Internet started to lag. Slows down the Internet

Tired of waiting for some website to load and the internet is very slow? So it's time to figure out why this is happening.

On forums about computers, topics with the headings “Internet slows down, what to do?” Very often appear, but it is impossible to solve the problem in one action, since there are many reasons for such phenomena.

We will look at the common causes of slow internet speeds, and you will have to determine what exactly is preventing you from using a high-speed connection. I would like to say right away that first of all, contact your Internet provider, as the problem may be related to technical work or failures.

7 reasons why the Internet slows down

  1. Viruses. Be sure to update your antivirus and run a full system scan. It is quite possible that some trojans and worms are sending various requests, thereby slowing down your connection speed.
  2. Security software. Some anti-virus and security programs can cause slow internet if traffic is scanned on the fly before traffic arrives. To be sure that this is not the case, disable the security software and test the speed. Disable the firewall if necessary.
  3. Downloading various updates. Many users do not even pay attention to how many programs they have constantly running. For example, you may be running an update of antivirus databases, Windows, various instant messengers, clients, and so on. All this reduces the speed of the Internet.
  4. Operating system. But what if you just installed the operating system, and there are no viruses or additional programs? In this case, the problem may be related to the OS itself. This is especially true for those who install non-standard versions of Windows (Zver). For example, because of this, the original drivers for the network card may not be installed.
  5. Setting up network equipment. Internet connection can be made through various devices (modems, routers, routers, etc.). All hardware must be configured separately and ensure that it is accompanied by up-to-date drivers, clients, software, and so on.
  6. Network card failure. Not so often, but still there are speed problems due to a broken network card. It is easy to determine this, just insert the Internet cable into any other computer and measure the speed.
  7. Cable problem. Many people are sure that an Internet cable can either work or not work, but there are also situations when it reduces the speed of the Internet. Twisted-pair isn't expensive, so just buy a new cable and see if that's the problem.

Often you have to deal with a problem when the Internet slows down. What to do in such a situation? What could be the reasons for poor network performance?

Quite often, the cause can be a banal virus. It can significantly slow down not only the Internet, but the entire computer. So, you suspect that it is because of the virus that the Internet is slowing down. What to do? Of course, check your PC with an antivirus. It is possible that after this, your Internet performance will improve significantly.

Modem problems

It is possible that your modem or router settings have gone wrong. Try to find an instruction that describes the settings for your modem model, check it. Quite often, such a problem can be identified by looking at the device - not all the lights are on, or the indicators turn red instead of green.

Wire problem

Another option is a damaged network cable. So, you suspect that it is because of this that the Internet does not work well. What to do in such a situation? First, try pulling the cable. True, this may not solve the problem. Another option is to change the cable. But not everyone has a spare wire to connect to the Internet. Therefore, it is not always possible to diagnose damage in time.

This applies to those who use Wi-Fi. It is possible that neighbors have joined you. Agree, this is an additional load that can significantly reduce the speed of your Internet. In order to avoid this situation, use strong passwords and encrypt the connection and do not neglect the advice of experts. You can't wait to be thanked for your charity.

Problems on the line

If you have tried all of the above methods, and your Internet is still slowing down, it is not clear what to do and where to run. Option one - call the provider. There you can find out if there are any problems on the line. Perhaps the problem is not with you, but directly with them. In addition, it is possible that you were tritely turned off. The reason may be late payment for the Internet, as well as the exhaustion of the limit. It all depends on the terms of your contract.

Change provider

If the Internet is constantly slow, it is likely that you should change the provider. Sometimes even very good companies deteriorate and begin to disregard their responsibilities and customers. Consider this option.

call the master

This is an extreme way out in a situation where the Internet is buggy. What to do in this case? Only call a qualified specialist who will diagnose and find out the cause of your problem. Of course, you will have to pay for this, but then you will know exactly why you do not have access to the World Wide Web.


So, now you know why the Internet slows down, what to do in such a situation and where you can turn. We advise you to check all possible options, and then draw conclusions. After all, sometimes the cause of poor performance can be not one problem, but several. For example, problems with the provider and a malfunction of the network wire.

Almost every second user in the world freezes the computer in the browser. The computer freezes when the browser is turned on and nothing can be done about it, especially if the user has no idea what actions to take.

Everyone loves to surf the Internet, read the news or horoscopes, but when a stable working computer falls into a "coma" because of the browser being on ... The owner of the car starts to vomit and throw, call his Internet provider and swear with the operator, although they are not at all with affairs. By the way, if you are still not aware, then the browser is a special program for viewing sites on the Internet. The most popular of them are Opera, Google Chrome, Mozilla. Today's post is intended to help users with frozen programs and "dead computers".

Why does my PC freeze on the Internet?

The computer freezes when you turn on the browser due to many reasons, which we will talk about now. First things first, where you should turn your unsuspecting eye - the impact of malware. We all know that you can pick up on the network at almost every corner. Malicious and other utilities with ancient Greek names like to modify values ​​in the system registry, change the contents of files, and poke around wherever they please. After that, the browsers themselves, as well as the operating system, begin to work extremely inadequately. Usually, inadequacy manifests itself in the form of computer brakes.

The computer freezes when working in opera and any other browser due to program inconsistencies. For example, the Flash player itself can give errors. Often new applications cause the machine to slow down, which will conflict with the browser itself, and maybe with the operating system.

If everything is in order with the software level, then why does the computer freeze in the browser? Even if you are completely, of course, this is an extreme measure, and work on the Internet is still slowing down, which means The answer must be sought at the hardware level. The browser, as you already understood, is a program that has a noble origin. But like any other program, a web browser needs computing resources. By the way, try opening the process manager and evaluate how much RAM and CPU resources this simple program eats. Thus, lack of RAM, too limited hard disk space, or too weak a processor - o the main causes of "computer" brakes.

The computer freezes when working on the Internet, what should I do?

So, I give a few answers to the question “the computer freezes tightly when working on the Internet, how to fix it?”. First of all, pay attention to the fact that you may not have an antivirus program. Usually, in its absence, it is viruses that are the main culprits of the company's lethargy. Remember that in addition to the browser, other programs can also slow down. So you need to quickly and cheerfully download the antivirus, I recommend using DrWeb or Avast!- the most simple and free programs. Once you install an antivirus, scan your system for viruses.

Inside the browser itself, history files are constantly accumulating. Of course, each open page is a new file that fills up memory. Don't forget to clear your browser history and do it as often as possible!

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Nowadays, the Internet has become so commonplace that in many cases it is simply impossible to imagine a PC without an Internet connection. In this case, one often encounters that the computer slows down on the Internet. And this leads not only to a decrease in your productivity, but also begins to get very annoying. Why is the internet failing? In rare cases, the user can determine the actual cause. It's one thing when the Internet slows down in the evening. This can be explained by the high channel load and does not depend on the user. And if the Internet is very slow at any other time, what should I do?

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Unprofessional actions by the user will not solve the problem. If the Internet is terribly slow, contact the experts. Proper configuration of the connection and OS in most cases will help solve the problem.


Internet is buggy and what to do? Firstly, the speed of your connection will never match the declared one, and not in your favor. Further, the reasons why the Internet began to slow down can be divided into dependent and independent of you. Let's figure it out why did the internet slow down?

  • Viruses. The work of Trojans, worms, spyware, and other viruses can significantly slow down a computer on the Internet, up to using the entire bandwidth. With a large number of various viruses, you can completely lose connection with the Internet. The resumption of normal access will be possible after cleaning your PC from viruses or, as a radical way, after reinstalling the OS, followed by an antivirus scan with updated databases. Getting rid of viruses on your own can be quite difficult.
  • Work of antiviruses, firewalls. One of the reasons why the Internet is terribly slow is the work of the antivirus firewall. Information is checked by antivirus "on the fly". Therefore, Kaspersky, Avast, NOD32 slows down the Internet, just like any other antivirus. There's nothing you can do about it, antivirus is vital when working on the Web. If you risk working for some time without it, the consequences of the influence of viruses on the system can be the most unpredictable. The way out of this situation can be the use of antiviruses that require few system resources.
  • Lots of browser add-ons and network programs.Has the Internet become very slow with Windows 7 installed? Check how many additional modules, bars, and other add-ons are installed in the browser. Installing a large number of additional browser elements may well be the reason why Internet Explorer or another browser slows down. With the removal of unnecessary components, you must be extremely careful: in the case of an incorrect operation, the browser may stop working altogether. It is better to entrust the restoration of its normal operation to specialists.
  • Operating system.Using an unlicensed OS often leads to the fact that the Internet is very slow. OS of various "assemblies" in many cases do not provide correct obtaining of an IP address, stable low ping, or correct installation of "native" drivers for a network card. If you already use a pirated version of Windows, entrust its configuration and installation to professionals, and then during the operation of your version of the OS, unexpected problems will not arise over time.
  • Poorly configured network equipment.The stable operation of the Internet largely depends on the correct configuration of network equipment. This is especially true for wireless networks. In the latter case, neighbors can also successfully use your channel. In order to prevent that a router, for example, a D-Link dir 300 or an adsl modem, slows down the Internet, we believe that you should never configure such devices on your own. The work of a trained specialist in setting up network elements will be the key to the successful operation of network equipment.
  • Torrent work.Agree that you had to deal with a situation where, with utorrent turned on, the Internet slows down in Windows 7. This is not always the fault of the Internet channel occupied by the torrent. The OS has system limits on the number of simultaneous network connection attempts. First, the remote node is sent an "invitation" to the connection, a so-called half-open (half-open) connection is formed. There can be a strictly defined number of such connections, depending on the version of your OS. The number of established connections is not limited. If your torrent slows down the Internet in Windows 7 while working, this problem can be solved. With the help of special patches, system restrictions can be removed. However, personally experimenting is not recommended in order to maintain the health of your OS.

Can't find an answer why a torrent slows down the Internet a lot or just slows down the Internet on your laptop or PC? Contact us. The extensive experience of our company allows us to localize the cause of the unstable operation of your Internet connection and eliminate it as soon as possible. Applications can be made on our website or by phone.

Often I am asked a question by people who are new to the computer field and that's what they ask: “It freezes, what should I do?”. On this issue, it is naturally difficult to determine what problems the user has, but one thing becomes clear - this is connected with the World Wide Web. Next, I have to clarify what exactly happened. Someone has little RAM and with a large number of open tabs, the computer starts to freeze. In this article, I will analyze the most common cases when computer beginners are concerned about the issue of freezing the Internet.

1. Little is installed on the computer, for example 1-2 GB. When surfing the web, there are many tabs open in the browser. The RAM becomes clogged and the computer starts to slow down. The way out of this situation is to increase the RAM, or keep fewer tabs open.

2. Due to problems with the hard disk, such as an old disk, there are many bad sectors. Your browser may freeze while working on the Internet, as well as the computer itself. In this situation, you can quickly and in case of poor condition replace it with a new one.

3. Working in the browser seems too slow to you. When you try to upload a photo, audio, or other file to a website, does your upload bar get stuck? Most likely you are using an outdated browser to surf the Internet. Often people complain that the Internet Explorer browser freezes. Previously, I used only the Opera browser. With the advent of the Google Chrome browser, I use it only and advise others. I consider this browser the fastest and most convenient. There is nothing superfluous in it by default and everyone can customize it for themselves. It is convenient to search and install extensions. There is synchronization - a handy thing, saved a bookmark on your computer - it will appear on your mobile device. Have you reinstalled Windows? It doesn't matter, we installed a browser - logged in and in seconds (if you have fast Internet) you have all your bookmarks, and the extensions will install themselves.

4. Video freezes when viewing on the Internet? Perhaps you have an old computer. According to my observations, for HD format it is desirable to have 2 cores and 2 GB of RAM. Also, online video may freeze if you do not have .

5. Low Internet connection speed and it makes you wildly annoying? Now I have wired Internet and a speed of 40 Mbps, but there was a time when I used satellite Internet with GPRS, then EDGE and soon 3G. My small town used to have terrible wireless internet. Sometimes you pay 900 rubles for unlimited, but it is not stable, then it loads 600 kbps, then it hangs at zero for a minute. What I could come up with was that the modem connected an extension cable via USB and placed it in the room as high as possible and to the window, preferably to the window, and sometimes led out the window. I also wrapped the modem case with copper wire, in my opinion it caught the network a little better. Now all sorts of amplifiers are being sold, I don’t know, I didn’t use it.

6. If your computer is connected to a wired Internet, but nevertheless the Internet connection freezes temporarily or permanently, you may have a partially broken twisted pair wire. Inspect the wire carefully, suddenly something would be crushed. The wire is not energized, you can try to fix this problem yourself with a knife and electrical tape.

I analyzed the most frequent cases when I was asked about the freezing of the Internet. If you have a problem with something else, then you can ask about it through the comments form or call a specialist at home. But it would be better if you have a computer scientist friend or acquaintance, such a person will tell you what's what and won't take much from you, for example, a chocolate bar, if it's not a difficult problem.

This is a fairly common problem faced by computer owners. And although setting up the computer's performance is not part of the ISP's technical support service (the Internet provider is only responsible for Internet access), here are some tips that we hope will help you.

So, what can you try to do first of all before rushing to "demolish" the Windows operating system.

The reasons for a system freeze can be different - from component malfunctions to incorrect operation of the hardware software installed on the computer. Consider ways to solve this problem. Computers freeze for various random (force majeure) and non-random reasons (human factor) that are not related to breakdown or malfunction. Sometimes it is enough to restart your computer (by pressing the Ctrl+Alt+Delete key combination). But if freezes occur systematically, then do not be too lazy to focus on the following symptoms.

1. The computer freezes when working in a strictly defined program

To determine the cause, we call the task manager by pressing the Ctrl + Alt + Delete keys. We look at the “APPLICATIONS” tab and opposite the name of the program we specify its status. If the status is "DO NOT ANSWER", then close the non-working program - select it in the list and click the "END TASK" tab. The computer will take some time to complete this operation. Run the program again and monitor the further operation of the computer. If the program again led to the computer freezing, then you need to reinstall it. Reinstallation is recommended in two stages: 1. uninstalling the program (do not forget to save the data folder if it is in the program directory) and 2. directly installing the program again.

2. The computer just started to freeze for no reason

Do we remember what programs you installed recently (for example, updated drivers, read suspicious mail, updated the player on the Internet when visiting sites, etc.)? If you remember, then we are trying to remove the installed software application. If you don’t remember or can’t uninstall the program for various reasons, then we “return” the computer to the state that preceded the events indicated above: “START” - “PROGRAMS” - “STANDARD” - “UTILITIES” - “SYSTEM RECOVERY”. Select a restore point (date). In addition, you may need to check the box to display additional restore points. We start recovery. We wait. After the reboot, we evaluate the behavior of the computer. The procedure can be repeated by restoring to an earlier state. Keep in mind that the recovery procedure is completely reversible.

3. Computer hangs after being infected with a virus

This can happen if you do not use or forgot to update your antivirus. In this case, you must install (update) a licensed anti-virus program. It is possible that deleting infected system files on your computer (hard drive) will be a way out of a situation where, in your opinion, the computer often freezes unnecessarily during operation.

4. The computer freezes after installing (adding) components

Sometimes you have to add additional components to the architecture of the system unit. Most often, this can be an additional memory module, a newer video card, a network card, a TV tuner, and so on. If after connecting and installing the drivers you start having problems, then you should first of all uninstall and reinstall the drivers on the device, preferably a different version (excluding RAM, since the operating program itself will find control over it). Did reinstalling help? Then open the case and remove the new component from the system unit. Assess the performance of your computer without it. Everything is fine! Again we are trying to insert an additional component (if possible, into another slot) and install the drivers. If it was not possible to solve the problem, then exchange the device for another - similar.

In extreme cases, contact a specialized service company.

5. The computer hangs only on the Internet or local network

The cause of computer freezes when connected to the Internet or to a local network is most often either some program (in particular, a virus, a torrent client) that “clogs” the channel with traffic, or the operation of the network card itself.

First you need to close all running applications and see if there is traffic: “NETWORK CONNECTION”, right-click “STATUS”, look at “ACTIVITY”. If there is a continuous flow of traffic, then it is worth checking the computer for a virus (see point 3 above).

If there is no traffic (or “ACTIVITY” shows the consumption of only a few packets with interruptions of a few seconds), then the problem is most likely in the network card.

In this case: disable the network card programmatically: “COMPUTER PROPERTIES” - “DEVICE MANAGER” - “NETWORK DEVICES” - “NETWORK CARD”. Next, right-click on the option “DISABLE DEVICE”. To be sure, we restart the computer and check the performance. If we see a difference in the performance of a computer with and without a network card, then we install another one in the system unit, and leave the old one disabled. You can also disable the network card in the BIOS settings.