Russian innovative technologies. Everything to the factory: what technologies will save the Russian industry

In the melon period of Russia's development, the country, as never before, sets the most ambitious and, in principle, complex goals, but they are not so unattainable for a long period of time. Such as: establishing and maintaining a high standard of living for the population, consolidating Russia's position on the world stage in the lists of leading countries. And of course, that the only possible action to achieve the set goals is the development of the Russian economy in the innovative key of the country's development.

Essentially innovative development- this is a continuation of the scientific and technological revolution in a new stage of development. Initially, this is a country that seceded from the USSR. And she has left something that other countries do not have - scientific and technical work, which she got almost for free and which are still relevant today. Moreover, not only journalistic works are relevant, but also fundamental ones, which is important. Scientific and technical work is the property of fundamental science. But are they useful without practical application, in Everyday life? Of course not.

But it is also not a matter of 5 minutes to use and implement the development correctly.

For example, in the USSR, the implementation time for developments was sometimes 10 or more years, at one time in Japan, the average implementation time for developments was at around 2 to 5 years. Accordingly, Russia initially stands at the stage of lagging behind the leading innovative countries.

However, in the last ten years, Russia has been trying to make a very big leap in the field of innovative development. The state laid the foundation for development in this vein only in 1994, when a non-profit organization called "Fund for Assistance to the Development of Small Forms of Enterprises in science and technology» . Only back in 1994, this fund was created to create a convenient and useful environment for entrepreneurial activities, namely, for the development of science and the formation of a national innovation system. During the work of the fund, it has supported over 8200 projects and mastered about 3600 patented inventions and produced products worth several billion rubles. When organizing this fund, its main task was to solve the problem for the near future, namely the gradual transition to work with research and development work of Russian companies.

At the same time, the most active policy for the innovative development of the country began in the period from the second presidential term of V.V. Putin and, of course, this is the full first term of D.A. Medvedev.

Already in 2009, the State Duma of the Russian Federation adopted Federal Law No. 217-FZ. The approval of this law allowed scientific and educational institutions financed from the state budget, to co-establish economic institutions for the purpose of putting into practice intellectual activity and their results and to contribute objects of their own intellectual property as a contribution to the Criminal Code.

And this law did not pass in vain.

As of July 2013, more than 523 small innovative enterprises have been co-founded by budgetary scientific and educational institutions of the Russian Federation.

It is also worth noting that in December 2010, the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation published a developed draft, which includes a strategy for innovative development, in other words, the Ministry of Economic Development presented an ideal plan for the country's development in innovation up to 2020, which is called "Innovative Russia 2020".

It is marked strategic goal states. The document of the Ministry of Economic Development includes 4 main blocks: "Innovative person", "Innovative business", "Innovative state" and "Effective science". For the first time, the spheres of responsibility of the executive authorities were strictly divided in them.

According to the idea of ​​the creators, the Russian innovation center "Skolkovo" should become an analogue of the silicon valley in the United States, where the leading technology companies of the 20-21st century began their development.

It's only small example what our state is doing for the arrival of innovations in the country. In addition to these measures being taken in the central federal district, a big impetus to development is also given to remote federal districts. For example, the creation of scientific and industry centers in Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg and other cities helps small and medium-sized businesses to put their developments into practice.

Certainly, big role play invested investments not only from the state, but also from private investors who are also interested in creating competitive products for sale both domestically and abroad.

New scientific discoveries in the field of fundamental research carried out by various research institutes give impetus to the innovative development of a particular region. Also, scientific developments carried out through private investment contribute to the development of the innovation space in Russia, and you and I can already gradually notice them in our daily lives, which is important.

Another important step is to create all possible technology parks, innovation institutes, who are engaged in the creation, maintenance and subsequent patenting of developments. The latter has become very relevant, because when using someone else's patent, it is necessary to give part of the profit for its use.

In Russia, unfortunately, the interest of the private sector in innovation remains at a low level compared to developed countries. For example, according to data for 2009, only 9.4% of the total number Russian enterprises engaged in innovative activities.

Against the background of economic difficulties and the depreciation of the ruble, there are more and more voices of those who believe that the Russians can only sell their resources. In fact, over the past few years, many high-tech startups from Russia have developed their own unique technologies that are of genuine interest in the world. We present to your attention the most interesting of them.

flying motorcycle

Transport, which does not require roads for movement, is relevant in our country like nowhere else in the world. Flying cars and motorcycles create many large companies, including Tesla, Google, Uber and others. However, specialists came closest to the serial production of such devices Russian company hoversurf. Their "Scorpion-3" is capable of speeds of 320 km / h and can fly up to 450 km on a single charge. Interest in the new development has already been shown in Asia and the Middle East, from where the manufacturer received several pre-orders.

Hoverbike "Scorpion-3" during a test flight

The thinnest microchip in the world

Microcircuits are the basis of modern technology. And the smaller they are, the more compact the device that is built from them. Surprisingly, the world's most compact microchip was created not in Silicon Valley, but at the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys. The chip, developed by Russian scientists, is only one molecule thick. If implemented in industrial production we will be able to witness the emergence of miniature pacemakers, earphones and other devices that are technically impossible to create today.

Face recognition technology

The Russian company Vocord has developed its own face recognition technology designed for use in smartphones and other gadgets. As you know, such technologies are currently being developed by the largest market players - Apple and Samsung. However, both companies faced serious difficulties. So, it turned out that unlocking a smartphone from Samsung will not be difficult - just bring a photo of the owner downloaded from social networks to the device. Apple iPhone X also showed itself not in the best way, failing to recognize the face of the head of the company Craig Federighi at a recent presentation of new Apple products. A number of large investors are currently interested in the Russian development from Vocord. Experts predict a great future for the novelty.

Russia is one of the world's largest countries capable of conducting advanced developments in various branches of technology and production. In recent years, there have been many successful projects using the latest Russian technologies.

Vocord company invented innovation system by face recognition. It is suitable for smartphones and other gadgets. Their competitors are the big market companies Samsung and Apple. But the latter still have serious difficulties and shortcomings. For example, a Samsung smartphone can be easily unlocked by holding a picture of the owner downloaded from social networks. Therefore, the Russian development is of great interest. Vokorod prophesies that their novelty has great prospects.

A Russian company has successfully developed a cloud service for drones. It's called Le Talo Robotics. It has all the statistics on the operation of the drone. Using it, you can easily evaluate the status of the device and identify emerging problems. Also, scientists have already invented a charging station for drones, which aroused the curiosity of many investors.

Domestic printer prints products using electron beam technology. The equipment was created by the Tomsk company TETA, and the project was developed at the Tomsk Polytechnic University and the Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science.

The printer has the ability to take into work alloys that change their properties when in contact with air. As for the sizes, they can be very different.

The developers plan to actively use the innovation also in shipbuilding and mechanical engineering


With the help of new technologies, Russian scientists have come up with a "man-borne robot" called ExoAtlet. Its purpose is the rehabilitation of patients with the following problems:

  • unsuccessful operations;
  • trauma;
  • post-stroke states.

Such a robot helps the patient in independent movement, speeds up the recovery process.

This is a vehicle that runs exclusively on solar energy. The car receives it at the expense of solar panels with a total area of ​​4 sq. m. The body is made of composite material, also used in space production and rocket science.

The creation of the solar car is carried out by specialists at Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University. The project is actively supported Russian Ministry industry and trade, as well as Kaspersky Lab.

The Moscow Technical Institute presented a unique new invention - a virtual reality helmet equipped with built-in intelligence. It is suitable for use in a wide variety of industries. Among them:

  • entertainment industry;
  • education;
  • the medicine;
  • art;
  • defense.

The creators claim that the helmet has surpassed foreign analogues in all technical characteristics.

The largest corporations from Silicon Valley are busy creating Vehicle who can fly. Our country is also not lagging behind and is preparing to release similar devices. Hoversurf has invented a flying motorcycle "Scorpion-3", which develops a speed of 320 km / h. It has the ability to keep recharging up to 450 km. New Russian technology the future has already aroused interest from abroad.

Researchers at Tomsk Polytechnic University are developing unique technologies that provide wireless energy transmission via mobile communications over impressive distances. At the same time, it is planned to use fifth-generation communications. According to the invented algorithm, the transfer of energy will occur from one device to another along with the radio signal. Now this innovation is being tested for effectiveness.

Among the latest Russian technologies and developments is the BiTronics designer. Its purpose is to study human biosignals. For example, it is possible to create human-machine control interfaces.

Additional branches of use:

  • the study of robotics, physical and mathematical sciences among schoolchildren;
  • improvement of sports sensors, heart rate monitors and other devices.

In the future, it is possible to bring the product to the international level.

The company "Motorika" creates highly effective methods for limb prosthetics with a unique design. They created an innovation that allows a person with an injury to return the grip function to the upper limb. It's called an active traction prosthesis. Devices can be built into it to provide wireless Internet access. The data is displayed on the display, which is located on the forearm.

The price of such a product is an order of magnitude lower than that of foreign developments. In some cases, the state provides compensation, and you can get a prosthesis absolutely free.

Modern aircraft cover long distances, but they take a lot of time. Russian Aviation science Center engaged in work on the creation of supersonic airliners. For this, third-party specialists are actively involved, since the range of tasks is very wide. According to preliminary estimates, the new aircraft will emit noise comparable to that of conventional civil aircraft.

Scientists are faced with the following tasks:

  • development of a preliminary structural-power scheme of the airframe;
  • selection of basic structural materials;
  • evaluation of engine characteristics;
  • alignment of the necessary thermal protection of the device;
  • development of requirements for measuring instruments.

Supersonic aircraft will be able to make a transatlantic flight in just a couple of hours.

Robot rover

The Anywalker device has become a useful domestic startup. It is a small robot capable of moving independently. Anywalker also presses buttons and opens doors, moves up stairs.

A plan has been developed to scale the production of such devices up to one thousand copies annually.

This is a device that provides a direct quantum channel for the exchange of information between two subscribers. This invention is being developed by scientists of the Faculty of Physics in the Moscow state university. Conversations on such a device will be completely protected from "eavesdropping". This requires that the phones are connected by fiber optics. It is through it that the transmission of quantum states of light takes place.

"Smart" agricultural machinery

This project is being actively developed and supported by financial injections from the state. Cognitive Technologies has developed a computer vision system that allows agricultural machinery to see dangerous objects in the fields in the form of poles, stones, etc. This information is used to ensure the safety of mechanisms during harvesting.

The first tractor equipped with this system has already been successfully tested on Russian fields. The widespread use of "smart" agricultural machinery will significantly save money (up to tens of millions of rubles annually on a single farm).

Tomsk State University has invented a special laser designed to cut biological tissues and bones. The setup was developed on strontium vapor and can operate at different wavelengths. It is compact and fits on a regular table. Under the influence of a laser beam, a cut and a thin film remain on the tissues.

Scientists plan to test the invention and want to use it in neurosurgery, implantology and other medical fields.

Microchips are at the heart of all modern technology. The smaller their size, the more compact the device will be. Moscow scientists have come up with the thinnest microcircuit in the world, its thickness is only one molecule.

When the new Russian technology is introduced into production, there will be miniature gadgets, pacemakers and other devices. This invention, according to experts, is capable of "turning the world." It will reduce energy consumption, weight and dimensions of gadgets, and performance will rise to a new level.

Students from Perm decided to make a robot that can not only move independently, but also communicate with people. They created Promobot, which determines the age and gender of a person, recognizes faces. He owns a huge vocabulary, connected to the Internet and can provide answers to many questions. Such a robot is suitable for performing the functions of a seller, waiter or administrator. Promobot is used by some Perm shopping and entertainment centers and banks. Its cost is ten thousand dollars, which is much cheaper than Korean counterparts.

In the coming year, Tomsk Polytechnic University plans to start creating a new X-ray tomograph. It will differ in that it can work with the phase of an electromagnetic wave. While conventional devices work only with its amplitude. This will allow the device to get much large quantity information about the structure of research objects.

In addition to application in the medical field, the invention is suitable for diagnosing composite products.

The project is actively financed by the state and industrial partners.

Drones are being developed not only in America, but also in our country. At the Urban Forum, the Volgabas company from the city of Volzhsky developed and presented the first unmanned bus. It is made entirely from spare parts of domestic production. Such a bus is suitable for transporting passengers in closed areas. It is planned that in 2018 the first copies will already appear in the capital.

Rostec Corporation presents the latest unique camera. Her main feature in that it has a short-wave infrared range. It achieves high levels of natural contrasts and better night illumination.

"All-seeing" cameras can be used in different areas. Among them:

  • monitoring of agricultural land;
  • ship navigation;
  • checking the authenticity of banknotes.

There are many talented people in Russia who are able to bring a lot more interesting ideas and inventions. In the coming years, there will be many more new technologies that will radically change the world.

The development of innovations in Russia is a principled position of the country's leadership. This is one of the few ways to get out of the shadow of the raw-material model of the economy, reducing dependence on the price environment for natural resources. Without increasing the knowledge intensity of production, introducing more efficient management models, and producing unique products, the state will not be able to become one of the locomotives of the world economy.

A look into the future

In Russia, innovative technologies are developing progressively, but noticeably slower than the leaders of advanced development. Considering the importance of the issue, the government has initiated a medium-term development concept known as "Strategy 2020". In particular, it contains scenarios for the implementation of innovative projects.

Simultaneously the Russian Federation closely cooperates with partners from abroad who have useful experience that allows them to introduce innovations in the Russian economy, science, ecology, production area. In particular, the project of interaction with the European Union, known as Horizon 2020, stands out. Perhaps this is the largest such program with a budget of 80 billion euros.

Today's achievements

Every year, projects of various scales are implemented: from large ones (science cities, the Skolkovo innovation center, technology parks) to local ones (based on unique production facilities, research institutes, universities). Since the early 1990s, more than 1,000 innovation infrastructure facilities have been created throughout the country, including:

  • 5 special technology-innovative economic zones;
  • 16 testing laboratories, certification centers and other specialized facilities;
  • 10 nanocenters;
  • 200 business incubators;
  • 29 centers of information and consulting infrastructure;
  • 160 technology parks;
  • 13 prototyping centers;
  • 9 territorial innovation clusters;
  • more than 50 engineering centers;
  • 114 technology transfer facilities;
  • 300 centers for collective use.

Innovations are being introduced in Russia that ensure the development of science, including the Advanced Research Foundation, 14 science cities, the Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations, several national research centers, and the Russian Foundation for Scientific Research. There is a system of development institutions, including VEB-innovations, Rosnano, Skolkovo, RVC and others.


Innovation in Russia requires multibillion-dollar investments. In 2007-2014, 684 billion rubles were allocated for the development of infrastructure and advanced technologies:

  • 92 billion rubles were invested from business development reserves;
  • 281 billion rubles were allocated from projects for the capitalization of development institutions;
  • almost 68 billion rubles were spent on the formation of the innovation infrastructure;
  • from guarantee funds - more than 245 billion rubles.

Unfortunately, the efficiency of investments turned out to be low. Firstly, the state initiative was not sufficiently supported by large private business, thereby violating the important principle of public-private partnership. Secondly, few serious innovative projects have reached self-sufficiency.

Funding issues

In the context of the deteriorating macroeconomic situation and serious problems with the filling of the budget in 2014-2015, the identified problems of discrepancy between state support measures for innovation and their contribution to the economic development of the country lay the foundation for reducing or suspending project financing. Innovations in Russia are experiencing financial hunger, because many objects have a high level of dependence on state budgetary support.

Unlike the situation in 2008-2009, Russia is currently in conditions that do not allow predicting a quick exit from economic crisis and, accordingly, the rapid restoration of budgetary opportunities to finance the created and planned for the creation of innovative infrastructure. According to the forecast of the Ministry of Economic Development, in 2015 the GDP will decrease by 3%, the World Bank predicts a reduction in GDP by 3.8%. The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation in March 2015 amended the federal budget, according to which its revenues will be reduced by 16.8% compared to the original draft budget.

Business readiness for innovation

There is another important aspect that indicates the inefficiency of the state policy regarding innovation. Any innovative project must ultimately be profitable. There is a widespread point of view that structural changes in the economy require a "critical mass" of people interested in these changes.

A number of existing indicators assess the number and power of the social layer of innovators in the country at a fairly high level. For example, according to a study by the Martin Prosperity Institute, Russia ranks high in terms of the number of creative class: according to this indicator, the country ranked 13th among 82 countries included in the ranking of countries in the global creativity index.

At the same time, there are other estimates indicating that the "critical mass" of innovators as a sufficient number of physical and legal entities, ready to develop innovative technologies, has not been formed in Russia: the Russian economy is characterized by a high level of monopolization - 801 companies concentrate 30% of the country's GDP. At the same time, among small and medium-sized businesses, only 4.8% of enterprises sell technological innovation. About 90% of entrepreneurs said that they do not apply the latest or new technologies in their enterprise. The share of the self-employed population (entrepreneurs) in Russia in 2012 was 5.3%, while the average for 29 European countries was 11.2%. Thus, in Russia, the formation of a “critical mass” of people promoting innovation is proceeding at a slow pace.


Skolkovo is the most famous innovation center in Russia. Presumably, by 2020 it will become a worthy competitor to the famous "Silicon Valley" in California (USA), a place of attraction for scientific, research centers, modern productions using nanotechnology. As planned, it should be an integral ecosystem capable of self-government and self-development.

Investments in the project should amount to 125 billion rubles, about half of the funds are expected to be attracted from private funds. In the future, 25,000 people will work and live here on an area of ​​2.5 million m 2 . How fully the bold ideas are realized depends on the will of the state and the leaders-innovators who are ready to take the risk of investing significant funds in the "futuropolis", as Skolkovo is also called. The first buildings - "Hypercube" and "Pyramid" - have already been erected.


The reality is that innovation in Russia is being implemented too slowly. The inertia of thinking and the fear of investing in bold, but not guaranteed profitable projects hinder the development of the country. Meanwhile, the government is aware of the need for modernization, and it is the innovation centers that can become beacons, magnets around which specific industries will be formed that produce innovative advanced products.