A white dove sat on the windowsill outside the window: the meaning of the omen. Signs about white doves K A white dove sits on the windowsill

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The treasury of folk wisdom contains many signs for all occasions. Some of them are related to pigeons. Birds have long been considered messengers of significant changes and messages- good and not so good. A dove sitting on your windowsill is considered a sign from above. If you can recognize the hints of fate by signs, you can attract pleasant events into your life, protect your home from misfortunes.

Birds are able to detect changes in weather conditions, predicting natural phenomena.

When a pigeon finds a place on the windowsill in the shade during a hot time, this indicates that rain can be expected during the day.

If he has something in his beak - a twig or a leaf, hope for replenishment in the family or unexpected cash gains.

Sometimes birds try to warn us of impending troubles. A dove that flaps its wings in front of your window is a sign that there is a possibility of a fire, and you need to be careful.

If at the moment your other half is far away, the dove hints that she misses your presence, wants to be near you.

In other cases, the look of a bird means that someone wants to see you. from close relatives or friends. Think about those with whom you have not communicated for a long time, but would like to. When this is repeated often, and the dove looks at you for a long time, turning either its right eye or its left eye to you, this is a hint that you are in a hurry to make a decision, because someone really needs you.

Such behavior is regarded as a danger warning. When the bird knocked on the window, and then fell dead, this portends a sad event - protracted illness or death for someone close to you.

If the winged guest behaves calmly, after knocking on the window continues to walk along the windowsill, wait for the news.

When the feathered managed to enter the room after knocking, it means that you do not hear or do not see something important around you, you should change your mind, or there will be tangible losses.

A pair is considered a very auspicious sign if the birds coo and stay close to each other. This means that soon there will be a wedding. If at the same time one of the doves holds something in its beak, the newlyweds will have children in the near future.

When birds arrive in pairs, take a closer look at their behavior. When the birds are nearby, this portends comfort, harmony, reliability and fidelity to their feelings - the young will be happy in marriage.

Screaming, fighting doves hint that there will often be disagreements in the family. If they then fly away in opposite directions - to be divorced, fly away in one direction - after quarrels there will be reconciliation.

The dove brought you news. When he walks on the windowsill and looks inside, knocks on the glass with his beak, this see you soon sign with family members or some of your friends. If the feathered guest behaves anxiously - flies back and forth, when you try to drive him away, he returns again, be prepared for the fact that someone from your inner circle gets sick, or your plans may be violated.

The bird may be trying to get into your house. If it causes alarm, it is impossible to let it inside.

It symbolizes peace, kindness and love. The appearance of a bird of this color portends:

  • a marriage proposal if there are free young people in the house, and the dove also dropped a feather when it flew away;
  • good luck in business for a married couple;
  • protection from misfortune and adverse events if the dove periodically returns to you.

Feed your feathered friend, and he will bring you only good news.

This means that your home needs a talisman. The bird wants to turn away anxiety and sadness from you. You should not chase away a dove that does not want to fly away from you. He will be the guardian of your well-being. If the bird behaves calmly, this may mean news that will be significant for you and will affect your future life.

A dove that brought and placed a blade of grass or a twig on your windowsill is considered a harbinger of profit or an expensive gift. Do not rush to remove or throw away his gifts until what the winged guest predicts is fulfilled.

If he was not near your window for a long time, wait for the news soon. When a bird flew in surrounded by a whole flock, but only one of them was on the windowsill, this promises you a change in life, career growth.

If the bird flew at the tail of the flock, it will be difficult for your plans to come true, but the result will be positive if you make more efforts. A feathered friend, leading the whole flock behind him, portends you a dizzying success.

If he sat on the windowsill for a long time, hardly moved, but then flew away anyway, then you learn something unexpected for yourself soon.

A bird that flew close to the glass and shat on it or on the windowsill is considered a predictor of large profits. If she flew away immediately, you will receive the money in the near future. If the dove first walked importantly on the windowsill, you will get VIP reward.

When a feathered friend was going to shit on your territory, but you frightened him off or drove him away on purpose, you will have to limit yourself in cash for some time.

A cooing or dancing winged visitor on your windowsill is a harbinger of guests coming soon. If other pigeons join him, expect a noisy and cheerful company.

When a bird proudly walks outside the window, one of those who come will be important and influential, perhaps he can help you in serious matters if you accept him well. If the pigeon coos loudly, someone close to you will attract your attention.

The feathered guest coos in the morning - expect communicating with good people and pleasant surprises.

It doesn't always matter if you believe in omens or not. You can pay attention to the signs shown by a dove that has flown onto the windowsill, or not pay attention - your fate is in your hands. But by listening to bird signs, you can learn a lot.

What does the sign of a dove on the windowsill mean, any of us thought at least once. Our ancestors also noticed that pigeons are special birds, and by watching them you can easily look into the future.

With the help of these divine creatures, higher powers tell us how to act in a given situation, and what to expect from the future. The task of a person is only to correctly understand and decipher these special signs.

There are many interpretations in this sign, and close observation of the bird will help to decipher each of them:

  • If a bird flew to your window and unceremoniously dirtied it, wait for the money to arrive. This is a good sign, even if the bird has smeared you on the street. By the way, if a pigeon shits on clothes, you should wait for a new thing.
  • If a dove flew to your window, sat on the windowsill and began to coo quietly, expect an early meeting with your soul mate and a stormy love affair.
  • For family people, a feathered visitor cooing outside the window promises a renewal of past love passions that will strengthen and fill the family union with new colors.

Other signs:

  • If a dove looks out the window, expect guests to arrive. In the event that several birds have flown in, striving to look into your window, expect noisy fun in the company of good friends.
  • A loudly cooing restless bird on the windowsill warns that in the near future, the closest people will give you some trouble.
  • A dove cooing softly outside the window in the early morning portends good news and a pleasant day.
  • A feathered guest, imposingly pacing on the windowsill, portends an early meeting or acquaintance with an influential person or patron.
  • A sign when a bird sits on a windowsill and flaps its wings strongly means the fulfillment of a cherished desire and a great joyful event.
  • A bird quietly pecking at something that does not exist outside the window portends important news for you.
  • If the dove sat on the windowsill and immediately flew away - wait for the letter.
  • There is a sign that if the same unfed dove always flies to the window and sits peacefully on the windowsill, the person living on the other side of the window is immensely lonely.

Other signs:

  • For a married couple, pigeons fighting on the windowsill mean a quarrel and a heated family skirmish. If, after a quarrel, the birds begin to coo cutely and fly away in one direction, everything will gradually improve and peace will reign in the family again. And if the birds scatter in different directions, most likely the marriage will break up.
  • Two doves, gracious outside the window of a quarreling married couple, promise lovers an early reconciliation and an idyll in relationships.
  • If the dove sat on the windowsill, and without cooing, loudly and persistently began to knock on the glass, one of the household members would get sick.
  • A bird hitting or beating against glass portends an unpleasant incident or event.
  • If you drive away the bird, and the dove still persistently flies to your window, expect minor troubles. But if the arriving bird has something in its beak, everything will work out soon and you will have a big profit.

It is also worth knowing that:

  • If a bird sitting outside the window looks at you persistently, someone misses you a lot and wants to see you. If at this moment your spouse or lover is away from you, this is how his longing for you is transmitted.
  • Often, in the form of a dove, the bright souls of deceased relatives or acquaintances come to us. It happens that a bird that has flown to the window and calmly watches you simply evaluates your behavior and tries to understand how you live and whether you are doing everything right.
  • If you notice that the bird literally does not take its eyes off you and tries to copy your head turns, you need to immediately make a decision that has been sitting in a long box, but without which it will not be possible to move on.

But this or that event can be determined not only by the behavior of pigeons at your window. In the street, birds also give us non-verbal cues.

Pigeon met on the street

The appearance of a dove in one place or another, its interaction with you can portend both good and unpleasant events. But it is important to understand that signs can only be read by wild individuals of the feathered family. The behavior of domestic birds, for the most part, carries absolutely no information.

If, while walking around the city, you saw a lying pigeon feather, this is a good sign. You need to take the pen with you, for good luck. But you should not consider feathers found near fountains or squares, where a priori there are flocks of birds, a talisman.

dove in the house

A popular sign says that a pigeon that has flown in or entered a house must fly out on its own. If the feathered guest does not want to leave the premises, catch the visitor and let him out through the window with the following words: "Fly trouble through another gate."

  • A bird that entered the house through the door promises the imminent arrival of important guests.
  • If a feathered visitor flew in through the balcony opening, expect good news.
  • If a bird flew through the window into a house where there is an unmarried guy or girl and flutters around the room at ease, you can prepare for an imminent wedding.
  • It is a good omen if a dove that flew into the house had something in its beak. Such a visit promises profit and good news.

Found a pigeon in the apartment:

  • A dove crashed against glass always promises trouble and terrible news.
  • If, having come home, you found a dove flying through an open window at home, then soon you will meet a person who will completely change your life. And how good the changes will be can be judged by the behavior of the bird. For example, a dove peacefully cooing and walking around the house portends a positive turn of events, and an alarming bird beating its wings portends trouble.
  • If the dove quickly flew into the kitchen and sat on the dining table, then there will soon be a dead person in the house.
  • A dove that flew into a dwelling and hid in a corner is also considered a harbinger of death.

There are other signs regarding the interaction of a dove and a person:

  • Birds, often flying to a private courtyard, protect households from ailments and all kinds of misfortunes.
  • If whole flocks of pigeons gather in your yard, then you are an excellent host or hostess.
  • As well as systematic visits to the yard by wild pigeons, they say that the owners are kind-hearted and decent people. Birds fly to a dashing person only as harbingers of trouble.
  • If a pigeon flew onto the windowsill or into the yard, it must be treated. It is believed that feeding pigeons promises well-being and prosperity.
  • If the pigeons have made a nest under the roof of the house, then no misfortunes threaten him. And on the contrary, if the birds left their familiar place for no particular reason, you should be wary.

Hitting a dove with a car is considered a bad omen. The person who shot down the dove must be as careful and prudent as possible so as not to be the next victim. And it can also be a harbinger of an imminent divorce.

If the bird hit your vehicle and survived, you should think about your behavior. Perhaps you are not following a very honest path to achieve your goals, which will certainly come back to haunt you later.

Other signs

  • A white dove circling at the window of a seriously ill person promises him a quick death.
  • Finding a wounded pigeon is a sign of a big illness, but if you manage to save it, a serious illness will bypass it.
  • It is considered a great sin to kill and eat pigeons. Having tasted pigeon meat or killed a bird, a person dooms himself to an unhappy life and multiple troubles.

Determining the weather by pigeons

It turns out that by the behavior of pigeons, you can determine not only your own fate, but also find out the weather:

  • If feathered friends in sunny weather are looking for a secluded place to hide, it will soon rain or a thunderstorm will begin.
  • If birds clean their feathers, the current weather conditions will be reversed.
  • Doves splashing in a puddle indicate a long dry period.
  • If the birds bathe in spring streams, warm, summer weather will soon come.
  • Birds splashing in autumn puddles are harbingers of warming.
  • But pigeons scurrying around the puddle, not risking entering the water, portend imminent rain.
  • If in hot weather the pigeons that are near the water only wet their paws, then the coming week will be cooler and rainier.

As you can see, there are many signs with pigeons. And looking closely at our feathered brothers, you can determine not only the weather, but also find out fate, and perhaps even avert misfortune and attack from yourself and your loved ones.

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For a long time, people have believed that pigeons are special birds that warn of important changes in life. According to signs, if a dove sat on a windowsill, this is in most cases a positive sign. Find out what happens if one or two doves fly into your window.

Almost only positive signs are associated with such feathered friends. If the bird "settled" on the windowsill, regularly appears there, troubles will bypass for a long time. Good luck will smile, harmony will come to the house.

If the dove just flew in and sat on the windowsill (maybe knocked on the glass and flew away), this indicates important news. It is safe to say they will be positive. If there was a twig in the beak, this indicates good news from loved ones. This sign is also relevant for birds that have sat on the eaves, balcony or roof of the house.

Our ancestors believed that birds do not fly to evil bad people.

  • The white dove decided to fly around the house, and then sit on the window - a very good sign. If the bird regularly flies to the windowsill like this, the people living in this house will not have trouble. The calmer the dove behaves, the more favorable events await in the future.
  • The dove sat on the windowsill and tries to attract attention (not aggressively, it is clear that he is not scared, he just wants to make contact), this indicates that his cherished desire will come true. Perhaps a child will be born, get a new position, win the lottery.
  • He walks dancing on the windowsill - guests will soon descend.

The appearance of birds on the window most often scares people, especially if it is an owl, a black crow, a cuckoo. In the case of a pigeon, it is very important to pay attention to its behavior:

  • If he regularly flies to the windowsill, behaves restlessly, starts to beat on the glass - this indicates grievances that will soon fall on your family. Be extremely careful. Adversity can affect any area of ​​life.
  • It flies in a circle in front of your window and from time to time sits on the windowsill - a warning, danger awaits.
  • He constantly sits on the window of a person who is sick - he will not recover for a long time, however, if you do not open the window, signs can be avoided. If the window was already open, superstition does not bode well.
  • Walking along your windowsill or balcony, the feathered guest suddenly began to behave very frightened, hiding in a corner. This indicates the approach of trouble.
  • There are beliefs that the bird can portend death. Therefore, you can often hear advice - if a dove is knocking on a window, you should not open it. It is believed that an overly annoying guest really brought trouble and by opening the window on your own, let trouble into your life.

The appearance of two doves is always associated with something good: love, tenderness and care. If you believe the signs of love, the meeting of such a couple indicates:

  • meeting a person with whom you can build your destiny;
  • improving relationships in a couple;
  • strengthening the family hearth.

The birds were met by a pair of lovers (husband and wife) - indicates replenishment, the appearance of offspring. In order for the energy of love to be transferred from the birds to you, it is advisable to feed them.

Pay attention to how doves behave. If they just coo, care for each other, ruffled - this indicates a happy change in life.

If they fight among themselves, this indicates a difficult family life.

Our signs will help you learn more about pigeons. Use folk beliefs to learn more about the future and determine what fate awaits you.

Our ancestors paid increased attention to the issue of various signs, superstitions and beliefs. They believed that certain phenomena occurring in our world, sometimes even insignificant ones, can have a strong impact on human life. In particular, a sign was quite popular when a dove sat on a window sill outside the window. We will consider it in detail in this material.

Let's understand it step by step. If the bird is already sitting on your windowsill, then this portends you to receive some kind of news, but not necessarily bad news. Many people believe that this belief predicts negative events (such as death, destruction, loss, disappointment, and the same plan). But in reality this is by no means the case, so do not rush to worry.

Although there are a number of superstitions that say that pigeons are able to anticipate trouble. And if this feathered comrade settled next to your window, you don’t need to prepare for misfortune - it will simply protect your home from various troubles. But if he leaves you, then you will already need to be alert and carefully monitor the events taking place in your life. This is a kind of signal from above that cannot be ignored.

How is the behavior of a pigeon outside the window interpreted

  • If the feathered one just sits on the windowsill, then this most likely portends good news that relates to work or family life.
  • If a bird holds some kind of twig or leaf in its beak, then this will indicate the imminent addition of your family or good financial profit.
  • Sometimes pigeons begin to “dance” directly on the windowsill - this behavior of birds predicts the imminent arrival of guests in your house. At the same time, how big the company will be will depend on the number of birds outside the window.
  • It happens that in the winter season, birds simply fly to the windowsill in order to warm themselves, without carrying any sacred news with them. Be that as it may, we do not advise you to ignore this situation, because pigeons are able to perfectly feel negative energy and they never fly to a bad house. Give him some bread crumbs, thereby saving the feathered one from starvation.

Considering the signs, when the pigeons sat on the windowsill, it is worth paying attention to their number. So, if you watch a sweet couple of cooing doves outside the window, this portends an imminent wedding. Pigeons are family birds, so take a closer look at their behavior.

  • If the birds sit quietly side by side, this portends a peaceful and happy married life.
  • They constantly fight, flap their wings and shout loudly - their life will be unfavorable - it is likely that the marriage will soon fall apart.

Therefore, take a closer look at their mutual behavior.

Our ancestors came up with an explanation for this phenomenon. Biologists know that chicks that have recently left their mother's nest and are learning the basics of flight do not yet know how to control the trajectory of their flight. Therefore, they may simply not cope with “control” and inadvertently crash into your window.

In addition, the quality of flight is affected by the presence of electromagnetic radiation from various devices. Do not immediately raise a panic about this. But if the bird hits the glass and then falls dead, then this portends trouble or even the death of a close relative.

The bird may also fly to the windowsill and begin to knock on the window with its beak. This is also not a very good phenomenon - it predicts the receipt of bad news that can ruin your plans. Do not let the bird into the home, so as not to increase the degree of problems.

Negative signs about pigeons

Many people are firmly convinced that the arrival of a dove marks the death of a close relative or a person living in the house.

It is considered a rather bad sign if the dove first hit the glass, and then was able to get into your house, even despite the closed window. In this case, you need to be as careful as possible! Thus, the feathered one indicates to you a possible danger or trouble. Do not ignore such signs of fate and if you have any disturbing situations, pay special attention to them.

Also, until the bird was in your home, this means that the news was never delivered. In fact, you have nothing to fear until you let him into the house.

The belief was very popular that when a dove flies past the window of a seriously ill person, this portends his imminent death.

Since ancient times, pigeons have been considered divine birds, which are revered and carefully protected. By killing a feathered one, a person takes on a huge sin. Everyone knows this, even small children.

It is also believed that the souls of our ancestors fly to earth in the guise of these birds. Therefore, people who kill pigeons will be doomed to long-term disasters and face many problems, or they may even lose their lives.

It is known that pigeons are able to feel nature very well with all its phenomena. So, if on a hot sunny day a dove flies to your windowsill and sits in the shade, this will portend precipitation in the very near future. The feathered weather forecaster will help you precisely control the appearance of rain, because it foreshadows it in just a couple of hours.

In ancient times, our distant, distant ancestors did not worry about the sign when a dove sits on a windowsill (to be more precise, then there were no window sills in principle). This always indicated the appearance of certain news, but what plan - here it was already necessary to think carefully.

Be that as it may, negative thoughts always have a huge role in our lives and can really attract misfortune, so try to think as positively as possible and try to see the positive in everything, and not vice versa.

Higher powers send special, understandable only signs to each person. However, for many hundreds and thousands of years, people noticed that some of them have a general meaning. That is why today we have a lot of explanations for various phenomena.

What, for example, does it mean if a dove sat on a window sill outside the window or attracted your attention with other unusual actions?

Pigeon on the windowsill

The most popular among all signs is a dove sitting on a windowsill. The behavior of the bird will help to interpret its meaning.

  • If a dove flew to the window and impudently shat it, then you will receive money. In general, this is the best sign, even if a feathered wretch pooped on you in the middle of the street.
  • If a feathered visitor flew in and began to coo softly at the window, then soon you will start a new love affair.
  • For families, a cooing dove on the windowsill means that there has been a heat of passion in the relationship that will only improve your marriage.
  • A cooing dove peeked through the window? He warns about the arrival of guests. If three or more birds fly to the windowsill at once, then a noisy holiday is planned at all.
  • If the bird coos too loudly, then some signs about pigeons are sure that one of the household, friends or relatives will unexpectedly cause trouble.
  • The messenger, who coos on the windowsill or looks out the window in the early morning, predicts communication with nice people and a couple of surprises during the day.
  • Another sign: a dove, importantly pacing on the window, promises a meeting with an influential person.
  • If a bird flaps its wings on a ledge or windowsill, then get ready for great joy in the house.
  • A lonely bird, pecking at something intently at the window, according to signs about birds, portends the receipt of a letter.
  • If the feathered messenger sat on the windowsill and after a while flew away without showing much activity, then you will receive very important news.
  • If the same dove flies all the time, then you either fed it, or you are really infinitely lonely.

A pair of pigeons frequented your windowsill? Pay attention to how they behave. If the birds sat on the window, behave peacefully, coo and even kiss, then there will be harmony and peace in the family. If they fight periodically, then a period of constant scandals will come in the house. If, after a quarrel, the doves fly away together, then over time everything will work out, scatter in different directions - alas, everything will end in divorce.

The dove perched on the window and knocked insistently? Perhaps someone in the household will become seriously ill. If the pigeon knock is sudden and loud, then there is a possibility of death.

  • If the bird walks on the windowsill and periodically taps on the glass, then you will soon meet a friend or relative.
  • If pigeons hit glass, then something bad will certainly happen.
  • If the feathered messenger shows anxiety, flies again, even if you drove him away, then the plans will be violated due to some unpleasant incident.
  • If he holds something in his beak, then in the house opposite, general reconciliation, happiness, profit and other joyful events are coming.

If the dove sits on the windowsill and literally “looks into my eyes”, then someone obviously wants to see you. It could be an old friend, relative or secret admirer.

If at the moment your beloved is far away, then the dove, trying to catch your eye, conveys his longing in distant lands.

Sometimes, in the form of an ordinary dove, the souls of the dead fly to us. Calm behavior and attentive look confirm this. Signs about pigeons are sure: the departed simply evaluates whether you are behaving correctly.

If the dove literally “does not take its eyes off me”, turning its head alternately, then you need to make some decision without delay.

In general, folk signs about a dove are entirely based on the behavior of the bird and the place where you found it. Moreover, depending on various nuances, the appearance of a dove can promise both trouble and good events.

Important: All the presented signs and superstitions about the dove refer exclusively to "wild" birds. If you breed them yourself, then in most cases the signs are not relevant.

A dove that sat on its head or touched its face with its wing literally symbolizes the chosenness of a person. Either you were born for a special purpose, or you are under invisible protection.

  • If on the street an unlucky feathered one crashed into the body, then there will be a surprise.
  • It is good to find a pigeon feather on the road. Take the find with you, it will bring you good luck.
  • It is even better to meet a white dove on the road on the left side. This is a sign of good luck in the intended business.
  • To see how white doves fly is a long-term luck.
  • The dove that sat next to her prophesies pregnancy.
  • A dead dove met on the road, on the contrary, guarantees a series of failures and bad news.

If the dove sat on the windowsill and does not show much activity, then you have to spend a little money. But it will give you satisfaction.

  • A dove that entered the house through the front doors marks the imminent arrival of guests from afar. The same thing is prophesied by a bird that is on the threshold.
  • Signs about doves-birds say: flying through the balcony door guarantees a letter with good news.
  • If a dove flew into the window and began to fly cheerfully around the room, then an unmarried girl will jump out to get married, and a single guy will meet his soul mate.
  • If a bird that flew into the room held something in its beak, then everything will be fine. Prosperity, profit and other pleasant events await you.
  • Popular superstitions remind: a dove that has crashed against glass brings only bad news and misfortunes.
  • If you came home and found a dove in the room, then you will meet a person who will change your destiny.
  • If the bird quickly flew into the open window, then there will be a dead person in the house or you will receive news of someone's death.
  • The worst thing is if a dove that has flown into the kitchen sits on the table. This is a sure omen of death.
  • A feathered messenger that flew into the house and hid in a corner is considered a harbinger of death.

It does not matter exactly how the dove appeared in the house. The sign says: it is necessary to give the bird the opportunity to leave the room on its own. If the visitor does not want to fly away, then you need to carefully catch him and release him with the words “Fly trouble through the other gate!”.

Pigeons that often appear in the yard protect those living in the house from disease, ruin and fire.

If pigeon flocks often flock to the yard, it means that you are skillfully and competently managing the household.

Important: Signs about birds remind you that pigeons will never fly into the yard to an evil person. This is possible only in case of a bad omen.

If birds land in the yard or on the window, they must be fed. This simple action is guaranteed to bring good times.

We made a nest

The dove on the balcony promises news and significant changes.

  • If pigeons have made a nest under the roof of the house, then it is not threatened by fire. But if the doves left their nest for no apparent reason, then you should worry.
  • Pigeons that build a nest on the roof of a house or on the balcony of lonely people promise an early marriage or a long-term relationship.
  • If pigeons settled on the balcony, then something joyful and significant will happen.
  • If the doves laid an egg, then soon there will be a replenishment in the house.

The pigeon egg is considered a unique phenomenon and is equated with the blessing of Heaven. If you find an egg on your own balcony, then life will change dramatically for the better.

A wounded dove portends a serious illness, a dead dove - death. If you manage to save a barely alive bird, then perhaps the trouble will bypass.

  • If you have an irresistible desire to taste pigeon meat, then a sign about birds promises illness and even death.
  • You can not kill and eat pigeons. This is a great sin, punishable by many troubles and troubles.
  • The black dove on the roof symbolizes mourning, bad news and misfortune.
  • One single white dove sat on the ledge - a symbol of death or marriage.
  • The red messenger on the window guarantees profit and a new acquaintance.
  • A white dove flying past the window, near which a sick person lies, prophesies his inevitable death.
  • In any other case, signs about birds promise good news.

Important: All negative signs and superstitions are usually confirmed by other signs or dreams.

It is good to get a pillow with a pigeon feather. It prolongs life and heals the sick.

If the pigeons seek shelter in clear weather, then soon it will completely deteriorate.

  • If the feathers are cleaned, then the weather conditions will also change.
  • If pigeons bathe in a puddle, then they warn of a long period of drought.
  • If birds splash in a puddle at the end of spring, then summer weather will soon set in, and the coming summer will be hot and dry.
  • Pigeons bathing in a puddle at the end of summer hint at a warm and protracted autumn, without fail with an "Indian" summer.
  • If the birds only walk around the puddles and do not dare to swim in them, then on the contrary it will rain.
  • If doves in summer or warm autumn only dip their feet into the water, then the next week will turn out to be wet and cool.

To understand the signs and folk signs about birds, you do not need to graduate from a special magical school. It is enough to carefully monitor everything that is happening around and listen to intuition. She will tell you exactly what sign means what.

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Today there are a large number of various signs, why the dove sat on the windowsill outside the window. To understand what superstition is talking about, it must be taken into account that this is a bird that brings peace, friendship and love. Once upon a time, pigeons were used to send mail. And this suggests that the bird brings news. Based on this, we can say that all the signs associated with it do not bode well. If a person loves these birds very much and feeds them regularly, then their presence should not be taken as an omen.

Why did the dove sit on the windowsill outside the window

What does the dove on the windowsill say

If a dove flew to the windowsill and began to wash, then this means that there will be a good day ahead. It brings people only goodness and well-being. When she behaves calmly and contentedly, everything will be all right. Such a sign brings mutual understanding and well-being to the family.

If two doves sit on a ledge and coo, then this indicates that:

  • everything will be fine in the family and at home;
  • children will obey their parents;
  • mom and dad will take care and love their children.

The girl living in the house is alone, and does not have a soul mate, seeing pigeons that coo. She can be sure that she will soon meet her soul mate.

If she has a soulmate, then such a sign indicates the approach of the wedding. If the second half has not yet made an offer, then maybe this will happen soon. The couple's family life will be long and happy.

Pigeons coo for a guy, which means that you need to make a choice in your life. Many young people sort out various girls, even a bird suggests that it is enough to do this. You need to find the only one and start a family.

White doves coo, this is only for a bright and good future. This is a bird of peace and goodness, so if she sits outside the window, then be sure that nothing bad will happen.

A pair of doves sit on the windowsill, this is something pure, tender, new and real. This sign speaks of the birth of something new, friendship or love. If more than one dove and not even a couple appeared outside the window, but there are a lot of them, then this indicates that there will soon be a bright and cheerful party.

If pigeons arrive and begin to look out the window or rush into the house, then expect some news. Be sure to watch the bird, if it rushes about, then nothing good should be expected. To avoid bad news, you need to reassure her. Catch a pigeon with a cloth and release it outside. At this point, say these words:

"Fly to freedom, take away our grief."

After carrying out these manipulations, the trouble should bypass. You can’t offend a pigeon, hurt, don’t kill a bird, this will only aggravate the already possible problems. In the event that the dove flew in and flew away, soon you will receive such news that you will have to leave somewhere. Don't think that something bad will happen, it will be a pleasant journey.

Such a sign as a dove outside the window most often brings only positive changes in life. In general, in order to determine the value, you need to follow the behavior of the bird. And there are a lot of nuances that can argue about something good or bad.

The dove sat on its head, it says that this bird of the world has chosen you. This may indicate a promotion at work or in society. This sign may also indicate that you were born for some important purpose. Superstitions about the pigeon on the street:

  1. If a bird crashed into you, then expect something unusual.
  2. A good omen is finding a feather. It must be taken away, it will definitely bring good luck to its owner.
  3. A good sign is a meeting with a white dove. This sign indicates that the planned business will be successful.
  4. If you see a flock of pigeons, you can be sure that you will be lucky for a long time.
  5. A bird crouched next to a young girl or woman indicates pregnancy.
  6. If you accidentally notice a dead dove, then be sure that bad luck will walk nearby.

If a dove sits on a window and starts knocking on it, then this indicates that the bird warns of danger. In the event that the feathered one flew in, and then the patient fell, then expect bad events. Often this indicates that someone in the family is seriously ill.

If the dove sat on the windowsill, knocked and calmly walks along the ledge, then expect news. In the event that a bird burst into the house after knocking, this indicates that you do not notice something important. Therefore, think about what is important in your life and what you should pay special attention to.

If a dove flew to the windowsill and does not fly away, then expect some important news. And when a large number of birds arrive, and only one remains, then wait for a promotion at work. If the feathered friend sitting on the window is at the end of the flock, then the plan will not come true. But do not be upset, the result will be positive if you put in more effort. And if a dove flies ahead in a flock, then unexpected success awaits you. If a crippled or sick dove has nailed to your window, do not shy away, make an effort to get the feathered one out, perhaps he took on your misfortune, protecting your house from adversity.

Folk omens about pigeons

Yana - Lonely dove (You will understand everything ..)

Folk omens about pigeons

Folk superstitions about pigeons can not only tell you about the events that will arise in your life, but also predict the weather. Once upon a time it was believed that birds only bring messages sent from heaven. Later they were actively used to send letters over long distances. The dove most often brings only positive news. Folk signs say that it is worth worrying only if the bird behaves very agitated and confused.

  1. Many believe that if a dove sat on the windowsill, then nothing good should be expected. After all, before the birds were considered harbingers of trouble. These creatures feel the slightest changes in nature. In reality, bad things only happen when a pissed friend flies in and out.
  2. Therefore, if pigeons arrive, then do not worry. Throughout the world, this bird is the kindest and most peaceful. Therefore, in order to determine what the dove brought, you need to turn to folk signs.
  3. If the dove sat on the window and shat, then you can rejoice, soon a big profit awaits you. If the bird immediately flew away, then you will receive the money in the next three days. When you look at a dove, you get the appearance of an important person, then you will make a profit from the same person.

Dove on the windowsill - folk omens for the weather:

  1. If the bird is hiding on the windowsill, then most often this means that the weather will go bad.
  2. The drought is indicated by the fact that pigeons begin to indulge in a puddle.
  3. If they do it in May, then it will be very hot.
  4. When birds splash in the puddles in August, this means that the autumn will be very warm and long.
  5. But if the pigeons just walk near the puddle, then wait for the rains.

To understand all the signs that are associated with this bird, you do not need to be an expert. It is enough just to pay attention to the little things and everything that is happening around. Often it is nature that tells us our future.

Once upon a time it was believed that absolutely any bird brings misfortune. In fact, each bird is associated with some signs. A dove can only bring misfortune if it actively beats out the window, and then breaks into the house. This behavior of the bird is really worth paying attention to. Most often, some sign is attached to each bird, which is passed down from generation to generation.

In ancient times, pigeons were considered birds sent by God, and they should be loved and respected. If a person decides to kill a bird, then he takes on a great sin. Both adults and children know about it. This superstition is known in many families and is also passed down from generation to generation.

Our ancestors thought that these birds contained the souls of our dead relatives. Therefore, killing a dove was equated with killing a person. If people took upon themselves sin, then they were unhappy and constantly faced with some kind of trouble. Therefore, do not kill pigeons for fun.

Pigeons are birds that will not fly to a bad person, they feel us very well, a dove sits only next to a person with a pure soul. Therefore, if such a bird flew to you, then try to make friends with it, because if it works out, then in the future it will protect the house from various adversities. A kind bird will tell about all the news in advance even before they become a reality

Pigeons live all over the world and it doesn't matter if it's a big city or a village, you can meet it everywhere. Therefore, be friends with a bird, and it will bring happiness to your home. Treat her the way you treat yourself. A dove is sometimes equated with a dog, because it is a friend of man, and this bird always tries to help people. Tell me what to expect from this life. For better communication with the bird, you can make a feeder, she will thank you later for this.

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If a dove sat on your window sill outside the window, or a balcony, an open window, then this sign almost always means some kind of news that you will soon receive. It can be either something good or not very good, depending on what exactly the bird was doing. Also, very often doves, like a bird of love and peace, carry news about our beloved, or about a change in family relationships.

The dove is a fairly common bird. It can be found in absolutely any city, village. Often, not indifferent people feed them with bread, grains, but you can always find those who wish that they were not there. After all, with their presence, they also create many problems - for example, they crap. Do not be too strict with them, because they are just birds. In addition, they have greater rights to be here than you and I - they first appeared on our planet 35 million years ago in the Oligocene era in Australia - long before modern man.
In Christianity, it was the dove released from the ark that marked the end of the Flood. Also, the white dove was the messenger of the Lord God in the Bible. This is a bird of love, peace, goodness, and it usually carries good news.

The dove sat on the windowsill, window, balcony, hand

Sign: the dove sat on the windowsill is one of the most popular, because quite often you can meet this bird in our lives. However, one should not forget that all the signs described below apply only to free, wild pigeons. If you are breeding them, then these are already domesticated birds accustomed to you and the meaning will not be so pronounced. The appearance of a dove or a dove on your window, balcony, sometimes a hand or head can promise quite a lot. It is important to carefully read the sign to understand what exactly:

Cooing at your window promises to attract a new man into your life that you will like. If you show mutual interest, then this can lead to a serious and long-term relationship. If you already have a fairly reliable partner, then to strengthen the family and increase the ardor of your loved one.

He coos and looks out the window - he says that soon it is worth waiting for guests. If there are two or more birds, then you should expect a noisy company and good fun. Also for nice gifts.

The dove looks at you from behind the window - someone really wants to see you. Perhaps you will meet a new love. If there is already a loved one, then it is he who is now thinking about you, remembering and wanting to meet.

If the dove has something in its beak, it has brought something, then everything in your house will definitely work out and come into harmony. He also promises a salary increase - wealth and financial success are approaching.

Pecks a window, a window sill - someone writes you a letter. Whether it will be pleasant or not depends on whether the dove is friendly or hostile.

To loneliness if the same dove flies quite often. This does not apply if you feed him.

Screaming at the window, balcony - to screams in the family, quarrels, relationship problems.

A persistent loud knock on the window portends illness to someone in the house. Perhaps it is worth warning the disease and checking with a doctor in advance. If at the same time he also screams, great grief will come to your house, perhaps even death. It is worth taking action as soon as possible to avert trouble from yourself. If you turn to a knowledgeable person for help, you will be able to fix everything.

Slowly strolls in front of the window, something chirps. It means that soon there will be a meeting with a person who can greatly influence your destiny, it is possible to arrange a better job.

Not often, but still it happens that deceased relatives come in the form of doves. They miss you and want to see you at least through someone else's eyes. Do not be afraid - they just miss you and this does not bode well.

He messed up your window, or your things, you - no doubt for money. Many people know about this, but not many people know that in order for the sign to work, you need to say right after that:
Come money, bring wealth. Anchiermo!

A couple of pigeons that periodically flies to visit you. You need to pay attention to their behavior. Peaceful birds that love dance, chirp softly to each other - a sign of comfort, love and warmth in your relationship with your loved one. If the birds quarrel, then discord awaits you. At the same time, pay attention to how it all ends - it will also be with you.

Sat and flew away - just to the news about something important to you.

Waving wings promises very big and pleasant news, as well as joyful events. Possibly pregnancy.

A starling, a sparrow sat on a windowsill or another small bird. To a little news, news. Some insignificant but pleasant event will soon come to your home.

Pigeon weather tips

When a dove tries to find a secluded place in seemingly good weather, it will soon change and deteriorate.

When a bird (sparrow, dove, in a word, any) takes a bath while swimming in a puddle, this predicts a long period of hot weather and lack of rain. Moreover, if this happens in the spring, then to warming. And if closer to autumn, then it will be sunny and hot for a long time and you should not wait for a cold snap.

They drink from puddles but are afraid to wet their paws - to coolness and sometimes rain.

Feather cleaning in birds is always associated with a quick change in temperature: cold to warm, warm to cold.

As we can see, the signs associated with pigeons are quite clear. It is easy to find out from them what awaits in the future, but do not forget that if something bad awaits you, then you can often try to avoid this. Of course, you will have to make an effort, but almost everything is fixable.

Your intuition will help you best understand why a dove or other bird is doing something. Listen to your heart - it will not deceive and will always help to understand the situation.

Do you have any questions about this sign? Ask them in the comments and I will definitely answer you. The author of the article: psychic, parapsychologist and magician Boris Shabrin.

Let the pigeons look into your window as often as possible and bring only good news.

Among the people there are a huge number of various signs and superstitions associated with pigeons. It used to be believed that they bring news only from heavenly forces, then they realized that birds can also be used to send letters between people. The dove on the window is a wonderful sign, because in this case some news awaits you.

If this winged creature suddenly settled on your window, then you should know that this fact does not bode well. There are many rumors that all birds are able to anticipate trouble. Therefore, while your feathered friend lives on the window, you will not be disturbed by troubles. But if after some time he decided to leave this place, then you need to keep your eyes open, because something bad may happen in the near future.

If the dove just flew in, sat on the windowsill and flew away, then this portends news. They can be not only negative, but also good. But in the case when the same dove flies to the window several times, flies away, and then returns again, you need to be careful: this is a danger warning.

If you saw two birds on your windowsill, you will soon meet with your soulmate.

A dove on a windowsill is an auspicious omen. If he flew there, holding some kind of twig with his beak, then this portends good news from loved ones. This sign also applies to balconies and cornices, and not just window sills.

Bird in and around the house

If a dove flew in, then happiness should be expected. As you know, these birds have positive energy, so if a dove flew to your house, then those living in it need to wait for prosperity and happiness. As a rule, birds do not fly to evil, bad people.

If a dove flies past the window of the room in which a sick person lies, then most likely this portends his death. But if a white dove decided to fly around the whole house, then this is a good sign. It means that soon there will be an engagement in this dwelling.

The owner will be protected from rheumatism when the doves decide to nest near his house.

It’s bad when a dove accidentally flew into a house or onto a balcony and hid in a corner. The death of someone close to you is possible. It is also undesirable when a bird flies in and sits on the kitchen table. This is also a sign of the death of one of the residents.

What to expect if a dove knocks on glass?

When a bird knocks on the window - wait for the news. It knocks, and not just hit and flew away. The dove managed to fly into the window or hit the glass - not very good news. Most often, people believed that after this, news of the death of someone close would soon come. It was also believed that the bird portends the death of one of the residents of the house, in the glass of which it beats.

There is a belief that the soul of a deceased person moves into a dove and ascends in its image, leaving our world. The spirit can return to earth to warn his relatives about some kind of misfortune or to convey some kind of news. Sometimes people say that if a dove knocks on glass, this soul misses its relatives, home, and in this way tries to return.

Folk sign: a dove flew out the window

Do not immediately panic if a dove suddenly flew out the window. It is traditionally believed that this is a harbinger of the imminent death of one of the household members, but everything is not as scary as it seems at first glance. Logically, there are so many pigeons living in cities that it is not surprising that someday they can make a mistake and accidentally fly into the window. Another thing is if a sick dove flew through the window and died right in the apartment.

For example, I used to live in a house where a neighbor always scattered bread crumbs on the windowsill, hung feeders near his window and fed the birds in every possible way. Of course, pigeons were constantly crowding on our windowsill, sometimes knocking on the window and repeatedly flew into the open window. It is clear that this did not mean anything, all the household members were alive and well, and those who died only from old age. There were no terrible tragedies in the house, so you should not look for signs where they simply do not exist.

Something extraordinary must happen for a dove flying through a window to really mean something.

Folk sign: the dove sat on the windowsill

Again, this assumption has no basis. It is popularly believed that something terrible awaits you ahead if a dove sits on your windowsill. It is believed that bad news can be paid off by pouring grain or bread crumbs on the pigeon. In general, it is useful to feed urban birds in any case.

Dove hitting the window

Also one of the bad omens. It is believed among the people that unpleasant news awaits you, which will disrupt your plans.

However, I know cases when this sign, on the contrary, marked very good events. A week after the dove knocked on the window, a friend found out that. So it is impossible to interpret this sign unambiguously. If a dove beats out the window - expect news, but not necessarily bad.

To you constantly the same dove

If a dove settled near you, it constantly flies to your windowsill, then be calm - nothing bad will happen to you. A dove living in the neighborhood protects you from trouble and attracts good luck to the house.

It is believed that positive energy emanates from you, which attracts birds.

You got pigeon droppings

This is traditionally a good omen, promising quick profits and success in financial affairs. The dove gave you such a peculiar sign: get ready to receive money, calmly wash your soiled clothes and you will be happy.

see a dead dove

This is a sure sign of motorists. It is believed that if you hit a bird, then you need to be as careful as possible - this is a sign of an imminent accident.

Signs about white doves

Seeing a white dove is a good sign. Great luck awaits you. White doves are a rarity, as a rule, these birds are bred only in special dovecotes. Unmarried girls portend a quick meeting with a good man, whom she will soon marry.

Sign: If a dove sat on your windowsill

From ancient times to the present day, a considerable number of the most diverse signs have accumulated. And everyone has their own idea of ​​them, someone believes, and someone refutes. But there is no need to be so skeptical about signs, because these may just not be coincidences.

There are a lot of signs associated with birds, and more often with pigeons. Even in ancient times, letters were sent with the help of pigeons, thus calling them the harbingers of news. In various religions, this bird acted as a messenger from God. The biblical writings mention the appearance of a dove at the moment of the completion of the Flood.

One of the common signs is a dove sitting on a windowsill. There are times when a dove flies through a window or knocks on it, and there is an explanation for this too. It is believed that the appearance of a dove on your windowsill brings good news or an event in life.

Everyone evaluates it differently for themselves.

Probably, every person knows the sign, two doves sat on the windowsill. Most people tend to pay attention to such signs and interpret them from a magical point of view. So what do the feathered friends cooing at the window promise?

Sign about pigeons on the windowsill

Pigeons are birds with which a very large number of signs are associated. People pay attention when these birds sit on the windowsill, beat out the window, fly into the house. If the bird behaves calmly, it is always associated with happiness, goodness and peace.

Therefore, our ancestors were sure that if fate sends us a dove, then soon a joyful event will happen in life. Two doves have always been associated with a couple, a love union, a faithful and reverent love affair.

There are a very large number of interpretations of this phenomenon. Our ancestors believed that if pigeons flew to the window, and even sit on the windowsill for a long time, then soon a wedding would take place in this house.

Do you believe in omens? Most of the people will say that all this is fiction, and if the prediction comes true, then most likely it is pure coincidence, but not a prophecy. Maybe you're right. But still, the folk wisdom that came to us from our ancestors cannot be considered an ordinary fiction, if only because many predictions and signs come true. For example, if a bird crashed against glass - wait for misfortune, a mouse wound up in a large apartment building - for a wedding and acquaintance with matchmakers, a cat washes itself - for guests. Are you wondering what to prepare for if a dove flew to visit you? No wonder he coos, sitting on the windowsill. Let's find out what this sign is.

pigeon song

Pigeons have always been considered the birds of life, peace and prosperity. People believed that this feathered friend brings happiness to the house and good news. Are you interested in omens? The dove sat on the windowsill - to the good news.

Winged neighbors and signs

If you have a dove on the windowsill, signs of a mystical nature are almost always favorable. Approximately five thousand years ago in ancient Egypt, these birds began to live closer to humans, and a number of species were domesticated. Today, urban gray pigeons settle in large groups (up to a hundred copies) in spacious attics. Therefore, if your house has such a superstructure of solid size, open to birds, then you can count on such a nice and not very neighborhood almost constantly.

Let's be careful

Sign of a dove on the windowsill Even in ancient times, many types of birds were tamed by people. Pigeons are the very first species of birds that was close to human habitation. They have been revered by people since ancient times and have been serving for many years.

In the countries of Asia and the Middle East, doves were a symbol of fertility and the family hearth.

A pair of doves were turned towards each other. They held a ring or aureole or one necklace in their beaks. In ancient Greece, the dove became a symbol of love. And his image with an olive branch in his beak served as a transmission of information about the winners at the Olympics.

Suffice it to recall pigeon mail. Such mail was used to carry out important government assignments. Pigeons were called "winged postmen". Their ability to navigate in the air space helped to easily find their way back.

For this, the birds were specially trained. Pigeon mail served as heavenly mail for the secret correspondence of lovers.

The dove has always been associated with goodness, happiness, and peace. Therefore, when people saw this bird, people always expected joyful events. But sometimes it happens that birds fly in pairs. What does it promise the person who saw it?

There are many such interpretations of this event. First of all, the pigeons that have sat on the windowsill of the household mean that soon a wedding will take place in the family living here. This is the most common sign.

Sometimes it happens that one of the birds, sitting on the windowsill, holds something in its beak. This promises to receive some kind of early news and news, and they will certainly be good, joyful.

Often a pair of birds completely settles and lives on the windowsill. This is a very good omen. Her interpretation is this. Peace, tranquility, financial well-being will always reign in this house. Pigeons in this case are a kind of amulet. They protect the house from various troubles, failures, troubles.

Despite the fact that the dove is a symbol of peace everywhere, people's rumors about this bird are rather contradictory. Reflection of this is folk signs. The dove on the windowsill in different cultures is both a happy and a dangerous symbol. Whom to believe? To begin with, let's get acquainted with common signs about pigeons that accidentally visited your home.

Signs about pigeons on the windowsill

1. There are interesting folk signs in Russia: a dove on the windowsill is a sign of change or news. A large, well-fed feathered one - to favorable changes. A particularly good sign is if the bird holds a bug, leaf or blade of grass in its beak, or knocks on glass with its beak. This means that you will receive good news from afar. And if two birds are sitting under the window - get ready for an imminent wedding! Unless, of course, they fight among themselves. Otherwise, you will not see the marriage!

2. Siberians believe that a white dove under the window promises death.

Sign - a dove on the windowsill The dove is a symbol of peace, good luck and happiness. Therefore, there are a huge number of signs associated with this bird.

Sign number 1 - the dove flew in and sat on the windowsill. Be sure that all adversity will bypass your home and everything will be fine. All living beings can feel a possible misfortune, which means that the dove that flew to you will protect the house from all sorts of adversities. If he regularly visits your house, be sure to feed him.

Sign number 2 - the dove flew out the window, but did not sit on the windowsill. In this case, it is worth waiting for the imminent death of one of the inhabitants of the house. But this sign does not always carry negative news. If, for example, a dove sits on a windowsill and holds something in its beak, then the omen is good and means that you will receive some good news in the near future. If there was a mosquito net on the windows, and the dove got into the house anyway, then the death of a loved one cannot be avoided.

The dove is a constant inhabitant of any city and a constant companion of man. It is very difficult to imagine a metropolis, a small town or a village without these birds. Thus, it is also very difficult to find a person who would be absolutely indifferent to this type of birds. For some, in particular car owners, birds cause a lot of problems because of the habit of fertilizing with droppings everything in a row, while someone considers them very beautiful, breeds and treats them with awe and admiration. Some people remember this type of bird only in a situation where their life can change due to a meeting with a feathered one, and they look for the meaning of superstitions and beliefs.

The sign of a dove on the window is one of the most popular. This is explained by the fact that you can often see a bird on a window or windowsill. Less often, a situation occurs when a dove flew into the house. However, almost any situation has its own explanation or omen.

messengers of heaven

A sign: a dove flew in and sat on the windowsill, knocking on it. For so many years of human existence, a lot of signs have accumulated. They are all different, but people believe in them and often turn to folk tales. There are people who do not perceive signs, do not believe in them. But still, you should not neglect this folk craft so much, because sometimes signs help us a lot in life. Coincidences cannot be accidental, in any case, this is a sign from above. If you turned your attention to the sign "sent to you", then life can become better. If you ignored the signal, then no one knows how everything will turn out.

Quite a lot of signs are dedicated to birds, and more specifically, to pigeons. In Ancient Times, it was the pigeons that "worked as messengers", they delivered letters and other messages (lungs) from one person to another. Agree, smart birds. Pigeons are called by many the harbingers of news. If a pigeon wants to get to your house, it means that there is news for you. But is it?

Sign: dove on the windowsill

Birds tend to sit on the windowsill with people, but is it good or not. In nature, there are signs about this, usually if you have a dove on your windowsill, then something good will happen.

This sign went thousands of years ago, in ancient Egypt, pigeons became closer to people, some types of pigeons were even domesticated. But in our time, few people get them as a pet.

Pigeons in our time usually keep in flocks of hundreds of individuals and are settled in attics.

Among folk beliefs, there are many signs associated with birds. After all, birds have always been considered messengers of heaven. For example, if a bird flew out the window, then folk signs predict bad news or death. Many of these fateful signs are associated with pigeons.

What does it mean if a dove sat on a windowsill? According to old sayings:

Someone from the family may die. A sudden fire is possible.

If you have noticed the same dove on the window not for the first time, then he obviously really wants to warn you of the danger that you can prevent. Be careful and trouble will pass by! Also, if a dove sits on the windowsill, holding something (a leaf, a grain, a blade of grass) in its beak, then this is good news.

But there is another good meaning of this sign.

The dove is traditionally considered the "bird of the world", "God's bird" - there are many more flattering epithets to refer to this bird. The people came up with a large number of signs and superstitions associated with these birds - how to react if a dove bathes in a puddle, if it sat on your head or touched your wing, flew into the room or flew only to the windowsill or cornice, almost every question can be answered in folklore.

One way or another, if you managed to see how the pigeons bathe in a puddle in the yard, the weather will be good. And vice versa - if the pigeons are out of sight, then the weather will deteriorate soon.

A dove flying into a room is a superstition that promises the imminent death of a family member of the owner of the house - like any other bird. A dead pigeon in the immediate vicinity of your home, car or other property is a good sign. The bird took the blow and took Death away from you and your home.