A typical model of the program for conducting primary briefing at the workplace on labor protection - development and approval. The program for conducting primary briefing on labor protection at the workplace for office workers was approved


I already wrote earlier about how to write safety instructions correctly. Today we will talk about the programs of primary briefing at the workplace on labor protection.

Do you know what makes me sick?! From the fact that people stupidly copy training programs from the Internet, often without even delving into what kind of “heresy” they then introduce into the process of instructing an employee!

There are many programs of primary safety briefings for workers on the net. And many of them start with what? But from what:

1. Legislative and other regulatory legal acts on labor protection, on labor in the Russian Federation. Basic principles of safety and labor protection.

2. Occupational safety management system. State regulation in the field of labor protection. Organization of public control over labor protection...

And blah blah blah ... Tell me, why the hell does a simple hard worker need information on state regulation in the field of labor protection?! And yet, he sleeps and sees how public control over labor protection is organized! Laugh! The main goal of the worker (for us, as labor protection specialists) is TO SURVIVE IN THE PERFORMANCE OF THEIR WORK DUTIES AND NOT BE INJURED! But how cool it sounds in the instructing program at the workplace - state regulation ... All this is then “put in” also in the occupational safety training program, but that's a completely different story.

So, put aside the emotions, now the specifics.

Instructing the employee in the field of labor protection is an element of the system for training him (the employee) in safe methods and techniques for performing work. From what is it visible? Yes, because in the Decree of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development and the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation No. 1/29 of January 13, 2003, subsection 2.1. "Conducting training on labor protection" is included in section II. "Procedure for training in labor protection". Instruction is the reading of instructions to the worker.

7.2.2. Primary briefing at the workplace is carried out according to programs developed and approved by the heads of production and structural divisions of the enterprise, educational institution for certain professions or types of work, taking into account the requirements of SSBT standards, relevant rules, norms and instructions for labor protection, production instructions and other technical documentation.


2.1.3. ... Conducting labor protection briefings includes familiarizing employees with the existing dangerous or harmful production factors, studying the labor protection requirements contained in the organization's local regulations, labor protection instructions, technical, operational documentation, as well as the use of safe methods and techniques performance of work.

Decree 1/29

An approximate list of the main issues of primary briefing (according to GOST 12.0.004-90):

  1. General information about the technological process and equipment at a given workplace, production site, in the workshop. The main dangerous and harmful production factors arising from this technological process.
  2. Safe organization and maintenance of the workplace.
  3. Dangerous zones of the machine, mechanism, device. Equipment safety equipment (safety, braking devices and fences, blocking and signaling systems, safety signs). Requirements for the prevention of electrical injury.
  4. The procedure for preparing for work (checking the serviceability of equipment, starting devices, tools and fixtures, interlocks, grounding and other means of protection).
  5. Safe techniques and methods of work; actions in the event of a dangerous situation.
  6. Personal protective equipment at this workplace and the rules for using them.
  7. Scheme of safe movement of workers on the territory of the workshop, site.
  8. Intrashop transport and lifting means and mechanisms. Safety requirements for loading and unloading operations and transportation of goods.
  9. Characteristic causes of accidents, explosions, fires, cases of industrial injuries.
  10. Measures to prevent accidents, explosions, fires. Duty and actions in case of accident, explosion, fire. Methods of using fire extinguishing, emergency protection and signaling equipment available at the site, their location.

See, nothing more! Just what the worker needs to know. Well, this is just a rough list, of course. I would add more first aid methods here, combine paragraphs 9 and 10 into one, combine paragraphs 1-4 into one, remove “actions in the event of a dangerous situation” from paragraph 5, since this duplicates paragraph 10. Well, this yes, little by little.

The purpose of the program is, in essence, to prevent the instructor from forgetting what instructions to read to the worker.

There are no more requirements for writing an occupational safety briefing program, other than those that I have listed. This means that the program can be presented in an arbitrary form.

I would like to show a variant of the primary briefing program at the workplace, using the example of an operator for the production of basalt-plastic reinforcement.

PROGRAM of primary (repeated) briefing at the workplace on labor protection for the operator for the production of BPA

This program is compiled on the basis of GOST 12.0.004-90 and the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated 13.01.2003 No. 1/29.

p/p Topic of the briefing The name of the document on which the briefing is carried out
1 General information about the technological process and equipment at this workplace. The main dangerous and harmful production factors. Dangerous zones of the machine, mechanism, instrument. Safe organization and maintenance of the workplace. Procedure for preparing for work. Requirements for the prevention of electrical injuries. Sections 1, 2 of the following instructions:
2 Safe techniques and methods of work. Section 3, 5 of the following instructions:
  • IOT when working on LKS lines (composite mesh production lines);
  • IOT when working on the line for the production of basalt-plastic reinforcement;
  • IOT when working on an automated line for the production of composite flexible connections for three-layer reinforced concrete panels (line "BPA-V");
  • IOT of the operator of the installation for the implementation of anchor hooks on reinforcing bars;
  • IOT when working with portable power tools, lamps and hand-held electric machines
  • IOT when working on a press for installing couplings;
  • IOT of the operator when applying the sanding to the basalt-plastic anchor;
  • IOT when working with winding device UN-200;
  • IOT when working on scissors with a pneumatic drive NS-200;
  • IOT when working with a complex of hydropneumatic presses for the production of a combined flexible basalt-plastic connection;
  • IOT when working on a tube cutting machine;
  • IOT when performing work on a concrete mixer;
  • IOT when working on a grinding machine;
  • IOT when working with epoxy resins and materials based on them;
  • IOT when working on hydraulic presses for vertical casting;
  • IOT when working with hand tools;
  • IOT when working with flammable and combustible liquids.
3 Personal protective equipment at this workplace and the rules for using them. Norms for issuing PPE by profession
4 Scheme of safe movement of workers on the territory of the workshop, site. IOT when walking on the territory and production premises
5 Intra-workshop transport and lifting equipment and mechanisms. Safety requirements for loading and unloading operations and transportation of goods. IOT when performing loading and unloading and warehouse operations
6 Responsibilities and actions in case of an accident, explosion, fire. First aid in case of an accident. Section 4 of the following instructions:
  • IOT when working on LKS lines (composite mesh production lines);
  • IOT when working on the line for the production of basalt-plastic reinforcement;
  • IOT when working on an automated line for the production of composite flexible connections for three-layer reinforced concrete panels (line "BPA-V");
  • IOT of the operator of the installation for the implementation of anchor hooks on reinforcing bars;
  • IOT when working with portable power tools, lamps and hand-held electric machines
  • IOT when working on a press for installing couplings;
  • IOT of the operator when applying the sanding to the basalt-plastic anchor;
  • IOT when working with winding device UN-200;
  • IOT when working on scissors with a pneumatic drive NS-200;
  • IOT when working with a complex of hydropneumatic presses for the production of a combined flexible basalt-plastic connection;
  • IOT when working on a tube cutting machine;
  • IOT when performing work on a concrete mixer;
  • IOT when working on a grinding machine;
  • IOT when working with epoxy resins and materials based on them;
  • IOT when working on hydraulic presses for vertical casting;
  • IOT when working with hand tools;
  • IOT when working with flammable and combustible liquids;
  • Instructions for providing first aid to victims of accidents and sudden illnesses.

That's all. You don't need to invent anything. Just compare the sections of your instructions on labor protection with an approximate list of questions of primary briefing from GOST 12.0.004-90 and a program of primary briefing on labor protection for a worker will be born.

Download a version of the training program on labor protection at the workplace for an employee of a working profession in WORD format

Do not forget to coordinate the briefing programs with the trade union and the labor protection specialist. Unless, of course, the labor protection specialist himself does not write them. 🙂

Also, NEVER write one general briefing program for workers of all professions! This is the biggest mistake! The program must be for a SPECIFIC profession.

That's all for today, thank you for your attention.

Conducting briefings. Purposes and procedure for organizing an introductory briefing on labor protection. Appointment of responsible.

Workplace briefings. The procedure for conducting, types of briefings, their design. Exempt from instruction. Development of labor protection instructions.

Almost everyone knows that on labor protection it is necessary to conduct briefings. This is indeed one of the most important tasks in labor protection. The main thing is not to stop there.

The main document regulating the conduct of briefings with employees is the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated January 13, 2003 N 1/29 "On approval of the Procedure for training in labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements for employees of organizations." Popularly referred to as: "Order 1/29".

There is also a completely new GOST 12.0.004-2015 System of labor safety standards (SSBT). Organization of labor safety training. General provisions. Since March 01, 2017, it has replaced GOST 12.0.004-90.

The main thing you need to know about GOST 12.0.004-2015 is that it is being introduced for voluntary use as a national standard in the Russian Federation. This is far from the first and, unfortunately, not the last document written by "feet".

Induction training

An introductory briefing is carried out with the employee immediately after he is hired. In essence, this is a story about how to follow the safety rules while being at the enterprise as a whole. As a rule (but not necessarily) this type of briefing is carried out by an occupational safety specialist. Sometimes it is right that several people have the right to conduct an introductory briefing, since a specialist can get sick, quit, go on vacation. Sometimes even hiring can be carried out at different addresses.

The main thing is that this employee (employees) be appointed by order of the director.

As an example:

Download the introductory briefing program


Download the instruction manual


On-the-job coaching

The briefing at the workplace is called so because the story on it is about the rules for the safe production of work directly at the employee's workplace.

This responsibility rests with the immediate supervisor. If, for example, several teams work in the shop, then the task of conducting briefings at the workplace lies with the foremen, and not with the head of the shop.

Initial on-the-job training

Conducted with everyone before starting independent work. Conducting labor protection briefings includes familiarizing employees with the existing dangerous or harmful production factors, studying the labor protection requirements contained in the organization's local regulations, labor protection instructions, technical, operational documentation, as well as the use of safe methods and techniques for performing work.

The briefing on labor protection ends with an oral test of the knowledge and skills acquired by the employee of safe working methods by the person who conducted the briefing.

Conducting all types of briefings is recorded in the briefing log.

Not all employees are required to undergo on-the-job training. If the duty to instruct lies with the boss, then who will instruct the director? Or why instruct people who themselves have the right to instruct workers?

Employees may be exempted from primary briefing at the workplace. The list of professions and positions of employees exempted from primary briefing at the workplace is approved by the employer.

Download an example of the list of those exempted from instructing at the workplace



All workers are re-instructed at least once every six months. Driver briefings are held every quarter.

Repeated briefing is carried out according to the program of primary briefing at the workplace in full.

Initial briefing program

This is a document issued for each profession. It indicates the topics of the briefing and the time required to study them. And most importantly, the numbers of instructions for instructing workers in a particular profession.

Download an example of an initial briefing program


If at the enterprise they take the briefing formally, then sometimes you can see in the magazine how a dozen people were instructed in one unit on the same day, and according to different instructions. If at least one hour is allotted for each program, then the instructor should have a ten-hour working day. This can only mean that, in fact, people were given to sign in a pre-filled magazine.

At the same time, you can conduct briefings with employees who have the same briefing programs.

Unscheduled briefing

Unscheduled briefing is carried out:

  • upon the introduction of new or revised standards, rules, instructions on labor protection, as well as changes to them;
  • when changing the technological process, replacing or upgrading equipment, fixtures and tools, raw materials, materials and other factors affecting labor safety;
  • in case of violation by workers and students of labor safety requirements, which can lead or have led to injury, accident, explosion or fire, poisoning;
  • at the request of the supervisory authorities;
  • during breaks in work - for work for which additional (increased) labor safety requirements are imposed for more than 30 calendar days, and for other work - 60 days.

Targeted coaching

Targeted briefing is carried out when performing one-time work that is not related to direct duties in the specialty (loading, unloading, cleaning the territory, one-time work outside the enterprise, workshop, etc.); elimination of consequences of accidents, natural disasters and catastrophes; the production of works for which a work permit, permit and other documents are issued; conducting excursions at the enterprise, organizing mass events (excursions, hiking, sports competitions, etc.).

Targeted briefing with employees who carry out work on a work permit, order, etc. is recorded in the work permit or other documentation authorizing the production of work.

How to make an instruction on labor protection

The procedure for developing, approving, revising and accounting for labor protection instructions for employees is described in the Methodological recommendations for the development of state regulatory requirements for labor protection (approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated December 17, 2002 No. 80).

Instructions for workers by profession and for certain types of work are developed in accordance with the list, which is compiled by the head of the labor protection service.

Download a sample list of instructions for labor protection


Instructions on labor protection for employees or for certain types of work should contain the following sections:

  • General requirements for labor protection;
  • Labor protection requirements before starting work;
  • Labor protection requirements during work;
  • Labor protection requirements in emergency situations;
  • Requirements for labor protection at the end of work.

The standard instruction on labor protection is taken as the basis of the instruction for the profession. The responsibility for developing instructions lies with the immediate supervisor of the work. The labor protection specialist provides him with methodological and methodological assistance. The trade union organization (if any) must agree on the finished instruction. The finished instruction is approved by the director.

As a basis for the instructions for the type of work, you can take the passport of the device and, having carefully studied the section on safety measures during work, prepare your own instructions for those who work with this equipment.

Labor protection instructions are valid for five years.

They may be revised earlier than this period in the event of:

  • when reviewing legislative acts, state standards and other regulatory documents;
  • at the direction of higher authorities;
  • when introducing new equipment and technology;
  • according to the results of the investigation of industrial injuries, accidents, disasters.

An employee who is entrusted with these powers by order of the organization's management.
Conducting an introductory briefing on labor protection can be carried out by an organization or a specialist providing services in the field of labor protection, if they have passed the mandatory state accreditation on the basis of the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation N 205-N dated 04/01/2010 "On approval of the list of services in the field of labor protection, to provide which require accreditation.

At different addresses, the workshop foreman, can he conduct an introductory briefing?


The initial briefing requires documentary confirmation of the measures taken to prevent injuries and labor protection at the enterprise.

The activities carried out are reflected in a special local document of the organization - the program of primary briefing.

This document is developed strictly in accordance with federal GOSTs and standards in the field of labor protection.

Also, such a document should be developed by a responsible specialist in labor protection at the enterprise, who has the appropriate education and was appointed to the position by order of the director of the organization.

The document should contain the requirements for employees, the main measures and measures for labor protection for a specific position in the organization, and also take into account the specifics of conducting the primary instruction.

Development order

The development of the program takes place in several stages:

This document should also be mandatory for execution, both for the employees themselves and for the heads of departments of the organization.

The end of the development procedure is the order to approve this program at the level of the organization's management.

Who is approved for on-the-job coaching?

The approval of the initial briefing program also goes through several stages:

  • After the process of developing standard measures in relation to a certain category of workers, the occupational safety specialist agrees on a list of activities and questions for briefing with the head of the organizational unit in charge of the instructed employees;
  • The head of the site / subdivision, also guided by the norms of federal legislation and internal regulations, taking into account the specifics of the organization of labor at the enterprise, may make adjustments and changes to the proposed program. Ultimately, after agreeing on all the issues, the head of the unit puts his visa on the layout.
  • The final approval remains with the head of the organization, who approves the developed document by order of the organization.

After approval, the program enters into force and, accordingly, it is possible to begin the implementation of safety and security measures in the organization.

In addition, before holding events, employees of the organization must be familiar with the program without fail.

How it is compiled - the content of the standard form

A typical program looks like a written document reflecting a number of typical questions:

Questions of the program can be changed depending on the situation and the characteristics of production.

Download Sample

The initial briefing program is developed separately for positions.


The program for the primary instruction of personnel at the workplace is an important document in the implementation of measures to protect health and safety at work.

Upon completion of training, entries are made in.

The article describes typical situations. To solve your problem- or

I APPROVE ____________________________ (position and full name) _____ "____________________" "___" ________ ____

Occupational health and safety training program in the workplace


1. Instruction of employees on compliance with labor protection and safety requirements (hereinafter referred to as instruction and safety requirements), including at the workplace, is aimed at developing a sustainable model for the safe performance of work duties. The briefing includes the formation of the necessary knowledge, the development of sustainable skills, a responsible and conscious attitude to the implementation of the established requirements of labor protection and safety for each employee.

2. In _____ "___________________" (hereinafter referred to as the Employer), the training of employees in safety requirements is built differentially, taking into account the positions held, qualification requirements, the specifics of the tasks and work performed, the conditions and features of the operation of equipment and machinery, in accordance with the briefing programs.

3. Employees are instructed by the Employer by conducting classes, as well as testing their theoretical knowledge and practical skills on safety requirements.

4. Initial briefing at the workplace is carried out with each employee starting to perform work duties at a new workplace. The duration of the initial briefing is at least ___ hours. The briefing ends after the instructed person achieves the goals specified in paragraph 1 of this Program. Employees are not allowed to independently perform their work duties without conducting an initial briefing.

5. Periodic briefing is carried out according to the schedule approved by the head of the Employer.

6. Unscheduled briefing is carried out as needed or in case of emergency on the basis of an order (instruction) by the head of the Employer.

7. Conducting briefings at the workplace (primary, periodic and unscheduled) is recorded in the Briefing Log. The Journal should indicate: the date and reasons for the briefing, the questions or instructions on which the briefing is carried out, the list of the instructed and instructing.


8. The briefing program includes a list of issues to be brought to the attention of employees, practical exercises and a checklist.

9. Primary briefing of workers, depending on the nature of the work, should be carried out with a demonstration of safe methods and methods of work and, as a rule, be carried out individually with each employee.

10. Instruction of workers directly at the workplace is carried out according to programs or instructions developed for workers of a homogeneous profession or for certain types of work.

11. List of questions for initial briefing:

11.1. The nature of the work performed, the technological process and the production duties of the employee. Possible hazards at work and measures to prevent them. List of places of increased danger.

11.2. The arrangement of equipment, hazardous areas, available protective equipment and the procedure for their use.

11.3. Basic safety precautions when working in this area.

11.4. Electrical safety measures. Rules of conduct near electrical installations.

11.5. Safety requirements for tools, inventory and fixtures, rules for their operation.

11.6. Appointment and procedure for the use of personal protective equipment. Requirements for work clothes, shoes, headgear and other protective equipment, checking their suitability.

11.7. Requirements for the proper organization and maintenance of the workplace.

11.8. The procedure for preparing for work, preliminary inspection and testing of mechanisms, fencing of workplaces, installation of grounding, checking alarms, testing ventilation, etc.

11.9. Safe techniques for performing individual operations of the labor process (show, teach to perform).

11.10. Safety rules when performing work jointly by several workers, including the procedure for insuring those working on portable ladders, ladders, telescopic towers, cradles and other devices.

11.11. Obligations of the employee at the end of the work.

11.12. Personal hygiene, rational organization of work, rest and nutrition.

11.13. Techniques for providing first aid in case of accidents.

12. List of questions for periodic briefing:

12.1. Changes in the scheme or design of the serviced equipment and related security measures.

12.2. Changes in working conditions (nature of work, environment, etc.) and related security measures.

12.3. Repetition of individual safety requirements, industrial sanitation and radiation safety.

12.4. Analysis of violations of safety regulations and radiation safety that have taken place.

12.5. Acquaintance with directive documents of higher organizations.

13. Unscheduled briefing is carried out:

When changing the production process, replacing or upgrading equipment, fixtures and tools, as a result of which working conditions change;

When an accident or an accident occurred at the enterprise, at the site, in the workshop, the brigade, which necessitates additional instruction;

During breaks in work, to which increased safety requirements are imposed, for more than 60 calendar days;

In the event that violations of safety rules and instructions are detected that could lead to injury or an accident;

If necessary, bringing to additional requirements caused by the introduction of new rules and instructions for the safe conduct of work;

By order (instruction) of the head of the Employer, at the direction of higher authorities and representatives of state supervision bodies and in other similar cases.

14. List of questions for unscheduled briefing:

14.1. Reasons for conducting unscheduled briefings.

14.2. Changes in labor protection requirements and safety measures.

14.3. Selective repetition and testing of skills in fulfilling certain safety requirements, industrial sanitation and radiation safety.

15. If an unscheduled briefing is carried out only with employees of one unit (workshop, section, team), then the briefing program is drawn up by the heads of this unit and agreed with the safety engineering service.

When conducting unscheduled briefings with all employees (by order, instructions from higher authorities, instructions from supervisory authorities, etc.), the briefing program is drawn up by the safety department and approved by the chief engineer (another person responsible for health and safety).

Familiarization of employees with information letters, reports of accidents and orders on labor protection issues is formalized as an extraordinary briefing.

16. One of the forms of unscheduled briefing is targeted briefing, which is carried out:

Before performing work at hazardous facilities or one-time (non-permanent) work with increased danger, not related to official duties;

Before liquidation of accidents and consequences of emergencies;

When leaving on a business trip, incl. local.

Such briefing is carried out by the responsible work manager and is recorded in the work permit or in the Personnel Briefing Log, if the work is carried out without a work permit.

17. All workplace briefings should be completed with a knowledge test (by oral questioning or with the help of technical training aids), as well as a test of acquired skills in safe ways of performing work duties. Knowledge and skills are checked by the person who conducted the briefing. The results of the check are recorded in the protocol for checking knowledge on safety requirements.

18. Employees who have shown unsatisfactory knowledge and skills are not allowed to work independently and are required to undergo training again.


19. The briefing of employees is assigned to the immediate supervisors of the work (foremen, mechanics, site managers, etc.).

20. The briefing of employees is carried out by an individual or group method (with a group of workers of a homogeneous profession, brigade, detachment).

21. The briefing of workers admitted to the maintenance and repair of electrical installations and other complex equipment and mechanisms should be carried out jointly with the relevant specialists (power engineers, mechanics, technologists, etc.).

22. The instruction of personnel servicing electrified units and the assignment of an electrical safety qualification group to them should be carried out by electrical personnel with a qualification group of at least ___.

The instruction of workers who are part of complex teams should be carried out both in their main profession and in combined professions.

23. Instructing foremen, other work supervisors should be carried out by the head of the workshop or other similar unit.

24. Instructing the heads of the unit is carried out by the head of the safety service.


1. The form of the protocol for checking knowledge on safety requirements.

2. Journal of briefings on the requirements of labor protection and safety.

The program and the scope of the briefing by type of work were developed by the safety engineering service "_____________" Head of the STB _________________ "___" ________ ____

Each organization draws up training programs on labor protection independently. In the article you will find a classification of briefings by type with examples of programs and samples of orders for the appointment of responsible officials.

In the article:

Download related documents:

Industrial safety briefings: types and purposes

Taking care of industrial safety is the responsibility of the employer. One of the main methods of preventing accidents and injuries at work has been and remains the training of personnel in safe ways and methods of work. In order for employees to know how to properly handle equipment and tools, to be able to minimize the adverse consequences of emergencies and, if necessary, competently provide first aid to colleagues, an occupational safety (OT) briefing is carried out.

Depending on the goals, circumstances and content of the program, there are four types of OT training:

  • primary/repeated;
  • unscheduled;
  • target.

Table. Types of briefings on labor protection

Type of briefing

Who is held with

When is it held

With hired and seconded employees, as well as with interns, apprentices and other persons involved in production activities

When applying for a job

Primary workplace

Before admission to independent work

Repeated in the workplace

At least once every six months (for some types of work - once every three months) according to the programs of primary briefing


with all employees

During long breaks in work, after violation of labor protection requirements, by decision of the company's management, etc.

With persons carrying out work under a work permit or special permit (in some cases - with all employees)

When performing one-time work that is not related to the main labor function of the employee, before holding mass events, subbotniks, etc.

The program of briefings on labor protection is drawn up taking into account the type and thematic focus of the event. The procedure for conducting is regulated by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation No. 1/29 dated 13.01.2003. The work program of instruction on labor protection should not contradict the norms of the current legislation and the standard GOST 12.0.004-2015 “SSBT. Organization of labor safety training. General Provisions”, which entered into force on March 1, 2017.

About all types of safety briefings - in the Personnel System

The program of introductory briefing on labor protection

The program of primary, repeated and unscheduled OT briefing

Open directory

The program of unscheduled briefing on OT

Initial and repeated briefings are held according to a pre-approved schedule. But sometimes there is a good reason for holding an unscheduled event, for example:

  • requirement of the labor inspectorate and other supervisory authorities;
  • a long break in work - more than 30 calendar days for work that is subject to increased safety requirements, more than 60 calendar days for other work;
  • violation by employees of labor protection standards, which has led or can lead to accidents, injuries, fires, poisoning, etc.;
  • modernization or replacement of equipment, raw materials, production technology;
  • implementation of new or revised work and safety standards.

The unscheduled briefing program may partially or completely duplicate the initial on-the-job training program. If an unscheduled event is held due to technological or organizational innovations, as well as after updating safety standards, the essence of the changes is explained to employees. After an incident related to industrial injuries, first aid training is provided.

How to conduct an unscheduled briefing on labor protection, Oleg Konovalov, director of the legal department of VMS-Print JSC, will tell in the lecture "Labor protection for office workers: training procedure, documents"

For the refusal of briefings on labor protection or their untimely conduct, the employer can be held administratively liable. To prevent this from happening, teach safe work practices to all employees, including seasonal workers, homeworkers, part-time workers, trainees. Make notes about regular and one-time briefings in registration logs, update the programs used in time.

Introductory and primary briefing is carried out for all employees. The introductory training is provided by an OT specialist or a specific person appointed by the direct manager of the organization, such as a human resources officer. Training takes place in the form of a lecture for one or a group of employees. Primary briefing is carried out by the immediate supervisor of the employee or foreman. Training takes place according to specially designed programs. After completing the training program, an oral survey is conducted to help understand how effectively the material was learned.