Literary and bibliographic information in the media. Evaluate the use of prepositions and non-prepositional constructions, correct errors in management if necessary, edit sentences

Exercise 328 Note the cases of violation by writers of modern literary norms.

1. Ivanov was an orphan (G.-M.). 2. And the moon dies over it - this round orphan (Is.). 3. Thank you for not despising my bread and salt (P.). 4. I looked at the bed and saw a black beard and two sparkling eyes (P.). 5. Two or three tombstones stood on the edge of the road (P.). 6. He traded three greyhounds for them (Gr.). 7. The last two words were written in a large and sweeping, resolute handwriting (T.). 8. A gendarme and two young girls were walking along the platform, laughing at something (Shol.). 9. For the first three years, she only came to Zabolotye (S. -Shch.) in fits and starts. 10. To the right of the door were two windows hung with scarves (L.T.). 11. He walked to the threshing floor, cattle and horse yards (L.T.). 12. Let Finnish waves forget their enmity and captivity (P.). 13. Her magnificent fur coat and hat did not make any impression (Ch.). 14. One can imagine what a thunderous blow this letter broke over my father and mother (Ax.). 15. This movement was noticed from the Nizhny Novgorod to the Ryazan, Tula and Kaluga roads (L.T.). 16. Beyond the empty outskirts, beyond the Donets River, the field peace will tremble and split (Surk.). 17. The train stopped at the Zlynka station. 18. We'll have to wait a good half an hour. 19. The organization of the holiday was carried out and issued in three or four last days(Furm.). 20. Two tall palm trees appeared in the distance. 21. Hostage taking happened on a bus in the city Mineral water. 22. The regiment reached the city of Rovno (Shol.) in marching order. 23. You can relax on the island of Cyprus all year round by the sea. 24. It happened near the city of Nis. 25. Atamans gathered outside the Sestrakov farm. 26. Fierce fighting took place near the village of Berestechko. 27. My childhood passed in the town of Yelsk. 28. The dates for the visit to Moscow of the President of the South American Republic of Colombia have been outlined. 29. The World Economic Forum was held in the resort of Davos in Switzerland. 30. The governors of the states of New York and New Jersey, where many Russian emigrants live, demand changes to the law on benefits (from the newspaper).
Exercise 329. Choose the correct form of definition agreement, as well as the singular - plural form of the word being defined in the following sentences; motivate your choice.

1. It is difficult to deal with a person if you know that he is a (incorrigible - incorrigible) idiot. 2. Three (huge - huge) buildings have grown in a wasteland. 3. The room was divided into two (unequal - unequal) parts. 4. I had to stand in line (whole - whole) for two hours. 5. Traffic is open on the (new - new) highway-highway. 6. (First - first) two places were shared by two grandmasters, (scored - scored) 12 points out of 17 possible. 7. Neither one nor the other (team - teams) scored a goal. 8. Fifth and sixth (place - places) are already taken. 9. The bill on changes in the financial and tax (oblast - oblasts) was approved. 10. Students of geographical and historical (faculty - faculties) are preparing for the expedition. 11. It was not easy to restore (destroyed - destroyed) industry and transport. 12. (Restored - restored) museum and art gallery are open to visitors. 13. A competition was announced for solving (chess - chess) studies and problems. 14. The inventor designed a (special - special) generator and engine, with the help of which the energy of falling water or steam engines is converted into electricity. 15. Classes are attended by (lagging behind - lagging behind) student and student.

Exercise 330 indicate the options.

1. Writer Galina Nikolaeva was born in the village (Usmanka) of the Tomsk region. 2. A direct phototelegraph connection has been established between the cities (Moscow) and (Kemerovo). 3. The rest house was built near the river (Istra). 4. The ancient Russian city of Zvenigorod stands on the (Moscow River). 5. An exhibition of paintings by Spanish masters was organized in the museum ("Hermitage"). 6. Near the city (Kryukov), outside the village (Ukleevo), a narrow-gauge road begins, reaching the lake (Krayukhino). 7. In the capital of Chuvashia, the city (Cheboksary), a new drama theater has opened. 8. The first group of tourists stayed at the hotel (“Moscow”). 9. You will find many picturesque places on the rivers (Don) and (Northern Donets). 10. Events on the island (Cyprus) attracted general attention. 11. A delegation arrived in Moscow to negotiate economic cooperation between Russia and (the Republic of India). 12. The train stopped at the station ("Knitted"). 13. One of the Moscow department stores is located on the street (Arbat). 14. We were approaching the ancient city (Athens). 15. The Portuguese liner "Santa Maria", heading from the capital of the country (Lisbon) to America, entered the island (Madeira).

Exercise 331

1. Four newly built eight-story houses are already occupied. 2. Two recently refurbished rooms for rent. 3. I want to read a historical novel or short story. 4. We have been living in the country for the last five years. 5. The past year was fruitful for the actor: three new roles were played. 6. Four nine-story buildings will be assembled entirely from large blocks. 7. Created new programs for primary and high school. 8. At first, cheerful conversation and laughter were heard, and then everything was quiet. 9. An elderly father and mother need support. 10. Athletes who take the first three places rise to the podium. 11. The mass press, in particular newspapers, hopes for help from the government. 12. Our geobotanical detachment drove off from the village of Tugaya for eighty kilometers. 13. Four remaining chess games ended in a draw. 14. The route of the campaign with a length of more than two thousand kilometers runs along the rivers Seim, Desna, Dnieper. 15. In Russian, the verbs of the active and passive voices, perfect and imperfect species. 16. The war in Chechnya in 1994-1996 caused enormous damage to our economy. 17. At the Taygi station, we boarded a car with a board "Moscow - Tomsk". 18. The banks of the Oka River from the city of Serpukhov to the cities of Tarusa and Aleksin are being built up.

7.6. Stylistic assessment of control options

Exercise 332

1. In the first-aid post, anti-flu injections will be carried out, except for those released by the doctor. 2. In addition to the great economic effect, the work was carried out with high quality. 3. Instead of reporting on work, Ivanov organized a picnic. 4. Along with everyone positive qualities Petrov was also a great athlete. 5. Like many of his other works, the idea of ​​this painting was nurtured by the artist for a number of years. 6. Together with all schools, examinations are held in schools of working youth according to the general curriculum. 7. During periods of crisis, along with unemployment and a sharp decline wages manufacturing workers are cut and unemployment and sickness benefits are cut. 8. In addition to material losses, the grandmaster was still in severe time trouble.
Exercise 333

1. At the house - at the house - near the house - near the house - near the house. 2. Pictures are hung on the walls - along the walls. 3. Go down the stairs - up the stairs. 4. In Siberia - in Ukraine - in the Caucasus - in the Urals. 5. Traveled by train - by train. 6. Walk in the field - across the field. 7. Returned from the Crimea - from the Caucasus. 8. Passed for a talker - passed for a talker. 9. Work in the evenings - work in the evenings. 10. Went for mushrooms - went for mushrooms.

Exercise 334

1. The response to his application was sent in a timely manner. 2. The editors received a lot of feedback on this work. 3. The article is written on the same topic. 4. Doubtful indicators on the use of electricity. 5. Preparations for the elections have begun. 6. The needs of Holland for rye and barley are met by imports. 7. The plan for the production of non-ferrous metals is not being fulfilled. 8. A mother worries about her son who is fighting in Chechnya. 9. The indifference of leaders for the fate of their subordinates causes indignation. 10. These facts indicate that there is no good owner at the plant. 11. It is necessary to accurately determine the need for bricks and other materials. 12. The graduate student must submit a report on the work done by him. 13. The inventor was awarded a high award. 14. Representative construction organization reassured the customer of his readiness to complete the work on time. 15. The answer to the complainant's application was received by him immediately. 16. The facts stated by the author of the letter were fully confirmed during the verification. 17. What, besides condemnation, deserves such a bureaucratic attitude? 18. In the department of criticism and bibliography of "thick" journals, reviews of new releases are systematically published. fiction. 19. Exclusive importance has the possession of educators of high moral qualities, great sensitivity. 20. The development of the correct relationship between educators and pupils acquires an important role.

Exercise 335

1. I regret that you did not see the magnificent chain of mountains with me (P.). 2. Since you did not send your story to me, I, of course, cannot judge its merits or demerits (M. G.). 3. I never liked your frosts. 4. He will not leave Petrusha with his favors (P.). 5. You can’t put a cut slice on bread. 6. She didn’t cook dinner for you ... That’s right (I. Paul.). 7. And I don’t like the sea (Sofr.). 8. This means, sir, that you will never see your inheritance (Ostr.). 9. She does not recognize this schemer as her daughter. 10. Zhenya walked beside me along the road and tried not to look at the sky so as not to see shooting stars, which for some reason frightened her (Ch.). 11. No one has ever worn this bracelet before you (Cupr.). 12. We have no right to underestimate the danger of terrorist attacks (from the newspaper). 13. All day there was an unpleasant feeling, as if he didn’t say something, didn’t finish something (Good). 14. She could not hear his sad voice, could not see his anguish and suffering. 15. Krylov's fables will reach posterity and will never lose their strength and freshness in him.

Exercise 336

1. Tatyana Ivanovna does not fulfill her promises. 2. The patient has not lost hope for recovery. 3. He will never take this blow. 4. The prefect cannot change this decision. 5. The laboratory assistant did not tell anyone the truth about the result of the experiment. 6. Reinforced concrete as the main building material will never lose its importance. 7. The poet does not intend to publish these poems. 8. I could not think of a worthy revenge. 9. I don't subscribe to any magazines. 10. We don't waste time. 11. Serious crimes revealed in the production of alcoholic beverages. 12. In order to identify deviations from normalized working capital to the established standards, make a table. thirteen. Big job is now facing our employees, who must master computer equipment. 14. Dismissed those who slowed down the movement forward. 15. Your offer is not substantiated on anything. 16. The offender did not repent for his deed. 17. In view of the past rains, the harvest promises to be good. 18. As a result of the planned negotiations, the conflict can be settled. 19. Absence necessary materials poses a threat of premature end construction works. 20. People complain about law enforcement agencies: law enforcement officers are often rude to detained citizens.

7.7. Stylistic features of sentences with homogeneous members

Exercise 337

1. This morning, this joy,

This power of both day and light,

This blue vault

This cry and strings

These flocks, these birds,

This voice of the waters

These willows and birches

These drops are these tears

This fluff is not a leaf,

These mountains, these valleys,

These midges, these bees,

This tongue and whistle

These dawns without eclipse,

This sigh of the night village,

This night without sleep

This haze and the heat of the bed,

This fraction and these trills,

It's all spring

2. Rushing to Saburov, Maslennikov grabbed him, lifted him up, hugged him, kissed him, grabbed his hands, pushed him away from him, looked, again pushed him towards him, kissed him and put him back - all in one minute (Sim.). 3. A good hundred bright suns light up in the city. Colorful advertising politely pleads, convincingly insists, impudently demands to believe that there is no better watch in the world than Enika ... 4. ... You are my only support and support, oh great, powerful, truthful and free Russian language! (T.) 5. To anyone who knows Green's books and knows Sevastopol, it is clear that the legendary Zurbagan is an almost exact description of Sevastopol, the city of transparent bays, decrepit boatmen, sunlight, warships, the smells of fresh fish, acacia and siliceous earth and solemn sunsets, uplifting to the sky all the brilliance and light of the reflected Black Sea water (Paust.). 6. I wrote, and ran for pies, and repaired feathers (Ch.). 7. Nadia, mother-in-law, long nose of the bailiff, the defendant, Glasha - all this jumps, spins and goes far, far, far (Ch.). 8. They agreed: wave and stone, poetry and prose, ice and fire are not so different from each other (P.). 9. Agafya Fedoseevna wore a cap on her head, three warts on her nose and a coffee hood with yellow flowers (G.). 10. Chukhonets, a red cap, a lady with white teeth, the smell of fried meat, flashing spots occupied his (sick) consciousness, and he no longer knew where he was, and did not hear alarmed voices (Ch.). 11. The Russian political space has long been divided like the space of any self-respecting empire into the center and the provinces. In the capital there was the Kremlin, the government and sausage at 2.20, in the provinces there were only matches, salt and the national Russian drink, which at the same time played the role of a universal means of payment - vodka. (Izvestia. - 1996. - July 18.) 12. The general returned to the same topics many times. If not himself, then he was returned with questions - NATO, Chechnya, economic reforms, Afghanistan, Yeltsin, Chubais, Korzhakov, taxes, crime, past and future elections, the future of Lebed himself. Statements, noted the Americans, argued with each other, collided. The position of Lebed sometimes slipped away. Jokes replaced information. There were only two things that were completely and gratifyingly clear. This is, firstly, the difficult, truly Russian fate of the entire family of the general, from grandfathers to his young wife, who has already been declared a widow twice. And secondly, peace in Chechnya is an unbearable monument. ‹…› The swan left a contradictory impression in the United States. But - deeper, closer to reality. Sometimes he resembled the hero Yuri Nikulin in The Diamond Hand: “I slipped, fell, woke up - plaster.” (How America saw the Swan // Izvestia. 1996. November 24.)
Exercise 338 Indicate the semantic and expressive shades of the received sentences.

1. You pull out a piece of paper from the envelope - and immediately someone else's life calls you, calls, turns to your experience, appeals to your mind, to your heart. 2. After many nights, days, months, I look ahead and there, beyond the mountains of grief, I see our victory. We'll get her. Through streams of blood, tears, through torment, suffering, through the dirt and horror of war, we will come to it. 3. Near the coast, water flowed over the sands, stood in deaf, deep whirlpools. 4. Lightning flashed, fluttered like the wing of a dying bird. 5. The windows are wide open in all apartments and institutions - such a heat. 6. We distinguished enemy aircraft by their appearance, by their sound. 7. The plane flew low, almost silently. 8. Can you walk slowly without running? 9. His speech is unusually diverse, rich in shades - evil, kind, ironic, sympathetic, asking, threatening, commanding, coaxing. 10. You didn't surprise me, you disappointed me.

Exercise 339 Pepelev (dated June 21, 1919) note the heterogeneous design of homogeneous members of the sentence during rubrication. Edit the text.
The moment will be missed - Russia will perish in the waves of a new anarchy.


1) solemnly announce the convocation of a Constituent Assembly for the liberation of all of Russia...

2) to immediately and solemnly announce to the government that from now on, throughout Russia, the land will belong only to those who personally work on it, and will go to the peasants without any redemptions and cuts; ‹…›

4) declare universal labor service without distinction of classes and status;

5) conscription of the intelligentsia for military service without any benefits and deferrals - they still have to defend their homeland;

6) non-military to impose a military tax ...

The army needs:

1) the appointment of a special commander-in-chief of the headquarters, who should be in the field, and not be in Omsk;

2) to investigate the cause of failures at the front;

3) streamline the question of manning the army with soldiers;

4) providing for the families of those called ...

5) the establishment of pensions for crippled soldiers and families of those killed in battle.
Exercise 340

1. Training of hunters for the extermination of wolves and persons responsible for carrying out this event is carried out in the hunting grounds. 2. Terms of lending and foreign exchange transactions are covered in special editions of the newspaper, lectures and brochures, reports and magazines. 3. It is necessary to pay attention not only to the knowledge of the trainees, but also to their practical skills. 4. The huge hall of the circus will be universal: it will be possible to hold not only circus performances, but also arrange large concerts, sports competitions, meetings, and show films. 5. Our graduates must be high-class professionals who know not only their narrow specialty, but also have a good knowledge of the fundamental branches of science. 6. For short term in the satellite city, not only a new school, a hospital, but also a drama theater and a library were built. 7. Statistical data are given in a number of newspaper publications: article, correspondence, essay, note. 8. In this country, the means of production: land, its subsoil, factories and factories, mines and mines, rail, water and air transport, banks, communications - belong to the state. 9. At some construction sites, a number of buildings have been commissioned without access roads leading to these buildings and which would allow cars to drive up to them from the nearest highway. 10. Speakers in the debate, while not objecting to the main provisions of the report, however, consider it incomplete. 11. A prefabricated brick panel can compete with reinforced concrete in terms of strength, frost resistance, and other indicators. 12. Favorable conditions have been created not only for the publication of scientific works, but also for their implementation in practice. 13. We should not be afraid of difficulties, boldly go forward, overcoming any and all difficulties. 14. This information comes from both official and unofficial sources. 15. Those who spoke in the debate, while not objecting to the main provisions of the report, however, consider it incomplete. 16. Not only new schools, hospitals, but also a drama theater and other cultural and educational institutions have been built in the city. 17. A special commission was appointed, which was entrusted with coordinating and directing all work. 18. Many critical remarks and valuable suggestions were made during the discussion of the issue. 19. As material for the novel "War and Peace" L.N. Tolstoy used family archives, memoirs, literary sources and various other official documents. 20. The book also describes what deductions and deductions are allowed from wages and wages of certain categories of workers.

7.8. Stylistic use of different types of compound sentence

Exercise 341. From these simple sentences, make up all possible types of complex sentences, characterize their semantic and stylistic features.

1. Chernobyl victims went on a hunger strike. For six months they have not been paid their dues cash. 2. The tears of soldiers' mothers do not dry up. They cannot find out the truth about the fate of the missing soldiers. 3. Ilyinichna stayed in the village with her five-year-old granddaughter. Two daughters and a son went to work in the city. 4. The fields were not sown. The collective farm collapsed, and there was no one to organize the sowing campaign. 5. Forests surrounded the village in a dense ring. There was always plenty of raspberries and mushrooms. 6. Russia is slow to join NATO. This military organization is a potential threat to our security. 7. In the election of the governor in Kursk, A.V. won a convincing victory. Rutskoy. Most voters voted for him. 8. Elena Mavrodi was suspended from participation in the election race of candidates for deputies from Tula. The methods used by her to win over voters will be assessed by the judiciary. 9. There was dead silence. It seemed that everything around was frozen in anticipation of the first thunder strikes. 10. We have a deep night. On another continent, in America, the working day is in full swing. 11. You cannot support a family on the salary of a senior researcher. Save scientific personnel Russia is a big problem. 12. I love my homeland. I will have to live the rest of my life away from Russia. 13. There is no prophet in his own country. We call writers great only after their death. 14. With difficulty we found this hut in the mountains. There was no one else in it. 15. Morning is wiser than evening. Let's leave this conversation for tomorrow.
Exercise 342 If necessary, simplify the construction by replacing the complex sentence with a simple one.

1. A question to Mr. Zakaev, who cannot but worry the Russians... 2. At first, when I started working at a knitting factory, it was difficult for me, but my workmates helped me, who have more knowledge and experience, who friendly advised me to study further, at the school of working youth, in which I used to study. 3. The commission examined the hostel, which at one time was given a lot of money and attention, which is located in a former garage. 4. If these events had been carried out, the epidemic would not have broken out. 5. Agapov entered the office with the air of such an employee who had fully completed his orders. 6. It is necessary that the knowledge and skills that students acquire in secondary school could be subsequently applied by them in life. 7. It is very important that every pupil of the boarding school, leaving for long time his family and joining new team I would find my second home in this school. 8. Many believe that the factory is unable to fulfill the order. 9. The speaker asked that he be given the opportunity to speak at a meeting of students of the first and second courses of the department of newspaper workers. 10. Our victory in Lillenhammer is the fundamental of the national system of higher sports improvement and organizational activities, brought to a high degree of professionalism: a school, a children's sports school, an Olympic reserve school, a school of higher sportsmanship, a national team, and I must say out loud - this the backlog ends, because rare talented names are not a system, but a “goldfish” caught in our open spaces.

Exercise 343 If necessary, offer your options for stylistic editing.
1. So, in 988, Mstislav Vladimirovich became the sovereign prince of Tmutarakan; by that time it was a major port and an important strategic point in the south of Russia, through which sea and land routes passed, along which caravans of Kyiv and Novgorod merchants went, who were loaded with fur, honey and wax and who headed south to Tsargrad or east to Shirvan and Derbent, and from there they brought gold, silver, precious stones and fine patterned fabrics to Russia.

1. So, in 988, Mstislav Vladimirovich became the sovereign prince of Tmutarakan. At that time it was a major port and an important strategic point in the south of Russia. Sea and land routes passed through it, along which caravans of Kyiv and Novgorod merchants, loaded with fur, honey and wax, headed south to Tsargrad or east to Shirvan and Derbent, and from there they brought gold, silver, precious stones and fine patterned fabrics.

2. The echoes of the storm that arose on Kyiv land after the death of Grand Duke Vladimir in 1015 reached Tmutarakan with a great delay, so Mstislav did not know that Svyatopolk, striving to become the sole owner of Kyiv land, by cunning and deceit had exhausted three half-brothers - Boris, Gleb, Svyatoslav, for which he received the nickname Cursed among the people; that his older brother Yaroslav managed to gather enough strength and defeat Svyatopolk in the battle of Lyubech; that the latter brought the Poles to Russia and again occupied the Kyiv throne, but reigned there for a short time; that in 1019 he was again defeated by Yaroslav in a battle on the Alta River.

2. The news of the internecine struggle for the throne of the sons of Grand Duke Vladimir after his death in 1015 reached Tmutarakan with a great delay. The Tmutarakan prince Mstislav did not even know that his brother Svyatopolk, by cunning and deceit, had exhausted three half-brothers - Boris, Gleb and Svyatoslav, for which he received the nickname Cursed among the people. And the older brother Yaroslav managed to gather enough strength and defeat Svyatopolk near Lyubich. But the Accursed brought the Poles to Russia and again took the Kyiv table. However, he did not reign for long: in 1019, Svyatopolk was again defeated by Yaroslav in a battle on the Alta River.

3. Inaccurate switching may cause current surges exceeding 15 times the rated current of the generator, which is a danger to the mechanical integrity of the generator, and also causes large fluctuations with voltage dips.

3. When the generator is not turned on accurately, current surges occur that exceed fifteen times the rated current of the machine, causing voltage fluctuations and dips. This may compromise the mechanical integrity of the generator.

4. The name of the restaurant "Yar" was given in accordance with the fact that it was located on the banks of the Sinichka River, which at present, enclosed in pipes, flows underground.

4. The restaurant was called "Yar" because it stood over a cliff near the steep bank of the Sinichka River (now it is enclosed in pipes and flows underground).

5. In areas where a state of emergency has been declared, a special regime begins to operate: a certain procedure for the entry and exit of citizens is established, restrictions on their freedom of movement are introduced, rallies, meetings, street processions, and demonstrations are prohibited; limited the freedom of the press and the activities of the media mass media, as well as movement Vehicle and allow them to be examined.

5. In areas where a state of emergency has been declared, a special regime begins to operate: a certain procedure for the entry and exit of citizens is established; restriction of their freedom of movement is introduced; rallies, meetings, street processions, demonstrations are prohibited; the freedom of the press and the activities of the media are restricted, as well as the movement of vehicles and their inspection is allowed.

6. At one time, the case was widely known when General A.P. Yermolov arrived on a call to the reception room of Alexander I, where there were already many generals and dignitaries who, waiting for the call, as expected, spoke French or German, and suddenly Yermolov turned to them with a question: “Let me know, gentlemen, does any of you speak Russian?”

6. At one time, the case was widely known when General A.P. Ermolov, who arrived on a call to the reception room of Alexander I, found himself there among the generals and dignitaries, who, as usual, spoke French and German. Yermolov turned to them with a question: “Let me know, gentlemen, does any of you speak Russian?”

7. The administrators, by making minor concessions to the workers, who did not improve their situation in the least, try to prevent a strike.

7. Administrators try to prevent a strike and make minor concessions to the workers, which do not improve their situation in the least.

8. In the last two chapters, the author begins to argue that there are useful and harmful plants, which substances are valuable, and some should not be used for medical purposes.

Exercise 344. Indicate errors in the construction of complex sentences, edit them.

1. There are many employees at the plant who have shown themselves well in work and the nature of their work corresponds to their chosen specialty. 2. At the meeting, issues of improving product quality and whether it is possible to reduce its cost were discussed. 3. The speaker put forward two positions: 1) all greater value acquires the fight against corruption; 2) role in this matter law enforcement. 4. Among the achievements of the teaching staff of the college should be attributed to the fact that it is successfully carried out educational work well organized extracurricular activities student performance is improving year by year. 5. The main thing to pay attention to is the artistic side of the work. 6. The last thing to dwell on is the composition of the novel. 7. These quotes - it is not known where the author borrowed them from. 8. One can agree only with those provisions of the report that do not contain any internal contradictions. 9. A situation was created when little was conducive to improving work. 10. The conditions for the implementation of the peace agreements were present, but nevertheless, it has not yet been possible to achieve a settlement of the conflict. 11. Students had an internship in one of the workshops of the plant, which was recently reconstructed. 12. In modern Bulgaria Agriculture is as different from what it was before the Second World War as the entire economy of the country differs from the pre-war one. 13. Indicate the panacea that can save the day. 14. The wish was expressed that the contacts established between the Russian and Finnish partners would be further developed. 15. If these proposals of the Western powers had been accepted, nothing would have changed, except that a commission would have been set up to inventory weapons. 16. The Commission did not accept a number of objects for the construction of which funds were allocated, which, however, were used for other purposes.

7.9. Stylistic evaluation of parallel syntactic constructions

Exercise 345

Sample. 1. The writer read the manuscript and wrote a working review; 2. The writer, after reading the manuscript, wrote a working review; 3. The writer who read the manuscript wrote a working review; 4. The writer finished reading the manuscript and started writing a working review; 5. When the writer read the manuscript, he was able to write a working review; 6. After reading the manuscript, the writer wrote a working review; 7. Writing a working review by the writer became possible after reading the manuscript.

1. The correspondent visited the scene and wrote a note. 2. The journalist studied the problem and finished the article. 3. The student read the lecture notes and went to the exam. 4. The teacher listened to the student and asked a question. 5. The State Duma developed the federal law "On Veterans", the President approved it and signed it. 6. A new legislative draft has been presented to the Duma and, after discussion, will be sent to the Federation Council. 7. Anatoly Chubais flew to Davos for the World Economic Forum and spoke there at English language. 8. The Economic Forum was held in Switzerland and attracted the attention of the entire world community. 9. Russian tennis player Kafelnikov was out of action a day before the draw in Durban and will not participate in the final of the Shanghai tournament. 10. The domestic manufacturer is not yet strong in the conditions free market and weakened by inflation.

Exercise 346. Select synonymous constructions for the following (they are taken from V. Peskov's essay "The Return of the Peregrine Falcon" - "Komsomolskaya Pravda" dated September 6, 1996). Give a stylistic assessment of each design and determine which of them are more justified in the essay, and which require replacement.

1. It is difficult for us now to imagine how rich the bird world was on Earth hundreds of two years ago and how many birds there were that have become extremely rare today - eagles, falcons. 2. Having exterminated predators, people destroyed the complex fabric of the animal world. 3. Enormous efforts and funds were used in England, returning the disappeared white-tailed eagle to the islands. 4. It came to the point that guards were placed near the nesting birds, not allowing the curious to the nest. 5. Having placed a cage with chicks somewhere on a rock, they were fed “from the sleeve” - from a special cloth chamber so that they would not see that they were receiving food from human hands. 6. Gradually opening the door of the enclosure, the birds were lured to the still moving prey, awakening their instinct for hunting. 7. Our ornithologists dream of reviving the saker falcon, which once lived in the forest-steppe, and settling it in our big cities. 8. Experts decided to try to breed falcons in Moscow, realizing that this task is not an easy one. 9. Perhaps falcons will nest on high-rise buildings, mistaking them for rocky mountains. 10. A large cage with predators brought from the nursery was placed at the top of the left tower of Moscow State University, wanting to “tie” them to the university building. 11. By placing cages with maturing chicks in the city, falcons can be trained to nest on high-rise buildings. 12. Walking along Leninsky Prospekt, an ornithologist-falconer saw birds flying alone. 13. Flying over Profsoyuznaya Street, falcons pursued small birds. 14. Optimists believe that birds that have flown south from the Russian winter will find their way home in the spring. 15. Having warmed up and matured in a foreign land, falcons will want to return to their homeland as big strong birds.

Exercise 347 Edit the sentences using parallel syntactic constructions.

1. The facts presented in the report testify to the great successes of medical science. 2. None of the critics of the project proposed anything else that would move things forward. 3. In the same position as the inhabitants of Adria, were the inhabitants of nearby villages and farms, cut off by the flood and fleeing on the roofs of houses, threatening to collapse at any moment. 4. The arrested person was worried about the family, taken under the supervision of the police and which he left without any means of subsistence. 5. The director is holding footage from a new film being shot at the Mosfilm studio. 6. The current situation with regard to the use of electric locomotives does not meet the already increased demands of transport. 7. The peasants knew that the farm had over 40 tons of grain that could be sent to the elevator. 8. Students sent for internships must be provided with a detailed internship program and instructions carefully developed by specialists.

Exercise 348

1. General Lebed shared his thoughts on the country's way out of the crisis, based on the force of law. 2. Lebed called Marshal Zhukov an example for himself, who won the love of the people and was in disgrace with those in power. 3. Zhukov turned the wheel of history three times: for the first time - by defending the Soviet Far East, defeating the Japanese troops; then - defeating the Nazis in December 1941 near Moscow; for the third time - by executing Beria in 1953 in the cold summer after Stalin's death. 4. The guest completed his first American evening in the company of American billionaire George Soros, a well-known philanthropist who donated many millions of dollars to the development of science, education and democratic structures in the countries of the former socialist camp. 5. The second was George Bush, ex-president United States, which was a model of a hospitable and helpful host. 6. Also present at the midday lunch was General Brent Scowcroft, Bush's former national security aide. 7. According to reviews from both sides, a lunch arranged in honor of the meeting with General A.I. Swan, went great. 8. Before leaving for New York, General Lebed also visited the Institute of Contemporary Political Problems, headed by former US Secretary of State James Breaker, who showed a keen interest in meeting the guest from Russia. 9. Noteworthy is the publication that interviewed A.I. Lebed, "Intellectual Capitol" - a magazine without pages, distributed over the Internet and becoming available almost instantly all over the world.

Exercise 349. Compare the unedited and edited sentences. Indicate the errors corrected by the editor (unjustified replacement of the conjugated form of the verb with a participle or gerund when indicating the main action, the use of a real participle in the meaning of a passive participle, incorrect formation of participial forms and other shortcomings of style). In case of disagreement with the editor, make adjustments to the stylistic revision.
1. Atoms are arranged in such a way that one or more electrons can be relatively easily torn off from an atom.

1. The structure of atoms is such that one or more electrons can easily come off.

2. A process was initiated to return to the hands of the Peruvian nation its natural resources, which had been plundered for decades by foreign monopolies.

2. The process of returning to the Peruvian people the country's natural wealth, which had been plundered by foreign monopolies for decades, began.

3. T. Novikov successfully defended his diploma, graduating from the factory technical school.

3. T. Novikov graduated from the factory technical school, having successfully defended his diploma.

4. Neighboring School No. 7 will be represented at the rally by 20 students.

4. 20 students at the rally will represent the neighboring school number 7.

5. The existing shortcomings in this matter necessitate the distribution of print runs in accordance with the personnel stationed in the country.

5. To eliminate these shortcomings, it is necessary to take into account the placement of educational institutions around the country.

6. Putting on my coat, I had the idea that, being a member of the selection committee, I would have to stay until late today.

6. Putting on my coat, I thought that as a member of the selection committee I would have to stay late today.

Exercise 350

1. Having risen up the Volga, the barge will be unloaded at the berths Nizhny Novgorod. 2. The use of these expressions and turns can be understood by illustrative examples, taking samples of fiction as illustrations. 3. Approaching the river, we stopped the horses, jumped to the ground and, quickly undressing, rushed into the water. 4. Previously, the machine was stopped to measure the part, while now, using a bracket of a special system, the size is determined in one go while the machine is moving. 5. Having risen up the Volga, the barge will be unloaded at the berths of Yaroslavl. 6. Such advice is required from science, which, if applied, would have a great effect in practical work. 7. Having read the manuscript a second time, I think that it needs serious revision. 8. Then Sergeev is appointed head of the motor depot, working in this position for a year and a half. 9. The whole presentation in the book is made extremely short, taking into account the time budget of the practitioner. 10. Arriving in Vladivostok, the young businessman was found dead on the second day.

Exercise 351. Assess the use of verbal nouns in speech. If necessary, suggest an option for editing texts using parallel syntactic constructions.

1. The plant did not fulfill the order due to non-receipt of the necessary raw materials. 2. In order to rehabilitate after surgery, the patient used the doctor's recommendations and agreed to spend a month in a rest home. 3. Resolute measures are planned to comply with the requirement to eliminate the backlog in the production of parts. 4. With the onset of the morning, the implementation of the hostage release program began. 5. Due to lack of free time, the editor will not be able to meet with the author today. 6. When the first symptoms of the disease appear, emergency treatment with physiotherapeutic methods will help. 7. Corrections have been made to the manuscript to eliminate repetitions. 8. The administration of the plant suggested that the workers go on unpaid leave due to non-receipt of the necessary raw materials on time. 9. Failure to take appropriate measures in the conditions of beginning frosts could not but lead to a deterioration in the growth of experimental plants. 10. Work must be carried out in the direction of identifying deficiencies. 11. Attention should be paid to the development and use of local resources to improve the supply of the population, to expand and strengthen the industrial base. 12. Marchuk was forced to make such a decision by the failure to provide him with an apartment contrary to an agreement with the administration of the plant. 13. The captain of the English Royal Navy W. Hall, describing his service and maritime traditions, noted: “Each person, not excluding the captain, having stepped on a sacred place, a quarterdeck, touches his headdress. In view of the fact that paying respect belongs to the place, all those who have the honor of being on the quarterdeck at this time are obliged to respond in kind. 14. Recognition of G.K. Zhukov is the establishment of an order and a medal in his name, the erection of a monument to him in the center of Moscow and the announcement of 1996 as the year of Zhukov.

Exercise 352 Simplify heavy, cumbersome sentences.

1. Automatic open-hearth devices show the maximum temperature that is allowed by the technological instruction, which was drawn up by the technical bureau. 2. The facts presented in the book testify to the great successes of medicine in the treatment of the most terrible diseases. 3. Precious time is wasted at work State Duma listening to the stupid talk of irresponsible deputies. 4. The car was blown up in the very center of Moscow, a few steps from Ilyinka, turning right from it in the first lane. 5. Idleness is a relative concept, and even sitting at home, it does not happen! 6. Having received recognition from the general readership, the book was republished, bringing a considerable profit to the author and publisher. 7. After reading the manuscript, it seemed to the editor that it needed serious revision. 8. Having traveled over 250 km in 9 months of drifting, the ice floe was abandoned by us, led by the leader of the expedition, Papanin. 9. Don't you get a headache trying to understand all this abracadabra? 10. Mammoths were steppe herbivores and lived during the period of cooling of our planet, when the polar waters were frozen, when the tongues of glaciers from the north reached the Central Russian plain, when winters were with little snow, dry, frosty, when woody vegetation survived only along floodplains, and the northern border of the forests lay in the subtropics. 11. To the Minister of Communications Russian Federation ensure the provision of benefits for paying for the installation of apartment telephones and the subscription fee for using them, provided for in Articles 1 and 2 of the Federal Law “On Amendments and Additions to Articles 15 and 23 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Status of Military Personnel”, to military personnel undergoing military service under a contract, as well as citizens dismissed from military service upon reaching the age limit for military service, health status or in connection with organizational and staff measures, the total duration of military service of which is 20 years or more, and family members of military personnel who have lost their breadwinner and were entitled to the specified benefits on the day of the death (death) of military personnel. 12. Reimbursement of expenses related to the provision of benefits for paying for the installation of residential telephones and the subscription fee for using them, to be made at the expense of the federal budget allocated federal body executive power in which military personnel (including those who died and died) and citizens discharged from military service are (were) in military service.

Exercise 353 Make corrections to the edited text, if necessary.
1. In one of the halls of the restaurant, which was recently renovated, a fire broke out, which was extinguished in time and which did not cause much damage.

1. A fire broke out in one of the halls of the recently renovated restaurant, which was quickly extinguished, so that it did not cause much damage.

2. Both sides expressed the wish that contacts between Russian and Czech scientists and cultural figures would be further developed.

2. Both sides expressed their desire to further develop contacts between Russian and Czech figures of science and culture.

3. Not recognizing criticism addressed to him, Ivanov invariably replied that it would be better if others did not interfere in his affairs.

3. Without accepting criticism addressed to him, Ivanov invariably stated that it was better for outsiders not to interfere in his affairs.

4. The work was completed within five days instead of the expected six.

4. The job was completed in five days, not six days as expected.

5. Incoming letters are carefully studied and commented on.

5. Letters received by the editors are carefully studied and commented on.

6. At the scientific and methodological conference, which was devoted to the issues of teaching foreign languages, a number of reports were made that contained interesting data on the application of the programmed learning system.

6. At the scientific and methodological conference devoted to the issues of teaching foreign languages, a number of reports were made containing interesting data on the application of the programmed learning system.

7. It was impossible to keep the pressure of the waves that swept ashore, sweeping away everything in its path.

7. It was impossible to keep the pressure of the waves that swept ashore and swept away everything in their path.

8. “We, the bombers, Efremenkov and Borovkov, having replaced, were called to blow up the face by foreman Kozlov, who was blown up according to the instructions and then personally confirmed this.”

8. We, the explosives Efremenkov and Borovkov, were called by the foreman Kozlov, who instructed us to blow up the face. The task was completed according to the instructions, and Kozlov confirmed this.

Exercise 354 allied words in attributive clauses, as well as other speech errors. Eliminate them using various stylistic editing techniques and at the same time attracting parallel syntactic constructions.

1. Persons trying to get to the pier at night will encounter the fact that the lanterns are not lit along the entire route to the pier. 2. We decided to publish these materials not because we share the views of the disgraced general, but because we are outraged by the censorship function that the current Kremlin team has arbitrarily assigned to itself, which banned the broadcast of this interview on TV, which is now in the exclusive possession of one a financial and political group that has completely merged with the power structures, becoming also the main censor of the Russian Federation, from which the Russian democracy must protect itself. 3. Far Eastern salmon, which were one of the most valuable objects of the fishing industry, need to take urgent measures to prevent their destruction. 4. Nicaragua, with which we have maintained friendly relations, is under intense pressure to destabilize the government, causing suffering and loss of life. 5. Over the course of many millennia, beautiful cave expanses arose here: the water flowing through crevices was saturated with lime, from which cave stones - stalactites and stalagmites - were formed on the vaults. 6. The writer spoke about the changes in the book, which he is preparing for reprinting by the publishing house, which entered into an agreement with him at the first edition of the manuscript published last year, and retained the rights to all subsequent editions of the work. 7. It is obvious that it is necessary to bring to the fore the implementation of measures to pay off wage arrears to the workers of the plant. 8. The workers of our department, even after its separation and gaining independence, work below their capabilities, and the non-receipt of wages for the last three months does not contribute to the establishment of production. 9. Upon completion of familiarization with the exhibits, their photographing was allowed. 10. For all that, in Empress Elizabeth, not like in her Courland predecessor, somewhere deep under a thick crust of prejudices, bad habits and spoiled tastes, there still lived a person who sometimes broke through to the outside in a vow before seizing the throne not to execute anyone by death and in the decree of May 17, 1744, which fulfilled this vow, which actually abolished the death penalty in Russia, then in the non-approval of the ferocious criminal part of the Code, drawn up in the Commission of 1754 and already approved by the Senate, with exquisite types of the death penalty, then in the prevention of obscene petitions of the Synod about the need to refuse the vow given by the empress, then, finally, in the ability to cry from an unjust decision, torn out by the intrigues of the same Synod (V. O. Klyuchevsky. Historical portraits and studies).

7.10. Syntactic means of expressive speech

Exercise 355

1. What silenced the joyful voice? Give out, bachal refrains! Long live the tender virgins and young wives who loved us! (P.) 2. Those fiery speeches, those ghosts that carried us away, They have long been gone! (Pol.) 3. Ox! Summer red! I would love you, If it were not for the heat, and dust, and mosquitoes, and flies ... (P.) 4. The gray-gray shadows mixed, The color faded, the sound fell asleep; Life, movement resolved into unsteady dusk, into a distant rumble (Tyutch.). 5. Wait for me and I will return. Just wait very much ... Wait for the yellow rains to make you sad, Wait for the snow to sweep, Wait for the heat, Wait for others not to wait, Forgetting yesterday ... (Sim.) 6. I stand at the high doors, I follow your work (St.). 7. Unspeakable, blue, tender... My land is quiet after storms, after thunderstorms, And my soul - a boundless field - Breathes the smell of honey and roses. ‹…› We sprayed around, Hooved. And they disappeared under the devil's whistle ... Is it a bell? Far echo? Everyone calmly sucks in the chest. Stop, soul, you and I drove through the stormy path (Es.). 8. Dear friend, and in this quiet house Fever beats me. Do not find me a place in a quiet house Near a peaceful fire! (Bl.) 9. Ax, mommy, it's him!.. You know, He was funny Once in love with me. There was such a modest boy, And now ... Come on ... Here ... Writer ... A well-known bump ... Without a request, he won’t come to us (Es.). 10. Hey you! Cockroach brat! All to Snegina! .. R-time and kvass! You give, they say, your land Without any ransom from us! (Ec.) 11. When I read liberal antics against abuses in magazines and the joy that what we have long hoped and desired has finally been done, I think that everyone is writing from Oblomovka. When I am in a circle of educated people who ardently sympathize with the needs of mankind and for many years, with undiminished fervour, tell all the same (and sometimes new) jokes about bribe-takers, about oppression, about lawlessness of all kinds - I involuntarily feel that I transferred to the old Oblomovka ... (Good, What is Oblomovism?) 12. Despite the obvious carelessness with which many verses are written in this poem, despite the fact that some places in it resonate with youthful immaturity of thought, the poem is extremely remarkable as a whole and shines with amazing details, full of intelligence and poetry (Bel., Russian literature in 1845). 13. Disassociate yourself from everything that is done in the country as soon as possible. To dissociate themselves in order to maintain the confidence of the masses; to dissociate ourselves, so as not to become at first a screen for the implementation of a program alien to us. To dissociate themselves decisively, up to the resignation of the democrats from their posts, up to the surrender of deputy mandates (from the gas. ). 14. All illegal formations will be disarmed here. Moreover, disarm voluntarily (from the gas.). 15. It is this system that prevents economic growth in the vast majority of third world countries. And rich in natural resources. And the poor (from the newspaper).
Exercise 356. Analyze the use of stylistic figures in the given newspaper article. Give your examples of anaphora, epiphora, parallelism, antithesis, gradation, inversion, ellipsis, rhetorical question, inversion, etc.

Teleweek with Irina Petrovskaya

We remain. Where are we to go?

In just a few days, we, old and young, rich and poor, healthy and sick, workers and collective farmers, foremen and sailors, will sit down at the New Year's table and, drinking and eating what God has sent, stare into the "box" - rejoice, Rating, legislator TV mods! After all, all of us, so different, are united by one thing: we are viewers. And every day we fall to television, adoring it and hating it, rejoicing and grieving, applauding and cursing.

For the past year, you dear readers, were, in fact, co-authors of Saturday TV reviews - agreeing in letters with my assessments or arguing with them, expressing their attitude to what is happening on the TV screen and suggesting topics for future articles.

You, like me, don’t like a lot on television today, and this is an argument for me in a dispute with those television people who reproach me and my fellow critics for being biased and isolated from the common people.

You, like me, do not like it when television plays political games, settling scores with some and undeservedly glorifying others. When it misleads the viewer, presenting the weak and sick as active and healthy - how can one trust the “most important of the arts” later, when it will no longer be possible to either deceive or hide the truth?

You, like me, are horrified by the concentration of violence and blood on the TV screen, and not only in news stories (such is life!), But in many feature films that children watch.

You, like me, are unpleasant when, in the presence of our children, vulgarities and even swearing are spoken on the screen. When mediocre voiceless youths with big money force out real masters of real culture.

To you, like me, it seems unreasonably high the number of rather stupid games in every possible way, where they give out money and expensive prizes “for nothing” (and it is believed that “ordinary people” love this most of all).

You, like me, are disgusted by how uneducated, ill-mannered people, it is not clear how they got on the air, distort their language, scoff and grimace, passing it off as a “new” style.

In short, we do not like it when we are not respected and revered as a herd of sheep, capable, as Bogdan Titomir says, of “grabbing” everything.

At the same time, you, like me, highly appreciate the professional, talented, reasonable and kind that, despite everything, still appears on the television screen. In one of the issues of the Press Club, Andrey Makarevich, outraged by the critics' comments about television, exclaimed: "Listen to you - we have such terrible television, there is nothing good on it." Of course, this is not so. Not certainly in that way. In the rating of preferences of readers of Izvestia (and mine too) - Leonid Filatov’s “To Remember”, Gleb Skorokhodov’s “In Search of the Lost”, Vladimir Pozner’s programs, “Old Apartment”, the witty “Gorodok”, “Clever Men and Clever Girls”, “Dolls ” and many other programs that give food for the heart and mind. And, of course, a good movie is ours and not ours, but without porn and smut, from which most normal people turn their hearts out.

But still, there are a lot of really talented, useful, interesting, favorite programs. And this growing disproportion from year to year between what is necessary for the viewer (and society) and what is beneficial to television itself, most of all worries all people who think even a little bit.

The last week of the year is coming to an end and our last meeting on Saturday. Pretty grumbling. Still, the holidays are on the way. Let's congratulate each other, as well as all the TV people who regularly provide us with food for thought, on the upcoming New Year. We will meet him and lead him under the flashing multi-colored pictures on the TV. "Stay with us" - like a spell, TV presenters repeat every day. We remain. Where are we to go?

(Izvestia. 1996. 28 Dec.)
Exercise 357 (repetition). Evaluate the use of lexical and grammatical means in the above chapters from a popular science book about plants. Specify the noticed speech errors, classify them and correct them.

From the history of plants

I. Parsley, celery and dill

Parsley, celery and dill were known in antiquity in the ancient world, only then they were not used as seasonings for dishes, salads.

AT ancient egypt, and then in Greece, parsley was a sign of grief. Parsley wreaths were worn on the head as a sign of sadness and sadness.

The ancient Greeks decorated the interior of rooms with celery leaves. holidays. Wreaths of celery leaves were worn by the winners at sports competitions and competitions. Celery was also used as a medical remedy, for treatment. Its boiled roots were used for freezing, seed oil - to improve digestion, to help the stomach and liver.

In ancient times, dill was considered a beautiful plant, and its smell was not inferior to roses. Bouquets of garden flowers were decorated with its thinly dissected leaves.

The bulb was the first visual aid in the study of astronomy. Scientists of antiquity, cutting the onion across, explained the structure of the universe to their students on it. They then argued that the universe consists of several spheres - shells surrounding the earth around.

In the Middle Ages, the onion was given a wonderful property: to protect soldiers from arrows and blows from swords and halberds. The knights, chained in steel armor, wore a talisman on their chest - an ordinary onion, so that it would protect them from death.

Different types of wild onions grow in our forests and fields. But the cultivated bow comes from Asia. The cultivation of onions began in ancient times in China, and then in India and Egypt, from where he then came to Europe.

In the armies of ancient Greece and Rome, they added to the food of the soldiers a large number of bow, believing that the bow excites strength, energy and courage.

The ancient Slavs used onions as a medicine for many diseases, which was expressed in the saying: "Onions from seven ailments." In the Middle Ages, doctors claimed that even the smell of onions protected against disease. Modern scientists have found that not only putrefactive and pathogenic bacteria, but also frogs and rats die from volatile substances that are released by onions. It is enough to chew an onion for three minutes to kill all the bacteria in the mouth that can cause various diseases. Check it out for yourself!

Juicy bulb scales contain 6% sugar. Therefore, fried onions, when the burning substances evaporate, become sweet and ruddy.

III. Carrot

Carrots in the Middle Ages were considered a delicacy of gnomes - fabulous little forest men. There was a sign: if in the evening you take a bowl of steamed carrots to the forest, then in the morning instead of carrots you will find a precious ingot of gold. At night, the gnomes will find carrots and generously repay their favorite food, eating it with appetite and pleasure. Trusting people carried bowls of carrots into the forest, but, alas, they did not find gold.

For four thousand years, carrots have been used as food, bringing great benefits.

Carrots have not always been biennials. The wild carrot is an annual plant that blooms in the first summer and has a thin and hard root that is also suitable for food.

Cultural carrots have been created for many centuries. To our time, many different varieties of carrots have been obtained in taste, shape and color. Carrot roots are not only pink, but also white, yellow and purple. Many people know the variety of the smallest carrot, called carotel. But there are carrots up to one meter long and as wide as large beets. Such carrots are cultivated in China and Japan. For her, the soil is cultivated one and a half meters deep.

IV. tomatoes

Tomatoes come from South America, from the country of Peru. In Europe, tomatoes have long been an ornamental plant. The fruits of tomatoes were not used for food at first, as they were considered poisonous. A hundred years ago, you could see tomatoes in pots on the windows among other indoor plants, where they were grown solely for beauty.

In Russia, for the first time, they began to grow tomatoes in vegetable gardens in 1850.

This plant has two names: "tomato" and "tomato". The word "tomato" is derived from the Italian word "pommo d "oro" - "golden apple". In the language of the ancient Indians, this plant was called "tomatl". Undoubtedly, it is more correct to designate this plant with an earlier name - "tomato", as it is accepted by science.

From a botanical point of view, the pumpkin fruit is a berry, as it has a juicy pulp and many seeds, although this might seem strange to us: how did the berry grow to such a huge size?

In Central Asia, various dishes are made from pumpkins: bottles, buckets, spoons. Lightweight gourd vessels are handy for storing water and oil while traveling. Large pumpkins contain grains and cereals. Uzbeks used to carry snuff in small, bottle-shaped gourds. In Africa, in rainy weather, travelers hide their clothes in a pumpkin. Pumpkins are also used when crossing the river, creating a non-sinking raft from them. Negroes make harps from gourds, which they play. In India, the pumpkin is originally used to capture monkeys, making a kind of trap out of them.

Having drilled a small hole in a large gourd, the Indians pour some rice or other seeds into it. Big-eyed monkeys are extremely curious and greedy. As soon as people have time to hide, the monkeys quickly descend from the tree, rush to the pumpkins and, noticing the hole, put their paws into it. What's there? The paw will feel for the grains of rice, pick up a handful of them. But the clenched fist no longer fits in the hole, and the monkey hobbles on three legs, dragging a large pumpkin behind it. Even when people come running, she continues to keep her fist in the pumpkin: it's a pity to miss the grain. And the hunters easily take the greedy beast.

List of conditional abbreviations

Abr. - F.A. Abramov

A.D. - A.L. Dymshits

Already. - V.N. Azhaev

Aks. - S.T. Aksakov

A. L. - A. Likhanov

Al. - M.N. Alekseev

Andr. - L.N. Andreev

Ant. - P.G. Antokolsky

A.T. - A.N. Tolstoy

Ahm. - A.A. Akhmatova

Bab. - I.A. Babel

Bat. - K.N. Batyushkov

Bel. - V.G. Belinsky

Bl. - A.A. Block

Bon. - Yu.V. Bondarev

Bruce. - V.Ya. Bryusov

Bulg. - M.A. Bulgakov

Boone. - I.A. Bunin

V. Bel. - IN AND. Belov

V. G. - V. F. Goncharov

Verz. - N.M. Verzilin

Ascension - A.A. Voznesensky

Vol. - M.A. Voloshin

Crow. - Yu.P. Ravens

High - B.C. Vysotsky

V.F. - V.D. Fedorov

Elm. - P.A. Vyazemsky

G. - N.V. Gogol

Guide. - A.P. Gaidar

Gal. - Alexander Galich

Gamz. -Rasul Gamzatov

Germ. - Yuri German

Hertz. - A.I. Herzen

Hyp. - Z.N. Gippius

Ch. - F.V. Gladkov

Clay. - F.N. Glinka

G.-M. - N.G. Garin-Mikhailovsky

Heads. - A.I. Golovenko

Hound. - A.I. Goncharov

Gr. - A.S. Griboyedov

Hornbeam. - I.E. Grabar

Gran. - YES. Granin

Greek. - I. Grekova

Hold - G.R. Derzhavin

Dm. - I.I. Dmitriev

Good. - ON THE. Dobrolyubov

Dolm. - E.A. Dolmatovsky

Ven. - F.M. Dostoevsky

Dud. - M.A. Dudin

Evt. - E.A. Yevtushenko

EU - S.A. Yesenin

Bug. - V.A. Zhukovsky

Zab. - ON THE. Zabolotsky

Sound - V. Zvyagintseva

Evil - S.P. Zlobin

From vyst. - From speeches

From gas. - From periodicals

speech - From colloquial speech

Inb. - V.M. inber

I. and P. - I. Ilf and E. Petrov

I. Pavel. - I.P. Pavlov

Is. - M.V. Isakovsky

Kaz. - E.G. Kazakevich

Cal. - A.V. Kalinin

Kar. - A.A. Karavaeva

Kettle. - VK. Ketlinskaya

Kirs. - S.I. Kirsanov

Key. - V.O. Klyuchevsky

Goat. - Ya.A. Kozlovsky

Con. - V. Konyushev

Corn. - A.A. Korneev

King. - V.G. Korolenko

Cr. - I.A. Krylov

"Cr." - "Crocodile"

Curves. - F.D. Krivin

article - Critical article

cube. - V.M. Kubanev

Cupr. - A.I. Kuprin

L. - M.Yu. Lermontov

"LG" - "Literary newspaper"

Leon. - L.M. Leonov

Lesk. - N.S. Leskov

Lip. - V.V. Lipatov

Lich. - L.I. Likhodeev

Lihon. - IN AND. Likhonosov

L. T. - L. N. Tolstoy

Meadow. - V.A. Lugovskoy

Lun. - A.V. Lunacharsky

Bald. - I.V. Lystsov

Mark. - AND I. Markov

March. - L.N. Martynov

March. - S.Ya. Marshak

Lighthouse. - V.V. Mayakovsky

M. G. - A. M. Bitter

"MK" - "Moskovsky Komsomolets"

Min. - D.D. Minaev

Mich. - S.V. Mikhalkov

Can. - B.A. Mozhaev

Moz. - B.N. Mozolevsky

Silent. - I.N. Molchanov

M.-S. - D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak

N. - N.A. Nekrasov

N.A. - N.N. Aseev

Nag. - Yu.M. Nagibin

Nar. - S.S. Narovchatov.

N. God. - N.V. Theological

Nick. - G.E. Nikolaev.

Nikit. - I.S. Nikitin

Nose. - E.I. Nosov

O. B. - O. F. Bergholz

OK. - B.Sh. Okudzhava

Eagle. - S.S. Orlov

Island - A.N. Ostrovsky

Osh. - L.I. Oshanin

P. - A.S. Pushkin

Dad. - Z.S. Paperny

Paste - B.L. Parsnip.

Paust. - K.G. Paustovsky

Perm. - E.A. Permyakov

Pisar. - D.I. Pisarev

Plat. -A.P. Platonov

Floor. - Ya.P. Polonsky

Polev. - B.N. Field.

Attached - MM. Prishvin

Resp. - V.G. Rasputin

Rec. - A.E. Rekemchuk

Grove. - MM. Roshchin

Salutz. - A.I. Salutsky

St. - M.A. Svetlov

Sverb. -D.N. Sverbeev

Sev. - Igor Severyanin

Sim. - K.M. Simonov

Sl. - B.A. Slutsky

Sol. - V.A. Soloukhin

Sofr. - A.N. Sofronov

Art. - A.N. Stepanov

Stan - K.S. Stanislavsky

Groundhog. - A.N. Surkov

S.-Ts. - S.N. Sergeev-Tsensky

S.-Sch. - M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin

T. - I.S. Turgenev

Tward. - A.T. Tvardovsky

Tendr. - V.F. Tendryakov

Quiet. - N.S. Tikhonov

Trif. - Y. Trifonov

Rag. - N.I. Tryapkin

Tyn. - Yu.N. Tynyanov

Tyutch. - F.I. Tyutchev

allowance - study guide

Fad. - A.A. Fadeev

Fed. - K.A. Fedin

Fersm. - A.E. Fersman

Fet - A.A. Fet

Phil. - V.P. Filatov

Background. - I.I. Fonyakov

Furm. - YES. Furmanov

Har. - A.Kharchikov

Hol. - D. Holendro

Color. - M.I. Tsvetaeva

Ch. - A.P. Chekhov

Chef. - V.S. Shefner

Shoal. - M.A. Sholokhov

Shuksh. - V.M. Shukshin

Pinch. - S.P. Shchipachev

E. Cr. -Emil Krotkiy

Eren. - I.G. Ehrenburg

Yu.S. - Yu.M. Osprey

In terms of significance, efficiency, demand by users, periodicals rank first in the library. Having at their disposal a fairly wide range of periodicals, library workers can satisfy the various information needs of readers, even in the face of a total shortage of funds for the collection of literature.

Among the periodicals published in our country, a large place is occupied by literary magazines and newspapers. The current system of periodicals on fiction, literary criticism and criticism is a collection of magazines and newspapers that differ in their specific content, readership and purpose.

Big role in lighting pressing issues the development and state of fiction and literary criticism, central literary newspapers play in information about the events of literary life. These include publications such as Knizhnoye Obozreniye, Literaturnaya Gazeta, Literaturnaya Rossiya, and others from the new newspapers Knizhnaya Vitrina; non-specialized newspapers general newspaper», « Russian newspaper”, “Trud”, etc., as well as local newspapers.

We consider these newspapers because they are the brightest, mass bibliographic and literary periodicals. The purpose and readership of these publications are different, but what they have in common is the regularity of publication, good artistic design, the presence of sections and headings that combine information about works of literature and other information. Young authors make their debuts on the pages of these newspapers, already recognized masters of the artistic word are published, journalistic and critical material on fiction and literary criticism is given.

The newspaper "Book Review" has been published since May 5, 1966, the founder of the newspaper is the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Press, Broadcasting and Mass Media. This is weekly newspaper, which contains extensive material on various printed works, published both by the already well-known major publishing houses, and by newly emerging ones, such as Vagrius, Olma-Press, EKSMO-Press, Fair-Press.

The newspaper opens the pages of a previously unknown political history - Russian and world; the first experiences of serious work with mass fiction, introduces publishers to each other and the reader to all of them.

The Book Review has served and continues to serve as a reliable source of information about all publications that have come out of print. In the “PRO” tab there is a section “Signal copy”. Thanks to this heading, where there is a section "Fiction", readers have the opportunity to find out what is being published in this direction (Appendix 1).

The list includes individual editions and collections of works by writers of different peoples and countries (fiction literature of the peoples of Russia; children's literature, foreign fiction), published during the week.

The “signal copy” is convenient in that it promptly notifies readers about new literature.

From a bibliographic point of view, the “signal copy” occupies a central place in the newspaper. The principle of material arrangement allows readers to quickly find information about books in their area of ​​interest or topic. Bibliographic descriptions, if necessary, are supplemented with brief annotations.

To facilitate the use of the newspaper in working with readers, the section "signal copy" is printed on special strips that can be taken out and filed separately.

Many readers like the Editor's Choice section (Appendix 2). Now there are so many new books coming out that I want to have something like a compass in this ocean of books. In the issue of the rubric, seven books are proposed, which, in the opinion of the editors, may be of the greatest interest to the reader. These are various works of fiction, almanacs, essays, the ZhZL series, works of art on historical subjects.

It seems that it is not necessary to make a complete bibliographic description here; the main objective- to give, at least a brief, idea to the reader about the book and the work. This is what is done in the annotations to them.

"Book Review" prints reviews and reviews of works. Sometimes these are successful, and sometimes too “dry” reviews.

In our opinion, reviews of H.L. Borges and Bioy Casares. Reviews are given by V. Maleev "Biorhes and the evil spider" (Appendix 3). This is a "dry" review, where a negative description of the works is given. And besides the phrase “What is this? ... Brilliant literature? There is no doubt about it”, there is nothing that could arouse the reader's interest in these books.

But the review of K. Galstyan "The Metaphysics of the Yellow Submarine" (Appendix 4) arouses the reader's interest in Joseph Brodsky as a person about whom we still know little, and in his books. The reviewer is trying to show us the versatility of I. Brodsky's personality, his interest in world poetry. K. Galstyan writes that “... thanks to two new books, you once again realize that Brodsky and Auden, Brodsky and Kafavis, Brodsky and antiquity are all parts of the same topic“ Brodsky and the world ”, without studying which we are to the great poet for real don't get close."

Therefore, I want to open these books in order to "really get closer to the great poet."

And yet the answer to Hamlet's question "to be or not to be", i.e. “to read or not to read” each reader asks himself, because. the choice is his.

And in order to arouse the greatest interest of the reader, the Book Review could print polemical, scandalous articles, articles with game elements. It can even "push" writers on its pages.

The “KO Quiz” is also interesting, which asks readers such questions that can be answered by opening the book again, or even reading it if it has not been read (Appendix 5). All this helps to promote or offer the reader the best literature. And most importantly: the winners will receive prizes - the best works of fiction.

Book Review is aimed at both the reader and the publisher. There are a lot of advertisements of different publishers that present their books. The monthly bulletin of the EKSMO publishing house is interesting, where the books of the publishing house are presented along with annotations (Appendix 6); photographs of these books are given. The bulletin presents the novelties of the publishing house in the genres of classical literature, psychology and philosophy, children's and dictionary-reference publications, the most popular books for lovers of detective stories, science fiction, romance novels. Brief annotations on new works of famous writers and young authors are given.

Publishing houses "Enlightenment", "Russian Book", "Young Guard", Publishing House Infra-M also presents its books to the attention of readers and booksellers on the pages of the Book Review.

Both librarians and readers will get a lot of useful information by getting acquainted with the sections of the Book Review, where thematic lists and reviews of literature, reviews and reviews of works that have already been published or are being prepared for publication are published. For librarians, all this is of great help in the preparation of talks on the culture of reading, evenings, conferences, in the development and design of exhibitions. For readers, this is assistance in choosing the best literature to meet their reading needs, enhancing aesthetic taste, and acquiring life values.

"Literary newspaper" - founded in 1830 with the participation of A.S. Pushkin, renewed in 1929. Founder and publisher of OJSC Publishing House Literaturnaya Gazeta. Russian Writers' Organ.

Literaturnaya Gazeta is a weekly publication that promptly and quickly introduces its readers to a wide range of Russian and world literature. She presents the floor to writers of all directions, regularly publishes poetry and prose (new thematic tab " Reading room”), enters into a dialogue with readers, talks about new books and publishing projects (“Book collapse”). "Literaturnaya Gazeta" preserves the best of the legendary "16 pages", in the "Club of 12 chairs" the reader is expected to meet with famous and beloved comedians of our country. The Literaturnaya Gazeta publishes literary-critical and journalistic speeches, articles on sociology, philosophy, morality and everyday life, and a lot of debatable material on literary topics.

To help the reader navigate the choice of literature, on the first page of the "Literary Gazette" prints the heading "LG-rating"

Bibliographic descriptions are supplemented with brief annotations (Appendix 7, 8). They give information about the events taking place in the works, and the characters. The rubric is printed from issue to issue.

The “Book Series” section is remarkable in that it acquaints readers with individual works in detail. For example, let's take 2 books presented by the Book Row (Appendix 9).

The heading gives a brief bibliographic description of the work, which is accompanied by a detailed recommendatory annotation. The purpose of the abstract is to interest the reader, show the meaning and distinctive features works.

The annotation to Y. Kobrin's book "Lilac Disturbance" (Appendix 9) gives brief information about the author, contains a description of the work, provides information about the target and reader's purpose. The abstract is written in a lively accessible language.

The book by A. Sechenya "Russian Hurricane" is also presented here. The bibliographic description is also provided with a detailed recommendatory annotation. There is already no information about the author, but a description of the content of the work is given, the genre of the novel is defined as "picaresque": in terms of the form of presentation, the novel is written vividly, interestingly, captivatingly, the characteristics of the artistic and printing performance of the book are given.

"Book Row" presents literature on various subjects and genres, introduces young writers and recognized authors. It appears on the pages of the Literary Gazette with varying frequency.

The section "Provincial Pages" (in the new thematic tab "Reading Room") presents the literary work of authors from different regions of Russia; introduces local literary and art magazines.

Bibliographic descriptions are also provided with detailed recommendatory annotations (Appendix 10). The rubric comes out with a frequency of three issues on the eleventh page.

The most interesting works of young contemporary authors are published under the heading "Story in the Newspaper". "The Story in the Newspaper" is printed on the pages of the "Literaturnaya Gazeta" with different frequency.

Literaturnaya Gazeta also talks about performances in theaters based on works of fiction; holds meetings with interesting authors, where they give interviews and talk about their works. This is also an indirect form of advertising works. The meetings with Johanna Khmelevskaya were interesting. Of particular interest is the interview with Viktor Petrovich Astafiev, which he gave shortly before his 75th birthday, and which, for a number of reasons, could not be published during the life of the writer, the more valuable his “word” is now.

Literaturnaya Gazeta also publishes information about publishing plans in the same rubric Bookshop.

At the present time (and this is a pity) literary and artistic (“thick”) magazines began to rapidly lose their mass reader and subscriber just when, for the first time in Russian history, they received complete freedom necessary to realize all the potentialities laid down from birth in this strange phenomenon, this flexible form, this ingenious formula of Russian literary and social life.

And yet, it is the "thick" magazines that are the main channel through which novelties of original or translated literature go to the reader. Literary and art magazines, along with the leading department of fiction, have sections of literary criticism, reviews of new books, chronicles of cultural news, contain articles on economics, sociology, history, current politics, so many "thick" magazines are also social and political.

Publicistic materials contribute a lot to the living rapprochement and interaction of literary and artistic publications and non-fiction sections in the journal. Publicism is an integral part of "thick" magazines, emphasizing their social and political nature.

An essential part of literary journals are critical and bibliographic sections. The composition of the journal departments of criticism and bibliography is distinguished by a wide variety of genres of materials published here.

Being of the "thick" type, literary and artistic journals have a large volume, a large variety of genres of published materials, and are characterized by thoroughness of critical reviews.

"Thick" magazines are distinguished by the efficiency and regularity of information, the relevance of problems, they are designed for a prepared reader and suggest in him a special interest in fiction and the literary process.

Currently, a wide variety of literary and art magazines are published, but for analysis we have chosen such magazines as: Zvezda, Znamya, Foreign Literature, Oktyabr, Moscow, Novy Mir. According to our observations, they are the most read magazines in libraries.

"Znamya" is a monthly literary, artistic and socio-political magazine published since 1931.

It is very convenient in the design of the magazine that the reader can find out about the most interesting publications in the issue, information about which is placed on the cover of the magazine (Appendix 11).

"Znamya" has several large sections - "non fiction", "Memoirs, archives", "Publicism", "Criticism", "Observer", "Conference room".

The magazine opens with works of art: poetry, prose. On the pages of the magazine, both the luminaries of the literary pen, and young prose writers, realists with postmodernists, etc. get along well. The magazine presents the reader with modern literature in all the variety of genres, styles, manners.

The "Criticism" section is notable for the fact that not only "positive" or "negative" opinions of observers are printed here, but also polemical disputes are unfolding about this or that work. This arouses the reader's interest in the work of art and the desire to read it.

So, for example, there is a dispute between A. Kuznetsova and her opponents about A. Ayvazyan's philosophical novel "American Ajabsandal" (translated by I. Karumyan). Here each of them defends his point of view on this work and proves his case. The dispute is sharp and dynamic, and each is right in his own way (see Znamya, 2002, No. 3).

Most likely, the “Criticism” section should be like this, because. disputes always arouse the reader's interest in the work, and he himself wants to form his own opinion about it and read this work. All this helps to “find” the work of “its” reader.

The "Observer" section is a kind of magazine within a magazine, where diverse book reviews alternate with responses to theatrical, musical, exhibition, and other cultural events.

But in this section we are attracted by reviews of works of art. Here are detailed reviews of works of art of various genres, as well as works published in other literary magazines.

Some reviews also talk about the authors themselves.

Let us analyze, for example, D. Dmitriev's review of D. Rubina's book "High Water of the Venetians: Tales, Stories" (Appendix 12),

In his review, D. Dmitriev introduces us to the author D. Rubina, reveals the plot of each of her stories, characterizes the author's work, talks about the author himself. The review has a clear and accessible language, easy to understand.

Reviews of the Znamya magazine are good because they “talk” about the work in such detail. And, if for some reason the librarian could not read it, then with the help of such reviews he will be able to form his own idea of ​​​​it and recommend it to the reader. Based on such detailed reviews, it is easy to compile lists of recommendations and literature reviews.

The section “Unknown Journal” is also interesting, where readers get acquainted with new literary magazines published in various regions of Russia, the content of these magazines is revealed: what works are published and what these “unfamiliar magazines” report about (Appendix 13).

The Literary Landscape section presents the work of provincial authors.

Despite the fact that journalism, criticism, information occupy a lot of space in the magazine, the popularity of the Znamya magazine is still largely determined by prose and poetry.

On the fourth page of the cover, the magazine presents promising information - what works and what authors will be published on its pages in the new year. Thanks to this, readers can see which of their favorite authors are present here, as well as find out the names of new ones (Appendix 14).

Moskva is a monthly magazine of Russian culture named after the capital. Founders: Writers' Union of Russia, Russian Peace Foundation, Labor collective magazine "Moscow". Published since 1957 in Moscow.

The magazine publishes works by Russian prose writers, poets, playwrights, writers of the peoples of the CIS and far abroad, materials on the history of Moscow and its modern life. A significant place in the magazine is occupied by the section "Publicistics", as well as the headings "Poetry", "Prose", "Culture", "Home Church".

"Moskva", like "Znamya", puts on the first page of the cover the best, in the opinion of the editors, publications of the issue (Appendix 15), and on the fourth page of the cover gives a list of works published in the magazine.

"Moscow" also represents young and venerable authors. A lucky find of the magazine is that it places photographs and brief information about the author before each work (Appendix 16).

The Literary Criticism section publishes articles of a public nature on questions of literature and literary criticism; about the work of individual writers; criticism of works of art.

The journal does not have a section of reviews, there are no bibliographic lists of references, there are no reviews of literary and "bookstores".

"Moskva" is not just a literary and art magazine, but a magazine of Russian culture. This definition speaks for itself; here for a long time fewer works literature, and, practically, there is no literary bibliographic information; more journalism and other informational material related to culture and art.

"Oktyabr" is an independent literary and artistic journalistic magazine. Published since May 1924. It has such large permanent sections as "Prose" and "Poetry", "Publicism", "Literary Criticism".

Like other "thick" magazines, "October" presents us with well-known and new names, publishes criticism and reviews, literary reviews. The magazine has sections such as "Panorama", which provides reviews of books that have just been published or are being prepared for publication. Reviews in the journal are detailed and thorough. For example, let's take V. Shubinsky's review of A. Rotman's book "Ninwei" (Appendix 17). V. Shubinsky gives us an idea about the author of the book, reveals the content of the collection of poems by A. Rotman. And, it is especially pleasant that Shubinsky gives not only negative, but also positive reference collection.

The rubric "Russian Field" is also interesting, which tries, at least to some extent, to help overcome the cultural disconnect between the center and the provinces. It is impossible to recreate a single spiritual space of Russia without the participation of gifted youth - the future creators and organizers of our culture and literature. Therefore, the rubric presents young authors and their works from different regions of Russia (Appendix 18).

The title page section presents books that have already been published. Here are presented not only works of art, but also journalism and memoirs (Appendix 19). The bibliographic description is supplemented by general recommendatory annotations. It is published on the pages of the magazine "October" throughout the year with different frequency.

"October" puts on the first page of the cover information about the best publications in the issue of the magazine, and on the fourth page of the cover gives a list of works that are published during the year and will be published next year.

Novy Mir is a monthly journal of fiction and social thought, published since January 1925.

The magazine opens with works of art - these are novels, novellas, short stories, poems and poems. "New World" presents the reader with authors of different "ranks" - from beginners to luminaries.

A lot of space in the journal is occupied by the heading "Reviews and Reviews" that interests us, where reviews of fiction and detailed, thorough reviews of them are presented.

The "Bookshelf" of the Novy Mir magazine also introduces us to new books, the books are presented in different genres. The bibliographic description is provided with an advisory annotation (Appendix 20). The rubric is run by different authors. The appendix presents "Nikita Eliseev's Bookshelf".

Such find of the magazine as "Bibliographic sheets" is very interesting. Here are presented not only individual books, but also works from the periodical press, indicating the source of information. The bibliographic description is provided with an advisory annotation. It is very convenient for readers that the rubric is constant. The rubric is also used by librarians in the preparation of lists of recommendations, literature reviews, talks, evenings (Appendix 21).

"Literary Criticism" presents us with new works by young authors; criticism is read with interest, tk. written in a lively and interesting language, has many controversial opinions of various critics on the same work.

Zvezda is a thick literary magazine published since 1926.

The magazine also opens with works of art presented by different authors in all the variety of genres and styles.

The magazine has everything: journalism, poetry, prose, essays, criticism, and memoirs.

And the section "New translations" presents the literature of foreign authors.

Zvezda does not publish literary and bibliographic information as such. The only form of LBI is on the fourth page of the cover of the magazine, where lists of books that have already been published or are being prepared for publication are presented to the attention of the reader and booksellers (Appendix 22).

The section "Courier" IL "" introduces us to the works and authors of various countries in the form of a literary review.

"Among the books" - literary criticism is printed in this section.

In addition to "thick" literary journals, there are also literary and "thin" journals. Literary journals satisfy readers' deep interest in literary phenomena, the need to study the history and theory of literature.

One of these publications is the journal Voprosy Literatury, designed for readers who are related to literature by the nature of their activities, and for a wide range of literature lovers. Its pages cover the current literary life in Russia and foreign countries.

The focus of the journal is the problems of theory, history of literature, criticism, aesthetics; materials from the archives on the history of Russian classics, foreign and Russian literature are published. Only literary works are reviewed, and reviews are devoted to literary and artistic works.

The historical and literary journal "Russian Literature" is of particular interest.

Each issue of the journal opens with a section in which problems of the history and theory of literature are developed. In the critical and bibliographic section of the journal Reviews and Reviews, notable studies of a theoretical and historical-literary nature and major publications of writers' works are analyzed.

The magazine "Literature at school" is intended for literary teachers. This is a journal of a methodical nature. the main task magazine - to help improve the teaching of literature at school. Articles of a literary plan, reviews, reviews, lists of books are published here.

The journal "Children's Literature" considers the problems of history, theory and modern development children's literature.

"Thin" or mass illustrated magazines differ significantly from "thick" ones in their profile, tasks, readership and appearance. These magazines are more operational and topical. In addition to literary and artistic works, they publish materials on international life, sports, literature and art. These publications include, first of all, "Spark".

A number of "thin" magazines are intended to satisfy the needs of certain groups of readers - "Change", "Selskaya Nov", women's magazines"Worker", "Peasant", "Home".

The publication of literary and artistic texts does not occupy a leading place here; usually these are short novels, stories, essays, poems by Russian and foreign writers. Literary criticism is represented by only a few brief reviews and notes on new books or articles marking major literary anniversaries. "Thin" journals do not contain systematic literary and bibliographic information.

In local magazines and newspapers, materials about fiction are rarely published, but they are also placed here. information materials promoting the products of local publishers.

In Tolyatti, such literary publications as the literary magazine "Gorod" are published; literary almanac"May Readings"; The first issue of the Anthology of Togliatti Literature was published. These publications reflect the literary life of Togliatti: both young and experienced Togliatti authors are represented here: Boris Skotnevsky, Lyubov Bessonova, Vladimir Misyuk...

Finish this part thesis I would like the words of the great Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol, which were addressed to hunters to “bury” journal literature in 1836, but which are still relevant today: “Journal literature, this lively and fresh, talkative and deep, is also necessary in the field of science, and arts and trade. She manipulates the taste of the crowd, converts and puts into motion everything that comes out in the book world, and which without that would be dead capital in both senses ”(

Exercise 332

1. In the first-aid post, anti-flu injections will be carried out, except for those released by the doctor. 2. In addition to the great economic effect, the work was carried out with high quality. 3. Instead of reporting on work, Ivanov organized a picnic. 4. Along with all the positive qualities, Petrov was also an excellent athlete. 5. Like many of his other works, the idea of ​​this painting was nurtured by the artist for a number of years. 6. Together with all schools, examinations are held in schools of working youth according to the general curriculum. 7. In times of crisis, along with unemployment and a sharp decline in the wages of manufacturing workers, unemployment and sickness benefits are reduced and curtailed. 8. In addition to material losses, the grandmaster was still in severe time trouble.

Exercise 333

1. At the house - at the house - near the house - near the house - near the house. 2. Pictures are hung on the walls - along the walls. 3. Go down the stairs - up the stairs. 4. In Siberia - in Ukraine - in the Caucasus - in the Urals. 5. Traveled by train - by train. 6. Walk in the field - across the field. 7. Returned from the Crimea - from the Caucasus. 8. Passed for a talker - passed for a talker. 9. Work in the evenings - work in the evenings. 10. Went for mushrooms - went for mushrooms.

1. The response to his application was sent in a timely manner. 2. The editors received a lot of feedback on this work. 3. The article is written on the same topic. 4. Doubtful indicators on the use of electricity. 5. Preparations for the elections have begun. 6. The needs of Holland for rye and barley are met by imports. 7. The plan for the production of non-ferrous metals is not being fulfilled. 8. A mother worries about her son who is fighting in Chechnya. 9. The indifference of leaders for the fate of their subordinates causes indignation. 10. These facts indicate that there is no good owner at the plant. 11. It is necessary to accurately determine the need for bricks and other materials. 12. The graduate student must submit a report on the work done by him. 13. The inventor was awarded a high award. 14. The representative of the construction organization again assured the customer of his readiness to complete the work on time. 15. The answer to the complainant's application was received by him immediately. 16. The facts stated by the author of the letter were fully confirmed during the verification. 17. What, besides condemnation, deserves such a bureaucratic attitude? 18. In the department of criticism and bibliography of "thick" journals, reviews of emerging novelties of fiction are systematically published. 19. Of exceptional importance is the possession by educators of high moral qualities and great sensitivity. 20. The development of the correct relationship between educators and pupils acquires an important role.

Exercise 335

1. I regret that you did not see the magnificent chain of mountains with me (P.). 2. Since you did not send your story to me, I, of course, cannot judge its merits or demerits (M. G.). 3. I never liked your frosts. 4. He will not leave Petrusha with his favors (P.). 5. You can’t put a cut slice on bread. 6. She didn’t cook dinner for you ... That’s right (I. Paul.). 7. And I don’t like the sea (Sofr.). 8. This means, sir, that you will never see your inheritance (Ostr.). 9. She does not recognize this schemer as her daughter. 10. Zhenya walked beside me along the road and tried not to look at the sky so as not to see shooting stars, which for some reason frightened her (Ch.). 11. No one has ever worn this bracelet before you (Cupr.). 12. We have no right to underestimate the danger of terrorist attacks (from the newspaper). 13. All day there was an unpleasant feeling, as if he didn’t say something, didn’t finish something (Good). 14. She could not hear his sad voice, could not see his anguish and suffering. 15. Krylov's fables will reach posterity and will never lose their strength and freshness in him.

Exercise 336

1. Tatyana Ivanovna does not fulfill her promises. 2. The patient has not lost hope for recovery. 3. He will never take this blow. 4. The prefect cannot change this decision. 5. The laboratory assistant did not tell anyone the truth about the result of the experiment. 6. Reinforced concrete as the main building material will never lose its importance. 7. The poet does not intend to publish these poems. 8. I could not think of a worthy revenge. 9. I don't subscribe to any magazines. 10. We don't waste time. 11. Serious crimes revealed in the production of alcoholic beverages. 12. In order to identify deviations in normalized working capital to the established standards, a table is compiled. 13. A lot of work is now ahead of our employees, who must master computer technology. 14. Dismissed those who slowed down the movement forward. 15. Your offer is not substantiated on anything. 16. The offender did not repent for his deed. 17. In view of the past rains, the harvest promises to be good. 18. As a result of the planned negotiations, the conflict can be settled. 19. Lack of necessary materials poses a threat to the timely completion of construction work. 20. People complain about law enforcement agencies: law enforcement officers are often rude to detained citizens.

Exercise 329. Choose the correct form of definition agreement, as well as the singular - plural form of the word being defined in the following sentences; motivate your choice.

1. It is difficult to deal with a person if you know that he is a (incorrigible - incorrigible) idiot. 2. Three (huge - huge) buildings have grown in a wasteland. 3. The room was divided into two (unequal - unequal) parts. 4. I had to stand in line (whole - whole) for two hours. 5. Traffic is open on the (new - new) highway-highway. 6. (First - first) two places were shared by two grandmasters, (scored - scored) 12 points out of 17 possible. 7. Neither one nor the other (team - teams) scored a goal. 8. Fifth and sixth (place - places) are already taken. 9. The bill on changes in the financial and tax (oblast - oblasts) was approved. 10. Students of geographical and historical (faculty - faculties) are preparing for the expedition. 11. It was not easy to restore (destroyed - destroyed) industry and transport. 12. (Restored - restored) museum and art gallery are open to visitors. 13. A competition was announced for solving (chess - chess) studies and problems. 14. The inventor designed a (special - special) generator and engine, with the help of which the energy of falling water or steam engines is converted into electricity. 15. Classes are attended by (lagging behind - lagging behind) student and student.

Exercise 330 indicate the options.

1. Writer Galina Nikolaeva was born in the village (Usmanka) of the Tomsk region. 2. A direct phototelegraph connection has been established between the cities (Moscow) and (Kemerovo). 3. The rest house was built near the river (Istra). 4. The ancient Russian city of Zvenigorod stands on the (Moscow River). 5. An exhibition of paintings by Spanish masters was organized in the museum ("Hermitage"). 6. Near the city (Kryukov), outside the village (Ukleevo), a narrow-gauge road begins, reaching the lake (Krayukhino). 7. In the capital of Chuvashia, the city (Cheboksary), a new drama theater has opened. 8. The first group of tourists stayed at the hotel (“Moscow”). 9. You will find many picturesque places on the rivers (Don) and (Northern Donets). 10. Events on the island (Cyprus) attracted general attention. 11. A delegation arrived in Moscow to negotiate economic cooperation between Russia and (the Republic of India). 12. The train stopped at the station ("Knitted"). 13. One of the Moscow department stores is located on the street (Arbat). 14. We were approaching the ancient city (Athens). 15. The Portuguese liner "Santa Maria", heading from the capital of the country (Lisbon) to America, entered the island (Madeira).

Exercise 331

1. Four newly built eight-story houses are already occupied. 2. Two recently refurbished rooms for rent. 3. I want to read a historical novel or short story. 4. We have been living in the country for the last five years. 5. The past year was fruitful for the actor: three new roles were played. 6. Four nine-story buildings will be assembled entirely from large blocks. 7. Created new programs for primary and secondary schools. 8. At first, cheerful conversation and laughter were heard, and then everything was quiet. 9. An elderly father and mother need support. 10. Athletes who take the first three places rise to the podium. 11. The mass press, in particular newspapers, hopes for help from the government. 12. Our geobotanical detachment drove off from the village of Tugaya for eighty kilometers. 13. Four remaining chess games ended in a draw. 14. The route of the campaign with a length of more than two thousand kilometers runs along the rivers Seim, Desna, Dnieper. 15. In Russian, verbs of the active and passive voices, perfect and imperfect forms are distinguished. 16. The war in Chechnya in 1994-1996 caused enormous damage to our economy. 17. At the Taygi station, we boarded a car with a board "Moscow - Tomsk". 18. The banks of the Oka River from the city of Serpukhov to the cities of Tarusa and Aleksin are being built up.

7.6. Stylistic assessment of control options

Exercise 332

1. In the first-aid post, anti-flu injections will be carried out, except for those released by the doctor. 2. In addition to the great economic effect, the work was carried out with high quality. 3. Instead of reporting on work, Ivanov organized a picnic. 4. Along with all the positive qualities, Petrov was also an excellent athlete. 5. Like many of his other works, the idea of ​​this painting was nurtured by the artist for a number of years. 6. Together with all schools, examinations are held in schools of working youth according to the general curriculum. 7. In times of crisis, along with unemployment and a sharp decline in the wages of manufacturing workers, unemployment and sickness benefits are reduced and curtailed. 8. In addition to material losses, the grandmaster was still in severe time trouble.

Exercise 333

1. At the house - at the house - near the house - near the house - near the house. 2. Pictures are hung on the walls - along the walls. 3. Go down the stairs - up the stairs. 4. In Siberia - in Ukraine - in the Caucasus - in the Urals. 5. Traveled by train - by train. 6. Walk in the field - across the field. 7. Returned from the Crimea - from the Caucasus. 8. Passed for a talker - passed for a talker. 9. Work in the evenings - work in the evenings. 10. Went for mushrooms - went for mushrooms.

1. The response to his application was sent in a timely manner. 2. The editors received a lot of feedback on this work. 3. The article is written on the same topic. 4. Doubtful indicators on the use of electricity. 5. Preparations for the elections have begun. 6. The needs of Holland for rye and barley are met by imports. 7. The plan for the production of non-ferrous metals is not being fulfilled. 8. A mother worries about her son who is fighting in Chechnya. 9. The indifference of leaders for the fate of their subordinates causes indignation. 10. These facts indicate that there is no good owner at the plant. 11. It is necessary to accurately determine the need for bricks and other materials. 12. The graduate student must submit a report on the work done by him. 13. The inventor was awarded a high award. 14. The representative of the construction organization again assured the customer of his readiness to complete the work on time. 15. The answer to the complainant's application was received by him immediately. 16. The facts stated by the author of the letter were fully confirmed during the verification. 17. What, besides condemnation, deserves such a bureaucratic attitude? 18. In the department of criticism and bibliography of "thick" journals, reviews of emerging novelties of fiction are systematically published. 19. Of exceptional importance is the possession by educators of high moral qualities and great sensitivity. 20. The development of the correct relationship between educators and pupils acquires an important role.

Exercise 335

1. I regret that you did not see the magnificent chain of mountains with me (P.). 2. Since you did not send your story to me, I, of course, cannot judge its merits or demerits (M. G.). 3. I never liked your frosts. 4. He will not leave Petrusha with his favors (P.). 5. You can’t put a cut slice on bread. 6. She didn’t cook dinner for you ... That’s right (I. Paul.). 7. And I don’t like the sea (Sofr.). 8. This means, sir, that you will never see your inheritance (Ostr.). 9. She does not recognize this schemer as her daughter. 10. Zhenya walked beside me along the road and tried not to look at the sky so as not to see shooting stars, which for some reason frightened her (Ch.). 11. No one has ever worn this bracelet before you (Cupr.). 12. We have no right to underestimate the danger of terrorist attacks (from the newspaper). 13. All day there was an unpleasant feeling, as if he didn’t say something, didn’t finish something (Good). 14. She could not hear his sad voice, could not see his anguish and suffering. 15. Krylov's fables will reach posterity and will never lose their strength and freshness in him.

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

1 slide

Description of the slide:

Language errors. The ability to find and correct them Objectives: to systematize knowledge on finding and preventing language errors; develop skills and abilities to correct language errors; get acquainted with the classification of language mistakes made in essays, presentations; expand your vocabulary; to achieve active possession of the riches of Russian oral and written speech; learn to be more mindful right choice words and their forms, to the construction of syntactic constructions.

2 slide

Description of the slide:

Speech norms Speech norms are the rules for the use of words, forms of words and sentences adopted in the social and linguistic practice of educated people. The norm is the only possible or preferred version of the correct, exemplary use of the word, form, construction.

3 slide

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4 slide

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Signs of the norm The main signs of the norm of the literary language are: relative stability; general use; obligation.

5 slide

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Signs of good speech Speech, the structure of which corresponds to literary and linguistic norms, is called correct. Good speech is characterized by: richness (diversity) of vocabulary and grammatical structure; purity, accuracy; expressiveness.

6 slide

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7 slide

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8 slide

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9 slide

Description of the slide:

Exercise 1 Correct the mistakes in the sentences. 1. For a moment the boys forgot. 2. Pechorin has a talent for creative trust. 3. Chatsky has no accomplices. 4. Peter saw in Sasha a compatriot in wrestling. 5. Griboedov gives us a good overview of the image of Chatsky. 6. They began to treat Onegin with respect. 7. Before us there is a petty-bourgeois family. Words for reference: confused, talents, like-minded people, ally, reveals, relates, appears.

10 slide

Description of the slide:

Test yourself. 1. For a moment the boys were confused. 2. Pechorin has a creative talent. 3. Chatsky has no like-minded people. 4. Peter saw in Sasha a comrade-in-arms. 5. Griboedov reveals the image of Chatsky well. 6. Onegin began to be treated with respect. 7. A petty-bourgeois family appears before us.

11 slide

12 slide

Description of the slide:

Test yourself. 1. Pushkin created the characters of the people of that time. 2. Fonvizin reveals his views in critical articles. 3. Prostakova is rude to her yard. 4. When she learns that the serf Palashka is ill, she becomes furious. 5. Box's mental limitations reach the point of absurdity. 6. Onegin led a passive lifestyle. 7. The people suffered a double oppression. 8. Turgenev received worldwide recognition.

13 slide

Description of the slide:

Exercise 3 Find the mistakes in the sentences. Fix them. 1. She overcame fear and fear. 2. Manilov thought and pondered for a long time. 3. Soon he returned back. 4. Tatyana fell in love with Onegin with a very great love. 5. He was indignant with indignation. 6. The sun shone fiery, like fire. 7. They showed their initiative.

14 slide

Description of the slide:

Test yourself. 1. She overcame fear. 2. Manilov thought for a long time. 3. Soon he returned back. 4. Tatyana fell in love with Onegin. 5. He was indignant. 6. The fiery sun shone. 7. They took the initiative.

15 slide

Description of the slide:

Exercise 4. Correct the sentences, avoiding repetition. 1. Gerasim went to the river. Gerasim saw a puppy in the water. Gerasim took it and brought it home. 2. The guys woke up early. The guys decided to go to the forest for mushrooms. The children went into the woods along a field path. The guys went to the forest and picked up a lot of mushrooms and berries. 3. When he began to go out, he began to ask about the incident. 4. The trees are bare, the days are cloudy. 5. Then he came to the river. Then I saw a raft. 6. Buds began to bloom on the trees. The days got longer. The snow began to melt.

16 slide

Description of the slide:

Test yourself. 1. Gerasim went to the river. There he saw a puppy in the water, took him and brought him home. 2. The guys woke up early and decided to go to the forest for mushrooms. They went along the field path and picked up a lot of mushrooms and berries. 3. At the exit, he began to ask about the incident. 4. On cloudy days, the trees are bare. 5. Then he came to the river and saw a raft. 6. The trees are budding. The days got longer. The snow began to melt.

17 slide

Description of the slide:

Exercise 5. Find and correct errors in sentences. 1. When Igor is going on a campaign, other princes are going to. 2. An important role in showing the image of Prince Andrei is played by showing his love for Natasha. 3. Even among Goncharov's outstanding novels, Oblomov occupies a prominent place. 4. Famusov adheres to public opinion. Famusov adheres to the old in everything. He sticks to the old ways. 5. Approaching the estate, he saw a collapsed gate. Entering the house, Chichikov saw a man fiddling with some rags.

18 slide

Description of the slide:

Test yourself. 1. Together with Igor, other princes are going on a campaign. 2. An important role in the life of Prince Andrei is played by his love for Natasha. 3. Among Goncharov's famous novels, Oblomov occupies an important place. 4. Famusov adheres to the old order in everything. 5. Approaching the estate, Chichikov saw a collapsed gate. Entering the house, he noticed a man who was fiddling with some rags.

19 slide

Description of the slide:

Exercise 6. Find and correct errors in sentences. 1. Displaying the landowners in Dead Souls, Gogol also displayed Plyushkin. 2. The insidious courtier Vorontsov sent the poet to fight locusts. The offended poet responded to this with a mocking verse response. Insulted, Vorontsov complained to the tsar. 3. In this game, all players act with a twinkle, boldly entering into game martial arts with physically and technically strong players of the other team. 4. Figuratively speaking, in this image the poet depicted the vices of bourgeois morality and pictures of the ugly poverty of the oppressed people. 5. A veteran went out to try his hand at a trial lap to try out a new car.

20 slide

Description of the slide:

Test yourself. 1. Depicting the landowners in Dead Souls, Gogol also showed Plyushkin. 2. The insidious courtier Vorontsov sent the poet to fight locusts. The offended poet responded to this with a mocking poem. The offended Vorontsov complained to the tsar. 3. In this game, all participants act with a twinkle, boldly engaging in single combat with physically and technically strong opponents. 4. The poet depicted the vices of bourgeois morality and pictures of the unsightly poverty of the oppressed people. 5. On the first lap to test a new car, a veteran went to try his hand.

21 slide

Description of the slide:

Grammatical errors Grammar includes rules: word-formation (rules for the formation of words), morphological (formation of word forms of different parts of speech), syntactic (rules for constructing phrases and sentences).

22 slide

Description of the slide:

Exercise 1 Choose one option from the words given in brackets. Motivate your choice. 1. Experienced lecturers (lecturers - lecturers) were selected to conduct interviews and reports. 2. Many (shops - shops) of the plant are reoriented to the production of new products. 3. The shepherd put his pipe to his lips, and gentle (tones - tones) pipes floated over the meadow. 4. On Levitan's canvas, gentle blue (tones - tones) of the sky convey the transparency of the morning air. 5. Only experienced drivers (chauffeurs - drivers) can drive buses on mountain roads. 6. (Elections - elections) of the governor of the region show that many political opponents conclude (contracts - agreements) on cooperation. 7. A commercial bank issued long-term (bills - bills) to some successful firms. 8. L.N. Tolstoy managed to create unique artistic (images - images). 9. In the summer, many people begin (holidays - vacations). 10. Always fresh in our confectionery department (cakes - cakes).

23 slide

Description of the slide:

Exercise 2 Use the correct form of short adjectives, give a stylistic description of the possible options. 1. This method of treatment is effective ... and painless .... 2. The actor was natural ... in his behavior. 3. Your arrival is very timely ... . 4. The land was deserted, deserted… and lifeless…. 5. The view of the mountains with snowy peaks, colored by the sunset, was majesty ... and celebrations .... 6. The moment was for all celebrations…. 7. The director of the school was responsible ... for each student. 8. The feuilleton, according to Koltsov, is to some extent related to ... correspondence.

24 slide

Description of the slide:

Exercise 3 Correct the mistakes in the sentences. 1. The main accounting department serves thirty-two nurseries today. 2. Twenty-three days have passed since the dispatch of the next scientific expedition to the Mir station. 3. Three defective pliers were sold at a reduced price. 4. Per day shopping center sold thirty-three trousers. 5. Twenty-four sleds participated in the dog sled race. 1. By April 15, 1999, an exhibition of a well-known artist in our city is scheduled to open. 2. There are more than one and a half hundred amateur school orchestras in our region. 3. The amazing beauty of the cathedral with three thousand six hundred and eighty-five frescoes, built in the 16th century, is one of the most striking sights of Rome. 4. In the year 2000 and 6, energy consumption by the enterprises of the region will increase by 1.3 times.

25 slide

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Exercise 4 Indicate cases of incorrect or stylistically unjustified use of forms of tense and mood of the verb; correct the suggestions. 1. While preparing for the Olympic Games, a Chinese weightlifter lifted over 300 kg. 2. Over the past year, athletes have achieved great success. 3. Even at school, the future champion was able to remarkably high jump, climb a rope, pull himself up on the crossbar. 4. In his lifetime, the hunter has seen many amazing things. 5. Boil ¼ liter of milk and dilute 25 grams of soda in it.

26 slide

Description of the slide:

Exercise 5 Eliminate the wrong word order in sentences. 1. At this time, fishing in the rivers and reservoirs of the region is prohibited by all means. 2. In our time, these products are produced at half the cost of labor. 3. Strengthened the fight against all kinds of violations labor discipline from the factory management. 4. All measures to improve performance in groups have been taken. 5. A helicopter with portraits of astronauts flies over the square. 6. The carpenter made an oak bookcase with four legs. 7. When switching to new forms of passenger service on railway transport some difficulties were observed.

27 slide

Description of the slide:

Exercise 6 Choose the desired form of the predicate. Explain your choice. 1. A number of events dedicated to the anniversary of I.A. Bunin, (they will pass - they will pass) in Yelets, Voronezh, Orel. 2. The group of students sent for field practice (includes - includes) forty-one people. 3. A number of speakers (insisted - insisted) on a negative answer. 4. Several of our high school students (took - took) part in the city Olympiad. 5.During the last three years, the leadership Central Market repeatedly (applied - applied) to higher authorities with a request to help in organizing outbound trade. 6. Exactly at 6 pm (sounded - sounded) three shots. 7. Most of the composer's works (were created - were created) during the years of wandering.

28 slide

Description of the slide:

Exercise 7 Correct errors caused by non-compliance with management standards. 1. The department of criticism and bibliography of thick journals systematically publishes reviews of emerging novelties of fiction. 2. The representative of the construction organization again assured the customer of his readiness to complete the work on time. 3. The facts, which the author of the letter stated, were fully confirmed during the verification. 4. Students pay attention to notes during lectures. 5. The teacher pointed out that there are a number of errors in the work. 6. He studied well at school due to his abilities. 7. Elderly people from all parts of the city were able to come to this evening. 8. He left the city according to the instructions.

29 slide

Description of the slide:

Exercise 8 Find and explain the errors in the use of the participle. Correct the suggestions. 1. An explanation of these phenomena can be found by taking recent events as an illustration. 2. Having worked for only two months, he had complications with the head of the shop. 3. Having accepted the shift, the drivers on duty are sent by the dispatcher to the facilities. 4. The trading floor was cleared of people, fearing that the ceiling would collapse. 5. By raising the prices of cars and fuel, this directly affects the cost of agricultural products. 6. Boating with young children is strictly prohibited. 7.Using gas stoves, the population must first make sure that they are in good condition. 8. Having found out that the volume of production has decreased, the question arises as to the reason for this. 9. Attaching great importance to the research methodology, a number of experiments were carried out. 10. Studying the process of denationalization, a certain regularity is revealed.

30 slide

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Exercise 9 Describe the errors in complex sentences. Make stylistic changes. 1. Last Saturday, a conference was held for parents with preschool children at the House of Culture. 2. The speaker focused on the issue that is often raised at such meetings. 3. The speaker who reported these data and turned out to be a passionate patriot of river transport made an interesting comparison. 4. The author rashly remarked to the reviewer that how can you not notice what is new in the book. 5. The main thing to pay attention to is the violation of discipline. 6. Whoever needs additional classes, it is necessary for him to provide them. 7. The collection includes ditties, composed not only in the Smolensk region, but also in other areas that exist in the Smolensk province.

31 slide

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Exercise 10 Find cases of violation of the syntactic norms of the modern Russian language. Correct the suggestions. 1. Local authorities, the public and citizens of the city are widely preparing to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the writer-countryman. 2. Mass media urge Russians to participate in elections. 3. Facts speak for the possibility of using reserves. 4. The management of the enterprise thanked and rewarded the best employees with valuable gifts. 5. Residents demanded troubleshooting and repairs. 6. I liked the book that I took from the library, which is not far from the school. 7. A clear picture of the state of the planet's ozone layer arises by studying the work of European and Russian scientists. 8. The letter-postcard was delivered to the address, but the subscriber left the indicated place of residence.