DIY soap recipes. th method: hot soap making method

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Fragrant and fragrant soap can be purchased not only in stores, this cosmetic product can be created independently. We will share with you simple techniques on how to make soap with your own hands. To see how simple and exciting the process of soap making is, you just need to participate in it. Let's create together, we offer to master several master classes in soap making.

Easy homemade soap recipes for beginners

Soap making for beginners is a very exciting activity, involve relatives in this fascinating process and you will not only make a useful cosmetic product, but also get a lot of positive emotions. So, let's start making soap at home.

Remember, so that bubbles do not form on the surface of the soap, at the end of preparation (when you have already poured the mixture into molds), sprinkle alcohol from a spray bottle on top of the soap (do not use vodka, but alcohol!), And also before starting all the manipulations, you need spray the molds where you will pour the soap.

Recipe number 1 - Fragrant chocolate soap


  • Soap base (preferably transparent) - 80 gr.;
  • Peach oil - 1 teaspoon;
  • Vit. A and E - 3 caps each;
  • Peppermint essential oil - 15 drops;
  • Dark chocolate - 1 square.

Step by step preparation:

Recipe number 2 - Coffee scrub soap


  • Soap for children without fragrances - 100 gr.;
  • Water - 210 ml;
  • Olive oil - 5 ml;
  • Sea buckthorn oil - 17 ml;
  • Patchouli essential oil - 6 caps.
  • Ground coffee beans - 3 teaspoons.
Cooking technology:

It is worth noting that other abrasive components will also be useful, for example, oatmeal, chopped walnut shells, and poppy seeds.

Soap making at home for beginners consists in the full observance of all stages of creating a cosmetic product, only in this case it will be possible to preserve the useful qualities and cleaning properties of the manufactured hygiene product. Now you know how to make scrub soap at home.

Recipe number 3 - Anti-cellulite oil with sea salt and algae

  • Soap base organic - 100 gr.;
  • Sea salt of medium grinding - 1 teaspoon;
  • Ascophyllum algae - 7 gr.;
  • A mixture of oils (base + essential) - 1 teaspoon.
Step by step cooking instructions:
This handmade soap at home is in no way inferior to store-bought counterparts. This manufacturing option is the easiest of the anti-cellulite homemade soap recipes, as it is prepared very quickly.
  1. So, melt the base, you can do it both in the microwave and in a water bath.
  2. Add seaweed and salt to it. Mix these ingredients gently.
  3. Pour in the oil mixture (choose essential and base oils to your taste: orange, lemon, but fennel, geranium, juniper, cinnamon, cypress, lavender oils fight cellulite no less effectively), continue mixing the components.
  4. If none of your seven have made cleansing cosmetics before, you should pay attention to the fact that you will need a handmade soap mold pre-lubricate with alcohol for better extraction finished product.
  5. Pour in the soap mixture from the base, let it dry. By adding olive oil, make your own olive oil soap.

Important: In the manufacture of anti-cellulite cosmetics, you can do without soap base, and use soap from scratch, recipes for its preparation are located just below. Based on baby soap, it is better not to make soap with salt, otherwise the mass may exfoliate into flakes and water.

Recipe number 4 - Solid aroma shampoo from scratch in a hot way

You can easily master all the subtleties of soap making, a master class on making solid shampoo will help you with this, everything is as simple as shelling pears. Let's get down to business.


  • Coconut oil - 935 gr.;
  • Alkali - 155 gr.;
  • Water - 355 gr.;
  • Essential oils - 25 gr. (any, of your choice).
Step by step preparation:

You can by own will adjust soap recipes by adding new ingredients (see the photo-reminder about useful additives below), do not be afraid to experiment, because soap making for beginners is a creative process!

Recipe number 5 - Liquid soap from remnants

  • Remnants -120 gr.;
  • The water is hot;
  • Glycerin - 7 ml;
  • Lemon juice - 5 ml;
  • Essential oil 5-10 cap.
If you don't know how to do liquid soap at home, we will show you how easy it is to prepare a homemade cleanser, you will spend a minimum of time on its production. Do-it-yourself soap from remnants will become your favorite cosmetic product, a step-by-step master class will help you create a fragrant and very gentle hand and body wash.

  1. Before you make soap from remnants at home, you will need to prepare the base, the remnants themselves. Grate them with a fine grater.
  2. Now you need to melt the soap, add hot water in an amount to get a homogeneous mass after melting in a water bath.
  3. In order for the prepared liquid soap to be fragrant with your favorite aromas, add a few drops of essential oils. In this way, it will be possible to make a new soap. By the way, you can use this method to create soap with honey.
  4. The next step is to add lemon juice and glycerin.
  5. Pour the resulting mixture into a bottle with a dispenser. Do-it-yourself soap turned out to be not very liquid, and is no different from the purchased one. Detergent component retained all its properties in this product, now it remains to test the product - wash your hands. Now you know how to make liquid soap from remnants.

Secrets of soap making

  1. In order to make soap with swirls with your own hands, you will need to use a special base for swirls, various dyes and fragrances. Mysterious zigzags and patterns can be easily created with a toothpick or bamboo stick. Look at the video:

  2. Before you make a useful cosmetic product out of remnants, carefully consider its composition. In addition to oils and dyes, you can use dry medicinal herbs, cosmetic clay. Not everyone knows how to make soap from remnants so that it turns out gentle and moisturizes the skin of the hands. It is enough to add a few secret components: with honey and propolis it will become really very nutritious.
  3. Instead of synthetic dyes, natural dyes can be used:
    - yellow: sea ​​buckthorn oil, turmeric;
    - pink: beetroot juice;
    - white: milk powder, white clay;
    - brown: cocoa, cinnamon, rosehip;
    - green: fresh spinach, henna, dry dill, dried seaweed, parsley).
  4. If you are making baby soap, then it is advisable not to add essential oils so as not to cause allergies or irritation.
  5. Instead of water, you can add infusions of medicinal herbs!

Good luck in your endeavors, learn new soap recipes and create! For beginners, we recommend watching a video with a step-by-step master class.

What is the reason for such popularity?

First, it's kind of exclusive, handmade, and just a beautiful, fragrant product that can be used both for its intended purpose for hygienic purposes, and as a gift.

Secondly, unlike the store, it is natural product, and therefore safe for . Looking at the label of a hygiene product, it is not difficult to understand what the manufacturer used in its production. chemical substances and various additives that sometimes have negative health effects. As a result of using such a product, unpleasant sensations on the skin may occur: itching, peeling,.

In the production of handmade soap, natural ingredients are selected, so this cosmetic product is safe for health and can be used even with sensitive skin and a tendency to allergies.

Handmade soap (see photo below) looks very beautiful and, in addition, has a pleasant, incomparable aroma:

“How to make soap with your own hands” is one of the most frequently asked questions regarding the production of natural cosmetics at home. On the one hand, you can buy this product, but it is quite expensive. In addition, in the process of making soap with your own hands, you can make it the way you want by choosing the shape and aroma.

Currently, many people are engaged in the art of soap making, for whom this work has become not only a good source of income, but also. This process is very exciting, because whoever makes natural soap with their own hands, there is a great opportunity to independently choose the components, show creativity and imagination.

Another advantage of this type of hobby is that now the person involved in it will always have in stock an original and necessary gift for any occasion. Moreover, such a present, of course, will appeal to both men and the fair sex.

How to make soap at home with your own hands: a kit for making

Well, now, let's move on to the main question of how to make soap at home with your own hands.

For traditional homemade soap making, the following components will be required:

  • Soap base.
  • Additives, fillers.
  • Natural dyes.
  • Tools for work.

The soap base can be different, as you like. So, for example, it is not forbidden to use a base taken from ordinary cosmetic soap industrial production. It is worth mentioning right away that such a base will have a specific, pungent smell, which is difficult, and sometimes impossible, to interrupt. When mixing it with other components, there is a risk of getting a bar with an unpleasant odor.

Suitable for preparing the base and baby soap, although it also contains chemicals, it often has a calm, subtle aroma.

Perhaps the best option would be to purchase a soap base with natural oils (coconut, palm, etc.) in the store.

When choosing additives, you should be guided not only by your own preferences, but also take into account how they can diversify the range of homemade soaps, as well as what result they will bring. In any case, oils without a strong odor will be required. Suitable olive, peach, almond, avocado, jojoba, coconut and others.

To give a fragrant smell to the future bar, you can not do without essential oils. Here you can let your imagination run wild. The oil of lemon, lavender, ylang-ylang, orange, bergamot and others is perfect as a flavor.

Also, petals and flowers of various plants will not become superfluous as fillers.

If the task is to prepare a scrub soap, then coffee beans, sea salt, sugar, crushed oatmeal will come in handy. These fillers will help remove dead skin cells, cleanse well, soften and smooth the skin, make it tender.

To make soap for oily skin, you need lemon zest, which gives a drying effect.

One of the most important components is glycerin, which has. In addition, this substance relieves irritation, dries the skin prone to oily.

During the preparation of the cosmetic bar, milk, cream or water in a small amount will be required to dilute the soapy mass.

A set for making soap with your own hands can be very different, you just need to connect your imagination.

To create an original beautiful soap, you will definitely need special accessories, these are:

  • A set of various forms (silicone, plastic) - the shape and size of the manufactured bar will depend on them;
  • Two containers (pots or deep metal cups) for a water bath;
  • Grater;
  • Spoons - tea, table.

How to make beautiful decorative soap with your own hands: making colored soap

A colored cosmetic product looks much more attractive than a white or neutral shade, so natural dyes are used in its production. So, let's try to figure out how to make colored soap with your own hands.

Coloring pigments will help to give a shade to the bar:

To get a pink color, beetroot juice should be used. To obtain blue - chamomile essential oil. Yellow shade will give saffron, green - spirulina algae, brown - chocolate, black - coffee.

Along with natural dyes, artificial dyes are also widely used, which can be dry and liquid. Pigments and mother-of-pearl are used for coloring soap.

Dry dyes are more economical, because due to their concentration, it is enough not to dissolve in water. a large number of and then add a few drops to the soap.

Liquid ones are more convenient to use, since they do not need to be diluted, but can be immediately added to soap at the rate of 5-10 drops per 100 g of soap liquid (depending on what shade you want to get as a result: light or saturated).

Having bought several colors, you can mix them together, getting various interesting color combinations.

Interested in how to make beautiful soap with your own hands, you should also pay attention to insoluble colored powders - pigments that give unusual combinations of shades. For 100 g of soap solution, you need 1/3 teaspoon of pigment. Before the pigment colors the soap mixture, it is dissolved in fatty oil, this allows you to get a uniform slurry, which subsequently colors the soap base.

Mother-of-pearl will interest those who are thinking about how to make decorative soap with their own hands, so that it is not just beautiful, but original and refined. This component helps to turn an ordinary bar into a real masterpiece, to make it elegant and spectacular. It is better to use it in combination with dyes.

How to make soap with your own hands: a traditional recipe

There are many recipes for how to make soap with your own hands, below is the traditional, most used one.

If crushed soap is taken, it must certainly be melted, but in no case on the stove, but in a water bath or in the microwave. Heating should not be excessive, just wait until it melts. It is best in this case to use a thermometer for liquids. The base must be heated to a maximum of 65 °C. When melting in the microwave, there is a risk that the base will overheat and boil, so choosing this method, you need to check its condition every 20 seconds.

After the foundation has acquired the desired consistency, you can start mixing it with essences. It can be perfumes, essential oils, honey, vanilla and more. Ready-made essences intended for soap making are also suitable. We must not forget that they have sharp, strong odors, so it is important not to overdo it, adding quite a bit.

Having dealt with flavors, you can move on to dyes. But they should be added with caution, since it is very easy to overdo it in this matter. It is necessary to add the dye gradually, if the color turns out to be pale, add a little more until the color that is needed appears.

When you want to make soap with moisturizing properties, you can not do without natural vegetable oils: jojoba, coconut, almond, sea buckthorn, argan, peach. Wheat germ, mango, grape seed oil also has an excellent moisturizing effect. Do not neglect liquid vitamins A and E.

How to make your own moisturizing soap and scrub

How to make a soap scrub with your own hands - very actual question for those who decide to create a wide range of cosmetic bars for various purposes.

Scrubs have an exfoliating and cleansing effect, rid the skin of "unnecessary debris".

For their manufacture, you will need salt (sea or fine table salt), or ground coffee, sugar, semolina or corn grits, chopped nuts, ground oatmeal.

When preparing a moisturizing soap, remember that by overusing vegetable oils, you can get too soft a bar that will not harden.

The finished soap mixture is poured into molds. To make the finished soap more convenient and faster to remove at the end of work, the molds should be lightly greased with any vegetable oil or petroleum jelly.

How to make a stamp for the original soap with your own hands

Now the store sells molds with different reliefs, which will be useful for those who are going to make an unusual soap with a convex pattern. To give a special zest and originality to the bar, it is recommended to use special stamps.

You can buy them at the store, but it's better to make them yourself, only for this you need to learn how to make a soap stamp with your own hands. For this, an ordinary flat eraser is suitable, on which, with the help of a small knife and nail scissors, it will be very easy to cut out any conceived pattern.

An original cosmetic product is prepared in this way:

  • a white mass is applied to the recess of the mold without adding dye, after which the rest of the mold is filled, but only with the already colored mixture.

It happens that after adding the soap composition to the mold, bubbles appear on the surface. To avoid this, you need to sprinkle the surface with vodka or alcohol, using a spray bottle for this purpose.

After that, the soapy mass is removed to dry for several days in a cool, dry place. After several days of drying, the soap can be easily removed from the molds and admire the beautiful, fragrant handmade cosmetic product.

If the mold was not pre-lubricated, then it will be difficult to remove the bar. You will need to place the form in the freezer for 5 minutes, then pour boiling water over it. The soap should immediately separate from the mold.

The solid block is ready to use, but to prevent it from drying out, it is best to place it in polyethylene packaging. Then the soap will lie for more than one month without losing its original properties.

DIY soap recipes

Anyone can make soap on their own, all you need is desire, diligence and imagination.

But if fantasy fails, and there is absolutely no experience in this matter, we offer interesting, proven recipes for making soap with our own hands:

Soap "Honey".

The base is made from 100 g of glycerin soap, finely grated. Glycerin in this recipe is not chosen by chance, because it gives the yellow tint inherent in honey.

The crushed particles must be dissolved in warm water, add a couple of tbsp. spoons of honey, 3 tbsp. tablespoons of olive oil or the same amount of glycerin.

Soap "Marble".

It is worth mentioning that the resulting bar will outwardly resemble a marble stone, which is very beautiful and unusual.

For a soap base, you will need 100 g of baby soap, which must be grated, put in a water bath, add 150 ml of milk and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey

The resulting mass must be constantly stirred to make it uniform.

When the mass becomes liquid, it should be removed from the fire and divided into two equal parts. In one part add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sea buckthorn oil, 4 drops of orange oil, in another - 1 tbsp. a spoonful of olive oil and 3 - 4 cubes of chocolate, grated.

Cool the resulting mixtures and pour into the mold in this way: 1 layer - orange, 2 - chocolate, 3 - orange, 4 - chocolate. Then mix the composition and leave to cool. The result is a "marble" soap.

Soap "Chocolate-Vanilla".

This soap is attractive appearance and sweet vanilla flavor.

So that the aroma is not interrupted by sharp perfume smells, it is recommended to use 100 g of grated baby soap for the base.

Melt the crushed particles in a water bath, adding 4-5 drops of vanilla essential oil, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of almond or olive oil, 2 drops of ylang-ylang essential oil, 0.5 teaspoon of cocoa powder, 1 teaspoon of ground oatmeal, 0.5 teaspoon of ground coffee, liquid vitamin E (1 capsule), 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey

How to make a two-color "Emerald" soap with your own hands

When used, this soap invigorates, uplifts and gives the skin a delicious aroma.

Soap makers often ask themselves “how to make a two-color soap with your own hands”, because such a cosmetic product is in good demand among buyers.

In this case, there can be as many interesting ideas as you like.

Below is an original and at the same time simple recipe for making a two-color masterpiece:

Soap "Emerald".

The soap base is prepared from 100 g of grated baby soap. Small chips are poured into a saucepan, poured with hot water (1/3 cup) and melted in a water bath for 20 - 25 minutes.

At this time, you need to prepare the rest of the ingredients:

Pour a small amount of water into a small container, add 0.5 teaspoon of natural green food dye, add 5 drops of mint essential oil. In another cup, add 8 drops of olive oil and 5 drops of sea buckthorn.

Mixtures of oils should be poured into the finished molten soap base, you get a yellowish or creamy tint. Now we have two containers, in one of which there is a cream-colored soap base, in the second a greenish mixture with a mint aroma.

In a pre-prepared form, you need to pour a mixture of two containers at the same time. Thus, you get a bar of two parts: yellow and light green.

This product will please not only with an attractive appearance, but also with excellent properties. Peppermint essential oil relieves inflammation, dries oily skin, and its aroma tones, restores lost energy, replenishes vitality, fights fatigue. Olive oil is anti-inflammatory and, while sea buckthorn moisturizes well.

In other words, Emerald soap will be an excellent cosmetic product that cares for the skin.

The following video will tell you more about how else you can make soap with your own hands:

How to make DIY liquid soap with inexpensive ingredients

Liquid soap is considered more convenient to use than solid soap. In addition, it can be used as a shower gel.

Store shelves are literally full of all sorts of brands of liquid soaps, but none of them can compare with what is made at home. Why? Everything is very simple: homemade and natural ingredients that make it safe and as effective as possible.

To make a soap base, you can take any ordinary hard soap and grate it, but baby food is best, because it has no smell, which means it will not interrupt the aroma of the finished product.

Put the resulting chips in a small container, pour 1 cup of boiling water, beat with a blender. In the finished homogeneous mixture, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of glycerin, 5 - 7 drops of any essential oil, mix thoroughly. Leave the mass to cool for 15 minutes. After this time, add 1/3 cup of cold water, beat. Handmade liquid soap is ready to use. Now it can be poured into the dispenser.

Additional components may vary, but it is always recommended to take baby soap and glycerin as a basis. The benefits of baby soap have already been mentioned with regard to glycerin - this ingredient is an excellent skin moisturizer.

How to make your own natural shampoo

It's no secret that the composition of any, even the most expensive shampoo contains a large amount of chemicals, preservatives and dyes. That is why sometimes as a result of using such a shampoo, itching, irritation of the scalp, and other troubles appear. Shampoo made from natural ingredients is much more useful. But where can you get it? It turns out to get

For those who have decided to make soap in their kitchen, I would advise you to start learning the basics by creating soap from a ready-made soap base. This option soap making for beginners will not discourage your desire to engage in creativity, will give results immediately. The fact is that novice soap makers often confuse making soap from the base and making soap from scratch. If you want to know how to make soap at home, then first “dissolve” these two concepts in your head.

“From scratch” means that you have to remember some basics of chemical processes. You will work with alkali and fatty oils, the soap making process in this case is long. And it’s better to switch to it after you get used to soap making from an industrial soap base.

That was the introduction, now my Photo master class. To watch the video of the master class, go to the very end of the article.

To make your own soap, you will need:

  • soap base transparent, about 100 g;
  • liquid dyes;
  • fragrances or fragrances;
  • cosmetic oil (apricot seed, grape seed, etc.);
  • a glass for melting the base;
  • a glass in which you will mix all the ingredients;
  • microwave or water bath;
  • spoons or sticks for stirring;
  • soap molds.

Step by step instructions with photos

Base melting

Cut the soap base into small cubes. This is easy to do with a regular knife.

Melt in a water bath, stirring constantly so that the base does not stick together. Even if this happened, do not be afraid - just here, in the container in which you melt the base, cut the sticky layer with a sharp knife and continue melting.

Many soap makers use the microwave, I also like to speed up the process. And cleaner in the kitchen. In the microwave, you can put a porcelain, glass cup with a base, even a simple plastic one will do if you already get used to it. temperature regime and you can adjust the power.

Set the "Defrost" mode, the weakest to begin with. Put the glass with the base in the microwave and turn it on for half a minute. Check how the base melts, if you didn’t see any changes, the cubes didn’t even melt, you can do it in two ways. Either increase the power by a little, or increase the time to 1-2 minutes.

Depending on the brand of your device, choose one or another option. It only seems incomprehensible and scary at first, then it will be easy - you already know your microwave inside and out!

So, the base melted and turned out in a glass of jelly. Be sure to stir well so that even a small piece of unmelted base does not remain.

Addition of oils, fragrances and dyes

Pour into a glass in which you will mix. It is convenient to use disposable plastic cups. I use them, of course, more than once, they are easy to wash after the process.

Put a few drops of base oil into the liquid base and stir.

Add the dye drop by drop, stirring constantly. Depending on the concentration of the dye, one to several drops will be required.

Sometimes I dilute a very “dense” dye with a little water.

And lastly, pour in the fragrance. I pour about half a teaspoon per 100 g so that the aroma is well felt.

Soap shaping

Pour the liquid soap into the prepared mold. Silicone does not need to be lubricated with oil or alcohol. If you work with plastic and are afraid that it will be difficult to remove from the mold later, then wipe the mold with oil.

Leave the poured soap to harden. As soon as it hardens, and this happens within half an hour or an hour, the soap can be used.

If you let it lie down for a few days, it will be much more pleasant, this has been noticed by many soap makers. Pre-wrap the soap in cling film.

  1. Read the article before going to the store
  2. Soap base goes on sale from different manufacturers and different quality. Some people like it more “fat”, someone likes it that quickly hardens. Only by trying, you can find your own basis that is convenient for you. To understand better, read the article about the soap base from Russian manufacturers.
  3. Do not pour more than one third of a teaspoon of oil per 100 g of soap base. Otherwise, your soap will not lather, there will be no foam, alas.
  4. Food colorings are usually sold very concentrated. Therefore, they sometimes need to be diluted with water. And do not make a very saturated color, the soap should remain transparent, like jelly. Yes, and colored foam is useless to you.
  5. Start working with silicone molds, there are no problems with them, they do not break, they do not melt at high base temperatures.
  6. Buy goods for soap making for beginners can in or search in nearby geographically.

Good luck with your soap making!
Your Helga.

You will find other soap making recipes at.

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How to make soap with a picture

Soap making: Beige to dark brown color and small details

The passion for soap making swept the needlewomen! A hobby does not require the possession of special skills, and success depends only on the presence of imagination and knowledge of small secrets. Passion has a strong practical basis- soap will always come in handy in the household, and will not lie like a dead weight on the shelves, like many even the most beautiful crafts. In addition, a piece of hand-made soap will be an excellent gift for any holiday - the thematic design of the presentation will emphasize its uniqueness.

Materials and accessories

Making soap at home requires a minimum set of not only accessories, but also materials. You will need:

  1. Soap base.
  2. base oils.
  3. Fragrances and essential oils.
  4. Dyes.
  5. Decorative ornaments and useful additives.
  6. Alcohol in a spray bottle.
  7. Forms for filling.
  8. Plastic cups, plastic spoons, wooden sticks, rubber gloves.

Let's look at each of these components in more detail.

The foundation

Available in the form of bars or chips. The composition of the base includes alkali, water, vegetable oils. It is transparent or matte. In needlework stores where you can buy a soap base, there is also a special composition for making soap with swirls - beautiful swirls. This base has a more viscous consistency, which allows the layers of the mixture not to mix with each other, but to intertwine in an original way or even be within clearly defined boundaries.

Instead of buying a special soap base, you can use baby soap. This will be the easiest option for making a new piece. detergent. However, such a product will always be matte. Beginning soap makers should take into account that the special base lathers better, is odorless, does not cause irritation, and also hardens and dries faster than baby soap.

base oils

They are added to soap to make it moisturizing, nourishing, softening. Such oils do not have a strong odor and are very oily. It can be argan, sea buckthorn, olive, almond, coconut, peach, sunflower oil and even wheat germ pomace. Usually the base is added in the amount of 1-2 teaspoons per 100 g of the base.

Essential oils

Give products the desired aroma and special properties. Fragrant additives can be used to prevent and treat skin diseases, for example, shea butter and tea or rosewood, fir oil to achieve a calming effect, and orange oil to vitaminize the skin. Many available essential additives allow you to create unique compositions not only in terms of smell, but also in terms of healing effect.

Important! Essential oils are added 1-2 drops per 100 g of soap base - their excess causes allergies and even burns.


Not only safe purchased mineral-based formulations are used, but also any home remedies - fruit or vegetable juice, food coloring, herbal decoctions. Sometimes the base oil already imparts color, for example, fir oil paints a piece in pleasant green hues. Regular cinnamon adds a slight aroma and rich brown color. A substance called titanium dioxide, which is absolutely harmless to health, makes soap matte. Special pearl dyes give a charming shimmer.

Decorative ornaments, useful additives

Decorations include all kinds of sparkles, dried fruits, petals, pieces of plants, coffee beans, seeds. Useful additives - milk, cream, coffee grounds, honey, chocolate, ground cereals, loofah - give a moisturizing, nourishing, scrubbing, massage effect.

Molds, alcohol and accessories

Particular attention is paid to the choice of molds for pouring soap. They allow you to give the pieces interesting outlines. Flowers, animal silhouettes, geometric shapes - everything fits. From materials, preference should be given to silicone, rubber, plastic, because to get finished products made of glass or ceramics is quite difficult. You can use not only special forms, but also any you like, for example, for baking or even children's molds for sculpting Easter cakes.

Attention! Do not use metal molds to pour liquid soap mass due to unforeseen chemical reactions - products may change color or become hazardous to health.

Medical alcohol poured into a spray bottle will help get rid of the formation of small bubbles on finished soap. The liquid must be sprayed on the form before pouring and the surface of the piece, which remains outside. If a multilayer product is being made, then each layer must be sprayed.

Additional accessories include plastic cups for diluting the base, wooden sticks for stirring it, plastic measuring spoons for the base oil, pipettes for essential oils, toothpicks for scratching adjacent surfaces in the manufacture of multilayer products. It is advisable to work in thin gloves, and if soap chips are used, it is better to wear a respirator.

Quick way to make soap for beginners

There are many homemade soap making recipes that are suitable for beginners. In this case, all instructions are reduced to a few simple steps:

Important! If the soap base is melted in the microwave, then you can not let it boil - this will spoil its properties.

At first, you can use ready-made recommendations for creating compositions to learn how to handle the basics and select combinations of essential oils and additives. Even a little experience in the future will allow you to come up with your own unique products, not only in design, but also in content. The main thing is to use only safe ingredients.

Advanced soap makers make their products from scratch, that is, they use solid oils and an alkali solution. Such products after manufacture must be kept for maturation for 2 months. This is a very long way of making soap, which only experienced craftsmen can do.

So, soap making at home for beginners, simple recipes ...

Now let's consider in practice how to make the soap of your dreams - useful, beautiful and unique. We will move from simple to complex, and photo finished products help find inspiration and catch courage. In all recipes, the ingredients are listed in teaspoons.

Attention! In each case, remember to use alcohol to eliminate air bubbles.

1. Honey flavor

For 100 g of a melted transparent base, a spoonful of argan oil and honey is taken. The components are combined and thoroughly mixed. If you add a pinch of mother-of-pearl dye, then the finished piece will acquire an unusual overflow.

Useful properties: nutrition and softening of the skin.

2. honey olive tenderness

The idea is inspired by Mediterranean motifs. For cooking, you will need 300 g of any melted base, 3 tablespoons of honey and olive oil, 3 drops of green dye, a spoonful of dried ground basil. All components are alternately added to the base and thoroughly mixed. The mass is poured into a mold designed for 3 pieces.

Useful properties: nutrition, softening, scrubbing.

3. Delicate cleansing

It is necessary to prepare 100 g of a melted transparent or matte base, into which a spoonful of finely ground sea salt, 2 tablespoons of white clay, 4 drops of rosewood oil are alternately introduced. The mixture is kneaded, poured into a mold.

As a scrub, you can use ground coffee or coffee grounds.

Useful properties: cleansing, scrubbing, soothing effect.

4. For irritated skin

A matte base is used - 100 g, 2 tablespoons of pink clay, a spoonful of apricot oil, vanilla flavor - 5 drops.

Useful properties: gentle cleansing, removal of irritation.

5. For problem skin

If the skin is exhausted by acne, then you can try a simple recipe with a healing effect. The base is taken transparent - 100 g, grape seed oil and olive oil are added to it, as well as a spoonful of finely chopped seaweed. If desired, you can add color with blue dye, and smell with marine flavor, taken 2 drops each.

Useful properties: cleansing, nutrition, disinfection, treatment.

6. Strawberry bliss

It is made from 100 g of an opaque base, 5 tablespoons of heavy cream and half a spoonful of olive oil and oil made from strawberry seeds taken. Strawberry and creamy flavors, pink dye are added.

Useful properties: nutrition, hydration.

Attention! If you can only buy clear soap base, then get titanium dioxide - adding it gives it a matte finish.

7. Coffee and yoghurt pie

This soap making option is no longer as simple as the previous ones. It involves the creation of a multi-layer structure. The main rule is that each layer should dry well! To “bake” a soap cake, you will need - a transparent base of 100 g, 3 tablespoons of ground cinnamon - it will give a dark color and a light aroma, titanium dioxide - liquid or dry, cappuccino flavor, purple dye, alcohol.

The production sequence is as follows:

  1. Melt the base, take a quarter of it, mix with cinnamon until a dark color is obtained, pour into a mold, sprinkle with alcohol.
  2. While the first layer dries, make the second layer - add titanium dioxide, cappuccino flavor, a drop of purple dye to give a shade to the base.
  3. Carefully scratch the frozen first layer with a toothpick so that the second tier sticks firmly to it. Pour the second layer, sprinkle with alcohol.
  4. The third tier is made by analogy with the first, and the fourth - by analogy with the second.

The thickness of each tier is chosen arbitrarily.

Useful properties: the invigorating effect of coffee.

8. Pine tornado

Not the easiest recipe for making soap, because it uses a technique with swirls - beautiful swirls. For such a product, a special base is taken - in stores it is called “ Basis for making soap with swirls”. It differs from the usual base in a thicker consistency, which prevents the interpenetration of liquid layers. Products are made from half a kilo of the base, since it is difficult to get swirls from ingredients taken in small quantities. The piece is then cut into small pieces.

Let's take a closer look at the manufacturing process:

  • a pound of melted base is poured into two cups equally;
  • in one of the cups, 3 drops of green pigment are pre-diluted with 5 ml of water, since it will be difficult to mix the dye with the melted base;
  • in another glass with the help of titanium dioxide, a matte mass is made;
  • a spoonful of fir oil is added to each glass, everything is thoroughly mixed, and the bubbles are removed with alcohol.

The main thing in obtaining beautiful swirls is the pouring technique.

Take a square silicone mold and pour a puddle of dark green mass into its center. Do not try to pour so much that the liquid immediately spreads over the entire bottom area. Then pour a little matte mass into the center of the green spot, then green again into its center, then matte again and pour both cups in this way until the base is finished in them. Sprinkle the surface with alcohol. After the soap has dried, cut it into pieces - the amazing beauty of the swirls will not leave anyone indifferent.

Useful properties: sedative effect.

9. Citrus-scented massage soap

The effect of massage is achieved with the help of loofah - a dried Asian plant with a porous structure. Well-known washcloths are made from loofah. You can buy it at a craft store.

Here's what you need to make this unusual soap:

  • take a piece of loofah and soak it in a round cup for 15 minutes so that it takes the same shape;
  • after softening, remove the loofah, wring out, dry thoroughly with a paper towel - excess water can spoil the properties of the soap;
  • melt 170 g of a transparent base, pour it into two glasses;
  • in the first glass, add 6 drops of grape seed base oil, 7 drops of yellow dye, 3 drops of orange flavoring;
  • in the second glass, add flavoring and base oil in the same amount, and take 6 drops of red and 2 drops of yellow dye - as a result, you get a mass reddish orange colors;
  • wait until the mass in each cup thickens a little, and a light film appears on its surface;
  • put the loofah in the mold and start pouring the soap compositions from two glasses at the same time, but in different angles;
  • using a wooden stick, smooth the border between the flowers, remove the bubbles with alcohol.

Useful properties: massage, scrubbing effect, invigorating effect.

Soap making at home is not only an exciting hobby, but also a very useful activity.

cheer up, improve skin condition, make unusual gift a simple technique for making soap from a ready-made soap base will help relatives and friends.


Soap making is an exciting and creative process that allows you to get a product with the properties that your skin needs. Homemade soap is the maximum of natural ingredients and the fragrance that you like. And it is also a great gift for loved ones, carrying the warmth of your hands.

Experienced soap makers make soap from scratch. In cosmetic stores, you can buy a soap base for making. But for beginners, it is better to take baby soap as a “base”.

You will need:

  • 2 pieces of baby soap 90 g each;
  • 4-5 tablespoons of base oil (olive, almond, coconut, cedar, palm, grape seed, cocoa butter, rosehip, sea buckthorn);
  • 100 ml of boiling water;
  • 2 tablespoons of glycerin.

Other ingredients - at your request.

home technology

Rub the soap on a fine grater. Do this while wearing safety glasses and a medical mask so that the particles do not get into your eyes and respiratory tract.

Pour the base oil and glycerin into a saucepan.

Place the pan on the steam bath and heat the oil. Gradually add soap chips and pour boiling water, stirring constantly. You can use a mixer, but only at medium speed. If lumps remain, they can be mashed with a pestle to make mashed potatoes. You should get a homogeneous mass, similar to shortcrust pastry.

Remove the mass from the steam bath and add the ingredients that will determine the properties of the soap, its color and aroma. These are essential oils, dry herbs, clay, salt, seeds. Mix thoroughly.

Molds (you can take children's plastic ones for Easter cakes, or you can use latex or metal ones for baking), grease with olive oil and spread the soapy mass in them with a spoon, tamping well.

After cooling, remove from the molds and lay out on paper. It should lie down at room temperature for 2-3 days and dry a little.

Useful Supplements

So that soap pleases with color, aroma, benefits the skin, you can add:

  • oatmeal, ground sesame seeds, coffee, sea salt (2-3 tablespoons) - give the soap the properties of a scrub;
  • dry medicinal herbs (oregano, chamomile, celandine, yarrow, string) - this soap will soften, disinfect the skin and promote its regeneration;
  • milk powder, coconut flakes, chopped almonds (2-3 tablespoons) - this soap moisturizes the skin well;
  • honey (2-3 tablespoons) and propolis tincture (1 teaspoon) - relieves irritation;
  • cosmetic clay - improves skin cleansing;
  • infusions of medicinal herbs (they are added instead of water).
  • essential oils - useful oils from chamomile, sage, vanilla, neroli, eucalyptus, pine, fir, cedar, vanilla, lemon, orange, etc.

natural dyes

  • White color gives white clay, milk powder.
  • Pink and burgundy - beetroot juice, pink clay.
  • Orange - sea buckthorn oil, carrot juice, pumpkin.
  • Yellow - calendula petals, chamomile flowers, turmeric.
  • Green - henna, spinach, dry dill and parsley, dry seaweed.
  • Brown - cocoa powder, ground coffee, cinnamon powder, rose hips.

Soap making mistakes

For beginners, an overdose of essential oils is typical. It can cause allergies or irritation. If you are making soap for a child, it is better not to add essential oils at all.

Many, wanting to get red soap, use red rose petals or hibiscus tea for coloring. In fact, the former give a dirty gray color, the second - a dirty green.

If the oil base is too much, or becomes greasy to the touch.

If you add too many dried herbs, the soap will irritate the skin. The same will happen if dry herbs are not ground enough.

If you add salt to a hot soapy mass, it will decompose into fractions: water and soap flakes.

Be creative, experiment and don't be afraid to make mistakes.