Sample contract of social partnership administration. Social partnership in the sphere of culture: Russian experience


Boikova O.F.
Social partnership. Contractual regulation of legal relations in library field(Part 1)

[ Directory of the head of the cultural institution. - 2006. - No. 3. - P. 93-105]

Social partnership is a civilized system public relations, based on the coordination and protection of the interests of employees, employers, representatives of state authorities and local self-government through the conclusion of contracts, agreements, reaching compromises, consensus on pressing economic and socio-political problems.

Let's consider the main issues of social partnership on the example of the library industry.

Social partnership as new stage library development

In the library sector, social partnerships are developing both at the internal and external levels. In the first case, they represent the process of forming social and labor relations in teams and help to solve such important issues for libraries as:

• improvement of working conditions; • wages, including the establishment of allowances and other benefits; • social assistance and protection of workers; • organization of the system of training and retraining of library personnel.

In the second case, it is the interaction of libraries with all subjects of society: users, authorities, business structures, public organizations, publishing houses, bookselling associations, other libraries, as well as with domestic and foreign charitable foundations.

Libraries often lack their own resources to deal with such important issues. social problems such as, for example, the improvement of library and information services for users based on computerization, the improvement of acquisitions and the preservation of funds. This requires joint efforts, i.e. social partnership.

Today is actively developing:

• interdepartmental interaction of libraries of various types (university, pedagogical, school, music, museum); • their interdepartmental interaction; • interaction of libraries with other organizations outside the professional system.

The importance of partnerships for the cooperation of libraries with other organizations, as well as for the regulation of internal labor relations, is discussed in detail at professional meetings, scientific and practical conferences of heads of federal and regional libraries in Russia. The library community exchanges tried and tested methods of attracting additional (extrabudgetary) funds, opportunities for more active creation of a single library and information space through the introduction and dissemination of advanced computer technologies, and the creation of corporate systems. Analyzed legal issues such as: development of contractual relations with partners; opportunities for salary increases; social assistance and protection of librarians; features of the development of constituent and local regulatory and legal library documents. All this allows us to conclude that social partnership strengthens the position of libraries in the renewing socio-cultural environment of Russian regions.

Libraries are currently mastering the stage of formation of non-commercial social and business partnership.

The nature and content of relations between libraries change significantly if they are based on coordination, cooperation and integration. Social partnership mostly develops on the basis of contractual relations, for which new local regulations are being developed, for example: statutory documents of libraries, rules of use, job descriptions.

Legislation regulating social partnership

The legal field for the development of library partnerships is regulated by the norms of both general and sectoral legislation.

The basic principles of social partnership are proclaimed in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which determined the range of socio-economic, socio-political and socio-cultural issues. The legal foundation of social partnership is the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), which:

• regulates fundamental relations in the life of society; • regulates the obligations of the parties on a contractual basis; • defines legal status all participants in civil circulation, the grounds for the emergence and procedure for exercising the right of ownership, the right to the results of intellectual activity; • regulates contractual relations, as well as other property and related personal non-property relations.

The Civil Code of the Russian Federation is a universal act, the norms of which apply both to citizens (in the conditions of a library - to individual users), and to all other individuals and legal entities partners in various directions activities.

With regard to the development of partnerships between libraries, the most relevant are the provisions of the legislation on the conclusion of contracts:

• purchase and sale, exchange, donation; • lease, sublease; • contracts, supply of goods for state needs, paid services (including library and information services), research, development and technological works; • loan (credit); • insurance, compulsory state insurance. Legislative acts regulating contractual relations together constitute the legal foundation on the basis of which qualitatively new partnership relations are being established between libraries interacting both with each other and with public authorities, local government, various organizations, trade unions and employers.

The regulation on partnerships between libraries of various types, libraries and centers of scientific and technical information, archives, as well as on the labor relations of library workers on a contractual basis, is enshrined in the Federal Law of December 29, 1994 No. librarianship"(hereinafter - Law No. 78-FZ). Article 26 Ch. VI "Organization of interaction between libraries" of Law No. 78-FZ is devoted to the regulation of labor relations between the library administration and library workers in accordance with labor legislation. Law No. 78-FZ establishes the need for periodic certification of library workers.

Issues of improving the working conditions of library workers and their economic situation are regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The section "Social partnership in the sphere of labor" defines social partnership as a system of relationships between employees (representatives of employees), employers (representatives of employers), state authorities and local governments, aimed at ensuring the coordination of interests on the regulation of labor relations and other directly related economic relations with them.

The system of social partnership in the sphere of labor consists of five levels:

• federal; • regional (in the subject of the Russian Federation); • branch (in branch, branches); • territorial (in the municipality: city, district, etc.); • specific organization (library).

This allows solving the tasks inherent in each of them by contractual regulation, combination and coordination of interests (sometimes conflicting) using established rules and procedural norms.

Forms, methods and mechanisms of legal regulation of social partnership on a contractual basis are also indicated in federal laws dated November 23, 1995 No. 175-FZ “On the procedure for resolving collective labor disputes"and dated November 27, 2002 No. 156-FZ "On associations of employers" (hereinafter - Law No. 156-FZ), as well as in the Law of the Russian Federation dated March 11, 1992 No. 2490-1 "On collective agreements and agreements” (hereinafter – Law No. 2490-1). The norms contained in them are the legal foundation for the formation and development of a new type of labor socio-economic relations in libraries.

Principles of social partnership

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation has fixed the basic principles of social partnership, which create the basis and determine the general direction of regulation of intra-industry relations. The most important among them are:

• tripartism (tripartism) in accordance with the international legal regulation of labor relations; • equality, respect for the parties, their interest in contractual relations; • observance by the parties and their representatives of laws and other normative acts; • Ensuring freedom of choice when discussing issues within the scope of work, voluntariness and reality of the obligations assumed by the parties; • state assistance in strengthening and developing social partnership on a democratic basis.

Control over the implementation of collective agreements, agreements is carried out by the parties to the social partnership, their representatives, and the relevant labor authorities. In this case, the representatives of the parties are obliged to provide each other with the necessary information.

For failure to comply with a collective agreement or agreement in Ch. 9 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and Art. 5.28-5.31 of the RF Code of Administrative Offenses provides for legal liability.

In accordance with Art. 25 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the parties to social partnership are employees and employers represented by duly authorized representatives. In relation to libraries, the parties to social partnership, as a rule, are employees and representatives of the administration.

Representation in social partnership

The interaction of social partners or their representatives, the convergence of all positions and the coordination of interests are carried out in different ways. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes the main forms of social partnership that allow using various legal means to regulate labor relations in libraries (Article 27), namely:

• Collective negotiations on the preparation and conclusion of collective agreements, agreements; • Mutual consultations (negotiations) on issues of labor regulation, provision of guarantees labor rights and improvement of labor legislation; • participation of employees and their representatives in the management of the organization, including the library; • participation of employees' and employers' representatives in the judicial resolution of labor disputes.

Chapter 4 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Articles 29~34) establishes the representation of employees and employers as social partners.

Representatives of employees in the social partnership are trade unions, their organizations, associations provided for by the charters of all-Russian trade unions, or other representatives elected by employees.

The interests of library workers in the management of the institution and the consideration of labor disputes are represented by the primary trade union organization (trade union committee) or other representatives elected by the workers. In the absence of a trade union committee or if it combines less than half of the library staff, employees can entrust the representation of their interests to someone else (Articles 29, 31 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Employees who are not members of a trade union have the right to authorize the trade union body of the library to represent their interests in relations with the employer.

Representatives of the employer in the social partnership in accordance with Art. 33 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation are the head of the library or persons authorized by him.

During the conduct of collective bargaining and the conclusion of agreements, as well as the resolution of labor disputes about them, the interests of employers are represented by associations of employers corresponding to the level of agreements.

In accordance with Law No. 156-FZ, an association of employers is a non-profit organization that unites employers on a voluntary basis to represent and protect the interests of its members in social partnership with trade unions, state authorities and local self-government. This form of partnership is based on the membership of employers (legal entities and individuals). Representatives of employers - libraries at the level of subjects of the Russian Federation and municipal libraries financed from the relevant budgets, may be bodies executive power either a constituent entity of the Russian Federation or local self-government, respectively.

Bodies of social partnership

The bodies of social partnership are the commissions created by partners for the regulation of social and labor relations at all the above five levels.

At the federal level, a tripartite standing commission is formed to regulate social and labor relations. Her legal status defined by Federal Law No. 92-FZ dated May 1, 1999 “On the Russian tripartite commission for the regulation of social and labor relations”. It consists of representatives of all-Russian associations of trade unions, all-Russian associations of employers and the Government of the Russian Federation.

In a constituent entity of the Russian Federation (at the regional level), a tripartite commission may be formed to regulate social and labor relations on its territory, the activities of which are regulated by the law of the constituent entity of the Federation.

In the constituent entities of the Russian Federation - autonomous republics, territories, regions - the process of formation of regional legislation is currently underway, which determines the features of the development of social partnership and labor relations in libraries of specific regions.

On the one hand, in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, relevant regional laws on social partnership are adopted to regulate labor relations. On the other hand, the issues of social partnership in the sphere of labor are included in the regional legislative acts on librarianship, where there are sections regulating the issues of remuneration and allowances for library workers, ensuring social protection and social guarantees. Thus, similar provisions are found in legislative acts on librarianship in the Republic of Karelia, Altai Territory, Belgorod, Pskov, Kamchatka, Kirov, Ivanovo, Ryazan, Sverdlovsk, Tomsk, Tula and other regions.

At the territorial level, the activities of tripartite commissions are regulated by regulations on commissions approved by the representative bodies of local self-government.

Industry commissions are possible both at the federal level* and at the level of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

At the library level, the formation of a commission is necessary for collective bargaining, preparation and conclusion of a collective agreement.

Collective agreement

The procedure for conducting collective bargaining and the development of social partnerships at levels above the library are regulated by the above-mentioned Law No. 2490-1, which establishes legal framework and principles for the development, conclusion and operation of collective agreements and agreements, and also expands the scope of collective agreement and social partnership regulation of working conditions and socio-economic issues of labor.

Taking into account the new socio-economic conditions, Law No. 2490-1 defines:

• the concepts of "collective agreement" and "social partnership agreement"; • types and content of collective agreements and social guarantees for their implementation; • the procedure for resolving disagreements arising in the course of collective bargaining.

A collective agreement is a legal act that regulates social and labor relations in a particular library. It is between its employees and employers represented by their representatives.

The parties to the collective agreement, the content, conditions and procedure for its conclusion, as well as monitoring the implementation are defined in Ch. 7 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Art. 40-44).

In accordance with the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation in the library, regardless of its type and type, organizational and legal form and subordination, the issue of the need to conclude a bilateral collective agreement between the administration and the elected body of trade unions is decided by the labor collective, which also considers and approves its project.


Federal industry agreement between the Federal Agency for Culture and Cinematography and the Russian Trade Union of Cultural Workers for 2005-2007

1. General Provisions

1.1. This Industry Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) is concluded in accordance with the law Russian Federation and is aimed at protecting professional, labor rights, socio-economic interests and improving the standard of living of employees of cultural organizations and institutions.

Agreement - a legal act that establishes the general principles for regulating social and labor relations and related economic relations, concluded between authorized representatives of employees and employers.

This Agreement is based on the current norms contained in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the laws of the Russian Federation "On collective agreements and agreements", "Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on culture", "On employment in the Russian Federation", federal laws " On Trade Unions, Their Rights and Guarantees of Activities”, “On Amendments to the Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation and the Recognition of Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation as Invalid in Connection with the Adoption of Federal Laws “On Amendments and Additions to the Federal Law “On the General Principles of Organization of Legislative (representative) and executive bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation "and" On the general principles of organizing local self-government in the Russian Federation "", "On the procedure for resolving collective labor disputes", the General agreement between all-Russian associations of trade unions unions, all-Russian associations of employers and the Government of the Russian Federation, other normative legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of culture, the Regulations on the Federal Agency for Culture and Cinematography, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 17.06.04 No. 291, and the Charter Russian trade union cultural workers.

1.2. The Agreement applies to employees and employers who have authorized the respective representatives of the parties in collective bargaining to develop and conclude it on their behalf.

1.3. Based on the delegation of authority, the parties to the Agreement are:

• employers represented by their representative, the Federal Agency for Culture and Cinematography (hereinafter referred to as Roskultura); • employees of organizations and cultural institutions financed from the federal budget (hereinafter referred to as employees), represented by a representative - the Russian Trade Union of Cultural Workers (hereinafter referred to as the Trade Union).

1.4. The parties agreed that:

1.4.1. The trade union, its territorial, primary organizations act as authorized representatives of employees of organizations and cultural institutions:

• in the development and conclusion of collective agreements and agreements; • negotiating the protection of professional and social and labor rights; • wages (sizes of tariff rates (salaries), additional payments and allowances), sizes and forms financial incentives, labor standards, employment, hiring; conditions and labor protection, work and rest regime,

as well as on other issues of social support for teams and individual employees.

1.4.2. Directly in organizations and cultural institutions, the regulation of labor, professional and socio-economic relations between employees and the employer is carried out by concluding a collective agreement. The collective agreement, taking into account the characteristics of the activities of the organization, institution and their financial capabilities, may establish additional benefits for employees in comparison with the norms and provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, federal laws, other regulatory legal acts and this Agreement.

1.4.3. During the term of the Agreement, the parties have the right to make additions and changes to it on the basis of mutual agreement.

1.4.4. None of the parties can unilaterally terminate the fulfillment of the obligations assumed during the term of the Agreement. Representatives of the parties who evade participation in collective bargaining on the conclusion, amendment of the Agreement (collective agreement), unlawfully refused to sign the agreed collective agreement (Agreement) or fulfill the obligations assumed, are liable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation (Articles 54, 55 of the Labor Code of the Russian federation).

1.4.5. During the validity period of this Agreement, the parties are guided by the legislation of the Russian Federation, which regulates the procedure for resolving collective labor disputes, use all opportunities to resolve conflicts in order to prevent the use of extreme measures by labor collectives to resolve them - strikes.

1.5. The Parties to the Agreement bring the text of this Agreement to federal bodies state authorities, public authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments, cultural organizations and institutions, territorial and primary organizations of the Trade Union and contribute to its implementation.

1.6. The trade union and its territorial organizations carry out a systematic analysis and generalization of the experience of collective agreements and territorial agreements concluded by organizations and cultural institutions.

1.7. The parties agreed that the progress, intermediate and final results of the implementation of this Agreement, other agreements and collective agreements are regularly covered in the media mass media.

1.8. The agreement was concluded for 2005-2007, comes into force from the moment of signing and is valid until December 31, 2007 inclusive.

1.9. In the event of reorganization of the parties to the Agreement, their rights and obligations under this Agreement shall pass to successors and remain until the conclusion of a new Agreement or the introduction of amendments and additions to this Agreement.

2. Obligations of the parties in the field of social and labor relations

2.1. Guided by the principles of social partnership based on mutual respect for positions, equality and consideration of interests, the parties undertake to:

2.1.1. To promote observance in organizations and cultural institutions of the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

2.1.2. Contribute to raising the level of wages, improving social and labor relations, creating safe working conditions and protecting the health of employees of cultural institutions and organizations in accordance with labor law.

2.1.3. When carrying out the processes of denationalization and privatization, liquidation, reorganization of organizations and cultural institutions, conduct joint negotiations to achieve acceptable solutions to respect the rights and interests of employees.

2.2. An employment contract with employees of organizations and cultural institutions is concluded in accordance with the current labor legislation.

The terms of an employment contract that worsen the position of an employee in comparison with labor legislation are invalid.

3. Job security

3.1. The Parties believe that in the event of mass layoffs that have arisen in connection with the liquidation, reorganization of cultural institutions and organizations, the employer sends information to the Trade Union about possible mass layoffs of workers, the number, categories of those laid off, as well as the terms during which it is planned to carry out these activities.

In cases of mass dismissal of workers, employers and the Trade Union are guided by the criteria for mass dismissal of workers and the principles of interaction aimed at ensuring the employment of workers established by the Regulations on the organization of work to promote employment in conditions of mass dismissal, approved by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Russian Federation dated 05.02.93 No. 99.

3.2. The trade union undertakes, through elected trade union bodies, to represent the interests of trade union members in the liquidation of organizations, reduction of jobs, in the resolution of labor conflicts and to take measures to protect their legal rights.

3.3. Employers provide vocational training, retraining and advanced training of employees.

4. Pay

4.1. The system of remuneration and incentives for work, including payment for work at night, weekends and non-working holidays, overtime work and in other cases, is determined in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and is reflected in collective agreements (agreements), taking into account opinions of the elected trade union body.

4.2. The performance by employees of additional types of work that are not included in the scope of their direct duties is carried out for an additional payment. The amount of payment is established by agreement of the parties to the employment contract and is determined in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.3. The remuneration of labor of workers engaged in heavy work, work with harmful and (or) dangerous and other special working conditions is established in accordance with Art. 147 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

An increased amount is also paid for the work of workers employed in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas, as well as in other areas with special climatic conditions (Articles 146, 315 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

4.4. The remuneration of the heads of organizations, their deputies and chief accountants in organizations financed from the federal budget is made in the manner and in the amount determined by the Government of the Russian Federation (Article 145 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

4.5. The introduction and revision of labor standards are carried out by the employer of the organization, taking into account the opinion of the representative body of employees.

Employees must be notified of the introduction of new labor standards no later than two months in advance (Article 162 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

4.6. Roskultura and the Trade Union take the necessary measures to ensure the timely payment in organizations and cultural institutions of direct management of wages, scholarships, benefits provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

5. Mode of work and rest

5.1. The working time regime in organizations and cultural institutions is determined by a collective agreement or internal labor regulations.

5.2. For employees of cultural institutions and organizations in accordance with Art. 94 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation duration daily work(shifts) may be established in accordance with laws and other regulatory legal acts, local regulations, a collective agreement or an employment contract.

5.3. Overtime work is carried out only in cases provided for in Art. 99 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, with the written consent of the employee. In other cases, engaging overtime work allowed with the written consent of the employee and taking into account the opinion of the elected trade union body of this organization.

Payment for overtime work is made in accordance with Art. 152 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

5.4. The parties agreed that the involvement of creative workers of cinematography organizations, theaters, theater and concert organizations, circuses to work on weekends and non-working holidays is carried out in accordance with the lists of these categories and in the manner established by law Russian Federation (Article 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

5.5. The duration of the annual paid leave for all employees of the industry is established in accordance with the current legislation.

The sequence of granting paid vacations is determined annually in accordance with the vacation schedule approved by the employer, taking into account the opinion of the elected trade union body of this organization, no later than two weeks before the start of the calendar year.

The employee must be notified of the start time of the vacation no later than two weeks before it starts.

5.6. Annual leave can be postponed or extended:

• in case of temporary disability of an employee; • when an employee performs public duties during the annual paid leave, if the law provides for exemption from work for this; • in other cases stipulated by the current legislation.

5.7. Annual additional paid vacations are provided to employees in accordance with applicable law.

Organizations, taking into account their production and financial capabilities, may independently establish additional holidays for employees, unless otherwise provided by federal laws. The procedure and conditions for granting these holidays are determined by collective agreements or local regulations.

5.8. Calculation of average earnings for payment annual leave produced in accordance with applicable law.

6. Labor protection

6.1. Roskultura:

6.1.1. Carries out control and coordinates the activities of subordinate organizations to ensure labor protection, keeps records and regularly analyzes cases of industrial injuries of workers, summarizes state reporting in the form 7-T (injuries), 1-T (working conditions) “On the state of working conditions, benefits and compensation for work in adverse working conditions.

6.2. Employers:

6.2.1. They organize work on certification of workplaces and certification of work on labor protection in accordance with the recommendations of the Ministry of Labor of Russia (Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated March 14, 1997 No. 12 “On the certification of workplaces in terms of working conditions”).

6.2.2. They finance measures to improve working conditions and labor protection (Article 226 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

6.2.3. Take the necessary measures to prevent industrial injuries and occupational diseases.

6.2.4. Organize mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations workers employed in work with difficult and harmful working conditions, in accordance with applicable law (order of the Ministry of Health and social development of the Russian Federation dated 16.08.04 No. 83).

6.2.5. Provide for workers employed in work with harmful or hazardous conditions labor, certified means personal protection, flushing and neutralizing agents, as well as milk or other equivalent food products in accordance with established standards.

6.3. Local trade union bodies, together with representatives of the employer, carry out:

• formation and organization of activities of joint committees (commissions) for labor protection; • work of authorized (trusted) persons for labor protection of trade unions; • conducting public control of the state of labor protection, fire safety; • control over the fulfillment by cultural organizations and institutions of the requirements of laws and other normative legal acts on labor protection in order to ensure healthy and safe working conditions for industry workers (Article 370 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

7. Development social sphere providing benefits and compensation

7.1. Employer and Trade Union:

7.1.1. They provide full information about the rights and guarantees in the field of pensions, the legality of using lists of industries, jobs, professions, positions and indicators for which preferential pensions are established.

7.1.2. Employees of cultural organizations and institutions permanently residing and working in rural areas enjoy benefits for public services and other benefits established by law.

7.1.3. They can in the manner and amount determined in the collective agreement, within own funds establish additional guarantees and compensations for employees of cultural institutions and organizations, as well as in other cases provided for by the current legislation.

<...>of the Russian Federation "On the procedure for resolving collective labor disputes", the General Agreement between all-Russian associations of trade unions, all-Russian associations of employers and the Government of the Russian Federation, this Agreement, the collective agreement.

8.2. The parties draw attention to the fact that employers:

8.2.1. Obliged to respect the rights and guarantees of the Trade Union, to promote its activities.

8.2.2. They provide the trade union body with organizations, cultural institutions free of charge with the necessary premises for the work of the trade union body itself and for holding meetings of workers, storing documentation, and also create other additional conditions for the activities of the elected trade union body, provided for in Art. 377 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

8.2.3. They do not prevent representatives of trade union bodies from visiting institutions and divisions where trade union members work in order to exercise the rights granted by law.

8.2.4. Provide the trade union body, at its request, with information, information and explanations on working conditions, wages, and other socio-economic issues.

8.2.5. Provide, in the presence of written applications from employees who are members of a trade union, as well as other employees who are not members of a trade union who are covered by the collective agreement, a monthly free transfer from the settlement account of the organization and cultural institution to the settlement accounts of the Trade Union of funds as trade union membership dues in the manner established by the collective agreement. The transfer of funds is made in full and simultaneously with the issuance by the bank of funds for wages.

8.2.6. Employers and the Trade Union may establish in the collective agreement additional guarantees for employees elected (delegated) to the bodies of the trade union who are not exempt from production and creative activity (work), in addition to those established by the current legislation.

8.2.7. Preservation for elected and staff members the trade union body of social guarantees and benefits operating in the institution is determined in the collective agreement.

8.2.8. Work as the chairman of a trade union organization and as part of its elected body is recognized as significant for the activities of the institution and is taken into account when encouraging all employees.

9. Obligations of the Trade Union

The trade union, its territorial and primary organizations undertake:

9.1. Promote the implementation of this Agreement, collective agreements, reduce social tension in the labor collectives of the industry, using, among other things, the funds of the Trade Union.

9.2. Submit proposals to the relevant state authorities to improve labor legislation and social support for industry workers, conduct a public examination of draft laws and other regulatory legal acts.

9.3. Protect the labor, socio-economic and professional rights and interests of trade union members, including in judicial and other government bodies, provide free legal assistance to members of the trade union, other employees in accordance with the collective agreement.

9.4. Facilitate the provision of employees of organizations and cultural institutions with vouchers for sanatorium treatment and recreation, organizations summer holidays and health improvement of children of industry workers.

9.5. Control and protect the guarantees of employees in matters of employment, dismissal, provision of benefits and compensation in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, this Agreement and the collective agreement.

9.6. Use all forms information support in order to provide the most complete information trade union organizations and members of the trade union on the activities of the parties to the Agreement to ensure the socio-economic rights and guarantees of workers in the industry.

9.7. Provide for in territorial agreements (collective agreements) the allocation of material assistance at the expense of own funds to the family of a person who died at work as a result of an accident that occurred through no fault of the employee.

10. Control and responsibility for the implementation of the Agreement

10.1. The parties exercise constant control over the implementation of the Agreement, informing each other about their actions, decisions made affecting the labor, socio-economic and professional interests of employees, provide the opportunity for the presence of representatives of the parties to the Agreement at collegial meetings of Roskultura and the Presidium of the Trade Union when considering issues related to the implementation of the Agreement .

10.2. If employers violate this Agreement and the Trade Union plans a strike, the Trade Union informs Roskultura of the situation at least two months before the planned date of the strike.

The parties take measures to resolve conflicts in order to prevent strikes.

Head of the Federal Agency
in culture and cinematography
M. Shvydkoi

Chairman of the Russian Trade Union
cultural workers
G. Paroshin

The agreement has passed notification registration with the Federal Service for Labor and Employment. Registration number 20/05-07.

Supervisor Federal Service
for work and employment
M.L. Topilin

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The term "social partnership" is widely used by cultural institutions. But the meaning given to this concept often becomes the designation of any interaction with various organizations. We believe that from the standpoint of a special library, social partnership should be viewed as a system of equal constructive relationships aimed at protecting the interests of people with disabilities. We will not describe in detail all the existing types and forms of cooperation, realizing that each library has its own experience of working with social partners. But we want to draw attention to the role of the library as a consolidating principle between partners. The specifics of the activities of the library for the blind, the main users of which are adults and children with disabilities (hereinafter - HIA) and specialists in various fields, allows you to see the problems of people with disabilities from all sides: social, educational, medical, legal, cultural. As a rule, these problems are interrelated and complex. They need to be solved by the joint efforts of various departments. But, unfortunately, it is not easy to overcome interdepartmental barriers. Social partnership should become a form of interaction that would solve significant social problems in principle, providing people with equal opportunities for a decent life. In order for government agencies, public and commercial organizations that can influence the change in the situation to be able to find common ground in solving specific problems, a unifying force is needed. It is the library that can become such a unifying and driving force in the development of partnerships. Based on the experience of our library, we have identified three successive stages in the formation and development of social partnership: monitoring the problems of people with disabilities (HIA): analysis and systematization of problems that need to be solved or predicted; identification of a priority problem; clarification of the degree of interest of various departments in solving this problem; development of mechanisms for mutually beneficial and equal cooperation aimed at solving the problem; constructive interaction, cooperation and development of multilateral relations between various structures. At the first stage, the following steps were taken. A target group was formed, which included users with disabilities and members of their families. Problems related directly to this social group are identified. A range of potential partners has been identified - various institutions and organizations that can assist in solving problems with HIA. Library resources (information, material, personnel) were monitored. The role and place of the library in the formation of social partnership are indicated. The second stage was devoted to the development of a partnership cooperation mechanism. It presents particular difficulty for several reasons that need to be considered, viz. It is difficult for the heads of various departments and institutions to change the position that has been formed over decades regarding the disabled, despite the fact that now the situation is changing, albeit slowly, but. Relations between public, commercial organizations and state structures have developed, which by no means always can be called partnerships. Public and parent organizations exist in isolation. More often, their efforts are aimed at overcoming momentary difficulties and solving local problems of specific people. All this, unfortunately, makes it difficult to identify "pain points", prioritize and build a constructive dialogue. Therefore, it is at the second stage that the library needs to take on a consolidating role, to act as a kind of third independent entity capable of abstracting from a biased view of social and cultural problems and organizing constructive interaction. Here it is necessary to clarify that the library did not seek to take on a leadership role. But close communication with people with disabilities and their families, the activities of the library's correctional class, which made it possible to find out from the inside the needs of users with disabilities, served as a trigger for the development of partnerships. It so happened that traditionally the activity of any library was largely based on altruism and enthusiasm. This suited society, since cultural institutions assumed a certain responsibility in solving a number of social problems. But today, socio-cultural norms dictate the need for a transition to new models of cooperation, a qualitative change in the relationship "library - society". The principle of "playing with one goal" ceases to operate. Understanding this led the library to establish partnerships with government and public organizations. They were: the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Karelia; Commissioner for Children's Rights in the Republic of Karelia; republican institutions (State educational institution of additional professional education (advanced training) of specialists "Institute for advanced training of educators", Republican Children's Ecological and Biological Center); republican public organizations (Karelian republican organization of the All-Russian Society of the Blind - hereinafter KRO VOS, Karelian regional public organization of disabled supporters "Petrosino"); public parent organizations (Karelian Regional Public Organization of Parents of Children with Down Syndrome – hereinafter KROO RDSD, Karelian Regional Public Organization of Parents of Children with Disorders of the Musculoskeletal System); rehabilitation institutions (Rehabilitation center "Solnyshko" of the Prionezhsky municipal district, Rehabilitation center for children and adolescents with disabilities "Rodnik", Rehabilitation center at the State Health Institution "Polyclinic No. Petrozavodsk); municipal institutions (MOI for children in need of psychological, pedagogical and medical and social assistance "Center for Psychological, Medical and Social Support"); municipal specialized preschool institutions(MDOU No. 1, 11, 79); special (correctional) educational institutions for students and pupils with disabilities (GOU special (correctional) general education boarding schools No. 21, 23, 47); secondary specialized and higher educational institutions of the republic (State educational institution of higher professional education "Karelian State Pedagogical Academy", State educational institution of secondary vocational education of the Republic of Karelia "Petrozavodsk Pedagogical College"); cultural institutions (State State Institution "Karelian State Museum of Local Lore", Federal State Institution "Kizhi Museum-Reserve", State Institution "Museum of Fine Arts of the Republic of Karelia"); medical institutions(GUZ "Children's Republican Hospital", etc.). In working with partners, the library uses the most different forms interactions. They depend primarily on the scope of their activities. For example, let's take some forms of cooperation with the KRO VOS. Exchange of information about people with visual impairment (we provide information about families raising young children with visual impairment). Participation in joint projects (project "First Steps", designed to support families raising children with disabilities at an early age). Financial support for joint events. Organization and holding of joint events (“School for Parents”, Summer Rehabilitation Camp, leisure activities for children). Joint participation of library staff and KRO VOS in various forms of advanced training (seminars, master classes). Expanding the circle of partners, including foreign ones (for example, establishing contacts with the Finnish Federation of the Visually Impaired). At the third stage, building a model business relations, realized that the interaction of the parties will be truly partnership under the following conditions: interaction should be formed around a social problem. At the same time, each of the parties should be interested in its solution; each member of the partnership should be clearly aware of the purpose, role and rights, assess the possibilities and be aware of the degree of their own responsibility. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a package of documents that would regulate all aspects of social partnership, taking into account the interests, specifics and capabilities of each partner. It is not customary to be “friends” under an agreement, but the precisely defined obligations of the parties will make it possible to more clearly build such relationships; relations of the modern level cannot be created by old methods. Therefore, the solution of social problems requires an innovative approach. We can state that our library has begun to be perceived as an institution that generates innovative ideas and technologies, breaking the stereotypes of working with people with disabilities. Of course, at the moment, it is rather difficult, figuratively speaking, to be a locomotive that has hardly moved the train and is now trying to push it forward. But there is hope that we will be able to convince all participants of the need for mutually beneficial cooperation; a true partnership must be stable, long-term and not dependent on a change in leadership; due to the fact that state organizations have a limited budget, funding joint activities it is more expedient to build, using the mechanism of project activities in the field of implementation of socially significant projects. For example, for two years now, in partnership with KROO RDSD "Open World", we have been winning grants that allow us to provide high-level information, psychological and pedagogical support to families raising young children with Down syndrome. It cannot be argued that our model of partnerships, the model of cooperation and development of multilateral ties between various structures, works perfectly, but even now it can be predicted that the development of partnerships will result in the ability to solve problems as effectively as possible. global problems people with disabilities and, ultimately, qualitatively improve their standard of living.

Social partnership in the activities of municipal libraries in the region has become one of the important areas in recent years. It united all those who are not indifferent to the book, those who care about the fate of libraries, those who sincerely want to help the library in its daily activities and development. This cooperation helps to improve library services, make library events brighter and better, satisfies the need of users to obtain the necessary information andservices. Almost no event in the library, perhaps, is managed by the efforts of the librarians themselves, there are always reliable partners, volunteer assistants, sponsors and patrons, readers. Among the like-minded libraries today, one can name local authorities, representatives of organizations, institutions, the business community, the media, and, of course, readers.

Many library events and actions held in 2012 can serve as an example of successful cooperation.

One of the examples of positive cooperation of the CLS of Pskov in 2012 was the holding of an Internet round table "Formation of statehood in the North-West of Russia" (Pskov - Veliky Novgorod - Izborsk). Partners of the local history library named after I.I. Vasilev, Pskov, performed Pskov State University, Pskov Museum-Reserve, Novgorod Museum-Reserve.

The main social partner of libraries in the municipalities of the region are local authorities that provide support in the implementation of socially significant library projects and actions. Local governments are no less interested in the development of public libraries, since they are responsible for the quality of life of the local community, legal education and enlightenment of citizens, teaching them the basics of organizing life in new conditions, familiarizing them with culture and information.

Local governments contribute to the successful activities of libraries, take measures for their technical modernization, participate in their work, support both in innovative endeavors and in everyday work. Thus, the administrations of rural settlements of the Pustoshkinsky district responded to the petitions of the director of the district library and provided financial assistance to libraries in holding a subscription campaign for 2012-2013. The administration of the Alol volost financially supports the activities of rural libraries. The Pustoshkinsky bakery provides material support to the library, and the library has opened a book mover at the enterprise.

Libraries, in turn, carry out information support for state authorities and local self-government. Receptions of deputies, meetings of heads of district administrations and other events are held in many rural libraries. For example, at the Plyusskaya Central District Hospital, there are: “Corner of self-government at the library”, “Consultative point for the population of the region on issues of homeowners associations”, “Advisory point for the population of the region on issues of civil defense”. The permanent exhibitions “Housing and Public Utilities: Questions and Answers”, “Local Authorities: Review of Official Documents”, which are updated with mandatory copies of documents prepared by local governments, have been designed. In May 2012, on the basis of the educational and advisory point of the library, a training seminar "Training on fire safety" was held for heads of organizations and cultural institutions together with the department of civil defense and emergency situations. A lot of joint work was carried out by the libraries for the Day of the village on the preparation of ceremonial events, dedicated to the Day liberation of Plyussa, the 85th anniversary of the formation of Plyussky district.

At the round table "Novorzhevskaya culture: history and modernity" in the central regional library, administration workers and library specialists jointly discussed the state of culture in the region. The assessment of the activities of institutions as a whole was given by the head of the department for culture, youth policy and sports of the District Administration E.E. Stepanova. Director of MUK "Novorzhevskaya CRH" L.E. Yakovleva introduced the history of the development of librarianship. Member M.I. Golubkov. The experience of successful cooperation with the clubs was shared by the librarians of the Makarovsky and Zhadritsky rural branches. The library worker of the Vehnyansky rural branch told about the author's exhibitions of folk craftsmen in the library. Mutual social partnership contributes to the organization of cultural leisure of the population, it is necessary to strengthen ties - this was the conclusion of the participants of the round table.

An example of positive cooperation in the Novorzhevsky district is the holiday program for the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity, prepared jointly with the participation of the Zhadrytsky rural branch - the library, the village club, the administration of the rural settlement "Zhadritsy", the Center social service the population of the area. The holiday turned out to be solemn and kind, thanks to joint efforts.

In the countryside, librarians actively work with local governments, help hold citizens' gatherings, notify the population about fire safety measures, congratulate veterans on holidays at home, help them collect various certificates, and participate in organizing and holding volost days. Representatives of local governments are frequent guests at events held by cultural institutions, incl. and libraries, and librarians are the most reliable assistants for them

In 2012, in the Nevelsky District, partnerships were established with the leaders of the family eco-camp (Moscow), which is located in a picturesque place in the village of Fenevo on the territory of the Nevelsky District. Their concept is active and educational recreation. An example of cooperation is the holding of master classes, training seminars on the basis of rural libraries of the Nevelsk Central District Hospital. In 2012, such an event was held on the basis of the Trekhalev village library. Business partnerships and interaction better reveal the possibilities of libraries, help to convey information to users in a brighter, more spectacular form.

Libraries and local administrations are implementing joint targeted programs and local history publishing projects. Employees of the Central District Hospital of the Velikoluksky District, together with the regional Administration, took an active part in the preparation for the publication of the book "Historical milestones of the Velikoluksky land" (on the occasion of the 85th anniversary of the Velikoluksky District). The CRH specialists prepared and held a presentation of the book, and the library received 40 copies as a gift from the administration. books. IN Strugokrasnensky district for many years, the administration of the Strugo-Krasnensky district has been sponsoring the publication of the local history literary almanac "Our Land"; the administration of the urban settlement of Strugi Krasnye, the administration of the rural settlement "Maryinskaya volost" provided financial support for the publication of the book "We have something to remember, someone to be proud of."

Many municipal libraries have developed strong partnerships with local chapters of creative unions, political parties and community organizations. In 2012, partnership relations between the Central City Library of the Central Library Library of Pskov and the Pskov branch of the all-Russian public organization - the Knowledge Society, the Pskov regional branches of creative unions were further developed: the Union of Local Historians of Russia, Union of Writers of Russia, Union of Composers of Russia. Developed ties with Pskov community in Moscow. Also among the partners: the public movement "PskovART", the public organization "Zoozashchita", the Union of Photographers and Videographers of the Pskov Region, the Pskov Anime Club and others. In 2012, the CLS of Pskov carried out joint creative projects with young photographers from the Faces of Pskov portal.

Permanent social partners of the libraries of Velikiye Luki are committees and departments of the City Administration, libraries of other departments, almost all cultural institutions: Velikiye Luki Drama Theatre, Children's music schools and the school of arts, the House of Culture, the local history museum and local history society, the branch of the United Russia party, the public council on historical and cultural heritage, the council of veterans, the society of the disabled, the media and others. All city actions and holidays are held in collaboration with social partners. So, schools, cultural institutions, public organizations, etc. took part in the program "A corner dear to my heart" on City Day with libraries.

INGdovsky district from o all institutions, public and professional organizations of the city and the region have established good partnerships. Last year, new partners appeared: a nursing home for the elderly and disabled. The cooperation plans include holding joint events, providing library information resources, providing professional information to the staff of the boarding school, and for the residents of the Boarding House, librarians presented a set of books at the first meeting. Libraries continue to cooperate with regional branches of the young public organization “Union of Women of Russia”. Thus, Gdovian libraries received support in the campaign “Grow up with a book, baby!”, They were allocated funds to purchase books for newborn babies and their parents. They also supported the regional project of literary youth readings “Young people read the classics”. The young men participating in the readings were presented with flash cards, the girls were given books. In the plans joint work creation of a “hotline”, holding the action “Wave of Memory” about the role of women in Gdov during the war years, legal education, organization of legal consultations and other events.

In the Dnovsky district, on the initiative of the regional branch of the Just Russia party, the all-Russian social movement The "Social Democratic Union of Youth of Russia" in the Pskov region, cultural institutions and the central regional library held an action to collect books in the regional libraries of the Dnovsky, Dedovichsky and Porkhov regions. During the election period, libraries cooperate with territorial election commissions and help prepare information for voters.

Libraries of the region, in order to solve common problems, try to build mutually beneficial relationships with organizations, institutions and individuals.

Libraries of the MAUK "Centralized Library System" of Pskov invite specialists-professionals: employees of the Office of the Federal Service for the control of drug trafficking in the Pskov region, the prosecutor's office, the narcological dispensary. Military personnel of the 76th division and special forces, pupils of the Patriot Center for Extracurricular Activities traditionally take an active part in holding events of a patriotic nature. In 2012, the cooperation between Pskov libraries and the Pskov City Youth Center continued. Among the partners are the Educational Center for Social Adaptation, Legal Department LLC, the State Archive of the Pskov Region, the Archaeological Center, the Pskov Museum-Reserve.

In Velikiye Luki, the library's constant good partners are: schools and lyceums, colleges, technical schools, universities. For more than 16 years, cooperation with the Center for Social Services in Velikiye Luki has continued. More than 30 events were held during the year. Students have the opportunity to touch the work of many poets, writers, musicians. Partnerships with the creative teams of the Children's Art School and the Children's Art School make it possible to regularly organize exhibitions of works by students of the art school, holidays, theme evenings in the library. The sponsor of the branch library No. 2 is Kornev A.Yu., deputy of the Velikoluksky City Duma, general director of Status Press LLC, thanks to which the library receives more than 30 titles of periodicals, which greatly helps in library work. Cooperation between the library and the parish of the Church of the Ascension of Christ in Velikiye Luki, Pskov diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church, contributes to familiarization with the knowledge of Russian history, the history of the Russian Orthodox Church and the formation of a spiritually rich personality. The Sunday School operates in the reading room of the library.

Libraries of the Bezhanitsky district work together with shelters: in Kudeveri - with an orphanage, in Chikhachevo - with a boarding house for the elderly and disabled. Good partnership relations have developed with the regional Council of War and Labor Veterans, with the heads of primary veteran organizations in the field. In 2012 ra the list of social partners has expanded Kunya CRH: cooperation has been established with the Kunin branch of the Union of Pensioners of Russia and the socio-political organization "Children of War". Partnerships and business cooperation with the Center for Employment of the Population are successfully developing. During the summer holidays, eleven temporary jobs were created in the district library for the employment of underage citizens, incl. in Zhizhitskaya and Ushchitskaya rural libraries, teenagers provided significant assistance to libraries in their work.

Libraries of Loknyanskaya CRH in 2012 most closely cooperated with the Council of Veterans. Clubs for the elderly worked actively, library gatherings, holidays, and evenings were held. Many interesting events were held. For example, Loknyanskaya Central District Hospital took part in the celebration of Kushnarenko Street, designed posters for Veteran Compound 2012. In cooperation with the Office pension fund in the Loknyansky district, a literature distribution point was organized for employees of this organization, and its specialists throughout the year assisted in holding events for veterans, in the work of the Communication club. Together with the Society of the Blind, a seminar was organized and held on the topic: "The place and role of the library in the lives of people with disabilities." Huge methodological assistance was provided by the Loknyansk Central District Hospital of the Pskov Regional Special Library for the Blind and Visually Impaired, which provided the script for the evening and methodological recommendations for working with this group of library users.

A long-standing and reliable partner of all libraries in the Palkinsky district, the Council of War and Labor Veterans and its chairman B.T. Ilyin, together with whom meetings with Pskov writers are held in the libraries of the district, presentations of books by B.T. Ilyin are held, events for patriotic education are organized. The administrations of rural settlements act as partners of libraries in holding events dedicated to the Day of the Elderly, Victory Day, and celebrating the Days of Villages.

Cooperation with the State Department of Social Services for the Population of the Palkinsky District allowed the district library to establish close contact with the Weekend Club, which operates under this organization. Cooperation with the club is mutually beneficial: the district library has the opportunity to expand the circle of its users, to attract 23 new readers to reading, and the opportunity to hold public events of various kinds.Cooperation between the children's library and the Center for Social Services has been established in the district, which has made it possible to expand the range of servicesdisabled children.

In the Porkhov district with the participation of employees The Federal Migration Service of Russia for the Pskov Region held an event called "Culture of the Russian Language", which promotes the adaptation of foreign citizens in Russia. Together with the Pension Fund, a meeting was organized for members of the club "Evening meetings" with the head of the department for the appointment and payment of pensions and a "Legal educational program" was held. Representatives of the Pskov Regional Center "Prisma", the Union of Pensioners of Russia, the Pskov Drug Control Department as consultants during the Specialist's Days became frequent guests in the Opochetsk Regional Library. The administration of the urban settlement "Opochka", the local branch of the party "United Russia" and the library became the organizers of the competition for the best personal plot for the Day of the Elderly.

The circle of friends and partners of the Pushkinogorsk Central District Library includes more than 17 organizations and institutions of the village. The revival of the value of reading, an increase in interest in books and literature, the development of literary creativity in children and youth are helped by: the Union of Writers of Russia and the Union of Artists of Russia, many good and interesting deeds connect the libraries of the district with the Children's School of Arts named after S. S. Geichenko, secondary school named after A. FROM. Pushkin, sanatorium boarding school, Zaretsk secondary school. Correspondence excursions visits to the Holy Places, hours of Orthodox conversations, dialogues - these are the events that took place within the walls of the library with representatives of the Orthodox Kazan Church and the Svyatogorsk Monastery.

The libraries of the Pechora Central Library Library have established strong partnerships with the Pskov-Pechersky Monastery, with the support of the monastery, libraries are being stocked with Orthodox literature. The Theological School operates in the Central District Hospital, which is headed by Abbot Khrisanf. On the basis of the library, meetings of two sections are held as part of the Korniliev readings. Hegumen Mark oversees the work of the Veteran Club. The musical groups of the monastery (children and youth choir, ensemble "Harmony"), members of the theater studio of the Orthodox children's movement "Vestniki" repeatedly performed in the library.

A stable partnership of libraries has been established with educational and cultural institutions, higher educational institutions, including Pskov State University, the Russian International Academy of Tourism, the State University of Service and Economics, etc. The result of close relationships has been an increase in the number of participants in city Olympiads, conferences, readings. In the practice of joint work: holding professional events, seminars, Information Days, organizing offsite reading rooms.

For 10 years, the Velikolukskaya Central District Hospital named after. I.A.Vasilyeva is a platform for holding seminars, methodological associations and improving the level of professional knowledge of teachers. Three seminars for school librarians were held as part of the New Technologies - New Ways of Interaction program. Rural libraries of the Velikoluksky district (Borkovskaya, Porechenskaya, Kupuyskaya libraries) are expanding the content of their activities, combining the tasks of an information institution with the functions of a museum, an exhibition hall. So, the Porechensk rural model library is an exhibition hall for masters of applied art. Velikolukskaya Central District Hospital together with the Information and Cultural Center, the Borkovsky Museum named after the writer I.A. Vasilyeva annually holds the Front-line Poetry Festival "And the Muses are not silent."

Many library events are held by the MUK "Usvyatsky Regional Center of Culture" in cooperation with the Youth Department. Home Teachers children's creativity work closely with the children's department in holding children's holidays, matinees. From year to year, the relationship with the schools of the district is growing stronger.

There are more than 25 institutions, enterprises and public organizations among the permanent partners of the libraries of the Novosokolnichesky district. As the main partner in their work, they consider the Pskov Regional Universal Scientific Library. The POUNB website has become a daily assistant in the daily work of the district libraries. Thanks to the support of the methodologists of the regional library, it is now possible to post information about the life of the district's libraries on the library portal and keep abreast of the affairs of your colleagues and neighbors. The Zonal Quality School also helps in this work.

In 2012, the partnership between the Novosokolnicheskaya Central District Hospital and the Department of Agriculture became closer and more mutually beneficial. In addition to informing, participating in the work of the club of flower growers, the training of agricultural specialists of the district by teachers of the All-Russian State Agricultural Academy was organized on the basis of the library. Good partnership relations have developed with the regional branch of the Pension Fund. At the request of the management, a movement was opened for specialists, assistance was provided in organizing mass events and exhibitions of folk art, and provision of transport.

Libraries of the Pskov region maintain contact with regional and local mass media, publishing houses, which help to comprehensively cover the events of library life in the region.

Speaking about the popularization of books and reading, library specialists in the region also note such a nuance of cooperation with regional media: it is necessary to start talking not only about the status of reading, but also about the status of reading good books that develop the spiritual world of a person, and the media can help in this.

Information support to the libraries of the region is provided by Internet information agencies: Pskov Information Agency, Pskov News Feed, Business Information Center, and others. "Library Portal of the Pskov Region" ( portal. pskovlib. en) enables municipal libraries to tell about their activities in the virtual space. In legal education, information partners in the work of municipal libraries are Spetssvyaz of the Federal Security Service of Russia, Garant, Consultant Plus, which regularly provide a replenished package of reference legal information free of charge.

There are many such examples of joint fruitful cooperation. And libraries are grateful to everyone who helps them - both in kind words and deeds.

The Pskov Regional Universal Scientific Library has developed new project- creation Alternative club of socially responsible Pskov residents "Ideal partnership" . The new project was prepared by the staff of the socio-cultural development department and is aimed at developing cooperation between the business community, volunteers and library partners. With the participation of volunteers for the first time such events as annual action "Day of Remembrance of Favorite Books" , Non-conference “Overcoming. I want to live!" , intellectual games tournament festival of intellectual literature "2012: Literature without fiction". The regional library invites everyone to join the project on club website( The Ideal Partnership is based on the theory that sooner or later humanity will come to the conclusion that it will build its life not only around material benefits, but also social benefits. The members of the club are our contemporaries, who are already engaged in issues of social interaction and social investment. You can get acquainted with the members of the club or join it on a specially created virtual platform - blog "Perfect partnership"( Among their partners, sponsors, patrons, libraries of the region will always be glad to see companies from various business areas, volunteers, creative and caring people from Pskov.

At present, the library community of the Pskov region sets as its task the further development of partnerships between libraries and various institutions and organizations, public associations for the implementation of socially significant actions, library programs and innovative projects.

Prepared by: Levchenko Alla Leonidovna, head of the sector of the department for coordinating the activities of the libraries of the Pskov OUNB region.

The modern period of development of society is characterized by a sharp increase in social problems and the strengthening of the role of the general public in the search for ways to solve them. Sociocultural norms of communication and interaction are changing, outdated models are being transformed or dying off, new models are being born. One of the new phenomena of Russian public life is social partnership, which has been recognized since the early 90s of the last century.

In the scientific literature and in practice, social partnership is characterized ambiguously. Some understand it as a specific type of social and labor relations between public authorities, the employer and the workforce. Others - in a broader sense: as a specific type of social relations between professional, social groups, layers, classes, their public associations, authorities and business. Still others - as an ideological basis for coordinating and protecting the interests of various social groups, strata, classes, their public associations, business and authorities.

Recently, cultural institutions have become more and more active participants and initiators of social partnership, which are able to have a tangible impact on the effectiveness of reforms in society, on the consolidation of the public to solve socially significant problems. Such experience of cultural institutions is reflected in publications on the pages of many publications, on the Internet. The dispersal of this information, the lack of practical and methodological recommendations indicated the need to issue this collection.

The digest “Social Partnership in the Sphere of Culture” includes publications from all-Russian printed publications over the past two years, which present not only the theoretical aspect of this topical issue, but also the positive innovative experience of cultural institutions and organizations. It is supplemented with addresses of Internet resources: non-profit organizations, some social projects. The collection is a kind of practical guide for organizing a system of social partnership in the field of culture and is intended for administrators and managers, all those who carry out social and cultural projects and are looking for additional opportunities for their implementation.

The digest presents the experience of social partnership of libraries in the most comprehensive way, which is dictated by the peculiarities of the information flow. However, these publications contain valuable experience that can be used by other subjects in the field of culture. The author's punctuation and emphasis are preserved in the texts. badge<…>places in the text of the document that are not included in the digest are indicated.

We are waiting for your feedback on this issue and materials for the next one at the address: 163061, Arkhangelsk, st. Loginova, d. 2, Arkhangelsk regional science Library them. ON THE. Dobrolyubova, Sector of information on culture (for the digest). Phone/fax: 21-58-70, e-mail: [email protected]

The concept of social partnership

Social partnership as a mechanism for sustainable socio-economic development

“Social partnership is a system of civilized social relations that ensures the coordination and protection of the interests of employees, employers, entrepreneurs, various social groups, strata, their public associations, state authorities, local self-government on the basis of contracts, agreements, reaching consensus on the most important areas of social economic and political development.<…>

Along with it [social partnership], political, corporate, agency partnerships, and social dialogue have become widespread. In addition, the so-called non-commercial partnership implemented non-profit organizations to achieve social, charitable, cultural, educational, scientific and managerial goals in meeting the non-material needs of citizens, their legitimate interests, as well as in the areas of protecting rights, resolving disputes and conflicts, and providing legal assistance.<…>

The most important goals of social partnership are to harmonize and protect the interests of various social groups, strata and classes, to promote the solution of urgent economic, social and political problems, to deepen democracy, to form a social legal state, an open democratic civil society.<…>

The policy of social partnership is not limited to the sphere of economic or social and labor relations. Its implementation is associated with the participation in such a process of public associations representing the interests of various social groups, strata, bodies government controlled and local self-government, adoption and implementation of contracts and agreements, political decisions. Large groups of people are involved in the development and adoption of them, labor collectives, representatives settlements, territories. Power structures act most often as organizers of the negotiation or conciliation process.<…>

Constructive civilized relations of social partnership imply the maximum consideration of the interests of various social groups and strata, their harmonization and perhaps a more complete implementation. Otherwise, they will not effectively contribute to the formation of sustainable socio-economic development and political stability, the establishment of harmony in society.<…>

Speaking at the Civil Forum, President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin stressed that "without a truly partnership between the state and society, there can be neither a strong state nor a prosperous civil society: here we need a dialogue on an equal footing."<…>

Social partnership in its essence is aimed at the formation of consensus, civil peace in society; to reduce tension in relations between different social groups and strata; on the political consolidation of authorities at all levels and local governments.

The policy of social partnership contributes to the development and deepening of democracy, the establishment of civilized forms of harmonization of the diverse interests of various social groups, strata and classes, the formation of an open democratic civil society.”

Social partnership in Russia

«<..>The creation of a just system of social order in the interests of the majority of the peoples of Russia cannot be the business of the state alone. World experience, incl. The experience of pre-revolutionary Russia shows that neither the state, nor the market, nor the family can overcome social conflicts alone. Only social partnership - the constructive interaction of various forces in the public arena - can provide people with equal opportunities for a decent life. The meaning of social partnership in Russia today is mutually beneficial interaction within the social triangle, which includes state structures, business structures, as well as trade unions and public organizations.

Interaction is necessary in order to jointly solve significant social problems, such as poverty, homelessness, orphanhood, rampant crime, environmental pollution. Representatives of each side of the triangle are differently aware of their own responsibility for these human misfortunes, have different opportunities and resources to help, and, finally, different ideas about the very nature of social problems. But, despite the differences and contradictions, cooperation is possible, and most importantly, it is necessary.

Social partnership is not only a redistribution of resources to solve social problems. The object of common responsibility is not only social problems in themselves, but also ways to solve them. These are civil actions that involve the initiative of the people, actions within the framework of civil society.

Social partnership is the path to an effective state based on social consolidation, expanding public support for the goals and actions of the authorities. The idea of ​​social partnership is close to and in demand by broad strata of the people. It proceeds from the need to unite the authorities with the people, to organize a socially just creative society, to unite the spiritual and the material.

The mechanism of social partnership, consolidating the state, entrepreneurs and people around the main goals, in principle, is as follows:

In relation to society, the state assumes conscious responsibility for social guarantees, receiving in return the legitimacy of power and public support;

In relation to entrepreneurs, the state provides guarantees of property rights, a favorable business climate, support for Russian business in the outside world, receiving support from national capital in return, strict observance of the norms and rules established by the state;

The balance between society and capital is based on the principle: socially responsible behavior of entrepreneurs in exchange for public support for their interests, goals and actions.

The success of social partnership is determined by many conditions. However, there are conditions without which it simply does not work. The most important participant in the triangle of social partnership is the institution of civil society: a set of voluntary public associations, trade unions, charitable and other organizations. Participation in voluntary associations is not only a matter of private interests, desires and opportunities for self-realization. This is a question of the relationship between the individual and the state. Using freedoms and rights, citizens simultaneously assume responsibility, certain obligations to protect their rights, incl. social. In order to vote responsibly, citizens must be informed about the most important issues facing society. Public associations are largely responsible for formulating and presenting these problems to the social partners (state and capital). By participating in their work, citizens take responsibility for their own (themselves and others) awareness, accept the obligation to be tolerant of other points of view. This is the phenomenon of effective civic behavior - the driving force of social partnership.

<…>the modern understanding of the participation of capital in the triangle of social partnership is not limited to charity. The participation of entrepreneurs in solving social problems today will be determined by the economic feasibility of such costs. By investing in human capital, urban infrastructure, transport communications and communications, an entrepreneur makes a decent profit.

The task of the state is to create legal and economic incentives for the development of this activity. The task of trade unions and public unions is to draw capital into the solution of pressing social problems and to inform the state about the state of cooperation.

The most important function of the state in Russia has always been to maintain balance and dialogue between different social strata and groups of the population. Main mistake the past period of market reforms - a complete underestimation of the decisive role of national institutions in governance market economy and social sphere.

<…>The success of social partnership in Russia will be determined by the dynamics of the formation of the middle class. This class should cover at least 50% of the population, with a simultaneous decrease in the share of the population with incomes below the subsistence minimum to 10-15%. The state simply cannot long time to unite the polar segments of a divided society, if the accelerated formation of its natural support does not begin - the mass stratum of people with an average income. These are people who clearly understand what they want both for themselves and their loved ones, and for their country. The formation of the middle class gives the necessary stability to the entire social structure and will serve as the basis for overcoming the social split<..>».

National features of social partnership

“Often in the public mind, the very concept of social partnership is misinterpreted. Many understand this phenomenon as any interaction, whether it be intra-corporate cooperation or building partnerships with other organizations. As a result, the true meaning of social partnership is distorted, and concepts are replaced.

Historically, the slogan of social partnership arose as an antithesis to class conflicts and revolutions, as a way to resolve the contradictions between labor and capital. The crisis of the basic concepts of the state structure - socialism, the welfare state and modernization - required the search for new approaches. In the focus of social and political influence, citizens' initiatives appear, which unite in communities of non-profit organizations and social movements.

Today, the meaning of social partnership is to establish constructive interaction between three forces in the public arena - state structures, commercial enterprises and non-profit organizations (these forces are usually called the first, second and third sectors, respectively).

Social partnership is a social action based on a sense of human solidarity and shared responsibility for a problem. In the very general view it can be said that social partnership arises when representatives of the three sectors begin to work together, realizing that this is beneficial to each group and society as a whole.

The following key points of social partnership can be distinguished:

  • social problem;
  • partners' interests;
  • legal validity of the partnership;
  • opportunities and strengths partners;
  • rules of interaction and mutual control;
  • the presence of an information field covering the processes of social partnership;
  • the presence of the project as a way of co-organization of the parties;
  • constancy and stability of the process of social partnership;
  • innovative ways of solving social problems.

The key point around which social partnership is formed is a social problem. But its identification and awareness by all is not enough for the emergence of social partnership - articulation of the interests of the parties is necessary:

  • the significance of the social problem for each of the parties;
  • establishing the interests of each of the possible partners;
  • joint formulation of goals and objectives of activities;
  • awareness of their role, status in society, assessment of their capabilities to solve the problem;
  • development of clear rules of action in the process of cooperation;
  • the awareness by the parties that the pooling of their forces and means has a cumulative effect.

It is necessary to distinguish between simple interaction or cooperation of efforts in solving momentary problems, most often regulated by directives from higher leadership, from social partnership based on equal, long-term and mutually beneficial cooperation of parties that share and seek to solve a social problem.

L. Olsen in his book Partnership For Social Welfare writes that “partnership is more than cooperation. It includes the development of a project culture accepted by partners as an environment for sharing tasks (responsibility). It includes the process of finding new solutions,<...>in which the partners involve each other. It contains contractual obligations and a quality improvement system that all partners must improve and develop.”

<…>Each sector in the social partnership system has its strengths and weaknesses. The strength of the state is its power levers, the strength of business is the ability to provide financial resources, the third sector is the initiator of innovative ideas. But the inability to share them creates a number of problems.

First, one of the most difficult tasks is finding a source of project funding. In most cases, social problems are solved only by means of budget subsidies, the volume of which practically does not depend on the real qualitative results of work, since for government organizations the budget line is always strictly limited. Moreover, in Russia there is still no incentive system charitable activities, which in Western countries is a serious source of funding. Grants from foreign charitable organizations and foundations are also insufficient for the broad development of social partnership.

Secondly, there is the problem of lack human resources or rather, the lack of professionals capable of ensuring the effectiveness of the process of social partnership. The initiative to implement certain projects most often comes from the third sector. And the lack of experience of its representatives administrative activities, planning, raising funds is an obstacle to strengthening the social effect of partnership. Enthusiasm must be based on professionalism, otherwise it will quickly fade.

The third problem is inability to innovate. Innovative methods and technologies of work initiated by public organizations or taken from the experience of other countries cannot always be introduced into the existing format of the social system. The situation is further aggravated by the fact that officials of various government bodies show hostility to changes, especially in their work with the third sector. Representatives of the latter are often perceived as "applicants" or "subordinates", or even as "rivals", but not as partners. It happens that rivalry or even envy flares up within one sector or organization, which leads to blocking further cooperation.

Sometimes the opposite situation arises, when a number of public figures believe that the state should resolve many issues on its own. This approach is explained by the general reasons for the underdevelopment of civil society institutions. Paternalism and social passivity have always been inherent in Russian society.

All parties must be aware that social partnership implies professionalism, high responsibility for the quality and completeness of the fulfillment of the obligations assumed. Only with such an attitude towards joint cooperation it is possible to overcome the existing problems and make the process of social partnership effective.

<…>each of the sectors in the social partnership system has its own strengths. In sum, they provide a powerful synergistic effect. In Western countries, it is achieved through a well-established mechanism for regulating partnerships, coordination of actions between subjects of influence.

In Russia, things are a bit different. In many cases, the commercial sector pursues only its own interests, while the state remains conservative in its views and more often acts as a deterrent to innovative projects. In such a situation, the third sector should become that creative, creative force capable of accumulating new ideas that meet the requirements of rapidly changing social conditions.<...>

Libraries occupy a special place in the system of social partnership. Being social institution Closely associated with the state, libraries, in essence, act as a form of organization of civil initiatives, become catalysts for the activity of various sections of society. Having experience in working with the population and information, libraries can become a key link in establishing relationships between the subjects of social partnership. Let us formulate a number of important tasks that libraries are called upon to solve:

  • providing information support to the state, commercial organizations and NGOs;
  • carrying out information and educational work with the population;
  • regulation of the legislative process by expressing the interests of society;
  • organization of presentations, projects, seminars.

Libraries have a powerful potential for information and educational activities, which should be directed to the development of the information society in Russia. Its specificity lies in the fact that the key link in the focus of public influence is not the government, as it was before, but the institutions of civil society, the non-profit sector. The partnership process itself acquires a fruitful communication exchange between government, business and the third sector.

The well-known sociologist J. Habermas calls such a society a “society of discourses”: through discussions, conferences, policy seminars, economists, experts come to solutions that really satisfy all social strata and lead to the harmonization of relations between sectors. Public discussion is not developed in Russia. Libraries should become the initiator of a dialogue between all subjects of social partnership, involve politicians, business representatives and NGOs in solving social projects and do this on an ongoing basis.

Within the framework of social partnership, the activities of libraries are largely altruistic, and are aimed primarily at the social and cultural spheres. In the absence of a clear cultural strategy for the state, libraries must make their own decisions, form their own cultural policy and fill the value vacuum that has formed in society.<…>

We noted that one of the criteria for the effectiveness of the social partnership process is professionalism. Librarians should become not only cultural workers, but also specialist managers involved in public relations, marketing strategies. Libraries need to create special self-sufficient sectors, funds, whose activities should be aimed exclusively at developing cooperation, searching for possible partners, and solving problems of developing social partnership.

By fulfilling the tasks listed above, libraries can become the main channel through which an increasing number of different segments of the population will be included in the process of cooperation. Libraries can consolidate the public on socially significant issues, which is an important factor in the development of social partnership and the formation of civil society.

Legal basis for the development of social partnership

Legal tools for the development of social partnership

Social partnership is a system of civilized public relations aimed at harmonizing and protecting the interests of representatives of various social groups, strata, classes, public associations, state authorities and local governments, commercial and non-profit structures, public institutions, which include libraries. It develops on the basis of normative treaties and agreements, reaching consensus on the most important areas of socio-economic and political development of society.<…>
From a legal point of view, social partnership is the coordination of actions of all parties on a certain legislative platform, reflecting its essence, content and regulatory instruments. Legal provision of social partnership in libraries is in the process of formation. Let's consider its characteristic features.

1. Development of federal legislation, both general and sectoral, which outlined the legal field for social partnership in the library.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation proclaims the principles of social partnership, defines the main areas of cooperation in the field of culture, education and information (Art. 29, 43, 44), labor relations (Art. 7, 37, 72), social development and social protection (Art. 7, 39, 40, 71, 72), health and environmental protection (Art. 41,42,114).

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation contains Section II "Social partnership in the sphere of labor" (Articles 23-55). In it, social partnership is considered as a system of relationships between employees (representatives of employees), employers (representatives of employers), state authorities and local governments, aimed at ensuring the coordination of the interests of employees and employers on the regulation of labor relations and other economic relations directly related to them.

The Federal Laws of the Russian Federation “On Trade Unions and Guarantees of Their Activities” (1995), “On Associations of Employers” (2002), “On the Procedure for Resolving Collective Labor Disputes” (1995), and “On Collective Contracts and Agreements” (1992) indicate the forms , methods and mechanisms of legal regulation of social partnership on a contractual basis.

The profile Law of the Russian Federation "On librarianship" (1993) includes chapter IV "Organization of interaction between libraries" (Articles 19,20, 21), which regulates the cooperation and interaction of libraries various types and types among themselves, with bodies of scientific and technical information and archives, as well as issues of labor relations of library workers (Article 26).

These norms are the legal foundation on the basis of which the formation and development of a new type of socio-economic relations in libraries takes place.

2. Formation of regional legislation that defines regional features and practice of cooperation between libraries of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

In the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, laws on social partnership are adopted or relevant sections are included in legislative acts on librarianship that regulate the provision of social protection and social guarantees for library workers, the development of labor relations in libraries (Republic of Karelia, Altai Territory, Belgorod, Pskov, Kamchatka, Kirov, Ivanovskaya , Ryazan, Sverdlovsk, Tomsk, Tula and other regions).

Formation of a legal mechanism for social partnership in a specific library that develops and adopts local regulations, regulatory contracts and agreements concluded on the basis of mutual consultations, negotiations and agreements between the parties.

The current federal and regional legislation does not fully regulate all areas of social partnership of libraries. The solution of many issues in modern conditions is transferred to the local level. In this regard, there is a rethinking of the significance of local regulations, regulatory contracts and agreements in regulating various legal relations in the activities of libraries, their role and importance for the functioning of the library, maintaining it in a state conducive to the implementation of basic socio-economic and cultural functions.<…>

The process of legal regulation of the social partnership of libraries on the basis of local normative acts and normative agreements is of a complex, interdisciplinary nature.<…>

Local regulations are regulations of a general nature and permanent action, designed for repeated use, adopted at the level of a particular institution or organization<…>containing rules of law aimed at regulating certain social relations.

Local regulations - one of the types of corporate documents, acts of internal management ... [institution].<…>The effect of a local normative act is determined by the territory to which the authority of the body that issued it extends, in this case, to the local territory of the library or library system. At the same time, local regulations are an integral part of regulations containing the norms of civil, information, library and other legislation.

They are adopted in order to specify the rules established by legal acts of higher levels, for example, regulations, orders, instructions of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and other ministries and departments, decisions and resolutions of local government bodies or local government bodies in relation to the conditions of activity of a particular libraries. Each library creates local regulations based on federal laws, laws of the subjects of the Russian Federation, by-laws of ministries and departments.<…>

The following local regulations of libraries are most common: [charter, regulation, rules, job descriptions]<…>.

Local normative acts, normative contracts and agreements play an exceptionally important role as instruments of legal regulation of social partnership of libraries. They contribute to the organization and management, create conditions for rationalization legal activity and optimization of the process of legal regulation of library legal relations.

<…>Examples include normative treaties and agreements regulating legal relations in the socio-cultural and educational spheres, concerning, to one degree or another, the development of cooperation and partnership of libraries.

So, for example, the regional (regional) agreement between the administration of the Altai Territory, the regional association of employers and the regional council of trade unions contains the section "Social and cultural sphere". In it, the regional administration undertakes to implement target program“Assembling library and museum collections, ensuring the security of museum collections” and “Computerization of libraries in the Altai Territory”.

The agreement on public consent and social partnership in the Republic of Mordovia was signed by the head of the Republic of Mordovia, the chairman of the State Assembly, the chairman of the Government, the head of local government, the chairman of the federal trade unions of the republic, the heads of associations of industrial enterprises, the Council of Rectors of higher educational institutions, the Board of Directors of secondary educational institutions, heads of political parties, religious organizations, public associations, mass media. The agreement contains a special section 5 "Social and humanitarian sphere", where the participants undertake to contribute to the creation of the necessary conditions for the work of institutions of science, education and culture, including libraries.

Social partnership in the cultural sector on the territory of the Sverdlovsk region is implemented in the form of a tripartite agreement on interaction in solving the most pressing social and labor problems. The agreement includes a recommendatory clause for the administrations of cities and regions on the introduction of a coefficient of 1.2 to the wages of employees of libraries, clubs, and museums.

In Moscow, among the existing 19 city branch agreements, an agreement on social partnership was signed between the Committee on Culture of the Moscow Government and the Moscow City Committee of Trade Unions of Cultural Workers. It contains the obligations assumed by the Committee for Culture of the Moscow Government in relation to libraries. In particular, about the need to finance from the city budget the protection of the premises of mass libraries, the work of mobile funds and the IBA, and the promotion of the preservation library fund, the inadmissibility of the seizure of industrial premises and areas of organizations and cultural institutions, including libraries. The rights of trade unions to develop and control the implementation of labor protection conditions are also fixed; all subordinate organizations are recommended to develop and coordinate with trade union committees provisions on bonuses and allowances regulating the procedure for the formation of the payroll fund, including from extrabudgetary sources<…>».

Public library in social infrastructure

“Legal basis for partnership. New opportunities for cooperation between libraries and organizations and institutions of the social sphere are provided by the emerging legal framework. Libraries in their activities are not limited to applying the norms of only special "library" laws adopted at the federal or regional levels. The current situation of their development requires constant reference to the norms of related and general legislation. It is no coincidence that the Ministry of Culture of Russia at the end of 2002 took care of conducting an "inventory" regulatory framework spheres of culture and turned to the federal library centers with a request to prepare proposals for introducing amendments and additions to the existing and developing "non-library" legislative acts in order to include in them the issues of the functioning and development of libraries and the provision of library and information services to the population.

But even the correct reading by libraries of the existing "non-library" laws gives them the opportunity to use the norms contained in them more widely for their development. Let's take a look at some of these situations.

Situation 1. The general principles underlying Law No. 78-FZ and Federal Law No. 12-FZ of January 13, 1996 "On Education" (hereinafter - Law No. 12-FZ) allow the library to cooperate with the educational sphere.

The first of them defines librarianship, in particular, as a branch of educational activity, and the library as "an information, cultural, educational institution" (Article 1). The second - as one of the factors of economic and social progress of society, highlights the direction of development educational sphere which should provide opportunities for self-determination and self-realization of the individual, strengthening and improving the rule of law. Accordingly, the role of the general educational programs in solving problems of formation common culture personality, adaptation to life in society, creating the basis for a conscious choice and development of a profession (Article 9, paragraph 3).

By participating public libraries in informatization processes, scientific and methodological support is truly invaluable. They provide citizens of all ages and life orientations with access to information, obtaining knowledge, regardless of the level and form of education or education, including additional education and self-education.

The competence of local governments in the field of education contributes to "the use of state and municipal ... cultural objects ... in the interests of education" (Law No. 12-FZ, art. 31, p. 2/10).

Only on this basis can the library rightly be referred to as "institutions that carry out educational process"(art. 12, paragraph 4/9) or more specifically - to municipal institutions additional education, the main purpose of which is the development of the motivation of the personality of adults and children for knowledge and creativity, the implementation of additional educational programs and services in the interests of the individual, society, and the state. The library carries out its activities in this direction, relying on the norms of the same law (Article 32, paragraph 2/15).

The right to create flexible educational structures (center, palace, house, club, school, etc.) is provided, in particular, by the Model Regulation on educational institutions of additional education for children. Such structures have the right to independently develop a program of activities, taking into account the needs of children, the needs of families, educational institutions, children's and youth public associations and organizations, as well as the characteristics of socio-economic development and national and cultural traditions of the territory. Financing of the activities of such organizations should be carried out on a shared basis.

Situation 2. One of the tasks of almost any public library as a social and cultural institution is to provide assistance in obtaining information and organizing leisure activities for people in need of social rehabilitation. This kind of activity distinguishes the library as an independent element of the system of social services for the population, which can play the role of a connecting and coordinating link, combining a number of elements of the system (gerontological, rehabilitation and other similar centers, services, organizations).

This is facilitated by the norms of federal legal acts that bring together the interests, goals and objectives of the social sphere and libraries.

The organization of correspondence, mobile (non-stationary, service) forms of library services for the elderly or the disabled becomes the basis for classifying the library as an institution providing social services and for its inclusion in the municipal system of social services (Federal Law of December 10, 1995 No. 195-FZ "On the Fundamentals of Social Services for the Population in the Russian Federation", Article 4).

The library has a real opportunity to take advantage of the benefits that are provided for social service institutions (ibid., art. 22, paragraph 4).

Libraries can also receive significant material support on the basis of the provisions of Federal Law No. 181-FZ of November 24, 1995 "On the Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation." It makes significant additions, in particular, to the issues of construction of buildings and structures of municipal importance, which is directly related to library buildings and structures.

The interaction of libraries with organizations of social protection and social security creates the necessary conditions and for the implementation of the norms of Law No. 12-FZ, which secured the rights of special user groups (Article 8).

As a result of cooperation in this direction, libraries have additional opportunities to attract funds, both from local budgets and funds allocated for the implementation of targeted social programs.”

Social partnership in the sphere of culture: Russian experience

Social partnership in cultural and leisure activities for the elderly

“One of the problems of the elderly is the lack of full-fledged communication even with peers, and even more so with younger people and children. Older people often have, in connection with this, feelings of emptiness and lack of demand. These psychological problems, in turn, turn into physiological ones, and various chronic diseases begin to progress.

One of the main goals of social work with the elderly is to involve the elderly themselves in the process of solving social problems. In Europe, interest groups for the elderly developed in the 19th century, and to this day remain one of the most popular forms of social work.

During the implementation of the projects of the Russian-European Foundation "Support and Development of Social Services for the Elderly in Kemerovo and the Kemerovo Region" and the administration of the city of Kemerovo "The Older Generation", various associations and clubs for the elderly and disabled began to be created and developed at the comprehensive centers of social services. Now in the system of social protection of the population of the city there are 57 clubs and associations of interest, which unite more than 570 people.

Not only social workers, but also specialists from various organizations, institutions and enterprises of the city take part in the work of the clubs. In general, the permanent social partners of social protection institutions last year were 109 different organizations, including 18 public and educational institutions, 19 cultural institutions and 57 industrial enterprises and commercial firms providing ongoing charitable assistance in the development of leisure activities for the elderly.

The main principle of cooperation between various organizations of the social sphere of the city in the interests of the elderly is the active exchange of information, resources and technologies, the organization of joint work with public organizations, cultural institutions, health care, the city employment center, with educational institutions, including preschool and additional.

The areas of work most demanded by older people have been formed: cultural and leisure; charity, fundraising, volunteer movement; informational and educational direction; socio-psychological consultation and training; physical culture and health. All these areas are closely interconnected. The work, as a rule, involves several institutions involved in solving the problems of older people.

The implementation of cultural and leisure activities for the elderly includes the organization of festive events dedicated to memorable dates; performances by creative teams of clubs for the elderly and disabled in schools, the Boarding House; concert ensembles of cultural institutions in complex social service centers, day care departments; holding city-wide festivals of amateur and artistic creativity, exhibitions of vegetable products, flowers; holding competitions for the best hostess; organization of conversations, loud readings, film lectures, literary and musical evenings. Recently, such an interesting form of work as "courtesy visits" has also appeared. A courtesy visit is a congratulation at home of immobile elderly and disabled people on anniversaries, birthdays. Such congratulations are jointly attended by social work specialists, employees of the Houses of Culture, participants in amateur performances and concert groups.

Libraries, children's music schools and children's art schools are actively cooperating in cultural and leisure activities, creative teams cultural institutions and clubs of veterans. Exhibitions of works by young artists in institutions of social protection have become traditional, and at the celebration of the city's veteran activists on the Day of the Elderly, each veteran was presented with the best works of schoolchildren as a keepsake.

Students and schoolchildren actively participate in club work for the elderly and disabled, develop scenarios, conduct surveys and interviews within the framework of the "Theaters of Memories", meetings of the "Biography Pages". The city's two largest cinemas host weekly morning benefit screenings for the elderly; every month the theaters of the city carry out the same action. Elderly people willingly create self-help groups (they work in all districts of the city) and mutual support. Mini-clubs at the place of residence are becoming a particularly popular form of such activity.

Many elderly members of associations of interest with the pleasure of the team visit the museums of the city, the botanical garden with the help of social workers organize trips to the museum-reserve "Tomskaya Pisanitsa", to healing springs.

In the complex center of social services for the population of the Central District, a permanent lecture hall "University of the Third Age" was created. Specialists in the widest range of knowledge are involved in this work - from housekeeping and home gardening to folk traditions and the history of their native land. For older people who are interested in religious issues, collective visits to Orthodox churches are organized. The clergy are constantly involved in the work of the day care departments of the centres.

For those who are interested in issues of health and longevity, "Health Schools" operate at the city's medical and preventive institutions. One of the most actively developed areas in the work of clubs is social and psychological work among the elderly.

Libraries and social partnership

"Libraries have extensive experience in interacting with various organizations, but, despite this, social partnership in the library field is a new type of interaction between libraries and all subjects of society, aimed at harmonizing and realizing the interests of all participants in the process of solving social problems." E. Smolina.

social partnership

The administration of the Brusnichny rural settlement of the Nizhneilimsky district, represented by the head of the Brusnichny rural settlement Anisimova Svetlana Nikolaevna and the School Parliament acting on the basis of the Charter of the school, the Regulations on the School Parliament, hereinafter referred to as the "Parties" have concluded this Agreement as follows:

I.General provision, subject of the Agreement

1.1 By joining efforts, the Parties agreed to work together in order to successfully resolve issues of local importance, the implementation of their powers and other tasks aimed at improving the quality of life of schoolchildren in the village of Brusnichny.

1.2. The parties, in accordance with the general plan of work, jointly hold events for schoolchildren: holidays, sports competitions, sports and recreation events, educational, cultural, career guidance events.

II. Duties of the parties

2.1. The administration of the Brusnichny rural settlement undertakes:

2.1.2. Assist the School Parliament in carrying out activities and presentations specified in paragraph 1.2. actual agreement.

2.1.3. Provide assistance in search, local history, environmental activities schoolchildren.

2.1.4. Involve members of the School Parliament in the organization of village events with students.

2.2. School Parliament:

2.2.1. Take an active part in promotions, competitions, events provided for in the work plan.

2.2.2. Coordinate with the administration of the Brusnichny rural settlement within a reasonable time the plan for each of the events.

2.2.3. To assist the administration of the Brusnichny rural settlement in carrying out the events and performances specified in clause 1.2. actual agreement.

2.3. In order to implement the provisions of this agreement, the Parties may conduct negotiations, form joint working groups.

2.4. The parties are obliged to comply with the agreed work plan.

III. Responsibility of the parties

3.1.Measures of responsibility of the parties are applied in accordance with the current regulatory and legal acts.

IV. Other conditions

4.1. Disputes and disagreements that may arise during the execution of this Agreement will be resolved through negotiations between the Parties.

4.2. This Agreement is made in two original copies in Russian, having the same legal force, one copy for each of the Parties.

4.3. All changes and additions to this Agreement will be valid only if they are made in writing and signed by both parties.

4.4. This Agreement shall enter into force upon its signing by both Parties.