliminates this possibility.

Do-it-yourself nests for laying hens: photo, size, view

Egg-receptacle nests have the advantage that they do not need to be checked regularly to remove eggs. The design of the bottom provides a slight slope, which is enough for the egg to gently fall into the receiver. The breeder then only has to pick them up at any convenient time. Making your own nest is quick and easy. To do this, follow these instructions, namely:

    Using plywood, a nest body is made with a size of 35x35x35.

    The lower edges of the body should have a slope to one side of about 15 degrees.

    A wooden pallet with a receiver is attached to the bottom of the nest.

    The nest is fixed in a fixed place at a height of about 30-40 cm from the floor.

    The bottom is covered with straw.

There are quite a few options for homemade nests with an egg collector. Some are easy to manufacture, while others are complex. Each design has its pros and cons. We offer you to watch photos and videos to choose the option you like for your farm.

Video on how to make nests with an egg collector for laying hens with your own hands:

How to make nests for laying hens with your own hands? Photos, design dimensions, breeder reviews, tips from our article - this is what will help a novice poultry farmer solve the problem of pecking eggs. To prevent laying hens from pecking eggs, they need to be given enough mineral supplements, but an egg trap is another great option that will help the farmer avoid this problem.

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Nutrition of adult turkeys

Already from the third month, the bird is transferred to carbohydrate nutrition. The composition of the feed should include the following components:

  • 65% - grain feed;
  • 1% - sunflower cake;
  • 4% - special yeast;
  • 3% - chalk;
  • 3% - finely ground fish meal;
  • 5% - herbal grinding;
  • 3.5% - limestone;
  • 1% - premix; 1% - bone meal;
  • 0.5% - salt.

During the breeding season, turkeys have a reduced appetite, at which time they must be fed with raw beans and carrots. Turkeys during this period are given additional vitamin complexes.

To increase egg production.

The volume of food eaten increases from 20-25 grams at a week of age to 300 grams in an adult chick. The poultry menu should include legume cereal feeds, green onions to enrich the feed with fats, proteins and vitamins. In winter, you can add needles and hay to food. Feed the bird with wet mash with green additives. In the evening, it is better to feed the bird with dry grain. The more varied the food, the better they gain weight.

Posted by Elena Shchadnova (@leoyanik) Nov 12, 2017 at 10:36 PST

Common diseases among turkeys

If you are engaged in breeding turkeys, then you must figure out what diseases and why your wards may arise.

Turkey poults are much more likely to get sick, so any deviation - loss of appetite, lethargy, convulsions - are a sure sign of the disease.

Consider the most dangerous diseases of a young bird:

  • Cholera (pasteurellosis) is an acute infection that is life-threatening for birds. Prevent this disease will help regular disinfection, compliance with sanitary standards.
  • Paratyphoid - this disease can affect chicks in the first month of life. A good prevention from it is the addition of furazolidone or biomycin to the drink.
  • White diarrhea (pullorosis) - possible in case of infection from adult birds.
  • Infectious sinusitis - overcrowding in the paddock, lack of vitamins A and D can trigger the onset of this disease. Furazolidone is effective in this disease.
  • Trichomoniasis is a disease of the liver and intestines; for its treatment, the drug Trichopolum is used.
  • Coccidosis - the symptoms of this disease are the appearance of liquid stool interspersed with blood, coccidiovit and amprolium are used for treatment.
  • Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the eyes, in a neglected form, it can provoke complications up to death. To protect the chicks from this disease, it is necessary to strictly observe the cleanliness of the temperature regime.

Adult turkeys are much more resistant to disease than young ones. If the bird has become lethargic, stops eating, refuses to go for walks, cramps, a runny nose or diarrhea appear, you need to sound the alarm - these are sure signs of the disease.

When a sick bird appears, it must be isolated, and disinfection should be carried out in the poultry house.

Compliance with temperature and sanitary standards will protect your wards from colds and infections. If you timely disinfect the premises and inventory, regularly walk the livestock, you will save the livestock from death and disease!

Timely vaccination will help to avoid the disease!

Breeding turkeys is becoming quite popular in Russian farms. If you properly care for and feed a turkey, in almost six months it can gain from 8 to 30 kilograms of weight. Magnificent high-quality meat, profitability of production make this business quite attractive. An adult turkey gains up to 12 kilograms of weight and can produce about 150 eggs per year. This, of course, is much less than that of a chicken, but turkey eggs are much larger and of better quality.

There are also disadvantages when choosing turkeys for breeding. Raising chicks is a painstaking process that requires considerable investment of money and labor. Timely recognition of possible diseases, the ability to choose the right food, the choice of healthy chicks become decisive factors for this business. But if you master all these wisdoms, then, despite the growing competition, your investments will pay off with a vengeance!

A detailed overview of the poultry house for keeping turkeys

In order for the conditions of the poultry house to allow you to keep turkeys in an optimal way, it is important to consider the following recommendations:

  • It is important to maintain cleanliness and an appropriate microclimate in the room, that is, it should be light, dry, precipitation, drafts should not penetrate into the turkey house, it is important that there are no temperature changes and access to fresh air,
  • It is important to make the floor of the house smooth, even and warm - you need to arrange it at a distance of 20-25 cm from the ground,
  • The location of windows is recommended to be on one side of the turkey house so that the floor is illuminated by natural light,
  • It is necessary to equip manholes for turkeys so that the bird can go out on its own. The size of the hole is 50x50 cm, to protect against the cold in winter, it is worth making double doors in each manhole,
  • The equipment of the turkey house includes nests, water containers, drinkers, feeders, perches and ash baths,
  • The surface of the perches should be smooth, the slats should be made removable. It is better to have perches in the back of the room, forming a hill out of them. The distance between the slats is 60 cm, the dimensions of one seat per bird are 30-40 cm. The lower slat of the perch is about a meter from the floor,
  • Feeders can be in the form of small troughs or grooved - when feeding, the bird should not lower its head, so that the containers are placed at the level of the turkey's neck. Drinkers are arranged in a similar way, while it is important to prevent the possibility of contamination of the liquid by the feet of birds,
  • The area norm is 0.5 sq.m. turkey per bird.

Nest egg collector

This design is considered optimal, but its manufacture will have to spend a little more time than those described above. The main idea behind these nests is to minimize contact between the laying hen and the fresh egg. To do this, you need to make a hole in the form of a funnel or make the floor at an angle to the horizon. Under the hole it is necessary to equip the receiving tray. The bottom of which must be covered with soft material.

Nest dimensions

When building such a nest for chickens, the following dimensions must be strictly observed:

  1. depth from 30 - 40 cm;
  2. height 30 cm;
  3. width 30 cm.

The material from which this structure will be built must be sanded. When assembling, it is necessary to ensure that the fasteners do not protrude; if such a defect is found, protruding nails or screws must either be removed or cut off.

Nest placement

Chicken nests, like perches, have specific placement requirements.

  1. Nests should be placed at a height of 30 cm from the floor.
  2. They should be installed in dark places where there are no drafts.
  3. For the convenience of the bird, nests must be equipped with a take-off bar, which should be installed at a distance of 10 cm from the entrance to the nest and have a section of 5x2 cm.

In addition, the nest does not make sense to attach to the wall.

Having equipped the chicken coop in this way, you can be sure that soon there will be fresh eggs for breakfast.

Domestic turkeys are the largest poultry. They have their own advantages: they are very well fattened, the meat has excellent dietary and gastronomic properties. Their eggs are also very healthy, tasty and nutritious. Keeping turkeys is not too troublesome, but compared to chickens and other poultry, they require some other care and conditions.

This article will cover all aspects of keeping turkeys and turkeys at home. The following questions will be considered on this topic:

  • Conditions for keeping turkeys
  • Room for turkeys
  • Containment Equipment

But first, the most basic aspects.

When keeping turkeys, it is very important to take into account the fact that they definitely need to organize a place for walking. Turkeys and turkeys are very fond of walking even in bad weather, but they should not be let out of the house in too severe frosts. The room for keeping the turkey should be warm, without drafts. The recommended temperature in the poultry house is undesirable to fall below +1 degrees. Turkeys must always have access to water and food. (Read about feeding turkeys in the article: “Feeding turkeys“. Domestic turkeys fly very high, so it is recommended that they trim their wings a little. With age, the productivity of turkeys decreases greatly. At home, it is better to keep turkeys for one year, and leave the young for the tribe. Keeping domestic turkeys at home is best in small groups of 4-5 birds, while this group should have one male.This will prevent conflicts in the herd.

Conditions for keeping a turkey

The room for keeping domestic turkeys must be warm, there must be no drafts. Domestic turkeys are birds that are very demanding on heat. Therefore, in order to obtain maximum productivity, in a poultry house for keeping a turkey, it should not fall below +1 degrees Celsius. Of course, a lower temperature is also allowed, but productivity will decrease in this case. At the same time, the room must be well ventilated.

Of course, in the summer, turkeys do not require special care. The conditions for keeping turkeys in the summer provide for free range, so at this time they require minimal care. On free range, they eat natural food, move quite a lot and do not get fat.

In winter, the conditions for keeping turkeys require a more complex organization. First of all, you should monitor the air temperature in the house so that they do not fall below the minimum mark. Therefore, it is necessary to organize additional heating of the room. You should also take care of additional lighting of the room. Light day should be added gradually so that it reaches 10-12 hours. Lighting intensity - 1-2 watts. Even in winter, turkeys need outdoor walks, only the time of walking should be limited.

Turkey housing

An ordinary dark barn is not suitable for turkeys. The room for keeping turkeys should be sufficiently bright and spacious. Turkeys just need a lot of free space, as they are very prone to gaining excess fat. The area for the premises is calculated so that one bird has at least 1.5-2 square meters. meters.

The room for keeping turkeys should be warm and well ventilated.

Arrangement of a poultry house for turkeys

Perches. For turkeys it is necessary to arrange perches. They should be located at a height of 50-70 centimeters from the floor. Their cross sections should be 9x9 centimeters. The length must be calculated based on the livestock - for one bird 50 centimeters.

Nests. In the dark places of the house, nests for laying turkeys should be located. One nest for 5 birds. Dimensions should be such that the birds have room.Baths for bathing. Bathing tubs filled with ash and sand should be located in the poultry house so that the turkeys can bathe.

Litter. On the floor you need to lay a large layer of bedding. As it can be used sawdust, straw or old hay.

Feeders. It is necessary to organize feeders and streams in the house.

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Basic principles

When determining the design of the house, many factors must be taken into account: The breed of laying hens. Depending on the breed, there will be different egg production, chickens have different character, size, and much more. It depends on how many nests for 10 chickens you need. Usually the number of houses is taken from 3 to 5 for every 10 layers.

The size of the nest for chickens is also determined by their breed. Usually the height is taken 300 mm, sometimes for large chickens up to 450 mm. According to the base area, the size is taken from 300-400 in width and 300-400 in length.

Chicken coop dimensions. For min-hens, one size is enough; for meat and egg breeds, large nests are already needed. In addition, the technology for accessing the nest and caring for it depends on the size of the chicken coop.

The climatic zone of the farm location. The colder the winters, the warmer you need to make the chicken coop and the more comfortable it is to arrange places for hens. For a humid hot climate, on the contrary, you need to worry about coolness and ensure that the chicken coop always remains dry.

The total number of birds on the farm. How many nests are needed depends on this and, accordingly, the convenience of caring for them becomes essential.

However, there are a few fundamental principles that any nest design must satisfy:

  • it should create a safety effect for the laying hen. To be in a small shading and a quiet place;
  • always stay dry and clean;
  • be at a certain height above the floor and it is desirable that it does not directly come into contact with the street wall. The height from the floor is also determined by several factors. For cold climatic zones, they try to place houses higher, for chickens that do not fly well lower. Usually a minimum height of 300 mm is sufficient, and the maximum should not be raised above 1000 mm.


Two main types are accepted:

  1. Simple - for eggs, in the form of a booth.
  2. Nest with egg box. This option has two subspecies - with a double bottom and in the form of a container.

When choosing an option, you should use the principle - the drawing should be simple. Proper nests should not only be convenient for collecting eggs, but most importantly, the laying hens should like and be easy to clean. Provide the possibility of disinfecting all its parts, leaving no hidden corners. Let's consider several options for how to arrange a laying nest.


Making a simple version does not provide great complexity. Just look at the photos on the Internet and choose the most suitable for yourself. There are only a few important factors to consider:

  • the laying hen should remain alone in the nest and feel protected. Therefore, the volume of the house must be protected from at least three sides and have a roof;
  • so that the egg does not roll out of the nest, a rim of at least 50 mm is needed at the entrance;
  • cleaning should be easy. Access to the egg is free.

You can choose almost any material as a material, the main thing is that it should not injure the chicken and it was easy to disinfect it. Let's consider several options:

The simplest, temporary option. Berm a 12 liter square plastic bucket and lay on its side. It is enough to arrange a side and a ready-made nest. Simple and effective. Plastic is easy to clean and disinfects well. But unfortunately, under operating conditions, the chicken coop will not be durable.

No less simple option. A large tractor tire is cut into segments and placed as a nest. Will be used forever. But the emitted rubber odors and associated gases may not please the laying hen.

The most common way to make a nest is to use plywood or wood. It is not difficult to assemble an impromptu box of the required length and break it into cells, even with little experience. It will be very effective if you put a low vegetable box in each cell. The side is ready and it will be easy to wash it.

Nests with egg collector

A slightly more complex device with an egg collector. Of course, the pecking problem can be solved by adding special premixes to the poultry feed, but removing the egg immediately after it has been laid is more effective.

Under cramped conditions, the egg collector is arranged on the side of access to the nest of the laying hen. With proper design, it is best to remove the egg from the back without disturbing the laying hens.

Most often it is recommended to make a double bottom with an egg slope in the middle of the nest. How to build such a structure is quite well described in many articles and presented in the video. In our opinion, it should be much easier to do.

The bottom of the nest is arranged at a slight angle to the front or rear wall. The angle of inclination is chosen as a rule from 5 to 10 degrees. In the line of the smallest height, a gap is made with a size exceeding 1/3 the diameter of the egg.

From the outside, a tray is arranged for receiving eggs. Which trays should be depends on the egg production of the laying hen and the frequency of egg retrieval. The tray is upholstered with soft rubberized material.

You can simply cover it with sawdust, straw, peat or any other porous material that prevents eggs from breaking. If the slope is made on the front side, then it is better to cover it with a lid so that the laying hen herself or her friends do not feast on a fresh egg.

As a bedding in such a nest, it is better to use sawdust and make a thin layer so that it does not prevent the eggs from rolling.

It will be good if the nest is equipped with a nipple drinker. The chicken will rush more calmly and, if necessary, can drink.

how to make a nest

When arranging, one should not forget about jump sites and perches. Not correctly chosen at what height buildings and perches are placed often explains why a rooster sits in a nest. In addition, do not forget that he may wake up instincts to replace the club during her walk at lunch. Do not leave eggs in the coop for long periods of time.

If it is noticed that the chicken has begun to make the characteristic sounds of "cloughing", then you should think about how to stop the sitting of the chicken. If the goal is not to get chickens. One way would be to isolate her in a separate cage for 4-5 days and increase the protein content of the feed. At the same time, the amount of food is reduced. Sometimes a starvation diet is arranged.

If it is noticed that the laying hen continues to lay eggs anywhere, for a start it is worth trying to accustom her to the nest.

To do this, pieces of chalk or an imitation of an egg are placed there. If none of the known methods helps, then it makes sense to figure out where the mistake was made when building a chicken coop.

This may be extra noise, drafts, dampness, or some other factors that make the nest uncomfortable. Properly arranged nests will not only collect eggs in a timely manner, but also increase their number.

Types of perches

Before you independently undertake the construction of a perch, you need to decide what the design will be. The most popular types will be described below.

Do-it-yourself perches for laying hens: a sequence of actions

The number of livestock and the size of the room directly affect the size of the perches. The main task of a person is to create such a design so that the bird quickly gets used to it.

A simple instruction consists of the following sequence of actions:

For a more illustrative example. Length - 2.5 m; width - 1.4 m. With a length of the structure exceeding one and a half meters, an additional support is made, as in this example. It must be installed in the middle, this will help to avoid deflection of the perch under the weight of the bird.

    Bars of 2.5 m are cut off, sawn off using a planer and sandpaper, all the irregularities of the tree are removed. You should get slightly rounded sticks as even as possible, which will greatly facilitate the seating of the bird on perches.

    The bars are attached to the frame, keeping a distance of 25 cm from each other.

As you can see from the article, there are no difficulties with building a perch with your own hands.

Domestication of turkeys

The turkey as a poultry was already known to the Aztec civilization. They used a broth made from turkey meat to treat various ailments.

The domestication of this bird by humans occurred long ago in Europe long before the discovery of America. At the beginning of the sixteenth century, turkeys were brought to Spain, after which they were called Spanish chickens. A little later, they successfully spread to England, France and further throughout Europe. IN English language one more name was assigned to these chickens - Turkish chickens.

How to tell a turkey from a turkey

This bird is the largest poultry after the ostrich. Depending on the breed and age, the live weight of males ranges from 9 to 35 kg, females - from 4.5 to 11 kg. The body has a streamlined shape. Nature rewarded them with powerful and long legs, which allow the bird to reach speeds of up to 50 km / h. These birds have a small head, long neck and strong beak.

Feathers on the head and neck are absent. But they are “decorated” with peculiar skin formations of reddish hues. Males have a fleshy appendage in the upper part of the beak, which, during excitement, the bird increases in size and sometimes reaches 15 cm. The rest of the body is covered with feathers. Plumage colors are quite varied. Depending on the breed, they can be white, bronze, black, etc. In the wild, the life expectancy of turkeys is an average of 3 years, at home - up to 12 years.

How birds breed Breeding broiler turkeys at homeGeneric honeycomb systemCages for laying hens and do-it-yourself drawings

Turkeys thrive best in warm and temperate climates where winter period they should be kept in well-caulked, albeit unheated, poultry houses, which will be reliably protected from the winds. This is due to the fact that this poultry, and especially young animals, is extremely susceptible to colds, is sensitive to cold and does not tolerate dampness. Walking - necessary condition for the health of the turkey. The exit from the poultry house should be equipped on its southern side at a height of 10 or 15 centimeters from the floor. The owner must provide space when walking this bird.

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A perch for a turkey and turkeys must be built from wooden blocks and placed at a height of about one meter from the floor. You also need to make nests for turkeys with the expectation that there are five turkeys per nest. The nest must have the following dimensions (WxDxH): 60×60×60 cm. The nest must be provided with a 15 cm threshold.

Since these poultry have not lost their ability to fly, it is more expedient to cut their wings or make high poultry houses. Birds are settled at the rate of 8–12 females per male. The nature of these birds is quarrelsome.

The place for walking the birds should be equipped with a canopy so that they can hide under it from the weather.

Feeding turkeys

In private courtyards, these birds are often fed with the following products:

  • oats,
  • barley
  • compound feed (in various forms),
  • soaked bread,
  • buckwheat grains,
  • boiled potatoes.

While walking, turkeys are happy to eat caterpillars, worms, various beetles, butterfly pupae, frogs and even field mice. Therefore, in a poultry house, it makes sense to give them top dressing containing animal protein: birds willingly eat raw and boiled meat. Some owners release turkeys into a garden where there are no berry plants in order to exterminate harmful insects and their larvae.

Turkeys are often used to exterminate Colorado potato beetles in the garden, which they are accustomed to from childhood, adding crushed Colorado potato beetles a little at first.

Newly hatched turkeys are fed with finely chopped hard-boiled eggs, finely chopped nettles, white bread soaked in water. With age, coarser food is added - grain (preferably millet).

Reproduction of turkeys. How many eggs does a female lay?

When bred in private backyards, turkeys reach sexual maturity at 8–9 months. Eggs begin to be laid from spring to autumn with a frequency of once a day or every other day in the morning. They have a dark plum color and weight from 75 to 90 grams. Turkeys lay 50 to 90 eggs.

The turkey is considered the best mother hen of all poultry, as they have remarkable patience. Many owners use this property for their own benefit, forcing the female to hatch not only her chicks, but also chicken, duck and goose two or even three times a year. From 12 to 20 turkey eggs fit under the female. The incubation period for turkey eggs is 28–30 days.

Description and features of the dominant chicken breed

Growing turkeys on an industrial scale differs from rearing turkeys in private backyards, as it involves the production all year round. Under production conditions, turkeys reach sexual maturity earlier and start laying at 28-34 weeks of age, regardless of the season. For a period of up to twenty-one weeks, the female turkey lays up to 150 (sometimes 200) eggs, after which she is sent for slaughter, replacing the young.

From an ordinary turkey, by selection, people brought out several breeds of poultry, the most common of which are:

  • white dutch turkey,
  • white broad-breasted,
  • beltsville,
  • bourbon red turkey,
  • cambridge bronze broad-breasted turkey,
  • large white,
  • moscow white,
  • north Caucasian white,
  • north Caucasian bronze,
  • black Spanish (Black Norfolk) turkey.

The meat of this bird belongs to dietary products. It contains easily digestible protein (28%) and has excellent taste. Also, quite valuable down and feathers are obtained from this bird. Litter is used as a fertilizer.

IN modern world these poultry are bred on an industrial scale in many countries, and the United States of America is the leader in the production of turkey meat.

Kira Stoletova

The turkey is one of the most popular poultry in farms in most countries. Its dietary meat and eggs are distinguished by an exquisite taste, and a fancy feather is used in applied arts and as a filler for featherbeds. The high rating of this bird among farmers is also explained by the relative ease of its breeding: the body of a turkey tolerates cold well, it quickly gains weight, has a fairly high percentage of egg production (about 15-20 pieces per clutch). Despite the considerable cost of nutrition, the turkey is a fairly cost-effective poultry option for the breeder. A skilled owner will be able to quickly cover the maintenance costs: turkey meat is valued more than chicken. One of the main tasks of the breeder is to equip premises for birds and provide it with all the conditions necessary for comfortable breeding of birds. How to make a nest for a turkey with your own hands, having calculated all the necessary dimensions?

Types of nests and their differences

In fact, the principle of designing a place for incubation of eggs in any poultry is the same. The decisive factor here is the size of the pet. A well-fed turkey can weigh up to 12 kg. Accordingly, she will need to make a rather roomy nest. Their classification is quite diverse.

  1. Open and closed. The former usually look like a basket or box without a lid. Suitable for indoor poultry houses. Closed ones are equipped with a hinged lid that can protect the bird from precipitation.
  2. With egg collectors: a double bottom is equipped so that the turkey cannot reach the laid egg.
  3. Segregated vs. Shared: Due to the turkey's proclivity for privacy, some owners prefer to separate hens from each other with partitions during lay.
  4. Single-tiered and multi-tiered: if your farm has a large number of birds, a two- or three-story structure will become a compact option for placing them.

Location of nests and calculation of parameters

As mentioned above, the turkey, being a fairly sociable bird, should still be able to retire. During the laying period, this need increases. Consequently, nests for turkeys are placed in a dark and cozy place, preferably separately from each other, fenced with high walls about half a meter high.

It is very important that the bird feel comfortable laying eggs and hatching future offspring. Let her choose the location of the nest herself and give her time to get used to it. Make the place stand away from the entrance to so that the bird is not disturbed by people entering the room. She should feel safe - so take care of psychological state pets. If there are other inhabitants in the house, in addition to turkeys, they should be separated from each other for this period.

Fairly frost-resistant, turkeys need warmth and dryness during laying, so cover the nest with straw or hay. Nests should not be placed directly near the walls: they should rise 40 cm above the floor. The main requirement when designing nests will be to provide space. In no case should the laying hen feel constrained.

When calculating the number of nests, keep in mind that females do not lay at the same time. The ratio of 1 nest to 5 females is optimal: as the number of layers increases, new places will be required. According to the norms, the parameters of the turkey nest are 50 cm wide, 50 cm high and 60 cm deep, which is much more than and.

Arrangement and comfort

Add to food and cover the floor with fine gravel: in the first case, it will improve the digestion of the turkey, in the second, it will distract it from pecking its own nest. Set up a trough filled with sand or ash so the birds can take a bath. Just do not fill the container with water: this bird prefers dryness.

Making our own nest

You can do almost anything with your own efforts. Today, in special stores, a poultry farmer can purchase any product for his farm. The advantage of a homemade perch is financial savings and the opportunity to show design creativity. The tips below will help a beginner cope with the task.

  1. A nest made from improvised material is the simplest and most budget option. Any container will do, be it a basket, a plastic box or a barrel. It is enough just to disinfect it well and lay a soft bedding on the bottom. It is not recommended to build metal containers - eggs can become supercooled in them.
  2. A durable version of the nest is made of brick. A soft “filling” from a mattress or padded jacket is placed in the center. Leave space for eggs between the bricks. Tamp the structure with straw.

Both options for hatching places for eggs suggest the presence of screens separating one nest from another. For this purpose, ordinary cardboard or plywood is suitable.

Do-it-yourself booth

How to handle the task with your own hands? If you have experience with tools, you can try to make a nice and comfortable plywood box in which the turkey can safely incubate offspring. You will need, in addition to the main material, tools, fastening fittings, a centimeter or tape measure.

Cut out the required number of walls, depending on how many layers you have. Sand thoroughly: cut a hole for entry and exit, the dimensions of which depend on the size of the bird. Connect the wooden beams to the plywood frame. It is convenient to make the roof removable to facilitate the process of cleaning and collecting eggs. A nest with an egg collector is suitable for you when the female does not need to incubate the eggs. With the help of an inclined bottom, they will immediately fall into a specially designated place. In order for the egg to remain intact during the rolling process, you need to slow down its “flight”.

The maximum egg production of poultry depends on many factors, but nests for birds in any case should be comfortable. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the possible options for such structures when breeding turkeys and how to arrange them using improvised materials.

Types of nests and their variety

Turkeys - Pretty large birds, therefore, when arranging classic variants of nests, it is necessary to take into account the parameters of birds.

Otherwise, among the possible types of such perches, the following are distinguished:

The choice of a specific option for turkeys depends on the method of keeping the birds and the number of livestock: when breeding birds on an industrial scale, it makes sense to install a cellular structure, with separate compartments for each turkey.

Did you know? The largest turkey in history is considered to be a bird from the UK, nicknamed Tyson. In 1989, his killerweight was 39.09 kg.

Basic rules and requirements for construction

The process of building nests for turkeys is not particularly difficult, but in this case it is important to take into account several basic requirements:

Important!There should be no rodents in the poultry house, otherwise the safety of the eggs laid will be at risk. Mice and rats love warmth and will certainly climb inside the nest.

How to make a DIY turkey nest

Before proceeding with the independent manufacture of the specified product for turkeys, it is worth correctly calculating the required design parameters, preparing the necessary tools and materials.

Dimensions and drawings

Dimensions of products and drawings for them directly depend on their type and available suitable materials, but in any case, it is important to take into account the generally accepted norms for the size of such structures:

  • width - not less than 50 cm;
  • depth - 60 cm;
  • wall height - 50–70 cm;
  • the height of the front side is 15–20 cm.

When designing, it is worth paying attention to the fact that turkeys do not rush at the same time. According to statistics, at one time only one bird out of five lays an egg while the other 4 are feeding or in the walking area, therefore, on average, it is rational to install 1 nest for 5 females.

Necessary materials and tools for work

Specific materials and tools for creating the bird products in question depend on the type of construction chosen, but In almost all cases, you will need the following:

  • wooden bars;
  • nails or wood screws;
  • hammer or screwdriver;
  • hand or electric saw;
  • metal corners for greater structural rigidity;
  • Chipboard or other similar material for shelter (if we are talking about a multi-tiered structure);
  • ready-made plastic or wooden box (for a separate nest);
  • wooden barrel or wicker basket of suitable diameter.

Instead of a basket or barrel, you can also use other improvised materials that will have a recess and can serve as a good perch for turkeys.

Did you know?The characteristic sounds that turkeys make (cooing) are characteristic only for males, but females, contrary to popular belief, always remain silent.

Step-by-step manufacturing instructions

All options for a homemade turkey nest have their own manufacturing process, so you should pay attention to each one individually.

From boxes

A turkey nest made of boxes is the simplest version of this design, and its main element is a ready-made plastic vegetable box. You can use wooden boxes, which are also found in trade. A wooden product is even better than a plastic one, because it retains heat perfectly, but it is better not to use metal containers, because they do not retain heat and often cause hypothermia of eggs.

The sequence for making a nest from a plastic vegetable box will be as follows:

  1. Cleaning and disinfection of all surfaces using water and detergent.
  2. Removal of one of the walls (only a low side, about 20 cm high, should remain from it);
  3. Drying the box and placing a comfortable bedding made of soft cloth, straw or sawdust in it (for better ventilation, you can additionally lay large branches on the bottom).
  4. Installation of a box on a wooden or any other elevation above a concrete floor.
  5. Organization of a canopy over the product - at the corners of the box you need to screw wooden beams 20 cm long, and then fix chipboard on them, thereby organizing a kind of gable roof.

To protect the structure, instead of chipboard, you can use a fabric screen or protection from another dense material.

From improvised materials

The most suitable ready-made products for creating turkey nests are a strong wicker basket and a wooden barrel. If in the first case the main task of the poultry farmer is only to organize a good litter with the subsequent installation of a canopy, then the barrel must be properly prepared.

In this case, the sequence of actions performed will be as follows:
  1. Find a barrel of suitable size and disinfect all its surfaces (it is better to choose a product with a minimum of metal components).
  2. On one side, remove the lid, leaving only a small side 10-15 cm high.
  3. Lay the barrel on its side and fix it so that it does not rock (you can dig a little).
  4. Place a bed of hay inside the container.

Instead of a wooden barrel, you can use a large plastic bucket, although this is only a temporary solution, and soon the turkeys will need a more durable perch.

From bricks

A brick nest is another easy DIY option, and much stronger than the previous ones.

In this case, the process of making a perch consists of the following sequential steps:

  1. Brickwork of a small elevation, the width of which should correspond to the number of nests.
  2. Burlap flooring in the areas where the nests themselves are located (the material must be laid in several layers).
  3. Laying bricks flat around the incubation site (the sides should turn out).
  4. Filling the space between the walls with straw, with its good compaction.
  5. Installation of a cardboard or plywood partition that will help separate the described bird products from each other.

Important!To make the nest more attractive to birds, it is recommended to compact the bedding layer (for example, hay) well, organizing a small depression in the middle.

How to properly install and equip the nest

To install the finished structure, they choose a place that is shaded and protected from drafts, which will be easy to reach not only for the birds themselves, but also for their owner (for example, to collect eggs and change the litter). It is good if the product is located at a height of 25-30 cm above the floor level, which will better keep the heat inside.

Video: First Turkey Nest

In cases where there are more than a dozen turkeys on the farm, it is more reasonable to organize rows that consist of identical long (for example, three-meter) boards and one narrower one. Partitions are fastened between long boards at the required distance from each other (according to the width of the nest), and the gaps between them are closed by chipboard.

When the base of the structure is assembled (the end, upper back and bottom boards are fixed) and all the partitions take their places according to the marks made earlier, you can begin to fasten the OSB and chipboard sheets. The narrowest board is fixed in front of the structure and will serve as a small threshold for the turkeys at the entrance to the nest, preventing the eggs from rolling out.

The roof (one-pitch or gable), perches and sides are fixed to the support frame with self-tapping screws, and as soon as all the individual parts are interconnected, all that remains is to put straw bedding inside and install all the nests on a platform 25-50 cm high.

The convenience of the nest directly affects the egg production of turkeys, because during egg laying they should feel as calm and protected as possible. By choosing the right materials and correctly connecting the individual parts to each other, you can significantly increase the chances of success both in private breeding of turkeys and in industrial cultivation birds.