An article on how I organized my life. How to organize life step by step

Simple right life Kozlov Nikolay Ivanovich

Organization of life

Organization of life

Well, you started to do what you wanted - then you need to work vigorously and for a long time. Here the organization of life will help you: it is not a stick and not a carrot, not a bribe and not coercion, but such a natural organization of life, when everything that should happen happens by itself.

Here, for example, the walls in your apartment: strictly speaking, they control your movement when you go from the hallway to the kitchen or bedroom. But at the same time, to say that they "force" you to go a certain route ... - no, the walls do not force you. They just stand where they stand, and you follow the path that the walls have built. This is the organization of life.

No need to force yourself to someone who organized his life well

Several effective methods:

One of the most difficult modes for energetic work is a comfortable, relaxed environment, when it’s “not caplet” and things can be put off minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day ... Another thing is the time pressure mode, a short high load, when it is simply necessary quickly get together and do everything. One, two, gathered, done - super! We are satisfied with the result, we are proud of ourselves, we are invigorated by the energy received.

After that (necessarily!) pleased themselves with a soft pleasant rest-recovery. Rested - again vigorous work.

It is best to rest after a successful vigorous work

If you want to clean your room today, don’t stretch it out for the whole day, but agree with yourself (and preferably with someone else) clearly: 15 minutes to disassemble the closet (only!), 15 minutes to clean up the table (not a minute more !!), wipe the dust and vacuum the floor for 15 minutes (to be on time!!!), and then - absolute freedom and perfect joy!

Doing nothing and being tormented by the fact that things are not going well is stupid. It’s better to set aside time for energetic work, invest as much as you need, and then enjoy doing what you want to do after that. Long live time trouble!

Make it a habit

Do we need special motivation to wash, comb our hair and get dressed in the morning? No, we usually do all this automatically, just out of habit. We are made of habits, and habit is the result of repetition. The habit is usually formed on the 21st day, and what previously required effort for itself becomes already easy and habitual.

You have decided to douse yourself with cold water: even if you started in the summer and you liked it, you need to make an effort first to organize yourself for it. After three weeks, it became a habit, it became natural, and by the fortieth day, the habit gradually turns into a need: if you haven’t poured yourself today, it’s already somehow strange for you. Something is already missing...

Do not rush to give up what is difficult. In a week it will become a habit!

In summary: if you start something new and quit every time, after torturing yourself for a week, you will only suffer all your life. If you accustom yourself to the new a little longer, the new becomes familiar and natural. What was previously alien becomes ours. Remember the timing: 21 days and 40 days.

Time management: plan and schedule

One of the best habits of successful people is to make a routine for themselves in the morning and calmly do everything with these guidelines. Set yourself firm guidelines if time is short and there is a lot to do. Have flexible guidelines when things are not rigidly tied. And all this in order not to strain during the day, so that the head is free and concentrated on the main thing, and not on “oh, but will I be in time or not in time?”. And at the end of the day, it's amazing! - a sense of pride and relaxation: “I did so much important today”, and still full of energy, and the whole evening ahead!

If you have made an image of the future day for yourself in the morning, made a list of what you plan to do today, distributed all the tasks in order and tied everything that is obligatory to a certain time, your day goes easily and clearly. As per plan. And somehow special methods of self-motivation are no longer needed: you will already do what is planned for today.

Try it - you will definitely like it!

teach another

One of the best ways to teach yourself order is to start teaching order to someone close to you or a friend. “Once he said, he didn’t understand. Two said - did not understand. The third time he said - I already understood everything myself, but he does not understand everything!

This is one of the traditional joys of the work of a trainer leading psychological groups: the training inspires, first of all, the trainer himself. Therefore, it is most pleasant to conduct trainings about the great science of being happy, about wisdom in building relationships, about the secrets of love in the family ... My wife and I are glad when we conduct the training “Love and Family: The Art of Close Relationships” together - after that, look at each other in happy and close eyes are even more joyful. After you inspire the Time Management team with the idea of ​​writing down your goals for the year every day, planning your day is a lot easier.

Try it! If you have someone to take care of, help someone close and friends organize themselves - invest in it without a doubt.

A friend wants to lose weight - choose the optimal diet for him, support him in this feat for health. Who do you think will soon become the most ardent supporter of the need for will and discipline? You, and you will need it. We began to teach others - we ourselves will soon begin to do everything that is necessary - as it should.

How much does perfect posture cost?

Our friends daughter Yulia turned eleven, and her parents offered her the following game: they watch her posture, she - their posture. They offered fun and offered money.

Children and money is a separate and very difficult topic, in each family it can be solved in its own way, taking into account the peculiarities - children, parents and lifestyle.

In this case, the conditions were extremely simple: if Yulenka catches her parents in bad posture, they pay her attentive daughter 4 rubles. If Julia is bent, she pays 2 rubles. The conditions seemed interesting to my daughter, she decided to try, her parents gladly lost to her a couple of times, she got involved ... Results?

Children learn best what they teach their parents.

Each family meal begins with Yulenka chirping sweetly, diverting the attention of her parents and creating a relaxed atmosphere at the table. For everyone to relax. And when it seems to her that her mother (for example) has relaxed, it sounds instantaneous, like a shot: “Bent over!” and satisfied calculations: “Today I have already earned 8 rubles!” Needless to say, Yulia herself has an ideal posture ...

Which is exactly what was required. She began to teach her parents - they learned on their own.

I wonder what other pedagogical technique parents could get their daughter to start paying close attention to her own back? Sadly dreary parental: "Spread it out!" every breakfast and dinner? And here - cheerful Twitter, close family communication, beautifully arranged supply of the growing girl with pocket money and the development of her steady attention to the manner of sitting and holding on? Would you pay two hundred rubles for this?

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2) Organization of labor “The organization of labor concerns only such work that can be done for Us by others, such as, for example, slaughtering cattle, plowing, etc.; other works remain selfish, for, for example, no one can compose your musical

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Chapter Two Organization of economic life

The World as an Organization From the perspective of Deep Democracy, the world itself is an organization with at least one goal common to its many parts. Most people want to continue to exist. The main question we all need an answer to is

Hello my dear readers and guests of the blog! I have recently become convinced that simplicity makes me happier. I noticed that even the views on many things and events have become different, more conscious. I began to notice little things, to understand those people who used to seem like eccentrics to me, there were fewer worries and fuss in my life. It feels like I've taken it to a whole new level. But, of course, I am far from ideal, but, nevertheless, I am satisfied with the result.

How to make life easier

Simplicity has become a way of life for me, and simplification is one of several goals. Mine helped me a lot. After all, in fact, it is very difficult to reorganize yourself, change habits and thinking. But time and labor, as they say, grind everything. I have just started my path as a minimalist, but I have already mastered many truths that inspire me and give me motivation to move on.

Those who have not yet known all the advantages of this direction, I would like to advise at least a try. After all, chaos in life occurs because of an overabundance. In the house - things, in the head - thoughts. Our task is to put everything on the shelves, highlight priority areas that need to be developed first of all, discard all unnecessary and get rid of tangible and intangible rubbish.

Today I will try to formulate rules that will help each of you make your life easier and easier so that you enjoy it, do pleasant things and enjoy it to the fullest.

Throw away all rubbish

I believe this is the first thing to do on the path to simplifying life. Few people attach special importance to this, but in vain. Incredibly, but as soon as you feel, you will receive a huge boost of motivation, which will eventually lead you to realize what you still lack, what you want to change. This rule will not only save you from unnecessary and unnecessary fuss, free up space in the house, but also give you the opportunity to change your idea of ​​the meaning of life in general. Loud words, I agree, but it was from this that my self-development began, my consciousness seemed to have undergone a purification. And I am sure that a big but pleasant surprise awaits you too. Just try for a week to throw out everything that clutters up your house, everything you don't need and don't use. Prepare 2 boxes - in the first place the garbage, in the second what you want to donate or sell. The main thing is not to regret anything!

Set life priorities

What is more important for you at the moment: family, money, health? Sometimes we think that today there is nothing more important than a career, and children, wife, husband, relatives, sores, rest and communication with friends - all this can wait. Stop, and when then to live? In retirement, on that short weekend? Will not work. Life is one and you need to live it, squeezing out all the juices. There are a huge number of techniques and rules that will help you organize your life correctly and at the same time live to the fullest without depriving yourself and others.

Recently, I came across a very interesting video that really helps to accurately understand the priorities, which are dictated for the most part not by the mind, but by the heart. Be sure to watch this video, you will be surprised how much a person can make mistakes and make wrong decisions in his life just because he does not know how to highlight the important.

Organize your life

Sometimes household chores take up a lot of our time, do not give us the opportunity to have fun, make everyday life boring and uninteresting. But there is one way out - to optimize your life, to make it easier and easier to manage. For example, the same. Unbelievable, but God works wonders. Already millions of housewives are convinced of its effectiveness. Thanks to the tips and techniques, you will spend a minimum of time on housekeeping, while cleanliness and order will not leave your home.

In addition, you should pay attention to. This greatly simplifies their use and organizes the space. Well, as always, I advise you to stick to it. You should not keep what you do not use, what does not bring you benefit and joy. In this sense, I advise you to read the book “The Magic of Cleaning”.

Clean up your social circle

It sounds unusual, but, nevertheless, people leave a significant imprint in our lives. Without communication, we cannot survive. Being a recluse is unbearable, indecent, dangerous, but in the environment of every person there are a number of people who bring nothing but negativity. These can be work colleagues, neighbors, and even relatives. Limit communication with such unique people to a minimum. Don't just date, and find the strength to tell them why you made the decision. Perhaps this will be an impetus for them to change.

It is better to please yourself with communication with your beloved friends, relatives, family. Make new acquaintances, communicate, but at the same time put a filter and let only kind and positive people into your life, with whom it is easy and simple for you. Don't be afraid to come across as a selfish, bitchy person. Make it clear that and only you decide how to build it.

Pay attention to the little things

You might be asking how the question of simplicity can be relevant to the little things. Yes, everything is very simple. When we pay attention to details, rejoice and notice the little things, life becomes richer, happier, acquires a certain understanding of the meaning of existence. At the same time, you simply do not have enough time to spray everything and everything. Our lives are made up of little things. For example, you can put 100 figurines on a shelf and not enjoy their appearance, or you can put only one, the most beloved and dear to your heart, which will constantly attract your attention. You can marry one woman, give her all your love, and receive gratitude for care and need in return, or constantly be in search of your beloved and jump from bed to bed, wasting your life energy right and left.

There can be many examples and many will disagree with me that these are not details at all. I will be very glad if you do not think so, because, most likely, you know the true value of these “little things”.

Look in the negative for the positive

Plan your time

Again planning, but without it nowhere. To be in time for the main thing in your life, to devote time to the most important things, you need time, minutes, hours, days, years. Often they are not enough. Try to divide the day into separate blocks - work, family, rest ... Do not forget about yourself. As for important things, it is best that they are related to your goals. You should not be wasted and do something that does not bring pleasure, does not bring you closer to your dream. Try to do everything in joy and remember what you are striving for. This will be your main motivation, even if you are eating “frog” at this time.

Loneliness, laziness, rest

Sometimes it’s a pity to waste time on rest, because time goes by, you need to. But as I said, our main mission on earth is to have fun, to live in joy and happiness. If you plow all day, do not see children, do not take care of yourself, but only do, do and do, then, unfortunately, a very deplorable result awaits you. Health, most likely, will be undermined, relations with loved ones will deteriorate, and there is no joy in this. Learn to relax, be lazy, be alone. What you like best, then choose, this is a vital rule that is simply unacceptable to break.

If you correctly allocate your time, work on important tasks, keep up with the main thing, then your life will become easier.

The work of a minimalist

No job anywhere. This is the source of money, which, in fact, embodies most of our desires. But in this area, you can work on simplification. For example, if you hate your colleagues, your boss, and in general what you do, then you should consider changing jobs. Find one that you like, where you feel lighter, simpler and more confident. The shorter the journey from home to work, the better.

It is also worth taking care of the workplace. Throw out all the trash, clear the space, clean up the drawers, organize the storage of stationery and papers, sort them by type, purpose, and so on. At work, do only work. So you will be more effective, your efforts will be noticeable.

Be sure to take five minutes of rest. Get to know .

Down with perfectionism

Being the best, doing everything perfectly is, of course, good if it does not interfere with your life. But often this quality does not bring people satisfaction. To be the very best is a huge work and obligation, first of all to yourself. If the bar falls, then self-esteem suffers. It is better to direct your efforts to quality, do not reproach yourself for the fact that something did not turn out the way you wanted. The main thing is to try, try, but in no case blame yourself. In some cases, the situation reaches the point of absurdity. But remember, you don't owe anything to anyone.

Simple food

Exotics are all the rage, and chic and sophisticated dishes are on the rise. But instead of standing at the stove for hours, you can cook equally delicious dishes from simple ingredients quickly and easily. If you want something unusual, it is better to go to a restaurant, order sushi or any other treat you like, and leave everything simple for home cooking. Make a list of recipes that will be a lifesaver for you and in advance. This will save a lot of time.

Lists, lists, lists...

If you do only this out of everything listed in the article, you will already feel how you have made your life easier. This I guarantee you. Lists can be for all occasions. For example, shopping, Wishlist, gifts, medicines, meals, plans, goals, household chores, routines, events, dates, holidays, books you want to read, inventory of household chemicals, clothes, things in the kindergarten, and so on. Now you will always know what to buy, what to take with you, what is missing at home. The number of lists is unlimited, try and experiment.

Make life easier - save money

Thanks to lists, you can significantly. But this is not the only way to keep an extra penny in your wallet. First of all, after that, do not buy what you do not need, make do with a minimum and those things that you really need. For example, why buy 10 frying pans when you can get by with a maximum of three? Why buy kitchen utensils, for example, various kinds of harvesters or vegetable cutters, if you use them once a year and then not always? Why buy decor items that don’t fit into the interior of the room? In general, there can be a million such questions. Think for yourself, decide for yourself whether to save or not.

Learn to say "no"

Reliability, the desire to please, helping everyone and everyone does not make our life easier. Being a rescuer and helper is good, but only when it does not interfere with the implementation of ideas and goals, when you do not suffer from this and do not feel sad. Learn to say no to those who don't really need your help. This is especially true for people you know and not quite close to you, for example, work colleagues. First of all, think about whether your reliability will interfere with you.

Get things done

Unfinished business can drive anyone crazy. It is better to protect yourself from the state of something unfinished, let go of this burden and clear your head of thoughts of an unsuccessful enterprise. Either forget about the events that you failed to bring to mind, or, in the end, complete, put an end to and move forward. And try not to make a trail of things behind you. Give the enterprise all your attention, do not spray around, focus on one thing.

Healthy lifestyle

Another way to make your life easier is to lead a healthy lifestyle. Then there will be less hassle and worries about your health, which is very valuable for every person. Quit smoking - kill a few birds with one stone - save money, improve your health, live longer. You will go in for sports and - you will suffer less from excess weight, self-esteem will be at the top, life will become happier and more colorful. There will be more opportunities, from clothing to personal life. So draw your own conclusions.

Simplify your image

Instead of buying thousands of trendy blouses, making unconscious purchases of absolutely unnecessary things that you are unlikely to wear, try to compile or. This is a lifesaver for all occasions. You can read more about all this. This is a transformation marathon that will definitely simplify your life and save you from unnecessary fuss.


The art of assigning tasks to another person still needs to be learned so that all participants are satisfied. For example, you are a mother, there are children in the family who already have several household chores within their power. Entrust them with responsible tasks - washing the dishes, making the bed, getting ready for school on their own, and so on. The same applies to the husband, who, for example, will throw out the trash every day. Delegation is a very important thing in organizing and simplifying life. Read more about this.

Make a personalized plan to make life easier

Well, now after reading the article, draw up your plan to simplify your life, take something from here, add something of your own. The more detailed your plan, the better. Take your time, you have time to develop, improve. You will succeed, the main thing to remember is not to leave unfinished business, set goals for yourself and plan to achieve it. With small steps, you will achieve everything you want. The simple life is real, and it is already waiting for you. This is a life where there is a place for joy, important little things and happiness, and there is no place for disappointments, failures and boredom. See you soon!

Make a list of self-improvement books you would like to read, seminars you would like to attend, audio and video recordings you would like to buy or rent. Contact them regularly, stimulate the consolidation of new habits with positive emotions both on a conscious and unconscious level.
Immerse yourself in communication with positive, organized and purposeful people. Having dealt with your relationships, you cut off all unnecessary contacts with those who pulled you back. Build new relationships with those people who set themselves the goal of constantly improving themselves and making their lives and the lives of others better.

Write down your thoughts. Moreover, keep a journal in which you can express your thoughts on the path of self-improvement. Come back to these notes later and see how you have progressed.

Ask yourself: "Why not?" instead of "Why?"

Continue to develop yourself and help other people develop. If you need something, give it yourself. If you need understanding, give understanding. Love and you will be loved. This creed makes much more sense than it might seem at first glance.

If you have a problem, ask for advice from those people who solved it successfully. Follow their example.

If you have created a properly working system, try to apply it in other areas of your life, adapting it somewhere, standardizing it somewhere.

If you pay attention to improving your organizational skills every day, the results will not be long in coming. You will feel confident and self-sufficient, and everything will be subject to you.

Lists, charts and folders. Make Lists

1. Lists are your friends. Your Master List is your ultimate secret weapon. It lets you remember what needs to be done and constantly reminds you of your real goals. Lists give you a certain responsibility: they give you the opportunity to check what you have already implemented from the planned. Of course, you will start to perform some actions automatically, and you will not need another reminder (for example, a list regarding daily cleaning). Nevertheless, in any case, keep it ready in the organizer to periodically check yourself: are you skimping on your duties? If so, the memo will hold you accountable.

2. Charts, charts, charts! Set a specific time to complete certain tasks. Arrange meetings and joint events with people who are important to you. Finally, negotiate with yourself. Just planning something is not enough, you need to set clear deadlines for the implementation of what was planned.

3. Create folders and update information regularly. A good paper grading system is designed to ensure "the circulation of paper in the house." Putting the document in a folder, you know that you will not lose it, and you can refer to it at any time. By periodically updating the contents of the files, you ensure that the information stored in them is always fresh and up-to-date.

Your first duty is to organize a good filing system, and if you haven't already done so, do it immediately. You will have more free space, and you will become the king of your paper mountain.


If you've implemented most of the ideas in this book, all you have to do now is keep the "system" going and enjoy your newfound free time. The secret is very simple - do a little, but every day.

Required minimum
Are you trying to do everything at once? If so, then stop! Take a breather! There is a simple solution - prioritize. Focus your efforts on those areas that are the main cause of your anxiety and confusion, costing you time, money and nerves. Do you urgently need to sort out your financial situation - or is collapse inevitable? Then deal with this issue first. Is your disorganization and carelessness the cause of friction between you and your life partner? Your household and employees? Then the first thing you need to pay attention to this problem.

Understand what is the axis around which life revolves for you and put everything else aside. For most people, these “axes” are:

Timely payment of bills and payment of debts.
Daily dishwashing.
Weekly purchase of hygiene products.
Necessary rest, nutrition and exercise.
Relative cleanliness in the house, so that you yourself would be pleased to enter it.
Weekly laundry.
Arrive to work on time and complete assignments.
Don't forget agreements.
Car repair (if this is your main means of transportation).

Always remember the minimum level of order below which you simply cannot go. Of course, it’s not forbidden to exceed the bar, but by trying to stick to this bar, you will create a base from which you will build on in the future. car wash

Regular inspection

"Fixing" your "organizational system" is akin to fixing a car: you need to carry out regular inspections and periodically replace parts. Here are a few tricks to help you stay on course:

Write down on the Master List all the projects that you bypassed while working with this book. You have focused on the tasks of paramount importance, and at the same time, you probably did not touch on some projects that, nevertheless, someday will need to be implemented. Have them in front of your eyes so that when you have the opportunity, add them to your schedule.

Plan your “check days” for yourself: Clean Closet Day, Organize Files Day, Wash and Clean Car Day, Clean Kitchen Day, and Count Money Day. If half a day is enough for you, you can devote the remaining time to yourself.

Make up reminders for various activities and make copies, such as a list of groceries and kitchen supplies, or a list of things to do to clean up the garden after a long winter. Why reinvent the wheel every time when you can save time and effort for other things?

So, you have created your own organizational system (as we will call it). Once you figure out how to keep it alive, take a closer look at it and ask yourself the following questions:

How does my system work?
If it does not work well, where and what is the problem?
If it works well enough, can I improve it further?
Have I learned new methods, techniques, and interesting ideas to try out? Did you find new solutions to the storage problem that are more efficient?
Are there ways to simplify this system, make it more efficient and cost effective?
Can I take care of aesthetics? Use pleasant and durable things, improve the appearance of what surrounds you.

It is very important to negotiate with yourself about how, when and where you will do your assessment and planning. By setting a specific time and sticking to it, you will develop a good habit. Find a convenient time for yourself and enjoy the process.

Always reward yourself for your successes, praise yourself, and soon you will discover that the changes you have achieved are already a reward in itself. Cooking in a clean kitchen where everything has its place is such a pleasure! Wouldn't it be nice to open the garage door and see perfectly working things lying in their places?
Newsletter "Lady Perfection"

Organized life - what could be better. A business person who accurately manages all his meetings, is punctual, has a great sense of time, and is well versed in his life schedule, cannot but be liked. His whole life is organized, provided with self-discipline and self-restraint. He is its creator. Can this be learned? Can you train yourself to live like this? It is possible, but not for everyone, such a life can only burn, getting high from self-organization. By the way, this is available to a lot of people. We just don't think about it.

  • How to properly organize your life?
  • How to make sure that everything is in time?
  • Why can't you organize your life?

The question of "organizing life" is asked by people who cannot do it. They have already tried many times: they made schedules for themselves, they promised to start living in an organized manner from Monday, but ... things are still there.

With envy, they look at the lucky ones who know how to manage their lives. And they have the same day after day. They are always running somewhere, grabbing onto 3 things at once, as a result they do not have time everywhere, they are late, things only accumulate.

As a reaction to all this, stress arises. Against the background of stress, the so-called. “rattling” - hands sweat, it gets dark in the eyes, and under the knees it gives way. There is a feeling of being driven, that you are spinning like a squirrel in a wheel, that everything is the same without a gap. You have to do something, you have to organize your life somehow. But how?

Not everyone has the ability to self-organize

In fact, of course, not all people are, by definition, capable of self-organization and self-discipline. There are people who have to constantly be reminded of the deadlines, keep track of them, determine the pace of work. Moreover, as a rule, people who are not capable of self-organization, no desire for her. They do not feel it as their own lack. For example, there is such a psychotype of people who in their work are guided not by time, but by quality. It is important for them to create perfection and absolutely no matter how long it takes. They choose such a field of activity, where there is the least reference to time. Such people do not worry about their disorganization, they are worried about something else - whether they managed to do their job perfectly, without a single mistake or not.

But those people who suffer from their unorganized life who understands that he lives somehow not the way he should - as a rule, has all the abilities for self-organization, self-discipline and self-restraint. And not just abilities, but also opportunity to enjoy from the guidance of every minute of his time. Simply because of some life circumstances, they could not feel it. Often the reason for the current is a lack of discipline in childhood. Against the background of our mentality, where it is always customary to put everything off until later, on the so-called. “Maybe”, disorganization literally eats into life.

Organized lifeWho is capable and who is not?

The desire, and hence the ability to properly organize life, is only in people with a skin vector (hereinafter, the terms from Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology (you can read more about vectors)). It is these people who are the most organized in the world, and vice versa, can be big slobs.

Leather workers from early childhood begin to show interest in savings, in benefit-benefit. They do not really like to do boring, the same type of things, but they are good where dexterity, speed, and resourcefulness are needed. It is nature they are flexible in mind and body. If a skinner is born in a family where there is a developed skin parent, then such a child is gradually taught to properly manage time and resources. Simply put, they instill the ability to organize their lives. The child quickly learns not only to live according to the schedule, to get up at the same time, to be disciplined, to play sports. He starts enjoy this process and will not give up these skills in later life.

If, however, a skin person did not receive proper skills in childhood, did not consolidate self-organization with pleasure from this process, an internal contradiction arises. He has a striving for an organized life, but how to achieve this, how to approach the matter is unknown. I constantly want more, so such a person takes on many things at the same time, which means that he does not have time for anything. On the other hand, I want to save time. It seems to him that it is possible to cut down on efforts somewhere, and in the end, the whole thing collapses on this saving. It is because of this that there is a constant feeling that time, as it were, is slipping out of your hands.

Proper organization of life brings joy to a person with a skin vector. He is happy, he is satisfied, everything works out for him. An unorganized life, on the contrary, gives a feeling of unhappiness, a state of "driven down".

How to organize your life?

Today there are many recommendations on the organization and self-organization of life. Books about time management at work and in personal life break all sales records. This is a hot topic because so many skin vector people suffer from the problem of indiscipline.

But the problem is that it is very difficult for an adult to just take and do something that he has never done before. Yes, if he was taught to self-organization at the age of 6-10, this state of pleasure would be absorbed into the subconscious, it would become the second nature of a person. But an adult has already acquired a whole bunch of habits, psychological anchors. He tried many times to change everything and he did not succeed. In addition, he remains in captivity of his desires with downed landmarks. Therefore, all these books on self-organization practically do not help in solving his problems. There is a very small chance that he will be able to change his life by applying the recommendations from such books. But, alas, as a rule, this requires such tension and such efforts that the majority gives up this business when it is necessary to make the first effort.

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Imagine a life in which everything is carefully organized: there is nothing superfluous, everything important is at hand, and not very important is in a known place. Moreover, it is not only about physical objects, but also about time, thoughts, goals.

For example, let's take reading. You love to read, but you do it in a disorderly and chaotic way. Of the read, 5-10% is remembered, and even then this information is not always important. If you learn to have an organized approach to reading, then this percentage may not increase, but you will get much more benefit.

Below are a few ways to organize your life in different areas.

Organize your clothes

Only the things you really need should be in the closet. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • What colors do I like to wear the most?
  • What styles suit me best?
  • If I could only have 40 pieces of clothing left, what would they be?

Imagine that you open your closet in the morning to pick up things for work, and in it - only those clothes that you like, fit well on you, are appropriate and compatible. Keep your wardrobe organized and stocked with what you really need.

Organize your relationships with people

Life is too short to spend it with people who spoil your mood or behave incorrectly towards you. Learn not only to get rid of the company of such people (many of us are masters here), but also to find worthy ones for communication (this is a whole art).

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • What kind of people do I want to be surrounded by?
  • Who do I want to have in my social circle?
  • Why do I need friendships?
  • How do I see them?

Organize Goals

Explore your goals by finding new challenges - be it a marathon or a marathon - that will allow you to create the future you want.

When trying to organize goals, ask yourself the following:

  • Do I find this goal meaningful?
  • Does this goal align with my beliefs, values, goals, and life?
  • What emotions do I experience when I think about this goal? Delight, inspiration or sadness with stress?

When you set and organize your goals, your life will also become organized.

Organize your time

Be organized when it comes to and about. Instead of adding tasks to your schedule willy-nilly, take a close look at each task before doing so. Do the following:

  • Ask yourself: Is this worth my time?
  • Then: "Is this going to add value to my day?"
  • End by answering the question, “Is this challenge helping me create the life I want for myself?”

Organize your thoughts

Whenever you start thinking about something bad, you can say to yourself, "I'm not going to think about it." That's just how it works.

Many people are surprised when they are told that they can not think about the bad. This is a brilliant revelation for anyone who really understands its meaning. You don't have to think negatively or worry about the future if you can't do anything right now. You don't have to be sad and dissatisfied.

Instead of passively letting your inner voice talk about something, actively choose what thoughts you are going to cultivate and nurture in your mind. Your personality will blossom from them. Therefore, choose seeds for sowing very carefully.

We wish you good luck!