Archaeologists are searching. Archeology as a profession

From Greek. archaios - ancient and logos - teaching. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in history, world art culture, foreign languages ​​and social studies (see the choice of profession for interest in school subjects).

Archaeologist is a historian who studies the life and culture of ancient people using various artifacts.

Archeology is an applied part of history, along with source study.

Features of the profession

Artifact in archeology (from lat. artefactum- artificially made) is an object created or processed by a person. Artifacts are also called material sources. These include buildings, tools, household utensils, jewelry, weapons, coals of an ancient fire, bones with traces of human impact, and other evidence. human activity. If the artifacts have writing, they are called written sources.

Material sources (unlike written ones) are silent. They contain no mention of historical events, and many were created long before the advent of writing. By itself, a fragment of a jug or a knife handle says little. They cannot be considered out of context, i.e. in isolation of the place, setting, depth of occurrence, objects found in the neighborhood, etc. The archaeologist looks for evidence of the past, and then examines them in the laboratory, classifies, restores, if necessary, etc.

Archeology uses data and methods from other disciplines: humanitarian (ethnography, anthropology, linguistics) and natural (physics, chemistry, botany, geography, soil science). For example, to set the time of creation or use of an object, they take into account in which layer it lay (each layer of soil corresponds to a certain time period), use stratigraphic, comparative typological, radiocarbon, dendrochronological, and other methods.

The archaeologist has no right to fantasies. All his conclusions must be described on clear evidence.

Archaeologists usually specialize in certain regions and historical periods. For example, a scientist can become an expert on the Paleolithic era in Central Asia if he studies the Stone Age sites located there year after year.

By search methods archeology can be divided into types:

Field - search for artifacts with the help of excavations on land;

Underwater - search under water;

experimental- reconstruction of objects of the past (tools, weapons, etc.).

During field excavations, an archaeologist uses a pickaxe and a shovel, a magnifying glass and a brush, a knife and a douche. As well as ground penetrating radar, theodolite - when planning excavations, a camera - for documenting their findings, and other technical capabilities.

To work underwater, you also need to be able to scuba dive and use underwater excavation equipment.

Even during the expedition, the archaeologist needs to describe each discovered object in as much detail as possible - this is important for further analysis. For the same purposes, you need to be able to sketch the find, take a picture. And in some cases, right in the field, scientists carry out the primary restoration (conservation) of an artifact, because sunlight and fresh air can destroy an ornament that has lain in the ground for a thousand years. If it is not strengthened in time, it will crumble before reaching the laboratory.

In experimental archeology, the reconstruction of an object takes place using materials and technologies typical of the era under study. During the experiment, scientists are trying to repeat the way of life of people of antiquity. They master crafts and restore forgotten technologies. Recreating an unknown technology, an archaeologist relies on excavation data, builds hypotheses, and conducts experiments. Here you can not do without engineering skills.

By invitation only

The work of an archaeologist is not only intense intellectual work. She demands physical strength and asceticism. Male archaeologists are often bearded, because on expeditions - in heat and dust, far from civilization - shaving is not recommended.

But for a real archaeologist, archaeological finds are a source of very strong emotions.

Archaeologist Natalya Viktorovna Polosmak speaks of his first archaeological experience:

“When I picked up my first small finds /…/ I saw that very close, literally under our feet, the mysterious world of the past exists and lives according to its own laws. And if the era of great geographical discoveries is already over, then great historical discoveries are still waiting for us, because the Earth has preserved everything that man has left on it from century to century.” (N.V. Polosmak is a doctor of historical sciences, a specialist in the field of archeology and ancient history of Siberia. She participated in archaeological expeditions as a schoolgirl.)

According to the archaeologist Sergei Vasilyevich Beletsky, the finds are often perceived as alive: “That is, when you realize that this thing was kept before you for 100, 300, 500, 700 years, yes, this is serious.” (S.V. Beletsky - Doctor of Historical Sciences. The main circle of scientific interests is the archeology of Pskov.)


An archaeologist can work in research institutes (for example, at the Institute of Archeology Russian Academy Sciences), as well as teaching at universities. His academic career, like that of other scientists, is expressed primarily in scientific discoveries, written works and academic titles.

Important qualities

In addition to interest in the events of the past, the archaeologist needs analytical, deductive abilities. To get a unified picture, one has to compare the many disparate data that excavations provide, laboratory research, works of colleagues. It does not matter where the excavations take place - under water or on land. In any case, it requires good physical endurance, sharp eyesight.

Knowledge and skills

Historical knowledge is necessary, especially knowledge of the era under study, knowledge in related fields: scientific restoration, paleosolology, paleogeography, etc.

Often you have to study disciplines that are not directly related to archeology: anthropology, ethnography, heraldry, numismatics, textual criticism, heraldry, physics, chemistry, statistics.

In addition, it is necessary to have the skills of a surveyor, topographer. And when working in the mountains or under water - the skills of a climber or diver. For this you have to undergo special training.

You will need

  • - medical card;
  • - certificates of USE results in subjects required for admission to the Faculty of History;
  • - a computer with Internet access.


Make sure you don't have any medical conditions that might hinder your desire to become an archaeologist. An archaeologist must have a healthy heart, he must not suffer from hypertension, seizures, hearing and speech disorders. The obstacle is diabetes mellitus, hemorrhoids, some skin diseases, a severe decrease in vision with the impossibility of correction, diseases of the digestive system and excretory system, as well as infectious diseases that have become chronic. An archaeologist must not be addicted to drugs or alcohol. Get tested and talk to your local doctor.

Archeology is a specialization that is obtained in the senior courses of history departments. There is also a specialized university with branches in different cities Russia - Moscow Archaeological Institute. You can start preparing for future scientific activity in college (in particular, a pedagogical one with a social orientation). You need a specialty 050401 - History. But in the future, you still have to enter a higher educational institution.

If you want to go to college right after high school, carefully study not only the history and subjects necessary for obtaining a certificate, but also disciplines such as physics, chemistry and geography. All these sciences will be useful to you in your work. The ability to draw and work with a camera will also be very useful. You can find out about which academic disciplines you need certificates on the website of the higher education institution after February 1, but in any case, you will need a certificate.

Type in the search engine the following specialties: 030400, 030401, 050401 - History or 030402 - Historical and archival studies. Look at which universities you can get these specialties with the qualification of "history", "master of history" or "teacher of history". Choose the one that has the Department of Archeology. After specializing in this department, you can get the qualification 72251 - Archeology.


If for some reason you could not enter a specialized educational institution, you can still do archeology. In particular, the military. To do this, it is enough to enroll in a search squad, which is in any large city, as well as in many villages. Search engines are mainly engaged in searching for the remains of servicemen who died during the Great Patriotic War. This is a fun and rewarding hobby. However, for many former military it becomes a real profession. If you wish, you can also create your own search squad by registering it with the Search Team Fund. Remember that this hobby requires discipline, accuracy, a good knowledge of the history of the places where excavations are being carried out, and some special skills.

From Greek. archaios - ancient and logos - teaching. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in history, world art culture, foreign languages ​​and social studies (see the choice of profession for interest in school subjects).

Archaeologist is a historian who studies the life and culture of ancient people using various artifacts.

Archeology is an applied part of history, along with source study.

Features of the profession

Artifact in archeology (from lat. artefactum- artificially made) is an object created or processed by a person. Artifacts are also called material sources. These include buildings, tools, household utensils, jewelry, weapons, the coals of an ancient fire, bones that have traces of human impact, and other evidence of human activity. If the artifacts have writing, they are called written sources.

Material sources (unlike written ones) are silent. They contain no mention of historical events, and many were created long before the advent of writing. By itself, a fragment of a jug or a knife handle says little. They cannot be considered out of context, i.e. in isolation of the place, setting, depth of occurrence, objects found in the neighborhood, etc. The archaeologist looks for evidence of the past, and then examines them in the laboratory, classifies, restores, if necessary, etc.

Archeology uses data and methods from other disciplines: humanitarian (ethnography, anthropology, linguistics) and natural (physics, chemistry, botany, geography, soil science). For example, in order to establish the time of creation or use of an object, they take into account which layer it lay in (each soil layer corresponds to a certain time period), use stratigraphic, comparative typological, radiocarbon, dendrochronological, and other methods.

The archaeologist has no right to fantasies. All his conclusions must be described on clear evidence.

Archaeologists usually specialize in certain regions and historical periods. For example, a scientist can become an expert on the Paleolithic era in Central Asia if he studies the Stone Age sites located there year after year.

By search methods archeology can be divided into types:

Field - search for artifacts with the help of excavations on land;

Underwater - search under water;

experimental- reconstruction of objects of the past (tools, weapons, etc.).

During field excavations, an archaeologist uses a pickaxe and a shovel, a magnifying glass and a brush, a knife and a douche. As well as ground penetrating radar, theodolite - when planning excavations, a camera - for documenting their findings, and other technical capabilities.

To work underwater, you also need to be able to scuba dive and use underwater excavation equipment.

Even during the expedition, the archaeologist needs to describe each discovered object in as much detail as possible - this is important for further analysis. For the same purposes, you need to be able to sketch the find, take a picture. And in some cases, right in the field, scientists carry out the primary restoration (conservation) of an artifact, because sunlight and fresh air can destroy an ornament that has lain in the ground for a thousand years. If it is not strengthened in time, it will crumble before reaching the laboratory.

In experimental archeology, the reconstruction of an object takes place using materials and technologies typical of the era under study. During the experiment, scientists are trying to repeat the way of life of people of antiquity. They master crafts and restore forgotten technologies. Recreating an unknown technology, an archaeologist relies on excavation data, builds hypotheses, and conducts experiments. Here you can not do without engineering skills.

By invitation only

The work of an archaeologist is not only intense intellectual work. It requires physical strength and asceticism. Male archaeologists are often bearded, because on expeditions - in heat and dust, far from civilization - shaving is not recommended.

But for a real archaeologist, archaeological finds are a source of very strong emotions.

Archaeologist Natalya Viktorovna Polosmak speaks of his first archaeological experience:

“When I picked up my first small finds /…/ I saw that very close, literally under our feet, the mysterious world of the past exists and lives according to its own laws. And if the era of great geographical discoveries is already over, then great historical discoveries are still waiting for us, because the Earth has preserved everything that man has left on it from century to century.” (N.V. Polosmak is a doctor of historical sciences, a specialist in the field of archeology and ancient history of Siberia. She participated in archaeological expeditions as a schoolgirl.)

According to the archaeologist Sergei Vasilyevich Beletsky, the finds are often perceived as alive: “That is, when you realize that this thing was kept before you for 100, 300, 500, 700 years, yes, this is serious.” (S.V. Beletsky - Doctor of Historical Sciences. The main circle of scientific interests is the archeology of Pskov.)


An archaeologist can work in research institutes (for example, at the Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences), as well as teach at universities. His academic career, like that of other scientists, is expressed primarily in scientific discoveries, written works and academic titles.

Important qualities

In addition to interest in the events of the past, the archaeologist needs analytical, deductive abilities. To get a unified picture, one has to compare a lot of disparate data provided by excavations, laboratory studies, and the works of colleagues. It does not matter where the excavations take place - under water or on land. In any case, it requires good physical endurance, sharp eyesight.

Knowledge and skills

Historical knowledge is necessary, especially knowledge of the era under study, knowledge in related fields: scientific restoration, paleosolology, paleogeography, etc.

Often you have to study disciplines that are not directly related to archeology: anthropology, ethnography, heraldry, numismatics, textual criticism, heraldry, physics, chemistry, statistics.

In addition, it is necessary to have the skills of a surveyor, topographer. And when working in the mountains or under water - the skills of a climber or diver. For this you have to undergo special training.

The article will tell you about how to become an archaeologist, why this profession is good, about the history of its occurrence and educational institutions preparing in the specialty "Archaeology".

Archeology is not just a science, it is the key to the past of mankind, opening the roads of the future. Perhaps this is one of the most interesting and exciting professions in the world. But not everyone can become an archaeologist, because in addition to romance and alluring secrets, doing archeology is a serious scientific work!

The history of the profession "Archaeologist"

Archeology- This is a historical discipline that studies the historical past of mankind using material sources, which include the tools of production and the material goods created by them (structures, household items and art).
Archeology, how science originated in Ancient Greece, it is not for nothing that the word "archeology" itself comes from ancient Greek words????? - ancient and word, doctrine.
In Russia, archeology became widespread in the 18-19th century.

What qualities should a person who wants to become an archaeologist have?

First of all, patience and an analytical mindset, however, one cannot do without a creative approach. If you want to become an archaeologist, you must understand that you will have to spend a lot of time on business trips, work with large volumes of documents, analyze and organize data. In addition, a person who wants to be an archaeologist must be sociable, as they will often have to exchange data and participate in teamwork. Unpretentiousness in everyday life is also a plus, the future archaeologist should not be afraid to spend the night in a tent for weeks in abandoned and wild places. And a good memory is a faithful assistant to any archaeologist.

Contraindication to the profession for health reasons

Due to the fact that the profession of an archaeologist implies certain stresses on the body, with the following series of diseases, the work of an archaeologist can become dangerous for your life and health.
heart disease or blood pressure disorders;
convulsions, loss of consciousness;
hearing disorders;
speech disorders;

hemorrhoidal disorders;
skin diseases;
diseases of the digestive system and excretion;
chronic infectious diseases;
drug use, alcohol dependence;
uncorrectable decrease in visual acuity.

What is a good profession "Archaeologist"?

Naturally, contact with the secrets of antiquity. Interesting expeditions, excavations of ancient cities and burial grounds, and if you are lucky to make a significant discovery, then world fame!

To successfully master the profession, you will need excellent knowledge of the school curriculum in the following subjects:
As well as special knowledge in the field: cultural studies, history of civilizations, geology and anthropology.
The profession "Archaeologist" refers to higher education , but you can prepare starting from secondary specialized education, for example, by enrolling in college for a specialty: 050401 - History. You can find this specialty in pedagogical and social colleges. Next, you need to enroll in a university for a specialty: 030400, 030401, 050401 - History or 030402 - Historical and archival science. This will allow you to get qualifications: 62, 65, 68 - Bachelor of History; Historian, History teacher, Historian-archivist, History teacher; Master of History. 72251 - Archeology is a specialty of the highest scientific qualification.
In order to understand whether you have chosen your path correctly, it is possible and even desirable to enroll in a historical club or a search party (search for the remains of fallen soldiers of the Second World War) even at the stage of the beginning of training. This will allow you to participate in historical reconstructions or excavations and understand if you want to devote your whole life to this activity. In addition, there are archaeological and ethnographic student conferences. You can feel like a real archaeologist by taking part in international volunteer projects, which are often held by the Russian Geographical Society.

Where do you study to be an archaeologist?

Recognized leader - Moscow Archaeological Institute, it was founded in 1907 and currently has branches in several cities of the European part of Russia. Postgraduate education.
Moscow Pedagogical State University , Faculty of History (founded in 1900), Department of the History of the Ancient World and the Middle Ages.

The profession of an archaeologist is one of those few specialties that are shrouded in a halo of romance, mystery and, if you like, even mysticism. In the view of many, archaeologists are akin to treasure hunters, with the only difference being that for the former, the search for ancient artifacts is "art for art's sake", and for the latter, the main goal is profit. Due to the lack of self-interest, archaeologists are often perceived as eccentrics, divorced from reality and mired in the affairs of bygone days.

Profession of an archaeologist refers to those few specialties that are shrouded in a halo of romance, mystery and, if you like, even mysticism. In the view of many, archaeologists are akin to treasure hunters, with the only difference being that for the former, the search for ancient artifacts is "art for art's sake", and for the latter, the main goal is profit. Due to the lack of self-interest, archaeologists are often perceived as eccentrics, divorced from reality and mired in the affairs of bygone days.

It should be noted that archeology is one of those areas of science that does not tolerate random people. That is why people who want to become archaeologists need to carefully familiarize themselves with the features of this profession, and only then decide whether it suits them or not.

Who is an archaeologist?

- a scientist engaged in excavations of ancient settlements and the study of artifacts (material sources) found in the process of excavations, which make it possible to recreate the life and culture of people from different eras. The name of the profession comes from the Greek "archaios" (ancient) and logos (teaching) - that is, the doctrine of the ancient.

The first archaeologist can be considered the great poet and thinker Lucretius, who back in the 1st century BC. was able to determine what to replace stone age bronze came, and bronze was replaced by iron. The term "archeology" was first used by Plato, who thus designated the "history of past times."

IN modern world archeology is usually divided into three types:

  • field - excavation of material sources on land;
  • underwater - search for evidence of the past under water;
  • experimental - the reconstruction of objects used by ancient people, using materials and technologies characteristic of the era under study.

Archaeologists themselves, as a rule, can be conditionally divided into groups of specialists engaged in the study of specific regions and historical periods. For example, there is a group of scientists engaged exclusively in the study of the Paleolithic era in Central Asia.

The main task of an archaeologist is to search for artifacts, with their subsequent study in the laboratory, restoration (if necessary) and the formation of conclusions based on the revealed facts. The task of archaeologists also includes the preservation of found material sources, their classification and description.

What personal qualities should an archaeologist have?

The work of an archaeologist Only real enthusiasts can do it, for whom excavations and the study of antiquities are a calling, and not random episodes in life. A real archaeologist should have such personal qualities, how:

  • sincere love for history;
  • inclination to asceticism;
  • physical endurance;
  • equilibrium;
  • analytic mind;
  • ability to work in a team;
  • excellent health;
  • patience;
  • predisposition to deduction.

And most importantly, since archaeologists very often have to master not only related professions(soil science, topography, geography, etc.), but also specialties that are far from archeology(anthropology, chemistry, heraldry, etc.), a true fan of his craft is distinguished by a pronounced thirst for new knowledge and skills, as well as the ability to self-educate.

Benefits of being an archaeologist

An obvious, and almost the only advantage of the profession of an archaeologist, of course, is the opportunity to travel a lot and for a long time in the company of like-minded people. In addition, an archaeologist spends most of his time outdoors, which can also be considered an advantage of this profession. To some extent, an irregular work schedule can also be attributed to the advantages, but only conditionally, since most often excavations take most of the day, and not vice versa.

We have not been able to identify more advantages of this profession. Perhaps it was a small number of advantages that caused the ever-decreasing demand for this specialty among applicants.

Disadvantages of being an archaeologist

In contrast to the advantages and disadvantages of profession of an archaeologist, as they say, more than enough. Therefore, we will list only the most obvious and significant.

  • Firstly, archeology is not so much exciting trips and great discoveries as very hard and routine work. We emphasize that physically hard work, which sometimes even strong men cannot cope on their own.
  • Secondly, low earnings (and sometimes their complete absence) due to insignificant funding for excavations and the study of artifacts.
  • Thirdly, the long years spent in "Spartan" conditions - sometimes archaeologists have to sleep almost on bare ground and eat the gifts of nature.
  • Fourthly, there is a high probability that the "great discovery" will be made by someone else, but not by you (that is, there may be a feeling that life has been lived in vain).
  • Fifthly, long-term archaeological expeditions that impede the construction of a normal personal life.

Where can you get a job as an archaeologist?

The profession of an archaeologist presupposes the obligatory presence of a higher academic education. And we immediately note that study to be an archaeologist(as well as working in a specialty) is not easy. The main emphasis in the learning process is on the study of history, as well as on the technologies of excavation and work with found artifacts. Since there are practically no special archaeological universities in Russia (except for the Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Moscow Archaeological Institute), in order to get the profession of an archaeologist, it is necessary to choose a university with a history faculty, which has a department of archeology. We recommend giving preference to universities such as.