How to fertilize a greenhouse for the winter. Autumn preparation of the greenhouse for wintering

How to prepare a polycarbonate greenhouse for winter is a topical issue with the onset of autumn. The main crop has already been harvested, only the beds with greens and late vegetables remain, which means that you can start cleaning the internal space, process the walls and frame, renew and feed the soil, fix the beds, strengthen the structure so that the snow does not crush it.

In the article we will share useful tips experienced gardeners, how best to take care of the building, we will set out in detail a set of measures on how to prepare a greenhouse for winter, video and photographic materials will help explain important points process.

A set of measures to prepare the greenhouse for winter

The greenhouse allows you to get fresh vegetables and herbs to the table, from early spring to the first months of winter. But during the warm season, it gets dirty, harmful bacteria, insects, dirt accumulate on the walls, behind the rungs. On the beds - the remains of plants, in the soil - pathogens, pest beetles, harmful elements, in the air - infections. Such negative factors can damage the structure itself and the future crop, in order to avoid sad consequences, it is necessary to carry out a set of measures to prepare the greenhouse for winter:

  • clean up, take out the trash
  • wash;
  • dry;
  • disinfect;
  • digging, tillage;
  • insulate;
  • reinforce the structure.

Preparing the greenhouse for winter, first of all, it is necessary to remove all unnecessary


Preparing the greenhouse for winter in the fall begins with a general cleaning. Inventory is taken out of it, trellises, supports, garters are removed. Everything must be cleaned, rinsed thoroughly, disinfected, dried, stored in a room with normal humidity.

Before you remove the greenhouse for the winter, vegetable debris is removed from the beds. Tops, weeds can be placed in a compost heap, but it is better to burn. Be sure to remove the top layer of soil 50-70 mm for the winter, it is here that pathogenic infections, harmful substances and other infections have accumulated in large numbers. It is recommended to take the collected soil out of the greenhouse, scatter it over the area in a thin layer, or leave it in a pile so that it freezes well and becomes disinfected under the influence of low temperatures during the winter.

Cleaning the greenhouse for the winter:

  • From the inside, the room is washed with a soft cloth soaked in warm water with the addition of non-aggressive household chemicals. Wash not only the walls, but also the roof.
  • The gaps between the frame and the walls of the greenhouse must be cleaned, it is convenient to do this with a brush or toothbrush.
  • Surfaces are washed with clean water, wiped almost dry.
  • To prevent fungi or corrosion, the frame must be treated with a saturated solution of bleach: lime - 2 kg of lime + copper sulfate 0.100 kg + 1 bucket of water.
  • After cleaning, doors and transoms are opened for ventilation so that the greenhouse is completely dry.

An important step in how to prepare a greenhouse for winter is to clean all interfaces with a brush from dust, infections and debris.

Important: Preparing a polycarbonate greenhouse for winter prohibits the use in the process wet cleaning abrasives, hard sponges and brushes, high-alkaline detergents, so as not to damage the surface of the material and not reduce its positive physical and chemical characteristics.

More often, greenhouse structures made of polycarbonate are arranged on the plots. Such structures are convenient, practical, budgetary, installation of the product can be easily done by hand. In connection with the demand for structures, we suggest watching a video-advice on how to prepare a polycarbonate greenhouse for winter, the video suggests the main stages of conservation of the building.

Be sure to check the tightness of the fit of the vents, windows, doors, handles, the serviceability of the fittings in order to avoid drafts and icing. If there are scratches on the metal frame, it is better to clean and paint over them so that rust does not appear.

How to prepare the land in a greenhouse for winter

All work with the soil must be carried out before the onset of frost, in dry weather. Optimum temperature environment+10 - +15 o C. The earth should first be sprinkled with ash or fertilizer, which are selected in accordance with what crop will be grown in the garden. Next, shed the soil with a manganese solution. Pour compost and a thin layer of clean sand on top; for better yields, a layer of peat is also recommended. Dig a shovel to the depth, loosen it, so the earth freezes better in winter. This measure is sufficient to get rid of the larvae of the bear. The remains of weeds and roots must be removed by hand.

Good to know: With a strong damage to the soil by insects and harmful microelements, experts recommend completely replacing the soil in the greenhouse for the winter with a nutrient soil mixture, with a layer of 200-250 mm.

For general soil disinfection in a greenhouse for the winter, you can use:

  • Chlorine lime, dry matter consumption 0.1 kg per 1 m2, the composition is scattered over the dug up surface and leveled with a rake, it is desirable that it gets to a depth of 20-30 mm.
  • It is possible to cultivate the soil in a greenhouse for the winter with a 2.5% formalin solution. Spraying should be carried out indoors so that there are no drafts; 1 liter of solution is required per 1 m 2.

Disinfection should be carried out, observing the safety precautions for working with harmful substances.

How to treat a greenhouse for the winter from pests in the soil

Harmful microorganisms and insects are very tenacious, so digging the earth and freezing it over the winter is not enough to protect the future crop from spoilage. In order to exclude soil diseases, it should be disinfected. We offer several recipes, tested over the years in practice, for the treatment of the earth:

  • Getting rid of the spider mite in the greenhouse will help fumigation with a sulfur checker, you will need 150 g of the substance per 1 m 3 of space. Even if the greenhouse is not infected with this disease, for prevention for the winter, the room should be treated with sulfur at the rate of 50 g per cubic meter. To carry out disinfection as efficiently as possible, it is necessary to seal the gaps tightly, wet the walls and shelves with water. Checkers are laid out on metal sheets, evenly distributed over the area of ​​the greenhouse. In order to avoid poisoning, it is necessary to observe personal safety precautions, it will be useful to use a chemical kit (tight clothing), glasses, gloves, a hat, a gas mask or a respirator. Sulfur treatment lasts 3 days, after which the greenhouse is ventilated.
Attention: Preparing a greenhouse for winter significantly depends on the materials from which it is built. So structures on a metal frame, covered with polycarbonate, are not allowed to be smoked with sulfur in order to avoid blackening of the metal and corrosion.

Table for the correct selection of greenhouse soil

  • The best greenhouse treatment for the winter from keel is 40% carbation. The substance is diluted according to the recipe: 500g per 10l of water. A solution from a watering can is well watered the soil immediately after digging.
  • Karbofos will help from such ailments as black leg and gall nematode. 90 g of powder is diluted in 10 liters of water, the soil is carefully treated with the resulting solution. After a few days, the beds in the greenhouse must be dug up so that the substance gets deep inside, and so left for the winter.

Preparing a polycarbonate greenhouse for winter - strengthening

Polycarbonate buildings are much stronger than glass, but preventive safety measures should be observed. When planning how to prepare a polycarbonate greenhouse for winter, one should not forget about maintaining the geometry, integrity, and insulation of the structure.

How to strengthen a polycarbonate greenhouse for the winter

Basically, such structures have well-thought-out aerodynamic shapes, snow rolls off the sides under its own weight. All loads fall on the ridge, if the roof is gable, and on the highest point of the arc in arched structures. In regions with low rainfall, structures easily endure winter without additional reinforcement. In snowy areas, for example, in Siberia, it is necessary to strengthen the building, and sometimes completely dismantle the polycarbonate from the frame.

Properly built polycarbonate greenhouse can withstand heavy loads

To strengthen the greenhouse for the winter, it is enough to install vertical support posts inside. They are recommended to be placed every 1.5-2.0 m from each other. But even after such prevention, when a large amount of precipitation falls, you will have to climb onto the roof and clean off the snow.

Note: So that the supports do not squat from a large snow load, they must be installed on a hard platform: concrete blocks, bricks, flat stones, and wooden blocks should be laid along the upper heads.

How to prepare a polycarbonate greenhouse for the winter, in the photo is a way to strengthen the frame

In warm weather, the snow rolls down to the base and thaws, and with a decrease in air temperature in the evening, an ice crust forms from this mass, which can cause significant damage to the structure. Therefore, it is important to clear the perimeter of the greenhouse from accumulated snow.

How to insulate a polycarbonate greenhouse for the winter

If a house for growing greens and vegetables is designed only for a warm period, then the question: how to insulate a greenhouse for the winter is solved with a thick layer of snow, which should be evenly distributed over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe building, an example in the photo below. This will protect plantings for the winter from freezing.

How to prepare a polycarbonate greenhouse for winter, an example of how to insulate beds

This solution is acceptable for dry areas, in wet areas, if groundwater comes close to the surface, snow melt can form a swamp. In these cases, it is recommended to close the beds with leaves, branches, and on top with old blankets, polyethylene, roofing material.

A way to close the soil in damp areas

Glass and polycarbonate greenhouses can be insulated for the winter by arranging an air gap inside. Repeating the shape of the greenhouse, retreating 100-200 mm from the walls, a layer of dense film is mounted, the joints are glued with adhesive tape. It is more practical, but more expensive to replace the film with thin polycarbonate, connecting sheets through a docking profile. This solution will significantly reduce heat loss inside the building.

For warming capital greenhouse for the winter, standing on a strip foundation, it is important to pay special attention to the adjoining frame to the base. The joints here must be sealed. And even if the slots are glued and a roofing felt hydrobarrier is organized, the junction should be caulked with porous rubber gaskets, or with a sealed tape with rubberized layers outward. The foundation should be dug out a little, overlaid with polystyrene plates, covered with roofing material on top. The same can be done on the entire surface of the building.

How to insulate the foundation and basement

All seams of the greenhouse, where polycarbonate, glass are adjacent to the frame, should be walked with sealants that do not form a solid coating, for example, polysulfide or thiokol mastic. To prevent heat from escaping when the door is opened, a vestibule should be attached to the entrance.

If the greenhouse is planned to be used in the winter, then heating should be considered, it is better if it is water heating. And from the school course of botany it is known that for the full development of plants, light is needed, 12 hours a day or more, so lighting must be provided. Suitable for 3 types of lamps:

Look at the advice of professionals on how the greenhouse is prepared for winter, the video describes in detail how to properly strengthen the foam for high-quality insulation.

After harvesting, the time comes to prepare the greenhouse structure for wintering, and the soil for the next season. There are a number of activities that need to be carried out in the fall, and not postponed until next spring. Such work in the greenhouse can be safely considered an investment in the future harvest..

First of all, the room is freed from fruit-bearing plants, weeds and other green residues. It is not recommended to leave them until spring, firstly, various insect pests and pathogens of fungal diseases can overwinter on them. Secondly, they will interfere with the work on fertilizing the soil. In order to grow a rich harvest, the land in the greenhouse is fertilized twice: in autumn and spring.

Next, the greenhouse itself is cleaned: the surfaces, frame parts and coating are washed. If the plants did not get sick during the season, then simply rinse the inner walls with water from a hose and brush through the details of the frame with a brush. Glass, polyethylene and polycarbonate can be washed with a solution of bleach (400 g per bucket of water) or an emulsion of laundry soap can be dispensed with. After drying from moisture, the details of the frame, where necessary, are tinted.

Clean greenhouse after cleaning and washing

Measures to combat fungal infections

If the plants for summer period suffered from disease or insect invasion, cleaning is not limited to. Disinfection must be carried out, otherwise fungi, bacteria, insect larvae and eggs will persist, and the next year the plants will become sick again.

Soil replacement

Processing the greenhouse after harvesting in the fall is carried out in several ways. The most effective, but time-consuming and far from always acceptable method is soil replacement: the upper 10-20 cm of soil is removed and replaced with a new one. There are also “tips” that suggest steaming the removed layer with boiling water or calcining it, which really helps to eliminate not only the fungus, but also bacteria. The only problem is that the method works well when it comes to several bags of soil, for example, for growing seedlings. But how to do this with a large amount of land is not clear.

Treatment with a fungicide

Therefore, the best option would be treatment with a modern fungicidal preparation, for example, Fitosporin-M. You can also use Bordeaux liquid, a 10% solution of copper sulfate and sulfuric smoke bombs. The last option is quite extreme (dangerous to health), but inexpensive and multifunctional. Before acting, carefully watch the video on how to properly fumigate a greenhouse with a sulfur checker. And note that sulfur can cause corrosion of metal structures, greenhouse manufacturers usually warn in the instructions whether or not to use a sulfur checker in their greenhouses.

Video about fumigation with a sulfuric smoke bomb

Fumigation of a greenhouse with a sulfur checker is harmful and dangerous to health, but effective and budgetary:

Important: to get rid of fungal infections, it is necessary to process not only the ground, but also all surfaces inside the greenhouse, as well as seedling containers, boxes, racks, greenhouse equipment, supports (metal and wooden).

Solutions of substances are sprayed using a sprayer. With "Fitosporin-M" and other biological products work at a temperature above 10 ° C, at a lower temperature, the active substances do not work.

Pest control

“Fitosporin” or Bordeaux liquid will disinfect the greenhouse and soil from fungal infections, mold, and various bacteria. Insects remain, whose eggs and larvae overwinter in the soil and in the crevices of the greenhouse frame. This, for example, spider mites, aphids, nematodes. Also, as in the case of fungi, disinfection by spraying is necessary. If you used a sulfur checker, then you don’t need to use anything else: sulfur destroyed everything.

Spraying structural parts of the greenhouse - necessary condition in the fight against pathogens and fungi

If after the end of the season there are drugs such as Fitoverm, Bitoxibacillin, Gaupsin, Trichodermin, you can dilute their residues and use the solution to spray the soil and frame parts. The use of bleach is also effective: 400 g of the substance is taken for 10 liters of water. The solution is infused for 2-4 hours. If a spider mite was seen in the greenhouse, the amount of bleach is increased to 1000 g. The solution is sprayed, the sediment is used to brush the wooden and metal parts of the greenhouse: special attention is paid to the frames, the lower parts of the frame, joints and junctions of parts. In extreme cases, you can use solutions of chemicals, for example, the insecticidal preparation "Karbofos", effective against aphids, scale insects, bedbugs and ticks. Mosses and lichens are removed with a five percent solution of iron sulfate. Disinfection with gentle biological products is also carried out for preventive purposes.

Soil work

Preparing the soil in a greenhouse in autumn is to raise its fertility and cleanse it of pests..How to fertilize the earth in the fall? in the best way solving problems in a complex way is the use of EM preparations (containing effective microorganisms). There are two ways to prepare the base:

  • grow plants - green manure, which are then cut off at the root, the green mass is laid in a layer of 5-10 cm;
  • use organic fertilizers.

If you have time to grow green manure, do it. For the future cultivation of cucumbers, mustard, rapeseed, peas, and vetch are sown; for tomatoes - mustard, lupins, beans and other legumes; for pepper - oats, lupins, peas, alfalfa. The average vegetation period of such plants is 2-5 months, so seeds should be sown at the end of July, or in mid-August, if we are talking about mustard, which has development up to required sizes takes just over a month.

Green manure plants need from 1 to 6 months to grow and develop to the desired size. The best option is mustard: it grows quickly, gives a large number of green mass

When green manure plants grow up, they are cut off at ground level and cover the ground with tops. As an alternative to green manure, they use: fresh manure (not the best option, since it contains many pathogens), peat, humus, compost. Standard for 1 sq.m. 5-12 kg of organic fertilizers are consumed. After placing the green layer of green manure (organic matter), the beds are shed with biological products such as Vostok EM-1, Radiance-1 or Baikal EM-1. On the square meter goes 3-5 liters of solution. Half a glass of a substance dissolved in 10 liters of water is enough for 2-3 square meters. meters.

By carrying out such a procedure, you can get rid of fungal and bacterial pathogens and increase fertility. In addition, over time, microorganisms will begin to decompose the organic residues of green manure or fertilizers, turning them into biohumus. Most proponents of organic farming successfully apply this technology in the fall. Preparations, of course, are less effective than "chemistry", but for preventive purposes they are the best and multifunctional option. If there is no time, finances or desire, you can simply use organic fertilizers, which can be applied for digging, or laid out in layers. Organic fertilizers introduced in autumn decompose slowly and also enrich the soil, increasing its fertility.

A short video shows soil cultivation in the Fitosporin greenhouse and mustard sowing to fertilize the soil (in the plot, the work is carried out in the spring, but the same scheme is applicable in the fall):

If EM preparations or organics have not been applied, then it is necessary to fertilize the soil with mineral fertilizers. In autumn, potash-phosphorus fertilizers and a small part of nitrogen are traditionally applied, the dosage is calculated according to the instructions. The earth is dug up shallowly - by 5-7 cm, loosened. It is more convenient to work with a pitchfork so that weed roots can be picked up. The shovel breaks them apart: something can be seen and removed, and something will remain for the next season. Fungi, eggs, larvae also remain in the soil, so it is shed with the same preparations that were used to wash and spray the frames.

Strengthening the frame with temporary arcs or props

In regions with frosty and snowy winters, it is recommended to strengthen the frame of the greenhouse with temporary arcs or props. Snowdrifts that have accumulated over the winter on the roof of a covered garden can damage the structure. Therefore, the frame of the greenhouse should be strengthened with homemade T-type props or factory arcs that come with the kit from the manufacturer. When strengthening the frame, emphasis should be placed on the upper part of the structure - the so-called "skate".

How many supports are required? As a rule, for a greenhouse with a width of about 6 meters, 4 T-shaped devices fixed at the top of the building will be enough. If there is a threat of accumulation of snow caps (the greenhouse is located in a leeward place or near a fence), then the number of props should be doubled.

Beams can sink into the ground and thus weaken the structure, so be sure to place the struts on a solid base, and not on bare ground.

Provide snow removal from the roof of the greenhouse during heavy snowfalls

It's important to know! The maximum load on the greenhouse structure is 70 cm of air snow or 30 cm of wet snow.

Proper conduct autumn work in the greenhouse guarantees the successful transfer of the building winter period and full preparation of the structure for the new season.

A well-groomed greenhouse will last for many more years, and the cleaned and fertilized soil will delight you with a rich harvest.

Autumn is not only a time of great joy due to the end of the summer season, the harvest, a great summer, but also the beginning of the next stage in caring for your favorite garden. Simply collecting all the garbage and dead leaves is not all the necessary procedures that a gardener who loves his site needs to do.

Particular attention should be paid to the greenhouse. This is one of those places where comfortable conditions are created in summer for the growth and development of not only plants, but also all kinds of bacteria and microorganisms. It is also very important to properly prepare the greenhouse for wintering, so that (especially if it is made of) it will winter well and be ready for planting in the spring.

What does a complete list of autumn work in the greenhouse include? Not as many points as it seems, but the work really needs to be done a lot.

Autumn work in the greenhouse is:

  • cleaning the territory from garbage;
  • thorough washing of the entire structure;
  • greenhouse disinfection;
  • soil fertilizer;
  • preparation for the winter period.

Autumn preparation of the greenhouse is a very important stage

Now let's take a step-by-step look at each stage of the autumn preparation.

Greenhouse cleaning

Greenhouse cleaning work begins with cleaning debris and washing the structure. And the first stages are carried out even before the start of frost.

Attention! Pests remaining on the plant part of the representatives of the flora easily endure the winter, and in the spring they begin to actively multiply and spread. That is why it is especially important to burn the remains of plants if the crops living in the greenhouse were sick in the summer.

Attention! The soil in the greenhouse cannot be replaced with the one in your summer cottage. It must be brought from another place, or better - bought in a store.

Fortunately, in not quite neglected cases, the earth may not be changed - it is enough to disinfect it, but this is the next stage in preparing the greenhouse for winter.

Step 3 Dig up the top layer of soil (about 5-10 cm) with a shovel and sift through a large sieve. This will help to select pest larvae from it that have settled for the winter, as well as remove the remnants of roots and leaves.

Step 4 Now proceed to other work that relates to cleaning the greenhouse structure itself. Carefully inspect the frame and coating for cracks and crevices. If there are any, seal them with a regular sealant.

Step 5 If you find chipped paint and rust on the metal frame, then clean these places sandpaper, prime and paint. This will prevent corrosion. If the frame of the greenhouse is wooden, then remove or clean out those places where moss appeared.

Chips and cracks need to be cleaned, primed and painted

Attention! Places where moss grew should be treated with herbicides.

Step 6 It's time to clean up the greenhouse. Prepare a soap solution by diluting a little grated laundry soap (about 1/3 of a whole piece) in warm water, and wash the entire covering of the greenhouse inside and out with a rag or sponge dipped in it. Pay special attention to joints, gaps and small details. Rinse off the soap with water, it is advisable to carry out this procedure at least twice. By the way, do not wash the polycarbonate greenhouse in hot weather - this can adversely affect the coating.

On a note! To clean the joints between the structural parts, use an old toothbrush.

Step 7 Let the structure dry thoroughly.

Step 8 If the greenhouse is covered with a film, then remove it (the film), roll it up, put it away until spring. If pathogens were noticed in the greenhouse in the summer, then wait with this stage: remove the covering material only after disinfection.

After the greenhouse has been washed from all sides, you can proceed to the next stage of preparing it for winter and the next season - disinfection.


Disinfection can be carried out different ways and is necessary to cope with rot, late blight and other misfortunes that are dangerous for horticultural crops. One of the simplest and most popular methods is fumigating the structure from the inside with a sulfur bomb. It is sold in almost any gardening store. If it is not available, you can also purchase ordinary sulfur (consumption 80 g per m 2).

Step 1. Take a metal sheet or any strong container or stand and place sulfur in it.

Sulfur blocks require strong stands

Step 2 Ignite the prepared substance.

Step 3 Exit the greenhouse quickly and close all doors tightly behind you. Sulfur burns for about an hour - all this time, observe the process in order to keep the situation under control if something happens.

Step 4 Do not enter the greenhouse for 2-3 days. Then air it out.

Advice! Use a gas mask or at least a respirator and gloves while burning sulfur in the greenhouse. In the event of an unforeseen situation, these simple means personal protection keep you healthy. Sulfur is a very toxic substance.

Table. Means suitable for greenhouse disinfection.


Suitable for processing both soil and greenhouse frame, especially wood. Dilute 400 g of the substance in 10 liters of warm water and let it brew for about 4 hours, stirring the liquid occasionally. Treat the soil with the resulting solution, spraying lime, and thoroughly coat the entire frame with sediment. Such processing will allow the structure to last longer, and it will ensure complete purification from pathogens. For disinfection in a solution of lime, you can soak all garden tools.

Depending on the concentration, both the soil and the greenhouse cover can be treated with this substance. To disinfect the coating, dilute 100 g of vitriol powder in 10 liters of water, preferably warm, and wash glass, film or polycarbonate with this preparation. In order to spill the soil, dissolve 5 g of vitriol in a bucket of water. Liquid consumption - 2 liters per m2.

The best option for tillage. The composition is simple: dilute 100 g of vitriol in 5 liters of water, also dissolve 100 g of lime in other water, pour vitriol water into milk of lime, mix everything. Bordeaux liquid is ready. It can also process the greenhouse structure itself.

We fertilize the soil

Fertilization is also included in the autumn stage of soil preparation. Over the summer, the soil has become very depleted, it needs new nutrients so that next spring and the coming summer the plants receive them in sufficient quantities.

Experienced gardeners advise in the autumn period to add organic fertilizers to the soil. It can be compost, peat, humus, manure. Many are afraid to add the last source of organic matter to the soil, but in the fall this can be done safely - the plants do not grow in the greenhouse already, which means that manure will not harm anyone.

Step 1. Dig up the soil well.

Step 2 Distribute manure over its surface at the rate of 10-20 kg per m 2 and dig again.

The soil needs to be dug again.

Step 3 Sprinkle everything with ordinary ash.

Step 4 Cover with clean grass.

Step 5 After snow falls, cover the entire surface of the soil with it. The layer of white "blanket" should be about 20 cm. In the spring, this measure will allow the soil to immediately be saturated with the necessary moisture.

Attention! Manure and humus can themselves become a source of weed seeds getting into the soil. Be prepared for this.

By the way, snow will help even out the temperature in the greenhouse and in the open space, which is important for ensuring the safety of the structure during the winter. And the soil will freeze less in the cold months.

Conservation and care in winter

Having cleared the greenhouse of debris and disinfected it, you might think that the autumn preparation of the house for plants has been successfully completed. But it's not. It remains to physically prepare the greenhouse for the upcoming cold weather, snowfalls, winds. This is especially important for structures made of polycarbonate.

Take care to strengthen the frame of the greenhouse. Yes, most modern structures are not afraid of high pressure, which will be created by a thick snow cover, comfortably located on the roof of the greenhouse. But it is unlikely that such a roof will withstand a load of more than 400 g / m 2. And it’s not even the cover material itself that can fail, but the frame of the structure. It will be a shame if all your work on building a greenhouse or the money spent on acquiring it simply goes down the drain due to laziness that prevented you from putting up props.

Attention! It is necessary to strengthen the frame by installing additional supports in the greenhouse, even in those regions where there is little snow and warm winters. Believe me, you will sleep much calmer in this case.

During the winter, in some regions, sometimes a lot of snow falls, and in order not to dangle to the dacha after each snowfall, just put up props - this way the greenhouse will last until spring.

Step 1. Saw pieces of the required length from wooden bars - they should be as high as the greenhouse itself.

Growing vegetables in a greenhouse requires a special approach, because there crops grow in a limited space. This leads to soil depletion, so it is important to add nutrients to greenhouse beds every year. Otherwise, it will no longer be possible to get a good harvest from the greenhouse. Equally important is the fertilization of the land in the greenhouse in the fall, while preparing it for wintering.

However, before you start fertilizing, you need to process it to destroy various fungi and infections.

Preventive measures in the greenhouse

First of all, all plant residues should be collected on the beds, taken out and burned, and the structure itself should be thoroughly washed. The same applies to garden tools (rakes, choppers, shovels), they also need to be taken out, cleaned from the ground and washed with laundry soap.

When the greenhouse is removed, it is necessary to disinfect the beds themselves. To do this, you can use one of the following methods:

  1. Spill the soil with boiling water and cover them with a thick film for a day. Repeat the procedure two more times. All three treatments should be done within one week.
  2. scatter bleach(100 g per 1 sq.m.), spill with a solution of potassium permanganate and dig.
  3. Introduce Phytosporin or Trichodermin into the soil. Plant out (mustard grows fastest of all).

Preparatory work in the greenhouse must begin until the air temperature drops below 10 degrees Celsius.

Autumn top dressing of greenhouse beds

After preventive measures, it's time to deal directly with fertilizing the soil in the greenhouse:

  • scatter wood ash over the beds (at least 50 g per square, with increased soil acidity up to 200 g);
  • shed the soil with a solution based on superphosphate (20 g per bucket of water);
  • sprinkle potassium sulfate at the rate of 15 g of granules per square;
  • spread over the beds rotted compost, manure or bird droppings;
  • dig up.

Instead of individual mineral components in the fall in the greenhouse, you can use complex preparations, for example, nitrophoska. In dry form, it is applied at 50 g per square; to prepare a solution, with which the beds are then shed, it is necessary to take half as much per 10 liters of water.

We clean and fertilize greenhouse beds before winter - video

Having finished necessary work for the arrangement and preparation of the garden for winter, you can start work in the greenhouse. Before starting work, it is necessary to clean the soil, removing all leaves and roots. In addition, it is necessary to remove the top layer of soil, which should not be returned “in place” in any case. And all due to the fact that larvae of harmful insects can be in the soil, which means that it will take place along with the fight against pests.

If your greenhouse is covered with a regular film, it is best to remove it, because the cellophane will simply crack from frost. Even if your region is characterized by slight frosts, the shelter simply may not withstand the load in the form of snow or rain. Otherwise, you will have to purchase a new shelter, which costs money.

We carry out disinfection: how to get rid of pests?

Work on the preparation of greenhouses is carried out by several methods: it is either disinfection or fumigation. And if the first method is a simple use of a variety of disinfecting materials and agents, then the second is more complex, but also more effective.

To do this, we need to purchase sulfur in the store (per square meter 100 grams of material) or a sulfur checker (per square meter 50 grams of material). Also, do not forget to buy special disinfecting briquettes sold in any store for builders or gardeners. Before work, examine whether there are gaps in the greenhouse, if there are holes, they must be repaired or the effect of the work will decrease. Putting on a gas mask and spraying the walls of the greenhouse with water to enhance the effect, you can start to "smoke" the room.

Carrying out such work will allow you to kill any microbes, harmful microorganisms, and other crops that were in the soil will not interfere with you. This will ensure that you get healthier plants and vegetable crops in the future, giving a rich harvest.

Putting things in order: everything in its place

Before winter, you need to put things in order in the greenhouse, if necessary, you need to repair the structure and paint it if the greenhouse is made of wood. As we have already said, the film must be removed before winter. In addition, many summer residents keep their own and expensive equipment inside the greenhouses, which is undesirable even if there are locks.

Alas, in winter and early spring, before the arrival of the owners of the cottage, thieves often visit, who definitely do not disdain to get hold of high-quality tools.

Additional work in the greenhouse before the winter season

However, disinfection and cleaning are not the only jobs that are included in the care of the greenhouse in winter. Even if you have equipped a greenhouse made of glass or polycarbonate, it is advisable to come to the dacha in winter at least several times per season. First of all, you need to remove snow from the roof, and also throw it inside the building so that the soil in the spring is not dry and unsuitable for planting.

Naturally, strong snow "caps" can lead to structural failures, and therefore be sure to monitor the condition of your greenhouse. So, caring for a greenhouse made of polycarbonate or glass is as follows: it is advisable to wash the glass with a solution of potassium permanganate, and if there are even microcracks, it is better to replace them, otherwise severe frosts can cause the glass to simply burst. As a result, the soil inside the greenhouse will freeze.