What is a track in logistics. A logistics company is an enterprise that provides services for the transportation, processing and storage of goods.

What is logistics?

Logistics is basically the detailed organization and execution of a complex operation. In a general business sense, logistics is the management of the flow of things between the point of origin and the point of consumption in order to satisfy the needs of consumers or corporations. Logistics managed resources may include physical items such as food, materials, animals, equipment, and fluids; as well as abstract elements such as time and information. Logistics of physical elements typically includes information flow integration, material handling, manufacturing, packaging, inventory, transportation, warehousing, and often security.

In military science, logistics is concerned with maintaining the army's supply chains by preventing the supply of the enemy, since the armed forces without resources and transportation are defenseless. Military logistics existed in the ancient world, and since the modern military has a significant need for logistics solutions, advanced implementation programs have been developed. In military logistics, logistics personnel determine how and when to move resources to places where they are needed.

Logistics management is a part of supply chain management that plans, implements and controls the efficiency of forward and reverse flows, as well as the storage of goods, services and related information between the point of origin and the point of consumption in order to satisfy the needs of the client. Complex logistics processes can be simulated, analysed, visualized and optimized thanks to specially developed software. Resource usage minimization is common goal in all areas of logistics. A specialist working in the field of logistics management is called a logistician.

Origin of the name "logistics"

It is widely believed that the term logistics originated in the late 19th century from the French LOGISTIQUE (loger means to deposit) and was first used by the Baron de Jomini. Others attribute the Greek origin of the word: λόγος, that is, reason or speech; λογιστικός, i.e. accountant or accountant.

Definition of the concept of logistics

Oxford Dictionary in English defines logistics as "the branch of military science concerned with the procurement, maintenance, and transportation of materials, personnel, and facilities." However, the New Oxford American Dictionary defines logistics as "the detailed coordination of complex operations involving large numbers of people, facilities, or consumables." , and the Oxford Online Dictionary defines it as “the detailed organization and implementation of complex operations.” Thus, logistics is usually defined as the technical department that creates “systems human resources", not "machine systems."

The Supply Chain Management Association (formerly the Logistics Management Association) defines logistics as the process of planning, implementing and controlling procedures for the efficient and effective transport and storage of goods, including services and related information, from point of origin to point of consumption to satisfy customer requirements and includes inbound, outbound, internal and external movements.

Scholars and practitioners traditionally refer to the term operations or production management when referring to the physical transformations that take place in one location of production (factory, restaurant, or even a bank office) and leave the term logistics to activities related to distribution, that is, the movement of products. by territory. Therefore, the management of the distribution center is considered as belonging to the realm of logistics, since in theory, the products made by the factory are ready for consumption, but still have to be moved throughout the distribution network according to some logic, and the distribution center collects and processes orders coming from various regions of the country. As they say, in terms of modeling, there are similarities between operations management and logistics, and companies sometimes hire so-called hybrid specialists, for example, "Operation Officer" or "Logistics Specialist", who work on solving similar problems. In addition, the term supply chain management originally refers to, among other things, both areas - production and logistics from point of origin to point of production. All of these terms may be subject to semantic change as a side effect of advertising.

Types of logistics and their characteristics

Inbound logistics is one of the main processes of logistics, which is responsible for the purchase and organization of the incoming movement of materials, parts, and / or stock finished products from supplier to manufacturing, assembly plants, warehouses or retail stores.

Outbound logistics coordinates the processes associated with the storage and movement of the final product, as well as information flows related to it from the end of the production line to the end consumer.

Depending on the functions performed by logisticians, the following branches of logistics can be distinguished:

Purchasing logistics includes activities such as market research, demand planning, purchasing or manufacturing decisions, supply chain management, order placement and follow-up. Purchasing logistics goals can be contradictory: maximizing efficiency while focusing on core competencies; outsourcing, but at the same time maintaining the independence of the company; minimization of purchase costs with maximum security of the supply process.

Main task distribution logistics is the delivery of finished products to the customer. It consists of order processing, warehousing and transportation. Distribution logistics is very important because the time, place and quantity of production is different from the time, place and quantity of consumption.

main function disposal logistics is to reduce logistics costs and improve the quality of services provided related to the disposal of waste generated during the operation of the enterprise.

Reverse logistics refers to all operations related to the reuse of products and materials. The reverse logistics process includes the management and sale of surplus, as well as the return of products to the supplier by the buyer. The concept of reverse logistics combines all operations related to the reuse of products and materials. It is "the process of planning, implementing and controlling the productive, cost-effective flow of raw materials, work tools, finished products and related information from the point of consumption to the point of origin in order to recover value or properly dispose of it. More precisely, reverse logistics is a process the movement of goods from a typical final destination for value recovery or proper disposal.The antonym of reverse logistics is forward logistics.

Environmentally friendly logistics system describes all attempts to measure and minimize the environmental impact of logistics activities. This includes all activities of forward and reverse flows. This can be achieved through intermodal freight traffic, route optimization, vehicle filling and urban logistics.

PDR logistics(Reliability, Availability and Maintainability) combines business logistics and military logistics, as it is associated with highly complex technological systems for which reliability, availability and maintainability are paramount concepts, such as weapons systems and military supercomputers.

Property Management Logistics companies in retail channels, organized by retailers and suppliers, often use the assets necessary to display, preserve, promote their products. Some examples are refrigerators, display stands, display monitors, seasonal equipment, pictorial displays and frames.

Emergency logistics(or humanitarian logistics) is a term used by the logistics, supply chain, and manufacturing industries to refer to certain emergency modes of transport used to move goods or items in an urgent manner, in the event of an emergency. emergency. The reason for hiring emergency logistics services may be a delay in production or an expected delay in production; an urgent need for specialized equipment to prevent events such as aircraft grounding (the so-called "aircraft ground damage" concept), ships being late or telecommunications equipment failing. Humanitarian logistics involve governments, the military, aid agencies, donors, non-governmental organizations, and emergency logistics, usually sourced from a specialized service provider.

Term production logistics describes the logistics processes within a value-added system (for example: in a factory or mine). Production logistics strives to ensure that every machine and work station received the right product in the right quantity and quality and in right time. We are talking about production, testing, transportation, storage and delivery. Production logistics is necessary both in existing and new plants: since production in an existing plant is a constantly changing process, the replacement of equipment and the addition of new machines, which makes it possible to improve the production logistics system accordingly. Production logistics provides the means to get customer feedback and return on investment. With shrinking lot sizes, production logistics is becoming an increasingly important area. In many industries (for example, mobile phones), the short-term goal is to effectively meet the demand of each individual consumer. Surveillance and traceability are an integral part of production logistics due to product safety and reliability issues. It takes everything greater value especially in the automotive and medical industries.

Construction logistics known to mankind since ancient times. As various human civilizations tried to build the best works in the field of building for life and protection. Now construction logistics has become an important part of construction. Over the past few years, construction logistics has emerged in a different area of ​​knowledge and research on the issue of supply chain management and logistics.

Digital Logistics driven by a new generation of enterprise logistics applications hosted on websites that allow you to optimize joint work, using a central logistics information base that provides an overview of the entire enterprise and the extensive supply chain.

Military logistics

In military science, logistics, dealing with the issues of maintaining the supply lines of one's army and destroying the supply lines of the enemy, is one of the most important, and some say the most responsible element of military strategy, since the armed forces without resources and transportation are defenseless. Historical figures such as Hannibal, Alexander the Great, and the Duke of Wellington are considered logistical geniuses: Alexander's expedition, the longest military campaign ever undertaken, benefited greatly from his meticulous attention to securing his army; Hannibal is credited with having "correct logistics" against the Romans during the Punic Wars, and the success of the Anglo-Portuguese army in the Peninsular War was linked to the effectiveness of Wellington's supply system, despite significant miscalculations. The British defeat in the American Revolutionary War and the Axis defeat in the African theater of World War II are explained by some scholars as logistical miscalculations.

The military has a significant need for logistical solutions and is therefore developing advanced implementations. Integrated Logistics Support (ILS) is a discipline that is used in the military industry to provide a concept - an easily supported system with reliable customer service (logistics) at the lowest cost, guaranteeing high reliability, availability, maintainability and other requirements defined for the project.

In military logistics, the logistics specialist determines how and when to move resources to places where they are needed.

Supply chain management in military logistics often has to deal with a range of variables in predicting cost, wear, consumption and future demand. The United States military has developed a categorical classification of supplies such that categories of supplies with similar variable consumption are grouped together for planning purposes. For example, the consumption of ammunition and fuel in peacetime will be much lower than in war time consumption of these same consumables, while other categories of supplies such as food and clothing have relatively the same level of consumption, regardless of war or peace.

Some classes of supply have a linear relationship with demand: as more troops are added, more supplies are needed; or when using additional equipment, more fuel and ammunition are consumed. Other delivery classes need to consider a third variable besides usage and quantity: time. As equipment ages, more and more spare parts are required, even if the equipment is simply idle. By recording and analyzing these trends over time and applying them to future scenarios, the US military can accurately deliver what it needs to its troops at the right time. History has shown that good logistical planning creates an effective and uncluttered fighting force. Its absence can result in clumsy, slow, and ill-equipped forces that suffer from too much or too little supplies.

business logistics

One definition of business logistics is "delivering the right product, in the right quantity, at the right time, to the right place, at the right price, in the right condition, to the right customer." Business logistics includes all industries and aims to manage the implementation life cycle project, supply chains, and, as a result, efficiency.

The term "business logistics" has evolved since the 1960s due to the increasing complexity of supplying businesses with materials and delivering products in an increasingly globalized supply chain, leading to a challenge for professionals called "supply chain logisticians".

In business, logistics can have either an internal focus (inbound logistics) or an external focus (outbound logistics) covering the flow and storage of materials from point of origin to point of consumption (see supply chain management).

The main functions of a qualified logistician include inventory management, purchasing, transportation, warehousing, consulting, as well as organizing and planning these events. Logisticians combine professional knowledge for each of these functions to coordinate resources across the organization.

There are two fundamentally different forms of logistics: one optimizes the constant flow of materials through the transport network and storage nodes, and the other coordinates the sequence of resources to complete a project (for example, warehouse restructuring).

Logical nodes

Distribution network nodes include:

  • Factories where products are manufactured or assembled.
  • A depot or warehouse is a standard type of warehouse designed to store goods (large inventory).
  • Distribution centers are dedicated to order processing and fulfillment (lower inventory levels) and to accept returns from customers.
  • Transit points are organized for the redistribution of cargo, which is regrouped according to the delivery schedule (only the movement of goods).
  • Traditional retail small family shops, modern supermarkets, hypermarkets, discounters or also volunteer chains, consumer cooperatives, groups of consumers with collective purchasing power. Note that affiliates will be primarily owned by a third party company and the franchisor, using the other company's brand but actually owning the point of sale.

Some intermediaries, such as sales agents or brokers, can operate between nodes, performing representative functions.

Logistics indicators

A logistic family is a set of products that have General characteristics: weight and volume, storage requirements (temperature, radiation, ...), satisfaction of needs, frequency of order, package size, etc. The following indicators can be used by companies to divide their range into logistical families:

  • The physical indicators used to evaluate the inventory system include stockpiling capacity, selectivity, surface utilization, volumetric utilization, transport potential, transport potential utilization.
  • Monetary measures include space maintenance costs (building, shelving and services) as well as processing costs (people, handling equipment, energy capacity and maintenance).

Other indicators can be presented in both physical and monetary terms, for example, standard inventory turnover.

Logistics element

Load units are combinations of individual items that are moved by means of handling systems, usually using pallets of standardized sizes.

Material handling systems include: pallet trucks, counterbalance trucks, mast trucks, two-way loaders, three-way loaders, self-driving carts and stackers. Storage systems include: stacking storage, cell racks (static or mobile), cantilever racks and gravity racks.

Order processing is a sequential process, including: drop-down list processing, picking (selectively moving items from units), sorting (assembling items based on destination), bagging (weighing, labeling and packaging), order consolidation (collecting packages into shipping units for transportation, control and preparation of the waybill).

Order picking can be done either manually or automatically. Manual assembly can be carried out in the "man to goods" mode, that is, the operator, using a trolley or conveyor belt, or "goods to person", then the operator benefits from the presence of a mini-load system, a vertical or horizontal carousel, or an automatic vertical storage system (AVSS). Automatic collection is carried out either using dispensers or depalletizers.

Sorting can be done manually using carts or conveyor belts, or automatically through sorters.

Transport logistics support

Loads, i.e. transported goods, can be moved by various means of transport and organized various categories shipment. Loading units are usually assembled into larger standard units such as ISO containers, swap bodies or semi-trailers. For particularly long distances, transportation of the product using various means of transport is envisaged: multimodal transport, intermodal transport (without handling) and combined transport (minimum road transport). When moving cargo, typical limits are maximum weight and volume.

Operators involved in the transport: all railway and road companies, airlines, river and sea transport companies, couriers, forwarders and multimodal transport operators.

At the international level, the goods are transported, as a rule, under the terms of the Incoterms standards issued by the International Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Logistics management

Like manufacturing systems, logistics systems must be properly configured and managed. In fact, a number of techniques have been directly borrowed from operations management, such as the use of optimal order sizes to manage inventory at the network nodes. Distribution resource planning (DRP) is similar to MRP, except that it does not refer to activities at the nodes of the network, but to distribution planning when goods move through the links of the network.

Traditionally in logistics, configurations can be at the level of a warehouse (node) or at the level of a distribution system (network).

As for the warehouse, in addition to the design and construction of the warehouse, the configuration means solving a number of interrelated technical and economic issues: determining the size of the racking cell, choosing the palletizing method (manually or using a palletizing robot), racking sizes and structures, number of racks, number and type loading and unloading equipment (for example, stackers). There are very important constraints that must be taken into account: the flexural strength of the carrier beam and the correct placement of fire alarm sprinklers. While order picking in a warehouse is more of a tactical planning decision than a configuration issue, it is important to keep this in mind when deciding on the layout of shelving inside the warehouse and purchase. warehouse equipment such as forklifts and automatic carts, once these decisions are made they will work as constraints in warehouse management, the same conclusions work for sorting when designing a conveyor system and/or installing automatic dispensers.

Configuration at the distribution system level primarily concerns the location of nodes in geographic space and distribution of power between nodes. The first item may be referred to as the location of the feature (site selection special purpose), while the latter - as a distribution bandwidth. The problem of outsourcing tends to arise at this level: supply chain nodes very rarely belong to the same enterprise.

Distribution networks can be characterized by the number of levels, namely the number of intermediate nodes between the supplier and the consumer:

Direct deliveries to the store, that is, zero levels

Network in one level: central warehouse

Two network levels: central and peripheral warehouses

This distinction is more useful for modeling purposes, but it also applies to tactical decisions regarding safety stocks: given a two-tier network, if safety stocks are stored only in peripheral warehouses, then it is called a dependent system (from suppliers) if it is distributed between central and peripheral warehouses - an independent system (from suppliers). Transportation from the producer to the second level is called primary transportation, from the second level to the consumer - secondary transportation.

Although it is possible to set up a distribution network from scratch, logisticians typically have to deal with the restructuring of existing networks due to a number of factors: changing demand, innovative product or process, opportunities for outsourcing, changing government policy towards trade barriers, innovation in the field of vehicles (both vehicles and means of communication), the introduction of regulations (in particular those relating to pollution) and the availability of ICT support systems (eg ERP or e-commerce).

After logistics system configured, management moves on to solving tactical problems at the level of the warehouse and distribution network. Decisions must be made according to a set of constraints: internal, for example, taking into account the use of existing infrastructure, or external, for example, compliance with specified product expiration dates.

According to the warehouse, the logistics specialist must decide how to distribute the goods on the racks. Three traditional types of storage: shared storage, dedicated storage (shelving or storage space). specific product) and storage depending on the class (the storage of goods of different classes is divided according to their access index).

Picking efficiency varies significantly depending on the situation: from a person to a product, they are characterized by a high level of picking (vertical component) and a significantly low level (vertical component of a picking is negligible).

A number of tactical decisions regarding the collection must be made:

  • Path Routing: Standard alternatives include lateral routing, reverse routing, medium-term routing, and maximum gap reverse routing.
  • Restocking Methods: Standard alternatives include equal inventory space for each product class and equal lead time for each product class.
  • Picking logic: order picking versus batch picking.

At the level of the distribution network, tactical decisions are mainly related to stock control and optimization of the delivery path. Please note that logisticians may need to manage not only forward, but also reverse flow.

WMS warehouse management system

Although there is some duplication functionality Warehouse management systems (WMS) can differ significantly from warehouse control systems (WCS). Simply put, WMS provides a weekly forecast of activity based on factors such as statistics and trends, while WCS acts as a warehouse manager in real time to ensure that work is done in the most efficient manner. For example, WMS can tell the system that it needs five units warehouse accounting(SKU) A and five SKU B hours in advance, but by then the system is still running and other inputs may be in place or there may be a blockage on the line. WCS can prevent this problem by working in real time and adapting to the situation, making a last-minute decision based on current activity and operational status. Working together, WMS and WCS can solve these problems and achieve maximum efficiency for companies that rely on efficient work your warehouse or distribution center.

Logistics outsourcing

Logistics outsourcing involves a relationship between a company and a logistics service provider (LSP), which, compared to basic logistics services, makes more customized offers, covers a wide range of services, is characterized by a long-term orientation, and is thus of a strategic nature.

Outsourcing does not have to be a full transition to LSP services, it can also be partial:

  • Formation of new related enterprises
  • Creation of a joint venture

Third Party Logistics (3PL) involves the use of external organizations to carry out logistics activities that were traditionally performed within the organization itself. According to this definition, (3PL) logistics includes any form of outsourcing of logistics activities previously performed by the company itself. For example, if a company with its own warehousing decides to use the services of third-party transport companies, this would be an example of third-party logistics. Logistics is a new activity in many countries.

The concept of Fourth Party Supplier Logistics (4PL) was first defined by Andersen Consulting (now Accenture) as an integrator that gathers the resources, planning capabilities and technologies of its own company and other organizations to design, build and run total supply chain solutions. While 3PL logistics has only one function as its goal, 4PL goals are the management of the entire process. Some publications describe the 4PL as a general contractor that manages other third party contractors (3PLs): truck drivers, freight forwarders, customs agents and other participants; essentially taking responsibility for the complete process for the client.

strategic alliance

Horizontal business alliances often arise between logistics service providers, i.e. cooperation between two or more logistics companies that are potentially competitors. In a horizontal alliance, partners can benefit twice. On the one hand, they can "gain access to significant resources that can be directly used." For example, an expanded overall transport network, storage infrastructure, and the ability to provide more sophisticated service packages can all be achieved by pooling resources. On the other hand, partners can "gain access to intangible resources that are not directly used." This is usually know-how, information, as well as innovation.

Logistics automation

Logistics automation is the application of computer software and / or automated equipment in order to improve the efficiency of logistics operations. This typically refers to operations within a warehouse or distribution center, with larger tasks handled by supply chain management systems and enterprise resource planning systems.

Industrial equipment can identify products, either through a barcode or through RFID technology. The information contained in conventional barcodes is stored in the form of a sequence of black and white stripes of different widths, which, when read by a laser, are converted into a digital sequence, which, in accordance with established rules, can be converted into a decimal number or other data. Sometimes barcode information can be transmitted via radio frequencies, although radio transmission using RFID tags is more common. A Radio Frequency Identification System (RFID) tag is a card containing a flash memory chip and an antenna that transmits signals to a reader. The RF key can be found on goods, animals, vehicles and even people.

Profession logistician

logistics is professional specialist in the field of logistics. Professional logisticians are often certified by professional associations. Some logisticians may work for a purely logistics company such as a shipping line, airport, or expedition, while others may work in the company's logistics department. However, as mentioned above, logistics is a broad concept, covering the areas of procurement, production, distribution and disposal. Thus, career prospects are quite wide. A new trend in the industry is 4PL or Fourth Side Logistics - firms consulting companies offering logistics services.

Some universities and educational institutions train logisticians by offering basic courses and postgraduate courses. The university with the main focus on logistics is the Kühne University of Logistics in Hamburg, Germany. It's non-commercial educational institution supported by the Kühne Foundation of logistics entrepreneur Klaus Michael Kühne.

The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT), established in the United Kingdom in 1919, received a royal charter in 1926. The Chartered Institute is one of the professional organizations or institutions for the logistics and transport sectors, which provides an opportunity to obtain professional qualification or a degree in logistics management. CILT programs can be studied at centers across the UK, some of which also offer distance learning options. The institute also has overseas affiliates, namely the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport Australia (CILTA) in Australia and the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport Hong Kong (CILTHK) in Hong Kong. In the UK, logistics management programs are offered by many universities and professional organizations, such as CILT. These programs are usually offered at the postgraduate level.

The International Association of Public Health Logistics (IAPHL) is a professional network that promotes the professional development of supply chain managers and other organizations working in the field of public health logistics and commodity security, with a particular focus on developing countries. The association supports logistics professionals around the world, it is a community of practitioners where members can keep in touch, exchange ideas, and improve their professional skills.

Logistics Museum

There are many museums in the world that cover various aspects of practical logistics. These include museums of transport, customs, packaging and industry logistics. However, only the following museums are entirely dedicated to logistics:

General logistics:

  • Museum of Logistics (St. Petersburg, Russia)
  • Logistics Museum (Tokyo, Japan)
  • Wuzi University Logistics Museum (Beijing, China)

Military logistics:

  • Royal Logistic Corps Museum (Surrey, England, UK)
  • Canadian Forces Logistics Museum (Montreal, Canada)
  • Army Logistics Museum (Hanoi, Vietnam)

Many foreign companies for a long period of time, they have been hiring third-party organizations to provide services for the performance of non-core functions for them. This scheme is called "outsourcing". It means the involvement of a third party on a reimbursable basis in order to fulfill the tasks that the company faces. Outsourcing helps a business to be more flexible, which allows it to make good profits.

Logistics Services

To date, there are organizations that offer a wide range of operations related to the storage, acquisition and transportation of goods. Among them:

  • warehouse logistics, processing, storing and distributing goods;
  • transportation logistics designed to meet the needs of companies that do not have their own fleet of vehicles in the transportation of goods;
  • representing assistance in the certification and customs clearance of goods.

To date, services logistics companies have already outgrown the 2PL level offered by small providers for performing the simplest operations in the field of transport and warehousing services, namely storage or transportation of goods.

A modern logistics company is an organization located at the 3PL level. That is, it adheres to a scheme in which it acts as a third party in transactions between buyers and suppliers, providing a full range of services that allow you to process cargo.

Field of activity

Logistics is the science of controlling, managing and planning the movement of resources and goods. The main goals of this direction are:

  • development of processes for the infrastructure of trade turnover, starting from the producer of raw materials and materials to the manufacturer of goods from these resources, and then - from the company that produced the products to the end consumer;
  • formation and constant maintenance at the proper level of functioning of the general system of circulation of goods;
  • inventory management;
  • optimization and rationalization of the process of moving goods, as well as the production and marketing of finished products.

In management, it is considered when developing a strategy for managing purchases and transportation, storage and sales, financial and information flows. The main object of this discipline is the direct process of moving goods, resources and goods. One of the main tasks of logistics follows from this, which is to use effective methods and techniques, as well as forms of information management and the flow of goods, formed due to a preliminary analysis of cause-and-effect relationships in the commodity circulation chain.

It is worth noting that logistics got its start thanks to the military sphere. It was there that, first of all, the well-functioning work of industry and transport was necessary to achieve the set goals. Then the first logistics company appeared in our country. And only after such a management system was borrowed by business, which turned out to be very effective for him.

Extensive range of services

A logistics company is an organization that offers its partners the following:

  • Optimization
  • Escort of transported goods by representatives of the company.
  • Monitoring the movement of goods.
  • Certification and customs clearance of goods.
  • Warehouse processing and subsequent storage of material values.
  • Expert and consulting services.

A logistics company is a reliable business assistant that will allow the company to legally reduce the cost of goods production due to optimization. This is due to the choice of optimal routes that are most effective in terms of terms and tariffs, as well as due to the reduction of storage and customs costs.

A logistics company is an organization that allows you to save significant amounts on the maintenance of your own unit that performs similar functions. In addition, it can be used to flexibly restructure the supply policy, quickly responding to changing market requirements.

How does a logistics company work? It creates its own infrastructure, establishes close relationships with the customer's administrative services and carriers. Thanks to this, customers are provided with a mechanism for optimizing and building all chains of cargo movement. The advantage is very obvious when a logistics company takes over. How it works? The customer enterprise receives a significant gain not only in terms of the cost of services, but also in terms of the delivery of its cargo.

As you can see, business logistics solves an extensive list of tasks. They relate to almost all areas of the enterprise, not covering only the issues of accounting and personnel.

Benefits of cooperation

Is it profitable for an enterprise to involve a company operating in the business sector to solve its problems (logistics is an area that is given increased attention)? After all, you can create your own departments that will deal with the movement, storage and promotion of goods. It should be borne in mind that such divisions of the enterprise will require considerable additional funds for maintenance. Based on existing practice, we can make an unambiguous conclusion that such departments are not always able to demonstrate the required level of efficiency in their work.

The main advantage of a logistics company is that it really allows you to increase the productivity of the enterprise's turnover and its productivity. Many organizations, seeing the pointlessness of the existence of their own departments, involve third-party organizations in cooperation, which:

  • allow to expand the sales market, bringing the customer's finished products to the international level;
  • organize the processes of transportation of small and large consignments of goods, specific and dangerous goods that require special conditions of transportation;
  • allow the cost of goods to be reduced.

Conclusion of contracts

How to start working with a logistics company? To do this, it is necessary to conclude an agreement with her, which must indicate:

  • volumes and ranges of services provided;
  • responsibility of both contracting parties;
  • features of registration of documents accompanying the cargo;
  • the amount of remuneration, as well as the methods and procedure for paying for the services of the company;
  • ownership of the goods.

Company selection

Today in Russia they have opened their own business and many logistics organizations are operating. How to choose the most suitable one for the enterprise?

To do this, follow the following rules:

  1. The services provided by a transport and logistics company are worth using in most cases. An exception may be situations where the company has its own large fleet of vehicles. In this case, a preliminary assessment of the option of involving a third-party organization should be given. But even in such a situation, the "scale effect" will play a significant role. After all, a transport and logistics company will carry out transportation quickly and make it cheaper. It will save financial resources in connection with its bulk purchases of gasoline, as well as low vehicle maintenance costs, as it has its own workshops or enjoys significant discounts as a regular customer in third-party repair organizations.
  2. If the carrier does not have its own fleet of vehicles, it is not worth concluding a contract for the provision of logistics services with it. This will result in a large amount of financial costs for the enterprise.
  3. When choosing a logistics company, you should pay attention to the guarantees that a potential contractor can provide. In addition, the draft contract must specify the exact timing of the receipt of goods, as well as transit time.
  4. It is desirable that the carrier be ready to insure its liability for the complete safety of the material assets transported by it in any third-party insurance company.
  5. When considering candidates for concluding a contract, one should compare the cost of the services of carriers and clarify their willingness to work with “non-standard” deliveries. If necessary, an additional contract can be concluded that guarantees the company the provision of the vehicle it needs in case of an emergency need for it.
  6. Before concluding an agreement, you should read the reviews about the prospective partner.
  7. When providing services customs broker You will need to take the choice of a logistics company as seriously as possible. After all, mistakes made in declaring sometimes have a negative deferred effect.

On which artist should you choose? For this, it is worth considering the rating of logistics companies in Russia.

Business lines company

The motto of this organization is the words "Quality and reliability". Organization "Business Lines" is one of the logistics companies in Moscow. It is in the capital that its main office is located. After all transport services very relevant to this metropolis.

The company carries out its activities taking into account the wishes of its customers. She is ready to quickly and with a high level of quality deliver the necessary goods to their destination not only from Moscow, but also from St. Petersburg. The customer can receive his cargo the very next day after its release from the warehouse. The company offers its services at the most affordable prices and at the most modern level. Their list includes:

  • transportation by rail, air or road;
  • delivery of groupage cargo;
  • transportation of goods separate view transport;
  • delivery of goods to all regions of the country, as well as to Kazakhstan and Belarus;
  • expedited express delivery.

The company also offers the customer the transportation of goods subject to temperature conditions. To do this, she uses special equipment with the organization of a separate flight.

In the course of its work, the logistics organization constantly maintains contact with the client, notifying him of the location of his material assets.

PEK Company

This organization provides throughout Russia. It is also on the lists, which include logistics companies in Moscow. Constantly expanding its work, it opens more and more branches in various regions of the country. At the same time, the organization constantly acquires new customers.

PEC offers only modern services at the highest level of service. After all, its staff consists of qualified specialists who constantly improve their level of work. The company uses trucks and aircraft to deliver goods.

PEC's range of services includes:

  • collection of goods from the customer and transportation to the destination;
  • constant informing the client about the location and condition of the cargo;
  • high-quality packaging of goods;
  • work on loading and unloading material assets.

Bee Logistic company

This company provides comprehensive service offering:

  • performance of the entire volume of logistics operations with the goods;
  • transportation, storage, loading and delivery of cargo to the buyer;
  • placement of goods in a beautiful package.

Bee Logistic is included in the list, which includes the best logistics companies in St. Petersburg, but in addition to the Northern capital, it also operates in Novosibirsk.

In addition, she offers the client:

  • storage of goods in a warehouse;
  • preparation of products for sale (gluing stickers, marking, sealing in film, repacking);
  • providing any necessary information transmitted online;
  • providing an office.

Air transport

Pulkovo Logistics Company is engaged in air cargo transportation, considering them the most reliable and fastest. Indeed, the delivery of goods by air is the fastest option, especially in cases where the route runs to remote corners not only of our country, but also of the planet.

Qualified specialists of the company provide logistics support for cargo and choose the most optimal transportation options for them.

In order to order air transportation, just call the company. In this case, you will need to accurately indicate the dimensions of the delivered material assets, their nature, weight, as well as the number of seats. The specialist will immediately calculate the most optimal delivery options. Further, the cargo must arrive at the cargo terminal of Pulkovo airport. If the client does not have such an opportunity, then the logistics company will take care of it. In case of urgent delivery, a charter flight can be arranged.

In this post, we will explore what is logistics why it is needed, what are its tasks and goals, what are the main types of logistics, as well as many others important points associated with the concept of logistics. Recently, the term “logistics” can be heard very often, and those who are not connected with more or less big business, do not always clearly understand what it is.

Now almost every medium or large enterprise has employees responsible for logistics, these positions can be called differently: logistics manager, logistician, etc. In addition, there are even specialized logistics companies that provide logistics services to those enterprises that do not keep such specialists in their staff. The specialty of logistics can be obtained in many universities.

What is logistics? Concept and essence.

is the process of creating an optimal infrastructure for the movement of goods and services from suppliers to consumers. In simple terms, logistics is concerned with finding and organizing the most convenient, profitable, least expensive way for the desired product or service to reach its end consumer.

Logistics in a certain form has existed since ancient times: even before our era, peoples chose and built the most convenient trade routes for transporting agricultural goods and weapons. To date, the main reason for the development of logistics as a separate science has become a significant increase in production, an increase in trade flows both on a global scale and within each individual country.

Logistic structure in any enterprise includes 2 key areas:

  1. Logistics of raw materials, materials, goods, services from suppliers to the enterprise;
  2. Logistics of the final product from the enterprise to consumers, both wholesale and final, retail.

Both of these areas of logistics are of equal value and significance, because. affect the cost of production and its final cost, which is important for consumers and affects, in turn, on.

Whole logistics process includes many different things:

  • Selection of suppliers;
  • Conclusion of contracts with suppliers on certain conditions;
  • Organization of delivery of products and / or raw materials to the enterprise and from the enterprise;
  • Selection of transport companies and conclusion of contracts with them;
  • Organization of interaction with customs authorities foreign economic activity), other regulatory authorities and government agencies;
  • Definition and analysis of the customer segment;
  • Conclusion of contracts with buyers on certain conditions;
  • Etc.

In many areas of its activity, logistics borders and even intersects with, but in general, both of these sciences pursue the same main goal of any business: increasing its efficiency and, as a result, profitability.

Interestingly, logistics costs in large modern industrial companies are often the largest item of expenditure and exceed even the cost of raw materials or staff salaries. This once again confirms how important and necessary logistics is now.

Now that you know the essence of logistics, let's look at the main types of logistics.

Types of logistics.

The entire large-scale logistics process is divided into different types of logistics in order to simplify it, more detailed understanding and development. Let's look at the main ones.

Production logistics- management of the flow of raw materials, money, goods directly in production, inside technological process. the main objective production logistics - optimization of production costs. Here are the highlights she does:

  • Assessment of consumer demand for the purpose of planning production volumes;
  • Optimization of work schedules and plans for all divisions of production;
  • Optimization of interaction between the production department and sales and supply departments;
  • Control over the production process and make adjustments to it if necessary.

Procurement logistics(or supply logistics) - management of the flow of raw materials, materials, components, services and other components coming from the outside to production in order to ensure a continuous workflow. Procurement logistics includes:

  • Search for suppliers and conclusion of contracts with them;
  • Organization of the delivery of raw materials to production;
  • Storage of raw materials before direct transfer to production.

Procurement logistics must be optimized in such a way that there are no stagnations in the production process due to the lack of raw materials and materials. This type of logistics can be called one of the most significant, since it usually accounts for a large part of the cost of manufactured products.

Inventory Logistics– management of stocks of goods and finished products, as well as stocks of raw materials and materials at the enterprise. Inventory logisticians calculate the optimal volume of all types of production inventories and optimize their formation. With ideal inventory logistics, the processes of production and sale of products should occur continuously, and raw materials and finished goods should not be stale in warehouses.

Transport logistics- the type of logistics that most often means when they hear this concept. Transport logistics is engaged in determining the optimal routes for the delivery of raw materials and goods to and from production, which is especially important when suppliers and consumers are dispersed in different parts of the country, and even more so - the entire globe.

Information logistics- management of information flows that accompanies material flows. Ability to competently large enterprise no less important than the ability to properly manage finances. Timely received and correctly used information can have a very significant effect on financial results enterprises, just like the neglect of information.

Information logistics separates and optimizes internal and external information flows, studies channels for receiving and transmitting information, develops internal regulations regarding this issue.

Customs logistics- very serious look logistics, which consists in managing and optimizing the process of passing goods through the customs border of a country (or several countries). Customs logistics performs the following main functions:

  • Registration of cargo customs declarations;
  • Compliance with and optimization of customs clearance procedures;
  • Verification of received customs declarations;
  • Checking the availability of cargo of the required quantity and quality for compliance with the one stated in the documents;
  • Organization of cargo transportation across the border;
  • Product certification (if necessary);
  • Control over compliance with currency and customs legislation;
  • Organization and optimization of payment customs duties and fees.

Warehouse logistics- management of the processes of receiving, storing and issuing from the warehouse of raw materials, materials, finished products and other components necessary or obtained in the production process. Warehouse logistics deals with the process of choosing a place for warehouses, building and equipping warehouses, organizing the work of warehouses, maintaining warehouse records, etc.

Now you have a clearer idea of ​​what logistics is. This is not only the transportation of goods (as practice shows, for some reason many people think so, although transport logistics is just one type). Let's summarize.

Logistics is a complex and large-scale process that combines many different types and directions. Logistics is closely related to marketing, engineering, enterprise finance and, directly, the production process. The main goal of logistics is the competent optimization of all processes in the enterprise in order to increase the efficiency of its work and profit. The correct logistics structure in the enterprise has a very importance and must be able to quickly adapt to any external and internal changes related to the company's activities.

That's all for today. In further publications on I will continue to consider what logistics is in its individual areas and types. Stay with us and stay tuned for updates!

Most enterprises of various forms of doing business need to organize logistics, as this allows them to correctly deliver various products and goods to the end consumer. Not everyone knows that a well-organized work of the logistics department will significantly reduce the cost of products, avoid production downtime, and minimize costs, which ultimately affects the increase in net profit.

What is logistics in simple words?

Logistics is a science that studies the rational transportation of various resources from the producer to the final consumer at the lowest cost. It is an essential tool for managing profitable business every company. Today, without logistics, it is impossible to imagine the stable operation of most trade and manufacturing enterprises.

Logistics (like Practical activities) is a system of planned management of information, material and cash flows any company. Let's take a closer look at the definition of each of them.

Under the material flows it is customary to understand the raw material base, components and all kinds of materials that are used in production. For its smooth operation, the purchasing and supply department is obliged to purchase everything necessary in advance, and it is also important that the delivery of raw materials is carried out strictly on time. This should also include intra-production transportation and movement of materials and equipment.

The distribution of money and their receipt on the accounts of the company are financial flows. Control over production costs, movement Money, payment of bills and profits is carried out by the financial department of any company.

With regard to information flows, in simple words this can be explained as follows: logistics provides a system for distributing the necessary information in such a way as to establish a relationship between the company's divisions and with the end consumer.

As a result, logistics determines the method of transportation (delivery) of the necessary products at the appointed time to the right place, while ensuring the optimal cost of services and the proper conditions for their provision. At the enterprise, the logistics department performs a number of important functions, which include:

  • selection of transport companies and suppliers, conclusion of cooperation agreements with them;
  • conclusion of contracts with supplier companies on certain conditions;
  • consumer segment analysis;
  • organization of work with government services and regulatory authorities (customs, traffic police, etc.);
  • conclusion of contracts for cooperation with buyers;
  • organization of transportation of products and raw materials to the enterprise;
  • delivery of goods to the buyer.

The activities of the logistics division are aimed at improving the operation of the enterprise and increasing profits. It is important to understand that most companies invest in the efficient operation of logistics, and these costs are the most significant part of the cost item, which emphasizes the exceptional importance of working in this direction.

Who are logisticians?

Logisticians are specialists who organize the delivery of products from the manufacturer to the end consumer, while ensuring minimal waste of time and financial resources.

AT without fail the logistician takes into account the interests of the manufacturer, consumer and carriers, because the quality of the services provided and the company's profit ultimately depend on this. This specialist also deals with:

  • management of the material base and technical means of the enterprise;
  • registration of accompanying and customs documentation;
  • control and organization of warehouse activities;
  • organization of delivery and forwarding of transported goods;
  • search for optimal solutions for the sale of finished products.

In addition, the logistician manages a complex of information and service services related to his activities. One of the most important skills that a logistician must possess is the ability to anticipate possible risks. For example, when cooperating with a supplier located at a considerable distance from the enterprise, the probability of a failure in the delivery of raw materials increases. This means that traffic accidents and breakdowns are possible along the way. trucks. Therefore, for the fastest possible delivery of the raw materials necessary for the company, the logistician will choose the supplier closest to it in order to eliminate the risk of production downtime.

Important: the specifics of doing business, the features of production and its location, weather conditions, the remoteness of suppliers from the company and many other factors directly affect the development of the work of the logistics department. For this reason, there are no standard schemes for distributing funds, organizing delivery, optimizing routes, and other important functions that logisticians perform. This leads to the fact that specialists, taking into account the specifics of the enterprise, develop optimal logistic models of work, aimed primarily at minimizing costs and making a profit.

Tasks and goals of logistics

Speaking in simple terms about the goals and objectives of logistics, it must be understood that they are aimed at optimizing the movement of products from the manufacturer to the buyer. To do this, the specialists of the logistics department take a comprehensive approach to solving all kinds of issues even at the stage of production of goods, their storage, delivery and marketing.

Production logistics is designed to ensure the planning of the manufacture of various products in accordance with consumer demand. This data and a detailed market analysis are provided by specialists from the sales and marketing departments.

This should also include the solution of problems aimed at ensuring necessary conditions for the smooth operation of the enterprise and the release of the required quantity of goods. This obliges logisticians to ensure the purchase of equipment and raw materials in the right amount required at all stages of production.

The main tasks of the logistics department should also include the optimization of the work of the warehouse and the delivery of products to the warehouses of the final consumer. Specialists without fail plan volumes warehouse stock and track the shelf life of goods.

Logistics plan routes for trucks, aircraft and ships, which is necessary to minimize the cost of transporting goods. They also draw up the necessary documentation for transportation, including waybills and customs declarations.

Types of logistics services

Let's take a closer look at the types of logistics services.


Considering the types of logistics services, it is necessary to start with the logistics of production, since it is designed to manage the flow of cash, raw materials and finished products directly within the company. In addition, this type of activity has an impact on the development of the technological process.

The logistics of production pursues the most important goal, aimed at optimizing the costs of the enterprise. Professionals in the industry do:

  • consumer demand analysis;
  • production volume planning;
  • optimization of work and plans of all production departments;
  • tracking the interaction of production departments with the supply and marketing departments of finished products.

Logisticians exercise control over the production process at the enterprise. If necessary, they can make adjustments aimed at optimizing work and increasing profitability.


This type of logistics activity is aimed at the competent management of information flows, which in parallel accompany the material ones. This is due to the fact that right job with information (timely notification of employees about various delivery problems, changes in production activities, ensuring interaction between departments, etc.) is just as important as the competent disposal of financial resources.

Specialists in this area are engaged in the optimization of internal and external information flows, channels for their receipt and transmission, as well as the development of internal regulatory documentation.


These services are aimed at optimizing and developing the routes used to deliver finished products, raw materials and equipment for a manufacturing enterprise. The logistics of road transport is the most relevant, since most of the transportation is carried out by trucks. One of the most important goals of this direction is advice, which consists in the delivery of products to the final consumer strictly on the agreed date and time.


As for customs services in logistics, it is worth noting that this industry is one of the most important in companies engaged in international transportation of various goods. Specialists bear a great responsibility for their activities, since the timeliness of cargo delivery depends on the quality of their work.

Logisticians are responsible for accompanying products to the place of delivery, as well as the availability of all necessary documentation. In addition, specialists are savvy in many legal matters, which allows them to competently draw up customs declarations and accompanying sheets. This makes it possible to avoid cargo delays, production downtime at the enterprise, as well as loss of products.


Procurement logistics services are essentially the work of the supply department, since this industry deals with material flow management. This should include the purchase and distribution of component materials, equipment, raw materials and other components that are necessary for a smoothly running production. Specialists in this area also perform the following functions:

  • organize the delivery of raw materials for production;
  • looking for suppliers;
  • conclude cooperation agreements;
  • ensure proper storage of raw materials prior to their direct use in production units.

The responsibilities of logistics also include optimizing the purchase of raw materials and auxiliary materials so that they are enough for all production cycles (including continuous ones) and there is no downtime. Specialists in this industry play an important role in the development of the company, since the amount of expenses and the cost of goods produced ultimately depend on the quality of their work.


This industry is necessary for the management of warehouse processes. These include the receipt, issuance of materials and raw materials from the equipment warehouse, their storage, as well as the shipment of finished products. Warehouse logistics specialists are directly involved in the selection of storage facilities for the organization and construction, selection of special equipment.

Also, the responsibilities of the logistics department in this area include organizing the work of industrial warehouses, maintaining accounting activities and monitoring the processes of receiving and shipping products.

Inventory Logistics

The efficient operation of production at an enterprise directly depends on the organization of inventory management processes for finished products, raw materials and necessary materials. This is what inventory logistics does. The specialists of the department calculate the required volume of stocks of raw materials and finished goods (products) in the production as a whole and form them. The main task of this industry is to ensure continuous operation production processes at the enterprise.

Problems of logistics in Russia

As practice shows, the logistics system in Russian Federation an order of magnitude more difficult and requires significant costs in comparison with other countries. This is due to certain reasons and the specifics of the state.

First of all, it should be noted that the territory of the country is vast, so enterprises that are engaged in the transportation of goods have to face the problem of overcoming significant distances. This leads to significant costs for the purchase of fuel and lubricants, spare parts, performance repair work. It is easy to guess that even those logistics companies that carry out cargo transportation within their region incur significant costs due to the need for long distances.

The next most important problem of all logistics enterprises is poor quality pavement on Russian territory. The performance of repair and service work cannot but affect the final cost of transporting products.

Logisticians are also not happy with harsh climatic conditions, because winter time in most regions is quite long, which leads to significant fuel consumption and an increase in the cost of services for storing products in warehouses. This is due to the fact that the cost of heating large areas is significant, and without providing the necessary temperature conditions, the storage of most goods is simply not possible.

Logistics problems also include shortcomings in legislative framework RF. For example, companies are often faced with the inability to obtain monetary compensation(naturally, by decision of the judiciary) from suppliers or transport organizations guilty of disrupting the supply of products or raw materials, as well as idle production.

Important: due to some gaps in the legislation, the legal department of the enterprise is obliged to foresee possible force majeure circumstances and write down a penalty clause in the cooperation agreement with suppliers.

How to choose the right logistics company?

In order to choose the right company that can competently organize all logistics processes, the management of enterprises needs to take into account several important factors. These should include:

  • reputation of a transport and logistics company;
  • opportunity to provide professional assistance general issues logistics;
  • the cost of the services provided;
  • delivery time of goods;
  • condition of the applicant's car park;
  • professionalism of drivers and forwarders;
  • guarantees for the services provided.

When choosing a logistics company, you need to find out reviews about its work and the quality of services. To do this, you can ask colleagues or find user opinions on the Internet.

An important factor to consider is the time and distance of product delivery. Some companies carry it out only within the city, while others, on the contrary, specialize in regional and international cargo transportation. It is very important at the initial stages of cooperation to discuss the delivery time and the nuances of the work ahead.

It is important for every enterprise to receive qualified assistance in solving various situations. For this reason, it is necessary to ask the applicant for cooperation whether there are specialists in the state who are able to quickly solve logistics problems of any complexity and provide assistance in case of any questions.

When looking for a transport and logistics company, you should pay attention to the cost of the services provided. This is an important factor, since it directly affects the expense item of the enterprise. Perhaps it makes sense to turn your attention to organizations providing services for rail transport cargo. As practice shows, such transportation is cost-effective, especially when it comes to delivering products or raw materials over long distances.

Pay attention to the condition of the applicant's fleet. A large number of trucks and special equipment, which is in proper technical condition, indicates the seriousness of the business of the logistics company.

It is also necessary to ask about the quality of drivers and the experience of forwarders who will accompany the goods during transportation. If constant transportation of oversized items is required, it would be useful to learn about the skill and experience of drivers.

Every businessman interested in cooperation with transport company, wants to receive guarantees for the services provided. They consist in the fact that the carrier undertakes to deliver the goods, maintaining its integrity. This should also include the exact time of the order. It is not recommended to cooperate with logistics companies that cannot guarantee safe transportation.

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As you can see, logistics at the enterprise is the most important subdivision, the scope of which is multifaceted. Not only the uninterrupted operation of production, timely delivery of products to the final consumer, but also the amount of profit depends on its work.

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What is logistics?

This question is relevant for almost any enterprise in Russia.

The ability to optimize the delivery of goods from the manufacturer to the consumer is the key to a successful business.

Therefore, every entrepreneur (both experienced and novice) needs to understand what it is.

Let's analyze this concept in simple words, denote the participation of logistics at each stage of your business, and also find the answer to the question of what qualities a logistician should have.

What is logistics in simple words?

Logistics is the science of the process of moving a product or service from the starting point (producer) to the final point (consumer).

All processes related to the transportation of goods are subject to logistics.

Not all entrepreneurs understand that even the production itself is established and works without interruptions only due to the fact that the logistical scheme of interactions is clearly verified and calculated.

From the explanation above, a simple layman or a beginner in the business world may not immediately understand the whole essence of logistics.

And what is the best explanation of the meaning of the term?

Of course, a real example of its application!

An example of the use of logistics at all stages of a business

The ProjectSport company has developed a new line of sports nutrition.

The management plans to launch production and organize the process of selling this product.

For an accurate calculation of each stage of the implementation of the project, you need to form a logical chain:

The scheme is quite simple, it simply divides the process of production and sale of products into zones.

Each segment has its own rules of work, often separate leaders.

But what is especially interesting is that each process, one way or another, is affected by logistics, and is completely subordinate to it.

Below, the relationship of logistics to all stages of the journey from the manufacturer "ProjectSport" to the consumer is explained in detail:

    Production planning.

    This is the initial stage at which the manufacturer of sports nutrition must establish a production process.

    Why is the impact of logistics on the construction of production so important?

    Raw material supply planning, placement production capacity, raw materials and finished product as they are manufactured - each of the stages is accompanied by the movement of objects along the chain indicated above in the diagram.

    Supply planning.

    After the production of products, the company "ProjectSport" must take care of the next stage of delivery of the goods into the hands of the client - the distribution network.

    To transport the product, it is necessary to determine the best and, at the same time, the shortest delivery routes.

    The task of the logistician is to establish work on the movement of products with jewelry accuracy.

    If your logistics department is performing poorly, expect serious losses.

    Sales process management.

    Even when the sports nutrition produced by ProjectSport is on the shelves, logistics will still be involved.

    Just not in a "pure" form, but in combination with marketing.

    It is interesting, but even just the movement of goods around the warehouse of the distributor and the height of the "facing" * of the product on the shelf is a derivative of logistics operations.

You can summarize a little: the entire production process depends on logistics.

Qualitatively thought out and implemented logistics operations are the key to obtaining the planned income on time and in full.

* Facing (a term from merchandising) is a unit of product on a shelf, located frontally to the buyer (front). Even when one unit stands on top of another, this is one face.

Versatility of logistics

As you already understood, logistics is not only the organization of the delivery of goods, contrary to popular belief.

It is also a whole range of operations related to business optimization.

The structure of logistics is very multifaceted and extensive.

It can be compared with marketing, since both directions in one way or another affect absolutely every process in the “Product-consumer” chain.

Logistics Influence Sections

SectionDefinition in this context
TransportTransport logistics occupies a leading position. The main goal is to move the specified cargo along the optimal route in the shortest possible time and taking into account the lowest costs. Optimization of transportation is very important, because the cost of goods on the shelf, as well as the income of the manufacturer, depend on the cost of transportation.
InformationAlso, logistics is involved in the process of working with information flows that accompany the "Product - Consumer" scheme. Documentation, verbal informing of the accompanying authorities, notification electronic systems accounting and registers - all this is the work of a logistician.
StocksFor this “zone of influence”, the participation of a logistician is to control changes in the lists of raw materials required at the stage of production or sale of products. The logistician must calculate the best way to avoid the problem with the stable supply of the enterprise necessary goods or raw materials.
ProductionLogistics also manages the financial support of production. The goal is to optimize production operations as much as possible, to achieve the highest efficiency with a minimum expenditure of time and money.
ProcurementMake the right purchase required material for production, or goods for sale, is very difficult. The logistics department of any organization is engaged in the calculation of components that affect the marketing process (use in production) of purchased goods (raw materials).
StockWarehouse logistics is one of the most difficult areas associated with constant calculations. Properly arranging goods in a warehouse is an art. The management of this business can only be entrusted to an experienced logistician.
CustomsThis level of logistics leads among those named above in terms of the complexity of the organization. The operations of importing and exporting products consist of many smaller processes. In addition to establishing the transportation process itself, customs logistics includes elements of information. It is logical, because overcoming the border by cargo cannot do without the proper degree of informing all subjects.

The sectors of logistics influence described in the tables make it clear that the term logistics itself is more extensive than it seems to uninformed entrepreneurs.

Having learned about this, you should have already guessed that the introduction of logistics operations into production is a necessity.

And by debugging these processes, you can increase the productivity of the enterprise and increase profits.

Logistics of the third millennium

Logistics is a science, the pace of development of which exceeds all possible expectations.

This is connected, of course, with the development of society as a whole.

It is very easy to draw a logical chain: constant increase competition in the market provokes an increase in the quality of services.

This, in turn, increases the importance of proper business process planning.

Logistics allows you to take this process to a whole new level.

The motto of the twenty-first century: "Time is money!"

The technology of the twenty-first century is able to carry out calculations that relate to transportation at a very high level.

Designing better ways to transport cargo, increasing the speed of information exchange - all this is now feasible with the help of modern logistics tools.

The main changes that await logistics in the future, according to experts, are:

  • increasing the share of information in the overall structure of activities.
  • the penetration of logistics into all sectors of life, since the optimization of production processes cannot pass by undeveloped infrastructures or inconsistencies with the requirements of the development of society.
  • productivity growth of enterprises, which will provoke the development of the general level economic development.

The history of the development of logistics is very surprising, given the fact that it has come a long way: from supporting the military operations of the past to defining the basic components of the infrastructures of the future.


If you have already understood that your firm's logistician is absolutely necessary, but still do not fully understand what his future activity is and how to choose a worthy specialist, this section is a must-read.

First you need to recall that the work of a logistician can mean completely different types of activities.

But still there General requirements Applicants for this role:

  • Communication at the highest level is a mandatory quality of a logistician.
  • Higher education in the field of mathematical sciences, management or jurisprudence.
  • Ability to respond quickly to changing circumstances and make appropriate decisions.
  • Management skills.
  • Confidence in making decisive decisions.
  • High level of analytical skills.

The activities of a logistician depend on the scope of the company, whose functioning he must structure.

Based on statistical indicators Russian market, mainly logisticians are required in the transport industry.

Its features are determined by the name itself, and the task is to optimize the process of transporting goods.

Let's summarize the main tasks of a logistician:

  • Development best ways movement of products.
  • Security information support goods.
  • Transport time calculation.
  • Optimization of expenses of technical and human resources.

The tasks described above are only the main, most common ones.

There are still a huge number of subordinate clauses, which depend on the direction of the company's activities.

Video explains what logistics is with fun diagrams

What is logistics in simple words?

It is a determining factor in the economic development of any organization. The main goal of logistics is to optimize the transfer of services and goods from the producer to the consumer.

That is, all the key operations of moving material assets are based only on it.

Logistics is the logic of production, finding the shortest and cheapest ways to move goods to the consumer.

In tandem with marketing, logistics helps to create powerful competitive advantages business.

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