Problems in the implementation of social advertising. Social advertising is a way to solve problems

Modern building materials are always in demand, especially if they are inexpensive and easy to use. Now quite often you can hear about the use of wood concrete in construction, and this is not accidental, since the material itself is universal and at the same time very simple. Entrepreneurial people rent or buy equipment for the production of wood concrete blocks, since this is a very profitable business.

  • What equipment to use?
  • How much money is needed to start the production of wood concrete?
  • How much can you earn?
  • Workshop and its equipment
  • Step by step plan to start a business
  • What OKVED must be specified for the production of wood concrete
  • What documents are needed to open
  • Which taxation system to choose
  • Do I need permission to open
  • Production technology

Advantages of wood concrete blocks.

Next, let's look at the main components of the organization of such production. We will evaluate costs and profits, and also find out what conditions are needed for the release line. To begin with, we bring to your attention a plan for the production project.

What equipment to use?

Evaluate the business plan for this project. To do this, you need to know the list of equipment, the cost of starting production and the profitability of the idea. To organize a production line, you will need the following equipment for the production of wood concrete:

  1. chip grinder;
  2. mixer for arbolite solution;
  3. molding dispenser;
  4. vibrating table;
  5. dryer for wood chips and finished blocks;
  6. bunkers for raw materials, cement and sand;
  7. feed line.

How much money is needed to start the production of wood concrete?

How much can you earn?

In the event that a long-term business is planned, and not temporary, then the premises should be appropriate. Based on how it will be equipped in the future, it is necessary to think in a timely manner about where the production line will be located and the supply of raw materials to it, as well as warehousing and storage finished products.

Workshop and its equipment

  • First of all, the premises must be necessarily non-residential and have the following dimensions: 6 m (height) and 10 m (width).
  • AT winter period the temperature must be maintained at least 15-20̊ C, as this is necessary in order to building blocks made by hand, dried evenly.
  • 2 lock chambers should be installed in the workshop: one for receiving raw materials, and the second for shipping finished products.
  • There must be a 380 W grounded network, which must withstand several 3-phase electric motors at the same time.

In addition, there should be sensors in the room fire safety- this can be said to be the most important requirement for arranging a room. And in especially dangerous places, it is necessary to install fire extinguishers. As for the office space, there should be a special one. a gateway that will allow you to leave the fire in a timely manner.

Scheme for mini production of wood concrete blocks.

Thus, it is only necessary to have capital for the initial investment in order to organize your mini production of wood concrete blocks. It is worth appreciating the fact that this type of business has a quick payback, as well as a fairly attractive income. Therefore, there can be no question of risk here, since you will return your invested funds in 4 months, and in the future you will receive a net profit and a stable monthly income.

Step by step plan to start a business

Market analysis and drawing up a business plan are the main two steps that must be taken before opening your wood concrete production. After that, documents are submitted for state registration and further:
rent production capacity and hiring workers;
purchase of equipment and raw materials for the production of products;
search for markets for finished goods.

What OKVED must be specified for the production of wood concrete

AT required documents, in particular, submitted for registration, we indicate several codes, according to OKVED:
production of concrete products used in construction - 23.61;
production of other concrete, plaster, cement products - 23.69;

What documents are needed to open

In most cases, when registering as a subject entrepreneurial activity businessmen stop their choice on IP. This approach is caused by the collection of a minimum package of documents, as well as terms that do not exceed 5 days. This will require a standard set of documents. In cases of opening production of impressive volumes, the choice must be made on a company with limited liability. This will allow you to choose the best system taxation.

Which taxation system to choose

For the above business, it is more expedient to opt for a simplified one. This taxation system will allow you to pay an amount of 15% of net profit, but upon presentation of documents confirming the costs of production activities. If such documents are not available, then you will need to pay a 6% tax on total profit. LLCs can also use this system.

Do I need permission to open

In order to legalize the production of wood concrete blocks, it is necessary to obtain permission from Rospotrebnadzor. To do this, they will need to provide a certain list of documents.

Production technology

The production of wood concrete blocks includes:
1. Chips are loaded into the mixing station and aluminum sulfate is added. Calcium chloride can be used as a substitute.
2. Addition, after splitting the cements and water and mixing until a homogeneous mix.
3. Delivery of the finished mixture to the place of compaction, where it is loaded into pre-prepared forms. Compaction can be done by vibrating with a weight or by hand rammers.
4. Extraction of finished products from the mold. However, before they can be stacked one on top of the other, moved and transported, you need to give at least 2-4 days.

Arbolit is a stone artificially created from wood (chips, sawdust) and cement, which is used, as a rule, in construction. It is durable, lightweight, holds finishing materials well. And the technology of its production requires the purchase of only special forms and a concrete mixer. All this makes the wood concrete block production business attractive and profitable.

Types of wood concrete blocks

The technology for the production of wood concrete blocks requires the use of sawdust or wood chips, which are treated with a special compound and filled with a light cement mixture. At the same time, the share of wood chips is approximately 85%, and cement - 15%. At the same time, both types of raw materials are inexpensive, which lowers the threshold for entering the business.

The production technology has several variations, so there are two main types of wood concrete blocks:

  • heat-insulating for wall insulation;
  • structural and heat-insulating for the erection of walls of small buildings.

Arbolite blocks not only retain heat well. They are durable, flexible, have excellent soundproofing properties. But the most important property that made him popular is the high environmental friendliness and low cost of the material.

Production technology of wood concrete blocks

Depending on the strength, there are wood concrete blocks of grades: M5, M10, M15, M25, M35. The higher the brand number, the less chips in it, respectively, the stronger the material. Therefore, for the construction of load-bearing walls of a one- or two-story building, grades M25 and M 35 are used.

For the production of blocks you will need:

  • Portland cement (grades 400 or 500);
  • wood chips or sawdust;
  • chemical additives (so that the filler does not rot);
  • water.

The production plan includes the following steps:

  1. Grinding chips or sawdust, drying in the open air for a month.
  2. Dilute the required amount of chemical additives with water.
  3. Loading chips and mortar into a concrete mixer, mixing.
  4. Adding cement, mixing.
  5. Adding water, stirring.
  6. Pour the mixture into the mold.
  7. Wait 3 days for the form to harden, fold and stand for another 2 weeks for ripening.

For production cubic meter arbolita M15 will need:

  • 240-300 kg of chips;
  • 12 kg of chemical additives;
  • 250-280 kg of cement;
  • 350-400 liters of water.

To make M25, the amount of cement should be increased to 330-330 kg. The hygroscopicity of the material must always be taken into account. Therefore, when using it for the construction of walls, they must be additionally isolated from moisture.

Production room

First of all, it is necessary to choose a suitable room for production. It is desirable that it be located near the sawmills, so that you can quickly and inexpensively get the right raw materials. The production itself is set up on an area of ​​at least 200-300 m2, on which a workshop, a dryer and a warehouse are organized.

The workshop must have a grounded industrial electrical network, fire sensors installed, and other requirements for category A and B fire safety rooms must be met. It must provide a separate gateway for the supply of raw materials, shipment of finished products and a separate entrance for personnel.


The business plan should include the purchase of the necessary equipment. Its performance depends on the volume of the case. As a rule, the initial business plan assumes the release of approximately 400-500 m3 of blocks per month. Accordingly, under these figures, equipment for the production of wood concrete is selected to start the business.

For work, it is not enough to buy a mini-machine for the production of wood concrete. Full work is carried out with the following equipment:

  • industrial chipper;
  • concrete mixer for mixing the working mixture;
  • molding dispenser;
  • vibrating table;
  • drying;
  • bunker.

Sales plan

It is important not only to competently organize production, but also to think about where to sell finished products. You can sell blocks:

  • large wholesale dealers;
  • retail to the population;
  • for construction companies;
  • building materials sellers.

It should be borne in mind that the main demand for products begins in summer and lasts right up to autumn. This is a period of active construction and arrangement of sites.

Production costs

The main costs that the business plan provides for will go to the organization of the production line. Its cost varies between 50-500 thousand rubles. This amount does not include delivery, installation and adjustment of equipment. In this part, another 50-100 thousand rubles should be included in the business plan. Raw materials must be purchased with a margin for a month - this is another 600 thousand rubles. It will be cheaper to cook it yourself.

Another 300-500 thousand should be allocated for advertising for a year. It is necessary to spend another 15 million rubles to fill the dealer network. You should also provide for the salary of five workers and an accountant - about 140 thousand rubles. In total, 1.2-16.8 million rubles will be needed to start production. depending on the scale of production.

Each month, production will require expenses for:

  • rent;
  • raw materials;
  • communal payments;
  • wages;
  • taxes;
  • Unexpected expenses.

As a rule, this amount results in 1.42 million rubles. per month.

Business income

If the business plan involves selling products at a price of 3.5 thousand rubles. m3, you can earn 1.75 million rubles per month. Taking into account deductions for general expenses, net profit will amount to 330 thousand rubles. That is, it is possible to recoup the investment within six months of the operation of the enterprise. However, the final figures largely depend on the region, the level of competition, and so on.

Arbolit is an artificial stone, for the creation of which wood (wood chips, sawdust) and cement are used. The main positive qualities of this building material are strength and low weight.

For its production, it is necessary to stock up on special forms and a concrete mixer. In view of this, the wood concrete block production business is very attractive and highly profitable.

What is this material?

Sawdust and wood chips used for the production of wood concrete blocks are pre-treated with a special compound, and then poured with a light cement mixture. The fractional combination of wood chips and cement is as follows − 85/15% . The raw materials used are inexpensive, making it easier to enter the business.

Depending on the production technology, there are:

  • heat-insulating blocks that are used for wall insulation;
  • structural and heat-insulating, used for the construction of small buildings.

Arbolite blocks are distinguished by such positive traits, as excellent thermal insulation, strength, flexibility, excellent sound insulation, environmental friendliness and availability of material.

Market and competition analysis

The profitability of the planned entrepreneurial activity lies in the simplicity of production. Any person can cope with the principle of work, even never having anything to do with production area. Having become acquainted with the technology of independent production of sawdust blocks, you can organize a workshop in an ordinary garage or in the open air on the territory of your own suburban area.

Another attractive side this business is a huge market. Trade in this material can provide an entrepreneur with quite a decent income. It must be remembered, however, that despite low level of competition, buyers are often looking for quality products.

Production plan

This business requires the purchase of an appropriate machine. The main criterion for its selection is the planned sales volume and the amount of start-up capital.

On the market you can find machines manufactured by both domestic and foreign manufacturers. The latter, of course, are more expensive, but a novice entrepreneur, constrained by funds, is unlikely to chase high-tech equipment.

The standard automated line includes the following machines and devices:

  • concrete mixer;
  • chipping machine;
  • Press forms;
  • vibropress;
  • drying chamber;
  • pallets.

The cost of equipment is strongly influenced by the degree of automation and line equipment. The price of a high-performance machine, whose capacity reaches 1000 m 3 / month, is approximately 1.5 million rubles. But the purchase of a manual machine without drying chamber will deal a much smaller blow to the budget - about 300 thousand rubles.

At the same time, it is necessary to evaluate all the positive and negative sides, since the presence of drying can significantly accelerate technological process which will allow you to quickly recoup your investment. The average power of a manual machine varies from 300 to 400 m 3 / month.

The purchase of a wood chipper, with which you can prepare raw materials, is appropriate in the following cases:

  • the cost of wood raw materials in a particular region is too high;
  • material is very difficult to find.

The supply of finished sawdust can be negotiated with a nearby sawmill, where this raw material is a waste product.

It is desirable to locate the future workshop on the territory of a small regional center, since here you can find cheap labor. A good option is not far from a forest terrace (this will provide production with ordinary free sand) or a sand pit and a working sawmill. It is impossible to disregard the presence of a convenient transport interchange, as this makes it easy to take away finished blocks and bring cement and lime.

If a neighborhood began to be built nearby or private houses were built, then there is no doubt about the success of the chosen type of activity.

Is the project planned for a long period of time? So you should worry about the availability of production facilities. An automated line, transportation, storage of raw materials and storage of the finished product - all this affects the ideology of building a business.

Production room must meet the following basic requirements: height not less than 5-6 meters and dimensions 25*10 meters. To maintain optimal temperatures in winter (15-20 degrees), ensuring uniform drying of the blocks, mineral wool or foam can be used.

Glazing of the room should occupy no more than 5-7% of the total area of ​​​​the walls. It is imperative to place two lock chambers (one is needed to receive raw materials, and the other to ship finished products) and one entrance / exit for personnel. Production can be located in an easily assembled hangar, an old brick shed or a barn, the main thing is that all the above requirements are met.

There must be a protected (grounded) 380 V power supply line in the room, capable of withstanding three-phase electric motors, even if they work at the same time.

Increased fire hazard (drying, dry chips or sawdust with straw) requires that the room comply with fire safety category A or B. That is, special fire sensors and automatic fire extinguishing must be placed.

You can clearly see the manufacturing process in the following video:

Financial plan

A small business for the production of wood concrete assumes a monthly capacity of at least 500 m 3. The composition of the primary investment includes the following items:

  • station mixing components - 120 thousand rubles;
  • several molds (at least 30 pieces) - 110 thousand rubles;
  • kit for manual tamping - 15 thousand rubles;
  • drying chamber - 350 thousand rubles;
  • metal pallets - 30 thousand rubles;
  • chipper - 150 thousand rubles;
  • batcher of cement and wood chips - 50 thousand rubles;
  • other expenses - 75 thousand rubles.

Total: 900 thousand rubles.

  • rental of premises of at least 250 m 2 - 80 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of raw materials - 800 thousand rubles;
  • payment utilities(water, electricity, heating) - 40 thousand rubles;
  • salary - 90 thousand rubles;
  • marketing campaign - 110 thousand rubles;
  • other expenses - 50 thousand rubles.

Total: 1260 thousand rubles every month.

Now about income: the monthly sale of 500 m 3 of wood concrete blocks (70% at wholesale prices, 30% at retail prices) allows you to count on receiving an income of 1475 thousand rubles. As a result monthly profit will amount to 315 thousand rubles. I.e the value of business profitability is 27%.

organizational plan

Implementation production activities requires . It is most rational to choose, since in accordance with it you can pay only 6% of income.

Immediately after the staff is hired, the entrepreneur must register with the FSS and the FIU, since from that moment on he is obliged to pay.

A production facility with an area of ​​250 m 2 should be operated as follows: 50 m 2 - production, 100 m 2 - drying zone, 100 m 2 - storage of finished products.

The operating mode of the enterprise can be selected as follows: 40 hour work week, Saturday, Sunday - days off. The normal functioning of production will be able to ensure:

  • handymen - 4 people;
  • accountant - 1 person;
  • manager, whose responsibilities include sales and supply - 1 person.

Marketing plan

Marketing research must be carried out before production is launched. Before proceeding with market research, it is necessary to select the target audience - those to whom the final product will be offered.

In order to gain an advantage over competitors, you can start producing blocks that do not require plastering. To do this, you need to lay the raw materials together with the plaster. Another option is the production of painted blocks according to individual orders.

Main the target audience- These are private traders involved in the construction of their own houses, as well as small contracting companies that have taken up the construction of a cottage village.

Typically, such clients are well aware of all the intricacies of the business, and private traders carefully study the information posted on construction forums. Therefore, a person involved in the trade of such a specialized material must understand every advantage inherent in wood concrete blocks, in their advantageous aspects over other materials, and most importantly, in price.

Another good marketing ploy is block trading at cost. This move will ensure the availability of prefabricated homes that use the material, which in turn will raise the level of its popularity. And the effectiveness of "word of mouth" and communication through special forums has not yet been canceled.

Production involves the use of the following advertising methods:

  • Thematic booklets can be sent to several nearby construction supermarkets.
  • Creation of a catchy advertising slogan.
  • Implementation of a standard dealer program and a local incentive system.

In addition, you can consider the option of trading on the Internet.

Launch Schedule

Before the business starts to work, you need to sequentially perform the following steps:

No. p / pStage nameImplementation period
1 Drawing up a business planFebruary 2016
2 IP openingMarch 2016
3 Finding a suitable production areaMarch 2016
4 Acquisition of the necessary equipmentApril 2016
5 Establishing relationships with potential buyers of goods and suppliers of raw materials (signing contracts)May 2016
6 Start of productionJune 2016

Risk Analysis

Production can accompany the following types risks:

  • Hardware failure. Minimization of this risk consists in stable maintenance of the line, advanced training of employees, compliance with operating recommendations and timely replacement of worn out elements.
  • Late delivery of raw materials. Possible unpleasant consequences can be eliminated by signing long-term contracts with reliable suppliers.
  • Stagnation of finished products, difficulties with sales. This risk can be circumvented by signing an agreement with a construction company, for example, a cottage village.

A responsible approach to the preparation of a business plan and a thorough analysis of the market can protect the project from possible troubles.

  • Permissions to open
        • Similar business ideas:
  • As you know, our country is famous large quantity woodworking industries. It is no secret that when processing wood, a lot of wood waste (sawdust, wood chips) remains, most of which is simply thrown away. However, it is woodworking waste that can often serve to organize the production of high-quality material, one of which is wood concrete.

    Wood concrete or wood brick is an inexpensive and environmentally friendly building material used in the construction of low-rise buildings and structures, as well as serving as a heater for load-bearing walls. The material itself is a block measuring approximately 500x250x200mm, consisting of a mixture of sawdust, cement, water and aluminum sulfate (or calcium chloride).

    The main attraction of wood concrete is that most of the raw materials for its manufacture are almost free (sawdust, sand, water). Thanks to this, the cost of production is low, which allows you to get additional profit. Moreover, it does not require a lot of resources to organize a business, work force and large production areas.

    The production of wood concrete is beneficial for the following reasons:

    1. Not high initial investments for business organization;
    2. Low cost of finished products;
    3. Wood concrete is an inexpensive and environmentally friendly building material, the demand for which will only grow.

    How much money do you need to start a business for the production of wood concrete

    This business involves the organization of a small mini-enterprise for the production of wood concrete with a production volume of 500 m3 of products per month. To organize the business, an investment of 900,000 rubles will be required.

    The starting cost estimate is as follows:

    1. Mixing station - 120 thousand rubles;
    2. Molds (30 pieces) - 110 thousand rubles;
    3. A set of manual rammers - 15 thousand rubles;
    4. Drying chamber - 350 thousand rubles;
    5. Metal pallets - 30 thousand rubles;
    6. PPM-5 chipper - 150 thousand rubles;
    7. Additional equipment (cement dispensers, wood chips) - 50 thousand rubles;
    8. Other expenses - 75 thousand rubles;

    Total - 900 thousand rubles.

    What taxation system to choose for the wood concrete production business

    To carry out production activities, it is necessary to register individual entrepreneurship at the local branch of the Federal Tax Service. As a taxation system, it is advisable to choose a simplified taxation system (STS) - 6% of gross income. After hiring the first employees, it is necessary to register as an employer with the Pension Fund and the Social Insurance Fund and pay monthly insurance premiums for the workers.

    How to start a business for the production of wood concrete

    To produce products with a volume of 500 m3 per month, it will be necessary to rent a room with an area of ​​at least 250 m2.

    Thanks to the installation of a drying chamber in the room, the exposure time for wood concrete blocks is reduced to several hours.

    The floor area will be divided into:

    1. Production area - 50 m2;
    2. Aging and drying zone - 100 m2;
    3. Storage area for finished products - 100 m2.

    The company will work in one shift (8 hours) 5 days a week. AT staffing The enterprise will include 6 people: 4 handymen, an accountant and a sales and supply manager. There will be a 2/2 shift work schedule for laborers.

    Table No. 1: Planned staffing at the enterprise

    PositionNumber of employees, peopleSalary, rub./monthTotal, rub.
    Handyman4 10 000 40 000
    Accountant1 15 000 15 000
    Purchasing Manager1 15 000 15 000
    TOTAL6 70 000

    Advantages of wood concrete blocks

    Wood concrete, as a building material, has a number of advantages, which include:

    • Arbolite is an environmentally friendly building material;
    • The thickness of the wood concrete is only 30 cm, but at the same time its heat-insulating and sound-proofing properties are higher than a wall three bricks thick (75 cm);
    • Easily subjected to any machining, be it sawing, grinding, drilling, etc.;
    • Blocks of wood concrete, unlike wood, are not subject to decay processes, infection by fungus and other microorganisms;
    • The construction of buildings and structures with the help of wood concrete blocks takes place in the most short time with least cost forces and financial resources;
    • High fire resistance allows it to be used for the construction of facilities with increased fire safety requirements;
    • Refers to light building material. Its mass is much less than that of most other building materials;
    • Thanks to its large-pore structure, improved air exchange and humidity levels in the room are provided;
    • Houses built from wood concrete are characterized by increased durability and their service life significantly exceeds human needs.

    Equipment for the production of wood concrete

    The main equipment for the organization of production includes:

    1. Mixing station, (3 cubic meters) for the preparation of wood concrete mass;
    2. Compression molds for the manufacture of blocks of a given size (300*200*500 mm, 500x250x200mm, etc.);
    3. Set of manual rammers or equipment for vibrocompaction.

    The list of additional equipment includes:

    1. Drying chamber for faster curing of wood concrete blocks;
    2. Chippers for crushing large chips;
    3. Receiving hopper for supplying wood chips to the mixing station;
    4. Conveyors for delivery of wood concrete mixture to areas for vibrocompaction;
    5. Metal pallets for finished blocks.

    The main raw materials for the production of wood concrete blocks per 1 m3 are:

    1. Chips - 1166 liters. At the same time, the chips should not be just sawn, it must be stored under a canopy beforehand;
    2. Aluminum sulfate solution - 112 liters (90 kg of dry matter per 1000 liters of water);
    3. Cement - 237 liters;
    4. Water depending on the moisture content of the wood chips. Water must be added until the mixture begins to shine.

    Accordingly, for the production of 500 m3 of wood concrete blocks per month, you will need:

    • Chips: 583 thousand liters of wood chips;
    • Aluminum sulfate solution: 56 thousand liters;
    • Cement: 118 thousand liters.

    Production technology of wood concrete blocks

    1. Loading chips into the mixing station, turning on the drive and adding aluminum sulfate (or calcium chloride). The augers of the mixing station split the chips to the required sizes and neutralize the sugars in the chips with the help of aluminum sulphate.
    2. After splitting the chips, water and cement are added to the mixing station and the final mixing of the wood concrete mixture takes place.
    3. Ready wood concrete mixture is transported to the place of compaction and loaded into molds. Compaction takes place with the help of manual rammers or by vibrating with a weight.
    4. Upon completion of compaction, the blocks are removed from the molds. Finished blocks should be kept for at least 2-4 days, after which they can be freely moved and stacked one on top of the other. Arbolite blocks can be placed on pallets up to 2 m high after 7 days. Blocks acquire their final density only after a month. When using a drying chamber, arbolite blocks are ready for construction immediately after being removed from the chamber, which significantly reduces the use of additional storage space.

    How much can you earn in the production of arbolite blocks

    One of the main tasks in organizing this business is to find channels for the sale of finished products. In order for wood concrete blocks not to stay in the warehouse, it is necessary to think over in advance the points of sale of manufactured products and plan the monthly production volume based on the current demand for goods. The main sales season for crossbow blocks starts in spring and ends in autumn. The retail price for 1 m3 is from 4,000 thousand rubles. Wholesale price - from 2500 per 1 m3. The sale of finished products is possible in the following ways:

    1. Sale of blocks to large wholesale resellers;
    2. Sales of products at a retail price to the population for individual construction;
    3. Conclusion of contracts for the supply of wood concrete blocks to construction organizations;
    4. Sale of blocks in small wholesale to organizations engaged in the sale of building materials ( construction markets, hypermarkets).

    How much money is needed to start a business for the production of wood concrete blocks

    Let's calculate the monthly expenses of an enterprise manufacturing 500 m3 of finished products per month:

    1. Rent of premises 250m2 - 80 thousand rubles;
    2. The cost of raw materials (cement, aluminum sulfate, wood chips) - 800 thousand rubles;
    3. Utilities (water, heating, electricity) - 40 thousand rubles;
    4. Salary and insurance contributions - 90 thousand rubles;
    5. Taxes (USN 6% of gross income) - 90 thousand rubles;
    6. Advertising - 10 thousand rubles;
    7. Other expenses - 50 thousand rubles.

    Total expenses: 1,260,000 rubles per month Next, we calculate the monthly income of the enterprise for the production of 500 m3 of wood concrete per month. It is planned to sell the entire volume of manufactured products every month, that is, 500 m3 of wood concrete blocks. It is assumed that 70% of the total volume of manufactured products will be sold at the wholesale price (2,500 rubles/m3) and 30% at a retail price (4,000 rubles/m3). total amount revenue in this case will amount to 1,475,000 rubles per month.

    Economic performance indicators of the enterprise (month): Gross income - 1,475,000 rubles Expenses - 1,160,000 rubles Profit - 315,000 rubles Profitability - 27% Payback of the project - only 2.5 months

    Which OKVED to indicate when registering a business for the production of wood concrete

    OKVED 26.61 - production of concrete products for use in construction; OKVED 23.69 - production of other products from plaster, concrete or cement. If planned wholesale crossbow, then you must specify OKVED 46.73.6 - wholesale of other building materials and products. The quality of the finished product is registered by GOST 19222-84 - "Arbolit and products from it."

    What documents are needed to open

    It is necessary to register a business entity: most often it is individual entrepreneur. Prepared documents are submitted to the authorities state power or in multifunctional centers public services(MFC). You must also register with pension fund, social and health insurance fund. When hiring employees, the entrepreneur is responsible for paying insurance premiums.

    Permissions to open

    To open the production of wood concrete, a license to conduct activities is not required. But you need to get permission from Rospotrebnadzor. For this purpose, the following documents must be submitted.

    Production of wood concrete blocks: 8 reasons for organizing + 8 success factors + product characteristics + market research + recommendations for the choice of raw materials + technology + workshop equipment + 3 equipment suppliers + organizational aspects + calculations.

    Between scientific and technological progress and the emergence environmental issues there is a direct connection. Therefore, in modern world more and more attention to nature and the environment.

    Along with this, the business of manufacturing environmentally friendly building materials has become relevant and in demand. This type of activity includes the production of wood concrete blocks, the main aspects of which we will cover in this article.

    How economically profitable is it to produce wood concrete blocks?

    Arbolite (in common wood block, sawdust concrete, wood bricks), due to its properties, performance and purpose, is classified as a building material.

    The following components are involved in its production:

    • cement;
    • chopped wood (sawdust, straw, chips, shavings, etc.);
    • water;
    • chemical additives.

    The decision to open an enterprise for the production and sale of wood concrete blocks is influenced by several positive reasons:

    1. Production takes place on a simple technology.
    2. A business can be started first in small volumes and at home.
    3. Compared with the production of other building materials, the production of wood concrete panels and blocks is not so financially expensive.
    4. If you find cheap raw materials, you can achieve low cost.
    5. This area has a large market.
    6. There is a high demand for blocks of their wood concrete, the value of which during the seasonal period may exceed supply.
    7. Good payback periods.
    8. The production of blocks is characterized by a long-term perspective and good profit.

    To achieve economic efficiency from the business of producing wood concrete blocks, you need to deal with a number of questions regarding production process, product characteristics, analyze the market and competitive environment, .

    Arbolite blocks, the production of which is listed by OKVED 26.65 and 51.53.24, can be sold without licensing activities. However, a quality certificate is indispensable. About 45-55 thousand rubles will be spent on organizational and documentation issues.

    Success factors will be:

    • providing the enterprise with reliable and high-quality equipment;
    • hiring skilled workers aimed at high results;
    • strict adherence to technology;
    • production of only high-quality wood concrete blocks that meet the expectations of consumers and the requirements of the standard;
    • optimal price-quality ratio;
    • establishing relations with suppliers of raw materials and construction companies that will purchase blocks in large quantities under the contract;
    • use of other distribution channels, organization active sales to other Russian subjects or regions;
    • choosing the right positioning, competent marketing policy.

    Characteristics of wood concrete blocks, product range

    Also, arbolite blocks are assigned certain classes based on their compressive strength.

    Gosstandart determines the production of blocks of the following dimensions:

    • 50x40x25 cm;
    • 50x30x25 cm;
    • 50x20x25 cm.

    Arbolite blocks are classified into thermal insulation type and structural.

    The first type of material has low strength (400-500 kg / m3). It is marked with the letter M5, 10, 15. Structural blocks have an increased density, and therefore strength. These are arbolite products M25, 35, 50. The minimum density limit for such blocks is 500 kg / cu. m, maximum - 850 kg / cu. m.

    Arbolite building materials can be produced monolithic or hollow.

    Blocks are used for construction purposes. Arbolite thermal insulation find their application as a wall insulation and sound insulator, structural blocks - in the construction of houses and other low-rise buildings.

    Wood concrete products are highly useful, valued not only in Russia, but also abroad as a heat and energy-saving material.

    The advantages of blocks are:

    • versatility,
    • environmental friendliness,
    • durability,
    • sound absorption,
    • strength,
    • ease of construction
    • thermal conductivity,
    • ease of processing.

    Due to the versatility, the production of wood concrete products is beneficial for the construction of both private houses, industrial buildings, and for baths, cottages. Such blocks are used on sea coasts, in Siberia, etc.

    Arbolite blocks have a porous structure, which means that the structure erected with their help “breathes”. Expanded clay concrete is inferior to wood concrete blocks in terms of thermal insulation performance. Sawdust concrete is predominantly brick, foam blocks, because. does not crack under heavy loads.

    The main thing is not to exceed the maximum allowable rate. One block weighs 15-60 kg. Due to this, the foundation of structures is light, unlike brick buildings, which saves money during construction work.

    Since, in addition to wood chips, cement and other components are included in the composition of arbolite products, the blocks do not ignite like wood, do not rot and are not affected by bacteria. If, getting on concrete, stone, brick, wood, the spores of the fungus actively multiply, then this does not threaten the wood concrete blocks.

    They are easy to process, cutting is carried out by means of a manual, gasoline, electric saw. There is no need to pre-drill blocks for screwing in screws and driving nails. Also, arbolite products are easy to install.

    1. Market research in the production of wood concrete blocks.

    Arbolite blocks in the Russian Federation gained popularity in the late XX - early XXI centuries. Today, their production is also in great demand, which is facilitated by the development of private low-rise construction.

    There is a reorientation to building materials that would have not only standard characteristics, but also meet modern requirements:

    • environmental friendliness,
    • operational processing,
    • light weight,
    • ease of use,
    • energy efficiency.

    Arbolite blocks meet the basic requirements, as a result of which there are prerequisites for stabilizing demand. Production of arbolite goods on the territory Russian state established by many companies.

    Major market players that can compete are:

    "Russian wood concrete" It is a network of companies whose activities are aimed at developing technologies for the production of products from wood concrete and wood concrete, the production of special equipment (forming and pressing).

    The range includes:
    foam products,
    armoblocks and panels.

    "Arbolit-Eco"A company engaged in the manufacture of wood concrete blocks of various sizes, design / construction of buildings.
    "Chernovsky Arbolit" Samara company of production and construction direction.
    "Lesdrevprom"A commercial organization specializing in stone, wooden housing construction, reconstruction of objects, production of high-quality wood concrete blocks, interior / exterior design, finishing and installation work.
    "Izh Arbolit"Izhevsk manufacturer of wood-cement blocks.
    "BorStroyLes"Manufacturer of wood concrete and lumber, which provides construction services from the same materials

    In total, 83 companies are currently registered in Russia. Of these, 72 work in the Volga Federal District, 5 - in the Central. 2 carry out production in the Siberian Federal District, 2 more enterprises are located in Blagoveshchensk and the Amur Region (FEFD). The North-Western, Ural districts account for 1 firm each.

    2. What raw materials are used in the production of wood concrete blocks?

    The initial stage of production comes down to the preparation of all the components that will form the basis of the wood concrete blocks:

    • The filler is prepared from chopped wood, observing a ratio of 1: 2.
    • Make sure wood products are dry enough. To achieve the required consistency, sawdust, wood chips are kept for about 4 months. outdoors. They need periodic mixing and treatment with lime mortar.

    • 1 cu. m of raw wood is watered with a 15% solution in a volume of 200 liters.
    • For 4-5 days, the chopped wood is not touched, and then it is already mixed at least twice a day.
    • Such operations in the production of wood concrete blocks play an important role, because. help to remove sugar from sawdust, leading to decay in the future. As an alternative to lime, other chemical additives are also used: liquid glass, calcium chloride, aluminum sulfate. The chemical additive is added to the wood concrete mixture in liquid form.

    Raw materials are purchased at enterprises operating in the field of logging, or they are made independently using a wood chipper. The size of wood raw materials for wood concrete blocks should be as small as possible, then it will be possible to achieve greater strength after drying.

    If you intend to organize serial production, it is better to purchase special equipment for drying and chopping wood. In order for the arbolite blocks to turn out to be solid, you need to buy chips of coniferous trees.

    Can be applied:

    • aspen,
    • poplar,
    • alder,
    • birch,
    • maple,
    • ash.


    • common cotton,
    • lignified parts of flax,
    • kenaf,
    • cannabis,
    • straw,
    • larch.

    In the latter case, the volume of chemical additives applied for the purpose of processing woodworking waste increases by 2-4 times compared to that applied to conifers.

    For the production of blocks, you need to buy high-quality cement. Focus on the M400, M500. Sometimes sand is present in the recipe. His choice must also be approached responsibly. So that the blocks do not sag during production, washed river sand is taken.

    Technology for the production of wood concrete blocks: process features

    The formulation of raw materials is not easy to determine. This must be done by an experienced technologist. Without his help, the experimental method can choose the wrong dosage of components and disrupt the entire production technology.

    The raw mass was developed in the ratio shown in the picture back in the Soviet Union. It is more economical than others, because. allows the use in the production of secondary filler, which is obtained from particle boards.

    Such a filler does not need to be pre-treated, therefore, less energy is spent, the production of wood concrete products becomes less laborious, the environment improves due to waste disposal, and the range of building materials expands.

    Arbolite blocks can be made in 2 ways, which should be considered in detail.

    Method number 1. Tampering by hand on the floor - the most economical

    For production in this way, a forced-type mixer is bought, a tank where chemical additives will need to be diluted.

    In addition, you will need containers with a measuring ruler for loading wood chips and cement into the mixer, steel molds that serve as a place for tamping the wood concrete mixture. The arbolite is transported to the molds by means of a trolley.

    The surface of the floor on which such a stage of production as the formation of blocks takes place must be flat, plywood or concrete. In addition, the enterprise is provided with pallets designed for folding ready-made wood concrete blocks.

    Method number 2. On a vibrating machine with a load - more rational for large volumes of production.

    These machines are difficult to find on the market, but you can negotiate with industrial enterprise about the equipment being produced according to your order.

    1. Chips cleared of dirt are immersed in the mixer, corresponding in size and composition to the State Standard 19222-84.
    2. Please note that sawdust cannot be used fresh! If you will be chopping the raw material yourself, let it dry for about a month after chopping.

    3. Then make a solution of chemical additives and water.
    4. When this procedure is completed, start the mixer. The resulting solution is added to it, the chips are stirred for 20 seconds.
    5. Only then can you start adding cement. This is done in such a way that the cement mixture covers the entire area of ​​the crushed wood.
    6. Within 3 minutes, the mass is well mixed. Water is no longer poured into the mixer tank, because. this action will lead to the production of wood concrete blocks of insufficient strength.
    7. The pallets are placed next to each other on the vibration platform of the machine. One is placed on them general form, which must be fixed for the period of production of blocks to the machine.
    8. After that, an arbolite mixture is poured into it, and pressing takes place with a loss of 30% of the previous volume.
    9. The mixture is kept in the formwork for some time to harden, then the blocks are taken out and left in a warm room for 10 days. It is allowed to stack blocks one on top of the other in 3 rows.

    To impose more wood concrete products, another 7 days must pass. Transportation is carried out two weeks after the production of wood concrete blocks, if the weather is dry. In rainy, damp weather - after 20 days.

    So, the production of blocks from wood concrete can be identified by 4 main stages:

    To get sawdust concrete High Quality, in production, it is imperative to organize incoming control of incoming raw materials.

    Equipment for the production of wood concrete blocks: technical equipment of the enterprise

    The equipment is bought depending on which technology was chosen for the production of wood concrete blocks, based on the raw materials used and the desired output volumes:

    Equipment Purpose
    Machines DU-2, RRM-5, MP-500 and analoguesFor cutting wood. Hammer mills, chip cutters, units of the DM-1 type crush the raw materials more thoroughly.
    vibrating tableIt is necessary for cleaning wood chips from bark, pieces of dirt, earth.
    Forced paddle or cycle mixersThey prepare a mixture for wood concrete blocks.
    Concrete dispensers / tubes For transportation of ready solution to forms.
    Vibropress Condor, Rifey, etc. For compacting blocks.
    Thermal cameras With their help, complete hardening of arbolite products is achieved. They can be equipped with IR emitters, heating elements and allow you to set the humidity level and temperature required for the production of blocks.
    FormsThey are selected in accordance with the dimensions of the wood concrete materials that you are going to manufacture. They do not have to be purchased, they can be made with your own hands from boards 2 cm thick. After they are knocked into shapes of a certain size, they are sheathed inside with a layer of plywood, then with a layer of linoleum / film.

    If you are engaged in the production of blocks at home, you will need the following kit:

    • serving table;
    • vibrating table;
    • chip catcher;
    • detachable metal molds and inserts attached to it;
    • shock-shaking table;
    • dispenser of chopped wood, cement;
    • vibroforming machine;
    • mold lifting machine;
    • pallets;
    • tray for receiving arbolite mixture.

    With such a list of units, it is possible to achieve good production volumes in a month (about 300 sq. M). To accommodate equipment, you need 500 sq. m area. At the same time, only 15-40 kW / h of electricity is spent.

    In case of industrial production in large volumes, it is better to buy a line with a high degree of automation that makes blocks from wood concrete and includes all the necessary mechanisms.

    Such equipment for the production of wood concrete blocks can be in different variations and configurations.

    The standard complex includes:

    • concrete mixer,
    • chipping machine,
    • pallets,
    • drying chamber
    • Press forms,
    • vibropress.

    Production on powerful installations allows to produce up to 800 blocks in one 8-hour shift. The cost of such reaches 1.5 million rubles.

    Industrial equipment can be purchased from the following companies:

      "Arbolit" (

      The company is ready to offer lines for the production of wood-cement blocks: Liga-Avtomat, Liga-7, Liga-8U, etc. Arbolit provides services for commissioning, training of workers, production of a trial batch.

      The units are characterized by simplicity of operation and ease of use, compactness, low payback period, full use of wood waste, and a small number of maintenance personnel.

      "Russian Arbolit" (

      Since 2006, the company has been designing and selling ready-made lines for the production of wood concrete products.

      The company's equipment is characterized by a moderate price, reliability, but low productivity. The chipper may not be included in its kit. The units are small-sized, so they are quietly located in workshops with low ceilings.

      OKB Sfera LLC.

      The plant produces complexes for the manufacture of wood concrete panels and blocks, highly mobile and productive, easy to maintain.

    What room can be equipped for the production of wood concrete blocks?

    The space is more economical to rent.

    In order for the full production cycle to take place under normal conditions, the site must have:

    • workroom (from 100 sq. m.);
    • the area where the drying of the blocks will take place (approximately the same footage);
    • storage space (within 150 sqm).

    You will also need a territory where wood raw materials, other components of the recipe, and parts are supposed to be stored. Enough area is half the working area.

    In addition, it is necessary to place the director of the enterprise. Therefore, it is necessary to allocate zones in the room for administrative offices, production staff, under the restroom, and office. The total area should not be less than 430 sq. m.

    Rent, on average, will cost about 85-100 thousand rubles. The fee is usually paid immediately for the first quarter.

    The premises chosen for the production of wood concrete products must meet a number of requirements:

    When looking for premises, pay attention to those that are located near the sawmill. So you will provide production with a constant source of raw materials, save on the cost of its delivery.

    An important factor influencing the choice of site is the availability of a transport interchange. Arbolite blocks should be taken away from the enterprise without problems, and this also applies to the supply of cement and lime.

    There are a few other things to note about the space:

    • It is desirable that its ceilings be at least 5 m high, otherwise you will have to get confused when looking for suitable equipment.
    • Required in without fail observe a certain temperature, especially in cold weather (15-20 ° C).
    • At the same time, the building must comply with fire safety categories A, B.
    • If the entrepreneur has the opportunity to establish their own logistics, a garage for vehicles will be required.

    Labor resources at the enterprise for the production of wood concrete products

    The number and composition of staff is affected by what equipment was purchased.

    There are complexes that are serviced by 3 people. Other installations that produce wood concrete blocks require an increase in the number of personnel - usually up to 5 people.

    The owner regulates the mode of operation of the workshop himself in accordance with labor code. Approximately - 40 hours per week + 2 days off.

    To ensure normal conditions for the production of wood concrete blocks, you need to hire at least 4 people. In addition, a director of the enterprise is needed, the position of which can be assumed by the owner. You will need the services of an accountant.

    Also in the state should be:

    • supply and sales manager,
    • technologist,
    • driver and loaders for the supply of blocks to customers.

    How to organize the sale of wood concrete blocks?

    When the sale of wood concrete blocks is carried out without intermediaries, the margin on products is excluded. Finding customers is another important goal of an entrepreneur, because. quick payback and good profits can be achieved by selling all the blocks produced.

    Demand for wood concrete products falls at the end of autumn and appears when they resume construction works. To eliminate downtime, you need to find wholesale customers and sign contracts with them for the supply of blocks.

    Arbolite products are purchased:

    • construction firms;
    • private persons;
    • hypermarkets and construction warehouses;
    • contractor organizations.

    If you reduce the cost of wood concrete blocks and overhead costs, but do not worsen the quality, you can sell them cheaper by 15-20% than competitors. This way you will attract more buyers.

    In promoting a business, you should use:

    • In the first case, resort to the media, outdoor advertising, distribution of leaflets and booklets, exhibitions. Printed products should be distributed in supermarkets and where there is a large crowd of people.
    • When promoting online, it is advisable to create your own website (landing page), use contextual, banner advertising, targeting, social networks.

    Try to stand out from your competitors not only with a more attractive price per block, but also with various interesting offers. For example, let the first customers get a free sample. They will see for themselves the quality of wood concrete products and, most likely, they will have good reviews about you, and then word of mouth will do its job.

    Investments in wood concrete blocks (production)

    1. The main items of expenditure in the production of blocks from wood concrete.

    • Registration of business, certification - 45 thousand rubles.
    • Rent for the quarter - within 300 thousand rubles.
    • Hardware costs depend on the option you choose. If you buy a new line, the cost will be about 1.5 million rubles. You can purchase units separately, and used or leased. When buying equipment for the manufacture of blocks in parts, you will have to pay up to 600 thousand rubles.
    • Raw materials should be taken with a margin - at least 1 million rubles.
    • Payroll - 160 thousand rubles.
    • Advertising campaign (for the first 3 months) - 180 thousand rubles.
    • Preparation of premises, purchase of furniture, PC, MFP and other office equipment (telephony, Internet) - 220 thousand rubles.
    • Utilities - 80 thousand rubles.
    • Taxes - from 48 thousand rubles.
    • Unforeseen expenses - 100 thousand rubles.

    If we sum up all the costs, to open a workshop for the production of wood concrete blocks, you need at least 3,633,000 rubles. Monthly costs will result in 1548,000 rubles.

    Production of arbolite blocks.

    What is arbolite? Pros and cons of this business idea.

    2. Income from production.

    It depends not only on fixed / variable costs, but also on production volumes.

    When, for example, 14 thousand units of wood concrete products are produced within a month, the revenue will be 2,380,000 rubles:

    • The sale of one wall structural block (size - 30x40x60 cm) is carried out at a price of 170 rubles.
    • Net income will be equal to: 2,380,000 - 1,548,000 \u003d 832,000 rubles.
    • Business at good sales payback, on average, in 4-6 months.
    • Profitability - 35%.

    Naturally, in practice, the numbers will not coincide with yours, since everything is averaged. These are approximate calculations. In addition, each region has its own rates.

    Strive to develop a competent marketing policy, and then the production of wood concrete blocks will help you take a strong position in the market and increase profits.

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