Trade management 1s. Scientific electronic library

General information about configuration

The "Trade Management" configuration of the "1C: Enterprise 8.1" software system is a solution that allows you to effectively solve the problems of operational and management accounting. The configuration has powerful analysis and planning tools that provide information support to decision makers.

The “Trade Management” configuration, which operates on the technological platform of the new generation “1C: Enterprise 8.1”, provides qualitatively new tools for improving management efficiency trading companies very different profile. The configuration allows you to keep records of any type of trading operations, such as purchase and sale of goods, mutual settlements with counterparties, accounting of retail trade transactions using commercial equipment, customer order management, sales planning.

The main direction of development of the new solution is the implementation in a configuration of functionality designed for efficient enterprise management.

The "Trade Management" configuration supports the execution of almost all primary documents of trade accounting (including documents of movement Money) and is designed to manage any kind of trading operations.

Thanks to its flexibility and customizability, the configuration is able to perform all the functions of accounting, management and analysis - from maintaining directories and entering primary documents to planning purchases and sales and receiving various analytical reports.

The main functions of the Trade Management configuration include:

  • customer relationship management: and used to analyze customer relationships, operational control for the work of managers;
  • sales management: using the tools of this subsystem, you can develop the most effective strategy customer service;
  • purchasing management: and is used to provide managers with the information they need to make timely decisions about replenishment of inventories, to reduce procurement costs and to clearly organize interactions with suppliers;
  • Inventory Management: used for detailed operational accounting of goods in warehouses, as well as ensuring full control commodity stocks in wholesale and retail trade;
  • accounting and control of mutual settlements;
  • pricing management and price monitoring: is used to manage selling prices for goods, apply various pricing and discount schemes, as well as monitor employee compliance with the established pricing policy;
  • analysis trading activities and turnover: allows you to get status information warehouse stock, orders, sales and mutual settlements in any sections with the required detail.

The "Trade Management" configuration is implemented as separate subsystems that solve various tasks of operational accounting and analysis of enterprise management: mutual settlements and lending; managing relationships with customers and suppliers; inventory control; container accounting; accounting for additional costs; accounting for the balance of imported goods in the context of customs declaration numbers and countries of origin; order management; pricing; accounting for commission trading operations; accounting of retail trade operations; mutual settlements and lending (accounting, control and analysis of mutual settlements with counterparties); work with accountable persons; cash accounting (accounting for cash balances in various bank accounts and at the company's cash desks); planning sales and purchases; volume-calendar planning of purchases; VAT accounting.

All these subsystems are interconnected.

The "Mutual Settlements and Lending" system allows you to: control the execution of documents based on the current state of mutual settlements with this counterparty in management accounting (under the contract as a whole, for orders, for invoices, for settlement documents); provide reporting information on the current state of mutual settlements, including data on the movement of goods and funds and their relationship.

The subsystem "Management of relationships with buyers and suppliers" allows you to: store contact information about customers, automatically notify users of upcoming contacts with a client; exchange contact information with programs MS OUTLOOK, OUTLOOK EXPRESS; help users quickly make decisions about the next steps in customer relationships; analyze customer relationships, automatically divide customers into various categories(ABC and XYZ analysis of counterparties); provide users with information about the history of customer relationships; plan for the manager various contacts with clients, analyze the work of managers and quickly monitor the work of managers

The "Warehouse accounting" subsystem allows you to: take into account purchased goods, received for sale and goods received without primary documents, at an unlimited number of warehouses; keep batch records of goods; keep records of goods, in the context of series, characteristics, taking into account quality; draw up sales plans based on the analysis of sales data for previous periods; receive various reporting information

The "Tare Accounting" subsystem makes it possible to distinguish between several types of containers: purchased returnable containers, returnable containers, own containers. This difference lies in the method of using the received container and the type of container ownership.

For returnable containers, quantitative batch accounting is maintained with an accuracy of the item of the nomenclature. Detailing to characteristics and series is not taken into account.

The subsystem "Accounting for additional costs" allows you to: take into account additional costs, both those that do not affect the change in the cost of consignments of goods, and those that do.

The subsystem "Accounting for the balance of imported goods in the context of CCD numbers and countries of origin" allows you to: keep a record of the balance of imported goods in the context of CCD numbers and countries for which they were credited.

The subsystem "Order Management" contains tools for analyzing orders, designed to provide support for the acceptance management decisions when interacting with customers and help identify bottlenecks in the warehouse.

The "Pricing" subsystem allows you to: store information about competitors' prices; store information about prices of suppliers; create a price list with selling prices; store a list of discounts and markups in relation to sales volume.

The subsystem "Accounting for commission trading operations. Acceptance for commission": is designed to automate the trade in the goods of the consignor.

The receipt and sale of the goods of the committent are reflected in the subsystem warehouse accounting. This subsystem provides the possibility of generating a report to the consignor on the goods sold, calculation of the commission fee, revaluation of goods accepted for commission and the necessary reporting information in quantitative and cost terms.

The subsystem "Transfer for commission" is intended for automatic accounting of goods transferred for sale to a commission agent. The subsystem provides the possibility of inventorying and fixing the commission agent's report on the sold goods, calculating his commission, revaluation of goods given for commission and the necessary reporting information in quantitative and cost terms.

The subsystem "Accounting for retail operations" allows you to register the receipt of goods directly to the company's retail outlets, their transfer to retail from wholesale and vice versa, as well as automate retail stores that keep and do not keep records of items of the nomenclature. Operative accounting of retail profit from each of the retail outlets.

The subsystem "Mutual settlements and crediting (accounting, control and analysis of mutual settlements with counterparties)" provides control over the execution of documents based on the current state of mutual settlements, including data on the movement of goods and funds and their relationship. Allows you to schedule incoming and outgoing payments. Mutual settlements with counterparties are detailed by contracts and transactions (orders, invoices, settlement documents).

The subsystem "Accounting for funds (accounting for cash balances in various bank accounts and at the company's cash desks)" allows you to automate the operations of receipt and expenditure of funds.

It also provides the ability to manage intentions for the receipt and expenditure of funds of a trading enterprise.

The subsystem "Work with accountable persons" allows you to: take into account the issuance of funds to an accountable person (simultaneously in the currency of management accounting and in the currency of mutual settlements with the accountable person); enter information about what the funds were spent on; print advance report; receive various reporting information

The subsystem "Planning sales and purchases" allows you to create long-term plans for sales and purchases of goods based on the analysis of past periods. Various quantitative and sum indicators are used as planning indicators. Sales plans can be drawn up for the company as a whole or for individual divisions of the company.

The subsystem "Volume-calendar procurement planning" implements the procurement planning process.

The process is divided into several stages: at the first stage, the total volume of needs for goods is estimated; further, it is analyzed to what extent the formed plan of needs for goods can be satisfied at the expense of the goods available in warehouses. The user is offered to either distribute the remaining volume of needs for goods among existing orders to suppliers or place new orders. The "VAT Accounting" subsystem records VAT only on trade transactions. Based on these data, a sales book and a purchase book are formed. VAT accounting is carried out only on those documents that have a sign of reflection in accounting.

Statement of the learning task

Grosshandl LLC is engaged in wholesale and retail trade computer technology, accepts goods on commission. It is necessary to automate the accounting of the main trading operations for Grosshandl LLC using the typical Trade Management 8.1 configuration, provided that the organization has only three computers: a director, an accountant and a cashier.

Modern trading enterprises offer their customers the widest range goods, which is estimated in thousands and tens of thousands of items. Moreover, many positions can be sold on different conditions: prepayment, deferred payments, discount, markup, lot size, etc. Clients are often divided into categories - VIP client, ordinary client, regular client, small wholesale client, etc. Commodity items can be completed and disassembled, many goods are subject to mandatory certification and hygienic research, substandard items must be written off, inventory must be periodically carried out in warehouses, each company must have its own marketing policy, etc., in general, a modern trading enterprise is a living organism, in constant motion. Obviously, all this vigorous activity requires automation. To solve this problem, there are special software tools, and in this book we will introduce you to the most popular product designed to automate the activities of a trading enterprise - "1C Trade Management", which is implemented on the latest technological platform version 1C 8.2.

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The following excerpt from the book 1C: Trade management 8.2. Clear tutorial for beginners (A. A. Gladkiy, 2012) provided by our book partner - the company LitRes.

First acquaintance with "1C Trade Management 8.2"

The first chapter of the book contains basic information about the program "1C Trade Management 8.2". You will learn what the functionality of this standard solution is, what are the features of the program compared to previous versions, how to run the program, create and select infobases, and much more.

Functionality standard solution

One of the key advantages of the considered configuration is the flexibility of the platform, which allows the program to be widely used in the most various fields. The implemented mechanisms for managing wholesale and retail sales, marketing events, wholesale purchases, the warehouse and finances of the enterprise, other assets and liabilities open up wide opportunities for accounting and go far beyond traditional accounting and management standards.

The tasks solved with the help of the program "1C: Trade Management 8.2" can be formulated as follows.

♦ Management of stocks and purchases of inventory items.

♦ Maintenance of primary documentation with reflection of data in accounting and printing of documents.

♦ Registration and accounting of warehouse operations, maintaining warehouse documentation, conducting an inventory of valuables stored in the warehouse.

♦ Accounting for the internal movement of inventory items.

♦ Planning and control financial resources companies.

♦ Calculation financial result company activities.

♦ Accounting and adjustment of debts, carrying out mutual offsets, writing off debts.

♦ Maintaining multi-currency accounting.

♦ Carrying out and recording the marketing activities of the company, with a variety of analyzes and the formation of various reports.

♦ Formation of the pricing policy and control of its implementation.

♦ Automation of work with sales representatives of the company.

♦ Maintaining an extensive customer base with the ability to store a wide variety of information on each counterparty.

♦ Management of wholesale and retail trade taking into account all transactions, formation of orders, registration of receipts, sales and returns of inventory items.

♦ Automation and accounting after-sales service clients.

♦ Accounting for cash and non-cash funds of the enterprise, maintaining a cash book, accounting for accountable funds.

♦ Setting up, generation and printing of various reports on performed operations.

♦ Use the built-in organizer to increase the convenience and efficiency of work.

♦ Customize and use the Desktop to suit your needs.

In addition to the above, with the help of the configuration under consideration, it is possible to solve a number of other tasks, the presence of which may be due to the specifics of a particular enterprise.

Start configuration and select operating mode

Each software product of the 1C family can operate in two modes: "1C: Enterprise" (application solution) and "Configurator". The mode is selected by pressing the corresponding button in the program launch window (Fig. 1.1).

The "1C: Enterprise" mode is an application solution of the program in accordance with its purpose. In other words, it is in this mode that accountants, financiers, managers and other end users of the program work.

As for the "Configurator" mode, it is intended for setting up and administering the program. Here configuration objects are created and edited, interfaces and dialog boxes are configured, the appearance and content are defined printed form documents, as well as a number of other similar actions. Usually, a system administrator or other authorized specialist works with the Configurator, since this requires specific knowledge (administration skills, etc.).

Here we will not consider in detail the issues of configuring 1C, since special literature is intended to get acquainted with this topic. Note that without the most serious reasons, an ordinary user is not recommended to edit the Configurator on his own: this can violate the integrity of the data, and in general lead to unpredictable consequences.

However, some settings of the program have been moved to the mode of operation of the applied solution. You can edit them yourself, and how this is done will be described below, in the corresponding section.

To launch the program, use the appropriate shortcut on the Desktop (when installing 1C, it is displayed on the Desktop automatically). Double-click on it - as a result, the launch window will open, which is shown in Fig. 1.1.

Rice. 1.1. Program launch window

In this window, the required operating mode is selected (buttons 1C:Enterprise and Configurator), as well as the infobase.

The list of infobases is formed in the central part of the window. This list may contain an infobase with a demo configuration; this base is included in the delivery package and is intended for preliminary acquaintance with the program. An infobase is selected by clicking on the corresponding position in the list. You can add new infobases to the list, or edit and delete existing infobases – the corresponding buttons in the right part of the window are intended for this.


In this case, the infobase is the data that you plan to work with in the upcoming session.

The lower part of the window displays the path to the infobase directory where the cursor is located.

The procedure for starting the program is as follows: first, you need to select the infobase in the launch window, and then click the 1C: Enterprise or Configurator button, depending on the mode in which you want to start the program. As we noted earlier, the use of the program for its intended purpose is carried out in the "1C Enterprise" mode.

Composition and structure of a typical solution

Users previous versions programs immediately draw attention to the fact that in new version configuration, the user interface has changed dramatically. At first, this may cause some difficulties, but adaptation is fast, since the advantages of the new structure of the standard solution are obvious.

The main window of the program "1C Trade Management 8.2" is shown in fig. 1.2.

Rice. 1.2. Main program window

At the top of the interface there is a section panel that includes links to the following sections of the program: Desktop, Marketing, Wholesales, Retails, Stocks and Purchases, Finances (this section is open in Fig. 1.2), Reference Information, Organizer and Administration. The first thing the user must do after starting the program is to select the section in which he plans to work. In the process of work, the user can freely move from one section to another - depending on what he intends to do.

Let us briefly characterize all sections of the program "1C Trade Management 8.2".

♦ Desktop. In this section, you can create a list of the most relevant tasks, documents, and other objects. In other words, everything that requires a priority response is displayed on the desktop. This section is not mandatory for use, but increases the convenience and comfort of work.

♦ Marketing. AT this section the marketing policy of the trade enterprise is formed: types of prices and price groups are formed, standard agreements with customers are set up, conditions for granting discounts and markups are determined, marketing events are planned and carried out, etc. The data from the Marketing section can later be used in other sections of the program.

♦ Wholesales. In this section, the organization and accounting of wholesale sales of the enterprise is carried out. In particular, transactions are executed here, client orders are processed, shipping documents, invoices for payment and documents for the return of goods from customers are issued, work is carried out with sales representatives, etc.

♦ Retail sales. This section is used by enterprises that carry out retail. Checks are written here, a list of outlets is formed, documentation is maintained retail sales. In this case, you can use external equipment (fiscal registrars, acquiring terminals, barcode scanners, etc.), which must first be connected and configured in the Administration section.

♦ Stocks and purchases. This section keeps records of wholesale purchases of the enterprise, as well as warehouse accounting. Here, prices of partners are registered, orders are made to suppliers, shipping documents for the receipt of valuables and for the return of goods to suppliers are registered, warehouse documentation is maintained, documents for the internal movement of goods are drawn up, and a number of other actions are performed to manage stocks and purchases of a trading enterprise.

♦ Finance. The name of the section speaks for itself: it is designed to account for cash, as well as calculate the financial result of the enterprise. This section maintains all the documentation for accounting for funds (cash orders, payment orders, cash book, advance reports, etc.), generates income and expense items, draws up applications for spending and orders for the movement of funds, calculates and adjusts debt, a payment calendar is formed, the distribution of revenue and cost of sales by line of business is configured, etc.

♦ Reference information. In this section, you enter the regulatory and reference information that is necessary to use the program. In particular, it is here that most reference books and classifiers are filled. In the 1C program, the directory is a repository of basic, basic information, without which the program cannot be operated. For example, in order to generate a document for the receipt of inventory items, you need to indicate in it the supplier from whom the values ​​\u200b\u200bwere received, create a list of these values, indicate the warehouse to which they will be credited, etc. All this information is taken from the relevant directories, where they should be entered in advance. Note that you can add positions to directories as the program is being used (for example, directly when entering documents), but it is much more convenient to enter the necessary minimum information in advance so as not to be distracted by it later.

♦ Organizer. The program "1C Trade Management 8.2" has a built-in organizer that allows you to organize work and rationally use working time. In this section, you can configure Accounts e-mail, create lists of tasks and performers, schedule meetings, interactions and other events.

♦ Administration. This section contains all the main settings for the program, and many actions for its administration are also performed here. Here, lists of infobase users are formed, their access rights are configured, a system event log is kept, accounting parameters are configured, etc.

As we noted earlier, a section is selected by clicking on the corresponding link in the sections panel.

Each section has its own navigation bar and action bar. Using the navigation panel, you select the required operating modes and activate the corresponding functions of the program, and the action panel is intended mainly for generating reports and switching to some service functions of the program. The navigation bar is located on the left side of the section, and the action bar is at the top, just below the navigation bar links. On fig. 1.3 shows all panels of the program interface (in this case, the Retail Sales section is open).

Rice. 1.3. Program interface panels

As for the main menu of the program, which in previous versions was located along the upper border of the interface and included the items File, Edit, Operations, Service, etc., it is now called using the button with an arrow located at the top left of the main window (Fig. 1.4 ).

Rice. 1.4. Main menu of the program

Further, in the process of studying the program, we will refer to some commands of the main menu. Note that they do not directly affect the functionality of the applied solution, as well as the procedure for using the program, but mainly include service and auxiliary functions.

The central part of the main program window displays the contents of the current mode of operation. For example, if you click on the link Incoming cash orders in the navigation panel of the Finance section, then a list of previously generated incoming cash orders will be displayed in the central part of the interface (see Fig. 1.2). If you want the contents of the current mode of operation to be displayed in a separate window, click on the corresponding link while holding down the Shift key.

To work in the selected mode of operation, the buttons of the toolbar, the All actions menu, as well as the commands of the context menu called by pressing the right mouse button are intended. On fig. 1.2, the toolbar includes the Create, Find, Print buttons, as well as a few more buttons whose names are displayed as tooltips when you move the mouse pointer over them. The All Actions menu is located on the right side of the toolbar and is similar to the Actions menu, familiar to users of previous versions of the program. As for the context menu, some of its commands duplicate the corresponding toolbar buttons and All Actions menu commands. Note that the contents of the context menu may depend on the current mode of operation (for example, when working with a list of documents and in document editing mode, the context menu will include different commands).

In general, work with the program is carried out according to the following algorithm: first, the required section is selected, and then in the navigation panel or in the action panel, by clicking on the mode of operation, in which all further actions are performed. The most relevant tasks for quick access to them can be displayed on the Desktop - a special section, the contents of which you create yourself.

Keyboard shortcuts that can be used in the program ("hot keys")

In the program, you can use the so-called "hot keys". For example, adding a new item (document, item, etc.) is done using the Insert key, switching to the position editing mode by pressing the F2 key, marking an item for deletion (and removing such a mark) by pressing the Delete key, etc. Next, we provide a list of "hot keys" that are most in demand among users.

Table 1.1.

"Hot keys" of general purpose

Table 1.2.

"Hot keys" for managing program windows

Table 1.3.

"Hot keys" for working in the editing window

Table 1.4.

"Hot keys" for working in list interfaces and with hierarchical lists

Table 1.5.

"Hot keys" for working with input fields in edit windows

Table 1.6.

Hotkeys for working with spreadsheet documents

Table 1.7.

"Hot keys" designed to work with text documents

Vendor code:

Serves to automate trading activities with a wide range of applications and customization for their own needs of sales managers and other employees. A typical configuration will allow you to work from retail store to wholesale, extensive customization.

The configuration of the 1C:Enterprise 8 software system is a typical application solution that allows, in a complex, to automate the tasks of operational and managerial accounting, analysis and planning of trade actions, thereby ensuring effective management modern trading company. The configuration allows you to keep operational records and manage not only trade, but also warehouse and financial operations.

This will come in handy!

Description 1C: Trade Management 8

The configuration "1C: Trade Management 8" of the software system "1C: Enterprise 8" is a typical application solution that allows you to automate the tasks of operational and CCT management accounting, analysis and planning of trade actions in a complex, thereby ensuring the effective management of a modern trading enterprise. The configuration is designed to automate accounting in organizations engaged in wholesale and retail trade. The configuration allows you to keep operational records and manage not only trade, but also warehouse and financial operations.

The subject area automated by the "1C: Trade Management 8" configuration can be represented as the following diagram.

The configuration automates the following areas of trading activity:

  • sales management (including wholesale, retail and commission trade);
  • supply chain management;
  • planning sales and purchases;
  • inventory management;
  • customer order management;
  • customer relationship management;
  • analysis of the company's turnover;
  • price analysis and price policy management;
  • monitoring and analysis of the effectiveness of trading activities.

The configuration supports the execution of almost all primary documents of trade accounting, including this one and cash flow documents. Documents take into account operative information when performing business activities. Based on this information, management functions are implemented.

The configuration "1C: Trade Management 8" is designed to account for any type of trading activities. Due to the flexibility and customizability, the configuration is able to perform accounting functions from maintaining directories and entering primary documents to receiving various analytical reports.

1C: Trade Management 8 is a modern and highly functional tool created on the basis of the 1C Accounting 8 application, which is designed to automate the main work processes at enterprises operating in the field of trade.

Given high functional solution fully compatible with such products of a well-known Russian developer company software"1C" as 1C Accounting 8.1. In addition, the program took into account some improvements and improvements and completely different modifications. Last but not least, this concerns software products 1C Accounting 8.2 and 1C Accounting 8.3.

AT recent times, we often receive questions regarding the release of an updated and improved version of 1C Accounting 8.4. This product is currently being tested.

The configuration maintains management accounting for trading company generally. For an enterprise of a holding structure, documents can be drawn up on behalf of several organizations that are part of the holding. The means of registering a business transaction is a document.

The configuration "1C: Trade Management 8" provides automatic selection of the data necessary for maintaining accounting, and the transfer of this data to "1C: Accounting 8".

The head of the company

The head of the enterprise needs a real return on the automation system.

"1C: Trade Management 8" improves the efficiency of the enterprise by automating routine operations, by keeping records in real time, by quickly and conveniently preparing information for decision-making at different levels. The system is very quickly put into operation and begins to bring returns. When changing the scale, approaches to management or organization of work in the enterprise, restructuring the system does not require large expenditures. This is achieved by building business solutions on a powerful modern technology platform. An important advantage of the 1C:Enterprise system is its wide popularity: more than 3000 specialized firms and many certified specialists are ready to help your company install, operate and further improve the automation system.

Unlike its predecessor, the 1C: Trade and Warehouse 7.7 application solution, the new application solution is designed not only to automate accounting, but also to provide real assistance to managers at all levels, starting with the director. Many managers will appreciate the new means of interactive analysis of the situation, obtaining detailed transcripts of indicators of interest. However, even more important is the ability to obtain and analyze management information on a regular basis. You do not need to study on-screen menus or know the system functions in detail in order to use "1C:Enterprise 8" as an active source necessary information. The "Report to the manager" option will provide the formation and presentation of an overview current situation- automatically, regularly, according to the schedule you set. Key performance indicators, issues that require your prompt intervention, comparison of the results of the work of managers - you can view this report on the intranet, receive it by e-mail on a business trip, or have your secretary print it out. Thus, being anywhere in the world, you will keep abreast of your business, make decisions and plan further actions based on the current picture of the real state of affairs.

Sales managers and specialists

The new application solution pays maximum attention to ensuring the efficiency of your daily work. Extensive training opportunities for all required documents, product distribution and pricing management, order acceptance and control of their execution, inventory optimization, turnover analysis, procurement and supply planning will make it your reliable assistant - no matter what direction or area you are responsible for. "1C: Trade Management 8" will allow you to create a unified information space, organize clear interaction between departments, help employees work as a single team.

For employees of accounting services

Programs of the 1C:Enterprise system have become the industry standard for accounting solutions. The program "1C: Trade Management 8" has absorbed all the best that has been gained over the years of development of its predecessor - the program "1C: Trade and Warehouse 7.7". The proven functionality of this, the most widely used system of automation of trade and warehouse accounting in the country today, has been supplemented with a number of new features. You get a new tool that will help you get rid of routine work and bring accounting closer to your needs real business. At the same time, regular information and methodological support from 1C will make it possible to conduct it in accordance with applicable law. Of course, "1C: Trade Management 8" allows you to transfer the necessary credentials to the accounting system.

IT-specialists of enterprises

"1C:Enterprise 8" gives you a set of tools and technologies that meets the latest standards for developing, modifying, administering and maintaining a corporate information system. All these funds are included in the delivery of our 1C:Enterprise 8 circulation products. At no additional cost, you get exactly the same tools that 1C developers use. As a result, the system installed at the enterprise will not be a "black box" for you. Experience shows that most system administrators and automation specialists, a few days are enough to master the principles of building 1C:Enterprise solutions - after that you will be able not only to maintain, but also adapt the system in accordance with the needs of your organizations. It is also important that you can become a member of the professional community of 1C:Enterprise specialists, get support in mastering the system, use the opportunity for versatile communication and exchange of experience with numerous colleagues. The real openness of the system and its ease of adaptation, wide scalability and integration, simplicity and convenience of administration and support - all this allows you to spend a minimum of effort on solving "low-level" technological issues and concentrate on meaningful, creative tasks of automating enterprise business processes.

Specialists of consulting companies and system integrators

Short time and efficiency of implementation, reasonable prices and flexible licensing policy, a well-established set of standard and specialized solutions, advanced integration tools - these are just some of the advantages that make 1C:Enterprise "excellent" building material"to create a wide variety of information systems. Many consulting companies and system integrators note that the use of 1C:Enterprise and cooperation with 1C have become important success factors for their projects. Reducing project risks, the ability to offer customers a competitive project and complete it on time and on budget - all this allows you to increase your company's reputation and business profitability, expand the circle of customers and put work with them on an industrial basis.

Advantages in comparison with the solution "1C: Trade and Warehouse 7.7"

  • After switching to "1C: Trade Management 8", the user will receive not only a more powerful solution for accounting for trade operations, but also the necessary tools to improve the efficiency of enterprise management at the modern level.
  • New features have been implemented that increase the efficiency of using the resources of a trading enterprise:
    • planning sales, purchases, cash payments;
    • stock optimization at the enterprise, taking into account the expected goods from the supplier;
    • monitoring compliance with plans, availability of funds, discipline of deliveries and payments;
    • analysis of the effectiveness of the work of managers;
    • automatic generation of a "report to the manager";
    • flexible pricing scheme, including the possibility of providing a variety of discounts in order to retain customers;
    • a powerful reporting system that allows you to get all the necessary data with the necessary, user-configurable, groupings and filtering.
  • In the applied solution "Trade Management" implemented modern methods customer relationship management (CRM) high speed and the quality of the work of managers, combined with an individual approach to each client:
    • user calendar;
    • workplace manager
    • registration of events with the client and storage of relationship histories;
    • reminder system;
    • built-in Email;
    • ABC-analysis and classification of clients by relationship stages;
    • conducting various marketing campaigns to attract customers;
    • conducting customer surveys.
  • The modern platform "1C:Enterprise 8" significantly expands the possibilities of scaling and working in a distributed information base, including via the Internet, which will be in demand large enterprises with territorial divisions.

1C: Trade Management 8 is a modern tool for improving the business efficiency of a trading enterprise.
1C: Trade Management 8 allows you to automate the tasks of operational and managerial accounting, analysis and planning of trade operations in a complex, thereby ensuring the effective management of a modern trading enterprise.

The subject area automated using "1C: Trade Management 8" can be represented as the following diagram.

1C: Trade Management 8 automates the following areas economic activity:
* customer relationship management,
* management of sales rules,
* management of sales processes:
* management of sales representatives,
* Inventory Management,
* purchase management,
* warehouse management,
* financial management,
* control and analysis of target indicators of activity of the enterprise.

The program can register both already completed and still planned business transactions. "1C: Trade Management 8" automates the execution of almost all primary documents for trade and warehouse accounting, as well as cash flow documents.

"1C: Trade Management 8" is designed for any type of trading operations. Accounting functions have been implemented - from maintaining directories and entering primary documents to receiving various analytical reports.

The solution allows you to maintain management accounting for a trading company as a whole. For an enterprise of a holding structure, documents can be drawn up on behalf of several organizations that are part of the holding.

"1C: Trade management 8" is a turnkey solution based on the powerful new-generation technology platform 1C:Enterprise 8.

"1C: Trade management 8" provides automatic selection of the data necessary for accounting, and the transfer of this data to "1C: Accounting 8".

Using the program "Management of Trade" in conjunction with other programs allows you to comprehensively automate wholesale and retail enterprises. The Trade Management program can be used as a control system for the solution "1C: Retail 8".

The head of the company
The head of the enterprise needs a real return on the automation system.
"1C: Trade Management 8" improves the efficiency of the enterprise by automating routine operations, real-time accounting, fast and convenient preparation of information for decision-making at different levels. The system is very quickly put into operation and begins to give results. When changing the scale, approaches to management or organization of work at the enterprise, restructuring the system does not require large expenses. This is achieved by building business solutions on a powerful modern technology platform. An important advantage of the 1C:Enterprise system is its wide popularity: more than 3000 specialized firms and many certified specialists are ready to help your company install, operate and further improve the automation system.

This solution is designed not only for accounting automation, but also for real assistance to managers at all levels, starting with the director. Many managers will appreciate the new means of interactive analysis of the situation, obtaining detailed transcripts of indicators of interest.

Sales managers and specialists
In Trade Management, maximum attention is paid to ensuring the efficiency of your daily work. Ample opportunities for preparing all the necessary documents, managing product distribution and pricing, accepting orders and monitoring their execution, optimizing inventory, analyzing turnover, planning purchases and deliveries will make it your reliable assistant - no matter what direction or area you are responsible for, "1C: Management Trade 8" will allow you to create a single information space in your company, organize clear interaction between departments, and help employees work in a team.

Employees of accounting and financial services
Programs of the 1C:Enterprise system have become the industry standard for accounting solutions. The program "1C: Trade Management 8" has absorbed all the best that has been accumulated over the years of development of its predecessors. The well-proven functionality of this system of automation of trade and warehouse accounting, which is most widely used in the country today, has been supplemented with a number of new features. You get a new tool that will help you get rid of routine work and bring accounting closer to the needs of a real business. At the same time, regular information and methodological support from 1C will make it possible to conduct it in accordance with applicable law. Of course, "1C: Trade Management 8" allows you to transfer the necessary credentials to the accounting system.

IT-specialists of enterprises
"1C:Enterprise 8" provides you with a set of tools and technologies that meets the latest standards for developing, modifying, administering and maintaining corporate information system. All these funds are included in the delivery of our 1C:Enterprise 8 circulation products. At no additional cost, you get exactly the same tools that 1C developers use. As a result, the system installed at the enterprise will not be a "black box" for you. Experience shows that for most system administrators and automation specialists, a few days are enough to master the principles of building 1C:Enterprise solutions - after that you will be able not only to maintain, but also adapt the system in accordance with the needs of your organizations. It is also important that you can become a member of the professional community of 1C:Enterprise specialists, get support in mastering the system, use the opportunity to communicate and exchange experience with numerous colleagues. The real openness of the system and its ease of adaptation, wide scalability and integration, simplicity and convenience of administration and support - all this allows you to spend a minimum of effort on solving "low-level" technological issues and concentrate on meaningful, creative tasks of automating enterprise business processes.

Specialists of consulting companies and system integrators
Short terms and efficiency of implementation, reasonable prices and flexible licensing policy, a well-established set of standard and specialized solutions, advanced integration tools - these are just some of the advantages that make 1C:Enterprise an excellent "building material" for creating a wide variety of information systems. Many consulting companies and system integrators note that the use of 1C:Enterprise and cooperation with 1C have become important success factors for their projects. Reducing project risks, the ability to offer customers a competitive project and complete it on time and on budget - all this allows you to increase your company's reputation and business profitability, expand the circle of customers and put work with them on an industrial basis.

New in version:

* Correction of identified errors.
* Refinement of the form of selection of goods.
In the list of products, the display of columns with the price and the balance of goods in stock has been added, a filter by prices and balances has been implemented, problems with the performance of searching for goods have been solved, a number of minor improvements have been implemented to improve the usability of selecting goods.

see also
- The release is intended for updating from the configuration of versions, The update procedure is given in the "1cv8upd.htm" file.
- Additional Information is given in the "ReadMe.txt" file.

The composition of the archive: 1C Accounting 8.2 Configuration "Trade Management" (Full version)
Release date: 02.03.2012
OS: Microsoft Windows 2000/NT/XP/2003R2/Vista/2008/7/2008R2 x86/64
File format: zip
The file weighs: 197.3 Mb
Medicine: not required (using the 1C 8.2 platform HASP key)

Let's consider how information about the divisions of our company is configured in the configuration.

In order to enable the possibility of accounting for several departments, it is necessary in the section in the settings system parameters in command group "Enterprises" in a group "Organizations" set flag "Accounting by department". In my case, the system is already configured and a message is displayed stating that this option cannot be disabled because production accounting is used. In your case, during the initial setup, you may need to set such a flag.

After that, in the section "Regulatory and reference information and administration" in a group "Regulatory and reference information" directory access command appears « Company structure», in which the structure of our divisions is configured. Let's go to this guide.

Reference window "Company structure" in configuration 1C Trade Management 11.2 (UT 11) consists of two windows. In the left window, the structure of the enterprise is configured, information about departments is entered. The right window contains information about users of the information system 1C Trade Management 11.2 (UT 11) who work in their respective departments. This link is needed in order to automatically insert information about departments into configuration documents 1C Trade Management 11.2 (UT 11) when entered by the respective user.

It should be noted that the directory "Structure of the enterprise" is not subordinate to the directory Organizations, does not depend on it. That is, a company may have several legal entities, but at the same time, the structure of the enterprise, its departments and divisions, are in no way connected with the legal structure of the company.

We will now need to create several divisions. Let's create the first one. Let it be ours "Purchasing Department". Specify the name. You can also specify a parent department if one department is subordinate to another. Directory is hierarchical. And you can specify the head of this unit here below. Let's write down this information.

Let's go back one level up, i.e. on the structure of our enterprise, and we will create another department - this will be "Sales department". Let's write down this information.

Click the "Create" command. Pay attention - we have filled in the field "Higher division" - "Sales department". In principle, you can change this information at any time. But for the time being I indicate the name of our department - this is the Wholesale Department, and write down such information.

Now in my structure of divisions it is clear that the Wholesale Department is subordinate to the Sales Department.

Let's go back to the "Sales Department" level up and create another department, which will be called - "Retail Sales Department" We see how the system displays the hierarchy of our divisions, and let's try to create another division "Administration". Configuration 1C Trade Management 11.2 (UT 11) filled us with a higher division - Retail department. But this information does not suit us. We become on this field and on the key Chift-F4 we will clear this information. Now we don't have a higher subdivision for the "Administration" subdivision. We write down such information and see how the configuration 1C Trade Management 11.2 (UT 11) displayed the structure of our divisions.

As I said, on the right side of this directory, you can specify users who work in one or another division. Users can be moved between departments by drag and drop.

For example, in my system there is only one user - Administrator, and he is not listed in any department. I can drag it to the "Administration" subdivision. The usual mouse dragging works here - the so-called Drag-and-drop. And now in overall structure enterprise, my user "Administrator" has disappeared. But if I go to the "Administration" division, I will see the corresponding user. Now, when working in the system on behalf of the “Administrator” user, the “Administration” subdivision should automatically be substituted in my documents.

So in the config 1C Trade Management 11.2 (UT 11) information about the structure of the enterprise, about the divisions included in this structure is configured.