Biohumus production business. Manure business: biohumus production at home Biohumus at home without worms

Even a home business is worth registering. Enough to open IP and enter the code OKVED 01.49- Breeding of other animals. The paperwork will take no more than $ 30-40.

Buying a livestock of worms

An ordinary earthworm can also produce fertilizer, but for production scale and quick profits, California is better suited ( worm miner). It processes the earth faster, so the first portion of humus can be obtained in a week or two.

It is best to buy ringed ones on vermifarms. You need to buy a genetic unit: adult worms along with "young growth" and cocoons.

Worms for the production of biohumus are purchased in foreign soil, and then transferred to a specially prepared substrate. The average cost of a "family" of 1500 individuals - $ 35-40.

Biohumus production technology

You will need to organize the work in several stages.

  • Soil preparation. The basis of vermicompost is chicken manure and rotted cow manure. Here we add a little lime and peat (based on 200 grams per kg of substrate), food waste, vegetable peelings, silage, hay.
  • Substrate in boxes. Before being introduced into the soil by miners, it should be “sustained” a little for 5-6 days. Every two or three days, the earth is mixed and moistened with warm water. Under the influence of fermentation processes, it heats up to 45-50 degrees, and then the temperature drops to the optimum: 25-30 degrees. Then you can populate the prepared trays.
  • Launching pets. So that the production of biohumus with your own hands does not stop at the very beginning, it is worth releasing a “trial batch” (50 pieces) into the prepared land. If during the day they feel normal, the rest are launched. On average, 700-1000 pieces are needed per cubic meter. You need to pour them not in one pile, but evenly distributing them over the tray. After that, the "house" is covered with a cloth to protect the "pets" from bright light.
  • Top dressing. Over the next few weeks, your "pets" feed, breed and actively process the soil.
  • Removal of humus. When the density of soil settlement becomes too high, they will need to be planted, and then collect the vermicompost fertilizer that has accumulated at the bottom of the tank.

Biohumus production equipment

Minimum set of equipment for work: breeding containers, sieve (mesh diameter 4-6 mm), scales, shovel, devices for measuring soil acidity and temperature. If you make "houses" with your own hands, the total cost of equipment will not exceed $ 300.

It is possible to grow miners in a special pit on the street, but this is dangerous due to the penetration of ordinary worms, exposure to low temperatures and makes it difficult to collect humus. And the purchase or independent production of containers will allow all year round, adapting any room for this (garage, shed, pantry, etc.)

The biohumus box is usually wooden or plastic. You can make a wooden one from sheets of plywood with a thickness of 2.5-3 cm. Standard container dimensions: 1x2x0.5 m.

To prevent rodents from getting inside, the seams of the box should be strengthened with a tin flight. Holes are drilled in the bottom for collecting vermicelli, place the container on low bars at a slight slope to drain the liquid.

Under the box we put a container-substrate with a solid bottom surface. The lid can also be made from a sheet of plywood with air holes.

Trays can be stacked on top of each other to save space. This is a great option on how to make biohumus in the country with minimal money and space.

A small vermifarm needs a well-ventilated area of ​​​​14-15 square meters.

Even cardboard boxes can be adapted for breeding and an old refrigerator. They must also be installed at an angle. But the boxes will have to be changed often.

Caring for California Worms

A few content rules:

  1. The ideal temperature is within + 4 ... + 40 degrees. In other conditions, animals die;
  2. If miners are kept outside, in winter they must be moved indoors and covered with warm material;
  3. The moisture level of the compost should be 70-80%;
  4. In hot weather, the soil should be regularly watered with warm, settled water;
  5. Permissible acidity of the substrate: 7-8 points;
  6. To keep the necessary warmth and humidity, it is recommended to cover the boxes with straw. It lets air through and maintains the right conditions.

Loosening the compost

For animals to breathe freely, 1-2 times a week loosen the compost. So in their "houses" there will be enough air.

Loosening is carried out with a small spatula and very carefully, without damaging the "residents".

Feeding the worms

The production of biohumus with the help of worms provides for the formation of the correct diet for "pets".

This is almost any waste of your food activity: old tea leaves, peels and skins from vegetables and fruits (carrots, bananas, potatoes, apples, beets, etc.), moldy bread and buns, spoiled boiled vegetables and overcooked cooked cereals.

Not recommended use meat waste and manure. You can add grass and leaves to the feed. The top layer of compost is the miners' food. It should be updated every 10 days, applying top dressing with a layer of 5-6 centimeters.

For the first month and a half, ringed ones adapt to a new habitat and eat little, then they adapt and begin to breed.

The temperature is set to the optimum level in +24…+25 degrees. During this period, increase top dressing. Regularly check how much nutrient substrate is left on the surface.

Collection of vermicompost

After about three to four months, the preparation of biohumus ends - the "residents" process all the nutrient soil in a container. Before sampling, they are forced to starve a little, and then they bring in a 5-7 cm layer of food on the surface of the earth.

Hungry individuals gradually move into it. After a few days, this layer is removed along with the "residents". The procedure should be repeated 2-3 times in order to select the entire livestock together with the young, which have just emerged from the cocoons.

At the bottom of the “substrate” under the tray, liquid vermicay is collected, and the remaining contents of the container after the “pets” are evicted are sieved through a sieve, dried, and packaged.

There is a little trick how to collect valuable fertilizer even easier. Initially, you will need an empty box with a solid bottom, in which you put another container with a perforated bottom and populate the livestock in it. When the soil in the second container is processed, place the next container with a slatted bottom in the second container with a good layer of top dressing. Hungry annelids will completely move upstairs within a week, and you will have ready-made humus.

A family of 1,500 individuals produces approximately 2 tons of humus in four months. And after so much time there will be many more of them. This will increase production volumes or sell "extra" for breeding or fishing.


The finished product should be sold to wholesale dealers or directly to the owners of farms and land plots, flower farms.

The average price of a ton is $170-190. The offspring of worms should be offered to pet stores, fishermen, poultry farms, and organic fertilizer companies. One individual costs approximately $0.02.

Costs and profits

To organize the production of biohumus at home, you will need to invest up to $ 400 in a business. The costs pay off in the first year of operation. Having bought a family of 1500 heads, it is realistic to produce 8-9 tons per year (- about $ 1500).

Keeping the total number of animals within 2000 pieces, sell the rest. This will bring additional income in the amount of $100-150 per year. Total annual revenue - in the region of $ 1600, net profit - 1200 dollars.

If we consider the production of vermicompost as a business, then on a small scale it will be rather a simple part-time job. To receive from $500 per month, it is necessary to increase the number of livestock to at least 10,000 annelids.

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In this article I will talk about how to make biohumus at home with or with the help of any technological (rain, manure) worm. This is not just food waste disposal, it is a source of free vermicompost (organic fertilizer). Also, this method will save you money on the purchase of organic fertilizers and give you a great harvest in the garden.

What is biohumus and how to use

or vermicompost - it is a highly effective organic fertilizer, a product of processing of organic matter by technologically worms and microorganisms. For the production of biohumus, special technological worms are used:. It differs from manure in that it does not contain pathogenic microflora, eggs and lechens of helminths and weed seeds, has no smell, is not toxic.

Biohumus properties:

  • increases the amount of humus layer in the soil
  • accelerates seed germination
  • increases yield by 30-80%
  • in vegetables and fruits, the amount of nitrates is reduced by 2 times
  • in the crop there is an increase in vitamin C by 2 times, the content of sugars, carotene, starch also increases
  • increases the shelf life of vegetables
  • accelerates the breakdown of pesticides in soil and plants
  • increases plant resistance to pests and diseases
  • enriches the soil
  • heals the soil
  • pH 6.5-7.5
  • Sodium 1.5%
  • Potassium 1.2%
  • Phosphorus 1.2%

Instructions for the use of biohumus

  1. The first time biohumus is applied when planting a plant at the rate of 30-80 kg per 1 weave. If this is a seedling, it is brought into a container with future seedlings. Under grain crops, potatoes are sufficient to evenly distribute biohumus over the soil surface.
  2. The second stage is root dressing, it is carried out before flowering, during the period when the green mass has already grown enough.

Liquid biohumus for vegetable crops is used once a week, spraying it on the plant.

Video Biohumus: benefits and applications

biohumus production

For the production of biohumus, special technological worms are used: Prospector worm, Californian worm, Dendroben worm.

Can be done outdoors or indoors. In this article, we will describe one of the ways to produce at home.

How is biohumus obtained

The waste product of worms is coprolite (like manure in horses). These coprolites are a wonderful product that is rich in useful microflora, enzymes, physiologically active compounds, a complex of minerals and vitamins. Together with coprolites, worms produce humus. This product is called biohumus, it looks like small granules.

For the production of biohumus, we use the worm Prospector, which was bred in 1982 by Professor Igonin A.M.

Description of the Prospector worm

The Prospector Worm is a technological earthworm

  • temperature regime for work and reproduction +8 +28 degrees
  • 1 worm produces 1500 offspring per year
  • 1 worm per year produces 100 kg of biohumus
  • easily switch from one type of food to another
  • able to work and breed at high population density

Conditions for breeding worms Prospector

  • For a comfortable existence, the worms need high humidity of the earth, therefore, if the earth in the container is dry, it must be moistened, for example, using a sprayer.
  • Worms do not like light, so we cover the boxes with black agrofibre, which allows air to pass through.
  • The optimum temperature for the life of the Staratel worm is +8 - +30 degrees.
  • Reproduction. An adult lays eggs once every 5-7 days. The eggs take 14-21 days to mature, depending on the temperature the eggs are in. Therefore, it is possible to divide worms into families once a month.
  • The container for keeping the worms must be breathable.

How to make biohumus at home

For biohumus production you will need:

  • a box in which they will live and breed
  • rotten food to feed worms
  • water to moisten the substrate

Step 1. Suppose you have already acquired a family of worms. The first thing to do is move them to an air-permeable box. A sturdy wooden crate or plastic fruit crate is good for this purpose.

Step 2. The production of biohumus at home begins with the composting of household waste. When composting, it is important, especially if it happens in an apartment, that there is no unpleasant smell. Therefore, a container with an airtight lid is suitable for this, in this case we use a plastic bucket with a tight lid, in which we put all organic vegetable kitchen waste (does not use meat worms, it is advisable not to use citrus fruits, they increase the acidity of the substrate, also worms do not eat vegetable and animal fats).

Worms love rotten food, so we wait for the waste to rot. To speed up this process, waste should be crushed and special bacteria (microbiological preparations) should be used, which significantly accelerate decomposition, we are currently using Shine. To prevent Drosophila from appearing, the waste is sprinkled with a small layer of earth.

Step 3. Feeding the worms. When the waste has rotted enough, we put it in a container with worms on the sides or in the middle. We carefully move the lateral earth with our hands so as not to damage the worms and lay out the waste, which we cover with earth from above. Thus, no unpleasant odors appear and there are no fruit flies.

We also add wheat bran to the surface and to food, which we slightly moisten with water, the worms love them very much.

Also, worms can be fed with paper, toilet paper and cardboard, but without chemical paints. To do this, we place pieces of paper on the surface of the earth in which worms live and, using a spray bottle, moisten the paper with water.

You need to feed the worms with a new portion of food when they eat the previous one. Food should be given in small portions.

Step 4. Biohumus extraction. The next, long-awaited stage is the extraction of biohumus. Biohumus accumulates only in the lower part of the tank, where the worms have a toilet. To remove the vermicompost from the container, you need to remove the top layer with worms and remove the vermicompost. We do this at the time of the division of worms into two families, once a month.

Biohumus looks like small elongated granules. After extraction, it is dried, scattering in a thin layer.

From the resulting vermicompost, you can independently prepare liquid vermicompost. For vegetables, biohumus is diluted with water 1:100. For indoor plants, dilute 1:50.

Video Breeding worms

Humus is an organic component of the soil, which contains many nutrients. Gardeners use it as a fertilizer and easily make their own.

We will tell you more about how to make humus with your own hands in the article.

Humus is formed as a result of the natural decomposition of organic matter and is. The index of soil fertility depends on its quantity (usually it does not exceed 15% and gradually decreases as it deepens). Most of the humus is found in the black soil.

Biohumus is a product of processing compost or manure by worms, and it is this that can be made at home. It is a unique microbiological fertilizer due to a number of advantages:

  • Increases productivity;
  • Improves the taste of products;
  • Restores the fertile soil layer;
  • Strengthens the immunity of plants and increases their resistance to adverse factors.

Composition of humus

The composition of humus includes a large amount of humic acids. As well as fulvic acids and humins, which gives it high agrochemical performance. All its components are in a form available to plants and have a balanced composition.

The production of biohumus must begin with the manufacture of a compost heap. For these purposes, you can use manure, weeds and any other organic matter. All this organic matter is preliminarily piled up, well spilled with water, and left for a while.

If everything goes as it should, then in a few days the pile will “catch fire” (i.e., an active process of decay will begin). After that, it needs to be mixed several times. This technique allows you to destroy the seeds of weeds. Also at this point it is very important to monitor the humidity. It should be at a high enough level.

After about a week, the mass will be ready and it can be put into a box measuring 1m × 0.5m × 0.3m. It can be made from boards or any other suitable material.

Attention! California worms cannot survive the winter, so they need a warm, frost-free room for their wintering.
To preserve the breeding stock of expensive Californian worms, they are placed in boxes before a steady cold snap and covered with humus until spring.

It is better to place the container with the material for fermentation somewhere in a secluded place, in a far corner in the country. It is worth considering that obtaining biohumus is fraught with an unpleasant odor, and not too much.

How to determine the readiness of biohumus

Ready biohumus for planting

High-quality ready-made biohumus is pleasant, velvety to the touch and always of a uniform dark color.

The degree of readiness is determined by its appearance: if fragments of unprocessed organic matter are visible in it, then the fertilizer is not yet ready. If the organic mass is homogeneous, granular, saturated black, then it is ready for use. Also, a sign of readiness can be the crawling of worms from the box in search of food.

After the worms process the organic matter and leave the box, start collecting biohumus. If you plan to use the fertilizer immediately, then you can do without pre-treatment. If you store biohumus for the future, you need to dry it.

After watching the video, you will learn about the methods of making vermicompost in production conditions.

Of course, you can buy ready-made vermicompost and not waste time and effort on its manufacture. At the same time, it is worth remembering that biohumus is an expensive fertilizer, and it is not sold in large volumes. Therefore, if you are offered to ship a whole trailer, you can be sure that this is a falsification. If you want to be sure about the quality of the fertilizer, then our instructions are for you!

That allows you to grow large volumes and environmentally friendly crops. About what is included in this organic matter, how it differs from other fertilizers and how to make biohumus with your own hands, we will tell in this article.

What is biohumus and how is it used

Biohumus or vermicompost is a product of various organic agricultural waste processing. This is what distinguishes it from the same or, which are formed as a result of the action of various bacteria and microorganisms.

Biohumus has such characteristics as improving the structure of the soil and its water-physical properties. In addition, the concentration of phosphorus in it is somewhat higher than in other organics. The advantages of biohumus are also:

  • content from 10 to 15%;
  • acidity pH 6.5-7.5;
  • absence of extraneous bacteria, salts of heavy metals;
  • the presence of antibiotics and a large number of microorganisms that are involved in soil formation;
  • faster development and more stable immunity in those fed with this organic matter;
  • valid for three to seven years.
Vermicompost is a harmless fertilizer, it cannot spoil the soil or plants, harm people, animals or bees, in any proportion and in whatever land it is applied.
  • for the prevention of plant diseases and their easy transfer of temperature changes;
  • to accelerate the process of seed germination and to increase the number of seedlings;
  • to increase the volume and accelerate the ripening of the crop;
  • for quick recovery, restoration and increase of soil fertility;
  • to combat harmful insects (effect up to six months);
  • to improve the decorative appearance of flowers.
In addition, the use of this organic matter helps to reduce weeds in agricultural areas. A few words about how to use biohumus on. It is used as the main fertilizer for:
  • planting and sowing plants in open ground and in;
  • top dressing of all types of agricultural plants;
  • resuscitation and land reclamation;
  • various activities in forestry;
  • fertilizing flower plants and growing herbs.
This organic fertilizer is used throughout the season: from early spring to the end of autumn.

Biohumus can be applied to any soil and in any quantity, the recommended application rates are 3-6 tons of dry fertilizer per 1 ha for large plots, for small plots - 500 g per 1 m².

A liquid solution for and watering plants is prepared from 1 liter of vermicompost, which is diluted in 10 liters of warm water.

Biohumus is sold ready-made in granules and in liquid form (water suspension).

Did you know? Breeding worms on special farms (vermiculture) was first taken up by Americans in the 40s of the past century. Further, vermiculture spread to European countries. Today she is best known in Germany, Great Britain, the Netherlands and other countries.

It can be easily prepared at home. There are two ways to do this:

  • in an open area;
  • in room.
The first method is more laborious, since it will require more human participation in breeding worms. The second - is used more often, since in closed conditions it is easier to control the temperature and the necessary conditions for creeping.

In both the first and second cases, it will be necessary to equip a special breeding composter. On an industrial scale, vermifactories are used for this.

Read more about how to prepare biohumus in the following subsections. In general, this process consists of five stages:

  • selection of species and purchase of worms;
  • production of a composter;
  • laying animals in compost;
  • care and feeding;
  • extraction of worms and biohumus.

Choosing and buying worms for compost

Earthworms can be found and collected by yourself or purchased at the store. Most often, red Californian worms are used in vermicultivation (bred on the basis of dung in the 50-60s of the XX century), however, many companies also offer other types: prospector, dung, earthen, Dendrobena Veneta (European worm for fishing).

Experienced vermicompost producers claim that the best of these species for vermiculturing are California red and prospector. The first breed well, live long (10-16 years), work quickly, but their main disadvantage is intolerance to low temperatures.

Did you know? In a day, one worm is able to pass through its digestive system a volume of soil equal to its body weight. Thus, if we take into account that on average this crawling animal weighs about 0.5 g, then 50 individuals in 24 hours on a hectare of land can process 250 kg of soil.

The prospector was also bred from a common dung worm. It is fast in the reproduction of fertilizer (produces up to 100 kg of biohumus), is not subject to diseases and epidemics, reproduces well (brings up to 1500 individuals) and is able to tolerate low temperatures - it goes deep into the soil so as not to freeze.
You can buy worms in specialized stores, including on the Internet, or in farms. They are usually sold by families, at least 1500 pieces, which include 10% of adults, 80% of babies and 10% of cocoons. When acquiring animals, it is necessary to pay attention to their mobility and body color.

Composter construction

As we have already noted, vermicompost can be prepared both in the conditions of a summer cottage, and in an apartment or house. Suitable for any premises: garage, barn, basement. Some equip worms in the bathroom. The main thing is to build a composter or a compost pit or a pile.

On the street, a dwelling for worms is equipped in the form of a box of wooden boards without a bottom and a lid. The box must be placed in a place sheltered from the sun on the ground, in no case on concrete, since excessively accumulated water will need an outlet.

The sizes can be different, for example, 60-100 cm high, 1-1.3 m long and wide. In an apartment, a house for worms can also be built from a wooden or plastic box (container), or from cardboard boxes nested one inside the other from under household appliances. Large aquariums are suitable for breeding worms. You can use a plastic sieve nested in a plastic bowl or container.

In order to fit as many worms as possible in a small room, boxes or containers can be placed one on one in several tiers or racks can be made. So you can place about a million crawling animals on an area of ​​​​15-20 m².

Preparation of compost (nutrient substrate)

For any species of worms, it will be necessary to prepare a nutrient substrate, which should consist of:

  • manure or, food waste of plant origin, leaves, tops - one part;
  • sand - 5%;
  • hay (straw) or sawdust - one part.
For compost, all types of manure are suitable, except for fresh, as well as bird manure, aged for six months. No need to apply manure produced more than two years ago.

Before placing worms in the composter, the substrate must undergo a special treatment - composting. It must be warmed up to the required temperature within a few days. To do this, it is either simply heated in the sun (the desired temperature is easy to achieve from April to September), or lime is added to it or (20 kg per 1 ton of raw materials).
Composting should last for 10 days. From the first to the third day the temperature should be at the level of +40 °C, the next two days - at the level of +60...+70 °C, from the seventh to the tenth day - +20...+30 °C.

After preparing the compost, it must be tested by launching several worms on the surface. If after a few minutes the animals went deeper, then the compost is ready; if they remain on the surface, the substrate needs to stand still.

The optimal acidity of the compost is 6.5-7.5 pH. If the acidity rises above 9 pH, the animals will die within seven days.

You can also check the substrate for acidity by testing. Run 50-100 individuals per day. If after this period all individuals are alive, then the compost is good. In the event of the death of 5-10 individuals, it is necessary to reduce the acidity by adding chalk or lime, or reduce the alkalinity by adding straw or sawdust.

The optimum moisture content of the compost is 75-90% (it will depend on the type of worms). If the humidity is below 35% for a week, the animals may die.

The most suitable temperature for the vital activity of worms is +20 ... +24 °C, and at temperatures below -5 °C and above +36 °C, the probability of their death is greatest.

Bookmark (release) of worms in the compost

The worms are carefully laid out over the entire surface of the substrate in the composter. For each square meter, there should be 750-1500 individuals.

Important! Since the worms cannot tolerate bright light, the top of the composter must be covered with a dark material that allows air to pass through.

Adaptation of animals will be carried out for two to three weeks.

Care and conditions for keeping compost worms

The substrate in the composter is subject to regular loosening and watering. Also, worms need to be fed.

Loosening should be done twice a week with a stake or a special fork for vermicompost. It is carried out to the entire depth of the substrate, but without mixing.

Water only with warm (+20 ... +24 ° C) and only settled water (at least three days). Chlorinated tap water can kill animals. Rain or melt water is good for irrigation. Watering is convenient with a watering can with small holes.