Oil terminal gates of the Arctic on the map. Project "New Port

Vladimir Putin today gave a video link command to ship oil from the Novoportovskoye field through the new Arctic Gateway terminal.

"We will start today new stage development of Yamal, in fact, a new stage in the development of the Novoportovskoye field. This is a significant, big event, I mean that the project is one of the most capital-intensive in the oil and gas industry in Russia, the President said. - Over the past three years, 186 billion has been directed to the implementation of this project, the latest technical solutions, high-tech solutions related to working in such harsh conditions on the Yamal Peninsula, at its northernmost point. For the first time, oil will be shipped not through pipelines, but by sea.”

Aleksey Miller, Chairman of the Board of Gazprom, reported on the readiness of the terminal for operation. He said that the facility is located 700 kilometers from the existing pipeline infrastructure, the terminal connects an oil pipeline with a length of more than 100 kilometers to the Novoportovskoye field, the design capacity of the terminal is up to 8.5 million tons.

“The terminal allows oil to be shipped in extreme natural and climatic conditions: temperatures down to minus 50 degrees Celsius, wind speeds up to 40 meters per second and ice thickness in the Gulf of Ob up to 2.5 meters,” Miller said. - The terminal is a sea terminal, it is connected to the shore by an offshore oil pipeline. The terminal is a tower type terminal, the height of the crane above the water level is 61 meters, 78 meters is the length of the turntable.”

The Chairman of the Management Board of Gazprom also noted that the Gates of the Arctic fully meets the highest requirements industrial safety and protection environment. The terminal uses the so-called zero discharge technology, which means that under no circumstances will harmful pollutants enter the waters of the Gulf of Ob.

“The terminal is fully automated and controlled from the shore. There are no analogues of such terminals in the world, there are no such industrial facilities with such characteristics beyond the Arctic Circle. Without a doubt, with the commissioning of the terminal, Russia is taking a serious step towards the further development of the richest hydrocarbon resources the Far North and the development of the Northern Sea Route,” Miller summed up.

After him, he took the floor CEO Gazprom Neft Alexander Dyukov. He reported on the development of the Novoportovskoye field, which remained undeveloped for a long time due to the lack of development technologies, as well as the impossibility of exporting and transporting oil from this field.

“If we talk about the quality of Novy Port oil, then this grade is characterized by high quality, it belongs to light oils with a low sulfur content, which gives it additional competitive advantages in the world oil markets. This oil is of higher quality than Brent oil and is traded at a premium to Brent oil, Dyukov introduced the product. - We continue to build high-tech horizontal wells at the field. We are expanding and developing ground infrastructure. A powerful power plant is under construction. At the Vyborg Shipyard, we started building new modern, powerful icebreakers who will work on this project.

The head of Gazprom Neft also assured the president that the multibillion-dollar investments in the project would definitely pay off - during the operation of this terminal, tax revenues to budgets of all levels would exceed 1.5 trillion rubles.

Russian President Vladimir Putin launched the operation of the new Gates of the Arctic terminal at the Novoportovskoye field via video link, RIA Novosti reports. As the president noted, during the construction of the Gates of the Arctic, “the latest technical solutions were applied related to work in very harsh conditions on the Yamal Peninsula.”

“This is a new stage in the development of Yamal, in fact, a new stage in the development of the Novoportovskoye field. This is a significant, big event, I mean that the project is one of the most capital-intensive in the Russian oil and gas industry,” the President said during the opening of the terminal.

The project is really "capital-intensive": 186 billion rubles were allocated for its implementation. Rubles Gazprom Neft. However, judging by the calculations of the company's CEO Alexander Dyukov, the costs will pay off. “During the operation of this facility, tax revenues to the budgets of all levels will exceed 1.5 trillion rubles,” Dyukov said at the opening of the terminal.

Yamal is located beyond the Arctic Circle, and the Novoportovskoye field is one of the largest oil and gas condensate fields in the region, for which Gazprom Neft has big plans. This year, the company plans to produce 2.5 million tons of oil there, and in 2018. - already 6.3 million tons. However, the extraction and transportation are complicated by the extreme weather conditions of the Far North: the air temperature can reach -50 degrees Celsius, the wind speed is 40 m/s, and the ice thickness in the Gulf of Ob is 2.5 m.

Representatives of Gazprom Neft speak of the Gates of the Arctic as a unique, reliable, high-tech project, but experts are not so enthusiastic, believing that the construction of such terminals is a common global practice for fields that are remote from the pipeline system. “There are also examples in Russia: oil from the Trebs and Titov fields is transported through the Varandey terminal, Sakhalin-2 has a remote terminal. The zero discharge condition is a mandatory standard for the development of Arctic fields: unlike more southern latitudes, oil does not decompose here. And uniqueness can only be found in extremely harsh construction conditions,”


Today in the village of Cape Kamenny (Yamal Peninsula, Yamalo-Nenets autonomous region) a solemn event dedicated to the start of year-round shipment of Yamal oil through the Arctic Gates of the Arctic oil terminal was held. The event was attended by the Chairman of the Gazprom Management Committee Alexey Miller and Director General of Gazprom Neft PJSC Alexander Dyukov.

The President gave the command to start loading the tanker with oil from the Novoportovskoye field via video link Russian Federation Vladimir Putin.

The Novoportovskoye oil and gas condensate field, the largest in terms of oil reserves in Yamal, is located 700 kilometers from the existing pipeline infrastructure. Therefore, it was decided that for the first time in the history of the Russian oil and gas industry, the export of Yamal oil will be carried out by sea.

Usage the latest technologies while creating mining , transport and, most importantly, the shipping infrastructure made it possible to organize commercial oil production at the field in just four years. Already in 2018, it is planned to extract 6.3 million tons of raw materials here. The plan for further development of the field will be determined by the end of 2017.

Oil from the Novoportovskoye field is delivered via an oil pipeline with a length of more than 100 km to the coast of the Gulf of Ob. It has a critically shallow navigation fairway depth of 11 meters, in connection with which the oil loading terminal is located directly at sea - 3.5 km from the coast. The terminal's oil transshipment capacity is up to 8.5 million tons per year. It allows year-round shipment of oil produced in Yamal to tankers for further transportation along the Northern Sea Route.

The Gates of the Arctic sea terminal is a unique building. The terminal is designed to operate in extreme natural and climatic conditions: the temperature in the region drops below -50 degrees Celsius, the ice thickness can exceed two meters. It has a two-level protection system and meets the most stringent requirements in the field of industrial safety and environmental protection.

The terminal equipment is fully automated and reliably protected from water hammer. A special system allows you to instantly undock the terminal and the tanker, while maintaining the tightness of the disconnected elements. The “zero discharge” technology prevents any foreign matter from entering the waters of the Gulf of Ob, which is extremely important for preserving the ecology of the Arctic. In addition, the subsea pipeline connecting the terminal to the offshore tank farm is protected by an additional concrete shell.

“Gazprom is consistently developing the Russian Arctic. Successful oil production Prirazlomnoye the field is the only hydrocarbon development project on the Russian Arctic shelf. A gas production center that has no analogues in the world is developing at full speed on the Yamal Peninsula. Now here, together with the gas center, we are creating a new oil province. The Gates of the Arctic is open to Yamal oil, which will be supplied to European consumers all year round via the Northern Sea Route,” said Alexey Miller, Chairman of the Gazprom Management Committee.


The Novoportovskoye oil and gas condensate field is located in the southeastern part of the Yamal Peninsula, 250 km north of the city of Nadym and 30 km from the coast of the Gulf of Ob. The recoverable reserves of C1+C2 category liquid hydrocarbons are more than 250 million tons. The field development operator is Gazprom Neft PJSC.

The Novy Port oil grade belongs to medium density grades and contains less sulfur (about 0.1) than the Urals blend.

The possibility of exporting oil by sea was confirmed in 2011 after pilot nuclear icebreaker from the port of Sabetta (north-east of the Yamal Peninsula) to Cape Kamenny. First in Russian history the experience of exporting oil from Yamal by tanker by sea was obtained in the summer of 2014.

To date, the volume of investments in the development of the Novoportovskoye field has amounted to 180 billion rubles, the expected tax revenues during the implementation of the project will exceed 1.5 trillion rubles.

During the development of the field, a program is being implemented to increase the population of northern commercial fish. In particular, in 2015 about 4 million muksun fry and other fish species were released into the Ob and the rivers of the Ob-Irtysh basin. In 2016-2018, another 24 million whitefish fry are planned to be released.

PJSC Gazprom Information Department

I'm back in Yamal... Only there is still snow here, I am in a completely different area of ​​​​the region and completely different impressions await me. But there is a reason to remember last year and tell in my blog about the "Gates of the Arctic" (before that there was a publication on Bigpicture - a slightly simpler version).

A plane from Moscow or St. Petersburg to the capital of Yamal will take you just three hours. Here Ural mountains, and here is the great Ob under the wing and behind it - Salekhard. It would seem not for long, but it is enough to find yourself in the vast expanses rich in archaeological finds, the harvest of berries and mushrooms, venison and many fish in the rivers.

Yamal is considered to be a gas region, but this is not entirely true. The tundra also stores black gold in its bowels - oil. And now the development of the Yamal deposits, which was previously impossible due to the difficulties in extracting natural reserves, plays a very important role in the development of the region.

We (a group of journalists) got a unique chance to see, feel the oil in the truest sense of the word and see how it is produced. The scale of production, combined with the nature of this region, made a vivid impression on us.

So. Early morning. Salekhard.

Helipad and the first helicopter flight in my life. A small briefing, the belts are fastened, instead of ear plugs - headphones in the ears, and overboard there are endless landscapes that you can’t tear yourself away from. Alexander Lipatnikov is flying with us, the head of the operation department of the Gates of the Arctic oil terminal, who knows more than anyone about the difficulties and peculiarities of oil production in Yamal. Our path lies to the field, not far from the village of Novy Port, and the next day even further - Cape Kamenny, where the main object of our visit is located - the oil loading terminal.

Upon arrival, we immediately went fishing. The Novoportovskoye field is one of the largest oil and gas condensate fields under development on the Yamal Peninsula, and the largest in terms of liquid hydrocarbon reserves. Recoverable reserves in categories C1 and C2 are more than two hundred and fifty million tons of oil and condensate, as well as more than three hundred and twenty billion cubic meters of gas. That's a lot!

If you delve into the history of Yamal, the presence of significant oil and gas reserves here was proved back in 1964, but the lack of transport infrastructure, as well as complex geology, remained for a long time insurmountable obstacles to the start of a full-scale development of Novoportovskoye. By 1987, 117 exploratory wells had been drilled at the field, but the asset development project entered the active phase only after 2010, when Gazprom decided to transfer it to Gazprom Neft. Today, the project operator is OOO Gazpromneft-Yamal.

The company achieves production efficiency in the conditions of arctic latitudes and permafrost through the use of modern technologies. For example, one of them is the drilling of multilateral wells, which makes it possible to increase the reservoir coverage area. It is here that a multilateral well was drilled with a horizontal section length of 2000 meters. This figure is a record for Gazprom Neft.

By the way, about records. Really enthusiastic people work in the field, however, this region does not recognize others. You need to be stubborn and love your job in order to conduct shifts in these conditions. It turned out to be a surprising discovery that the crews not only set records for the pace of well construction, but also compete with each other. Everything is present here: the names of the teams, and the competitive process. The record holders have the team name just appropriate - “Victory” (as you call the ship, so it will sail). And there are even "Snow Leopards". Once upon a time, the construction of wells took an average of 40 days, now it takes 22, and there is a record - 14 days!

The Novoportovskoye field is growing rapidly. As of July 2017, 84 wells have been drilled, and almost four hundred are planned! Just think about the scale of the wealth of this region.

Of course, for such hard work, the conditions must be appropriate. A fishing base with a hostel has been built, infrastructure for everyday life has been established. In total, about 450 people work on the watch. Some workers still live in trailers, but in comfortable ones - even heated floors. Already next year, a residential complex for 600 people should be put into operation, a gas turbine power plant will be launched, which will provide electricity not only to oil facilities, but also to nearby villages.

The development of the territory cannot take place without interaction with the local population. “We are visiting here,” admits the head of the field, Vladimir Sablin, therefore, all measures are being taken to protect nature as much as possible from human intrusion and, of course, to live in friendship and harmony with the nomadic peoples who have lived in the tundra since ancient times.
The pipelines are raised above the ground so as not to interfere with the deer, safe passages through the pipelines have been made on the site of animal paths that have developed over the centuries, and seasonal roads are being cleaned. In general, Gazprom Neft does its best not to interfere with the locals to live as they please. Such a symbiosis is very pleasantly surprising. large enterprise and the population. So, by joint efforts, they resumed the holiday of reindeer herders, not ostentatious, but the real one, where people from all over the boundless Yamal tundra come together, spend the day of the fisherman and, in general, respond in every possible way to the needs of the population.

By the way, to talk about environmental cleanliness. Gazprom Neft, together with leading Russian research institutes, is assessing the level of anthropogenic impact on the flora and fauna of the Yamal Peninsula, including species listed in the Red Book. For example, it is planned to conduct experimental work to identify plants that can be most effectively used to restore disturbed surface soil layers in the Yamal tundra.

Just look where the wagtail has made its nest? Directly at the base of the tanks of the tank farm of the Central Oil Gathering Station.

Want to try oil? - asked us a very non-trivial question. Of course! The truth is not as good as you might think. But touch and smell - please! This is a very interesting experience. And yes, the smell resembles gasoline and this distinguishes Yamal oil from other brands.

Here, at the Novoportovskoye field, a unique grade of oil is produced, which is called Novy Port. This oil is very attractive to buyers, it is known and appreciated in Europe for highest quality, that is, a low content of sulfur (about 0.1%), water, and other impurities. Novy Port outperforms not only the Russian blend Urals, but also the European marker grade Brent. Today, Novy Port can be safely called the brand of Yamal.

Briefly about which way the oil goes. From the wells, an oil emulsion is supplied to the additional work unit, which needs to be rid of water and gas. First, the mixture meets two types of separators, then the separated gas goes to the fuel gas treatment unit for the local power plant and flare installations, and the water-oil mixture goes through the next network of separators, after which it comes out thoroughly heated, up to 40-45 degrees, without gas and with water at the level of 0.03 percent.
Prepared marketable oil goes from Novy Port to Cape Kamenny via a 100-kilometer pipe, from there it is shipped by the Gates of the Arctic terminal to a tanker that goes through Murmansk to a buyer in Europe.

So, along the route of oil, we flew to Cape Kamenny to the “Gate of the Arctic” in order to see with our own eyes how this happens and to fall in love with these harsh distances forever, to never stop admiring the work of the people who are on duty here.

The fact that the Novoportovskoye field is unique, I think you have already understood. But the Gates of the Arctic distinguishes it even more strongly from other deposits. Just think, for the first time in the history of development oil and gas industry In Russia, year-round transportation of oil is carried out not through pipelines, but through the Northern Sea Route. To make this possible, a huge work of specialists has been done, as a result of which a large oil loading terminal has been built - the only one located in fresh waters beyond the Arctic Circle, which has no analogues in the world.

The Gates of the Arctic are designed to operate in extreme natural and climatic conditions. The capacity of the terminal for transshipment of raw materials is 8.5 million tons per year. The huge structure has a two-level protection system and meets the most stringent requirements in the field of industrial safety and environmental protection. The terminal equipment is fully automated and reliably protected from water hammer. A special system allows you to instantly undock the terminal and the tanker, while maintaining the tightness of the disconnected elements. The principle of "zero discharge" excludes any contact of the product with the atmosphere, which is extremely important for the preservation of the ecology of the Arctic.

We are surprised to learn from a conversation with terminal operators that it is much more comfortable to work in winter - there are no waves and wind. AT winter period The Gates of the Arctic are more accessible in terms of specialist visits, maintenance, and tanker loading. But how can you climb to a height of more than 80 meters in the cold? Basically, everything is mechanized and controlled at a distance, from the center where everything is necessary equipment and video surveillance. Here, on the shore, there is also a laboratory that controls the quality of the transferred oil and issues a certificate for the batch currently loaded onto the tanker.

The first shipment of raw materials using the terminal took place on May 25, 2016, the command to launch was given by the President of Russia Vladimir Putin. Since that time, quite a few thousand tons of Novoportovskaya oil have gone to Europe. In the spring of this year, Gazpromneft-Yamal shipped its jubilee - five millionth - ton of raw materials to the Shturman Albanov tanker.

Speaking of ships. Gazprom Neft is developing its own fleet specifically for work on the Novy Port project. By the end of 2017, six tankers of the highest Arctic class, Arc7, will be delivered to transport oil. Such a tanker is capable of transporting 40,000 tons each, crossing the Northern Sea Route on ice 1.8 meters thick.

Parallel to Vyborgsky shipyard diesel-electric icebreakers are being built, which will carry the title of the most powerful icebreakers in the Arctic. Them main task will be - ensuring the shipment of oil and escorting tankers. Such vessels are not afraid of frost even at minus 50 degrees.

The trip to Cape Kamenny is coming to an end, you can still go to the shore of the Gulf of Ob, throw a coin and make a wish, because these lands still contain a lot of interesting and unknown things, maybe these are new deposits, or maybe new people who we will meet on a way. Who knows. I am sure of one thing, that Yamal is an amazing land with amazing discoveries inside and with wonderful people who develop this harsh land and live here.