Breeding sturgeon at home with knots. What species to choose for cultivation? How profitable is the sturgeon breeding business

Breeding animals and fish at home, Lately is becoming more and more popular. Many entrepreneurs are learning quail business, they breed piglets and other livestock, but in terms of profitability, these types of activities cannot be compared with sturgeon breeding at home.

Besides, economic crisis touched almost every area economic activity people, including animal husbandry, forcing many to abandon this type of business. But the demand for products, even in times of crisis, always remains at a high level, and there may be a shortage for such a type of delicacy as sturgeon meat.

Therefore, those who decide to engage in this type entrepreneurial activity don't worry about possible problems marketing of finished products.

Sturgeon breeding can be carried out at home, it is enough to have a heated room, connected water supply and sewerage.

In order to be able to service the tank without much difficulty on its own, the dimensions of the plastic pool should be small. In practice, containers with a depth of 1.0-1.2 meters and a diameter of no more than 3 meters are chosen as the most convenient models for growing sturgeon in artificial conditions.

How to catch more fish?

For 13 years of active fishing, I have found many ways to improve the bite. And here are the most effective ones:
  1. Cool activator. Attracts fish in cold and warm water with the help of pheromones included in the composition and stimulates their appetite. It's a pity that Rosprirodnadzor wants to ban its sale.
  2. More sensitive gear. Read the relevant manuals for specific type tackle on the pages of my website.
  3. Lures based pheromones.
You can get the rest of the secrets of successful fishing for free by reading my other materials on the site.

In order to get a significant weight gain in a limited period of time, the food must be high in calories and correctly selected depending on the age and weight of the fish.

  1. Sturgeon is a bottom fish, so the food should immediately sink to the bottom when it enters the water.
  2. The feed mixture should smell good. In wild, natural conditions, the sturgeon searches for food by smell, it has a very well developed sense of smell, so one should choose food that has a pronounced aroma that attracts this breed of fish.
  3. The feed should not dissolve quickly in water, for quality feed this time,
    should be less than 30 minutes.
  4. For fry and grown-up individuals, the feed should differ in the size of the granules.

You should buy fry only from large fish farms that breed sturgeon. It is not worth saving on quality, because the future quality of commercial sturgeon and the decrease in the mortality rate of fry depend on how healthy the planting material is and is ready to endure the adaptation period in a new place.

At the first stage of mastering the sturgeon business, you can purchase a small mini-pool, which can be located in a residential area, or in a greenhouse made of cellular polycarbonate. You can even put such a container in an apartment, because its dimensions occupy an area of ​​\u200b\u200bno more than 2 m2.

Equipment that will be needed for growing sturgeon:

  1. Plastic pool.
  2. Pump for water supply.
  3. Compressor.
  4. Automatic feeder.
  5. Generator.

Capacity for growing sturgeon, you can buy different volumes and if the room allows, then you can put several pools with a diameter of up to 2.5 meters at the same time.

Pump needed for supplying water to tanks, from a well or a well, if it is planned to grow sturgeon in a country house or in a private household. If there is a central water supply, the sturgeon growing tank can be connected to the water supply system, but economically this approach will be more costly than taking water from an individual source.

Compressor- the most responsible node in the system. Without constant saturation of water with oxygen, the life of fish is impossible, this unit must be duplicated. In the event of failure of one compressor, a spare unit must be included in the work.

automatic feeder will save a large number of the time it takes to feed the fish, but it is not necessary to purchase it, if it is possible to manually carry out regular feeding of the fish, the fry should be fed up to 6 times a day, then with a small amount of production you can do without a feeder.

petrol or diesel generator , in the event of an accident on the power line, will allow not to suspend the process of growing sturgeon. The power of the generator should be equal to the total power of all mechanisms and units involved in growing fish, and also have a small margin so that the generator does not work for wear.

Only the most significant components of the sturgeon mini-farm are listed here. When organizing a process fish farming the purchase of pipes, fittings, taps and other fittings will also require significant cash costs.

But, all investments, with the correct organization of the sturgeon breeding process, pay off already in the first year of the mini-farm.

Water temperature

In order for the live weight gain of the sturgeon to be significant, it is necessary to maintain the optimal temperature regime of the water in which this fastidious fish is bred. The temperature from +18 to +24 is the most optimal for sturgeon growth.

In winter, it may be necessary to heat the water to the desired temperature. A small pool holds more than 2 m3 of water, which, when heated even by 1 degree, will require a significant amount of electricity. But hot water is a must.

If the sturgeon is grown in unfavorable artificial conditions, then it often gets sick, especially for fry that have not yet grown strong.

You can breed sturgeon even in an apartment equipped with plumbing and sewerage. If you plan to breed sturgeon in a private house, then any heated room can be equipped for this purpose.
A mini-farm can be located in a greenhouse, and equipped with air and water heating.

The area that the mini-farm will occupy is calculated from the number of installed pools. For one container with a volume of 2 m3, a room with an area of ​​​​10 - 12 m2 is enough.

What to feed sturgeons

Feeding is carried out with special feed for sturgeon fish. The daily rate of feed depends on the age and weight of the fish. Feeding is carried out 4 - 5 times a day. If an automatic feeder is used, the feed is fed more frequently.

Business payback in detail

The sturgeon farming business is profitable and pays off in the first year. Usually one cycle takes about 9 months. During this time, a fry weighing 5 grams. gaining a live weight of 500 gr. this is the most demanded weight of sturgeon, which can be sold through restaurants, supermarkets and markets.

The cost of one fry varies widely and starts from 20 rubles.
The price at which sturgeons are sold on the market is 600-800 rubles per kilogram, i.e. each launched and fattened fry will bring an income of 300 rubles or more, but this will not be a net profit. Feed accounts for a significant share of the costs in the sturgeon business.

In order to grow up to a marketable weight of 1000 fry, you will need to purchase feed for 30,000 rubles.
Electricity costs will also be significant, and depend on the size of the mini-farm. The minimum set of equipment will consume electricity for 20,000 rubles a year.

Without taking into account the cost of equipment, the costs for one growing cycle of 1000 fry will be:

  1. Buying a fry - 20,000 rubles.
  2. Feed - 30,000 rubles.
  3. Electricity - 20,000 rubles.

The cost of water, which can also be significant when connected to a water supply system, is not taken into account and only the electricity used to supply water from a well or well is calculated.

The total costs are: 70,000 rubles.

Profit from the sale of 1000 fish weighing 500 gr. 600 rubles per kilogram, will be: 300,000 rubles.

Total: 300,000 - 70,000 \u003d 230,000 rubles of net income.

The cost of a complete set of equipment for growing 1,000 sturgeon fry will be: 250,000 rubles.
In the first year of running the sturgeon business, the costs will almost fully pay off. Starting from the second cycle of growing sturgeon, an entrepreneur will receive more than 200,000 rubles from every 1,000 fry.

To date, this type of business is not as well developed as animal breeding, but even large sturgeon producers reach a stable profit as early as 2-3 years from the start of production. In addition to breeding sturgeon for meat, it is possible to obtain, according to accelerated technology, caviar at the age of 5-6, which can be sold at a price of $ 1,000 per kilogram.

Business plan

A business plan for a large sturgeon farm is calculated according to the formulas given above for mini-farms, with the only difference being that in order to organize the production of sturgeon in volumes, for example, 20-30 tons per year, it will require a capital building that will need to be built or rented.

Also, a significant expense item will be the payment wages hired workers, without whom such volumes of production cannot be dispensed with.

To whom to sell sturgeon fish

You can sell fresh fish in the market or in fish stores, but the easiest way is to donate the grown products to restaurants that need this type of product monthly in the amount of up to 70 kg. It is small sturgeons weighing 500 gr. ideal for preparing delicious dishes from this type of fish.

Growing sturgeon at home can be a real, profitable business. If we take a serious approach to organizing a business, then in 3-5 years it will be possible to organize a farm, even on a personal plot, with an annual turnover of tens of millions of rubles. But, it is worth starting to master this business with a small mini-farm for 1000 sturgeon tails.

Cultivation of sturgeons on a mini farm. How to start a profitable business

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The Russian sturgeon is one of the most numerous representatives of the genus Acipenser. This fish can be successfully bred on your mini-farm using recirculating water supply systems - RAS (they allow not only to speed up the process, but also increase productivity) or in an artificial pond. With knowledge of breeding technology and maintaining optimal conditions, based on this idea, you can create a highly profitable business.

How to grow sturgeon at home?

The sturgeon inhabits the basins of the Black, Azov and Caspian Seas, the rivers flowing into them, creating local fish stocks. The body of the individual has an elongated, spindle-shaped shape, the snout is short, blunt. Coloration can vary greatly, as a rule, it is grayish-black, grayish-brown.

Breeding sturgeon at home is possible only if optimal conditions are provided environment. You can create them in an artificial pond or by equipping a closed water supply installation. For the installation of the latter, you will need a land plot with a room or an insulated frameless hangar. The area should not be less than 30 m², the best option is 100 m². It is necessary to conduct electricity, water supply, sewerage to the building, provide heating (this can be done with your own hands).

But when creating a sturgeon reservoir, special attention should be paid to the layout of the soil bed, the provision of good water supply and the possibility of water discharge. It is good if the land plot will have a natural depression or the shape of a ravine with a gentle slope, a slight longitudinal slope. If in winter it will not be possible to maintain the optimal water temperature, then the sturgeon should be moved to the pool and returned to the pond only in the spring (a few days before this, it is necessary to increase the salinity of the water - up to 5%). In addition to these options, sturgeon can be bred in thermal sedimentation tanks near power plants. This makes it easier to maintain optimal temperature conditions. The growth rate of the fish stock is uneven, but on average they gain 500 g in 6-8 months.

To turn sturgeon breeding into a profitable business and do it legally, you need to legalize your activities. Owners of home fish farms work under the second group of taxation on a single tax. Classifier of types of economic activity (KVED) - freshwater fish farming, aquaculture. SES will not check the home farm, but for the veterinary service you need to prepare a certificate of form No. 1 for planting material, a certificate for feed and know that a water sample will be taken. In order to obtain the conclusion of the veterinary inspection, allowing the trade in sturgeon, you need to provide a few kilograms of products for analysis. will not be carried out, since from January 1, 2016 until the end of 2018, scheduled inspections of organizations, individual entrepreneurs in the field of small business are prohibited.

Commercial sturgeon breeding has begun to develop actively over the past 10-15 years. For the first time, this was done in countries where natural resources are limited (USA, Western Europe). Opening a fish farm is a profitable enterprise, because in many regions it is very limited, and the implementation is seasonal or spontaneous. There are many examples of successful implementation of this business idea in Russia.

Advice: to reduce the effect of stress factors - the use of feed that is not characteristic of fish, the impact of fish manipulations (weighing, sorting), - it is advisable to include probiotics in food.

Equipment for breeding sturgeon at home, price

The recirculating water supply installation consists of the following parts:

  1. Pools for sturgeon (one costs about 14 thousand per 3 m³, they will need 4-10 pieces). They look like containers made of fiberglass and other materials, sometimes with viewing windows. Pools should allow you to quickly clean the water, see the herd well and not create traumatic situations (uneven rough surface, sharp corners).
  2. Pipelines (about 5 thousand rubles).
  3. Filtration system and pumps (100-500 thousand). It includes oxygen generator, mechanical and biofilter, UV unit. Needed to remove excess feed, feces from the water.

Also, at home, an emergency sturgeon life support system, a water treatment unit (for disinfection, temperature regulation, water saturation with oxygen) can be installed. There are ready-made fish-breeding modules on sale. The price (depending on performance) varies from 200 to 750 thousand rubles. Electricity consumption averages 3.7-5.5 kWh. In addition to the basic components of the system, you will need containers for transportation, disinfection of equipment, tables, cages, trays for breeding fry and hatching larvae, fish barriers, and foam traps. An artificial pond for breeding sturgeon also needs to be equipped. Mandatory components: filters, pump, UV lamps.

Experienced fish farmers say that to create a home farm, it will take about $3,000 to purchase equipment and an average of $1,000 to purchase fry and feed.

Advice: it is quite possible to make some equipment for breeding sturgeon with your own hands (pool, biofilter, heating system). Manufacturing instructions can be found online at specialized forums, websites, and in specialized literature.

In order to minimize the risks and clearly understand the stages of development of a sturgeon farm at home, it is worthwhile, where all the nuances will be taken into account, necessary costs and calculated the expected profitability.

Do-it-yourself food for sturgeon fish

The speed and quality of fish growth directly depend on nutrition. Special equipment will help you accurately dose each meal at home, and special filters will purify the water from food debris and waste products in time. All processes in recirculating water supply installations are automated, and sensors control the hydrochemical parameters of water. Most beginner fish farmers prefer to provide adults and young fish with dry granulated feed. But you can make them with your own hands.

Advice: the optimum temperature for breeding sturgeon is 20-22°C.

There is no consensus on what proportions and composition of feeds are the best. Every experienced fish farmer has his own opinion on this matter. But the optimal nutrition schedule has long been developed. Fry should eat up to 12 times a day, adults - 6, preferably at the same time, then the frequency of food intake is reduced. The daily rate is calculated according to special feed tables, for example, according to Ponomarev. Food is given in small portions, following the palatability. It is important to know that different foods have different particle or granule sizes:

  • starting (for larvae, young animals);
  • production (for commercial sturgeon).

They must contain a sufficient amount of protein, fat, fiber, lysine, phosphorus. With experience, nutrient mixtures can be made independently. Underyearlings (young growth) of sturgeons feed on brine shrimp, tubifex, oligochaetes, daphnia zooplankton. After gaining weight more than 35 g, they begin to give starter feed. At the beginning it is better to use production products. Over time, adults can be fed nutrient mixtures made by oneself at home. They are prepared from minced fish, special flour, egg powder, yeast and premix (a mixture of dietary supplements, vitamins, minerals to enrich food). Also, different recipes often include wheat, peas, and soy sprat. The diet can be enriched with silkworms, brine shrimp, chlorella.

It is convenient to organize a fish farm in a country house or in a village where there is a territory of the required size and the necessary conditions. In addition to this option, there are other opportunities to start, for example, to do, vegetables, strawberries in a greenhouse,.

Is it profitable to breed sturgeon at home?

Before opening your fish farm, it is important to determine the target market. The sturgeon is considered an industrially valuable fish. It makes it possible to obtain products such as:

  • meat (raw, ice cream, salted, dried, smoked);
  • caviar;
  • glue (swimming bladders are used for manufacturing);
  • food product vyazigu (dorsal string).

As a rule, sturgeon is grown at home to a weight of 500-600 g and sold. This product is relevant for owners of restaurants, shops, supermarkets, wholesale organizations, it can also be successfully sold on the market. Due to the downward trend in sturgeon stocks, prices for fish farm products are growing every year. In America and European countries, the market price for 1 kg of sturgeon meat is $18-22. In the domestic market, the cost of sturgeon starts from 500 rubles. According to experts, a fish farm with a capacity of about 5 tons per year gives the owner a profit of up to 2.5 million rubles, and profitability can reach 50-60%. In addition to meat, fish farmers successfully sell caviar and fry.

If the owner is not in a hurry to return the invested funds, then it is more profitable to keep the sturgeon for caviar. According to fish farmers, for 1 kg it will be possible to gain $ 700-900. If necessary, the RNKB bank can issue "For business development" in the amount of 500,000 to 70,000,000 rubles. (maturity - 6-60 months).

It is possible to create a profitable sturgeon farm by installing a recirculating water supply. It makes it possible to provide optimal conditions for the rapid growth of sturgeon in artificial conditions. The cost of a ready-made technological project for breeding, for example, 5 tons per year (including consultations and visits of specialists for setting up, launching the system) is not cheap. But you can create it with your own hands at home. Breeding sturgeon in recirculating water supply systems can greatly accelerate the growth of fish, reduce mortality compared to natural conditions.

The main conditions are compliance with the technology of sturgeon breeding in a closed water supply cycle, optimization of the temperature regime. It is these parameters that provide favorable conditions for productive consumption, the use of feed, an increase in the rate of growth and development, and oxygen consumption. It is important to remember that significant temperature fluctuations inhibit the growth of young animals. Also, for the intensity of production at home, the parameters of the stocking density of individuals and the saturation of water with oxygen, the stability of hydrochemical parameters are very important.

It is possible to increase the efficiency of artificial reproduction of sturgeon by changing the timing of obtaining reproductive products and breeding larvae and young. Therefore, mini-farms must be equipped with special modules with controlled temperature regime. It is desirable to keep the broodstock and breed young animals in water with high salinity.

In addition to meat, the farm owner will be able to sell caviar. But the process of its cultivation has its own characteristics. It is necessary at an early stage to determine the sex and allocate females to a separate herd. Under RAS conditions (unlike natural ones), the process of their maturation occurs faster due to the year-round content in water with an optimal temperature.

Modern technologies allow you to create at home automated production sturgeon with minimal losses and good profit. A fish farm must be equipped with equipment that will create the most comfortable conditions for sturgeon breeding. Knowledge of technology and a preliminary search for a sales market will turn a business idea into a very profitable business.

The seafood market is not yet oversaturated with offers - there is room for growth. And given that valuable fish species supplied to stores from afar cost a lot, it is possible to offer consumers a quality product at a lower cost. This will become possible if you organize the breeding of sturgeon fish at home. Experts have long agreed that the most win-win business option is the production or sale of food products. Even in a crisis, people buy food, and therefore, with a competent approach, you can establish a stable business.

Our business valuation:

Starting investments - from 200,000 rubles.

Market saturation is low.

The complexity of starting a business is 4/10.

In general, it is not difficult to open a business for breeding and growing sturgeons in Russia. But this business, of course, requires a special approach and knowledge of a clear technology. The "scale" of the fish farm will depend on the entrepreneur's start-up investments - you can start both a small family business and a large fish farm. What does a businessman have to think about, regardless of the size of the planned business?

Where to breed sturgeon?

Breeding and raising sturgeon at home as a business can be carried out either indoors or in an open pond. It will be difficult to say which option is better, because in the end, this will not affect the quality of the fish.

For breeding fish, you will need a fairly spacious room (≈30 m 2) to fit everything here necessary equipment. The entire area should be well lit and heated, since the conditions for breeding sturgeons are rather harsh in terms of water temperature:

  • In winter ≈17 ˚C.
  • In summer - 20-24 ˚C.

No free closed space? Many entrepreneurs often use indoor greenhouses for their own purposes.

The business plan for sturgeon breeding provides for the use of both an artificial reservoir on your own suburban area and the lease of a natural pond. If there is an open pond, the entrepreneur will not face the task of equipping the fish habitat. The only thing left to do here is to bring the pond into the state required for the growth of sturgeon - thoroughly clean it of debris, provide the fish with a suitable "atmosphere" (algae, reeds, worms, mollusks).

Sturgeon breeding technology

It cannot be said that sturgeons are whimsical fish, and therefore, even in artificially created conditions, they actively grow and multiply.

Sturgeon cultivation technology implies:

  • Providing fish with a regular balanced diet.
  • Regular cleaning of the reservoir.
  • Maintaining optimal conditions for fish growth in the reservoir - temperature, lighting.

Practice shows that growing sturgeon in conditions of recirculating water supply is somewhat more technologically difficult, since equipment failures sometimes occur here that provide the fish with proper temperature indicators, and in order to save “pets”, you will have to respond quickly to any system malfunctions. A mini farm in the open air will recreate the natural habitat of sturgeons.

What equipment is required for breeding sturgeon?

Mini farm for growing 6 tons of sturgeon per year

The next thing to take care of is to buy equipment for breeding sturgeon. What is included in the standard package of a closed water supply system?

  • frame pool,
  • cleaning pump,
  • air compressor,
  • automatic feeder.

The final price of equipment for growing sturgeon varies in a wide range depending on the volume of the pool, on the availability of additional tanks, on the degree of equipment of the artificial reservoir. If we take into account the minimum figures, then the purchase of equipment will cost the entrepreneur 10,000 rubles. But the package will include a pool of small volume, which means that there will be less profit. But to equip a full-fledged plant for breeding and growing sturgeons? will have to spend at least 500,000 rubles.

Many of those who decide to breed sturgeons in cages build small ponds on their own or install home-made pools with simple components. in this case, you do not need to buy any professional equipment at all.

When buying equipment, special attention will be required for sturgeon breeding filters and pumps. The quality of the fish depends on these components.

Acquisition of fry

To start your own business, you need to buy sturgeon fry. And the acquisition of "raw materials" must be approached very responsibly, since low-quality fry can grow very slowly and often get sick. The price of fry can be different - it all depends on the specific region. The minimum cost of planting material is 800 rubles/kg.

In addition to buying fry, there is another option - to buy sturgeons for breeding already adults. But in this case, you need to have special knowledge to help determine how healthy the acquired fish is. There is a very high risk of buying sick individuals.

What feed is suitable for growing sturgeon?

In order for fish to grow actively, they need proper nutrition. With the purchase of feed, no feed should arise, since there are a lot of offers on the market.

It is possible to single out the main requirements for sturgeon feed:

  • The food must be bottom.
  • The food should have a strong smell.
  • The food should not dissolve quickly in water.
  • The food should swell in water.

Feeding rates depend on the age and size of the fish.

In order for home breeding of sturgeon fish to start making a profit, they must grow. Active growth is noted in the presence of a balanced diet, which contains in its composition:

  • protein,
  • fiber,
  • fats,
  • lysine,
  • phosphorus.

How profitable is the sturgeon breeding business?

All investments in business, as practice shows, pay off literally in 1 season. And business here can be built in different ways:

  • sale of fish (fresh or processed),
  • sale of caviar,
  • sale of fry.

Growing for caviar and growing fresh fish meat for sale brings a big profit to a businessman. Fry are sold if there is an excess of planting material.

You can buy fish and caviar:

  • wholesale stores,
  • individuals,

Sturgeon breeding in the household can bring a decent profit, since the finished product on the domestic market is sold at a price of at least 400 rubles per kg. At the same time, the average cost of growing 1 kg of sturgeon is ≈250-300 rubles. And if the artificial breeding of sturgeon in the pools will require investments in the amount of 30,000-50,000 (equipment, feed, fry, IP registration), then if all the fish that have grown up to 500 g, all costs can be recouped in six months.

Sturgeon breeding as a business promises to be very profitable: this is evidenced by examples of farms that successfully operate in many regions of Russia. Sturgeon meat and caviar are in stable demand in restaurants, so there should be no problems with sales. Moreover, the number of fish farms is small, and the competition in this business is still small. In addition, the sturgeon is an unpretentious fish, and in order to grow it, a lot of special knowledge is not required.

How to grow sturgeon?

In Russia, there are several types of sturgeon: beluga, sterlet, stellate sturgeon, Russian and Siberian sturgeon. All of them are listed in the Red Book, so the price of sturgeon is high. In Europe and America, this fish has been grown on farms for a long time, and this business is quite common there.

What species to choose for cultivation?

The most unpretentious is the Siberian freshwater sturgeon. All care for him consists in timely feeding and cleansing of the reservoir.

This is important - the water in the pool must be constantly clean, constant temperature at 18-20 degrees. The sturgeon lives at the bottom of flowing reservoirs: this means that it will not live in stagnant water, it may die.

But how does the sturgeon endure winter in natural conditions? Temperature drop in winter period slows growth and, possibly, prolongs the life of sturgeons, but for the farmer, any delay is fraught with unnecessary costs. Therefore, sturgeons grow in captivity all year round in heated pools.

Perspectives in numbers

The natural loss of fry kept in captivity is up to 30 percent, this is considered the norm. In nature, only three percent of eggs survive and become adults.

A fish gains a mass of 500-600 grams by about six months of age, at which time it is handed over to restaurants. Because it is from such fish that it is most convenient to make portioned dishes.

Fry of the same age gain weight unevenly - at first, dominant males grow more actively, and then the rest gain the desired weight. After about 8-9 months, when all, even the smallest fish, have reached the desired weight, the first cycle will be completed, and it will be possible to buy a new batch of fry.

It will not do without control in this matter. For SES, it will be necessary to take water and sturgeon for analysis twice a year. Also make sure that all documentation for fry and food is in order.

Breeding sturgeon at home as a business has its own characteristics, for example, a long payback period and a high percentage of profit from initial costs.

Ways to grow sturgeon at home

As already mentioned, the sturgeon loves clean running water with a high oxygen content: it is quite difficult to maintain such conditions in natural reservoirs. Much easier to control artificial.

What is USV?

Specially for growing sturgeons, there are fish breeding modules, the so-called recirculating water supply units (RAS). They consist of:

  • pools;
  • oxygen generator;
  • water purification filters;
  • compressor;
  • various sensors;
  • UV lamps for water disinfection;
  • heat exchange systems;
  • pipelines.

Water in such a system is constantly in a circular motion - it passes through the filters, is enriched with oxygen and returned back to the pool. Part of it flows into the sewer, so it is necessary to constantly replenish the volume from the water supply.


But for starters, a home-made installation with a pool of any material is quite suitable. This will help you cut costs. You will need a pool, equipment for cleaning it - filters, a pump, a compressor. To maintain the desired temperature, the pool must be in a heated room.

The area is about 30 sq. m. should be quite enough. If there is none, you can build a greenhouse and conduct heating there. Be sure to purchase a generator so that an accidental power outage does not destroy all your work.

The depth of the pool should be at least one meter, but the diameter can be small - 2-2.5 meters. With a very strong desire, the equipment can be installed in a residential area. Bright lighting is not needed - the sturgeon lives at the bottom, in twilight.

The fry will have to be fed six times a day, at regular intervals. Six months later, when they grow up, it will be possible to switch to four meals a day. Automatic feeders make life easier for fish farmers: they save you time, although they require additional costs.

If the business goes well, it will be possible to expand by purchasing and installing several more pools.

Food for sturgeon breeding

One more important point- nutrition. Be careful in choosing food: it should not become limp in the water, but sink, because the sturgeon lives and eats at the bottom. The feed pellets should retain their shape in water for at least half an hour. And, of course, the feed should contain all the necessary substances, especially proteins.

Since the fish will grow unevenly, they need food different sizes. To facilitate the feeding process, all livestock are divided into three weight categories every 10 days and fed in different sections.

At first it makes sense to buy special food, and then you can learn how to make it yourself.

Buying fry

When the fish house is ready, you can buy fry. Breeding them yourself is quite difficult, especially for beginners. The fry should weigh about 5 grams.

How many fry can be housed at the same time? For each cubic meter the pool should account for no more than 60 kilograms of live weight. Before buying, consult with experts to purchase high-quality healthy fish.

One of the problems in this case can be the transportation of both fry and adult fish. The sturgeon does not really like to move from place to place, and it is required to observe the temperature and oxygen conditions on the road.

Farms for growing sturgeon caviar (capacity of 2 tons of caviar per year according to the Bester Aksai hybrid)

SIA "AKVA AGRO" brings to your attention a project of an automated recirculating water supply system (RAS) for growing sturgeon for caviar with a capacity of 1-2 tons of caviar per year. Obtaining caviar without killing females, with the help of milking. The first caviar is obtained in the fourth year (if females are grown from fry of 10 grams, it is possible to purchase adult females), reaching the design capacity occurs in 8 years. We have adequate RAS insurance for our professional activities, and we can also insure fish, because you have to wait 4 years. We work with leading European insurance companies and insure our risks for some clients up to 1.5 million euros. This became possible due to the fact that we have a high reliability rating of our fish installations and the lack of professional activity catastrophic losses of fish or RAS failure to reach the design capacity.

In the installation, you can get up to 2 tons of black caviar without killing females, or 0.5-1 ton of black caviar by killing females. A combined method is also possible: at the first maturation, females receive caviar in vivo, and the next year, by killing females. In this case, the productivity will be 1 ton per year of both caviar. The client can choose how much caviar he needs and how to get it.

When growing Russian or Siberian sturgeon, the productivity of RAS for lifetime caviar is about 1 t/year.

The plant is designed for cultivating the sturgeon hybrid and consists of several independent RASs.

The minimum design "margin of safety" for all its critical parameters is 20%. The margin of safety guarantees that the filtration system maintains the operating parameters of the water. A computer system for monitoring water parameters and the operation of all units of the installation ensures minimal risks of crop loss in case of accidents. There is an automatic recording and archiving of data at any interval. There is a notification system in case of accidents by sending SMS messages to mobile phone. Particular attention was paid to the reliability of the system, instructions were given for the RAS operator on what to do first of all in various emergency situations. The main nodes are duplicated or divided into several smaller ones, so that in the event of a breakdown of one node, the power of the sturgeon life support system is enough to work in the conservation mode. Our insurance company works not only in the territory of Latvia. Perhaps reinsurance in your company in your country.

There are no analogues of this RAS in the world.

We bring to your attention the descriptions of the Basic Variant of RAS according to Bester:

Building area

1 500 m2

Electricity consumption

in year:

≈ 450000 kW

Water consumption

in year:

≈ 2310 0 m 3

Fry consumption, 10 g

in the first year:

Female consumption

starting from the 4th year:

≈ 1800 kg/year

Feed intake

in the first 4 years:

Feed intake

average per year after year 4:


Extremely low cost of caviar! At EU prices, the cost of fish farming equipment is 35,000 euros. Building from scratch in the field, we estimate this project at around 1 million euros. It is possible to use existing buildings.

Our original idea RAS (simplicity of work and inexpensive cost of construction, no analogues), calculations of sturgeon metabolism ( different ages) and system power. Large rectangular pools are used, this minimizes the area of ​​the building.

By order of our Russian partner-client, we prepared and approved a fish-breeding biological justification (RBR) for the project of growing sturgeon for black caviar with a capacity of 2 tons per year, obtained in vivo, at the leading Russian State Fisheries Institute. Director Approved!

Everything is designed according to European standards (including the building with all communications), approved by Eurofunds, financed and built in Latvia. You can see the construction of such a fish complex on this page. Large RAS near Riga 2011

- sketch technical project sturgeon agreed in Europe (EU) and for which all specifications. Five volumes.

A team of 8 people worked on the project.

If you are interested in this project of a fish farm for growing sturgeon fish for black caviar, then write, call or come to visit. Various options for cooperation are possible Contact information about Akva Agro click here.

  1. Females of sturgeon species during wintering, 05.02.2008, Astrakhan.


there are all kinds of sturgeon

caviar female sturgeon fish

All of them are tame and take food from their hands.

2. Early sorting of sturgeon by gender into females and males, Latvia. Sorting is performed by Vasily Krasnoborodko.

Arrival at the largest fish enterprise in Latvia

Sorting is carried out using an ultrasound machine

It takes an average of 2-3 seconds per sturgeon

Again female

Photos of the construction of two RAS, 2 tons of caviar each near Riga Large RAS near Riga 2011.

Farm for growing sturgeon (capacity 5 tons of meat per year)

SIA "AKVA AGRO" brings to your attention a project of a recirculating water supply plant (RAS) for growing 5 tons of sturgeon meat per year. Particular attention was paid to the automation and miniaturization of production. There are no analogues of this RAS in the world. This is a small installation compared to the fish complex described above for the production of black caviar in the amount of 2 tons per year. Many of our clients, when they write to us, mistakenly think that a RAS with a capacity of 5 tons of sturgeon meat is larger than a RAS with a capacity of 2 tons of black caviar. Caviar RAS for 2 tons of caviar is 12 times more than RAS for 5 tons of meat.

We bring to your attention the descriptions of the Basic Variant of RAS:

Room area

1 20 m2

Max Height rooms in the building

≈ 3 m (in Riga implemented at a height of 2.2 meters) while the floors did not break, i.e. we only used a space 2.2 meters high.

Electricity consumption

the average:

in year:

≈ 42000 kW

Water consumption

in year:

feed ratio 1,4

Fry consumption, 10 g

in year:

Feed intake

per day, maximum:

average per year:

1.15 EUR/kg


The following communications must be connected to the building:

Many designers of sturgeon farms use the method of growing sturgeon, proposed by Kiselev in the 80s of the last century. In this technique, it is supposed to stock the pools with fish 2 times a year (every 6 months) and harvest, respectively, 2 times a year. This technique has significant drawbacks. It is not so easy to get sturgeon fry 2 times a year with a delay of 6 months. It is much easier to get fry once a year. Another drawback is the harvest 2 times a year. I want to harvest continuously, because the supply of supermarkets is continuous. Vasil Krasnoborodko developed a new method of growing sturgeon, which removes these shortcomings (one-time stocking and two-time harvesting during the year) and makes it possible to significantly reduce the number of pools needed to grow the same amount of sturgeon. This technique has been tested on several of our RASs built in different countries.

As of 2012, several such installations have been built. Certified and obtained all permits for growing fish. Tested on the cultivation of sturgeon (Siberian and Bester hybrid), trout and eel.

You can see a fish farm with a capacity of 5 tons of fish per year in Riga. Send applications by e-mail.


Photos of RAS construction 5 tons of fish per year in Riga Information about the construction of a fish farm with a capacity of 5 tons of fish per year in the city of Riga.


Photos of the construction of a RAS 5 tons per year of fish in Tallinn Information about the construction of a fish farm with a capacity of 5 tons of fish per year in the city of Tallinn.

An example of calculating the financial part of the sturgeon project is presented in the Excel file. A list of equipment with prices and characteristics is given, the calculation of the cost of sturgeons, the calculation of financial flows for 10 years, working capital, construction stages.

The calculation is based on the assumption that all equipment is supposed to be purchased in the EU. Set your prices for raw materials (water, electricity, gas, etc.) and get your cost of caviar.

Farm for growing sturgeon (capacity 10 tons per year)

SIA “AKVA AGRO” brings to your attention a project of a recirculating water supply plant (RAS) for growing 10 tons of sturgeon per year. Particular attention was paid to the automation and miniaturization of production. There are no analogues of this RAS in the world. This unit is one of our most requested. We have already built about a dozen of them as of 2012. Each subsequent installation is slightly, but different from the previous installation. We are constantly improving this project, making improvements and changes to the project, achieving maximum reliability of all components and ease of operation.

Building area

Maximum room height in the building

Electricity consumption

the average:

in year:

≈ 84000 kW

Water consumption

in year:

feed ratio 1,4

Fry consumption, 10 g

in year:

Feed intake

per day, maximum:

average per year:

Cost of feed in the EU (21.01.2014) < 1 ,15 евро/кг

The cost of fish-breeding equipment, without communications, electrics and automation


The following communications must be connected to the building:

As you noticed, dear readers, our RAS is quite small and compact. This is achieved due to the application of a new method of growing sturgeons.

Full automation with control via the Internet in several ways, as well as via a mobile phone. This includes all sensors, Siemens controller, additional expansion modules, SMS modem module, internet module, operator panel, precision feeders and electrics. You can turn everything on or off without leaving your home. Proprietary intelligent control program for a fish rearing facility, as well as a subscription to future program upgrades.

1. Photos of the construction of a RAS with a capacity of 10 tons of fish per year in Belarus Information about the construction of a recirculating water supply unit with a capacity of 10 tons of fish per year

2. Photos of RAS construction in 2 floors in Latvia Continuation of RAS construction 2010

3. Photos of the construction of a RAS of 10 tons in Latvia RAS in the forest

4. Photos of the construction of a RAS of 10+10 tons in the Moscow region RAS of 10 tons in the Moscow region

An example of calculating the financial part of the sturgeon project is presented in the Excel file. A list of equipment with prices and characteristics is given, the calculation of the cost of sturgeons, the calculation of financial flows for 10 years, working capital, construction stages.

The calculation is based on the assumption that all equipment is supposed to be purchased in the EU. Set your prices for raw materials (water, electricity, gas, etc.) and get your cost of caviar.

Farm for growing sturgeon (capacity 45 tons per year)

SIA “AKVA AGRO” brings to your attention a project of a recirculating water supply plant (RAS) for growing 45 tons of sturgeon per year. Particular attention was paid to the automation and miniaturization of production.

We bring to your attention the descriptions of the Basic Variant of RAS:

Building area

≈ 984 m2 (41*24 ​​meters)

Maximum room height in the building

Electricity consumption

in year:

≈ 347000 kW

Water consumption

in year:

feed ratio 1,4

Fry consumption, 10 g

in year:

Feed intake

per day, maximum:

average per year:

Cost of feed in the EU (21.01.2014) < 1 ,15 евро/кг

The cost of only fish-breeding equipment, without a building, communications, concrete work, electrics and automation.


The following communications must be connected to the building:

Many designers of sturgeon farms use the method of growing sturgeon, proposed by Kiselev in the 80s of the last century. In this technique, it is supposed to stock the pools with fish 2 times a year (every 6 months) and harvest, respectively, 2 times a year. This technique has significant drawbacks. It is not so easy to get sturgeon fry 2 times a year with a delay of 6 months. It is much easier to get fry once a year. Another drawback is the harvest 2 times a year. I want to harvest continuously, because the supply of supermarkets is continuous. Vasil Krasnoborodko developed a new method of growing sturgeon, which removes these shortcomings (one-time stocking and two-time harvesting during the year) and makes it possible to significantly reduce the number of pools needed to grow the same amount of sturgeon. This technique has been tested in Riga on the Siberian sturgeon and on the bester hybrid.

As you have noticed, dear readers, our RAS is quite small and compact. This is achieved due to the application of a new method of growing sturgeons.

Full automation with control via the Internet in several ways, as well as via a mobile phone, is estimated at 20,000 euros. This includes all sensors, Siemens controller, additional expansion modules, SMS modem module, internet module, operator panel, precision feeders and electrics. You can turn everything on or off without leaving your home. Proprietary intelligent control program for a fish rearing facility, as well as a subscription to future program upgrades.

The technology project consists of one volume. It contains 114 pages, not including drawings, photographs and other explanatory material. Words - 27555. 76 illustrations and diagrams. Written in Russian.

An example of calculating the financial part of the sturgeon project is presented in the Excel file. A list of equipment with prices and characteristics is given, the calculation of the cost of sturgeons, the calculation of financial flows for 10 years, working capital, construction stages.

The calculation is based on the assumption that all equipment is supposed to be purchased in the EU. Set your prices for raw materials (water, electricity, gas, etc.) and get your cost of caviar.

Farm for growing sturgeon (capacity 90 tons per year)

SIA "AKVA AGRO" brings to your attention a project of a recirculating water supply plant (RAS) for growing 100 tons of sturgeon per year. Particular attention was paid to the issue of reducing the cost of sturgeon.

The RAS consists of two identical modules, each with a capacity of 45 tons of sturgeon per year. In the following, only one module will be described, with a capacity of 34 tons.

The plant is intended for cultivation of the sturgeon-bester hybrid, from fry weighing 10 g to marketable mass.

The minimum design "margin of safety" for all its critical parameters is 20%.

We bring to your attention the descriptions of RAS:

Building area

≈ 1800m 2

Maximum building height

3.5 m

Pool area

*** m 2

Electricity consumption

in year:

≈ 673000 kWh

Water consumption

Feed intake

per day, maximum:

average per year:

Average feed ratio

Number of fry, 10 g

in year:

Implementation weight:

from 90 0 to 2600 g

but). Less than 1000 grams

b). Over 1000 grams

Fish stocking density

maximum possible:

Fish breeding cycles

Many designers of sturgeon farms use the method of growing sturgeon, proposed by Kiselev in the 80s of the last century. In this technique, it is supposed to stock the pools with fish 2 times a year (every 6 months) and harvest, respectively, 2 times a year. This technique has significant drawbacks. It is not so easy to get sturgeon fry 2 times a year with a delay of 6 months. It is much easier to get fry once a year. Another drawback is the harvest 2 times a year. I want to harvest continuously, because the supply of supermarkets is continuous. Vasil Krasnoborodko developed a new method of growing sturgeon, which removes these shortcomings (one-time stocking and two-time harvesting during the year) and makes it possible to significantly reduce the number of pools needed to grow the same amount of sturgeon. This technique has been tested in Riga on the Siberian sturgeon and on the bester hybrid.

As you have noticed, dear readers, our RAS is quite small and compact. This is achieved due to the application of a new method of growing sturgeons.

An example of calculating the financial part of the sturgeon project is presented in the Excel file. A list of equipment with prices and characteristics is given, the calculation of the cost of sturgeons, the calculation of financial flows for 10 years, working capital, construction stages.

Extremely low cost of sturgeon 3-4 euro/kg. At EU prices, the cost of the equipment is 500,000 euros. See download file.

The technological project consists of 107 pages, not including drawings, photographs and other explanatory material. Words - 25010. 65 illustrations and diagrams. A3 format drawings - 12 pcs.

We applied our original idea of ​​RAS (simplicity of work and inexpensive cost of construction), calculations of sturgeon metabolisms (of different ages) and system capacity: mechanical filtration, biological filtration, water ozonation, degassing and oxygenation.

A team of 6 people worked on the project:

Examples of sturgeon RAS:

Concrete pools for keeping sturgeon High stocking density Sturgeon needs a balanced diet They can jump out of the pool. Need to lengthen the wall or close the net

Black caviar will soon cost 5000 US dollars per 1 kg

This article from 2006 talks about Iranian caviar and poachers selling black caviar on the black market.

Status and development prospects for the production of food black caviar as a new direction of commercial sturgeon breeding

The authors:
Igor Aleksandrovich Burtsev - Candidate of Biological Sciences, Leading Researcher of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "VNIRO", Honored Fish Farmer of the Russian Federation, Laureate of the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation for 2003.
Alexander Ivanovich Nikolaev - Candidate of Biological Sciences, Head of the Laboratory of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "VNIRO".

This 2004 article discusses the benefits of rearing sturgeon in a recirculation system to maturity. Graphs and tables of reproductive parameters of bester females (Burtsevskaya, F1, F2, F3; Aksaiskaya, F1, F2) are given. The age, weight of females, the number of eggs in 1 gram, pieces are indicated. Gameto-somatic index, etc.

The most important conclusion from this article is that in order to obtain the first sturgeon caviar, the Aksai female must gain 28200 degree-days, i.e. at a water temperature of 25º C, it will take about 3 years. It is possible to build a RAS to obtain black caviar both in live form for breeding and for retail for food.

If you want to get 3 tons of black caviar per year, then you need to grow 20 tons of females per year. The roe makes up approximately 15% (range 10-15%) of the Bester's body weight.