Tactical and strategic goals of the organization. Strategic and tactical goals of enterprise financial management Methods of setting goals and principles of goal setting

A tactical goal is not a general one, but the most specific and necessarily realistically feasible goal, the implementation of which allows you to get closer to achieving a strategic one.

Dictionary of business terms. Akademik.ru. 2001 .

See what "Tactical goal" is in other dictionaries:

    tactical target- taktinis taikinys statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Taikinys, turintis taktinę reikšmę (taktinių karinių vienetų mūšyje). atitikmenys: engl. tactical target rus. tactical target … Artilerijos terminų žodynas

    The significance of the subject of the article is called into question. Please show in the article the significance of its subject by adding evidence of significance to it according to particular significance criteria or, in the event that private significance criteria for ... ... Wikipedia

    GOAL- planned cut, unity of motives, means. C. is formed when evaluating ways to satisfy the corresponding need, has a value-rational nature. C is exclusively social. phenomenon, inherent only to a person as an acting subject ... Russian sociological encyclopedia

    Aviation tactical missile Kh-29l- 1980 X 29L missile is designed to destroy ground targets in simple weather conditions such as: strong aircraft shelters, fixed railway and highway bridges, industrial buildings, warehouses, concreted runways. Development of the X 29 rocket with ... ... Military Encyclopedia

    Guided tactical medium-range missile X-59 "Gadfly"- Guided medium-range tactical missile X 59 "Gadfly" 1985 Medium-range tactical missile X 59 is designed to destroy small-sized ground targets, the coordinates of which are determined before the missile is launched. Developed in the ICD ... ... Military Encyclopedia

    Aviation tactical missile Kh-29t- 1980 X 29t missile is designed to destroy visually visible ground and surface targets such as: reinforced concrete shelters, stationary railway and highway bridges, industrial buildings, warehouses, concrete runways, ships and landing ... ... Military Encyclopedia

    Aviation tactical missile Kh-25ml- 1981 Aviation tactical missile X 25ml is designed to destroy small-sized mobile and stationary ground (surface) targets: radars and launchers of missile systems, aircraft in open parking lots and in light shelters, light bridges and ... ... Military Encyclopedia

    Debt provision targeting- the tactical goal of monetary policy used by the FRS from October 1982 to 1989, the Department of Securities Oumag of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York bought and sold securities in quantities sufficient to achieve an equilibrium ... ...

    Targeting unborrowed reserves- the tactical goal of monetary policy. Department valuable papers The Federal Reserve Bank of New York bought and sold securities in sufficient quantities to maintain unborrowed reserves at a level consistent with the target ... ... Modern Money and Banking: A Glossary

    Interest rate targeting for federal funds- the tactical goal of monetary policy. The Securities Department of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York bought and sold securities on open market in an amount sufficient to maintain the interest rate on the federal ... ... Modern Money and Banking: A Glossary

The term "strategic management" appeared in everyday life at the turn of the 1960s and 70s. He pointed out the differences between current management at the level of production and management carried out at the level of the corporation as a whole.

Strategic Management- is a system of purposeful actions of the organization, leading to a long-term excess of the level of performance of the organization's activities over the level of performance of competitors.

The task of strategic management is to prepare the organization for possible changes in the market situation, to withstand the adverse effects of the external environment in the long term.

The process of strategic management is revealed through interrelated management functions: basic and specific. But the content of some basic functions changes and new specific management functions appear.

So planning becomes strategic planning, and new functions such as marketing, innovation management, public relations, logistics, human resource management, etc.

The planning process begins with goal setting. They perform organizing, motivating and controlling functions. The goal is the desired, possible and required state managed object.

The organization sets many different goals. These goals differ by levels, spheres, periods of time. There are four main levels of goals in an organization: mission, strategic, tactical and operational goals. At the top of the goal hierarchy is the mission.

Mission- a fundamental, unique, qualitative goal that emphasizes the features of the firm's business, its difference from other firms in the industry.

The mission can be determined by the range of needs met; set of consumers; manufactured products; competitive advantages; technologies to be used; growth and funding policies; the culture of the organization, which determines the relationship within the company, the requirements for employees.

strategic goals. These are general long-term goals that determine the future state of the organization as a whole, indicate the timing of their achievement.

Tactical targets determine the results that the main units of the organization must achieve in order to ensure the implementation of strategic goals. Thus, tactical goals are a means of achieving strategic goals.

Operational (production) goals. These are specific, measurable results of the activities of departments, working groups, individual workers In the organisation. They are a means to achieve tactical goals.

The main areas of goal setting are: profitability, markets, productivity, products, financial resources, production capacity, research and innovation, organization (change of structure), human resources, Social responsibility.


Operational, tactical and strategic management. Three steps for a leader

In the work process of any leader, there will certainly be situations when it is necessary to make some decisions. You may not know how correctly, in a scientific way, the steps of managing a company or an entrusted department are called, it is more important to skillfully apply skills, knowledge and experience in practice.

In Russia and the CIS countries, an interesting situation has developed on the labor market, when 80% of TOP managers do not have a basic theoretical education, did not graduate from universities and MBA schools, get their "universities" in practice, often "at random".

What gives knowledge about the steps of leadership leaders of any ringing? Structured work goals, the ability to set tasks for subordinates and employees for the day, week, month and longer term. How to choose the most effective management tools and set them up for practical use in your company? The answer to this question is given in the article.

Operational management: what is it, ours today?

operational management- solution of daily, current problems. This administration consists of operational planning, accounting and control. Divided by industry and service:

Operational management of the organization





Stocks, etc.

The purpose of operational management- formation of uninterrupted work of the service entrusted to the head, coordinated work with all other divisions of the enterprise. Traditionally, operational management has always been understood as an emergency or chaotic process of implementing solutions. A modern approach to this type of management, which includes clear tools and a complex information system, put all the processes of the RAM "from head to foot".

All applied methods of operational management are divided into:

Operational planning:

Drawing up a plan aimed at concrete results;

Finding ways to reduce costs to increase company profits;

Coordination of the interaction of all structures involved in planning;

Development of criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the implementation of the operational plan.

Operational management accounting:

Various tools for the actual execution of the planned plan;

Distribution functional duties, according to the degree of responsibility of managers and performers for the result;

Embedded document management system.

Operational control:

Organization daily work with subordinates;

Measuring tools effective execution completed work;

Using the rules for setting tasks, checking their proper implementation.

Operational management is what every employee, every manager does "here and now". This is a routine, everyday life, without which it is impossible to achieve any serious results. It is necessary to do this every day, but it is unreasonable to focus only on the RAM: this way you can neither build a career, nor make the company a market leader.

Tactical management: the choice of methods and methods

Quite often, managers do not see the difference between tactical and strategic management, they confuse tactics with operational, everyday work. Tactical control implies a form of interaction, a way of working communication within the company, a method of achieving a large, long-term strategic goal.

The simplest example: the manager decides to create a professional sales team in order to become the market leader and significantly increase the profit stream. For some reason, such a step is considered to be a strategy, while, in fact, it is a tactic - a way to achieve a serious goal (in this case, the goal is to increase market share). Any way to achieve big goals is called a tactic..

Tactical management of resources: time, finances, people, raw materials and materials is very beneficial for those leaders who have a long-term strategic goal. For all the rest, who do not know the basics of goal setting, who do not know how to plan and choose from a variety of decisions necessary and rational at a given time, tactical control - dead end road capable of leading the company to ruin.

In Lewis Carroll's famous work Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, the main character asks the Cheshire Cat for directions: "Can you tell me which road I should take?" “That depends on where you want to go,” replied the Cheshire Cat. This dialogue continues: “Yes, in general, it doesn’t matter to me, just to come somewhere,” Alice explained, and immediately received the wisest answer of the Cat: “Then it doesn’t matter which way to go. Oh, you will certainly come there, the main thing is to go long enough and not turn anywhere.

This dialogue between the main characters of a philosophical tale is the best illustration of the work of a tactical manager who does not have a clear course, who does not know where he is leading the company. For such leaders, every day is ordinary everyday life, not one iota closer to fulfilling the main mission of the enterprise. What is the way out?

Tactical management is indispensable at the stage of implementing key ideas, when it is necessary to search for ways and methods to achieve great, main goal companies. However, in order to find that very “hairy” goal, it is necessary to master the basics of strategic management.

Strategic management: I see the goal!

The future of any organization is formed at the level of strategic management. The results that the company is getting today were the basis for yesterday. In the main book of all times and peoples it is written: "A time to scatter stones and a time to collect them." The stones were scattered once, the present and future of the enterprise was formed long ago.

Strategic Management - this is setting goals, planning and moving forward for years, when the future is clearly visible, when it is clear to the leader what he wants to get in the future.

The implementation of strategic plans can be tracked by results. If the result of some activity of the manager does not satisfy, it is clear that serious mistakes were made at a certain stage of work. It remains to find them and adjust, analyze and move on.

It is important to understand that strategic management is a top manager's tool that should not be let down by line personnel so as not to sow panic or misunderstanding. Today, strategic management is not a luxury, but a means to achieve a real goal. Many companies in Russia and the CIS countries do not have a written strategic plan, but this does not mean that they cannot succeed. Lack of strategy does not mean that such enterprises go with the flow. Their strategy is often the complete absence of any strategy.

What is strategic management?

The strategic management process is divided into three mutually following stages:

1. Strategic analysis;

2. Development of a "native" strategy;

3. Practical implementation of the strategic plan in life.

Strategic Analysis it is necessary for the manager to collect the most complete information for the development of "his", "native" strategy. However, on Russian market at the very first stage of strategic management, the same question arises in many companies - what information needs to be collected in order to develop a competent, implemented strategic plan.

Basis for acceptance strategic decisions is the collection of information, the choice of method and format of analysis. At this first stage strategic management, the company collectively, with the involvement of all services, chooses its own path of movement in the market, and, above all, is determined with product line. It is necessary to answer the question for ourselves with the utmost precision: what product is the bestseller today, and what product should be emphasized in the future. Tools used by the manager in strategic analysis product portfolio, it is recommended to choose either Boston Matrix (matrix Boston Consulting Group), or McKinsey matrix (McKinsey), which was once developed for General Electric. Both of these matrices help to see which product is competitive today, and which one needs to be either improved or removed from the product or service line.

Picking up a few books strategic management, a leader who does not have a basic economic or commercial education will get a brain collapse. A huge number of Western and American methods of analysis, with incomprehensible graphs and tables, can lead to a dead end and paralyze the will. Several of the most simple methods collecting information about the company's position in the market. In addition to the already mentioned product portfolio analysis matrices, the most common methods strategic analysis are SWOT analysis And PEST+M analysis. This has been mentioned in more detail.

Development of "own" strategy is based on the unique material that was collected at the stage of strategic analysis. This often requires more focused information about external environment, the actions of competitors in the market, and their strategic plans. Alas, today there is no guaranteed set of methods on the Russian market that can show the true picture of the company's position in market conditions.

The collection of information or passion for analysis should not become an end in itself for the leader: these techniques are needed only to develop a unique, “own” strategic plan. From personal experience: Dairy companies got so carried away with analyzing the company's position in the market that they did not develop a long-term development plan, leaving everything to chance.

It is best to start developing a strategy plan with a minimum set of techniques, formulating the mission of the company, setting specific long-term goals expressed in real numbers and volumes, breaking them into plans and tasks.

Once the strategic plan has been developed, it is necessary to move without delay to the most main task - practical implementation strategies companies to life. This stage may take much more time than planned, therefore, when setting a strategic goal, it is necessary to determine both clear time frames and other resources, appointing responsible executors, deadlines and intermediate vectors by which you can determine the correctness of the movement along the course.

What to look for when developing a strategic plan?

The inability to plan, the inability to set big goals is the scourge of many companies in the Russian market. When developing an enterprise strategy, special attention should be paid to the balance of collection, analysis and planning, without being carried away only by theory, immediately proceed to the main task - practical application plans, implementation of the company's decisions.

Example from personal experience: when conducting a SWOT analysis at a large meat processing enterprise, most of the top managers withdrew themselves, preferring operational management. As a result, line personnel filled out standard form tables, having difficulty understanding what was expected of them. As a result, in the field Strengths” items such as “support for the media”, “unloaded production facilities” were introduced, and in the column “ Weak sides"alarms sounded:

Complete lack of strategy, mission, work quality standards;

Lack of marketing;

Absence feedback with production;

Lack of well-organized logistics

and many other "absences". At the same time, the company has been living for the fifth decade, although it can hardly withstand strong competition from private small companies in this market segment.

Operational, tactical, and strategic management are necessary for a leader of any rank. However, relying on only one lever is very unreasonable and leads to the rapid death of the native enterprise.

Caught a new Russian goldfish.

Let me go, I will fulfill your three wishes, - says the fish.

First wish: I want our team to become the World Cup champion. The second wish: I want the great Pele to say that our team is the greatest team of all times and peoples. And the third wish: I want the whole country to rejoice.

Bang-bang - and everything went dark. He woke up, looks - he himself is black, around the blacks dance and shout: "Brazil! Brazil !!!"

Bottom line: What do we want? It should be? What are we striving for?

Everything starts with a goal. The goal is the guiding star of any strategy; without it, it loses its meaning. As a rule, we are not talking about one goal, but their complex. At the same time, we can pursue goals from different areas of life: career goals, relationship goals, health goals, and so on. It would be a mistake to overlook some of the goals in favor of others, if all of them are important to us.

task this section is setting goals or clarifying them, the essence of which is to answer a simple question: what I want? As already noted, the answer to this question is a set of goals. They, in turn, may consist of subgoals necessary to achieve the goals. Thus, the question "what do I want" is added to the question: what do i need for what i want?

Main goal and sub-goals

Let me tell you a story from my experience in sales. Then I worked in a company engaged in sales and service of legal support systems "Garant". Already, probably, the second month of my unsuccessful attempts to sell this system was ending. Understandably, this didn't make me very happy. Even if you consider that these were my first two months of work in sales, and, of course, I had no experience, these two months could still be my last months of work in sales. Because the salary was mostly formed from a percentage of sales. No sales - no interest, no interest - no salary, and no salary - nothing to live on. Is it time for me to look for another job?

And with such unhappy thoughts before the next trip to potential client I'm stopped by my sales manager. The name of the boss is Stas, 6 years older than me, experience in sales (and very successful experience) is about 12 years. His salary is largely based on the condition of fulfilling the sales plan by our department and, to a lesser extent, on a fixed salary part. Naturally, he is also interested in the success of each individual manager (we were called sales managers).

So, the boss stops me and asks:

Valera, where are you going now?

I answer: "There, there, there."

Why are you going there?

HM, weird question. I say:

Conduct a presentation, show the program, everything is as taught (here it should be noted that such sales are based on a good presentation and we were taught this).

Yes, - he says, - everything is correct, only you are not going there for this.

What for? I ask, perplexed.

You are going there to SELL! Your goal is to SELL, not to make a presentation. Understand?

Digesting this simple yet profound thought.

Yes, I think I understand.

Well done. So go ahead and sell.


That day I had my first sale. The sale that allowed me to work further, mastering the hard science active sales. I've been lucky enough to figure out the right goal setting, but some people don't. Approximately half of the new managers quit at the end of the second month due to lack of sales.

However, setting goals is not always easy. It is possible to answer immediately the question “what do I want” only in simple cases. In complex and non-trivial tasks, most likely, there will be a gradual refinement and addition of answers, i.e. the response process can be iterative, where each next iteration (step) brings you closer to a really deep and meaningful understanding of the goals. Therefore, if you do not immediately have a clear understanding of the goals and subgoals, then this is not a reason for disappointment, this is a reason for subsequent clarifications and additions to the answers.

Strategic and tactical goals

Returning to the previous example, we can say that the sale is a strategic goal, and to spend good presentation is a tactical target. You can go deeper and highlight other tactical sub-goals. The idea is simple: tactical goals serve the achievement of a strategic goal, what they will be is not so important, it is important how much they help or hinder the achievement of a strategic goal.

If we do something wrong tactically, for example, we make a crooked presentation, we are rude to the client, then naturally, we reduce the chances of achieving the strategic goal: closing a deal, selling. However, even if we do everything right: we spend competent presentation, we behave politely and benevolently, but we forget about the main goal - the sale, then we also have little chance of achieving it. It looked like this for me. A satisfied client said goodbye to me and said: “How great and clear you told me everything, now I know what kind of system it is. Maybe someday I'll get it." That's it, curtain, I failed my task. Only because he did not pay due attention to his main goal.

The main thing - the strategic goal must be kept in mind, keep part of the attention on it, literally repeat, remind yourself why all this is being done, for what. In my case, it was necessary to make a good presentation, build a dialogue with the client, keeping the main goal in mind. And then the sale happened. Then, over time, keeping the main goal became habitual, not requiring significant expenditure of attention. And I more or less learned how to sell. This always happens with the development of complex work - sooner or later an optimal scheme for distributing attention is built.

Valery Chugreev, 14.04.2012

Valery Chugreev 07.02.2012 17:48

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Razmik Aydinyan, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of St. Petersburg state university means of communication
Tatyana Shipunova, Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Senior Lecturer, St. Petersburg State University

A lot is said and written about strategy, but few people explain what it is, what is invested in the scope and content of this concept.

The term "strategy" began to be used in management in the 1960s, apparently under the influence of I. Ansoff's book.

In this paper, strategy refers to the way in which resources are used. Author of one of the most best books on management, J. O "Shaughnessy agrees with this interpretation.

Since the way the resources are used is set in the budget of the organization, it turns out that the strategy is budget planning. P. Doyle defines this concept in a similar way: “Strategy is a set of decisions made by management on the allocation of enterprise resources”.

However, such an understanding contradicts the practice of using this word both in management and in everyday language. There are many strategic issues, which are not directly related to the allocation of resources.

A. Chandler gives a different definition to this concept: “Strategy is the definition of the main long-term goals of the enterprise, the course of action and the allocation of resources.”

But if strategy is about setting goals, then what is goal setting? R. Oldcorn does not give a clear definition, but from the context of his book it turns out that he understands by strategy "the way to achieve our goals."

But this is more of a tactic than a strategy. According to the generally accepted word usage, the strategy determines where, in what direction to move, where to steer. And tactics determine how, in what way to move, what specific actions to take.

The word "strategic" in modern management is used in two meanings:

  1. strategic means "having a long time perspective"; in this sense, this word is used in planning theory, when plans are divided into strategic (or long-term) and tactical (or current), as well as in decision theory, where plans are divided into strategic and operational-tactical;
  2. strategic means relating to the general path of movement towards the goal or setting the direction (course, route) of movement towards the goal; in this sense, this word is used in the doctrine of various organizational strategies - some adhere to the strategy of becoming (at the initial stage of their development), others - the strategy of survival, etc.

Strategy- this is the definition of the general path (direction, course) of movement towards a long-term goal. This understanding of the term captures both meanings of the adjective "strategic".

Tactics- this is a way of moving along the general path to the goal, that is, a form of implementing the strategy.

The table below illustrates the possible types of main internal purpose, corresponding types of strategies and types of tactical tasks, the solution of which ensures the implementation of the strategy and the achievement of the goal.

In the literature, due to the confusion of the concepts of "strategy" and "tactics", there is no clear classification of these phenomena. The tactical tasks of "growth", "expansion" and "diversification" are presented as independent strategies, and without a clear distinction and allocation of their types. And the expansion strategy is not named at all. Only types of diversification are singled out. These tactics (or tactical tasks) cannot be called strategies, if only because there are firms that simultaneously use the expansion of the market, and the expansion of production, and growth. But on this stage There can be only one strategy for the development of a company, because, going towards the goal, it is impossible to move in different directions. There can be only one general path or course of movement towards the goal. At the same time, by implementing a unified expansion strategy, one can simultaneously resort to various tactics or (which is the same thing) simultaneously solve several different tactical tasks.

In conclusion, we note that a correctly set goal, a sound strategy and well-thought-out tactics help an organization successfully cope with many difficulties and problems. Footnotes

1 Ansoff I. Corporate Strategy. N.-Y., 1965.

2 O "Shaughnessy J. Principles of organization of company management. M., 1999.

3 Doyle P. Management: strategy and tactics. St. Petersburg: "Piter", 1999.

4 Cit. by: O "Shaughnessy J. Principles of organization of company management.

5 Oldcorn R. Fundamentals of management. Moscow: Finpress, 1999.