Management, social management, public administration. Correlation between state administration and executive power

The state as the subject of influence on social processes acts as the main, but not the only institution of the political system of society. Thus, the management of public affairs is implemented through public administration, which is understood as the practical activities of state bodies, the technological process of preparing, adopting and executing managerial decisions in the totality of methods and means by which the tasks of the state and its structures at various levels are solved, direct, systematic and specialized influence of the governing bodies on the bodies and objects subordinate to them on the basis of administrative responsibility for the implementation of decisions.

Public administration is both the most extensive sphere of practical activity of state bodies, institutions, officials, and a special kind of occupation in the public service, and a special art (as the highest degree of skill), acquired by professional managerial knowledge, experience, talent, and a special scientific discipline, more precisely - interdisciplinary area of ​​scientific knowledge and practice.

Public administration is based on power, reinforced and provided by it. When interpreting public administration, we proceed from the fact that the concept of "management" is broader in content than the concept of "power", because it includes not only decision-making activities, but also activities (relations, norms, process) for preparing and ensuring, implementing decisions, direct continuous control action. Power is a political and legal category, while management is organizational and legal and procedural and technological. This must be emphasized, since with the adoption of the Constitution of the Russian Federation in 1993, the term " public administration» has disappeared from the language of normative legal acts of various legal force. The real process cannot disappear and must be adequately identified.

The term "management" in the Russian literature of recent years is often used in conjunction with the adjective "state" and as a synonym for public administration. In this regard, it is advisable to outline our methodological position on the relationship between these two concepts.

Public administration and public management are not synonyms.

The discrepancy is determined, first of all, by the setting (target) priorities. Management, as a component of a market economy, is focused on profit, profitability, and profit. Public administration is focused on the implementation of national, social interests, needs, rights - there is no direct connection between commercial success and the quality of services provided to society.

Management is based on private investment, individual contributions and the sale of services, while public administration is based on the budgetary distribution of national incomes and funds, and on taxation.

The product produced by the firm is tangible and concretely evaluated. Product of the state and municipal government most often it is intangible and invisible, because cleanliness in parks and order on the streets, health and well-being belong to that category of goods, the presence of which no one notices, or at least does not try to express in quantitative (price) indicators.

Activities and relations in the field of management are built mainly on the norms of private law (civil, labor, etc. - horizontally); in public administration, activities and relations are by their nature associated with rule-making, legal regulation of social relations and processes and the implementation of norms public law(vertically and horizontally relations).

State bodies, unlike private firms (with their right to trade secret) are more susceptible to influence, pressure, control from public institutions: politicians, voters, interest groups, citizens.

There are also differences in the methods of control, because in management at the level of dispositive relations, economic, socio-psychological methods predominate, in public administration there is also legitimate coercion in the arsenal of methods.

The difference is also evident in the scope of application of the impact. Such spheres of the life of society as defense, law and order, foreign and international relations, taxation and others have always been and are the prerogative of the state, are regulated by national interests, political expediency and cannot be farmed out to the private sector.

Thus, public administration and management diverge in terms of setting priorities (in terms of the spirit of relations and activities), sources and resources, methods and volume of control.

However, one should not see a Chinese wall between these control actions. It is no coincidence that the discussion about the relationship between public administration and management has been going on in the theory and practice of social management for more than a decade.

Public administration and management as a process of control influence have certain general performance indicators, converge in the technology of implementation:

Both (ideally) are aimed at efficiency, expediency, low cost; for prompt response;

Strive to be closer to people - consumers, customers;

Both managers and civil servants are relatively independent and enterprising in operational activities (although not equally), which does not exclude finding a balance between centralized management and freedom of action on the ground.

The development of domestic public administration practice is associated with the study and adaptation of management technologies that have justified themselves abroad and, in particular, marketing, because the social space, where various subjects of power and management operate both from state structures and from civil society, implies the presence of a competitive environment and democratic struggle (within the framework of law, publicity, openness, generally accepted ethical norms) for the promotion of their people, ideas, programs, strategies in the formation and implementation of public (state-public) policy.

Political, administrative and economic marketing as a promising state management technology can improve the functioning of the state apparatus, its interaction with society, ensure the effectiveness of the direct and feedback mechanism, make the strategy, the policy of making managerial decisions and their implementation “transparent”, the behavior of the “managed” in relation to the state power and state apparatus.

Today there is a discussion and attempts are being made to introduce a new management model at the municipal level - municipal management. This model involves a fundamental change in the relationship between the political leadership and the administration based on the modern image of the administration as a service enterprise. In this regard, it is important to comprehend three components of management: organizational structures (hierarchical departments and management organizations, their subdivisions), norms and methods (laws, programs, budgets) and incentives (bonuses, competition). In such a management model, the orientation towards economic results on the basis of specific social goals must be recognized as an indispensable condition. Whether these ideas can be fruitfully used for the common good, at the national level, and to what extent this will be possible, the future will show. In any case, to the extent that the ideas of management will be involved and effective in the field of public administration, to the extent and only then will it be possible to speak of public management as an accomplished phenomenon. So far, it is only possible to recognize the increasing effect of factors that can bring administrative science and management, state administrators and private enterprise managers closer together.

Considering the state as a special mechanism for managing the affairs of society, scientists developed the theory of public administration within the framework of political science.

A lot of this problem was dealt with in the United States, including at the level of presidents, and the 28th of them - Woodrow Wilson, the author of 10 political and historical studies, who received a doctorate in political science, is recognized as the founder of modern American public administration. In his work "The Study of Management" (1887), he substantiated public administration as a way of exercising public power, the possibility of combining democratic government (elected political power) and effective public administration in the spirit of Taylor's management.

All governments, he emphasized, have two basic functions: a political one, which consists in developing general policies and laws, and an administrative one, which is the application of these two general policies and laws to specific individuals and situations. The political function must be implemented within the framework of the political system - a set of interrelated, interacting institutions state power and public organizations, groups, individual citizens. V. Wilson tried to consider the administrative function of the government as non-political, he defended the need for a professional public service. He proposed to separate public administration from politics, to apply the technology of scientific management to it.

In view of the importance and severity of the problem of the relationship between state influence and policy, we will dwell on it in more detail. There are different understandings of this problem in the scientific literature.

Thus, the teleological approach considers public administration as a combination of political and administrative influence.

Politics and administration are two inextricably linked functional components of a single process of public administration.

Politics means everything in common that can be done, decided using political (public) power, reflects a historical phenomenon associated with the emergence of a state in which different, sometimes conflicting needs and interests coexist and therefore there is an objective need to harmonize them, to find that common, integrating , which makes society state-organized.

Politics, like the state, marks a certain level of development of society, corresponds to society and develops along with it.

The words "politics" and "publicity" can be correlated, they are close, because they reflect the sphere of community of people living in the state, but they are not identical. Publicity expresses the sphere of communication of all residents, correlates with the population, and politics expresses the communication of citizens with the state, authorities, society and correlates with the people. The difference between the political and the social, the people and the population was well defined in his time by V.O. Klyuchevsky: “The people” is a population not only living together, but also acting together.” There is no doubt that ties in society are richer than the life of the state and are not reducible to the latter, and not every person is connected with political communication, but a citizen - a person who has a legal connection and legal relations with society, power.

If a person is a social being, then a citizen is a political being.

Politics is “the art of living together” (Plato), a method and functional activity to harmonize interests, achieve social compromise, it is the search for the “common good” and the implementation of a set of measures to achieve it. This teleological meaning of politics (targeting) determines its inseparable connection with state (political) power and state administration as the exercise of power.

The concept of "politics" has two aspects: the aspect of power and the aspect of consensus. Politics means, on the one hand, the ability to make binding decisions and their implementation (power), on the other hand, the ability to equitably distribute values ​​and benefits (consensus).

It can be said that politics is a form of realization of social interests, characterized by the use of public authorities, and political management is the impact on society (processes, relations) through the coordination of interests.

Of course, politics must be open, moral, understood and accepted by the population, society, i.e. public.

Of course, politics must be legal: political discretion, interest, expediency must not oppose law, and political decisions and actions must proceed from law, be carried out within the framework of law.

The law-making policy of the state is the formation, development of a strategy, course, national priorities and dressing them in a legal form: in the form of laws, programs, projects, and other generally significant fateful decisions. Its main goal is to fix in legal norms the model of behavior of society, its individual groups, citizens.

The main subject of law-making policy is the legislative representative bodies of power, but this function (sub-legislative rule-making) is carried out by the government administration, executive power at all levels of government, and civil society institutions also participate.

The law enforcement policy of the state is the implementation by state bodies and officials public policy, its legal forms, their use of law (norms) as a means in the management of society and a tool to increase the effectiveness of the operation of law. This is one of the ways to protect the rights and freedoms of the individual, one of the characteristics of the existing political regime.

The main goal of law enforcement policy is the observance and protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens, their honor and dignity; strengthening law and order; increasing the effectiveness of the regulatory and protective action of law; ensuring unity and consistency in the activities of subjects of law enforcement; improving the efficiency of public administration.

The main subject of law enforcement policy is the executive authorities, state (all levels) and municipal government. Various institutions of civil society and citizens interact with them.

Law enforcement policy is a link between the practice of lawmaking (search for the common good) and law enforcement (implementation of a set of measures to achieve it), ensuring their consistency and interaction. This allows us to say that law enforcement practice occupies an independent place in the mechanism of legal regulation and is one of the important factors determining its legal and social effectiveness.

These areas in public administration are two sides of the same coin. Their unity is due to the following factors:

They have a single volitional source - state power;

They have a common goal - to stabilize, streamline, provide conditions for the development of society;

Together, they form a single legal space, a system of current law.

Essential unity does not exclude differences, in practice sometimes even a break. It can be said that the law-making policy ensures that it is due, consolidates in legal form all the best that is (or should be) in public administration practice. Politics is first of all a varied and constantly moving practice. Law enforcement policy ensures the existence, i.e. transfers, with the help of ideological, organizational and law enforcement means, the model of society's behavior enshrined in political and legal decisions into the sphere of its practical implementation. It is known that the gap between what is due and what is is a big problem of public administration, but it does not deny the essential unity of law-making and law-enforcement policy, but indicates miscalculations of policy subjects, shortcomings in their activities.

The legal policy in public administration thus includes the definition of strategic goals, priorities, directions of the state's activities, the adoption of political decisions in the form of legal acts and the very practical activities for the implementation of these ideological (political) guidelines, i.e. administrative-legal management activity, its results.

The imbalance in the system of legal policy (lawmaking - law enforcement) leads to an imbalance between the level of development of legal norms and the degree of their practical implementation.

Today we see a passion for rule-making and inadequate attention to the regulation of the process, the order of implementation of legal norms. This not only does not contribute to the formation of law and order, but increases citizens' distrust of the authorities and state bodies.

Law enforcement practice with such a policy will definitely not become a factor of stabilization and streamlining public relations and processes.

Thus, politics as a sphere of realization of social interests through the adoption of generally significant state decisions and administration as a sphere of realization of social interests through the adoption of administrative acts in pursuance of political ones cannot be opposed, perceived as a dichotomy.

A similar attempt, as already mentioned, was made by W. Wilson: on the basis of a fair thesis that politics should not manipulate state institutions, the author proposed to separate the civil service (public administration) from "politics with its corruption and scandals", began to divide state bodies and officials on those who develop policy and those who implement it.

The concept of dichotomy had its opponents as well. In the 1930s, a whole group of researchers (G. Simon, K. Friedrich, C. Heinemann, R. Dahl, and others) defended another theory of the “freedom of action” of the administration, while recognizing that civil servants who implement the political course countries cannot perform only purely technical functions, they are somehow connected with politics. Administrators are not literal executors of adopted laws, they have their own policies, they have sufficient discretion to interpret the laws to which they are subject, and to decide when, how and to what extent to implement them.

Taking into account both theories, we can offer our vision of the problem of the relationship between politics and administration in public administration.

In state-administrative influence, it is impossible to clearly separate political functions from administrative - the application of political and legal norms to specific situations and individuals, political bodies and positions - from administrative public services and civil servants; one can only place accents in activities (mainly political, mainly administrative, political-administrative, administrative-political).

The term “political-administrative” exists for a positive assessment, reflecting the organic synthesis of political and administrative functions, methods in public administration, and not to denote a state administration “absorbed” by political power.

Based on the fact that politics is not only the formation, but also the implementation of a political course, politics cannot be “taken out” from public service. Civil servants have their own policy: they have sufficient freedom in deciding when, how and to what extent to implement the adopted laws, other political and legal decisions (acts). By drawing up rules, instructions and other administrative regulations, civil servants become participants in the formation and implementation of law enforcement policy.

The essential "connectedness" of politicians and administrators is confirmed by the reality of their relationship.

Formally, a political official has a higher status than career civil servants: he is called upon to implement a political program, a course. However, in practice, the relationship between them is often determined by the following circumstances.

Firstly, a political official is most often an amateur in the field of management compared to a career employee who has passed all levels of management, has experience, education, competence, and knows the technology for implementing a political decision. This circumstance makes the politician to some extent dependent on the civil servant. The latter acts as an adviser, consultant to the politician.

Secondly, the politician in management selects a team capable of implementing the political program with which he entered the system of administrative and executive bodies.

Thirdly, the politician comes to the executive bodies for a certain period. He needs to make sure that in case of defeat in the next elections, he can stay in the state apparatus in any career position, which means he is interested in competent officials, their knowledge, professional background, good relations.

Fourthly, service relations often develop into an alliance, a fusion of the political and administrative elite, directed against those who prevent them from achieving selfish goals. Therefore, we need a system of public, civil control over the activities of the state apparatus, its political and administrative elite.

In the relationship between politics and administration in public administration, the rule of law (law), decisions over political actions, politics over administration and power is fundamentally important. Leadership positions in management should be with politicians. At the same time, public administration as an administrative-legal process, activity cannot lose its own political character, communicating between different strata of society, realizing, coordinating various interests, including their own.

Common sense - in a rational combination of political and administrative activities, in the control of their law and democratic institutions.

So, the theory and practice of public administration are objectively related to the study and improvement of the political mechanism of governance and the administrative-legal process. If we compare figuratively the relationship between state administration and politics, then their relationship can be represented as two banks of the same river. They are interconnected and cannot exist without each other.

  • 7. The mechanism of administrative and legal regulation
  • 8. Administrative and legal norms: concept, main features and types
  • 9. Administrative and legal relations: concept, structure and types. legal facts
  • 10. Administrative and legal status of citizens of the Russian Federation
  • 11. Administrative and legal status of foreign citizens and stateless persons
  • 12. The concept and administrative-legal status of the executive authority
  • 13. Types of executive authorities
  • 14. Unified system of executive authorities and principles of its construction
  • 15. Powers of the President of the Russian Federation in the sphere of executive power
  • 16. Legal status of the Government of the Russian Federation
  • 17. The system of federal executive authorities
  • 18. Administrative and legal status of enterprises and institutions
  • 19. Administrative and legal status of public associations
  • 20. The concept, types and principles of public service
  • 21. Administrative and legal status of civil servants
  • 22. Public service
  • 23. The concept and types of forms of government
  • 24. Administrative and legal acts of management, their main features and types
  • 25. Requirements for administrative and legal acts of management, the consequences of their non-compliance
  • 26. The concept of the administrative process, its main features and principles
  • 27. Administrative proceedings and their types
  • 28. Proceedings on complaints and applications of citizens
  • 29. The concept and types of public administration methods
  • 30. Persuasion as a method of public administration
  • 31. Encouragement as a method of public administration
  • 32. Administrative contract and contractual activity of public administration
  • 33. Administrative and legal regime: concept and types
  • 34. Legality and discipline in public administration, ways to ensure them
  • 35. State control in the field of management and its types
  • 36. Supervision of the prosecution authorities, forms of response to violations of the law
  • 37. The concept of administrative coercion, its features and types
  • 38. Measures of administrative warning
  • 39. Measures of administrative restraint
  • 40. Measures to ensure proceedings in cases of administrative offenses
  • 41. The concept of administrative responsibility and its difference from other types of legal responsibility
  • 42. Administrative offense: concept and legal composition
  • 43. Types of elements of administrative offenses
  • 44. Administrative offenses in the field of public order and security: types and legal characteristics
  • Chapter 20 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation contains types of offenses that infringe on public order and public safety.
  • 45. Circumstances that serve as the basis for exemption from administrative liability
  • 46. ​​Administrative penalties: concepts and types
  • 47. Rules for imposing administrative penalties
  • 48. Circumstances mitigating and aggravating responsibility for administrative offenses
  • 49. Proceedings on cases of administrative offenses: concept, tasks and structure
  • 50. Bodies and officials authorized to consider cases of administrative offenses
  • 51. Consideration of a case on an administrative offense
  • 52. Procedural terms
  • 53. Execution of decisions on cases of administrative offenses
  • 54. Review of resolutions and decisions on cases of administrative offenses
  • 55. Disciplinary liability under administrative law
  • 56. Liability under administrative law
  • 57. Fundamentals of the organization of public administration in various spheres of society
  • 58. Public administration in the socio-political sphere
  • 59. Public administration in the socio-economic sphere
  • 60. Public administration in the socio-cultural sphere
  • 1. Correlation between the concepts of "public administration" and "executive power"

    Public administration is a subordinate, executive and administrative activity carried out in the process of everyday and practical management of the economic, administrative-political and socio-cultural spheres of society, when a targeted impact is made by the subject of management on the managed object using available resources, forms and methods.

    Thus, the essence of public administration lies in the targeted impact on the part of the subject of management on its object.

    Executive power is not identified with public administration, which is characterized as a type of state-power activity. The question of their relationship arises due to the fact that public administration is considered as an executive and administrative activity carried out by a system of executive authorities.

    When considering the relationship between executive power and state administration, one should proceed from the fact that the category of executive power is political and legal, and public administration is organizational and legal. The only thing that unites them is the performance orientation.

    Public administration according to its purpose is of the form state activities within which state power is exercised.

    At present, public administration is carried out within the framework of a unified system of state power on the principle of separation of powers, therefore, public administration, an element of which is executive and administrative activity, cannot be opposed to executive power, since it is with its help that the powers of executive power are exercised. Accordingly, all subjects of executive power are links in the public administration system.

    Option 2

    Speaking about the relationship between the concepts of "public administration" and "executive power", you must first familiarize yourself with these concepts and analyze them.

    Thus, the term "public administration" can be defined from two different positions. Firstly, public administration is the activity of the state as a whole, carried out by state bodies of all branches of state power and other organizations endowed with state powers. This concept is broad. That is, we can say that this approach claims that the entire state, all its formations and bodies manage all social relations and processes, exercising their administrative powers.

    In a narrow sense, public administration means a type of administrative activity related to the implementation of the executive power of the state, carried out by the executive bodies of state power. This approach defines public administration as a separate type of activity that is implemented only by the executive authorities of the state, while separating the impact on public relations from other branches of government.

    The concept of "executive power" can be defined as an independent branch of the unified state power, carrying out executive, administrative and managerial activities through the system of state executive bodies through the implementation of special normatively fixed functions, state powers by the methods and means provided for by law.

    Considering the concepts of "public administration" and "executive power", it is important to note that there are quite a lot of points of view in science about their relationship.

    Firstly, the concepts of "public administration" and "executive power" are correlated as organizational-legal and political-legal categories, therefore, public administration is perceived as a real activity, and executive power as its constituent component, which is implemented in practice only within the framework of the state management.

    Secondly, the concept of "government" is broader than "executive power". Executive power is derived from state administration. It is dependent on it, since the degree of organization of state administration determines the effectiveness of the executive power. However, the executive power also has an impact on the public administration system, because the executive authorities form the basis of the organizational structure of public administration and influence various processes in society.

    It is also important to note that there is an opinion in science that the concepts of “public administration” and “executive power” are equivalent, since the replacement of one of them by the other was caused only by a change in the state regime and the historical era. In the Soviet period, the concept of "public administration" was used, and the adopted Constitution of the Russian Federation of 1993 legislated only the concept of "executive power", but this action did not change the actual content of this state activity.

    Thus, the relationship between the concepts of "public administration" and "executive power" is a necessary component in determining their essence. There are many points of view and different approaches to determine this ratio, each of them reveals these concepts from different angles and has the right to exist. In addition, such a question as the correlation of these concepts is controversial in the science of administrative law, which allows scientists to look for new solutions for it.

    Social management is a management process, the object of which is society, its separate subsystem (economic, political, sociocultural), social institution or social group. The subject of study of SU is the theory and methodology of interaction between various aspects of management activity, based on the systemic connection of all social phenomena in the process of their interaction and mutual influence. In this case, the subject is the study, evaluation and improvement of management processes in various organizations, social institutions and society as a whole.
    Among the objectives of this study are the following:
    1) Consideration of the real facts of management activity, in which the features of the interaction of people involved in management processes are manifested;
    2) Identification of the most important and typical, and on this basis, identification of trends in the development of management processes, their changes depending on the changing socio-economic, political, socio-cultural conditions of people's life, the development of their groups and communities, society as a whole;
    3) Explanation of the reasons for the emergence of certain managerial innovations, new practical ways to implement them in management processes;
    4) Forecast of improvement of management activities in the future;
    5) Formulation of evidence-based recommendations for improving the management system.
    Public administration among all types of government occupies a special place, which can be explained by some of its inherent properties. The determining influence on the nature of purposeful, organizing and regulating influences carried out by this type of management is exerted by its subject - the state.
    Therefore, the state is a state, thereby differing from social structures, because it is concentrated and implemented in society (in relation to people) state power. Power is a relationship in the process of which people, for various reasons (material, social, intellectual, informational.) voluntarily (consciously) or under duress, recognize the supremacy of the will of others, as well as target, normative, and in accordance with their requirements, they perform deeds and actions, build their lives. In this regard, the state management of public affairs itself is distinguished by its inherent properties. State influence, regulation is, first of all, a more powerful, political influence, which is based on legal conditionality (legitimacy), and in implementation - the power of the state apparatus, which has the means of coercion.

    Social problems: their properties, setting, solution.
    At the heart of any managerial impact is a social problem, to the solution of which it is directed. A social problem is a contradiction that has arisen objectively or as a result of subjective interference in the social system. Main property social problems is that they are irrelevant to the characteristics of individual individuals, they concern social groups and individuals according to the degree of involvement in these groups. When working with social problems, the key stage is the stage of their formulation. Incorrectness on this stage lead to ineffective actions in the future. The following methods of setting social problems should be noted: The method of functional correspondences. In this method, the evaluation is carried out according to the criterion of the effectiveness of the past managerial behavior. The method of causal reduction, which provides for the sequential reduction of the problem to one or more initial ones, the elimination of which will lead to a solution to the problem. Extension methods for managed and accounted variables. These methods involve correcting the model of the problem situation. The method of positional analysis implies the clarification of the interests of people, which in various forms are contained in their positions. Experimental method. With the help of a social experiment, it is possible to clarify how clearly we imagine the problem, how well the constructed model and the decisions made are adequate to the situation.
    Solvability of the problem is the ability of the subject of management to manage the problem situation. To solve the problem, it is necessary to fulfill the requirements of a number of criteria. The main criteria for the solvability of the problem are as follows: Informational - the availability of the necessary information and sufficient information for the solvability of the problem. Determinative - assessment of the reasons blocking the achievement of the goal. Resource - expresses an assessment of the necessary and sufficient resources to solve the problem. Instrumental - assesses the degree of solvability of the problem, depending on the availability of necessary and sufficient ways to solve the problem. Motivational - associated with the presence of motives that encourage participants to achieve the goal. Economic - expresses an estimate of the allowable costs in solving the problem.

    A kind of social management is public administration, which has as its main purpose an ordering effect on participants joint activities, on their consciously-volitional behavior, on the organization of social relations. Public administration is one of the activities of the state.

    Management also takes place in the activities of various types of non-state formations (for example, public associations). There are relationships that are managerial in nature. However, they are dominated by the will and interests of the members of this non-state association, which have not received their expression in legal norms. Management is associated with internal affairs, serves the interests of self-organization (organization) of one's own affairs.

    The term "public administration" is widely used in domestic and foreign literature, as well as in the legislation of many countries. For more than 70 years, it has been used in our country, thus giving a constitutional and legislative basis for singling out this type of state activity. Constitution Russian Federation 1993 and the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus of 1994 abandoned this term, fixing a different one instead - executive power.

    Under public administration, it is customary to understand a specific type of state activity carried out in various spheres of social relations: in economic, socio-cultural and in the field of administrative and political construction. It is with public administration that the formation of such a branch of law in the legal system of the Russian Federation as administrative law is connected.

    Public administration, depending on which subjects carry it out and in what ways, is understood in a broad or narrow sense of the word Administrative Law: Textbook / Ed. L.L. Popov. - M.: Jurist, 2002. - S. 26.

    Under the concept of "public administration" until the 80s. activities of an executive and administrative nature were implied. According to Professor Yu.M. Kozlov, such a characteristic, firstly, determined the main direction of this activity - execution, i.e. enforcement of laws and by-laws, and, secondly, pointed to a means of achieving this goal - management, i.e. use of the necessary legal powers. Administrative Law: Textbook / Ed. Yu.M. Kozlova, L.L. Popova.- M.: Jurist, 1999.- P.24.

    In this understanding, public administration was considered as the prerogative of special subjects, generally referred to as executive and administrative bodies of state power or state administration bodies.

    Thus, in the Constitution of the USSR of 1977, the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR was defined as an executive and administrative body USSR(Art. 128). The powers of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR as a permanent legislative and control body included the formation and abolition of ministries and other central government bodies. The President of the USSR headed the system of state administration bodies and ensured their interaction with the highest bodies of state power of the USSR (clause 4, article 127.3). The Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR was empowered to resolve issues of state administration that were within the jurisdiction of the USSR (Article 131).

    This term was used not only in the Constitution, but also in other acts developing its provisions. This can be confirmed by the Decree of the President of November 28, 1991 N 242 "On the reorganization of the central bodies of state administration of the RSFSR", as well as the Decree of the President of September 21, 1993 N 1400 "On a phased constitutional reform", which refers to the obligation of the Council Ministers - the Government of the Russian Federation to ensure the uninterrupted and coordinated activities of government bodies. Thus, during this period, government bodies were considered as the executive apparatus of state power or state administration, which is the main link practical implementation legislation.

    In the process of public administration, to one degree or another, legislative and executive authorities, judicial authorities and prosecutors, local governments and other bodies participate. Public administration in the broadest sense - this is the activity of the above bodies (subjects of public administration) to implement the tasks and functions assigned to them in the field of governance.

    Public administration in the narrow sense is a type of state activity within the framework of which the executive power is practically implemented. The bodies exercising this power are called executive authorities. These include: the Government of the Russian Federation, federal ministries, federal services and federal agencies, as well as executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (governments, councils of ministers, state committees etc.). Russian B.V. Administrative law: Educational method. and pract. allowance. - M.: Law and law, 2001. - S. 11

    It is easy to see that the terminology used in relation to the concept of public administration in the narrow sense is somewhat different than in the definition of this concept in the broad sense. This is due to the fact that the Constitution of the Russian Federation of 1993, which proclaimed the principle of “separation of powers”, replaced the term “public administration bodies” with the term “executive power”, and assigned the powers to exercise executive power to the Government of the Russian Federation (Article 110). At the same time, the Constitution of the Russian Federation provided for the participation in this process of other executive authorities, which, headed by the Government of the Russian Federation, represent single system executive power (Articles 11,71, 112). This system, in addition to the Government of the Russian Federation, includes federal authorities executive authorities (federal ministries, federal services, federal agencies) and executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (governments, committees, departments, etc.).

    So not all government bodies involved in the management process can be attributed to the executive authorities. These are legislative, judicial, prosecutorial bodies, etc., which, according to their purpose, have other tasks. However, both those and other bodies carry out state-administrative activities, but in different volumes and by different methods.

    If for the legislative and judicial authorities, the prosecutor's office and other bodies, state-administrative activity is not the main one and is largely related to ensuring necessary conditions for effective work their bodies, then for executive authorities this activity is main function, their main line of business. The main characteristics of public administration are as follows:

    a) this is a specific type of state activity performed by the subjects of management in accordance with their competence;

    b) the specified activity is of an executive and administrative nature (enforcement of laws and other by-laws, decision-making, control over their implementation);

    c) is carried out by various subjects of management, however managerial function- the prerogative of special bodies - executive authorities;

    d) the activity is by-law, carried out “on the basis of and in pursuance of the law”, it is secondary in relation to legislative activity;

    e) is characterized by the presence of the main vertical (subordination) links and not the main - horizontal links;

    f) the implementation of the powers of the subjects of management is carried out, as a rule, in an extrajudicial, administrative procedure.

    Public administration is called upon to regulate social relations that ensure the protection and reproduction of the integrity of the state and its main institutions. The predominant direction of the vector of public administration is the “top-down” direction, in connection with which the state assumes the right to realize public interest in the development of its constituent territorial entities.

    Thus, public administration is the process of regulating relations within the state through the distribution of spheres of influence between the main territorial levels and branches of government. Public administration is based on the state interest aimed at protecting the integrity of the state, its key institutions, supporting the level and quality of life of its citizens. Among priority areas in the implementation of public (state) interest lies the need to perform several functions: protective, defense, social, legal, economic, political and arbitration.

    State administration becomes possible due to the existence of state power. State power is a body of legitimate coercion in the interests of the majority of the population, subject to the state interest. State power extends to objects located both on the territory of the state itself and outside it, if this is required by state interests. The main feature of state power is its integrity, indivisibility and sovereignty.

    Public administration as a type of social administration is characterized by an ordering effect on a certain object. Nevertheless, speaking of public administration, one should not forget its executive purpose. In this regard, the question arises: how to combine the control action with performance?

    Professor Yu.M. Kozlov sees the essence of this problem as follows: the management of various aspects of state public life is not an exclusive function of the executive apparatus of the state, since other subjects of the unified state power are actively involved in this process. Administrative Law: Textbook / Ed. Yu.M. Kozlova, L.L. Popova.- M.: Jurist, 1999.- P.24.

    At the same time, the main thing in the content of the control action is not so much in making appropriate decisions (for example, laws), but in their implementation, i.e. in the strict implementation of the legal-imperious requirements contained in them - this is the process of execution. To a certain extent, it is also carried out by the legislator himself, but he is not able to take on this function in full, so there is a need for a specialized managerial link of the state apparatus that exercises such management in the executive-administrative version.

    Thus, execution is (in the aspect under consideration) and is essentially a direct state-administrative activity, i.e. control and performance are fully compatible.

    Public administration is a complex process of interaction of fundamental elements, the result of which is a special system of public administration, which determines the method and nature of the interaction of its components. social institutions. Four elements form the basis of the public administration system: power, administration, territory and economic system.

    social public administration

    The public opinion prevailing in recent times around the state and its institutions is very contradictory. However, his attitude to the public administration system remains unchanged as a kind of phenomenon that arises and lives at the behest of the political elite or any social groups. Unfortunately, this often overlooks the fact that state institutions develop according to their own logic, within the framework of objective laws, and therefore can and should be the subject of scientific analysis, and primarily from the standpoint of the theory of public administration. In the West, it is also called administrative science. We have this relatively new industry management knowledge is better known as the system of public administration.

    Control- the function of the system, aimed at its survival through coordination, organization and regulation of both its constituent elements among themselves, and the system itself with external environment. In a more particular version, management can be considered as the process of developing and implementing control actions by the subject of management for organizing, coordinating and ordering elements in a controlled system. Controlling impact - impact on the control object, aimed at achieving the goal of control. The development of control actions includes the collection, processing, transfer of the necessary information, decision-making. the main objective management– ensuring the survival and development of the control object.

    Basic types of management.

    1. Classification of management based on the allocation of priority controls:

    Command-administrative management;

    economic management;

    Technocratic management(attraction of equipment and technologies).

    2. According to the criterion of understanding the role of the market:

    Planned and directive;


    Program target.

    3. According to the degree of formalization in management:

    Regulated, not flexible;


    Socially - regulated management;

    Dispositional management.

    4. According to the criterion of taking into account the personal factor of management:

    Autocratic management;

    collegiate management;

    Corporate Governance;

    liberal management.

    5. By priorities in the management organization:

    Functional and production management;

    results management;

    Strategic Management;

    Program-target management.

    6. According to the degree of scientificity:

    empirical management;

    pragmatic management;

    Scientific and conceptual management.

    Public administration is the management of society with the help of state institutions, norms, state power and apparatus.

    Key Aspects systems approach to management analysis:

    1. Historical;

    2. Cultural and historical models of management;

    3. By spheres of life of society;

    4. Intra-company management; enterprise management;

    5. Management at the individual level structural divisions enterprises.

    6. Separate types and directions of management.

    7. Self-regulation of objects of management and self-regulation of subjects in management.

    Basic laws of management:

    1. The law of awareness and order.

    2. The law of proportionality and composition.

    3. The law of continuous development.

    4. The law of self-preservation.

    5. The law of unity, whole and parts.

    Management principles:

    1. The principle of efficiency;

    2. Principle of control range;

    3. Scalar principle;

    4. The principle of delegation;

    5. The principle of parity of powers and responsibilities;

    6. The principle of unity of command;

    7. Peter's principle (pushing the leader to the level of incompetence);

    8. The principle of separation of control;

    9. Principle feedback;

    Main management development trends in modern society are:

    1. Increasing role and place of governance in society. This trend is due to two main factors: firstly, the complication modern society, which is expressed both in the endless dispersion of subjects and objects of social management, and in the growth of uncertainty and variability of managerial connections and relations. However, the need for coordination and organization of social processes and relations is still relevant, therefore, objectively, the role of management is growing. Second, the price goes up. management error capable of bringing mankind to the brink of complete annihilation. Therefore, to manage on the basis of the trial and error method, "at random" is too risky, you need a professional attitude to management.

    2. Humanization of social management, where a person becomes not just an instrument or object of management, but also its highest goal. This trend is primarily due to scientific and technological progress, which required a person to develop his creative qualities. The latter is impossible without respect for the personality of the worker, without investments in his development and culture.

    3. Internationalization of social management. This trend also follows from the objective processes of the globalization of society. However, it must be remembered that the strengthening of international relations in this area does not negate the national identity of managerial relations in different countries.

    social management - a function of society (social systems) aimed at ensuring its survival by coordinating the social elements of a given system both among themselves and with the external social environment. It is generally accepted that social management is the process of developing and implementing control actions by a social subject of management (i.e., a person) for organizing, coordinating and streamlining social elements in a controlled system. This is the goal-setting, organizing and regulating impact of people on themselves and the surrounding social world, carried out both directly (in the form of self-government) and through specially created structures (the state, public organizations, parties, firms, enterprises, etc.).

    Exist different kinds management in society: military, economic, social, political, state and others.

    Public administration is distinguished from management in general on the basis of the nature and scope of social phenomena covered by management and on the basis of the specifics of the subject of management. Public administration is the activity of state bodies for the preservation and development of society based on the coordination of all elements of society among themselves.

    There are four key elements in public administration : Subject of public administration - the state in the person of its governing bodies, object of public administration - social life of people, general purpose of public administration - streamlining, preservation and development of society, main method of public administration – coordination of all elements social system with each other and with the external environment.

    State-administrative activity is the functioning of the subjects of executive power and other levels of state administration in the implementation of their tasks and functions.

    Government bodies- subjects of executive power and other links that carry out state-administrative activities to one extent or another: the government, ministries, state committees, administrations, etc.

    Thus, the share of state authorities accounted for the decision of the most important issues state and public life in the form of laws (creation of laws); government bodies mainly carried out the implementation of laws (bringing them into execution); the judiciary performed a law enforcement function.

    Legal support government controlled is a system of laws and regulations (from the Constitution to job description civil servant), establishing state bodies, empowering them, regulating their activities.

    Features of public administration(in certain cases they act as patterns of its functioning):

    1. Monopoly on legitimate coercion, which means the presence of the power of state administration, which is due to law, is legitimate, and is implemented through the power of the state apparatus, which also has the means of coercion.

    2. Public administration is public, i.e. extends to all people, to the whole society. But not in the sense that it interferes in all the actions of people, but in the sense that it establishes the main model rules behavior of people in all spheres of society and ensures their observance by its imperious force.

    3. Public administration is systemic. Without this property, due to the peculiarities of the state itself, public administration will not have the necessary coordination, consistency, focus and, therefore, rationality and efficiency.

    4. Object-subject nature of public administration. The public administration system is based on the objective laws of social development - and in this sense it is objective, independent of the will and consciousness of a person. But this system is implemented through people, their activities, motives, goals - and therefore is subjective and subjective. As a rule, effective public administration coincides with the logic and laws of historical development.