Coursework: Organization of transportation of goods by rail. Organization of railway transportation of goods Stages of organization of railway transportation

Relations between by rail, shippers and consignees are regulated Transport charter railways RF, rules of cargo transportation, concluded contracts.

At large stations, forwarding offices are organized that perform the operation of servicing consignors and consignees (FECs). In some large cities, forwarding services are organized by motor transport enterprises. Freight forwarding offices, under agreements with consignors and consignees, undertake the delivery of goods prepared for dispatch from the station to the recipient's warehouses, containers - to places of unloading and loading, execution of all transport documentation, and also inform the consignees about the goods arrived at their address.

Rail transportation is classified according to several criteria. According to the planning features, they are divided into local - within the same railway, direct - if the goods are transported along several railways, mixed - if other modes of transport participate in them. Distinguish between rail transportation and speed. Goods can be sent by freight (small), large and passenger speed. Most transportation is carried out at freight speed in conventional freight train wagons.

Perishable goods are sent mainly at high speed in special trains. Small consignments of goods are transported in baggage cars of passenger trains at passenger speed.

The lowest railway tariffs are for freight (small) speed, higher - high speed and the highest - passenger.

According to the size of shipments, small shipments, container shipments, single-carriage shipments and route shipments (a group of wagons or a whole train) are distinguished. A small shipment is considered to be the transportation of goods in containers weighing up to 10 tons. Tariffs for small shipments are higher than the other ones. When transporting goods in containers, a special fee is charged, so here the tariffs are slightly higher than the other ones, but lower than the tariffs for small shipments.

Before the transfer of the cargo to the railway, the cape is filled, the railway waybills are handed over to the station's cash desk to indicate the day of delivery and

13.2. Organization of transportation of goods by rail ________ 327

the number of the storeroom to which the goods are to be delivered. This is necessary for completing a batch of shipments from various consignors with a wagon.

Wagons filled with goods sent to the address of several consignees are called prefabricated. Such wagons are sent both to several consignees located in the service area of ​​one station, and to consignees located in the service area of ​​2-3 stations of the same railway.

Shipment of goods in wagon lots is carried out both from the consignor's railroad warehouse and from the loading platform of the railway station. The batch size must correspond to the full capacity of the supplied wagon. For incomplete use of the capacity of the car, the station has the right to charge a fine. Warehouse workers before loading must check the serviceability of the delivered wagon, its suitability in terms of sanitary condition for the transportation of goods.

The loading of the delivered wagon must be completed within the time specified for the given cargo and type of wagon. The loaded car is locked with a wire twist and sealed, after which it is handed over to the weigher of the freight station and at the same time a railway waybill is issued.

Personal responsibility for the unsatisfactory use of wagons rests with the managers trade organizations. The perpetrators are charged with damages, caused by the aphid of excess downtime of wagons.

The railway is responsible for the safety of goods along the way, both in terms of quantity and quality, as well as delivery times. In case of shortage or damage to cargo due to the fault of the railway, it is liable in full size the damage caused.

The term of delivery of cargo by rail is determined on the basis of the daily passage of cargo: low speed for route shipment - 550 km, wagon and container - ".MIND) km, shallow - 180 km; high speed in trains with machine cooling - 660 km. I add the delivery time to the estimated mileage! 2 days for cargo handling at the stations of departure and destination. Calculation of the delivery time starts from 24 hours on the day of acceptance of the goods for transportation, indicated in the invoice. For its delay, the railway pays a penalty.

For the transportation of goods by rail, covered freight wagons, platforms, cisterns, insulated wagons and cisterns are used.

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Organization rail transport cargo and their improvement on a logistical basis

  • Introduction
    • 1. Theoretical aspects organization of rail transportation of goods
    • 1.1 Characteristics of the railway transport of Kazakhstan at the present stage
    • 1.2 Organization of cargo transportation by rail
    • 1.3 Organization of cargo and commercial work on the railway tr. Smekhov
    • 1.4 Transport logistics as a tool for optimizing transport operations
    • 2. Analysis of the activities of the transport enterprise LLC "DHL Logistics"
    • 2.1 Organizational and economic characteristics of the activities of the enterprise LLC "DHL Logistics"
    • 2.2 The procedure, features and problems of the implementation of the transportation process by rail at DHL Logistics LLC
    • 2.3 Problems of industrial transport and its technical equipment
    • 3. Ways to improve the organization of rail transportation of goods on a logistics basis at DHL Logistics LLC
    • 3.1 Development of recommendations for improving the organization of rail transportation
    • Bibliography


Railways have always been one of the main modes of transport in the transportation of goods in our country, since the movement of sufficiently significant volumes of goods over long distances by other modes of transport in Russia was simply impossible.

Railway transport in the Russian Federation is of exceptional importance in the life support of a diversified economy and the implementation of socially significant services for the transportation of passengers and goods. Due to the natural-climatic and political-economic conditions of our country, its vast land spaces, it bears the main burden of transportation.

Carrying out the transportation of goods, passengers, luggage and cargo luggage, railway transport enters into certain legal relationships with consignors, consignees, passengers, individuals and legal entities, other modes of transport and owners Vehicle. Regulation of emerging legal relationships is necessary to achieve the main goal facing the management of railway transport. Such is - increasing the efficiency of its work.

Railway transport operates continuously throughout the year and day, carrying out mass transportation of fuel, metals, timber, building materials, fertilizers, grain, food and many other goods of all sectors of the economy, ensuring the normal functioning of production, the livelihoods of people in cities and rural areas.

The main tasks of transport is to more fully meet the needs of cargo owners and the entire population in transportation.

Freight stations of railways and access roads of industrial enterprises adjacent to them play an important role in the process of delivering goods from places of production to places of consumption. Constant improvement of the technology of their work is one of the main conditions for the successful transportation of goods by rail.

In the organization of the transportation process, the leading role belongs to the engineers of the lines of communication. AT modern conditions transport workers require a high level of knowledge of the organization of production.

The leading role of railway transport in the overall transport system is determined by the relatively low cost, mass character, versatility, regularity, reliability and speed of transportation, the ubiquity of the network location, the ability to deliver goods from the consignor's warehouse to the consignee's warehouse. Railway transport operates continuously throughout the year and day, carrying out mass transportation of fuel, metals, timber, building materials, fertilizers, grain and many other goods from all sectors of the economy, ensuring the normal functioning of production, the livelihoods of people in cities and rural areas.

This thesis is the study and analysis practical application organization of rail transportation of goods and their improvement on a logistical basis.

Currently, it is required not only to transport the goods and meet the deadline for its delivery, but also to provide transport services according to different classes quality, minimizing transport losses and costs. For these purposes, it is necessary to apply transportation process technologies that are convenient for consignors and consignees, optimally coordinate the rhythms of work of suppliers, consumers, railway transport and the time of delivery of goods for specific consignors and consignees, inform them about the progress of the cargo, ensure the completeness and quality of the services provided, etc. . in accordance with the law, in order to achieve maximum transport efficiency. This reflects the relevance of the chosen topic.

This work consists of three chapters, each of which describes and consecrates the idea of ​​the thesis step by step. The first chapter gives general idea about the transportation process, answering the question what types of transportation are there and includes three subparagraphs, each of which specifies the essence of the transportation process. The second chapter describes the analysis of the activities of the transport enterprise. The subtle features of his activity are revealed. In this chapter, similarly to the previous one, three subparagraphs are presented, which describe in more detail the characteristics of the enterprise, the problems of the implementation of the transportation process and relationships with consumers. The third chapter describes ways to improve the organization of rail transportation. Includes three sub-clauses, which reveal the essence of the problem posed and describe the improvement of problems on a logistical basis.

The object of the thesis is the process of rail transportation of goods, and the subject of this work is the direct implementation of the transportation process by rail.

1. Theoretical aspects of the organization of rail transportation of goods

1.1 Characteristics of the railway transport of Kazakhstan at the present stage

Railway transport in the Russian Federation has exclusively importance in the life support of a diversified economy and the implementation of socially significant services for the transportation of passengers. Due to the natural-climatic and political-economic conditions of our country, its vast land spaces, it bears the main burden of transportation.

The comprehensive role of railway transport in the economy and social sphere of the Russian Federation is defined in article one federal law“On Railway Transport in the Russian Federation”: “Railway transport in the Russian Federation is an integral part of the unified transport system of the Russian Federation. The railway transport of the Russian Federation, in cooperation with organizations of other types of transport, is called upon to meet the needs of individuals, legal entities and the state in transportation by rail, contribute to the creation of conditions for the development of the economy and ensuring the unity of the economic space on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Railway transport plays an important role in the functioning and development of the country's commodity market, in meeting the needs of the population for movement. It is the main link in the transport system of Russia and most of the CIS countries. The special role of Russian railways is determined by the long distances of transportation, the absence of inland waterways in the main East-West communications, the cessation of navigation on rivers in winter period, remote location of the main industrial and agricultural centers from sea routes. In this regard, they account for almost 50% of the freight turnover and more than 46% of the passenger turnover of all modes of transport in the country.

The main field of application of railway transport is the mass transportation of goods and passengers in inter-district, intercity and suburban communications, with freight traffic predominating.

The importance of Russian railways in the development of interstate relations with the CIS countries and international transportation is great. After the collapse of the USSR, almost 60% of the total railway network (87.5 thousand km.) went to the Russian Federation. But the material and technical base, in particular repair service, locomotive and car building, turned out to be broken. The density of the railway network in Russia is 0.51 km per 100 km 2, which is significantly lower than the density of railways not only in developed countries, but also in most of the former Soviet republics of the USSR (in Ukraine - 2.76 km, in Belarus - 2.77 km, Latvia - 3.6 km, Georgia - 2.2 km, Uzbekistan - 0.79 km). It is obvious that in Russia it is necessary to build new railway lines, especially for the development of large deposits of fuel and raw materials in the east of the country.

Technical and economic features and advantages of railway transport are as follows:

Possibility of construction on any land territory, with the help of bridges, tunnels and ferries;

· implementation of railway communication with separated, including island, territories (as, for example, between the mainland and Sakhalin Island);

· mass transportation and high carrying capacity of railways;

versatility of use for the transportation of various goods and the possibility of mass transportation of goods and passengers at high speed;

regularity of transportation regardless of the time of year, time of day and weather;

Possibility of creating a direct connection between large enterprises along access roads and ensuring the delivery of goods according to the “door-to-door” scheme without expensive transshipments;

· in comparison with water transport, as a rule, a shorter way of transportation of goods;

· relatively low cost of transportation compared to other modes of transport, except for pipelines.

Rail transport will continue to be the leading mode of transport in the country, however, the pace of its development may be lower than that of automobile, pipeline and air, due to their insufficient development in our country. In addition, one should take into account the increasing competition in the transport market, technological progress and some shortcomings of the railways. Such shortcomings include, first of all, the capital intensity of the construction of railways and the relatively slow return of the advanced capital (6-8 years, and sometimes more).

The entire network of Russian railways consists of 17 railways: East Siberian, Gorky, Far Eastern, Transbaikal, West Siberian, Kaliningrad, Krasnoyarsk, Kuibyshev, Moscow, October, Volga, Sakhalin, Sverdlovsk, Northern, North Caucasian, Southeast and South - Ural Railways. The Ministry of Railways and RAO "Russian Railways" manage the activities of lower structures: road departments and linear enterprises, locomotive and car depots, stations, track distances, communications, power supply, etc. In addition, the industry has a large number of industrial, construction, trade, scientific, design , and educational organizations and enterprises, solid social sphere. In recent years, railways have gained greater economic independence, and many of their industrial and ancillary enterprises have been separated from the system of the Ministry of Railways after corporatization and privatization.

Railway transport is divided into: public transport - transport that transports goods and passengers, no matter who they are presented to;

main or external transport carries out economic transportation between producers and consumers of products and transports passengers;

departmental transport - transport that performs the transportation of its departments or enterprises;

· On-farm transport mainly satisfies the technological needs of production within individual enterprises.

· transportation by rail: from Moscow to Vladivostok, Ussuriysk, Nakhodka and from Vladivostok to Moscow.

iron roads are major consumers of metal. In addition, rail transport is a very labour-intensive industry, with labor productivity lower than that of pipeline, maritime and air transport (but higher than that of road transport). On average, there are almost 14 people employed in transportation per 1 km of the operational length of Russian railways, and 1.5 people in the USA. with approximately similar volumes of transport work.

The disadvantages of railways should also include the still low level of quality transport services provided to clients. However, good technical equipment and progressive technologies Russian railways allow them to remain a completely competitive mode of transport.

Railway transport in Russia is federally owned and operated by the Ministry of Railways, which controls 19 railways, which are state-owned transport enterprises. The Ministry of Railways and territorial departments of railways carry out operational and economic management of the activities of lower structures: departments of roads and linear enterprises, locomotive and wagon depots, stations, track distances, communications, power supply, etc. In addition, the industry has a large number of industrial, construction, trade, scientific, design, and educational organizations and enterprises, a solid social sphere. In recent years, railways have gained greater economic independence, and many of their industrial and ancillary enterprises have been separated from the system of the Ministry of Railways after corporatization and privatization (Zheldorremmash, Vagonremmash, Remputmash, Roszheldorsnab, Zheldorstroytrest, Promzheldortrans, Transrestoranservis, etc.). Independent commercial centers and rental enterprises have been created, the banking system (Zheldorbank), Insurance Company(ZHASO) and other market infrastructure organizations.

It is known that transport, being one of the most capital-intensive sectors of the economy, requires large long-term investments for its development. in recent decades, the satisfaction of transportation needs has been through the use of the previously created reserves of the throughput and carrying capacity of the country's transport system, which were eventually exhausted.

As a result, in the 1980s, the structural disproportion that arose between production and transport began to lead to regular failures in the operation of the transport system, especially its most important link - railway transport. Only economic crisis The 1990s, with a sharp fall in production in Russia and neighboring countries, led to an adequate decrease in the volume of freight traffic, which reduced the severity of the problem, but did not remove it from the agenda. Therefore, at the stage of Russia's exit from the depression and the beginning economic growth transport, along with energy, will become the “bottleneck” that will seriously slow down the entire process of social economic development countries.

Railway transport, in terms of time and money costs, is the most balanced mode of transport. "Cheap and cheerful" - this is the most appropriate characteristic of rail transportation.

Railway is capable of transporting a wide range of different cargoes: from dangerous and flammable to oversized and heavy. The railway network is developed all over the world. Many large and not very large ones are equipped with access railway tracks. industrial enterprises, sea and river ports. This allows you to ship goods directly from the warehouse of the enterprise, without involving additional transport. Carry out reloading of cargo and containers from sea transport to rail transport, with further shipment of cargo to the final destination. Rail transport is one of the main participants in international cargo transportation under a multimodal scheme.

The main advantages of rail transport:

· low cost of rail transportation of goods over long distances in comparison with auto and air transportation;

· good speed cargo delivery;

Reliability and regularity of cargo transportation;

Independence from weather conditions;

a wide range of transported goods;

· Accurate train schedule (which allows you to track the location of the wagon with cargo, almost at any time, depending on the need).

Disadvantages of rail transport:

· different railway track widths in Europe and the CIS countries, which entails the need for additional manipulations with cargo or rolling stock at border crossings;

· transportation of railway and sea containers is possible, except for specially stipulated cases, only to specially equipped railway stations;

· certain restrictions on rail transport of oversized cargo.

A large volume of military and special transport is entrusted to rail transport, and it is assigned the most important role in mobilization preparation.

Railway transport ensures the unity of the economic and strategic space of Russia, is an integrating and state-forming sector and a stabilizing factor in the economy. In the new socio-economic conditions, the main task of the federal railway transport is the transport service for consignors, consignees, the public, and other individuals and legal entities.

Socio-economic transformations in the country caused an objective need for a structural reform of the federal railway transport, its reorientation to market methods of organization and management. The goal of the railway transport reform program is to increase the efficiency of its work by developing competition and attracting investment.

The structural reform program provides for three stages of restructuring of the federal railway transport until 2012

The first stage (preparatory until 2002) is the formation of the necessary legislative framework the work of railway transport in the new conditions and the separation of the functions of state and economic management. At the same time, the functions of economic management were transferred to the newly created open joint-stock company "Russian Railways" (JSC "Russian Railways"). For this purpose, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 585 dated September 18, 2003 “On the establishment of an open joint-stock company Russian Railways” was adopted. The sole shareholder of the company is the Russian Federation (100% of the shares are state-owned). On behalf of the Russian Federation, the powers of the shareholder are exercised by the Government of the Russian Federation.

The second stage of the reform (2003 - 2006) provides for the preparation and phased organizational separation of subsidiaries from JSC Russian Railways joint-stock companies by type of activity (transportation of containers, perishable goods, transit transportation, etc.). The organization of the transportation process, the maintenance and operation of the infrastructure will remain with the railways. At the second stage, conditions should be created for the development of competition in the field of transportation.

At the third stage during 2006 - 2012. further strengthening is envisaged state regulation in the natural monopoly sector and the development of competition in the competitive sphere.

Railway transport plays an extremely important role in the development of the economy of any state, since, by transporting goods in accordance with the needs of production, it ensures the normal functioning and development of all its industries, regions and enterprises. Railway transport is a vital branch of the economy, ensuring the economic security and integrity of the state.

Russian Railways (RZD)- this is a development, a powerful transport system. At the beginning of 1996, the main indicators of the technical equipment of the railway network are characterized by the following data: operating length - 87.4 thousand km., Length of double-track lines - 36.8 thousand km., electrified lines - 39 thousand km., deployed length main routes -126.3 thousand km. The existing rolling stock and track facilities make it possible to drive freight trains weighing 10-12 thousand tons. The share of rail transport accounts for more than 70% of the total volume of transport of goods in the country. In 1995 - 1058 million tons of cargo (1214 billion tkm), while by all other modes of transport only 244.91 million tons. 35% of world cargo turnover. However, this does not mean that the work of Russian railway transport is flawless. Over the past years, as well as in the entire economy of the country, there has been a decline in production and a drop in labor productivity on the railways. The rolling stock is used unsatisfactorily, the turnover of freight cars has slowed down, and the accident rate has increased. Need urgent renovation a large number of railway stations. Tariffs increased sharply (according to some data, the growth index of freight tariffs related to wagon and container transportation in 1994 compared to 1990 amounted to 12,632 units).

The activities of railway transport in Russia are regulated by the Ministry of Railways (MPS) of the Russian Federation, whose functions include: maintaining the state monopoly in this sector of the economy (railway transport is a natural monopoly), strategic planning for the development of the industry, (formation of a new legislative framework, determination of tariff policy and a number of other large-scale tasks. The Ministry of Railways does not interfere in the specific commercial activities of individual railways, which are independent business units that independently determine the main directions of their work. The Department of Railway Transportation of the Ministry of Transport of Russia is also responsible for the activities of railway transport in the country, which determines the general policy of the Russian government in regarding this sector of the economy.

Management of railway transport is based on the production-territorial principle, the entire railway network is divided into railways (there are eighteen of them). The management of each railway is composed of various services and manages all the activities of the railway. In turn, the roads are territorially divided into departments that manage the production, economic and financial activities linear manufacturing enterprises within their boundaries. Linear enterprises include: stations, locomotive and wagon depots, track distances, power supply sections and some others. These divisions act as direct executors of all work on the transportation of goods and passengers. On the railways, privatization or the creation of private enterprises, companies and firms is allowed, the activities of which, however, do not interfere with the exercise of the state monopoly.

A similar system of railway transport management is typical for most countries of the world. Only in some countries (USA, Canada, Japan, Brazil, Australia) there are private railways (in the USA and Japan all railways are private, in the other countries listed, private roads operate along with state ones). However, in all countries of the world, the creation of private enterprises operating in the field of railway transport is allowed; it is also allowed to have private railway access roads to enterprises and intra-factory transport. Transportation of goods by rail is a very complex technical, technological and legal process. In this context, two sides characterize the activity of railway transport. The first one is related to the solution of a wide range of tasks for the direct organization of the transportation process. The second side is the implementation of intersectoral technological relations and legal relations railway transport with enterprises of various forms of ownership, individuals, as well as other modes of transport. Relationships arising from the carriage of goods by rail within one country are governed by national charters, rules and various kinds of instructions issued and approved in the manner established by law of this country.

Obviously, legal and technological norms of the transportation process in international rail traffic is much more difficult, since in their development it is necessary to take into account the interests of several countries, the peculiarities of their national regulations, the working conditions of railways and the technological features of transportation abroad.

To ensure foreign economic relations and development international trade there is a need to create reliable transport links that ensure timely and safe delivery of goods, unhindered transfer of goods at state borders and ensuring the quality of the goods handed over for transportation.

The specificity of the participation of railway transport in the transportation of foreign trade goods in Russia lies in the fact that it delivers the vast majority of goods to/from Russian ports throughout the country for their further shipment by sea and river transport. In addition, rail transport carries out transit transportation of goods of foreign clients through the territory of Russia, exporting transport services. Thus, assessing the role of railway transport in foreign economic relations in general, one should not be limited to data directly on rail transportation, one should also take into account the volume of goods transported in a mixed railway-water transport, as well as transit traffic.

The length of public railways from 1970 to 2012 increased by 8 thousand km, of which electrified - by 19 thousand km. And the length of non-public railway tracks from 1970 to 2012 decreased by 20 thousand km. Freight turnover for 42 years has increased by 1.5 times, and the carrying capacity of passengers has decreased by 2.7 times, respectively, and passenger traffic has decreased.

Thus, a real market demand on transport services, transport as an essential infrastructure sector is playing an increasingly important role. At the same time, with the transition of the Russian economy from a closed type to an open one, the access of foreign carriers to the Russian transport services market is expanding. At the same time, due to the greater competitiveness of foreign transport, there is a significant reduction in foreign trade transportation performed by domestic carriers.

Source: Russian Statistical Yearbook. 2012. - Moscow: Rosstat, 2012. - 795 p. - 2000 copies.

1.2 Organization of cargo transportation by rail

The process of transportation of goods is associated with the movement of goods from the point of production to the point of consumption. The transportation of goods is conditioned by the need to continue and complete the process of production of industrial products and Agriculture in the sphere of circulation, after which they become ready for consumption. In most cases, several types of transport are involved in the movement of cargo: road, industrial railway, main railway and others. When transferring products to a transport organization for delivery to a consumer, an important legal act takes place - the products turn into cargo.

Cargo- an object (including products, items, minerals, materials, raw materials, production and consumption waste), accepted in the prescribed manner for transportation in freight wagons and containers.

Consignor (shipper) - physical or entity, which, under the contract of carriage, acts on its own behalf or on behalf of the owner of the cargo, baggage, cargo luggage and is indicated in the transportation document.

1.3 Organization of cargo and commercial work on the railway. tr. Smekhov

The cargo is released at the destination railway station to the consignee.

Consignee (recipient) - an individual or legal entity authorized to receive cargo, baggage and cargo baggage.

Rail transport user- a passenger, consignor, consignee or other individual or legal entity using services (works) provided by railway transport organizations and individual entrepreneurs in railway transport.

Carrier- a legal entity or individual entrepreneur who, under the contract of carriage by public rail transport, has assumed the obligation to deliver the passenger, the cargo entrusted to them by the sender, luggage, cargo luggage from the point of departure to the point of destination, as well as to issue the cargo, luggage or cargo luggage to the consignee

Transportation process- a set of organizationally and technologically interconnected operations performed during the preparation, implementation and completion of the transportation of passengers, cargo, baggage and cargo luggage by rail. The transportation process in the railway transport of the Russian Federation is carried out between railway stations with the participation of one or more infrastructures.

Public rail transport infrastructure(hereinafter referred to as infrastructure) - a technological complex that includes public railway tracks and other structures, railway stations, power supply devices, communication networks, an alarm system, centralization and blocking, information complexes and a traffic control system and other buildings, structures that ensure the functioning of this complex , structures, devices and equipment.

The transportation process is associated with the performance of constantly recurring operations: acceptance of cargo for departure, shunting movements associated with the supply of wagons for loading, loading into wagons, maneuvers associated with their cleaning, formation of trains and preparing them for departure, movement of trains to the destination station, disbanding and the formation of trains along the route, disbandment of trains at the destination station, maneuvers for the supply of wagons to the place of unloading, unloading and delivery of cargo to the consignee, etc. The transportation process is accompanied by a mass transfer, reception and processing of information about these operations. In multimodal transportation, transshipment from one mode of transport to another is carried out.

All operations of the transportation process must be carried out in the most rational way with the best use of vehicles and with least cost. In modern conditions, this is possible by ensuring the unity of the management of the transportation process from top to bottom and the use of end-to-end network technologies that eliminate the loss of time at the junctions of the existing boundaries of departments and railways.

In 2001, by decision of the Collegium of the Ministry of Railways of Russia, a new organizational structure transportation process management, which includes the Transportation Control Center of the Ministry of Railways of Russia (TsUP), seven regional traffic control centers (TCUPR) and support control centers (OCs) on the roads.

The control technology is based on the principles of "just in time" and "door to door" using solid threads of the train schedule developed for specific traffic flows, shippers and consignees.

The most efficient transportation process is carried out when creating complex transport and technological systems based on transport logistics.

Logistics- this is the theory and practice of managing material and information flows in the process of commodity circulation; planning the material demand of the consumer.

Delivery of products from the manufacturer to the consumer "just in time" with minimal cost cargo and material resources - the basis of transport logistics. At the same time, the functions of railways are expanding and invading directly into the spheres of production and consumption, taking into account the economic interests of the producer, railways and consumers.

Dispatch characteristics.

Carriage - a consignment of cargo presented under one consignment note, for the transportation of which a separate wagon is required.

Container - a consignment of cargo presented under one consignment note, for the transportation of which a separate container is required

Small - presented on one waybill, limited in weight and volume (from 0.02 to 5 tons and a volume of not more than 1/3 of the capacity of the wagon), no, a consignment for the carriage of which does not require the provision of a separate wagon or container.

Group - a consignment of cargo presented under one waybill, for the transportation of which more than one wagon is required, but less than the route

Route - a consignment of cargo presented on one consignment note, in an amount corresponding to the weight norm or length of the train established for routes. Incorrect name of the routes - tour trains or "turntables". Routes are divided into:

Ring - when the route follows the ring (for example, at station A, coal is loaded to the address of station B, upon arrival of the route at station B and unloading of coal, crushed stone is loaded at station C, upon arrival at station C and unloading of crushed stone, the route goes to address of station A in an empty state, after which the cycle repeats). Only such a route can be called a "turntable".

Direct senders - when the route is not tied to specific stations and a specific scheme (like ring routes). Direct, followed by spraying - when the route follows from one consignor to different consignees located at the same unloading station or when two or more routes follow from the loading station, combined into one, to the nearest technical station, after which they are separated.

Groupage wagon - presented by one waybill load of different names and positions of the nomenclature, following to the address of one consignee in one wagon.

The classic scheme of transport logistics unites three participants:

supplier (consignor);

carrier (railway or other mode of transport);

consumer (consignee).

For example, a coordinated supply of ore and coal flows by ring routes to Severstal OJSC from suppliers Murmansk region and the Komi Republic.

The implementation of transport logistics systems makes it possible to reduce wagon downtime, reduce the stocks of various types of raw materials, the number of backup tracks and the volume of reserves for the processing capacity of loading and unloading places.

A number of efficient transport and technological systems based on transport logistics have been developed and implemented on the railways of the Russian Federation:

sender routing (connects the consignor and consignee, that is, the supplier and consumer of goods into a single logistics system);

organization of technological routes (mutually agreed system "producer - transport - consumer");

consolidation of groups of wagons to the address of one consignee (connects in single system producers, consumers, etc.).

The creation of efficient rail logistics systems is an urgent task of restructuring rail transport. In the future, the Russian railway network will also include a network of logistics centers that will help increase the competitiveness of railway transport and goods manufacturers.

In the process of organizing the transportation of goods, cargo and commercial operations are carried out.

Cargo operation - loading of goods from warehouses into vehicles (wagons, cars, etc.) and unloading from them into warehouses, reloading of goods from wagons to wagons when transported by railways with different gauges, reloading of goods from one type of transport to another ( direct operation) movement of goods inside warehouses to check its presence or weight (reweighing), etc.

Commercial operation - includes the preparation, processing of transportation and transfer documents, registration of accounting and reporting documentation, collection of all types of payments and fees for the carriage of goods by rail and with the participation of other modes of transport. In addition, commercial operations include the preparation of wagons for the transportation of various goods and their inspection in a commercial sense; freight forwarding services for consignors and consignees, maintaining act-claim, contractual office work; addition and correction of tariff manuals and books of conventional prohibitions. Commercial operations also include weighing cargo, sealing wagons and containers, compiling and ensuring the safety of documentation related to loading cargo into open rolling stock, etc.

Transportation of goods by rail is organized on a contractual basis.

Forms of applications for the carriage of goods, the procedure for filling and submitting these applications, their implementation and accounting are established by the rules for the carriage of goods.

Improving the efficiency and quality of railways depends to a large extent on the level of planning and organization of their operational activities.

In terms of operational work, the volume of work of the rolling stock and the quality indicators of its use, as well as the size of the required fleets of locomotives and wagons, are established. Therefore, operational work planning is often referred to as rolling stock work planning.

The work of the rolling stock is planned in such a way that the plan for the transportation of goods and passengers is carried out in full, highly productively and at minimal cost.

In freight traffic, the rolling stock work plan is developed on the basis of freight flow diagrams for sections or roads.

The procedure for developing a plan is as follows:

1) norms for the loading of wagons for certain types of cargo and indicators for loading, unloading, receiving and delivering cargo are established. Density of transportation in tons is converted into wagons and the mileage of loaded wagons is determined;

2) a balance of empty wagons is drawn up for stations and sections. The points of unloading cargo and the excess of empty wagons are attached to the points of loading cargo and the lack of empty wagons, taking into account the structure of the wagon fleet. A scheme of empty car flows is built and the empty, and then the total mileage of cars is determined;

3) gross ton-kilometers are calculated by sections. On the basis of the available lengths of the receiving and departure station tracks and the accepted weight norms of trains, the runs and density of their movement along the sections are established;

4) the linear mileage of locomotives is determined based on the accepted number of pairs of trains in sections, as well as the placement of push and double traction sections;

5) the number of special shunting locomotives and their mileage are determined on the basis of the planned volume of wagon processing at individual stations. According to the data on the number and duration of stops of combined trains at intermediate stations, the size of the shunting work of train locomotives is determined;

6) the required working fleet of wagons and locomotives is calculated based on sectional data on rolling stock runs and data on the operation of depots and stations.

In the economic movement, the indicators are determined in the same manner as in the cargo movement. As individual parts of the plan are developed, summary indicators are calculated that characterize the quality of work of departments or roads.

Rolling stock is planned to operate in physical wagons. The volume of work is determined on average per day. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to recalculate cargo flows into car flows. The recalculation is carried out using the static load indicator. Each indicator, expressed in tons (loading, acceptance, density of movement of goods, etc.), is divided by the value of the static load.

It is very important to correctly determine the average value of the static load, since both the mileage of the rolling stock and the required fleet depend on this.

The static load is determined separately for each bulk cargo and each planned cargo group. This takes into account the types of wagons in which this cargo can be transported (covered, platforms, tanks, etc.), specific gravity of each type of wagons in the carriage of cargo and the technical norm for loading each type of wagons in the carriage of this cargo.

1.4 Transport logistics as a tool for optimizing transport operations

All definitions of logistics as a field of scientific activity boil down to the fact that it is a complex science that studies various kinds of material flows in the sphere of production and circulation of products. We consider the management of material flows, since enterprises, as business entities, constitute a single economic space, and at each enterprise, production factors interact with each other and external environment and provide output (i.e. goods and services). At the same time, in any case, the enterprise operates in conditions of limited resources. In accordance with economic laws, it can act in such a way that:

Maximize your results. For a given amount of production resources, strive for the highest output
products, which will lead to profit maximization, i.e. monetary expression of production;

Minimize the consumption of production resources at a certain volume of output;

Optimize results. It follows that the costs and results must be in a certain optimal combination.

Compliance with economic laws in production and economic activities leads to the need for the manufacturing enterprise to carry out exchange processes with suppliers and other third-party organizations, bringing their products to the consumer. Therefore, it is logistics that serves as a necessary component of these processes.

The main goal of logistics is to ensure the supply of the necessary products to the right place, at the right time, with optimal
costs, required quality and quantity.

Logistics works with a material flow, which is difficult to organize and control without dividing it into certain actions, as a result of which the flow itself is formed.

A logistical operation is any elementary action or set of actions that leads to the transformation of the parameters of the material and / or related information, financial, service flows, which is not subject to further decomposition within the framework of the task. However, the concept of a logistics operation is not limited to actions only with material flows. To control the material flow, it is necessary to receive, process and transmit information that corresponds to this flow. The actions performed in this case are also related to logistics operations.

Logistic function is an enlarged group of logistics operations.

Logistics functions are divided into three large groups basic, key and supporting.

The key logistics functions are:

maintaining customer service standards;

Procurement management;

· transportation;

· Inventory Management;

management of order procedures;

management of production procedures;

· pricing;

physical distribution of products.

The function of maintaining customer service standards ensures the specified product quality. The distribution of goods and after-sales service are the most important tasks of the logistics management of any company.

The importance of procurement management in logistics cannot be overestimated. From the successful solution of the tasks facing this key function, - selection of suppliers, planning of resource requirements, determination of terms and volumes of deliveries, choice of transport, etc. - the efficient and uninterrupted operation of the enterprise depends. Besides, right choice supplier, taking into account its location, reliability, quality of the products supplied by it, to a large extent affects the value of logistics costs.

Transportation is one of the key logistics functions, since without it there is practically no material flow. It includes not only the transportation of goods, but also the organization of loading and unloading, freight forwarding, the choice of the type of transport, the optimization of traffic routes, etc. Due to the fact that in some sectors of the economy transportation accounts for 2/3 of the total logistics costs, the significance of this function is obvious.

Management of inventories of material resources and finished products- this is the creation, control and regulation of the level of stocks in the supply, production and marketing of products. Usually there is a need for certain stocks of material resources or finished products, which play the role of a link that smooths out the uneven demand, production or supply. By leveling the risks of disruptions in production or supply, stocks at the same time can lead to a freeze of significant financial resources, therefore, in logistics, much attention is paid to their optimization while maintaining the required level of customer service.

Management of order procedures is the establishment of the procedure for their receipt and processing, determining the time of receipt of finished products or services, coordinating the delivery and sale of finished products to consumers.

Management of production procedures (operational management) is the effective management of material flows in the production process. Under effective management here understand the management, leading to cost reduction and product quality improvement. The tasks set are solved, for example, with the help of micrologistics systems "just in time", "Kanban", etc.

Pricing is a function that determines the logistics strategy, which sets the level of overall logistics costs that make up a significant part of the price of the finished product.

The physical distribution of products is a complex logistics function, component distribution process. It consists in the physical movement and storage of finished products by manufacturers and (or) intermediaries.

Thus, the operation associates any of the functions with end result. Logistic operations and functions are given by initial conditions, environment parameters, strategy alternatives, objective function characteristics. To determine the volume of logistics operations of a company, one should take into account external, inter-shop, inter-section, inter-operational, intra-warehouse and other cargo flows, which depend on a number of factors, and primarily on the level of production organization. Logistics operations ensure the availability of the necessary and high-quality object or product of labor in the required quantity, in right place, at the right time. That is, I determine the "golden law" of logistics.

Let's list some of them: export and transportation of production cargo, its delivery to the enterprise, loading, unloading, storage, delivery to production shops, export of finished semi-finished products and final products, storage and delivery to the final consumer.

Logistic operations, therefore, are any operations performed with material objects and products of labor in the spheres of production and circulation, with the exception of technological operations for the production of material goods. But it is worth making an amendment that such operations may include operations for processing, storing and transmitting relevant information. Operations with information include: litter, processing, and transmission of information. In classical concepts, such logistics operations are distinguished.

By the nature of the flow:

Logistics operations with the material flow (warehousing, transportation, picking, loading, unloading, internal movement of raw materials and materials in the implementation of the logistics functions of production, packaging of cargo, consolidation of cargo units, storage);

Logistics operations with information flow (collection, storage, processing and transmission of information).

In relation to the logistics system:

external - focused on integration logistics system with the external environment (operations in the field of supply and marketing);


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The main document regulating the procedure for the carriage of goods by rail is the Transport Charter of the Railways of the Russian Federation. It regulates the most important provisions for the organization of cargo transportation, as well as the responsibility of the railway, consignors and consignees.
In railway transport, transportation is carried out by wagon, container, small, group and route shipments.
A wagonload shipment is considered to be a shipment of cargo, for the carriage of which a separate wagon is provided according to one transportation document (waybill).
A containerized shipment is considered to be cargo presented for transportation under one consignment note, for the transportation of which one container is required.
A small shipment in railway transport is considered to be cargo for the transportation of which does not require a separate wagon or container. Cargoes in small shipments are transported in combined wagons, containers.
In case of group shipment, one waybill presents the cargo, for the transportation of which more than one wagon is required, but less than the route shipment.
A route shipment is considered to be cargo presented under one waybill, the transportation of which requires the provision of wagons in an amount that meets the standards established for routes by weight or length. Routes can be straight and sprayed.
By direct routes, goods are sent to one destination station to the address of one or several consignees. In this case, the goods for each recipient must be in a separate group.
Routes for spraying are sent in advance to special disbanding stations, where the wagons are sent to unloading stations with indication of specific consignees.
For the organization of freight traffic at railway stations, there are special services (commodity cash desks, freight yards, commodity offices).
In accordance with the Rules for accepting goods for carriage by rail, the goods must be properly prepared for transportation. The shipping marking should include the name of the consignor and consignee, stations of departure and destination, serial numbers of packages, weight of cargo.
All goods that can be formed into overpacks must be presented for transportation in packaged form. An overpack is an enlarged package formed from individual pieces of cargo in a container or without it.
Some goods are transported in bulk or in bulk. Only technically sound vehicles, cleaned inside and out, and, if necessary, washed and disinfected, and suitable for the carriage of this cargo, vehicles should be submitted for loading, otherwise the sender has the right to refuse them and demand replacement.
About the time of submission of wagons, containers for loading carried out by the consignor, employees of railway stations must notify him no later than 2 hours before their submission.
For each shipment, the consignor fills out a railway bill of lading, which is the main transportation document.
In accordance with the Transport Charter of the Railways of the Russian Federation, the loading of goods into wagons and cars, as well as the issuance of them, must be carried out:
railway - in public places. For the loading and unloading of goods, the railway collects from consignors, consignees a fee in the amount specified in the tariff manual;
consignors, consignees - in places of non-public use, as well as in places of common use, if loading, unloading is not obligatory for the railway.
The loading of goods into containers and their unloading from containers is carried out by the consignors or consignees, respectively.
The wagons loaded by means of the railway are sent for its seals.
Goods must be delivered to deadlines. The terms of delivery of goods and the rules for their calculation are approved federal body executive power in the field of railway transport. However, shippers and railways may provide for a different delivery time in transportation agreements.
For delay in delivery of cargo, the railway pays penalties.
According to the rules for the issuance of goods on railway transport, the destination station is obliged to inform the consignee of the arrival of the goods on the day of receipt, but no later than 12 noon next day. The representative of the consignee must have a power of attorney for the right to receive the goods. After registration of the issuance of the cargo and its unloading, the recipient is obliged to hand over the vehicles to the railway.
Arrived at the destination station, cargo is stored free of charge for 24 hours. For storage of cargo beyond the specified period, a fee specified in the tariff manual is charged.
When accepting the cargo, the recipient is obliged to check whether its safety during transportation is ensured. At the same time, he checks the integrity of the seals, the imprints on them, the serviceability of the wagon or other means of transportation, the correspondence of the name of the cargo and the number of places to the data indicated in the railway bill of lading.
If at the destination railway station, when checking the condition of the cargo, a shortage, damage (spoilage) of the cargo is detected, the destination railway station is obliged to determine the amount of shortage, damage or damage to the cargo and issue a commercial act to the consignee.
The commercial act is drawn up in three copies on the forms of the established form. It indicates the number and date of drawing up the act, an accurate description of the condition of the cargo, packaging and the circumstances in which a malfunction of the means of transportation was found, the reasons for damage or damage to the cargo, and compliance with the loading rules. The act must be signed by the head of the station and the consignee.
In the event of an unreasonable delay in drawing up a commercial act or refusal to draw up a commercial act, the railway shall be liable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
Before filing a claim against the railway that has arisen in connection with the carriage of goods, it is necessary to file a claim against the destination railway. It must be accompanied by original documents confirming the claims made by the applicant, or duly certified copies of documents.
The transport charter of the railways of the Russian Federation establishes the terms for filing and considering claims, as well as the procedure for filing claims against the railway that arose in connection with the carriage of goods. A special chapter of the Charter is devoted to the responsibility of railways, consignors and consignees in connection with the carriage of goods.

More on the topic 8.2 Organization of transportation of goods by rail:

  1. 8.1 The role of transport in trade and the characteristics of the main means of transport
  2. 8.2 Organization of transportation of goods by rail
  3. 8.4 Features of the transportation of goods by water and air
  4. 1.3. Foreign experience in state regulation of passenger transport of megacities and the possibility of its use in Russia

Transportation by rail is vital for the development of the country's economy, especially considering the distances that goods and goods have to overcome. Great experience work in this area makes it possible for our company to offer you unique logistics schemes developed by us for rail transportation of any kind of cargo across the territory of the CIS and Russia and the most rational ways of delivering products.

The company "Promtehdepo" is a leader in the organization of railway transportation and adheres to the following principles in its work:
For each specific case, the most effective logistics are developed.schemes of railway transportation of goods.
There are no restrictions on the volume of goods or on the distances to which they need to be transported.

A full range of services is provided, both for transportation and storage of goods in temporary storage warehouses.

Promtekhdepo is ready to provide special wishes of customers, for example, such as:
convenient location of loading stations, for example, in or near ports;
interaction with partner companies that provide delivery by road and tally services;

Possibility of cargo delivery "from door to door";

organization of railway transportation of goods in containers across Russia with the possibility of observing the temperature regime.

Organization of transportation by rail in Russia: our advantages

Extensive experience, professionalism, quality and reliability;
supply of containers and wagons strictly in accordance with the requirements of the consignor;
flexible and friendly price policy;

constant control over the movement of containers and wagons, prompt informing the client.

reliability and quality of professional transport

"Promtekhdepo" provides its customers with reliable delivery of goods to anywhere in the country at a reasonable cost of time and money. High speed delivery while ensuring maximum safety of the cargo is another reason to contact our company. Affordable prices for cargo transportation during the crisis allowed many companies and enterprises to maintain their profitability by switching to rail freight from other delivery schemes.

We ensure the timeliness of delivery due to a complex of factors, including our own fleet of luggage railway cars, experienced qualified personnel and equipped loading terminals and storage facilities.

Our specialization is professional organization transportation of goods by rail. We work with any type of cargo, including oversized. The development of this direction is especially beneficial in terms of cooperation with companies wishing to transport oversized cargo over more low prices than transportation by road. We provide such an opportunity.

Another significant advantage in working with us for trading companies is the ability to send consolidated shipments, when several dozens of customers transport goods at once in one wagon. trading companies In this case, they will be able to:

Reduce shipping costs.
Send goods in small batches.
Arrange prompt delivery.

Avoid the accumulation of goods in warehouses

All this leads to the fact that many of our customers have become not just our customers, but business partners. Our organization of railway transportation of goods has a good reputation. Join us and you!

We offer a truly beneficial cooperation: your goods - our delivery!

Rail transportation- a reliable way to deliver cargo (products, goods) to the destination, therefore, in overall structure transportation, they occupy a significant place.

When carrying out the transportation of goods, railways enter into certain relations with cargo owners. These relationships are regulated by certain norms and regulations, uniform and mandatory both for railways and for all enterprises, organizations and persons using their services. The main document establishing the rights and obligations, as well as the norms of responsibility of railways and those organizations and persons who use them, is the Charter of the Railway Transport of the Russian Federation, which has the force of law.

There are several stages in the railway transportation procedure:

  • cargo transportation planning;
  • operations of acceptance by the railway of cargo for transportation;
  • delivery of the goods to the recipient.

Each of these stages has a certain procedure and requires the parties participating in the transportation to strictly comply with the relevant rules.

Transportation of goods by rail organized on a contractual basis. As a rule, an agreement on the organization of cargo transportation is concluded between the railway and the consignor.

Contracts on the organization of transportation determine the expected volume of transportation of goods, the terms and conditions for the provision of vehicles and the presentation of goods for transportation, the procedure for settlements, the liability of the parties for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations, as well as other conditions for organizing transportation.

However, transportation can be carried out on separate orders without concluding a contract on terms agreed by the railway and the sender.

Taking into account the peculiarities of cargo transportation by various modes of transport, the documents regulating the organization of cargo transportation have different legal form: for transportation in direct communication - this is an application (order), an agreement on the organization of transportation of goods; when transporting goods in direct mixed traffic - a daily application, a weekly calendar plan.

When fulfilling obligations for the carriage of goods with the participation of the consignor and the carrier, an application plays an important role. The application is the most important means of organizing the transportation of goods; it specifies the task and determines the indicators that ensure a one-time transportation. The consignor is obliged to submit applications to the carrier at least 10 days before the start of transportation of goods, and for the transportation of goods sent for export and in direct mixed traffic - at least 15 days before the start of transportation of goods.

The carrier is obliged to consider the submitted application within two days and, if transportation is possible, send this application for approval to the owner of the infrastructure with a mark on the approval of the application. The main task of planning freight traffic is to determine the upcoming volumes, structure and directions. The volume of work of the rolling stock, operating costs and revenues of roads, as well as the contingent depend on the size of transportation. The structure of cargo transportation and freight turnover determines the need for different types of wagons and the size of the supply of new rolling stock.

Correctly composed transportation plan is the most important condition High Quality the entire transport plan. Therefore, on the basis of the transportation plan, in essence, the indicators of all other sections are determined, i.e. rolling stock work plan, operating cost plan, labor plan, logistics plan, etc.

Along with freight turnover and shipment of goods, the system of indicators of the transportation plan must include the data necessary to calculate all other sections of the rail transport plan.

The transportation planning function is carried out by Russian Railways.

Planning of transportation and presentation of goods for transportation is carried out by the consignor. His right is to present the cargo for transportation, both in his own wagons and in the wagons of Russian Railways or other owners. The choice of the consignor depends on the conditions offered by any of the wagon owners. If the shipper is satisfied with the price and quality of service of a particular operator, this is the main factor in choosing a partner, which cannot be influenced by Russian Railways.

The following indicators of the plan for the transportation of goods by rail are provided:

  • cargo turnover in tariff ton-kilometers;
  • shipment of goods in tons according to the established nomenclature; average daily loading in wagons;
  • general operational ton-kilometers with distribution by types of thrust; average distance of cargo transportation;
  • acceptance and delivery of goods in general along the road and for each junction point with the neighboring road in tons, with the allocation of the main cargoes;
  • distribution of cargo turnover in ton-kilometers and transportation of goods in tons by type of traffic (import, export, transit and local traffic).
  • In addition to the above indicators, monthly plans provide for the transportation of goods by routes organized by both shippers (shipping routes) and railways.

Transportations are distributed by types of messages:

  • local– traffic between stations within the road (local traffic on the considered road is zero);
  • export— dispatch of goods to other roads (defined as the difference between departure and local traffic);
  • import- arrival of goods from other roads (defined as the difference between arrival and local traffic);
  • transit- transportation of goods received from other roads and following through this road to other roads. Transit can be defined in several ways: acceptance minus import, or delivery minus export, or total traffic minus other types of traffic (import, export, local).

Transportation for import, export and transit is called transportation in direct traffic. Two or more roads are involved in their implementation.

Passenger Transportation

Passenger transportation is planned both in general and by type of traffic.

For every kind passenger traffic have their own patterns of development. The increase in the volume of suburban traffic may be influenced by an increase in the frequency of train traffic or the opening of stopping points, a change in the mode of work and rest of the population, and the expansion of the suburban area.

Changes in the effective demand of the population, the level of competitiveness of other modes of transport, the state of industry, agriculture in the economic regions of the country, the development of the transport network and other factors can dramatically change the flow of passengers on long-distance routes. Therefore, when developing an annual plan, long-distance transportation of passengers and their unevenness must be considered separately, analyzing them for individual regions and the most important railway lines.

When planning passenger transportation, they take into account the possible change in the income of the population, tariffs from competitors, the state of the sanatorium and resort base in the country, the consequences of ongoing measures to improve the quality of passenger transportation, the development of services and the introduction of new types of services.

Annual Plan passenger traffic is compiled for the network as a whole and for railways. The plan defines the following indicators: the number of passengers sent, the number of passengers carried, passenger turnover and the average travel distance. The indicators are calculated both in general and by message type.

When forecasting the volume of passenger traffic, the dynamics of the main macro economic indicators socio-economic development of the country: population, real income, level industrial production, inflationary processes, etc.

Depending on the goal, passenger traffic forecasts can be developed for different periods. In practice, it is customary to develop medium-term forecasts (for 5-7 years) and for a longer period (10 or more years).

Forecasting passenger traffic, especially for a long period, is much more difficult than current planning. After a long time, the structure of the communication network increases and changes, the country's economy changes. The needs of the population in movement acquire a different character. In this regard, the possibility of widespread use of reporting data in forecasting is reduced.

To determine the indicators of the forecast of passenger traffic, various methods are used, based on the identification of general patterns of change in passenger traffic in the country. When developing short-term and medium-term forecasts, the extrapolation method is used, in particular, when, as a result of the analysis of traffic over past years, the rate of their change in the forecast period is established with some adjustment, reflecting the influence of various factors. However, this method does not provide the necessary accuracy of forecasting due to insufficient knowledge of the patterns of change in indicators depending on the factors influencing them. Therefore, along with the extrapolation method, other forecasting methods are also used: the method of expert assessments, analogies, and others.

The practice of developing forecasts for a long period is based mainly on the study of changes in the population in the future and changes in its transport mobility, taking into account trends in the distribution of passenger flows by modes of transport. An analysis of various methods used in forecasting traffic for a long period shows that forecasting the volume of traffic and passenger traffic based on the transport mobility of the population provides the highest accuracy in obtaining these indicators.

Wide application computer science in the passenger complex allows you to effectively use in the current planning operational reporting compiled by an automated system

"Express". It takes into account the number of tickets sold for trains and wagons different category by directions of transportation, which is important for determining the density of passenger traffic on the lines, keeps a record of passengers transported free of charge, and provides other information necessary to identify demand for different conditions of transportation.

Types of planning

With the implementation of the structural reform, the previous procedure for planning the transportation of foreign trade goods has changed significantly . The degree of centralization of planned work has decreased. The main role in planning began to be played not by transport ministries, but by foreign trade organizations and direct carriers - railways, shipping companies, airlines, ports, transport companies. The transfer of the main planned work from the center to the localities affected the railway transport to a lesser extent, which is explained by its production and technological features. Foreign trade rail transportation across the territory of Russia is carried out only in rare cases by any one road.

More often, several roads are involved in the process of transportation, and not only Russian ones. Many transport enterprises, including joint ventures, foreign trade associations, firms and organizations have been granted the right to enter foreign markets directly. Numerous freight forwarding and other firms appeared on the territory of the country and abroad, taking on some of the functions associated with planning foreign trade transportation, including transit.

Not only the organization of planning has changed, but also its content. Demand in the market of transport services is used as a basis for planning, of course, taking into account the supply, the requirements of cargo owners for the quality of transport services and competition between various transport enterprises. At the same time, the rational combination of methods of state regulation with the action of market mechanisms does not lose its significance.

The general approach to the organization and planning of foreign trade transportation has also changed. This type of transport activity began to include transportation between the CIS countries. As a result, foreign trade transportation currently consists of two parts: transportation between Russia and non-CIS countries and transportation between Russia and neighboring countries.

Annual transportation plans are developed on the basis of prospective ones for individual roads and for the network as a whole. These plans establish the volume of cargo turnover in ton-kilometers with distribution by quarters; departure per year in tons, total and with the allocation of the most important bulk cargo.

Quarterly transportation plans are based on annual plans taking into account the working conditions in different periods of the year (seasonal transportation).

The main type of planning in modern conditions is monthly planning. It applies only to the transportation of export goods with the participation of rail transport, both in direct international rail traffic and for transportation in international traffic through the sea and river ports of Russia.

Suppliers-consignors no later than 20 days before the beginning of the planned month submit to the railway departments detailed plans for the transportation of export cargo. These plans indicate the type and quantity of goods in tons and wagons, the border railway stations through which these goods are sent and the countries of destination.

Railway departments, on the basis of detailed plans for the transportation of goods provided by suppliers-consignors according to the accepted nomenclature, draw up for the planned month a draft plan for the transportation of these goods as a whole along the road, through border stations, sea and river ports and submit it to Russian Railways OJSC no later than than 17 days before the planned month.

Based on the data provided by the railway departments, for the planned month, draws up a draft plan for the transportation of export goods through the railway network - by type of cargo, according to the established nomenclature, in tons and wagons on average per day, by countries of destination separately through the border stations of the railways and seaports - and no later than

14 days before the beginning of the planned month, sends it to interested organizations, as well as to foreign railways to agree on the amount of export cargo for individual transfer points and types of cargo. In the event that the volume of export cargo transportation for the planned month exceeds the technical capabilities of individual seaports, or in case of difficulties with passing cargo through border transfer stations, the Ministry of Transport of Russia and Russian Railways take decisions to send individual cargo for transshipment through other seaports or border transfer stations, and in exceptional cases, when the indicated seaports or border transfer stations are not able to fully accept the goods sent to them, on a reduction in the import of export cargo to seaports or border transfer stations for the planned month by consignors.

Unloading rates export cargo in seaports are set for each month in wagons and tons on average per day based on the approved monthly cargo loading plans, taking into account the availability of wagons awaiting unloading at the port departments of the railways, and wagons with cargo additionally accepted for transportation.

export cargo, provided for by the transportation plan and shipped during the planned month, as well as cargo shipped according to additionally agreed tasks, are freely accepted by the ports from the railways, regardless of the time of their arrival at the port of unloading.

Shipping Suppliers and Railways ensure, as far as possible, uniform shipment of bulk export cargoes (coal, coke, ore, oil and oil products, timber and other cargoes) within a month, taking into account the terms of delivery of goods specified in the contracts.

An important component of the program for optimizing the operational work of Russian railways is setting parameters for reliable and economical operation of the system organizing the work of locomotives as a significant factor in improving the economic performance of Russian Railways and improving the quality of transportation. Currently, the operating costs of the industry associated with the maintenance of trains by locomotives and locomotive crews, as well as the maintenance of locomotive facilities, reach 29% of the total costs.

The cost of the locomotive fleet is about 12% of the value of fixed assets of Russian Railways. To solve the problem of streamlining the transportation process in railway transport by optimizing the functioning of the locomotive operation management system, it is necessary to have reliable operational planning of the work of locomotives for freight traffic within the framework of the shift-daily and current plans for train operation of Russian Railways divisions based on the creation of a modern dynamic model.

The traditional technology for the operational planning of the work of locomotives for freight traffic, as a rule, provides for the development of a final task plan for the next three (four) hours, drawn up without the necessary linkage with the current and shift-daily plan, as well as without linking with the plan for bringing locomotives to current repairs and Maintenance, the implementation of which achieves best conditions use of traction means.

Losses can be significantly reduced by implementing sequential end-to-end interconnected execution calculations for drawing up a plan for attaching locomotives to train sets for any period of operational planning (for three (four) hours, for the period of current planning and for a day) due to an integrated approach to solving the problem of operational planning of the operation of freight traffic locomotives. These calculations should be based on the formation of a single road model and an integrated database using local area networks.

In this way, railway transport- this is the type of transport that is most adapted to mass transportation, operates day and night, regardless of the time of year and atmospheric conditions, has a high carrying capacity and throughput. Railways are a universal mode of transport for the transportation of all types of goods in international and domestic communications. Therefore, in order to comply with the efficiency of the use of railways, ensuring the safety of transported goods, the safety of train traffic must be at the highest possible level, which can be achieved by correct and clear planning of the entire railway transport.