How to open a dumpling shop at home. How to make money on the production of dumplings

Pelmeni have traditionally become one of the main dishes of Russian cuisine. Their popularity is evidenced by the fact that, according to statistics, on average, they are bought every 2 weeks by every Russian. They are available in almost all outlets. Of all frozen products sold in shops and supermarkets, dumplings account for 65-70 percent.

The most popular are "Siberian dumplings". They are most liked because of their recipe. Classic minced meat is made from beef, lamb and pork

There are many recipes for making dumplings, each housewife has her own, branded one. The cooking process itself is a kind of family tradition. Often all family members, husband, children help to sculpt them. They are frozen, at any time you can get and cook delicious and juicy dumplings.

Why are dumplings so popular? There are several reasons here:

  • this is a versatile dish. The filling can serve not only meat of various animal origin. There are a lot of recipes; fish, with the addition of mushrooms, herbs, vegetables, etc.;
  • hearty dish. Having eaten a decent portion, you can not feel hungry until the end of the day. Therefore, it is difficult to attribute the dish to the number of dietary products, but they can definitely be considered useful;
  • quickly and easily prepared;
  • they are eaten "with various sauces": with sour cream, vinegar, boiled in broth, with ketchups, mayonnaise. Everyone chooses an addition to the dish according to their taste;
  • and finally, they are divinely delicious. Even those who follow the figure cannot deny themselves the pleasure of eating dumplings.

Equipment for making dumplings.

What equipment is needed for production

Pelmeni are made by hand and on special equipment. For a small home workshop, both options are suitable. For medium and large volumes, special machines or a production line are needed.

The most popular are traditional handmade dumplings.

Productivity increases at times when they are made with the help of equipment. In this case, the cost is also reduced. But start-up costs increase at the opening of production.

Home or small workshop

For a home workshop, a room is required, according to the norms of at least 50 sq.m. It must comply with sanitary standards. Water supply and sewerage provided. The walls and floors are finished with easily washable materials, preferably tiles. A separate sink is required. The room should have a dressing room, a bathroom.

Equipment: industrial meat grinder, freezer, refrigerators for raw materials, freezing trays, cooking tables. This is the minimum set for making dumplings by hand.

If you plan to produce a larger volume, then you need to additionally purchase: a punching machine, a dough kneading machine, a meat mixer, a dough rolling and packaging machine.

Ready-made dough and minced meat are loaded into the punching machine, it itself distributes the minced meat over the dough. The output is a finished dumpling. As a rule, such equipment provides for several types of forms.

Production Line

Linear equipment requires a specially equipped room, the presence of electrical outlets with a voltage of 380 watts. Forced ventilation must be present.

The workshop must comply with all sanitary and technical standards, the presence of a locker room, a sanitary inspection room, storage facilities. Separate area for cutting and preparing meat and vegetables.

The main ingredients are loaded into the linear equipment, and the finished product is obtained at the output. It is subsequently frozen and packaged.

What equipment is needed for the production of lavash and how much does it cost - find out

Where is the best place to buy equipment?

It is better to buy equipment from manufacturers or official distributors.

There are many offers on the market. Conventionally, they can be divided into expensive, high-quality European equipment (Germany, Italy ...) and affordable domestic lines and devices.

So, for example, a stamping machine from a Chinese or domestic manufacturer can be purchased within 120,000 rubles (160 kg / hour). European equipment will be 3, 4 times more expensive and reach up to 400,000 rubles.

A dough mixer of domestic production can be purchased for 35,000 rubles (80 kg / hour), a European analogue starts at 200,000 rubles. Big role plays and equipment.

It is advisable to purchase equipment from manufacturers, if it is domestic. In this case, they take it for service. In case of failure of individual elements, you can always easily order and replace them.

In addition, you can get technical advice at any time. It is easy to find manufacturers on the Internet and make comparative analysis prices.

What ingredients are required?

The main ingredients for the production of dumplings

Depending on the type of product produced, the main components may be different. To make meat dumplings you will need:

  • meat, pork, beef, lamb, chicken;
  • flour of the highest grade;
  • egg powder or melange, eggs;
  • spices, salt, pepper, other seasonings;
  • water.

The entrepreneur has the right to develop his own recipe, write out and approve the technological map for it.

What documents are needed to open

Depending on the expected volume and sales of products, various forms of ownership can be registered.

So, if from the start there is an opportunity to conclude agreements with supermarkets, then it will be more convenient to work according to the general taxation system. Because large chains are payers of value added tax. As a rule, those who already have experience, financial capabilities or a similar business do this.

For the greater mass of novice entrepreneurs, it is advised not to rush and start with small volumes, gradually increasing them and expanding the sales market. In this case, either IP will be optimal.

In addition to the basic package of documents, it is necessary to get approval from Rospotrebnadzor and Gospozharnadzor.

To pass the approval in the SES you will need:

  • statutory package of documents, namely -
  • certificates for all equipment;
  • sanitary passport of the object;
  • developed technological maps for manufactured products;
  • every hired worker must have a health book.

Only having received the appropriate permits, you can start producing products.

Business plan: calculations, profitability, payback

To justify and it is necessary to take into account the maximum number of factors affecting final result, cost and profit. Factors that will influence cost reductions can be:

  • the price of renting a room or having your own;
  • the price of raw materials in the given region;
  • fare. How close are the points of sale of finished products and the purchase of raw materials;
  • profitability and cost of equipment;
  • the number of hired personnel;
  • proper organization of production.

Therefore, each business plan is calculated individually for each entrepreneur.

It is possible to offer approximate calculations for a small workshop with a capacity of 700-800 kg/shift.

  • An inexpensive set of equipment will start at 280,000 rubles.
  • Initial investment in advertising, approximately 30,000-50,000 rubles.
  • Rent: 30,000-35,000 rubles.
  • Raw materials: within 400,000 rubles.
  • Salary (for 4 hired employees): from 60,000 rubles.
  • Utility costs and taxes will average 25%.
  • For such a volume, the profit will be 200,000-215,000 rubles.
  • Net profit: from 90,000 rubles.

Thus, in 4 months, with an established uninterrupted sales, you can return the initial invested capital.

People who have tried and successfully implemented a dumpling business give a number of tips to aspiring entrepreneurs. Listen to them.

It is better to start with a small family-type production. Firstly, this way you take less risk. Secondly, by gradually “probing” the sales markets and expanding them in practice, you will orient yourself and find your niche and customers. Study the demand.

It is better to initially expand the range, add other types of similar products to dumplings. Moreover, most of the dumpling machines provide such an opportunity.

One of the cost-effective ways to sell products can be your own point, dumplings, bistro, a small cafe. To withstand fierce competition in the market, it is necessary to use all possible combinations for the sale of goods.

It is important that your products have individual person. This is facilitated by the original recipe, bright expressive name of the company, interesting and attractive packaging.

People prefer packaging where they can see the contents. Packing should be different: for one person, family, small batches.

With the right calculation and analysis, taking into account these recommendations, a novice entrepreneur will be able to successfully implement a business idea for the production of dumplings and frozen dough products.

If you live in a small compact place in the Moscow region, then within 4-6 months you will be able to work out the invested funds, and in the future receive stable income.

How the dumpling machine works can be seen in this video:

At the present time, many are visited by ideas about opening own business. There are quite a few options. The main thing is that the work is profitable. One of the many types of private business is the production of dumplings at home.

The production of dumplings is one of the most modern home-based businesses. It is especially popular in small towns, even taking into account the fact that the market is filled with such goods. The popularity of semi-finished products also lies in a large assortment, for example, manti, dumplings, khinkali, etc. Almost everyone loves and consumes such products, since their main advantage is quick preparation.

Advantages of dumpling business:

  • The desire to buy dumplings is absolutely independent of the season.
  • A business pays off pretty quickly with the right organization and management.
  • Relatively low amount of labor-intensive capital.
  • Significant savings due to the lack of the need to rent a room, hire staff at the initial stages.

All the necessary equipment (meat grinder, freezer, etc.) can be found in any kitchen. The cooking technology is very simple and familiar to every housewife, and sometimes even the owner.

A big disadvantage of business is high competitiveness. But if the products are made from environmentally friendly and high-quality products, then they will clearly be in the lead.

Required documents

The first parties often disperse among friends and acquaintances. They act as the most important tasters. But in this way big money you won't earn. You need to look for places of sale, and for this you need a package of mandatory documents:

  • Documentation of Rospotrebnadzor and Sanitary Epidemiological Station.
  • Hygienic conclusion of SES.
  • Recipe.

When expanding - building your own workshop - you will need to register with the tax service and register your activities. You can check out or.

In this case, the conclusion of the fire service will be required. You will also need:

  • Specifications that are registered and agreed (TU).
  • Label layout.
  • Technical instruction (TI).

If staff is hired, they must have a health book.

The production of dumplings at home and their sale only to private individuals does not require the execution of various documents.

What equipment is required

For the manufacture of dumplings in small batches at home, the most common equipment can be used. To make your job easier, you should buy electric knife, flour sifter, electric meat grinder.

For work in the workshop, equipment is used on a larger scale:

  • Mixer.
  • Apparatus for rolling raw materials.
  • Apparatus for kneading minced meat.
  • Machine for the formation of dumplings.

Regardless of the conditions under which products are manufactured, they must be freezers for the storage of goods and raw materials.

You can save on equipment if you hire workers, but it is better to involve relatives in the business. In addition, the product will be much better if it is made by hand. It is in great demand.

If necessary or desired, you can get a packaging machine. Keep in mind that people trust products in transparent packages more because they can see their contents.

Required Ingredients

Dumplings are good because they do not require so many ingredients to cook. Everything is very simple:

  • Water.
  • Flour.
  • Salt.
  • Eggs.
  • Seasonings.
  • Meat (beef, pork, chicken).

In order to make your product more attractive to customers, you can experiment with stuffing. To mix different types meat, as well as use a variety of seasonings and spices.

The purchase of ingredients can be made in supermarkets, shops or markets.

In order for dumplings to be in demand, raw materials must be of high quality and environmentally friendly. Therefore, you should not use various prunings and herbal supplements. It is advisable to buy meat in supermarkets on the day of its delivery. Alternatively, you can conclude a contract for the purchase of meat with a livestock farm. In this case, the goods will always be fresh and in the quantity that is needed.

When purchasing raw materials not in specialized stores, it is imperative to ask the supplier for quality certificates.

Detailed visual information about the work of the dumpling shop is given in the following video:

Sales of products

Sales is the first thing to think about before starting production. As for dumplings, there are a lot of them on the market, so you should carefully study the scope of their implementation.

  • The first small batches can be sold to friends and comrades. In the event that the product has collected positive reviews, you can continue manufacturing, as a tasty and high-quality product will be in demand.
  • You can try to sell goods to small cafes, and if they are satisfied, establish continuous deliveries with them.
  • It is also necessary to take into account the major wholesale companies, which are engaged in the supply of semi-finished products and have a permanent customer base. In this case, packaging will be required.
  • A good option is to rent a trading tray in the market. Rumors about good products are quickly spread through word of mouth, which allows you to not spend money on advertising.
  • Another way to sell can be the sale of finished products. For example, delivery of hot meals. Due to the rich assortment, such sales will be quite profitable.

Thinking over the sale of manufactured goods, you must not forget about the vehicle. If you have a car, it will solve many problems.

Business Costs and Profitability

In order for the dumpling business to be profitable, it is necessary to draw up a business plan and calculate profitability before starting production.

Calculating the profitability, you can see the approximate amount. Here, for example, the calculation of raw materials for 800 kg of finished products:

  • Meat - 53 thousand rubles.
  • Bulb onion - 900 rubles.
  • Flour - 1.5 thousand rubles.
  • Salt and seasonings - 600 rubles.
  • Eggs - 100 rubles.

It follows that 56,100 rubles were spent on 800 kg of products. It turns out that the cost of 1 kg of finished goods is approximately 70 rubles, when its market value is approximately 92 rubles. Net profit will be 22 rubles. In 24 working days, the profit will increase to the amount about 442 thousand rubles. From this amount, you will need to deduct current expenses.

The calculation was carried out taking into account the operation of equipment for molding dumplings, the cost of which will be about 555 thousand rubles.

The costs will be much less if you start manufacturing in small batches in your kitchen. When the product wins the market and is in demand, you can expand production, rent premises, purchase equipment and hire staff.

In order to reduce the cost of production, you can resort to such tricks:

  • Add some potatoes to the meat, potato-meat dumplings will come out. The cost will remain the same, and the taste will be wonderful.
  • Add a little water to the minced meat, the taste will not deteriorate from this, but on the contrary, the product will turn out with a juicy filling.
  • Tell everyone you know about your business.
  • Place ads in free newspapers.
  • Post ads.
  • Submit information online.

Making dumplings is profitable and low costly business which anyone can open. The main thing is to determine the sales market and properly organize the work.

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* Calculations use average data for Russia


The goal of the project is to open a dumpling shop for the implementation of a range of services in the field of Catering and frozen convenience foods in a city of over 1 million people.

For the implementation of the project, a room is rented in the central part of the city, in close proximity to office buildings. Pelmennaya is positioned as a healthy fast food made from environmentally friendly products. The maximum capacity of the cafe is 30 people, the total area is 110 m2.

Target audience - the population of the city aged 18 to 50 years. The price segment is medium.

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The main advantages of opening a dumpling shop: high and constant demand; low level of competition in the dumplings segment; growing popularity of fast food products; the possibility of diversifying the business by combining the concept of a cafe and a manufacturer of frozen semi-finished products; fast payback. Difficulties that a business owner may face: registration of permits, activities of regulatory authorities, fierce competition in the industry.

The initial investment is 1,635,000 rubles. Investment costs are aimed at repairing the premises, interior filling of the institution, purchasing equipment, initial purchase of raw materials and the formation of working capital, which will cover the losses of the initial periods. The main part of the required investments falls on the purchase of equipment - 49%. Own funds will be used to implement the project.

Financial calculations cover a three-year period of operation of the project, after this period it is expected to expand the business. Pure monthly profit of the project upon reaching the planned sales volumes will be 1,504,747 rubles. It is planned to reach the planned sales volume at the end of the first year of operation. In accordance with the calculations, the initial investment will pay off in the sixth month of operation. Return on sales in the first year of operation will be 27.8%.

Table 1. Key performance indicators of the project


Currently, there is a tendency to reduce free time among residents of large Russian cities. This causes an increase in demand for finished products, represented on the market by frozen semi-finished products or the public catering market.

During the crisis, fast food establishments become especially popular, since they are more budgetary. In 2015, this segment of the public catering market was the only one that showed positive dynamics - its growth amounted to 5.2% in real terms.

Figure 1. Dynamics of the public catering market turnover in 2006 - 2016, billion rubles, % (data from Alfa-Bank and RBC)

Given the current trends in food culture in Russia, dumplings can be called one of the promising areas of business. Firstly, dumplings are an integral part of the national cuisine, which makes them a sought-after product. Secondly, the demand for this product is stable and does not have pronounced seasonal fluctuations.

Pelmennaya is a catering establishment that is an alternative to modern fast food. Hot dumplings with various fillings, original serving, attractive atmosphere of the establishment and national flavor can compete with the familiar foreign fast food in the form of french fries and hamburgers. The main trends in the catering market are the concept of healthy food, the use of local products and the theme of cuisine with an author's approach. All of these trends can be easily translated into dumplings.

Ready-made ideas for your business

To date, there are not so many eateries in the format of dumplings - they occupy less than 1% in the structure of catering establishments. The market niche is practically free and opens up prospects for business.

Figure 2 - The structure of the public catering market in the context of the concepts of the institution (data from RBC)

Table 2 shows the approximate number of dumplings operating in the largest cities of Russia as of the beginning of 2017.

Table 2 - The number of dumplings in the largest cities of Russia according to 2GIS

A distinctive feature of modern dumplings is the combination of a cafe and the production of semi-finished products in one institution. Most dumplings offer consumers to purchase their products in frozen form - as an alternative to convenience foods in supermarkets. This business strategy is more advantageous because it has been found that consumers prefer dumplings handmade- "home" cuisine, which is trusted more than products from supermarkets. The second plus of such dumplings is the presence competitive advantage to stand out in the frozen food market, where there is a clear glut.

Ready-made ideas for your business

According to statistics, the demand for frozen products is growing. The trend was shaped by the growing employment of people and the search for a budgetary replacement for meat. According to experts, the market capacity of frozen semi-finished products is about 3.5 billion dollars or 1.25 million tons - the share of dumplings in the market is almost 50%. The growth in demand for frozen convenience foods is expected to continue due to the popularity of instant products and the expansion of the range of products offered.

Studies have shown that 73% of the urban population purchase dumplings at least once every 3 months, and the average per capita consumption over the past ten years has been about 4 kg per year. Thus, dumplings have been and remain a popular product.

To date, over 300 large manufacturers are represented on the dumpling markets of the ten largest cities in Russia and more than 500 are registered. trademarks. At the same time, the statistics do not take into account the many small companies operating on regional market. As a result, for 10 thousand consumers there are 5 competitors of various brands.

Volume dynamics Russian market frozen food shows that in 2015 the market volume decreased significantly, but in 2016 it resumed growth. Despite the downward trend, dumplings remain leaders in the semi-finished products market. Therefore, a dumpling shop, which is a cafe with the opportunity to purchase branded products in the form of semi-finished products, is regarded as a promising line of business. Such establishments are located at the junction of two markets - catering and frozen food, given the main trends in catering.

Figure 3 - Dynamics of the volume of the Russian market of frozen semi-finished products

Benefits of the dumpling concept:

High demand;

Low production cost of 120-150 rubles/kg at a selling price of 500 rubles/kg;

Independence from imported raw materials;

Stable consumption of dumplings, regardless of the state of the economy;

- "national flavor" of the idea, the likelihood of support from the authorities;

Relatively inexpensive interior concept;

Relative simplicity of the organization of the technological process;

Business diversification by combining the cafe concept and the sale of frozen products own production;

The concept of home cooking, handmade, matching current trends public catering market;

Fast payback;

Low level of competition in this segment.

However, there are a number of features that complicate the conduct of dumpling business. Firstly, the need to obtain permits, regular inspections of regulatory authorities and stringent requirements for catering establishments. Secondly, high competition in the public catering market - in order to gain a foothold in the market and ensure a stable income, it is necessary to create a unique, high-quality product and develop competent product promotion.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Thus, the trend of popularization of fast food establishments, the growth in demand for fast food products and the advantages of the concept of dumplings allows us to talk about investment attractiveness such a business.


Pelmennaya is a catering enterprise designed to organize the leisure of the population and specializes in the production and sale of food products: specialties - dumplings, custom-made dishes of simple preparation - salads, soups, confectionery, as well as hot and cold drinks.

It is planned that dumplings will provide the following types of services:

1) preparation of dumplings and other assortment;

2) sale of frozen dumplings of own production by weight;

3) delivery of finished products.

Production is carried out in-house using only natural high-quality ingredients. Pelmeni products are positioned as "home cooking", so the use of semi-finished products and flavorings is excluded. The assortment of dumplings is divided into two groups - mono-product variations (dumplings) and offal (salads, first courses, drinks, desserts). Monoproduct has a maximum surplus value, and by-products are designed to stimulate sales of a single product.

Approximate menu includes:

1) Dumplings with various fillings: beef + pork; chicken; salmon fillets; with chicken liver; shrimps; cheese and greens.

2) Various additives and sauces are provided for dumplings: sour cream, cheese sauce, garlic sauce, mustard, adjika.

3) In addition to dumplings, it is planned to include dumplings in the menu: potatoes + mushrooms, cottage cheese, cabbage + potatoes, cherries.

4) Salads - vegetable, olivier.

5) Soup of the day - every day, from Monday to Friday, customers are offered: chicken noodles, kharcho, hodgepodge, cheese and mushroom soup, borscht.

6) The range of hot and cold drinks includes: hot - tea, coffee, cocoa, fruit drink; cold - juice, mineral and sparkling water.

7) Desserts - cheesecakes with syrup, pies with apple / cherry, succulents.

The assortment of dumplings is quite wide and can be updated over time in accordance with the taste preferences of consumers. It is recommended to expand the assortment of dumplings, since this product is the hallmark of the establishment. For example, you can offer guests fried dumplings (their production requires an addition to standard equipment), khinkali and manti, Chinese dumplings, gedza, ravioli, etc. The menu can provide 3 options for serving dumplings - 8,12,16 pieces and the opportunity to order "assorted" to try several types of dumplings. All these techniques will allow you to orient the menu for each visitor.

A good addition to the regular menu can be business lunches aimed at attracting working people who prefer budget lunches. The average check for business lunches is 200 rubles. A business lunch is recommended to include the soup of the day, half a portion of dumplings and a drink of your choice.

The average bill for 1 dumpling table is 650 rubles. The capacity of dumplings is 30 people, or 15 tables. The planned sales volume is calculated based on the turnover of the table in 1 hour and the maximum load of the hall at 85%. With a 12-hour work schedule, the monthly revenue will be: 12/1 * 15 * 30 * 650 * 0.85 = 2983500 rubles. Thus, during the month, the dumpling shop will serve approximately 9180 visitors.

In addition, when planning the sales volume, one should take into account the sale of frozen semi-finished products of own production. The cost of 1 kg of dumplings cooked in dumplings is on average 650 rubles. The cost of 1 kg of semi-finished dumplings in a supermarket is 200-300 rubles. Based on this, frozen dumplings are planned to be sold with a 40% discount - 390 rubles. It is planned that 20% of the total number of visitors per month will purchase frozen dumplings. Then the revenue will be: 9180*0.2*390=716040 rubles.

The total revenue of dumplings for the month will be 3,699,540 rubles.


The target audience of dumplings is the population of the city aged 18 to 50 years. The main market for the consumption of dumplings is large cities, since the rhythm of life in them does not allow people to devote much time to cooking, and material wealth allows them to purchase more expensive, finished products.

One of the important points when opening a dumplings is the preparation and implementation of an effective marketing strategy, which should include: development of the name of the institution, its logo and corporate identity; organization of an advertising campaign (promotions, promotion tools).

A bright and memorable name will allow you to distinguish the institution from the many offers on the catering market. Services for the development of the corporate identity of the institution will cost an average of 8,000 rubles. A catchy, eye-catching sign, including its installation, or window dressing, will cost about 30,000 rubles.

To promote dumplings, various marketing tools: promotional videos in the cinema; sponsorship participation in mass cultural projects; installation of billboards and signs; distribution of business cards, flyers or booklets with menus; advertising in the media; radio advertising; participation in food exhibitions and fairs; loyalty programs, promotions and so on. For example, you can attract an audience with an unusual “happy dumpling” promotion: a person who gets a portion of a dumpling “with a surprise” receives a discount coupon for an order or a free drink.

Which tool to use depends on target audience institution and project budget.

    Creation and active promotion of a profile in in social networks VKontakte and Instagram. 10,000 rubles should be allocated to promote the profile in social networks;

    Repost contest designed to spread advertising information among potential consumers. The winner receives a one-time 50% discount on the order.

For the promotion of dumplings, expenses in the amount of 15,000 rubles are laid.


Opening a dumplings and organizing production involves the following steps:

1) Location and interior of the institution. For any catering establishment, especially small eateries, a properly selected room plays an important role. Pelmennaya should be located in a crowded place: markets, parks, near shopping and entertainment complexes or inside them, near business centers, office buildings and educational institutions, on the main streets.

When choosing a location, you should also take into account the presence of competitors nearby. When studying the competitive environment, you need to pay attention to prices, services offered, quality of service and menu.

It must be taken into account that each premises intended for a catering establishment undergoes a thorough check by state bodies - a sanitary and epidemiological station, Rospotrebnadzor, and a fire inspectorate. Strict requirements are imposed on the arrangement of the kitchen and ventilation, compliance with the standards of the working area, finishing materials, organization of food storage, etc. In addition, the functionality of the premises should be assessed - the possibility of redevelopment, the availability of all communications (water supply and sewerage, electricity, gas) that will ensure the smooth operation of the institution. Particular attention should be paid to the power of electricity, since food equipment consumes a lot of electricity.

For a catering establishment, it is necessary to divide the entire space into several rooms: a kitchen, a hall for visitors, a toilet room. It is also worth considering the division into cold and hot shops, which is required by production technology.

To implement the pelmeni project, it is planned to rent premises with a total area of ​​110 m2, of which 40 m2 are hot and cold shops, 50 m2 is a hall for visitors, designed for 30 seats, 5 m2 is a toilet room, 15 m2 is warehouse space and staff quarters. The selected premises are suitable for organizing a catering establishment and have all the necessary conditions for this: gas, water, sewerage, ventilation, electricity of sufficient capacity. Location - central street, proximity to the business center. The rental price is 100,000 rubles / month.

Do not forget that the diner is a place to relax and have a good time. And the atmosphere should be appropriate, so you should pay attention to the interior of the institution. The interior of the institution plays not only an aesthetic role, but also allows you to create "chips" of the institution, a memorable corporate identity. This makes the interior an effective tool in promoting a catering establishment.

Russian flavor is perfect for decorating the interior of a dumpling shop - painting under Khokhloma, wooden furniture, nesting dolls, etc. The concept of Russian national establishments is gaining popularity, and its implementation as a fast food establishment seems to be a rather original solution. Ideally, the creation of a suitable atmosphere for an establishment should be entrusted to a designer who will help create a unique, cozy space where you want to spend time and where you want to return. However, to open a small establishment, you can manage on your own by choosing an ascetic design with decor elements that create a mood. The budget includes 250,000 rubles for the repair, decoration and furniture filling of the institution.

2) Format of service and recruitment. Before determining the required number of working staff, you should choose the format of service in your institution. This may be the principle of a cafe with a menu and waiters, self-service with cashiers, or a prototype of a traditional canteen.

This project provides for the creation of a dumplings with a partial self-service system - this will reduce the selling price of products. The service system in the dumpling shop works as follows: the visitor selects an order from the menu presented in front of the cashier, the cashier accepts the order and payment, gives the visitor a “number”, which is a matryoshka with a number. The visitor sits at a table, and the waiter, guided by the "numbers", delivers orders. The waiting time is 5-10 minutes. It is planned to serve dishes in disposable dishes with a corporate logo, which will save on the dishwasher and organize the product delivery function.

For the operation of a dumpling shop built on this principle, it will require 4 cashiers who take orders, 2 waiters who place orders at tables and monitor the current cleanliness of the hall, 4 cooks, 1 administrator and 1 cleaning lady who cleans the place at the end of the working day. The twelve-hour work schedule of the institution determines the shift work of the staff. For the organization of delivery at the initial stages of work, it is planned to conclude an agreement with courier service. When production is established, it is recommended to purchase a car and hire a driver.

Requirements for the staff of a public institution:

All employees must have sanitary books with appropriate marks;

Chefs must have professional education and work experience;

All employees before admission to workplace must be instructed, study the safety instructions for operating the equipment.

3) Equipment. The production of dumplings can be carried out using an automatic line or manually.

This project involves the purchase of automatic equipment.

Figure 4 clearly shows the technological scheme for the production of dumplings. It shows what equipment is needed for the production of dumplings and its algorithm.

Figure 4 - Technology system production of dumplings

Thus, the composition of the equipment necessary for the manufacture of dumplings includes:

Flour sifter - 33,000 rubles;

Dough mixer (capacity 550 kg / hour) - 128,000 rubles;

Sculpting machine - 200,000 rubles;

Meat grinder (160 kg / hour) - 25,000 rubles;

Meat mixer (35 l) - 83,000 rubles;

Refrigerator (700 l) - 53,000 rubles;

Furnace - 85,000 rubles;

Crockery and kitchen utensils - 10,000 rubles.

When choosing a dumpling unit, its efficiency should be taken into account. For a small dumpling, equipment with a capacity of 50-250 kg / h will be enough.

You should also provide for additional equipment, which includes refrigerators for storing ingredients, a coffee machine and more - this item of expenditure accounts for about 60,000 rubles. For the arrangement of cash desks, touch terminals will be required in accordance with 54-FZ. Two sets of automated cash desks will cost 120,000 rubles.

As a result, a set of specialized equipment for dumplings will cost approximately 800,000 rubles.

4) Drawing up a menu. For a small pelmeni, designed for 30 seats, the menu should consist of pelmeni with several fillings, dumplings, sauces for them, a couple of salads, hot first courses, several desserts to choose from and soft drinks. Periodically, you need to add new dishes to the menu or make Special offers This way you will be able to keep your existing customer base.

It is important to provide that for each dish a technological map should be drawn up, which will indicate the consumption of products per serving and the volume of this serving. This information is necessary to obtain permission from the SES, as well as to calculate the need for raw materials.

The planned menu for dumplings is given in paragraph 3 of the business plan.

5) Organization of supply. Before opening a dumpling, you should establish channels for the supply of raw materials and decide on suppliers. For consumers, products for the preparation of which are used organic products from farms. At the same time, it is necessary that all ingredients used comply with the requirements of GOSTs. Main categories of suppliers:

Supplier of flour and other bulk products;

Supplier of chicken eggs;

Supplier of meat and poultry;

Supplier of fish and seafood;

Supplier of fresh vegetables, herbs, fruits;

Beverage vendors.

It should be noted that when signing partnership agreements, you can count on additional bonuses for the company - for example, beverage suppliers usually provide the establishment with branded utensils and inventory.

When negotiating cooperation with suppliers, you must familiarize yourself with all the conditions specified in the contract. As a rule, the transport costs for the supply of ingredients are borne by your production. To reduce this cost item, you need to choose suppliers that are closer to your establishment.

The required amount of raw materials is determined based on the menu, technological map preparation of products and the expected volume of sales. It is important that the recipes of the dishes comply with GOSTs or separately adopted specifications.


The initial stage of opening a dumplings is to register a business in government bodies and obtaining permits for catering establishments.

For reference commercial activities an individual entrepreneur is registered with a simplified taxation system (“income” at a rate of 6%). Types of activities according to OKVED-2:

56.10.1 - Activities of restaurants and cafes with a full restaurant service, cafeterias, restaurants fast food and self-service

10.13 - Manufacture of products from meat of slaughter animals and poultry meat.

When opening a catering establishment, difficulties may arise associated with obtaining permits. To open a dumpling, you need to collect the following list of documents:

Sanitary and epidemiological conclusion issued by Rospotrebnadzor;

Assortment list approved in SES;

Permission of the state fire supervision;

Conclusion tax office on registration of cash registers;

ATC permission for the safety of material assets.

After receiving all permits and relevant documentation for the dumplings premises (lease or sale agreement), it is necessary to obtain permission to open a public catering establishment from the city authorities.

The working hours of dumplings are from 10:00 to 22:00. Based on this, the staffing table is formed. In accordance with Art. 94 Labor Code, the duration of a chef's shift cannot exceed 6 hours. Therefore, 2 cooks working in shifts are provided for 1 working day. Since the institution is open 7 days a week, it is necessary to organize a shift work schedule for all staff of the institution.

Table 3 staffing and payroll


Salary, rub.

Quantity, pers.

FOT, rub.



Accountant (remote)


Cook (shift schedule)


Cashier (shift schedule)

Waiters (shift schedule)


Cleaning lady (part time)


211 000.00 RUB

Social Security contributions:

63 300.00 RUB

Total with deductions:

274 300.00 RUB

The administrator organizes the workflow, hires and manages personnel, conducts a marketing policy, controls the work of personnel, and is responsible for the supply of raw materials.

Cooks prepare dishes, monitor kitchen equipment and cleanliness of work areas, work at one or more kitchen stations, depending on the distribution of duties.

Cashiers interact with customers, form received orders and accept payments.

Waiters provide customer service, monitor the cleanliness of the hall, if necessary, help cashiers in their work.

The accountant keeps financial records of all transactions and works remotely.

The cleaner monitors the cleanliness in the hall and in the kitchen, is responsible for the disposal of production waste.


The financial plan takes into account all income and expenses of the project, the planning horizon is 3 years. It is planned that after this period the institution will need to expand its production and product range.

To launch the project, it is necessary to calculate the amount of investment. To do this, you need to determine the cost of repairing the premises, purchasing equipment, the initial purchase of raw materials and the formation of working capital, which will cover the losses of the initial periods. The main part of the required investments falls on the purchase of equipment - 49%. The project is financed by equity. The main items of investment costs are shown in Table 4.

Table 4. Investment costs


Amount, rub.

Real estate

Premises renovation


Equipment set

Furniture and decor

Intangible assets


working capital

Purchase of raw materials

working capital

Variable costs consist of the costs of the ingredients used in the preparation of dishes, as well as the payment for the capacities consumed in the production process (water, gas, electricity, sewerage). To simplify financial calculations, variable costs are calculated based on the sum of the average check and a fixed trade margin of 300%.

Fixed expenses consist of rent, utilities, payroll, advertising, taxes, and depreciation. The amount of depreciation is determined by the straight-line method, based on the useful life of fixed assets in 5 years. Fixed costs also include tax deductions, which are not presented in this table, since their amount is not fixed, but depends on the amount of revenue.

Table 5. Fixed costs

Thus, fixed monthly expenses were determined in the amount of 431,550 rubles. The volume of planned revenue is 3296768 rubles per month.


The payback period of the project with an initial investment of 1,635,000 rubles is 6-7 months. The net monthly profit of the project upon reaching the planned sales volumes will be 1,504,747 rubles. It is planned to reach the planned sales volume at the end of the first year of operation. The profitability of sales in the first year of operation of the dumplings will be 37%.

The net present value is positive and equal to 1,691,289 rubles, which makes it possible to speak about the investment attractiveness of the project. The return on investment ratio is 34.15%, the internal rate of return exceeds the discount rate and is equal to 27.23%, and the yield index is 1.03.


To assess the risk component of the project, it is necessary to analyze the external and internal factors. TO external factors include threats related to the economic situation in the country, markets. To internal - the effectiveness of the management of the organization.

The specifics of the institution determines the following external risks:

Raising prices for raw materials, unscrupulous suppliers. In the first case, there is a risk of increasing costs and, as a result, the selling price, which may negatively affect demand. In the second case, the risk is associated with interruptions in production. It is possible to reduce the likelihood of these threats with a competent choice of suppliers and the inclusion in the contract of all necessary conditions which provide liability supplier in case of their violation;

Reaction of competitors. Since the catering market is quite saturated and the competition is high, the behavior of competitors can have a strong influence. To minimize it, it is necessary to form your own client base, constantly monitor the market, and have a customer loyalty program;

Refusal to provide the lease of premises or increase in rent. To reduce this risk, it is necessary to conclude a long-term lease and carefully choose the landlord. You should also consider the option of acquiring real estate for business.

TO internal risks should include:

Failure to meet the planned sales volume. It is possible to reduce this risk with an effective advertising campaign and a competent marketing policy, which involves various promotions and bonuses;

Equipment breakdown and production downtime. The risk will be mitigated by regular maintenance equipment in order to maintain its performance;

Problems with personnel, which means low qualification, staff turnover, lack of motivation of employees. The easiest way to reduce this risk is at the stage of recruitment, hiring employees who meet all the requirements. Also, one should not forget about the motivation of the staff - psychological and monetary.

Pelmeni production as a business: where to start, profitability, reviews. Today, these questions are of interest to many.

Key benefits

Like all other business areas, the production of dumplings has its advantages and disadvantages. Briefly about the first:

  1. Lack of seasonality - they are equally in demand at any time of the year.
  2. High business payback - with proper planning, it turns out to recapture all costs after 3 months of work.
  3. Undemanding to investments - at the initial stage, a fairly modest amount will be required.
  4. Undemanding to hire staff, at least at the initial stage. Also, you do not have to buy expensive equipment, rent a workshop or office.
  5. Availability of ingredients and ease of manufacture.
  6. Good prospects for small businesses.

Among the disadvantages include high competition. This is especially true for large cities. The only alternative is to increase the quality of the molded dumplings. Saving on meat or spices in this case is a path to failure.

Beginning of work

So where to start? Any business production requires a certain amount of time to prepare. In the case of the dumpling business, it usually takes about 2 months to resolve a number of organizational and related issues.

At the first stage, analyze the market and collect as much information as possible about the activities of competitors. A necessary step is to analyze the niche in your city.

The first step is to register a business. Only this often takes a lot of time, up to 2 weeks, and the associated expenses can reach 10 thousand rubles.

Finally, if we are talking about large-scale production, you will need to find a room for which you need to obtain permits from the SES.

At the final stages, personnel are hired, raw materials are purchased, contracts are concluded with suppliers and buyers.


If you plan at the initial stage to sell ready-made dumplings only to relatives, friends and colleagues, you can do without legal registration. However, in this case, it makes no sense to count on a large income - the clientele will be too limited.

In addition to opening an individual entrepreneur or LLC, you will need to collect a number of permits from various organizations. Among them are papers from Rospotrebnadzor and the conclusion of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station. To obtain the latter, you will have to provide the exact recipe.

If at some point you move to work in a separate room or even a workshop, you will have to take care of permission from the fire inspectorate. Also, the building must comply with all necessary requirements And specifications. The product must be labeled with the name and brief description.

In case of hiring additional staff each person must have a sanitary book, which will have to be updated periodically. otherwise, there is a risk of receiving a very large fine.

Making dumplings as a business

Today, the market presents the products of many manufacturers, but at the same time, finding a niche for yourself is quite simple - everything here depends only on the quality of the products.

The business idea itself gained popularity in our country only a few years ago. In a short period, she was able to take one of the leading positions among other areas entrepreneurial activity.

Two options

In this business, there are two main options for doing business: creating a small workshop and working from home.

Let's look at both in detail.

Workshop work

For this option, you will need to find and rent a room. Small in area, but sufficient for the free movement of equipment and workers. According to experts, at first you can get by with a room of 50 square meters.

The main requirement: the presence of water, lighting and high-quality ventilation. Walls and floors should be finished with easy-to-clean materials, such as glossy tiles. It is equally important to bring the room in line with all sanitary standards.

The main machine will be a special machine for the formation of dumplings. When choosing a specific model, you should pay attention to the list of device features. Be sure to include several interchangeable frames for different forms products. In addition to it, you will need the following devices:

  • Flour sifter - it is used to purify flour from all extraneous slightest impurities. In parallel, the device helps to saturate it with oxygen. Desktop options are in demand, which are actively used at the initial stages of business development.
  • The so-called complex for making dough - there are two main varieties on the market: floor (they are more popular) and desktop. Preference should be given to those that are able to knead as steep a dough as possible.
  • Meat grinders - grinding all the main components of minced meat. It is important that the device can work constantly, without interruption. It is worth paying attention to the presence of a reverse, which will help to avoid the need for cleaning films and cores, although this is a matter of personal preference.
  • Mixers - with the help of such devices, high-quality mixing of minced meat is carried out. Of the main options, floor and desktop options. They are set in motion manually or connected to the power supply. It is better to give preference to the latter. It allows you to achieve the perfect consistency of minced meat for subsequent production.
  • Packaging devices - are divided into fully automatic and semi-automatic. Features of the device allow you to pre-program the production date and weight. Automatic devices make it possible to completely remove people at this stage of production. As practice shows, completely transparent packaging should be preferred, as it allows buyers to see the product in advance, but if you want, you can imagine a more original version;
  • Refrigeration equipment for raw materials and finished products.

Before choosing one or another model, you should calculate the approximate production volume and potential sales level. For example, if we are talking about a relatively small workshop, then you should focus on a productivity of about 100-200 kilograms per hour.

Technological process line in this case will consist of the following steps:

  1. Test preparation.
  2. Minced meat preparation.
  3. Formation of finished products.
  4. Freeze.
  5. Packing.

Work at home

You can also make dumplings at home. The main thing is to constantly improve the production process and keep the quality of products at the highest level. At the beginning of work, the products are distributed among acquaintances and friends, and then sales can be started to a wider range of customers. It is very important to build a reputation here. The notorious "word of mouth" will be a significant help.

Sculpting has many benefits. First of all, you do not need to rent a room. In addition, you do not have to hire employees, all the equipment can be found right in the kitchen. Most likely, you will not even need to open an IP. Unfortunately, it will be impossible to achieve large volumes and, accordingly, earnings by this method, but valuable experience can be gained.


As production expands and in the process of finding a new clientele, it is possible to move away from a fairly close community of friends and acquaintances. In this case, you can try to sell goods through social networks and special forums.

In the future, it makes sense to try to conclude a contract with networks of cafes, dumplings and restaurants - such semi-finished products are in great demand in them. Finally, through them you can reach larger buyers. Of course, all this is possible only if the quality of the dumplings is up to par.

Another development option is the delivery of ready-made hot meals. Dumplings, dumplings and khinkali have already established themselves in this market. Such lunches are well-deservedly popular at enterprises, markets and offices. Finally, you can offer products to small retail outlets.


On average, the cost of 1 kg of dumplings is about 70 rubles, while the price in stores is around 100 rubles. In this case, the profit will be 30 rubles per 1 kg. If we multiply this by the scale of about 800 kg of products and subtract all related costs, we get a net profit of about 250 thousand rubles a month.

The production of dumplings pays for itself in less than a year, which indicates high profitability. Alternatively, you can use chicken meat - this will reduce the cost.

As for home-based production, it all depends on the final price of the product. Most often, revenue is about 20%. In some cases, if the product has already managed to establish itself and there is a base of regular customers, the amount may increase up to 50%.

As for the costs of opening a workshop, the line alone will cost about 300 thousand rubles or even less. But it will be able to produce up to 650 kg of goods per day. However, more big business It will also require spending on advertising and wages for employees.

Video: secrets industrial production dumplings.

Business plan

As already mentioned, one of the components of the success of any enterprise is a well-written business plan that will allow you to assess the profitability of the enterprise. It includes all expenses. An example of the cost of raw materials per 800 kg of products:

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Semi-finished products are in high demand among the population of large cities, whose residents do not have free time for cooking. Among the semi-finished products, various types of dumplings and dumplings received well-deserved recognition from the audience. Easy preparation of blanks, the absence of large investments and stable consumer demand make the business of selling dumplings quite promising. Opening your own workshop allows you to get regular profits and quickly recoup the invested capital. In this article, we propose to consider the production of dumplings as a business and study all aspects of the production process.

The segment of the market of frozen semi-finished products, in particular dumplings, is very promising

Analysis of the selected segment

Dumplings have received the status of a national dish, which is in demand among various segments of the population. This dish is not only nutritious, but also healthy. The dumpling business is highly profitable due to stable demand among customers and relevance in any season. It should also be separately noted the high competition in this segment. To date, more than a hundred different business entities are registered in Russia, engaged in the production of their own semi-finished products.

In order to enter into this business, it is necessary to carefully study each competitor. You should carefully familiarize yourself with the strategy of promoting goods they have chosen, learn about all the advantages and disadvantages. This step will allow you to enter the market with minimal loss of capital. Everyone wants to get quality products at a low cost. However, modern market offers do not meet consumer needs. Many entrepreneurs, wishing to reduce production costs, use low-quality raw materials or meat substitutes. This move can lead to the loss of half of potential buyers.

At the stage of creating a business plan, you need to familiarize yourself with the products offered by competitors. Experts recommend buying several dozen various kinds semi-finished products, in order to get acquainted with their advantages and disadvantages. Particular attention should be paid not only to the taste and quality of semi-finished products, but also to packaging. In order to create a competent business plan, you need to study the chosen business from all sides.

Workshop organization

The business plan for the production of dumplings should include information on the organization of the workshop. Manufacturing facility is the heart of this business, so this issue should be approached with increased responsibility. Renting a workshop in the central region can turn into a waste of money. Since all forces will be thrown specifically at production, it is recommended to choose a room located on the outskirts of the city. Since the entrepreneur will need to organize his own service for the delivery of finished products to retail outlets, the location of the workshop itself is of minimal importance for the business.

Pelmeni are an integral part of Russian culture, which makes them a sought-after product.

It is very important that the selected property meets all the requirements of the regulatory authorities. The lack of basic engineering communications can result in large penalties from the sanitary and epidemiological station. According to the established rules, the room where semi-finished products will be molded must be equipped with ventilation and heating. In addition, it is necessary to install high-quality lighting fixtures and conduct plumbing. It should also be noted that the walls of the workshop must be finished with tiles.

As practice shows, a room with an area of ​​​​no more than eighty square meters is enough to organize a workshop. Experts recommend renting a property located in the countryside. Thus, the entrepreneur will be able to negotiate with local farmers on the supply of fresh raw materials at a low cost. In addition, this step will save money on wages for workers, since the level of wages in rural areas is much lower.

Purchase of equipment

The business plan of the dumpling shop should without fail include calculations financial model future production. This section should indicate the method of manufacturing semi-finished products and the level financial resources required to implement the chosen model. To date, there are two main options for organizing a business:

  1. Manual production of semi-finished products. When choosing this method, one should be prepared for low production capacities. Despite this fact, handmade products are valued much higher among buyers.
  2. Machine for making dumplings. With the choice of this method of implementing a business project, the level of initial investment increases several times. Also noteworthy is a tenfold increase in productivity compared to manual sculpting.

Automation of this process allows you to increase the volume of products produced. In addition, the automated workshop requires a minimum number of personnel who will serve the line. By spending a large amount on the purchase of various production equipment, the entrepreneur gets the opportunity to reduce the expense item, due to the reduction in the size of the tax base. In addition, due to the high production capacity, the rate of return on investment increases several times.

The key link in drawing up a business plan is a description of direct production, from which calculations will be based in the future.

The minimum set of production equipment needed to start a business includes a dough sifting machine, a dough sheeter, an industrial meat grinder and a minced meat mixing machine. In addition, you will need to purchase special forms. The workshop will need to install special freezers where finished workpieces will be stored. Also, the entrepreneur will need to invest his own capital in the purchase and installation of a packaging line.

The heart of the workshop is a dumpling molding machine, with the help of which blanks are formed. The volume of products produced depends on the quality and functionality of this unit. Cheap machines can produce about fifty kilograms of blanks in an hour. With the acquisition of a modern molding machine, the production speed can increase six times. Experts in the business in question recommend purchasing Russian or Chinese production equipment. Due to low cost and high quality these devices, the payback period of the business is reduced several times.

Acquisition of raw materials, selection of personnel and organization of delivery

High-quality raw materials - allows you to produce products that will receive the deserved attention of the consumer audience. For the preparation of dumplings, minced meat mixed with spices and onions is used. Next, the meat preparation is wrapped in dough and sent for freezing.

First you need to decide on the type of meat that will be used in production. As practice shows, products made from chicken, beef and pork are in high demand. In the preparation of blanks, chicken eggs, various spices, lard, milk, distilled water and premium flour are used. It should be noted separately that the chosen technology for the preparation of food products must strictly comply with all the requirements of regulatory authorities.

The next step is to select staff. When organizing a dumpling business, you will need to create a team of five people who will be involved in manufacturing process. When organizing an industrial workshop that produces products in large volumes, a staff of twenty employees will be required. Experts recommend gradually increasing production capacity. At the initial stage, it is best to create a small workshop and develop an initial client base.

The mini-workshop requires three people who will serve the device that makes dumplings. One person should be engaged in packaging finished products and transporting blanks to freezers. The fifth person should take on the duties of a manager, acquiring raw materials and concluding contracts with outlets. Each employee involved in the production of food products must have a sanitary book. The absence of this document from employees can result in large penalties.

The issue related to the delivery of blanks to retail outlets deserves special attention. Newbies often make the mistake of buying their own vehicles and hiring drivers. This approach significantly increases the initial cost item. The best solution to this issue would be to conclude an agreement with a courier service. Only when this business begins to bring a stable profit, you can think about acquiring specialized Vehicle. As a rule, special vans are used for the transportation of semi-finished products, containing about one ton of frozen products.

The recipe for dumplings must comply with GOSTs or separately accepted specifications

Marketing policy

To implement a business plan, you will need to develop the right marketing campaign, which will allow you to introduce your products to the market within a short period of time. Of particular importance in marketing is the name chosen for the brand.. Quite often, to promote products, marketers focus on the naturalness of their products. According to experts, in order to increase the reach of the consumer audience, it will be necessary to divide manufactured goods into three categories:

  1. Economy class. The consumers of these products will be students, small private dumplings and people with a low income.
  2. Medium quality. Products with an affordable price and high quality.
  3. Elite products. In the manufacture of these semi-finished products, it is necessary to use high-quality and expensive raw materials. Particular attention should be paid to the development of beautiful packaging.

The division of the range allows you to cover a wide range of consumer audiences and take a leading position in the regional market. To promote your products, you should use various advertising tools.. Advertising in social networks, printed publications, on banners, and outdoor advertising enable you to increase your sales. In addition, it is recommended to contact several large outlets in order to conclude a cooperation agreement.

Business payback period

Before talking about the profitability of a business, special attention should be paid to possible risks. Among the main risks, one should highlight the breakdown of the production line, illness of employees and the wrong choice of advertising strategy. All these factors have an impact on sales volumes and the amount of revenue received. When drawing up a business plan, these factors should be taken into account and a behavior strategy should be developed in advance.

Let's analyze the cost of organizing a business and the payback period of an enterprise when opening a dumpling shop with an area of ​​​​70 square meters. With the involvement of a team of five people, such a workshop can produce about seven hundred kilograms of blanks during the day.

For an official enterprise, registration with the tax authorities is required

The item of expenses associated with the opening of the workshop is as follows:

  1. Dumpling production equipment and packaging line- 500,000 rubles.
  2. Marketing strategy development – 30 000.
  3. Business registration- about 20,000.
  4. Holding repair work – 50 000.
  5. rent and communal payments – 50,000 (monthly).
  6. Remuneration of staff– 80,000 (monthly).
  7. Purchase of raw materials– 350,000 (monthly).

The total cost is about 1,200,000 rubles. This amount will be enough for two months of stable operation of the shop. The approximate level of revenue is about six hundred thousand. The size of the net profit of the workshop owner is 100,000 rubles. The return on investment varies from eight to twelve months. This business is suitable for men with experience in manufacturing business, since the owner of such an enterprise needs to control the entire production process.

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