Dispatching companies for cargo transportation. Private dispatchers for cargo transportation

For private drivers, this is an additional 50% of orders. Logisticians and dispatchers help to find convenient and profitable orders both for drivers and for customers looking for a car. Driving in the Internet search looking for a load or finding a load, you can get a lot of paid services and not find a timely option along the way. The Freight Dispatcher can help you cargo search through the website of cargo transportation http: // site / throughout Russia: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Rostov-on-Don, Krasnodar, Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Yekaterinburg, Volgograd, Voronezh.

Free cargo search via Telegram, VK, Web version

Free search for cargo through, VK, Web version on our website Poputnogruzoff. We offer to find cargo through a dispatcher throughout Russia for private drivers of a 20-ton truck or for gazelles up to 2-2.5 tons. We work through Cell phones, Telegram and Vkontakte and through the website http: // site /

We invite truck drivers to cooperate:

  • Gazelle farmer, booth, awning
  • 5 ton Foton Mercedes Man
  • 10 ton Foton Mercedes Man
  • Truck 20 tons Foton Mercedes Man
  • Refrigerator + - 20C
  • Open board: Katyusha, pyramid
  • Isothermal van
  • All-metal body

Currently, the transportation of goods by road is very much in demand. Freight transport is the most accessible and efficient and in a simple way delivery, as it requires a minimum number of approvals and documents.

In addition, most of all administrative procedures are carried out, which are the link between the transport company and the sender of the goods. Today, private freight dispatchers are individuals or organized companies, whose tasks include searching for orders for cargo transportation, as well as their full support. The differences between citizens and organizations are not significant, since they perform the same functions, the difference is only in the number of transactions made.

private dispatchers for cargo transportation solve a number of problems

Private dispatchers for cargo transportation have as their task the search for new customers, both among carriers and among consignors of cargo, the development of the most optimal route, a preliminary calculation of the cost of services, the preparation of the necessary accompanying documentation, as well as the collection of information and the provision of information on passing cargo. Organized private dispatch services can sometimes provide armed escort for especially valuable cargo.

Cargo transportation with a private dispatcher from Mobile Logistics has a number of advantages:

  • Our prices are the lowest for cargo transportation with a private dispatcher
  • Cargo transportation with a private dispatcher is carried out by qualified professional drivers and loaders
  • In our fleet only modern and comfortable cars
  • Cargo transportation with a private dispatcher with Mobile Logistics saves time and money

Sometimes private dispatchers for cargo transportation, who have certain experience and knowledge, accompany cargo transportation, office moving, not only in Russia, but also abroad. As a rule, such support is carried out on the territory of the CIS countries and Customs Union, in which the domestic legislation is similar to the Russian one. In this case, in addition to their direct duties, they perform the functions of a private customs broker.

Cargo transportation with dispatcher

As a result of his activities, a private dispatcher gains experience, analyzes, systematizes, updates and develops a customer base. If a citizen acts as a private dispatcher, then it will not be difficult for him to subsequently find a job in a large transport company. To work as a private dispatcher, you must have Internet access, a multi-line telephone and a notepad for notes.

The private dispatcher sets the work schedule on his own, but, as a rule, this is an irregular day. Also, the basis for the success of such a dispatcher is his tact and courtesy in dealing with customers at any time of the day. Depending on the number of completed transactions, the income of a private dispatcher directly depends.

- "Let's cooperate!"

tel. : 8(926) 279-51-37

We invite you to cooperate on WhatsApp and Viber, we work professionally!

Transportation of goods on the Gazelle Car is convenient, because. The Gazelle is a very maneuverable, roomy and passable car, most suitable for regular transportation.

In conditions of congested city roads, long traffic jams, the Gazelle car can be easily parked at unloading points, it will be able to drive as close as possible to the desired site when moving.

Our company offers Cargo transportation on a gazelle in the city of Moscow and the Moscow region: apartment, office and country moving, delivery of goods and services of movers.

Moving. Experienced movers. Order a gazelle inexpensively Zelenograd. Moving around Moscow with loaders is cheap. Transportation by private truck through a dispatcher. Deliveries in the city and region. Seven days a week. Call anytime.

The ZelTransAvto company has been professionally moving around Moscow with loaders for several years.

Order from us this compact, maneuverable and roomy truck of Russian origin for moving and trucking!

tel. : 8(926) 279-51-37

Cargo transportation dispatcher in Moscow cooperation, Zelenograd. Cargo transportation by gazelles from Moscow to Zelenograd. City of Zelenograd. Cargo transportation from Zelenograd to Moscow.

Many important links are involved in the process of cargo transportation, one of which is the cargo dispatcher. What is this specialist? What is his job? How to become a freight dispatcher and open own business in this direction? You will find answers to all the questions raised in our article.

What is the activity of a freight forwarder

Freight dispatcher is an important link between the cargo owner and the carrier

The dispatcher is a production link, which is responsible for establishing communication between the cargo owner and the carrier. More specifically, he selects the appropriate transport for delivery, based on the requirements of the owner of the cargo, and tracks its movement along the entire route up to the destination. In addition, the dispatcher is responsible for coordinating the interaction of several customers in the process of delivery of groupage cargoes, or those cargoes that are transported by additional loading.

As soon as the cargo arrives at the appointed place, the work of the freight forwarder is considered completed, and he receives a predetermined percentage of total amount contracts (as a rule, it is 10-15%).

To in short time to find a suitable option for the customer, the freight dispatcher must have sufficient experience and knowledge in the industry, be polite, sociable, always collected and stress-resistant. The last component is especially important, since the freight forwarder, being a kind of bridge between the customer and the contractor, is responsible to both of them - in some situations even financially.

Interaction through a freight dispatcher is, of course, mutually beneficial for both customers and deliverers. Cargo owners save their time on searching for carriers, and those, in turn, do not have to constantly scour in search of free and return cargo.

How to start your own trucking business

Before you open your own business in the field of cargo transportation, carefully study current situation in this segment: how crowded it is with competitors, what methods they use to attract customers, their strengths and weak sides. This information will help you build own strategy and avoid repeating the mistakes of others.

If you do not have large funds, you can open an office at home

After that, decide on the scope of future activities and, accordingly, legal form. If you are planning to open a small company, then a home office and registration as an individual entrepreneur will be enough. Well, if the budget allows you to immediately launch a wide range of activities across the entire range of services, then you can’t do without renting a room and registering an LLC.

The type of activity you need according to OKVED is “Organization of cargo transportation”.

In the second case, you will have to equip the office to the maximum necessary equipment and resort to hiring employees. With the economy option, a multi-channel phone, reliable unlimited internet and own forces.

Not only the size of the staff and premises for work depends on your financial capabilities, but also such important question like having your own car park. If there are enough funds, then you can purchase a certain number of cars in the property. If the budget is not so big, then there is an option to rent Vehicle. Well, for those who decided not to spend money right away, there remains only an intermediary role between the shipper and the carrier.

In order for your business to be known, it must be heard. And how to achieve this? That's right, with advertising. We recommend using all possible sources: advertisements in newspapers, a video or a ticker on TV, roadside billboards (if funds allow) and, of course, the Internet. Pay special attention to the last method of promotion, since, according to statistics, 80% of all cargo transportation transactions take place via the Internet. Go to popular resources, forums, communities in in social networks, leave information about yourself, send letters of cooperation, arrange fan mailings. In the future, the expansion of your company's customer base will be mainly due to word of mouth.

We also recommend that you go through the catalog of enterprises in your city to determine which of them, by virtue of production activities may need shipping. Once you've identified a list of such companies, let them know about your business via email or phone call. If there is an opportunity to pay a personal visit, it should not be neglected either.

Documentation in the trucking business should be taken as seriously as possible.

Your interaction with both carriers and cargo owners will take place on the basis of contracts, according to which you search for customers and suitable vehicles, respectively - this applies to both LLCs and individual entrepreneurs. In general, documentation should be taken very seriously. If you yourself do not have the necessary competencies, seek the help of a lawyer. Every little thing must be taken into account in order to avoid possible misunderstandings and misunderstandings.

For example, an application for transportation should contain the following data:

  • type of vehicle;
  • vehicle number;
  • place of cargo loading;
  • place of unloading;
  • type of cargo;
  • its mass;
  • volume.

Check the signatures and seals of the parties involved in the shipment. Cargo transportation is paid in cash upon unloading or by bank transfer after receipt by the cargo owners of OTTN. All documentation on applications and contracts is available for free on the Internet, for example.

Video: How to start your own business in the field of cargo transportation

Whether the trucking business succeeds or not depends on a number of factors, but, above all, on you personally. If your approach to doing business is professional and conscientious, your methods are unique and innovative, and your communication style with customers and carriers is friendly and open, then luck will pay attention to you.