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Many students are provided with various benefits. allows you to use discounts and benefits, pay for services and make purchases without cash. About its registration, replenishment, balance check is described in the article.

What it is?

The student card is considered a payment banking product. It is issued by VTB MinBank. But it is provided by the state structure on a personal account. To obtain it, you can contact the MFC or apply through the State Services service.

The card is a payment instrument, therefore it has the capabilities of a payment card. With it, it is profitable to pay for travel in the subway, ground transport. You can also pay for goods and services. It is more convenient to replenish the balance via the Internet.

What vehicles are discounted?

Card users are provided with discounts for paying for:

  1. Underground.
  2. Trolleybus.
  3. Tram.
  4. Public bus.

The discount is also valid for suburban rail travel. If you have a card, the fare per month will be 365 rubles. The number of trips does not matter. For land transport, the cost is 240 rubles. On the railway transport a 50% discount is provided. It is valid from September 1st to June 15th. The rest of the time you will have to pay for tickets in full.

Terms of use

To use the card, it must be replenished regularly. At the same time, you can deposit money for the current and next month. All information about the fare is recorded on the card. Please note that the information on the turnstiles displays data only at the end of the current month. The user must present the card to the inspectors.

This document allows you to confirm your identity and show the right to enjoy the benefits. The passage to the metro station is carried out only through the turnstile. For this you need:

  1. Attach the card to the yellow circle on the turnstile, where the subway emblem is indicated. There should not be any objects between the plastic and the turnstile.
  2. Then you need to make sure that instead of red, green appears. This allows you to go further. If the signal is red, the procedure must be repeated.

Please note that you can use the card no more often than after 10 minutes, otherwise it will not be detected. A day you can make no more than ten entrances to the subway. To enjoy discounts on land transport, you need to apply plastic in a similar way. It should be borne in mind that the card must be removed from cases and wallets before being brought to the reader.

Who can apply?

The social card of students provides bonuses, benefits and discounts. Anyone who attends educational institutions can receive it. These are schoolchildren, students of full-time universities and other educational institutions. It is issued in every city of the Russian Federation. Benefits are provided only if the card is in hand.

What does the card provide?

The social card of students allows you to enjoy the following benefits:

  1. Reduced public transport costs. To receive a discount, you only need to present a card to take advantage of the benefits with the purchase of a coupon or a monthly pass.
  2. At any time of the year, clothing and food retail chains offer discounts to those who have students' social cards. It is important to keep an eye on promotional information and ask cashiers for benefits, as this is where the student card is serviced.
  3. Most pharmacy chains offer discounts.
  4. Benefits also apply to bookstores.
  5. If you replenish the balance of the card, you can use it for purchases at the school cafeteria or canteen.

Travel with a student's social card is carried out at a big discount. It is only necessary to replenish it in a timely manner so that schoolchildren and students can use public transport services.

Where is it made out?

The social card of students is issued at the dispatcher's window or in a special subway department. You have to apply there. After the student's social card is ready, it can be picked up, usually it takes ten days.

What is required to receive? This will require:

  1. Certificate from the place of study - school, college, university.
  2. Questionnaire.
  3. Birth certificate or passport.
  4. A photo.

Only with a full set of documents, a card is produced to receive benefits.


If all documents are prepared, you need to fill out a questionnaire on the student's social card:

  1. It is filled in block letters, without errors. This will allow you to complete everything in one procedure. If corrections are made, the form is considered invalid.
  2. The ink must be black or blue. Other colors are not used when filling.
  3. In the applicant's questionnaire filled out by the management of the institution, in addition to the answers, there must be a signature of the head and a seal.
  4. There are no other application requirements. The photo must be no larger than 3x4 cm. The image of the applicant must be on a white background.

If everything is filled out correctly, the application will be accepted. The recipient needs to pick up the completed student social card for ground transport and the subway ten days later.

Contact through public services

The card is also issued using the State Services portal. It should be borne in mind that children under 14 do not have the right to independently fill out all the information in the questionnaire. For them, this is done by their parents or legal representatives. An application in this form is accepted after entering SNILS.

Must visit Personal Area Gosuslug, and then select the section "Education and study". There will be a "Student Social Card" tab. You need to fill in the information carefully. In addition to the application, you must attach a file with a photo. After filling in personal information, you must select the bank to which the card is attached. It is important to familiarize yourself with the proposed list and choose the appropriate option.

In this section, you need to designate a special word, thanks to which it will be possible to block the card if it is lost. After entering the data, the questionnaire will be checked against the register of students. If the system gives a negative answer, then only educational institution. If the answer is yes, then the application is considered within 30 days. The student's social card for the metro and land transport is issued in educational institution. Written instructions are attached to the card.


You can activate the card on the State Services website. To do this, you need to visit your personal account, and then enter the card number. The procedure must be completed within 30 days. If this is not done, then blocking will occur. To unlock it, you will need to contact the State Services Center.


You do not need to renew the card, as this is done automatically. This happens after the duration of the plastic comes to an end, and its user makes a new trip. In eight minutes the card will be renewed.

In case of loss or theft, it is necessary to submit an application to PJSC "MINBANK" or OFO "Bank of Moscow". After that, the company will block. Then you need to contact the welfare department or the application center. There they submit a questionnaire for a new card, and the old one is blocked with applications.


No fee is charged for issuing and issuing a card through the State Services. After activation, it can be replenished. The child can use it as a discount card and payment terminal.


The fare on the student's social card is lower, but still its balance must be replenished.

You can do this in several ways:

  1. You can pay for the fare at the metro ticket office. You can purchase tickets for the desired number of trips by topping up the required amount. Transfers are also carried out in special kiosks or self-service terminals.
  2. For other services, the card is replenished using the application in the smartphone - " mobile banking”or the Qiwi system. The money transferred to the social card is used for various purposes, even for payment at retail outlets.
  3. Another method of replenishment is considered to be payment using the State Services portal. On the site you can deposit funds for use for various purposes.

Balance check

  1. Checking the balance is carried out after the transaction. For example, after a trip or purchase, an SMS is received about the completed procedure with the balance of funds. The message contains information about the amount of money debited after the operation was completed.
  2. You can get data on the balance of funds through mobile banking or a special information kiosk when replenishing the balance.

Thus, a social card is considered a convenient thing for schoolchildren and students. With its help, the family budget is saved. Making a card is simple, as well as replenishing it.

Without exception, all modern students have the opportunity to issue a social card. It allows its owner to use benefits in the process of moving on public transport. The decision to issue this product is made due to the receipt of significant benefits. Discount on transport fare can be quite substantial. To fully use the product, you should know where you can top up your social card for ground transport. This will allow not only to move around the city with profit, but also to pay medical services and make appointments with doctors. So, what are the ways to replenish the product?

Owners of financial products from such a financial institution can carry out the required operation without any problems. To carry out the necessary process, you will need to perform the following simple steps:

  1. You need to sign in to the program.
  2. The Transfers section is selected and the button is pressed, which is responsible for transferring funds to a product of another bank.
  3. In a special form, the recipient of the amount is entered.
  4. Next, select the account from which you will need to debit the money.
  5. The amount required for the transaction is entered.
  6. All data is carefully checked and confirmation of the operation is activated.

This method of transferring finances can significantly simplify the conduct of monetary manipulation. All you need to do is make a transfer to the account of another selected financial institution.

How much does it cost to top up a student's social card. Commission rates

When transferring the required amount of funds to the described product, a certain commission may be charged. It can be avoided only if manipulation is carried out through the well-known portal of the State Service. The standard maintenance of the product of a Russian student throughout the year is paid by the bank that issued the plastic, that is, for the owner, the presence of the card is completely free.

If a decision is made to top up a student's social card for ground transportation online or through ATMs of third-party banking institutions, a certain commission may be charged for servicing such an operation. Its size directly depends on the tariffs established in this or that bank.

It is worth noting that the financial institution that issued the product may set certain limits for withdrawing money from the card. Information about this can be studied on the official portal of the company and in special departments of official divisions.

Top-up points and how to work with the terminal?

Students of the capital and the region have the right to transfer rubles to the plastic account through special electronic permanently located terminals. They are located in any modern city market or a serious metropolitan entertainment and shopping complex. The user is required to carry the ground transport plastic itself and some cash. The operation associated with the transfer of funds consists in the following simple steps:

  1. It is required to find a terminal located nearby for enrollment.
  2. The plastic itself is inserted into the device.
  3. The option associated with enrollment is selected.
  4. Money is inserted into a special bill acceptor of the replenishment point.
  5. You need to wait until the screen shows a positive result on depositing funds.
  6. Click on the Pay option.

With this transfer option, the money comes to the product account almost instantly. When using this method of replenishing a student's social card for ground transport, one should not forget that a certain commission is charged for ordinary electronic terminals. This fee on average it is 5% of the amount credited, but in some places it can be 10%.

How do I check my account after depositing funds?

In order for the student to check the balance, you can do different schemes of actions. Many visit the personal section on the portal for providing public services. The balance through replenishment points must be checked regularly. Replenishment of the account will help to avoid problems associated with paying for permitted services and transport, even at the most difficult moment.

In addition to visiting the portal, there are several other options for checking the balance of the bus benefit. Among the simplest options are the following:

To do this, the student must make a transition to his office, where the balance amount will immediately be displayed. Operations are also recorded and reflected on the pages of a similar section. There is another, less time-consuming method of obtaining balance information. This can be done using a check issued by a regular terminal where the operation was previously performed.

In order to check the account if necessary, transfer money and not waste time on the same transaction, the cardholder can write a special request to the financial institution. On its basis, the company's employees will send a special message to the mail once a month. It will show the current balance.

Until what date can I deposit money?

This problem is of interest to everyone who cares whether it is possible to replenish a transport card through Sberbank online. If everything is clear with the first question, then over time there are some difficulties. The exact dates for depositing the required amount of funds according to the rules for using the card have not been established. It can be absolutely any date. Deposit money through special places replenishment is possible and necessary when the check showed a complete lack of funds or a minimum amount.

A similar product is issued free of charge. The main thing is to ensure that it is made within 30 days from the date of filing the relevant request. Having received the plastic at your disposal, it can be conveniently and quickly replenished via the Internet.

For the reason that this is a certain preferential plastic for schoolchildren, it is worth knowing the period until which date this benefit is valid. It starts on September 1st and ends on June 15th. For this product, the state allocates strictly 365 rubles for the metro and 240 rubles for a different type of standard city car. All time frames replenishment, students on this plastic pay for travel on the bus or on the subway for only 50% of how much the ticket costs.

Summing up

SKU is not just a certain plastic product for moving on the subway, it is a well-thought-out state social program for travel, originally developed and aimed at significantly improving the overall level of education received in Russia. If you know where to top up a student's social card for ground transport, you can get a unique offer whereby a person can comfortably study at a school or in a modern institution, and travel in city vehicles with significant savings and credit rubles through transport card replenishment machines .

A social card that a student can use to pay for travel on land transport is a banking product that appeared not so long ago. The new service quickly gained popularity, which is why many schoolchildren and students constantly use this service. But the questions: what is this product, where to replenish the social card for land transport, are of concern to many to this day.

What is a social card

Social card (social)- a payment banking product provided by the state to certain categories of citizens, including pupils and students. Social network is a payment instrument that has all the features of a bank card. It is convenient to pay for travel, make purchases.

What does the social card of a Muscovite look like?

All owners receive significant discounts on payment for the following types Vehicle:

  • trolleybuses;
  • city ​​buses;
  • trams;
  • underground,
  • commuter trains (the grace period for students is limited).

Such a product, colloquially called "school pass", has a number of advantages:

  1. Significantly reduces the owner's expenses for travel in public transport. Discounts can be obtained by presenting a document, this allows you to purchase a travel or single ticket with a good discount.
  2. Gives you the opportunity to save on purchases in chain stores, which often hold promotions and appear big discounts especially for pupils and students.
  3. Many pharmacy chains also provide discounts on such documents.
  4. Bookstores are another place where you can use the social network to get discounts.
  5. Discounts are available at many cinemas across the country for certain screenings.
  6. In addition, plastic can be used like an ordinary bank card, it is enough to put money on it, and you can pay for any purchases and services with it.

The card makes it possible to significantly save on travel, travel as much as you like within a month on urban and suburban transport for a fixed price (when applying for a reduced travel pass), and enjoy discounts on goods and services.

How to get a

Plastic registration takes place through a personal account on the State Services portal, at points of issue or at the MFC. Upon receipt by a student under the age of fourteen, the child's parents should be involved in the registration procedure. No money is charged for the registration process.

To receive the document, you need to prepare the following:

  1. A certificate issued to the student in the place where he is studying.
  2. Completed application form.
  3. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  4. Birth certificate.
  5. Photo.

Upon submission of all documents, plastic will be handed out in about a month.

How to top up

So, where can a schoolchild or student charge a travel pass for ground transportation? Where can I pay for preferential trips and put money on it?

There are several ways to replenish plastic:

  • through the Internet;
  • cash through a bank;
  • depositing funds through a payment terminal;
  • by mail transfer;
  • online transfer from a bank card or account.

If funds are deposited on a card at a bank branch, you must have the following with you:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • details indicated on the plastic card.

The pass will be topped up within approximately 24 hours.

There are also special points for replenishing cash cards indicated on the Internet. For example: in Moscow they can be replenished at the points of issue of travel cards related to Mosgortrans.

Where to pay more? Of course online. For this procedure, it is not necessary to go to the bank, everything can be done at home, via the Internet. All the user needs is to register in the personal account of the bank that issued the card. (Usually this is VTB Bank). When registering in a personal account, the owner of the document gets the opportunity to:

  • replenish plastic without leaving home;
  • monitor the status of the account;
  • control costs.

Also, you can use the State Services portal, where in the user's personal account there is a function that allows you to replenish your account online. You can deposit money through ATMs and payment terminals installed in all shopping centers.

Another convenient replenishment option- depositing funds via Internet transfer from the application of any bank, of which the owner is a client.

One of the ways to use a social card is to buy travel cards at a discount

How to use

To use the card in land transport, you need to follow its regular replenishment. You can deposit funds for the current month or replenish it in advance.

It must be remembered that the information displayed on the turnstile displays data only for the current month, therefore, regular replenishment of the card is required. When traveling on all types of land transport, you should show it to the controllers at their request. The social card certifies the identity of the owner and gives him the opportunity to enjoy various benefits.

To use a concession pass, a student or student must do the following:

  1. Present plastic to the controller when traveling by public transport.
  2. When boarding a vehicle equipped with automatic systems control: put the card to the sensor or bring it to a close distance, wait for the permission signal, go through the turnstile.

It must be remembered that when using automatic passage systems, the plastic is activated again only after a few minutes, before its use will be impossible.

For the convenience of schoolchildren and university students, the website of the services of Russian cities offers all students to issue a special preferential transport card. It gives its owner the opportunity to receive a certain discount on travel in public transport. You can replenish the student's social card with several available methods, each of them is so convenient and simple that even an inexperienced user will be able to cope with the task.

How can I top up a student's social card?

The social card allows its holder not only to save on public transport, but also to make an appointment with a doctor, pay for services at medical institutions at a reduced rate, pay for lunch, and also use other benefits of the service.

Replenishment of the student's social card can be done in several ways, while the money is credited to the account in a matter of minutes.

You can send funds:

  • You can deposit funds through the online service. Initially, open the site of city services that issued the plastic, go through authorization, open a personal page. It initially has a function that makes it possible to enumerate. Find the “Balance replenishment” section, click on it and enter personal data: transport plastic number, amount and account for debiting Money. Through the online portal, you can easily track expenses, transfers and status.
  • You can deposit money into your personal account at the box office or kiosk that sells tickets. The cashier will definitely need to tell the plastic number, the holder enters the pin code on his own, and deposit cash.
  • In the branches of the Russian Post, you can replenish. Come to the nearest branch and through the cashier deposit cash into the account.
  • You can make a transfer using the available portal of public services. Enter its main page, find the “Payment” section at the top, after the transition, a menu with a list will open, from which select “Social support” and click on it. On the right side, the button “ “ - “ Services and services“ will appear. Next make the payment. No commission is charged if you replenish using this method.

Important! Transfers in this way can be made only after registration on the site.

  • There is a simple and affordable opportunity to replenish the ticket through the terminal. They are installed in many shopping pavilions, subways, on the streets near frequently visited places. To make a payment, just go to him, find in the menu “Replenishment of the student's card”, enter the pin code of the card, deposit the required amount into a special receiver and wait for the request to be processed.
  • Electronic systems Qiwi, Yandex, Webmoney allow you to replenish transport social plastic, just log in, find the corresponding line in the menu, indicate the card number and amount. Receive payment confirmation via mobile phone and complete the transaction.

Where can I top up a social card for ground transport

It is possible to pay with a card for land transport without any problems at kiosks. Travel tickets“Mosgortrans and replenish with the help of a cashier. You can also conduct a similar transaction through the terminals of "Eleksnet" or "Moscow credit bank“. Such devices are available in all administrative districts of Moscow. It is possible to find out the exact addresses of payment points for land transport without any problems if you visit the official portal.

Is it possible to pay for a social card via the Internet

To put money into the account pupil's student transport card using the Internet using Sberbank Online or the public services website for this. You can, sitting at home and having Internet access, quickly and without additional commission fees transfer funds and pay for a trip on a bus or any other transport.

You can send funds through your smartphone, using “mobile banking” or through an electronic wallet.

How to pay for a social transport card through Sberbank Online

For a long time, many Muscovites have been actively using Sberbank Online to make various payments.

Today, a transport card for a schoolchild allows not only to pay for trips around the city, but also school meals. It also makes it possible to good discounts in partner stores. It can be used by schoolchildren and students who are studying full-time.

It is convenient to replenish the card using Sberbank Online or mobile phone.

You can conduct a transaction through your personal account using your login and password. Today, it has become convenient to make payments using a mobile phone, and a card tied to it will allow even a schoolboy to carry out an operation in a minute. Install the app and login:

You can also deposit funds into the account of a single reduced-price ticket via SMS. to complete this transaction, you need to send the command “transfer xxxxxxxx 100“, where the first word is the technical command, followed by the number of the student transport card and the amount of replenishment. SMS is sent to number 900. A confirmation code will be sent in a response message. It must be sent to the number from which the SMS was received. After all these manipulations, the funds will go to the student's plastic.

You can pay for a student's social card through a cashier at any branch of Sberbank. To do this, just visit one of the branches, ask for help from the manager.

How to replenish the student's BSC via the Internet

The World Wide Web is one of the unique technologies that was created specifically for the convenience of users. With it, you can perform various actions, including paying for travel tickets.

There are several ways to pay for a student pass online:

  • payment from a mobile phone account, available for subscribers of Beeline, MTS, Megafon and Tele 2;
  • debiting funds from bank cards Visa and MasterCard;
  • using payment systems such as Yandex, WebMoney, Qiwi.

Where to top up your pension transport card

Today in Russia there are several types of social transport cards: children's, pension, student. All of them open up unlimited possibilities and allow preferential category people significantly save their personal funds, which are already few in number.

Pensioners can apply for a card that can be used to pay for travel by public transport at a discounted price through Russian Post offices. Every month it needs to be replenished by 430 rubles. This amount will be enough for you to travel in any transport for 30 days, except for a fixed-route taxi, making an unlimited number of trips. To purchase it you will need:

  • visit one of the branches;
  • complete a written application;
  • present an identity document;
  • show a pension or a certificate that confirms the appointment of social benefits.

You can top it up right away. in the department at any convenient time. How to replenish a pensioner's transport card You can replenish a pensioner's transport card via the Internet. But not all older people have the opportunity to use it, and if there is one, then it is not possible to conduct a transaction because of their inexperience. That is why the authorities of the country have created special points where, without any problems, every elderly person will be able to independently deposit the required amount into the account and use the ticket. You can extend the service life of the card, put money into its account in:

  • cash desks of the Center for servicing social plastic cards;
  • underground;
  • self-service terminals;
  • settlement and service centers Tagma;
  • stalls cafe Plantain.

It is necessary to regularly confirm the validity of the plastic, but at least once every 8 months, otherwise it will be blocked. You can unblock it within two months from the end of 8 months at any of the replenishment points.

The cost of a preferential card will be relatively inexpensive. If you count the money spent travel, shopping plastic, the difference is significant, the savings are huge. Who has a lot of other privileges that open up to its owner.