Birds do not fly at night. Nocturnal birds of prey (eagle owls and owls)

Eagle owls and owls are unusual birds. Not only are they nocturnal birds, not only are they predators, they also look very different from other feathered inhabitants of the air sphere...

The eagle owl (lat. Bubo bubo - lit. "Owl of owls") is a night and twilight bird. Owl - interesting example how a bird can adapt to the most diverse conditions of existence. This large owl can be found at the polar border of the forest, on the Mezen, and in the mountain taiga of Altai, and in the dense forests of the Ussuri Territory, and in the deserts of Mongolia, and in the steppes of Ukraine. The eagle owl is also found high in the mountains - on the highest ridges of the Tien Shan and in the harsh and deserted eastern Pamirs, and N. M. Przhevalsky found it in Tibet, where a pair of eagle owls was caught in the Tan Shan ridge, at an altitude of about 4,000 meters above sea ​​level. In all these diverse landscapes, the eagle owl gets along well and endures both the cold of the north and the highlands, and the heat of the Sahara and Turkmenistan.

Eagle owls, wherever they are found, lead a sedentary or semi-sedentary lifestyle, leaving their homeland only in case of lack of food. In the mountains of the Caucasus and Central Asia, eagle owls descend in winter lower, into valleys or into the lower belt of mountains. These migrations, in contrast to seasonal bird migrations directed in autumn to the south, southwest or southeast, go in all directions. A lot of eagle owls appear, for example, in winter in the Caucasus north of the main ridge, in particular in the Kizlyar region. Eagle owls nesting in the central Tien Shan and in the Alexander Range, in in large numbers they are found in the winter in the flat Semirechye, where they feed mainly on hares. In mild winters, these migrations are less significant. But in the years when epizootics affect the animals that make up the main food of the eagle owls, they sometimes completely disappear from these hungry areas.

So, in 1936 in Kyzyl-Kum there were almost no gerbils and hares, there were no eagle owls either. Similarly, in the forests of the northern part of the Gorky region, on Vetluga, in the years when the hare died out or significantly decreased in number, the owls also disappeared. In the cold season, eagle owls are more likely to catch the eye than in the nesting season, as they sometimes accumulate in large quantities over a relatively small area. However, at this time, the eagle owls are kept alone, so that even the male and female belonging to the same pair hunt separately.

Owl - very beautiful bird. The eagle owl, which lives in our forest zone of the European part of Russia and in Central and Western Europe, is a large owl, with a wingspan of about 150-172 centimeters, with a wing length of 43-50 centimeters, weighing about 2 kilograms. Males are noticeably smaller than females. The first downy outfit of young is buffy-whitish, the second is yellowish, with a thin brown transverse pattern on the underside of the body and with brown streaks on the top. Adult birds are rusty-yellow, densely mottled with blackish-brown. The eyes of the eagle owl are red-yellow, the beak is blackish. On the sides of the head are tufts of elongated feathers that form “ears” (having nothing to do with real ears). The coloration of males and females is the same.

The remarkable appearance and size of the eagle owl and its strange, frightening night cries have long attracted the attention of people, and therefore a number of legends and beliefs are associated with it. Kazakhs, Turkmens and some other peoples used to consider eagle owl feathers a remedy for the "evil eye", and even now you can meet children with decorations from the abdominal feathers of this bird. In Germany, the owl's voice was taken for the cries of the "wild hunt" - hordes of the spirits of the dead, hunting under the leadership of the "wild hunter", the god of the storm Wodan, and for the barking of his dogs.

Squad OWLS (Strigiformes) These are the so-called nocturnal predator birds. It is believed that the first owl-like bird lived already in the late Mesozoic (248-65 million years ago). At the time of the Eocene that followed it, and it ended 40 million years ago, several species of owls are believed to have lived in Europe. But birds with familiar features appeared between 10 and 25 million years ago.

The first of the signs that you immediately notice in an owl are its large head and muzzle with large round eyes looking forward, which is surrounded by a facial disc. In barn owls, the facial disc is heart-shaped, but in common owls, it is usually round. The beak is short, curved, with nostrils located at the base.

The plumage of these birds, as a rule, is thick and soft, the tail is rectangular, and the wings are relatively large, rounded, and in those species that hunt under the forest canopy, they are short, and those that prefer open areas or often fly long. Compared to its body weight, the owl's wings are large, so it flies and glides effortlessly and completely silently.

The plumage coloration of owls is usually "protective", that is, it merges with environment, helping the bird to remain unnoticed during daytime rest. The feathers of wood owls are usually brownish, while species living in coniferous forests have a grayish tinge. Owls - the inhabitants of the desert and their relatives, found on the flat terrain, are distinguished by a lighter color: owls in the desert are certainly red. With the exception of fish owls, feathers also cover the paws. Due to the fact that her outer fingers are reversible, the owl equally firmly captures both the perch and its prey, and their claws are all long and sharp.

Females, as a rule, are slightly larger than males, but their feather color is almost the same. True, in the snowy owl, males are distinguished by snow-white plumage, while in their girlfriends it has noticeable brownish streaks.

Owls have sharp eyesight and hearing. Their large eyes are adapted for hunting in low light conditions. It is often said that owls see well in the dark, but weakly in daylight, but neither opinion is true. An owl, since its eyes look forward, like a person, has binocular vision, but its wider field is achieved due to the bird's ability to turn its head almost 180 degrees. Her ears are located on both sides of the facial disc, and in some species the external ears are asymmetrical, that is, one can be 50% larger than the other, and it is also located higher. The inner ear is especially large in all owls. Yes, and neurons in that part of the brain that is responsible for hearing, they have much more than most other birds. As a result, such a subtle hearing that some owls can determine the location of their prey in pitch darkness, or even under a layer of snow. By the way, the tassels on the ears of some species have nothing to do with the hearing of owls, but they probably help to identify representatives of their own species.

Almost all species of owls are nocturnal, with the exception of the little owl, which is widespread in southern Britain and Europe, and the short-eared owl, found throughout Britain and Eurasia. Two species of owls - hawk owl and snowy - live in the Arctic. In summer, they usually hunt on clear nights, and in winter they prefer several hours of daytime.

During the day, most owls rest in a chosen place - on a branch, in a crevice, on a rock ledge, or even under a canopy of an abandoned house. There are species that arrange nests in the recesses of the ground, and there are those that live in burrows.

Almost all owls are sedentary birds, that is, they live in one place all their lives, but there are also migratory species among them. Some barn owls, found in Central and Southern Europe in summer, fly north for the winter tropical Africa or elsewhere in the Mediterranean. Short-eared owl also migrates south for winter. Many owls - for example, hawk and large gray owls - can be forced to roam from their acquired place due to lack of food.

Sedentary owls are distinguished by characteristic behavior associated with the protection of their own territory: they are aggressive towards attempts to violate it by anyone, and especially by other birds of prey.

Owls are very vocal birds. The repertoire of their calls includes many more sounds than the familiar hoot. The male owl warns territory violators with an ordinary cry, accompanies the courtship of the female and foreshadows his return to the nest with food for the chosen one and chicks. In addition, he has a fairly wide repertoire. Special talkativeness is inherent in owls during the breeding season. It is known that the hawk owl at such a time in one night can give voice 600 times. Her cries are very diverse: some, according to the description, are similar to the crying of a child, others resemble laughter - sharp and mocking. Of the European owls, the pygmy owl is perhaps the smallest, but not the most silent: it has an impressive array of territorial signals and various lively whistles. Nestlings in most species, when hungry, communicate this with rapid chirps, clicks, and chirps.

Owls feed, with few exceptions, on live prey. Sometimes they saw that they also use carrion, but still owls prefer to satisfy their appetite by hunting. Their diet, which varies slightly depending on the habitat, includes small mammals - mice, voles, shrews, rats, lemmings, rabbits, mountain hares, and earthworms, various insects, small snakes and other reptiles, and fish, and crustaceans. . It happens that an owl on a hunt can kill a young deer, many of them attack other birds and even small owls. Eagle owls, as you know, can eat a hedgehog, having learned to remove the skin and needles from it before taking on meat.

Hunting methods depend on the prey itself. An owl catches insects on the fly, but if there is fish in the diet - like the South African fishing owl - then, sitting on a thick branch near the water, it will closely monitor whether the ripples that are in the depths of the fish will give out, so that they can then dive silently and grab the catch with the claws. Maybe she hunts crabs and other small crustaceans found along the coastline.

The vast majority of night hunters look out for their prey, silently circling over a certain sector into which they divide their lands, where they systematically catch. Or, sitting motionless in convenient location- on a branch or a pole, - they look out for a victim on the ground: not the slightest movement of a shrew or a vole will escape their sharp eyesight and the finest hearing. European species require 16-48% of their own body weight per day of food.

Barn owls seem to be an exception, in which the need for food is higher. By the way, if we compare the amount eaten with the size of the bird, many small owls will give odds to larger species.

Apparently, the most noticeable influence on when owls start breeding is the availability of food and the prevailing weather conditions: if there is a lot of food, the birds begin to breed earlier and lay more eggs, if there is a shortage, then there will be at best one or two eggs in the clutch.

Some species of owls form a couple once and for life, while the males of others look for a new female every year. Few owls build their own nests, much more often they occupy the empty dwellings of other birds, use hollows in trees or other natural depressions. Some species make nests from tufts of grass and straw. The African short-eared owl nests on the ground, in burrows made in vegetation. Desert species lay their eggs, usually in burrows abandoned by rodents.

Having chosen a place for a nest, an owl can lay in it at intervals of several days from one to 14 eggs. Compared to oval chicken eggs, owl eggs are more round in shape. Unlike many other birds, the female begins incubation as soon as she lays the first egg, so the chicks hatch at intervals of several days and, if a difficult time comes, the later hatched chicks starve while the elders get all the food. The duration of incubation different types ranges from 24 to 36 days. Only the female sits on the eggs, and the male brings her food during this period.

Cubs are born helpless, with eyes and ears closed with a soft fluff. It, before real feathers begin to appear in them, will be replaced by a secondary downy cover - the mesoptile. The eyes usually open in the second week. At first, only the male brings food to the nest - mice and voles, and the female does not leave the kids, protecting them from hypothermia. But as they grow, their appetite also increases - and then the female also begins to fly away to hunt.

The chicks decide to get out of the nest, depending on the species, at the 3rd week of life. At this time, many of them do not know how or want to fly, so they can stay not far from the nest for several weeks. They are ready to breed at about one year of age.

For a full-fledged cycle of life on our planet, the presence of birds of prey in nature is an obvious necessity.

Different types of birds have a natural gift to hunt large prey. Among them: hawks, representatives of eagle and falcon groups, gulls, owls and others. The unifying criteria for these species are:

  • the role occupied in the natural chain;
  • way of eating;
  • lifestyle (time of day at which the bird starts hunting).

birds of prey

According to the systematization from the point of view of zoology, only falconiformes belong to the orders of diurnal birds of prey, these are the falcons themselves, hawks, eagles, buzzards, eagles, harriers.

It is noteworthy that truly birds of prey have the same threatening and dangerous appearance: the beak is bent like a hook, and their claws are crooked and very sharp. The coloration of females and males is almost identical, but females are larger.

Rough-footed buzzard

Another name is zimnyak. This bird is considered the most famous predator among the forests of the tundra. She builds her nests throughout the Yamalo-Nenets autonomous region . The food of this predatory species is made up of mice - voles and lemming hamsters. It is characteristic that the numerical component of Rough-legged Buzzards directly depends on the sufficient population of the area with these rodents. Scientists - ornithologists argue that in the conditions of one area, buzzards may be present in excess, or not at all.

External signs of the upland buzzard:

  • Rough-legged Buzzard is a large bird;
  • has wide wings (this visually makes it even larger);
  • general color - light, slightly "red";
  • on the belly and under the wings of a predator, black spots are localized, different in shape (they can form an individual plumage pattern).

Buzzards nest in woody areas, they line the nests with grass. If we are talking about the tundra, then in these areas the birds are usually located on the cliffs and hills. In the case of a fruitful year for mice, the nest of Rough-legged Rough-legged Buzzards can also be found on flat terrain, in swamps, in river lowlands.

Buzzards are migratory birds arriving from warm places in early spring. After the flight, they begin to twist their nests. Rough-legged buzzard egg size larger than chicken eggs, rounder in shape, they are spotted and have a White color. The richer the year for prey, the more eggs in the clutch of this bird of prey. The principle of natural selection plays a significant role in the survival of chicks, especially when there is not enough food, due to the poor harvest for rodents. Many chicks do not even have the opportunity to live up to the "flight" age, they are simply eaten by older and stronger chicks.

Buzzards zealously defend their nests. Attacks on people are unlikely, more often the birds simply scream loudly or rush at a person. But from arctic foxes or dogs, they fight off fearlessly, using strong claws. It happens that the Buzzard eats dead carcasses of deer and their entrails, or rotten fish.

With the arrival of the autumn period, and during it, these predators fly away to the regions of the middle lane.

bald eagle

It is one of the largest and largest birds of prey in Russia. His wingspan exceeds two meters, and the weight of the bird sometimes reaches seven kilograms. The owners of a pure white tail are predominantly adults, whose age is more than three years old, in the rest it is dark. Often a young sea eagle can be mistaken for a golden eagle. However, the tail of the golden eagle is slightly rounded, while that of the white-tailed tail has the shape of a sharp wedge.

White-tailed eagles nest almost all over the country, they avoid only extreme northern areas and dehydrated areas. They arrange their nests only in the crowns of trees, more often deciduous. Very rarely, the "eagle house" is located on steep cliffs.

Whitetails feed on fish and birds swimming in the water. This explains their desire to live near areas rich in water bodies. Their dwelling every year is located in the same place, has a very massive, puff structure up to a meter in height. In the open tundra expanses, the nest of the eagle is extremely rare to be found, more often it localized on hills or cliffs.

During early spring, the eagles already arrive from the south. The flight is carried out in pairs that are distinguished by constancy. Females lay from one to three eggs in the newly inhabited nest. The eggs are white with spots, similar in size to goose, but somewhat smaller. After the first egg is laid, female eagles begin incubation. The chicks emerge from the egg around the first half of June. Their growth is very rapid, plumage is fast.

In early August, the chicks fly out of the nest, however, they are under the supervision of their parents for a long time. Whitetails keep their way to the southern regions in early autumn.

White-tailed eagles feed wild birds: geese, ducks, loons; also their diet consists of hares, large species of fish, rodents. Moreover, these birds of prey are lovers of carrion, or are hunting animals that are injured or sick and cannot resist.

White-tailed eagles are rare, valuable birds, they are listed in the Red Book of both our country and the international one. Often the eagle becomes a victim of hunters - poachers, which is very sad for nature and scientists.


These birds of prey have a small number, are considered rare, and are listed on the pages of our Red Book.

Species signs:

  • large size;
  • contrasting color: white-yellow underbody; a dark stripe running across the bird's crop; from above, the body, tail and wings are dark in color; wide black stripes on the head;
  • yellow eye color;
  • in conditions of increased anxiety, these birds make peculiar sounds.

The habitat of these predators is the territory of the whole world, with the exception of the extreme northern regions. They winter in the African and South Asian tropics.

Ospreys choose, to ensure necessary conditions habitat, areas with clear waters rich in fish. They nest on tall trees, with dry tops, away from crowded places. Birds do not change their nests, returning to them every year. The clutch of the osprey contains up to four eggs at most, usually two or three. The eggs are dark in color, with purple spots of various localization.

Chicks live in the nest for about two months without leaving it. They become sexually mature when they reach the age of two.

The features of the hunting of these birds of prey are that, flying high above the water surface, they track down their main food - fish. Having noticed the victim, the osprey dives forward with its paws, and then takes off sharply, catching the victim. This bird is squeamish about carrion, so if hunger begins to exhaust, then a predator can hunt ducks or mice.

The osprey spends the winter between September and October.

The number of this species is inexorably declining, this is due to the direct extermination of predators, unfavorable ecology, and deforestation. All this makes it impossible for birds to nest safely.

Goshawk (hawk)

The bird is larger than a crow, weighing up to one and a half kilograms.

Character traits:

  • distinct stripes running across the underside of the bird's body;
  • dark gray upper body;
  • very bright, yellow eyes;
  • young goshawks are painted with red or brown tones.

Birds of this species have been persecuted for a very long time due to the fact that they were considered predators that bring special harm. As a result, their numbers have fallen, and now they are protected by law.

Hawks - goshawks feed on medium-sized fish and small animals such as rabbits, squirrels, and so on. They hunt dying animals that are doomed and weakened due to illness or injury. Due to this, predators are classified as forest orderlies.

Goshawk distribution zone - northern forest-tundra. They winter either where they nest or fly away to where it is warmer.

Harrier field

It is a bird that lives, more often, in open spaces - forest-tundra zones, forest-steppe and taiga strips. The main habitat condition is an abundance of small rodents.

The harrier is about the size of a crow, but with a longer tail and a graceful body. The colors of the male and female are different.

Features of the color of the male:

  1. white body with an ashy coating on top;
  2. black streaks at the ends of the wings.

Color of the female:

  1. body reddish with grey;
  2. lumbar region white.

Field harriers build their nests on the surface of the earth. The clutch consists of three to five white, slightly spotted eggs. They are smaller than chicken eggs, the most round.

Lun is migratory bird. It hunts by flying not very high, above the ground.

peregrine falcon

The most famous falcon. This is a rare and valuable bird breed. Unfortunately, poachers are especially fond of catching these particular predators, as a result of which their fate is extremely sad. Peregrine falcons are practically exterminated, they are very rare even in deserted areas.

In the United States, in order to restore the number of these birds, they kept in specialized enclosures. Peregrine falcon chicks are raised and then released to free latitudes. However, even taking into account the usefulness and importance of these activities, it should be said that they are very costly in material terms. Falcons released into the wild are of great monetary value.

A feature and pride of the peregrine falcon are clear, piercing black eyes, above which black brow ridges loom. No wonder in Russia the heroes were often called "clear falcons."

Within the Yamal territory, the number of falcons is no more than two hundred pairs of these birds of prey. The most populated part of Russia with falcons is the West Siberian tundra area, where the situation with predators is quite stable.

External characteristics of the peregrine falcon:

The falcon, by right, is ranked among the fastest living creatures on the planet, and even among birds it has no equal for a long time. He hunts, attacking the victim from above, in a steep "peak". Small birds, peregrine falcon grabs with strong paws, and larger ones, at speed knocks down with sharp claws on the hind fingers. Then the predatory falcon, on the fly, grabs the falling prey.

Peregrine falcons often bring their prey from places far from the nest. Previously, there was an opinion that they do not hunt near their nests, however, observations have shown the opposite. It is not uncommon for a falcon to hunt near a nesting female.

Predators of this species are very zealous and aggressive in protecting their nest. Noticing the danger, the peregrine falcon raises a frantic cry, and, diving, attacks the intruder. After a while, the female joins the male. Falcons also attack people, but with the aim of simply scaring them, without touching them.

The peregrine falcon is a sophisticated hunter. Among its victims, one can identify entire collections of the rarest birds, the existence of which even ornithologists do not always know.

Falcons nest, choosing a variety of places for this. It can be rocks, strangers, abandoned nests, even hollow trees or just plain land. An important condition for nesting is the possibility good review terrain. The clutch size is three to five eggs. They are similar in size to chickens.

Tellingly, the grown chicks do not eat small falcons, unlike Rough-legged Rough-legged Rough-legged Buzzards. This is considered a noble trait of this bird species. However, it is worth noting rightly that their number is absolutely independent of the harvest for rodents, which means that peregrine falcons with chicks will not die for sure from starvation.

Falcons are migratory non flocking birds leading a solitary lifestyle. One pair of peregrine falcons builds a nest away from the other. Pairs are permanent, stable. However, their nests are always in the same place. Predators arrive at the beginning of spring, and fly away at about the same time as other birds.


It is considered the smallest falcon in size. The nesting territory of this predator is extensive, but merlins avoid areas that are too northern. This type of predator is quite rare.

The food type of merlins is small birds caught and captured on the fly. They build their nests mainly in trees, in abandoned crows' nests. The number of incubated eggs is up to five pieces. Both females and males act as hens, but the former participate to a greater extent.

It is noteworthy that the size of a derbnik is only the size of a dove. But at the same time it is a worthy predator in the tundra and its forests. This bird is protected by law.

Owls are nocturnal predators. These are known to all birds, which were repeatedly mentioned in children's fairy tales.

Features of the appearance of an owl:

Owls exterminate various rodents, while bringing great benefits to people. Therefore, they are protected by law from poachers and simply those who like to mock living beings.

Snowy owl (or white)

A very colorful nocturnal predator that lives in the steppes and tundra forests. Hunts for voles, partridges, hamsters - lemmings. Sometimes they catch hares and even arctic foxes and ermines.

The small peoples of the north often used owl meat for food, for this purpose they hunted it.

short-eared owl

In size inferior to the polar. It also feeds on rodents and lives in tundra areas. There were times when a short-eared owl was seen over the sea.

There are also other types of owls, for example: Lapland, hawk, eagle owl.

It is noteworthy that the tawny owl is a diurnal predator, even somewhat similar to a falcon.

Eagle owls are the most large birds from the order of owls. They have ears on their heads, the color is variegated with red. The eagle owl can attack a buzzard or a hawk, but mainly its food consists of rodents and small animals.

In the conditions of the north, the eagle owl can conduct daytime hunting.

The cycle of life in our nature is built in such a way that there are predatory individuals and herbivores. No matter how inhumane it may be, but the presence of predators on Earth is an integral part of the overall system that has been functioning for a very long time. A special niche in this system is occupied by birds of prey, which feed on various small animals, and sometimes carrion. As for Russia, many species of these unusual animals live here.

Almost all types of carnivorous birds are similar to each other, this is due to a lifestyle that is based on constant hunting. That is why they have sharp claws and a massive beak, a tenacious grip does not allow the victim to escape - she is doomed to death. They are quite reverent towards their offspring; if threatened, they can attack and even kill the offender. In nature, there are few animals that can withstand such aggressive and powerful individuals.

Almost all types of carnivorous birds are similar to each other, this is due to a lifestyle that is based on constant hunting.

It is customary to subdivide flying predators depending on the preferred time of hunting - day or night. Without certain knowledge in ornithology, it is difficult to distinguish between these species, since their features are associated with habitats and diet.

If we analyze bird species, we can see that representatives of this type can choose prey for themselves that are much larger than their own size. These entities include:

  • seagulls;
  • eagles;
  • falcons;
  • owls, etc.

For these varieties, common aspects are the following factors:

  • nutrition method;
  • a feature of life, in which a separate place is occupied by time when the bird starts hunting;
  • diet.

Rough-footed buzzard

Protecting the nest of the Buzzard is in the first place. There were no cases of attacks on people, they can just scream and soar in the air. The bird fights off dogs and arctic foxes more aggressively, for this strong and sharp claws are used. The species is characterized by seasonal migration. Closer to the cold weather, the zimnyak goes to middle lane countries. It is interesting that the bird may not disdain carrion. However, this happens only in very hungry seasons, when it is not possible to obtain natural food.

white tailed eagle

The list of birds of prey in Russia cannot be considered complete without this representative; due to its large dimensions, it belongs to the largest individuals in our country. The wingspan is more than 2 meters, which is really impressive, and the weight of 7 kilograms makes it just a real and fearless hunter. Adults have a white tail, this is a sign that they are already more than 3 years old, the rest of the individuals have a dark tail.

Orlan can be easily confused with a golden eagle if you don't know character traits this bird. So, for example, their tails have clearly visible differences. If the first one is very similar to a wedge, then the second one has a rounded tail. As for nesting, preference is given to hardwood, occasionally settled in the rocks. The range is very extensive and covers almost the country except for very cold or arid regions.

white tailed eagle

They try to settle near water bodies, since their diet includes mainly fish. But they do not disdain small waterfowl. Nests look impressive - you can often find a meter-long, firmly assembled structure.

This species includes a small number of birds, they are listed in the Red Book, so any harm is punishable by law. It is possible to determine the belonging of a bird to this particular breed by the following species parameters:

  • massive dimensions;
  • yellow eyes;
  • contrasting coloration: the underside of the body is yellow, a red stripe runs across the bird's goiter, the wings and tail are dark, and black wide stripes are present on the head;
  • with a strong nervous strain, for example, when someone threatens their offspring, they make unusual sounds.

They live all over the world, do not like the northern regions. They prefer to winter in the countries of Africa and the topics of Asia. Feel great near water bodies rich in food. They nest in trees, with high heights and dry tops, as far as possible from human settlements. Birds visit the same nest every year. One clutch can contain no more than 4 eggs, usually 2 or 3. The eggs are dark in color, a distinctive feature is purple blotches arranged randomly.

It has a modest size, rarely representatives of this species exceed 30 centimeters. Such dimensions allow the derbnik falcon to accelerate with lightning speed and develop high speed flight. Sexual dimorphism is developed quite distinctly, to the main extent this is manifested in the fact that females are significantly superior in their massiveness to males.

As a rule, the weight is not more than 300 grams, the wingspan is in the range of 50-70 centimeters. In flight, the wings take the form of a sickle, the voice of the individual is sonorous and at the same time abrupt. In females and males, the color is different: the females have light buffy tones with brown longitudinal spots, while the males are reddish with a black tail.

A characteristic difference is the pattern in the neck area, which in its appearance resembles a collar. Females visually resemble saker falcons, although much smaller, and the former also have striped tails with brown stripes that change to cream. Both sexes have yellow colored legs, a dark brown iris, and a dark bill.

Another representative of the falcon family, distributed on all continents with the exception of Antarctica. In terms of size, the peregrine falcon is no larger than an ordinary crow, it stands out for its unusual dark plumage, light belly and black head. In total, there are about 17 subspecies of this bird.

This individual holds the record for speed and holds the title of the fastest living creature in the world. Experts say that in a swift dive flight, the speed exceeds 320 km / h. Nevertheless, in terms of the speed of horizontal flight, the predator is inferior to the swift. When hunting, the peregrine falcon sits on a perch or parries in the sky. After detecting the prey, it dives at it almost at a right angle, hitting the victim on a tangent with folded paws. The claw strike can be so strong that even a large rodent's head flies off.

This species includes an owl-like detachment, which has only two families: barn owl and owl. Common representatives are precisely owls, as well as owls, owls, owls, scops, owls and barn owls. For a better understanding of the features of these birds, some of them should be considered in more detail.

snowy owl

Almost all owls are similar to each other. A distinctive feature is a large head with large eyes, the latter seem even more voluminous due to the fan plumage - this is the facial disk. Their beak is short, has a curved shape, nostrils are located right at the base. Representatives have a soft and rather dense plumage, a rectangular tail, rounded wings, which allows the bird to fly quickly and absolutely silently, as well as fend off. Wings differ based on the variety:

  • those living in the forest - they are short;
  • those who prefer to hunt in open areas have long ones.

The toes and feet are covered with feathers right down to the claws, although this is not the case for fish owls. The front toes are reversible, so the owl can sit comfortably on a thin branch long time, the claws are sharp and long, so the victim cannot get out of the tenacious grip. A distinctive feature is the absence of goiter.

snowy owl

Their color is camouflage, thanks to which the individual is invisible against the background of surrounding objects; in the daytime, it is very difficult to notice an owl. Birds living in the forest are brown in color, and those who prefer coniferous forests have gray plumage. Plains owls are lighter, and in the desert they are red.

Females and males have the same appearance, but even here there are exceptions, among them are snowy owls. Males are snow-white in color, while females are variegated, brown.

barn owl

The size of the barn owl resembles a jackdaw, the length is within 33-39 cm, while the wingspan is about 90 cm. The mass varies in a wide range from 190 g to 700 g, this difference does not depend on geographical features, but is largely limited to the genotype of a particular individual. Although in general island birds are much smaller.

The barn owl differs from the family of owls in the shape of the facial disc, in which it has the shape of a heart. From the rest of the barn owls, a variety of ordinary ones stands out with light shades of plumage. These birds of prey rarely make sounds, usually during breeding - you can hear a hoarse screech, sniffling and characteristic hooting. Due to its hoarse, special, as well as rattling voice, the bird was nicknamed the Russian word "barn owl".

Widespread throughout the world, including the islands. These individuals cannot accumulate adipose tissue, so the northern climate is not suitable for them. There are no barn owls in America and in the northern part of Europe, and in Russia they live in the Kaliningrad region.

Birds of prey are found on every continent of our planet, there are a huge number of varieties of these animals, each of which has distinctive features and nuances. Our country is also rich in all sorts of interesting individuals, which should be familiarized with in more detail. Some even start the above predators at home, caring for them is significantly different from caring for.

Order Diurnal Birds of Prey (Accipitres, or Falconiformes)

About 270 species belong to this order. These are birds of medium and large size. One of the most large species- American condor - a wing about 115 cm long, a wingspan of up to 275 cm. The smallest birds of prey - the so-called pygmy falcons - have a 9-10 cm long wing.

Birds of prey are characterized by a strong hook-shaped beak at the end, the base of which is dressed in bare, brightly colored skin - cere, into which the external openings of the nostrils open. The legs of birds of prey are of moderate length, with curved and usually sharp claws (only secretaries have long legs). The claws and beak serve to kill, and the latter to dismember the prey. The toes are relatively long, with pads on the plantar side that serve to hold the prey. The physique is dense, the plumage is rigid and close to the body. The color is usually dull, mostly gray, brown, red or black, often with an admixture of white. In some carrion-feeding species, the head and part of the neck are bare, unfeathered.

There are 10 primary flight feathers, the number of secondary flight feathers is different, most often 12, but in some well-soaring large species (for example, in vultures) 19-20. The tail is usually short (with the exception of the secretary), rounded or carved at the top, of 12 tail feathers (in some large species, 14).

In most species, males and females are similarly colored, but young birds in the first year, sometimes later, differ from adults in color. Usually, males are smaller than females, but in Old World vultures both sexes are the same size, and in American condors, males are larger than females.

Owls squad of nocturnal birds of prey. 140 species - owls, tawny owls, scoops, owls and barn owls. Weight from 50 g (pygmy owl) to 4.5 kg (eagle owl). The body is dense. The head is large with a rounded facial disc, the eyes are large and look forward. The beak is strong, with a sharp, sharply curved hook at the end. The base of the beak is covered with soft, bare, often swollen cere. The wings are wide, the legs are strong, the legs are shortened, the claws are long, sharp and smooth. The tail is short. Many species have "ears" of elongated feathers on their heads. The coloration is patronizing with a predominance of gray and brown tones. The flight is silent.

Distributed throughout the world, with the exception of Antarctica. They feed mainly on mouse-like rodents. Eagle owls and tawny owls hunt hares, squirrels, hazel grouses, crows, and ducks. Owls feed on insects. Fish owls catch fish, dusky and nocturnal birds. The day is spent hiding. The white owl hunts at any time under the conditions of the polar day. The sense organs are very well developed. Seen in any light.

Nests are not built, chicks are bred in hollows, clefts of rocks. Clutch contains 2-14 white eggs. Females incubate the clutch for 25-30 days, during which the males feed them. Chicks are born pubescent, blind.

Some species are listed in the Red Book.

Night birds of prey. The EARED OWL lives in the forest zone of Eurasia and North America. It nests in trees using old nests of birds of prey. If you knock on the tree trunk on which such a nest is located, then an owl's head with "ears" will look out over its edge, and then a brownish bird with dark mottled inaudibly flies off. The lifestyle is strictly nocturnal. The long-eared owl is considered one of the most numerous species of owls. The diet of the long-eared owl consists almost entirely of mouse-like rodents.

WHITE (POOLAR) OWL Body length 55-65 cm; wingspan 150-160 cm; weight 1350-2500 g. The predominant color of the plumage of adult birds is white. Snowy owls are common on the islands of the Arctic Ocean and in the tundra of North America and Eurasia. They lead a predominantly nomadic lifestyle, usually settling in high and dry places due to the fact that they lay their eggs when the area is still covered with snow. Snowy owls feed mainly on rodents, primarily lemmings. At the end of May, females lay about 5-8 eggs in holes that serve as nests for owls. At the age of 51-57 days, the owls fledge.

Owls are a genus of birds of the order of owls; includes 12 types, including owl, gray owl. The body length of the owl is 33-84 cm. The color is gray or reddish with streaks. The head is relatively large and round, without feather ears, with a compressed strong beak; faceplate is full. The ears are asymmetrical. The claws are long, sharp. The plumage is soft and loose, the wings are wide and rounded. The legs are feathered to the claws.

Owls are common in the forests of Eurasia, North Africa and America. These owls are mainly nocturnal. They feed on prey grasped on the ground; rodents form the basis of nutrition. Owls nest in hollows or in old nests of other birds, occasionally in burrows or crevices of stones.

FILINY.FILIN - the largest owl of our fauna. The eagle owl is very widely distributed. In Eurasia from the Atlantic to the Pacific, except for Indochina and India. Found in North Africa. Everywhere it is very rare and its number is declining.

The eagle owl is a sedentary bird, but often makes local migrations in autumn and winter. They go hunting after sunset. The wings of the eagle owl are long, wide, reach a span of 2 m, so, unlike other owls, it can soar in the air. During the day, the eagle owl tries to hide in the thicket in order to go unnoticed.

FISH OWL - the most unusual owl in our country. In size, it is almost not inferior to the owl, which is very similar. But unlike him, in the fish owl, the color of the plumage is low-contrast, monotonous, and the toes are not feathered. The fish owl is widespread on the coast of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, in Primorye, on Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands. Very rare everywhere. The fish owl is a settled bird. A typical habitat is the floodplain of a taiga river rich in fish.

Birds - amazing creatures, which can not only delight the eye with their elegant plumage, but also delight with speed, agility and beautiful flight. Among the known species of birds, birds of prey have always been of great interest to humans.

natural born hunters, with magnificent curved claws, a very keen eye and incredible maneuverability, they are created by assassins. Attacking their prey, these birds do not know mercy. Falconiformes is a detachment of birds of prey, which includes the following bright representatives: falcons, eagles, buzzards, hawks and others.

Diurnal Birds of Prey

Not all birds that hunt for their food are predators. Many species feed on various living creatures, however, they are not classified as birds of prey. Maybe this will surprise someone, but the owls that many live in Russia, not accepted as birds of prey. Although they share many similarities with eagles and hawks, they are classified as nocturnal predators.

Although all birds of prey are carnivorous, their diet can include not only reptiles and mammals, but even insects. The same applies to the shrike or skua.

Zoological systematics relates to the category of diurnal birds of prey only those of them that belong to the order of falcons. The most famous of them:

  • hawks;
  • eagles;
  • falcons;
  • eagles.

These are just some of the diurnal birds of prey that share a similar appearance: a downward-curved beak, curved, and very sharp claws. The color of heterosexual representatives of these species is mostly almost the same, however, females are several times larger than males. Taking into account this fact, it is possible to distinguish a male from a female even with the naked eye from the outside.

Enough large predator, which has a bright beautiful color: a dark top with a gray tint, yellow eyes and light transverse stripes on the breast. The weight of an adult is in the range from 700 grams to 1.5 kilograms.

has long been considered a harmful predator, but is now protected by Russian law and is under protection, like other species of diurnal birds of prey.

He hunts various birds, deftly and with predatory prowess destroying crows, thrushes and other birds. Does not shun squirrels and even young hares. Basically, sick or injured animals become its victims; they simply cannot escape from its tenacious paws and powerful beak.

The goshawk lives almost throughout the vast tundra and in the northern regions, along the floodplains in the southern tundra. It usually nests in very tall trees., and the eggs that the female hawk lays are light in color with spots of dark colors.

This is a bright representative of the order of diurnal birds of prey living in Russia. The weight of such an individual ranges from 4 to 7 kilograms, and the wingspan can reach up to 2 meters. It is worth noting that the distinctive feature of this handsome man is a white tail, which can only be observed in an adult bird, whose age is more than three years.

The young specimen has a dark tail, because of this it can be confused with a golden eagle or even with an eagle. However, the bird can be distinguished during the flight. The tail of an eagle will be wedge-shaped, while that of a golden eagle will be rounded.

The habitat of this predator is almost all of Russia, with the exception of waterless desert places and the Far North. This hunter nests on deciduous trees and only sometimes - on the rocks. In the nesting places of the eagle, there will certainly be reservoirs and rivers nearby, where he can get the necessary amount of fish and waterfowl, which he usually hunts.

To meet an eagle on the territory of the open tundra is a great success. As a rule, in such places the bird prefers not to nest. The eagle builds its nests in such an area on hills or cliffs.

Eagles are not distinguished by such devotion and fidelity as swans, but they are always constant in choosing a partner. The female usually lays up to three eggs, which are white in color and have small brown spots. In some cases, the spots may be ocher in color.

Eagle is an incredibly beautiful predator, listed in the Red Book. The conservation of this species of birds is one of the priorities of the environmental legislation of Russia. This predator seeks to avoid people, and there have been cases when the eagle migrated to distant rocks from its habitual places near water bodies with the frequent appearance of people there.

Falcons and eagles

The falcon is an amazingly fast bird, a born hunter. The speed that the falcon is able to develop in the process of hunting can reach more than 320 kilometers per hour. In the sky, the predator feels incredibly confident and, as a rule, always overtakes the victim.

Falcons and eagles live in most of Russia, with the exception of the Arctic zone. Like eagles, falcons are very often tamed by people and used in hunting trips. The falcon always remains a faithful and reliable friend to its owner.

Perfect vision, beautiful plumage, tenacious claws with steel strength, a massive curved beak are the hallmarks of a falcon and an eagle.

Like many other birds of prey in Russia, falcons are protected by law. Some varieties of falcons, such as peregrine falcons or gyrfalcons, are prohibited from being exported from the country.

nocturnal birds of prey

Birds of prey that hunt their prey primarily at night are called nocturnal birds of prey. The brightest representative of this species is the owl, which has several subspecies:

  • owl polar or white;
  • short-eared owl;
  • hawk or falcon.

If not everyone has seen rare representatives of diurnal predators, most of the Russian population with enviable regularity can meet an owl in the urban environment, not to mention the forests, where there are significantly more of them.

White Owl

This is the largest representative of the entire family of owls, with a wingspan of up to 1.5 meters and a body length of more than 70 centimeters. Young owls are variegated in color, while older individuals are white with black spots on their heads. The paws of owls have abundant plumage, the eyes are yellow, and the beak is black.

The owl hunts for rodents and some birds, such as gulls, snow buntings, sandpipers and even ducks. Sometimes an owl can torment forest animals that have fallen into a trap. For this reason hunters dislike owls and can destroy them at a meeting.

short-eared owl

More often than all other varieties of owls in the tundra and swampy areas, you can meet a short-eared owl. During the winter months, this species roams throughout Asia and Europe, and can even reach Africa and America.

The main difference between a short-eared owl and a polar owl is its dimensions. The length of an adult bird ranges from 30 to 40 centimeters, and its wingspan is not more than 1 meter.

Its color has a brown or yellowish tint, paws and beak are black. Not only rodents, but also frogs with insects can get into her diet.

hawk owl

This owl can be attributed to diurnal predators. It has much in common with a falcon, which is why it is often called a falcon owl. Sharp wings and a falcon-like manner of hunting, screams and incredible courage, speed dial heights and lightning attack make her the best hunter among her relatives.

In Russia, the hawk owl is found in the tundra, where it enters through floodplain places from the north of the Ob.