Processing blurry photos. Restoring out-of-focus and blurry images

AKVIS Refocus is a photo focus fixer that improves the clarity of images, sharpens them, and adds artistic blur and bokeh effects. Refocus will improve the quality of your photos and increase their aesthetic value.

Digital cameras help capture the most important moments, but sometimes the photo is fuzzy, hazy, and an insignificant background object is in focus.

In such cases, AKVIS Refocus will help. The program helps to improve the sharpness of fuzzy, blurry, out-of-focus pictures. You can correct the entire image or "bring into focus" only a certain object, highlighting it against the background of background elements. With the help of the program, you can also add shooting effects with a shallow depth of field.

The program works in five modes: and .

The mode helps to sharpen a fuzzy shot, make the image clearer and more expressive, and shift focus from one object to another.

Even if the photo is good and does not need processing, you can always focus on individual fragments, for example, highlight the eyes by applying the selective focus technique. Usually this technique is used when shooting portraits, macro photography, when photographing close-ups. With AKVIS Refocus, you can edit an already finished photo: select an object, set focus settings for it, and, if necessary, blur the rest of the area.

Mode, also known as " tilt-shift", allows you to leave a strip of a clear image (sharpening zone) and blur the photo at the edges, with smooth transitions between areas, adding side effects e. This mode gives the objects in the image a "toy" look. Life-size people, buildings, cars look like miniature models. Photographers achieve this effect with a special lens. tilt-shift. Using AKVIS Refocus, you can bring any photo into the world of miniature models!

The mode allows you to focus on a specific subject in a photo while blurring the rest of the image. Unlike the previous mode, it allows you to set the shape of the sharpness zone (ellipse, rectangle). When taking photographs, a similar effect is achieved by opening the aperture as wide as possible. With AKVIS Refocus, you can blur the background of an image by selecting the in-focus and out-of-focus areas and setting the bokeh parameters.

The mode allows you to simulate the movement of objects on static images. It creates the effect of a fast-moving object by blurring the image in a linear direction.

You can apply the effect to an entire image, or shift focus to specific areas by blurring the background. Add more dynamics to your images!

The mode creates a circular blur, usually caused by rotating or zooming the camera while the image is being captured. In this mode, you can select one of two blur types:

linear blur creates the illusion of an object moving towards or away from the viewer.
ring blur creates the illusion of rotation of the image.

With visual blur effects, your photos will gain more expressiveness and depth.

Now the advanced techniques of professional photographers are available to everyone!

You don't have to be an expert to get great results with AKVIS Refocus. The program is easy to use, even a beginner can easily master it. The program includes several ready-to-use presets that allow you to quickly get started and help you get familiar with the program. You can watch the photo processing in real time and compare the original image and the result.

AKVIS Refocus is available in two versions: as a standalone program ( standalone) and as a plugin (plug-in, plugin) for graphic editors.

functionality depends on license type. Try all the features of AKVIS Refocus during the trial period!

The program is available in Russian.

Modern photographic equipment, unfortunately, is far from perfect. Even the most expensive camera in an emergency can fail. Something extraordinary happens, a person takes out a camera, presses the shutter button, but in reality the picture turns out too blurry and the lost moment cannot be returned. In this case, a new software algorithm will help SmartDeblur.

Program SmartDeblur was developed by Vladimir Yuzhikov, who tried to solve two of the most important problems that cause blurry images in one product. The image may become poor quality due to poor focus and camera movement while the shutter is open. Any of these two mistakes can seriously spoil photograph, however, Vladimir is sure that low-quality is not yet completely lost to history.

Project author SmartDeblur says that even in the case of a blurry photograph, all the necessary pixels are in the picture, it’s just that each of these pixels is blurred in a special way in two-dimensional space. To overcome this problem, it is necessary to find a way to eliminate this blur and put each pixel in its rightful place. Miracle does not happen, algorithmSmartDeblur does not allow, as if by magic, to get an ultra-clear image of a professional level. However, the result is more than impressive. The program has a simple and functional interface with a set of "sliders" for adjusting image parameters. Mastering the capabilities of the program occurs in the process of its operation. Simply upload the image you want, move a few sliders, and see what it looks like. The utility boasts exceptional performance, all changes made by the user are displayed in real time.


Program features:

Simple, intuitive interface High speed. Processing a 2048*1500 pixel image takes about 300ms in Preview mode (when the settings sliders are moved) and 1.5 seconds in Clean mode (when the settings sliders are released). Selection of parameters in Real-time mode. There is no need to press the Preview buttons, everything is done automatically, you just need to move the distortion settings sliders. The processing goes for the image in full resolution. Those. there is no small preview window and Apply buttons. Support for recovering blurry and out-of-focus images Possibility to adjust the PSF view

AKVIS Refocus is a highly effective tool for correcting blurry, out-of-focus photos and images.

There are three operating modes in AKVIS Refocus: Miniature, Focus Correction, Aperture Blur, in which the software tool functions and is responsible for obtaining the resulting effect in image correction.

Also here you can bring into focus (select) a specific object and leave the overall blur of the picture.

The current digital cameras present many advantages. A variety of shooting functions, auto adjustment, and more make it very easy to achieve excellent portrait, landscape, and any other photos. However, not all shots can be taken multiple times, and a single shot, which can be very expensive or have valuable content, is not always the crown of perfection, and sometimes it is not possible to distinguish its main components.

Such an unsatisfactory result is often the effect of focus distortion. This is where the AKVIS Refocus software comes in handy as a free software assistant for removing blur and establishing acceptable clarity for any defective photo.

In general, the use of highly specialized software in the field of graphic image processing can be a very justified move, both for non-professionals (home users) and for experienced master photographers.

Given the convenience and exceptional simplicity of working with the downloaded AKVIS Refocus product, the process of fixing bad photos is greatly simplified, which saves time and, accordingly, users' money.

The Thumbnail mode creates blurring of the side parts of the image with the phenomenon of a smooth transition to a clear area. Thus, objects (people, structures, cars) in the general concept will look like toys, like miniature models. The next mode - Correct focus creates expressiveness of the picture by normalizing its sharpness and clarity. By choosing the optimal settings, here you can achieve the level of a truly high-quality photo.

The final mode of the free download of AKVIS Refocus is Iris Blur, which sets a predefined shape of the sharpness. For example, having a perfect photo, you can bring personality by focusing on certain fragments, for example, highlighting the eyes, and blurring the rest a little.

With standard photography, this effect is achieved on professional devices with the maximum possible aperture opening. However, thanks to the amazing, free application from AKVIS, you do not need to be a mega-specialist or have expensive equipment. We must admit that AKVIS Refocus is useful both in simple photo editing and in the implementation of specific creative ideas.

Easy Photo Unblur helps you focus blurry photos, fix blemishes from shaky camera and hands, and blurry moving objects. The program's algorithms will analyze your image and identify out-of-focus objects or blurry areas of the image, instead of sharpening the entire image.

Fix focus errors

You captured a unique moment, only to find later that it was out of focus. There is nothing sadder than deleting a great photo just because of a small error in focus. A missed opportunity? Not if you use Easy Photo Unblur!
Image out of focus? Easy Photo Unblur will fix that! This tool can correct small and small focus errors by applying smart focusing algorithms only to blurry subjects in a photo. What is the end result? One photo worth a thousand words!

Fix Trembling Hand Defects

Camera shake at the time of shooting is the cause of a huge number of spoiled pictures. Optical image stabilization and ultra-high ISO speeds can help, but they're usually found on expensive cameras and lenses. Even cameras with optical image stabilization can produce blurry shots. Fortunately, such defects can be corrected. Easy Photo Unblur uses sophisticated algorithms to detect camera shake defects, correct them gently, and produce a sharp image as a result.
Unlike other tools, Easy Photo Unblur, instead of simply overlaying the image with a Sharpness Filter (Sharp), uses a clever technique to detect blurry and out-of-focus defects and, as if by magic, can fix only smeared areas.

Remove motion blur

There are two types of motion blur, and you'll probably only want to fix one of them. When you shoot a moving subject at a slow shutter speed, the subject may come out blurry. This is because the subject is moving while the shutter is open. Easy Photo Unblur can correct this type of blur.
In the second case, you can take pictures with a sufficiently long exposure, specially moving along with the objects, following the camera. In this case, you get a sharp image of the subject and a blurred background, which perfectly emphasizes the movement in a static image. You probably don't want to fix this type of blur.

I present to your attention the smartdeblur program to eliminate blur and defocus. Its first distributions and sources can be downloaded at , the latest paid distributions are available at

Below you can see the result of processing the blurry image. The photo was taken with a Canon 500D camera, EF 85mm/1.8 lens. Focusing in manual mode to get blur. As you can see, the text is absolutely unreadable, you can only guess that this is some kind of dialog box.

And this is the result of processing:

Almost the entire text can be read, although there are some distortions.

Let's remember the theory

During distortion, each pixel of the original photo becomes a segment (during normal blurring) or a spot (during defocusing). All this is superimposed and as a result a distorted photograph comes out - this is called convolution or image convolution. The law according to which one pixel is smeared is called the distortion function or PSF (Point spread function).

To restore the image, we need to reverse (reverse) the convolution, but take into account the noise. But it's just not that simple. The convolution theorem and the Fourier transform come to the rescue. I don’t think it’s worth describing the theory in more detail on this blog. Since the very purpose of the record is to give a link to the program and say what it can do. If you are interested in theoretical issues, then the author devoted three articles to them:



SmartDeblur demonstrates the restoration of out-of-focus and blurry images.

Main functions:

  • High speed. Processing photos with a resolution of 2048*1500 takes about 300ms in Preview mode.
  • Selection of settings in Real-time. No need to press the Preview button, everything is done automatically, you just need to move the settings sliders.
  • Processing takes place for a photo in full resolution. There are no small preview windows and Apply buttons.
  • Restoring out-of-focus and blurry images
  • Adjusting the PSF View

The main emphasis was placed on processing speed. As a result, it outperforms commercial counterparts.

True, the program has a number of features and bugs - at some values, the photo is covered with ripples.


Let's compare the quality of processing with paid analogues.
Let's take the 2 most famous programs:

  1. Topaz InFocus -
  2. Focus Magic -

We will take advertising images that are on their official sites - this ensures that the parameters of the programs are optimal (most likely, the developers selected the photos well and selected the settings before publishing the advertisement on the site).

Lubrication recovery:

Processing with the following parameters:

Result on the Topaz InFocus website:

The second example is defocus restoration.

Taking an example from the Focus Magic website: