What can be done for 50 thousand rubles. Live examples of business with little investment

Very many people in our country tend to leave their small homeland for a large regional center or the capital just to get on their feet. But if you think about it carefully, it is in a small provincial town or urban-type settlement that there are much more opportunities for anyone to open their own business. And if there is initial capital at 50 thousand rubles, you can start a business right now.

To start a business with 50,000, you only need your desire!

How to open a business for 50,000 rubles?

If you live in a private house and have a personal plot, you are already a rich person! And it does not matter at all that your house is old and does not look like a neighbor's castle. The availability of space provides a huge opportunity to start a business. Without asking anyone and without issuing any permits, you can grow plants, breed poultry or animals.

For example, to breed rabbits or nutria. So, you have 50,000 rubles. The most expensive, elite breeds of nutria are silver and black. For a 3-month-old animal you will pay at the highest rates (rates are taken throughout the country) 2500 rubles. At first, it will be enough for you to purchase two females and two males. Nutria live in pairs. For this you will give 10,000 rubles. Nutria do not require special living conditions. The only thing they absolutely need is a pool of clean water, which needs to be changed every day. In all other respects, they are unpretentious, practically do not get sick, feed on grain and grass, and, most importantly, multiply rapidly. Each pair will soon have 10-15 cubs. Remaining cash you can spend on buying feed and, if necessary, on repairing the barn.

In addition to valuable fur, nutria is valued for its dietary meat. you can easily find markets.

If you decide to breed rabbits, you should know that rabbits are most afraid of drafts and dampness. Therefore, the barn should be a reliable shelter for them, and dry bedding is needed in each cage. There are no special conditions for breeding rabbits. They need to be fed little and often. They eat compound feed, grass, hay, tree shoots. A 2-month-old rabbit of the elite breed "German Risen" and "French Sheep" costs 1000 rubles at the highest prices. it meat breeds, an adult animal will weigh up to 10 kg.

Rabbits are extremely prolific. It is enough for you to purchase 5 females and one male, and in a year you will become the owner of a whole herd of 200 heads. Rabbit meat is a valuable dietary product. Its cost reaches 250 rubles per kg. Skins are also in demand. If you master the art of skinning, your business will grow even faster. Fifty thousand is enough to change your life.

Let's look at the options for those who live in an apartment. The simplest and most obvious solution: breeding elite breeds of cats and dogs. To do this, you do not need to acquire several females and one male, as with rabbits. Enough to buy a female. Of course, the benefit will not be so obvious and will not come soon.

For Russia, the most popular and favorite dog breeds are Labradors, German Shepherds, Pekingese, Cocker Spaniels.

German Shepherds are considered the most intelligent dogs in the world. They are very attached to the owner, devoted. Their mental abilities are compared with the intelligence of a five-year-old child. The cost of a puppy with a pedigree is 15,000 rubles. If the parents have awards, the cost rises to 30,000.

Labradors are valued by dog ​​breeders for their loyalty. No wonder they are the best guides. Great with small children. The cost of a vaccinated puppy with a pedigree is 15,000 rubles.

Cocker spaniels are in special demand in our country. They are friendly dogs with a docile nature. A puppy with a pedigree costs 15-20 thousand rubles.

AT recent times it becomes fashionable to have a Pekingese dog in the house - a "doll" dog. Well, it must be used. Moreover, due to their miniature size, these dogs are the easiest to keep. The price of a puppy with a pedigree is 12 thousand rubles.

The business of breeding dogs of elite breeds has a long-term perspective.

To open your business, make full use of your skills and abilities.

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Creativity as a business

If you know how to hold a pencil in your hand, like to draw, then you will have wide opportunities. Business as creativity - what could be more interesting. Even if you don't know how to draw, there are plenty of tutorials. And 50 thousand will help you with this.

At all times, people pay attention to individuality, dissimilarity to others. This is a great opportunity to start your own business.

Painting laptops with an airbrush - very an exciting activity and it brings in a good income. The cost of the airbrush - a maximum of 5 thousand. This is the biggest investment. The minimum price for such a painting is 3500. But you can start a business only if you have drawing skills.

There is a much easier way. you will not only save 50,000, you will have a queue of customers, and those 50 thousand that you had at the very beginning will seem like a ridiculous amount to you!

Find Freedecor film in the store to imitate hand painting. You will also need acrylic paints and varnishes for these paints, various brushes, and the most expensive purchase is a good one. laser printer. But you have 50 thousand - you will be enough.

You don't need to be able to draw to start a painting business with Fridecor. This magical film can be placed on any surface. An imitation of hand-painted cars, furniture, phones and laptops is created, this film can be applied to tiles and a photo tile is obtained. Make designer dishes. On the Internet you will find a lot of drawings. You can make reproductions of famous paintings, why not.

It is quite possible to start in an apartment. Acrylic paints and varnishes are non-toxic. There will be no odors. This is a very profitable and interesting offer.

The next suggestion is for people who can draw. If you have 50 thousand, you can open an art school. The money will be useful to you to pay for the rent of the premises, the purchase of the necessary materials. At first, such a school can be organized even at home. Order advertising on a local TV channel, place ads in newspapers, social networks, put up flyers. So that all these expenses do not eat up your 50 thousand, you will have to do everything yourself: teach, purchase, and advertise. But if you are a good teacher, very soon your costs will pay off with interest.

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The next, no less interesting thing: making bouquets of sweets

This is a new business that is only growing. 50,000 would be too much. For this interesting activity, you will need scissors, a lot of colored paper and adhesive tape, cellophane and various fasteners (straws, skewers, toothpicks, barbecue skewers) and, of course, wrapped sweets. The most important thing that will be needed in this matter is your golden hands. Such bouquets are magically beautiful. They are very unexpected. If done to them correct advertising, not a single man can resist and will definitely buy such a bouquet for his beloved. Their cost is different. The smallest bouquet with cheap sweets costs between 250-300 rubles. You can advertise about making exclusive bouquets with your favorite sweets inside. One such bouquet can cost up to 3 thousand rubles. You need to start with advertising on social networks, in the press. Make flyers and booklets with beautiful photos.

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Rent apartments

This business has been popular for many years, because large cities are visited daily by thousands of people from different regions and countries. In addition, apartments for rent are often much cheaper and more convenient compared to hotels.

To start a business, it is enough to start renting a one-room apartment with furniture and household appliances. It is better to look for those options that are located in places with convenient transportation.

The next step is to sign a contract with the landlord. Of course, many may not like the fact that the apartment will constantly change tenants. To avoid this, we immediately stipulate all the details and, if necessary, designate them in the contract. In extreme cases, you can offer the landlord a deposit for two months as a safety deposit for furniture and appliances. You can also offer him a higher price than the market average, and this will also allow the homeowner not to worry about his property.

It is important to take into account the need for constant cleaning and washing of linen after customers. At the initial stage, you can do this yourself, and with further work, you can hire an appropriate employee for this.

Monthly expenses are as follows:

  1. Renting an apartment - 10,000 rubles.
  2. Advertising costs - 3,000 rubles.
  3. The cost of bedding, cleaning and detergents- 1,000 rubles.
  4. Payment for telephone communications, fuel / public transport - 1,000 rubles.

Suppose that in a month you will rent an apartment for about twenty days (on some days it may be idle without customers). Consequently, the income from daily rent will be 30,000 rubles per month at a price of 1,500 rubles per day. We subtract the above expenses from this amount and get a net income in the form of 15,000 rubles. Of course, this amount is only approximate and in reality earnings can be higher. Moreover, it should be borne in mind that an apartment can be rented out for just a few hours, which is usually more expensive. In addition, you can increase the rental price on weekends and holidays. If you wish, you can rent several apartments at once and the income as a result will increase markedly.

Speed ​​dating

Despite the fact that now there are many dating sites on the Internet, people do not stop getting acquainted in real life. As practice shows, it is much more convenient and productive. The advantage of speed dating is that in one evening a person can chat with ten, or even with large quantity people of the opposite sex.

Everything in this case is very simple: you can rent any room for a couple of hours, for example, a cafe and allocate each of the participants (depending on their total number) three minutes for communication. Then it remains only to note the time and make sure that the interlocutors change with each other in time. As a result, each participant will be able to communicate with a large number of people and make the best choice.

It is important that all participants are in the same age category, for example, from 20 to 30 years old and so on. The girls usually sit at their tables all the time, while the guys change seats in order of priority. As a signal, you can ring a bell and change all participants clockwise. It is desirable that everything takes place in a calm and romantic atmosphere with pleasant music. As an addition, you can immediately order some drinks for everyone, for example, sparkling water or champagne. Each of the participants can be given a questionnaire in which he will mark the interlocutor he likes. Also, everyone should have badges with a number to make it easier for people to remember each other. If the sympathies coincided, then this can be announced aloud.

At the end of the evening, we offer matched couples to exchange phones and complete the event. For those who could not find a mate, you can give consolation prizes, such as tickets to some entertainment event or discount cards.

You can attract participants here with the help of advertising on social networks and ads on free Internet boards. Naturally, with further work, you can make your own website and get customers already with the help of contextual advertising.

The cost per event is approximately the following:

  1. Payment for advertising - 1,000 rubles.
  2. Hall rental for 1 hour - 2,000 rubles.
  3. Payment for drinks and desserts - 2,000 rubles.

Thus, it will take only 5,000 rubles to open this business.

Income is approximately:

The average cost of a speed date today is 1,000 rubles. If you attract 20 people (10 guys + 10 girls), then the income will be 20,000 rubles. Subtract from this the above expenses and get 15,000 rubles in one evening - a very solid income. Naturally, with high demand, you can organize such events several times a week.

Production of house signs

It would seem that earnings here are in doubt, but if you look, the service can be in high demand.

A beautiful and noticeable house sign will help guests and various services not to pass by the right house. In an emergency situation, this can lead to the most negative consequences. So any house must have a street number and name. At the same time, over time, such signs fade, rust and become invisible. Hence the need to purchase this product arises.

With all the desire, it is very difficult to find a specific store that sells license plates for houses. Naturally, signs with the name of the street are not sold anywhere either - they are simply nowhere to be found, and no one will sell such rare goods. Such products are made individually, but for this you also need to look for a suitable company. And all taking into account the fact that suburban construction is developing at a tremendous pace and the number of various cottage settlements is increasing with each house.

To organize production, a very small room, for example, a garage, is enough. For work you will need scissors, stationery knives, sandpaper, three - four clamps, metal rulers, squeegee (a tool for removing air when removing the film) and auxiliary equipment for mounting ready-made house signs. In addition, a computer with a graphics editor is required here. A plotter is also desirable to create a film that will cover the metal surface.

More detailed information you can learn about this production in open sources, since the business is quite proven and tested more than once in practice. Naturally, you can watch the relevant videos and first make a few test options.

To attract customers, you can literally walk around the private sector and put up ads, distribute business cards and booklets. Surely, even in inexpensive houses there are many people who have long wanted to hang a new sign with the house number and street name. Moreover, the cost of such work is simply symbolic. Also along the way, you can offer services for the manufacture of plates in the spirit of “Caution! Angry dog!" - this can also be in high demand.

The costs here look something like this:

  1. Purchase of equipment - 30,000 rubles (the main amount is spent on the purchase of a plotter).
  2. Advertising for 1 month - 5,000 rubles.

The average check in such a business is about 300 rubles. Thus, if you find at least 50 clients, then the earnings will be 15,000 rubles. Naturally, with the desire and good advertising for a month of work, you can earn more. There are cases when, literally in a week, entrepreneurs collected similar orders for 100 thousand rubles. With further work, of course, the costs will go, basically, only for advertising.

If the production of signs seems complicated, then you can simply find a company that provides services in the field of interior and large format printing. They will not specifically look for such orders, but they will never refuse a new client. Therefore, you can simply collect orders, and then transfer them to this company. There are no difficulties and special requirements here, because you can order a license plate yourself. Profit even in this case will also be quite good.

Mediation in the field of repair services

Almost any construction and repair company is interested in new customers. What can we say about private specialists, who often need good advertising.

The business idea here is quite simple. The main thing is to find a suitable specialist (or several) who will agree to cooperate. After that, all that remains is to advertise on the Internet and take orders. If there are no such acquaintances in mind, then, again, you can submit advertisements for the search for contractors to fulfill orders and then agree with them on the percentage of the transaction (as a rule, it is no more than 50%).

If we talk about investments, then it is quite possible to start without them, since there are now a lot of bulletin boards on the Internet and at the same time you can do good advertising in social networks. Earnings here have practically no restrictions and, again, with proper skill, you can work with several specialists at once. The very process of transferring money for a transaction can be organized in different ways, and here you should not be afraid of fraud on the part of the contractor, because he is also interested in constantly providing customers. Thus, you can receive payment personally from a plumber or electrician after the order is completed. More or less large companies can even transfer remuneration to a separate account, that is, for them, such an entrepreneur will play the role of a kind of sales manager.

city ​​quest

Quests are extremely popular today, because they allow you to tastefully diversify your leisure time. You can play them not only in your free time, but also on various holidays. Moreover, an interesting quest is a great birthday gift and a great way to spend a corporate holiday. So it is obvious that there are always customers for such events and it is only necessary to organize everything correctly.

Quest participants can be collected through social networks, and scenarios of such events can be easily found on the Internet in the public domain. You can make a whole show and no special costs are required for this. Quest can be done in any locality and the limitation here can only be the imagination of the entrepreneur.

The average cost of a quest for one person is 300 rubles. Usually there are five people in one team. In this case, the players, as a rule, are divided into two teams. Therefore, if you find ten participants, you can get 3,000 rubles from them. Advertising costs are not particularly required here, especially if the business has just opened. You can successfully advertise through free classifieds boards or through social networks. In the latter case, advertising usually costs no more than 1,000 rubles a week. Thus, if you play one game every three days, then you can earn 26,000 rubles a month and this is the minimum. Naturally, with the increase in the popularity of the game and the organization of more massive quests, earnings may increase. Naturally, the price of participation in the quest may also rise.

Advertising agency

Advertising is, as you know, the engine for any business. At the same time, the concept advertising agency» is very extensive. In fact, it extends to several areas of activity, therefore, for the owners of such companies, simply endless fields for earning are opened.

Here it is important to decide what you can do best, or at least something more or less there is a desire. For example, you draw beautifully and have a sense of taste - in this case, it will not be difficult for you to master graphics editor and start creating original promotional materials.

When opening such a business, you should not be afraid of the lack of a portfolio. Surprisingly, even relatively large companies in this area there is no website and examples of work. Of course, if you work as an intermediary, then you can simply post examples of your artist's work. Then it remains only to find clients for him through all the same social networks and message boards. In addition, at first you can work without prepayment, since most people honestly pay for such services.

If you prefer the direction of online advertising, you can start with website development. As practice shows, average cost creating a site today varies from 10 to 20 thousand rubles. Let's say you have found a contractor with prices starting from 10,000 rubles. Based on this, you can add your markup in the form of 5,000 rubles to this amount. To attract customers, as in previous cases, you can use social networks and free message boards. Advertising here is quite cheap and, for example, it will take 1,000 rubles every week. It turns out that if you make at least one site a week, then the net profit will be 16,000 rubles. And that's just from one direction.

More can be done contextual advertising, development of business cards and booklets. Again, it is important to find inexpensive and experienced contractors. As a result, you will also receive your percentage from them. By the way, speaking about the search for performers, it is worth mentioning freelance sites - there are a lot of them on the Internet today. There you can easily place an ad and dozens of performers can respond to it. As a result, you can already make the best choice and find a good specialist for permanent cooperation.

Earnings on your own YouTube channel

If you are an active YouTube user, then you have probably noticed more than once that not the most interesting bloggers collect sometimes thousands of views from one video. Most often, these are various reviews, discussions of topical issues and shots from ordinary life. Today, absolutely anyone can become a top blogger and no special efforts are required for this. To shoot videos, it is enough to use the most ordinary phone with a more or less normal camera. True, over time, it is recommended to purchase an action camera (GoPro) - they allow you to conduct dynamic and active shooting. With such a device, you can easily dive under water or, for example, jump with a parachute. Naturally, the more spectacular the video is, the more views it can collect.

If we talk about expenses, then they are simply symbolic here: the cheapest action cameras today cost literally two to three thousand rubles, and a YouTube video is downloaded completely free of charge. The only thing you can spend money on if you wish is advertising, which can be done on the same site, or in all known social networks. As for earnings, it has no limits. On average, from 10 thousand views, the income is about 500 rubles. Successful bloggers sometimes get 100-200 thousand views from one video. At the same time, many well-known YouTubers also have regular advertisers who pay them directly for placing a link in the video description - the cost of such advertising is not limited by anything. There is also the possibility of income from the so-called donations - this is when any user can transfer any amount to his favorite blogger to his wallet. It turns out that you can monetize your YouTube channel different ways and at the same time the income will be stable and high.

Creation of training courses

What is a video course? In fact, this is the most common video that can be sent to subscribers of a community or site for a fee. You can simply advertise in some thematic public and invite customers to buy courses from you.

Think about what you are best at. For example, there may be tips on creating websites, cooking, business, and many other areas that can easily be embodied in training courses.

Technically, all this can be implemented without too much effort. Creating a video is as easy as shelling pears, and if you wish, you can decorate it with special effects. To attract customers, there are now generally a lot of mailing services that make it easy to attract the target audience.

If we talk about numbers, then the cost of one video course today is usually at least 1,000 rubles. Therefore, if at least 30 people buy it in a month, then we can already talk about total profit at 30,000 rubles. At minimum cost It can also generate passive income for advertising. Creating a video course is like writing a book or recording a music album. If desired, there will always be a target audience that can buy such a product indefinitely.

Filling out documents

Everywhere we are faced with the design of all kinds of papers. Sometimes you don’t want to waste time on this, and knowledge for some procedures may not be enough. Moreover, in some cases, filling out the documents incorrectly is fraught with loss of money and other problems. So many people prefer to trust such questions to experienced specialists, paying a symbolic amount for this.

If speak about specific services, then there can be infinitely many of them. It all depends on your desire, education or life experience. This can be the simplest filling out claims, assistance in obtaining visa documents, or, for example, registering companies. If you have done something similar before, then you can certainly help a newbie in these matters. It should be noted that many lawyers charge about 1,000 rubles for such work. Therefore, if there is at least one client per day, then earnings will be more than 20 thousand rubles per month. At the same time, you can work both at home and in a small office.

Entrepreneurial people always strive to create their own business. If there is no start-up capital for the development of the business, or it is small, it is enough to think about what kind of business you can open for 50,000 rubles, or read information about it on the forums.

What kind of business can be opened with a minimum start-up capital?

To open profitable business with minimal initial investment, it would be best to pay attention to the service sector, production or trade. To develop your business, you can also use personal skills - the ability to dance, sew or other types of needlework, knowledge of foreign languages ​​or accounting etc. For a successful start and understanding which one to open small business, it is desirable to first determine your knowledge and skills, and then choose a direction of activity.

If it is difficult to determine which small business to open, then you can always choose the service sector - an ideal direction for the development of a small business. Beauty salon, hairdresser, dry cleaning, massage room, translation agency, specialist services (lawyer, accountant, designer, teacher, etc.), shoe or apartment repair - that's just small list small companies, the creation of which will not require more than 1-2 thousand dollars. The main expenses are the rent of premises and the purchase of equipment.

For the official registration of small firms, it is enough to register an individual entrepreneur and obtain permits from some services - SES, fire supervision, etc. Usually these issues are resolved quickly and without problems.

What small business can be opened in the field of trade?

When deciding which business to open in the city, many choose the sphere of trade. For a new store start-up capital you need a small one, especially if the store is a department in a large mall. But you can choose other trading options, especially for students:

  • trade in the market or on the street (trays, tents, vans);
  • trade with delivery or vending;
  • trade by mail or telephone;
  • network marketing;
  • Internet trade.

All these areas do not require large investments in comparison with the creation of a full-fledged store. Of particular interest is trading via the Internet. This will also be the answer to the question of what kind of business to open for a student.

What small business can be opened on the Internet?

Which small business can open online other than trading? It can be, for example, the service sector - online consultations, freelancing, useful services.

But the idea for developing your business with minimum investment- this is just the beginning. When thinking about what kind of business to open, it is advisable to find out how to do it. All participants of the Business Youth project receive excellent knowledge in the field of entrepreneurship. This is not just an answer to the question of what kind of small business to open. Project trainers teach the secrets of building a profitable business and motivate for further development.


Hello dear readers! Today I want to talk about a business with minimal investment or micro business. And also give some business ideas. Very often I am asked a question about how you can start a business with minimal investment (usually from zero to 50,000 rubles).

I’ll say right away that this is possible, but you need to find your own idea and try small. Today I will try to give an answer to this question, and I really hope that you will draw your own conclusions.

Microbusiness - what is it and why you need to start small

When you were born, you did not immediately say the first word, did not immediately take the first step, then why do you think that in business you should immediately open a bank, a car dealership or big supermarket? Perhaps you have a desire to do something big, but try to tune your brain to what is currently within your power and within the power of your wallet. And when the brain starts to work on goals closer to reality, then ideas will fall to you like a river.

After all, as a rule, they are all in front of the nose. And already when you started small and took on some very small business, then it can be expanded to medium and large scales.

And this very small business is micro business! You can be a micro business doing freelancing, making something at home, reselling some goods, providing services. You will be very small at first, but then time will pass and growth will accelerate.

Did you know that the world's most famous eatery "Subway" (Subvey), used to be just one small outlet, and now has tens of thousands of eateries around the world? And if the founders hadn't opened this one diner, if they hadn't started small, this multi-million dollar company wouldn't exist!

In general, in America, one in ten is engaged in microbusiness, produces something in a garage, sells something, etc., while in Russia this is just beginning to emerge. You have every chance!

Most of you want to do your own thing, to leave the job you hate, to start living better, to be more free, to do big business etc. So for these purposes, microbusiness is quite enough.

Many people are in business and earn just a little more than the average. wages, but they are happy that they are engaged in an interesting business and lead independent activity without depending on anyone.

In microbusiness, interest is important, and better love! Because microbusiness is built on your passion for action. If you like your business, then you can do it even for small incomes. The most important thing for you now is to understand that you can start small and think about what interests you. And only then think about how you can get money out of your interest. You will say that I am pushing you with banality and you will be right, but if you learn this and you will succeed!

How to start a business with minimal investment

Now let's move on to the fact that you can open a business with minimal investment, and moreover, you need to! To start a micro business big investment Not needed. You only need 4 things to get started:

  1. Think about what you like and what you could really do (make an approximate list right now, then add it);
  2. Consider how you can capitalize on your interest. Just think about whether your business can be useful to someone.
  3. See if you have enough money for it. If not enough, then return to point number 1 and go again.

And the fourth is the most difficult! And even if it doesn’t work out, you still did what you like, you didn’t lose anything. And if they invested money, then very little!

Important! You, when you want to eat and you have only 50 rubles in your pocket (I had this, I don’t know about you), you buy what you have enough money for and satisfy the body’s need for food. But, you must admit that if you had 1000 r, then you would buy something tastier. The same goes for starting your micro business. If you have little money, then try to extract from them maximum profit. You must satisfy your need - start! If you manage to do something out of little money, then later you will move mountains out of big money. Burn out? Get great experience for little money!

Live examples of business with little investment

I'll start with myself, and then move on to cool comrades;)

  • I opened my first site (blog site) with 1000 rubles in my pocket. Behind him immediately the second for 500 rubles. Total 1500 r. After 3 months, both sites in total began to bring 3,000 rubles a month, then 5,000 rubles, then 10, and so on up to 15,000 rubles. After a year and a half, I sold one of them for a tidy sum, and the second remained with my partner.
  • I opened a website development studio without investments at all. She also brought me a little 10,000-30,000 rubles a month. But this is because I had to pay designers and layout designers.
  • The service for selling tweets, likes and everything else was opened for 7000 rubles, paid off in 2 days. He brought 40,000 rubles. per month and was sold.
  • Your blog, which you are now reading, was started with 500 rubles, and now it also generates income.
  • We opened an online bag store with 80,000 - 100,000 rubles, and paid back the money invested in 2 months, from the moment the goods arrived. From the 3rd month he was already carrying clean money and continues to this day.
  • Now preparing another interesting project, though there are more investments, but still not millions.

Well, everything about myself. What do you want? Thought I was in a million dollar business. Not! I am a micro businessman! Assets, of course, are not worth a single million, but this is already a matter of time, experience, desire and interest! I am not boasting, and even more so there is nothing to brag about, I just want to show by my own example that you can start small!

Now let's move on to others:

  • The same "SubWay" that I mentioned above was opened for $ 1000 initial investment. It is now a multi-million dollar business with tens of thousands of eateries around the world.
  • My friend created several publics in VK for a long time, spending only 2000 rubles on advertising. and soon one of them gained popularity up to a million subscribers, then more, and so on. Income over 100,000 rubles. clean per month.
  • My parents started selling cereals at the street market when I was 5-7 years old, investing some money in the product. Every year there was more money in circulation, outlets more, the assortment expanded and everything went only to increase. Now, of course, they have a staff, they tried other types of business, in general, they developed as best they could and continue to develop to this day.
  • The founder of the JivoSite service (an online consultant for websites) Timur Valishev invested 150,000 rubles in it, and now his service has thousands of paying customers.
  • The same situation is with almost all the founders of publics and sites. Little was invested in all of them, but now it brings a lot.

One conclusion can be drawn. Starting a business with minimal investment is more than realistic, you just need to want, think and do!

And here, by the way, is a video interview with Timur Valishev (JivoSite) and Sergey Baryshnikov (Bigpicture website). I advise you to look:

What types of businesses with small investments are relevant in 2018 and will work in 2019

Look towards those businesses that are on the market and are in demand. You say that there is competition there? Yes, and that's good. Where it does not exist, it will not work to enter with minimal investment, because people need to present your product and accustom them to it.

  1. Pay attention to the service sector! Services have less expenses, do not need warehouses, goods, etc. You can provide services yourself, without initially hiring staff. By the way, I wrote an article about this, how to start.
  2. Try to sell goods from China.
  3. I already once wrote an article about, and there is also a section about. There you will always find working ideas for business with minimal investment.
  4. will only develop, so you can pay attention to it. Also consider the option.
  5. Those who live in small towns can take a look.
  6. Pay attention to business on the Internet or, for example, freelancing. This trend will continue to develop for a long time.

25 Business ideas 2019 with minimal investment

Below I will give some business ideas with a minimum investment of up to 50,000 rubles that can work in both a small and a big city. Also, some ideas can be implemented without investment at all. These ideas are universal, they will suit both women and men. And inside them you can turn around to make your own unique product or service.

Remember that almost every business needs, but at first you can do without it to test the idea. After the test, this procedure is required.

And for organizing a business, an article will help you about - step by step plan from scratch!

Business Idea No. 1. Selling goods from one-page sites

This business is very relevant now and brought good money in 2018 and will bring in 2019 (and even longer). And it's realistic to start with minimal investment.

The bottom line is to sell goods on the Internet from one-page sites (landing page).

For this:

  1. a trendy product is selected from suppliers (in China or Russia), for which there is now a good demand;
  2. one or more one-page sites are created;
  3. advertising is launched;
  4. and there are sales.

My colleague Roman Kolesnikov successfully makes money on this. We even did an article with him on. Read it and understand the whole essence of this business idea with minimal investment.

Business idea number 2. Business selling goods from China

I also tried this profitable business on myself and it brings a good profit. It's no secret that now you can buy goods from China for very low prices and sell with us in Russia. This is now used by many and the business is gaining momentum.

The business idea is that you buy goods from China cheaply, and in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, etc. sell more. On goods from China, you can mark up from 50 to 300% on average, which indicates a good profit.

I have a section on my site about . In it, I share my experience and business ideas with minimal investment in the sale of goods from China. There you will also find many instructions on how to order products, how to sell them, etc.

Business Idea #3: Dropshipping

This type of business can be started even without investment! It consists in the fact that you sell goods that you do not have in stock. Yes exactly.

Dropshipping is a direct delivery from a supplier to a customer. You act as an intermediary, collecting orders from customers and transferring them to the supplier. The supplier ships purchases directly to your customers on your behalf. As a result, you earn the difference between the price at the supplier and the price at which you sold the product to the client.

Difficult to understand the first time? Then read in detail about and how to make money on it.

Business idea number 4. Selling goods on Avito

This is the simplest business idea with minimal investment, or even no investment at all. Its essence is to sell absolutely any goods on the Avito.ru bulletin board.

It is good because it is suitable even for a beginner, and investments may not be required at all. To work, you need to purchase a product that you will sell on Avito. But you can start by making money by selling a few of your unwanted items. Thus, you will already have money to buy the necessary goods.

Business idea number 5. Inexpensive Chinese cosmetics

You buy inexpensive cosmetics in China and sell them in Russia. You can distribute such products both through social networks, online stores, and by offering them offline (i.e. in person).

Every woman dreams of a large cosmetic bag filled to the brim with decorative cosmetics. But this dream does not always become a reality due to the high prices for such products. You can help with this by offering a product a little cheaper than in stores. Thanks to this, you will have many customers who want to buy several lipsticks and other products at once.

In order for such a business to generate income, you need to analyze the decorative cosmetics market and choose the most popular products. Then compare prices on Chinese and Russian sites. Based on this, you choose the most popular and cost-effective cosmetics, order them at wholesale prices. After receiving the goods, you can start selling it in a way convenient for you.

The amount of profit directly depends on the sold cosmetics. If you buy an eyeshadow palette at a price of 400 rubles, and sell it for 900 rubles, then the income will be 500 rubles. from one unit of goods.

Business idea number 6. Organization of holidays

The essence of the business idea is as follows: you offer the client to organize a holiday for him for a certain fee. It can be a wedding, a birthday, a celebration on some special occasion, etc. The list of services provided (search for premises, its design, musical accompaniment etc.) is negotiated in advance and prescribed in the contract.

This is a really profitable business that does not require huge capital. It will always be up to date, because. people have holidays regularly. You only need organizational skills, a certain amount of free time, the ability to find a common language with people.

Having an office is not prerequisite, because You can meet with the customer on neutral territory. Thus, with minimal investment, you can earn decent money.

To implement the idea, you need to create a team of toastmasters, a photographer and a DJ. To legalize such a business, it is necessary to open an IP. After that, find a client and offer your services.

Earnings from the organization of holidays can be unstable. It all depends on the number of celebrations, their scope and the specifics of the services provided.

Business idea number 7. Organization of non-standard tours

You create an interesting, unique travel itinerary, which is as different as possible from standard tourist tours, and offer it to the client. He buys a ticket, and you, in turn, deal with all organizational issues and support him throughout the trip.

Non-standard tourism has recently become very popular. Increasingly, people are choosing just such tours, because. they are tired of the usual and boring vacation. There will always be customers who love outdoor activities, eco-tourism, etc. Moreover, the creation of such a business requires minimal investment, experience in the field of tourism and organizer skills.

In order to organize non-standard tours, you need to rent a room, become an individual entrepreneur, hire employees (this is not necessary at the beginning of work), distribute advertising. In addition, you will have to make several interesting tours that are suitable for different segments of the population.

Monthly income depends on the number of tours sold, as well as their cost. Therefore, earnings at the beginning of such activities may be unstable.

Business idea number 8. Visage, makeup, hairstyle

The essence of the business idea is as follows: after training in specialized courses, you provide your hair styling services or different kinds makeup for everyone.

The services of a makeup artist and hairdresser have always been and will be in demand. All due to the fact that every girl wants to be beautiful, both on holidays and on weekdays. Thanks to this, hairdressers and makeup artists always have enough work.

To implement your idea, you need to necessary papers and become an IP. After that, purchase the necessary tools and start offering your services to friends. In the beginning, you may have to work for free, but this way you will "fill your hand" and get a lot of customers thanks to "word of mouth".

Income from such activities can be unstable. In the summer there are always more clients, thanks to the wedding season, although there are many holidays throughout the year and you will not be left without work.

Business idea number 9. Santa Claus

The essence of such a business idea is as follows: you are looking for actors who will agree to play the role of fairy-tale characters, develop a script and find clients who are interested in the proposed service. On the specified day, Santa Claus visits the children and shows a performance.

No one New Year can not do without Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. They are invited home, to kindergartens and schools. Demand New Year's performances very large and often the actors are not able to provide services to everyone. Therefore, "Santa Claus" is the most profitable business during the New Year holidays.

To implement such an idea, it is necessary to find actors, or people with artistic talent, rent costumes, write a script and distribute advertisements.

This type of income is seasonal. The profit depends on the number of performances, the salary of the actors and other expenses. After the end of the winter holidays, you can continue to cooperate with the staff and perform at children's parties, but already as other fairy-tale characters.

Business Idea No. 10. Club "Mafia"

The essence of this business idea is as follows: you find 8-12 people who love and want to play Mafia, decide everything organizational matters, play the game. Each player pays a certain amount of money for participation.

The game "Mafia" is becoming more and more popular every year. All due to the fact that young people want to diversify their everyday life. And such a pastime allows not only to relax, but also helps to make new acquaintances, to have an interesting time. Such a business requires minimal investment, and income can be brought with enviable regularity.

In order to organize such a club, you need to issue an IP, find a quiet cafe and book a corner table for 10-12 people. Then buy 2 copies board game"Mafia" and find participants (more often via the Internet). It remains to play the game and count the money earned.

Income from the organization of the club is quite simple to calculate. On average, participation in such fun costs about 300 rubles, and the number of participants is 12. 8 games are held per month. Hence, the monthly earnings are 300 * 12 * 8 = 28,800 rubles.

Business Idea No. 11. Photographer (children, wedding)

The essence of the business idea: you, having the talent of a photographer and all the necessary equipment, offer to organize shooting for potential clients. If agreed, conduct a photo session, edit pictures and provide the client with the finished product.

A photograph is a priceless memory that can last a lifetime. People try to capture the brightest moments of life. Therefore, the work of a photographer is always in demand. Especially if he specializes in wedding and children's shooting. Wedding photography is distinguished by its scale, and accordingly, it brings a large profit, and shooting of children is ordered regularly, because. the child grows and changes.

To start your labor activity necessary:

  • issue an IP;
  • buy professional equipment;
  • create a portfolio;
  • advertise yourself;
  • find clients.

Income from such activities can be both regular and irregular. In the beginning, profits will be unstable, but as the customer base expands, you will be approached at any time of the year with various offers.

Business idea number 12. Photo studio

The essence of the business idea is as follows: if you can and love to take pictures, edit pictures, handle a PC, then the ideal way to make money is a photo studio. You open it and perform various photo services.

Almost every document requires a photograph. Therefore, people regularly take photos for documents. This is the main source of income for such a business. In addition, a photo studio can offer a lot of services, from printing photos to creating photo books. Having such a business, you can be confident in the future, because of the wide range of services that will always be profitable.

To create a photo studio, you will have to register as an individual entrepreneur, rent a room in a crowded place, acquire the necessary equipment, and hire staff. To increase customers, you can distribute advertising.

The profit that a photo studio will bring throughout the year may vary. During the period from May to October, the amount of income is slightly higher than in other months, due to the demand for photos for documents. But it can be equalized by increasing the range of services offered.

Business idea number 13. Manicure, pedicure, sugaring at home, or in an inexpensive small room

The essence of the business idea is as follows: you master the skills of manicure, pedicure, sugaring procedures, after which you acquire everything necessary materials, tools and start to give joy to clients. You can work from home or in rented premises.

Every girl and woman follows her own appearance. Therefore, he regularly uses salon services. Of course, nowadays there is a lot of competition in the beauty industry. But you can reduce the prices for the services provided. Thus, you will gain experience and expand your clientele.

For work you will need materials and tools. After that, you should think about where you will provide services. It can be your apartment or rented premises. Some masters for a fee go to the client's house.

The amount of profit from such an enterprise depends on the prices for your services and the quality of the materials used. Each city has its own price policy for manicure, pedicure and waxing. At the beginning of the working life, the income will be small, but it will increase with the appearance of new clients.

Business Idea No. 14. Luminous paint: cars, decorations, buildings, interiors, etc.

The essence of the business idea: you provide services for painting wheels and other machine parts glowing paint, color and implement paving slabs, finishing materials that glow in the dark.

Modern people are very hard to surprise, but, nevertheless, there are those who always want to stand out. That is why many car enthusiasts paint individual parts of the car with luminous paint, and women, when choosing finishing materials for home repairs, prefer non-standard solutions.

Luminous paint is a new and promising direction. Competition in the market for such a product is minimal, so the profitability of the idea is guaranteed.

To create such a business, you need to register as an individual entrepreneur, choose the specifics of your work. If you like car painting, then buy materials and tools for decorating cars. If you decide to make paving or decorative tiles, then you need to purchase the necessary materials for such an activity. After that, you can watch a few training videos and start creating already in your garage.

Business idea number 15. Repair of household appliances

The essence of the business idea is as follows: can you repair household appliances and offer your services to clients. For a fee, you go to the office, to your home and fix equipment malfunctions.

Household appliances always break down at the most inopportune moment. Very often, it is very problematic to repair large-sized equipment (refrigerator, washing machine, etc.), due to inconvenient transportation and high expenses for it. Therefore, for many people it is much more profitable to call the master at home. This significantly reduces the client's costs and saves time.

To start your career, you need to register an IP, purchase the necessary tools (you may already have them) and advertise your services by posting ads, distributing leaflets, etc. It remains to wait for customers and win a good reputation.

Income depends on the number of customers and the complexity of the repair. Such a business has no seasonality and may well become a source of constant income.

Business Idea No. 16. Creation and promotion of websites

The essence of the idea is as follows: you find a client who needs to create a website, "promote" and raise it to the top of the search results. After that, sign the contract and complete the order.

In the 21st century, most purchases and sales are carried out via the Internet. Sometimes it is even cheaper and more profitable than going to the store. Therefore, thousands of new sites are created every day, where a lot of goods and services are offered. It is beneficial for sellers to sell products in this way, due to the wide target audience. Therefore, they strive to create a good site and promote it.

In order to start working, you need to gain experience. To do this, you will have to work in such an organization for some time. Having gained experience, it is already possible to draw up an IP, rent a room, hire staff, advertise your company and fulfill the first orders.

The amount of income depends on the number of completed orders and their cost.

Business Idea No. 17. Bath Restoration

The essence of the business idea: you, having the necessary materials and tools for the restoration of bathtubs, find a client who is interested in this service. Discuss all the details, sign the contract and complete the order.

Replacing a bathtub is a costly and time-consuming task. Often people either do not have the opportunity to buy a new one, or do not want to dismantle the old bath. It is for them that there is a service for the restoration of the top coating. This saves the family budget, and also saves the owner from a lot of problems. Therefore, customers are much more likely to restore bathtubs than buy new ones.

In order to start working and give a second life to the bath, you will have to formalize the IP and choose a restoration method. It depends on what tools and materials you need to purchase. After all the acquisitions, it remains to spend advertising campaign and wait for customers to call.

The price of a standard restoration of one bathtub is about 2,000 rubles. The approximate amount of income can be 30,000 rubles. per month, provided that you complete 15 orders.

Business idea number 18. Making a cast of hands

The essence of the business idea is as follows: you find those who want to make a decorative composition with a cast of a hand, after which, using the available materials, you take a cast of the hand of a child or an adult, decorate and arrange the composition. All casts are made individually for each client.

Often parents and relatives want to “stop time” and admire small children. Now it has become possible thanks to the production of casts of hands. Such a service is at the peak of popularity and is ordered by loving grandparents, godparents, etc. For a moderate fee, relatives get a lot of pleasure, and the manufacturer has a decent income with minimal investment.

To organize such a business, you will need to issue an IP, rent a room (or just go to the client’s house), purchase the necessary materials and office equipment, and advertise yourself through advertising.

The income from such a business depends on the number of customers, completed orders and the location of the office. Successful placement is 50% of the success of your enterprise. His profit is easy to calculate. The cost of one composition is about 600-700 rubles, and the market price is 1300-3500 rubles.

Business idea No. 19. Private fitness trainer

The essence of the business idea is as follows: you help people lose weight, pump up muscles, draw up a plan for individual training. In addition, you advise on any issues, teach how to work on simulators.

Most people have long understood that sport helps to feel young and healthy. That's why they go to the gym en masse. Many choose group workouts, but they may not bring the desired result, because. designed for the average person. Then a private fitness trainer comes to the rescue. It helps to create an individual program, so that you achieve the best results in the least amount of time. short term. In addition, a private coach is very popular.

For productive work, a trainer needs to be able to work on simulators, know the characteristics of the human body and understand how weight is reduced and muscles are pumped up. After that, you need to rent a suitable space and advertise your services. You can train clients at their home. Then you don't need space.

The profit from such a business depends on the number of customers and the cost of the services provided.

Business idea number 20. Earnings on affiliate programs

The essence of the business idea is to advertise other people's goods or services and for this simply receive a percentage of the transaction or a fixed amount of money for the client brought.

This business can be built on the Internet and offline, but most often they earn on affiliate programs right on the internet.

Business idea number 21. Creation of an information site

You can, like me, create informational sites and make money on advertising.

The essence of the idea is that you create an information site, fill it with articles and other useful content. Then you promote it and get the first traffic. When the site traffic grows, you will be able to sell ads on your site.

Business idea No. 22. Sewing clothes for dogs

The essence of the business idea is as follows: thanks to the ability to cut and sew, you make clothes for dogs, and grateful owners buy them with pleasure. You can sew both universal models and to order. Custom tailoring will cost more.

Clothing for many breeds of dogs is not a whim of the owner, but an essential item. It helps protect your pet from the weather and prevents hypothermia. Therefore, the owners of short-haired dog breeds always buy new clothes for their pets in the cold season. Clothing for dogs is quite expensive, due to the specifics of the product. Although there is very little material, only a sewing machine is needed from the equipment.

To sew clothes for dogs, you need to have sewing equipment (scissors, threads, needles, etc.), material, a sewing machine, patterns (can be found on the Internet), a desire to work and some free time.

It is not difficult to calculate the approximate profit from 1 product. On average, one suit costs about 2000 rubles, and the cost of the material is 500 rubles. Hence the net earnings of 1500 rubles. If tailoring is individual, then the amount may increase several times. Income from such a business may be seasonal, because. clothes for dogs are rarely bought in the summer.

Business Idea No. 23. Handmade

The essence of the business idea: you turn your hobby into a tool for making money. If you knit, embroider with beads, make products from polymer clay etc., then such products can be successfully sold.

Every day handmade is becoming more and more popular. Millions of people tend to buy just such products as souvenirs and gifts. All due to the fact that each such masterpiece is unique and exclusive. Due to the great demand for such products, exhibitions and fairs of hand-made products are held in almost every city.

In order to profit from your own masterpieces, you need to purchase the right material and produce a product of high quality. After that, photos of your work can be posted on social media. networks, or sell products at various fairs.

The income that handmade can bring depends solely on you. If the products are labor-intensive, made of high quality from good materials, then by selling them you can get good money. It is very important to find points for the sale of finished products.

Business idea No. 24. Sewing handmade toys

The essence of the business idea: you make soft toys of popular characters and sell finished products. You can sell products both via the Internet and in stores, at fairs and exhibitions.

The target audience for which this product is interesting is very diverse. Soft toys are loved by both children and adults. It is this product that is preferred when choosing a gift or a souvenir. hallmark products is their uniqueness. Thanks to this, toys self made deserved the love of many people.

To sew a soft toy, you will need: a sewing machine, tools and materials. After that, choose the character that you will make, find the pattern (on the Internet or in a magazine) and proceed directly to its manufacture. Then choose the way to sell products.

The cost of the finished product can be calculated using the formula "direct costs + indirect costs x2 = market price" (this is approximate calculations). Direct costs (material) for one product is about 1000 rubles. Indirect - the cost of your time, electricity. Profit is the value of your work.

Business Idea #25: Pet Furniture

The essence of the business idea is as follows: you analyze the pet furniture market, produce the most popular models and sell them in a way that is convenient for you. You can make furniture to order at a higher price.

Pet owners want to please their pets in every possible way and therefore they purchase this or that furniture for them. People with medium or high incomes buy furniture for dogs. Therefore, they try not to save. Competition in such a market is minimal, so if you produce high-quality furniture with a beautiful design, then you don’t have to worry about the number of buyers.

To create such a business, it will be necessary to issue an IP, get acquainted with all the fashion trends in the furniture industry, purchase the necessary materials and tools, create sketches on the basis of which furniture will be made. It is important to conduct an advertising campaign and find points of sale for products.

This is a fairly profitable project, because. pays off quickly. If the cost of one unit of furniture is 300-500 rubles, then its market value is 700-2000 rubles. Income exceeds expenses by several times.


My conclusion, as always, is positive. Business with minimal investment is possible! Think, start, try. You should always start small and business is no exception. Moreover, it is no easier to make a business for a million than for 50,000 rubles. It just seems that there is a lot of money, so everything is simple, but everywhere there are difficulties.

For example, I would not be able to manage entire factories or banks now, I have little experience. Therefore, I will continue to build my small businesses, turn them into medium ones, and there it’s not far to the big ones;)

Thank you for your attention! I look forward to your comments.

Who does not celebrate corporate parties? Almost everyone at least once attended collective events in honor of the New Year, the birthday of the boss, etc. Some small companies, consisting of 10 people in the state, like to arrange not standard gatherings in a cafe, but something more interesting. That's when you all go on a "quest" in a room specially equipped for this. The quest is a series of tasks, stories that you need to go through as a team, or the very first, fast, smart, etc.

So the cost of such a game starts from 1500 with a team of 3-4 people. On average, the organizers hold 2 games per day. So do the math: 1500x(2x7)=21000 rubles a week! Of course, such "quests" do not take place every day, but keep in mind that if you have no competitors in your city, then Saturday and Sunday - at least 4 games a day.

Even if you rent a room for 21,000 rubles a month, even if you spend 10,000 rubles on a thematic setting, you will recoup all costs in 2-3 weeks, and everything else is pure profit!