New book exhibitions in the library. Names of library exhibitions

AT The exhibition is one of the main methods of visual propaganda of literature, which provides readers with the opportunity to gain additional knowledge, form and expand interest in the topic presented.

Our task is to make the exhibition bright, interesting, non-standard. Exhibitions should not only draw attention to the presented publications, but also activate the cognitive activity of readers, cause a surge of emotions and encourage the reader to take the book. At exhibitions, librarians, in addition to books, periodicals, place all kinds of illustrative material, accessories that are meaningfully related to the issue and complement it as a background.

Various fonts are used for the title, sections and quotes, natural objects, layouts, models, props. Accessories can be divided into: iconic - quotations, annotations, text headings, section headings; art - paintings and reproductions of paintings, collages, illustrations, photographs, posters; subject - objects and things that help create an image of a person or era (fan, binoculars, candle, soldier's bowler hat, balloon, toys, models, dummies, etc.); decorative - flowers, draperies, embroidered towels, natural material (cones, shells, stones, fancy roots, branches) and crafts from it; structural - various office equipment, stationery (wooden, metal stands, folders, boxes, clips, clothespins, bookmarks, etc.).

However, no matter what the book exhibition is, one should not forget that the book should still be in the center of attention, and all the paraphernalia is only its addition. the main task exhibitions - to present books and other types of documents. Good design, various materials and accessories are not the goal, but only a means to help solve the problem. Therefore, they should not obscure the book, but, on the contrary, draw attention to it.

There is a certain procedure for the development and design of a book exhibition, consisting of the following stages:


The topic should be relevant, carefully thought out and interesting to readers. If we arrange an exhibition to accompany a mass event, it must clearly correspond to the theme of the event and complement it.


The exhibition should have a clear readership address for whom you are designing the exhibition: for younger or older children, or for parents or leaders of children's reading. Book fairs for children's audiences are different from exhibitions created for adults. They must be bright, conspicuous, which will help: bright publications, toys, paper crafts and natural materials. Exhibitions for children may contain elements of the game (puzzles, riddles, crossword puzzles). The librarian should carefully select books with illustrations, colorful covers and place them at the level of children's eyes, so that any can be taken from the shelf freely, and not asked for by the librarian. Near the exhibition, a free space is necessarily created for children, where they can not only leaf through the selected book, but also take part in the game, complete tasks, if the exhibition provides for them..


Using the reference and bibliographic apparatus of the library: catalogs, file cabinets, using methodological recommendations, manuals, bibliographic indexes, identify all sources - books, articles from periodicals, illustrations, photo documents that are available in the library on this topic. Then he will get acquainted with them and select those that correspond to the purpose and reader's address. Preference is given to documents containing new information and having an attractive appearance.


How many sections? Do you always need a quote, an appeal to the reader, how many books should be at the exhibition? All answers to these questions depend on the volume and amount of the fund, where the exhibition will be located, the size of the exhibition rack. And it is very important to maintain a sense of proportion, the exhibition should not be overloaded, overwhelmed. Each document must be clearly visible. Another question is closely related to the development of the structure of the exhibition - what kind of exhibition it will be - a quiz exhibition, an exhibition of one book, an exhibition-exposition, etc.

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After you have decided on the structure of the exhibition, we proceed to the choice of the title of the exhibition, the definition of the titles of the sections, the selection of quotes, illustrations, objects. The name must necessarily attract attention, be catchy, and informative, accurately convey the essence. It should be short enough, no more than 4-5 words, often aphorisms, catchphrases, proverbs, lines from poems, songs are used as a name. The title of the sections should gradually reveal the theme of the exhibition and complement the title. For the design of the exhibition, you can use a wide variety of items and accessories: portraits, illustrations, posters, reproductions of paintings, photographs, decorative elements, natural material, drawings, crafts, book reviews, mini essays, essays, various things, objects that help recreate the image of an era or a person. Again, the choice of accessories depends on the form and type of exhibition. Also, with the advent of the Internet in our lives, when designing exhibitions, information taken from some sites is often used. Such information must be checked (excluding "fried facts"), carefully arranged ("jumps" from one to another) and must be accompanied by a link to the site from which the information was copied.


A well-thought-out and designed exhibition often fails readers if it is poorly designed. The first requirement is compositional integrity, which is achieved through various means. For example, one or more visual centers are singled out around which the main action unfolds. In other cases, use close-up” and “depth exposure”, which create the effect of three-dimensionality. The composition of the exhibition can be based on symmetry or, on the contrary, asymmetry, on the contrast of color, but at the same time, one should not forget about the proportionality of the books and illustrations presented on it. All of them should give the impression of a single ensemble. It is created without overloading with objects and placing emotional accents, for example, with the help of lighting, a vase, a flower. In order to correctly distribute where everything will be placed at the exhibition, its layout is drawn up. In a schematic form on paper, you must imagine where you will place the heading, on which shelves the sections, citations and other information. On which shelves will book products be presented, and on which periodicals, etc. The layout will help save time when you design the exhibition and place documents on it.

The use of memoirs. Genuine things or objects that replace them - models, models - provide a deep perception of the created image. Items at the exhibition should be meaningfully and aesthetically close to each other, as well as to books and illustrations. Illustrations and things create the image of the book and the images of its characters.

Use of handouts. The exhibition should present handouts prepared for the event (if the exhibition accompanies it) or published on the theme of the exhibition. These can be bookmarks, business cards, memos, information sheets, booklets. The booklet should lie so that it can be picked up and unfolded; if the bookmark is published in limited quantities (or if we want to show it in color), we fasten it to the rack and one side and the other. (we lay out the black and white version so that you can take it).

Techniques for visual selection of objects. One way to draw attention to a book or illustration is to turn its cover at a three-quarter angle. Also, the book makes a better impression when it stands on a holder-stand, and the visitor perceives it as a three-dimensional object. Dynamism in the display is achieved by placing images of moving objects (a train flying in the opposite direction or running children), as well as using a color scheme that is selected according to contrast. Light book covers, like objects, are well perceived on a dark background and vice versa.

Articles from publications or periodicals are presented in two ways: put the book closed or unfold the book at the place where the desired article begins and attach a card to it. On the card, indicate the bibliographic description of the article. Articles from the newspaper are inconvenient to place at the exhibition, the newspaper is wrinkled or the headline is not visible. It is better to make a copy to which to attach a card with a bibliographic description. The exhibition should not look empty, but it should not be overloaded either. This can lead to the opposite effect, and therefore "less is better."

Of great importance to the reader are links given at exhibitions to sections of the fund or systematic catalogue. The content of the link may be as follows: “Literature on the topics proposed at the exhibition, you can also find on shelves No. ________ in sections ... (sections are indicated). Refer also to sections of the systematic catalog (sections are also indicated).

(pictures are clickable, enlarge, view)


It is necessary to think in advance where to place the exposition: in glass showcases (which we do not have, but we hope to have), on bookcases or tables. Sometimes all three options are combined, and the surfaces of windows, walls or doors are also used. The showcase creates a sense of volume, depth, which is perceived as an orderly and closed world. In exhibitions placed on racks and tables, it is difficult to place illustrations and objects, since standard racks are not deep. But on the other hand, the books presented on the rack, inside the shelf, are enclosed in a kind of frame that focuses attention. Often, shelving is connected to tables, which removes the monotonous nature of the show. With a lack of free space (but not when saving it! The exhibition should first of all attract attention, and then save space), poster exhibitions are designed, which are placed on the walls of the foyer or corridors, exhibition stands on which photographic materials or creative works are placed ( drawings) is a very convenient form of exposure. The Book Rain exhibition at our senior subscription, where books seem to come down from the ceiling. This exhibition is good because it is updated very often, as books are in front of the eyes of readers and attract attention.

(pictures are clickable, enlarge, view)

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Attention should be paid to the advertising of the exhibition - its success and efficiency largely depend on this. The advertising and information support of the exhibition is based on the creation of advertising messages and publications. The advertising message can be internal (for library readers) or external, aimed at potential users. Various means of advertising: advertisements in local media, word of mouth, telephone, outdoor advertising(posters, posters), print advertising (leaflets, booklets, brochures), a running line on the facade of the library, colorful information in the "Reader's Corner".


First of all, it is necessary to keep records; for this, a separate column is allocated in the Work Diary, in which the number of documents issued from the exhibition is entered daily. Appropriate notes are made by the librarian in the form of the reader who took the book from the exhibition. In the pocket of each document, book from the exhibition, put a colored indicator-bookmark with the name of the exhibition. After the period of exposure is over, the librarian uses the "Diary" to calculate how many publications have been issued during the period of the exhibition. By comparing the amount of literature provided and issued, you can calculate the efficiency ratio. The efficiency ratio is equal to: "number of books issued" divided by the number of literature submitted.

If the performance is low, it is necessary to find out why the exhibition was not popular with readers. To do this, it is necessary to analyze all stages of the exhibition work, starting with the choice of a theme and ending with advertising, and determine where mistakes were made. High performance should also be studied in order to identify the reasons for the success of the exhibition with readers. Currently, to study the effectiveness of exhibition work, methods of polling readers are widely used - conversations, interviews, and questionnaires. They help to identify the interests and needs of readers and allow you to plan exhibition work in accordance with reader expectations. Thus, analyzing the effectiveness exhibition activities, you can avoid mistakes in the future and make each exhibition bright, meaningful, interesting and popular among readers.


The desire to place as many exhibits as possible in an exhibition is one of the most common mistakes. Since the redundancy of information reduces the effect of visual impact up to complete rejection. I would like to say again: we should not forget that the focus of the exhibition should still be the book, and all the paraphernalia is only its addition and accompaniment. Therefore, it should not obscure the book, but, on the contrary, draw attention to it. The title, section titles and attributes accompanying the exhibition must exactly match its theme. (for example, an exhibition on ecology is called "The World of Indoor Plants"). The exhibition will not work if it is poorly lit or located in a hard-to-reach place. It happens that the title does not "strike" the reader at first glance, or there are no so-called signal objects that attract attention.

The most common mistakes when designing book exhibitions:

In library practice, traditional types of book fairs:

  • exhibitions of new arrivals;

  • exhibitions on current topics and problems;

  • personal exhibitions;

  • genre exhibitions;

  • exhibitions for significant and memorable dates.

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The purpose of the exhibition is to acquaint readers with new documents - books, newspapers, magazines, photo and video materials received by the library. Most often, these exhibitions are universal in content. They present books on various fields of knowledge and fiction, so the order of arrangement of documents at such exhibitions should be systematic, that is, according to the LBC table system. The traditional title for such an exhibition is “New Books”. It has long become a template, so you should look for new options for names, for example: “A new book has come to us”, “New items on the bookshelf”, “New items from the book basket”.

How to arrange exhibition on current topics and problems?

The main goal of such an exhibition is to draw the attention of readers to a specific topic, problem, to encourage them to read books and other documents on this topic by presenting and recommending the best of them. The task of the librarian is to choose a topic that is relevant and interesting to readers. It can be:

How to arrange personal exhibition?

The goal is to draw attention to some personality, person, to arouse the desire to learn as much as possible about this person, his life and work. Such an exhibition can be dedicated to an artist, writer, poet, composer, scientist, politician, historical figure, etc. For example: “The Last Russian Autocrat” (about Nicholas II) “The Discoverer of Unknown Countries” (about Lev Kassil); "The Fantasies of Senor Rodari" (about Gianni Rodari).

Traditionally, the solo exhibition has three sections:

  • the first section tells about the life of an individual, a person;

  • the second section is devoted to its activities;

  • the third section presents the works themselves, the works of this person.

What is the feature exhibitions for significant and memorable dates?

The purpose of the exhibition, arranged for a significant or memorable date, is to provide information about some event, holiday, its history and traditions, to give advice and recommendations on how to hold it. Traditionally, the library arranges exhibitions for the "red" days of the calendar:

  • for the New Year (“Fun, merrily celebrate the New Year”, “New Year's mosaic”, “New Year's Kaleidoscope”);

  • to the Defender of the Fatherland Day (“There is such a profession - to defend the Motherland”, “On guard of the Fatherland”)

  • for the holiday of March 8 ("My dear mother", "Girl's secrets");

  • to Victory Day (“Let's bow to those great years”, “We brought this day closer as best we could”).

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The goal is to draw the attention of readers to books of a certain genre, to interest, to encourage them to read. How to do it? One of the options is to present at the exhibition not only works of a certain genre, but also material about the origin of this genre, its founders, interesting and little-known facts from its history. The first assistants to the librarian in the preparation of such an exhibition will be " encyclopedic Dictionary young literary critic”, “Dictionary of literary terms” and popular literature from the section “Entertaining literary criticism”. For example, you can arrange an exhibition dedicated to different types of fairy tales. Name it, for example, "The Magical World of Fairy Tales." The purpose of the exhibition is to introduce children to various directions genre "fairy tale", the best works written in this genre. The sections of such an exhibition can be the titles different types fairy tales: Fairy tales”, “Tales about animals”, “Household tales”.


Currently, there are a huge variety of forms of exhibitions.

One book exhibition is an undeservedly forgotten form of exhibition. Its goal is to interest readers in a particular book, and this can be achieved by presenting a variety of material at the exhibition that helps to reveal the content of the book. This may be information about the author of the book, his life and work, the history of the creation of the book, the prototypes of the heroes of the work, their fate, the exhibition may also present different editions of this book, illustrations made by different artists, photo frames from film adaptations. It is very important for such an exhibition to choose the right book. It should be bright, meaningful, interesting, not ordinary. It can be a classic - of past centuries and a modern, or local history book.

Exhibition of forgotten books , or it would be more correct to call it "an exhibition of undeservedly forgotten books." The purpose of such exhibitions is to remind about good fiction and popular science books, which for some reason are not popular with readers. The importance of these exhibitions for children-readers is especially great. Many of them read modern children's literature and do not know the books that their parents read at all. The exhibition can be called like this - "Favorite children's books of our dads and moms" or "We read and you read it." Such exhibitions are very relevant not only because they promote mutual understanding between generations. They help modern children to return the moral and ethical books so necessary for their development - the works of Vladimir Zheleznikov, Vladislav Krapivin, Yuri Yakovlev, Albert Likhanov, Anatoly Aleksin.

Express Exhibition one publication (book) is an operational form about materials on a topic that is relevant and interesting for various reader groups. Such exhibitions are organized on the day of receipt of the periodical (book) and are exhibited for 3-5 days. In the center of the exhibition with the heading "Interesting article" ("Attention, new book!") An article or book is placed, next to it is a publication on this topic another author, if an article is exhibited, and reviews of this book, if a book is exhibited.

Book exhibition-exposition is a synthesis of a library and museum exhibition, where the objects and accessories presented in it contribute to a deeper insight into the theme of the exhibition. Moreover, there are much more items and accessories here than at a regular library exhibition, and books and other documents fit well into the exposition. An exhibition-exposition can be organized in the form of an installation, a museum corner, decorated in shop windows.

Exhibition-installation is an exhibition using interior items, draperies, natural materials, toys, etc. For example, there is a tree, a pen and paper blanks, such as flowers, lie nearby. Each child writes his dream on blanks and attaches it to a tree. When the tree blossoms, the dream will come true. It is also a kind of game.

For example, when designing an exhibition-installation dedicated to the Great Patriotic War, you can use such details as a nurse's scarf, a military flask, a dummy grenade, a gas mask, gramophone records with melodies from the war, an old kerosene lamp, a pioneer tie, a cape and, of course, books about the war and its heroes, adults and children.

Surprise Exhibition - this is an unexpected meeting with a good book, a gift. Such exhibitions create an atmosphere of comfort and celebration. For example, the surprise exhibition "Book cat in a bag", in which the presented books are packed in paper and each is numbered. From the colorful box, the reader chooses a card with a number, and the book with the corresponding number can be taken with them and read at home. Two indispensable conditions: participate once and open the book only at home. A similar exhibition was issued on our senior subscription and enjoyed great success with readers. And for a long time, a surprise exhibition has been operating on the junior subscription. There, the books are placed in a draped box and the little reader can pull out any book without looking and take it home.

Interactive exhibitions are becoming more and more popular in libraries. They are designed to provide feedback between the reader and the librarian and organize live communication between visitors to the exhibition, to encourage them to discuss the problem. The following typology of interactive library exhibitions can be proposed:

  • Game exhibitions.

  • Dialogue exhibitions.

  • Exhibitions prepared with the participation of readers.

  • Exhibitions-research.


A distinctive feature of such exhibitions is the presence of a cognitive-playing moment. The reader is invited not only to get acquainted with the presented documents, but also to perform some tasks. Among the forms of exhibition games, the most common are:

  • exhibition-quiz;

  • crossword exhibition;

  • puzzle exhibition;

  • exhibition-competition.

Exhibition-quiz. This type of exhibition is the most widely used in libraries. The exhibition-quiz involves a number of questions, which can be answered by referring to the books presented at the exhibition. Questions can be answered both orally and in writing. There are two options for holding a quiz: during the demonstration of the exhibition (questions and tasks are placed directly on the exhibition space) and at the end of the exhibition (as a result of familiarization with the materials presented).

The Mystery Exhibition. There can be several options for organizing such exhibitions, its main feature is the presence of a riddle that visitors are invited to guess. Riddles can be used as the title of the exhibition or its sections. You can arrange riddles in the form of competitive questions and tasks. The riddle may be present in the very theme of the exhibition. One of the types of puzzle exhibitions is a provocative exhibition, in the design of which one or more mistakes are deliberately made (for example, books or additional exhibits that do not correspond to the stated topic are placed on it). The reader is given the opportunity to detect errors and report them to the organizers.


Their peculiarity is to create conditions for the exchange of views between the librarian and the reader, as well as between readers. As a rule, their topics are debatable. It is possible to place sheets, notebooks, in some cases closed boxes for notes on the exhibition space so that readers can express their opinion.

When preparing interactive exhibitions, libraries use the following options:

  • exhibition-reflection;

  • exhibition-warning;

  • exhibition "question-answer";

  • exhibition-review;

  • exhibition-discussion;

  • exhibition-dispute;

  • exhibition-discussion.

Exhibition "question-answer" is a kind of correspondence fulfillment of thematic requests of readers and bibliographic references. As a rule, a box or box is installed in which the reader lowers a piece of paper with a question of interest to him. After some time, books and articles containing answers to readers' questions appear on the shelves. Such an exhibition can be convenient when communicating with readers who need specific information, but cannot clearly formulate a request.

Exhibition-review presents readers' reviews along with books. Thus, readers recommend each other interesting, from their point of view, books. You can post positive and negative reviews of the same book at such exhibitions.

In modern libraries, along with traditional book exhibitions, electronic book exhibitions have also become widespread in our time. An electronic book exhibition is a journey through the pages of one book or from book to book with detailed information about authors, artists, lists of references, quizzes. An electronic exhibition is easy to create in the format electronic presentation, or video or special. programs. Such an exhibition, with the appropriate sound design and the presence of a multimedia projector, can be used as illustrative material at a mass event. Electronic exhibitions for children have their own specifics. The ability to use not only animation, but also game moments makes this form of work especially attractive for children and adolescents. Unlike a traditional exhibition, an electronic book exhibition has a number of advantages:

  • perception through a computer serves as a kind of "bait" for children. Bright, colorful, with the use of game moments, switching the attention of children from animated screensavers to a static page - all this increases the level of motivation of the child to read the book that he saw on the screen;

  • mass character: a large number of books can be presented for review, their design can be compared, thereby encouraging the child to consider these books “live”;

  • variability: at any time, you can quickly change the slides and their location, remove unnecessary ones or insert new ones, change the color scheme or the overall design, relying on the young reader's craving for novelty of sensations;

  • the work of such an exhibition can be equipped with voiced text and music, drawing a parallel between the content of the book and the musical illustration for it;

  • mobility: such an exhibition is very convenient for outdoor events;

  • cost-effectiveness: there is no need to work with racks, stands, exhibition cabinets.

Natural exhibitions , or as they are also called book collapses, these are books handed over the day before by readers and placed near the issuing departments or laid out by the librarian on tables near the corresponding sections of the fund. At first glance, the collapses are unsystematic: there is no definite sequence, there is no characteristic of publications, but this is precisely what attracts readers, especially those who do not trust recommendations too much or do not know what to choose. Breakdowns are important in that they create a situation of free choice: the effect of trust in those who have read the book before is triggered (“If others took it, read it, then it’s a good book”). An experienced librarian skillfully uses this effect, ordering the seemingly chaotic heap of books in his own way. Firstly, he puts here good, but unfamiliar or for other reasons underestimated editions by the reader. Secondly, it reveals reader preferences in this way and uses the information received in further work. The collapses are titled in a certain way. Instead of the faceless formula “Books handed in by readers”, there are emotionally uplifted, energetic formulations that encourage action. For example, “A book that I liked” or “I read it - I liked it - I recommend it to others”

One of the options for presenting books could be book or themed shelf , as this format of the exhibition is very convenient: it does not take up much space, is not overloaded with additional elements, is very concise and can be placed anywhere in the free access. For example, in senior reading room this form is often used (“900 blockade days”, “Days of military glory of Russia”)

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Philotimers are the keepers of time

Every person uses calendars every day. We have become accustomed to its existence that we do not think about how long the modern pocket calendar has gone through - an object of a collector's dream and at the same time familiar and required item in any office or home.

The history of the appearance of the first Russian calendars is connected with an amazing person - Jacob Bruce. Jacob Bruce - one of the first amusing Peter I, artilleryman, mathematician, astronomer, an outstanding military figure. Under his supervision, the publisher V. Kipriyanov in 1709 issued the first printed calendar in Russia. Gradually, the annual issue of calendars was established in Russia.

Surprisingly, the history of a small calendar turned out to be closely connected with the history of a large country. For hundreds of years, life, customs, concerns, interests of people, as if in a small magic mirror, were reflected in an ordinary pocket calendar.

“Time keepers” or philotimers are the names of collectors of pocket calendars.

In the reading room of foreign literature, an unusual exhibition has been set up - a collection of calendars by Irina Andrievsky (Porshneva), a graduate of the ChelGU Faculty of Law.

Our exhibition is unique and interesting. You will get acquainted with the variety of pocket calendars of the second half of the 20th century.

The earliest 1967 and 1974 calendars from the collection are a rarity:

  • aluminum pocket calendar for the 50th anniversary of October. It depicts a monument to "Eaglet" on the Scarlet Field, Chelyabinsk, 1967.
  • Leningrad graphics - "Summer Palace of Peter I" - 1974

In the 1960s and 1970s, pocket calendars with views of Leningrad stood out sharply among the various issues in terms of technique and, most importantly, taste. For these issues, graphic drawings by famous artists such as Ostroumova-Lebedeva, Buchina were used. At our exhibition you can see one of the calendars of the "Leningrad Graphics" - "The Summer Palace of Peter I" - 1974, artist Dmitry Buchin.

For the convenience of perceiving the material, we divided the calendars into the following thematic groups: “Set “For 25 years”, “Automobiles”, “Advertising of periodicals of the USSR”, “Circus”, “Kits”, “Stereo and overflow calendars”.

I would like to pay attention to the calendars from the set "For 25 years". The calendars were published in Leningrad. His was interesting flip side, which is a disk that calculates the date and day for any year for 25 years. The calendars were reprinted many times: the last reprint was in 1988. Circulations ranged from 25,000 to 1,000,000 copies, depending on the year and image. But one thing remained unchanged - the artist Dmitry Buchin. This is a very famous Leningrad painter and graphic artist.

The exhibition presents the following calendars from this set:

  • Leningrad - "Summer Palace of Peter I" - 1974.
  • Soviet car illustration - "Packard" - 1984.
  • Circus - "Nikulin, Popov, Pencil, Seal, Rider" - 1985.

Another selection deserves special attention - these are stereo and iridescent calendars. In our country, these amazing calendar cards with three-dimensional drawings appeared in the mid-1970s. On them you can see stereoscopic (volumetric) or varioscopic (changing depending on the angle of view) patterns. Now such calendars are practically not issued.

At the exhibition you will find material about the history of pocket calendars in Russia. You can admire the Christmas tree decorated with horoscope calendars.

We wish you a pleasant viewing! Thank you for your interest!

The exhibition is located in the reading room of foreign literature (building 1, room 211)

A story about the collection of calendars by Irina Andrievsky on the Good News website.

Book exhibitions have long ceased to make guests want to sit comfortably on the couch. Their goal is to surprise and push to learn new things. And although the Internet conquers the world, the book will always be. And the librarians will take care of what to read and offer us the best. This is a great way not only to instill a love of books in children, but also to learn interesting facts yourself.

First steps towards a library exhibition

Literary biennials are about introducing the audience to the best examples of works that deal with the same genre or topic. Exhibited may be books, magazines, newspaper materials, photographs, paintings, reproductions, audio and video media. The main task is to prove to the public that reading is important and necessary. Book exhibitions in the library are designed to acquaint visitors with the proposed selection and attract them to the study of a given motive. All presented works of the so-called action are selected with great care and systematized according to informational importance.

The organization of the presentation consists of several stages. The first and most important is the choice of topic. After, starting from the direction, you need to calculate target audience, to collect documents and auxiliary, accompanying materials. Planning an event should take into account three aspects:

  • Purpose of the exhibition.
  • The audience for which the action is planned.
  • An image that will help to reveal the topic as much as possible.

Relevance is the key to success

The choice of material for library exhibitions is the foundation on which the success of the event depends. It is on the topic that the relevance of the exhibition will be judged. When choosing a motif, it is worth considering the tastes and interest of potential visitors. The topic cannot be generalized, because the main purpose of the Biennale is to place accents. This may be an emphasis on a certain period of flow, style, social problem and so on.

The effectiveness of the topic is also directly related to the age of the readers. What theoretically might be of interest to children will already be familiar to older students. Motives that are interesting for teenagers will not attract the attention of adults.

Not less than important aspect- title. It should be catchy, memorable, pushing you to come and see everything with your own eyes.

Name theory

Librarians can do a tremendous job of collecting and organizing material. Reinforce it with accompanying details, hold a wide advertising campaign etc., but everything will go down the drain if you choose the wrong title. Names of library book exhibitions are actually quite easy to come up with. The secret is so obvious that many do not even pay attention to it. The name should be bright, memorable and attractive to potential visitors. These are just a few words that will cause a storm of emotions and will not leave the audience indifferent. If the visitor is not interested in the name, he simply will not come, even when the theme of the exhibition is interesting to him. Remember, long titles are not allowed. Titles of library exhibitions should be concise. It is very important to make them intriguing, give a hint or raise a specific question that the person wants to answer. It is undesirable to use general expressions, clichés and scientific proposals.

Title work

It is not possible to approve the project name at the beginning of event planning. When organizing work, it is enough to rely on the topic. A successful name cannot be thought of in a minute. Don't work backwards. That is, to build an exhibition based only on the name means not to deviate from the framework, in turn, this can close many promising roads.

It is important to take into account one more point. The titles of library exhibitions appeal to a specific group of visitors, not to the general audience of readers. It is better to write several options, and then choose the one that fits the theme more than others. If you divide the work into certain stages, which will be dealt with by different groups of people, it is better to come up with a name for the project. Negatively "decorates" the exhibition with a name that will contain an excess of complex phrases, philosophical metaphors, and scientific formulations. The title should be simple.

Functions of forms and types of names

The name is the most important part of the presentation of the exhibition. It will stimulate the desire to read the main text. The titles of library exhibitions are advertising for a given topic, so they must truthfully reflect the essence of the "product". The task of the title is to briefly, if possible, describe the project in a few key words. The optimal number is 4-5 words. Stamps and platitudes should be avoided.

Exhibitions are often supported by visual materials. But there is a certain system for working with the names of pictures and their number. At a book biennale, for example, dedicated to the works of a poet, one portrait is enough. Other artistic elements can be drawings based on his works, illustrations of places where he lived and worked, or photos at work or with friends. Library exhibitions, photos of which are presented in the article, demonstrate the variety of options for the visual design of the project.

Relationship between title and advertisement

Publicity is an important component of any event (unless, of course, the organizers want their event to be visited). It is possible to inform about the premiere and invite people to exhibitions either directly in person (during a conversation between a librarian and a visitor) and indirectly through the media.

It is advisable to focus on your audience and use the old and proven method - posting posters. Actual send out invitations via the Internet or place information in the library group in social network. But as winding as the path to the hearts of readers, this is only half the story. Only a competent person can motivate to visit an exhibition. And it should begin with an intriguing title. Names of library events are the basis of the advertising process. Its main functions are to capture attention, interest in the topic and assure the expediency of visiting the exhibition.

Timeless classic

Over the decades of its work, the libraries have developed systemic themes for exhibitions, and they have already become good traditions. These are proven motives, eternal stories. Among them the most popular are:

  • Exhibitions dedicated to memorable dates. Visual presentations never leave library shelves and are always up to date. It is interesting both for pupils and students, and connoisseurs of literature.
  • Presentations of new books will attract regular guests.
  • Book library exhibitions on topical topics.
  • Personal presentation for one book. This is a wide range of work that starts from the biography of the author and leads to the era when the book was written.
  • There are other topics on which you can base your exhibition plan. But in any case, librarians should start from their own reserves.

Exhibitions with a twist

It is harder to please the reader, not the one who goes to the library often, but the one for whom the house of the book does not carry any value. People who prefer television are almost impossible to get interested in a book. It is for such guests that unusual library exhibitions of books should be held. Certain auxiliary forms of exhibitions help with this. There are some of the most popular, among them: a crossword puzzle, a quiz, a dialogue, a chainword - this work is designed to amuse the audience. Exhibition-presentation - used to tell more about the subject of the vernissage. Incidentally, this is one of the most effective methods attracting guests.

Exhibition for the lazy - filmed editions

In order not to strain guests too much, who do not want to flip through the pages of books, they use a certain trick. The forms of library exhibitions are oriented towards a narrow audience. But there is a name that no visitor will pass by without attention. These are screen books. There are so many films and TV series based on literary works that a rack with copies will become bright and attractive to a passer-by. It is better to indicate in the title that films were made based on the books presented. This is how the themes of library exhibitions are chosen.

The first exhibition can be devoted to the works of foreign authors, the second - to domestic ones. Books can be divided into genres, eras, countries. Separately, make a rack with the writers most popular with directors.

Thematic exhibitions for the whole family

Opening days are also popular, where the range expands to the tastes of each family member. Such names of library exhibitions are of interest to different age categories. If you choose the right topic, the library visitor will go home with not one but several books. Literature should be arranged on the shelves depending on the preferences of each "client". So, for example, the male part of the family will be interested in detective stories, historical novels. Women will approach the section with romance novels, poetry collections and books on needlework. Students will give preference to philosophical and psychological theories. For teenagers, you need to organize a rack with adventure and fantasy stories. The youngest visitors will enjoy fairy tales and legends of the peoples of the world. Names of library book shows for families can be more extended. And the header of the rack can delineate a narrow space.


Television, cinema, radio - everything passes. The book is forever. And even though the Internet is gradually replacing it, nevertheless, when the technology fails, real pages fall into the hands again. Reading has always been fashionable. And now, when it is impossible to live without self-development, the book becomes the best assistant. Therefore, the exhibition-travel is relevant today.

A librarian can be a guide to other eras, countries, traditions. The system for selecting such materials differs from work on other areas. When processing, you need to choose the best instances of a given motif. Divide the topic and approach it from all possible sides. The deeper the material is worked out, the brighter the emotions.

Such book exhibitions in the library can become a guide on a journey through the history of their native land, tell about the land on which library visitors live. Newspaper clippings are used about people the city is proud of, or Interesting Facts from life locality. The names of library events and exhibitions of this nature must necessarily emphasize that the guest really learns previously unknown information.

Specialists involved in the preparation of exhibitions divided them according to the form of organization into traditional and non-traditional.

Traditional and most used exhibitions:

new arrivals;


· personal;


to significant and memorable dates;

to help the learning process.

From non-traditional exhibition forms received the support and recognition of readers, the following groups are developing and improving:

1. Dialogues: discussion, dictionary, question, dispute, controversy.

3. Book collapses.

4. Exhibition - the best reader, - dossier, - benefit performance, one form.

5. Exhibition-concept; exhibition-mood.

6. Exhibition-surprise.

7. Exhibition-game: quizzes, crossword puzzles, contests, puzzles, games, lotto, hobbies.

8. Exhibition of one document: books, magazines, newspapers, articles.

9. Exhibition-travel.

10. Electronic (virtual) exhibitions.

11. Exhibition of printed materials of the library.

12. Exhibition-advice, -recognition, -symbol, -letter, -maze, object, -demonstration, -presentation, -treat, -court, -collision, etc.

13. Speaking exhibitions.

Traditional exhibitions

Popular in libraries thematic exhibitions. Their goal is to draw attention to a specific issue, problem, to encourage reading books by recommending the best of them. Topics need to be specified: the narrower they are, the more interesting the exposition looks, the clearer it is for readers.

The thematic exhibition reveals the most valuable literature on a particular topic. The main criterion for choosing a title is the relevance and significance of the topic being declared. If it is very extensive and requires a phased disclosure, in this case it is advisable for libraries to use the exhibition cycle. It is better to plan it for a year, having determined in advance a place for shelving. If these exhibitions are successful with readers, they can be continued next year.

Book fair cycles allow you to provide the necessary information regularly and systematically. Their topics can be very diverse:

· ecology – “Let's change the color of the Red Book!”, “Crystal drop”, “Big problems of a small planet”;

space - "Conquered space" - for the Day of Cosmonautics, "In unknown orbits";

Local history - the theme of the motherland, Russia - "I love my land, I love my city";

current topics for teenagers: first love - “Love is the beginning of all beginnings”, “Teach your heart to be good”;

Ethics and etiquette - "Help your destiny", "The science of due", "The duty of a person is to be intelligent", "Save a person in yourself".

The purpose of the exhibition new arrivals - introduce users (children) to new documents - books, newspapers, magazines, audio, video, visual materials, CDs, etc. ("Parade of new books", "Attention! New books!", "Hello! I - A new book"). Most often, such exhibitions are universal in content. They present books on various branches of knowledge. Hence the peculiarity of the organization - the order of arrangement of documents should be systematic, that is, according to the LBC tables.

Target personal exhibition - to draw the attention of readers to a separate figure, personality, to arouse the desire to learn as much as possible about this person - an artist, writer, composer, scientist, politician, etc. Therefore, there must be three sections:

1. A story about the life of a person.

2. Dedicated to her activities.

3. Represents works, works, creativity.

Welcome and large quantity sections. In the 4th section, it is proposed to place the creative works of the readers themselves, associated with the name of the person. For example: an exhibition dedicated to the life and work of A. Tvardovsky “Words that came from the battle” (“Barefoot childhood”, “Following the trail of the war”, “I lived, I was - for everything in the world I answer with my head”) .

Exhibitions for significant and memorable dates are drawn up in order to provide information about some event, holiday, its history and traditions, give advice and recommendations on how to hold it (for the New Year - "New Year's patterns", "New Year's mosaic", "New Year's Kaleidoscope"; to the Defender of the Fatherland Day; to the holiday of March 8; to Victory Day - “War was work ...”, “In the fires of victorious salute”, “War as it was”; to various Christian holidays - Christmas, Easter, Savior; to Mother's Day, etc.).

Exhibitions to help the educational process most popular in libraries. Their goal is to expand the scope of the school subject, to captivate them by telling what the student did not learn about in the lesson. An exhibition of literature to help in preparing for final school and university entrance exams can be called "Crib for the exam." In addition to the school curriculum: “We study perfectly”, “We need five like air!”, “Where music lives”, “Physicists are not up to lyrics”, “Let's do some chemistry!”.

Target genre exhibition - to draw the attention of readers to certain types of publications, to interest, to encourage reading. At such an exposition, one can present not only works of a certain genre, but also material about its origin and authors, as well as interesting and little-known facts from its history.

Non-traditional exhibitions

In an attempt to meet the changing needs of readers, given the diversity of their interests, librarians have come to the conclusion that traditional types of exhibitions should emerge in non-traditional forms.


Dear colleagues!

"The exhibition is a public, cultural, scientific

an event for readers and at the same time a professional holiday

librarians, so it is a unique, extraordinary, one-time phenomenon"

O. P. Zykov

I bring to your attention interesting material on exhibitions, which may be useful in your work. It is presented in the form of a glossary. What is a glossary?

The word "glossary" comes from the Latin phrase "glossarium", which means a collection of gloss, and the word "gloss" itself is translated as "an incomprehensible or foreign word." In the modern language, the glossary has an almost identical meaning, namely: a dictionary of specialized terms with an interpretation, with comments and examples dedicated to a particular field of knowledge. Sometimes such dictionaries are equipped with a translation of terms into another language.

The methods of creating and compiling glossaries are called lexicography and belong to the linguistic discipline. The very first glossary, which is known to history today, refers to the 25th century BC. and is represented by religious and literary texts of the late Sumerian period. Until the middle of the fifteenth century (the era when printing was invented) lists of foreign and little-known words were compiled by well-educated people, usually monks. Such words were most often found in writings and manuscripts written in Latin and Greek. As soon as the scribe or the scientist working with the text determined the meaning of an unknown word, he wrote an explanation for it either between the lines or in the margins. There are many examples of glossaries. For example, in England, a glossary was created for the works of Homer. In India, a glossary was written for the Vedas, and in the Middle Ages for the writings of Papias and Isidore.

The proposed glossary is dedicated to the exhibition in the library.

Library exhibition is an information product created for a specific group of users and presented in a special demonstration form.

The main form of visual representation of literature is a set of specially selected and systematized printed works offered to readers for review and familiarization with them.

Public demonstration of book collections, contributing to the most complete disclosure of the contents of these funds.

Exhibition-vernissage (mini-gallery) - an exposition involving the demonstration of paintings, reproductions, applied arts, children's drawings, etc. Includes materials about authors, trends and types of art. It is designed taking into account the color of the era to which the exhibition is dedicated.

Exhibition-quiz is an unconventional exhibition based on a block of books that can be used to answer quiz questions. Information with questions is posted at the exhibition itself, handed out on leaflets.

Exhibition virtual is a new form of exhibition and a way of exchanging information in the virtual space of the library, created in accordance with general rules preparation of expositions using telecommunication and computer technologies.

Exhibition "question-answer" - a kind of exhibition-dialogue, a kind of correspondence fulfillment of specific requests from readers, with further design of the exhibition with relevant literature and a bibliographic list on the topic.

Exhibition-herbarium - a kind of exhibitions of a new generation, implies the presence of the herbarium itself and various publications about the plants presented. For example: " medicinal plants”, “Between the pages of your favorite books.”

Exhibition-dialogue- an unconventional exhibition based on questions from young users, asked on various topics in writing and dropped into a special box. Specialists unite questions on certain thematic blocks, from which sections of the exhibition are formed and whose names will be questions from readers.

Exhibition-dispute (-discussion, -polemic) – an interactive exhibition, a way of reflecting relevant printed materials expressing different points of view on contentious issues. Visitors are invited to express their opinion, including in the format of a discussion following the results of the exhibition.

Exhibition-dossier is an interactive exhibition of a new generation, a kind of personal exhibition endowed with new properties and created with the active participation of readers. Most often, this is the reader's autobiography (“Literary dossier of the reader”, “From the reader's form”), reflected in the exposition in books read, quotations, reviews, answers to questionnaire questions, tips and recommendations. It is advisable to organize a meeting with the author at the exhibition, with his story about the books he has read and the opportunity to answer questions from interested parties. Such an exhibition is also called a "reader's benefit exhibition".

Genre exhibition - an exhibition designed to reveal the contents of the fund fiction or literature on art by types and genres.

Live exhibition - an unconventional exhibition that combines a text series, illustrative materials, as well as living creatures, be it fish, hamsters and other representatives of a living corner. In the future, such a variant of a “live exhibition” consisting of “live books” is also possible, such as an exposition of interesting people following the example of "living book" and "living library". The goals of such exhibitions are similar- to acquaint with all the diversity of nature, the world of living beings, including the complex and unique world of man.

Mystery Exhibition — an interactive exhibition that includes such an element of the game as the presence of a riddle that is proposed to be solved after familiarizing yourself with the exposition materials in advance.

Exhibition-game— an interactive exhibition that includes elements of the game, whether it is a theatrical performance of book characters, solving riddles about literary characters, situational games. Books, toys, crafts related to a common theme are placed on the exhibition. The purpose of the exhibition- encouraging children to read.

Exhibition-impulse , as a kind of societal (related to society, considered as a whole), is devoted to acute problems, sudden social topics, ideas, the desire to draw special attention to them, to encourage action. It is designed in poster technology - catchy and emotional.

Exhibition-installation is a view of the exhibition exposition as a work of art. The exhibition in this context is seen as a spatial composition built on an extraordinary combination of books, everyday things that give rise to new images and meanings. At the same time, the exposition is given volume, three-dimensionality, a kind of 3D format, inside which the visitor is located.

Exhibition interactive — an exhibition of a new generation, the main feature of which is interactivity — the presence of a dialogue between all participants in the exhibition processes, the mutual exchange of information. As a rule, it is used in a children's audience for educational purposes. Includes game elements, exchange of opinions, joint creativity.

Exhibition-study — an interactive exhibition presenting the results of a study of reader interests. Readers are invited to make their own "Golden Shelf" best books or “grow a tree”, on the leaves of which favorite books are indicated. The purpose of such exhibitions is to encourage reflection, search, and joint creativity.

Exhibition for significant and memorable dates - a thematic exposition for the "red" days of the calendar, the purpose of which is to remind about the event, to provide information about its history, traditions, to create a certain mood for the holiday.

Perform creative tasks - draw an illustration for a book, make crafts, a homemade book

Prepare the exposure creative works, summarize, award participants and winners.

Conceptual exhibition according to the content, it is thematic. A conceptual exhibition is the art of translating an idea into an exposition space from disparate elements into a single hypertext, which allows one to get acquainted with information in any sequence. The exposition can be created in the gallery, in the hall, on the landing or "on the ground". Paintings, illustrations, texts (books, their fragments, quotes), objects and exhibits, performance (representation), installation are the main forms of implementing the ideas of conceptualism in an exhibition format.

Local history exhibition (local history) - a kind of thematic exhibitions designed to reveal the content of the fund of local history literature. The central place in the exposition belongs to local history publications. At the same time, they contain materials and attributes of museums and organizations, examples of literary local history, memoirs of old-timers, antiquities, photographs reflecting local exoticism and the history of the region. Includes guided tours of the exposition. Can be part of a tour itinerary.

Crossword exhibition (Chineword exhibition) – exhibition of a new generation to help educational process. The main element is a crossword puzzle (chainword). Literature with answers and multiplied leaflets with crossword puzzles are placed around it, which can be filled out at home.

Exhibition local is an exposition placed in the local space of a department or subsection of the fund, designed to reveal funds by industry or limited to a narrow topic. It is informational or advisory in nature.

Memorial exhibition — a kind of thematic. An exhibition dedicated to the life and work of the person whose name the library bears. It is designed as a museum exhibition.

Museum exhibition - a kind of thematic, the main element of which is the exhibit - be it a document, object, photographic material, while the library exposition is built around the book as the main attribute of the exhibition.

Exhibition-mood - an exhibition of a new generation, according to the content, it is thematic. Its meaning is to create a special atmosphere, a special mood. Therefore, it is most often part of the program of events, although it can be organized as a separate independent event or as a series of exhibitions. Exhibition-mood is a rejection of the Text. The only text allowed on it is the title. The main thing in it is the visual range, which should be accurate, expressive and make a deep emotional impression. The exhibition is complemented by objects of attributive series and musical accompaniment. The books in it may not have an independent meaning, becoming an element of an illustrative or attributive series.

Exhibition of undeservedly forgotten books - one of the varieties of thematic, the purpose of which is to remind and promote the best examples of literature that contribute to mutual understanding of generations and the preservation of continuity.

Exhibition non-traditional is a new generation exhibition containing new, non-trivial approaches to the concept of the exhibition, its content and design. Its distinguishing features are interactivity ( open dialogue between all participants of the exhibition processes), original interpretation of the theme, bold design solutions that enhance entertainment.

Exhibition of one book, one magazine, one newspaper or one publication - an exposition, thematic in content, built according to a general methodology in order to interest the user in a particular document. A variety of material attracts attention, reveals the meaning of the document, its significance, encourages reading.

Exhibition personal - a variety of thematic, related to the life and activities of a certain personality (person): prominent cultural figures, politicians and poets, local celebrities who have shown themselves in creativity or work. The materials of the exhibition are devoted to a specific person, tell about his life and work, include his works and works.

Exhibition-portrait - the same as the personal exhibition.

Exhibition-caution – an interactive exhibition, societal in content, in terms of design – poster. It is called upon to answer the pressing questions of the present, taking into account the opinions of users who express their attitude by signatures on blank sheets of the stand.

Exhibition-provocation - an interactive exhibition that includes such an element of the game as conscious errors. Readers are encouraged to find these errors and inconsistencies in the details of the exhibition and report them to the organizers.

Exhibition-view is an exposition that reflects the fullness of the publications available in the library and selected according to certain criteria. According to the content, they can be universal (exhibitions-views of new acquisitions), sectoral (to help professional reading), thematic.

Exhibition-disintegration (book collapse, thematic collapse) - a kind of exhibition-viewing, unsystematic (spontaneous) exposition as a way of indirect recommendation and a means to enterin a dialogue between the reader and the librarian or other reader. collapseincludes the bulk of books handed over the day before by other readers, as well as publications "planted" as a bait by the librarian himself.

Exhibition-Reflection - variety interactive exhibition, thematic in content, including readers' reflections on the proposed occasion in the text series. Placement of leaflets with reflections can take place during the work of the exhibition as they are collected. The goal is to exchange opinions and indirectly promote literature.

Exhibition-situation – a kind of exhibitions of a new generation, hallmark which is the opportunity to create an exposition by the readers themselves, depending on the proposed situation: “I will take this book with me to a desert island”, “I will take this book on a space journey”, etc.

Exhibition-dictionary - a kind of exhibitions of a new generation to help education in order to explain new terms and definitions. Organized for pupils or students. The text series consists of dictionaries (encyclopedias, reference books) on the topic and factual information that explains the most difficult concepts.

Exhibition-advice, -recommendation - a kind of exhibitions of a new generation. Books are selected on a specific topic, problem: "How to become rich and happy", "How to quickly learn English language" etc. The text series includes factual information and recommended lists of literature.

Societal exhibition — a thematic exhibition dedicated to social issues: politics, ecology, drug addiction, crime, white spots of history, etc.

Exhibition stand- a kind of stand exhibition, limited to the theme of a specific event: Day open doors, Information Day, educational seminars, conferences, round tables.

Surprise Exhibition - non-traditional (non-standard) exhibition, a kind of exhibition-installation, original in execution, with an unusual arrangement of exposition elements - on an overturned rack, with an installation of books in the form of a house or a spiral staircase, with a slide of old computers, with unusual subject accessories. The purpose of this exhibition- attract to reading through surprise and play.

Thematic exhibition - an exhibition dedicated to topical issues associated with public demands in the field of politics, economics, science, technology, culture and art. Target- to present the most valuable literature on a particular topic. Thematic exhibitions are prepared as separate expositions, in cycles or as part of an event. They also include new generation exhibitions: question exhibitions, crossword puzzles, dictionaries, advice, facts, discussions, conceptual exhibitions, etc.

Exhibition-test- a kind of exhibitions of the new generation, designed for teenagers and young people, includes tests and related literature, where you can find tips and recommendations based on test results.

Exhibition traditional - an exhibition, the main element of which is a book, and main goal - disclosure of content library fund in various aspects. Most often, these are thematic and genre expositions, exhibitions-views.