The project of organizing the restoration of an architectural monument is an example. Composition of scientific and design documentation

Designing the restoration of architectural monuments

How are architectural monuments restored?

An architectural monument is a complex concept that can mean various objects and structures. So it is customary to call buildings that represent some kind of artistic or historical value for people. Architectural monuments are a kind of carriers of information about the past, they are historical sources reflecting the level of development of engineering, technological and industrial knowledge in a certain period.

Historical and artistic value are the most important reasons why people strive to preserve architectural monuments, however, every building object is subject to aging and eventually needs to be restored. Restoration involves the implementation of a whole range of scientifically based measures aimed at extending the life of architectural monuments, while preserving their valuable qualities. Designing the restoration of architectural monuments is performed in order to necessary work were performed qualitatively, in the right amount and using the required materials and tools.

Stages of designing the restoration of monuments

The design of restoration works includes several important stages. First, specialists perform pre-contractual work. They include:

  • study by masters of the object of cultural heritage;
  • study of available documents about the building;
  • preliminary assessment of restoration work;
  • obtaining an architectural and restoration task;
  • drafting terms of reference for design;
  • preparation of a commercial offer for the customer.

To design the restoration of an architectural monument, specialists will need to collect a number of important legal documents, namely:

  • initial permits;
  • title documents;
  • registration certificate;
  • cadastral passport;
  • task for research and design work;
  • security obligations;
  • power of attorney.

Before starting work, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive scientific study of the object:

  • archival, historical and bibliographic research with compilation historical references for the restored object;
  • urban planning and historical and architectural research with the preparation of a historical note and a historical architectural base plan of the territory;
  • engineering and technical research;
  • chemical-technological examination;
  • archaeological research.

After that, measurements of the object itself are carried out, as a result of which complex architectural drawings of the structure, photographs, and architectural descriptions are compiled. Technological recommendations are also being developed for conducting restoration work, taking into account the building materials used.

Drawing up project documentation

Having the necessary initial data and the results of the conducted surveys, specialists can begin to develop project documentation. According to the law, the drafting and execution of a project for cultural heritage structures must be carried out in accordance with the current state standards construction. In accordance with the regulations, hand-drawn schemes for the project are carried out according to the rules of manual graphics. The architectural part of the project documentation is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the construction standards of the Russian Federation, including:

  • Federal Law No. 73 - on monuments of cultural and historical heritage;
  • Decree No. 349 - on licensing activities for the preservation of cultural and historical monuments;
  • SRP and SRP 2007.1 - codes of restoration rules;
  • Federal Law No. 384 - on the technical regulations for the safety of facilities;
  • GOST 21.501.2011 - on the rules for the preparation of working design documentation for architectural solutions;
  • GOST 55528-2013 - on the composition and content of documents for the preservation of monuments of culture and art;
  • GOST 21.201-2011 - about symbols in design documents.

The most important stage in the development of architecture projects for construction and restoration is the creation of architectural and construction documentation. This part of the project describes the constructive and volumetric solutions adopted by the specialists, which will need to be implemented for the restoration of the structure.

If restoration work will affect the design and layout of cultural heritage sites, project documentation must be carried out in accordance with the current Decree of the Government of Russia No. 87, which describes the requirements for the composition of project documentation and its content. The same decree indicates the need for timely coordination of the adopted design and space-planning decisions for the restoration of the facility.

According to the current legislative norms, the restoration project should include:

  • explanatory note;
  • substantiation of all decisions made in the project;
  • reports and acts on the conducted preliminary surveys and studies of the object;
  • working drawings, including facade diagrams indicating defects and damage;
  • schemes of individual architectural details and elements of a cultural heritage site, including window and door openings, cornices, canopies and all available decorative elements;
  • schemes of restored and restored elements of the building;
  • color solutions for the facade of the building;
  • decisions on the organization of restoration work;
  • decisions on fire safety;
  • safety solutions for restoration work;
  • defective statement;
  • estimate documentation developed taking into account regulatory documents and customer requirements.

When the restoration project is fully prepared, it will need to be agreed with the responsible public services, including with organizations involved in the protection of architectural monuments, objects belonging to the category of historical and cultural heritage.

You can find out the cost of designing architecture and engineering systems for restoration work using the calculator.

A set of working drawings is intended to provide all the necessary information about the proposed work on the monument. The purpose of the general projections of the restoration project is not so much to establish the dimensions of the building that already really exists, but to bring together all the information with reference to individual local drawings, technological maps and other design developments. Detailed architectural drawings are issued for those elements of the monument for which any restoration changes are provided. However, even at this stage, it is not always possible to characterize the restored parts of the monument with exhaustive completeness, and the working drawings may provide for additional clarifications in place, masonry layout, etc., which have to be specified in special notes on the drawings themselves. Irregularity, irregularity in the construction of the shape of many ancient structures, the complexity of the configuration of curves usually force architectural details to give preference to templates or provide for the construction of reference points according to a coordinate system. These features, of course, do not apply to all the drawings of the working restoration project, but only to a part of them, although sometimes quite significant. For many elements, in particular for products that are completely new, the drawings are developed in compliance with all the requirements adopted in conventional design.

A very significant part of the working project is engineering and technical development. In addition to the constructive solution of the newly restored parts of the monument, they often include special measures to strengthen its structures - foundations, foundations, walls, vaults and arches, a braced frame, etc. (see 5.2). The project must contain technical specifications for the special building materials used. Taking into account the conducted studies, technological recommendations for the conduct of work are being developed. They may include the selection of the formulation of masonry mortars and plasters, injection mortars, compositions for lubricating individual gaps in stone or brick, the technology of structural strengthening of materials, the formulation of anti-corrosion compounds, protective coatings for masonry, recommendations for combating efflorescence, for antiseptics, the formulation and technology of painting and other developments, the list of which depends on the individual characteristics of the monument, the conditions of its preservation and restoration tasks. For monuments with wall paintings, as a rule, recommendations are developed for normalizing the temperature and humidity regime, which may include special measures of a constructive, and sometimes even architectural and planning order (special types of glazing of openings, installation of additional vestibules, etc.). It is very important that all sections of the working draft be developed in conjunction with each other, with the main goal of ensuring the preservation of the monument and possibly fully revealing its historical and artistic value.

A specific role in the restoration design is assigned to the work organization project. It should provide for special requirements for restoration: the correct technological sequence of work; providing necessary additional research; measures of temporary structural fastening for the period of strengthening foundations, dismantling, re-laying, etc.; protection of the most valuable elements of the monument for the period of work.

Separate parts of the working project of restoration are carried out by specialists of various fields: architects, design engineers, technologists. At the same time, the architect-author of the restoration project retains the overall coordinating role, since it is in his hands that the most complete information about the monument, its history, its structure, reconstruction features, and the value of individual elements are concentrated. Only in this case all technical calculations and decisions will be correlated with the overall restoration program.



Supreme vocational education

State educational institution

Federal Agency for Education


(brief lecture notes)

Department of "Architectural design"


Dean of FAIS

T. M. Kauda


Discipline for the specialty 270301 (290100) – Architecture

Brief lecture notes

AGREED: Compiled

Associate Professor of the Department of AP

Head of UMU

E. I. Groshev __________ N. N. Brus

2006 ______ ________ 2006

Adopted at the meeting

Departments of AP

Head Chair

N. N. Brus



The course "Restoration design" is taught to students of the specialty 270301 - Architecture of the Novgorod State University within the framework of the specialization "Restoration and reconstruction of architectural heritage" in 10-11 semesters. The content of this course provides for a deeper study of the issues and the formation of design skills, familiarization with the specifics of restoration design and the development of scientific and design documentation.

The text of the lectures "Restoration design" does not pretend to cover all the issues and problems in the restoration and reconstruction of historical and cultural monuments, but is methodical in nature according to the design technology.

The questions in the present text of the lectures are developed according to the principle of instruction based on the use of literary sources, as well as on the results of the author's own scientific research.


PIiK - a monument of history and culture

NRO - scientific and restoration substantiation

NAP - scientific and design documentation

GOOPIiK - state body for the protection of monuments

history and culture

PA - a monument of architecture

NRO - scientific and restoration report

NMR - scientific and methodological guide

RPSM - working design and estimate documentation

Topic 1. General provisions

1. General provisions.

1.1. General provisions "Methods for designing restoration and reconstruction regulate the composition, procedure for developing, coordinating and approving comprehensive research, survey and design estimates for the restoration, reconstruction, conservation, reconstruction, repair and adaptation of immovable monuments of history and culture, which are elements of town planning formations , memorial places, architectural ensembles and complexes, historical and cultural museums and reserves, protected areas.

1.2. Scientific and design documentation is developed in accordance with the Task for the development of scientific and design documentation for the restoration, reconstruction of historical and cultural monuments on the basis of contracts with the Customer, drawn up in accordance with the current Regulations on Contracts.

When concluding agreements with several scientific organizations, the Customer or, on his behalf, a restoration scientific organization coordinates the development of scientific and project documentation.

Scientific and design documentation developed by scientific organizations specialized in the types of work is subject to mandatory agreement with the restoration scientific organization. When restoring a monument in stages, scientific and design documentation can be developed for the planned stage. It is advisable to draw up Tasks for the development of scientific and design documentation for each stage of restoration.

1.3. The task for the development of scientific and design documentation is drawn up by the Customer with the participation of a restoration scientific organization and, if necessary, scientific organizations specialized in types of work.

The basis for the restoration of the monument and the preparation of the task may be approved in the prescribed manner:

Planned (restoration) task or prescription government agency protection of historical and cultural monuments;

Program tasks for the development of projects for the conservation and use of historical and cultural monuments and their Environment for cities and others settlements included in the Lists of historical cities and other settlements;

District planning projects, planning projects, development and reconstruction of cities and other settlements with historical and cultural monuments;

General plans or schemes for the formation and development of historical and cultural museums and reserves and protected areas;

Scientific and restoration grounds for the restoration of architectural ensembles and complexes;

Acts of the technical condition of monuments of history and culture and determination of work plans for monuments and improvement of their territories in security documents.

The task for the development of scientific and design documentation is agreed upon:

For historical and cultural monuments of federal significance - to federal state bodies for the protection of historical and cultural monuments;

For historical and cultural monuments of local importance - by local (autonomous republics, territories, regions, cities) state bodies for the protection of historical and cultural monuments.

The task is approved by the organization that finances the restoration of historical and cultural monuments, and if the restoration is financed by several organizations, in the manner agreed between these organizations.

1.4. When developing scientific and design documentation, one should be guided by legislative and legal acts on the protection, restoration, reconstruction and use of historical and cultural monuments, estimated norms and other normative documents, approved by state bodies for the protection of historical and cultural monuments, as well as federal regulations and documents on design and construction in cases where they do not conflict with the interests of protection, restoration and use of immovable monuments of history and culture.

1.5. Scientific organizations should ensure:

Scientific validity reliability and completeness of the results of research of an immovable monument of history and culture, and accepted architectural, engineering and technical solutions;

Compliance of technological methods and methods of production of works with the requirements for the preservation, disclosure and restoration of the historical, scientific, artistic or other cultural value of monuments, providing conditions for its modern use and physical longevity;

Quality, complexity, compliance with the terms and procedures for the development, coordination and approval of scientific and design documentation;

Drawing up estimates for the types and volumes of work in the project documentation;

Presentation at the request of the Customer necessary materials for examination and making corrections and additions to the scientific and design documentation based on the results of the examination;

Checking for patentability and patent purity of technologies and methods for the restoration of monuments, new materials, structures, products and

equipment first used or developed in scientific and design documentation, and registration of a patent form in accordance with the state standard;

Scientific and methodological management of the research process of the monument and the development of scientific and design documentation with the implementation of the functions of architectural supervision, including technological supervision, in the course of restoration works;

Compliance with the instructions of state bodies for the protection of historical and cultural monuments;

Providing the Customer with justifications on the need to make changes to the Assignment for the development of scientific and design documentation in order to study the monument in more depth and develop the best design solutions;

Involvement, in necessary cases, for scientific consultations of highly qualified specialists and scientists on issues arising in the process of researching historical and cultural monuments, developing design solutions and carrying out restoration work;

Carrying out the necessary experimental work on the technology of the materials used and the production processes for the restoration of immovable monuments of history and culture;

Compliance with the study of the monument and the development of design solutions for the rules of safety, fire safety and industrial sanitation;

Improving the methods and techniques of studying monuments, methods of performing, multiplying, storing and searching for scientific and design materials;

Registration of scientific and design documentation in accordance with the requirements of state standards, as well as approved samples;

Compliance with the established procedure for receiving, recording and storing original scientific and design documentation in the scientific and technical archive;

Submission for consideration by state bodies for the protection of monuments of history and culture of proposals for improving the protection and use of immovable monuments of history and culture and scientific and design work for their restoration;

Preparation and transfer of scientific and design documentation at the direction of state bodies for the protection of historical and cultural monuments for storage in state archives.

1.6. In order to conduct research, a scientific organization is obliged to obtain a written permission from the state body for the protection of historical and cultural monuments to study an immovable monument of history and

culture, which indicates the research program, special conditions for conducting work and the obligations of the scientific organization when conducting research, as well as the deadline for submitting reporting documentation to the state body for the protection of historical and cultural monuments.

1.7. For the development of scientific and design documentation, scientific and methodological guidance and architectural supervision of the restoration of a specific immovable monument of history and culture, a scientific organization appoints an author or a team of authors headed by a scientific supervisor by order of organization.

The scientific and design materials developed by the author or a group of authors are subject to copyright in accordance with the state legislation of Russia.

2. Scientific design documentation

2.1. Scientific and design documentation for the restoration of an immovable monument of history and culture in general or its turn should consist of sections:

Preliminary work;

Integrated scientific research;

Restoration project;

Working design and estimate documentation;

Scientific and restoration report.

The development of scientific and design documentation is carried out, as a rule, during the entire period of restoration of the monument in connection with it, that the study of the monument and the adoption of appropriate design decisions are carried out both to the end and in the process of restoration work.

Section "Preliminary work" contains: documentation on the results of a preliminary study of the monument, carried out in order to familiarize yourself with the monument and the documentation available on it, the collection and preparation of initial and permitting documentation, the preparation of a program of scientific and design work, cost estimates and assignments for the development of scientific and design documentation, if necessary , working design and estimate documentation for temporary anti-emergency and conservation work and measures that ensure the conduct of field studies of the monument.

Work under the section can be performed on the basis of a separate contract or letter of guarantee and should be included in the future in a single calculation for the restoration of an immovable monument of history and culture as a whole or its turn.

Section "Complex scientific research" is a scientific substantiation of design decisions and is prepared in two stages - before the start and during the production of works on the restoration of monuments.

Comprehensive scientific research is carried out in three areas:

Historical-archival and bibliographic researches;

field studies;

Studies on volumetric parameters and special engineering and technological studies.

Section "Restoration project" contains: fundamental architectural (draft design), engineering, constructive and technological solutions for the restoration of the monument in accordance with the scientific justification for the content of the restoration based on the results of comprehensive scientific research of the monument before the start of work: the main provisions for the organization of restoration and a summary estimate.

Section "Working design and estimate documentation" includes restorations developed on the basis of the approved project:

Working drawings and estimates for production various kinds work on the restoration of the monument and on products, structures, equipment of individual manufacture;

Marking drawings and templates (if necessary);

Custom certifications for standard products, structures and equipment;

Custom specifications for precious woods, natural stone, non-ferrous and precious materials;

Sheets and summary sheets of material requirements.

By agreement with contractors, manufacturing organizations, working design and estimate documentation can be developed in a reduced volume, and to determine the estimated cost of work carried out by methods and techniques common in restoration, it is allowed to draw up statements. Containing a list and scope of work.

Working design and estimate documentation is developed for the duration of the restoration of more than one year for each subsequent year for the types and scope of work agreed with the contracting production organizations, and is specified and supplemented in the process of work.

Section "Scientific and restoration report" is prepared by the author or a team of authors within three months after the completion of the restoration of the monument as a whole or its turn and the acceptance of work by the state commission and includes data on the complex scientific research carried out, design decisions adopted, executive design and estimate documentation, an act of acceptance of work on the restoration of the monument as a whole or its stages, photographic materials characterizing the monument before, during and after the completion of restoration work. The scientific and restoration report should contain scientific conclusions based on the results of restoration and recommendations for the further technical maintenance and functional use of the monument.

Based on the results of the restoration of the monument during the year, the author or the team of authors with the participation of production organizations draw up for the Customer a certificate on the work performed, the technical condition of the monument and the works proposed for the year under study, indicating their estimated cost.

2.2. To determine the estimated cost of the restoration of the monument as a whole or its stage, the following documentation is compiled:

2.2.1. As part of the section "Preliminary work":

Object and local estimates for temporary anti-emergency and conservation work and measures that ensure the conduct of field studies of the monument;

Estimate for the development of scientific and design documentation, scientific and methodological guidance and architectural supervision.

2.2.2. As part of the "Restoration project" section:

Consolidated budget calculation.

2.2.3. As part of the section "Working design and estimate documentation":

Object and local estimates according to working drawings and statements containing a list and scope of work;

Additional object and local estimates for identified during the restoration process and specified types and volumes of work according to the working documentation developed on the basis of acts of research of the monument in the process of restoration and entries in the restoration journal, scientific and methodological guidance and architectural supervision.

When developing estimate documentation, one should be guided by the estimated standards and instructive regulations related to the preparation of summary estimates and estimates.

2.3. Scientific and design documentation is subject to registration in accordance with the requirements of current state standards.

The acquisition of scientific and design documentation as part of sections should be made taking into account the recommended application.

All sets of scientific and project documentation must have a standard pattern (preferably printed in a typographical way)

forms: a label on the cover of the binding, a title page, a sheet of "Authors' team", a sheet of approvals, a sheet of "Composition of scientific and design documentation", a sheet of "Contents" and a sheet of general data (title page) for sets of drawings, and are also designed with signatures according to the recommended applications.

2.4. Scientific and design documentation is transferred to the Customer in accordance with calendar plan works on the act of delivery finished products in the amount of four copies, except for the section "Comprehensive scientific research", the documentation of which is transmitted in three copies.

Scientific and design documentation issued in excess of the established number of copies shall be paid by the Customer additionally.

Working calculations, working extracts from archival and bibliographic sources, field work materials, journals laboratory research, sketches of measured drawings, sketches, negatives, a journal of restoration, scientific and methodological guidance and architectural supervision are not transferred to the Customer and are stored in the scientific and technical archive of a scientific organization.

Demonstration materials are transferred to the Customer after making photocopies from them, which remain in the scientific organization.

At the direction of the state authorities for the protection of historical and cultural monuments, scientific and design documentation may be transferred for storage to state archives in the prescribed manner.

3. Coordination and approval of scientific and design documentation.

3.1. The procedure and conditions for the approval of scientific and design documentation and the coordinating authorities and organizations are established by the Customer for the development of scientific and design documentation. Preliminary review of scientific and design documentation by leading experts in the field of protection, restoration and use of historical and cultural monuments is advisable.

AT without fail agreement will lie:

Sections "Preliminary work" and "Restoration project", separate complex architectural, structural, engineering and technological solutions of the working design and estimate documentation,

Section "Scientific and restoration report" - with state bodies for the protection of historical and cultural monuments;

Basic provisions for the organization of the "Restoration Project" section, individual complex design, engineering and technological solutions for working design and estimate documentation in terms of types and scope of work, estimate documentation (with the exception of cost estimates for the development of scientific and design documentation) - with contract manufacturing organizations.

3.2. The term for approval of scientific and design documentation in one instance or organization is set up to 15 days.

In the absence of comments during this period, the scientific and design documentation is considered agreed and can be transferred to the Customer.

The scientific organization is obliged within a month to consider and make corrections and additions to the scientific and design documentation on the comments upon approval, and in case of disagreement with the comments, it will contact the state bodies for the protection of historical and cultural monuments to resolve the differences.

3.3. The scientific and design documentation of the sections “Preliminary Works”, “Restoration Project” and “Scientific and Restoration Report” approved by the state bodies for the protection of historical and cultural monuments is approved by the Customer in the manner determined for the approval of the Task for the development of scientific and design documentation (clause 1.3.) .

3.4. State bodies for the protection of historical and cultural monuments may send scientific and design documentation for examination.

The expert bodies may also require the presentation of other scientific and design documentation in accordance with the established rules for the examination.

If there are comments from the expert bodies, the scientific and design documentation is returned to the scientific organization for revision and, after revision and approval by the state bodies for the protection of historical and cultural monuments, is approved by the Customer.

controversial issues according to the comments of expert bodies, they are resolved in the manner established by the bodies for the protection of historical and cultural monuments.

3.5. The protection of scientific and design documentation upon approval and examination is assigned to scientific organizations.

4.1. The study of the monument and the development of scientific and design documentation should be carried out under the scientific and methodological guidance of the author or members of the team of authors with the performance of the functions of architectural supervision in the process of carrying out works on the restoration of the monument.

The duration of the implementation of scientific and methodological guidance and architectural supervision is determined by the complexity and timing of the restoration and is established by the Task for the development of scientific and design documentation.

4.2. The author or group of authors is obliged to contribute to the restoration of the monument by the most progressive organizational methods, achievement High Quality works, rational use of allocated funds, compliance with or, if possible, reduction deadlines restoration.

4.3. The scientific and methodological organization and coordination of the work of the members of the group of authors is carried out by the scientific supervisor of the group of authors.

4.4.1. Carry out research of the monument with the necessary fixation and analysis in the process of restoration work;

4.4.2. Control the correctness of making marks and dimensions in the working design documentation for the construction of monuments;

4.4.3. Check the availability of passports and the results of laboratory analyzes and tests of the materials used, standard parts, products and structures and require contract manufacturing organizations to periodically check the quality of the passport data;

4.4.4. Prohibit the use of materials, products and equipment that do not meet state standards, specifications and technological methods and recommendations;

4.4.5. Suspend certain types work, if it is necessary to study and fix unexamined or newly discovered parts, elements and details in case of the threat of unforeseen deformations or destruction of structures, in case of systematic non-compliance with the working design and estimate documentation and instructions of architectural supervision;

4.4.6. Resolve in a timely manner all issues on design and estimate documentation that arise in the process of restoration of the monument;

4.4.7. To carry out the study of the monument and the development of scientific and design documentation with the current guidelines;

4.4.8. Control the quality of work of performers who are under administrative control;

4.4.9. Keep a journal of restoration, scientific and methodological guidance and architectural supervision of the established form with careful recording of works, defects and deviations from the working design and estimate documentation and instructions of the author or members of the team of authors, outlining specific requirements for their elimination, indicating the deadlines;

4.4.10. Participate in the examination and acceptance of hidden and special works with the preparation of relevant acts;

4.4.11. Participate in the work of commissions for the acceptance of completed works and the restoration of the monument as a whole;

4.4.12. Inform the state bodies for the protection of historical and cultural monuments, bodies mass media and the public at their request about the state of restoration of the monument;

4.4.13. To bear responsibility, established by the current legislation, for their intentional and illegal actions in the implementation of scientific and methodological guidance and architectural supervision, as a result of which damage is caused to the monument.

4.5. The instructions of the author or members of the team of authors are binding on the Customer and all officials and performers of contract manufacturing organizations and can only be canceled by the state body for the protection of historical and cultural monuments.

The author or scientific supervisor of the team of authors has the right to demand from the Customer to suspend financing of certain types of work performed with systematic deviations from the working design and estimate documentation and instructions of architectural supervision, in violation of production technology and low quality.

The form of the journal should be the same for all types of work carried out on the monument.

The journal, laced and certified by the signature of the author or the scientific supervisor of the group of authors, together with the permission of the state body for the protection of historical and cultural monuments for the production of works, is kept by the producer of the works, issued for making instructions to the author or members of the group of authors and presented to the commission for accepting works along with the other, established for the delivery of works, documentation.

Upon completion of the restoration of the monument, the journal must be handed over to the author or the scientific supervisor of the team of authors for use in the work on the section of scientific and design documentation "Scientific and restoration report" and deposited in the scientific and technical archive of the restoration scientific organization.

Composition and content of scientific and design documentation

for the restoration and reconstruction of immovable monuments of history and culture

(to be specified by the assignment for the development of scientific and design documentation

Section 1. Preliminary work.

Outgoing and permit documentation(provided by the Customer):

Letter of order for the development of scientific and design documentation with a guarantee of payment by the Customer;

Assignment for the development of scientific and design documentation for the restoration and reconstruction of an immovable monument of history and culture;

A copy or extract from an approved document, on the basis of which the restoration (reconstruction) of an immovable monument of history and culture should be carried out;

A copy of the decision of the legislative assembly on the transfer of the monument to the balance of the state body for the protection of historical and cultural monuments for submission to the use of an enterprise, institution, organization or citizens on titles of protection;

A copy of the security document (protection-lease agreement, security agreement, security obligation) with the following appendices: an act of the technical condition of the monument on the day of transfer to use, inventory lists, a plan of the land plot on a scale of 1:500, phased inventory plans;

Situational plan of the area where the monument is located, indicating the protected zone of the monument and the zone of development settlement on a scale of 1:2000 or 1:5000;

A copy of the decision of the legislative assembly on the allotment of a land plot if new construction is necessary to ensure the modern use of the monument;

Architectural and planning task for urban planning conditions, approved by the department of the district (city) architect;

Specifications to connect the monument to external engineering networks, communications and structures (household drinking water supply, storm sewerage, household sewerage, heat supply, electricity supply, telephone installation, radio installation, civil defense), issued by the relevant authorities, indicating the period of their validity and the conditions for its extension;

Materials of earlier engineering surveys: geodetic survey of the land plot, conclusion on the hydrological conditions of the territory where the monument is located; data on existing networks of water supply, sewerage, heating, electricity, gasification, telephone and radio installations, indicating points of connection; conclusion of the state of foundations and structures;

Certificate of the state body for the protection of historical and cultural monuments on the implementation of earlier scientific and design documentation for the restoration of the monument, its location and the possibility of its use;

Initial data for the development of estimates and basic provisions for the organization of restoration;

Permission of the state body for the protection of historical and cultural monuments to study an immovable monument.

Preliminary research: brief historical, archival and biological information about the monument; materials of the architectural survey of the monument with a style characteristic, an act of the technical condition of the monument and the degree (percentage) of loss of its original appearance, an act of the category of complexity of scientific and design work; measurement drawings of the schematic measurement of the monument and calculation of its physical volume, conclusion on the preliminary engineering examination of the monument; preliminary proposals for restoration and the sequence of work; program of scientific and design work; cost estimate for the development of scientific and design documentation, scientific and methodological guidance and architectural supervision.

Working design and estimate documentation: working drawings for temporary anti-emergency and conservation work, supporting and enclosing structures of the emergency parts of the monument, schemes for pumping water from basements, dismantling rubble, draining and cleaning the territory, alarms, installation of beacons and benchmarks, if necessary, control over deformations; schemes of places for the production of soundings and pits (indicating their dimensions), opening structures and sampling materials, schemes for the sequence of dismantling alien outbuildings and layers with an indication of the volumes, schemes for installing the necessary scaffolding and scaffolding, local schemes for the execution of works.

Section 2. Complex scientific research.

Historical-archival and bibliographic researches: a bibliographic list and a list of museum funds and archives, contains information about its analogues, a list of previously developed scientific and design documentation for the restoration of the monument; extracts from archival and bibliographic sources, which make it possible to determine the range of historical events and reasons that resulted in the creation and modification of the monument, to trace the history of its existence, its role in environment and cultural significance; photocopies or copies of written, graphic and visual materials, including analogues; historical note containing: architectural and artistic analysis of the monument; a brief history the area where it was built; brief description historical buildings; information about architects, builders, owners of the monument; changes in the use of the monument during its existence, including the Soviet period; detailed description destruction, repair, rebuilding, as well as the restoration work carried out, indicating the reasons and specific parts of the monument, the applied architectural and structural solutions, construction techniques and materials, technology and timing of work, engineering equipment, analysis of the previously developed scientific and design

documentation for the restoration of the monument, if any; description of analogs and necessary illustrative materials.

Scientific research: measured drawings, research reports on soundings, pits, openings of structures with the establishment of the original elements and materials of the monument or their remains and traces, the nature of the finish, the construction and technological methods used, the technological state and causes of defects, making it possible to trace the changes in the monument over time, to conduct comparative analysis with the data of historical-archival and bibliographic researches and recommend the method of restoration; results of studies of monumental painting, interior decoration items; results of laboratory analyzes of samples of building and finishing materials; data from engineering, decorative and archaeological studies of the territory of the monument; results of calculations of the bearing capacity of structures and foundations, thermal, lighting and acoustic parameters of the monument; graphic and other fixation materials for field studies.

Studies on volumetric parameters and special engineering and technological studies: results of studies and calculations of volumetric parameters of the lost parts of the monument; the results of studies and calculations to determine the physical and technical parameters of the monument in order to ensure its physical longevity and preservation in modern use, taking into account the influence of anthropogenic, technogenic and climatic influences, the existing or planned typographic landscape and urban planning situation, hydrological conditions and the behavior of the foundation soils; results of research on the development of methods of protection against adverse effects of building and finishing materials and their conservation; the results of the development of the formulation of the original or close to them in terms of properties of building and finishing materials; results of experimental studies and recommendations on the technology of certain types of work.

Section 3. Restoration project.

Explanatory note, containing general information about the monument and conducted comprehensive scientific research; description of the existing appearance, technical condition and use of the monument; description of the designed architectural appearance and characteristics of the modern use of the monument; proposed graphic reconstructions; characterization of the principal architectural, structural, engineering and technological solutions for restoration

monument; proposals for the color scheme of facades and interiors: proposals for the restoration of monumental painting and interior decoration; solutions for landscaping, vertical planning and landscaping of the territory occupied by the monument; proposals for new construction to ensure the modern use of the monument and its territory; scroll production work, their technology and used building and finishing materials, structural products and equipment; proposals for the organization of work and their sequence; main technical and economic indicators. Annexes: a copy of the approved Assignment for the development of scientific and design documentation; information on the coordination of fundamental decisions and, if there is a Scientific and Restoration Council in a scientific organization, a protocol for discussing the restoration project with reviews.

Blueprints: situational plan of the location of the monument on a scale of 1:2000 or 1:5000; the general plan of the site on the territory of which the monument is located, on a topographical basis with the main engineering networks, communications and structures on a scale of 1:500, facades, plans, sections, fragments, nodes, details necessary to characterize the restoration, including fundamental decisions on fundamental emergency measures and structural changes, service and exposition equipment, color design of facades and interiors; fundamental solutions for engineering equipment: schemes for heating and ventilation, water supply, fire extinguishing and sewerage, electrical equipment and lightning protection, radio, telephony, television, automation of engineering equipment systems, security and fire alarms; fundamental decisions on landscaping, vertical planning and landscaping of the territory of the monument.

Basic provisions for the organization of restoration: an explanatory note with the justification of the technology and the sequence of work with a list of the scope of work; a schematic construction plan indicating the fencing of the site, scaffolding, places for storing materials and semi-finished products, access roads, temporary structures, arrangement of mechanisms, signaling and fire extinguishing means, warning signs; picking list of materials, semi-finished products, products, structures and equipment; an enlarged work schedule indicating their sequence and combination of individual types of work (without calendar reference).

Summary estimate calculation: explanatory note, budget calculation.

Section 4. Working design and estimate documentation.

Working design and estimate documentation is developed in accordance with paragraph 2.1 of this methodology.

Section 5. Scientific and restoration report.

Basis for the development of scientific and design documentation for the restoration of the monument and the production of works; content and results of complex scientific research, summary approved restoration project; changes, introduction to the restoration project in the process of work; a description of the work performed by their types, indicating the technologies used, building and finishing materials, products, structures and equipment; scientific assessment of the results of restoration and reconstruction, recommendations for the further use of the monument and its technical maintenance; appendices: act of acceptance of works on the restoration of the monument as a whole or its stage; a set of fixation drawings and executive estimates; photographic materials describing the appearance of the monument and its condition before the start of restoration, in the process of research and work, and after the completion of restoration.

Composition and acquisition of scientific and design documentation.

Kit designation Section kit name Kit designation The name of the kit in the section Mark of drawings Note
Volume 1 Preliminary work Book 1 Initial and permit documentation
Book 2 Preliminary studies OC
Book 3 ETC
Volume 2 Integrated scientific research Book 1 Comprehensive Research Report If necessary
Book 2 Historical, archival and bibliographic research Includes research materials and historical note
Book 3 Dimensional drawings OC
Book 4 Architectural studies Includes an explanatory note, research reports on probes, pits, coatings, sampling of materials, photographic materials
Book 5 Engineering and technological research Includes materials on all types of engineering and technological research
Book 6 Archaeological research ARI
Book 7 Study of painting and interior decoration
Book 8 Photofixation materials
Volume 3 Restoration project Book 1 Explanatory note
Book 2 Blueprints EP
Book 3 Basic provisions for the organization of restoration OR
Book 4 Consolidated estimate calculation
Volume 4 Working design and estimate documentation Book 1 Architectural and construction part AC
Book 2 Engineering and design department KS
Book 3 Technological cards, methods and recommendations for the production of certain types of work
Book 4 Specialized engineering work SR Includes working document work on strengthening bases and foundations, drainage and waterproofing, supporting and reinforcing structures, etc.
Book 5 Heating, ventilation and air conditioning OV
Book 6 Water supply, fire fighting, sewerage VC
Book 7 Electrical equipment, electric lighting, lightning protection EO
Book 8 Automatic control engineering equipment systems EA
Book 9 low current devices SU
Book 10 Security and fire alarm OP
Book 11 Landscaping, vertical planning, gardening IN
Book 12 External engineering networks, communications and facilities
Book 13 Volumetric and local estimates
Volume 5 Scientific and restoration report HF


1. For a specific monument, the composition of scientific and design documentation as part of a section may be established by the Assignment for the development of scientific and design documentation.

2. As part of the section, additional sets may be assigned or some of them listed may be excluded.

3. When dividing a set of scientific and design documentation as part of a section into separate sets by type of work, they are designated

the word "Part" with a serial number and name corresponding to the type of work.

For example, part of book 3 of volume 4 may be documentation for the restoration of monumental painting, as well as interior decoration items, etc.

1. Label on the cover of the documentation set.

4. List of approvals.

5. Sheet "Composition of scientific and design documentation".

Instructions for completing the forms

1. Details "name of the ministry, department", "name of the scientific organization", "name of the organization of the Customer" and "name of the historical and cultural monument" are filled in in strict accordance with the names established by the relevant legal acts and organizational and administrative documents.

2. The requisite "cipher" is filled in in accordance with the indexing system of historical and cultural monuments adopted by the scientific organization.

3. In the requisite "volume ___, book ___, part ____" the numbers of the sets are indicated according to the sheet "Composition of scientific and design documentation".

4. The requisite "name of scientific and design documentation" in the "Agreement" sheet is filled in in strict accordance with the name of the documentation contained in the set.

(name of monument

history and culture)



Volume ______, book _______, part ______

Arch. No. ____________

Code ___________ Ex. No. _____________

(name of ministry, department)

(name of scientific organization)

(name of monument

history and culture)



Volume ______, book ______, part ______

Customer __________________

(name of company)

Contract ___________________

(number, date)

Director ( Chief Engineer or

main architector) ______________________________

(personal signature, full name)

Head (manager)

divisions ______________________________

(personal signature, full name)

Arch. No. _______

Code ________ Ex. No. _______

(city, year)

(name of monument

(personal signature, full name)

(name of monument

history and culture)

Cipher ______ Volume ______, book _______, part _____


Position, name of organization Signature Full name

Customer ________________________________________________________________

(name of company)

(name of monument

history and culture)

Code ________

scientific and design documentation

Kit designation Name Brand Arch. No. Note

Set of drawings comp. the date

(sheet with continuation)

Head of the unit group ___________________________________

(personal signature, full name)

(name of monument

history and culture)

Code __________ Volume ________, book ________, part _________

No. Name of the research project Page brand and note

documentation arch. drawing no.

Job title _________________________________

(personal signature, full name)

Restoration design

Restoration design is a special complex of design and research. works carried out for the purpose of protection and restoration of architectural monuments. The basis of the restoration designing are deep scientific research, creative. work is very limited. Purpose of P.R. - max, the preservation of all elements of the architectural monument, the extension of the life of its original structures and finishes, as well as a slight modernization for modern use and solving the problems of the entire ensemble.

If the project of a new building or structure is something final, not subject to change, then the restoration project is only an approximation to the end. solution, which is refined and refined in the process of work and continuous research. Therefore, documentation developed for restoration,

Schematic diagram of the organization of the design of major repairs and reconstruction of the housing stock called. scientific and design documentation (SPD).

Architectural monuments. have unique individual characteristics, and all types of design and production, work on them represent a particularly complex process. In order to ensure high quality and scientific validity, these works are carried out under the scientific guidance of the author of the project and are carefully followed. document, commit.

Features of P.R. lie in the fact that they should be based, firstly, on the knowledge of ancient techniques and construction technology, which requires a large knowledge base on this era and all its features: social, archit. and technical; secondly, on a deep knowledge of this monument, which requires careful and comprehensive research of the monument and its analogues.

The requirement "do no harm" calls for special attention, thoughtfulness of each decision, both methodological and technological. In the process of production, new finds and discoveries are inevitable, so fasting, supervision of the progress of work and timely are needed. project adjustment.

Ch. feature P.r. - this is a comprehensive study, which is the first, independent, part of a single set of NPA and conducted to identify the necessary data on the technical. the state of the monument. A deep study of the monument, necessary for its restoration, involves the study of not only the building or structure itself, but also the historical structure. background of the time of its creation. In order to understand the features of architecture. works, knowledge of arts, culture, development of architecture is important. qbopM and builds, techniques of the time.

Etc. should be based on great respect for the monument, for the results of creativity and even the mistakes of its creators - for everything that the past generations left on the monument.

The purpose of the implementation of the NAP is a visual demonstration and description of the design decision adopted by the author. The staging and composition of this documentation differ from the composition of design estimates for new construction. Distinguish trace. stages of restoration. project.

Scientific and restoration justifications - are developed similarly to the generally accepted stage of technical and economic. justifications and determine Ch. scientific orientation and expediency of the planned restorations. events for architecture. ensemble, complex, reserve or unique, monument.

Preliminary work is a must. a special stage of pre-project work in the restoration, which includes familiarization with this monument, an assessment of its art, features and technical. state, identifying the nature of the work necessary to preserve it.

Comprehensive scientific research is a design stage developed in order to obtain full-fledged scientific material necessary for attributing a monument, determining its significance and a complete picture of the technical. state in general, as well as the state of all its structures and materials. In a complex restoration the process of damage diagnostics and evaluation of technical. the state of the monument - the most important aspects, which determine the degree of engineering. interference in the structural system of an ancient building or structure. Such a complex also includes a historical-architecture. and bibliographic research with the compilation of historical. notes, archit. or archit.-archaeological. measurements of the monument, sometimes stereophotogrammetric. measurements, field studies in the form of pits and soundings, engineering and design, technological. and laboratory examinations, archeological. excavations. Complementing these types of research is the method of studying analogues, which makes it possible to clarify the information received. as a result of field research. A thorough analysis of the architecture is also carried out. proportions of a building or structure.

Draft design - a synthesis of all previously conducted. scientific research. He summarizes the ideas for proposed restorations. interventions and details the decisions made. The preliminary design should set out the whole range of measures, for example. for the preservation and restoration of all original elements of the monument, their engineer. strengthening, on the decision of archit.-hu-dozhestv. tasks and general improvement of a monument, ensemble or complex. Such a project can solve further fate monument: and its conservation using special. compositions for extending the life of parts and finishes, and the restoration of otd. lost details, and a complete recreation of the original. appearance of the monument, strongly distorted. over the past decades, and the complete disassembly and transportation of a wooden building to a special museum.

Working drawings - the stage practically coincides with a similar design stage for new construction, with the difference that it allows for the possibility of changing decisions draft design in case of discovery of new finds on the site.

The scientific report is a very serious independent stage of development of the NAP. He must record and save for the proper organization of subsequent design and production, work, all the information received. in the process of research, and all the details of the productions, process. Such documentation is used both for the analysis of general problems in the history of architecture, and for separate scientific restoration. disciplines. Required supplement to the scientific report are detailed archit. and design fixes. drawings, laboratory research documents and the formulation of the materials used, as well as detailed photographic fixation.

Engineering design during restoration differs significantly from general construction. The engineer-restorer faces the problem of not creating new, but strengthening or recreating ancient structures with partial use of modern materials, as well as the problem of combining the work of surviving ancient and new structures. especially difficult questions associated with the work of vaulted brick systems and with the strengthening of trees, structures. As an example, we can cite the construction of temporary metal structures in the form of a bookcase inside the Transfiguration Cathedral in Kizhi. The cathedral has been in disrepair for more than a decade due to the poor condition of the wood, especially in the lower part of the northeastern faces, and received an inclination from the vertical equal to 1.4 m. years to look for and discuss various options for saving this unique, monument, without worrying about the collapse of the building.

Difficult research and design issues are related to the infiltration of groundwater into the old walls, which were built without an active horizon, waterproofing with draining cobblestone pavements, and now all monuments are surrounded by modern, blind pavements in the form of asphalt or concrete.

The designer's m-technologists have to solve complex issues of stabilizing the heat and moisture regime, especially in monuments with valuable interior. decoration and wall painting. It is difficult to select and create new structural and finishing materials that do not contradict all the requirements arising from the tasks of protecting monuments.

1. INITIAL DOCUMENTATION To enter a monument into the restoration cycle (according to Instruction No. 118), the following documents are required:
1. APPLICATION. Letter of request from the customer (user or owner of the monument) to the authorities for the protection of cultural monuments. It comes with:
2. ACT OF THE TECHNICAL CONDITION OF THE MONUMENT. Compiled on the basis of a visual examination of the monument with a commission in the person of: the customer, the restorer (contractor), the protection authority (control). The ACT includes a detailed description of the state of conservation and identification of the cause of the destruction.
3. PERMISSION TO CARRY OUT WORK BY AUTHORITIES OF SECURITY AND MIN. CULTURES. Instead of permission, there may be a protocol with permission for work and tasks.
4. RESTORATION TASK(or protocol). Issued by the monument protection authority. Compiled with the participation of the customer and the contractor.
5. Contract between the contractor and the customer, for the performance of restoration work includes a certificate of financing.
6. SCOPE OF WORK(volume-defective). Compiled by a foreman (or an experienced restorer) on the basis of natural surveys of specific areas of the painting: tapping, measurements, calculation of areas; with the addition of volumes on: NIS, archives, photographic works, report.
7. ESTIMATE(estimated cost of work). Performed by the contractor: restoration task, volumetric defect list, current rates for the restoration of monumental and easel painting. The estimate is approved by the customer, the contractor in the security authorities and transferred to the contractor before the start of work.
8. PROJECT OF ARCHITECTURAL RESTORATION. It is carried out in an architectural design workshop (by an architect). It serves as a rationale for scientific and architectural restoration. The author of the project exercises control over the technical condition of the monument (bearing structures, masonry, etc.). Ensures that the repair and construction work preceded the conservative-picturesque.
Regulatory industry documents:
1. Instruction No. 118 on the conduct of restoration works of works of monumental painting of monuments of history and culture (M. 1987) Approved by the Min. Cult. USSR dated 14.03.85 No. 118
2. Order No. 366 "On measures to improve the work of commissions for attestation and restoration" of the USSR MC 09/18/85


1. Application of preventive seals
2. Side fastening
3. Local strengthening of the paint and plaster layer
4. Summing up clamping and safety devices
5. Setting up beacons
The foreman or monument protection authorities draw up an act of emergency.


The purpose of NIS works:
1. To select a science-based METHOD of restoration / direction of work /.
2. Working out the METHODS of conducting restoration.
3. To select the optimal mode during the future functioning of the monument.
NIS work begins at the stage of preliminary study of the monument and can continue at the main stage of work.
The scope and list of NIS works is determined by various reasons:
1. Historical and cultural significance
2. The presence of previous studies.
3. The presence of a specialist, apparatus and equipment,
4. Scope of work, estimate...


It involves a set of activities:
1. Preliminary field studies.
2. Archival and bibliographic research.
3. Physical and physico-chemical / non-destructive / and laboratory
4. Biochemical research.
5. Experimental restoration work.
6. Suggestions, recommendations for making the monument into an exhibition view.
7. Report on NIS work.

1. Preliminary field studies

1.Visual examinations
Performer: foreman or artist restorer of the highest category / HRVK /.
a. Determine the LOCATIONS of lagging and peeling of the plaster.
b. Identify the causes of damage to the plaster.
in. Sites are selected for trial fortifications and painting.
d. Locations of laboratory sampling are determined.
2. Photo fixation.
Artist: professional photographer.
a. Selective shooting method - general view of the interior
-fixation of the most characteristic defects /for rest.council/
b. "Protocol" fixation of the state of the monument before restoration,
- a general view of the entire interior
- sequentially each song
-fragments of the composition with state defects
Executor: experienced restorer.
Hand-drawn dimensional drawings
-reamers of the main structural elements of the monument /walls, vaults, openings/ with marked area dimensions.
-used for volume-defective statement and for drawing diagrams-cartograms
- are of an auxiliary nature, performed on graph paper in pencil
- not included in the report
4. Schemes-cartograms.
Performed by a restorer on the basis of crocks.
Drawings - sweeps of the main structural elements of the monument on a certain scale with symbols the condition of the painting, the nature and size of the destruction of the surface before restoration.
5. Probes /trial openings/.
a. Places and types of soundings are determined /depending on the specific tasks of restoration/.
b. The soundings are fixed on the diagrams, in the photo and described.
Description of the technical condition of the monument and the picturesque surface before restoration./SEE TOPIC 8-11/

2. Archival and bibliographic research

/ CM. TOPIC 15 /

3. Physico-chemical and laboratory studies

a. Non-destructive /optical-analytical/ research method involves the use of equipment that is sensitive to infrared /IR/ visible, ultraviolet /UV/ and x-rays.
Purpose: determination of pictorial layers, their quantity, quality of preservation and the possibility of disclosure.
b. Laboratory /chemical and physico-chemical/ studies involve the selection of microsamples of the paint layer and soil in the least critical places by a specialist laboratory employee.
Purpose: determination of the composition of the material and binders.
DOCUMENT - a written conclusion that is completely placed in the report.

4.Biochemical studies

-mycological /fungi/
- entomological / beetles / etc.
Microprobes are performed by specialists and written conclusions are prepared on the presence of microorganisms and the need to use biocides, antiseptics, as well as the selection of restoration materials, taking into account their biostability.
Purpose: determination of infection by microorganisms and identification of their role in the process of destruction of the paint and plaster layers.

5.Experimental restoration work.

Types of jobs:
a. Trying to strengthen the painting.
b. Scenic Surface Removal Tests
in. Performing soundings /trial disclosures/.
NER is recorded using records /recipe, tools, exposure/ in the working diary, sample locations are marked on cartograms.
The microclimate of the monument /temperature and humidity regime /ТВР// is being studied. The result of the NER - "METHOD" / approved by the restoration council /.

6. Proposal to bring the monument into an exposition form

Replenishment of large areas of lost soil. Monochrome or polychrome redemption of inserts or white spots in places where the paint layer has been lost. Painting restoration.

7.Report on NIS work

It is issued in accordance with the existing state. standards.