The professional culture of the head of the dow. Professional Qualities and Characteristics of a Library Manager Professional Requirements for a Library Manager

In order for the manager to be the central figure in the library management system, he must meet certain requirements. They are determined primarily by the “Tariff and qualification characteristics (requirements) for the positions of cultural workers Russian Federation(see annexes 10 and 11). This document describes the position in three sections. The section “Responsibilities” lists the main functions that can be fully or partially entrusted to the employee holding this position. The “Must Know” section contains the basic requirements for an employee with regard to special knowledge, as well as knowledge of legislative acts, regulations and other regulatory documents, methods and means that he must be able to apply in the performance of official duties. In the section “Qualification requirements by pay categories”, the level and profile of special training employee, the requirements for work experience necessary to assign the appropriate category of wages. At the same time, higher professional education is required for holding the positions of a library director (CLS) and head of a department, and for the head of a branch, either higher or secondary specialized education is required. This is a requirement for special professional education for librarians and their structural divisions is fundamentally important, since, unfortunately, even among library specialists there is an opinion that special education is not necessary for the head of the library. In the most exaggerated form, this found expression in the judgments that a librarian without special education is more valuable to the library than one who has a special library education. At the same time, oddly enough, the ability to make competent decisions1 is attributed to the shortcomings of the latter's activity. One cannot but agree with Yu. N. Stolyarov, who characterized these statements as “truly monstrous”2. Under the qualification of a specialist is understood his ability to perform work of varying degrees of complexity. This ability is made up of the knowledge and skills of a specialist. Knowledge and skills are usually judged by the level of education and work experience, but actual knowledge and skills may differ from those formally registered in the documents. Skills largely depend on the business and personal qualities of the leader, some traits of his character. Therefore, the term "qualification" is not an expression of once measured level of knowledge and skills. The existing qualification characteristics that define the requirements for library managers are purely formal and do not differentiate the need for knowledge and abilities in accordance with the type and type of library, with the functional duties performed. The list of job responsibilities of specific managers is developed directly in the library in the form of job descriptions. The text of the job description usually consists of the following sections:

1. General Provisions". This section should include:

Full job title;

Place in the management system (for managers);

In whose direct subordination is the employee;

The order of appointment to the position;

Replacement procedure in case of temporary absence;

Ways of organizing work (independently, in accordance with the plan of the structural unit or in another order);

Is the employee a member of the collegial body ex officio;

What the employee is guided by in his activities (current legislation, internal regulations, current regulatory and technological documents, etc.);

Whose oral and written orders are carried out;


What should you know and be able to do.

2. "Functions". In this section, it is necessary to list the main areas of work, indicate which functions the employee performs independently, and in which he participates.

3. "Responsibilities". The section includes a listing of work and operations performed by the employee on a daily basis or at high intervals. This section can be divided into two parts - “worker performs independently” and “worker participates”.

4. "Rights". This section is structured as follows:

The right of the employee to independent decision-making;

The right to receive information;

The right to control;

The right to demand (from subordinates) the fulfillment

certain actions; the right to give orders, instructions and control their execution;

The right to approve, approve, sign and approve documents various kinds;

In the text of the section, it is necessary to fix law enforcement officers to make proposals for improving activities related to the implementation of direct functional duties, improvement of technology, the right to be a member of working groups for the preparation and implementation of projects and participate in the development of collegial decisions;

5. "Responsibility". The section provides for the consolidation of liability for violation of the current legislation, organizational, legal and other documents, non-compliance with technology, etc.

6. "Relationships". This section contains the regulation of information and documentary communications carried out by the employee. The text of the section can be presented in the form of tables with headings like: “employee sends”, “employee receives”; the columns of the tables indicate the name of the structural unit, the type of document or the content of information and the form of its presentation, terms and frequency.

7. "Terms of payment". It indicates that the employee is set the official salary in accordance with staffing, the right to allowances, conditions for increasing wages the opportunity to combine professions and financial reward in this case, etc.

8. “Evaluation indicators”. This section sets general indicators assessment of activities (completeness of the implementation of tasks, job duties and rights granted, the quality of the preparation and execution of documents, the absence of errors and official violations, etc.). The job description can be used as a standalone document or as an attachment to employment contract(see Annex 12 for an example of a job description for a Deputy Director for Economic Affairs). Based on these documents, certification is carried out, which reveals certain professional qualities of the manager and the degree of compliance with the position held. Along with this, the effectiveness practical application professional knowledge in specific organizational conditions and creative process. Qualification is considered the traditional way to solve the problem of measurement business qualities specialists, but far from ideal and not entirely objective1. Therefore, at present, the problem of reliable selection of qualified specialists and their business evaluation has not been finally resolved. Unlike qualification characteristics, in which there are no requirements for the personal qualities of managers, professiograms are currently being developed that reflect not only the requirements for an employee in general, but precisely those that are necessary to perform functional duties in a particular position. Professiography is a description of a profession or specialty in terms of the requirements for a person. The result of professiography are professiograms - a description of the system of requirements for a person of a certain specialty, profession (see Appendix 14). The totality of the necessary knowledge, skills, abilities and personal qualities is determined on the basis of a detailed study of the activities of managers, supplemented by a study of the main tasks and functions of the relevant levels of management. A set of requirements for professional competence should adequately reflect the structure and content of the work performed by the manager, the communications implemented in this case, as well as the methods and means used. General comprehensive assessment library managers can be based on an assessment:

Personality (business and professional qualities);

Quality of work activity;

The effectiveness and results of the work of the team, then

There is a direct managerial impact

Head. The library management literature lists various preferred personality traits that a library manager should possess. They are usually based on the results of a survey of librarians. For example, a survey of heads of departments, sectors and chief librarians at the State Public Scientific and Technical Library of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences made it possible to establish the most preferable personality traits that the head of the library should correspond to, namely:

1. Organizational qualities:

Ability to interest subordinates in the results of work;

Ability to organize the work of subordinates;

Ability to make decisions quickly and independently;

Self control.

2. Professional quality:

The ability to analyze one's actions and anticipate the consequences;

Ability to apply modern methods scientific management;

Ability to quickly and effectively solve practical cases.

3. Creative qualities:

The ability to capture the new in science and practice (a sense of innovation);

Analytic mind; ,


4. Pedagogical qualities:

Ability to maintain contacts;

Ability to listen to the opinion of subordinates;

Demanding and punctuality.

5. Moral and ethical qualities:




High level of culture.

6. Socio-political qualities:

Personal example in work;

Social responsibility;

Ability to gain trust.

There are other groupings of requirements for leaders. So, E. Yu. Genieva gives the following characteristics of a good leader: he is fully aware of the responsibility for his own self-development; his actions are motivated, he is proactive, knows how to form clear realistic goals; full of vitality; is not lazy to learn and is looking for ways to improve his own professional qualifications; knows his weaknesses and asks for advice and help from those who are stronger than him in certain areas; knows how to find a common language with those who are below him, and with those who are above. A good leader never says no to anyone. E. Yu. Genieva notes that a leader still needs to be born, that is, there are certain qualities that are given to a person by nature, and it is very difficult to develop them in the learning process. Although no one denies that you can learn almost everything, it’s just that the leader and nature will need less work and time to complete official duties than someone who did not have a predisposition to managerial activities. N. V. Zhadko believes that a manager must have an information culture, the main component of which is the possession of analytical reading. For the head of the library, any book, text can become a source of information, a resource professional activity, and therefore the ability to quickly navigate in the text, to understand what is read becomes an important component of information culture. In addition, the head of the library must be able to independently create texts, conduct business correspondence and documentation, must be ready to speak to the audience in a formal setting with a speech or report. The art of speaking becomes an obligatory component of the information culture of the head of the library, since in the conditions of informatization and the formation of the information market, constant development of new contact audiences, involvement of potential sponsors and readers in cooperation is required. I. K. Dzherilievskaya made an attempt to present the model of a modern library manager-librarian, highlighting the following main elements of this model:

The main factors that determine the behavior of a manager in a market environment are a change in attitude towards oneself, a change in attitude towards subordinates, awareness of one's own behavior;

The ideological level of management activity, characterized by terminal values ​​that make up the essence and meaning of activity and at the same time are the main product of this activity;

The behavioral level of activity, due to instrumental values ​​that characterize the attitude of the leader to himself and his subordinates as the main instrument of activity;

The hierarchy of terminal instrumental values, which constitutes the ideology of managerial activity;

The individual process of selecting instrumental values ​​and their subordination to terminal values, giving managerial activity a personal meaning and a conscious character;

Skills for extracting information, interpreting it and using it in the process of forming one's own behavioral strategy, which characterize the management culture. Terminal values ​​are understood as the values ​​that determine management activities, which are its essence and act as the driving force behind the development of library activities: the emancipation of the energy resource of librarians and the improvement of the methods and conditions of their activities. According to I. K. Dzheri nevskaya, terminal values ​​can also act as a specific product of management activity. The more perfect the activity itself, the higher the quality of its product and the more optimal the possibilities for solving library production problems. Instrumental values ​​include: the ability to manage oneself (the ability to adhere to the set goals in any situation); a clear scale of personal values ​​(an unambiguous idea of ​​what is good for a leader and what is bad); well-defined personal goals (he knows what he wants); permanent installation personal growth(readiness for self-change and self-improvement), creative approach to business (constant search for new, more effective ways to solve professional problems), the ability to form creative team(persistent desire to work in conditions of “dissent”). Another series of instrumental values ​​characterizes the manager's attitude to subordinates and relationships with them: the ability to influence people; effective leadership skills (maximizing the potential of employees to most effectively solve professional problems), the ability to train and develop their subordinates and determine work tasks for them, delegation of authority and responsibility (transferring one’s own responsibilities in order to develop the potential of employees), methods of effective material incentives and abilities planning professional growth (career) of subordinates. Instrumental and terminal values ​​determine the leader's behavioral strategy, his conscious and purposeful behavior. Requirements for a set of qualities of a leader also depend on the level of the position held. If the senior manager decides strategic objectives, for him the breadth of thinking, the desire for independent actions are important, then the middle manager is focused on solving the problems of organizing the activities of the library, meeting the social needs of his subordinates, and therefore he needs such leader traits as communication skills, the ability to organize work. To an even greater extent, the qualities of a leader are important for low-level managers who are directly related to the team. They must show the ability to organize the work of subordinates, be able to implement ideas, be kind and responsive to the needs of subordinates, but show will and rigor in regard to the work itself. Such a division of requirements depending on the affiliation of the head to one or another level of management is possible only in large libraries, while in small libraries the head often replaces the entire management apparatus. There are other aspects in the work of the head of the library, which at first glance seem not so important, but which also affect the effectiveness of his work - this is what is called the scientific organization of labor or the culture of the organization of work of the head. First of all, this applies to rational use his working hours, the state of the workplace and documentation. The culture of appearance is also important for the manager, including the culture of self-management, and the culture of appearance, business clothes, etc., because often appearance and the behavior of the leaders judge the library as a whole.


[Job title]



[Name of company]


_______________________/[FULL NAME.]/

"______" _______________ 20___


Library directors

1. General Provisions

1.1. This job description defines and regulates the powers, functional and official duties, rights and responsibility of the library director [Name of the organization in the genitive case] (hereinafter referred to as the Organization).

1.2. The director of the library belongs to the category of managers, is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position in the established current labor law by order of the head of the Organization.

1.3. The Director of the Library reports directly to the [position title of the direct supervisor in the dative case] of the Organization.

1.4. A person with a higher professional education (library, economics, culture and arts, pedagogy) and at least 5 years of experience in leadership positions in cultural bodies and libraries is appointed to the position of the library director.

1.5. The library director should know:

  • laws and other normative legal acts of the Russian Federation regulating scientific and production, economic and financial and economic activities of libraries;
  • basics of economic and financial management;
  • methodical and regulations concerning the activities of libraries;
  • profile, specialization and structural features of the library;
  • prospects for technical, economic and social development branches of culture and libraries;
  • types of modern information technologies;
  • the procedure for the development and conclusion of sectoral tariff agreements, collective agreements and the regulation of social and labor relations;
  • theory and practice of management;
  • management psychology;
  • the charter of the library;
  • the procedure for concluding and executing economic and financial contracts;
  • fundamentals of labor legislation;
  • internal rules work schedule;
  • rules on labor protection and fire safety.

1.6. During the temporary absence of the library director, his duties are assigned to [deputy position].

2. Job responsibilities

The Library Director has the following responsibilities:

2.1. Manages the research and production, economic and financial and economic activities of the library.

2.2. Organizes the interaction of structural divisions of the library, directs their activities to the development and improvement of the work of the library, taking into account socio-cultural priorities and modern level development of librarianship.

2.3. Ensures that the library fulfills its obligations to the federal (regional, municipal) budget, state non-budgetary social funds, suppliers, customers, and contract partners.

2.4. Ensures compliance with the law in the activities of the library, the use of legal means for financial management, strengthening contractual and financial discipline, increasing investment attractiveness libraries for its development, regulation of labor relations.

2.5. Protects property interests of the library in the organs state power and management.

2.6. Provides a combination of unity of command and collegiality in library management.

2.7. Takes measures to provide the library with qualified personnel, rational use and development of their professional knowledge and experience, creation of favorable working conditions, compliance with the requirements of labor legislation.

2.8. Provides based on principles social partnership performance collective agreement concluded with labor collective libraries.

In case of official necessity, the director of the library may be involved in the performance of his official duties overtime, in the manner prescribed by law.

3. Rights

The library director has the right:

3.1. Provide leadership to subordinates.

3.2. To provide him with a job stipulated by an employment contract.

3.3. On the workplace, which meets the state regulatory requirements for labor protection and the conditions provided for by the collective agreement.

3.4. Receive full and reliable information about working conditions and labor protection requirements at the workplace.

3.5. Realize vocational training, retraining and advanced training in the manner prescribed by Labor Code Russian Federation, other federal laws.

3.6. Receive materials and documents related to the issues of their activities.

3.7. Interact with all departments of the Organization to resolve operational issues of their professional activities.

4. Responsibility and performance evaluation

4.1. The director of the library bears administrative, disciplinary and financial (and in some cases, provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation - and criminal) responsibility for:

4.1.1. Non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of official instructions of the immediate supervisor.

4.1.2. Failure or improper performance of labor functions and the tasks assigned to him.

4.1.3. Unlawful use of the granted official powers, as well as their use for personal purposes.

4.1.4. Inaccurate information about the status of the work entrusted to him.

4.1.5. Failure to take measures to suppress the identified violations of safety regulations, fire and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the enterprise and its employees.

4.1.6. Failure to enforce labor discipline.

4.2. The evaluation of the work of the library director is carried out:

4.2.1. The immediate supervisor - regularly, in the course of the daily implementation by the employee of his labor functions.

4.2.2. Certification Commission enterprises - periodically, but at least once every two years, based on the documented results of work for the evaluation period.

4.3. The main criterion for evaluating the work of the library director is the quality, completeness and timeliness of his performance of the tasks provided for by this instruction.

5. Working conditions

5.1. The mode of work of the library director is determined in accordance with the Internal Labor Regulations established in the organization.

5.2. In connection with the production need, the director of the library is obliged to go on business trips (including local ones).

Familiarized with the instruction ___________ / ____________ / "____" _______ 20__

3.5. Ethics of the librarian

The unresolved ethical problems have a particularly strong effect on the most important area of ​​the library's work - the service of readers. Enthusiasts, devoted to the library profession, certainly work in our libraries. Their competence, experience, sense of duty are indisputable. But along with this, we often encounter facts when readers are served by professionally incompetent, low-skilled workers. For example, yesterday's school graduates who came to the library with the sole purpose of preparing themselves for entering a university. These facts speak of the unethical attitude of the library administration towards readers and employees.

The work of library administration is closely related to many ethical issues. Management ethics are largely the same pedagogical ethics. It is built on respect for each person, exactingness towards oneself, on the ability to talk with subordinates without arrogance, on the basis of mutual understanding. It is an art to comprehend the ethical depths of the profession. Today, as never before, authoritarian methods of working with people, subjective assessments and peremptory statements are unacceptable. Where there is such a practice, an oppressive atmosphere is created in the team. It is precisely because of the unethical and authoritarian leadership that the best employees sometimes leave the library.

The ethics of the head of the library is manifested in the knowledge of the personal characteristics of employees: their tempo characteristics, temperament, ambitions, professional level, due to education, place in the team, individual features. The modern leader must not extinguish the diversity of points of view in the team, but, on the contrary, should encourage them, because organizations that allow, even encourage discord in the team, are better able to adapt to the changes that are now taking place in libraries.

Librarianship today is going through a period of reorganization, associated primarily with technological transformations. For this reason, there are many difficult situations and conflicts in the team. Here, more than ever, the role of the leader is important. His methods and leadership style have long been the subject of detailed study.

From the numerous studies of librarians, there are basically three styles of library management.

- "Passive" style is characteristic of those leaders who are tolerant of the unacceptable behavior of subordinates and in every possible way avoid a showdown. They express disapproval in an allegorical form or address the team as a whole. At the same time, they sidestep problems by ignoring them, entrust the task to someone else, or perform it themselves, preferring to avoid confrontation. This style is self-destructive for the personality of the leader, it leads to stress, lower self-esteem, and the destruction of authority. It is also fatal for the library, whose problems are only multiplying.

- "Aggressive" leadership style is characteristic of an energetic person who is able to firmly defend his position. This style is inherent in those who behave militantly towards others. Although aggressiveness can be subtle (sarcasm, hints, etc.), it usually means disrespect for alternative points of view and is, in fact, self-defense, and not a way to solve a problem.

Unlike passive leaders, aggressive leaders are prone to hasty conclusions, sweeping accusations, expressing displeasure, not caring about the form and emotional coloring of statements, to noisy reactions to problems, to stubbornly defending their own opinions, refusing to clarify the points of view of others and neglecting other people's priorities, antipathy to negotiations and compromises.

The predominant emotional state of aggressive leaders in the workplace is anger, most often expressed in a sharp attack on those present. Aggressive behavior is devoid of logic and measure: statements are replete with the words "always", "never" and are expressed in the form of a demand, not a request.

An aggressive leadership style is just as vicious for the individual and dangerous for the team as a passive one. Library staff in this situation think only about how not to fall under hot hand manager and work just enough to avoid punishment. At worst, there is an atmosphere of mistrust, demoralization, hostility and antagonism. With the ability to vigorously solve short-term problems, aggressive leaders create long-term problems.

- "Positive" leadership style is characteristic of managers who take responsibility for everything that is included in their job responsibilities. He makes it a rule to clearly define and distribute responsibilities between all specialists and team members. Unlike the “aggressive” one, he resolves issues by avoiding attacks on the opinions and rights of others, without making enemies, without demoralizing the team, without harming creative moods, without taking sides.

This is not always easy, so it is advisable for leaders to learn certain tricks:

1. The leader must first of all be able to listen in order to understand the true nature of the problem. Studies have shown that of the four modes of communication - listening, speaking, reading and writing - listening by the leader is used significantly more often. The average person spends approximately 70% of their time communicating, and approximately 45% of that time is listening, 30% talking, 16% reading and 9% writing.

According to the same studies, from 55% to 80% of the content of speech is transmitted non-verbally - listening, organized in such a way as to get as much information as possible without embarrassing the interlocutor and without putting pressure on him.

The manager's questions, especially open ones, are also an effective method of encouraging the interlocutor. The syntax of answers is often modeled after the syntax of a question, so it is important to phrase the question in a way that does not affect the outcome of the conversation. A good managerial technique will always be the question: “What should the manager do in this situation?” An experienced leader will also from time to time summarize what he heard, outlining a plan for further action. It is proved that retelling is a tried and tested technique. Encouraging active listening of all participants in the conversation.

2. The leader always clearly formulates the task.

The method of leadership “on a whim”, the phrase “they themselves could have guessed” are negative. The leader is often mistaken in believing that as soon as the problem is named, the subordinate immediately understands what needs to be done. An experienced leader, when working with a team, takes into account that the individual listening abilities of all people are different, therefore the effectiveness of the leader’s instructions depends on the summary, summarizing remarks: conclusions, highlighting specific problems that require a priority solution, determining the role of each participant in the meeting in solving problems.

3. The leader focuses on the real problem.

The well-known theorist of managerial culture D. McGregor notes that people under certain conditions are capable of self-government and creativity. The task of the leader is to awaken the creative potential in everyone. Heads of libraries deal with a team of professionals, creative, versatile personalities. Therefore, they have every opportunity to direct the efforts of the team to achieve their goals. The habit of solving problems without delay saves the nervous energy of the team. It has been observed that once inefficient work becomes a habit, it is difficult to correct it.

A successful leadership style can be expressed in a scheme: raise a problem - inform the team about it - give specific tasks - name the final results.

4. The leader explains the specifics of the current situation.

In large libraries, the collective method of leadership is widespread, the head of the library always accurately determines the ratio of collegiality and authoritarianism. Nothing relieves the leader of responsibility for what is happening.

Collective leadership will be successful only when all members of the team understand the real extent of their responsibility.

5. The head of the library negotiates and compromises when required in the interests of the cause.

Working with people, the head of the library inevitably encounters opposition from individual members of the team when their beliefs do not coincide with the actions of the administration. In these cases, the director works out alternative proposals in order to find a compromise solution that does not hurt anyone's interests and benefits the cause. The very request to offer an alternative will help to smooth out the conflict, to extinguish opposition. The ethical leader always understands that there are many points of view in any team, and is ready to revise his own when new, changing circumstances information appears. "In order for the conflict to be extinguished, someone must take responsibility for moving towards more constructive solutions."

Persistence and patience are essential qualities of a leader. The work of the library does not always give immediate and immediately noticeable results. Not everyone immediately accepts changes, they scare some members of the team, cause their subconscious resistance. It is important here that the leader's ability to show understanding and at the same time perseverance, to soften the situation. For example, when a library moves from manual operations to automated ones, it is necessary to explain the benefits of the changes, to encourage the work of those who are quickly involved in the work.

The authors of studies on effective library management argue that the “result” (praise, criticism) is very important in leadership. Libraries do not always have the opportunity to financially stimulate good work, but no less effective are such managerial measures as asking for advice, promotion, praise and reporting to higher authorities on the success of the worker. Encouragement should always be individual, since the specificity of praise affects the "I - concept", helps to increase a person's self-esteem.

If the manager notes in a timely manner that people are doing a good job and thanks them, he helps to maintain the moral climate in the library.

Like any leader, the librarian in the interests of business always has to overcome the so-called "barriers" in the way of the leader: the desire to please, hear compliments addressed to him, seek confirmation of the correctness of his actions. At the same time, he is obliged to take care of his subordinates, treat everyone with sympathy, and be aware of the personal affairs of the team members. Nobody's rights should be infringed, and the manager's concern should extend both to the benefit of the individual and to the benefit of the organization as a whole.

Here are typical examples of the consequences of the leader's actions in the light of feedback from ordinary library employees. “In our library,” a part-time student of the University of Culture says at the seminar, “many librarians, especially young ones, come to work full of new plans and ideas. They want to improve the work of their library, to interest readers, to reveal their professional and creative potential. What prevents this in our library? Among the reasons, first of all, one can mention the disunity of the library workers. Everyone is only busy with their own business: one is responsible for the exhibitions, the other is responsible for the service. Giving some advice, especially if you are an ordinary employee, for some reason is considered inconvenient. In many ways, ordinary fear rules our actions. Fear of not being understood, fear of ruining relationships with colleagues, fear of appearing “too smart”. Indeed, in our library, knowledge and intelligence mean so little so far. We often ask ourselves the question, how will your immediate superior look at your behavior. And we can not always answer this very question in the affirmative. Here we sit in our corners. Meanwhile, our readers are leaving the library.”

And here is another statement of the librarian: “Seminars are often held in our library, where a significant place is given to discussions on the professional ethics of the librarian. The head of the department Stepochkina I. V. gives lectures on this problem. And not only in the library, but also at republican seminars. Our library works on the basis of the experiment "Psychological and pedagogical foundations of working with readers." Much attention is paid to work with youth. We decide together at workshops professional tasks, we conduct business games. We are all embraced by a sense of collective creativity, each of us feels his involvement in a common cause. Each of us goes to work as if it were a holiday.”

These are examples of two different approaches of leaders to respect the ethics of relationships in the team. In the first case, authoritarian methods of leadership give rise to an unhealthy atmosphere in the team, fear and disbelief in their own strength. Here, there can be no talk of any self-affirmation of the individual. People are passive, do not dare to take responsibility for their own decisions. In the second, the administration builds its work in the spirit of collective creativity, respect for each individual and recognition of his significance. The team performs one common task and everyone is satisfied with their work.

Case Study

Example #1

Julia worked in the scientific library for about three years. She began working in the reading room for scientists, but was so inattentive and incompetent in the selection of literature that she was soon transferred to the subscription. But even here, the young employee did not show diligence in her work: she did not find a common language with her colleagues, was annoyed at any remark, was touchy and suspicious. At the same time, she was frankly rude to readers. The director knew about the poor work of the employee, talked with her repeatedly, tried to find out the reasons for her constant dissatisfaction with the environment, conflicts with colleagues and readers.

Julia admitted her mistakes, promised to correct them and work well. But everything was repeated from the beginning, and the director realized that Yulia had no place in the library and she needed to be fired. Moreover, in Lately she began to often ask for time off from work, and even leave early. Firmly convinced of his decision, the director invited Yulia into his office to express his decision.

First of all, he asked why Yulia so often leaves her workplace without the knowledge of management. To which she burst into tears and told the director that the work in the scientific library did not suit her, did not correspond to her hobbies and character. She loves art and took time off from work in order to find a library that works with works of fiction and art. Now that she has found such a job, she needs a recommendation, and she asks the director to give it.

The director was clearly confused. On the one hand, the employee spoke frankly about her problems and motives for her behavior. On the other hand, due to his moral principles, he could not recommend an employee about whom he had a low opinion. He did not have the confidence that Julia in a new place to change her quarrelsome character. However, the director also understood that he decides the fate of a person who has a chance to get his favorite job and find his place in life.

Questions for analysis

1. What should the director do in this situation?

2. Do you approve of Yulia's covert job search methods? Did she have any reason for this?

3. Do you believe that Julia will work better in her new position?

5. What would you do if you were the director?

Example #2

A teacher from a Moscow university was invited to an internship at an American library school. Attending professors' lectures, he sadly noted that such a comparison often sounds in them: “What is the difference between libraries, for example, in Boston and St. Petersburg? First of all, the fact that in any library in America you can make a cheap and high-quality photocopy of any document in a matter of minutes. In libraries in Russia, this is very problematic and very expensive. This inconvenience gives rise to a lot of problems: valuable time is wasted, prerequisites are created for the damage of books and their plunder.”

When parting, the American colleagues presented the teacher with a small photocopier, and upon his return to his homeland, he decided to facilitate the work of his colleagues by installing the donated copier in the library of the institute. With such a request, he turned to the director of the institute where he worked. The teacher argued his request by the fact that photocopying services for library readers will be much cheaper, and the library, serving a photocopying machine, will have its own benefits.

The director approved the idea in principle, noted the enthusiasm of the teacher, but did not give permission to install a photocopier in the library, since, in his opinion, only the library would receive profit from the work, and the directorate and the institute as a whole would receive nothing.

Questions for analysis

1. Did the director miss the opportunity to lead the institute, which had one of the best libraries in the city?

2. What arguments could convince the director to grant the teacher's request?

3. What will the teacher do in this situation?

4. What position should the director of the library take on this issue?

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Chapter III READING LIBRARIES AND THEIR READERS There is a point of view that in Russia in the 19th century. there was an acute shortage of books and libraries. But at the same time, in a strange way, the existence of so-called "libraries for reading" is almost ignored. In research and

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A. A. Kashcheev, E. B. Efimova, N. V. Manturovskaya. The use of the sedimentation method and the PU-1B device in the study of the microbiological state of the air in the book depositories of the library Specialists of the Research Center for the Conservation of Documents of the Russian

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2nd chapter. Territory outside the capitals: provincial libraries and their role in the standardization of cultural processes 2.1. Libraries of the Astrakhan region as a factor in the formation of the provincial cultural environment 2008 for the Astrakhan regional scientific library was

Introduction 3 CHAPTER 1. Requirements for the profession and personality of the head of the library 6 1.1. Requirements for the profession of a library manager 6 1.1.1. The Profession and Libraries of Russia in the 21st Century 6 1.1.2. Library management. manager functions. Team management 9 1.1.3. Manager - a professional leader 13 1.1.4. Manager as a leader of innovation processes 16 1.2. Requirements for the personality of the library manager 20 1.2.1. Personal characteristics of the head of the library 21 1.2.2. Head and leadership 22 CHAPTER 2. Activities of the manager on the example of libraries ______ 24 2.1. Analysis of the situation on the example of libraries_____ 24 2.2. Research results 25 2.3. Practical recommendations 34 Conclusion 36 References 39 Appendices 41


The relevance of research. Today, libraries in Russia face many challenges: high-quality and affordable customer service, survival in difficult market conditions, and the use of new methods and forms of work. And all these tasks cannot be solved without solving library management problems. Library management involves the effective and systematic use of all technical, economic, organizational, technological and social opportunities to achieve the goals of the library. Difficult conditions modern world, leads to an increase in the role of management. The actions of the leader cannot be reduced to a simple response to the changes that are taking place. We are abandoning the command and bureaucratic principles of management and are looking for new ways to solve the problem. Today, the library is an open system that has not only learned to compete with various educational and cultural institutions, but also cooperates with them, while achieving its specific goals - a more complete satisfaction of readers' interests. A modern library is not only a book depository and book propagandist, but also a conductor in the world of information resources. A new image of the library is being formed and a new body of managerial personnel is being formed. Managers, on the one hand, must solve the problems of preserving traditions, and on the other hand, provide a high level of service, a variety of these services, knowledge of reader needs and their satisfaction in the modern framework of management models. And this is impossible without these models developed by management. Object of study: managerial activity manager. Subject of study: requirements for the profession and personality of a library manager. Purpose of the work: identification of problems of library management and determination of ways to solve them. Realization of the set goal necessitated the solution of the following tasks: 1) to analyze the state and main directions of library staff management in our time; 2) to determine the essence and importance of the leader in the new conditions; 3) to study the experience of working in the management of libraries on the example of the library of Bratsk, Irkutsk region; 4) develop practical advice to improve management. Methods applied to solving these problems: questioning of the management staff of libraries; survey of library staff; study and generalization of work experience in Russia; study of the works of Russian librarians on this issue. The basis for identifying sources was documents, catalogs and file cabinets of libraries in the city of Bratsk, the Irkutsk region. In the course work, materials from special periodicals were also used: "Scientific and technical libraries", "Library science", "Library", "Bibliopole", "Bulletin of the Far Eastern State Scientific Library", "Personnel Management". In the specialized literature, attention is paid to the situation in which modern managers and libraries have to work. Many works, educational and practical aids on library management are published by such authors as: Dzherelievskaya I.K., Zhdanko N.V., Fenelonov E.A., Vaneev A.N. Structure term paper: the work consists of an introduction, two chapters of a theoretical and practical nature, a conclusion, a list of references and applications.


As a result of the study, it can be concluded that "a successful library career depends on three things - character, special knowledge and experience." These words belong to the famous American librarian Melville Dewey. And so the library manager in our time must fully meet this criterion. The leader can support the values ​​of professional activity (principles of functioning) that have developed in the organization or contribute to their change. His personal qualities, his behavior should not frighten workers. The leader must be open, respectful of employees and promote their professional growth. Librarianship, like any other system, has faced a crisis of management systems, which is expressed in the gap classical theory with real practice. Therefore, within the framework of the concept of library management, principles have been developed strategic management, which allows the library to cope with problems, respond to changes in external environment to achieve your goals in the long term. A new management paradigm has come, focused on the foresight of changes, flexibility, urgency management decisions on the basis of initiative, creativity In our time, economic and social change in many respects it depends on the manager whether the library will successfully survive among the huge competition in the provision market information services. From his positive thinking depends on how successful the innovation processes in the library will be. On the basis of the study, it was revealed that the successful activity of a manager is a creative process, where not only knowledge is important common ground management theory, special knowledge, but also the socio-psychological qualities of the leader, helping to more effectively manage the library. The talent of a leader lies in the combination of his abilities, the priority of which is the gift of communication, the ability to create conditions for the disclosure of the potential of library workers. Summing up, we can say that a manager is “a bright personality, with a clearly defined range of tasks, a carrier of an innovative type organizational culture who is able to think positively and manage, is determined to achieve results and knows how to do it. (Klyuev) As part of this course work, a study was conducted that made it possible to identify the following patterns of a modern library manager: this is a person in authority, managing a certain number of people; this is a leader leading the team, using his professionalism; this is a diplomat who establishes contacts with various organizations, communities, enterprises; this is a teacher with high moral qualities, able to overcome conflicts; this is an innovator who knows how to introduce new methods and technologies into production; is a person who knows how to organize his own work time; this is a person with high knowledge, abilities, level of culture, determination, prudence, to be a model for the people around him. Based on the research data of the course work, the head of a particular library is given practical recommendations for organizing their management activities. To ensure the coordinated activities of the library, competent, intelligent professionals, persistent and courageous leaders are needed. They think globally, act in accordance with the specifics of their work, and are guided by international standards of effective management.


1. Avraeva, Yu. How to become a good leader. / Y. Avraeva // Library. - 2001. - No. 7. - P. 8 - 10. 2. Altukhova, G.A. Professional ethics of the librarian. / G.A Altukhova. - M.: MGUKI, 2002. - 104 p. 3. Andreeva, N. E. Personnel-strategy. Effective personnel planning in library. / N. E. Andreeva // Handbook of the head of a cultural institution. - 2005. - No. 4. - P. 70 - 89. 4. Basovsky, L.E. Marketing: a course of lectures. - M.: INFRA-M, 2002. - 219 p. - (Series "Higher education"). 5. Libraries of Russia on the Threshold of the 21st Century: Figures and Facts: Sat. extra. And analytic. status materials library sphere. - M.: Liberea, 2002. - 224 p. 6. Library staff: formation and management: textbook. Allowance / Comp. A.N. Vaneev, N.I. Moshkina et al. - St. Petersburg, 1996. - 58 p. 7. Vaneev, A.N. Problems of management in libraries / A.N. Vaneev. – Problems of management in libraries // Library. - 2006. - No. 6. - P. 24 - 28. 8. Vikhansky, O.S. Management: person, strategy, organization, process / O.S. Vikhansky. – M.: Gardarika, 2003. – 416 p. 9. Genieva, E.Yu. What does it mean to be a good manager or the theory of geocentric circles / E.Yu. Genieva // Library. - 1995. - No. 9. - P. 16 - 19. 10. Zhdanko, N.V. information culture library manager / N.V. Zhdanko // Nauch. and tech. b-ki. - 2003. - No. 12. - P.3 - 11. 11. Kachanova, E.Yu. Peculiarities of training specialists in library and information activities at KhGIIK: an assessment of the current situation // Problems of staffing in the sphere of culture and art of the Far East. - Khabarovsk: KhGIIK, 2006. - S. 67 - 74. 12. Kachanova, E.Yu. Head of the library and library manager: changing words or ideas / E.Yu. Kachanova Continuing library education. - 2001. - No. 3-4. – P. 35 – 48. 13. Tolkanyuk, N.A. Innovation processes in librarianship. Theory and Methods: Ph.D. dis. / ON THE. Tolkanyuk. - M.: MGUK, 2009. - 16 p. 14. Library management: textbook. allowance - St. Petersburg: Profession, 2002. - 302 p. - (Library). 15. Personnel management in modern conditions: studies. allowance / Ed. A.K. Kazantsev. - M.: INFRA-M, 2000. - S. 199 - 214.

How and what do Siberians read today? The Director of the Novosibirsk state library(NGONB) Svetlana Tarasova

Interview: Natalia Reshetnikova/RG, Novosibirsk
Photo: Tatyana Kravchenko/RG, Novosibirsk

Svetlana Antonovna, to my shame, as a reader, I have not been to the library for many years. And in the memories it remains that I always fell asleep in it ...

Svetlana Tarasova: So that's great! Germany, Holland are proud that readers can fall asleep with them. This is the highest degree of a person's trust in the place where he came. And only in our society it is considered something wrong. Sometimes colleagues say to me: “Let me, they are sleeping!” So it's wonderful. The man worked, came to us, read and, finally, relaxed, fell asleep. Let him rest.

In the age of smartphones and tablets, when you have texts at your fingertips all the time, why do you need a library in the sense that we are all used to?

Svetlana Tarasova: A similar question can be asked about cinemas, theaters, museums. When anyone can download it on their iPad and watch it before its official release, why go to the cinema? Fortunately, man retains a need for the authentic, the true, for what is real. One of our readers said: “I would like to have access to all the books in the world in your library, including in digital form. For example, in Swahili. Why not? And why do people have to search the Internet for something they don't understand? The library continues to be a trusted place. Where there will be no deception, but there will be accurate information that a person would like to receive.

The technology itself - the Internet - does not make it possible to realize the human right to the most free access to information. The farther citizens live from the metropolis, the greater the difficulty in obtaining information, books, documents. In some cases there is no access at all. In our area, fifty percent of small and small settlements no libraries. We arrive there by car, which is called the “Information and Library Service Complex” (). His region received under the federal program. It is equipped with everything you need. Yes, we are approaching electronic services, give out books, look for information. And then an entry appeared in the guest book: “When the library began to come to us, we realized that we were not forgotten by God and no one needed, and now we know how to equip Russia.” Apparently, the book "How to Equip Russia" was read. The library is needed by people in many ways.

How do you see the modern library?

Svetlana Tarasova: This question must be answered by our readers. We often ask them, conduct surveys. In one we got the answer: “The library should be light and joyful. So that when you wake up in the morning, you know that there is no more interesting place in the city. You see, people want to wake up and go to the library. Because this is the best place where it is comfortable, free and safe. This is also very important.

As a leader, I believe that the library should be a synthesis of culture. As you correctly noted, we live in such an age that it would be foolish to reject everything new. Today, technology determines everything, and the library should not remain only with a traditional paper book, it should be able to use and offer those technologies that our readers own. If there is, then we must carry out electronic lending. NGONB has been cooperating with electronic library, which contains more than 140 thousand titles of books, including fiction, periodicals, literature on law, economics. We pay money for using this resource, in return we get access, we give our readers a password. That is, the owner of our subscription does not pay to download a book from LitRes. It's comfortable.

For the last three years, the money that the regional library received from the regional budget for the acquisition of the fund was divided into three parts: the purchase of periodicals, books and electronic resources. We managed to acquire databases of fifteen electronic resources. We opened reading rooms in regional libraries. We agreed with the holders of electronic databases to allow them to be used not only by residents of the regional center, but also by the districts. Funds invested in electronic resources worked effectively. Since this year, we have not been given money for these purposes. This is bad for readers who suddenly get rejected. For example, at the beginning of the year I received an e-mail in which a reader asks: “For five years we have been using the electronic library of the Grebennikov publishing house, taking information on the economics of enterprises. Where can we get it now?" I asked this question at the Ministry of Culture of the Novosibirsk Region, they answered me that the budget is still limited. In 2014 there was a partial budget, in 2015 we were able to pay for the use of only the Library of Dissertations of the Russian State Library. And readers want more.

Libraries form a fund, as we say, hybrid. It consists of those books that we buy (they are on our shelves), as well as electronic resources. And each library - depending on what kind of readers it serves - picks up resources and subscribes to them. For the library itself, this payable service. But it's free for readers. Because the Constitution of the Russian Federation guarantees that access to information is free throughout the country.

There is a wonderful project of the Russian Museum. Will it be implemented in the Novosibirsk region?

Svetlana Tarasova: This is our pride. The status of a virtual branch of the Russian Museum was given to the Iskitim City Library. Equipment has already been purchased, thanks to which the resources of the museum will be available to the residents of Iskitim. This is amazing! You come to the library and get acquainted with the expositions. And these are not only open resources that are also on the museum's website, but the maximum amount of works of art that is stored in the Russian Museum. And it will be available through specially selected programs.

Now there are opportunities to watch virtual Moscow theaters. So why not make the library the place of viewing in the village? This requires high-quality Internet and equipment. And this should be done everywhere.

Libraries should be as useful as possible for people and authorities. For example, in the regional library and in twelve other districts, pensioners are trained in computer literacy. We help municipal libraries equip computer labs. Support is provided public organizations and business. The state does not support this area of ​​library work, since we do not have a license for this activity. Tell me, why do pensioners need a state-issued certificate that they have learned to use a computer? Older people need practical knowledge.

Svetlana Antonovna, I know that in your time you traveled a lot different countries and familiarize themselves with the libraries. Have you formed an opinion for yourself, what should be the library in our time?

Svetlana Tarasova: When we talk about a new library, we start from world experience. It's amazing, but in Germany, France, the United States and the Internet is available, and the standard of living is high, but people continue to read paper books. And how they read newspapers! Two years ago, I was in Germany with other librarians. For five minutes there was a failure in the book return stations (we also have one). Lined up. But today I am not ashamed to say that we - librarians - do not receive money in vain. And we have more readers. Three years ago in summer period it was even scary from the emptiness in the halls, but today there is no such thing.

I'm sorry that the design work has stopped in our area new library. A big preparatory work. We interviewed readers, they spoke on this score. They painted a very interesting picture. Someone said that "there should be my personal space", a place for communication and group work. One reader wrote: “I imagine going to the library with my family. We have a familiar couple with kids. And so we all come, talk, play, read with the children.” Someone wished to be winter Garden, because we, Siberians, are not very spoiled by the weather. And so it would be possible to take a book and go to read "in nature." Young people said that the library building should be tall: “I want to read and contemplate the city from above.” Someone wants to come and play on musical instrument. By the way, today we have such an opportunity in the art hall. Anyone who works a lot could take a break or work out on simulators or even. Why not?! These are correct thoughts. Today it is possible to make a library integrated with theatre, exhibition space, museum, bookstore. All these examples already exist in world practice.

It is necessary not to push people away, but to create conditions for them. Unfortunately, high-quality libraries of the level of modern understanding have not been built in the Russian regions. I still hope that reason will prevail and our regional government will return to the issue of building a new library. A region that claims to be a scientific and educational center needs a space that will surprise, delight, delight, and attract.

In Italy, I was struck by the libraries at railway stations. People roll their suitcases in there, take coffee, pizza, books from the shelves and sit on the sofas. And we were brought up so that the book and food are incompatible in the library. How do you feel about this?

Svetlana Tarasova: I am for. There should be a lot in a library. And many roads (the road as an interest) should lead to the library, wide, and narrow paths, along which people will come to us. It is important to be in dialogue with readers. For example, at their request, we began to give out books at home, this was not the case before. They increased the opening hours, canceled the entrance with a library card (it is only needed to take a book home). There are places where you can drink coffee. The library should become the third place - after home and work - where a person comes.

What books do Novosibirsk people come to the library for?

Svetlana Tarasova: The All-Russian section points to "Fifty Shades of Grey", works,. We are always in demand for premium works - books whose authors have received literary awards. A surge of interest in a particular book occurs after a creative meeting with a writer, poet. So, autobiography continues to enjoy incredible popularity. After Vladimir Vladimirovich visited us, we had to buy his book in addition, since everything is on hand.

This is also facilitated by the literary festival "White Spot", which a few years ago went beyond one genre -. Who we didn’t have thanks to this event! I am incredibly grateful to fate and the festival for the fact that an outstanding philologist, library, cultural and public figure, leader All-Russian Library foreign literature. Her most interesting professional seminars will be remembered by everyone for a long time. Her recent departure is an irreparable loss for all of us.

In general, people have different interests and needs. You probably don't need to focus on books read. In my opinion, it is better to listen to the recommendations of people whom you respect and appreciate. Here is our regional Minister of Culture Vasily Kuzin enjoys incredible authority. As soon as he mentions some author, my phone goes off asking me to find this book.

Readers do not forget the works of Mikhail Schukin, Pyotr Dedov, Gennady Prashkevich, Evgeny Martyshev, Vyacheslav Shalygin and other remarkable writers. In September, we will present to Novosibirsk residents a three-day program of the interregional exhibition-festival