Presentation what is information culture. Presentation on the topic "information culture"

Culture (lat. cultura cultivation, farming, education, veneration) area human activity associated with the self-expression (cult, imitation) of a person, the manifestation of his subjectivity (subjectivity, character, skills, abilities and knowledge). That is why any culture has additional characteristics, as it is associated with both human creativity and everyday practice, communication, reflection, generalization and his daily life. Culture is a marker and basis of civilizations and the subject of study of cultural studies. Culture has no quantitative criteria in numerical terms. Dominants or features are sufficient to reflect the features of the culture. Most often, cultures are distinguished in periods of variability of dominant markers: periods and epochs, methods of production, commodity-money and production relations, political systems of government, personalities of spheres of influence, etc. latin cult of imitation of the subjectivity of character and the skills of knowledge as a marker of civilizations of cultural studies of periods of epochs of methods of production of production relations

"Culture is a complex that includes knowledge, beliefs, art, morality, laws, customs, as well as other abilities and skills acquired by a person as a member of society" (Edward Barnett Taylor)

"Culture is an information pool, and the individual is an active swimmer. From the point of view of evolutionary psychology, culture is a reservoir various categories information processed by the brain different ways. The individual selects information items, "edits" them, modifies them, and, most importantly, uses them. (Jerome Barkow)

Information culture characterizes the levels of development of specific societies, nationalities, nations, as well as specific areas of activity (for example, work culture, way of life, art culture). Information culture is inextricably linked with the second (social) nature of man. It is a product of his creative abilities, acts as the content side of subject-subject and object-object relations, registered with the help of various material carriers. (Sosnina T.N., Gonchukov P.N. Dictionary of interpretation of the concept of "Information" P.48)

Information culture is a field of culture associated with the functioning of information in society and the formation information qualities personality. (Vohrysheva M.G. Formation of the science of information culture // Problems of information culture: Collection of articles. Issue 6. Methodology and organization of information and cultural studies / Scientific editors: Yu.S. Zubov, V.A. Fokeev. - M.; Magnitogorsk, S. 57).

Information culture is the degree of perfection of a person, society or a certain part of it in all possible types of work with information: its receipt, accumulation, coding and processing of any kind, in the creation of qualitatively new information on this basis, its transmission, practical use. (Semenyuk E.L. Information culture of society and the progress of informatics // NTI. Ser C.3).

Information culture is a qualitative characteristic of human life in the field of receiving, transmitting, storing and using information, where universal spiritual values ​​are a priority. (Khangeldieva I.G. On the concept of "information culture" // Information culture of personality: past, present, future: International Scientific Conf., Krasnodar - Novorossiysk, September: Abstracts of reports - Krasnodar S.2).

Information culture is the level of knowledge that allows a person to freely navigate in information space, participate in its formation and promote information interaction. (Medvedeva E.A. Fundamentals of information culture // Sotsis C.59).

Basic Standard general education in informatics and information technologyThe standard of basic general education in informatics and information technology is focused on mastering the skills of schoolchildren to organize their own information activities and developing skills in the use of ICT tools in Everyday life, in learning activities further development of professions in demand in the labor market. Mastering the knowledge that forms the basis of scientific ideas about information, information processes, systems, technologies and models; Mastering the skills to work with various types information using a computer and other means of information and communication technologies(ICT), organize their own information activities and plan their results; Development of cognitive interests, intellectual and creative abilities by means of ICT; Raising a responsible attitude to information, taking into account the legal and ethical aspects of its dissemination, selective attitude to the information received; Development of skills for using ICT tools in everyday life, in the implementation of individual and collective projects, in educational activities, and further development of professions that are in demand on the labor market.

Skills and Qualities Needed for a 21st Century Person Responsibility and adaptability - personal responsibility and flexibility in various interpersonal, professional and social situations, setting high standards and goals for oneself and others, tolerance for other points of view. Communication skills - the ability to create conditions for effective oral, written, multimedia and network communication in various forms and contexts, managing and understanding it Creativity and curiosity - the ability to self-development, applying new ideas and bringing them to other people, openness to new and diverse perspectives and points of view. Critical and systems thinking - the development of thinking that causes the commission informed choice; understanding the relationships in complex systems. Information and media skills - the ability to find, analyze, manage, integrate, evaluate and create information in different forms and in various ways Interpersonal interaction and cooperation - the ability to work in a team, to be a leader; take on different roles and responsibilities; work productively in a team; the ability to empathize; respect different opinions. Problem posing and solving skills - the ability to identify, analyze and solve problems. Focus on self-development - awareness of one's needs, monitoring one's own understanding and learning; search and placement of relevant resources; transfer of information and oversubject skills from one area of ​​knowledge to another. Social responsibility– the ability to act in the interests of the community; behave ethically in interpersonal, professional and social contexts.

Memo on conducting research Choose one of the proposed topics and indicate the author Put problematic issue Put forward your hypotheses Think over the course of your research Arrange the results in the form of a table or diagram Draw conclusions Do not forget to indicate the literature used

References mhttp:// m_resursy_po_predmetam/literatura/urok_litera tury_i_informacionnaja_kultura_uchenika/ _resursy_po_predmetam/literatura/urok_ikalitera tury_i_inuchenika

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After studying this topic, you will learn: what is the meaning of the concept of "information culture"; how does the information culture of a person manifest itself; what are the main factors in the development of information culture.

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Introduction The information society is based on the intellect as a tool of cognition, on information as a result of cognition, on interest and activity in the perception of information, on the desire to apply the intellect and information for certain purposes. New working conditions give rise to the dependence of the awareness of one person on the information acquired by other people. Therefore, it is no longer enough to be able to independently master and accumulate information, but it is necessary to learn such a technology for working with information when decisions are prepared and made on the basis of collective knowledge. This suggests that a person must have a certain level of culture in handling information. To reflect this fact, the term "information culture" was introduced.

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The concept of information culture is associated with two fundamental concepts - "information" and "culture", therefore, when defining the concept of "information culture", two aspects are distinguished: informological and cultural.

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Informological approach In the framework of the informological approach, information culture is understood as a set of knowledge, skills and abilities of searching, selecting, storing, analyzing information, that is, everything that is included in information activities aimed at meeting information needs.

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Culturological approach When using the culturological approach, the content of the concept of "information culture" expands, since all the information accumulated by mankind is the property of world culture. In this regard, information culture is considered as a way of human life in the information society, as a component of the process of forming the culture of mankind.

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Information culture is the ability to purposefully work with information and use computer information technology, modern technical means and methods to receive, process and transmit it.

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Manifestations of information culture in specific skills in the use of technical devices, from telephone to personal computer and computer networks; in the ability to use in their activities computer information technology, the basic component of which are numerous software products; in the ability to extract information from various sources, both from periodicals and from electronic communication systems present it in an understandable way and be able to use it effectively; in possession of the basics of analytical processing of information; in the ability to work with various information; in knowing the features of information flows in their field of activity.

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Factors in the development of information culture education system, which determines the general level of intellectual development of people; information infrastructure, which determines the ability of people to receive, transmit, store and use information; development of the country's economy, which determines the material capabilities of people using modern information technical means: computers, televisions, electronic communications, etc.

slide presentation

Slide text: MUK "MIBS" Library. B. Mashuk The presentation was prepared by Tolstykh T.S.

Slide text: During the transition to the information society, it is necessary to prepare a person for the rapid perception and processing of large amounts of information, to train him modern means, methods and technologies of work

Slide text: Having entered the twenty-first century, humanity has discovered new stage development - informational. S.V.Simonovich

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Slide text: Information culture is associated with the social nature of man. It is the product of a variety of human creative abilities.

Slide text: Information culture is knowledge and skills in the field of information and communication technologies, as well as knowledge of legal and aesthetic norms in this area

Slide text: Informatization of society changes the skills necessary for social adaptation

Slide text: Information culture is manifested in the following aspects: in specific skills in the use of technical devices, from telephone to personal computer and computer networks; in the ability to use in their activities computer information technology, the basic component of which are numerous software products; in the ability to extract information from various sources, both from periodicals and from electronic communication systems, to present it in an understandable form and be able to use it effectively;

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Slide text: in possession of the basics of analytical processing of information; in the ability to work with various information, that is, to be able to extract information from any kind of source; he must know the legal and ethical standards human information activity

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Slide text: What is all this for? Not to be emigrants in society!

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Slide text: Tree of information culture

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Slide text: Information literacy is a set of necessary skills that are required from each individual in order to be aware of the need for information, be able to find it, give a correct assessment and effectively use the necessary information

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Slide text: ICT literacy is about using digital technologies, communication tools and/or networks for accessing, managing, integrating, evaluating and creating information to function in modern society

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Slide text: Information worldview - a system of generalized views on information, information resources, Information Systems, information technology, informatization, the information society and the place of a person in it, on people's attitudes to the surrounding information environment, as well as their beliefs, ideals, principles of cognition and activity due to these views

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Slide text: What characterizes a student as information literate The ability to formulate a need The ability to search for information The ability to select and evaluate information The ability to process and provide

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Slide text: Distrust on the part of adults in the capabilities of children and simplification of work for themselves What prevents the child on this path

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Slide text: What the school library gives young people Learning through knowledge acquisition Learning through research The process is clearly organized, linear Themes on which existing knowledge must be obtained The structure of the concept is given, the student needs to understand it Students are somewhat passive as recipients of “ready-made knowledge” The process is often has a non-linear, branched, periodically recurrent nature and is based on constant reflection and self-assessment. Questions to which there is no simple answer. The student must draw conclusions from the information found The student forms the structure of concepts The student must be actively involved and interested The need for knowledge The student learns what others know The student forms his own understanding Process Structure The work of the student Deep understanding based on concepts and fundamental questions

Human culture is determined by: Knowledge, skills, professional skills. Knowledge, skills, professional skills. The level of intellectual, aesthetic and moral development. The level of intellectual, aesthetic and moral development. Ways and forms of mutual communication between people. Ways and forms of mutual communication between people.

This means that the more a person develops his mental abilities, the more he thinks, reflects, the more the level of his personal culture rises, and a person engaged in art or science must have a very high level of culture, which is not at all necessary for a person of physical labor.

In this regard, human IC should manifest itself in the following: 1. In the skills of using various technical devices - from telephone to PC and CS. 2. In the ability to master information technology. 3. In the ability to extract information from electronic communications. 4. In the ability to present information in an understandable way and use it correctly with maximum effect. 5. In the knowledge of various methods of information processing. 6. In the ability to work with different types information.

0 - no command 1 - poor command 2 - intermediate level 3 - good command Semenova Sasha Fedorov Oleg Vikhryan Sasha Bykova Vika from electronic communications The ability to present information in an understandable form and use it correctly with maximum effect The knowledge of various methods of processing information The ability to work with different types of information.2222 TOTAL: 12 (67%) 11 (61%) 10 (56%)

Conclusion: The students of our group have an average level of information culture. With the transition to the information society, common culture one more category has been added - informational. Therefore, in the lessons of informatics, we will just form and raise the level of information culture.