Cancellation of paper title and introduction of an electronic vehicle passport. The introduction of mandatory electronic titles was postponed for a year and a half Do they now issue titles for a car

The abolition of paper passports for cars and the introduction of their electronic counterparts will allow the accumulation of information about the vehicle for the entire period of its operation. The document does not need to be changed, since an unlimited amount of information can be entered into it. The information of the electronic database will confirm the legal cleanliness of the car. E-PTS cannot be lost, it is impossible to commit fraudulent actions with it using illegal sales schemes. How will paper documentation be changed to its electronic version? Do all drivers need to urgently change the title?

Legislative regulation

The government first started talking about the abolition of paper TCPs in 2014. The first start date for the new project was 07/01/2016. However, due to the lack of technical capabilities and software testing, the event was postponed to 2018. On the possibility of using e-documents, a decision was made by the board of the Eurasian Economic Commission on October 28, 2015 "On approval of the procedure for the functioning of electronic vehicle passport systems." The document displays a list of information that must be entered into the database and a list of sections included in the extract when it is issued at the request of the car owner.

Replacing paper PTS with electronic counterparts will save up to a billion rubles on the purchase of forms and the cost of their logistics. It is planned to reduce labor costs for paperwork, which will allow the parameter to be adjusted to the value of 3.5 million man-hours per year. The e-document expands the amount of information about the vehicle and its owner, since the electronic space is not limited in size in the same way as a paper sheet of a document. The legislative decision allows you to form a complete picture of the history of the operation of the car, in which there are no gaps caused by the loss of the TCP or the failure to include facts about certain circumstances and their consequences.

Procedure Mechanism

The provisions of regulatory sources allow primary filling and making special notes in the PTS of a paper form until July 1, 2018. After this date, the document can only be issued in electronic form. All new cars will have an e-passport for cars, and paper counterparts will no longer be issued.

A car cannot have a paper and an electronic passport at the same time. The car owner must issue and operate only one version of the document. Violation of the provisions of the legal source may lead to unreliable formation of a database on the history of the operation of the vehicle.

Replacement of passports for cars issued before the entry into force of the new Law will be carried out at the request of the owner of the vehicle on the basis of his application. There are no provisions in the law regulating the need for mandatory receipt of an e-document. This makes it possible to use its paper version until a new passport needs to be issued, due to the lack of space for making special notes and information about the change of ownership.

What is an electronic PTS?

An electronic passport is presented as a record in a database containing information about the car and its owner. The list of information reflected in the document is determined by the provisions of the legal source. Its volume exceeds the contents of a paper passport. Such a legislative decision is associated with expanded opportunities and unlimited space for filling out an e-document. The electronic version of the passport contains:

  • Information about the car owner, categorized as personalized, as well as indicated by the owner of the vehicle or representatives of authorized bodies;
  • Information about the technical inspection;
  • Data on maintenance and repair work carried out;
  • Mileage;
  • The presence of restrictions on registration actions;
  • Summary of insured events.

Confirmation of registration of the e-PTS is an extract issued to the car owner in his hands or sent to his postal e-mail address. It does not contain all the information of the electronic document. The content of the extract is regulated by a legal act. Unlike a paper title, it does not indicate the owner of the vehicle and its manufacturer, but displays the category of the vehicle instead of the category of the driver's license.

Benefits of an electronic document

The legislative innovation will help to avoid problems associated with restoring a document if it is lost, and will also protect car owners from using dark sales schemes. The project is designed to make the registration and accounting of vehicles completely digital, which will ensure the security of information stored in a secure database and the reliability of the history of operation and change of ownership due to the absence of the possibility of losing documents and restricting access to the database. It is possible to place an unlimited amount of information in the e-PTS, since it will never run out of space for entries and it will never have to be changed. Information in the database can be stored indefinitely, since the digital version of the document cannot be corrupted under the influence of time or external factors.

Who can receive information from the e-PTS?

Traffic police officers, vehicle owners, as well as participants in e-passport systems who draw up extracts from the database have access to the electronic document. When making a purchase and sale transaction, the buyer has the right to issue a request for information about the status of the e-document. It is recommended to refrain from purchasing if the TCP upon request is characterized differently than the current one. Other data is not available in the free version for third parties. To confirm the fact of ownership of the car by the seller, its owner must submit a request for an extract, the information in which will indicate the sale of the object by its current owner. Alternatively, the buyer can obtain information from the database on a paid basis after concluding an agreement for the provision of information services, the scope of which is determined by the system administrator.

Changes in the procedure for issuing a PTS (vehicle passport) are of concern to many car owners. As early as July 1, 2017, Russia will cancel the issuance of paper titles. At the same time, such innovations will affect four more countries of the Eurasian Economic Union: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Belarus and Armenia. In these countries, passports for cars will now have a single look, and most importantly, they will become electronic. Let's take a closer look at what awaits drivers.

    Legislation on the abolition of paper PTAs and the introduction of electronic ones from July 1, 2017

    What is an electronic PTS and where is it located?

    Extract from the electronic PTS
    Status of electronic PTS
    Simultaneous availability of paper and electronic PTS
    Pros and cons of electronic PTS

Legislation on the abolition of paper PTAs and the introduction of electronic ones from July 1, 2017

The idea to replace old paper vehicle passports with electronic ones arose back in 2015. Then the participants of the Eurasian Economic Union agreed on the need to introduce a single form of TCP. A special commission was created, which prepared the legislation on electronic PTS. This document was called "On Approval of the Procedure for the Functioning of Systems of Electronic Passports of Vehicles (Electronic Passports of Vehicle Chassis) and Electronic Passports of Self-Propelled Machines and Other Types of Equipment".

Initially, the changes were supposed to come into effect on July 1, 2016, however, as is often the case with reforms, the legislators decided to give time to all participants in the process to properly prepare. Thus, the cancellation of paper TCPs was postponed for 1 year, which means that from July 1, 2017, printed versions of such documents will no longer be issued.

What is an electronic PTS and where is it located?

Let's figure out what the new TCP is and where you can see it.

An electronic vehicle passport (EPTS) is information about the car, manufacturer, owner of the car, as well as additional data about the vehicle, which are stored in a single electronic database.

Unlike the old paper TCP, the new document contains much more information about the car. Now it will be possible to find information about cases of warranty repair and replacement of machine parts, as well as the timing of technical inspection. It will also contain the history of the purchase and sale of the car and the status of the vehicle's electronic passport.

For the functioning of the electronic PTS database, the Electronic Passport Joint Stock Company was created in the structure of the Rostec State Corporation. This organization operates on the territory of the EAEU and is the operator and administrator of the Electronic Passport Systems.

The website (portal) of the organization is located at the Internet address Here, any user can:

  • Request and find out the status of the electronic PTS by ES number or by VIN.
  • Request an extract from the electronic passport of the vehicle by its number.
  • The portal also allows you to replenish the balance of your personal account to receive paid services.

    That is, the electronic PTS is now available on the Internet and the car owner can view it on the website, the Electronic Passport portal, where it is located.

    Extract from the electronic PTS

    Despite the introduction of the electronic form of the PTS, the paper counterpart still remains. A car enthusiast can request and receive an extract from the vehicle's electronic passport. It will contain less information than an electronic document, but will nevertheless provide general information about the vehicle.

    So, the extract contains: vehicle identification number, vehicle name, vehicle brand (chassis), vehicle category, engine number, chassis (frame) number, body number (cabin, trailer), year of manufacture, body color (cabin, trailer) , the territory where the registration of the vehicle is allowed, etc.

    Pay attention to the last point. An extract from the electronic title will tell you in which country of the Eurasian Economic Union (Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Belarus and Armenia) you will not be able to register a car.

    In addition, the extract does not contain information about the owner and manufacturer of the car.

    Status of electronic PTS

    The legislation on the introduction of electronic PTS regulates who can receive information from new car passports. And you can do it both for a fee and for free.

    On a free basis, any citizen can find out in the database information about the status of an electronic passport. You can request it either by the ES number or by the VIN number. The status of the electronic PTS is as follows:

    - Unfinished. The vehicle passport is in the process of registration.
    - Active. PTS on the car is issued and valid.
    — Redeemed. This status is assigned for the period of re-equipment of the car from one type to another or when changes are made to the design.
    — Canceled. If the car left the EAEU or did not pass customs clearance.
    - Recycled. The status is assigned in case of deregistration of the car for subsequent disposal.

    Thus, the car buyer can now easily find out what status the title is in. You can conclude a deal only when you see that the seller has a "valid title". If the car passport has a different status, then it is better to refrain from buying a car.

    Simultaneous availability of paper and electronic PTS

    Today, car owners have a lot of questions in connection with innovations. Is it possible to have an electronic and paper PTS at the same time? Do all drivers need to hand over a paper passport and apply for an electronic one from July 1?

    Changes in legislation indicate that the issuance of paper titles for cars will cease from July 1, 2017. That is, no more paper passports will be issued, and only a paper extract will be available.

    There are no requirements for the replacement of passports for owners who have an old TCP in their hands. That is, if you have a paper passport for a car, leave it with you. You can change it whenever you want or when it runs out of room for new owners to record.

    At the same time, it is impossible to have a paper and electronic PTS at the same time. It is forbidden!

    Pros and cons of electronic PTS

    One of the advantages of the electronic PTS, which immediately catches the eye, is the absence of the need to change the passport for a car. This is not a paper that may not have enough space for new entries. In addition, such a document cannot be lost. Title is always in the database and is available to owners and other citizens.

    Another advantage that we talked about above is more information in the vehicle passport.

    Also, a plus is a single form of TCP for the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union: Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan and Armenia.

    However, there are also disadvantages of such changes in the procedure for issuing a TCP. The most important thing is that any reforms are always associated with confusion, with emerging issues, adjustment period, and so on. Let's hope that the functioning of the new system of electronic vehicle passports will proceed without failures.

    The Government of the Russian Federation has adopted a resolution on the introduction of electronic vehicle passports (PTS), the transition to which was constantly postponed earlier. The new date of entry into force of the electronic standard is July 1, 2018. The Ministry of Industry and Trade announced that the state corporation Rostec will be engaged in the introduction of electronic passports for vehicles.

    According to the plan, the innovation will help to avoid delays associated with the restoration of a document if it is lost, and will also protect citizens from dark schemes when buying or selling a car. Employees of the State traffic inspectorate, authorized participants in electronic passport systems and, of course, vehicle owners will have access to the electronic PTS. The large-scale project will make the registration and accounting of the car 100% digital, and its history - completely transparent, because all information about the car will be stored in a secure database.

    The electronic passport of the car will contain additional information about the owner, its provision is regulated by the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ "On Personal Data". In addition, data on technical inspection, maintenance and repair of the car, its mileage and possible restrictions on registration actions will be entered into the PTS. Also, the online passport will contain data on insured events and the car insurance itself, accidents in which he was involved, and other information that the owner or authorized body will indicate.

    For automakers, the authorities plan to ensure a smooth transition to electronic PTS: its beginning will depend on the readiness of the companies themselves, but no later than July 1, 2018. It is expected that in the first half of the year electronic PTS will be issued for more than half a million vehicles. Old paper passports will not be issued after the designated date.

    As for the current car owners, they will be able to continue using the current document: there are no plans to force the replacement of the TCP with an electronic version. The introduction of the new standard will not affect the process of buying or selling a car in any way: as now, you will have to draw up a sales contract and receive a vehicle registration certificate.

    Despite the fact that the TCP goes online, you still have to pay for it: 250 rubles for automakers and organizations authorized to issue them, and no more than 600 for ordinary citizens. Now, obtaining a new paper title for vehicle owners costs 800 rubles.

    According to the department, savings on the purchase of paper forms and the costs associated with their logistics will amount to about 1 billion rubles. If we talk about reducing the labor costs for issuing and amending TCP, they are expected to be reduced by 3.5 million man-hours per year.

    In Russia, from July 1, 2018, the paper Vehicle Passport will be replaced by an electronic one. "Auto Mail.Ru" managed to find out the main details of the upcoming reform. Initially, the transition to the electronic format of the TCP in all member states of the Eurasian Economic Union (in Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan) was supposed to begin a year earlier, from July 1, 2017. However, due to the unavailability of the system, the project launch date was postponed for a year.

    Soon, instead of the paper version of the usual PTS, an electronic biography of the “iron horse” will appear - a passport that will tell the full biography of your car, from the moment it left the factory gates to disposal. The legal recognition of the information contained will be the electronic signatures of authorized persons.

    In the future, this measure should eliminate fraud in the secondary market, completely eradicating dishonest car owners and resellers. In addition, the creation of a single database of electronic passports will facilitate the work of tax and customs services, and will also make it almost impossible to register stolen cars.

    The idea to introduce electronic TCP began to take shape quite a long time ago: in 2014, representatives of the governments of Belarus, Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation signed an intergovernmental agreement, which was then joined by new members of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) - Armenia and Kyrgyzstan.

    Last summer, the largest vehicle manufacturers in these countries began testing a pilot version of the system, and now automakers are testing the final process of switching to electronic passports, moreover, the database will be available to all interested participants: car dealers, banks, insurance companies ...

    From July 1, 2018, without exception, all car manufacturers are required to switch to the electronic passport system. From this date, paper TCPs will no longer be issued, and from July 1, 2019, manufacturers of all other equipment - self-propelled vehicles and similar units - will face the same fate on the territory of the EAEU.

    Accordingly, the issuance of electronic passports will be carried out by vehicle manufacturers, and documents for imported vehicles will be issued by authorized organizations (for example, customs). The electronic TCP will contain the same data as in the usual one, starting from the brand and model and ending with the year of manufacture and environmental class.

    But most importantly, the following information is planned to be included in the system of electronic car passports:

    • how many people (or firms) owned the car;
    • what types of insurance the owners used (OSAGO or Casco);
    • in what accidents the car was involved and what damage it received;
    • what shortcomings were revealed during technical inspections;
    • whether the car visited the MOT at the dealer service,
    • What are the encumbrances and restrictions.

    That is, when purchasing a used car, all the ins and outs of the car can be found directly from the PTS: for example, since 2015, the car stopped going to dealer MOT, and in 2016, with a run of 40,000 km, it became a participant in an accident in which the rear left fender was damaged and bumper. Perhaps we could not even dream of such transparency ...

    Note that there are no plans to replace previously issued paper-based TCPs with electronic ones. But the paper document will be taken away when the place for recording new owners runs out, or it is damaged - accordingly, they will not issue a new form in return.

    In addition, no one will forbid the owner of the car to receive an "electronic form" of his own free will - just pay 600 rubles (this is the estimated cost of the service) and you're done. True, it must be taken into account that after this procedure, the paper on hand will be invalidated.

    Advantages of an electronic PTS

    The new document will bring together a lot of now disparate information, while accredited structures will be able to use it (as mentioned above, banks, car dealerships and others who pay for using the system), as well as the owner of the vehicle free of charge.

    1. The e-passport cannot be lost.

    2. Any number of owners can be included in the document.

    3. One database will fully confirm the legal purity of the car.

    4. The buyer will be able to track the full history of the vehicle.

    5. In a single database of passports, it is impossible to “zero out” the number of holders.

    6. The database allows you to enter any additional information (accident, etc.).

    Disadvantages of electronic PTS

    Of course, without the good old piece of paper, many will feel uncomfortable ... Yes, and there are still enough questions. Will there be such an unofficial "service" as the removal and correction of "unnecessary" information from the TCP? For example, if the owner wants it, who needs to sell a car restored after a serious accident.

    The transition to electronic documents is now a fairly common story. It is reliable and safe, you can’t just delete a document. But how will the buyer of the car check the electronic version, given the confidentiality of the document?

    Urvan ParfentievCoordinator of the Safer Internet Center, Leading Analyst at ROCIT

    Of course, other problems may arise in the process of introducing an electronic OB van system. It is simply impossible to foresee them in advance - in world practice, such a solution is offered for the first time, so there is a certain amount of risk. But let's hope that this project will be quite successful and will not complicate, but make life easier for motorists.

    From July 1, 2017, our country must completely switch to electronic vehicle passports (PTS). More precisely, they will be issued throughout the EAEU - that is, in Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan (Decision of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission dated September 22, 2015 No. 122 ""). The EAEU agreement on electronic TCP itself was adopted in August 2014, and Russia ratified it in June 2016 ().

    It is assumed that until July next year, owners of cars and other vehicles will be able to issue an electronic PTS voluntarily. At the same time, it is impossible to obtain a TCP both in paper and in electronic form. True, there is no such possibility yet - the mechanism for issuing and using electronic PTS is still being developed. Responsible for its creation is Electronic Passport JSC, which is part of the state corporation Rostec.

    Electronic PTS: how it will work

    Both car factories themselves and Electronic Passport OJSC will be able to issue new titles. The former will issue electronic passports for cars that have left the assembly line of a particular automaker (today this rule also applies to paper titles). The second one will issue a Title for vehicles already put into circulation, imported into the territory of the Customs Union, etc. (; hereinafter - the Procedure). In any case, the owner of the car will receive an extract from the TCP in electronic form and, if necessary, will be able to print it ().

    By the way, only tax and law enforcement agencies will have access to the full version of the electronic TCP (). The content of the extract will be very truncated. It includes the following information:

    • identification number (VIN) of the vehicle or chassis;
    • name (including commercial), category and brand of the vehicle;
    • engine, chassis and body numbers;
    • vehicle color;
    • Year of manufacture;
    • data and engine (brand, type, volume and power);
    • environmental class;
    • maximum weight of the vehicle;
    • the territory in which the vehicle can be registered ().

    As you can see, it will not be possible to find out even the month of manufacture of the car from the extract (unlike the actual electronic passport) - and this can be important when selling it: often cars produced in January and December of the same year have different market prices. Today, this can be approximately determined by the date of registration of the TCP, which is indicated in the paper passport - but it is not provided for in the extract from the electronic one. The same applies to the country of origin of the car, which is also not given in the extract (as a rule, cars with foreign assembly are more expensive).

    The full version of the electronic PTS contains, in addition to the specified information, detailed information about the car with a description of all its systems: engine system, fuel, steering, brake, etc. You can even find out what additional equipment the car has. Finally, the electronic PTS also includes some administrative information: the PTS number itself and the date it was issued, the country of export of the car, information about the payment of the recycling fee, customs restrictions, the status of the PTS (it is valid or, for example, canceled), etc. ().

    We note separately that there will be no data on the owner of the vehicle either in the full version of the TCP or in the truncated one. Whereas paper passports allow you to find out both the current owner and the previous ones.

    The scheme for using electronic PTS is as follows. When purchasing a new car, an electronic PTS, as today, will be issued to the buyer by a car dealership. When the owner of the car registers it, the traffic police will have to inform Electronic Passport OJSC about this. And she will enter registration information into the electronic TCP. The same applies to changes in the design or color of the car, which are also subject to registration ().

    Initially, it was planned that the state duty for issuing an electronic PTS would be 800 rubles, and for making changes to it - 350 rubles. But so far, changes to the RF Tax Code have not been developed, and it is impossible to predict the final amount of the fee for these services. Recall that today it is the same as the one indicated ( , ).

    It is important that all information ever entered into the electronic PTS will be stored indefinitely. This applies, among other things, to passports with the status "scrapped" (if the vehicle was scrapped), "redeemed" (in relation to the car on the basis of which another car was created) and "cancelled". An electronic PTS can be canceled for several reasons. For example, when a safety certificate for the design of a car, the availability of which will become mandatory when issuing electronic PTS for new cars, was declared invalid. Or when the automaker claims that the electronic PTS of a particular vehicle contains inaccurate information about the year of manufacture or VIN ().

    What will the introduction of electronic OB vans mean in practice?

    On the one hand, the advantages of the new type of passport are obvious. The Electronic Passport OJSC itself notes that car owners will not need to keep the PTS (and therefore it cannot be lost). In addition, with the automation of the process of issuing electronic titles, the influence of the human factor, and behind it the risk of errors, should be reduced. The expected reduction in the time for state registration of a car due to the fact that inspectors will have access to a database of electronic titles also belongs to the pluses. In addition, information about registering a car (as well as changing its design or color) will be added to this database immediately, which will allow government agencies to work more quickly.

    Finally, the introduction of electronic PTS will reduce budget expenditures - both due to savings on passport forms, and due to the fact that it will not be necessary to administer the issuance of these forms to manufacturers. According to the data of Electronic Passport OJSC for 2015, about 4.5-5 million forms are issued in Russia per year, each of which costs about 103 rubles. Thus, the total annual savings will be approximately 464-515 million rubles. True, it is not yet known how much it will cost to create an electronic passport system and maintain it in working condition.

    But at the same time, a number of questions arise regarding the use of electronic OB vans. For example, when buying a car, how to determine that the bearer of the extract from the electronic title and the owner of the car are the same person? After all, the owner of the car is not indicated in the statement itself. And although only the owner of the car can get it, theoretically this document can end up in the hands of intruders. In response to a request from the GARANT.RU portal, the State traffic inspectorate advised, when purchasing a car, to study the vehicle registration certificate in which the owner is already registered.

    Another issue is that the extract from the electronic PTS will not indicate who owned it before (while today this is noted on the paper PTS in special columns). Thus, it will no longer be possible to find out the history of the car by simply examining the documents for it. But, according to the head of the Federation of Car Owners of Russia Sergey Kanaev, this is compensated by the creation of a special service, which the State traffic inspectorate is currently working on. It will be posted on the official website of the department ( and will allow you to check how many owners the car had. "And the lack of an indication of who owns the car in the extract from the TCP is a normal international practice," the specialist shared.

    There is also a risk that attackers will hack into the database of electronic PTS and this information will be in the hands of fraudsters. The State traffic inspectorate assured that services containing information about cars and their owners are reliably protected from third-party interference and ensure the protection of personal data of citizens. Experts also believe that there are no more reasons for concern than today. For example, Sergey Kanaev believes that Electronic Passport OJSC can counteract data leakage as an operator of the electronic PTS database, knowing exactly who was granted access to specific information.

    Finally, it is not yet clear how the new form of PTS will affect the cost of loans to buy a car. The fact is that at present, banks quite often, when issuing a car loan secured by a car, require that they transfer the title to them in order to protect themselves from the uncoordinated sale of the mortgaged car. And a loan to buy a car without transferring the title, as a rule, is more expensive. In principle, it is impossible to transfer an electronic TCP. But even here experts look at the situation quite optimistically.


    Sergey Kanaev, head of the Russian Federation of Car Owners:

    "The introduction of electronic titles will only have a positive impact on the car loan market. I think that the next changes, which we can only guess about, but do not yet know, will affect banks. Obviously, a record will be made in the database of electronic titles that the car was purchased on credit and is subject to collateral.And until the bank gives its permission to sell the car, no one can buy it.Moreover, it will provide certain guarantees to buyers.Some of them, having bought a car today, after some time find that he is pledged to the bank.

    It is still more than a year before the full transition to electronic PTSs, and, obviously, many details of their design and use will still be spelled out in by-laws. But experts are already evaluating the innovation positively and emphasize that with the introduction of PTS, many fraudulent schemes will become a thing of the past - for example, the sale of fake PTS, including via the Internet.