Purpose of holding photographs of working time. What is a photo of a working day: an example of filling

Those who are attentive to improving the efficiency of production processes will not be surprised by the phrase “photo of a working day”. But even those familiar with the term have many questions. How to do the right research? Is preparation necessary? How to organize observations and make an analysis? Our article will help you understand everything.

From this article you will learn:

What is working time photography

At first glance, the term “work time photography” sounds almost fantastic. This is the same time, it cannot be touched, seen, captured. But it can be used for anything.

A photo of a working day is a tool that helps to evaluate the efficiency of time use. It is advisable to apply the method in order to understand the reasons for the untimely completion of the tasks. This may be too much workload, lack of qualifications for the employee, or simply the wrong allocation of resources.

Technically, a photograph of working time is not a photograph, but a voluminous document where data is entered on how the day is used. It contains a description of the work task, marks on the beginning and end of its implementation, records of all the actions of the employee. The more detailed the data is entered, the higher the efficiency of the method.

There is no legally approved research regulation. The employer himself establishes and coordinates the procedure for taking photographs of working time.

Objectives of the

Photo of a working day (FRD) is a powerful management tool that allows you to solve a voluminous set of business tasks. Among the main objectives of the study:

  • Identify and measure time losses.
  • Understand how you can optimize the use of work resources.
  • Determine the reasons for non-compliance with standards and "leakage" of minutes.
  • Collect data to develop optimal labor standards and successfully reorganize work processes.
  • Assess the adequacy of the tasks facing employees, their complexity, volumes.
  • Conduct a deep analysis of labor efficiency at the enterprise: identify the most labor-intensive processes and types of employment, identify successful and unsuccessful employees.
  • To study the experience of the best employees and implement it into work standards.

As you can see, working time photography is more than just a way to supervise employees. This is an effective tool that is needed at different levels of the production hierarchy:

Employees in the field can optimize their working day.

HR and HR staff receive data for compiling or adjusting job descriptions, planning staffing and working hours.

Leaders and managers see the real state of affairs in business processes and can optimize them.

Theme of the issue

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Processing and analysis of results

Before drawing conclusions from photographs of working time, the results of observations should be processed.

FRD processing

The first processing step is to count the minutes spent on each operation. The difference between the moments in the first and second columns is entered in column 3.

  • Total time - the total duration of the shift (ST), most often this figure is 540 (9 * 60 minutes).
  • Preparation for the task - preparation of equipment and workplace (PZ).
  • Operation time - the time spent on the action (TO).
  • Rest and personal needs - planned breaks (SOL).
  • Violations of labor discipline - lateness, unauthorized breaks (NTD).

On the basis of the completed photographic forms, it is possible to compile analytical tables of the balance sheet of the RV or a map of the photograph of the working day. Key indicators for these tables are calculated as follows:

  • the time for each type of operation is summarized;
  • the share of time for the operation in the shift is calculated (K1 = VO / 540 * 100%).

Here's what the completed map looks like:

The issue of determining labor discipline is extremely important when photographing a taxiway. It is worth remembering that employees are people, each with its own strength and perseverance. Often, smoke breaks, breaks for “talk” or coffee are simply necessary to maintain a healthy working atmosphere and team spirit in the team. Therefore, before starting processing, it is necessary to determine exactly what is considered a violation and what is not.

The data obtained is the basis for analysis and management conclusions.

FRD analysis

The analysis of the FRD allows you to understand the production processes in the complex, evaluating:

  • performance of individual employees;
  • their working conditions;
  • compliance with the complexity of the tasks of personnel qualification;
  • load adequacy;
  • compliance of the equipment with the tasks performed.

Here are some examples of the conclusions that the FRD allows to draw:

Bonus Or, conversely, pay cuts. For example, according to the results of group photography, it turned out that with an equal workload, some employees show high productivity, while others do not. Rewarding the first and punishing the second will help increase motivation in the team.

Increase in the number of performers. Sometimes the team's poor performance is not the result of a lack of work discipline, but the result of a banal lack of hands. FRD helps identify the need to involve additional workers. It happens and vice versa - the team copes with the work quickly and there is a lot of free time. In this case, it is advisable to transfer people to other tasks.

Personnel changes. Often, after photographing, it turns out that a person is simply working in the wrong place - spending too much effort on work that others do quickly. As a measure, you can offer him another position or provide training.

Reorganization of processes. Some complex FRDs reveal that some departments of the company are overloaded while others are "cooling off". Perhaps you should redistribute tasks.

Hardware upgrade. The workplace and tools are an important part of productivity. Often, workers are idle only because they have to work on outdated equipment. At the same time, they get tired, nervous, which further reduces productivity.

Thus, although taxiway photography is voluntary, this tool is extremely important for business development. Quite simple in execution, it provides a lot of important management information.

Despite the fundamental changes in the country's economy, rationing has retained the role of the main factor in managing labor productivity. Working time photography (FW) is still one of the most convenient and rational methods for studying the costs and losses of working time, as well as developing certain types labor standards. Mastering the PDF method makes it possible to obtain unique results in the field of personnel management and its productivity, even in conditions of incomplete coverage of work performed at the enterprise by regulation.

Productivity serves as a measure of the effectiveness of the use of available resources (not only labor, but also raw materials, land, capital, information, time, etc.) to produce the necessary quantity, range and quality of products or services for the consumer. At the same time, labor productivity is one of the main, although not the only, characteristics of the efficiency of using both physical and materialized labor.

The productivity of an enterprise is determined by a number of factors, divided into two groups - soft and hard. Soft factors, which include, among others, personnel, organizational system, work methods and management style, are quite easily influenced by the enterprise, manageable and at the same time have a significant impact on the overall performance indicator. That is why much attention has been and is being paid to increasing labor productivity.

One of the recognized tools for solving the problem effective use labor resources enterprises is the rationing of labor.

In Ukraine, sectoral and intersectoral norms and standards have been developed and are being developed, for example, within the framework of the “Program for the creation and continuous updating of the national regulatory framework on labor and occupational classification for 2004-2007”, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of March 18, 2003 No. 356. However, one of characteristic features The current economy of the country is a significant uneven development of enterprises, which leads to a significant decrease in the applicability (compliance) of the approved inter-industry and industry standards. At the same time, in accordance with the Code of Labor Laws of Ukraine, the introduction, replacement and revision of labor standards is carried out by the owner or a body authorized by him in agreement with the elected body of the primary trade union organization(trade union representative). The owner or a body authorized by him must explain to the employees the reasons for the revision of labor standards, as well as the conditions under which the new standards should be applied. The owner or a body authorized by him informs employees about the introduction of new and changes in existing labor standards no later than one month before their introduction (Article 86 of the Labor Code).

Therefore, the approved intersectoral and sectoral norms and standards are advisory in nature.

The main responsibility for checking the compliance of intersectoral and industry standards with the actual organizational and technical conditions at the enterprise, determining the error, updating, changing existing or developing new standards lies with the enterprise and its standardization specialists.

The main task of rationing- establishing necessary costs living labor (expenses of working time), materialized labor (equipment, technological process, object of labor) and conditions for performing work (organization of the workplace, division and cooperation, working conditions, etc.) in order to:

  • increase in labor productivity;
  • determining the required number, professional and qualification composition of employees;
  • organization of operational planning;
  • organization of wages;
  • improvement of the organization of work.

It is customary to distinguish four types of labor standards:

Norm of time- the amount of working time spent to perform one unit of work by an employee or a group of employees (team) of the appropriate qualification in the given organizational and technical conditions.

Production rate- the established amount of work (number of units of production) that an employee or a group of employees (team) of appropriate qualifications must perform (manufacture, transport, etc.) per unit of working time in given organizational and technical conditions. The rate of production is the reciprocal of the rate of time.

population rate- the established number of employees of a certain professional and qualification composition, necessary for the implementation of specific production, managerial functions or the amount of work in the given organizational and technical conditions.

Service rate- amount production facilities(pieces of equipment, workplaces, heads of livestock, etc.), which an employee or a group of employees (team) of appropriate qualifications are required to serve within a unit of time in given organizational and technological conditions. Manageability rate is a special type of service rate for rationing the work of managers at various administrative levels.

The most widespread are the norms of time and output, which are used both directly for assessing and remunerating employees, and for planning production and headcount. These standards are easy to use and understandable to all categories of workers.

Norms of number and service are less common, especially sectoral and intersectoral. Such norms usually take into account the typical scope of work of the normalized category of personnel. If at the enterprise the scope of work, for example, on accounting or repair and maintenance, differs from those given in the collection of standards, then the applicability of the standard is reduced.

The development, approbation and implementation of labor standards is a multifaceted process that requires performers (standard-setters) to spend a significant amount of time, labor and high qualifications.

Working time is used by the personnel of the enterprise not only for work, the structure of working time is much more complicated. It includes (see fig.) :

Working hours- the period of time during which the worker performs this or that work, provided and not provided for by the production task.

Completing tasks- the task execution time consists of preparatory and final time, operational time and workplace maintenance time.

Preparatory and closing time is spent by the worker on preparing himself and the means of production for the fulfillment of a new production task, the manufacture of a new batch of products, and the performance of all work associated with its completion (obtaining materials, tools, devices, work orders and technical documentation, briefing, installation and removal of tools and devices, equipment setup, delivery finished products, delivery of fixtures, tools, work order, technical documentation and leftover materials). It is calculated once for the entire batch of products. Depending on the serial production and equipment, it can be from 1 to 15% of the working time.

operational time- the period during which the employee performs a given operation - changes the shape, properties and quality of the object of labor or its position in space.

regular time - part of the operational time spent on fulfilling the goal of this process for a qualitative or quantitative change in the means of labor.

Auxiliary time - part of the operational time spent on performing actions that make it possible to perform the main work (loading the machine with raw materials, unloading and removing finished products, installing and reinstalling parts, tools and fixtures, moving the worker associated with the operation).

Workplace maintenance- time spent on activities related to caring for the workplace and maintaining equipment, tools and fixtures in working order during the shift.

Depending on the nature of the participation of the worker in the performance of production operations, the time of work may be the time manual, machine-handmade and observation time for the operation of the equipment.

The preparatory-final time, as a rule, is manual; the main - manual, machine-manual, machine, automated; auxiliary - manual, machine-manual or mechanized. The maintenance time of the workplace can be manual and machine-manual.

Work not on assignment- the time spent on performing random operations that are not characteristic of this worker and that can be eliminated (walking for a tool, correcting defects, etc.).

Chore- the time spent on performing random operations that are not characteristic of this worker.

unproductive work- the time spent on walking and searching (material, blanks, tools, craftsman, adjuster, etc.), as well as on the manufacture of products rejected through no fault of the worker.

Breaks for rest and personal needs are used by workers for rest in order to prevent fatigue and maintain normal working capacity. (relaxation) as well as personal hygiene (personal needs) .

Breaks of an organizational and technical nature are caused by the established technology and organization of production, as well as violations of the normal course production process.

Breaks for technological and organizational reasons - time for the removal of workers from the explosion zone, breaks between unloading and loading the thermal furnace required by technology, etc. These breaks are regulated and are included in the labor norm.

Breaks due to disruption of the normal course of the production process may be caused by delays in the supply of raw materials and semi-finished products, lack of energy, blanks, waiting for the master, auxiliary worker, transport, unscheduled repairs and other reasons that disrupted the normal course of the production process. These breaks are essentially downtime for various organizational and technical reasons, depending on production.

Breaks due to violation of labor discipline(lateness, unauthorized absences from the workplace, premature departure from work, etc.) are downtime due to the fault of the worker.

When rationing labor in an enterprise, as a rule, they focus on the rationing of operational time. In principle, this is correct, since it is at this time that the products (services) of the enterprise are created, that is, the goods sold by it on the market. At the same time, due attention is not always paid to increasing the share of operational time in working time, setting standards for preparatory and final time, time for servicing the workplace and regulated breaks.

One of the most convenient methods for solving problems of assessing and analyzing the structure of costs and losses of working time, developing measures to improve the organization of labor and increase its productivity by eliminating losses and waste of working time is photograph of working time .

These photographs of working time can be used, in particular, for rationing:

  • preparatory and final time;
  • time for maintenance of the workplace;
  • time for rest and personal needs;
  • numbers;
  • service;

as well as to identify the reasons for non-fulfillment (over-fulfillment) of the norms.

Photography of working time, depending on the object of observation and forms of labor organization, is individual, group and brigade.

Photography of working time can be carried out by the method of direct observations (classical photography of working time) and by the method of momentary observations. In addition, self-photography is common.

If the photograph of working time is used to develop time norms, then the objects of observation are jobs with good labor organization that excludes time losses, and workers who comply with the norms. If photography is used to analyze the cost structure of working time, then workplace analyzed "as is", no additional measures to improve the work before taking a photo are taken.

When taking photographs of working time, the following must be provided:

  • serviceability of machines, machine tools and equipment;
  • the required quality of materials and tools necessary to perform the work and their timely submission;
  • timely supply of electricity, gas and other sources of energy supply;
  • timely provision of technical documentation;
  • healthy and safe working conditions (observance of norms and rules of labor protection, necessary lighting, heating and ventilation, minimization of the harmful effects of noise, radiation, vibration, etc.).

If a specified conditions are not performed, then the conducted research will not comply with the norms of the Labor Code of Ukraine (Article 88).

It is especially important to remember that the photograph of working time is not used to normalize operational time. To do this, chronometric observations are used. The combination of photographs of working time and timing is called photo timing.

Depending on the type of production, in order to ensure sufficient accuracy of the results, it is recommended to take from 5 (for single and small-scale) to 20 (for mass) photographs of working time for each workplace (group of similar workplaces), summarizing the results obtained.

Individual photo of working time

At individual photo working time, the object of observation is one employee working at a particular workplace.

Photographing, that is, direct observation and measurement of working time, is carried out according to the current time, usually with an accuracy of 30 seconds, which makes it possible to use ordinary watches with a second hand. If greater accuracy is required, for example, to separate auxiliary time from the main one, a stopwatch is used.

The observer must be at the workplace before the start of work, observation begins at the signal “start of work (shift)” and ends at the signal “end of shift”.

Photographing is carried out according to the current time. The calculation of the duration of the elements is carried out when processing the results.

The results of the measurements are recorded in the observation sheet. (Table 1), in which the start time of observations is marked in the first line of the photomap. At the beginning of a new phenomenon (action), the observer enters in columns 1 and 2 its serial number and content, and at the end of it - in columns 3 and 4 the current time by the hour. Each entry shows either what the worker did, or what caused his inaction. Each element of work or break must be recorded separately by category of work time spent. Particularly clearly should be distinguished the elements of the preparatory-final time from the operational, work to maintain the workplace, as well as breaks in work, taking into account their nature and reasons. At the same time, columns 1–4 (Table 1) are filled directly in the process of observations, the rest - when processing the results of photography.

After filling the photomap with the results of observations, the duration of each of the elements is calculated, the results of which are noted in column 5.

Column 6 “Overlaps No…” indicates the serial numbers of observation records containing computer time, which overlap this measurement of manual work time.

To characterize the operational time, column 7 indicates the number of products produced (work performed).

Column 8 indicates the index of time spent, that is, a characteristic of the type of work time spent in accordance with the classification adopted by the enterprise.

As a rule, this is:

  • PZ - preparatory-final time;
  • OP - operational time;
  • OM - service time of the workplace;
  • PN - losses (breaks) of an organizational and technical nature, depending on malfunctions in production;

  • PR - loss of time, depending on the worker;
  • PL - loss of time for personal needs and rest.

To increase the information content of the analysis by categories of time costs, an additional division indicated by a number is introduced: PZ-1, PR-5, OM-2, etc. The coding system is adopted for each enterprise independently.

Consider the order of holding a photo using an example (Table 1) .

The object of observation was the turner of section No. 3 of shop No. 1 of a conditional enterprise, the observation was carried out on January 21, 2004.

The shift started at 8:00. The turner started the day by lubricating the machine (column 2), which he finished at 8:06 (columns 3 and 4). Then until 8:11 he received production order and a drawing, and until 8:14 - a working tool. After receiving the tool before 8:18, the site foreman conducted a briefing. After briefing, receiving blanks (until 8:27) and setting up the machine (until 8:40), the turner began to manufacture parts.

All these types of work of the turner, as well as all other types of his work and breaks, were entered on the observation list. The total observation time was 480 minutes (8 hours). The determination of the duration by category of expenditure of working time is made by subtracting from the measurement time of each subsequent element in the time table of the previous one.

Based on the results of observations, a summary of the same-name costs of working time is compiled (Table 2), as well as the actual and projected balances of working time (Table 3) .

In our case, the preparatory and final time actually amounted to 42 minutes (8.8% of the observation time), operational time - 364 minutes (75.8%), workplace maintenance time - 30 minutes (6.2%), organizational breaks -technical nature (not the fault of the worker) - 23 minutes (4.8%), breaks due to the fault of the worker - 17 minutes (3.6%), time for rest and personal needs - 4 minutes (1.0%).

The data obtained give a fairly clear idea of ​​the structure of the cost of working time and their quantitative characteristics.

Development of time norms

The rationing process at domestic enterprises is carried out at an insufficiently high level. As a rule, rationing does not fully cover operational time and / or there are no standards for preparatory and final time, workplace maintenance time and regulated breaks, both in general and their constituent elements. In this case, the photograph of working time is the main source of initial data for normalization.

AT table 4 a summary of the elements of the preparatory-closing time, obtained from the analysis of photographs of working time, is presented. Photographing was carried out at the turner's workplace for five days. The production technology of products during this period did not provide for the use of special devices. The average duration of the preparatory and final time was 24.0 minutes, or 5.0% of the working time. Including the time spent on individual elements of the preparatory and final time were determined.

In a similar way, the collection and analysis of the results is carried out when normalizing the time for servicing the workplace based on a photograph of working time.

In cases where the preparatory-final time has an insignificant specific gravity in working time, it is advisable not to single it out as an independent part of the norm, but to include it in the norm of piece (for one product, operation) time. With the help of a photograph of working time, the percentage of preparatory and final time in working time is determined, and further calculation is carried out as a percentage of operational time.

Workplace maintenance time is usually calculated as a percentage of operational time.

Performance prospects

A photograph of working time can be used both to develop norms and to assess the prospects for increasing labor productivity in a given workplace.

At the enterprise under consideration, in relation to the workplace of a turner, the standard value of the preparatory and final time is 24.0 minutes, the time for servicing the workplace is 24.0 minutes. At the same time, normative losses of working time associated with rest and personal needs of the worker are provided for in 2.5% (12 minutes) of working time (Table 3). Thus, the standard operating time is:

OP \u003d RV - (PZ + OM + PL) \u003d 480 - (24 + 24 + 12) \u003d 420 min.

Based on the photograph of working time, three possible ways to increase labor productivity can be considered:

1. Increasing productivity by reducing time losses due to organizational and technical reasons. With regard to the example under consideration - by 6.3%.

2. Increased productivity by reducing worker-dependent downtime. With regard to the example under consideration - by 2.5%.

3. Increasing productivity by eliminating unproductive work and wasted working time. With regard to the example under consideration - by 15.4%.

Thus, by reducing unproductive losses of working time and increasing operational time, it is possible to increase labor productivity at this workplace by 15.4%. In this case, with a unchanged product range, not 35, but 40 parts (products) will be produced during the shift, and with a variable one, additional products. In practice, this situation occurs quite often, and it is thanks to the photograph of working time that it is possible to significantly reduce unproductive losses of working time.

Even more often there is a situation when there is an overfulfillment of the norms of piece time with the simultaneous presence of unproductive losses of working time.

Let's assume that the standardized task was to produce 35 parts during the shift. At the same time, the norm of piece operational time was 12.0 minutes. However, due to shortcomings in the organization of production and Maintenance equipment, violations of production discipline, there were losses of working time (Table 3). The worker, compensating for unproductive losses, spent 10.4 minutes on the production of each part, that is, 1.6 minutes less.

Usually, such over-fulfillment of the norms is welcomed and even financially stimulated. And very often unjustified. First of all, you need to find out how the overfulfillment of the norms is achieved - due to the best organization labor or due to violation of technology. Violation of technological regimes leads to overloading of tools and equipment, their premature wear and failure, which means an increase in the cost of repair, replacement and maintenance. Quite often, a violation of technology leads to the release of hidden defects and affects the competitiveness of the enterprise. If the level of performance achieved is within the technical and technological possibilities equipment and product quality does not deteriorate, then a decision is made to revise the standards in force at the enterprise for this type of product (operation). Otherwise, measures are taken to bring the production process in line with the requirements of the standards.

Thus, a photograph of working time is a fairly universal and accessible tool for labor rationing, studying the structure of working time costs, checking compliance with technological discipline, developing measures to increase labor productivity and reduce unproductive losses of working time. A photograph of working time can be used regardless of the presence or absence of time standards, output, etc. at the enterprise. The use of photography gives a practical result for the rationing of the work of all categories of personnel - managers, professionals, specialists, technical employees and workers.

Despite the fundamental changes in the country's economy, rationing has retained the role of the main factor in managing labor productivity. Photography of working time (FW) is still one of the most convenient and rational methods for studying the costs and losses of working time, as well as developing certain types of labor standards. Mastering the PDF method makes it possible to obtain unique results in the field of personnel management and its productivity, even in conditions of incomplete coverage of work performed at the enterprise by regulation.

Productivity serves as a measure of the effectiveness of the use of available resources (not only labor, but also raw materials, land, capital, information, time, etc.) to produce the necessary quantity, range and quality of products or services for the consumer. At the same time, labor productivity is one of the main, although not the only, characteristics of the efficiency of using both physical and materialized labor.

The productivity of an enterprise is determined by a number of factors, divided into two groups - soft and hard. Soft factors, which include, among others, personnel, organizational system, working methods and management style, are quite easily influenced by the enterprise, manageable and at the same time have a significant impact on the overall performance indicator. That is why much attention has been and is being paid to increasing labor productivity.

One of the recognized tools for solving the problem of the effective use of the labor resources of an enterprise is labor rationing.

In Ukraine, sectoral and intersectoral norms and standards have been developed and are being developed, for example, within the framework of the “Program for the Creation and Continuous Update of the National Regulatory Framework for Labor and Occupational Classification for 2004-2007”, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of March 18, 2003 No. 356. However, one One of the characteristic features of the current economy of the country is a significant uneven development of enterprises, which leads to a significant decrease in the applicability (compliance) of approved inter-sectoral and sectoral norms. At the same time, in accordance with the Labor Code of Ukraine, the introduction, replacement and revision of labor standards is carried out by the owner or a body authorized by him in agreement with the elected body of the primary trade union organization (trade union representative). The owner or a body authorized by him must explain to the employees the reasons for the revision of labor standards, as well as the conditions under which the new standards should be applied. The owner or a body authorized by him informs employees about the introduction of new and changes in existing labor standards no later than one month before their introduction (Article 86 of the Labor Code).

Therefore, the approved intersectoral and sectoral norms and standards are advisory in nature.

The main responsibility for checking the compliance of intersectoral and industry standards with the actual organizational and technical conditions at the enterprise, determining the error, updating, changing existing or developing new standards lies with the enterprise and its standardization specialists.

The main task of rationing- establishing the necessary costs of living labor (working time costs), materialized labor (equipment, technological process, object of labor) and the conditions for performing work (organization of the workplace, division and cooperation, working conditions, etc.) in order to:

  • increase in labor productivity;
  • determining the required number, professional and qualification composition of employees;
  • organization of operational planning;
  • organization of wages;
  • improvement of the organization of work.

It is customary to distinguish four types of labor standards:

Norm of time- the amount of working time spent to perform one unit of work by an employee or a group of employees (team) of the appropriate qualification in the given organizational and technical conditions.

Production rate- the established amount of work (number of units of production) that an employee or a group of employees (team) of appropriate qualifications must perform (manufacture, transport, etc.) per unit of working time in given organizational and technical conditions. The rate of production is the reciprocal of the rate of time.

population rate- the established number of employees of a certain professional and qualification composition, necessary to perform specific production, management functions or scope of work in given organizational and technical conditions.

Service rate- the number of production facilities (pieces of equipment, jobs, livestock, etc.) that an employee or a group of employees (team) of appropriate qualifications are required to serve within a unit of time in given organizational and technological conditions. Manageability rate is a special type of service rate for rationing the work of managers at various administrative levels.

The most widespread are the norms of time and output, which are used both directly for assessing and remunerating employees, and for planning production and headcount. These standards are easy to use and understandable to all categories of workers.

Norms of number and service are less common, especially sectoral and intersectoral. Such norms usually take into account the typical scope of work of the normalized category of personnel. If at the enterprise the scope of work, for example, accounting or repair and maintenance, differs from that given in the collection of norms, then the applicability of the norm is reduced.

The development, approbation and implementation of labor standards is a multifaceted process that requires performers (standard-setters) to spend a significant amount of time, labor and high qualifications.

Working time is used by the personnel of the enterprise not only for work, the structure of working time is much more complicated. It includes (see fig.):

Working hours- the period of time during which the worker performs this or that work, provided and not provided for by the production task.

Completing tasks- the task execution time consists of preparatory and final time, operational time and workplace maintenance time.

Preparatory and closing time is spent by the workers on preparing themselves and the means of production for the fulfillment of a new production task, the manufacture of a new batch of products, and the performance of all work related to its completion (obtaining materials, tools, fixtures, work orders and technical documentation, passing instructions, installing and removing tools and fixtures, equipment setup, delivery of finished products, delivery of fixtures, tools, work order, technical documentation and leftover materials). It is calculated once for the entire batch of products. Depending on the serial production and equipment, it can be from 1 to 15% of the working time.

operational time- the period during which the employee performs a given operation - changes the shape, properties and quality of the object of labor or its position in space.

regular time - part of the operational time spent on fulfilling the goal of this process for a qualitative or quantitative change in the means of labor.

Auxiliary time - part of the operational time spent on performing actions that make it possible to perform the main work (loading the machine with raw materials, unloading and removing finished products, installing and reinstalling parts, tools and fixtures, moving the worker associated with the operation).

Workplace maintenance- time spent on activities related to caring for the workplace and maintaining equipment, tools and fixtures in working order during the shift.

Depending on the nature of the participation of the worker in the performance of production operations, the time of work may be the time manual, machine-handmade and observation time for the operation of the equipment.

The preparatory-final time, as a rule, is manual; the main - manual, machine-manual, machine, automated; auxiliary - manual, machine-manual or mechanized. The maintenance time of the workplace can be manual and machine-manual.

Work not on assignment- the time spent on performing random operations that are not characteristic of this worker and that can be eliminated (walking for a tool, correcting defects, etc.).

Chore- the time spent on performing random operations that are not characteristic of this worker.

unproductive work- the time spent on walking and searching (material, blanks, tools, craftsman, adjuster, etc.), as well as on the manufacture of products rejected through no fault of the worker.

Breaks for rest and personal needs are used by workers for rest in order to prevent fatigue and maintain normal working capacity. (relaxation) as well as personal hygiene (personal needs).

Breaks of an organizational and technical nature are caused by the established technology and organization of production, as well as violations of the normal course of the production process.

Breaks for technological and organizational reasons - time for the removal of workers from the explosion zone, breaks between unloading and loading the thermal furnace required by technology, etc. These breaks are regulated and are included in the labor norm.

Breaks due to disruption of the normal course of the production process may be caused by delays in the supply of raw materials and semi-finished products, lack of energy, blanks, waiting for the master, auxiliary worker, transport, unscheduled repairs and other reasons that disrupted the normal course of the production process. These breaks are essentially downtime for various organizational and technical reasons, depending on production.

Breaks due to violation of labor discipline(lateness, unauthorized absences from the workplace, premature departure from work, etc.) are downtime due to the fault of the worker.

When rationing labor in an enterprise, as a rule, they focus on the rationing of operational time. In principle, this is correct, since it is at this time that the products (services) of the enterprise are created, that is, the goods sold by it on the market. At the same time, due attention is not always paid to increasing the share of operational time in working time, setting standards for preparatory and final time, time for servicing the workplace and regulated breaks.

One of the most convenient methods for solving problems of assessing and analyzing the structure of costs and losses of working time, developing measures to improve the organization of labor and increase its productivity by eliminating losses and waste of working time is photograph of working time.

These photographs of working time can be used, in particular, for rationing:

  • preparatory and final time;
  • time for maintenance of the workplace;
  • time for rest and personal needs;
  • numbers;
  • service;

as well as to identify the reasons for non-fulfillment (over-fulfillment) of the norms.

Photography of working time, depending on the object of observation and forms of labor organization, is individual, group and brigade.

Photography of working time can be carried out by the method of direct observations (classical photography of working time) and by the method of momentary observations. In addition, self-photography is common.

If the photograph of working time is used to develop time norms, then the objects of observation are jobs with good labor organization that excludes time losses, and workers who comply with the norms. If a photograph is used to analyze the cost structure of working time, then the workplace is analyzed “as is”, no additional measures to improve work are taken before taking a photograph.

When taking photographs of working time, the following must be provided:

  • serviceability of machines, machine tools and equipment;
  • the required quality of materials and tools necessary to perform the work and their timely submission;
  • timely supply of electricity, gas and other sources of energy supply;
  • timely provision of technical documentation;
  • healthy and safe working conditions (observance of norms and rules of labor protection, necessary lighting, heating and ventilation, minimization of the harmful effects of noise, radiation, vibration, etc.).

If these conditions are not met, then the ongoing research will not comply with the norms of the Labor Code of Ukraine (Article 88).

It is especially important to remember that the photograph of working time is not used to normalize operational time. To do this, chronometric observations are used. The combination of photographs of working time and timing is called photo timing.

Depending on the type of production, in order to ensure sufficient accuracy of the results, it is recommended to take from 5 (for single and small-scale) to 20 (for mass) photographs of working time for each workplace (group of similar workplaces), summarizing the results obtained.

Individual photo of working time

With an individual photograph of working time, the object of observation is one employee working at a specific workplace.

Photographing, that is, direct observation and measurement of working time, is carried out according to the current time, usually with an accuracy of 30 seconds, which makes it possible to use ordinary watches with a second hand. If greater accuracy is required, for example, to separate auxiliary time from the main one, a stopwatch is used.

The observer must be at the workplace before the start of work, observation begins at the signal “start of work (shift)” and ends at the signal “end of shift”.

Photographing is carried out according to the current time. The calculation of the duration of the elements is carried out when processing the results.

The results of the measurements are recorded in the observation sheet. (Table 1), in which the start time of observations is marked in the first line of the photomap. At the beginning of a new phenomenon (action), the observer enters in columns 1 and 2 its serial number and content, and at the end of it - in columns 3 and 4 the current time by the hour. Each entry shows either what the worker did, or what caused his inaction. Each element of work or break must be recorded separately by category of work time spent. Particularly clearly should be distinguished the elements of the preparatory-final time from the operational, work to maintain the workplace, as well as breaks in work, taking into account their nature and reasons. At the same time, columns 1–4 (Table 1) are filled directly in the process of observations, the rest - when processing the results of photography.

After filling the photomap with the results of observations, the duration of each of the elements is calculated, the results of which are noted in column 5.

Column 6 “Overlaps No…” indicates the serial numbers of observation records containing computer time, which overlap this measurement of manual work time.

To characterize the operational time, column 7 indicates the number of products produced (work performed).

Column 8 indicates the index of time spent, that is, a characteristic of the type of work time spent in accordance with the classification adopted by the enterprise.

As a rule, this is:

  • PZ - preparatory-final time;
  • OP - operational time;
  • OM - service time of the workplace;
  • PN - losses (breaks) of an organizational and technical nature, depending on malfunctions in production;

  • PR - loss of time, depending on the worker;
  • PL - loss of time for personal needs and rest.

To increase the information content of the analysis by categories of time costs, an additional division indicated by a number is introduced: PZ-1, PR-5, OM-2, etc. The coding system is adopted for each enterprise independently.

Consider the order of holding a photo using an example (Table 1).

The object of observation was the turner of section No. 3 of shop No. 1 of a conditional enterprise, the observation was carried out on January 21, 2004.

The shift started at 8:00. The turner started the day by lubricating the machine (column 2), which he finished at 8:06 (columns 3 and 4). Then, until 8:11, he received a production task and a drawing, and until 8:14 - a working tool. After receiving the tool before 8:18, the site foreman conducted a briefing. After briefing, receiving blanks (until 8:27) and setting up the machine (until 8:40), the turner began to manufacture parts.

All these types of work of the turner, as well as all other types of his work and breaks, were entered on the observation list. The total observation time was 480 minutes (8 hours). The determination of the duration by category of expenditure of working time is made by subtracting from the measurement time of each subsequent element in the time table of the previous one.

Based on the results of observations, a summary of the same-name costs of working time is compiled (Table 2), as well as the actual and projected balances of working time (Table 3).

In our case, the preparatory and final time actually amounted to 42 minutes (8.8% of the observation time), operational time - 364 minutes (75.8%), workplace maintenance time - 30 minutes (6.2%), organizational breaks -technical nature (not the fault of the worker) - 23 minutes (4.8%), breaks due to the fault of the worker - 17 minutes (3.6%), time for rest and personal needs - 4 minutes (1.0%).

The data obtained give a fairly clear idea of ​​the structure of the cost of working time and their quantitative characteristics.

Development of time norms

The rationing process at domestic enterprises is carried out at an insufficiently high level. As a rule, rationing does not fully cover operational time and / or there are no standards for preparatory and final time, workplace maintenance time and regulated breaks, both in general and their constituent elements. In this case, the photograph of working time is the main source of initial data for normalization.

AT table 4 a summary of the elements of the preparatory-closing time, obtained from the analysis of photographs of working time, is presented. Photographing was carried out at the turner's workplace for five days. The production technology of products during this period did not provide for the use of special devices. The average duration of the preparatory and final time was 24.0 minutes, or 5.0% of the working time. Including the time spent on individual elements of the preparatory and final time were determined.

In a similar way, the collection and analysis of the results is carried out when normalizing the time for servicing the workplace based on a photograph of working time.

In cases where the preparatory-final time has an insignificant share in working time, it is advisable not to single it out as an independent part of the norm, but to include it in the norm of piece (for one product, operation) time. With the help of a photograph of working time, the percentage of preparatory and final time in working time is determined, and further calculation is carried out as a percentage of operational time.

Workplace maintenance time is usually calculated as a percentage of operational time.

Performance prospects

A photograph of working time can be used both to develop norms and to assess the prospects for increasing labor productivity in a given workplace.

At the enterprise under consideration, in relation to the workplace of a turner, the standard value of the preparatory and final time is 24.0 minutes, the time for servicing the workplace is 24.0 minutes. At the same time, normative losses of working time associated with rest and personal needs of the worker are provided for in 2.5% (12 minutes) of working time (Table 3). Thus, the standard operating time is:

OP \u003d RV - (PZ + OM + PL) \u003d 480 - (24 + 24 + 12) \u003d 420 min.

Based on the photograph of working time, three possible ways to increase labor productivity can be considered:

1. Increasing productivity by reducing time losses due to organizational and technical reasons. With regard to the example under consideration - by 6.3%.

2. Increased productivity by reducing worker-dependent downtime. With regard to the example under consideration - by 2.5%.

3. Increasing productivity by eliminating unproductive work and wasted working time. With regard to the example under consideration - by 15.4%.

Thus, by reducing unproductive losses of working time and increasing operational time, it is possible to increase labor productivity at this workplace by 15.4%. In this case, with a unchanged product range, not 35, but 40 parts (products) will be produced during the shift, and with a variable one, additional products. In practice, this situation occurs quite often, and it is thanks to the photograph of working time that it is possible to significantly reduce unproductive losses of working time.

Even more often there is a situation when there is an overfulfillment of the norms of piece time with the simultaneous presence of unproductive losses of working time.

Let's assume that the standardized task was to produce 35 parts during the shift. At the same time, the norm of piece operational time was 12.0 minutes. However, due to shortcomings in the organization of production and maintenance of equipment, violations of production discipline, there were losses of working time. (Table 3). The worker, compensating for unproductive losses, spent 10.4 minutes on the production of each part, that is, 1.6 minutes less.

Usually, such over-fulfillment of the norms is welcomed and even financially stimulated. And very often unjustified. First of all, it is necessary to find out how the overfulfillment of norms is achieved - due to a better organization of labor or due to a violation of technology. Violation of technological regimes leads to overloading of tools and equipment, their premature wear and failure, which means an increase in the cost of repair, replacement and maintenance. Quite often, a violation of technology leads to the release of hidden defects and affects the competitiveness of the enterprise. If the achieved level of productivity corresponds to the technical and technological capabilities of the equipment and the quality of the product does not deteriorate, then a decision is made to revise the standards in force at the enterprise for this type of product (operation). Otherwise, measures are taken to bring the production process in line with the requirements of the standards.

Thus, a photograph of working time is a fairly universal and accessible tool for labor rationing, studying the structure of working time costs, checking compliance with technological discipline, developing measures to increase labor productivity and reduce unproductive losses of working time. A photograph of working time can be used regardless of the presence or absence of time standards, output, etc. at the enterprise. The use of photography gives a practical result for the rationing of the work of all categories of personnel - managers, professionals, specialists, technical employees and workers.

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It happens that an employee at the workplace does not have time to complete the tasks assigned to him. The reasons for this may be different - low qualifications, too much workload, or he simply does not do what he needs at work. Actually, this can be verified by conducting a special study. Photo of the working day: an example of filling, and cases of appointment should be considered in detail.

Working day photography (FDR) is a tool that helps increase the productivity of any company, although at the first stage it helps to find out exactly where the employee / employees spend their working hours.

Working time photography is a method that helps to study the time spent by a particular employee on certain actions during work. All observations and measurements obtained during the process are documented, a sample and an example of filling out a photograph of a working day will be presented below.

If the method is successfully mastered, it will help to obtain unique data regarding the organization of the workflow of any employee, to find out the performance of each. That is, in the future, adjust the load and provide everything for the work tasks to be completed.

An extremely detailed study and notation of the results will help to find the answer to the following questions:

  1. How much time does an employee (researched) spend on each type of work that he encounters on a daily basis?
  2. How long does it take different workers to complete the same tasks?
  3. Are there opportunities to improve labor efficiency and what is needed for this?
  4. Is it possible to simplify or exclude any stages, transfer them to other structural divisions?
  5. Options for setting labor productivity standards.
  6. Reasons for non-compliance with existing work standards.
  7. How effectively does a particular employee use his or her working time?
  8. Are there technical problems that prevent you from completing your tasks?

Important! The photo of working hours provides information that economists and managers can use in the future to draw up plans and budget for the company, adjust the staffing table.

Some Features

Features of this process include:

  • PFD may be implemented after the introduction of new equipment, which relieves some workers of their duties.
  • Such work is often performed by an authorized employee of the personnel department.
  • It can be photographed both all day long and certain operations, stages, a team or one specialist.
  • Before starting a FDD, you should define the goals, official duties researched.
  • Sometimes self-photography is allowed, that is, for the photograph of working time to be taken by the employee whose activities need to be tracked. In this case, it is assumed that he himself makes all the entries in the report and fixes the time intervals spent on certain actions. This technique will help the employee to determine in what periods his working time is spent irrationally.

Types of FRD

There is a division into types depending on the number of objects that will be monitored. More specifically:

  1. Individual - concerns the study of the working time of a particular employee, while the detailing of the effort expended will be as much as possible.
  2. Group - such a photograph of a working day provides for monitoring the activities of a group of employees who are interconnected by certain work processes. The main objective of this study is to check how effective the interaction is, whether their actions are coordinated, how busy each of them is, to check other processes.
  3. Complex - reveals the relationship of work processes. It turns out to study the rhythm of work, the rationality of the use of equipment. This method It will be useful if you need to develop actions aimed at increasing labor efficiency.

Note! In order to get an extremely accurate picture and truthful data, photographing is carried out for several days, weeks and even months.

Who benefits from FRD data?

A photograph of working hours will provide a lot of useful data for the head and owner of the company. They get a picture of employee performance. Also, this data will not be superfluous for the personnel manager, the personnel department for the formation of job descriptions, staff, etc.

Of course, the data obtained as a result of the FRD will help the employees themselves, if they are interested in improving the efficiency of their work and the performance of their duties.

The order of the FRD

Photographing working hours is a process that requires the utmost scrupulousness and attentiveness from the performer. He needs to literally record everything, including phone conversations on personal topics.

It all starts with preparation, setting a goal. So if the tasks of observation are to determine whether employees comply with the internal labor regulations, then groups of employees can be photographed at once. If a labor discipline broken - it will be noticeable immediately. For example, very often they go on smoke breaks or drink tea outside the periods allotted for this, instead of doing work.

In those situations where you need to optimize the working day of one employee, then a photograph of the working day is carried out individually for each. Not only what he does is recorded, but also the processes of interaction with other employees, their effectiveness.

Important! FRD can be carried out both explicitly and covertly, that is, without informing the employee about it. As practice shows, it is the second option that helps to identify where most of the working time is really spent. If the second method is chosen, then at the preparation stage you should come up with a legend regarding the introduction of the observer.

It is worth noting that the instructions and training of those who will conduct the FDD depend on final results. Also at this stage, it is necessary to agree on the forms in which information will be entered.

Rules for entering data into the FRD

In order for the form to meet the requirements, the following information must be entered in it:

  • company name, its structural unit.
  • Name of observation, number and date of its implementation.
  • In the form itself, data is entered regarding the employee who is being monitored - full name, profession, position, work performed.
  • Brief description of his duties.

After that follows tabular part, which includes specific time costs and a description of the actions that took this time. For example:

  1. Turning on the computer - 5 minutes.
  2. Break - 10 minutes.
  3. Communication with clients - 45 minutes.

And in such a chronology, all the actions carried out by the employee during the working day are signed. All observations are made in real time. At the end, a summary is summed up, where such important points of time costs are calculated:

  • Preparatory and final actions.
  • Time for maintenance of the workplace.
  • operational time.
  • Break times.

Important! The document must be signed by the head of the structural unit where the researcher works.


Working time photography is an effective tool to check what employees are doing and why they do not have time to complete the tasks assigned to them. Such observation will help, among other things, to determine applicants for dismissal or find out how many people need to be added to the state.

In order for a company to avoid unnecessary expenses, but at the same time not to overload its employees, it is required carefully consider the need for each work unit in the enterprise.

There is a special system for this, which is called working time photography. This is a special document allows you to determine the effectiveness of an employee or an entire department.

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Based on the photo of the working time, the management has the opportunity to accept the right decision regarding the staff. If the result of the research shows the indispensability of a certain position, it is by no means impossible. Those people who do not benefit the enterprise can be fired.

What it is?

PDF refers to a special form of monitoring the work process.

In this case, for a certain amount of time, for example, per day, all actions of a person holding a specific position are recorded. Further, the information received is compared with the work plan, on the basis of which certain conclusions are drawn.

It is worth noting that a photograph can be taken not only in relation to certain person but also the whole department. According to the survey results it is possible to accurately determine how accurately the work is being done and how much time it takes. As a result, the work schedule or even the expediency of the position may be revised.

Photos are used most often to assess the quality of workers in production. But this method can evaluate not only physical, but also intellectual work. Therefore, with the help of the PDF, it is possible to determine the workload of the accounting department, the personnel department and the managerial staff.

A photograph of a working day is often used to to reduce employee costs. This makes it possible to more carefully calculate the necessary financial resources for a particular position. For example, after verification, a position can be transferred to a part-time position.

FRV makes it possible to correctly determine the structure of working time, to identify the reasons why the plan is not being implemented and there is a loss of time by employees. A photo of several workers allows you to determine which of them works more efficiently.

This is convenient when you need to part with part of the team. Moreover, this approach makes it possible to see why the leaders of production appear.

Working time photography allows you to see how well and comfortably equipped the place of the worker is. If during the verification process it turns out that there are obstacles to the quick completion of the task, they can be removed.

Some mistakenly confuse the FRV and the timing of working hours. The difference in this case in the duration of the study. In the latter case, this can last about 7 days or a month. The timing of the timing is determined directly by the employee.

Photography is official procedure that is initiated by the head of the company. When working with PDFs, information should be recorded in a special form. After that, the documentation is submitted to the authorities for consideration, which will draw the final conclusions.

Purposes and functions

Photography of a working day is a set of activities, the purpose of which is most often expediency of using a certain workplace or even a department. If it turns out that the work is inefficient, layoffs may follow.

The purpose of the photograph may be detection of the reasons for the loss of working time. Depending on the results obtained, certain measures are taken. Often this greatly increases the productivity of workers. A photograph of working time also helps to correctly develop standards for the conduct of the workflow.

Such methods are multifunctional. They allow management to get a clear picture of what how employees work individually or in a team. The success of an enterprise can largely depend on the efficiency of labor. But FRV can be an assistant not only to the head of the company. This method is used by managers and heads of departments.

Similar research work makes it possible to competently create job descriptions and monitor staff performance.

The photo of the working day is often initiated by the workers themselves. However, such work requires the consent of the management. Employees can use the PDF to determine the effectiveness of their work.

Types and stages of implementation

Total There are several types of FPV. This can be an individual examination for each individual employee, as well as mass photography and a team photo.

Some workers use self-photography, that is, they use the method of self-certification. But this must be agreed with the management, otherwise, such a document will not have any meaning.

Individual research is one of the most widespread methods of PDF. This work is carried out in order to determine the effectiveness of a particular employee. At the same time, the labor commission within one working day carefully monitors how the specialist works.

All data is entered into a special form, which is called an observation sheet. Further, this paper is transferred to the manager, who can draw certain conclusions regarding a particular employee.

Mass photography is performed when necessary evaluate an entire department or group of employees. The stages of work in this case will not differ from the previous version. But as a result of the general certification, you can see the performance of not only the group, but also individual employees.

It is not uncommon for the person who conducts the study to divide the working time into periods, in each of which a certain worker is monitored. This gives the ability not to create a large attestation commission. The data is entered in one common sheet, however, with certain marks in the form of letters.

Team research is no different from group research.. Similar steps are used here, but only the number of people can be greater than in the previous case.

Any kind of photograph of working hours, except for self-photography, should only be carried out by management. For this, an attestation commission is determined, which may consist of engineers, personnel managers, or accounting staff.

Most often, when it comes to individual photography, an employee of the personnel department is appointed as the responsible person.

Far from always, the map of the photo of the working day shows a clear picture, since on certain days of the week or month, calmer periods can be noted. That's why it is desirable to carry out certification several times. And in the final form to enter the average.

Each specialist who is appointed to conduct certification must first conduct a qualitative preparatory work. This will let you know features of the employee's work, the specifics of his workplace and other important parameters that affect not the final score.

An example of an accountant's FVR

They can evaluate not only those workers who work physically, but also conduct certification of employees of intellectual labor. The principle of mapping will be approximately the same, but sometimes some parameters have to be changed in order to get a clearer picture of what is happening at a particular workplace.

As an example, you can take an individual card of a photograph of the working time of an accounting employee:

Working Time Study:

  1. Start of the working day at 8:00;
  2. Preparation for work, switching on equipment from 8:00 to 8:10;
  3. Work with documents from 8:10 to 9:30;
  4. Checking the correctness of documents in the 1C program from 9:30 to 10:30;
  5. Pause in work for personal needs from 10:30 to 10:40;
  6. Reception of visitors, registration of documentation and its verification from 10:40 to 13:00;
  7. Lunch break from 13:00 to 14:00;
  8. Drawing up a register of debts for paying bills from 14:00 to 14:30;
  9. Drawing up acts of reconciliation with counterparties from 14:30 to 15:10;
  10. Work with contractors and responsible persons to coordinate debts and sign documents from 15:10 to 16:00;
  11. Pause in work for personal needs from 16:00 to 16:10;
  12. Interaction with warehouse employees, accountants and suppliers for the preparation of reporting documentation from 16:10 to 16:40;
  13. Work with the application for the formation of a journal of reporting operations for the month from 16:40 to 16:55;
  14. Turning off the computer, cleaning the workplace, moving important documents to the safe from 16:55 to 17:00;
  15. Leaving home at 17:00.

This is an example of how to fill out a work time photo form for one employee. Here all work processes made by an employee in one day.

In order to obtain more reliable information about the effectiveness of the work of this employee, additional certification should be carried out. But often leadership makes a decision based on one study.

Filling out the form

The form of the photo card of the photo of working time is standard. Regardless of the area in which the specialist will work, his evaluate according to one standard and enter data into a specific paper. In this case, the department in which the person works is necessarily indicated.

When filling out a form for photographing working time, it is necessary to indicate the name of the enterprise, the data of the employee being checked with the obligatory indication of the position, as well as the type of work performed.

Next Representative attestation commission can start filling the table. Each step of the work is included here. with the obligatory indication time period , which was spent on certain actions.

In the form you can also see a column for notes. Here you need to enter various information that is only additional character, but they were obtained in the process of research work.

Sample Fill individual work time card:

Results and conclusions

The results are summarized below the table. Here you can determine the time to prepare and complete the work process, the period for which the employee completed the main tasks, as well as the number of breaks. Further the form is signed and sent to higher management.

One of important points will be determination of efficiency ratio working time. For this, the formula can be used:

K \u003d (PZ + OP + OR) / 420, where

  • K - efficiency coefficient,
  • PP and OR are the preparation and completion of the work process,
  • OP is the amount of time it took to complete the task.

The result is given as a percentage, where proximity to a hundred is the best indicator.

Low numbers can cause an employee's work to be considered insufficient quality. Such an employee can be easily replaced or completely reduced if it is proved that others can cope with his daily activities.

is an effective tool which makes it possible to qualitatively check the actions of each individual employee. This allows the company to form a team of highly qualified employees who strive to improve the result and responsibly perform their tasks.

For the manager, a photograph of the working day of subordinates is effective tool identification of candidates for dismissal, as well as to understand the picture of what should be in the enterprise.

However, it is not always worth drawing conclusions based on a single test. If the working time utilization rate is very low, it is possible that more research should be done.

Learn a little more about working day photography from the video: