Department of Economics and Finance. "National Research University ITMO

Reception hours department:

Monday – 12.00 - 15.00
Wednesday – 13.00 - 16.00

Senior Assistant: Goryacheva Galina Viktorovna

department financial management established in May 1996, is a graduate and trains bachelors and masters in the direction of "Management", graduate students in the direction of "Finance, monetary circulation and credit".

AT 2019/2020 academic year The department provides training in the following undergraduate and graduate programs:

  1. Direction 38.03.02 "Management" (bachelor's degree profile "Financial management"), form of education - full-time, part-time.
  2. Direction 38.04.02 "Management" (master's program "Financial Management"), form of education - correspondence.

AT 2020 enrollment of students is envisaged in the following areas of undergraduate and graduate studies:

  1. Undergraduate: direction 38.03.02 "Management" (profile "Financial management"), form of education - full-time, part-time ()
  2. Master's degree: direction 38.04.02 "Management" (master's program "Financial management"), form of education - full-time, part-time ()

Training of applicants and scientific and pedagogical staff in graduate school and doctoral studies carried out by the Department of Financial Management, specialty 38.06.01 "Economics" focus "Finance, money circulation and credit".

The rules for admission to graduate school of the Russian State Economic University (RINH) can be found on the website.

Schedule of consultations of teachers of the Department of the Department of "Financial Management"
for 1 semester 2019/2020 academic year of the year

FULL NAME. teacher

Day of the week


Ph.D., head. department
Barashyan Vitalina Yurievna

Doctor of Economics, Professor
Zolotarev Vladimir Semyonovich

Even: Wednesday

Doctor of Economics, Professor
Kuzina Elena Leonidovna

Odd: Saturday

Ph.D., Professor
Bjola Valery Dmitrievich

Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor
Zhuravleva Olga Grigorievna

Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor
Usenko Anastasia Mikhailovna

Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor
Chirskaya Marina Alexandrovna

Odd: Tuesday

Even: Saturday

Art. teacher Laponogova Anastasia Alexandrovna


Organization of the educational process

Teachers of the Department of Financial Management actively use modern teaching methods in the organization of the educational process, which include: guest and interactive lectures, business games, discussions, methods based on “many-to-many” communications. In the process of organizing the educational process, teachers of the department actively use the means computer science and software, which allows to improve the quality of training of specialists and masters. The possibilities of television audiences are actively used for conducting lectures and computerized classes for conducting laboratory work disciplines: "Formation of the financial management system", "Management of the investment activity of the enterprise."

Teachers of the Department of Financial Management use in their work forms of intersessional control of students' knowledge (rating control, continuous and selective surveys, testing, homework, as well as subject Olympiads and conferences), thus ensuring a high level of organization independent work students, which contributes to the assimilation of the current educational material during independent study of the topics of the theoretical course, homework, control and term papers, abstracts and individual creative tasks, preparation for practical and seminar classes.

The Department of Financial Management organizes and conducts training and industrial practices in accordance with standards higher education and curricula. The purpose of organizing internships for students is to ensure the continuity and consistency of mastering their professional activities in accordance with the requirements for the level of graduate training.

The department has all necessary conditions for all kinds of practices.

Students and undergraduates do internships at such enterprises (organizations, institutions) as the Agrocom Group of Companies, the Rosavtoprom Group of Companies, Aksaykardandetal OJSC, IDGC of the South PJSC, Mobile TeleSystems PJSC, MegaFon PJSC, OJSC Almaznaya Coal Company, Research and Production Enterprise for Space Instrumentation KVANT, Southwestern Bank PJSC Sberbank of Russia, PJSC CB Center-invest, VTB Bank (PJSC), Baltic Leasing LLC, Granit LLC ”, LLC Rostselmashenergo, LLC Gazprom Energo, LLC MEZ YUG RUSI, LLC Rostov Sausage Factory - Taurus, LLC Neftemashstroy, LLC Southern Leasing Center, Department for the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises and Tourism of the Rostov areas, Non-profit partnership Rostov Regional Agency for Entrepreneurship Support, State enterprise"Makeevugol" and others.
The Department of Financial Management organizes the research work of undergraduates in accordance with the standards of higher education and the curriculum for the preparation of a master in the direction of "Management" (master's program "Financial Management").

Research work carried out by teachers of the Department of Financial Management in 2014/2015 - 2018/2019 academic years

Teachers of the Department of Financial Management in the framework of the scientific direction "Development financial system, money circulation and credit in the context of financial globalization” explore innovative financial technologies, new areas of theory and practice of financial management related to the development and application of the principles of modern financial theory to model a set of financial and investment decisions.

For the period 2014/2015 - 2018/2019 academic years. teachers of the department published 9 monographs, 26 articles in scientific journals world, indexed in the Scopus and Web of Science databases, 14 scientific articles in other foreign publications, 51 articles in scientific journals included in the list of the Higher attestation commission, 138 articles in scientific publications included in the Russian Science Citation Index, and 76 scientific articles in other Russian publications.

Scientific articles by employees of the Department of Financial Management, published in scientific journals of the world, indexed in the Scopus and Web of Science databases, and other foreign publications

Scientific articles by employees of the Department of Financial Management published in Russian scientific journals included in the list of the Higher Attestation Commission and the Russian Science Citation Index, and other Russian publications

At the Department of Financial Management there are two student scientific circles:

    Actual problems of financial management (supervisor - Ph.D., associate professor Chirskaya M.A.).

    Problems and prospects for the development of corporate finance (supervisor - senior lecturer Laponogova A.A.).


Department of Economics and Management carries out educational, research, educational and methodological, informational activities in the field of economics and management at all levels of education.

Targetdepartments− formation and implementation effective system training in a complex of disciplines of training areas "Economics", "Personnel Management", "Management", "State and municipal government» withinInstitute of Maritime Transport Management, Economics and Law GMU them. adm. F.F. Ushakov .

The teachers of the department are actively scientific work in various areas economics and management, hold scientific conferences, seminars, round tables and practical research, publish scientific monographs, articles, study guides in areas relevant to the department. The department is actively developing cooperation with specialists in the field of economics and management of various universities, organizations and companies.

Directions of preparation of the Department of Economics and Management

The Department of Economics and Management is the initiator and organizer of the opening of two specialties "Economics and Management at the Enterprise (Transport)" and "Organization of Transportation and Transport Management".

Currently, the Department of Economics and Management is a graduate department of the Institute of Maritime Transport Management, Economics and Law and carries out vocational training bachelors in the areas of training:

1.080502.65 "Economics and management at the enterprise (transport)"
2.080200.62 "Management" training profile "Production management"
3.080400.62 "Personnel management"

The department teaches disciplines in the field of economics and management at all faculties of the university, disciplines of specialization, and is also engaged in research, scientific, methodological and career guidance work.
The department has 3 doctors of economic sciences, 12 candidates of economic sciences, 16 teachers have the academic title of "associate professor".
In the history of the university, one of the first research works on fleet management (economic contracts with TsNIIMF and Novoship in 1977 and 1978) were carried out by employees who formed the backbone of the first branch research laboratory and the future department.
Over the entire history of the department, its employees have carried out more than 40 research projects. Published hundreds of scientific articles and methodological developments, including monographs and textbooks, 23 candidate and 2 doctoral dissertations were defended.
At the Department of Economics and Management, a master's program was opened in the direction 080100.68 "Economics" profile "Economics and Enterprise Management". The head of the master's program is Doctor of Economics, Professor Tonkikh Andrey Sergeevich.

Academic disciplines taught by the teaching staff of the Department of Economics and Management:

1. "Analysis of the activity of production systems"

2. "Analysis and diagnostics of financial and economic activity»

3. "Anti-crisis personnel management"

4. "Business planning"

5. "Business planning and design"

6. "Demography"

7. "Innovative management in personnel management"

8. "Study of socio-economic and political processes"

9. "Personnel risks and their assessment"

10. "Comprehensive analysis of economic activity"

11. "Commercial activities of maritime transport enterprises"

12. "Concepts international marketing in maritime transport business"

13. "Corporate training"

14. "Corporate and social responsibility"

15. "Marketing"

16. "Personnel marketing"

17. "Management"

18. "Management of the seaport"

19. "Management of multimodal transportation"

20. "Metrology, certification and standardization"

21. "Motivation and stimulation of staff"

23. "Organizational behavior"

24. "Organization, regulation and remuneration of labor at the enterprise of maritime transport"

25. Organization entrepreneurial activity on transport"

26. "Organization of innovative activity"

27. "Organization and planning of the enterprise"

28. "Organization and management of production in transport"

29. Basics personnel policy and personnel planning"

30. "Fundamentals of entrepreneurial activity"

31. "Organization of personnel work"

32. "Fundamentals of management consulting"

33. "Sectoral features of labor"

34. "Evaluation and audit of personnel"

35. "Planning at the enterprise"

36. "Production management"

37. "Regional Economics and Management"

38. "Regulation and rationing of labor"

39. “Reengineering of business processes” (master's degree)

40. "Risk management"

41. "Certification and standardization of personnel"

42. "Modern methods of analysis"

43. "Modern problems of management"

44. "Modern strategic analysis"

45. "Strategic management of transport infrastructure in logistics systems» (master's degree)

46. ​​"Strategic management"

47. "Theory of organization"

48. "TNC and international cooperation in maritime transport" (master's degree)

49. "Management social development staff” (bachelor’s degree)

50. "Project Management" (master's degree)

51. "Human Resource Management"

52. "Risk management in maritime business"

53. "Personnel management of an enterprise (organization)"

54. "Management of innovations and investments"

55. "Management consulting"

56. "Management accounting and personnel accounting"

57. Enterprise Value Management

58. "Quality Management"

59. Property Management

60. "Accounting and analysis"

61. "Financial forecasting"

62. "Pricing in foreign trade"

63. "Economics and organization of production"

64. "Economics and sociology of labor"

65. "Economics of enterprises"

67. "Economics of customs"

68. "Economics of personnel management"

69. Economics municipality»

70. "Economics of nature management"

71. "Economic analysis"

72. "Effective leadership and team management"

Round table



Vikhrova Natalya Olegovna

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor

e-mail: [email protected]

The Department of Economics is the graduating department of the Institute - the qualification of graduates is "Bachelor"

Organisation management, specialization - " production management in energy"

Economics and management at the enterprise (in the energy sector), specializations: "organization and accounting of the sale of electricity and energy resources", "financial management of an energy company"

and in areas of training - qualification (degree) of graduates "bachelor"

Economy, with training profiles: "economics of energy enterprises and organizations."

Management, with training profiles: "production management in the energy sector"

The department also provides training for students of the institute of energy specialties and areas of training in the academic disciplines of the humanitarian, social and economic cycle.

Region professional activity Institute graduates in the Department of Economics include:

● economic, managerial, financial, marketing and analytical services of organizations various industries(first of all, the energy industry) and forms of ownership

● financial, credit and insurance institutions

● state and municipal authorities

● research organizations

● institutions of the system of higher and secondary vocational education, secondary general and additional education.

Graduates of the Institute in the Department of Economics have the opportunity to continue their studies in the magistracy:

State University Management (Department of Economics and Management in Energy)

● Moscow Power Engineering Institute (Technical University)

● National Research Technological University "MISiS"

With government data educational institutions the Institute has concluded relevant cooperation agreements.

All activities of the Department of Economics and Management in the preparation of modern specialists are subordinated to the task of forming such general cultural and professional competencies that will allow them to be in demand and competitive both in the domestic and international labor markets.

In his educational activities The department focuses on corporate training for the energy industry. For these purposes, in educational plans a block of academic disciplines with an industry focus is included, including: the history of energy, the economics of the energy industry, the organization of production at energy enterprises, etc. This approach significantly increases the efficiency of training personnel for energy companies, enterprises, organizations and institutions.

The orientation of the department, as well as the institute as a whole, towards corporate training of personnel allows graduates to be in demand in the labor market. The graduates of the Institute and the majority of its part-time students work in the specialties they have received or are receiving in the following energy companies.



OAO Mosenergo

JSC "Mosenergosbyt"



CJSC Energoleasing, etc.

Department of Economics completely focused on the use in the educational process of the most modern methods learning. Much attention is paid to the development of competencies, creative skills, independence. The department has two display classes equipped with the latest technology.

The main forms of the educational process are lectures, seminars, practical classes, business games, current and intermediate knowledge control, term papers, abstracts. It is allowed to study students according to individual plans in a shortened time.

Course and final qualifying works are focused on topics related to solving real problems of both enterprises and organizations in the energy sector, as well as other sectors and areas of the economy, management, business and entrepreneurship.

The department is doing a lot of methodological work. Teachers of the department annually update the work programs of academic disciplines, thematic plans, plans for seminars. The science of the department is represented by the participation of teachers in scientific conferences, round tables, scientific seminars and others, as well as publications in various scientific journals.

History of the Department of Financial Management and Audit. The Department of FMEA was organized on February 9, 2015 by combining the teams of three departments (Economics and Finance, Economics and Entrepreneurship, Financial Management) of two faculties (Economics and Environmental Management, Humanities). Therefore, we should dwell on the history of the creation of these three departments.

Department of Economics and Finance. The Department of Political Economy was founded in 1962. In 1991 it was renamed the Department economic theory. In 1996, with the formation of the Faculty of Economics and Management, the department became a graduating department and received the name of the Department of Economics and Finance. The first head of the department was Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Vladimir Aleksandrovich Sukhin. In 1975, he was replaced by Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor, and then Doctor of Economics, Professor German Karlovich Yuzufovich, who headed the department until 1991.

Since 1991, the department was headed by honorary worker VPO Doctor of Economics, Professor VL Vasilenok, Academician of the International Academy of Refrigeration and the International Academy of Sciences of Ecology and Life Safety.

At different times, Doctor of Economics, Professor S.A. Tsvetkov, I.G. Sergeeva, N.A. Shapiro, M.A. Makarchenko; Professor T.S. Podzorov; Candidate of Economics, Associate Professors N.K. Budyka, N.G. Samorodova, A.V. Yakovlev, E.D. Grinishina, I.V. Ter-Martirosyan. E.L. Goretsky; associate professors L.D. Terentyeva, A.I. Repkin; senior lecturers V.S. Karmanovsky, N.P. Lozhkina, A.I. Astakhov, N.V. Averyanova, M.V. Kochnev; For more than 30 years, the senior laboratory assistant A.S. Prikhodko.

Since 1996, the department has been graduating and has been training and graduating specialists in the specialty "Economics and Management at the Enterprise ( Food Industry)”, specialization - financial management at the enterprise, crisis management at the enterprise, since 2001, bachelors in the direction of "Management", profiles: financial management, logistics, small business management.

Since 2005, the department has been preparing undergraduates in the direction of "Management" in the following areas: financial management, anti-crisis management audit, economic security management, investment management.

An interdepartmental computer class was created on the basis of the Department of Economics and Finance, where students' knowledge is tested, internet testing, an appropriate laboratory base is constantly being formed for conducting practical classes, as well as intensive technologies are being introduced into the learning process, young promising employees are involved.

Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship was organized in 2001 as part of the Faculty of Economics and Environmental Management, headed by the Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Economics, Professor I.G. Sergeyev.

A number of teachers of the department work as consultants in various companies under individual contracts. Such work contributes to the professional growth of teachers.

Since 2001, the teachers of the department have been working within the framework of the state budget theme "Problems of Forming an Investment Strategy in Russia". In 2008, the department began work on the state budget topic "Development of business management systems at food industry enterprises." Since 2012, the department has been training undergraduates under the program " Corporate Governance”(Scientific supervisor of the program Prof. I.G. Sergeeva).

In 2003, the Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship became one of the initiators of an agreement on the exchange of students and teachers between the School of Business of the University of Applied Sciences in Oulu (Finland) and the Faculty of Economics and Environmental Management. In 2008, at the initiative of the Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship, an agreement was concluded on the exchange of students and teachers between the University of Oulu (Finland) and the Faculty of Economics and Environmental Management.

Department of Financial Management

The Department of FM was established in 1995, when, in connection with sharp rise the needs of the national economy in economic and managerial personnel, training in the specialty "Management" was organized at ITMO St. Petersburg State University. From the moment of foundation, the department of FM was headed by an honorary worker of higher professional education of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Economics, prof. A.A. Golubev. Since 1997, the department has been graduating in the field of "Financial Management"; during 2002-2014 more than 300 specialists have been trained. About 40 graduates of the department continued their education in postgraduate and master's programs at the university. The department prepared 8 candidates and 2 doctors of economic sciences.

Department of financial management and audit today.

The staff of the Department of FMiA includes 36 employees, including 6 doctors of economic sciences (of which 5 have the academic title of professor), 12 candidates of economic sciences. Teachers of the department, as scientists recognized in the scientific community, are members of dissertation councils of ITMO University and other universities of St. Petersburg, editorial boards of VAK journals; members and corresponding members of Russian and international academies; many have honorary titles and awards (honorary worker of HPE, medals and diplomas). The teachers of the department participate in regional and international congresses and conferences, including the department is the organizer of the international scientific conference "Russia in the WTO: prospects, tasks, problems" and the international scientific-practical conference "Strategies and tools for managing the economy: sectoral and regional aspects".

Currently, the department is implementing undergraduate programs in the direction of "Management" and master's programs in the areas of "Innovation", "Management" and "Quality Management", admission to graduate school is underway.

The staff of the department is actively involved in the implementation of research and social projects(head of the scientific school "Development of innovative strategies and tools for managing and developing the economy", the project "SODA-Yes!", etc.).

Since 2006 on the basis of the department within the framework of scientific directions international scientific and practical conferences "Strategies and tools of economic management: sectoral and regional aspects" are regularly held. The participants of these conferences were specialists from various cities of Russia, as well as Belarus, Estonia, the Czech Republic, etc.

Teachers of the department introduce IT technologies in educational process, in particular, 5 teachers underwent advanced training under the program "Application of LMS "Moodle" in the educational process", representatives of the department are actively involved in the formation of the English-speaking environment of the university and the development of international cooperation with foreign partner universities: training under the program "Business foreign language" (English german); participation in an international summer school-seminar organized together with partner universities in Germany, the Czech Republic and Finland; regular participation in international seminars on cooperation between Russian and Finnish universities educational institutions in Turku and Helsinki. In addition, at the initiative of the department, the faculty implements international mobility programs for students and teachers with Finnish universities, including the FIRST funding program.

All teachers of the department carry out active practical and consulting work at the enterprises of St. Petersburg and the Russian Federation, three of them are licensed specialists in the field of financial accounting, auditing and the stock market.

At the department much attention is paid to the organization of student scientific activities. Students are actively involved in the implementation of state budgetary and contractual work of the department. The results of scientific research of students find their logical conclusion in the publication of reports, in the materials of intra-university, inter-university, all-Russian and international conferences and symposiums, implementation of research results in the national economy (results of course and diploma projects). In addition, students act as co-authors of scientific articles and reports.

Since 2007, the Department has been actively participating in the competitive selection of graduation projects commissioned by the executive bodies state power St. Petersburg. During this period, 37 students took part in the program of the government of St. Petersburg, and the majority theses were awarded certificates.

The educational process at the department is focused on practical activities graduates. To achieve this goal, the department establishes business contacts with enterprises, organizations, management structures in order to use their potential in educational and research activities. The department has concluded long-term contracts with such large enterprises food industry in the region, such as Petmol OJSC, Karavay OJSC, Baltika Brewing Company OJSC, Khladokombinat No. 1 CJSC, Sparkling Wines CJSC, Rybokombinat No. 1 OJSC, etc., which allows for optimal implementation scientific developments of the department in the production process, and graduates receive practical experience professional activities, taking into account the characteristics of the industry.

In the process of learning, students receive not only professional experience and skills, but also realize themselves in the field of social design and entrepreneurship, form leadership skills contributing personal growth and full disclosure of creative potential.

Prospects for the Department of Financial Management and Audit

The target model for the development of the department is the training of highly qualified specialists based on an interdisciplinary approach, the use of modern scientific and practical methods and information and communication technologies capable of realizing themselves in the creation and management of the relevant financial and business structures, focused on the internationalization of business activities and the transfer of modern financial technologies. The target model of the department is based on the program of international competitiveness and the implementation of strategic initiatives in accordance with the roadmap implemented by ITMO University.

Formation of the Center for Financial Engineering, focused on the needs of the University, St. Petersburg and the North-West region.

On the basis of the department to create a modern business school, focused on training personnel primarily for small and medium-sized science-intensive businesses in the high-tech industry, with its subsequent transformation into a business school with Western partners in the MBA program "Financial Management".

Development of a network educational activity model together with Russian and foreign partner universities for the transfer of scientific and teaching staff, students in the programs of bachelor's and master's training, graduate students and doctoral students.

Training commercial offers for business structures and the conclusion of relevant contracts for research, expert, audit and consulting work.

Development of business cases, master classes and webinars for individual and collective advanced training in the field of business education for leading specialists and managers from the real sector of the economy.

Graduation preparation qualifying works on the instructions of the administration of St. Petersburg and the government of Len. areas.

Work to strengthen international relations and create joint problem-oriented projects with foreign partners.

Participation in seminars and congresses, exchange of students and teachers within the framework of international academic mobility.