What is business profit. Entrepreneurship: essence, functions, types

I. Schumpeter develops the theory of entrepreneurial profit. He believes that the amount of profits from innovations in the economic process characterizes only the basis of entrepreneurial profits, and total amount profits will reveal dynamics that are not dependent only on the movement of entrepreneurial profits. “Entrepreneurial profit is the part of the funds that remains free after covering all costs, free primarily from the point of view of the entrepreneur.” I. Schumpeter writes that for a long time political economists have argued that entrepreneurial profit is the difference between the income and costs of the enterprise. This definition, although, in his opinion, and superficial, but it is it that serves as a starting point. Under the costs, Schumpeter understands all the costs of the entrepreneur, directly or indirectly related to production. They include the corresponding remuneration of the entrepreneur for his work, and the rent from the land plot possibly owned by him, and, finally, the risk premium. The main idea of ​​the theory put forward by the Austro-American economist Joseph Schumpeter (1883-1950) is that the development of the economy is based on the introduction of novelties and innovations. According to Schumpeter, innovation is "the use of existing sources in new ways". Innovation is new products, new technologies, new organization industrial production opening up new markets. The source of development is internal processes, new combinations production factors based on innovation.

The main figure carrying out new production combinations is the entrepreneur, in the terminology of J. Schumpeter - "innovator". This is not necessarily an owner, but a person capable of creativity, risk, and success. Its main qualities are constant search, use of innovations in production, economic activity. profit cost Schumpeter entrepreneur

An incentive for entrepreneurial activity serves as a profit, which arises only with the introduction of new production combinations. He believes that the amount of profits from innovations in the economic process characterizes only the basis of entrepreneurial profits, and the total amount of profits will reveal dynamics that are not dependent only on the movement of entrepreneurial profits. “Entrepreneurial profit is the part of the funds that remains free after covering all costs, free primarily from the point of view of the entrepreneur.” I. Schumpeter writes that for a long time political economists have argued that entrepreneurial profit is the difference between the income and costs of the enterprise. This definition, although, in his opinion, and superficial, but it is it that serves as a starting point. Under the costs, Schumpeter understands all the costs of the entrepreneur, directly or indirectly related to production. They include the appropriate remuneration of the entrepreneur for his work, and the rent from the land plot that possibly belongs to him, and, finally, the risk premium. The main idea of ​​​​the theory put forward by the Austro-American economist Joseph Schumpeter (1883-1950) is that the development of the economy is based on the introduction of new products and innovations. According to Schumpeter, innovation is "the use of existing sources in new ways". Innovations are new products, new technologies, new organization of industrial production, opening of new markets. The source of development is internal processes, new combinations of production factors based on innovation. So he gave an example with the introduction of a manual loom into production.

Suppose that in an economy where the textile industry is entirely based on manual labor, someone sees an opportunity to organize an enterprise using mechanical looms. Then he first needs purchasing power. He receives it on credit from a bank and establishes an enterprise. If a worker with such a loom is able to produce daily six times more cloth than a weaver working by hand, then it is obvious that our enterprise will receive a profit in excess of costs, under the following three conditions. First, the resulting increase in the supply of the product must not lower its price. Secondly, the cost of operating the machine should not exceed the earnings of five workers. The third condition is that our man must foresee and determine in advance what will be the rise in prices in the market for the means of production, which will follow his appearance on the scene. He will not only have to take into account in his calculations the dimensions that have existed so far wages and rent, and proceed in advance from their increase by the appropriate amount. It also reduces the entrepreneur's income. Only taking into account all these three circumstances, we can say whether the income exceeds the costs or not.

But now the second act of the drama begins. The path is open, and, lured by profits, more and more new enterprises using mechanical looms are springing up. A complete reorganization of the industry is taking place: production is increasing, competition is unfolding, obsolete enterprises are being squeezed out, some workers may be laid off, etc. Below we will consider this process in more detail. Now we are only interested in one thing: end result there should be a new equilibrium at which prices will again equalize with costs, but at a different level. The price of the product will now be equal to the wages and rent for those services of labor and land which are contained in the looms, and for those which must be added to the looms to produce the product. Only when such an equilibrium is reached, will the incentive to expand production disappear and the decline in prices caused by the increase in supply stop.

Consequently, the excess over costs received by our economic entity and its first followers disappears. This happens, as a rule, not immediately, but after a more or less long period of time, during which this surplus gradually decreases. Nevertheless, this excess is realized: under specific conditions, it forms, although temporary, but still net income. Who gets it? Obviously, those economic entities that have introduced looms into the economic cycle. They have not accumulated any definite goods, have not created any primary funds production, but only in a different way, more expediently and profitably applied the existing ones. They "carried out new combinations." They are entrepreneurs, and their profit, in excess of all liabilities, is entrepreneurial profit.

And this process is continuously repeated, expanding through the implementation of new combinations. Such activities generate entrepreneurial profits that remain in the hands of the entrepreneur. According to Schumpeter, in essence, entrepreneurial profit is the result of the implementation of new combinations. Entrepreneurial profit is the core of the so-called founder's profit, since, whatever the latter is, it is always based on a temporary excess of income over production costs in a new enterprise.

The introduction of a loom is a special case of the introduction of machines, which in turn is a special case of changes in the production process aimed at reducing costs per unit of output. This also includes numerous innovations in the organization of the enterprise and all improvements in commercial combinations.

According to Schumpeter, from an economic point of view, entrepreneurial profit cannot be equated with salary even when it goes entirely to the workers. Since if in the process of development there was no need for guidance and coercion, the amount of entrepreneurial profit would be included in wages and rent and it would not exist as an independent phenomenon. Since this is not the case, and since any mass of people is at least a little like all those peoples that are known to us from universal history, insofar as the ideal organization of economic processes and their completely smooth and timeless flow, by no means all income should be attributed to the services of labor and land. . That is why Schumpeter believed that entrepreneurship (or entrepreneurial ability) is the fourth factor of production, unknown to the classics.

Speaking about the process of extracting entrepreneurial profit as a result of commercial combinations, Schumpeter believed that the proceeds from the sale of a new product increase only at the beginning, and then decrease under the influence of competition, and this factor is important aspect entrepreneurial profit. Under the conditions of a capitalist economy, entrepreneurial profit contains an element of monopoly profit, since an entrepreneur, when he first appears on the market with new products, has no competitors, the prices for these products are fully or partially determined by the principles of monopoly pricing. However, these are two completely different economic phenomena. The establishment of a monopolistic organization is a function of the entrepreneur, and its "product" finds its expression in entrepreneurial profit. While functioning, the organization receives excess income, but now it is imputed to those natural and social factors, which form the foundation of a monopoly, henceforth it becomes monopoly profit. From a practical point of view, founder's profit and permanent income are also different things: founder's profit is the cost of monopoly, and permanent excess income is the product of monopolistic market relations.

It should be remembered that without development there is no entrepreneurial profit, and without the latter there can be no development of entrepreneurship. Therefore, the desire to obtain entrepreneurial profit through a new combination of factors of production is an important condition. economic development.

Profit acts as main motive entrepreneurial activity. The entrepreneur is more willing to engage in any activity, the greater the amount of profit that this activity brings. Economists use the term "profit" to refer to the difference between a firm's total revenue and its costs.

Prior to production, property rights belong to the owners of economic resources (landowners, capitalists, workers). In the process of production, the right to use the factors of production is transferred under certain conditions to the entrepreneur, who must provide the owners of resources with income in the form of land rent, interest and wages. As a result, there are two types of monopoly on each of the factors of production: the monopoly of property and the monopoly of management. The monopoly of ownership of economic resources is realized in the corresponding income (rent, interest, wages). The monopoly of the entrepreneur on these resources is a temporary monopoly of management and the form of its implementation is entrepreneurial income.

Entrepreneurial income- part of the profit from entrepreneurial activity, which entrepreneurs themselves receive for risk, innovation, organization of production and labor. Entrepreneurial income, on the one hand, is a reward for demonstrated entrepreneurial abilities, and on the other hand, the result of the final distribution of the enterprise's profits.

Entrepreneurial income includes:

  • * normal profit. If its value is insufficient, then the entrepreneur will take up another, more profitable business or give up entrepreneurial activity altogether for the sake of earning wages while working for hire;
  • * economic income, i.e., income received in excess of normal profit. This part of entrepreneurial income is a function of economic profit. Recall that economic profit is the difference between the gross income (revenue) of the firm and its economic costs(the sum of both external and internal costs). Sometimes it is also called superprofit.

Entrepreneurship as a specific factor of production is the property of the entrepreneur, it has a certain form of implementation - in the form of entrepreneurial income. Entrepreneurial income is main goal entrepreneurial activity.

Profit in the economy performs a number of important functions:

  • * is the engine of economic development. In conditions market economy it is from profit, or rather from its size, that it depends what benefits and in what quantity will be produced, since each entrepreneur is looking for the quantity of goods and the price at which he can get the maximum profit;
  • * contributes to the efficient allocation of resources. Resources are allocated to firms and industries based on the latter's ability to pay. The willingness of firms to pay for economic resources is, in turn, determined by their profitability. Only the company whose products are in demand will be profitable. Efficient allocation of resources means that they are directed to the production of exactly the products that society needs today;
  • * encourages innovation. The expectation of profit motivates the entrepreneur to innovate. Innovative activity today all effective enterprises, all successful entrepreneurs and managers are engaged in it. Entrepreneurial firms that are the first to master effective innovations have the opportunity to receive additional income and maximize their profits.

Sources of income:

K. Marx in "Capital" presented a scheme for the production of surplus product or surplus value. In the process of production, the worker creates by his labor a value greater than the value required product. The product produced by the worker in excess of the necessary product is called surplus, and its value is called surplus value. According to Marx, this surplus value is profit, and its source is unpaid surplus labor hired workers. In other words, the Marxist interpretation of profit is based on the exploitation of wage workers. The surplus value includes the exploitation of hired labor, and the return on capital, and the payment for land, and the reward of the entrepreneur for risk, innovation and the organization of production. Part of the profit received as a result of economic activity is the income of the owner of the means of production or the entrepreneur as the organizer of production. According to Marx's theory, entrepreneurial income is a converted form of profit, which is the remuneration of the capitalist.

Modern economic thought considers profit as income for entrepreneurial activity, understanding it as a payment for risk, innovation and business organization. The explanations are as follows:

  • * risk. In static economic system, characterized by the invariability of parameters, uncertainty and risk are minimized. There is no room for profit in such an economy. In a dynamic economy, the future is always uncertain: consumer tastes, economic conditions, resource prices, etc. may change. In other words, such an economy is characterized by significant uncertainty, and entrepreneurial activity in such conditions is inevitably associated with risk, which generates economic profit;
  • * Monopoly position in the market. A monopolist can control the market, prevent competitors from entering it, limit output, thereby contributing to price increases. The result will be an increase in economic profits. It should be noted here that entrepreneurial income may or may not contain elements of monopoly profit. In other words, monopoly profit is only a part of entrepreneurial income. The possibility of obtaining monopoly profits within the framework of entrepreneurial income is the result of a monopoly of management and a consequence of the weakness of institutional relations in society.

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  • Agro-industrial integration and cooperation in agricultural production (meaning, concept, types)
  • Administrative punishment: concept, types, rules of appointment.
  • Profit - the excess in monetary terms of income (proceeds from the sale of goods and services) over the costs of production or acquisition and sale of these goods and services. The purpose of entrepreneurial activity is the production and supply to the market of such a product for which there is a demand and which brings profit to the entrepreneur. This is one of the most important indicators financial results economic activity of business entities (organizations and entrepreneurs), for the sake of which entrepreneurial activity is carried out.

    Profit is the excess of income over expenses resulting from the implementation of an entrepreneurial decision to produce and supply goods to the market, in respect of which the entrepreneur has identified unsatisfied or hidden consumer demand. Under entrepreneurial income, one should understand, first of all, additional income, income from management, a surplus received by an entrepreneur due to his natural qualities or a special ability to analyze and combine factors of production in a new way depending on external conditions. In other words, the profit of an entrepreneur is made up of two elements: the ordinary profit of a business man; a surplus over the ordinary profit of a business man. The second element acts as an entrepreneurial income (profit), that is, a form of social reward for the innovative approach shown, innovation in production. Every entrepreneur thus acts as a business person, but not every business person can be classified as an entrepreneur if we are talking about the actual phenomenon of an entrepreneur.

    The concept of entrepreneurial profit. - part of the price (value) of the goods remaining with the entrepreneur after deducting all the costs of production and sale of this product.

    In economics, a different understanding of the content of profit has led to different opinions about what is considered entrepreneurial profit. According to the productivity theory of capital, entrepreneurial profit is "the payment for what capital produces". According to other theories - wages for organizing production and managing it (A. Marshall); payment for initiative, etc. The modern point of view on this issue is that the income of capital owners comes in two forms: interest on capital and entrepreneurial arrived. The interest on capital in the economic literature is understood as the share of net income received by persons not directly involved in production, but providing it to entrepreneurs or small independent producers. Entrepreneurial profit remains for those persons who own the enterprise, i.e., organize production and manage it.

    Thus, entrepreneurial profit can be interpreted as part of the profit at the disposal of the owner of the enterprise, which can be directed to the expansion of production or personal consumption. Rentier does not participate at all in production, receiving his income through an intermediary who applies his capital to the business.

    The entrepreneur, in one way or another, takes a real part in the organization and activities of the enterprise belonging to him. Real participation should not be confused with the work of organization and participation in the activities of the enterprise, since the latter is carried out mainly by employees in accordance with the decision of the entrepreneur. Entrepreneurial profit cannot be considered wages, and if the entrepreneur himself occupies managerial positions in the enterprise, then, accordingly, he receives wages and entrepreneurial profit.

    149. Sales and marketing concept.

    sales marketing. Concept sales marketing(sales-oriented marketing) assumes that the consumer will buy any product if the company actively promotes them. Promotion comes down to the use of aggressive sales methods, an active advertising policy, and the use of a set of sales promotion methods (discounts, markdowns, exhibitions, lotteries, etc.). Big role plays the packaging, which is used by the manufacturer to give its products distinctive features from competitors' products. The emphasis is on the active marketing policy of the company. The concept assumes that the consumer can be forced to buy goods through various selling methods. It is assumed that the consumer has the opportunity to buy the product, but "does not want" to do so. The concept provides for situations where goods from different manufacturers are approximately the same in terms of characteristics and supply on the market slightly exceeds demand. In this case, the consumer is guided by the choice the best offer from all existing ones. In some cases, the consumer does not even consider these goods as necessary for him. Traditional Marketing The concept of traditional marketing focuses the company on customers. To meet the customer's needs

    emphasis is placed on integrated marketing activities aimed at meeting the needs of the target market. The activity of the company, in accordance with the concept of traditional marketing, begins with the identification of real and potential buyers and their needs. According to the concept of traditional marketing, the goals of an enterprise, especially long-term ones, can only be achieved by studying the needs and desires of such consumer groups to which the organization directs and offers products and services that satisfy the consumer in terms of quality and efficiency. Work within the framework of this concept involves the use of a set of marketing activities affecting the consumer, which allows you to conduct profitable production. The concept assumes that by studying the consumer, it is possible to identify his existing unmet needs and, using a complex of operational marketing, develop and offer him a product that in the best possible way satisfies existing needs.

    The concept provides for situations where goods from different manufacturers are approximately the same in terms of characteristics and supply on the market significantly exceeds demand. Competitive advantage received by the company whose offer the best way meets the needs of the buyer.

    Profit acts as the main motive for entrepreneurial activity. The entrepreneur is more willing to engage in any activity, the greater the amount of profit that this activity brings. Economists use the term "profit" to refer to the difference between a firm's total revenue and its costs.

    Prior to production, property rights belong to the owners of economic resources (landowners, capitalists, workers). In the process of production, the right to use the factors of production is transferred under certain conditions to the entrepreneur, who must provide the owners of resources with income in the form of land rent, interest and wages. As a result, there are two types of monopoly on each of the factors of production: the monopoly of property and the monopoly of management. The monopoly of ownership of economic resources is realized in the corresponding income (rent, interest, wages). The monopoly of the entrepreneur on these resources is a temporary monopoly of management and the form of its implementation is entrepreneurial income.

    Entrepreneurial income- part of the profit from entrepreneurial activity, which entrepreneurs themselves receive for risk, innovation, organization of production and labor. Entrepreneurial income, on the one hand, is a reward for demonstrated entrepreneurial abilities, and on the other hand, the result of the final distribution of the enterprise's profits.

    Entrepreneurial income includes:

    normal profit. If its value is insufficient, then the entrepreneur will engage in another, more profitable business or abandon entrepreneurial activity altogether in order to receive wages, working for hire;

    economic income, i.e. income received in excess of normal profit. This part of entrepreneurial income is a function of economic profit. Recall that economic profit is the difference between the gross income (revenue) of the firm and its economic costs (the sum of both external and internal costs). Sometimes it is also called superprofit.

    Quantifying entrepreneurial income at the micro level is somewhat difficult. Recall that the accounting and economic interpretation of profit do not coincide. For an accountant, entrepreneurial income is identified with the retained earnings of the enterprise for the reporting period. The economist, on the other hand, interprets profit more narrowly, considering only economic profit as income.

    Entrepreneurship as a specific factor of production is the property of the entrepreneur, it has a certain form of implementation - in the form of entrepreneurial income. Entrepreneurial income is the main goal of entrepreneurial activity.

    Profit in the economy performs a number of important functions:

    It is the engine of economic development. In a market economy, it is from profit, or rather from its size, that it depends what benefits and in what quantity will be produced, since each entrepreneur is looking for the quantity of goods and the price at which he can get the maximum profit;

    Promotes efficient resource allocation. Resources are allocated to firms and industries based on the latter's ability to pay. The willingness of firms to pay for economic resources is, in turn, determined by their profitability. Only the company whose products are in demand will be profitable. Efficient allocation of resources means that they are directed to the production of exactly the products that society needs today;

    Stimulates innovation. The expectation of profit motivates the entrepreneur to innovate. Today, all effective enterprises, all successful entrepreneurs and managers are engaged in innovative activities. Entrepreneurial firms that are the first to master effective innovations have the opportunity to receive additional income and maximize their profits.

    Sources of profit

    K. Marx in "Capital" presented a scheme for the production of surplus product or surplus value. In the process of production, the worker creates by his labor a value greater than the value of the necessary product. The product produced by the worker in excess of the necessary product is called surplus, and its value is called surplus value. According to Marx, this surplus value is profit, and its source is the unpaid surplus labor of hired workers. In other words, the Marxist interpretation of profit is based on the exploitation of wage workers. The surplus value includes the exploitation of hired labor, and the return on capital, and the payment for land, and the reward of the entrepreneur for risk, innovation and the organization of production. Part of the profit received as a result of economic activity is the income of the owner of the means of production or the entrepreneur as the organizer of production.

    According to Marx's theory, entrepreneurial income- a converted form of profit, which is the remuneration of the capitalist.

    Modern economic thought considers profit as income for entrepreneurial activity, understanding it as a payment for risk, innovation and business organization. The explanations are as follows:

    risk. In a static economic system characterized by immutable parameters, uncertainty and risk are minimized. There is no room for profit in such an economy. In a dynamic economy, the future is always uncertain: consumer tastes, economic conditions, resource prices, etc. may change. In other words, such an economy is characterized by significant uncertainty, and entrepreneurial activity in such conditions is inevitably associated with risk, which generates economic profit;

    Profit is considered as a return on such a specific type of human resource as entrepreneurial activity. The specificity of entrepreneurship as a factor of production is explained, firstly, by the fact that, unlike all other economic resources, it is intangible. Second, unlike all other factor incomes, business income cannot be interpreted as a kind of equilibrium price. Remuneration for entrepreneurial ability is not subject to the laws of income averaging due to competition. Entrepreneurship is an object of ownership of an entrepreneur and has a certain form of implementation - entrepreneurial income.

    Entrepreneurship and its characteristics. Functions of an Entrepreneur

    The definitions of entrepreneurship found in domestic and foreign literature are diverse, which is explained by the complexity and ambiguity of the phenomenon itself. Entrepreneurial ability - ability to effective organization interaction of economic resources (labor, land, capital) for economic activity. As noted in previous chapters, entrepreneurial resource is a rare gift. Most researchers believe that successful entrepreneurs may be 5-7% of the active part of the population. Entrepreneur- an energetic and enterprising person who opens and leads an enterprise (business) at his own risk. Today, entrepreneurs include business owners; managers - hired managers who are not the owners of the company; business organizers, combining owners and managers in one person. Entrepreneurial ability finds its expression in the development of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship - way of doing business on an independent basis.

    When considering entrepreneurship, a number of features are distinguished that make it possible to determine the essence of this phenomenon from the standpoint of economic science. These essential characteristics of entrepreneurship are:

    V. Sombart, “without him [the entrepreneur] nothing happens. ... All other factors of production - labor and capital - are dependent on him [the entrepreneur] and only through his creative activity awaken to life. In an effort to maximize his income, the entrepreneur resorts to the most rational ways of using economic resources.

    Note. The German economist Werner Sombart (1863-1941) is a representative of the historical school of economic thought. For a long time he was a supporter of Marxism, then became his opponent. During the war, he switched to the positions of German nationalism. He became widely known thanks to the publication of three volumes of Modern Capitalism, in which he considered the issues of capital, credit, external and internal demand, and population problems. W. Sombart considered the entrepreneur-capitalist to be the driving force of society. At the same time, he distinguished three types of entrepreneurs: industrialist, merchant and financier.

    3. Innovation. Today, the entrepreneur is not only ready for any opportunities that the market provides him, but also creates these opportunities himself. In the modern market economy, traditional economic niches are already occupied and the opportunity for profit is provided through innovation.

    Innovation - creation and implementation different kind innovations that generate significant economic and social change. The first firm to enter the market with a new product or offer new technology may, at least for a while, sell it at a price above the opportunity cost.

    4. Making major decisions. The receipt of entrepreneurial income is associated with the maintenance of the life of the managed enterprise. Here it is necessary to have all the components of production, the choice of a certain direction of activity and its sufficient financing, the placement of personnel and production planning, the adoption of effective management decisions. There is also a need for a well-functioning mechanism for the interaction of enterprises, which implies the timely delivery of products, their timely payment, etc. An entrepreneur must have skills in recruiting personnel, have knowledge in the field of management, marketing, accounting etc. According to experts, the main reason for bankruptcy is not that the business was founded on an unsuccessful idea, but that entrepreneurs make a lot of mistakes already in the course of doing business.

    The main functions of modern entrepreneurship are:

    • Financial and accounting management. Financial management involves the mobilization of capital, the accumulation of income from entrepreneurial activities, the management of the use of capital and income. The main task of entrepreneurship is to ensure the maximum return of entrepreneurial activity with minimal risk.
    • personnel function. Personnel management includes the selection of candidates and hiring, personnel management of the organization. Personnel management - system management activities in the sphere of social and labor relations of the organization's staff.

    The competitive advantages of both the whole country and an individual enterprise today are largely determined by human resources. According to the World Bank, as part of the national wealth of the United States, the main production assets(buildings and structures, machinery and equipment) account for only 19%, natural resources - 5%, human capital - 76 %.

    In Western Europe, the corresponding figures are 23, 2 and 74%. In Russia - 10, 40 and 50%. In addition, investments in human resources, which determines the importance of the problem of their payback.

    • Logistics. This activity covers operations for the acquisition of raw materials, machinery and equipment. The main task on the this stage is an uninterrupted supply of production necessary resources at minimal cost.
    • production function. Production involves the transformation of raw materials, materials and semi-finished products into a finished product. Production management is associated with technical and technological aspects and is aimed at finding such a combination of production factors that, with minimal production costs, would maximize profits.
    • Marketing, involving the definition of consumer needs. Marketing is a system of accounting for consumer preferences and impact on the consumer, designed to ensure the sale of products on the market. At this stage, the task of the entrepreneur is to identify consumer preferences, and often the formation of new ones.
    • Research activities, aimed at creating new technologies, updating the management system, developing and issuing new products. In the age of the scientific and technological, and then the information revolution, scientific discoveries and their technological application play an increasingly important role and largely determine the position of an enterprise in the market, and, consequently, the amount of entrepreneurial income.
    • Public relations, management of the relationship between the firm and public structures(bodies state power, consumer societies, trade unions, the media).

    From the end of the 20th century the idea of ​​socially responsible business is becoming more and more widespread. Essence concepts social responsibility business is that business, the main purpose of which is to make a profit, must also solve social problems along the way. Social orientation

    1 Mayburov I. Efficiency of investing in human capital in the USA and Russia // World economy and international relationships. 2004. No. 4. S. 3.

    in the activities of the company, compliance with the code of corporate conduct and business ethics lead to the strengthening of its reputation and image in society and the state.

    • Sombart V. Modern capitalism. M.: Economic Library, 1930. T. 3. S. 12.