Guide competencies. Tour guide professional competencies

In the Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language (1940, edited by Professor D.N. Ushakov), the following interpretation of the term guide was given for the first time: “Excursion leader. In museums, an employee who shows tourists the items on display and gives the necessary explanations. Now the interpretation given in the dictionary has expanded significantly.

In the pre-war period, work as a guide in most cases was not professional, but was a kind of amateur activity for a group of enthusiastic teachers. At best, it was conducted by specialists from various branches of knowledge in combination without interrupting their main activities. Only large museums had full-time guides, but their number was insignificant. Nevertheless, already at that time the work of guides began to acquire its professional features.

Over the past twenty years, especially since 1969, the situation in the country has changed significantly. In connection with the development of the excursion business and with the transformation of excursions from a form of recreation into an integral part of the ideological-educational and cultural-mass work, the role of the guide has increased immeasurably.

Currently, the guide is the central figure in the excursion business. Only in the system of the Central Council for Tourism and Excursions, more than 40 thousand guides conduct excursion propaganda. The job description of a guide of a tourist-excursion institution states: “The guide is a propagandist of the achievements of the USSR in the economy, science, culture and other areas of communist construction, an active participant in the ideological-educational and cultural-mass work of trade unions, - contributes to the formation of a materialistic worldview; contributes to the education of the broad masses of working people on the ideas of Marxism-Leninism.

This wording defines the goals and objectives of the guide, emphasizes the great importance of this relatively new profession.

The work of a guide is a kind of labor activity, that is, a profession with a number of features inherent in it alone.

In addition to knowledge in the specialty, the profession of a guide requires certain practical skills and a whole range of skills.

The guide is one of the fighters of the ideological front, he, as a lecturer and agitator, must always be ready to meet the audience, in order to fully satisfy the needs of the excursion participants. The guide constantly conducts ideological-educational and cultural-enlightenment work among working and studying youth, actively participating in the formation of a communist worldview among Soviet people.

The profession of a guide makes specific demands on his political and moral qualities. The guide should have a penchant for propaganda and mass-political work with people; understanding the significance of excursion work, one's personal role in the process of communist education of the broad masses of working people; consciousness of one's public duty; Marxist-Leninist education, which provides a high ideological content of excursions; intransigence to shortcomings, lack of culture, remnants of the past in the minds and behavior of people, to any manifestations of bourgeois ideology and morality. The guide needs to continuously replenish and improve his political and special knowledge, have a sense of the new, have initiative and be in constant search of work, maintain close contact with the masses, study the needs and interests of the audience, show good breeding, high culture in work and behavior; to be polite and tactful in dealing with sightseers, to deeply know the laws of the excursion, to master the methodology for conducting it; love your job.

Together with the listed qualities, the guide must know the content of the excursions well, master the basics of pedagogy, psychology and the basic laws of logic. All this helps the guide to take the place of the leader in the excursion group, to successfully fulfill his role in educating people.

There is a certain range of practical skills that are inherent in the guide. Without them, the profession itself cannot exist, as a kind of labor activity, since it requires from the guide not only certain knowledge, but also skills the best way convey this knowledge to the audience.

Practical skills and abilities include:

    the ability to select the necessary factual material, study it and prepare the text of an excursion on a specific topic;

    draw up a methodological development for excursions;

    listen to excursions on the route and assist other guides;

    apply the learned methodological techniques in practice during the excursion;

    use visual materials of the "guide's portfolio" during the tour;

    conduct conversations at enterprises, institutions, educational institutions, promoting excursions;

    compose the text of travel information and conduct it on a country excursion and during a trip along a weekend itinerary.

Participation in the preparation and conduct of excursions implies that the guide has extensive and solid knowledge on the topic. However, no matter how encyclopedic this knowledge is, it cannot replace the ability to correctly present the material to the audience, that is, what is the basis of excursion skills.

As a specialist, the guide must be competent in those branches of knowledge that serve as the basis for the excursions he conducts. Competence is not only a range of specific issues in which the guide has knowledge and practical experience. The competence of a guide is a combination of ideological maturity, knowledge in the specialty and professional skills.

In addition, the guide, regardless of education and knowledge of the methods and techniques of conducting an excursion, must have certain abilities to conduct mass "propaganda work with people, as well as a creative approach to the task assigned. Elements of creativity, although their role should not be exaggerated, are mandatory for successful tour guide activities.

An important quality of a guide is conviction. "When conducting an excursion, revealing a topic, the guide must show bias in the best sense of the word: clearly and purposefully formulate thoughts, correctly, from the position of Marxist-Leninist science, interpret and cover events and phenomena.

It is important that the guide also has a sense of humor, which finds its expression in the ability to bring a smile, relieve tension among the participants of the tour.

The guide at the very beginning of the tour should be able to establish strong contacts with the audience, determine its interests, level of knowledge and, based on this, lead the show and story on the topic.

For the relationship between the guide and the group, the same stages are typical as during a public lecture: the guide in his story can take the position of an informer, commentator, interlocutor, adviser and emotional leader in relation to the audience. Each of these positions, with sufficient preparedness and extensive practical experience of the guide, is used by him depending on the composition of the excursion group, taking into account the recommended method of presenting the material.

Only a guide who has mastered the excursion technique to perfection knows how to use these positions with the best efficiency.

The effectiveness of the excursion depends on the freedom of presentation of the material, the refinement of gestures, the methodological justification of the techniques used in the display and story. All this requires daily and painstaking work from the guide.

The place of the guide on the tour must be clearly defined. The guide, unlike the actor, who also speaks to a mass audience, should be in the background. Hearing the voice of the guide, feeling his presence, the group still does not look at him, but at what he shows, what he talks about. The ability to constantly be "a little in the shade" is a sign of a good guide.

Describing the requirements for appearance guide, it must be remembered that modesty in clothing, hairstyle, sense of proportion in cosmetics, as well as verbal address to the group, smoking and even walking - all this is what is called the culture of behavior of the tour leader, as well as any other propagandist.

A necessary quality of guides is also the ability to prevent and localize conflict situations in a group.

The presence of control texts, methodological development for each topic and each version of the excursion, the requirement for a certain uniformity in the conduct of excursions by all guides on one topic should not in itself introduce a standard in the conduct of excursions, turn the guide into a mechanical robot, into a video with a thematic record. Each guide puts a stamp of individuality on the tour he conducted. His individuality is expressed in the peculiarities of speech, the originality of gestures, in the application of his own variants of methodological techniques, in various ways of maintaining attention in the group and thereby increasing the activity of perception of the excursion participants. In addition, the individual nature of the excursion gives a different level of emotionality, which largely depends on their individual characteristics.

The guide must also know the basics of the culture of speech. This finds expression in the ability to reveal, convey to people the content of the topic, making it as understandable and convincing as possible. The oratory of the guide should be aimed at conveying his knowledge of the topic to the audience and contribute to the formation of listeners' conviction.

The guide's story should be meaningful, have cognitive value, clarity of wording, entertainment, be educational, be emotional, imaginative, simple and accessible to listeners.

The guide should start working on the language with mastering the technique of speech (breathing, voice, diction). It is very important that diction, that is, the manner of pronouncing sounds and words, be clear and precise. This work should begin with the elimination of ambiguities in speech, most often with practicing the pronunciation of individual words that for some reason are hardly perceived or not perceived at all by listeners. Then you should pay attention to the haste or slowness of the pronunciation of words or speech in general. Each word should sound clear, be understandable to the group.

Intonation in the guide's story is the strongest form speech impact to the audience. The content of the story plays a huge role. However, the basis of the story is not only a thought, but also a feeling that gives a peculiar color to the story, shows the guide's attitude to the events, facts, objects in question.

It is necessary to monitor the correctness of the accents. They are an integral part of the intonation of speech. It is wrong when the guide reduces all work in this direction to the observance of the correct stresses in the word, i.e., the greater duration and strength of the pronunciation of the vowel in the stressed syllable. Much in the excursion depends on the rise and fall of the voice, stops in the story, the pace of speech.

It is equally important to carefully work out phrasal and logical stresses throughout the story on this topic. In each phrase, which is a semantic segment of the story in the excursion, one or several words are usually singled out, on which semantic (phrasal) stress is placed.

With logical stress in the phrase, the word (or words) that is most important in its content is highlighted.

K. S. Stanislavsky called stress the index finger, marking the most important word in the phrase. In his opinion, it is in this word that the inner essence of the subtext is usually expressed as a complex of thoughts and feelings, which is hidden under the words of the text.

Properly organized preparation for the excursion requires that the text written by the guide be well understood in content, especially in terms of its ideological content. Then the text should be well analyzed and prepared for pronunciation. At the same time, all components of intonation should be carefully considered: the power of speech (its dynamics), which is expressed in stresses, the pace and rhythm of speech (its speed, timbre), and emotional coloring. The use of these components must be specifically decided in relation to all parts of the story, individual sentences and their constituent phrases.

Excursions are considered good when the tone of the story in them changes depending on the events that the guide tells about, the various aspects of the monument of history and culture that he analyzes, the feelings: excitement, anger, joy, pride that he is trying to express.

The excitement of the guides, caused by his attitude to the subject, event, entails a change in voice, his timbre becomes unusual, which is quite natural. At the same time, the whole story, even on the most interesting and exciting topic for the audience, should not be turned into a recitation. Recitation in excursions is appropriate only when citing excerpts from works of art, memoirs, and historical documents.

The guide must constantly observe a sense of proportion in the story. When conducting an excursion, it is important to avoid unjustified emotions, false pathos, loudness. The main source of emotions for tourists is not the emotions of the guide, but the depth of the material, the selection of facts that can excite, skillfully methodically constructed show and story.

To become a guide, you need to have a higher or secondary specialized education. However, a person must still master the profession of a guide. One-year courses, which are created by tourism and excursion councils or excursion institutions of trade unions, equip future guides with knowledge in the field of how to prepare and conduct excursions and in practice give an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat a tour is.

The process of forming a guide as a specialist takes a long time. The propensity to carry out mass, educational work with people appears in the future guide long before the secrets of the profession are mastered. Four stages can be distinguished in the formation of the excursion profession. The first stage of the "birth" of the future guide is the formation of the inclination itself. The second stage - mastering the amount of knowledge in a certain area - while studying at a university, technical school, other specialized secondary educational institution. The third stage is the study of the methodology for preparing and conducting excursions. Such a study is carried out in most cases at courses for the preparation of new guides. The fourth stage is the consolidation of knowledge and improvement of skills in the course of everyday practice, while working as a guide.

At the last stage of the formation of the profession of a guide, a methodical section occupies a large place. It is created with the aim of further specialization, raising the ideological and theoretical level and professional skills of guides. The active participation of guides in the work of the methodological section contributes to the strengthening of the political and educational orientation and the cognitive value of excursions. Work in the methodological section is the first duty of the guide, "non-attendance by the guide of the section, failure to complete the tasks of the head of the section without good reason is considered a violation of labor discipline" - is written in the Regulations on the methodological section.

The level of qualification of the guide, the fulfillment of the requirements that his profession imposes on him, is directly dependent on how systematically and purposefully the guide carries out work on self-education and improvement of his qualifications.

3.4. Guide skills and abilities

The basis of the professional skill of the guide is his skills and abilities. " Skills- a method of performing actions mastered by the subject, provided by a combination of acquired knowledge and skills.

For the formation of professional skills, deep knowledge and the ability to master methodological techniques (i.e., the ability to use specific practical skills to bring the technique into action) are necessary. There are various ways of acquiring skills by guides: by repeating the experience of other guides, performing training exercises, listening to excursions, etc. One of the important skills of a guide is the arrangement of the knowledge presented to the excursionists in any combination, in the combination in which they are necessary for a given audience.

skill called the ability to perform a certain action. This skill is achieved by repeated repetition of the same exercise. As a result, the employee acquires habits that allow him to perform this work better. For the guide, such actions are the processes of preparing and conducting excursions. His habits are the manner of action, the order and sequence of "operations" during the excursions. Based on acquired habits, skills are formed and improved. Thus, skill- these are the actions of the guide worked out by practice, which are carried out according to the same scheme (orientation, sequence, the same time costs, etc.). Skill can be defined as a higher degree of skill. A skill is an action performed automatically. The conscious control of the performer of the work over such actions is reduced to a minimum. Gaining a skill means not only doing the job faster and more accurately, but doing it more confidently.

The guide's skills can be divided into several groups: the skills of developing a new topic for an excursion; skills of showing objects in the tour; excursion storytelling skills; excursion technique skills; skills in demonstrating the exhibits of the "guide's portfolio"; skills of working with the excursion audience; speech etiquette skills; skills of working with a book, in a museum, at an exhibition, in an archive; preparation skills for conducting excursions; excursion advertising skills; post-excursion work skills; listening skills. They can be subdivided according to the degree of complexity, the level of automaticity, the presence of creative elements, etc.

In the course of practical activities, there is a process of interaction of various skills (for example, the skills of speech and demonstration of objects, the display of monuments and the use of visual aids). The interaction of skills is expressed in the complex use of methodological techniques, in their influence on each other.

Increasing the efficiency of the excursion is associated with the formation of excursion skills and their constant improvement.

In the assimilation of methodological techniques and improving the skills of their use, there are two main ways. First of these - the spontaneous path of trial and error, it is longer and less effective. The guide uses techniques, independently analyzes the level of their effectiveness, improves skills, makes changes to the process of their application, detects and corrects miscalculations and errors. Second- a controlled path involves the formulation and solution of specific tasks - the assimilation of certain skills and in a certain sequence. At the same time, skills are formed that have properties that are necessary for the practical activity of a guide as a specialist in a certain branch of knowledge (historian, philologist, botanist, mechanical engineer, architect). With a controlled way of developing skills, various forms of training are used: training exercises on the route near the excursion object, studying methodological literature, visiting excursions, listening to tape recordings of excursions, mastering methodological documentation, etc.

System of training exercises. In the course of original rehearsals without the participation of the excursion group, certain elements of a particular excursion are repeated many times. Usually these are methodical methods of showing objects and a story, which are based on one or another methodological method of presenting verbal material. Classes are conducted by methodologists or experienced guides. At the same time, for example, the development of the method of using exhibits from the "guide's portfolio" or options for arranging tourists at the place where the object of observation is shown takes place. In the course of such exercises, the actions of the guide are assimilated, refined and automated.

An equally important place is occupied by exercises during the work of guides, in which a certain methodology is used. At first they are held in slow motion. Then the pace accelerates as the guide masters the skills. Repeated repetition of the same exercise leads to the development of automatism in their actions.

There are various forms of organization of this work - educational excursions, on-site classes at the facility, business games. On the educational excursion, the task is to isolate the individual skills that the guide uses when presenting the material in a particular excursion. The participants of the lesson are asked the following questions: What skills did the guide use when showing the objects? What is the effectiveness of using skills? Which skill do you think is more difficult to master? What is the degree of automaticity in the use of skills? Can the sightseers notice certain techniques used by the tour guide?

Improving skills allows the guide to use options for conducting excursions for people with different levels of training.

A certain difficulty is the development of observation skills among guides. The purpose of the exercise is to develop in them the speed of perception of the observed object. Here is the content of one of these exercises: the guides are shown several objects for 20-30 seconds. Then the questions are asked: What did each of you see? What do the items shown look like? Which one is the most interesting? The exercise is repeated several times. Its time (in seconds) decreases with each repetition, and the number of details seen increases.

Another group of exercises directs the attention of the guides to the comparison of objects similar to each other. Before the start of the exercise, the task is given to name the signs, details that distinguish the observed objects. Participants of the exercises, comparing the observed objects, formulate what exactly distinguishes one object from another. In this way observational skills are formed. Depending on the content of the excursions, the nature and characteristics of the objects, other exercises are organized for the guides. However, their goal remains unchanged - the formation of practical skills in conducting excursions.

Hometasks. A great place in improving the professional skills of the guide, the formation and consolidation of skills is homework. A characteristic feature of this type of occupation is concreteness. The guide, for example, is given the task to rehearse the technique of using the reconstruction technique when showing the monument in a city tour, the technique of using gestures, etc.

The effectiveness of the excursion depends not only on the knowledge and skills of the guide, but also on the ability of the tourists to master the skills of observing objects, on their attention to the guide’s story, the ability to perceive factual material, and draw the necessary conclusions. Therefore, an important task of the excursion is to teach tourists to see and perceive objects, that is, to instill in them certain skills of observing and studying objects.


A skill is a certain action worked out by practice, performed automatically by force of habit. These actions are always carried out according to the same scheme. The methodical method of conducting an excursion and the skill are inextricably linked, since the skill is a way of using the methodical method in practice. Consolidation of techniques is possible with the help of repeated exercises. Scheme: a methodological technique - a way of presenting the material and a skill - the ability to perfectly use methodological techniques - during the excursion should operate automatically.

test questions

1. Skill - the correct performance of certain actions.
2. The concept of "skill". Interrelation of skills and abilities.
3. Classification of skills. Main groups of skills.
4. Formation of skills and abilities.
5. Use of skills in excursions.


1 25-26 kwietnia 2013, wyd. Lwowski Państwowy Instytut Ekonomii i Turystyki, Lwów Ukraina, marzec Kozłowska D. Kształtowanie kompetencji uczniów i studentów poprzez turystykę, VI Podlaski Festiwal Nauki i Sztuki,: Podlaska Kultura Fizyczna. Wychowanie fizyczne sport turystyka i rekreacja, Kwartalnik naukowy, rok V Nr 2 (14), s Kozłowska D., W. Ryszkowski, Ł. Kul, Kompetencje profesjonalno zawodowe sędziów piłki nożnej, Roczniki Naukowe Nr 7 WSWFiT w Białymstoku, Białystok, 2011 WSWFiT, Białystok 2013 (monografia złożona do druku) 13. Kozłowska D., Ryszkowski W., 101 kompetencji pilota wycieczek, Difin, Warszawa 2011: Smółka P., Kompetencje społeczne. Metody pomiaru i doskonalenia umiejętności interpersonalnych, Oficyna Walters Kluwer Sp.zoo, Kraków, 2008, s Smółka P., Miękkie kompetencje i rozwój talentów interpersonalnych w organizacji. Edukacja ekonomistów i menedżerów, nr 4/2006, Sowa J., Pedagogika specjalna w zarysie. Wydanie I, Wydawnictwo Oświatowe FOSZE, Rzeszów, D. KOZLOWSKA graduate School physical education and tourism, Bialystok, Poland W. RYSHKOVSKI Academy of Physical Education. I. Piłsudski, Warsaw, Poland PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCES OF THE EXCURSION GUIDE The purpose of the article is to assess the degree of importance of the professional competencies of the tour guide in the assessments of tour operators, guides with professional experience and excursion participants. The study is based on the author's questionnaire conducted among 431 people. The article aims to measure the degree of importance of competence of a professional tour guide. The evaluation was done by tour operators, experienced tour guides and tour participants. A public opinion poll was based on a self-made questionnaire and carried out among 431 of the aforementioned participants.

2 Introduction. The professional competencies of the tour guide belong to the "hard" skills and include skills, knowledge, special skills for a particular place of work in tourism. The profession of a tour guide requires extensive knowledge and skills in various areas. The complexity of contacts with clients, the social significance of this profession is confirmed by many national and foreign studies. The tour guide belongs to the position of the so-called linear work, where contact with the client, the tourist is direct and continuous. Professional competencies do not provide competitive advantage in the service market. The problem is the allocation of the most important professional competencies in this profession. Research in this area is more likely to focus on a vague statement rather than on concrete results based on clear results. To achieve the goal of the study, the authors of the article analyzed the definition. Traditionally, it is believed that the guide's competencies are: "Knowledge, skills and abilities that allow solving problems that arise during the implementation of the excursion program and occur in changing conditions and situations" . The description of the profession of a guide clearly shows the advantage of functions related to the management and coordination of actions in time. External and internal competencies that have an impact on the satisfaction of excursion participants were shown in their research by D. Bowie and J. C. Chang in 2005. E. and W. Ryszkowscy also proposed a competency model (Fig. 1). The presented approach differs in that competencies are differentiated by groups. Research methodology. In accordance with the problems of the guide's work, the purpose of the research was to assess the importance of individual competencies of tour guides in the opinion of service consumers and employees of the tourism industry. External system competencies Internal intellectual competencies Formal personal material professional procedural integrating partner Pic. 1. Competence structure of a tour guide to the origins of governing power Source: E. Ryszkowska, W. Ryszkowski, Kompetencje formalno-prawne nauczyciela wf. W: Przeglądowa konferencja AWF 95. AWF, Warszawa:

3 It has been established that tourism organizers give more attention to the professional competencies of a guide than tour guides and service consumers. The profession of a tour guide is dominated by professional and material competencies related to the so-called "soft". Methods and research techniques. The method of diagnostic probing and questioning was applied. The study was conducted on the basis of the author's questionnaire. The questionnaire is divided into five parts, which reflect personal, professional, formal-legal, integrating and material competencies. Due to the vastness of the material, the article presents the results of research on professional competencies. Our article presents an opinion on the competencies of the guide. The opinions of the representatives were compared various groups by the importance of the competence of the tour guide. To assess the importance of tour guide competencies, a sample of 431 respondents was used, of which 58 are professional experienced tour guides, 358 tour participants and 15 tourism organizers. The studies were carried out in Podlasia and Mazovia (Poland). Research results. Professional competencies refer to those that must be acquired during training. Among the professional competencies, “Knowledge of the rules of first aid” received the highest rating. The organizers gave her an average of 9.86 points, guides 9.33, tour participants 8.98. Possession of this competence is highly perceived in the countries of Western Europe (Great Britain, Germany, etc.). For the correct provision of first aid, specialized courses are organized, taking into account the latest medical news. In Poland, this competence is not yet perceived at the level of Western European countries. The next competence, assessed within 8-9 points, is "Knowing how to behave in atypical and unique situations (accidents, thefts, arrests, alcohol abuse, etc.)". Similar ratings were received from guides (9.27) and organizers (9.26). Excursion participants rated the importance of this competence a little less (8.69). The guide should always warn the participants of excursions against possible thefts in places where tourists gather. The organizers also pay great attention to "Knowing the needs of tourists" (9.13). Guides (8.79) and participants (8.59) rate it a little less. The competence “Knowledge of the route, road, environment» in the opinion of the organizers. Guides (8.5) and participants (8.29) rated it slightly less. 90

4 Relatively high scores were given to the Health Guide competency. The organizers rated its value at 9.2 points. Participants recognized her lower value of 8.44, and guides at 8.41 points. AT professional activity There may be cases of refusal to work as a guide due to age, health status. It must be borne in mind that physical and mental performance changes over the years. The family and professional situation of guides is also changing. Can happen professional burnout and frustration at work. Competence "Knowledge legal documents”, like the previous one, is most highly rated by the organizers (9.13). Guides (8.77) and participants (8.08) rate it a little less. The guide must know legal regulations using hotels, restaurants, crossing the border and informing a group of tourists about them in advance. The organizers recognized the competence “Knowledge of tourist attractions” as important, estimating it at 8.8 points. Participants and guides recognized its lower value (7.83 and 7.79 respectively). The superiority of knowledge in each profession in relation to the knowledge of the excursion participants is always perceived as professionalism. The value of the competence "The ability to predict the behavior of excursion participants in changing conditions" was highly appreciated by the organizers (8.32) and guides (8.17). Participants of the excursions recognized its lower value (7.62). The competence “Knowledge of the features of servicing groups of tourists of different nationalities” was also highly appreciated by the organizers (8.53). It was rated lower by guides (7.88) and participants (7.66). Probably, the organizers, passing a heterogeneous group into the hands of the guide, expect the guide to adapt to people of different views and traditions. The problems of interaction with groups of tourists differing in views and traditions have been repeatedly described in the literature. The issue of servicing American and European groups had already been explored in the 1970s. The problems of communication and service of American, German and French groups were described by D. Leclerc and J. N. Martin in 2004. The perception of tourist sites and food issues can differ significantly when working with foreigners. The organizers most highly in relation to other studied groups (8.73) rated the competence "Knowledge of the procedures and stages of the tour organization". The rest rated its value at a lower level: guides at 7.65 points, participants at 7.57 points. The ability to select and apply the appropriate management style depending on the situation was highly appreciated by the organizers (8.13) and guides (8.05). The lower value of this competence was recognized by the participants (7.66). The difference in estimates is probably due to experience and knowledge. Guide at the stage 91

5 communicates with the group and, thanks to his own intuition, must choose the appropriate style of managing the group. Knowledge of the biological and physiological needs of the excursion participants is most highly valued by guides (8.16) and organizers (7.86), while the participants themselves rated it lower at 7.42 points. Accompaniment of groups of children, youth and adults differs in the degree of increased physical activity, the intensity of movement, etc. The pace of the group movement should correspond to the age of the participants of the excursion. The competence "Knowledge of religions, traditions, norms of behavior" was most highly appreciated by the organizers (8.53). The guides rated it less (7.81), the participants even less (7.02). The guide in his professional activity is obliged to warn about violation of the norms of behavior for different religions. It is hard to imagine a guide entering a mosque in boots or taking a group into a church or church during worship. However, this competence received the highest value from the organizers. For them, familiarity with religious norms is identified with professionalism. Guides must also convey information about the norms and values ​​of a particular religion to sightseers. The competence “Knowledge of the socio-psychological behavior of participants” was assessed at a low level. The organizers rated its value at 8.0 points, guides at 7.76, participants at 7.48 points. The behavior of sightseers in a group differs markedly from the behavior of single people. For example, a situation may occur when group members act critically and aggressively. Often the occurrence of such a situation is influenced by one person who, under standard conditions, is very calm and self-possessed, but in a group he changes and becomes aggressive, expressing his aggression through the importance of his position in the team. Often people through aggressive behavior on excursions want to pay attention to their existence and thereby achieve psychological satisfaction. The competence "Knowledge of the specifics of tourist transportation" was most highly rated by the organizers (7.8). Participants (7.3) and guides (7.22) had lower significance weights. From the point of view of the organizers, knowledge of the specifics of tourist transportation is very important in the work of a guide. Perhaps experienced guides do not rate this skill highly. Important is information about the place and time of the meeting, as well as information regarding arrival at the airport, flight features, etc. Tourism uses various means of transport. And only with experience guides master the specifics of using all means of transport. “Knowledge of socio-political issues” this competence is most highly rated by the organizers (7.86) and slightly lower by the guides (7.5). Participants of the excursion also recognized its value (6.96). It is important to know the guide of the current situation in the state. 92

6 The importance of the following competence "Knowledge of languages" is estimated in a wide range. The organizers rated it the most (9.46), the participants of the excursions note its average value (7.27). Guides give low scores for this competency (4.88). Perhaps the guides have experience of contacts with the local population without knowledge of languages. English language now perceived as the most communicative in different states. In Eastern European countries, knowledge of the Russian language is recommended. The guide must know such a foreign language so that in the final country he can freely exchange information with the counterparty and cooperating people. Some organizers require specialized language skills from tour guides, hinting that, for example, in Italy you can only communicate in Italian, and in Hungary in Hungarian, etc. In practice, depending on who the guide will cooperate with, it is determined what foreign language he will need. It is also necessary to have specialized professional terminology, jargon and verbal abbreviations. The following competence is rated rather low by all groups of respondents. “Knowledge of the criteria and norms for assessing quality in tourism” is perceived almost equally by participants (6.45) and organizers (6.4). Guides rated it 5.67 points. There is an opinion that the criteria for assessing quality are usually known only to specialists. Guides should be aware of the basic quality criteria in tourism that relate to their work as event managers and the criteria for evaluating accommodation, meals, transport or guides. With a lack of knowledge of the criteria and norms, it will be difficult to reasonably criticize the shortcomings. Such knowledge is especially needed in demanding situations. It seems that in the assessments of the organizers (6.4) and participants (6.26) the competence “Knowledge of the principles of the emergence of a tourism product” is perceived. Guides marked it with the lowest rating (5.59). Guides are required to familiarize themselves with the event portfolio before departure. A whole preparation procedure is necessary for the correct conduct of the excursion. "Knowledge of quality systems" in the assessment of the organizers by 6.2 points. The rating of the participants is 5.83, but the lowest is rated by the guides (4.74). Each state has its own quality systems, which means that the quality of the hotel in the "stars" in Poland, Belgium, Ukraine will be different. Guides must know the quality standards of the accommodation base, meals. The next skill is also ranked low by the guides (3.88). Participants and organizers rated "Knowledge of the definition of tourism (according to the WTO)" at 5.78 and 5.73 points, respectively. Definitions of tourism are studied in the course of vocational education. Among working guides, these definitions are little known and of little importance. The last competence among professionals was the least rated by the participants (3.32) and it is “Knowledge about the activities of self-government, economic 93

7 of economic development and strategy for the development of the national product”. The organizers rated it the highest (6.0), the guides rated it 5.45 points. The guide must know common features development of the tourism area. This information ( Interesting Facts and regional news) is transmitted to tourists. Based on the conducted research, it can be stated that the tourism organizers have the highest expectations from the work of guides (8.13). Tour guides and tour participants perceive the value of competencies in almost the same way (7.38 and 7.32, respectively) (Fig. 2). 8.13 7.38 7, Fig. 2. The importance of professional competencies in the assessment of organizers, tour guides and participants of excursions Source: personal processing Five groups are included in the tour guide competency model: 1) personal competencies; 2) partner-integrating competencies; 3) professional competencies; 4) formal legal competencies; 5) material competencies. The conducted studies have shown that in terms of value, professional competencies are in third place after personal and partner-integrating competencies (Fig. 3). 8.28 7.63 3-8.08-7.09 6, Fig. 3. The importance of groups of competencies of the tour guide Source: personal processing Conclusions and suggestions. In accordance with the purpose of the study, a comparison was made of the assessments of the importance of the professional competencies of an ex-guide 4 5

8 courses. Studies have shown that there is a similarity in the assessments of participants in tourist trips and employees of tour agencies. It turned out that professional competence is not an important factor in the work of a guide. The assumption that the organizers value the importance of the guide's professional competence more than the tour guides themselves and the consumers of the services was confirmed. Sources (Author's edit) 1. Bowie D. and Chang, J. C. (2005) Tourist Satisfaction: A View from a Mixed International Guided Package Tour. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 11 (4): Dąbrowska K. (2010) Sztuka podróżowania. Etnografia roli zawodowej pilota wycieczek. Praca magisterska. Wydział Zarządzania UwB promotor prof. zw. dr hab. M. Kostera, wrzesień Kozłowska D. (2006) Opis stanowiska pracy Podlaska kultura fizyczna. Wychowanie fizyczne Sport - Turystyka i Rekreacja, Kwartalnik naukowy Nr 3 (10), Supraśl: Kozłowska D., Ryszkowski W. (2011) 101 kompetencji pilota wycieczek. Difin, Warszawa: Kozłowska D., Ryszkowski W. (2013) Kompetencje formalno-prawne pilota wycieczek, Artykuł naukowy, Wyższa Szkoła Wychowania Fizycznego i Turystyki w Białymstoku, Turystyka Kulturowa, : Kozłowska D., W. zawodowe pilotów wycieczek w opinii uczestników wyjazdów turystycznych. Weryfikacja modelu, Materiały І Międzynarodowej Konferencji Naukowo-Praktycznej: Zrównoważony rozwój regionów turystycznych: doświadczenia krajowe oraz światowe, kwietnia 2013, wyd. Lwowski Państwowy Instytut Ekonomii i Turystyki, Lwów Ukraina 7. Kuo-Ching Wang, An-Tien Hsieh, Tzung-Cheng Huan (2000) Critical service features in group packade tour: An exploratory research. Tourism Management 21: Ryszkowska E., Ryszkowski W. (1995) Kompetencje formalno-prawne nauczyciela wf. W: Przeglądowa konferencja AWF 95. AWF, Warszawa: Ryszkowska E., Ryszkowski W., Kozłowska D. (2005) Nowe wyzwania. Ogólnopolska konferencja października 2005, Proksenia, Kraków: Smółka P. (2007) Generator charyzmy. Kreowanie osobowości menagera. Sensus / URL:, free (accessed 02.03.2013).
2. Ozhegov, S.I. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language [Text] / S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. - M .: Publishing house "Az", 1996.- 928 p.
3. Vishnyakova, S.M. Vocational Education: Dictionary. Key Concepts, terms, actual vocabulary [Text] / S.M. Vishnyakova. – M.: NMTs SPO, 1999. – 538 p.
4. Nadel-Chervinskaya, M.A. Large dictionary foreign words in three volumes [Text] / M.A. Nadel-Chervinskaya, P.P. Chervinsky. - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 1997. - 544 p.
5. Khutorskoy, A.V. Technology for designing key and subject competencies [Electronic resource] / A.V. Khutorskaya. – URL:, free (accessed 16.03.2013).
6. Boyatzis, R. Competent manager. Model effective work[Electronic resource] / R. Boyatsis. – URL:, free (accessed 03/16/2013).
7. Shishov, S.E., Agapov I.G. Competence-based approach to education: whim or necessity? [Text] / S.E. Shishov, I.G. Agapov. - The world of education - education in the world, 2002. - No. 2.-S. 58-62.
8. Shadrikov, V.D. Activities and abilities [Text] / V.D. Shadrikov. - M., 1994.
9. Competence bases [Electronic resource] / URL:, free (accessed 02.03.2013).
10. Raven, J. Competence in modern society: identification, development and implementation [Text] / J. Raven. // Per. from English. - M .: "Cogito-Center", 2002. - 396 p.
11. Khutorskoy, A.V. Didactic heuristics: theory and technology of creative learning: monograph [Text] / A.V. Khutorskaya. - M.: Publishing house of Moscow State University, 2003. - 416 p.
12. Winter, I.A. Key competencies - a new paradigm of the result of education [Text] / I.A. Winter // Higher education today. - No. 5. - 2003.
13. Zeer, E.F., Pavlova, A.M., Symanyuk, E.E. Modernization of vocational education: competence-based approach [Text] / E.F. Zeer, A.M. Pavkova, E.E. Symanyuk. - M. 2005.
14. The concept of classification [Electronic resource] / URL:, free (accessed 04/08/2013).
15. Baidenko, V.I. Competencies in vocational education(to the development of the competence-based approach) [Text] / V.I. Baidenko // Higher education in Russia. No. 11. 2004. - p. 17-22.
16. Key competencies [Electronic resource] / URL:, free (accessed 18.04.2013).
17. Petrovskaya, L.A. Competence in communication [Text] / L.A. Petrovskaya. - M .: Publishing House of Moscow State University, 1989.- 216s
18. Andreeva, G.M. Social psychology [Text] / G.M. Andreeva. - M.: Aspect Press, 1996. - 376s.
19. Competence Model [Electronic resource] / URL:, free (accessed 25.04.2013).
20. HR-specialist [Electronic resource] / URL:, free (accessed 25.04.2013).
21. Competence-based approach in teacher education: Collective monograph [Text] / Ed. prof. V.A. Kozyreva and prof. N.F.Radionova. - St. Petersburg: Publishing house of the Russian State Pedagogical University im. A.I. Herzen, 2004. - 392 p.
22. Markova, A.K. Psychology of professionalism [Text] / A.K. Markov. - M., 1996.
23. Shakun Yu.A. Professional competencies of employees as a tool for the competitiveness of an organization [Electronic resource] / Yu.A. Shakun. – URL:, free (accessed 05.05.2013).
24. the federal law About the basics tourism activities in Russian Federation of November 24, 1996 No. 132-FZ [Text]: (as amended by the Federal Law of January 10, 2003 No. 15-FZ, of August 22, 2004 No. 122-FZ, of February 5, 2007 No. 12-FZ) // M. - 2006. - 16 p.
25. Emelyanov, B.V. Tour guide [Text]: textbook / B.V. Emelyanov. - M.: Soviet sport, 2007. - 216 p.
26. Huuskonen, N.M. Practice of excursion activity [Text]: study guide / N.M. Huuskonen, T.M. Glushanok. - St. Petersburg: " Publishing House Gerda", 2006. - 208 p.
27. Bakushinsky, A.V. Methods and practice of excursion business [Text] / A.V. Bakushinsky. - M.: new. Moscow, 1925, -240s.
28. The concept of general cultural competence [Electronic resource] / URL:, free (accessed 05/16/2013).
29. The value of professionalism [Electronic resource] / URL:, free (accessed 20.05.2013).
30. Zeer, E.F. Fundamentals of prophorietology [Text]: textbook. allowance for universities / E.F. Zeer, A.M. Pavlova, I.O. Sadavnikov. - M .: Higher school, 2005.
31. Maslov, E.V. Enterprise personnel management [Text]: Tutorial/ E.V. Maslov / Ed. P.V.Shemetova. - M.: INFRA-M, NGAEiU: Novosibirsk: 1998, - p. 249.
32. Sotnikova, S.I. Career management [Text]: Textbook / S.I. Sotnikov. - M.: INFRA-M, 2001, - p. 367-468
33. Garber, E.I., Kozacha, V.V. Methods of professiography [Text] / E.I. Garber, V.V. Kozach. - Saratov: Saratov Publishing House. University, 1992.
34. Meaning of psychogram [Electronic resource] / URL:, free (accessed 28.05.2013).
35. Smirnova, A.A. Professiograms of the Orientir Education Development Center [Electronic resource] / A.A. Smirnova. – URL:, free (accessed 28.05.2013).

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Graduation qualifying work B.B.B. on the topic "Professional competencies of a guide" in the specialty 100103 "Socio-cultural service and tourism".
Graduate work consists of an introduction, three sections, ten paragraphs, conclusions and recommendations, a bibliographic list of 35 titles and 2 appendices. The paper highlights the issues of the essence of the general cultural and professional competencies of a guide, reveals the specifics of excursion activities, and develops a guide's professiogram.
Key terms: competencies, guide, general cultural and professional competencies, educational and professional standard, professiogram.

Currently, in all spheres of life of the world community, there is a change in value orientations, due to the change of civilizations at the turn of the 20th - 21st centuries, which requires a new approach to the formation of a future professional.
Issues of professionalism and professional competence in the last decade have become the subject of close attention. In most cases, researchers limit themselves to studying professionally important qualities, their formation and evaluation. It remains not entirely clear what a person means as a professional, as a subject of professional activity, how he differs from other people. Often, the concepts of professional competence and professionalism are equated, including this in relation to the activities of a guide.
Development of excursion de This makes it increasingly relevant to solve the problem of assessing the professionalism of a guide, the level of his professional competence, growth prospects, and opportunities for professional rehabilitation.
Currently, there are no established educational and professional standards a certain set of professional competencies and requirements that a guide should have, as well as no unified system assessing the level of competencies and the level of professionalism. This is the reason for the relevance of the topic of the thesis "Professional competencies of the guide".
The purpose of this work is to identify the professional competencies that a guide must possess for a fruitful and effective professional activity.
The implementation of the goal is carried out by solving the following tasks:
 identify the essential aspect of the concepts of "competence", "competence", "competence-based approach" and "professional competencies";
 consider different views on the classification of professional competencies and competencies in education;
 determine the importance of competency models for the implementation of activities;
 determine the list of general cultural and professional competencies that a guide should have;
 to develop a professiogram for the guide;
 develop a procedure for accreditation and certification of the activities of the guide.
The object of the diploma research is the process of preparing a guide, and the subject of the study is the professional competencies of the guide.
The methodology of this work is based on the works of such researchers as A.V. Khutorskoy, I.A. Zimnyaya, E.F. Zeer, B.W. Emelyanov and others.
In preparing the work, such research methods as analysis and synthesis, a theoretical approach, comparative analysis.
The structure of the diploma work "Professional Competences of a Tour Guide" includes an introduction; the first section, which presents the theoretical foundations of the competency-based approach; the second section is devoted to the specifics of the activities of the guide, as well as the basics of general cultural and professional competencies of the guide; the third section describes the professional profile of the guide and the possible procedure for accreditation and certification of excursion activities; conclusions and recommendations, bibliography and appendices

Introduction 4
1 Theoretical foundations of the competency-based approach 6
1.1 The essential aspect of the concepts of "competence", "competence" and "competence-based approach" 6
1.2 Types of competencies as the basis of a competency-based approach 15
1.3 Competency models 27
1.4 Professional competencies as components of the professional activity of a specialist 34
2 The specifics of the professional activity of the guide 41
2.1 Characteristics of the profession of a guide 41
2.2 General cultural and professional competencies of the guide, as components of the effectiveness of professional activity 53
3 Professional profile of a guide: competency-based approach 63
3.1 Fundamentals and purpose of the professiogram in modern conditions of the formation of requirements for professions 63
3.2 Development of a professiogram for a guide 73
3.3 Development of a procedure for accreditation and certification of guides and guide-interpreters for the Rostov region 80
Conclusions and recommendations 87
References 89
Annex A Job description tour guide (guide) 93
Annex B Regulations on the accreditation of tour guides and guide-interpreters of the Kaliningrad region 9

Bibliographic list
1. The concept of competence [Electronic resource] / URL:, free (accessed 02.03.2013).
2. Ozhegov, S.I. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language [Text] / S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. - M.: Publishing house "Az", 1996.- 928 p.
3. Vishnyakova, S.M. Vocational Education: Dictionary. Key concepts, terms, actual vocabulary [Text] / S.M. Vishnyakova. - M.: NMTs SPO, 1999. - 538 p.
4. Nadel-Chervinskaya, M.A. A large explanatory dictionary of foreign words in three volumes [Text] / M.A. Nadel-Chervinskaya, P.P. Chervinsky. - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 1997. - 544 p.
5. Khutorskoy, A.V. Technology for designing key and subject competencies [Electronic resource] / A.V. Khutorskaya. - URL:, St. rim (accessed 03/16/2013).
6. Boyatzis, R. Competent manager. Model of effective work [Electronic resource] / R. Boyatsis. - URL:, free (accessed 16.03.2013).
7. Shishov, S.E., Agapov I.G. Competence-based approach to education: whim or necessity? [Text] / S.E. Shishov, I.G. Agapov. - The world of education - education in the world, 2002. - No. 2.-S. 58-62.
8. Shadrikov, V.D. Activities and abilities [Text] / V.D. Shadrikov. - M., 1994.
9. Competence bases [Electronic resource] / URL:, free (accessed 02.03.2013).
10. Raven, J. Competence in modern society: identification, development and implementation [Text] / J. Raven. // Per. from English. - M.: "Kogito-Center", 2002. - 396 p.
11. Khutorskoy, A.V. Didactic heuristics: theory and technology of creative learning: monograph [Text] / A.V. Khutorskaya. - M.: Publishing House of Moscow State University, 2003.- 416 p.
12. Winter, I.A. Key competencies - a new paradigm of the result of education [Text] / I.A. Winter // Higher education today. - No. 5. - 2003.
13. Zeer, E.F., Pavlova, A.M., Symanyuk, E.E. Modernization of vocational education: competence-based approach [Text] / E.F. Zeer, A.M. Pavkova, E.E. Symanyuk. - M. 2005.
14. The concept of classification [Electronic resource] / URL:, free (accessed 04/08/2013).
15. Baidenko, V.I. Competences in vocational education (to the development of a competency-based approach) [Text] / V.I. Baidenko // Higher education in Russia. No. 11. 2004. - p. 17-22.
16. Key competencies [Electronic resource] / URL:, free (accessed 18.04.2013).
17. Petrovskaya, L.A. Competence in communication [Text] / L.A. Petrovskaya. - M.: Publishing House of Moscow State University, 1989.- 216s
18. Andreeva, G.M. Social psychology [Text] / G.M. Andreeva. - M.: Aspect Press, 1996. - 376s.
19. Competence Model [Electronic resource] / URL:, free (accessed 25.04.2013).
20. HR-specialist [Electronic resource] / URL:, free (accessed 25.04.2013).
21. Competence-based approach in teacher education: Collective monograph [Text] / Ed. prof. V.A. Kozyreva and prof. N.F.Radionova. - St. Petersburg: Publishing house of the Russian State Pedagogical University im. A.I. Herzen, 2004. - 392 p.
22. Markova, A.K. Psychology of professionalism [Text] / A.K. Markov. - M., 1996.
23. Shakun Yu.A. Professional competencies of employees as a tool for the competitiveness of an organization [Electronic resource] / Yu.A. Shakun. - URL:, free (accessed 05.05.2013).
24. Federal Law No. 132-FZ dated November 24, 1996 on the basics of tourism activities in the Russian Federation [Text]: (as amended by the Federal Law No. 15-FZ dated January 10, 2003, No. 2007 No. 12-FZ) // M. - 2006. - 16 p.
25. Emelyanov, B.V. Tour guide [Text]: textbook / B.V. Emelyanov. - M.: Soviet sport, 2007. - 216 p.
26. Huuskonen, N.M. Practice of excursion activity [Text]: study guide / N.M. Huuskonen, T.M. Glushanok. - St. Petersburg: Gerd Publishing House, 2006. - 208 p.
27. Bakushinsky, A.V. Methods and practice of excursion business [Text] / A.V. Bakushinsky. - M.: new. Moscow, 1925, -240s.
28. The concept of general cultural competence [Electronic resource] / URL:, free (accessed 05/16/2013).
29. The value of professionalism [Electronic resource] / URL:, free (accessed 20.05.2013).
30. Zeer, E.F. Fundamentals of prophorietology [Text]: textbook. allowance for universities / E.F. Zeer, A.M. Pavlova, I.O. Sadavnikov. - M.: Higher school, 2005.
31. Maslov, E.V. Enterprise personnel management [Text]: Textbook / E.V. Maslov / Ed. P.V.Shemetova. - M.: INFRA-M, NGAEiU: Novosibirsk: 1998, - p. 249.
32. Sotnikova, S.I. Career management [Text]: Textbook / S.I. Sotnikov. - M.: INFRA-M, 2001, - p. 367-468
33. Garber, E.I., Kozacha, V.V. Methods of professiography [Text] / E.I. Garber, V.V. Kozach. - Saratov: Saratov Publishing House. University, 1992.
34. Meaning of psychogram [Electronic resource] / URL:, free (accessed 28.05.2013).
35. Smirnova, A.A. Professiograms of the Orientir Education Development Center [Electronic resource] / A.A. Smirnova. - URL:, free (accessed 28.05.2013)