Labor function of the manager on work with clients. Functional and job responsibilities of a manager

Managers are one of the most sought after professionals. It is they who bring profit to the organization for which they work.

What is a manager? Definition

Leaders, managers, administrators are called managers. These professions imply control over the performance of the tasks of employees. That is, they manage a certain group of employees. However, managers are now called not only leaders. Ordinary employees selling something are called the same. This is due to the fact that the employer wants the status of employees to make them feel more important. But these workers do not really organize the work of others. They are ordinary consultants, sellers, merchants. The manager's status is only virtual. And it is used to make ordinary employees feel comfortable in their profession. A real manager manages, manages others. He receives his wages for efficient work their subordinates.

Account Manager. Responsibilities

The resume of many who are looking for a job has information in the "Personal qualities" section about the sociability and stress resistance of the applicant for the vacancy.

These characteristics are great for the position of account manager. To become one, higher education and work experience are not always necessary. The main thing here is to be able to interact with customers and conduct business negotiations, know the product and fulfill labor obligations. The account manager is looking for potential and products. He makes them alluring commercial offers to interest in the goods or services of the company whose interests it represents.

This specialist also has other responsibilities. The account manager personally meets with potential customers. And a lot depends on these meetings, because it is then that all the nuances of cooperation are discussed and contracts are signed.

Interaction with existing buyers is included in the main responsibilities. The account manager must always keep his customers in as well as maintain the client base.

Bank Account Manager. Responsibilities

Many banks are looking for employees every day, namely, account managers. This is due to the fact that the work in this field is not so easy, and employees need to perform various duties.

A bank account manager typically performs the following work. He fulfills the sales plan, accepts and processes orders, prepares commercial offers. He also advises clients on banking products, which include loans, cards, deposits, and so on, draws up documents, works with and generates reports.

In each bank, this list of obligations may be supplemented, reduced or slightly different. Everywhere individually. The account manager can also perform the following duties: he can monitor the fulfillment of contractual obligations and work to increase sales.

Cellular Customer Service Manager. Responsibilities

Account managers are also needed in the field cellular communication. It is also a difficult job that requires endurance, patience, communication skills, the ability to find a common language with customers and sell goods and services. In the cell phone stores, employees perform the following duties.

The customer service manager advises on all services and products, sells cell phones, accessories for them, tablets, photo and video cameras. Connecting to telecom operators, accepting payments, working with the cash register, keeping records are among his main responsibilities. Cellular account manager participates in the inventory, monitors the cleanliness and order in the salon.

Operations Manager Responsibilities

Corporate clients are legal entities. They are a tidbit for business. The manager interacts with them corporate clients.

He performs the following duties. Searches for emerging firms that will be interested in the products and services offered, conducts surveys, forms proposals, personally meets with potential clients, participates in exhibitions and events, negotiates, concludes contracts, works with documentation, maintains long-term relationships with key buyers, conducts business correspondence, makes reporting of the work done.

The list of duties can be supplemented or simplified. It all depends on the requirements of the employer and the scope of the company.

What qualities should an account manager have?

This work is about interacting with people. Therefore, the main quality of a customer service manager is the ability to find an approach to any person.

Other characteristics are also important. These are sociability, stress resistance, activity, mobility, knowledge of the goods and services offered, literacy, the ability to conduct business negotiations, accuracy, punctuality. The list of qualities can also be supplemented by knowledge of foreign languages, especially English.

The Account Manager must be able to work with personal computer, office equipment, know office and other programs. Their list depends on the field of activity.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Being an Account Manager

Like any profession, this one also has its pros and cons. If we talk about the benefits, then they include the fact that an account manager can build a good career, thereby becoming in demand and receiving a decent salary.

This profession is suitable for those who like to lead an active life, are not afraid to communicate with a large flow of new people, know how to win over, interest in goods and services and sell them.

In terms of shortcomings, it can be noted that wage directly depends on the number of concluded transactions and their amount in monetary terms. Therefore, if the month is not successful, then the account manager will receive only a salary, usually the minimum.

Another disadvantage is communication with conflicting clients. If they are dissatisfied, then the account manager is to blame, whose duty is precisely to settle the differences. Psychologically, this profession is not suitable for those who take everything to heart. Here you need to be able to listen, find a way out and not lose your temper.

Writing a resume for a customer service manager

This profession is in high demand in the labor market. After all, we live in a capitalist world where sales skills are essential to survive. If you have not been scared away by the above-mentioned customer service - promising profession and you could be.

To interest employers, you need to draw up good resume. In personal qualities, indicate those that are more suitable for the "Responsibilities" item. An account manager for a resume can add positive reviews from past employers if he has a good relationship with them. It is also worth listing all the skills that you possess. Also write about your experience in other jobs, practices where you worked with clients. This will be a big plus, as it will show the employer that you already had experience business negotiations and don't be afraid to communicate.

If you have any achievements in studies, in practice, in past jobs, then also write about them. Thus, you will show yourself as a person with an active lifestyle.

Write a resume correctly, especially pay attention to words and expressions that are directly related to the manager's activities. For example, mistakes are often made in the word "contracts".

Complete the information about yourself with your business photo with a neutral background, where your face is clearly visible and there are no strangers. Before sending your resume, check it for errors, see if you have entered your details correctly so that you can be contacted for sure.

An account manager is a specialist whose duties include finding and servicing customers, as well as building relationships with them. Often a specialist represents the interests of the customer - ensures that the services are provided in accordance with the expectations of the buyer and the requirements of the contract.

The profession of a client manager is a good starting point for a career - you can easily find a job, quickly learn the business area and opportunities for further development. Among the names of this profession also appear: account manager, customer acquisition manager and customer service manager.

Places of work

The position of a client manager is in demand in companies of various fields of activity. The presence in the state of such an employee is relevant for commercial enterprise, advertising agency as well as for service providers.

History of the profession

The profession of account manager appeared in the USA in the 19th century. During this period, progressive American enterprises felt the need for a competent approach to working with customers. In an increasingly competitive environment, companies fought for each client and therefore hired employees who specialized in working with customers.

Responsibilities of a client manager

AT official duties client manager includes:

  • work with clients (search, meetings, negotiations, consultations);
  • handling incoming calls and emails;
  • records management;
  • conclusion of contracts.

Sometimes a client manager is engaged in international sales, often travels on business trips, makes presentations of the company's services or products.

Requirements for a client manager

Employers most often put forward the following requirements for a client manager:

  • higher education;
  • PC knowledge;
  • grammatically correct speech;
  • sociability;
  • Sales experience (required for some positions).

Sometimes it takes knowledge of English language and having your own car.

sample resume for client manager

How to become a client manager

Almost anyone can become a client manager, regardless of education and work experience. Often, only communication skills and the ability to work on a computer are enough to perform the necessary duties.

Of course, most often employers want to see people with higher education, experience in sales, good knowledge of marketing and the scope of the company.

Client manager salary

The salary of a client manager varies from 16 to 100 thousand rubles per month and depends on the region, the size of the company and the duties of a specialist. Remuneration often provides for bonuses and bonuses for effective work. The average salary of a client manager is about 50 thousand rubles.

The profession Account Manager is a specialist and is typical for many areas of business.

This, and the sphere of trade, and advertising, real estate, banking. Where an individual approach and work with corporate clients is required. The competent work of a customer service manager is the basis for a successful final enterprise in any business.

As a rule, a successful manager in the future can take a leadership position.

Types of managers

In the course of the surveys, psychologists identified three types of managers:

  • Melancholic manager. This type of employee is characterized by sluggish and lengthy communication, which soon bothers the customer and forces them to complete negotiations as soon as possible.
  • Erudite manager. This type of manager conquers with his awareness and knowledge in many areas. He amazes with the number of analogies he draws, analyzing the situation on the go. The buyer or consumer can be calm in signing an agreement with such a manager.
  • Executive Manager. He does not engage in amateur performances and does not bring creativity, observing the rules of work according to the instructions.

It is best if all three types of managers are involved in the work of customer service, but this is not always possible. In a certain field of activity of the company, each of these types can find its application.

For example, for trade, the type of manager "executive" that does not deviate from the established work schedule will be appropriate. For maintenance or repair firms, with technical and mechanical goods, the type of erudite manager is suitable.

Possessing certain qualities, skills and education, the manager must convince the client to order a service or purchase a product. Since clients are very different, the approach to each should be individual. How will the manager do it - play on emotions or psychological factors the client is his task.

Not many consumers know what they want, and here it is important to quietly direct and push to make a decision in favor of the company. It is important for a customer service consultant to captivate and intrigue the person who applied by phone, to convince him that it is here that he will be helped and all his wishes will be taken into account.

Skills and qualities

Candidates for the position of manager or client consultant may be required to have special education, secondary or higher professional education.

Depending on the activity and profile of the company, either economic or legal or psychological education is required. Many companies pay great attention to the professional growth of their specialists, providing them with the opportunity to regularly attend specialized trainings and courses. In modern times, business seminars and coaching have become popular, which are held directly on the territory of the company.

But standard knowledge is required:

  • management theory and marketing fundamentals;
  • basics of administration;
  • the activities of the enterprise and the characteristics of the services or goods offered;
  • , contracts and various documents;
  • ability to develop and conduct presentations;
  • company regulations;
  • bases of the current legislation;
  • basics of relationship psychology and business etiquette;
  • foundations of modern connections and communications.

The account manager must be sociable and have good erudition, be able to play with turns of words in a conversation with a potential buyer, be able to convince and listen, while showing courtesy and tact. For this reason, the manager is required to:

  • performance and stress resistance;
  • non-conflict;
  • ability to negotiate on the phone;
  • process information and make quick decisions in non-standard situations;
  • good learning ability and desire for career growth;
  • Ability to work in a team adhering to company regulations.

And also a good manager must have a presentable appearance, business style in clothes, charm and the ability to "play" in the interests of the company in controversial situations.


Job responsibilities are classified depending on the type and type of activity of the company, but it is possible to single out the main ones that are suitable for most managers.

Existing and new clients

First of all, the existing customer base is maintained and a new one is built up and approved. The manager negotiates with the client by phone and in personal meetings.

Introduces the client to the goods or services of the enterprise, with prices, conditions and, calculations and shipment of goods. Leads company projects and conducts presentations of goods and services. Ensures the presence of corporate clients at the company's events, organizes preliminary negotiations by phone and invitations.

Product range

The manager must monitor the availability of the entire range of goods and products, if this is a trade area. Supervises the availability of demos and . Plans to work with corporate clients (discounts and preferential terms of cooperation).

Develops search methods, schemes for attracting customers and communicating with them. Reporting documentation on projects, held promotions, invoices and payment by the client falls on the shoulders of the manager.

Market analysis

For successful work manager analyzes the market and possible future potential clients identifying their needs and financial possibilities. With this knowledge, you can play and vary the conditions for specific client making tempting offers.

Studying competitors

Studying the policies of competitors is important for the successful work of a manager. Offer to clients alternative ways resolving disputes and engaging a company lawyer is an integral part of the work in the process of completing transactions.

Nevertheless, the manager is the face of the company, who is obliged to show maximum loyalty in any situation, not forgetting the rules of good manners and communication etiquette. Careless and impolite treatment can alienate even established customers.

Link support

Responsibilities include communicating and consulting customers by phone, constant information support. Motivates regular customers for further cooperation with the company. Often, a visit to the client is required to conclude a transaction and draw up documents for the purchase of goods.

If the client contacted by phone for the first time, then the manager's task is to show maximum efforts so that the client is interested in coming to the company's office. Depending on the type of client, tactics and a game of persuasion are built.

It is important to make a first impression, which also depends on the manner of answering the phone, as well as on the speed of answers to the questions posed (if the seller is looking for an answer about the product for a long time, this discourages further).

What does a customer relationship manager do

Since the term "account manager" is relatively recent in common use, it may seem that this is a type of modern professions. However, if you figure out what such a manager does, it becomes clear that such professions have existed for a long time.

The main labor function of a customer service manager is to satisfy the needs of consumers in a particular service area. Thus, there are 2 key points:

  1. A customer service manager is a service worker.
  2. Main working time This employee is dedicated to communicating with people.

Since the service industry is quite extensive, the job responsibilities of an account manager are heterogeneous and depend on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bserving the population in which he works. Such specialists are required, for example, in trade, advertising, hotel business etc. Accordingly, when developing a job description for a customer service manager, it is necessary to build on the specifics of the enterprise in order to determine the scope of job responsibilities as specifically as possible.

The structure of the job description of a customer service manager

By its structure job description for a customer service manager must comply with the form accepted for such documents. Therefore, when preparing it, it is advisable to adhere to the following sequence:

Don't know your rights?

  1. The column at the top right on the first page should be devoted to information about the approval and approval of the document. In this regard, after the word “Approved”, it is necessary to enter the date of this event and the position of the head who approved the instruction, as well as affix the signature of this head with a transcript. Below, after the word "Agreed" you need to list the positions of managers structural divisions organizations involved in the preparation of this job description, and collect their signatures with transcripts.
  2. The job description continues with a section with general provisions, which includes:
    • a list of requirements for a candidate for the position of account manager (age, education, work experience, etc.);
    • a list of legislative and internal documentation of the enterprise, with which the employee should be familiar;
    • rules for hiring and dismissing an employee, as well as replacing him during his absence;
    • the position of the position of the account manager in the general staffing structure of the organization and an indication of the immediate supervisor of the employee.
  3. Then comes the section on labor activity employee, which is key in the job description and contains a list of job duties and rights of the employee. The more complete and specific this list is, the easier and more efficient the employee will work. That is why, when working on this block, it is important to clearly define the circle official functions customer service manager, objectively eliminating the unnecessary and not missing the right. If the list of job responsibilities of an employee is voluminous, then it is possible to divide the section into two, the first of which describes his duties, and the second describes his rights.
  4. Also, in the job description, it is necessary to determine the scope of the employee's responsibility for improper performance of duties. It is important to bear in mind that labor legislation prohibits aggravating the measure of responsibility of an employee in comparison with the norms provided for in the Labor Code.

The job description ends with marks on the employee's familiarization with it (although in some organizations a special journal is created for this purpose).

Typical requirements for a candidate for the position of account manager

The main requirements for a candidate for a position are those qualities that will help a new employee quickly adapt and start working effectively. First of all, this is the appropriate education and work experience. Because the labor functions account manager do not require any highly specialized knowledge, the employer, as a rule, wants to see a person with a secondary or higher (incomplete higher) education in this position. A certificate of completion of special courses is welcome. Work experience is declared at the request of the employer: in some cases, 3-5 years of work in a certain direction are required, in others even students can be accepted.

Of particular importance in the selection of candidates for the position of account manager are only the personal qualities of applicants. So, the account manager should be:

  • sociable, with negotiation skills;
  • able to make decisions in general and in non-standard situations in particular;
  • erudite;
  • neat.

In addition, the employer may require the applicant to be able to handle office and computer technology know certain computer programs foreign language at the conversational level.

Standard terms of reference for a customer service manager

The range of duties of a customer service manager is very much dependent on the direction of the organization in which the specialist will have to work. The most common responsibilities of an account manager include:

  1. Identification of potential customers, their search.
  2. Analysis of the needs, reliability and solvency of customers.
  3. Negotiating with customers, familiarizing them with the products or services provided by the organization.
  4. Control over the availability of a range of products and demonstration samples.
  5. Development of customer search methods and communication schemes with them.
  6. Maintaining ongoing business contacts with clients.
  7. Advising clients, preparation of necessary documentation.

The official rights of an employee are closely related to his duties and should be aimed at facilitating the performance of labor tasks. For example, to official rights Account Manager can include:

  1. The right to independently determine the forms of work with clients.
  2. The right to dispose in cash for hospitality expenses.
  3. The right to receive information from management that is relevant to the work performed by the employee.
  4. The right to propose options for optimizing the workflow in the specified direction.

The procedure for developing and approving job descriptions

customs business turnover a certain procedure for the development and approval of job descriptions has been adopted. Of course, each leader has the right to independently establish the rules for training internal documents organization (including job descriptions), however, practice shows the appropriateness and optimality of the following approach:

  1. A draft job description is being developed, which, passing through the approval stage, is corrected and corrected by employees of various departments of the organization: the legal service, the personnel department, the planning and economic department, the service where the employee for whose position the instruction is being developed is to work, etc. This moment is very important, as it allows you to identify the necessary requests and needs of the enterprise structures in relation to the official powers of certain staff units, including the account manager.
  2. After approval, the draft job description is proposed to the head of the organization for approval. The head, if necessary, makes his corrections to the document, after which he signs the instruction in its final form.

Thus, the development and adoption of a job description for an account manager requires an integrated approach and taking into account the specifics of the work of the organization in which the skills of the specified specialist are supposed to be used. After all, the number of customers of the company, and hence its profit, depends on its correct operation.