Organization of advanced training of employees. Professional retraining under the program of management in production

With the introduction progressive technologies into production, there is an objective need for employees to master new labor practices. How to organize advanced training and draw up the relevant documents is described in the article.

Advanced training is one of the types of additional professional education. Its purpose is to update the theoretical and practical skills of specialists in connection with the increased requirements for the level professional knowledge and the need to master modern methods of solving production problems. This is stated in par. 2 p. 7 model provision on the educational institution of additional professional education (advanced training) of specialists, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 06.26.1995 N 610 (hereinafter referred to as the Model Regulation).

Important nuances of advanced training

Employer-initiated training and mandatory training

At the discretion of the employer. The need for professional training and retraining of personnel for their own needs is determined by the employer (part 1 of article 196 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). At the same time, the conditions and procedure for advanced training must be established by a collective agreement or agreement, an employment contract (part 2 of article 196 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

According to par. 3 paragraph 7 of the Model Provision, training is carried out as necessary, but at least once every five years during the entire labor activity workers. The frequency of training for employees of certain professions and specialties is established by the employer in a local regulatory act.

Compulsory education. The employer is obliged to send employees for advanced training if this is a condition for the performance of specific types of activities. This norm is established by Part 4 of Art. 196 of the Labor Code. Employees of certain specialties and holding certain positions are required, according to some laws, to undergo advanced training. These include, for example:

  • scientific teaching staff state higher educational institutions and state scientific institutions(organizations) operating in the system of higher and postgraduate professional education (Article 21 of the Federal Law of August 22, 1996 N 125-FZ "On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education");
  • workers railway transport, production activity which is directly related to the movement of trains (Federal Law of 10.01.2003 N 17-FZ "On Railway Transport in Russian Federation");
  • drivers and other employees of automobile and land urban electric transport ensuring safety traffic(Federal Law of December 10, 1995 N 196-FZ "On Road Safety").

Types of advanced training

Depending on the needs of the employer, the amount of new knowledge and the terms of training, advanced training can be organized in different ways:

  • short-term (at least 72 hours) thematic training on specific production issues. It is carried out at the place of the main work of specialists and ends with the passing of the corresponding exam, test or defense of the abstract;
  • thematic and problematic seminars (from 72 to 100 hours) on scientific, technical, technological, socio-economic and other problems arising at the level of the industry, region, enterprise (association), organization or institution;
  • long-term (over 100 hours) training of specialists in an educational institution for advanced training for in-depth study of topical problems of science, engineering, technology, socio-economic and other problems in the profile of professional activity.

This is provided for in par. 4 - 7, paragraph 7 of the Model Provision.

At the same time, all additional professional educational programs are developed by educational institutions for advanced training independently, taking into account the needs and special wishes of the customer, as well as the requirements of state educational standards to the level of training of specialists in the relevant direction (specialty) (paragraph 2, clause 42 of the Model Regulations).

Forms of advanced training and guarantees for employees

According to paragraph 41 of the Model Regulations, advanced training can be carried out:

  • with a break from work;
  • without interruption from work;
  • with a partial separation from work;
  • on individual forms of education.

Preservation of the workplace and average earnings. According to Art. 187 of the Labor Code, when sending an employee for advanced training with a break from work, he retains his place of work (position) and secondary wage at the main place of work.

Business trip for advanced training. If the employee is sent to study in another area, he is paid travel expenses in the manner and amount that are provided for persons sent on business trips. In addition, for the entire time an employee is on a business trip, he should be paid average earnings (Article 187 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Both work and study. If an employee improves his qualifications on the job (or with a partial break) from production, he receives wages for the time actually worked (manufactured products).

If an employee combines training and work, their total duration should not exceed the daily norm of working time provided for labor law(Article 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), internal labor regulations and the terms of the employment contract.

Where to go to study

Advanced training can take place either in the organization itself or in educational institutions for advanced training (part 2 of article 196 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). According to clause 8 of the Model Provision, these include:

  • academies (with the exception of academies that are educational institutions of higher professional education);
  • advanced training institutes (improvements) - sectoral, intersectoral, regional;
  • advanced training courses (schools, centers), training centers of the employment service.

Vocational training can also be obtained from a specialist with the required qualifications (clause 3, article 21 of the Law of the Russian Federation of July 10, 1992 N 3266-1 "On Education").

All listed institutions are required to have a license to conduct educational activities(Clause 1 of the Regulation on Licensing Educational Activities, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 31, 2009 N 277).

This requirement does not apply (clause 2 of the Regulation on Licensing Educational Activities, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 31, 2009 N 277):

  • educational activities in the form of one-time lectures, seminars, internships, when a document on education or advanced training is not issued;
  • individual training of an employee from a specialist with the appropriate qualifications.

We send an employee for professional development

Internal documents on referral for advanced training

According to the Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated May 16, 2002 N 04-04-06 / 88, the basis for sending employees to advanced training courses can be:

  • Plan of the education, which indicates the reasons and goals for training employees, as well as their names and positions And;
  • order of the head on the direction for advanced training, in which it is necessary to justify the production need additional education employee (introduction of new equipment, expansion of production, etc.), and also indicate that he is sent for training at the initiative of the employer.

Closed Joint Stock Company

"Primorskie heating systems"

I approve

Medvedev (I.A. Medvedev)

The order will be the basis for the employee to visit training sessions.

Contract for the provision of educational services

When sending employees for advanced training, the employer must conclude an agreement with an educational institution (paragraph 16, clause 7 of the Model Regulations).

Contract form. Approximate forms of contracts for the provision of educational services are given in the Orders of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated 10.07.2003 N 2994 and dated 28.07.2003 N 3177, as well as in the Guidelines for the conclusion of contracts for the provision of paid educational services in the field of education (Letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated 01.10.2002 N 31yu-31nn-40/31-09). But, as a rule, the form standard contract develops an educational institution.

The document must indicate the program, form (full-time, part-time, part-time), the cost and duration of the employee's training, as well as the name of the document that he will receive upon completion.

The contract is drawn up in two copies - one remains with the employee, the other - in the educational institution.

Please note: the customer of educational services should be the employer, not the employee. Otherwise, the organization will not be able to take into account the amount of expenses for paying for training when calculating income tax.

Attachment to agreement. Attached to the agreement:

  • training program educational institution indicating the number of hours of attendance;
  • a photocopy of the license to conduct educational activities by an educational institution.

Additional contract with the employee

According to part 2 of Art. 197 of the Labor Code, an employer who sends an employee for advanced training must conclude an additional contract (agreement) with him, which will spell out the duties of the employee after the completion of the training. For example, you can stipulate a condition on the mandatory working out by an employee of a certain period, establish sanctions for violation of academic discipline, the procedure for reimbursement to the employer of the funds spent in cases of incomplete working out due date or interruption of training. A sample agreement is provided below.

Education documents

According to paragraph 27 of the Standard Regulations, the development of educational programs for advanced training with a volume of more than 72 hours ends with a mandatory final certification. Provided the following types certification tests:

  • final exam in a separate discipline;
  • final interdisciplinary exam for the training program;
  • abstract on a separate discipline or a number of disciplines;
  • preparation and defense attestation work(high school graduation, thesis or graduation project).

Depending on the number of training hours, an employee who has undergone advanced training is issued the following state documents:

  • certificate of short-term advanced training - for persons who have completed training under the program in the amount of 72 to 100 hours;
  • certificate of advanced training - for persons who have completed training under the program in the amount of more than 100 hours;
  • diploma of professional retraining - for persons who have completed training under the program in the amount of more than 500 hours;
  • diploma of qualification - for persons who have completed training under the program in the amount of more than 1000 hours.

This is provided for by paragraphs 1 - 3 of the Requirements for state documents on advanced training and professional retraining, approved by Appendix N 1 to the Decree of the State Committee for Higher Education of Russia dated December 27, 1995 N 13 and paragraph 28 of the Model Regulation.

The original document on advanced training is kept by the employee, and a copy should be filed in the employee's personal file.

But not always at the end of training, an employee can receive a state-recognized document on education. Do not issue such documents to organizations that conduct educational activities that are not subject to licensing - in the form of one-time lectures, internships and seminars, as well as teachers engaged in individual labor pedagogical activities. The volume of the curriculum in this case is less than 72 hours, and upon completion, students can be issued a certificate indicating the topic and volume of training hours. Sample certificates each institution develops independently.

Services rendered act

At the end of the training, the educational institution is obliged to submit to the organization an act on the services rendered. It should contain the period of study, the name of the study program and its cost in rubles.

For long-term education, the act should be drawn up separately for each reporting period, that is, once a quarter, and the costs of paying for educational services should be included in the costs on a quarterly basis.

Information about advanced training must be entered in sect. V "Advanced training" of the employee's personal card (form N T-2). But only if, upon graduation, the employee received a certificate, certificate or diploma of the established form. This is stated in paragraph 28 of the Model Provision.

Studying in another area

If an employee is sent to study in another area, his trip is issued as a business trip. In this case, in addition to those listed above, the following documents must be issued:

  • official task (form N T-10a), signed by the head of the structural unit. At the end of the business trip, the employee draws up a brief report on the completion of the task, and the head of the structural unit makes an appropriate conclusion;
  • an order (instruction) to send an employee on a business trip (form N T-9 or N T-9a);
  • travel certificate (form N T-10);
  • assignment report (on the job assignment form). It is compiled by an employee who has completed training, and the head of the structural unit makes a conclusion about the completion of the task.

All these documents are drawn up on standard forms, which are approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated 05.01.2004 N 1.

When an employee is sent for advanced training in another locality, he retains workplace(position) and the average salary at the main place of work. In addition, the employee must pay travel expenses in accordance with the rules provided for business trips (Article 187 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). This means that the procedure and amount of reimbursement of expenses associated with business trips are determined by a collective agreement or local normative act(part 2 of article 168 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Travel expenses include, in particular, the following expenses:

  • for the travel of the employee to the place of business trip and back;
  • renting a dwelling;
  • daily allowance within the limits (700 rubles - for expenses taken into account for the purpose of paying personal income tax (paragraph 10, clause 3, article 217 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation)).

Upon returning from a business trip, the employee must submit an advance report on the funds spent and documents confirming the expenses incurred during the business trip within three working days.

Recall that advanced training with a break from work in the time sheet is indicated by the letter code PC or the digital code 07. This follows from the Instructions for the use and filling out forms of primary accounting documentation, approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated 05.01.2004 N 1.

Accounting for expenses for advanced training

Expenses associated with paying for additional professional education of an employee in the interests of the organization are recognized as expenses for ordinary activities (clause 5 of PBU 10/99). These expenses are taken into account in the amount of actually incurred expenses and are reflected in the debit of the cost accounting accounts in correspondence with the credit of account 76 (Instructions for the application of the Chart of Accounts accounting, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated October 31, 2000 N 94n).

If the expenses for advanced training of an employee relate to several reporting periods, then they are accounted for on account 97 and written off in the manner established in the accounting policy of the organization (evenly, in proportion to the volume of production, etc.), during the period to which they relate. This is stated in paragraph 65 of the Regulation on accounting and financial statements in the Russian Federation, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated July 29, 1998 N 34n.

You can confirm the fact of the provision of educational services for accounting purposes by the relevant act and a copy of the document on education (diploma, certificate, etc.).

The amounts of average earnings retained by the employee for the period of advanced training are taken into account as expenses for ordinary activities as labor costs (clauses 5 and 8 of PBU 10/99). They are reflected in the debit of the production cost accounting account in correspondence with the credit of account 70.

Expenses for a business trip related to advanced training are also recognized as expenses for ordinary activities as of the date of approval of the advance report by the head of the organization (clauses 5 and 8 of PBU 10/99). They are reflected in the debit of the cost accounting accounts and the credit of account 71. Issuance Money posted worker is reflected in the posting:

Debit 71 Credit 50.

Taxes and contributions from the costs of training

The procedure for taxation of training expenses will depend, in particular, on the availability of supporting documents, the fulfillment of the conditions for recognition of such expenses, and also on whose initiative it is carried out.

income tax

Tuition expenses. According to paragraph 3 of Art. 264 of the Tax Code, expenses for advanced training are included in other expenses related to production and sales (Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 04.21.2010 N 03-03-06 / 2/77). If the accrual method is used, then these expenses are taken into account at the time of submission of the act on the provision of educational services, and with the cash method - on the day of payment on the basis of the relevant documents (payment orders, receipts for cash receipts, etc.) (clauses 3 paragraph 7 article 272 and paragraph 3 article 273 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Conditions for recognition of expenses. The costs of advanced training are taken into account when calculating income tax if:

  • a Russian educational institution has a license, and a foreign institution has the corresponding status (clause 1, clause 3, article 264 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 06.10.2009 N 03-03-06 / 4/84). The status of a foreign educational institution can be confirmed by a license, program, charter or other documents, the list of which depends on the specifics of its activities, as well as on the requirements of the legislation of a foreign state regarding confirmation of the status of an educational institution (Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 05.08.2010 N 03-04-06 /6-163). Therefore, a copy of the relevant document should be attached to the primary documents;
  • a training agreement has been concluded between the organization and the educational institution (clause 2, clause 3, article 264 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation);
  • an employee who improves qualifications works in an organization on the basis of an employment contract (clause 2, clause 3, article 264 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation);
  • the employee is trained in the interests of the employer (clause 23, clause 1, article 264 and clause 29, article 270 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated May 25, 2007 N 03-03-06 / 1/312). A document confirming this fact can be an order of the head, which will indicate that the employee was sent for training at the initiative of the organization and in connection with the production need.

If these conditions are not met, the expenses for advanced training are not recognized in tax accounting. At the end of the tax period, they should be excluded from the composition of expenses that reduce the taxable base for income tax, and attributed to non-operating income.

In addition, it is impossible to take into account the costs of training (clause 2, clause 3, article 264 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation):

  • not supported by supporting documents;
  • content related educational institutions or providing free services to them;
  • related to the payment of additional services provided by an educational institution during the period of study, if they are not related to production needs (for example, payment for meals or a cultural and entertainment program, if their cost is highlighted in the documents as a separate line);
  • produced not in the interests of the organization, for example, if the new knowledge received by the employee will not be used by him in the production process (Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated May 25, 2007 N 03-03-06 / 1/312).

supporting documents. For recognition for tax purposes of income from expenses for advanced training documentary evidence costs can be an agreement with an educational institution, an order from the head to send an employee to training, a curriculum of an educational institution indicating the number of hours of visits, a certificate or other document confirming that employees have been trained, an act of providing services. This is stated in the Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated April 21, 2010 N 03-03-06 / 2/77. The same documents are also needed for the recognition of expenses for studying abroad (Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated February 28, 2007 N 03-03-06 / 1/137).

Recall that the employer paying for training is obliged to keep the documents related to this for at least four years (clause 8, clause 1, article 23 and clause 2, clause 3, article 264 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Travel expenses. If, for the purpose of advanced training, an employee was sent to another area, then the organization has the right to include the cost of travel to and from the place of training, as well as the cost of living and daily allowance, as part of travel expenses. These costs are taken into account in full amount as part of other expenses on the basis of paragraphs. 12 p. 1 art. 264 of the Tax Code (Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated February 28, 2007 N 03-03-06 / 1/137). The date of recognition of expenses is the date of approval of the advance report (clause 5, clause 7, article 272 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia of February 28, 2007 N 03-03-06 / 1/137).

Average earnings. If an employee improves his qualifications off the job, then the average earnings paid to him for the period of study are included in labor costs on the basis of clause 19 of Art. 255 of the Tax Code.

personal income tax, insurance premiums and contributions in case of injury

Tuition payment. The amount of payment for advanced training of an employee is not subject to income tax individuals and insurance premiums, if the institution where the employee is studying has a license for educational activities (or the corresponding status for a foreign educational institution). This conclusion follows from paragraph 21 of Art. 217 of the Tax Code and paragraph 12, part 1, art. 9 of the Federal Law of July 24, 2009 N 212-FZ (hereinafter - Law N 212-FZ).

This also applies to the case if the employee is trained by a specialist who has the appropriate qualifications (Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated July 17, 2009 N 03-04-06-02 / 50). Such qualification must be confirmed by a special document - a qualification certificate, license, diploma, etc. (Clause 3, Article 21 of the Law of the Russian Federation N 3266-1).

The amount of payment for the training of an employee sent by the employer to advanced training courses does not need to be charged contributions in case of injury, since they are not payment for the work (income) of the employee. This follows from paragraph 3 of the Rules for the calculation, accounting and spending of funds for the implementation of compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 03/02/2000 N 184 (hereinafter referred to as the Rules).

Travel expenses. The income of an employee sent to improve his skills in another area does not include daily allowances if they do not exceed 700 rubles. for each day spent on a business trip on the territory of the Russian Federation (2500 rubles - on the territory of a foreign state), as well as documented expenses for travel to and from the destination and expenses for renting a dwelling (clause 3 of article 217 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Insurance premiums, as well as contributions in case of injury, are not charged on the amount of travel expenses (part 2, article 9 of Law N 212-FZ, clause 10 of the List of payments for which insurance premiums are not charged to the FSS of the Russian Federation, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 07.07.1999 N 765, and Letter of the FSS of the Russian Federation of 03.18.2009 N 02-18/07-2165).

Average earnings. The amount of average earnings paid to an employee for the period of advanced training with a break from work is subject to personal income tax, insurance premiums and insurance premiums for compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases(clause 6, clause 1, article 208 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, part 1, article 7 and part 1, article 8 of Law No. 212-FZ and clause 3 of the Rules).

VAT on educational services

The amount of the training fee for an employee aimed at advanced training may or may not include value added tax.

Subject to VAT educational services provided by commercial educational institutions or relevant specialists (clause 1, article 143 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). The tax is calculated at a rate of 18% (clause 3, article 164 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). In the accounting of the customer of educational services, the amount of tax allocated in settlement documents is reflected in the debit of account 19 in correspondence with the credit of account 76.

In addition, the following are subject to VAT:

  • additional services provided by an educational organization, in particular, providing students with food and accommodation, since they are not related to production needs (Letter of the Ministry of Taxes and Taxes of Russia for Moscow dated January 28, 2003 N 24-11 / 05512);
  • services for conducting one-time lectures, internships, seminars and other types of training that are not accompanied by final certification and the issuance of documents on education or qualifications (Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated August 27, 2008 N 03-07-07 / 81).

Services not subject to VAT:

  • non-commercial educational organizations in the field of education, located on the territory of the Russian Federation, for the conduct of training and production (in the areas of basic and additional education specified in the license) process, with the exception of advisory services(clause 14 clause 2 article 149 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). Such a benefit applies only to those educational services that are named in the license of the educational institution (Letter of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for Moscow dated May 6, 2005 N 19-11 / 32602);
  • rendered outside the territory of the Russian Federation (clause 3, clause 1, article 148 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

"Input" VAT, paid to a commercial educational institution or a specialist with the appropriate qualifications, can be deducted when calculating the amount of value added tax, if in accordance with paragraphs. 1 p. 2 art. 171 and paragraph 1 of Art. 172 of the Tax Code:

  • the parties signed an act on the provision of educational services;
  • the organization has an invoice indicating the amount of value added tax.

In accounting, the acceptance for accounting of tax on expenses for advanced training is reflected in the posting:

Debit 68, sub-account "Calculations for VAT", Credit 19.

Example. The head of CJSC "Primorskie heating systems" decided to send a fitter-installer of instrumentation equipment V.L. Kabanchikov for advanced training courses from November 1 to November 13, 2010. For this purpose, the organization entered into an agreement with the Vladivostok Production and Training Plant. Training should take place off-the-job. Its cost is 10,000 rubles, which were transferred to the plant on October 28.

The educational institution is non-profit and has a state license for educational activities. Upon completion of the course, the employee received a certificate. What wiring should be done in this case?

Solution. Based on the agreement between the organization and the educational institution, the following entries were made in accounting.

Debit 76 Credit 51

10 000 rub. - funds were transferred for training an employee at a training center.

Debit 20 Credit 76

10 000 rub. - reflects the cost of professional development of the employee.

Since the training is conducted in the same locality where the employer organization is located, the employee is paid only the average earnings during the study (Article 187 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Personal income tax, insurance premiums and contributions in case of injury should be charged on it (clause 6 clause 1 article 208 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, part 1 article 7, part 1 article 8 of Law N 212-FZ and clause 3 of the Rules) .

The cost of paying average earnings to an employee aimed at advanced training is recognized as part of the cost of wages in the month of accrual (clause 6, article 255 and clause 4, article 272 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). The amount of insurance premiums accrued on it refers to other expenses associated with production and sale, on the basis of paragraphs. 49 paragraph 1 of Art. 264 of the Tax Code (Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated April 13, 2010 N 03-03-06 / 1/260). Contributions in case of injury are also taken into account as part of other expenses on the date of their accrual (clause 45, clause 1, article 264 and clause 1, clause 7, article 272 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Thus, in November, the accountant reduced income tax by the amount of payment for advanced training, average earnings paid to the employee during the training period, and insurance premiums accrued on him.

O.V. Negrebetskaya Scientific editor magazine "Salary" / "Salary", 2010, N 10

  • Education, Development, Trainings


1 -1

Hello! In this article we will talk about staff development.

Today you will learn:

  1. What is a qualification and why improve it;
  2. What methods of this exist;
  3. How is the promotion process going?

Any self-respecting company that is engaged in any kind of activity, among the main issues, always considers staff development. In order not to lose its position in the market, the company needs highly qualified personnel.

That is what today's conversation will be about.

Types of employee training

  • Staff development;
  • Retraining;
  • Training.

Goals and objectives of staff development

Before, you need to ask the question: why? So, what are the goals of professional development?

  • Equip employees with new knowledge and skills. This will allow them not only to express fresh ideas, but also to cope with various difficulties in their work;
  • Staff motivation. When an employee receives knowledge at the expense of the organization, he feels that the management cares about him. Therefore, a person has a desire to increase labor productivity;
  • Reduced staff turnover. Further training is considered an effective way to combat this phenomenon. This principle applies even when even bonuses do not help.
  • Introduction of new technologies. Now is the time of computers and high speeds. There is no getting away from this, we need to develop, modernize production. And only a team of true professionals can cope with this.
  • Education of own personnel. This is the production strategy of some companies. They would rather train their employees than hire them a large number of people from the side.

Who to train

It is clear that it is unrealistic to improve the qualifications of all specialists at the same time. It turns out that it is necessary to single out those who are among the first to improve their level of professionalism.

In addition, there is a risk that time and money will be spent on learning what the employee already knows and can do. And even worse, when the employer pays for the training of an employee, and after a while he leaves for another job.

That is why managers prefer to train employees who will bring maximum value to the organization or enterprise, or employees who hold important positions.

The rest of the employees are trained at the expense of the company in only two ways:

  • If learning is important component work process (for example, in medical companies);
  • If you need to create a new production or change the profile of the old .

The problem is that the management of a young company cannot always determine what the potential of employees is. In this case, you can consult with specialists involved in staff training. You can also conduct a survey of employees, and then analyze the information received.

Questionnaires can be used to determine not only psychological type employee, but also how he corresponds to the position, what is the level of his professionalism, and so on.

Differences between advanced training and professional training

Often people think that these two concepts are one and the same. This is not so, the difference between them is serious. What it is, let's see further.

No. p / p Type of training essence Timing
1 Training It is carried out in order to improve knowledge in the profession, skills and abilities 72 - 100 acad. hours
2 Staff retraining Allows you to acquire new skills or profession 500 - 1000 acad. hours

Both of these processes are aimed at improving and developing staff. But in the first case, the specialty remains the same, only knowledge and skills are improved, and in the second case, there is the possibility of obtaining a new profession.

Forms of advanced training

Professional development of the organization's personnel occurs through the use of various forms. These forms differ from each other according to various criteria: according to the level of connection with practical activities, organizing the process, by target groups.

  • Depending on who is conducting the promotion program, it is divided into external training(outside the company) and intracompany(within the company). In-house training has its advantages: reducing costs for the company, the ability to control the process, the development of corporate spirit, and so on;
  • With a break from the workplace and without it. Experts recommend combining these 2 forms;
  • By degree of organization: self-training and organized;
  • Depending on the target groups: training management personnel, a general promotion, as well as an open one (which even family members of employees can take advantage of).

Staff development methods

The method of advanced training depends on the form in which the training will be conducted. If within the company, then the documents, equipment and materials that the employee usually uses in his work will be used.

Workplace learning methods

  • briefing. It is used when you need to acquire skills in a new workplace;
  • Project group. A group is formed that collectively works on one project. At the same time, management skills, problem solving collectively are improved;
  • coaching. When using this method, the trainer and trainees interact and also establish communication between the participants in the production process;
  • rotation. The employee is transferred within the company to another department. A very popular technique at present.
  • Mentoring. When experience is purposefully transferred, employee training by example. A more experienced employee transfers his knowledge to someone who is less experienced;
  • Tutoring is a type of mentoring. A discussion is held, during which the student demonstrates the acquired knowledge;
  • Strotelling young employees are taught the rules of work, using the history of the organization;
  • Shading– the essence of the method is that the process of work is being monitored, which allows you to find out which sides in prof. employee training weak and draw up a training plan to remove them.

Methods of external professional development

  • Conferences, meetings, symposia. An active teaching methodology that stimulates the development of communication skills, develops logical thinking, and teaches the specifics of public speaking;
  • Lectures. The most traditional technique. The materials here are assimilated passively and this method is not considered optimal now, it is supplemented by others.
  • training. During the training process, the trainer gives certain instructions and checks how well the knowledge has been mastered over a certain period of time.
  • Interactive courses. Knowledge is obtained, consolidated and tested with the help of a training program;
  • Selfeducation. The easiest option, but at the same time requiring self-discipline and responsibility. This method is now being developed through the introduction of various training programs and distance learning;
  • case study this method allows solving real production problems. It is mainly suitable for senior executives and management personnel.
  • business game- the essence of the method lies in the fact that the problem is solved not by one person, but by a group of students;
  • Basket - method based on imitation of situations encountered in the process of work.

The choice of teaching methods depends on many factors: the characteristics of the students, the company's capabilities (including financial ones), the qualifications of teachers and the goals of the process. If the method is chosen incorrectly, the effectiveness of training will simply be reduced to zero.

Staff development courses

This training event is usually held in a designated area. They are organized in such a way that nothing distracts the listeners from the process and does not interfere with the perception of information.

A big plus when taking such courses is that as soon as the training is completed, not only your skills will increase, it will be documented.

The choice of a suitable training center should be carried out based on the following indicators:

  • Reviews of those who have already been trained;
  • Composition of teachers;
  • How long has the center been operating?
  • Course cost.

It is no coincidence that the cost was at the last place in the list. The high price of taking courses does not guarantee that they will be useful to the listener. There are cases when the courses are expensive, but bring little practical benefit.

In such courses, classes are held in small groups, consisting of 5 to 30 people maximum. They can also pass individual sessions. Build training in continuing education programs designed to increase and expand the range of knowledge and skills, and those that a person already has.

Conventionally, training in the courses is divided into several groups:

  • Comprehensive training;
  • Self-learning;
  • Combined learning.

Each of these groups has its pros and cons, but the important thing is that these groups do not exclude each other, but complement and improve.

When employees take advanced training courses, both parties win here: both the employee and the employer. An employee, having completed the courses, can count on an increase in salary, career growth and an increase in the level of his knowledge. The employer will receive competent employees who can understand all the intricacies of the work process, increase the level of competitiveness of their company.

How professional development happens: the main stages of the process

This process is divided into several important steps. Let's analyze them in more detail.

Stage 1. Calculation of the need for advanced training.

First you need to determine what is the need for staff training in a particular company. It is defined at several levels.

At the level of the entire company as a whole, this need will depend on the following points:

  • Are there any plans to upgrade equipment?
  • Will new technologies be introduced into production;
  • Is it planned to release a new type of product;
  • By how much is it planned to increase the number of jobs.

Speaking of level structural divisions companies, then it is necessary to carry out advanced training if:

  • Workers often violate production technology;
  • There are work-related injuries;
  • The number of marriages has increased significantly.

As for individual employees, it also depends on several factors:

  • To what extent the employee himself is ready and wants to improve his professional level;
  • What are the results of certification;
  • How much a person wants to move up the career ladder.

After analyzing all these nuances, the company's management decides to improve the skills of its employees.

The next step will be the choice of training methods.

Step 2. Choice of method.

When training is planned for employees, it is necessary to determine by what methods it will take place. We have already talked about the most common methods earlier, we will not repeat ourselves. We only note that Russian companies are increasingly implementing the mentoring methodology.

Stage 3. Development of the budget.

Once the need for training has been analyzed, a budget is drawn up. It must be documented.

In this case, the cost items will be: tuition fees, payment for the services of the training center, and so on.

Distance courses are the least expensive option for a company.

Step 4. Choosing a teacher.

Before choosing a coach, you need to familiarize yourself with the experience of his work. It is also worth studying the documents that will confirm his qualifications and level of education.

In addition, do not neglect the reviews of other people. Who will tell about the teacher better than those who were his students?

Stage 5. The process of developing a training program.

If the training process is planned to be carried out within the company, it is necessary to develop and approve a training program. To do this, it is recommended to use the advice of outside specialists, since the necessary professionals are not always in the company itself.

If you plan to use the services of the Training Center, you will be offered ready programs, you just have to choose the right one.

Stage 6. The process of implementing the chosen methodology.

Depending on which method of advanced training was chosen, a decision is made on its implementation.

There are several ways to implement:

  • Organize advanced training in the organization itself with the help of its specialists;
  • Conduct staff training at the training center;
  • Conduct training in the company's office, involving a coach from outside.

We note right away that the first option is the most difficult to implement. Significant savings here will not work, but to invest money, and not get the expected result - there is an opportunity. Therefore, before making such a decision, you need to weigh everything carefully.

Stage 7. Analysis of advanced training.

After the training is completed, you need to check the level of knowledge of those employees who were trained. Let's talk about how to do it right.

It is necessary to create a qualification commission, set a date for its meeting and notify interested parties. On the appointed day, the commission checks the knowledge gained by the employee.

If he answers the questions of the commission confidently, demonstrates the knowledge gained during the course, the commission decides on the recognition of the learning outcomes.

Where to send an employee for advanced training

Educational institutions engaged in advanced training are the following:

  • Institutes (regional, sectoral, and so on);
  • Academies (except those where they receive higher education);
  • Schools and advanced training centers.

According to the conditions for staff development, all educational institutions must have the appropriate license.

But this requirement does not apply to:

  • One-time seminars, internships and lectures, after attending which no documents are issued;
  • If the employee was trained by a specialist who has the necessary documentation.

An example of staff development.

A large training center for advanced training operates in the Euroset company. It conducts training and retraining of employees in order to increase sales volumes so that employees meet the changing working conditions.

If an employee is promoted in another region

If the training takes place in another area, then the employee's trip must be issued in the form of a business trip.

In this situation, the following series of documents must be drawn up:

  • An order with the signature of the head that the employee has been sent on a business trip;
  • Service assignment;
  • Travel certificate;
  • Job report form.

All documentation must be drawn up on approved standard forms.

Documents confirming the completion of training

The documents issued by the educational institution confirm:

  • The fact that the employee has been trained and, based on its results, has received a certain qualification;
  • The fact that an employee is assigned a certain category, class or category.

Based on the requirements of the law, educational institutions can issue the following documents to their students:

  • Certificate of advanced training, if the training lasted more than one hundred hours;
  • Certificate if the employee participated in a seminar, or completed a short-term training;
  • Diploma, if the employee has been trained for more than a thousand hours.

The act of providing services

After the end of the learning process, educational institution must provide to the customer company. It fixes the duration of the training period, the name of the program and the cost of training.

Registration of training by the employer

The employee's training course must be documented. How to do it right, let's talk now.

First, you need to accept from the employee an application for re-examination of his professional level based on the documents he received.

As soon as the application is received, a qualification commission is created and the knowledge of the employee is checked. After the conclusion issued by the commission, an order is issued to increase the category of a particular employee. After reviewing the order, the employee puts his signature.

Within 7 days the employee personnel service makes a record of the assignment of a rank or category in work book worker. At the same time, they refer to the supporting document received during the training.

A photocopy of the certificate or certificate is also made, certified and stored in the employee's personal file.

In the next part of our material, it is worth mentioning the retraining of specialists. We have already discussed the similarities and differences between retraining and advanced training, and now we will consider aspects of this process in more detail.

The retraining process: why is it needed and how does it happen

The essence of this process is the same as that of any other type of training.

The principles of organizing the process are as follows:

  • The process must be organized clearly, without failures;
  • Employees should be focused on getting a good learning outcome;
  • Training should be conducted systematically, the relationship between theory and practice should be observed.

The general scheme of the organization of the whole process is as follows:

  • The purpose of the retraining is determined;
  • Forecasting the result (for example, reduce manufacturing defects by half);
  • Development of a personnel retraining program;
  • Development of a list of teachers (if different disciplines are studied);
  • We determine in what form the acquired knowledge will be controlled.

Many employers today are of the opinion that it is more profitable to retrain an already proven employee for a new position than to hire a new specialist. This principle often applies to large companies that new vacancies offer primarily to current employees.

When retraining is completed, a person in general can radically change his activity. For example, he was a teacher of drawing, and became a psychologist. Upon completion of retraining, a person will receive a diploma equal to a document on a second higher education.


Advanced training and retraining are types of personnel training. Still the first one is more popular. We tried to reveal the subtleties of this process as much as possible in this article.

I would also like to add: you need to engage in your professional development, improve your skills, if possible. This allows not only to improve in the profession, but also to plan your future.

There are quite a lot of articles in the Labor Code that mention the qualifications of an employee: an employee is required to present a document on qualifications when applying for a job that requires special knowledge or special training(Article 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation); offering other work to an employee during various organizational or technological change the employer must focus on the qualifications of the employee (Article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation); Salary depends on qualification. About what is meant by qualification in the sense of labor relations, whether the employer should contribute to the improvement of the qualifications of his employees and how to do this, we will tell in the article.

The concept of employee qualification

The concept of employee qualification appeared in the Labor Code quite recently. Federal Law No. 236-FZ of December 3, 2012 introduced a new Art. 195.1, in which the legislator determined that the qualification of an employee is the level of knowledge, skills, professional skills and work experience of an employee. The qualification document confirms:

- assignment of a rank, class, category based on the results of vocational training (confirmed by a certificate of the profession of a worker, an employee's position).

Qualification feature, necessary for the employee for the implementation of a certain type of professional activity, is a professional standard. Currently, such standards are being actively developed, and on behalf of the President of the Russian Federation, by 2015 there should be at least 800 of them.

The order of development, approval and application professional standards, as well as establishing the identity of the names of positions, professions and specialties contained in the ETKS and CEN, the names of positions, professions and specialties contained in professional standards, established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 01.22.2013 N 23.

Mandatory professional development

Based on Art. 196 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the need for professional training and retraining of personnel for their own needs is determined by the employer. However, in some cases, the organization of advanced training for their employees is the direct responsibility of the employer, this is required by federal laws. Let's name some of them. Professional development should be:

- employees of the internal affairs bodies (Federal Law of November 30, 2011 N 342-FZ "On Service in the Internal Affairs Bodies of the Russian Federation and Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation");

- medical and pharmaceutical workers(Federal Law of November 21, 2011 N 323-FZ "On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation");

- civil servants (Federal Law of July 27, 2004 N 79-FZ "On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation");

- pedagogical workers (Federal Law of August 22, 1996 N 125-FZ "On Higher and Postgraduate Vocational Education");

- employees of railway transport, whose production activities are directly related to the movement of trains (Federal Law of 10.01.2003 N 17-FZ "On Railway Transport in the Russian Federation");

- drivers and other employees of automobile and ground urban electric transport ensuring road safety (Federal Law of December 10, 1995 N 196-FZ "On Road Safety").

Ways to improve the skills of employees

The purpose of advanced training is to update the theoretical and practical knowledge of specialists in connection with the increase in requirements for the level of qualifications and the need to master modern methods of solving professional tasks. For such an increase in the professionalism of an employee, the employer can organize training. Usually for this they use the services of educational institutions for advanced training.

For your information. Advanced training is carried out as necessary, but at least once every five years during the entire working life of employees. The frequency of advanced training for specialists is established by the employer (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 26, 1995 N 610 "On Approval of the Model Regulations on the Educational Institution of Additional Professional Education (Advanced Training) of Specialists", hereinafter referred to as the Model Regulation).

Vocational training for advanced training means professional education persons who already have a certain profession or position, in order to consistently improve their professional knowledge, skills and abilities without raising their educational level.

Professional development can be short-term (at least 72 hours). Such training is carried out at the place of the main work of specialists on issues of a particular production and ends with passing the appropriate exam, test or defense of the abstract.

Advanced training can be carried out by holding thematic and problematic seminars on scientific, technical, technological, socio-economic and other problems that arise at the level of the industry, region, enterprise (association), organization or institution. The duration of training in this form is from 72 to 100 hours.

Long-term advanced training - over 100 hours in an educational institution for advanced training for in-depth study of topical problems of science, engineering, technology, socio-economic and other problems in the profile of professional activity.

One of the sections of the curriculum for advanced training of specialists can be an internship, the main goals of which are the formation and consolidation in practice of professional knowledge, skills and abilities obtained as a result of theoretical training. An internship is also carried out in order to study best practices, acquire professional and organizational skills to perform duties in a current or higher position.

For your information. The normative term for the passage of professional retraining for specialists to obtain additional qualifications is at least 1,000 hours of labor intensity.

Internships for specialists can be carried out both in the Russian Federation and abroad at enterprises (associations), leading research organizations, educational institutions, consulting firms and federal bodies executive power. The duration of the internship is set by the employer who sends the employee for training, based on its objectives and in agreement with the head of the enterprise (association), organization or institution where it is held.

Let us pay attention to one point: for the period of advanced training with a break from work, the employee retains the average salary (Article 187 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Students from other cities who are sent to study outside of their main job are paid daily allowances according to the norms established for business trips on the territory of the Russian Federation (clause 26 of the Model Regulations). Recall that the amount of compensation to employees of organizations financed from the federal budget is established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 2, 2002 N 729.

Where can you improve the skills of your staff?

Educational institutions for advanced training include:

— academies (with the exception of academies that are educational institutions of higher professional education);

- institutes for advanced training (improvements) - sectoral, intersectoral, regional;

— advanced training courses (schools, centers), training centers of the employment service.

The institutes for advanced training also include the following educational institutions for advanced training:

- training centers for professional retraining, advanced training and employment of military personnel dismissed from the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, citizens dismissed from military service;

— intersectoral regional centers for advanced training and professional retraining of specialists.

Note! On the basis of clause 10 of the Model Provision, training for advanced training can be carried out by faculties for advanced training of teachers and specialists, intersectoral regional centers, faculties for retraining specialists with higher education, etc.

The advanced training of workers can also be carried out directly at enterprises, institutions, organizations (Model regulation on continuous professional and economic training of personnel of the national economy, approved by the Decree of the USSR State Committee for Labor, the State Education of the USSR, the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of June 15, 1988 N 369 / 92-14-147 / 20/18-22).

Qualification Documents

The qualification document confirms:

– upgrading or awarding qualifications based on the results of additional professional education (confirmed by a certificate of advanced training or a diploma of professional retraining);

- assignment of a rank or class, category based on the results of vocational training (confirmed by a certificate of the profession of a worker, an employee's position).

Based on clause 28 of the Model Regulations, educational institutions for advanced training issue students who have successfully completed the course of study with the following state documents:

- certificate of advanced training - for persons who have completed short-term training or participated in thematic and problematic seminars;

- certificate of advanced training - for persons who have completed training under the program in the amount of more than 100 hours;

- diploma of qualification - for persons who have completed training under the program in the amount of more than 1,000 hours.

Formation of relations to improve the qualifications of an employee

To send employees for advanced training, the employer draws up a training plan for the current year, which indicates the grounds and goals for training personnel, as well as the names of those sent for study. In accordance with the plan, the employer may conclude an agreement with an educational institution for advanced training (clause 7 of the Model Regulations). And with the employee you need to conclude a student contract - additional to the labor one. Rules for concluding a student agreement, mandatory conditions that should be included in it, and the relationship between the employee and the employer in this area is regulated by Ch. 32 "Student contract" of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

In order to send an employee for advanced training, an order is issued in which they justify the production need for training (the specialist certificate expires, new equipment has been equipped, etc.) and indicate that the employee is sent for advanced training at the initiative of the employer (or on his own ).

If advanced training is carried out with a break from work, it is necessary to record this period in the time sheet: the letter code "PK" (digital "07") is put, and if the employee is sent to study in another area - "PM" (digital "08" ).

Upon completion of training, on the basis of the submitted document on advanced training, information should be entered in the employee's personal card and work book.


IS HE. Borisova1, N.A. Sizintseva2

1,2 Orenburg State Pedagogical University 460014, Orenburg, st. Sovetskaya, 19 1E-mail: [email protected] 2E-mail: [email protected]

The article is devoted to the peculiarities of the organization of the process of advanced training of employees of the enterprise. Advanced training is considered as a systematic and purposeful improvement of professional knowledge and skills based on innovative technologies and enriching professional excellence. The advanced training of employees of the enterprise is justified on the basis of legal documents governing this process. The article presents the dependence of the forms of conducting training sessions within the framework of advanced training of employees on the organizers of the professional program, target audience, the level of organization of the training process, the degree of connection with practical and professional activities. The diversity, variability and connection with the practical activities of modern active methods of training for advanced training are considered.

Key words: advanced training, personnel training, additional professional program, active teaching methods, forms of organization of advanced training.

The current economic situation creates conditions for a qualitative revision of additional professional education by expanding the functions of the enterprise in the training of workers. This is due to strict requirements for the mobility of enterprise employees, a decrease in the role of the state in matters regulating the training of qualified personnel through vocational and technical education, and the actualization of the trend to meet the enterprise's need for qualified personnel at the expense of its own employees.

The company's personnel policy can be aimed at training employees narrow specialization who own two specific operations, or the training of highly qualified personnel on the basis of deep theoretical and practice-oriented activities. The choice of an enterprise in this case is determined by the enterprise development strategy, economic and financial fortunes, enterprise capabilities, etc.

To determine the essence of the concept of "training", consider this concept from different points of view.

In accordance with Art. 76 of the Federal Law "On Education of the Russian Federation" advanced training, implemented as part of additional professional education, is aimed at

1 Olga Nikolaevna Borisova, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Higher Education Pedagogy

2 Natalia Alekseevna Sizintseva, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Higher Education Pedagogy

len to develop and (or) acquire new competencies that are necessary for professional activities, and (or) improve the professional level within the framework of existing qualifications.

A.S. Afonin and A.Ya. Kibanov consider the concept of “training” as training of employees, including the improvement of professional competencies in connection with promotion or changes qualification requirements to the profession.

A.S. Goldberg defines this concept from the point of view of improving the knowledge of specialists in connection with promotion, raising the level of qualifications and solving problems related to the profession, using innovative methods and technologies.

According to E.A. Vlasova, advanced training - training an employee in order to deepen or improve his professional knowledge necessary for his work.

H.L. Kabushkin defines the concept of "training" as professional development, professional training of a person. The basis of advanced training, according to the author, is professional competence, which is complemented by methodological, social and personal competence.

From the point of view of A.I. Homeland, advanced training - a special form of training that provides for an integrated approach to specialized training and maintaining the proper level of training.

Therefore, professional development of employees is a systematic and purposeful improvement of professional knowledge and skills based on innovative technologies and enrichment of advanced professional experience.

Domestic and foreign studies in the field of advanced training characterize three concepts of training qualified personnel.

I. The concept of specialized training, which provides for the training of an employee in accordance with his specialty, is focused on today. This training, which improves the qualifications of an employee, is expedient for a relatively short period of time, contributes to the preservation of the workplace and the actualization of self-esteem.

2. The concept of multidisciplinary training, which increases the intra-production and non-production flexibility of the employee, is effective from an economic and financial standpoint. However, the presence of employee mobility in this case creates a risk for the enterprise where he works, since the employee has a choice and lack of a certain attachment to the corresponding workplace.

3. The concept of personnel training, which provides for the improvement of a person's personal characteristics, which are laid down by nature or acquired in the course of professional activity. This approach has to do with those employees who have the ability to innovate, scientific activities, have the talent of a leader, teacher, etc. .

The analysis of the theoretical material showed that advanced training, which ensures the compliance of the professional competence of an employee with modern changes in production, can be implemented directly at the enterprise itself. The training of middle-level personnel as part of advanced training during the transition to a higher position is due to the capabilities of the enterprise, namely, it is possible to train personnel in training centers, specialized schools, by attending courses at the enterprise, etc.

To determine the specifics of the organization of the process of advanced training of employees of the enterprise, we turn to the legal documents governing this process.

Based on Article 196 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer is obliged to conduct "training, retraining and advanced training of employees in the organization, as well as in educational institutions of vocational and additional education on the terms that were stipulated by the collective and labor agreements, if necessary".

Article 372 of this document establishes that "the forms of training, retraining and advanced training, the list of professions and specialties are determined by the employer, taking into account the opinion of the representative body of employees." The term for mastering an additional professional program should ensure the possibility of achieving the planned results and obtaining a new competency declared in the program. At the same time, the minimum allowable period for mastering advanced training programs cannot be less than 16 hours.

Staff development, which includes different kinds classes, may include: lectures, practical and seminars, laboratory works, on-site classes, consultations, implementation design work and other types of training sessions and educational work, which are determined by the curriculum. The academic hour for all types of classroom activities is set to 45 minutes.

The forms of conducting training sessions as part of the advanced training of employees depend on the organizers of the additional professional program, the target audience, the level of organization of the training process, the degree of connection with practical and professional activities. The most common are such forms as round tables, master classes, workshops, business games, role-playing games, trainings, seminars on the exchange of experience, corporate contests professional skill.

Training events within the framework of professional development, which are planned and implemented for employees within the organization itself, are called internal. Professional development outside the organization is called external.

Training within the enterprise is aimed at familiarization with the workplace, improving professional competencies, introducing advanced ideas, solving urgent production problems, and training reserve managers. Personnel training, characterized by efficiency and focus on the development of a specific production technology, reduces the period of adaptation of the employee. Appropriate in the learning process are methods such as performing functions as an assistant, gradually increasing the complexity of tasks, rotating (changing) jobs, delegating some functions, responsibilities, etc. Training within an enterprise is typical mainly for working and simple positions of employees.

The current methods of training within the organization are:

The inclusion of the student in the process of the activity of another person is badding (from buddying - “partnership”);

Monitoring the process of work - shading (from shadowing - "being a shadow");

Internships, rotations - secondment (from secondment - "business trip");

Purposeful transfer of experience - mentoring;

Uncovering the potential of the student's personality - coaching;

Accompanying the learning process, discussing the experience of transferring acquired knowledge into real practice - tutoring.

The use of the shadowing method as part of advanced training consists in the fact that the employee is invited to observe the work of a manager or colleague with professional experience for several days. In the role of an observer, the employee captures the features, functional duties of the person he is monitoring. As a result, the employee becomes a witness to the events of the working day of a manager or colleague, realizes what professional competencies he needs to master in order to fully cope with the same tasks. The final stage of this method is an interview with the employee about what conclusions he made for himself.

Secondment as a method of improving the professional competencies of employees is a type of staff rotation in which an employee is temporarily (from 100 hours to one year) transferred to another position or to another unit, and then returns to his previous duties.

The essence of the buddying training method is that the employee is assigned a partner equal in status and functional duties. The task of the method is to implement feedback that provides information about the actions, decisions of the employee to whom the partner is assigned. The advantages of the method are that it allows you to collect objective information about the new skills of the employee and the performance of current ones. professional duties.

The buddying method is different from mentoring or coaching, as the participants take on equal roles. This form interactions built on trusting relationships are effective and productive.

Mentoring, which involves the transfer of professional experience, the development of corporate values, the instillation of norms of behavior, is a form of education that contributes to vocational training and adaptation of young workers in the enterprise. Mentoring can be individual or collective. The purpose of mentoring is to train an employee in new ways of professional activity, help in the use of innovative technologies, control over the implementation functional duties worker. The essence of mentoring is expressed in the following algorithm: “inform”, “demonstrate”, “perform”, “perform with my prompt”, “perform and present your work”.

The method of coaching (coaching) is aimed at the three-sided improvement of the employee (personal life, social activities, professional activities), through cooperation and assistance. The advantages of this method are that the employee, as a result of searching for answers to questions, comes to his own conclusions and findings. As a result, there is an increase in the self-esteem of the employee, the motivation for implementation and implementation is updated.

Mentoring as a method of improving the skills of employees is used to develop professional and psychological skills that are necessary to solve practical problems. The essence of the method is that a mentor who is not an employee of the enterprise presents information in the role of a mentor for a set time. The role of a mentor can be performed by an experienced worker, whose activity is aimed at developing the skills of employees to identify and analyze problems, and find ways to solve them.

Tutoring in the process of advanced training is an individual support of an employee in the educational process. This practice is focused on the design and implementation of an individual educational

an educational strategy that takes into account the characteristics and capabilities of a person, the specifics of the implementation of the educational process, and the tasks of advanced training. When implementing the practice of tutoring, feedback is realized that contributes to the formation of new ways of behavior, the improvement of professional competencies.

The advantages of advanced training within the enterprise are that, firstly, it is more cost-effective, and secondly, it is directly related to daily work and promotes effective inclusion in educational process workers.

Advanced training outside the enterprise is focused on the formation of professional competencies of an employee mainly on the basis of theoretical material, training in permission professional problems.

The main methods of learning outside of work include:

Express seminars, project seminars;


Case study;

Distance learning;

Business and role-playing games;

Action learning ^dtion learning);

Training in working groups;

Role modeling;

Analysis of practical situations.

Let us characterize some of the presented methods.

An express seminar is a form of fast, high-quality, convenient interaction between moderators, teachers, and consultants as part of staff development. The main objectives of the express seminar are the preparation of highly motivated specialists, a brief presentation of theoretical material or technology, analysis and evaluation of the audience when an employee demonstrates an idea or project.

A group form of interaction is a project seminar, which includes an analysis of professional problems, justification of current ideas and projects. The project seminar is implemented in various forms:

Work in groups to justify innovative design concepts;

Master classes with elements of programmed learning; use of computer and information technologies;

Messages, lectures and reports of expert experts on topical current trends and existing world experience in solving these problems;

Expert interviews;

Discussions/round tables, including discussion and defense of collective and individual projects prepared by the participants.

Within the framework of project seminars, four professional positions are embodied: a participant - a carrier of skills in practice-oriented activities; expert-owner of competencies in a special professional field; a moderator coordinating communication in the process of group work; leader of the seminar who organizes interaction during the discussion. The main goal of the project seminar is the presentation of innovative ideas and their implementation in project activities.

In order to create positive motivation for professional activity, improving the skills of coordinated behavior among employees, business trainings and socio-psychological trainings are used. Business-

trainings help to improve the business performance of the enterprise through the development of skills effective sales, implementation business negotiations, prevent conflict situations in the workplace, etc.

Case study as a method of active learning is implemented on the basis of problem-situational analysis. This method has a number of advantages, in particular, training is carried out on the basis of an analysis of current professional problems, provides for maximum approximation to reality, includes repeated training of skills and abilities, and the development of proposals for a significant change in the current situation.

To improve professional competencies in advanced training classes, such a kind of business game as a business simulation is used. This method is an imitation and modeling of the business environment. To conduct a business simulation, a host (facilitator) is determined who develops the conditions for a business thematic game. The main purpose of conducting a business simulation is to find a solution to a problem situation through trial and error.

There are two types of business simulation. The first one is implemented on the basis of an analysis of the enterprise and structural divisions as a whole, which allows you to form a general picture of the enterprise and mutual influence in the process of activity and determine the prospects for its further development. The second type of business simulation imitates certain aspects of the enterprise (for example, certification of employees of the enterprise).

The active learning method is action learning. The purpose of the method is to solve a specific problem situation with the help of the knowledge and skills necessary for this. This approach to teaching makes it possible to overcome the barrier between theoretical knowledge acquired during lectures and practical activities. Action learning contributes to the development of a specific algorithm for solving production problems. The distinctive features of the method are the group form of work, learning through real activities, targeting of interaction, decision-making in a team.

The essence of the method of training in working groups is that workers are assigned production tasks that they need to solve at a set time. There should be no more than ten people in the group. A moderator is appointed for the work, who coordinates the actions of the participants, records the progress of solving the problem, and records the results. The working group develops technologies for solving the set tasks and sets deadlines for implementation. For the effectiveness of this type of interaction, it is advisable for the working group to first provide theoretical material on the stated issues and information on analytical methods. Distinctive feature learning in working groups can be called what the participants present the solution of the tasks as steps to achieve the goal. The proposed options for the production task can be accepted or rejected by management. The advantage of the training method in working groups is that the participants form a positive motivation due to the awareness of the degree of their influence on the situation within the enterprise.

Actual forms of training for students of advanced training courses at the present stage are webinars, distance learning. As part of the webinar, the interaction between the presenter and the audience is carried out in text, audio or video chats. A webinar is an online session that may include a lecture, master class, presentation of innovative technology, etc. Traditionally, the audience sees

a small window where the video of the host's face is broadcast, and a large screen for presenting the topic of communication. The online lesson provides for the presence of a chat that provides feedback, exchange of views of webinar participants.

Additional professional education(advanced training) can be carried out in whole or in part in the form of an internship. The internship can take place individually or in group form to study the advanced domestic or foreign experience, generalizations of theoretical knowledge that were obtained in the process of mastering additional education programs, improving professional competencies. The terms and duration are set by the enterprise sending the employee for the internship and agreed with the host.

The content of the internship program is determined in accordance with the purpose of the training and the proposals of the enterprise that sends the employee to the internship. As part of the internship, various forms of work are used: independent work with scientific and methodological materials, improving practical skills in the use of equipment, familiarization with innovative production technologies, studying government documents and regulations, implementation official duties(as an understudy).

Thus, the presented methods of active learning allow us to conclude about their diversity, variability and connection with practical activities.

So, external training of employees, unlike internal training, has a number of advantages:

Organization and conduct by experienced teachers, experts;

Application of innovative technologies and modern equipment;

Providing up-to-date information.

Professional development outside the organization (external training) is carried out mainly for managers, specialists and employees. It should be noted that this process is associated with the distraction of employees from their functional duties and additional financial costs.

Features of the implementation of advanced training of employees are regulated by the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities for additional professional programs(hereinafter - the Order). The content of employee training programs is determined by the educational program developed and approved organization carrying out educational activities. Programs are developed taking into account the needs of the person, enterprise, on the initiative of which additional professional education is carried out, namely advanced training.

The content of measures to improve the skills of employees can be systematized for various reasons, in particular, by subject and categories of goals set for the educational process. Differences are characteristic between standard programs planned for the future and problem-oriented and at the same time planned for the near future activities within the framework of advanced training. Standard programs include both specialty-oriented content (training in the specialty) and content focused on management and behavior (management training, behavior training). The vast majority of specific programs are tied to certain management concepts.

Problem-oriented employee development activities are carried out depending on the emergence of production problems,

for example, with an increase in the percentage of defects and with the introduction of a new production method. These activities are often part of broader organizational change or organizational development concepts.

Measures to improve the skills of employees in such cases are a preparatory moment for organizational transformations or are carried out simultaneously with these transformations. Empirical studies have shown that the content of the issues of professional development of employees to a large extent has something in common with the transformation of the enterprise. The immediate impulses of the new or changed content of the issues of advanced training are the technical changes in the conditions of workers, as well as the political and educational level. environment enterprises. The advanced training program can be carried out remotely using educational technologies.

Staff development programs are classified depending on the target groups and specific educational activities. At the same time, there are certain differences in advanced training programs for chief executives of enterprises, for technical specialists and sales specialists, for craftsmen, rising management cadres, etc. Thus, the analysis of scientific literature showed that:

1) the need for advanced training of employees is determined by the following reasons:

The rapid pace of development of production, which causes a change in professional standards, creates the need for "adaptation" of professional qualifications to this development;

The need for managerial staff and mid-level specialists is increasing;

The unwillingness to learn on the part of workers hinders the technical and economic development and creates a threat of unemployment for individual workers;

2) advanced training is a type of additional professional education, improvement of the professional competence of employees of the enterprise, satisfaction of their educational needs;

3) as invariant elements of advanced training, the following can be mentioned: training of personnel in order to update professional competence in connection with increased requirements for the profession or promotion, vocational training, vocational education. It is the presence of these elements that can be considered the essence of the concept of “improving the qualifications of employees”.


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Received 01/15/2018 In final form 02/20/2018


O.N. Borisova1, N.A. Sizintseva2

1,2 Orenburg State Pedagogical University 460014, Orenburg, street Soviet, 19: E-mail: [email protected] 2E-mail: [email protected]

The article covers the issue of the features of organization of process of in-plant training of workers of enterprise. In-plant training is examined as a system and purposeful perfection of professional knowledge and skills on the basis of innovative technologies and enriching of professional advanced experience. In-plant training of workers of enterprise is grounded on the basis of normatively-legal documents regulating this process. In the article dependence of forms of realization of lessons is presented within the framework of in-plant training of workers from the organizers of the professional program, target audience, level of organization of process of training of personnels, degree of connection with practical and professional activity. A variety, variantness and connection, is examined with practical activity of modern active methods of educating of increase to qualification.

Keywords: in-plant training, training of personnels, additional professional program, active methods of educating, form of organization of in-plant training.

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1 Olga N. Borisova, Cand. Ped. Sci., Associate Professor of Higher Education Pedagogy Department

2 Natalia A. Sizintseva, Cand. Ped. Sci., Associate Professor of Higher Education Pedagogy Department

3. Vlasova, E.A. Model "upravleniya zatratami na povyshenie kvalifikacii prepodavatelej univer-siteta / E.A. Vlasova // CHast" sbornika. Prikladnaya informatika. 2008. No. 5 (17).

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11. Federalnyj zakon "Ob obrazovanii v Rossijskoj Federacii" No. 273-FZ dated December 29, 2012 year s izmeneniyami 2017-2016 year.

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