Ideas for retail with minimal investment. What can be sold to earn? Ideas for profitable business

Wholesale business from scratch: how to start trading, what you need to know? Today, this question worries a lot of people. The reason is simple: this area can bring considerable income.

Short description

This industry involves the resale of goods from the supplier from whom they are purchased in bulk to buyers (for example, grocery stores), to which goods are transferred in much smaller batches. It is important to understand that we are not talking about selling to the end consumer, but to entrepreneurs.

The key requirements for a successful wholesale business is the lease or purchase of a large premises that will be used as a base warehouse. It is important to choose the right location, as it should be convenient for customers. Besides, this business is demanding on the initial investment, since the rent and purchase of goods will cost a round sum.

At the first stages key task there is a search for suppliers and buyers who will sell the goods in the future.

Advantages and disadvantages

  1. No need for advertising campaign. Instead, you will need to secure yourself a customer base in advance.
  2. When working with large wholesale prices are much higher.
  3. The sales area of ​​the goods is as wide as possible.
  4. Opportunity to work with large manufacturers who often resort to the services of wholesale companies.
  5. Work only with the most advantageous positions of goods, including alcohol, tobacco products and semi-finished products.
  6. Savings on the purchase of goods.
  7. The possibility of receiving payment directly upon delivery, without waiting for the final sale of the batch.
  8. Simple Rules and the taxation system. You will only need to pay regular contributions to the simplified tax system or OSN.
  9. Absence conflict situations due to discrepancies due to the strict regulations for concluding contracts in this area.
  • Frequent requests for deferred payments.
  • Experienced buyers will constantly try to bring down the price.
  • Frequent and serious debts on the part of buyers.
  • Significant customer turnover.
  • Requirements from customers on various occasions, as an example, the application of special stickers.
  • Huge penalties for breach of contract.

A more detailed business plan for a wholesale company using household chemicals as an example can be downloaded at.

Beginning of work

There are two main business options here. The first involves acting as a link between the wholesaler and the retail network that will sell the goods. In the second, you will have to deal with resellers, significant markups appear, which ultimately negatively affects profits.

At the initial stage, you will need to issue entity, rent an office and hire professional managers and accountants. You will also need to hire law firm, which will accompany all transactions. Separately, it is worth noting the need to rent a building for a warehouse in which goods will be stored before sale. In rare cases, it turns out to do without it, which significantly reduces costs.

If you plan to provide services for the delivery of goods, you will need to organize your own structure that will deal with this, or enter into an agreement with one of transport companies on the market today.

Finding a source of funding

At the initial stages of work, you will need to find a considerable amount that will be used to purchase the first batches of goods. There are three main ideas for a funding source:

  1. The bank is not profitable, since credit organizations sometimes finance such projects on the most unfavorable terms for a businessman.
  2. Governmental support small and medium-sized businesses - it is not particularly worth hoping for this option, since the priority of financing is given to agriculture, social structures and innovative directions of development.
  3. Individuals - this option is one of the most promising, although investors often provide funds, demanding a huge percentage of the proceeds in return.

7 stages of discovery

Opening a wholesale business is carried out in several basic steps. So where to start?

The first of these will require a thorough analysis of the market in order to determine the most liquid categories of goods that can be sold as quickly as possible. Particular attention should be paid to the sale of food products.

At the second stage marketing strategy the niche in which the enterprise will work is determined. The easiest and most affordable option for beginners will be working with batches of small wholesale. This will allow you to hone your skills so that you can then move on to larger and more cash offers.

The next step is to final choice product groups. It is best to work with those goods that you know directly. As a result, you can deal with products in any industry, but this will take a lot of time. After that, you need to find a manufacturer of products that can offer affordable prices.

In parallel, consumers are being sought, to whom the products will be supplied. An important point: you should not work with exclusive goods, as it is difficult to find buyers for them, as well as with perishable products.

The next step in the discovery model will be the selection warehouse. Absence own warehouse can result in a lot of problems. Most often, due to the shortage of such real estate on the market, the rent is very high. This is especially true for large rooms in well-located places.

Perhaps the key point in wholesale business becomes a supplier search. Ideally, it should be in the territorial proximity to the base warehouse. Large producers of the regional level are interested in working with wholesale companies, so it will not be difficult to conclude an agreement. Long-term cooperation is in the interests of all parties. It will allow you to receive various bonuses and discounts in the future.

Recruitment for the marketing department is also important point. Sales representatives must be qualified to find outlets retail. You also need to hire drivers, operators who will process applications, a cashier, a storekeeper and an accountant.

At the last stage, all that remains is the purchase of transport for transportation. The best option is to buy your own truck. If this is not possible, you can try to rent it. For large batches, a forklift will be useful.

Methods for increasing profits

The main method of increasing the profit of the enterprise is to increase the clientele and increase sales. To improve these indicators, several basic methods are used. First of all, this is the streamlining of the management system, the conduct of a classic advertising campaign.

Key Feature the latter is much smaller than in the case of other businesses - the clientele is specific, so you can contact it directly.

Video: TOP niches to start in the wholesale business.

Sample business plan

A brief example can be summarized in the following table:

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Economic activity aimed at the implementation of the sale is a stable source of profit for many businessmen. The principles of trading are quite transparent (buy low - sell high), however, as in any type of business, in successful sales there are many pitfalls.

Organization of own business in trade

“In order to sell something unnecessary, you must first buy something unnecessary,” said the household cat Matroskin in a famous cartoon. The simple truth applies to entrepreneurship as well. The real gold mine is that this very “something unnecessary” can be extremely necessary for someone else, who will turn out to be a satisfied client in the end. So, a primitive business scheme in the field of trade is as follows:

    Determination of a product that will be in demand. What to sell to earn? A well-built strategy will allow you to sell almost any product, but there are still certain trends that make it easier to sell. That is why it is useful to preliminarily marketing research market.

    Purchase of a trial batch of goods or search for a supplier who is ready to work according to the dropshipping model (direct delivery from the supplier to the final consumer, bypassing an intermediary who is looking for customers).

    Direct sale of goods (already with an extra charge) to the final consumer. The organization of trade can be different: through the Internet or a real outlet, in a circle of friends (many network marketing structures were originally built on this principle).

There is another option for organizing a business in the field of trade: the production of goods with subsequent distribution by wholesale or retail. What can be sold this way? Products in demand handmade, you can organize a small home cafe with delivery, sell kvass or home-made beer, agricultural products and everything that can be “produced” without the need to rent production facilities.

Resale of goods from bulletin boards via the Internet

What can be sold online? The once very popular way to make money without investing on the World Wide Web involves searching for goods that the owners sell at a low price, followed by resale at an adequate or even slightly overpriced price. A distributor who seeks to earn in this way must be not only good, but also a universal “salesman”. On countless bulletin boards you can find a wide variety of “lots”, and limiting yourself to only one type of product is obviously losing some of the profit.

Another option for such a business, which over time can be developed into a full-fledged online store, involves just the same concentration on only one category of goods, which, as a rule, becomes clothing. In many secondhand, confiscated or stock stores you can find decent items at a very low price. Minor repairs, additional washing, possibly adding some decorative details- and the thing can be sold already with a markup. Help organize trade high quality photos and your own group on a social network or even an entire online store with single copies of dresses, t-shirts or jeans.

Sale of goods from abroad in Russia

The ubiquity of the Internet and e-commerce, globalization and the “blurring of borders” have made it possible to trade not only between large corporations from different countries, but also wholesalers or retailers and end customers. Sites where a variety of goods can be purchased at a very low price from the manufacturer (Chinese online stores) are known to many today, but even in the twenty-first century, users are often afraid to buy through the World Wide Web, and even literally on the other side of the Earth.

By ordering a small batch, for example, on "AliExpress" orTinydeal, you can make a good margin and sell the goods already in Russia with a good profit.But what is now profitable to sell in Russia? Wholesale in such a business pays off only for trendy items or equipment. Other products are best purchased in small lots.

Selling Information Products: Money Out of Nothing

Earn in e-commerce possible without financial investments. Infobusinessmen today make big money on e-books, manuals, coaching (consulting and training), lesson books and similar training materials. You can sell both your own information products and others (according to affiliate programs). In the latter case, the distributor receives a percentage of the author's profit.

How to sell a product that “cannot be held in your hands”? The implementation of information products involves the promotion of a personal brand, the creation of your own web resource, active work in social networks and cooperation with popular sites of the same subject. All that is required from a novice businessman is to select and correctly place promotional materials, as well as to respond to questions from potential customers in a timely manner.

Organization and launch of your own online store

A more serious project is the launch of an online store. In this case, you will need to draw up a business plan, find suppliers, organize a warehouse, perhaps even an office and a call center, develop a website, hire a specialist who will administer, fill the online store with goods, promote search engines, as well as social networks and much, much more. Such projects pay off for a different period - it all depends on the right niche and the implementation of the idea. You can earn large amounts even in a month if the idea is of interest to the Internet community.

What to sell to earn? According to statistics, residents of Russia on the Internet most often buy computer equipment and electronics. By the way, the profile of purchases on foreign sites is significantly different, which is represented by the data below in the form of summary graphs.

Hobby that can bring good income

Handmade products deserve special attention, the margin for which can even reach 500% of the cost price - it all depends on the skill of the manufacturer and the originality of the product. What can be sold? Embroidered paintings, amulets, knitwear (comfortable children's clothing or costumes for photo shoots of babies are used in a special way), bags, toys and accessories - this is just small part possible options. Hygiene products (decorative or “advertising” soap, natural shampoos, scrubs), cosmetics, notepads and diaries, restored furniture, wedding paraphernalia are in demand. On the eve of May 9, craftswomen sell kanzashi in the colors of the St. George ribbon, and before the Day of Knowledge - bouquets of sweets.

Opening your own store or outlet

Much more nuance involves the discovery outlet. The entrepreneur will have to register, purchase or rent suitable premises (not forgetting that the location of the store also has a direct impact on profit), organize supplies, communicate with many authorities, obtain all necessary permits, hire staff, and so on. Trade enterprises require constant monitoring by the manager (owner), but with the right approach, you can get much more profit.

Choosing the right product for sale

Will affect future earnings right choice goods. What can be sold? It is necessary to conduct a market research to find out what demand is not being met by the existing supply. It is often profitable to sell goods daily demand(we are talking about convenience stores), used items, medicines or children's products. In big cities, branded clothing stores or healthy food stores are popular. It is profitable to sell goods for animals, cosmetics, alcohol.

Features of trade in consumer goods

Consumer goods include personal care products and items, light bulbs, batteries, household chemicals and other items that are often purchased. This also includes some food (packaged), pet products, plastic or paper/cardboard products. Such products are used daily (or very often), presented in a wide range and at an affordable price. Features are an extremely wide audience of buyers and fast implementation. Purchases of this category of products are divided into everyday, in reserve and for home reception.

Consumer goods in most cases do not require a carefully thought-out marketing strategy. Success factors in this segment of trade are:

    convenient location of the outlet (in crowded places: near public transport stops or in residential areas);

    a wide range of consumer goods, the availability of analogues for sale;

    affordable pricing policy and development of a package of additional options for regular customers (introduction of discount cards, gifts).

The most profitable options for goods for sale

What can be sold profitably? The highest margin is made on those categories of goods that are in high demand. Large amounts are earned by those who manage to find a supplier and organize the sale of any product with a low cost in the face of increased demand. What to sell to earn high margins:

    Flowers. Profit flower shops on holidays and holidays can be astronomical. Given that roses, for example, somewhere in Ecuador cost about 30 kopecks apiece, and in Russia they are sold for at least 100 rubles, you can “win” a significant amount. A significant drawback of such a product, however, is its fragility.

    Bijouterie. Jewelry and accessories are quite cost-effective, the margin on which can reach about three hundred percent. The margin can be several hundred or even thousands of rubles, and demand remains consistently high.

    The drinks. Extra charge for loose tea or coffee, drinking water in bottles or drinks in street cafes can reach one hundred, two hundred or even five hundred percent. A good margin is made on milkshakes or refreshing drinks. Business does not lose prospects with a cold snap: in winter you can sell hot tea or coffee.

    Popcorn, gummies, cotton candy, ice cream and other sweets. The cost of raw materials for products sold in shopping malls, parks and other places of mass congestion and recreation of people, ten times lower than the cost of ready-made popcorn or cotton candy. During the season you can get significant benefit selling sweets.

    Handmade. In a society that promotes the ideals of otherness and individuality, exclusive goods are in very high demand. Estimating the cost of such things is quite difficult (especially for those who are far from creativity), so the seller can wind up the price quite strongly. Demand is both handmade jewelry, accessories, cosmetics and hygiene products or clothing, as well as renovated furniture or interior items.

    Cosmetics (including handmade hygiene products). The cost of cosmetic products sold in stores, as a rule, does not exceed 20% market value. The rest of the final price is made up of advertising and transportation costs, as well as beautiful packaging.

    Greeting cards and holiday paraphernalia in general. Products that are sold at unreasonably high prices, such as helium balloons or cardboard postcards, actually cost only about ten to thirty rubles, while the minimum price tag is already one hundred to two hundred rubles.

    trendy things. You can expect really high profits if you manage to catch the trend. Talking hamsters were once popular, later - transparent bottles for drinks My bottle, the demand for things is more stable, for example, with comic book characters. You can also make custom t-shirts and sell them. Printing on linen bags is in demand. True, wholesale sales here will not bring results.

    Accompanying services. Related services include furniture assembly services (for furniture stores), repair household appliances(for distributors of small appliances for the home), refilling cartridges (for stationery stores or copy / print points) and the like.

Of course, not all products with high margins allow you to earn large amounts in a fairly stable way. But the right approach and innate instinct solve many problems associated with organizing your own successful business.

Trading is the most popular type of activity among entrepreneurs. It attracts first of all by the fact that you do not need a big start-up capital or some skill. You choose a niche, buy a small amount of goods and sell through one of the distribution channels, offline or online. Such simplicity and instant earnings make a business in the field of trade, on the one hand, very profitable, and on the other hand, highly competitive. Indeed, just evaluate how many clothing and food stores are located near your home and you will immediately understand that in order to make money in this market segment, you need to take a client by price, service or a unique type of product.

Let's take a look at the classification of this niche. The first thing you need to know is that there is retail and wholesale. This choice will depend on how your business operates. So, when choosing wholesale sales, you will have a low margin on goods purchased directly from the manufacturer without intermediaries, but at the same time you will earn on volumes, since you will sell in whole lots. The retail format implies a higher margin, and the goods are already sold by the piece. Products are purchased from wholesalers. As you can see, these are links in the same chain.

The second thing you need to know is that when opening a small business in the field of trade, you will need to choose the format of work, and there are several of them.

  1. On the market. Usually for this, they rent or buy a kiosk that sells clothes or food. One of the most profitable solutions to start, because it does not require large investments
  2. Own store or department in the shopping center. Significant investments will be required for rent, equipment and the initial purchase of goods. Mostly in such stores they sell clothes of the middle and high price segment, but there are also options for cheap outlets with sales or second-hand.
  3. Exit street trade. First of all, fast food and pastries should be attributed here. You can often see such points on the streets of the city. Usually they are a stall that sells one type of product, such as grilled chicken or burgers. In the summer, kvass is popular, which is also taken out and sold on the through streets of the city.
  4. Internet trading. Also, one of the good options is to start from scratch. You will not need premises, offices and other things, which reduces monthly costs and makes your business more profitable. There are also subsections in this direction, for example, sales through an online store, social media or bulletin boards.

It is best to combine several formats, this will increase the number of customer acquisition channels and, accordingly, your income will go up.

Here is a list of the most popular business trading ideas:

  • clothes and shoes
  • auto parts
  • food (vegetables, fruits, meat, fish, etc.).
  • toys
  • souvenirs and accessories
  • digital technology
  • building materials and tools
  • pharmacies and more.

There are a lot of niches in this segment, and everyone can definitely find something for themselves. In addition, new trendy products appear every year, which can also be successfully sold.

In this section of our site, we have selected for you proven ideas on how to make money in trading and start scaling your business. Various product options, calculations and detailed business plans, all this information will definitely be useful to you. Read, comment and leave your feedback about this business niche.