Monthly HR work plan sample. HR department work plan for the year sample

HR Action Plan

AT recent times in many organizations, the question arose of planning the current activities of departments in accordance with the overall strategy so that it was aimed at successfully solving urgent problems. At the same time, it is worth analyzing the activities over the past year: think through all the shortcomings, problems and make suggestions for improvement in all areas personnel work. The list of future events can be drawn up for a certain period - month, quarter, year.

Well, one of the divisions, of course, is the personnel department.

Conventionally, the process of developing operational measures by the personnel department can be divided into three stages. At the first of them, it is necessary to collect the following statistical data: the permanent composition and structure of the staff, loss of time as a result of downtime, absenteeism and illness, the level of staff turnover, the number of work shifts, information about the average salary and the social package provided.

At the second stage, an action plan is drawn up, which should contain a list of activities to achieve each intended goal with the definition of deadlines (preferably with an exact date - day and month), intermediate results and resources used. At the same time, it is advisable to keep records of the necessary organizational resources - human, material and financial. When developing a long-term action plan for the personnel department, tasks that meet the requirements labor law, namely:

  • mandatory conclusion employment contracts ();
  • scheduling vacations for the next year ();
  • development of local regulations ( , );
  • maintaining a time sheet ();
  • accounting for work outside the established working hours ( , );
  • guarantees to the employee in case of temporary disability ();
  • guarantees and compensations to employees sent by the employer for training for advanced training ();
  • execution of written agreements on the full liability workers ( , );
  • conducting medical examinations workers ( , ).

Some events can be scheduled in any month calendar year, for example, checking the availability of documents in a personal file, advanced training, development of regulatory local acts of the organization. However, it is better not to postpone them until December due to the possible lack of time during this period. Heads of departments should involve in the development of a detailed project of employees subordinate to him. It is well known that if the role of the employee is not reduced to a passive one, he will delve deeper into the problem, will be ready to accept reasonable conclusions and recommendations of the manager, and will also put more diligence into achieving the intended goals. It should also be remembered that the content and structure of personnel planning are significantly influenced by the labor market, the economic situation, and the demand for manufactured products and services.

The third stage is the final one, it involves the approval and coordination of the personnel plan, as well as support for the organization's strategic line and systematic monitoring of the implementation of activities throughout the year.

The application presents organizational plan activities of the personnel department for the first quarter, which covers such areas of personnel activities as the selection and adaptation of new employees, personnel records management, work with the military registration desk, development and training, preparation of documents for archiving, etc. At the end of the reporting period (in this case, the first quarter), in the column "Completion mark" the assessment of the effectiveness of each activity in percent (25, 50, 75, 100%) is put down. Based on such an analysis, it will be possible to correct and stabilize actions in the next reporting period.

Personnel planning is fully effective only if it is consistent with common process work in the organization. In this case, its positive influence is obvious.

  • Recruitment procedures are being improved as planning is a source of information about the organization's need for personnel. This allows you to minimize costs and avoid crisis situations associated with a shortage of labor.
  • Optimizes workforce utilization as untapped employee potential is identified through expansion official duties and reorganization production processes based on new technologies.
  • Careful design of training and professional development of personnel allows to ensure necessary qualifications employees and achieve results with minimal losses.
  • Reduced overall costs for labor force thanks to a thoughtful, consistent and active personnel policy of the organization in the internal and external labor market.


An increased turnover of personnel, whatever the reason, reduces the staffing of jobs by performers, the effectiveness of training costs, distracts highly qualified specialists who are forced to help newcomers from their duties, worsens the moral and psychological climate, reduces the productivity of those who are going to leave, and as a result, it causes economic losses. In a mobile team, labor efficiency is lower than in a stable one due to the lack of established norms, the necessary mutual exactingness, and the unpredictability of the response to managerial influences. There is a direct relationship between the period of a person's stay in an organization and the results of his work, since if he has a long experience, he knows the intricacies of the place of work better, and therefore shows higher performance.

Action plan for work with the personnel of the company

It is important to keep in mind that workforce planning is only effective when it is integrated into the overall planning process of an organization. Human resources planning should provide an answer to next questions: how many workers, what skills, when and where will be needed? - How can we attract the necessary and reduce unnecessary staff without causing social damage? How best to use staff according to their abilities? - how to ensure the development of personnel to perform new qualified jobs and maintain their knowledge in accordance with the requirements of production? - what costs will be required by the planned personnel activities? Personnel planning is implemented through the implementation of a whole range of interrelated activities, combined in an operational plan for working with personnel. 1.2.

HR planning


Planning of personnel work in production is carried out on the basis of principles common to the entire system of planning and forecasting, the most important of which are the scientific nature of planning and forecasting, their continuity. Balance between resources and needs, a combination of sectoral and territorial approaches to planning, integrated and systems approach to the development of plans. For ministries and departments, it is advisable to draw up plans for working with personnel of all three types, taking into account the basic principles of planning, and in associations and organizations, only five-year and annual plans.

The content of the operational plan of work with personnel

Prepare and conduct a lesson with middle managers on the topic: "Organization of personal daily activities of the head of the department" with an analysis of work plans for the day and month 08.12 Heads structural divisions 8. Analysis of work on the admission and adaptation of new employees 22.12 Heads of structural divisions 9. Prepare and conduct a seminar with the heads of all structural divisions based on the results of work with personnel in 2010 and draw up a business plan for 2011 in the key area of ​​activity of departments - staffing with qualified personnel (search and selection of new employees, training personnel reserve and career planning) Until 24.12 Heads of structural divisions 10.

Analysis of the reasons for the dismissal of employees of the organization 27.12 Heads of structural divisions 11.

HR Action Plan


It avoids the transfer of qualified personnel to the external labor market and the creation of social difficulties for this personnel. Until recently, this area of ​​personnel management has practically not received development in domestic organizations. Planning work with dismissing employees is based on the dismissal of an employee from the organization: - according to own will; - at the initiative of the employer or administration; - due to retirement.


The task of personnel management services when working with retiring employees is to mitigate the employee's change of activity in every possible way. This is especially true for the last two types of layoffs. Planning for the use of personnel is carried out by developing a plan for the replacement of regular positions.

Annual action plan of the personnel department

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The labor market, the economic situation, the demand for manufactured products and services significantly affect the content and structure of personnel planning. Some activities can be planned in any month of the calendar year, for example, checking the availability of documents in a personal file, advanced training, development of regulatory local acts of the organization . However, it is better not to postpone them until December due to the possible lack of time during this period. Heads of departments should involve in the development of a detailed project of employees subordinate to him.
It is well known that if the role of the employee is not reduced to a passive one, he will delve deeper into the problem, will be ready to accept reasonable conclusions and recommendations of the manager, and will also put more diligence into achieving the intended goals.

HR planning (page 1 of 11)

At the second stage, an action plan is drawn up, which should contain a list of activities to achieve each intended goal with a timeline (preferably with an exact date - day and month), intermediate results and resources used. At the same time, it is advisable to keep records of the necessary organizational resources - human, material and financial. When developing a long-term action plan for the personnel department, tasks that meet the requirements of labor legislation should be taken into account, namely:

  • the obligation to conclude labor contracts (art.
    57 Labor Code Russian Federation);
  • drawing up a vacation schedule for the next year (Article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • development of local regulations (Articles 40, 86, 189 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • keeping a time sheet (art.

Planning of personnel work at the enterprise

Personnel movement and its analysis In fact, the personnel is not something frozen: it is in constant motion due to the hiring of some and the dismissal of other employees. The process of updating the team as a result of the departure of some of its members and the arrival of new ones is called the turnover (turnover) of personnel. Retirement may be due to objective and subjective reasons, including: biological (health deterioration), production (reduction of staff due to integrated mechanization and automation), social (offensive retirement age), personal (family circumstances), state (conscription for military service).

The degree of staff mobility is determined by the following factors: 1. The need to change jobs, determined, for example, by dissatisfaction salary, working conditions and regime, climate.2.
Low labor productivity 12 Car mechanic 4 2 1 1 Working conditions, alcohol consumption TOTAL: 217 66 33 CONCLUSION: The main reasons for staff turnover: weekend, deadlines for the completion of work. 2) Big processing, difficult conditions labor. 3) There are no clear goals, tasks and there is no constant monitoring of their implementation, as well as evaluation of the work of the trainee at the end of the working day or the trial period. 4) Low actual qualification and, as a result, inability to perform the required functions. 5) A thorough analysis of work tasks, norms and rates of remuneration is necessary. 6) Discrepancy between real earnings and expected (in this mode of operation). 7) Drinking alcohol.

Comprehensive HR Action Plan

Usually it is typical for young employees and after three years of work is significantly reduced. It is believed that the normal staff turnover is up to 5% per year. It is advisable to additionally determine the following absolute indicators of the state of personnel: payroll at the beginning of the period and the number of people who left during the period. This indicator characterizes the constancy of the team for a certain period.
The relative turnover of personnel can be characterized using a number of indicators: When analyzing personnel, the composition of workers is also studied by profession, age, forms and systems of remuneration, shifts, length of service. The measure of an employee's qualification is called professional competence.
However, it is better not to postpone them until December due to the possible lack of time during this period. Heads of departments should involve in the development of a detailed project of employees subordinate to him. It is well known that if the role of the employee is not reduced to a passive one, he will delve deeper into the problem, will be ready to accept reasonable conclusions and recommendations of the manager, and will also put more diligence into achieving the intended goals.

It should also be remembered that the content and structure of personnel planning are significantly influenced by the labor market, the economic situation, and the demand for manufactured products and services. The third stage is the final one, it involves the approval and coordination of the personnel plan, as well as support for the organization's strategic line and systematic monitoring of the implementation of activities throughout the year.
Investing funds related to work and living conditions (having your own farm, the specifics of the profession) .3. The desirability of a new job that provides improved living and working conditions.4. Ease of adaptation to new conditions, determined by the costs associated with it, qualifications, experience, age.5. Possession of information about vacancies and the degree of its reliability. In terms of its consequences, the process of personnel movement is far from unambiguous. For departing workers, the positive aspects are: the expected increase in income in a new place, improved career prospects, expanding connections, acquiring a job that is more suitable in terms of content, and improving the moral and psychological climate.

Posted On 31.10.2017

Appendix 2
p/n Event content Timing Responsible
1 2 3 4
1. Determining the need for personnel during a year Volkova T.I.
2. Preparation of documents, execution and registration of orders for personnel:
  • on admission;
  • by translation;
  • on dismissal;
  • by combination,
  • concurrently;
  • renegotiation of contracts;
  • for the performance of duties;
  • vacation orders (annual paid vacations, additional, educational, pregnancy and childbirth, child care)
  • by changing the structure; by job title, etc.
during a year Volkova T.I.

Shevchenko L.I.

2.1. Providing methodological assistance in the preparation of orders during a year Shevchenko L.I.
3. Disciplinary practice of recovery: preparation of documents for the conduct of an internal investigation and imposition of penalties (according to the memos of managers) during a year Volkova T.I.

Shevchenko L.I.

4. Disciplinary practice of encouragement: preparation of documents for encouragement (additional payments)

Registration of orders

during a year Shevchenko L.I.

Volkova T.I.

4.1. Preparation of documents for awards in the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation during a year Shevchenko L.I.
5. Preparation of documents, execution and registration of orders for business trips to improve the skills of the Institute's employees during a year Napalkova N.N.
6. Preparation and registration of orders:

For administrative and economic activities

during a year Napalkova N.N.
7. Preparation and registration of employment contracts, additions to them.

How to develop an HR action plan

Registration of additional agreements

during a year Shevchenko L.I.
8. Filling out T-2 form cards, a personal sheet for personnel records during a year Shevchenko L.I
8.1. Filling out T-2 form cards - military registration during a year Napalkova N.N.
9. Registration of personal files: newly hired employees, working employees during a year Napalkova N.N.

Shevchenko L.I.

9.1. Revision of documents in personal files 1 time per quarter Napalkova N.N.
10. Registration of work books during a year Volkova T.I.

Shevchenko L.I.

10.1. Revision of work books 1 time per quarter Volkova T.I.
10.2. Revision of orders for personnel 1 time per quarter Napalkova N.N.
11. Providing references:

O labor activity;

On the calculation of the northern allowance and the regional coefficient;

On granting annual paid leave;

On the use of the right to pay for travel to the place of rest and back;

On business trips to the regions of the Far North

Archival references at the request of citizens and organizations (about course preparation), etc.

during a year Volkova T.I.

Shevchenko L.I.

12. Copies of documents:

Orders on labor activity (acceptance, transfer, combination, dismissal);

Documents confirming the level of education, qualifications;

work books;

employment contracts;

Travel documents.

during a year Napalkova N.N.

Shevchenko L.I.

13. Preparation of documents for the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan (upon request) during a year Volkova T.I.
13.1. Preparation of documents in the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (on request) during a year Volkova T.I.
14. Preparation of proposals to encourage employees of the personnel department according to


Volkova T.I.
15. Organization of condition monitoring labor discipline and internal labor regulations during a year

at the direction

Volkova T.I.

Shevchenko L.I.

Napalkova N.N.

16. HR reporting:

number, payroll

at the direction Volkova T.I.

Shevchenko L.I.

17. Preparation of documents for the competition for replacement vacancies(teaching staff, research workers) during a year Volkova T.I.

Shevchenko L.I.

18. Preparation and systematization of documents for certification of employees of the institute (applications, work experience, availability of characteristics) during a year Shevchenko L.I.
19. Compiling and updating lists:

By work experience;

By insurance experience;

By awards

during a year Shevchenko L.I.
20. Compiling and updating lists:
  • training;
  • lists by level of education and qualifications;
  • personnel lists;

Birthday lists;

Lists of anniversaries;

Address lists;

Lists of employees' children;

Leave lists

during a year Napalkova N.N.
21. Communicating information on HR issues and key HR decisions to all employees throughout the year January-December Napalkova N.N.
22. Conducting a survey of employees of the institute 1 time per quarter Napalkova N.N.
23. Questionnaire processing 1 time per quarter Napalkova N.N.
24. Carrying out work on the creation of a personnel reserve during a year Volkova T.I.
25. Calculation of seniority, insurance experience during a year Shevchenko L.I.
26. Registration of sick leave during a year Volkova T.I.

Shevchenko L.I.

27. Collection of information, notification of employees and execution of a draft schedule for annual paid holidays of employees for 2013 October November Volkova T.I.

Shevchenko L.I.

Napalkova N.N.

28. Preparation of reports in Employment Center, Pension Fund during a year Shevchenko L.I.

Volkova T.I.

29. Preparation of reports on military service during a year Napalkova N.N.
30. Preparation of documents on pension issues at the request of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in Syktyvkar, the department for social issues, citizens' appeals during a year Shevchenko L.I.
31. Preparation of documents for pension insurance during a year Shevchenko L.I.
32. Transfer of personal files of dismissed employees and orders on personnel to the archive of the institute during a year


Napalkova N.N.
33. Summing up the results for 2013, drawing up a plan for 2014 December Volkova T.I.

1 … 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Work plan of the personnel management department: practical skills for optimizing personnel work

Activity planning is a mandatory requirement for organizing the work of any structural division of the company, including hr management (personnel management practice).

AT large companies implementation personnel policy assigned to the Human Resources Department. The general work plan of the personnel management department is developed and approved, as a rule, for a year, and can be detailed in quarterly or monthly plans.

The plan reflects the most important areas of the department's activities and the tasks facing the HR management of the company's personnel management practice. It includes measures to implement the personnel management strategy in the company in the following areas:

  • Organizational design and management of interactions between company divisions;
  • Personnel document circulation and maintenance of obligatory personnel documentation;
  • Assessment of personnel and development of competencies and improvement of the performance of key employees;
  • Management of remuneration, compensation and benefits;
  • Search and selection of personnel;
  • Adaptation and control of the trial period;
  • Training, development of personnel and formation of a personnel reserve;
  • Internal communications.

Effective planning of hr management (personnel management practices) is impossible without effective control.

WORK PLAN of the Human Resources Department for 2016.

This fully applies to the work plan of the personnel management department. The head of the department bears full responsibility for the organization of work on the implementation of the planned activities. It is he who reports to the company's management on the progress of the implementation of the work plan of the personnel management department, explains the reasons for the non-fulfillment of a particular planned event, and makes reasoned proposals for its addition or change.

A template for the work plan of the HR department for organizing effective HR management (HR management practices) in the company can be found in the HR Director's Handbag set of methodological materials.

Additional professional educational programs(advanced training) in the amount of 16-250 hours.
- certificate of the established form.

For managers, specialists and civil servants of regional tourism administrations

  • Advanced training of managers of accommodation facilities and other objects of the tourism industry
  • Advanced training of guides and guide-interpreters on the specifics of work in the conditions of mass events
  • Ensuring security during mass events
  • Methodological foundations of development regional program tourism development.
  • Software products in design.
  • Business administrator.
  • English in tourism.
  • Spanish in tourism.
  • German language in tourism.
  • Development of Internet applications.
  • School of the young guide.
  • Formation of the image and branding of tourist areas.
  • Designing regional tourist routes(domestic and inbound tourism).
  • Control tourism activities in the region: strategy and tactics.
  • Event tourism as a tool for the development of the region.
  • Information technologies in public administration.
  • Computer technologies for designing in the sphere of service and tourism.
  • Formation of tourist Internet resources based on electronic cartography: methodological and practical aspects.
  • museum marketing.

    The development of ethnocultural tourism to the centers of the National Art of the Russian Federation using modern information technologies.

  • Image maker.
  • Personnel Management.
  • Sociology of tourism.
  • Development of domestic and inbound tourism.
  • Business protocol and business etiquette.
  • Evaluation and certification of personnel in the field of tourism and service.
  • Barrier-free tourism - social direction development of tourism services.
  • Tourist market of Russia: state and problems of development.
  • The transition to a customer-oriented model is an effective change management at enterprises in the tourism and hospitality industry.

For managers, specialists and employees of hotels and other accommodation facilities

  • Improving the qualifications of the staff of the hotel reception and accommodation service
  • Advanced training of hotel security personnel
  • Advanced training of personnel of catering establishments or catering service of the accommodation facility
  • Improving the qualifications of the personnel of the room fund operation service
  • Classification of hotels and other accommodation facilities.
  • Classification of ski slopes.
  • Beach classification.
  • Management accounting of collective accommodation facilities using modern information technologies.
  • Energy saving, energy efficiency improvement and building energy audits.
  • Modern trends in the functioning of the housekeeping service in the hotel.
  • Modern technologies for organizing service in hotels.
  • 1C: Accounting 8.0.
  • Interior Design.
  • Foreign languages ​​for special purposes: English, German, French, Spanish.
  • The latest technology in the organization of restaurant service.

For managers, specialists and employees of travel companies

  • Advanced training of personnel of organizations engaged in tourism activities
  • Modern marketing tools in the work of objects of the tourism industry
  • The use of modern information technologies in the work of objects of the tourism industry
  • Technology and organization of tourism activities.
  • Psychology of the modern consumer of tourist services.
  • Effective use of competencies in the tourism sector.
  • Tour guidance.
  • Performance management of tourism and hospitality enterprises.

Professional training programs

Professional training programs.
Document- the certificate of the established sample.

  • Funeral agent.
  • Bank agent.
  • Insurance agent.
  • Advertising agent.

Additional professional educational programs ( professional retraining) over 250 hours.
Document - standard diploma.

  • Apartment building management
  • Tourist office management.
  • Personnel Management.
  • Management of the tourism and hospitality industry.
  • Hotel business.
  • Opening and managing a small hotel business.
  • Technology and organization of tourism and hotel activities.
  • Interior decorating basics.
  • Fundamentals of landscape and environmental design.
  • Image consulting and fashion styling.
  • Modern technologies in the work of an image maker: personal and corporate style.
  • Interpreter in the field of professional communication.

Job training:
Document - certificate.

  • Hotel administrator.
  • Accountant.
  • Bartender.
  • Sommelier bartender.
  • Housemaid.
  • Floor attendant.
  • Castellane.
  • Confectioner.
  • Concierge.
  • maitre d'
  • Booking operator.
  • Visa operator.
  • Dispatch operator.
  • Travel organizer (excursions).
  • Waiter.
  • Cook.
  • Receptionist.
  • Food business manager.
  • Hostess.
  • >porter.

Additional educational programs (trainings, seminars, courses)
Document - certificate.

  • Technology of organization and implementation. MICE events.
  • Imagelogy.
  • Etiquette.
  • Animation school.
  • Tour guide school.
  • The use of geoinformation technologies in the field of service and tourism.
  • Slogan in text and advertising.
  • School of Entrepreneurship.
  • Computer graphics and animation.
  • Information Security.
  • Sketch art.
  • Head drawing.
  • nude model.

HR lead plan for 2014


Head of Education Department

administration of MO "Zvenigovsky

municipal district"



Annual action plan of the personnel department


Lead HR Specialist

for 2014

event name deadline executor
  1. Recruitment work
1 Recruitment and creation of a databank constantly ved. HR Specialist
2 Interaction with the employment center constantly ved. HR Specialist
2. Work with orders for personnel
1 Preparing and issuing orders constantly ved. HR Specialist
2 Accounting and registration of orders in the journal constantly ved. HR Specialist
3 Reconciliation of issued orders with accounting constantly ved. HR Specialist
3. Employment contract
1 Preparation and execution of employment contracts in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation when applying for a job HR Specialist
2 Accounting and registration of employment contracts in the journal when applying for a job HR Specialist
4. Trial period
1 List maintenance during trial period constantly HR Specialist
2 Evaluation of employees during the probationary period as you go HR Specialist
3 Adaptation of newly arrived employees during the probationary period constantly ved. HR Specialist
5. Work with personal cards (T-2 form)
1 Maintenance and accounting of personal cards in accordance with established forms constantly ved. HR Specialist
2 Timely making changes to the T-2 form: positions, divisions, passport data (changes in surname or replacement of a passport, change of address by registration and place of residence, marital status, birth of children, graduation educational institutions) constantly ved. HR Specialist
3 Keeping records of vacations - regular, educational and without pay constantly ved. HR Specialist
6. VUS (military registration specialty)
1 Timely completion of cards for military servicemen unified form T-2 (VUS) in accordance with the Regulations on military registration constantly ved. HR Specialist
2 Registration of persons liable for military service at the military registration and enlistment office and removal from it monthly ved. HR Specialist
3 Providing a list of citizens in the reserve and their personal cards for verification with the credentials of the military registration and enlistment office november ved. HR Specialist
7. Work with personal files of employees
1 Registration of personal files of employees constantly ved. HR Specialist
2 Checking personal files and preparing a statement of missing documents in the personal files of employees quarterly ved. HR Specialist
8. Report card
1 Maintaining a timesheet of employees daily ved. HR Specialist
2 Checking the timesheet of all structural divisions and submitting it to the accounting department 23rd-27th of each month ved. HR Specialist
3 Maintaining and recording the time of additional exit of employees to work end of every month ved. HR Specialist
9. Leaves of incapacity for work
1 Calculation of continuous experience constantly ved. HR Specialist
2 Registration and submission to the accounting department of disability certificates, keeping a register of records as they arrive ved. HR Specialist

Liability agreements

1 Preparation of relevant agreements with financially responsible persons constantly ved. HR Specialist
11. Holidays
1 Preparation and approval of the vacation schedule until December 16 ved. HR Specialist
2 Keeping a log of vacations (regular, educational, without pay) constantly ved. HR Specialist
3 Registration of vacation in a personal card constantly ved. HR Specialist
12. Employment books
1 Entering into work book records of admission, transfer, dismissal, promotion in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation constantly ved. HR Specialist
13. Job descriptions
1 Refinement job descriptions in accordance with the schedule October ved. HR Specialist
14. Internal labor regulations
1 Refinement of the PVTR January ved. HR Specialist
2 Their coordination with the heads of structural divisions January ved. HR Specialist
3 Approvals of the PVTR from the head and familiarization of personnel with them constantly ved. HR Specialist
15. Reports, information
1 Information about employees in charge of issues general education in MO RME September ved. HR Specialist
2 Information about employees (date of birth, education, qualifications, length of service, position, incentives, advanced training courses, etc.) in MO RME September ved. HR Specialist
3 Report on the number of employed and booked citizens to the military registration and enlistment office according to forms No. 6, No. 18 ved. HR Specialist
4 Information on the quota of jobs for the employment of persons with disabilities in the employment center monthly until the 25th ved. HR Specialist
5 Information about the need for workers in the employment center monthly until the 25th ved. HR Specialist
6 Report on the movement of personnel (hiring, dismissal, decree, leave without pay, etc.) to the accounting department for submitting reports to the pension fund


ved. HR Specialist
7 Information about municipal workers for them to pass certification to the District Administration


ved. HR Specialist
8 Information about changes in the credentials of municipal employees included in the register to the District Administration monthly, upon admission and dismissal ved. HR Specialist
9 Verification of information in accordance with Part 1 of Article 8 of the Federal Law of December 25, 2008.

No. 273 -FZ "On Combating Corruption"

April ved. HR Specialist
16. Work with personnel
1 Registration of a certificate - a request for an employee in the internal affairs department on the presence (absence) of a criminal record, accounting of certificates before signing an employment contract ved. HR Specialist
2 Issuance of copies of documents related to work to employees no later than three days from the date of the request ved.

HR Specialist

3 Issuance of travel sheets as requested ved. HR Specialist
17. Archive
1 Preparation of personnel documents for archiving the end of the year ved. HR Specialist
2 Stitching personnel documents and archiving January ved. HR Specialist
3 Compilation of an inventory of cases by personnel for the year January ved. HR Specialist

* procedure for changing the job description
* options for job descriptions
* stages of development of regulations on structural divisions, approval and signing
work plans of the personnel department, personnel movement and its analysis

The work plan of the personnel department of PARUS LLC for the month of December 2019

No. p / p List of events Timing Attracted forces and means Execution control
1. Preparation and approval of a new staffing table for 2020. Until 20.12 Accounting,
2. Completing and submitting the time sheet for the month of November 01-03.12 Heads of structural divisions
3. Preparation and approval of the OK work plan for 2020. Until 24.12 CEO(specify the main and priority areas)
4. Prepare a report for 2007 and a work plan for 2020 for military registration Until 20.12 OK
5. Prepare and submit an updated list of employees of the organization to obtain new medical policies of compulsory insurance 02.12 OK
6. Interviews with heads of departments and assistance in working with personnel. 03.12
Ivanov S.Yu.
Vorobtsov D.A.
Egorov V.S.
Petrov A.I.
Kuzmin N.Yu.
Akatiev I.A.
Reva D.V.
7. Prepare and conduct a lesson with middle managers on the topic: "Organization of personal daily activities of the head of the department" with an analysis of work plans for the day and month 08.12 Heads of structural divisions
8. Analysis of work on the reception and adaptation of new employees 22.12 Heads of structural divisions
9. Prepare and hold a seminar with the heads of all structural divisions based on the results of work with personnel in 2019 and draw up a business plan for 2020 in the key area of ​​activity of departments - staffing with qualified personnel (search and selection of new employees, preparation of a personnel reserve and career planning) Until 24.12 Heads of structural divisions
10. Analysis of the reasons for the dismissal of employees of the organization 27.12 Heads of structural divisions
11. Coordination and approval of the vacation schedule for 2020 Until 15.12 Heads of structural divisions
12. Development of a plan for training, retraining and advanced training of personnel for 2020 and what costs will be required for this Until 28.12 Heads of structural divisions
13. Archival and reference work on the formation of long-term storage documents for 2016-2018. Until 30.12 OK
14. Work with the media on the recruitment and preparation of reporting documentation 02.12,
from 10 am to 11.30 am
Labor exchange,
Employment Center,
c/a Baltika
15. Draw up and approve the OK work plan for January 2020 24.12 OK
16. Draw up and approve the nomenclature of OK cases for 2020 Until 28.12 OK
17. Prepare an estimate of the necessary consumables for the months of December and January for the rhythmic work of OK and the formation of an archive. Until 06.12 OK
Head of Personnel Department T.A. Petrova

Analysis of the causes of staff turnover at PARUS LLC from July to October 2019

Position by staffing Compiled questionnaires Admitted to familiarization-
Of them laid off workers Note
Total Reason for leaving
1 Master production area 9 4 3 2 Failure to perform required functions 1 Job inconsistency
1 1 Professional role conflicts
2 Driver 91 17 7 3 Desired level wages
2 Lack of a fixed work schedule, a lot of processing, technical condition ATSreds
1 Unfavorable working conditions (old equipment, high requirements for labor discipline, accounting for downtime and repair time)
1 Alcohol consumption
3 Welder 48 15 10 5 Low actual qualification
2 Irritability in work, fuzzy work tasks, constant changes in work tasks
2 Mismatch of real earnings with expectations (it is not possible to have a high stable income)
1 Living conditions of work (shower, hot water, meals)
4 Electrician (electrician) 10 5 3 2 Salary (stability, the ability to have the desired salary) 1 Changing of the living place
1 Inconstancy of daily tasks, irregular work schedule, salary level 1 Salary level
5 Master of electrical engineering 9 3 2 2 Inconsistency of actual competencies with the required ones. High responsibility. Lack of a fixed work schedule, large overtime
6 Installers 25 10 3 2 Terms of payment, remoteness of objects and, as a result, a decrease in the number of working hours 1 absenteeism
1 Work schedule, difficult working conditions, fear of heights
7 Graphic designer 6 1 0 Irregularity of work, Non-compliance with the requirements (knowledge of the plotter, ability to stick self-adhesive film in large volumes) 1 Alcohol consumption
8 Printer 5 2 1 1 Alcohol (not going to work), low qualification
9 Administrator 3 3 1 1 Alcohol Syndrome (after holidays) 2 Schedule, salary
10 Accounting 4 1 1 1 Inability to integrate into a commercial structure
11 Marker 3 3 1 1 Difficulty adapting to new working conditions. Low labor productivity
12 car mechanic 4 2 1 1 Working conditions, alcohol consumption
TOTAL: 217 66 33

CONCLUSION: The main reasons for staff turnover:
1) Irhythmic (emergency) work method, leading to congestion, the need to work on weekends,
work deadlines.
2) Large processing, difficult working conditions.
3) There are no clear goals, tasks and there is no constant monitoring of their implementation, as well as evaluation of the work of the trainee
at the end of the business day or trial period.
4) Low actual qualification and, as a result, inability to perform the required functions.
5) A thorough analysis of work tasks, norms and rates of remuneration is necessary.
6) Discrepancy between real earnings and expected (in this mode of operation).
7) Drinking alcohol.

Personnel movement and its analysis

In fact, the staff is not something frozen: it is in constant motion due to the hiring of some and the dismissal of other workers. The process of updating the team as a result of the departure of some of its members and the arrival of new ones is called turnover (turnover) of personnel. Retirement can be due to objective and subjective reasons, including: biological (health deterioration), production (downsizing due to complex mechanization and automation), social (retirement age), personal (family circumstances), state (military conscription).
The degree of staff mobility is determined by the following factors:

1. The need to change jobs, determined, for example, by dissatisfaction with wages, working conditions and regime, climate.
2. Investments of funds related to work and living conditions (the presence of one's own economy, the specifics of the profession).
3. The desirability of a new job that provides improved living and working conditions.
4. Ease of adaptation in new conditions, determined by the costs associated with it, qualifications, experience, age.
5. Possession of information about vacancies and the degree of its reliability.

In terms of its consequences, the process of personnel movement is far from unambiguous. For departing workers, the positive aspects are: the expected increase in income in a new place, improved career prospects, expanding connections, acquiring a job that is more suitable in terms of content, and improving the moral and psychological climate. At the same time, they lose wages, uninterrupted work experience in the organization and the benefits associated with it, bear the cost of finding a new place, are subject to difficulties in adapting and the risk of losing qualifications and being left without a job.
For the remaining workers, new opportunities for advancement, additional work and earnings appear, but the workload increases, the usual functional partners are lost, and the socio-psychological climate is changing.
For an organization, staff mobility makes it easier to get rid of outsiders, makes it possible to attract people with new views, rejuvenate the composition of employees, stimulate changes, increase internal activity and flexibility, but generates additional costs associated with recruitment and temporary replacement of personnel, training, disruption of communications, large losses working hours, the fall of discipline, the growth of marriage, the underproduction of products.
An increased turnover of personnel, whatever the reason, reduces the staffing of jobs by performers, the effectiveness of training costs, distracts highly qualified specialists who are forced to help newcomers from their duties, worsens the moral and psychological climate, reduces the productivity of those who are going to leave, and resulting in economic losses.
In a mobile team, labor efficiency is lower than in a stable one due to the lack of established norms, the necessary mutual exactingness, and the unpredictability of the response to managerial influences.
There is a direct relationship between the period of a person's stay in an organization and the results of his work, since if he has a long experience, he knows the intricacies of the place of work better, and therefore shows higher performance.
The economic losses associated with staff mobility are determined on the basis of current reporting data and special surveys. They consist of losses from the violation of the stability of the team, labor discipline, losses from increased marriage, direct losses of working time. The method of calculating their value will be discussed below.
Statistics characterizes the movement of personnel by relative and absolute indicators of turnover and turnover. The absolute indicators of the movement of personnel are turnover on admission and turnover on disposal.
Receipt turnover represents the number of persons enrolled after graduation from educational institutions, by organizational recruitment, in the order of transfer from other organizations, by distribution, by the direction of the employment authorities, at the invitation of the organization itself, as well as those undergoing industrial practice.
Turnover by disposal characterized by the number of people who left the organization for a given period, grouped by reasons for leaving. Depending on these reasons, it is necessary and superfluous. Excess turnover on disposal is otherwise called staff turnover.
Required turnover on disposal has objective reasons: the requirements of the law (for example, on military service), natural moments (state of health, age), and therefore is inevitable. It can be predicted, predicted, and even calculated quite accurately (when joining the army or retiring). The adverse effects of such a turnover are weakened by the fact that people often do not break ties with the organization and provide it with assistance and assistance as far as possible.
Fluidity related with subjective reasons (leaving of one's own free will, dismissal for violations of labor discipline). Usually it is typical for young employees and after three years of work is significantly reduced. It is believed that normal staff turnover is up to 5% per year.
It is advisable to additionally determine the following absolute indicators of the state of personnel:
a) the number of replaced workers, which is a smaller value of the number of hired and dismissed;
b) the number of those who worked for the entire period as the difference between the payroll at the beginning of the period and the number of those who left for the period. This indicator characterizes the constancy of the team for a certain period.
The relative turnover of personnel can be characterized using a number of indicators:
When analyzing personnel, the composition of workers is also studied by profession, age, forms and systems of remuneration, shifts, length of service.
The measure of an employee's qualification is called professional competence. It determines the ability of an employee to qualitatively and accurately perform their functions both in normal and extreme conditions, to successfully master new things and quickly adapt to changing conditions.
The following types are distinguished.
Functional Competence characterized professional knowledge and the ability to implement them.
intellectual competence expressed in the ability to think analytically and implement an integrated approach to the performance of their duties.
Situational Competence means the ability to act according to the situation.
social competence implies the presence of communication and integration abilities, the ability to maintain relationships, influence, achieve one's own, correctly perceive and interpret other people's thoughts, show an attitude towards them, conduct conversations, and so on.
Requirements to professional competence largely depend on the level of management and the nature of the position. Today, for top managers, the importance of special knowledge and skills is declining, but the role of methodological and social abilities in the field of communication, leadership of employees, and the ability to perceive and interpret information is growing.
Professional competence is based on professional suitability - a set of mental and psychophysiological characteristics of a person necessary for the implementation of effective professional activities.
In conditions modern stage There is a clear trend towards the rapid obsolescence of knowledge and experience of personnel, which is expressed in the lag of individual knowledge and experience from modern requirements to positions and professions.
Age structure personnel is characterized by the proportion of persons of appropriate ages in its total number
When studying the age composition, the following groupings are used:
16, 17, 18, 19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54,
55-59, 60-64, 65 and older.
The structure of personnel by seniority can be considered in two ways: in terms of total seniority and length of service in a given organization.
The level of labor productivity is directly related to the general experience. The total experience is grouped into the following periods: up to 16 years, 16-20, 21-25, 26-30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35.36, 37, 38, 39, 40 years and more.
Length of service in this organization characterizes the retention of personnel. Statistics highlights the following periods for calculating this indicator:
up to 1 year, 1-4, 5-9, 10-14, 15-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30 years and more.
Personnel structure by level of education(general and special) involves the allocation of persons with higher education, incomplete higher (more than half of the term of study), secondary special, secondary general, incomplete secondary, primary.

On the this stage all the same PROFESSIONALISM and COMPETENCE will be required, the ability to negotiate will also help, and perhaps even NLP techniques. With the middle link, the action plan is the same as with the director. The only difference is that line managers often perceive the HR manager as a rival who encroaches on their patrimony - subordinates. It is very difficult for a personnel manager, especially a beginner, to be a commander without a large army: after all, he has only two employees in direct subordination. Therefore, he needs to be able to manage personnel without directly managing employees, that is, managing processes, not people. This is one of its fundamental differences from middle managers. Successful relationships with middle managers require the support of a director.

Annual action plan of the personnel department

That is, a person beautifully “sold himself and his plan” to everyone, and there was no semantic load behind him. Where to start writing a work plan for a new leader If you have clearly defined the goals for the new position, understand that there is serious work to be done, and, at the same time, intend to write a plan that is useful for the company, we suggest starting with the following:

  1. Document analysis management accounting predecessor
  2. Introduction to employees (public presentation, plus personal interview with each)
  3. SWOT analysis of the company
  4. Description of the first 10 steps that seem logical to you

Then with these sketches you go to the owners, discuss, and get feedback.
Sometimes the owners involve business coaches who help to look at the developments from the outside and draw the right conclusions for each of the parties.

Planning an HR budget for staff

At the second stage, an action plan is drawn up, which should contain a list of activities to achieve each intended goal with a timeline (preferably with an exact date - day and month), intermediate results and resources used. At the same time, it is advisable to keep records of the necessary organizational resources - human, material and financial.
When developing a long-term action plan for the personnel department, tasks that meet the requirements of labor legislation should be taken into account, namely:

  • mandatory conclusion of employment contracts (Article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • keeping a time sheet (art.


They must present the HR manager in such a way that employees perceive him as an "important player in the business" and not as the "six" of management. The HR manager, in turn, needs to remember that the purpose of his work is to increase the profits of the enterprise, and not to “beat out” the employer for funds for employees.


The authority earned by professionalism is much more reliable than the authority gained by "flexing" under the team. The HR manager should be a benchmark for employees corporate standards, his loyalty to the company - required condition his professionalism.

Employees evaluate the usefulness of a personnel manager by how their problems are solved, whether managers hear their opinions and requests.

HR Action Plan

However, it is better not to postpone them until December due to the possible lack of time during this period. Heads of departments should involve in the development of a detailed project of employees subordinate to him.

It is well known that if the role of the employee is not reduced to a passive one, he will delve deeper into the problem, will be ready to accept reasonable conclusions and recommendations of the manager, and will also put more diligence into achieving the intended goals. It should also be remembered that the content and structure of personnel planning are significantly influenced by the labor market, the economic situation, and the demand for manufactured products and services. The third stage is the final one, it involves the approval and coordination of the personnel plan, as well as support for the organization's strategic line and systematic monitoring of the implementation of activities throughout the year.

1500 articles about hr

The appendix presents the organizational action plan of the personnel department for the first quarter, which covers such areas of personnel activities as the selection and adaptation of new employees, personnel records management, work with the military registration desk, development and training, preparation of documents for archiving, etc. d. At the end of the reporting period (in this case, the first quarter), in the column "Completion mark" the assessment of the effectiveness of each activity in percent (25, 50, 75, 100%) is put down.

Based on such an analysis, it will be possible to correct and stabilize actions in the next reporting period. Personnel planning is fully effective only if it is consistent with the overall process of work in the organization. In this case, its positive influence is obvious.

  • Recruitment procedures are being improved as

Work plan and the first steps of the leader in a new place


Annex 2) and the efficiency of the use of personnel, the provision of the company with employees in accordance with its goals (in terms of quantity and quality). - the image of the enterprise (external and internal). To evaluate it, you can use: customer and employee surveys, as well as information from the labor market.

It is desirable that customers be interviewed by third-party disinterested parties (for example, potential clients). Employees can be interviewed in writing (Appendix 3) or orally (using a sample interview), or both.
For information about the image of the enterprise in the labor market, you can ask recruitment agencies. It is also necessary to conduct detailed interviews with each top and middle manager. To collect information systematically and quickly, it is advisable to use special forms.

Actual tasks of the hr-service and evaluation of the effectiveness of its work

It should also be remembered that the content and structure of personnel planning are significantly influenced by the labor market, the economic situation, and the demand for manufactured products and services. The third stage is the final one, it involves the approval and coordination of the personnel plan, as well as support for the organization's strategic line and systematic monitoring of the implementation of activities throughout the year. The appendix presents the organizational action plan of the personnel department for the first quarter, which covers such areas of personnel activities as the selection and adaptation of new employees, personnel records management, work with the military registration desk, development and training, preparation of documents for archiving, etc. d. At the end of the reporting period (in this case, the first quarter), in the column "Completion mark" the assessment of the effectiveness of each activity in percent (25, 50, 75, 100%) is put down.

Recently, in many organizations, the question has arisen of planning the current activities of departments in accordance with the overall strategy so that it is aimed at successfully solving urgent problems. At the same time, it is worth analyzing the activities over the past year: think through all the shortcomings, problems and make suggestions for improvement in all areas of personnel work.

The list of future events can be drawn up for a certain period - month, quarter, year. Well, one of the divisions, of course, is the personnel department. Conventionally, the process of developing operational measures by the personnel department can be divided into three stages.
Labor Code of the Russian Federation);

  • drawing up a vacation schedule for the next year (Article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • development of local regulations (Articles 40, 86, 189 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • maintaining a time sheet (Article 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • accounting for work outside the established working hours (Articles 97, 99 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • guarantees to an employee in case of temporary disability (Article 183 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • guarantees and compensations to employees sent by the employer for training for advanced training (Article 187 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • execution of written agreements on the full liability of employees (Articles 244, 245 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • conducting medical examinations of employees (art.

HR director's plan for the year

He must explain to them what the place and tasks of the personnel manager are and show that the importance of these tasks for the enterprise. The HR manager himself must show the benefits of cooperation with him, as well as defend his position as a leader, since many managers will want to “crush” him for themselves, make him their freelance secretary. In order to have authority among managers, it is important for a personnel manager to clearly understand his position in organizational structure know the boundaries of their duties, take responsibility for the results of their work. The result of activities at this stage is the support of middle managers when working with employees of their departments. SIXTH STEP. Building relationships with the company's team. At this stage, you will need leadership skills and support from the director and department heads.