The name of the book exhibitions is the children's subscription. "The best book exhibition for the All-Russian Day of Libraries"


Dear colleagues!

"The exhibition is a public, cultural, scientific

an event for readers and at the same time a professional holiday

librarians, so it is a unique, extraordinary, one-time phenomenon"

O. P. Zykov

I bring to your attention interesting material on exhibitions, which may be useful in your work. It is presented in the form of a glossary. What is a glossary?

The word "glossary" comes from the Latin phrase "glossarium", which means a collection of gloss, and the word "gloss" itself is translated as "an incomprehensible or foreign word." In the modern language, the glossary has an almost identical meaning, namely: a dictionary of specialized terms with an interpretation, with comments and examples dedicated to a particular field of knowledge. Sometimes such dictionaries are equipped with a translation of terms into another language.

The methods of creating and compiling glossaries are called lexicography and belong to the linguistic discipline. The very first glossary, which is known to history today, refers to the 25th century BC. and is represented by religious and literary texts of the late Sumerian period. Until the middle of the fifteenth century (the era when printing was invented) lists of foreign and little-known words were compiled by well-educated people, usually monks. Such words were most often found in writings and manuscripts written in Latin and Greek. As soon as the scribe or the scientist working with the text determined the meaning of an unknown word, he wrote an explanation for it either between the lines or in the margins. There are many examples of glossaries. For example, in England, a glossary was created for the works of Homer. In India, a glossary was written for the Vedas, and in the Middle Ages for the writings of Papias and Isidore.

The proposed glossary is dedicated to the exhibition in the library.

Library exhibition is an information product created for a specific group of users and presented in a special demonstration form.

The main form of visual representation of literature is a set of specially selected and systematized printed works offered to readers for review and familiarization with them.

Public demonstration of book collections, contributing to the most complete disclosure of the contents of these funds.

Exhibition-vernissage (mini-gallery) - an exposition involving the demonstration of paintings, reproductions, applied arts, children's drawings, etc. Includes materials about authors, trends and types of art. It is designed taking into account the color of the era to which the exhibition is dedicated.

Exhibition-quiz is an unconventional exhibition based on a block of books that can be used to answer quiz questions. Information with questions is placed at the exhibition itself, handed out on leaflets.

Exhibition virtual is a new form of exhibition and a way of exchanging information in the virtual space of the library, created in accordance with general rules preparation of expositions using telecommunication and computer technologies.

Exhibition "question-answer" - a kind of exhibition-dialogue, a kind of correspondence fulfillment of specific requests from readers, with further design of the exhibition with relevant literature and a bibliographic list on the topic.

Exhibition-herbarium - a kind of exhibitions of a new generation, implies the presence of the herbarium itself and various publications about the plants presented. For example: " medicinal plants”, “Between the pages of your favorite books.”

Exhibition-dialogue is an unconventional exhibition based on questions from young users asked on various themes in writing and placed in a special box. Specialists unite questions on certain thematic blocks, from which sections of the exhibition are formed and whose names will be questions from readers.

Exhibition-dispute (-discussion, -polemic) – an interactive exhibition, a way of reflecting relevant printed materials expressing different points of view on contentious issues. Visitors are invited to express their opinion, including in the format of a discussion following the results of the exhibition.

Exhibition-dossier is an interactive exhibition of a new generation, a kind of personal exhibition endowed with new properties and created with the active participation of readers. Most often, this is the reader's autobiography (“Literary dossier of the reader”, “From the reader's form”), reflected in the exposition in books read, quotations, reviews, answers to questionnaire questions, tips and recommendations. It is advisable to organize a meeting with the author at the exhibition, with his story about the books he has read and the opportunity to answer questions from interested parties. Such an exhibition is also called a "reader's benefit exhibition".

Genre exhibition - an exhibition designed to reveal the contents of the fund fiction or literature on art by types and genres.

Live exhibition - an unconventional exhibition that combines a text series, illustrative materials, as well as living creatures, be it fish, hamsters and other representatives of a living corner. In the future, such a variant of a “live exhibition” consisting of “live books” is also possible, such as an exposition of interesting people following the example of "living book" and "living library". The goals of such exhibitions are similar- to acquaint with all the diversity of nature, the world of living beings, including the complex and unique world of man.

Mystery Exhibition — an interactive exhibition that includes such an element of the game as the presence of a riddle that is proposed to be solved after familiarizing yourself with the exposition materials in advance.

Exhibition-game— an interactive exhibition that includes elements of the game, whether it is a theatrical performance of book characters, solving riddles about literary characters, situational games. Books, toys, crafts related to a common theme are placed on the exhibition. The purpose of the exhibition- encouraging children to read.

Exhibition-impulse , as a kind of societal (related to society, considered as a whole), is dedicated to acute problems, sudden social topics, ideas, the desire to draw special attention to them, to induce action. It is designed in poster technology - catchy and emotional.

Exhibition-installation is a view of the exhibition exposition as a work of art. The exhibition in this context is viewed as a spatial composition built on an extraordinary combination of books, everyday things that give rise to new images and meanings. At the same time, the exposition is given volume, three-dimensionality, a kind of 3D format, inside which the visitor is located.

Exhibition interactive - a new generation exhibition, the main feature of which is interactivity - the presence of a dialogue between all participants in the exhibition processes, the mutual exchange of information. As a rule, it is used in a children's audience for educational purposes. Includes game elements, exchange of opinions, joint creativity.

Exhibition-study — an interactive exhibition presenting the results of a study of reader interests. Readers are invited to make their own “Golden Shelf” of the best books or “grow a tree”, on the leaves of which their favorite books are indicated. The purpose of such exhibitions is to encourage reflection, search, and joint creativity.

Exhibition for significant and memorable dates – a thematic exposition for the “red” days of the calendar, the purpose of which is to remind about the event, to provide information about its history, traditions, to create a certain mood for the holiday.

Perform creative tasks - draw an illustration for a book, make crafts, a homemade book

Prepare the exposure creative works, summarize, award participants and winners.

Conceptual exhibition according to the content, it is thematic. A conceptual exhibition is the art of translating an idea into an exposition space from disparate elements into a single hypertext, which allows one to get acquainted with information in any sequence. The exposition can be created in the gallery, in the hall, on the landing or "on the ground". Paintings, illustrations, texts (books, their fragments, quotes), objects and exhibits, performance (representation), installation are the main forms of implementing the ideas of conceptualism in an exhibition format.

Local history exhibition (local history) - a kind of thematic exhibitions designed to reveal the content of the fund of local history literature. The central place in the exposition belongs to local history publications. At the same time, they contain materials and attributes of museums and organizations, examples of literary local history, memoirs of old residents, antiquities, photographs reflecting local exoticism and the history of the region. Includes guided tours of the exposition. Can be part of a tour itinerary.

Crossword exhibition (Chineword exhibition) – exhibition of a new generation to help educational process. The main element is a crossword puzzle (chainword). Literature with answers and multiplied leaflets with crossword puzzles are placed around it, which can be filled out at home.

Exhibition local is an exposition placed in the local space of a department or subsection of the fund, designed to reveal funds by industry or limited to a narrow topic. It is informational or advisory in nature.

Memorial exhibition - a variety of thematic. An exhibition dedicated to the life and work of the person whose name the library bears. It is designed as a museum exhibition.

Museum exhibition - a kind of thematic, the main element of which is the exhibit - be it a document, object, photographic material, while the library exposition is built around the book as the main attribute of the exhibition.

Exhibition-mood - an exhibition of a new generation, according to the content, it is thematic. Its meaning is to create a special atmosphere, a special mood. Therefore, it is most often part of the program of events, although it can be organized as a separate independent event or as a series of exhibitions. Exhibition-mood is a rejection of the Text. The only text allowed on it is the title. The main thing in it is the visual range, which should be accurate, expressive and make a deep emotional impression. The exhibition is complemented by objects of attributive series and musical accompaniment. The books in it may not have an independent meaning, becoming an element of an illustrative or attributive series.

Exhibition of undeservedly forgotten books - one of the varieties of thematic, the purpose of which is to remind and promote the best examples of literature that contribute to mutual understanding of generations and the preservation of continuity.

Exhibition non-traditional is a new generation exhibition containing new, non-trivial approaches to the concept of the exhibition, its content and design. Its distinguishing features are interactivity ( open dialogue between all participants of the exhibition processes), original interpretation of the theme, bold design solutions that enhance entertainment.

Exhibition of one book, one magazine, one newspaper or one publication - exposition, thematic in content, built according to a general methodology in order to interest the user in a particular document. A variety of material attracts attention, reveals the meaning of the document, its significance, encourages reading.

Exhibition personal - a variety of thematic, related to the life and activities of a certain personality (person): prominent cultural figures, politicians and poets, local celebrities who have shown themselves in creativity or work. The materials of the exhibition are dedicated to a particular person, tell about his life and work, include his works and works.

Exhibition-portrait - the same as the personal exhibition.

Exhibition-caution – an interactive exhibition, societal in content, in terms of design – poster. It is called upon to answer the pressing questions of the present, taking into account the opinions of users who express their attitude by signatures on blank sheets of the stand.

Exhibition-provocation - an interactive exhibition that includes such an element of the game as conscious errors. Readers are encouraged to find these errors and inconsistencies in the details of the exhibition and report them to the organizers.

Exhibition-view is an exposition that reflects the fullness of the publications available in the library and selected according to certain criteria. According to the content, they can be universal (exhibitions-views of new acquisitions), sectoral (to help professional reading), thematic.

Exhibition-disintegration (book collapse, thematic collapse) - a kind of exhibition-viewing, unsystematic (spontaneous) exposition as a way of indirect recommendation and a means to enterin a dialogue between the reader and the librarian or other reader. collapseincludes the bulk of books handed over the day before by other readers, as well as publications "planted" as a bait by the librarian himself.

Exhibition-Reflection - variety interactive exhibition, thematic in content, including readers' reflections on the proposed occasion in the text series. Placement of leaflets with reflections can take place during the work of the exhibition as they are collected. The goal is to exchange opinions and indirectly promote literature.

Exhibition-situation – a kind of exhibitions of a new generation, hallmark which is the opportunity to create an exposition by the readers themselves, depending on the proposed situation: “I will take this book with me to a desert island”, “I will take this book on a space journey”, etc.

Exhibition-dictionary - a kind of exhibitions of a new generation to help education in order to explain new terms and definitions. Organized for pupils or students. The text series consists of dictionaries (encyclopedias, reference books) on the topic and factual information that explains the most difficult concepts.

Exhibition-advice, -recommendation - a kind of exhibitions of a new generation. Books are selected on a specific topic, problem: "How to become rich and happy", "How to quickly learn English language" etc. The text series includes factual information and recommended lists of literature.

Societal exhibition — a thematic exhibition dedicated to social issues: politics, ecology, drug addiction, crime, white spots of history, etc.

Exhibition stand- a kind of stand exhibition, limited to the theme of a specific event: Open Doors Day, Information Day, educational seminars, conferences, round tables.

Surprise Exhibition - non-traditional (non-standard) exhibition, a kind of exhibition-installation, original in execution, with an unusual arrangement of exposition elements - on an overturned rack, with an installation of books in the form of a house or a spiral staircase, with a slide of old computers, with unusual subject accessories. The purpose of this exhibition- attract to reading through surprise and play.

Thematic exhibition - an exhibition dedicated to topical issues associated with public demands in the field of politics, economics, science, technology, culture and art. Target- to present the most valuable literature on a particular topic. Thematic exhibitions are prepared as separate expositions, in cycles or as part of an event. They also include new generation exhibitions: question exhibitions, crossword puzzles, dictionaries, advice, facts, discussions, conceptual exhibitions, etc.

Exhibition-test- a kind of exhibitions of the new generation, designed for teenagers and young people, includes tests and related literature, where you can find tips and recommendations based on test results.

Exhibition traditional - an exhibition, the main element of which is a book, and main goal - disclosure of content library fund in various aspects. Most often, these are thematic and genre expositions, exhibitions-views.

Central City Children's Library. City of Bolshoy Kamen Primorsky Krai © 2008-2015


Exhibitions of literature on the work of writers

Exhibition-quiz "Forest secrets of Vitaly Bianchi"

Exhibitions of literature on various topics

Exhibition-idea "We celebrate Easter"

The exhibition presents literature about the holiday, Easter-themed artwork, as well as books and magazines offering various ideas for the holiday. The exhibition is decorated with toys, crafts, drawings of readers who have become members of the library's Easter art studio

An action "I vote for a book" was organized in the library, during which the books most loved by our readers were determined. As a result of the action, 2 exhibitions were arranged - at the senior and junior subscriptions, which presented works that received large quantity voices of young book lovers.

Exhibition-action "Golden bookshelf of our library

The exhibition features Russian folk tales and fabulous works of Russian writers. In addition to books, the exhibition features a magical tree with bare branches, among which a mermaid has settled. The children were asked to decorate his colorful leaflets depending on their reading preferences. When the tree fully “blooms out”, we will find out which fairy tales our readers love the most.

"Do you know the symbols of Russia?"

This table exhibition will be relevant not only during the days of public holidays in Russia - the Day of Russia, the Day of the State Flag of Russia, the Day national unity but also for permanent exposure. The exhibition is decorated with the flag of the Russian Federation, posters depicting the president of our country, the emblem of the Russian Federation, the text of the anthem of the Russian Federation. Sections of the exhibition are designed in the form of questions: "Who is the author of the Russian anthem?", "Why is the flag of Russia tricolor?", "Why is there a double-headed eagle on the coat of arms of Russia?". The exhibition is accompanied by a computer quiz "The flag of Russia proudly flies". (you can download the quiz on the "Gaming" page)

Books on The exhibition is presented in three sections: "Guest from the Future" (about Alisa Selezneva), "Bulychev's Historical Labyrinths" and "Bulychev's Heroes on the Screen" (books that were filmed). The side of the rack is decorated with stars, on which riddles about the planets of the solar system are written. To read the text, enlarge the photo, it is left in high resolution.

Exhibition-presentation "Meeting with Murzilka"

The exhibition is dedicated to the 90th anniversary children's magazine"Murzilka". When decorating the exhibition, the attributes of a birthday were kept: a festive basket of flowers, balloons, serpentine, a cake with candles and an anniversary, texts of congratulations (published on the pages of different issues of the magazine). On one of the shelves there are portraits of writers and poets who wrote or are writing in a magazine, as well as the book by Palmer Cox "The Adventures of Murzilka and his friends", which tells about the life of little elf pranksters, one of whom is named Murzilka. Exhibitioncomplement the magazine-dedicated children'sdrawings and crafts placed in the lobby of the library.


At our exhibition, we tried to present with the help of books, visual aids, photos and illustrations those ancient events, without which modernity would not have taken place: these are materials from encyclopedias for children and youth, historical essays on the famous Russian generals A. Brusilov, A. Samsonov , M. Alekseev, books about the "white generals" - A. Kolchak, L. Kornilov, A. Denikin, who fought "for the great, united and indivisible Russia" and remained faithful to the military oath to the end. Interesting and informative, in our opinion, are illustrations and articles about weapons and military equipment a hundred years ago, about the uniform worn then by the soldiers and officers of the active armies different countries, materials about the first Knights of St. George. The exhibition draws readers' attention to the fact that the famous Soviet marshals G. Zhukov, S. Budyonny, K. Rokossovsky, R. Malinovsky were also participants in that war, being ordinary soldiers or non-commissioned officers.

Table exhibition-memory
"August 1 is the Day of Remembrance of Russian soldiers who died in the First World War of 1914-1918."

"Sequel Book: Writer's Dynasties in Children's Literature"

The book exhibition "Smoke from a cigarette ..." is framed for international day smoking cessation and is intended for readers of middle and high school age. It presents a variety of literature that informs teenagers about the harmful effects of smoking on health and how to quit smoking. Readers are offered the following books: Yagodinsky V. N. "Schoolchild about the dangers of nicotine and alcohol", Children's Encyclopedia AIF "Say YES to life", Lenyushkin A. I. "To a teenage boy", Kazmin V. D "Smoking, we and our offspring", Children's encyclopedia " healthy image life" and other books. In addition to books, the exhibition contains various quotes - excerpts from scientific research on which harmful substances are part of tobacco smoke, as they poison the human body.

Exhibition-quote "Smoke from a cigarette"

The exhibition exhibits books by authors who are members of the same family, books where the same literary characters act, as well as books that continue the works of other authors. The exhibition consists of 3 sections. In chapter "The Whole Family Are Writers" works by Viktor and Xenia Dragunsky, Nikolai and Igor Nosov, Boris and Galina Zakhoder, Tatiana and Galina Alexandrov, Natalia and Vladimir Durov, Yuri Druzhkov and Vitaly Postnikov are presented.
The section contains books-pairs: K. Collodi - A.N. Tolstoy, A.M. Volkov - L.F. Baum, V.I. Dal - A.N. Ostrovsky, br. Grimm - V. A. Zhukovsky - A.S. Pushkin. The section is represented by books about the inhabitants of the Magic Land of A.M. Volkov, L. Vladimirsky and S. Sukhinov; about Pinocchio and his friends by E. Danko, A. Kumma and S. Runge, A. N. Tolstoy, L.V. Vladimirsky, books about Dunno Nosovs, B. Karlov and P. Cox, a series of books about Pencil and Samodelkin by V. Postnikov and Yu. Druzhkov. Dear colleagues! We found these books in our library fund. Perhaps you have other works. The content of the exhibition turned out to be attractive.

Exhibition "Under Nikolai Sladkov's Cap of Invisibility"

The exhibition is addressed to readers of primary school age. Consists of a heading and four sections. The section "The Bold Writer-Photohunter" contains information about N. I. Sladkov - his life and work, photographs of the writer. In addition to books in this section presented visual materials from the manual "Exhibition in the School Library" (Supplement to the magazine "School Library"). This section contains a library poster with information about the dates of the writer's life. The "Forest Secrets" section contains numerous stories and tales about animals and birds, acquainting readers with the rich and mysterious world of forests. The section is decorated with maple leaves with questions to the works. The literature presented in the sections "Behind the Blue Bird's Feather" and "Underwater Newspaper" opens up to the reader the vast world of Sladkov the traveler. Here you can find the writer's works about his travels in the mountains, in the desert, in the forest, in the underwater world, as well as books that can be called environmental encyclopedias - "White Tigers", "Miombo", "Sparrow in a Hat", "Underwater Newspaper" , "Land of solar fire", "Land above the clouds". In the “Underwater Newspaper” section there is a quote-information “For the book “Underwater Newspaper” Nikolai Ivanovich Sladkov was awarded the State Prize named after N.K. Krupskaya". The exhibition is decorated with forest attributes - an impromptu birdhouse with a bird, paper and toy forest animals, birds, a basket with mushrooms

An unusual exhibition with a very beautiful name Date with Taste is designed for Valentine's Day and is addressed to readers of middle and senior school age. The exhibition is presented in the form of a romantic salon for two, where everything speaks of love. The idea of ​​this salon is such that, having visited it, a person seems to be on a date. Here he can meet a person to whom he shows sympathy, have a heart-to-heart talk over a cup of tea and be sure to choose one of the offered wonderful books about love. The original design of the exhibition: a book of predictions about love, pink hearts scattered on the table, candles, a cute box with a ruby ​​heart, flowers, beads, gloves and, of course, a fan of books - all this speaks of a romantic mood and the theme of the holiday.

A stack of pancakes, a pair of tea with large polka dots, a folk-style tablecloth, a Russian samovar... Everything is so tasty and attractive! And everything speaks of the approaching Maslenitsa. And how to prepare for the holiday, readers will be prompted by books and magazine articles.

The exhibition is addressed to readers of middle and senior school age. AT "Readers Suggestions" section Books are placed that were selected based on the results of a survey of teenagers who read in our library. Among the children's favorite books are encyclopedias on history, the adventures of V. Sotnik and T. Kryukova, detective stories by E. Vilmont, A. Ustinova and A. Ivanov. On the shelf among the books there is a box “The reader advises reading”, in which the guys can drop the questionnaire with their suggestions. AT section "Offered by the Internet" exhibited books marked by literary prizes, offered by the catalog "White Crows", recommended by book publishers. With more complete list readers can get acquainted in the digests "Internet Recommended" and "Top Ten Books for Children and Teens". Chapter "Recommended by librarians" represented by books offered by the library specialists to their readers. Among them are "Pride and Prejudice" by D. Osten, "Pollyanna" by E. Porter, "The Secret of Past Times" by I. Mozheiko, "The Time Machine" by G. Wells and others. Recommendations of librarians draw readers' attention to interesting works, sometimes undeservedly forgotten.

The exhibition-exposition "Summer gives us inspiration" is bright and memorable. All the works presented on it are made by the hands of one person - a young reader of the library Shaporenko Anna. For several years she has been involved in the circle of arts and crafts "Decor", creating wonderful paper works. Fairy-tale characters, flowers, animals and even quilling paintings are exhibited at our exhibition. The exhibition attracts the attention of readers so much that they want to touch everything, hold it in their hands and, probably, understand how such beauty is created. In addition, the exposition is accompanied by library literature, having become acquainted with which, the children will be able to create similar works of art, or at least try to do it themselves.

Book exhibitions have long ceased to make guests want to sit comfortably on the couch. Their goal is to surprise and push to learn new things. And although the Internet conquers the world, the book will always be. And the librarians will take care of what to read and offer us the best. This is a great way not only to instill a love of books in children, but also to learn interesting facts yourself.

First steps towards a library exhibition

Literary biennials are about introducing the audience to the best examples of works that deal with the same genre or topic. Exhibited may be books, magazines, newspaper materials, photographs, paintings, reproductions, audio and video media. The main task is to prove to the public that reading is important and necessary. Book exhibitions in the library are designed to acquaint visitors with the proposed selection and attract them to the study of a given motive. All presented works of the so-called action are selected with great care and systematized according to informational importance.

The organization of the presentation consists of several stages. The first and most important is the choice of topic. After, starting from the direction, you need to calculate target audience, to collect documents and auxiliary, accompanying materials. Planning an event should take into account three aspects:

  • Purpose of the exhibition.
  • The audience for which the action is planned.
  • An image that will help to reveal the topic as much as possible.

Relevance is the key to success

The choice of material for library exhibitions- the foundation on which the success of the event depends. It is on the topic that the relevance of the exhibition will be judged. When choosing a motif, it is worth considering the tastes and interest of potential visitors. The topic cannot be generalized, because the main purpose of the Biennale is to place accents. This may be an emphasis on a certain period of flow, style, social problem and so on.

The effectiveness of the topic is also directly related to the age of the readers. What theoretically might be of interest to children will already be familiar to older students. Motives that are interesting for teenagers will not attract the attention of adults.

Not less than important aspect- title. It should be catchy, memorable, pushing you to come and see everything with your own eyes.

Name theory

Librarians can do a tremendous job of collecting and organizing material. Reinforce it with accompanying details, hold a wide advertising campaign etc., but everything will go down the drain if you choose the wrong title. Names of library book exhibitions are actually quite easy to come up with. The secret is so obvious that many do not even pay attention to it. The name should be bright, memorable and attractive to potential visitors. These are just a few words that will cause a storm of emotions and will not leave the audience indifferent. If the visitor is not interested in the name, he simply will not come, even when the theme of the exhibition is interesting to him. Remember, long titles are not allowed. Titles of library exhibitions should be concise. It is very important to make them intriguing, give a hint or raise a specific question that the person wants to answer. It is undesirable to use general expressions, clichés and scientific proposals.

Title work

It is not possible to approve the project name at the beginning of event planning. When organizing work, it is enough to rely on the topic. A successful name cannot be thought of in a minute. Do not work backwards. That is, building an exhibition based only on the title means not deviating from the framework, which in turn can close many promising roads.

It is important to take into account one more point. The titles of library exhibitions appeal to a specific group of visitors, not to the entire audience of readers as a whole. It is better to write several options, and then choose the one that fits the theme more than others. If you divide the work into certain stages, which will be dealt with by different groups of people, it is better to come up with a name for the project. Negatively "decorates" the exhibition with a name that will contain an excess of complex phrases, philosophical metaphors, and scientific formulations. The title should be simple.

Functions of forms and types of names

The name is the most important part of the presentation of the exhibition. It will stimulate the desire to familiarize yourself with the main text. The titles of library exhibitions are advertising for a given topic, so they must truthfully reflect the essence of the "product". The task of the title is to briefly, if possible, describe the project in a few key words. The optimal number is 4-5 words. Stamps and platitudes should be avoided.

Exhibitions are often supported by visual materials. But there is a certain system for working with the names of pictures and their number. At a book biennale, for example, dedicated to the works of a poet, one portrait is enough. Other artistic elements can be drawings based on his works, illustrations of places where he lived and worked, or photos at work or with friends. Library exhibitions, photos of which are presented in the article, demonstrate the variety of options for the visual design of the project.

Relationship between title and advertisement

Publicity is an important component of any event (unless, of course, the organizers want their event to be visited). It is possible to inform about the premiere and invite people to exhibitions either directly in person (during a conversation between a librarian and a visitor) and indirectly through the media.

It is advisable to focus on your audience and use the old and proven method - posting posters. Actual send out invitations via the Internet or place information in the library group in social network. But as winding as the path to the hearts of readers, this is only half the battle. Only a competent person can motivate to visit an exhibition. And it should begin with an intriguing title. Names of library events are the basis of the advertising process. Its main functions are to capture attention, interest in the topic and assure the expediency of visiting the exhibition.

Timeless classic

Over the decades of work, libraries have developed system themes exhibitions, and those have already become good traditions. These are proven motives, eternal stories. Among them the most popular are:

  • Exhibitions dedicated to memorable dates. Visual presentations never leave library shelves and are always up to date. It is interesting both for pupils and students, and connoisseurs of literature.
  • Presentations of new books will attract regular guests.
  • Book library exhibitions on topical topics.
  • Personal presentation for one book. This is a wide range of work that starts from the biography of the author and leads to the era when the book was written.
  • There are other topics on which you can base your exhibition plan. But in any case, librarians should start from their own reserves.

Exhibitions with a twist

It is harder to please the reader, not the one who goes to the library often, but the one for whom the house of the book does not carry any value. People who prefer television are almost impossible to get interested in a book. It is for such guests that unusual library exhibitions of books should be held. Certain auxiliary forms of exhibitions help with this. There are some of the most popular, among them: a crossword puzzle, a quiz, a dialogue, a chainword - this work is designed to amuse the audience. Exhibition-presentation - used to tell more about the subject of the vernissage. Incidentally, this is one of the most effective methods attracting guests.

Exhibition for the lazy - filmed editions

In order not to strain guests too much, who do not want to flip through the pages of books, they use a certain trick. The forms of library exhibitions are oriented towards a narrow audience. But there is a name that no visitor will pass by without attention. These are screen books. There are so many films and TV series based on literary works that a rack with copies will become bright and attractive to a passer-by. It is better to indicate in the title that films were made based on the books presented. This is how the themes of library exhibitions are chosen.

The first exhibition can be devoted to the works of foreign authors, the second - to domestic ones. Books can be divided into genres, eras, countries. Separately, make a rack with the writers most popular with directors.

Thematic exhibitions for the whole family

Opening days are also popular, where the range expands to the tastes of each family member. Such names of library exhibitions are of interest to different age categories. If you choose the right topic, the library visitor will go home with not one but several books. Literature should be arranged on the shelves depending on the preferences of each "client". So, for example, the male part of the family will be interested in detective stories, historical novels. Women will approach the section with romance novels, poetry collections and books on needlework. Students will give preference to philosophical and psychological theories. For teenagers, you need to organize a rack with adventure and fantasy stories. The youngest visitors will enjoy fairy tales and legends of the peoples of the world. Names of library book shows for families can be more extended. And the header of the rack can delineate a narrow space.


Television, cinema, radio - everything passes. The book is forever. And even though the Internet is gradually replacing it, nevertheless, when the technology fails, real pages fall into the hands again. Reading has always been fashionable. And now, when it is impossible to live without self-development, the book becomes the best assistant. Therefore, the exhibition-travel is relevant today.

A librarian can be a guide to other eras, countries, traditions. The system for selecting such materials differs from work on other areas. When processing, you need to choose the best instances of a given motif. Divide the topic and approach it from all possible sides. The deeper the material is worked out, the brighter the emotions.

Such book exhibitions in the library can become a guide on a journey through the history of their native land, tell about the land on which library visitors live. Newspaper clippings are used about people the city is proud of, or Interesting Facts from life locality. The names of library events and exhibitions of this nature must necessarily emphasize that the guest really learns previously unknown information.


Hi all!

Quote: Genuine exhibition is not just a collection of books that ended up together due to a number of random circumstances, but a meaningful creation designed to awaken purposeful intellectual activity in the reader.

J. H. Shira, American librarian

I bring to your attention information about some exhibitions that are interesting and unusual (experience of different libraries).

It happens thatreaders - children and adults, while reading books, often leave things in them that are used as bookmarks. Here employees of the National Children's Library of the Komi Republic and decided put all these finds on public display. Unusual exposure called "A gift to a librarian, or what our readers leave in books". Books and found things were placed side by side in the hope that this way readers will recognize them faster. The exhibition caused a real sensation. It lasted more than two months, replenished daily with new finds. No wonder they say that everything in a book can become an occasion for an exhibition, and not just the text.

It came as a complete surprise to readers.Exhibition "When the Book Dies", which featured dilapidated and spoiled editions by readers.

Instead of a quote - an appeal to children: "Reader, think about what you will leave your friends and classmates behind."

First section: "Books read to holes". There are books by different authors, which were read by more than one generation of children. These editions were prepared for scrapping, and the meeting with the readers was their last.

Second section: "Barbarians of the 21st century" . Section included works of classics of Russian literatureN.V. Gogol, A.S. Pushkin, I.A. Bunin and other writers who are studied at school: in entire chapters and paragraphs were torn out of their books, the pages were painted. Children and adults reacted with interest to the presented documents, expressed their negative attitude towards barbarism. As a result, users gave the library books from home collections and new books bought from the store. Total over the year, donors donated more than 200 books to the fund of the subscription department.(From the experience of the National Children's Library of the Komi Republic)

Presentation Exhibitions "Book Treasures" was timed toAll-Russian Day of Libraries. On the the exhibition presents books different years from the library collection. The exhibition is aimed primarily at specialists, but it turned out to be of interest to readers as well. Its intended purpose: familiarization of employees with publications that can be used in their professional activities.

The book exhibition was from the following sections:

"They were the first" (books that laid the foundation for the library);

"Rarities of the Library" (publications related to the category of book monuments);

"Famous people - library» (books donated by famous writers, poets, artists, musicians, with autographs).

Effective family bondingtransmission of family traditions and moral values ​​remainsfamily reading. On the exhibition-nostalgia "Good books live long" were introduced copies from family libraries, a memo on creating a home library.

Exhibition sections:

"Family Heirloom" (books from employees' home librarieslibraries and readers). Each of the presented books had its own history and was included in the reading circle of several generations of the family;

"Generation next chooses" (the best books, according to children and adolescents - readers of the library);

"How to build a home library" (books from practical advice, as well as - a booklet that offers tips for both parents and young readers on creating home libraries).

During the design of the exhibition were used household items of the 50-60s. 20th century: figurines, toys, green lamp, clock, napkins, made in loin technique and cutwork; attributes of modern youth subculture: baubles, bracelets, baseball cap, computer disks. On the stand also included in the exhibition space, were located photographs from family albums, school certificates, pioneer tie, badges and postcards. sound background there was a record instrumental music of the past. The interior of the room corresponded to the style of the 50s. The room where the exhibition was set up at the time of the presentation turned into a common for those years communal apartment. The exhibition was presented by the librarians of the department with participation of a famous local historian-researcher who told about family libraries of townspeople in pre-revolutionary times.

The exhibition ended with quiz "Finish the aphorism" in which those present were asked finish the well-known phrase about the book:

2. A house without a book is like a body without (soul).

3. Books are ships (thoughts).

4. A book is not red in writing, but red (in mind).

5. Gold is mined from the earth, and knowledge from (books).

6. A man without a book is like a bird without (wings).

8. Unfinished book - not completed to the end (path).

10. Collection of books - the same (university).

11. The book is a small window, through it the whole world (visible).

12. The book is the best (comrade).

13. The book decorates in happiness, and in misfortune (consoles).

14. From time immemorial, a book raises (a person).

15. I owe everything good in me (to books).

16. A bad letter to a person (destruction).

17. Who reads a lot, he (knows) a lot.

18. The book is your friend, without it it’s like without (hands).

19. Read a new book - met with (a friend).

20. A house without a book is a day without (the sun).

21. There is no smart neighbor, with a book (talk).

22. Pearls are taken from the depths of the sea, (knowledge) is drawn from the depths of books.

23. In the book, look not for letters, but (meaning).

24. The book is like water - it will break the road (everywhere).

25. The book will help in work, help out in (trouble).

26. Living with a book is not a century (to grieve).

27. Good book brighter than the stars (shines).

In memory of the meeting, all participants were presented bookmarks.

(From the experience of the Pskov Regional Library for Children and Youth)

Let's take a closer look at this form of exhibition, as an exhibition-cognition and look at examples.


Cognition is a process of purposeful active reflection of reality in the human mind. In the course of cognition, various facets of being are revealed, the external side and essence of things, phenomena of the surrounding world are explored. The subject of cognitive activity - a person - also explores a person, that is, himself.

The results of cognition not only remain in the mind of a particular person, but are also passed on from generation to generation, mainly with with the help of information carriers - books, drawings, objects of material culture. In the course of life, a person performs two types of cognitive activities: cognizes the surrounding world directly (that is, discovers something new: either for himself or for humanity); learns the world around through the results of the cognitive activity of other generations (reads books, studies, watches movies, joins all types of material or spiritual culture).

Based on the definition of cognition, probably, any book exhibition in the library can be called an exhibition-cognition. However, librarians reserve the right to determine the form of the exhibition in this way.

Favorite by the older generation of readerswas presented atexhibition-knowledge "Chronicle of events" .


book series "Life of Remarkable People"

(experience of the Pskov regional library for children and youth)

Book series "Life of Remarkable People"- this is the history of mankind in faces, the history of science, technology and culture.

Purpose of the exhibition:

— the awakening of the youth's cognitive interest in history through reading historical and biographical literature;

- moral education of the younger generation on examples from the lives of prominent people;

- disclosure of the library fund.

Exhibition sections:

History of the series "Life of Remarkable People";

historical figures;

Figures of art and literature.

“When we love, we are proud of the Fatherland, it means we are proud of its great people” (academician Ivan Pavlov).

“I am firmly convinced that people will understand and begin to develop the only necessary science - the science of how to live” (Leo Tolstoy).

“Following the thoughts of a great man is the most entertaining science” (Alexander Pushkin).

Bibliographic support of the exhibition:

- booklet "Library of a thousand books: ZhZL series".

The presentation of the exhibition took place with the participation of students facultyelementary education of the Pskov State Pedagogicaluniversity. The students participating in the presentation told how the examples of life and work of outstanding people influenced their worldview.

The review of the ZhZL series took place right at the book exhibition. Readers learned about the history of the series, its first issues and publishers, as well as how to use the reference and bibliographic apparatus for the series.

In addition to the books of the ZhZL series, the exhibition featured quotes, booklets, emblems, illustrations, portraits, objects and accessories.

The final moment was quiz "Name the book", the gist of which was: the presenter showed the subject, which in meaning was suitable for the content of a particular book about a historical figure . Participants were asked to name prominent representatives of the relevant type of activity. Thus, several items were played:

Fan— Pavlenko, N.I. Catherine the Great / N.I. Pavlenko. - 4th ed. - M .: Young Guard, 2004. - 496 p. - (ZhZL).

Steering wheel— Semanov, S.N. Makarov / S.N. Semanov. — 2nd ed., corrected. - M .: Young Guard, 1988. - 288 p. - (ZhZL).

Headdress of the academician— Danin D.S. Niels Bohr / D.S. Danin. - M .: Young Guard, 1978. - 560 p. - (ZhZL).

the globe— Pioneers: a collection. - M .: Young Guard, 1983. - 352 p. - (ZHZL).

Goose feather- Tyrkova-Villiame, A. Pushkin's life / A. Tyrkova-Villiame. - In 2 vols. T. 1: 1799-1824. - M .: Young Guard, 1998. - 480s. - (ZHZL).

Order, medal- Generals and commanders of the Great Patriotic War: collection / comp. A. Kiselev. - M .: Young Guard, 1985. - 368 p. - (ZhZL).

Easel— Descargues P. Rembrandt / P. Descargues. - M .: Young guard, 2000. - 294 p. - (ZhZL).

At the end of the presentation, everyone was invited to treat themselves to an apple - the fruit of knowledge.

Exhibition algorithm: connection of the book, reader and librarian in a single interactive space. An important point is engaging readers directly in the program. The perception of the material by young readers is much more positive if the information comes from a peer.

Library readers with hobbies respond to librarians showcase your passions at exhibitions. This allows you to decorate the library space, create a feeling of comfort, make the exhibition attractive and unique. Such items can become both an independent exposition and part of an exhibition dedicated to folk art.

The Youth Service Department issuedexhibition-hobby Skillful hands do not know boredom" and invited beginners and experienced needlewomen. All items presented at the exhibition were made by the hands of librarians(pictures embroidered with ribbons; soft toys; tablecloths; hats; needle cases; crocheted and knitted items). Each type of needlework was described in the exhibited publications with detailed instructions and diagrams. At the presentation of the exhibition, the author could present his product and talk about the technique of its implementation.

In the senior school service department, athematic exhibition-journey "The World of Mysteries and Wonders" enabling with the help of books plunge into the mysterious world, reveal many secrets, learn the unknown. Special purpose- to provide readers with the whole variety of popular science literature in the process of their preparation for academic disciplines, to develop cognitive interest, creative activity.