Competitive program for high school students. Scenario for Valentine's Day for high school students Contest "Declaration of Love"

The hall is decorated with valentines, balloons in the form of hearts, pictures corresponding to the holiday.

Cupid enters the stage and aims at the audience with a slingshot. At that moment, Aphrodite appears and grabs Cupid by the ear.

Aphrodite. I told you not to shoot without my command! Hello dear viewers! I am Aphrodite - the goddess of love, and this is Cupid - my assistant. You all know that today is an unusual holiday - the holiday of all lovers. Do you know why it's called Valentine's Day? Let's watch the scene "Love can not be canceled."

Scene "Love can not be canceled"

Characters: Herald, Warrior, Girl, Valentine, Valentine.

Herald. Everyone, everyone, everyone! Listen and don't say you haven't heard! The law says: the soldiers of the Roman Empire are forbidden to marry, the ministers of the church are forbidden to consecrate such marriages. Those who break the law face the death penalty.

The speaker leaves. Music sounds. The Girl and the Warrior come out.

Young woman.

Oh what a beautiful evening

I am glad to our new meeting!

But, my friend, you are sad indeed!

What happened to your easy temper?


Today I heard the decree.

And I don't dare to marry you...

Young woman.

Can not be! No, I do not believe!

Nobody will marry us? (Crying)


Wait... Priest Valentine

Lovers secretly marry!

Young woman.

Then hurry to him! Let's run!

Nobody will know about it!

The Girl and the Warrior leave. Alarm/sleep music sounds.

Ha ha ha! None! No matter how!

Valentine will have an enemy!

The Herald comes out. Reads the decree.

herald. The priest Valentine broke the imperial law. For this he was sentenced to death.

The speaker leaves. Valentina comes out in chains and Valentina.


Ah, Valentin, how terrible everything is!

As if in a nightmare.

Now you're still in jail.

Please eat some...


Why food to the one who is born

Another ordered road?


Do not say that! May be,

They are ordered to forgive, not to execute ...


Alas! This order will not be changed.

But I do not grieve before death.

And you, girlfriend, do not be sad,

Sing my song to me.


I sometimes indulged in dreams.

And the grass at my feet bowed.

Earthly life was given to me by God,

But the soul, like a bird, breaks into the sky.

Only two wings are missing

And not that long ago would have flown away.

Where the leaves whisper softly

I sometimes indulged in dreams.

But you will no longer be in your dreams.

What do I have left now?


Why am I here? For the fact that everyone

Lovers secretly I married?!

But really, is it a sin?

God connected their destinies.

Yes... How unjust the law...

How can you cancel love?

After all, you can’t drive away feelings.

I want to be heard!

Love! Sanctify marriages!

May these stupid laws

You are never scared.

And the person who wants to help

Will always be found!

The executioner comes out and takes Valentine away. Valentina leaves behind them, crying.

Aphrodite. It's always nice to hear declarations of love. To tell about your feelings, you have to look for the right words, gestures, looks ...

Amur. The main thing is that the declaration of love is accepted positively.

Aphrodite. Do you remember how it was ... Maybe so?

Scene "Recognition of a cat"

One morning at the window

The cat explained to the cat.

I put my paw on my heart,

Fluffy tail fluffed up.

I won't hide from you.

I love you like sour cream.

Your lips are very sweet

I can't sleep at night because of them.

And your nose is perfect

I would lick him.

Aphrodite. Or maybe so?..


My soul, I salute you!

Finding you in the middle of winter

I'm in a great mood

When you are next to me!

And let the frost and blizzards on the street -

When spring rings in the soul as a drop

And love so sweetly pinches the chest!

Now through blizzards, cold and bad weather

I want to catch the fast train "Happiness"

I'm destined to catch it with you!

And in the sweet anticipation of the answer

Ready to say: “I sincerely love you!”

The whole world and the whole huge planet

I will lay a bed at your feet a hundred times!

Scene "Formula of love"

Eugene. Hello my focus! Since the perpendicular of your gaze fell on the plane of my heart, I have been unable to find a radius to describe the circumference of the feelings that excite me.

I foresee everything: you will be offended

Sad mystery explanation.

What bitter contempt

Your proud look will portray!

What I want? For what purpose

Will I open my soul to you?

What evil fun

Perhaps I'm giving a reason?

Accidentally meeting you at the Lyceum,

I notice a spark of tenderness in you,

I didn't dare believe her.

Habit sweet did not give way;

Your hateful freedom

I didn't want to lose.

Alien to everyone, not bound by anything,

I thought: liberty and peace -

replacement for happiness. My God!

How wrong I was, how punished!

Now I'm studying for five,

I count sums and rows

But what can the convergence of a series

When you don't dare to notice me

You. We go through a lot of theorems

We sit in front of the computer

We solve different problems

And about love, alas, we are silent.

But why is there no theorem

How to prove your love

How to approach you

And say everything without further ado.

Or maybe in numbers I confess

How I burn with love

And in integrals

Should I present it to you?

I am nothing without you! ABOUT! I am wrong!

Indeed, on the axis, among other numbers

He still got the job.

And all real numbers

Divided into two categories.

Although none of them are

(He himself compiled the number class),

Oh my God! What am I talking about now?


Enough! Get up!

It has long been known that mathematics

Queen of all sciences.

Planes don't fly without it

Ships don't sail

Without it, you can not plow an acre of land,

You can’t buy bread, you can’t count a ruble,

What for what, you will not know, but having learned, you will not understand.

Yet she will not measure our love with you.

Voice behind the scenes. The curve that broke Eugene's heart into pieces did not know that the pieces of the burning flame would burn forever in the hearts of people. And every particle will someday unite to prove the formula for measuring sweet and pure love.

Aphrodite. For a long time, scientists and poets have been trying to give an accurate answer to the eternal question, what is love ... Let's visit a lesson in love with you.

Scene "Love Lesson"

The bell rings. The teacher enters the class.

Psyche Apollonovna. Hello young creatures. Let's start with homework. Cupid, tell us how you did it? Help you fall in love?

Cupid is silent.

Nymph. Psyche Apollonovna! Do you know what he did? He made a gray-haired old man fall in love with a girl!

Amur. It was fun how grandfather blushed and drank valerian!

Nymph. And he made another girl fall in love with an actor! Unhappy! After all, unrequited love is so hard, it hurts the heart so much ...

Psyche Apollonovna. Ah, Amur! How embarrassing you are. Zeus will find out, you will fly out of school in an instant!

Amur(laughing). I will heal without his participation. To fly, Aphrodite gave me wings.

Psyche Apollonovna. You will lose, Cupid, both the bow and the arrows of love, since you do not know how to choose a target. Shooting indiscriminately...

Amur. I don’t get it, what is there to disassemble? Shoot yourself at anyone, and people will decide all matters of the heart.

Psyche Apollonovna. Oh, you're wrong. Love is not so simple. And very varied. Muse...

Muse. There is spiritual love - agape. It is all woven from self-denial, generosity, forgiveness. A girl for the sake of a loved one is ready for any sacrifice.

Psyche Apollonovna. That's right, it's love-adoration. She is strong, but hard for those who love.

Amur. Eros is when the soul is on fire.

Psyche Apollonovna. Eros is love-passion. Appears suddenly, but fades over time. And it depends only on those who love whether eros will turn into another love or become dust.

Nymph. Pragma - love-peace. Lovers have the ability to forgive, reconcile, yield. And most importantly, she does not weaken.

Psyche Apolloovna. Yes, you are right, but there are other options for love.

Muse. Storge - love-friendship. Love-attachment without turmoil and recklessness, peaceful and charming, strong and durable.

Psyche Apollonovna. I must warn you that there is also a love-game - ludus. Ludus is a gambling game in which the stakes are pure hearts. Confessions, vows that turn into nothing in the morning.

Muse. I propose to cancel this love.

Psyche Apollonovna. Unfortunately this is not possible. Love cannot be canceled or forbidden. But there is another dangerous love.

Amur. It's an obsession, a mania. I said love is a disease. Its symptoms are: confusion, heat of the heart, loss of sleep and appetite, pain of the soul. But what is the danger here?

Psyche Apollonovna. It is dangerous because it gives rise to hatred-love, persecution, jealousy, threats and blackmail. And for the one in whose heart this feeling has settled, it is dangerous because it can lead to insanity.

The bell rings.

Psyche Apollonovna. All wounds will heal, because time is the best healer. And we will continue the conversation at the next meeting.

Aphrodite. No matter how much love we experience, only the real one ends with a wedding.

Amur. Weddings are also different. For example, an Arabic wedding.

Mulla comes out.

Mullah. Abdullah-ah-ah-ah!

Abdullah appears.

Abdullah. I'm here!

Mullah. Do you agree to marry Fatima?

One girl in capes comes out.

Mulla. Zulfei? Zuhru? Zeinab? And little-th-th-th Gulchetai?

The exit is a tall guy, with a cape like girls.

Abdullah. I don't take the last one!

Mulla. Late. Everything has already been paid!

Girls surround the groom. They leave.

Amur. programmers wedding.

The groom, the bride and the man with a laptop come out.

Man. Users, exchange mice and passwords to the computer. I pronounce you husband and wife. Game over.

Aphrodite. Our dear viewers. Love is the sweetest...

Amur. Bitter...

Aphrodite. Exciting...

Amur. Exhausting...

Aphrodite. Light...

Amur. Eternal...

Aphrodite. Funny...

Amur. Sad...

Aphrodite. But great stuff...

Amur. Which takes all life.

Aphrodite. May you be lucky in love!

All participants go on stage and sing the song "Tango of Love".

Inspired by a high feeling once in ancient years,
Someone came up with the day of lovers, not knowing then,
That this day will become a favorite, desired holiday of the year.
That Valentine's Day will be called with reverence.
Smiles and flowers are everywhere, in love confessions again and again ...
So let a miracle happen for everyone - let only love rule the world!

Good evening, dear participants and fans! Of course, you guessed that today we dedicate our program to a wonderful holiday - ST. VALENTINE'S DAY.

Valentine's Day is celebrated by everyone - both adults and children. With family, with friends. They have been celebrating for a long time. This holiday is associated with a touching and sad story. In the III century AD. Roman emperor Claudius II issued a decree forbidding people to marry. He believed that marriage kept men at home, and their destiny was to be good soldiers and fight for Rome. But there was a man who, despite the cruel ban, secretly consecrated the unions of lovers. The young Christian priest was named Valentine.

Having discovered these "anti-state" marriages, the emperor ordered that the violator be imprisoned and then executed. While in prison, Valentine saw the jailer's daughter. Young people fell in love with each other. Before his execution, on February 14, 270, he sent the girl a short farewell note signed: "From Valentine", which later came to mean eternal affection and fidelity. And the date of the death of the priest, who betrothed the lovers, despite severe obstacles, and who did not see his happiness, remained forever in the memory of people. His ashes were buried in the Church of Saint Praxidis in Rome.

The tradition of celebrating St. Valentine's Day has come to our country, to our city. The Ball of Lovers has been held here for several years, and we hope that it will become a good tradition. So, dear participants and fans, today you have to go through a series of tests, at the end of which a winner pair will be selected from all worthy participants. And the interesting thing is that the participants of the couples will be selected by lottery. Now we invite all participants to draw a card with symbols from the hat. Those who have chosen tokens with the same symbols will make up a pair.

There is a draw.
Presentation of the pairs-participants.

Andrei Bolkonsky - ... (Natasha Rostova)
Master - ... (Margarita)
Kai - ... (Gerda)
Chatsky - ... (Sophia)
Maxim Shatalin - ... (Victoria Prutkovskaya)
Pierrot - ... (Malvina)
Leonid Agutin - ... (Angelika Varum)

While our esteemed jury checks your answers, we invite viewers to help their teams earn extra points.

Several participants are invited to keep the balloon in the air by blowing on it from below. The one whose ball falls last wins.

And now we ask the jury to announce the results of your answers.

An apple is passed around in a special way. The couple who dropped the apple leave the circle. The remaining pair wins.

You, like a real gentleman, must give your lady a gift. But the beauty of your girlfriend left you speechless, and therefore you have to explain to her what you want to give using only gestures. And what exactly you will give, the lot will decide.

Participants draw lots from the hat. During their preparation, a CONTEST FOR VIEWERS is held.

Wishing fans are called. To cheerful music, they need to drink a glass of drink through a straw. The first one wins, he brings the team 1 point.


The couple becomes opposite each other. A tangerine is placed in the right hand of the girl and the young man. With his free hand, the participant covers the partner's hand. The task of the contestants is to peel the mandarin without changing the position of the hands, and eat it. The first pair to complete this task wins.

All participants are asked "female" and "male" questions. The first person to answer earns a point. First, the girls answer the questions, then the young men.

Questions for girls:
1. What is a carburetor part of? (motor)
2. Is the hood on the car front or rear? (Front)
3. In what direction is the force applied when working with a saw: towards yourself or away from you? (Push)
4. Do the Bure brothers play football or hockey? (in hockey)
5. Where was the 2002 FIFA World Cup held? (In Japan)
6. Which company's products have a checkmark logo? (Nike)

Questions for young people:
1. When threading a needle, what should be motionless: a needle or a thread? (Needle)
2. What is highlighting? (Coloring individual strands of hair)
3. Is yeast used in shortcrust pastry? (Not)
4. Why might a woman need acetone? (For removing nail polish)
5. Do I need to wash off the hair dye after dyeing it? (Yes)
6. What is the name of a small pouch that holds items needed for makeup? (Cosmetic bag)

All interested fans come out (2 people per team). Their task is to make a "mummy" out of their assistant by wrapping it in a roll of toilet paper.

So let's hear from our distinguished jury...

And now we offer the guys to become culinary specialists for some time. I will call the couples in turn the names of the products, and you should quickly determine what kind they are (meat, poultry, fish, drink, vegetable, fruit, etc.).

1. Artichoke (vegetable)
2. Carp (fish)
3. Pistachios (nuts)
4. Lingonberry (berry)
5. Persimmon (fruit)
6. Gobies (fish)
7. Cherry (berry)
8. Watermelon (berry)
9. Coconut (nut)
10. Kiwi (fruit)
11. Kvass (drink)
12. Blueberry (berry)
13. Parsnip (vegetable)
14. Melon (vegetable)
15. Mullet (fish)
16. Parsley (vegetable)
17. Cheddar (cheese)
18. Kohlrabi (vegetable)
19. Rice (groats)
20. Koumiss (drink)
21. Hazel grouse (bird)

A cross is pasted on the back of the chair, sitting on this chair receives a prize.

How many dances there are in the world!
Just make sure you choose them!
There are also new items on the horizon.
So let's dance!
You must perform a slow dance with an apple, holding it with your foreheads. The hands should be clasped behind the back. Whoever does not drop an apple during the dance for a minute will earn 3 points.

Three clothespins are attached to the clothes of a boy and a girl. Their task is to find and remove them from each other's clothes during a slow blindfold dance.

The team gets 1 point for the correct item.
1. Aircraft (balloon)
2. Talisman from the evil eye (pin)
3. Woodworking machine (sharpener)
4. Means for saving rubles (penny)
5. Calcium cubes without "Orbit" (chalk)
6. Table lamp "Retro" (candle)
7. Package "Black Gold" (pepper)
8. Means for "warming up" (yellow plaster)

Excerpts from the following classics are offered:
- Shakespeare's "Othello"
- Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet
- Pushkin "Eugene Onegin"
- Tolstoy "War and Peace"
- Goncharov "Oblomov"
- Kuprin "Olesya"
- Pushkin "Dubrovsky"

Dear contestants, you have carefully studied the list of songs. Now we invite you to sing them. You can duet, you can attract a support group.

We thank our contestants for participating in the program, the audience for their support and good mood. Our program is coming to an end. And, while the jury is doing its hard work to determine the winning couple, the participants are offered the most fun competition that will not be judged and in which there will be no losers.

Balloons are suspended from the ceiling, each with a note with the name of the prize. The male contestants take turns throwing darts at them and getting a prize for their pair.

I would like to end our evening with these words:

I want to proclaim love as a country,
So that everyone there lives in peace and warmth,
So that the hymn begins with her line:
"Love is above everything on earth!"
May love be your great sky,
Living water, daily bread,
Spring call, warm wind,
All the best, the brightest!

Scenario for Valentine's Day
( competitive program for high school students )

Music No. 1 - exit of the presenters

1leader: Inspired by a high feeling once in ancient years,
Someone came up with the day of lovers, not knowing then,
That this day will become a favorite, desired holiday of the year.
That Valentine's Day will be called with reverence.
Smiles and flowers are everywhere, in love confessions again and again ...
So let a miracle happen for everyone - let only love rule the world!

2leader: Good evening, dear participants and fans! Of course, you guessed that today we dedicate our program to a wonderful holiday - ST. VALENTINE'S DAY!

1leader: Valentine's Dayfor a long timeeveryone celebrates - both adults and children.ThisThe holiday is associated with a touching and sad story. In the III century AD. Roman emperor Claudius II issued a decree forbidding people to marry. He believed that marriage kept men at home, and their destiny was to be good soldiers and fight for Rome. But there was a man who, despite the cruel ban, secretly consecrated the unions of lovers. The young Christian priest was named Valentine.

2leader: Having discovered these "anti-state" marriages, the emperor ordered that the violator be imprisoned and then executed. While in prison, Valentine saw the jailer's daughter. Young people fell in love with each other. Before his execution, on February 14, 270, he sent the girl a short farewell note signed: "From Valentine", which later came to mean eternal affection and fidelity. And the date of the death of the priest, who betrothed the lovers, despite severe obstacles, and who did not see his happiness, remained forever in the memory of people. His ashes were buried in the Church of Saint Praxidis in Rome.

1leader: The tradition of celebrating Valentine's Day came to our country. The Ball of Lovers has been held here for several years, and we hope that it will become a good tradition. So, dear participants and fans, today you have to go through a series of tests, at the end of which a winner pair will be selected from all worthy participants. And the interesting thing is that the participants of the couples will be selected by lottery. Now we invite all participants to draw a card with symbols from the hat. Those who have chosen tokens with the same symbols will make up a pair.

Music No. 2 - draw

There is a draw. Representation of the participating pairs .

COMPETITION №1 « NAME A PAIR » (1 point) Romeo - ... (Juliet)

Tristan - ... (Isolde)

Ruslan - ... (Lyudmila)

Kai - ... (Gerda)

Pierrot - ... (Malvina)

Maxim Shatalin - ... (Victoria Prutkovskaya)

Andrei Bolkonsky - ... (Natasha Rostova)
Master - ... (Margarita)
Eugene Onegin - ... (Tatyana Larina)
Chatsky - ... (Sophia)


Several participants are invited to keep the balloon in the air by blowingon thehim from below. The one whose ball falls last wins.Music #3

COMPETITION №3 « GIFT » (3 points)
You, like a real gentleman, must give your lady a gift. But the beauty of your girlfriend left you speechless, and therefore you have to explain to her what you want to give using only gestures.
What exactly are you going to give? draw will decide. Music #4

Present :

1. Boat trip on a white boat

2. Romantic trip to the cities of Europe

3. Skiing in Switzerland

4. Mink coat

5. Car of the latest brand "Moskvich"

2leader: In the meantime, our participants are preparing, Happy Valentine's Daydance group of Zemlyanichno secondary school(dance!!!) .

Music #5

The couple becomes opposite each other. A tangerine is placed in the right hand of the girl and the young man. With his free hand, the participant covers the partner's hand. The task of the contestants is to peel the mandarin without changing the position of the hands, and eat it. The first pair to complete this task wins.
Music No. 6

All participants are asked
« female» And« men's» questions.The first person to answer earns a point. Girls answer questions firstochki, then - young people.

Questions for girls och ec:
1. What is a carburetor part of? (motor)
2. Is the hood on the car front or rear? (Front)
3. In what direction is the force applied when working with a saw: towards yourself or away from you? (Push)
4. Do the Bure brothers play football or hockey? (in hockey)
5. Where was the 2002 FIFA World Cup held? (In Japan)
6. Which company's products have a checkmark logo? (Nike)

Questions for young people :
1. When threading a needle, what should be motionless: a needle or a thread? (Needle)
2. What is highlighting? (Coloring individual strands of hair)
3. Is yeast used in shortcrust pastry? (Not)
4. Why might a woman need acetone? (For removing nail polish)
5. Do I need to wash off the hair dye after dyeing it? (Yes)
6. What is the name of a small pouch that holds items needed for makeup? (Cosmetic bag)

Music No. 7

1leader: Love… What a beautiful word! It unites all lovers on the planet, no matter what.

2leader: That's right, and in our hall, too, everyone is in love.

1leader: You're exaggerating, I don't believe.

2leader: If you want, I will prove that everyone here is in love. Look, children love their parents, parents love their children, someone has a person who is madly in love, someone loves their cat, someone loves a book, many people like to watch movies, listen to music.(Viewers): Who loves to eat - raise your hand, who loves to sleep - two hands, who loves to sit in VK and play computer games - stomp your feet, who loves sweets - stand up.

You see!

1 leader: And the truth! And now he gives you his love and congratulationsRamazanova to Aisha with a song .... Music #8

COMPETITION No. 6 « CULINARY » (2 points)
And now we offer the guys to become culinary specialists for some time. I will call the pairs in turn the names of the products, and you should quickly determine what kind they are (meat, poultry, fish, drink, vegetable, fruit, etc.)

    Pistachios (nuts)

    Lingonberry (berry)

    Persimmon (fruit)

    pelengas(a fish)

    Cherry (berry)

    Watermelon (berry)

    Coconut (nut)

    Kiwi (fruit)

    kvass (drink))

    Blueberry (berry)

    Melon (vegetable)

    Iwashi(a fish)

    parsley (vegetable))

    Pheasant( bird)

    Rice (groats)

    Kumis (drink)

COMPETITION No. 7 « DANCE » (1 point)
How many dances there are in the world!
Just make sure you choose them!
There are also new items on the horizon.
So let's dance!

Each couple is invited to dance to a certain music.The competition is worth 3 points.

Music No. 9: 1 pair - No.

2 pair - No.

3 pair - No.

4 pair - No.

5 pair - No.

2 host: For those who love and love, a song is performedDenishaeva Safiye ... Music #10

The team gets 1 point for the correct item.

1. Aircraft (balloon)
2. Talisman from the evil eye (pin)
3. Woodworking machine (sharpener)
4. Means for saving rubles (penny)
5. Calcium cubes without "Orbit" (chalk)
6. Table lamp "Retro" (candle)
7. Package "Black Gold" (pepper)
8. Means for "warming up" (yellow plaster)

COMPETITION No. 9 (4 points)
And now the task for our beautiful ladies. We all know that mutual understanding is the most important thing in a relationship. Girls, your task is to explain with the help of facial expressions and gestures, without words, the phrase that will be written on your leaf:

1. I want a big bouquet of blue roses

2. I made you a heart shaped cake

3. Moand parents wantget to know you

4. Let's go to the ballet

5. Help me find my phone in my purse

Participants are invited draw lots . Music #11

1 in traveling : But our feelings and hearts, as the ancients believed, were played by the gods. Meet the god of love - Cupid!

Music #12

(Amur with arrows comes out to a romantic melody)

Amur: The day of love has already arrived!

And I, Cupid, have been waiting for him for so long,

On this day I throw my arrows,

And I connect loving hearts.

But first I'll guess riddles

And I'll be watching you too!

(reads riddles, those who answer correctly and loudly, “Cupid” looks carefully and, as if noticing, writes down their names in his notebook)

Love Riddles:

1. There are days when it's sad

And I don't want anything at all.

Of course, this is no coincidence

When it hurts...(loneliness).

2. He always happens in love,

Doesn't lose its sweet taste

Sweeter than pears and passion fruit -

Only mutual...(kiss).

3. What happens at the meeting,

When the heart flies

Through a jacket or a dress?

These are passionate...(hugs).

4. Pledge of love - everyone will know

Who will experience this feeling?

After all, relationships are a fortress

It will only save you... (loyalty).

5. When the whole world is in one breath,

And like fire, the blood burns,

She came as a punishment

Like a gift - a great ...(love)!

Amur: I see you know the answers

Love knows the secrets.

No wonder I came to this room,

And I took arrows with me!

Today I will crown many of you,

I bless you all with love!

Music #13

(“Cupid”, as if aiming arrows at the hall or even firing a couple of arrows and leaving)

2 host: Holiday of love! How sublime and wonderful! On this dayyou can do crazy things. You can sing a serenade under the balcony of your beloved, you can slip an envelope with a confession under the door, you can finally stick kissing doves on the same door. It's better to confess to someone dear to youbudbthen mother, sister, girlfriend, beloved - in their feelings, which I propose to demonstrate to our participants.


You need to confess your feelings to each other with the lines of songs performed by our favorite pop stars.

For example: P confession of a young man:
"Girl-girl, black eyes,
I love you girl very much."
("Ivanushki International")

Girl confession:
“I was waiting for you, so waiting!
You were my crystal dream.
(Irina Alpegrova)

The couple that completes this task the fastest and makes the most confessions will receive the highest score.

Preparation time 3 min.Distribute leaflets to participants.

Music #14

COMPETITION №11 "CHAIN ​​OF LOVE" The game involves several couples. The game will help viewers to find out which of the playing couples has better interaction. Each pair is given a box of paper clips. On a signal, music begins to play, and the members of the couple begin to build a chain of paper clips, fastening the paper clips together. The pair with the longest staple chain wins.Music #15

2 host: We thank our contestants for participating in the program, the audience for their support and good mood.I will ask the jury to calculate the points and announce the winners of today's holiday.

1 leader: I would like to end our evening with these words:

I want to proclaim love as a country,
So that everyone there lives in peace and warmth,
So that the hymn begins with her line:
"Love is above everything on earth!"
May love be your great sky,
Living water, daily bread,
Spring call, warm wind,
All the best, the brightest!

2 leading : Bye! See you soon! Happiness and love to you!

Slow general dance!!! Music #16

Competitions and competitions for high school students on February 14 will make the holiday interesting and eventful. Games will help the children to open up and show their talents and skills. Thanks to a fun entertainment program and romantic contests, the evening at school in honor of Valentine's Day will be unforgettable and bright.

    Game "I met you"

    The game is played by 4 couples. To conduct it, you need to prepare in advance cards with tasks on the topic "Acquaintance". For example, meeting a girl in a park for a walk, in a dressing room, on a skating rink, in a pool.

    Each pair draws a card with a task. The task of the participants is to stage a situation of acquaintance in the proposed situation. Students have 5 minutes to prepare. After the time has passed, the couples take turns showing their vision of dating and options for the development of events.

    The most unusual and interesting option wins. The winner is determined by peer voting.

    The game "On the same wavelength"

    All interested guys participate in the game. In advance, you need to prepare cards with gift options for girls. For example, going to a restaurant, tickets to the circus, a fruit basket.

    The guys draw lots with the name of the gift. The host offers to beat the situation when the guy was speechless from the beauty of the young lady, and he needs to explain to the girl what a surprise awaits her. Boys take turns showing gifts with gestures. It is forbidden to pronounce any sounds at the same time. Girls must guess the gift.

    Game "This is my Valentine"

    Boys and girls participate in the game, and there should be one less boy. In the center of the hall, chairs are placed in a circle (according to the number of guys), back to back. The boys sit on chairs, and the girls stand in a circle.

    The music turns on. The girls start circling around the guys. At the moment when the music stops, the young ladies need to very quickly sit on the laps of the boys. The girl who is left without a boyfriend leaves the game. She takes with her any guy from the circle. The rest of the members kiss him goodbye. The game continues until the last girl.

    Couples participate in the competition. It takes place in 3 stages. To conduct it, you will need tangerines - according to the number of participants, candies in a wrapper and glasses of water - according to the number of pairs.

    The first task for couples is to peel and eat tangerines, but not in the usual way. A mandarin is placed in the right hand of a guy and a girl. With your left hand, you need to cover the partner’s right hand and thus clean the fruit and feed it to your partner.

    Having completed this task, the couples move on to the next one. The host gives them a piece of candy, which they must unwrap and eat without using their hands.

    The last test is to drink a glass of water at speed without picking it up.

    The pair that goes through all the stages first wins. A dance is announced in their honor.

    Couples participate in the competition. Each guy is given a roll of toilet paper and a set of clothespins. The task of the boys is to build a beautiful outfit (dress, trouser suit) for their young lady using the materials provided. You can also make a turban or the likeness of a handbag. The main condition is to use the entire roll.

    The couple with the most intricate and extravagant outfit wins. She receives the title of the most fashionable couple of the evening.

    Game "Know Me"

    One pair is selected to participate in the game. The guy is wearing headphones with music and is blindfolded. Several girls line up in front of him, including his young lady. Ladies put their hands palms up. They remove the headphones from the guy, but leave the bandage. Putting his palms to the palms of the girl, the guy should recognize the hands of his beloved. Having made his choice, he invites the lady to dance.

Such valentine's day script for high school students can be taken as the basis of the holiday in any teenage team. Its main component is scenes on the theme of love, played out by the high school students themselves, the plot and the work are of their choice: fairy tale, myth, classic. Such a holiday provides an opportunity not only to talk about the topic of love, which is of great interest to them, but also to play the role of the Greek gods themselves, in whose lives, according to myths, serious passions were in full swing, as well as other fairy-tale or literary characters who are ready to act for the sake of love and even feats.

Scenario with skits for high school students

This version of the program for high school students assumes that several theatrical episodes will be combined into one large production at once: each class puts on and plays one or more scenes related to the theme of love. Any literary genres are taken as a basis - a fairy tale, a legend, myths, plots of especially famous novels and even films.

A prerequisite (for the convenience of the facilitators) is a pre-announced theme of the dramatization, since the facilitators need to prepare eyeliners and bundles for each theatrical passage. As for the composition of the presenters, it is more logical if there are two of them - a boy and a girl.

The program contains several possible options for staging, eyeliner and links between them.

We also advise the hosts to inquire in advance about the props necessary for each production: you need to arrange it on stage and behind the scenes in such a way that a minimum amount of time passes between scenes and there are no hitches.

The lights go out in the hall. Greek music sounds in the background, the presenters come out.

Presenter: How symbolic that a holiday dedicated to all lovers begins with Greek music. Greek myths about strength, deceit and, of course, love immediately come to mind.

Leading: And even today, a woman who causes delight, awe and love is compared with a goddess. And if so, may the gods be the first to reveal their love story to us.

Presenter: Let's mentally transport ourselves to flourishing Arcadia, where the kind and happy people of the Greeks live. In their lands it is warm and abundant: sweet dates ripen all year round, generous olives bring their blessed harvest, and the sun allows the Arcadians not to worry about solid dwellings that would shelter them from bad weather and cold.

Leading: The great Greek gods look with love at this piece of paradise. They love the good-natured and gentle Arcadians, who have chosen for themselves one of the most beautiful occupations - they breed and nurture fine-fleeced sheep. The finest wool goes to the gods for tunics and cloaks! And milk, cheese and cottage cheese obtained from sheep, they favor people!

Theatrical introduction to Valentine's Day.

(Based on the myth "Daphnis and Chloe")


god Zeus

goddess Hera

god of the underworld Pluto

god of art Apollo




The stage is designed as a throne room, which is decorated with columns, draperies, there are several beautiful armchairs. In the center is a chair designed to resemble the throne of Zeus.

Zeus: How cloudless and serene is the life of our wards - the Arcadians! Praise be to us gods! We give these people, by nature miserable and weak, by our will a long and calm life!

Pluto (to the side): Old fool! He thinks that he is omnipotent, and that he is able to control the miserable little souls of little people! (to Zeus) My friend, you are powerful, no doubt. But, unfortunately, not everything is subject to you among the Arcadians. There are, there are such corners in their minds and hearts ...

Zeus: Dare you argue?! Why are you, brother Pluto, casting a shadow on these uncomplaining creatures? They obey me!

Pluto: They obey you! That's not what I wanted to say!

Gera: My lord, do not be angry! Pluto meant, probably, one wonderful property of people, which is not subject even to themselves, not to God!

Zeus: What does "not that of God" mean? Should I hit you a couple of times with my scepter so that you don't talk nonsense? What other feeling can the Arcadians hide in their naive and simple hearts?

Apollo: Oh lord, let me speak! Since ancient times, I have not noticed for the Arcadians and others that in their life there are strange rapprochements: a man, suddenly seeing some kind of woman, one and only among hundreds! Suddenly, he flares up with a tender passion for her. He suddenly needs her alone, and he looks for her in the crowd with his eyes, and longs for her excessive closeness! Among people it is called "LOVE". And for the sake of this love, they are ready to create different madness and are even capable of great feats!

Hera(dreamily): Yes, I once observed such touching meetings and kisses, people are so tenderly drawn to each other that for a moment I regretted that my house was so high and that I was doomed to live on Olympus without love ...

Zeus: Be quiet, unfortunate! I'm not in the mood to listen to your funny thoughts here! I don't like all this nonsense! Pluto, I order you to find me those in whose hearts criminal love is ripening at this moment! ABOUT! I will be able to punish the insignificant! I will punish some, but it will be disgraceful for others to think about different loves there! Let them graze sheep and cook cheese - this is their destiny!

Pluto (with a wicked grin): With all my zeal, my lord! I have in mind one such couple (a little quieter)"sheep"!

Apollo: I ask you to come to your senses, Zeus the Almighty! Love breathes the human world! They are her hostages and children. Their whole life revolves for love! …

Zeus: Be silent! Here I turn the world!

(The gods retire to Greek music. Scenery of green bushes, a stream, a branchy tree appear on the stage. Daphnis comes out. He may be dressed in a light white toga or something that imitates a sheep's skin).

Daphnis: I am an ordinary shepherd boy, and so far I have not known sorrows. I lived simply and calmly: she grazed sheep, ate cheese and delicious olives. My leisure was simply playing music on the flute and thinking when the moon would rise. But then I saw her! And what? All my peace is gone, as it happened! I languish and even cry furtively! As if from a man I only had an appearance left, and I myself became the most tender girl! Oh, woe to me!

Apollo (appears in front of the hero from behind a tree): Don't be afraid of me, man! I know what's bothering you and I want to help!

Daphnis: You are a god?

Apollo: He is the most, but I am not terrible, like Pluto, who, at the behest of Zeus, wants to punish you for true love. But you and I will do something to save your love. Do not be afraid!

Action 1. A widow sits thoughtfully over the stream, all in dark clothes. Pluto sneaks up to her and whispers something in her ear. At this time, Daphnis and Chloe, who are in love with each other, walk along the back edge of the stage. They depict a lively conversation, laughter, light kisses. The widow looks at the heroes unkindly. Pluto is removed.

Action 2. A well-dressed widow, incited by Pluto, meets Daphnis when he is tending his sheep, and begins to show frank signs of attention: she gives gifts, admires his appearance, strokes his hair. She openly seduces him with an oriental dance, and when young Chloe appears on the stage, Daphnis no longer notices all her attempts to talk to him. In the background, Pluto rubs his hands with a devilish grin.

Action 3. Chloe runs away in tears, and the widow drags Daphnis into the bushes, embracing him and even trying to take off his clothes. But then Daphnis suddenly stops, pushes the temptress away, clutches his head contritely and shouts: “Chloe!” - runs backstage. The widow screams at him in the wake of the curse. The widow twists at her temple, spreads her arms and approaches Pluto, together they gesticulate something and express annoyance, and also go backstage.

(The very sad Daphnis and Apollo reappear.)

Daphnis: Why didn't you save me from this disgusting mistake, Apollo? Why did you let me push Chloe away and succumb to the low flattery of this treacherous woman?!

Apollo: My friend, you must have made that mistake. You people call it experience. In addition, now you yourself will be able to appreciate how beautiful and pure your Chloe is, how sincere her love and kind attitude towards you is.

Daphnis: Yes, and I love Chloe with true love. But, Apollo, after such a shame, how can I show myself in front of her? And also this woman told me that I am not able to make a girl happy.

Apollo: Forget it, she said those vile words only to insult you, to humiliate you. Although she herself knows very well how dexterous and strong a man is when he loves a woman. How gentle he can be with her, how wise. We, the gods, frozen on Olympus, can only dream of such happiness. And don't think about it now!

Daphnis: Yes Yes! After all, I offended Chloe with my disgusting neglect. Silly! I thought that here is a woman who herself, without further persuasion, agrees to give me all her love, care, affection! Here is the donkey!

Apollo: Of course, you ... got a little excited! But in my eyes there is a great excuse for you - you are too young! You still do not know that there are women who do not wait for the burning of the divine in their breasts, do not wait for heartfelt love! All they want is entertainment! Therefore, rather, go to your beautiful Chloe and do not return without her forgiveness!

(The scenery on the stage changes to the original one - the throne room on Olympus. Zeus sits alone, but Apollo stands at the back of the stage).

Zeus: Y-yes, how interesting the world of people is ... they are so weak, they cannot even manage their own lives, but look! Their hearts are full of love. And even the machinations of the all-powerful Pluto cannot separate them from each other ...

Apollo: How wise you are, my God! It is worth learning such strong feelings from these weak creatures! (addressing the hall) Don't be afraid to make mistakes people! Looking for friendship and love! Do not believe that feelings are only a screen, and there is nothing behind it. I am sure that everyone here is in love or at least looking for tender affection! Let sometimes there are "plutons" and such widows in our lives! They only help us find a real girlfriend or friend!

(To the music of Sirtaki, a procession passes, led by Daphnis and Chloe dressed up as the bride and groom. The crowd dances, congratulates the newlyweds, showers them with petals and grain. Together with the wedding procession, Zeus and Apollo also leave the stage).