What does the department of the chief power engineer at the enterprise do. The main functions of energy management of an industrial enterprise

department of chief power engineer

The specific structure of the department of the chief power engineer is determined by the tasks assigned to the OGE in the conditions of this enterprise. Even in the conditions of the same enterprise, the structure of the OGE cannot be stable, but must change along with the development of the enterprise as the size and structure of fixed assets, technology, and requirements for parameters change various kinds energy and energy carriers, to the microclimate, to the reliability of equipment and networks, depending on the participation of the energy service in construction, reconstruction, technological re-planning and related installation work, in the manufacture of non-standard equipment and on a number of other factors. Nevertheless, despite the variety of tasks and functions of the energy service at various enterprises and taking into account the responsibility of energy facilities for ensuring the smooth operation of enterprises and the special requirements for their operation from the side of safety, it is necessary to establish general principles organizational structure and scale of departments of the chief power engineer of enterprises by category of volume and complexity of the energy sector. The development of the organizational structure of the OGE should be based on the following principles: The impossibility of separating the organizational structure of the OGE and repair departments from the rest of the tasks of the energy service. In particular, the typical structure of the energy service of an enterprise should not be limited to the structure of only repair departments. Structural bodies designed to ensure the maintenance of power equipment and networks in a state of maximum reliability should be included in the general block diagram the energy service of the enterprise, but not to exhaust it. The efforts of the leadership of the OGE should not be directed to the maximum reduction in the range of their functions, but to the proportional development of the service in accordance with the tasks set. All issues of the development of the energy sector can be most qualifiedly resolved by the energy service, but for this it is necessary to create production and engineering capacities of the OGE so that all non-repair tasks are performed without detriment to repair and maintenance functions. The maximum specialization of the production and engineering divisions of the OGE, which allows to solve the tasks assigned to the energy service with sufficient skill. A clear delineation of duties and responsibilities for the assigned area of ​​work, the exclusion of duplication of functions of various departments, however, in combination with the education of a sense of collective responsibility for the service as a whole. One of the forms of attracting specialists of different levels to the solution of the most serious issues may be the creation of technical councils for the main power industry of the enterprise. It includes leading engineering and technical workers, heads of workshops, bureaus and laboratories of the OGE, advanced workers, representatives of the public of the energy service. The technical council shall be a permanent body, working according to a pre-approved plan, including the most important current and problematic technical and organizational matters energy service activities. Currently, one of the most important areas in the work of technical councils should be the development of specific solutions for maximum mechanization repair work, centralization and automation of energy management in general and its individual facilities. Such a collegial body helps to find right decisions, attaches the team to the management of the service, instills in its participants a sense of collective responsibility for the work of the service as a whole, without removing personal responsibility from the leaders.

Rice. 1- Scheme of the organizational structure of the OGE for the energy sector of the 5th and 6th category,

Maximum payback of all parts of the service. Introduction to each new unit should be justified by the expected and obtained economic effect from the reduction in repair and operating costs, except in cases where this is associated with an increase in the level of work safety and improvement of working conditions. Continuous improvement of the structure of the OGE so that, with any changes in the field of main production, to the maximum extent meet the requirements of production with least cost. In table. 1 shows the recommended states of the OGE and its laboratories, depending on the established categories of the energy economy of enterprises, and in fig. 1 - 3 - the schemes of the organizational structure of the OGE corresponding to them.

Rice. 2. Scheme of the organizational structure of the OGE for the energy sector of the 7th and 8th categories,

Rice. 3. Scheme of the organizational structure of the OGE for the energy sector of the 9-12th categories,

States and structures are indicative and should be adjusted according to local conditions. The typical structure gives only organizational recommendations for the structure of the OGE, which are fundamental for all sectors of the national economy, including the composition of the energy departments. Organizational structure the energy shops themselves, and even more so the sections, cannot be unified in all sectors of the national economy and even at individual enterprises of the same industry. Therefore, neither their structure nor specific functions, rights and obligations officials these subdivisions of EPSPEP are not considered. In particular, it is advisable to create an electric furnace bureau only in case of a large specific gravity, diversity or uniqueness of electric furnaces at the enterprise, their great importance in the technological process; thermal power - if the enterprise has its own boiler houses; microclimate laboratory - in the presence of air conditioning. Depending on similar factors, such as a developed gas infrastructure, large treatment facilities, as part of the OGE, it may be necessary to create other bureaus. The same applies to the composition of workshops. Yes, on large enterprises with the 9th category of energy management and above, depending on the composition of equipment and networks, specialized workshops can be created as part of the OGE in addition to or instead of those indicated in Fig. 3. At smaller enterprises, if necessary, appropriate specialized sections are created, including installation sites, as part of the workshops shown in Figures 1 and 2. If there is no need to create separate highly specialized bureaus, the staff provided for them can be used to strengthen others, the most important offices and laboratories in specific conditions. The determination of the specific number of staff units of the OGE subdivisions should be carried out in proportion to the labor intensity of the work performed by the energy shops or sections they serve. In the composition of the laboratories of the OGE, in addition to engineering and technical workers, there may be a certain number of workers. Their number is determined by the composition of the equipment and networks serviced by the laboratory, based on the standards of the EPSP system, taking into account the functions performed by this laboratory. In a number of cases, the OGE laboratories repair and calibrate thermal control devices, check the insulation resistance of networks, grounding, check and adjust protection, automation systems, ventilation systems, check, adjust and even repair the electrical part of some types of equipment. In these cases, the corresponding functions. Not included in the responsibility of energy repair shops and work force for specified works are not included in the energy departments. To ensure the implementation research work to improve the efficiency of equipment, improve its energy and economic indicators, on process automation, etc. the staff of the OGE laboratories should be higher than that provided for by the PPR standards. The size of the increase depends on the specific tasks of the laboratory in the conditions of a given enterprise, but should be at least 20%. Of course, the planning and implementation of research work must be strictly controlled and provided for this purpose. labor resources must be constantly justified by specific developments. For enterprises with the 1st and 2nd categories of energy management, independent departments of the chief power engineer are not created. The energy group is a part of the united power engineering department of the enterprise (EMO), headed by the chief power engineer or chief mechanic of the enterprise. At the same time, it should be taken into account that modern enterprises the volume, complexity and diversity of power plants, as a rule, exceed the corresponding indicators for fixed assets serviced by the chief mechanic. If the EMO is headed by the chief mechanic, the chief power engineer is the deputy head of the department. Power repair shops in this case, as a rule, are absent. Instead, there is one energy site or several specialized sections in the repair shop. An indispensable condition is the presence in the EMO energy group of a certified and sufficiently qualified specialist - an electrician. Starting from the 3rd category of energy management, an independent department of the chief power engineer is created. Usually, at enterprises with power facilities of the 3rd and 4th categories, an independent power plant with specialized repair and maintenance sites is also created. The structure of the OGE in this case is so simple that there is no need to illustrate it. graphic scheme. Up to the 4th category, inclusive, it is not advisable to decentralize the repair service, and starting from the 8th category, decentralization usually becomes necessary. In table. 1 and in fig. 1 - 3 do not take into account the warehouses of spare parts and reserve equipment, which it is structurally expedient to subordinate to the bureau of planning, economics and PPR. In this case, the specified bureau should include, depending on the scale of stored spare parts and standby equipment, the appropriate staff units. Usually, at enterprises up to the 4th category, only one storekeeper is enough, from the 5th to the 7th category - two storekeepers, from the 8th category and above - a warehouse manager, two storekeepers, an accountant and an appropriate number of riggers. Warehouses (pantries) of materials are created at each shop of the chief power engineer's service.

The system of maintenance and repair of power equipment: Alexander Ignatievich Yashchur's Handbook

1.3. Structure of the chief power engineer department

1.3.1. A single centralized management of maintenance and repair of all fixed assets at the enterprise is carried out Chief Engineer- Deputy head of the enterprise.

1.3.2. In relation to the energy sector, he is responsible for the fulfillment of the requirements set out in clause 1.2 by the OGE in full.

1.3.3. In the energy sector of the enterprise and its divisions, accounting of equipment performance indicators (shift, daily, monthly, quarterly, annual) should be organized (according to established forms). The accounting results are used for the subsequent assessment of the efficiency and reliability of the equipment.

Heads of departments, services and workshops must ensure the reliability of the readings of control and measuring instruments and systems, the correct setting of accounting and reporting in accordance with the current regulatory and technical documentation (NTD).

1.3.4. The enterprise should organize an analysis of the technical and economic indicators of the operation of the energy sector and its individual divisions to assess the state of individual elements and the entire energy supply system, their operating modes, the compliance of the normalized and actual indicators of the functioning of the energy sector, the effectiveness of ongoing organizational and technical measures. The purpose of the analysis should be to make planned decisions to improve end result work of the energy facilities of the entire enterprise, each workshop, section, shift.

1.3.5. Based on the analysis, measures should be developed and implemented to improve the reliability, efficiency and safety of the energy supply of the enterprise and its individual structural divisions.

1.3.6. At enterprises that have as part of energy supply systems own sources electric and thermal energy, round-the-clock dispatching control of their work should be organized, the tasks of which are:

development, coordination with the energy supply organization and maintenance of operating modes of own power equipment, ensuring uninterrupted power supply;

meeting the requirements for the quality of electrical and thermal energy;

ensuring the efficiency of the energy supply system and rational use energy resources subject to consumption regimes;

prevention and elimination of accidents and other technological disturbances in the production, conversion, transmission and distribution of energy.

1.3.7. Organization of dispatch control at such enterprises in agreement with local authorities Federal supervision should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the current "Rules technical operation electrical installations of consumers" and "Rules for the technical operation of thermal power plants".

1.3.8. Dispatch control should be organized in a hierarchical structure, providing for the distribution of functions operational control and management between levels, as well as the subordination of lower levels of management to higher ones.

1.3.9. The main tasks of operational dispatch control in the elimination of emergency violations are:

prevention of the development of violations, exclusion of personnel injury by electric current (overheated steam) and damage to equipment not affected by the accident;

urgent restoration of electricity and heat supply to consumers and normal parameters of electrical and thermal energy carriers;

creation of the most reliable post-accident system of electricity and heat supply to the enterprise as a whole and its individual parts;

clarification of the state of the disconnected and disconnected equipment and, if possible, putting it into operation.

1.3.10. Performing the tasks and work listed in paragraphs. 1.1, 1.2, requires a workable energy management structure, a clear distribution of duties and personal responsibility of the OGE employees, and accounting for incoming information.

On fig. 1 shows the management structure of the OGE, in table. 1.1 - distribution of responsibility between the employees of the department.

1.3.11. The OGE carries out orders and orders of the enterprise management, instructions of third-party organizations, interacts with services and divisions.

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I APPROVE ____________________________________ (name of the position of the head of the enterprise) ____________________________________ (full name, signature) "____" ______________ _____

REGULATIONS on the Department of the Chief Power Engineer


1.2. The department was created on the basis of the order of the head of the enterprise N _____ dated "___" _______ ____

1.3. The head of the department is appointed and dismissed by the order of the head of the enterprise 1 .

Employees of the department are appointed and dismissed by order of the head of the enterprise on the proposal of the head of the department.

1.4. The department in its work is guided by:

constitution Russian Federation;

Laws of the Russian Federation;

Decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation;

Decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation;

Laws of ___________________ (indicate the subject of the Russian Federation);

Local acts of the enterprise.

1.5. The department should have documents and materials on the following issues:

Methodological materials on the organization of the work of the energy supply of the enterprise;

The structure of the enterprise, its profile, specialization and development prospects; the state and prospects for the development of domestic and foreign science and technology in the relevant fields of knowledge and industries; main technological processes production of the company's products;

Methods of organizing and planning work on energy supply issues;

Unified state system of office work 1 ;

Methods for the effective use of office equipment and other technical means managerial work;

Rules of the internal work schedule; labor protection rules and regulations.


2.1. The structure and staffing of the department is approved by the head of the enterprise.

2.2. The department is managed by the chief power engineer of the enterprise.

2.3. The department includes (specify position):

- ________________________________________________________;

- ________________________________________________________;

- ________________________________________________________;


3.1. Uninterrupted supply of the enterprise with all types of energy.

3.2. Safety of power equipment.

3.3. Carrying out activities to save energy.

3.4. Increasing the efficiency of the power grid.

3.5. Rational distribution of energy.


4.1. Organization of operation and timely repair of power and environmental protection equipment and power systems.

4.2. Uninterrupted supply of production with electricity, steam, gas, water and other types of energy.

4.3. Control over the rational use of energy resources at the enterprise.

4.4. Planning of work of power shops and farms.

4.5. Development of repair schedules for power equipment and power networks.

4.6. Development of plans for the production and consumption by the enterprise of electricity, process fuel, steam, gas, water, compressed air, consumption rates and modes of consumption of all types of energy.

4.7. Drawing up applications and necessary calculations for them for the purchase of power equipment, materials, spare parts, for the supply of electric and thermal energy to the enterprise and the connection of additional capacity to energy supply enterprises.

4.8. Development of measures to reduce the consumption of energy resources, the introduction new technology, contributing to more reliable, economical and safe operation of power plants, as well as increasing labor productivity.

4.9. Participation in the development of plans for the long-term development of the energy sector, plans to improve production efficiency, in the preparation of proposals for the reconstruction, technical re-equipment of the enterprise, the introduction of funds integrated mechanization and automation of production processes.

4.10. Consideration of projects for the reconstruction and modernization of energy supply systems of the enterprise and its divisions.

4.11. Drafting terms of reference for the design of new and reconstruction of existing power facilities.

4.12. Preparation of conclusions on the developed projects.

4.13. Participation in testing and acceptance of power plants and networks for commercial operation.

4.14. Carrying out work to protect underground structures and communications.

4.15. Checking the means of communication, signaling, accounting, control, protection and automation.

4.16. Timely presentation to the bodies exercising state technical supervision of boilers and pressure vessels.

4.17. Development of measures to improve the efficiency of the use of fuel and energy resources, the reliability and efficiency of power plants, the prevention of accidents, the creation of safe and favorable working conditions during their operation.

4.18. Monitoring compliance with the rules of labor protection and safety, instructions for the operation of power plants and the use of power equipment and networks.

4.19. Conclusion of contracts with third-party organizations for the supply of the enterprise with electricity, steam, water and other types of energy.

4.20. Storage, recording of the presence and movement of energy equipment located at the enterprise, as well as accounting and analysis of electricity and fuel consumption, technical and economic indicators of the energy sector, accidents and their causes.

4.21. Carrying out certification and rationalization of workplaces.

4.22. Introduction of new progressive methods of repair and operation of power equipment.

4.23. Preparation of opinions on rationalization proposals and inventions related to the improvement of power equipment and power supply.

4.24. Implementation of methodological management of the activities of other structural divisions on the issues of energy supply of the enterprise.

4.25. Carrying out, within the framework of its competence, conducting office work, generating and sending/receiving correspondence and other information via electronic communication channels.

4.26. Implementation of the organization of maintaining regulatory and reference information related to the functions of the department.

4.27. Ensuring, within its competence, the protection of information constituting a state secret and other information of limited distribution.

4.28. Implementation, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, of work on the acquisition, storage, accounting and use of archival documents formed in the course of the department's activities.

The assignment to the department of functions that are not related to the competence of the department is not allowed.


The department has the right:

5.1. Give instructions for the operation and repair of power equipment.

5.2. Make decisions on changes in the technology of maintenance of power equipment.

5.3. Require the heads of production and technical departments to:

Compliance with the prescribed standards for the operation and maintenance of power equipment;

Timely provision of information about violations of the technology of maintenance of power equipment;

Immediate reporting of power equipment breakdowns.

5.5. Stop the operation of power equipment in the event of a threat of an accident or an accident.

5.6. Carry out compulsory repairs (stop the operation of equipment) in case of violation of the rules for the operation of power equipment.

5.7. Do not allow earthworks to be carried out on the territory of the enterprise without approval.

5.8. Suspend from work employees who have not passed the appropriate certification.

5.9. Assign separate structural divisions of the enterprise to carry out work on maintenance power equipment.

5.10. Participate in development specifications, instructions.


6.1. In progress production activities The enterprise department interacts with the following structural divisions:

- ________________________________________________________,

- ________________________________________________________,

- ________________________________________________________.


7.1. The entire responsibility for the quality and timeliness of the fulfillment of the tasks and functions assigned by this Regulation to the department is borne by the chief power engineer of the enterprise.

7.2. The responsibility of the employees of the department is established by the current legislation and job descriptions.

7.3. Chief Power Engineer and other employees of the department are personally responsible for the compliance of documents drawn up by them and operations with correspondence with the legislation of the Russian Federation.


8.1. Timely and high-quality implementation of the goals and objectives.

8.2. Quality performance of functional duties.

Chief Power Engineer _______________________


I am familiar with this Regulation _________ (_____________)

1 Job Responsibilities and the requirements for the qualification of the chief power engineer are established in the subsection "Chief power engineer" of Section 1 " Qualification Handbook positions of managers, specialists and other employees", approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of 08.21.1998 N 37.

1 Regarding the application of the provisions of the Uniform state system office work, see "Guidelines for practical application the main provisions of the Unified State Record Keeping System".

Source - CJSC "Yurinform V"

The Department of the Chief Mechanic-Energy Engineer (OGM-E) is one of the services for ensuring the production and life of the enterprise. It consists of:

Equipment Acquisition and Logistics Service;

Energy shop;

Repair shop;

OGM-E solves the following tasks:

Reconstruction and expansion of production areas;

Repair of equipment on our own and with the involvement of third-party organizations;

Providing the enterprise with the necessary energy resources;

Acquisition of equipment, according to the plans for technical re-equipment;

Development and implementation of energy-saving technologies.

Implementation of energy consumption metering systems;

General provisions of the chief power engineer department

The Department of the Chief Power Engineer is an independent structural subdivision of the enterprise.

The department is created and liquidated by the order of the director of the enterprise.

The department reports directly to the technical director.

The department is headed by the chief power engineer appointed to the position by order of the director of the enterprise.

The chief power engineer has a deputy (s).

The duties of the deputy (s) are determined (distributed) by the chief power engineer.

The deputy(s) and heads of structural subdivisions as part of the department of the chief power engineer, other employees of the department are appointed to positions and dismissed from positions by order of the director of the enterprise on the proposal of the chief power engineer.

Structure of the chief power engineer department

Composition and staffing department of the chief power engineer approves the director of the enterprise based on the conditions and characteristics of the enterprise's activities upon submission technical director and the chief power engineer and in agreement with the personnel department; department of organization and remuneration.

The department includes structural subdivisions, groups of specialists, etc. The chief power engineer distributes duties among the department's employees and approves their job descriptions.

coal industry economy

Tasks and functions of the unit

Uninterrupted supply of the enterprise with all types of energy. Organization of operation and timely repair of power and environmental protection equipment and power systems.

Uninterrupted supply of production with electricity, steam, gas, water and other types of energy. Control over the rational use of energy resources at the enterprise.

Planning of work of power shops and farms. Development of repair schedules for power equipment and power networks. Development of plans for the production and consumption by the enterprise of electricity, process fuel, steam, gas, water, compressed air, consumption rates and modes of consumption of all types of energy.

Drawing up applications and necessary calculations for them for the purchase of power equipment, materials, spare parts, for the supply of electric and thermal energy to the enterprise and the connection of additional capacity to energy supply enterprises.

Safety of power equipment. Participation in testing and acceptance of power plants and networks for commercial operation. Carrying out work to protect underground structures and communications. Timely presentation to the bodies exercising state technical supervision of boilers and pressure vessels. Conclusion of contracts with third-party organizations for the supply of the enterprise with electricity, steam, water and other types of energy.

Carrying out activities to save energy. Development of measures to reduce the consumption of energy resources, the introduction of new technology that contributes to a more reliable, economical and safe operation of power plants, as well as an increase in labor productivity. Checking the means of communication, signaling, accounting, control, protection and automation. Carrying out certification and rationalization of workplaces.

Rational distribution of energy. Consideration of projects for the reconstruction and modernization of energy supply systems of the enterprise and its divisions. Preparation of technical specifications for the design of new and reconstruction of existing power facilities. Preparation of conclusions on the developed projects. Storage, recording of the presence and movement of energy equipment located at the enterprise, as well as accounting and analysis of electricity and fuel consumption, technical and economic indicators of the energy sector, accidents and their causes.


(name of the enterprise, organization, institution)

(head of an enterprise, organization, institution)



About the Department of the Chief Power Engineer

1. General provisions of the chief power engineer department

1.1. The Department of the Chief Power Engineer is an independent structural subdivision of the enterprise.

1.2. The department is created and liquidated by the order of the director of the enterprise.

1.3. The department reports directly to the technical director.

1.4. Leadership of the chief power engineer department:

1.4.1. The department is headed by the chief power engineer appointed to the position by order of the director of the enterprise.

1.4.2 The Chief Power Engineer has ____ Deputy(s).

1.4.3 The duties of the deputy (s) are determined (distributed) by the chief power engineer.

1.4.4. The deputy(s) and heads of structural subdivisions as part of the department of the chief power engineer, other employees of the department are appointed to positions and dismissed from positions by order of the director of the enterprise on the proposal of the chief power engineer.

2. Structure of the chief power engineer department

2.1. The composition and staffing of the department of the chief power engineer is approved by the director of the enterprise based on the conditions and characteristics of the enterprise's activities on the proposal of the technical director and the chief power engineer and in agreement with

2.2. The department includes

2.3. The chief power engineer distributes duties between the employees of the department and approves their job descriptions.

3. Tasks and functions of the unit


Uninterrupted supply of the enterprise with all types of energy.

Organization of operation and timely repair of power and environmental protection equipment and power systems.

Uninterrupted supply of production with electricity, steam, gas, water and other types of energy.

Control over the rational use of energy resources at the enterprise.

Planning of work of power shops and farms.

Development of repair schedules for power equipment and power networks.

Development of plans for the production and consumption by the enterprise of electricity, process fuel, steam, gas, water, compressed air, consumption rates and modes of consumption of all types of energy.

Drawing up applications and necessary calculations for them for the purchase of power equipment, materials, spare parts, for the supply of electric and thermal energy to the enterprise and the connection of additional capacity to energy supply enterprises.

Safety of power equipment.

Participation in testing and acceptance of power plants and networks for commercial operation.

Carrying out work to protect underground structures and communications.

Timely presentation to the bodies exercising state technical supervision of boilers and pressure vessels.

Conclusion of contracts with third-party organizations for the supply of the enterprise with electricity, steam, water and other types of energy.

Carrying out activities to save energy.

Development of measures to reduce the consumption of energy resources, the introduction of new technology that contributes to a more reliable, economical and safe operation of power plants, as well as an increase in labor productivity.

Checking the means of communication, signaling, accounting, control, protection and automation.

Carrying out certification and rationalization of workplaces.

Increasing the efficiency of the power grid.

Participation in the development of plans for the long-term development of the energy sector, plans to improve production efficiency, in the preparation of proposals for the reconstruction, technical re-equipment of the enterprise, the introduction of integrated mechanization and automation of production processes.

Development of measures to improve the efficiency of the use of fuel and energy resources, the reliability and efficiency of power plants, the prevention of accidents, the creation of safe and favorable working conditions during their operation.

Monitoring compliance with the rules of labor protection and safety, instructions for the operation of power plants and the use of power equipment and networks.

Introduction of new progressive methods of repair and operation of power equipment.

Preparation of opinions on rationalization proposals and inventions related to the improvement of power equipment and power supply.

Rational distribution of energy.

Consideration of projects for the reconstruction and modernization of energy supply systems of the enterprise and its divisions.

4.2. Internal documents:

GO standards, Charter of the enterprise, Regulations on the subdivision, Job description, Internal labor regulations.

5. The relationship of the department of the chief power engineer with other divisions

To perform the functions and exercise the rights provided for by this regulation, the department of the chief power engineer interacts:




With the chief mechanic's department

Applications for the development of electrical circuits of devices necessary for the performance of repair work;

Applications for connection of equipment;

Applications for power outages;

Schedules for preventive maintenance;

Schedules of scheduled preventive work on electrical equipment;

Notifications on the fulfillment of applications for the connection of additional and newly installed repair equipment;

Notifications on the fulfillment of applications for a temporary power outage for the performance of repair work;

Development of electrical circuits;

With the department of the chief technologist

Plan for placement of power equipment;

Plans for the modernization of power equipment;

Technological documentation for power equipment;

Proposals for improving the process of maintenance of power equipment;

Passports for the applied power equipment;

Information about changes and additions to the passport data of power equipment;



Technical conditions;

Conclusions on technical documentation for compliance with the current legislation on standardization;

Work plans for standardization, normalization, unification;

Information about the transfer of the enterprise to new standards;

Notifications about changes and additions to standards and specifications;

Documentation for the maintenance and repair of equipment;

Proposals for carrying out work on standardization;

Proposals for the transfer of the enterprise to new standards;

Information about violation of standards and technical specifications;

With the department of labor protection

Information about the requirements of labor protection legislation;

Conclusions on the technology of maintenance and repair of power equipment for compliance with safety standards;

Information on compliance with labor protection legislation;

Applications for conclusions on the technology of maintenance and repair of power equipment for compliance with safety regulations;

With the Department of Patent and Inventive Work

Applications for expert evaluation of rationalization proposals and inventions;

Plans for the implementation of rationalization proposals and inventions;

Assistance in solving assigned tasks;

Conclusions on rationalization proposals and inventions;

help in technological solution individual questions;

Assistance in the implementation of drawings, making models;

Opportunities for experimental verification of inventions;

With technical information department

Technical documentation on specific issues;

Bulletins on new and expected receipts of literature;

Applications for copies of technical documentation of the department;

Copies of technical documentation of the department;

Original documents for registration, accounting and storage;

Notifications about changes made to the equipment maintenance technology;

Applications for technical literature;

With the department of organization and remuneration

Consultations on labor legislation;

approved staffing table;

Tasks to reduce the labor intensity of production by improving the technology of repair and maintenance of equipment;

Proposals for the formation of the staffing table;

Compliance reports

With planning and economic department

Plans for the production of products according to the nomenclature;

Tips for saving money;

Ratings economic efficiency equipment repair;

Plans for carrying out preventive work;

Acts for the write-off, transfer, sale of equipment;

Analysis of spending rates;

List of equipment to be written off;

List of equipment to be removed from the balance;

List of unused equipment to be sold;

Equipment repair certificates;

Applications for payment for ordered equipment;

Rights of the chief power engineer department

6.1. The department of the chief power engineer has the right to:

6.1.1. Give instructions for the operation and repair of power equipment.

6.1.2. Make decisions on changes in the technology of maintenance of power equipment.

6.1.3. Require the heads of production and technical departments to:

Compliance with the prescribed standards for the operation and maintenance of power equipment;

Timely provision of information about violations of the technology of maintenance of power equipment;

Immediate reporting of power equipment breakdowns;

6.1.5. Stop the operation of power equipment in the event of a threat of an accident or accident.

6.1.6. Carry out compulsory repairs (stop the operation of equipment) in case of violation of the rules for the operation of power equipment.

6.1.7. Do not allow earthworks to be carried out on the territory of the enterprise without approval.

6.1.8. Suspend from work employees who have not passed the appropriate certification.

6.1.9. To entrust separate structural subdivisions of the enterprise with the maintenance of power equipment.

6.1.10. Participate in the development of technical conditions, instructions.

6.2. The chief power engineer also has the right to submit to the management:

6.2.1. Proposals to reward distinguished employees and to bring to disciplinary responsibility employees who do not comply with labor and production discipline.

Responsibility department of chief power engineer

7.1. The chief power engineer is responsible for the quality and timeliness of the performance of the functions of the department.

7.2. The Chief Power Engineer is personally responsible for:

7.2.1. Compliance with current legislation in the process of managing the department.

7.2.2. Compilation, approval and presentation of reliable information on the state of power networks.

7.2.3. Timely and quality execution of management orders.

7.2.4. Avoiding the use of outdated technologies that can cause energy losses (if there is the possibility of using new, improved ones).

7.3. The responsibility of the employees of the department of the chief power engineer is established by the relevant job descriptions.

Final provisions

8.1. If any point of the situation is found to be inconsistent with the actual state of affairs in the department of the chief power engineer, the head of the department, employee or other person must contact

with an application for amendments and additions to the regulation. (The application form is presented in Appendix 1).

8.2. The submitted proposal is considered by the division specified in clause 8.1. of this provision within one month from the date of filing the application.

Based on the results of the review, a decision is made:

Accept the change or addition,

Send for revision (indicating the deadline for revision and the contractor),

Refuse to accept the proposed proposal (in this case, the applicant is sent a reasoned refusal in writing).

8.3. Amendments and additions to the regulation are approved

on submission

Supervisor structural unit


(surname, initials)


Head of the legal department


(surname, initials)

Familiarized with the instructions:


(surname, initials)