Business process modeling description and analysis examples. Analysis of modern business process modeling tools

Business Process Modeling- This effective remedy finding ways to optimize the company's activities, which allows you to determine how the company works as a whole and how activities are organized at each workplace. The methodology (notation) for creating a model (description) of a business process is understood as a set of ways in which real world objects and relationships between them are represented in the form of a model. Each object and links is characterized by a number of parameters or attributes that reflect certain characteristics of a real object (object number, name, description, execution time (for functions), cost, etc.).

The description of business processes is carried out for the purpose of their further analysis and reorganization. The purpose of the reorganization may be to introduce information system, reducing costs, improving the quality of customer service, creating job and work instructions, etc., and detailed description processes in and of themselves are of no value.

Reengineering business processes (eng. Business process reengineering) is a fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of business processes to achieve maximum efficiency of production, economic and financial and economic activities, formalized by the appropriate organizational and administrative and normative documents. Business engineering consists of modeling business processes (development of the "as is" model, its analysis, development of the "how to" model) and the development and implementation of a transition plan to the "as needed" state.

The basis of many modern methodologies for modeling business processes was the SADT methodology (Structured Analysis and Design Technique - a method of structural analysis and design), the IDEF family of standards (Icam DEFinition, where Icam is Integrated Computer-Aided Manufacturing) and algorithmic languages.

The main types of methodologies for modeling and analyzing business processes:

Business Process Modeling ( business process modeling). The most widely used methodology for describing business processes is the IDEF0 standard. Models in IDEF0 notation are intended for a high-level description of a company's business in a functional aspect.

Description of workflows ( Work Flow Modeling). The IDEF3 standard is intended to describe workflows and is close to algorithmic methods for constructing flowcharts.

Description of data streams ( Data Flow Modeling). DFD notation ( Data Flow Diagramming), allows you to reflect the sequence of work performed during the process, and the flows of information circulating between these works.

other methodologies.

In relation to obtaining the added value of a product or service, the following classes of processes can be distinguished:

Core business processes (e.g. marketing, manufacturing, supply, and service maintenance products).

Supporting business processes do not add value to the product, but increase its value (for example, financial support of activities, staffing, legal support, administration, security, supply of components, repair and maintenance, etc.).

Business processes management.

Business model is a formalized (graphical, tabular, textual, symbolic) description of business processes. The main area of ​​application of business models is business process reengineering.

The goals of business process modeling are usually formulated as follows:

Provide an understanding of the structure of the organization and the dynamics of the processes taking place in it;

To provide an understanding of the current problems of the organization and the possibilities of their solution;

Make sure that customers, users and developers share the same understanding of the goals and objectives of the organization;

Create a base for the formation of requirements for software that automates the organization's business processes (software requirements are formed on the basis of a business model).

An important element of the business process model are business rules or domain rules. Typical business rules are corporate policies and government laws. Business rules are usually formulated in a special document and can be reflected in models.

Decomposition in a general sense, this is a method that allows you to replace the solution of one large problem with the solution of a series of smaller problems, splitting an object into its component parts according to an established criterion. In practice, decomposition is used to refine business models.

Stages of business process description:

Determining the purpose of the description.

Description of the environment, definition of inputs and outputs of the business process, construction of IDEF0 diagrams.

Description of the functional structure (process actions), construction of IDEF3 diagrams.

Description of flows (material, informational, financial) of the process, construction of DFD-diagrams.

Building the organizational structure of the process (departments, participants, responsible).


The model consists of diagrams, fragments of texts and a glossary with links to each other. Diagrams are the main components of the model, all functions and interfaces are presented as blocks and arcs.

The connection point of the arc with the block determines the interface type:

Control information enters the block from the top.

The input information is included in the block on the left.

The results exit the block on the right.

The mechanism (human or automated system) that performs the operation enters the unit from below.

Each component of the model can be decomposed (deciphered in more detail) in another diagram. It is recommended to stop modeling when the level of detail of the model satisfies its purpose. The total number of levels in the model should not exceed 5-6.

Diagramming begins with the representation of the entire system in the form of a single block and arcs depicting interfaces with functions outside the system. Then the block that represents the system as a single module is detailed in another diagram using several blocks connected by interface arcs. Each detailed diagram is a block decomposition from the diagram of the previous level. At each decomposition step, the diagram of the previous level is called the parent diagram for the more detailed diagram.

Such diagrams do not explicitly indicate either sequence or time. The method has a number of disadvantages: the complexity of perception ( a large number of arcs in diagrams and a large number of decomposition levels), the difficulty of linking several processes.


This method is designed to simulate sequence of actions and interdependencies between them within processes. IDEF3 models can be used to drill down IDEF0 functional blocks that do not have decomposition diagrams.

IDEF3 diagrams display action in the form of a rectangle. Actions are named using verbs or verbal nouns, and each action is assigned a unique identification number (the action number is usually preceded by the number of its parent, eg 1.1.).

All links in IDEF3 are unidirectional and are organized from left to right.

Types of IDEF3 links:

Temporal precedence, simple arrow. The source activity must complete before the end activity can begin.

Object flow, double-tipped arrow. The output of the original action is the input of the final action. The source activity must complete before the end activity can begin. The names of streaming links must clearly identify the object that is transmitted with their help.

Fuzzy Relationship, dotted arrow.

The completion of one action may initiate the start of the execution of several other actions at once, or vice versa, a certain action may require the completion of several other actions before starting its execution (process branching).

Process branching is reflected using special blocks:

- "And", block with sign &.

- "XOR" ("one of"), block with X sign.

- "OR", a block with the sign O.

If the actions "AND", "OR" must be performed synchronously, this is indicated by two double vertical lines inside the block, asynchronously - one.
The IDEF3 method allows you to decompose an activity multiple times, which ensures that alternative process flows are documented in a single model.


The purpose of this presentation is to show how each process transforms their input data on the weekend. It can reflect not only information, but also material flows. Also, as in other models, decomposition is supported.

The main components of data flow diagrams are:

External entities (material object or individual, which are the source or receiver of information, for example, customers, personnel, suppliers, customers, warehouse);

Systems and subsystems (for example, a subsystem for working with individuals);

Processes (transformation of input data streams into output ones in accordance with a certain algorithm; physically, this can be, for example, a subdivision of an organization (department) that processes input documents and issues reports, a program, a hardware-implemented logical device, etc.);

Data storage devices (abstract devices for storing information);

Data flows (arrows on the diagram).

It is necessary to place on each diagram from 3 (less does not make sense) to 7 (more - not perceived) processes, without cluttering the diagrams with details that are insignificant at this level.

The first step in building a DFD hierarchy is to build context diagrams. Typically, when designing relatively simple systems, a single context diagram with a star topology is built, in the center of which is the so-called main process, connected to receivers and sources of information. For complex systems(ten or more external entities, distributed nature and multifunctionality of the system) a hierarchy of context diagrams is built. At the same time, the top-level context diagram contains not a single main process, but a set of subsystems connected by data flows.

Each process on a DFD can be detailed using a DFD or (if the process is elementary) a specification. Specifications are descriptions of algorithms for tasks performed by processes. Specification languages ​​can range from structured natural language or pseudocode to visual modeling languages.

In business process modeling, data flow diagrams (DFDs) are used to build "AS-IS" and "AS-TO-BE" models, thus reflecting an organization's existing and proposed business process structure.


Currently, there is a tendency to integrate a variety of modeling methods, manifested in the form of the creation of integrated modeling tools. One of these tools is a software product called ARIS (Architecture of Integrated Information Systems), developed by the German company IDS Scheer.

ARIS supports four types of models (and many types of models in each type), reflecting different aspects of the system under study:

Organizational models representing the structure of the system - a hierarchy of organizational units, positions and specific persons, links between them, as well as territorial binding of structural units;

Functional models containing a hierarchy of goals facing the management apparatus, with a set of function trees necessary to achieve the goals;

Information models reflecting the structure of information necessary for the implementation of the entire set of system functions;

Management models representing a comprehensive view of the implementation of business processes within the system.

To build the listed types of models, both ARIS's own modeling methods and various well-known modeling methods and languages, in particular, UML, are used. The modeling process can be started with any of the model types.

The main business model of ARIS is eEPC (extended Event-driven Process Chain, extended event-driven process chain model). The ARIS eEPC notation is an extension of the IDEF3 notation. A business process in eEPC notation is a flow of sequentially performed work (procedures, functions) arranged in the order in which they are performed. The actual duration of the procedures in eEPC is not visually reflected.

To obtain information about the actual duration of processes, it is necessary to use other description tools, for example, MS Project.

Models in ARIS are diagrams whose elements are various objects- "functions", "events", "structural divisions", "documents", etc. Between objects of certain types can be set connections certain types ("performs", "makes a decision", "should be promptly informed about the results", etc.). Each object corresponds to a specific set of attributes that allow you to enter additional information about a particular object.

The main objects of the eEPC notation are:

Function. Serves to describe the functions (procedures, work) performed by departments / employees of the enterprise. Every function must be initiated by an event and must end with an event; Each function cannot enter more than one arrow, "starting" the execution of the function, and exit more than one arrow, describing the completion of the function.

Event. Used to describe real events affecting the performance of functions.

Organizational unit. For example, management or department.

Document. Reflects real media, such as paper documents.

Application system.

information cluster. Characterizes a set of entities and relationships between them.

Communication between objects. The type of relationship between objects, for example, the activation of the execution of a function by some event.

Boolean operator. The "AND", "OR" or exclusive "OR" operator allows you to describe the branching of the process.

If, when creating a model in eEPC, you specify only the sequence of procedures, not caring about the reflection of control documents and information, the resulting models will be of low value in terms of analysis and further use.

An object DBMS is used to store models in ARIS, and a new database is created for each project. Various database administration functions are provided, such as access control. The database is a hierarchical storage of models.

The work on creating a model should be regulated by strict and voluminous modeling conventions (standards), ARIS supports a mechanism of methodological filters that allow the user to use only a certain set of schemes and objects. The development of such agreements requires considerable time and highly qualified specialists. If a project using ARIS is started without detailed elaboration of such agreements, then the probability of creating business process models that do not answer the questions posed is very high.

To model business processes, several different methods are used, the basis of which are both structural and object-oriented approaches to modeling. However, the division of the methods themselves into structural and object ones is rather conditional, since the most developed methods use elements of both approaches. The most common methods include:

SADT functional modeling method (IDEF0);

IDEF3 process modeling method;

modeling DFD data flows;

ARIS method;

Ericsson-Penker method;

modeling technique used in Rational Unified Process technology

1. The SADT (Structured Analysis and Design Technique) method is considered a classic method of the process approach to management. The main principle of the process approach is to structure the activities of the organization in accordance with its business processes, and not the organizational structure.

The SADT method can be used to model a wide variety of processes and systems. In existing systems, the SADT method can be used to analyze the functions performed by the system and indicate the mechanisms through which they are carried out.

The SADT method is a set of rules and procedures designed to build a functional model of an object of any subject area. The SADT functional model reflects the functional structure of an object, i.e. the actions it performs and the connections between these actions.

The result of applying the SADT method is a model that consists of diagrams, text fragments and a glossary that have links to each other.

One of the most important features of the SADT method is the gradual introduction of increasing levels of detail as the diagrams that represent the model are created.

Rice. 2.

2. IDEF3 Process Modeling Method

The IDEF3 modeling method is designed to model the sequence of actions and the interdependence between them within processes.

As in the IDEF0 method, the basic unit of the IDEF3 model is the chart. The other important component of the model is the action, or in IDEF3 terms, the "unit of work" (Unit of Work). IDEF3 diagrams display an activity as a rectangle. Actions are named using verbs or verbal nouns, and each action is assigned a unique identification number. This number is not reused even if the action is removed during model building. In IDEF3 diagrams, the action number is usually preceded by the number of its parent (Figure 3).

Rice. 3.

Significant relationships between activities are depicted using relationships. All links in IDEF3 are unidirectional, and while an arrow can start or end on either side of an action block, IDEF3 diagrams are usually organized from left to right, with arrows starting on the right and ending on the left side of the blocks. In table. 1 shows three possible types of links.

Table 1. Types of IDEF3 links

3. DFD Data Flow Diagrams

Data Flow Diagrams (DFD) are a hierarchy of functional processes connected by data flows. The purpose of this representation is to show how each process transforms its inputs into outputs, and to reveal the relationships between these processes.

In accordance with this method, the system model is defined as a hierarchy of data flow diagrams that describe the asynchronous process of information transformation from its input into the system to its issuance to the consumer. Information sources (external entities) generate information flows (data flows) that transfer information to subsystems or processes. Those, in turn, transform information and generate new flows that transfer information to other processes or subsystems, data storage or external entities - consumers of information.

Diagrams of the upper levels of the hierarchy (context diagrams) define the main processes or subsystems with external inputs and outputs. They are detailed using lower-level diagrams. This decomposition continues, creating a multi-level hierarchy of diagrams, until a level of decomposition is reached, at which it makes no sense to detail the processes further.

The main components of data flow diagrams are:

  • * external entities;
  • * systems and subsystems;
  • * processes;
  • * data drives;
  • * data streams.
  • 4. ARIS method

The ARIS system (Architecture of Integrated Information System), developed by the German company IDS Scheer, is a set of tools for analyzing and modeling the activities of an enterprise. Its methodological basis is a combination of various modeling methods that reflect different views on the system under study. The same model can be developed using several methods, which allows specialists with different theoretical knowledge to use ARIS and customize it to work with systems that have their own specifics.

ARIS supports four types of models that reflect various aspects of the system under study:

  • * organizational models representing the structure of the system - the hierarchy of organizational units, positions and specific individuals, the links between them, as well as the territorial binding of structural units;
  • * functional models containing a hierarchy of goals facing the management apparatus, with a set of trees of functions necessary to achieve the goals;
  • * information models that reflect the structure of the information necessary for the implementation of the entire set of system functions;
  • * management models representing a comprehensive view of the implementation of business processes within the system.

To build the listed types of models, both ARIS's own modeling methods and various well-known modeling methods and languages, in particular, UML, are used.

Models in ARIS are diagrams, the elements of which are various objects - "function", "event", " structural subdivision”, “document”, etc. Various connections are established between objects. Thus, links can be established between the objects "function" and "structural unit" the following types:

  • * performs;
  • * makes a decision;
  • * participates in the implementation;
  • * must be informed of the results;
  • * advises performers;
  • * accepts results.

The main business model of ARIS is eEPC (extended Eventdriven Process Chain). In table. 2 shows the main objects used in this notation.

Table 2. Objects of the eEPC model

Rice. 4.

The main advantage of the ARIS method lies in its complexity, which is manifested in the relationship between models various types. The ARIS method allows you to describe the activities of the organization from different points of view and establish links between different models. However, this approach is difficult to implement in practice, since it entails a large expenditure of resources (human and financial) for a long time. In addition, the ARIS tool environment is quite expensive and difficult to use.

5. The Ericsson-Penker method is of interest primarily in connection with an attempt to use the object modeling language UML (originally intended for modeling the architecture of software systems) for modeling business processes. This is made possible by the extension mechanisms in the UML.

UML extension mechanisms are designed to allow developers to tailor a modeling language to their specific needs without changing its metamodel.

Rice. 5.

The presence of extension mechanisms fundamentally distinguishes UML from such modeling tools as IDEF0, IDEF1X, IDEF3, DFD, etc. The listed modeling languages ​​can be defined as strongly typed (by analogy with programming languages), since they do not allow arbitrary interpretation of the semantics of model elements. UML, while allowing this interpretation (mainly through stereotypes), is a loosely typed language. Its expansion mechanisms include:

  • * stereotypes;
  • * tagged (named) values;
  • * restrictions.

A stereotype is a new type of model element that is defined based on an already existing element. Stereotypes extend the notation of the model, can be applied to any elements of the model, and are represented as a text label or icon.

A named value is a pair of strings "tag=value" or "name=content" that store Additional Information about any element of the system, for example, the time of creation, the status of development or testing, the time when work on it was completed, etc.

A constraint is a semantic constraint in the form of a textual expression in natural or formal language (OCL - Object Constraint Language) that cannot be expressed using UML graphical notation.

The authors of the Ericsson-Penker method created their UML profile for business process modeling called Ericsson-Penker Business Extensions, introducing a set of stereotypes that describe the processes, resources, rules, and goals of an organization.

The method uses four main business model categories:

  • * Resources - various objects used or involved in business processes (people, materials, information or products). Resources are structured, interconnected and subdivided into physical, abstract, informational and human resources.
  • * Processes - activities that change the state of resources in accordance with business rules.
  • * Goals - purpose of business processes. Goals can be broken down into sub-goals and related to individual processes. Goals are achieved in processes and express the required state of resources. Goals can be expressed as one or more rules.
  • * Business rules - conditions or restrictions on the execution of processes (functional, behavioral or structural). Rules may be dictated by the external environment (regulations or laws) or may be defined within business processes. Rules can be defined using the OCL language, which is part of the UML standard.

All these categories are interconnected: a rule can determine how resources are structured, a resource is assigned to a specific process, a goal is associated with the execution of a specific process.

The main UML diagram used in this method, is the activity diagram. The main element of the diagram is the activity. The activity is displayed as a rounded rectangle with a text description. Any activity diagram must have a starting point that defines the start of the flow of events. The end point is optional. A diagram can have multiple end points, but only one start point.

6. Modeling method used in Rational Unified Process technology

UML is also used in the business process modeling method that is part of the Rational Unified Process technology from IBM Rational Software. This method, aimed primarily at creating a basis for the formation of software requirements, involves the construction of two basic models:

  • * business process models (Business Use Case Model);
  • * business analysis models (Business Analysis Model).

A business process model is a model that describes an organization's business processes in terms of roles and their needs. It is an extension of the UML use case model by introducing a set of stereotypes - Business Actor (actor stereotype) and Business Use Case (use case stereotype).

A Business Actor is a role that is external to an organization's business processes. Potential candidates for actors in business processes are: shareholders, customers, suppliers, partners, potential clients, local authorities authorities, employees of organizational units whose activities are not covered by the model, external systems.

The list of actors is compiled by answering next questions:

  • * Who benefits from the organization's existence?
  • * Who helps the organization carry out its activities?
  • * To whom does the organization communicate information and from whom does it receive?

Business Use Case (use case in terms of business processes) is defined as a description of the sequence of actions (flow of events) within a business process that brings a tangible result to a specific actor. This definition is similar to the general definition of a business process, but has a more precise meaning. In terms of the object model, a Business Use Case is a class whose objects are specific event flows within the described business process.

This method focuses primarily on elementary business processes. Such a process can be defined as a task performed by one person in one place at one time in response to some event that brings a specific result and puts data in some stable state (for example, confirmation of a credit card payment). Completion of such a task typically involves five to ten steps and may take from several minutes to several days, but is considered as one session of interaction between the actor and the performers.

Each Business Use Case reflects the purpose or need of some actor.

Description Business Use Case is a specification (text document), which, like a regular use case, consists of the following items:

  • * Name;
  • * short description;
  • * goals and results (from the point of view of the actor);
  • * description of scenarios (basic and alternative);
  • * special requirements (limitations on execution time or other resources);
  • * extensions (exceptional situations);
  • * links with other Business Use Case;
  • * activity diagrams (for a visual description of scenarios - if necessary).

The Business Use Case description can be accompanied by a process goal, which, just like in the ErikssonPenker method, is modeled using a class with the “goal” stereotype, and the goal tree is depicted as a class diagram.

For each Business Use Case, a business analysis model is built - an object model that describes the implementation of a business process in terms of interacting objects (Business Objects) belonging to two classes - Business Worker and Business Entity.

Business Worker (executor) - an active class, which is an abstraction of an executor that performs some actions as part of a business process. Executors interact with each other and manipulate various entities, participating in the implementation of Business Use Case scenarios. In the UML class diagram, the worker is represented as a class with the "business worker" stereotype.

The concept of a Business Entity is similar to the concept of an entity in the entity-relationship model, except that in this model the behavior of the entity is not defined, and in the object model, an entity can have a set of responsibilities. In a UML class diagram, an entity is represented as a class with the "business entity" stereotype.

Information technology

© Skorodumov P.V.



Candidate of Technical Sciences, Head of the Laboratory of Intelligent and Software and Information Systems Federal State state-financed organization Sciences

Institute of Socio-Economic Development of Territories Russian Academy Sciences E-mail: [email protected]

Business process engineering is the basis of the modern approach to business organization, and its most important direction is reengineering. Reengineering is aimed at the use in the organization of fundamentally new business processes based on the use of modern innovative technologies.

When analyzing an existing business and developing a new one, an important role is played by building models of the company and the business processes that take place in it. Modeling is a process of reflecting reality using a special methodology. The article presents the main approaches, methods and tools for modeling business processes. The most popular formalisms of Petri nets used for these purposes are considered.

As an alternative, it is proposed to use the modified apparatus of nested hybrid Petri nets as a tool for studying business processes. A proposal for the development universal system simulation modeling based on the modified apparatus of Petri nets.

Business process, reengineering, business process modeling methodologies, Petri nets, universal simulation system.

Many modern companies continue to build on the old management principles introduced by Adam Smith in 1776. In his work, Smith divides manufacturing process for elementary work, each of which is performed by one employee, while it is enough for him to be able to perform individual operations and high qualification not required.

Naturally, after so many years, the principles noted by Smith ceased to meet modern requirements. Today, products should be focused on narrow groups of consumers, performers with a good education are needed, who are not afraid of responsibility, strive to solve complex problems. The product market has become much wider, and competition and the struggle for consumer

body - more aggressive. The means and technologies used for production have changed significantly. They began to play a special role information Technology.

Many companies are trying to rethink the old ways of organizing their business, building new business processes using modern technologies.

A business process is a connected set internal views activities of the company, ending with the creation of products or services needed by the consumer.

An important step in the structuring of the activities of any organization is the allocation and classification of business processes. In relation to obtaining the added value of a product or service, the main and supporting processes are distinguished. The first - value-adding - are focused on the production of goods or the provision of services that constitute the main activity of the organization and provide income. The latter do not add value to the product or service for the consumer, but increase its value. They are necessary for the operation of the enterprise and are designed to support the execution of core business processes.

The basis of the modern approach to business organization is business process engineering, the most important direction of which is reengineering.

Reengineering is understood as "a fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of business processes of companies to achieve fundamental improvements in the most important indicators of their activities - cost, quality and pace" .

Reengineering is a set of tools, measures and methods, including relevant information

technological technologies designed to radically improve the main performance indicators of the enterprise. For this purpose, analysis and subsequent modification of existing business processes is carried out. To achieve dramatic improvements in existing enterprise performance, reengineering involves a fundamental change in existing business processes. Therefore, reengineering methods can be used by an enterprise in the process of developing an innovative development strategy.

Reengineering is aimed at the use in the organization of fundamentally new business processes based on the use of modern innovative technologies.

The transition of an enterprise to the use of new information technologies does not mean automation existing processes. Their application can lead not only to fundamental changes in the activities of employees, but also to the complete replacement of existing business processes.

When analyzing an existing business and developing a new one, an important role is played by building models of the company and the business processes that take place in it. Models can differ in the degree of detail of processes, the form of their presentation, taking into account only static or also dynamic factors, etc.

When modeling business processes, it is very important to decide on the structure and content of modeling objects, to determine what elements the business process should consist of. Any fairly complex business process can include five main elements that should be reflected in the formation of models: activity planning, activity implementation, registration of actual information.

formations, control and analysis, management decision-making.

Business process modeling is a reflection of the subjective vision of the processes that really exist in the organization using graphical, tabular, textual representations.

Modeling is the process of reflecting the actual (or planned) activities of the organization using a special methodology. It is important to understand that the modeling process is subjective. The fact is that 80% of the information for the formation of models comes from the interviewed employees and leaders of the organization. At the same time, both the opinion of employees about the actual progress of work and the view of the processes of the analyst who conducted the interview are subjective. The degree of subjectivity of the obtained models can become a serious obstacle for their further use.

The following goals of business process modeling can be distinguished:

1. Provide an understanding of the structure of the organization and the dynamics of the processes occurring in it.

2. Provide an understanding of the organization's current problems and opportunities to address them.

3. Make sure that customers, users and developers share the same understanding of the goals and objectives of the organization.

4. Determine the requirements for software that automates the organization's business processes.

The methodology (notation) for creating a business process model is understood as a set of ways in which real objects and the relationships between them are represented in the form of a model. Any methodology includes three main components:

1. Theoretical base.

2. Description of the steps required to obtain the desired result.

If the methodology is based on a theoretical base, then its presence makes the methodology more reasonable and predictable. However, in the absence of a theory (mathematical model), the methodologies can also be successfully applied. The main thing in the methodology is to give the user a practical sequence of steps that lead to a given result. It is the ability to obtain a result with given parameters that characterizes the effectiveness of the methodology. Methodologies (techniques) can be used both separately and together.

The model of the organization in the general case is a combination of functional, organizational and information models:

1. The functional model describes a set of functional subsystems and relationships that reflect the order of interaction of subsystems during the functioning of the company or its divisions.

2. The organizational model describes the composition and structure of the divisions and services of the company.

3. The information model describes the information flows that exist in the functional and organizational models.

To model business processes, several different methods are used, the basis of which are both structural and object-oriented approaches to modeling. However, the division of the methods themselves into structural and object ones is rather conditional, since the most developed methods use elements of both approaches. The most common methods include:

1. Method of functional modeling SADT (IDEF0).

2. IDEF3 process modeling method.

3. Simulation of DFD data flows.

4. ARIS method.

5. Ericsson Penker method.

6. Modeling method used in Rational Unified Process technology.

Some of the existing methodologies are based on state standards, some are based on corporate developments of individual companies, some are put forward by individual authors, they are divided into three categories:

1. Project management methodology.

2. Methodologies for modeling and analyzing business processes.

3. Methodologies for using software products for modeling business processes in a project.

Currently, there are several fairly clearly identifiable project management methodologies related to changing the business processes that exist in the organization. One of the most popular approaches is the methodology of Hammer and Champi. Reengineering according to Hammer and Champy is "a fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of business processes to achieve dramatic, stepwise improvements in a company's critical modern performance indicators such as cost, service, and pace." The basis of this approach is to review the activities of the organization "from scratch" and the development of new, more efficient business processes.

In addition to the methodology of Hammer and Cham-pi, there are other methodologies that do not have unambiguous authorship, but belong to individual companies, for example, methodologies for implementing projects to implement automation systems for Oracle, SAP R / 3, BAAN, RUP from Rational, etc. .

The second group includes methodologies for modeling and analyzing business processes. Currently, there are several basic ways to describe processes, based both on standards (IDEF0) and generally accepted approaches (DFD).

In addition, there are a number of notations (methodologies) for describing processes proposed by individual companies - software developers. The latter include the ARIS (eEPC) methodology from IDS S^eer AG, Germany. Also of note is the BPMN 2 methodology supported by the OMG organization, which has become a standard among professionals and is actively used to develop “executable” automated business process models.

The third group of methodologies includes methodologies for using modeling tools to create business process models. Modern modeling tools are so difficult to use that they require the development of special methods for their application in the project. Therefore, for simple projects, it is often more appropriate to use a standard flowchart drawing language and the simplest tools for creating them (MS Word, Visio, etc.).

The history of the emergence of various methodologies is summarized in the table.

Numerous projects are currently being implemented, the purpose of which is to integrate existing modeling methods and languages ​​and create a unified methodological and technological basis for business process modeling, and in a broader context - enterprise modeling.

In August 2000, the BPMI consortium was established at the initiative of Intalio. BPMI is an independent organization

Table. History of the development of business process modeling methodologies

Period of BP Modeling Methodology

1940 - 1960s The emergence of algorithmic languages

1960s Structural Analysis and Design Methodology (SADT)

1970 - 1980 IDEF series methodologies (IDEF0, IDEF3, IDEF1x), DFD, ERD

1990 Architecture of Integrated Information Systems (ARIS), Universal Modeling Language (UML), methodologies from Oracle, Baan, Rational, etc.

2000 ISO 9000:2000 standards, defining the process approach to managing an organization

2003 Notation for Modeling "Executable" Processes (BPMNv1)

2004 Subject-Oriented Approach to BP Modeling (S-BPM)

2008 - 2009 ISO 9000:2008 standards update

2011 Model and notation for modeling "executable" processes (BPMNv2)

engaged in the development of open specifications for managing e-commerce processes.

These specifications include the Business Process Modeling Language (BPML) and Business Process Query Language (BPQL) draft standards for business process management. BPML is a metalanguage for business process modeling, just like XML is a metalanguage for data modeling. BPML allows you to create an abstract executable model of interacting processes based on the concept of a state machine.

In 2003, BPMI published a draft Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) standard. The purpose of this project is to create a common notation for various categories of professionals: from business analysts and experts of organizations to software developers.

BPMN consists of a single diagram called Business Process Diagram (BPD) that maps directly to the BPML construct.

The Unified Enterprise Modeling Language (UEML) project was undertaken with the goal of integrating numerous Enterprise Modeling Languages ​​into a unified modeling language with well-defined syntax, semantics, and mapping rules between different modeling tools. Basis for

such integration was provided by the GERAM (Generalized Enterprise Reference Architecture and Methodology) and Zachman models. The UEML project includes the development of:

1) a common visual, template-based language for commercial modeling tools;

2) standard, tool-independent mechanisms for transferring models between projects;

3) a repository of enterprise models.

OMG is a consortium of software developers and users from various commercial, government and academic organizations with approximately 800 members. OMG is developing various standards in the field of interaction between distributed systems (the most famous of them are CORBA and UML).

OMG's work in the field of business process modeling is mainly related to the concept of Model Driven Architecture (MDA).

MDA integrates various modeling approaches and introduces a set of mappings between models at different levels of abstraction. Any organization using MDA can only develop models that are required for its own purposes.

Currently, the three main initiative projects of OMG are the creation of metamodels for describing business processes (Business Process Definition Metamodel -BPDM), business

pitchfork (Business Semantics of Business Rules, and Production Rule Representation) and ontology (Ontology Definition Metamodel). The purpose of BPDM is to integrate and provide interoperability between models used by different organizations (such as UML or BPMN diagrams). BPDM is expected to be implemented as a UML 2.0 profile. Similarly, OMG is working on the standardization of business rules and their compatibility with BPDM. All this taken together should in the future provide a new level of compatibility between the models used to describe business processes and software.

Among modern tools for modeling and analyzing business processes, Rational Rose, Oracle Designer, BPWin and ERwin, ARIS, etc. are widely used. BPwin, ARIS and Rational Rose are more suitable for modeling business processes, let's look at them in more detail.

Rational Rose is one of the leading visual modeling tools in the software industry with full support for the UML language and multilingual support for team development, supporting a component-oriented system creation process. Any models created with this tool are interrelated: business model, functional model, analysis model, design model, database model, component model, and system physical deployment model. Allows you to solve almost any task in the design of information systems: from the analysis of business processes to code generation in a specific programming language. Allows you to develop both high-level and low-level models, thereby implementing either abstract design or logical design.

The VRST package is based on the IDEF methodology and is intended for functional modeling and analysis of an enterprise's activities. The IDEF methodology, which is the official federal standard USA, is a set of methods, rules and procedures designed to build a functional model of an object of any subject area. The IDEF functional model reflects the functional structure of an object, i.e., the actions it performs and the relationships between these actions.

BPwin supports three standard notations - IDEF0, DFD and IDEF3, allows you to optimize procedures in the company, makes it easier to certify for compliance with quality standards ^09000, contains its own report generator, has a wide range of tools for documenting models, projects.

The ERWin package is used in modeling and creating databases of arbitrary complexity based on entity-relationship diagrams; it is the most popular data modeling package due to its support for a wide range of DBMS of various classes.

ERWin supports the SADT structural modeling methodology and the IDEF1x notation for ER-diagrams of data models, allows you to reuse components of previously created models, as well as use the best practices of other developers, it is possible teamwork groups of designers with the same models .

The ARIS system is a set of tools for analyzing and modeling the activities of an enterprise. Its methodological basis is a combination of various modeling methods that reflect different views on the system under study. The same model can

be developed using several methods, which allows ARIS to be used by specialists with different theoretical knowledge and configured to work with systems that have their own specifics. The ARIS modeling technique is based on the theory of building integrated information systems developed by Professor August Scher, which determines the principles of visual display of all aspects of the functioning of the analyzed companies. ARIS supports four types of models that reflect various aspects of the system under study: organizational, functional, informational, and management models.

To build the above types of models, both ARIS's own modeling methods and various well-known modeling methods and languages ​​are used. Models in ARIS are diagrams, the elements of which are various objects - "function", "event", "structural unit", "document", etc. ARIS is focused on the process description.

It was noted above that the use of new information technologies is an integral part of reengineering. At the same time, the models of new business processes are directly implemented in the environment of the information support system (SIS) of the new business. The importance of ISP lies not only in the fact that it is a necessary element of reengineering, but in the fact that often the use of ISP largely determines the technology of doing new business. ISP is a specially developed software - a software system that is built on the basis of the use of appropriate tools.

Another tool for modeling business processes is the apparatus of Petri nets (SP). Main advantages

The features of using SP in modeling are as follows: 1) the process defined in terms of SP has a clear and precise representation; 2) the visibility of the network construction schedule, thanks to which all its definitions and algorithms are easily perceived; 3) the possibility of using various methods of analysis.

The popularity of SP is also due to the successful representation of various types of objects present in many simulated systems, and the "event" approach to modeling. They are best placed to describe the relationships and interactions of processes running in parallel.

AT general view the Petri net is defined by the following set:

C = (P, T, E), (1)

P is a non-empty finite set of network positions;

T is a non-empty finite set of transitions;

E - the ratio of the incidence of positions and

transitions (a set of network arcs).

With regard to business process modeling, WF Petri nets or workflow networks are most commonly used. This formalism was introduced by Wil van der Aalst to model workflows in workflow systems. A Petri net PN = (P, T, F) is called a workflow network (WF-net) if the following conditions are met:

1) there is only one initial position i, such that there are no transitions included in i;

2) there is only one end position o, such that there are no transitions leaving o;

3) each node of this network is located on the path from i to o.

It should be noted that Petri nets, unlike all the approaches presented above, make it possible to obtain a dynamic simulation model of a business model.

process. From the point of view of behavior in time, business processes can be generally classified as hybrid systems; both continuous and discrete components can be present in them at the same time. The continuous component reflects the continuity of the processes in a real organization in time; discrete - can reflect control actions aimed at continuous processes. To model hybrid systems, a modified apparatus of nested hybrid Petri nets was presented.

The GSP can be defined by the following set:

NHPN=(Atom, Lab, SN(HPN), (EN!,..., ENk),Á), (2) where:

Atom = Var ^ Con - set of atoms, consisting of sets of variable names and constant names;

Lab = Labv ^ Labh - set of labels used for vertical and horizontal synchronization of transitions; (EN1,...,ENk)(k > 1) - a finite set of ordinary SPs;

L - function of marking transitions of elements from the set Lab.

SN(HPN) - system network as a part of SHPN, which is a hybrid Petri net (HPN):

HPN = (P, T, Pre, Post, D, C), (3)

P = Pd ^ Pc - set of discrete and continuous positions;

T = Td ^ Tc ^ TK ^ TE - set of discrete, continuous quantization and extrapolation transitions; Pre, Post - incidence matrices characterizing the set of arcs; D: Tt ^ R+ - a function that determines the delay intervals for discrete time transitions;

C: Tc ^ R0 x R+m is a function that determines the capacity of continuous transitions.

It is possible to use the concepts of global and local times in the GHSP apparatus. The first is the time external to the system, with which it is associated with the concept of a modeling step, which allows estimating the temporal change in the state of the system with respect to external systems. The second is used to determine the response delays of discrete transitions and the throughput of continuous transitions of the SHG. All discrete transitions are divided into instantaneous, deterministic temporal and exponentially determined. The division is related to the definition of the delay interval for transitions. For continuous transitions, the concept of throughput is introduced, which reflects the speed of movement through the transition of a continuous flow of chips.

In addition to all of the above, the apparatus includes the concepts of arc weight and inhibitory arcs characteristic of high-level SP.

A significant addition to the apparatus is the ability to use fractional and negative values ​​for the weight of the arc emanating from the transition. When using a negative arc weight, one should talk about the potential of the chips in this position. Regardless of the interpretation of network labeling, the network dynamics equation does not change.

The dynamics of the behavior of the SHG is described by the following four types of trigger steps:

1. A system-autonomous step is the triggering of a system network transition in accordance with the rules for GSP, while element networks are considered as chips that do not have their own structure.

2. The elementary-autonomous step changes only the internal state (marking) of the elemental network, without changing its location in the system network.

3. The horizontal synchronization step is used to synchronize transitions in two elemental networks located in the same position of the system network.

4. The vertical synchronization step is used to synchronize the transition in the system network with some transitions of elemental networks.

The following equation is used to describe the dynamics of the SHG behavior:

Mk = M-1 + C(p, b)un (4)

M - network marking matrix. Network marking assigns for each discrete position an integer number of chips, taking into account their potential, and for each continuous position, whether a signal is present in it or not; uk - control vector, determines the set of transitions that are ready to fire at the current time;

C(p, b) is the resulting GHG incidence matrix.

The modified apparatus of nested hybrid Petri nets significantly expands the scope of classical PNs and existing extensions, allows you to study hybrid systems with a complex structure as a whole.

As noted above, the creation of a universal tool for modeling business processes is an urgent task today. Nested hybrid Petri nets can become such an apparatus. Combining the features of various extensions of classical Petri nets, they have all their advantages, allowing you to explore systems of varying complexity.

The modified apparatus of nested hybrid Petri nets can be used as the basis for building a universal modeling system that will not only save time for the development and implementation of a simulation model, but also make the process of modeling itself simpler and more accessible. This reduces the likelihood of errors during the creation of models due to insufficient knowledge of language tools, inattention in working with large amounts of information, etc. .

Research in the field of modeling business processes using the apparatus of Petri nets and building a universal simulation system will be continued in the future.


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8. Oikhman, E. G. Business reengineering: reengineering of organizations and information technologies [Text] / E. G. Oikhman, E. V. Popov. - M. : Finance and statistics, 1997. - 336 p.

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10. Poleshchuk, N. A. Cost modeling in economic systems using Petri nets [Electronic resource] / N. A. Poleshchuk. - Access mode:

11. Repin, VV Process approach to management. Modeling of business processes [Text] / V. V. Repin, V. G. Eliferov. - M. : Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, 2013. - 544 p.


warehouse business strategic

To date, the value of the warehouse as an organizational unit in market economy is steadily increasing. Equally importance for all manufacturing and trading enterprises has warehouse logistics, which is aimed at managing material flows in distribution supply chains.

A warehouse complex can be an independent organization or a division of an enterprise. In this work, an analysis of the warehouse, which is an organizational element of some enterprise, was carried out. It is obvious that the strategy of the warehouse should be consistent with the overall corporate strategy of the company. The manager of the warehouse complex must carefully study the corporate strategy and determine how his department can contribute to the company's success to the maximum extent.

The purpose of the course work: application of modeling and business process management methodologies to optimize warehouse business processes.

The main objectives of the course work:

1. Describe the organization: organizational structure of management, basic business processes.

2. Identify the problems that exist in the warehouse complex, highlight the most important problem and formulate a list of indicators that characterize it.

3. Formulate the strategic goal of the organization aimed at eliminating the specified problem. Develop strategic map goals of the organization. For each strategic goal determine the indicators, the values ​​of which will determine whether the goal is achieved or not.

4. Model the selected warehouse business process and determine a set of activities (initiatives), the implementation of which should contribute to the achievement of the strategic goal of the organization.

Methods and tools for modeling business processes

A business process is a logical, sequential, interrelated set of activities that consumes resources, creates value, and delivers results. Business process modeling is an effective tool for finding ways to optimize the company's activities, allowing you to determine how the company works as a whole and how activities are organized at each workplace. The methodology (notation) for creating a model (description) of a business process is understood as a set of ways in which real world objects and relationships between them are represented in the form of a model. Each object and links is characterized by a number of parameters or attributes that reflect certain characteristics of a real object (object number, name, description, execution time (for functions), cost, etc.).

The description of business processes is carried out for the purpose of their further analysis and reorganization. The purpose of the reorganization may be to introduce an information system, reduce costs, improve the quality of customer service, create job and work instructions, etc., and a detailed description of the processes in itself is of no value. Business process reengineering is a fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of business processes to achieve maximum efficiency in production, economic and financial and economic activities, formalized by the relevant organizational, administrative and regulatory documents. Business engineering consists of modeling business processes (development of the “as is” model, its analysis, development of the “how to” model) and the development and implementation of a plan for the transition to the “how to” state.

The basis of many modern methodologies for modeling business processes was the SADT methodology (Structured Analysis and Design Technique - a method of structural analysis and design), the IDEF family of standards (Icam DEFinition, where Icam is Integrated Computer-Aided Manufacturing) and algorithmic languages. The main types of methodologies for modeling and analyzing business processes:

Modeling of business processes (Business Process Modeling). The most widely used methodology for describing business processes is the IDEF0 standard. Models in IDEF0 notation are intended for a high-level description of a company's business in a functional aspect.

Description of workflows (Work Flow Modeling). The IDEF3 standard is intended to describe workflows and is close to algorithmic methods for constructing flowcharts.

Description of data flows (Data Flow Modeling). The DFD (Data Flow Diagramming) notation allows you to reflect the sequence of work performed during the process, and the flows of information circulating between these works.

other methodologies.

Today, the process approach prevails in business process modeling. Its main principle is to structure the activities of the organization in accordance with its business processes, and not the organizational structure. A model based on the organizational and staff structure can only demonstrate the chaos that reigns in the organization (which, in principle, the management is already aware of, otherwise it would not have initiated the corresponding work), on its basis, it is only possible to make proposals to change this structure. On the other hand, the model based on business processes also contains the organizational structure of the enterprise.

The process approach can use any of the modeling tools listed above. However, at present there is a tendency to integrate various methods of modeling and analysis of systems, which manifests itself in the form of the creation of integrated modeling tools. One of these tools is a product called ARIS - Architecture of Integrated Information System, developed by the German company IDS Scheer.

The ARIS system is a set of tools for analyzing and modeling the activities of an enterprise. Its methodological basis is a combination of various modeling methods that reflect different views on the system under study. The same model can be developed using several methods, which allows specialists with different theoretical knowledge to use ARIS and customize it to work with systems that have their own specifics.

ARIS supports four types of models that reflect various aspects of the system under study:

Organizational models representing the structure of the system - a hierarchy of organizational units, positions and specific persons, links between them, as well as territorial binding of structural units;

Functional models containing a hierarchy of goals facing the management apparatus, with a set of function trees necessary to achieve the goals;

Information models reflecting the structure of information necessary for the implementation of the entire set of system functions;

Management models representing a comprehensive view of the implementation of business processes within the system.

To build these types of models, both ARIS's own modeling methods and various well-known modeling methods and languages ​​- ERM, UML, OMT, etc. are used.

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1. Theoretical part

1.2 ARIS methodology

2. Practical part




In market conditions, an increasing number of companies are realizing the benefits of using information systems (IS). In some cases, IS is not only a set of services, but also a critical business component, such as a ticket reservation system or a means of providing financial information. To benefit from the use of an information system, it should be created in short time and at reduced costs. The information system should be easy to maintain and manage.

The creation of an enterprise information system is a rather complex and multi-stage process, which, quite often, contains an information modeling phase. An information model is a specification of a data structure and business rules (domain rules).

Business process modeling is the process of reflecting the subjective vision of the workflow in the form of a formal model consisting of interrelated operations.

The purpose of modeling is to systematize knowledge about the company and its business processes in a visual graphical form that is more convenient for analytical processing of the information received.

Currently, several special programs are presented on the computer technology market that allow you to examine an enterprise and build a model. The choice of methodology and tools with which the modeling of business processes is carried out is not of fundamental importance. There are standardized, time-tested methodologies and tools that can be used to survey an enterprise and build its model. Their key advantage is simplicity and accessibility to mastery.

The basis of many modern methodologies for modeling business processes was the SADT methodology. Currently, the most widely used methodology for describing business processes is the US IDEF standard.

The main advantage of the idea of ​​analyzing the business processes of an enterprise by creating its model is its versatility. Firstly, business process modeling is the answer to almost all questions related to improving the activities of an enterprise and increasing its competitiveness. Secondly, the head or management of an enterprise that has implemented a specific methodology will have information that will allow them to independently improve their enterprise and predict its future.

The relevance of this study is determined by the fact that modern enterprises are forced to constantly improve their activities. This requires the development of new technologies and business practices and, of course, the introduction of new, more efficient methods of managing and organizing the activities of enterprises.

1. Theoretical part

1.1 Erwin Process Modeler (BPwin)

ERwin is a tool for developing the structure of a database (DB). ERwin combines a Windows graphical interface, ER diagramming tools, editors for creating a logical and physical description of the data model, and transparent support for leading relational and desktop databases. With ERwin, you can create or reverse engineer (reengineer) databases.

In addition, Erwin Process Modeler allows you to create, document and maintain databases, warehouses and data marts. Data models help visualize the structure of data, providing an efficient process for organizing, managing, and administering aspects of an enterprise such as data complexity, database technologies, and deployment environments.

The ERWin case tool supports the IDEF1x and IE methodologies and is designed to execute logical database models, which are entities described by attributes and relationships between them by key fields. ERwin allows you to automatically generate a physical data model based on the constructed logical model by converting entities into tables whose columns are their attributes. Each table field must have a clearly defined data storage type and field size.

Functional Modeling Method (IDEF0)

IDEF0, refers to the IDEF family, which appeared in the late sixties under the name SADT (Structured Analysis and Design Technique). IDEF0 can be used to model a wide range of systems. For new systems, the use of IDEF0 is intended to define requirements and specify functions for the subsequent development of a system that meets the requirements and implements the selected functions. Applied to already existing systems IDEF0 can be used to analyze the functions performed by the system and map the mechanisms by which these functions are performed. The result of applying IDEF0 to a system is a model of that system, consisting of a hierarchically ordered set of diagrams, documentation text, and dictionaries linked to each other by cross-references. The two most important components that make up IDEF0 diagrams are activities (represented in the diagrams as boxes), data, and objects (represented as arrows) that link the activities. In this case, the arrows, depending on which side of the work rectangle they enter or which side they exit from, are divided into five types:

Ш entry arrows (enter the left side of the work) - depict data or objects that are changed during the execution of the work;

Ш control arrows (included in the upper bound of the work) - depict the rules and restrictions according to which the work is performed;

Ш exit arrows (go out of the right side of the work) - depict data or objects that appear as a result of the work;

Ш arrows of the mechanism (included in the lower bound of the work) - depict the resources necessary to complete the work, but do not change during the work (for example, equipment, human resources etc.);

Ш call arrows (go out of the bottom of the work) - depict connections between different diagrams or models, pointing to some diagram where this work is considered in more detail.

All works and arrows are named. The first diagram in the IDEF0 diagram hierarchy always depicts the operation of the system as a whole.

Such a diagram is called a context diagram. The context includes a description of the purpose of modeling the area (a description of what will be considered as a component of the system, and what as an external influence) and point of view (the position from which the model will be built). Usually, the point of view of the person or object responsible for the operation of the simulated system as a whole is chosen as the point of view.

Business Process Modeling Method (IDEF3)

To describe the logic of interaction of information flows, the IDEF3 methodology, also called workflow diagramming, is suitable - a modeling methodology that uses a graphical description of information flows, the relationship between information processing processes and objects that are part of these processes. Workflow diagrams can be used in business process modeling to analyze the completeness of information processing procedures. With their help, you can describe scenarios for the actions of employees of the organization, for example, the order processing sequence or events that need to be processed in a finite time, each scenario is accompanied by a description of the process and can be used to document each function.

IDEF3 - it is a method that has the main purpose of enabling analysts to describe the situation when processes are performed in a certain sequence, as well as to describe the objects that participate together in one process.

IDEF3 can also be used as a process creation method. IDEF3 complements IDEF0 and contains everything you need to build models that can later be used for simulation analysis.

IDEF3 is a technology well suited for collecting the data required to perform a structural analysis of a system. This is a good way to describe processes using a structured method that allows the domain expert to represent the state of affairs as an ordered sequence of events while describing objects that are directly related to the process.

Unlike most business process modeling technologies, IDEF3 does not have strict syntactic or semantic restrictions that make it inconvenient to describe incomplete or incomplete systems. In addition, the author of the model (the systems analyst) does not have to mix his own assumptions about the functioning of the system with expert statements in order to fill in the gaps in the description of the subject area.

IDEF3 can also be used as a business process design method. IDEF3 modeling seamlessly complements traditional modeling using the IDEF0 methodology standard. Some time ago, it became widespread as a viable way to build models of designed systems for further analysis by simulation methods. Simulation testing is often used to evaluate the performance of a system being developed.

Data Flow Modeling (DFD)

The Data Flow Diagram is used to describe top-level processes and to describe the data flows that actually exist in an organization.

This methodology (Gane/Sarson) is based on the construction of a model of the analyzed IS - designed or actually existing. In accordance with the methodology, the system model is defined as a hierarchy of DFD data flow diagrams that describe the asynchronous process of information transformation from its input into the system to its issuance to the user. Diagrams of the upper levels of the hierarchy (context diagrams) define the main processes or subsystems of the IS with external inputs and outputs. They are detailed using lower-level diagrams. This decomposition continues, creating a multi-level hierarchy of diagrams, until such a level of decomposition is reached at which the processes become elementary and it is impossible to detail them further.

Information sources (external entities) generate information flows (data flows) that transfer information to subsystems or processes. Those, in turn, transform information and generate new flows that transfer information to other processes or subsystems, data storage or external entities - consumers of information. Thus, the main components of data flow diagrams are:

- external entities;

- systems/subsystems;

- processes;

- data storage devices;

- data streams.

Works. Jobs are represented by rectangles with rounded corners, their meaning coincides with the meaning of IDEF0 and IDEF3 jobs. Like IDEF3 works, they have inputs and outputs but do not support controls and mechanisms like IDEF0. All aspects of the work are equal. Each job can have multiple arrows entering and exiting.

External entities. External entities represent entries into and/or exits from the system. One external entity can simultaneously provide inputs (functioning as a provider) and receive outputs (functioning as a receiver). An external entity is a material object, such as customers, personnel, suppliers, customers, warehouse. The definition of some object or system as an external entity indicates that they are outside the boundaries of the analyzed system. External entities are drawn as a rectangle with a shadow and are usually located at the edges of the diagram.

Arrows(data streams). Arrows describe the movement of objects from one part of the system to another (hence it follows that a DFD diagram cannot have boundary arrows). Since all sides of the work in DFD are equal, the arrows can start and end on any side of the rectangle. Arrows can be bidirectional.

Data store. Unlike arrows that describe objects in motion, data stores depict objects at rest. A data store is an abstract device for storing information that can be placed in a drive at any time and retrieved after some time, and the methods of putting and retrieving can be any. In the general case, it is a prototype of the future database, and the description of the data stored in it must correspond to the information model (Entity-Relationship Diagram).

1.2 ARIS methodology

The ARIS system is a set of tools for analyzing and modeling the activities of an enterprise, as well as developing automated information systems. It is based on an extensive methodology that incorporates the features of various modeling methods that reflect different views on the system under study. The same model can be developed using several methodologies, which allows users with different theoretical knowledge to use ARIS and customize it to work with systems that have their own specifics.

ARIS is an integrated analysis and design environment. In addition to the main development environment - ARIS Toolset - it includes many modules, which are both additional ARIS Toolset components that extend the main environment, and independent modules. This structure of ARIS allows us to speak of a family of products in this area, within which it is possible to compose the optimal composition of the system, which fully ensures the implementation of specific tasks.

A review of the software modules included in the ARIS family shows that the system under consideration is intended not only and not so much for modeling, but is a powerful analysis toolkit. One of the distinguishing characteristics of the system is a powerful methodology supported by software.

The methodology used by ARIS is a set of different methodologies integrated within the systems approach. This allows us to talk about a unified architecture of the methodology under consideration. ARIS supports four types of models that reflect various aspects of the system under study:

- organizational models representing the structure of the system - the hierarchy of organizational units, positions and specific individuals, the variety of connections between them, as well as the territorial binding of structural units;

- functional models containing a hierarchy of goals facing the management apparatus, with a set of trees of functions necessary to achieve the goals;

-information models reflecting the structure of the information necessary for the implementation of the entire set of system functions;

- management models representing a comprehensive view of the implementation of business processes within the system.

The ARIS methodology includes a large number of different notations that allow the flexible creation of various organization models. The most significant and practically used ARIS notations include:

- Value-added chain diagram notation (value-adding process chain diagram);

- extended Event-driven Process Chain notations - eEPC (extended event-driven process chain notation) and PCD (process chain diagram);

- notation Organizational chart (organizational chart);

- Function tree notation (tree of functions);

- Product tree notation (product tree).

VAD (analogous to the classic DFD standard)

The main object of VAD notation is the "Value added chain" object.

Value added chain diagram (VAD) is a diagram that describes the relationship of top-level business processes. It displays two types of links between processes:

- connection "predecessor-follower" - are depicted by horizontal lines;

- relationship "consists of" - are depicted by vertical lines, displaying the detail of the process by other sub-processes.

The principles for constructing a top-level process diagram in VAD differ significantly from IDEF0. The essential difference between ARIS VAD and IDEF0 notation is that arrows in VAD can enter any side of the “Value-added chain” object. (Recall that in IDEF0, each side of the "Activity" object (function) has a specific purpose.)

This drawback of the VAD notation can be circumvented by specifying in advance the possibility special use feedback.

Concluding the review of the ARIS VAD notation, we once again focus on the fact that this notation is more of an illustrative nature and is not intended to create complex models of processes at the top level of an organization.

2. Practical part

2.1 Building an enterprise business model using the ERwin environment

The purpose of this work is to model the activities of the selected enterprise. The following methodologies will be used for this:

IDEF0 - functional modeling methodology

IDEF3 - process description methodology

DFD - Data Flow Modeling Methodology

VAD - a diagram that describes the relationship of top-level business processes.

Diagrams in the first three methodologies will be created using the AllFusion Process Modeler CASE tool, VAD using AllFusion ERwin Data Modeler. database simulation automated

Each diagram in IDEF0, IDEF3, DFD notations is designed to describe one or more business processes. A business process is a stable, purposeful set of interrelated activities (sequence of work), which, using a certain technology, transforms inputs into outputs that are of value to the consumer.

The result of business process modeling is a business process model that belongs to one of three types:

- AS-IS model (as is) - model of the current organization of enterprise business processes

- TO-BE model (how it will be) - a model of the ideal organization of business processes

- SHOULD-BE model (as it should be) - an idealized model that does not reflect the real organization of business processes of an enterprise

In order to create a basis for identifying bottlenecks in the enterprise, an AS-IS model will be created in this work.

Before you start building diagrams, you need to study the selected subject area. In this and subsequent works, the subject area will be a fictitious enterprise for the construction of transportable baths. The company does not produce Construction Materials independently, but only collects baths and is engaged in their decoration. The main procedures in the company:

sellers take customer orders;

employees group orders by types of baths;

employees collect a bath;

employees pack baths according to orders;

the logistics department ships orders to customers;

Procurers order and deliver the components needed for assembly.

The company uses a purchased accounting information system that allows you to place an order, invoice and track payments on invoices.

Building a model of any system in the IDEF0 methodology begins with the definition of the modeling context, which includes the subject of modeling, the purpose of modeling, and the point of view on the model.

The subject is understood as the system itself, while it is necessary to establish exactly what is included in the system and what lies outside it, in other words, it is necessary to determine what will be considered in the future as components of the system, and what as an external influence.

The purpose of the simulation. A model cannot be built without a clearly defined goal. The goal should answer the questions why this process should be modeled, what should the model show, and what can the reader get?

Point of view. Despite the fact that when building a model, the opinions of various people are taken into account, the model should be built from a single point of view. The point of view can be represented as the view of a person who sees the system in the aspect necessary for modeling. The point of view must be consistent with the purpose of the simulation. During the simulation, it is important to stay on the chosen point of view.

In this work, the subject will be not the enterprise itself, but the processes occurring inside it; the purpose of modeling is to reproduce the business processes occurring in the enterprise (AS-IS model); point of view - from the position of the director as a person who knows the structure of the enterprise as a whole.

After defining the modeling context, you can start building a context diagram (also called a "black box"). This type of diagram allows you to show what is input to the work and what is the result of the work, without detailing its components. This diagram contains only one work, which will represent the entire activity of the enterprise as a whole (Fig. 1).

DecompositionIDEF0. Domain Model construction company built using the IDEF0 methodology, since IDEF0 is the most convenient language for describing the business processes existing in the system.

Modeling in IDEF0 starts with a context diagram. This diagram represents the system in the form of the simplest component - one block (the purpose of modeling the subject area) with interface arcs that display the connection of the system with external elements.

Thus, the main goal of modeling is revealed - "The activity of the enterprise for the construction of transportable baths." The context diagram also shows that the input information for the subject area under consideration is: customer orders and building materials from suppliers. And the output information is: payment for building materials, orders to suppliers, marketing materials, finished products. The activity of the enterprise is organized by personnel and accounting department under the control of the legislation of the Russian Federation, the rules and procedures necessary for conducting this type of activity.

Rice. 1 Context diagram

To identify the processes that make up the "Activity of the enterprise for the construction of transportable baths", the decomposition of the context diagram is carried out (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2 Diagram of decomposition of the context "Activity of the enterprise for the construction of transportable baths"

Since the work "Management" includes general management enterprise, then one of its results will be "Control information" coming to the input of the control of all other works.

The Sales and Marketing job receives customer orders (i.e. number of saunas and their models) as input, which it passes to the Assemble Baths job as control information.

The Assemble Baths job requires building materials to function, which it orders from the Shipping and Supply job (outlet arrow Orders to Suppliers). She also transfers the collected baths to the work "Shipping and supply" (output arrow "Finished products"). Information about the build results is required by the Sales and Marketing job (output arrow "Build Results").

The result of the work "Shipment and supply" will be the necessary materials that come at the input of the work "Assembly of baths".

The management of any enterprise must know what is happening in the enterprise, what each department is doing and what are the results of their work, i.e. any job should ideally report on the results of its activities to management.

Figure 3 shows the processes that exist in the work "Assembly of Baths".

Rice. 3 Diagram of decomposition of the context "Assembly of baths"

Incoming assembly orders are sorted by the manager, after which they are sent to the input of the work control "Assembly of small-sized baths" and "Assembly of large-sized baths" (Assembly orders arrow). When the baths are assembled, the manager gives instructions for their shipment.

Assembled baths (work outputs "Assembly of small-sized baths" and "Assembly of large-sized baths") are sent to the manager, who instructs to ship ready-made baths.

DecompositionIDEF3. When decomposing an IDEF0 (and DFD) job, keep in mind that the arrows on the IDEF0 or DFD diagrams represent the flow of information or objects passed from one job to another. In IDEF3 diagrams, arrows can only show the sequence of work, i.e. they have a different meaning than IDEF0 or DFD arrows. Therefore, when an IDEF0 or DFD work is decomposed into an IDEF3 diagram, the arrows do not migrate to the lower level. If you want to show the same objects in the IDEF3 child diagram as in the parent IDEF0 or DFD diagrams, you must use link objects.

Let us decompose the work "Assembly of large-sized baths" of diagram A3 "Assembly of baths". This work starts when assembly orders come in. The first step is to check the availability of materials necessary for assembly and the order from the warehouse for those that are missing. Next, the materials are prepared for subsequent assembly. The next step is the assembly process itself: installation of structural stiffeners, installation of a sauna stove, insulation, upholstery and decoration. These actions are always performed, regardless of the type of bath. Further, at the request of the client, some additional work can be carried out - surface grinding, caulking and finishing. This completes the assembly of a large-sized bath. The last step is to generate a progress report.

Rice. 4 Decomposition diagram "Assembly of large baths"

As can be seen from Figure 4, the described work algorithm is reflected in the decomposition diagram "Assembly of large baths". Consists of 14 actions, as well as 4 intersections.

DecompositionDFD. Data flow diagrams (DFD) are used to describe workflow and information processing. Like IDEF0, DFD represents the system being modeled as a network of related activities. They can be used as an addition to the IDEF0 model for a more visual display of current workflow operations in corporate information processing systems. The main goal of DFD is to show how each job transforms its inputs into outputs, and to reveal the relationships between these jobs.

In our example, the work "Storage of materials and finished baths" is central. The assembled baths and materials received from suppliers, as well as a list of materials necessary for the assembly of baths, are received at its entrance. The output of this work will be the necessary materials (if they are available), the list of missing materials transmitted to the input of the work "Supply necessary materials" and ready-made baths transferred for shipment. The outputs of the work "Supplying the necessary materials" and "Shipment of finished baths" will be, respectively, orders to suppliers and finished products.

Rice. 5 Decomposition diagram "Shipping and supply"

The Procurement of Necessary Materials job works with information about suppliers and with information about orders placed with these suppliers. The arrow that connects the job and the "Vendor list" data store is bidirectional. the job can both receive information about existing suppliers and enter data about new suppliers. The arrow connecting the job with the "Order List" data warehouse is unidirectional, because work only enters information about the orders made.

The "Storage of materials and finished baths" job works with information about the materials received and issued and the baths built, therefore the arrows connecting the work with the "List of materials" and "List of assembled baths" data stores are bidirectional. Also, this work, upon receipt of materials, should make a note that the order to suppliers has been completed. To do this, it is linked to the "Order List" data store with a one-way arrow.

Finally, the job "Shipment of finished baths" should store information on completed shipments. To do this, enter the appropriate data storage - "Shipping data".


Business process modeling allows you to analyze not only how the enterprise works as a whole, how it interacts with external organizations, customers and suppliers, but also how activities are organized at each individual workplace.

Modeling of business processes of the organization includes two stages - structural and detailed.

The methodology (notation) for creating a model (description) of a business process is understood as a set of ways in which real world objects and relationships between them are represented in the form of a model.

The basis of many modern methodologies for modeling business processes was the SADT methodology (Structured Analysis and Design Technique - a method of structural analysis and design) and algorithmic languages ​​used for development software. Using the methodology of the IDEF family, one can effectively display and analyze the activity models of a wide range of complex systems in various sections. The ARIS system is a set of tools for analyzing and modeling the activities of an enterprise. Its methodological basis is a combination of various modeling methods that reflect different views on the system under study.

Important characteristics of business process modeling must be taken into account. In particular, the advantages of business process modeling include: improving the quality and speed of production while reducing costs; increase in the professionalism of employees; increasing the competitiveness of the company. Disadvantages, in turn: increased exploitation of employees and related problems of a socio-psychological nature; the need for targeted work to change the corporate culture.

Increasing competition in trade due to the crisis is forcing even small trade enterprises pay close attention to the standardization and automation of business processes and product accounting in general. The presence and observance of standards of business processes of production will increase the efficiency of the enterprise. Of course, not everything can be standardized, but processes that occur at regular intervals need to be standardized. Having standards will prevent employees from making decisions based on their personal intuition or opinion.

Having a model of the enterprise, all its business processes focused on a specific goal, we can open the possibility of its improvement. Analysis of the enterprise as a model is a convenient way to answer the question of what is necessary and sufficient to achieve a specific goal.


1 Eliferov V.G. Business processes: regulation and management: tutorial[for university students] / V. G. Eliferov, V. V. Repin; Institute of Economics and Finance "Synergy". - M. : INFRA-M, 2011. - 319 p.

2 Andersen B. Business processes. Tools for improvement / B. Andersen; [per. from English. S. V. Arinichev; under scientific ed. Yu.P. Adler]. - 5th ed. - M. : Standards and quality, 2008. - 272 p. : ill. - (Practical management).

3 Repin V.V. Business processes of the company: construction, analysis, regulation / VV Repin. - M. : Standards and quality, 2007. - 240 p. : ill. - (Business Excellence).

4 Business process reengineering: textbook [for students. economy universities of the master's level] / N. M. Abdikeev, T. P. Danko, S. V. Ildemenov, A. D. Kiselev; ed. N. M. Abdikeeva, T. P. Danko; Higher School of MBA; REA them. G. V. Plekhanov. - 2nd ed., Rev. - M. : Eksmo, 2009. - 592 p. -( Full course MBA).

5 Kalyanov, G.N. Modeling, analysis, reorganization and automation of business processes: a study guide for students. universities, education according to special 080801 "Applied Informatics" and other economics. specialist. / G. N. Kalyanov. - M. : Finance and statistics, 2009. - 240s.

6 Kalyanov G.N. Modeling and automation of business processes: a study guide for students. universities, education according to special 080801 "Applied Informatics" and other economics. specialist. / G. N. Kalyanov. - M. : Finance and statistics, 2008. - 240s.

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