Standard provision on the regulation of labor in the organization. Sample model provision on labor rationing




On approval of the Regulations on the organization labor rationing in the national economy

Document as amended by:


In pursuance of the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR and the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of June 6, 1985 N 540 "On measures to improve the regulation of labor in the national economy" The State Committee of the USSR on Labor and Social Affairs and the Presidium of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions


1. Approve the Regulations on the organization of labor rationing in the national economy in accordance with the appendix.

2. Recognize the resolution as invalid State Committee Council of Ministers of the USSR on Labor and wages and the Presidium of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions dated October 3, 1975 N 245 / P-17 * "On the approval of recommendations on the organization of labor rationing and the establishment of new and changing existing standards for output, time and service in the industrial sectors of the national economy."

* Bulletin N 1, 1976.

REGULATIONS on the organization of labor rationing in the national economy

to the decision of the State Committee of the USSR
on labor and social issues and the Presidium of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions
dated June 19, 1986 N 226 / P-6

A large role in the implementation of the course put forward by the party to accelerate the socio-economic development of the country belongs to the rationing of labor. Its most important task is to consistently improve the organization of labor and production, reduce the labor intensity of products, increase the material interest of workers in increasing production efficiency, and maintain economically justified relationships between the growth of labor productivity and wages. Labor rationing should contribute to the active introduction of the achievements of science and technology, progressive technology.

This Regulation is subject to application in all associations (combines), enterprises, organizations and institutions*, regardless of their departmental subordination.

The ministries (departments), together with the central (republican) committees (councils) of trade unions, specify, taking into account the specifics of production and management, this Regulation in the relevant recommendations.

1. Methodological foundations of the organization of labor rationing

1.1. Labor rationing is an integral part (function) of production management and includes the determination of the necessary labor costs (time) for the performance of work (production of a unit of output) by individual workers (teams) and the establishment of labor standards on this basis.

Costs are recognized as necessary if they correspond to the effective use of labor and material resources for specific production conditions, subject to scientifically based work and rest regimes.

1.2. The organization of labor rationing in the national economy is regulated by the Fundamentals of Legislation USSR and union republics on labor, party and government resolutions, resolutions and clarifications of the USSR State Labor Committee and the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions, as well as normative acts of ministries and departments of the USSR, Councils of Ministers of the union republics and this Regulation.

1.3. When rationing the labor of workers and employees, the following types of labor standards are applied: the norm of time, the norm of output, the norm of service, the norm (norm) of the number.

The norm of time is the amount of working time spent to perform a unit of work by an employee or a group of employees (in particular, a team) of appropriate qualifications in certain organizational and technical conditions.

The production rate is the established amount of work (the number of units of production) that an employee or a group of employees (in particular, a team) of appropriate qualifications is required to perform (manufacture, transport, etc.) per unit of working time in certain organizational and technical conditions.

The service rate is the quantity production facilities(units of equipment, workplaces, etc.) that an employee or a group of employees (in particular, a team) of appropriate qualifications are required to serve during a unit of working time in certain organizational and technical conditions. Service standards are intended to standardize the labor of workers engaged in the maintenance of equipment, production areas, workplaces, etc.

A variation of the service norm is the manageability norm, which determines the number of employees who must be managed by one manager.

The norm (norm) of the number is the established number of employees of a certain professional and qualification composition, necessary to perform specific production, managerial functions or scope of work. According to the norms (standards) of the number, labor costs are also determined by professions, specialties, groups or types of work, individual functions, as a whole for an enterprise or workshop, its structural unit.

In order to increase the efficiency of the work of time-paid workers, they are assigned normalized tasks based on the above types of labor standards.

A normalized task is a set amount of work that an employee or a group of workers (in particular, a team) is required to perform for a work shift, a working month (respectively, a shift and a monthly normalized task) or in another unit of working time on time-paid work.

1.4. Labor standards are established for a separate operation (operational norm) and an interconnected group of operations, a complete set of works (enlarged, complex norm). The degree of differentiation of norms is determined by the type and scale of production, the characteristics of products, and the forms of labor organization.

Enlarged, complex norms are established for a planning and accounting (accounting) unit of production (work), as a rule, for a finished product, assembly, brigade set, technically separate redistribution, volume of agricultural work, stage or construction object. They are used, as a rule, in the conditions of collective forms of labor organization.

1.5. The paragraph was excluded by a joint resolution of the USSR State Committee for Labor and the Presidium of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of August 15, 1989 N 271 / P-8 ..

Normative materials for labor rationing* include: labor standards (time standards, including microelement, population standards, service time standards), unified and standard standards (time, production, service).

* Regulatory materials for labor rationing also include standards for equipment operation modes.

Labor standards are regulated values ​​(values) of labor costs (time) for the performance of individual elements (complexes) of work, maintenance of a piece of equipment, workplace, team, structural unit, etc., as well as the number of employees required to perform production , managerial functions or the amount of work taken as a unit of measurement, depending on the specific organizational and technical conditions and factors of production.

A variety of population standards are typical states.

Uniform norms are developed for work performed using the same technology in similar production conditions in one or a number of sectors of the national economy, and in accordance with the USSR Law "On the State Enterprise (Association)" are advisory in the rationing and remuneration of workers in the relevant types of work (paragraph as amended by the joint resolution of the USSR State Committee for Labor and the Presidium of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions dated August 15, 1989 N 271 / P-8.

The paragraph was excluded by a joint resolution of the USSR State Committee for Labor and the Presidium of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of August 15, 1989 N 271 / P-8 ..

Model labor standards are developed for work performed according to standard technology, taking into account rational (for a given production) organizational and technical conditions that already exist in most or part of the enterprises where such types of work are available. Standard norms are recommended as a standard for enterprises where the organizational and technical conditions of production have not yet reached the level for which these norms are designed.

1.6. According to the scope of application, normative materials for labor rationing are divided into intersectoral, sectoral (departmental) and local.

Intersectoral unified and standard norms and standards are approved by the USSR State Labor Committee jointly with the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions, and uniform production standards and prices for construction, installation and repair and construction work are approved by the USSR State Labor Committee, the USSR State Construction Committee jointly with the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions.

Sectoral (departmental) unified and model norms and standards are developed in the absence of relevant intersectoral norms and standards and are approved by the ministry (department) in agreement with the central (republican) committee (council) of trade unions.

Local regulatory materials are developed for certain types of work in cases where there are no relevant inter-sectoral or sectoral (departmental) regulatory materials, as well as when more advanced organizational and technical conditions are created at the enterprise compared to those taken into account when developing existing inter-sectoral and sectoral (departmental) regulatory materials for labor regulation. Local regulatory materials are approved by the administration of the enterprise in agreement with the trade union committee.

1.7. The system of labor norms and standards in force in the national economy should make it possible to calculate the total labor intensity of products for all elements of the production process, products, groups of personnel and structural subdivisions.

1.8. Along with the norms established for work that is stable in terms of organizational and technical conditions, temporary and one-time norms are applied.

Temporary norms are established for the period of development of certain works in the absence of approved normative materials for labor rationing.
joint resolution of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions and the USSR State Labor Committee of September 10, 1987 N 548 / P-9.

One-time norms are set on individual works, which are of a single nature (unscheduled, emergency).

1.9. Item excluded - ..

1.10. The work of workers should be standardized mainly according to technically justified standards.

Technically justified are the norms established by the analytical method* of standardization and corresponding to the achieved level of engineering and technology, organization of production and labor.

* Labor rationing methods are set out in the relevant methodological recommendations of the Research Institute of Labor of the USSR State Labor Committee.

Technically sound labor standards include:

unified and standard norms;

norms established on the basis of intersectoral and sectoral (departmental) labor standards;

norms established by local labor standards that are more progressive than intersectoral or sectoral (departmental) standards;

local norms established by the analytical method of rationing, taking into account technical data on the productivity of equipment, the results of studying the cost of working time, the requirements of the scientific organization of labor.

2. The procedure for establishing, verifying, replacing and revising labor standards

2.1. Labor standards for production new products are developed simultaneously with technological processes in accordance with the projected organizational and technical conditions for the production of this product and the established design labor intensity.

2.2. In order to ensure progressiveness, uniform tension and increase the accuracy of calculating labor standards, reduce the time and laboriousness of their establishment, computers are used. The calculation of norms, as a rule, is carried out in a single cycle with automated design of technological processes.

2.3. The introduction of new labor standards and standardized tasks, including modified and revised ones, is carried out by the administration of the enterprise in agreement with the trade union committee.

Workers and employees must be notified in advance of the introduction of new labor standards and standardized assignments, but no later than one month in advance.

About the introduction of temporary and one-time labor standards, as well as enlarged, complex norms and standardized tasks established on the basis of approved operational labor standards, employees can be notified less than a month, but in all cases before the start of work.

2.4. The organizational and technical conditions of production (organization of labor, technology, equipment, equipment, etc.) at workplaces where new labor standards will be applied must be brought into line with the requirements designed in the standards during their development.

2.5. When a new product is launched into production, a schedule is developed to achieve its design labor intensity, taking into account the development of design capacities and other technical and economic indicators, as well as technically sound standards designed for design technology, organization of production and labor.

2.6. When developing new industries, new technology and technology, new types of products (works) or non-compliance of the actual organizational and technical conditions of production with those projected in the newly introduced labor standards and standards, correction factors can be applied to them.

As the production is mastered or the organizational and technical conditions are brought into line with those projected in the norms or standards, the correction factors decrease and are eventually canceled according to pre-designed and approved schedules.

Correction factors may also be applied in other cases provided for labor law(the establishment of reduced output standards for young workers, the disabled, old-age pensioners, female machine operators, etc.).
joint resolution of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions and the USSR State Labor Committee of September 10, 1987 N 548 / P-9.

2.7. The norms are subject to mandatory replacement with new ones as organizational, technical and economic measures are introduced into production that ensure the growth of labor productivity, regardless of whether these measures were provided for by the calendar plan for replacing and revising the norms or not.

Such activities include: commissioning of new and modernization of existing equipment; introduction of more advanced technology, improvement of technical and organizational equipment, tools; improvement of product design; mechanization and automation production processes, improving the organization of jobs, their rationalization; use of new types of materials, raw materials, fuel; implementation rationalization proposals, intersectoral, sectoral (departmental) norms and standards for labor, etc. The existing norms in these cases are replaced by new more progressive norms, depending on the effectiveness of the implemented measures.
(Paragraph as amended by the joint resolution of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions and the USSR State Labor Committee of September 10, 1987 N 548 / P-9.

Labor standards are also subject to change with an increase or decrease in the batch of parts (products) processed (manufactured) by the worker (team) or the flow cycle.

2.8. In order to maintain a progressive level of labor standards in force at the enterprise, they are subject to mandatory verification in the process of attestation of workplaces (the procedure for attestation of workplaces is regulated by the relevant industry regulations). In cases where certification of workplaces is not provided for, each norm is checked at least twice every five years.

Checking the current labor standards is carried out attestation commissions approved by the heads of enterprises.

Based on the results of the check for each norm, a decision is made: to certify or not to certify.

Technically substantiated norms corresponding to the achieved level of engineering and technology, organization of production and labor are recognized as certified.

Outdated and erroneously established norms are recognized as uncertified and are subject to revision.

Obsolete are the norms in force at work, the labor intensity of which has decreased as a result of a general improvement in the organization of production and labor, the growth of professional skills and the improvement of the production skills of workers and employees.

Norms are considered erroneous, when establishing which organizational and technical conditions were incorrectly taken into account or inaccuracies were made in the application of regulatory materials, or in the calculations.

2.9. Revision of obsolete norms is carried out in the terms and sizes established by the head of the enterprise in agreement with the trade union committee in the calendar plan for the replacement and revision of labor standards.

The revision of erroneous norms is carried out as they are revealed in agreement with the trade union committee.

2.10. The use by workers (employees), a team on their own initiative of new methods of work and best practices, improving their own jobs, improving their professional skills and achieving on this basis a high level of output in the period between attestation of jobs (checks of standards) is not a basis for revision labor standards by the decision of the administration. Revision of the norms in these cases can be carried out only on the initiative of teams of brigades, workers and employees, for which they are encouraged in the prescribed manner.

2.11. In order to systematically work to reduce labor costs, ensure the progressiveness of existing standards at the enterprise, a calendar plan for the replacement and revision of labor standards is developed before the beginning of the year, which is included in the technical and industrial financial plan (stroyfinplan).

The development of this plan is carried out on the basis of the measures planned for implementation of the plan for technical development and organization of production and other economic measures that ensure the fulfillment of tasks for increasing labor productivity approved in the five-year and annual plans, as well as taking into account the results of attestation of workplaces and inspections of existing labor standards.
(Paragraph as amended by the joint resolution of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions and the USSR State Labor Committee of September 10, 1987 N 548 / P-9.

In cases where the certification of workplaces and the corresponding verification of labor standards are carried out during the year, based on the results of the audit, additional measures are developed to the calendar plan for the replacement and revision of labor standards.

Project calendar plan replacement and revision of the norms is submitted for discussion by the labor collective and, taking into account its recommendations, is approved by the head of the enterprise in agreement with the trade union committee. Plan activities and tasks to reduce the labor intensity of products are brought to the attention of teams of structural divisions of enterprises (shops, departments, sites, etc.) and production teams.

2.12. The administration of the enterprise and the trade union committee are obliged to explain to each employee (team) the grounds for replacing or revising the norms, to familiarize him with the methods, methods of work and the conditions under which they should be applied.

2.13. Work on labor rationing is carried out at the enterprise by the administration together with the trade union committee with the broad participation of labor collectives in accordance with the USSR Law on labor collectives and increasing their role in the management of enterprises, institutions, organizations, as well as the USSR Law on a state enterprise (association).
(Paragraph as amended by the joint resolution of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions and the USSR State Labor Committee of September 10, 1987 N 548 / P-9.

In order to widely involve labor collectives in the development and implementation of measures to improve the quality of applicable labor standards, replace them with new ones in a timely manner, ensure the revision of obsolete standards and increase labor productivity on this basis, enterprises take mutual obligations of the administration and trade union committee to reduce the labor intensity of products, increase the level of rationing, increase the proportion of technically sound production and service standards, standardized tasks, timely revision of outdated and erroneously established labor standards. These obligations are reflected in the collective agreement
(Paragraph as amended by the joint resolution of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions and the USSR State Labor Committee of September 10, 1987 N 548 / P-9.

2.14. The administration of the enterprise and the trade union committee must constantly support and develop the initiative of workers and employees to revise existing and introduce new, more progressive labor standards.

The trade-union committees render every possible assistance to the administration in ensuring the correct establishment of new and amendments to existing norms, and strive for the creation necessary conditions to fulfill the established standards by all employees, actively participate in the implementation of best practices in the field of labor regulation.

3. Financial incentives for work according to progressive standards

3.1. In order to increase the interest of employees in working according to progressive standards and reduce labor costs, the administration of the enterprise and the trade union committee are obliged to widely use the rights granted to them for material incentives for work according to technically sound standards of the initiators of the introduction or revision of technically justified standards, for the development of new labor standards, expansion of zones maintenance and increase in the volume of work performed with a smaller number of employees, etc.

3.2. When mastering new labor standards established in connection with the replacement of existing standards on the basis of the introduction of organizational and technical measures, as well as in connection with the revision of obsolete standards, part of the savings in the wage fund obtained as a result of reducing the labor intensity of products can be used for additional remuneration of workers during 3-6 months for the period of mastering new standards, as well as for bonuses for foremen, standard setters, technologists and other workers of production sites who were directly involved in the development and implementation of new labor standards (paragraph 34 of the resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR of October 4, 1965 year N 729).

3.3. Workers initiating a revision of standards may be paid a one-time remuneration of at least 50% of the payroll savings resulting from the implementation or revision of technically sound standards at their initiative. The savings in the wage fund is calculated based on the estimated amount of work that must be carried out by the workers initiating the revision of the norms, but not more than 6 months (paragraph 53 "c" of the resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR of July 12, 1979 N 695).

3.4. In order to increase the interest of workers in the implementation of technically justified standards, they can set higher rates (pieceworkers) and higher tariff rates (time workers) when switching to work according to the norms established on the basis of intersectoral, sectoral (departmental) and other more progressive labor standards, in amounts provided for by the Decree of the USSR State Committee for Labor and the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of November 12, 1985 N 367 / 24-33 * (paragraph 12 of the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR and the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of June 6, 1985 N 540).

* Bulletin N 4, 1986.

3.5. Apply for time workers the tariff rates of piecework workers in accordance with subparagraph "b" of paragraph 81 of the Regulations on the socialist state production enterprise, provided that they work according to intersectoral, sectoral (departmental) and other technically justified labor standards (standardized assignments).

3.6. In order to strengthen the material interest of employees in accelerating the growth of labor productivity and performing the established scope of work with a smaller number of personnel, financial incentive for combining professions (positions), expanding service areas and increasing the volume of work performed with a smaller number of employees, as well as fulfilling the duties of temporarily absent employees along with the main job (Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of December 4, 1981 N 1145 *).

* Bulletin N 8, 1982.

4. The system of control over the state of labor rationing

Control over the state of labor rationing in the national economy is carried out at all levels of government.

Goskomtrud of the USSR and Gosstroy of the USSR (in terms of construction) are responsible for the implementation of a unified public policy in the field of organizing labor rationing in the national economy. Together with the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions, they monitor the state of labor rationing in the sectors of the national economy and develop measures to improve it.

The paragraph is excluded - the joint resolution of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions and the USSR State Committee for Labor dated September 10, 1987 N 548 / P-9 ..

The ministry (department), together with the central, republican committee (council) of trade unions, determines the procedure for organizing labor rationing in the industry, monitors its condition and develops measures to improve labor rationing at subordinate enterprises.

Control over the state of labor rationing at the enterprise is carried out by the administration together with the trade union committee and with the broad participation of the labor collective and public organizations(public bureaus for the organization and regulation of labor, groups of people's control, councils of foremen, etc.).

In cases of detection of violations of the established procedure for organizing labor rationing, the application of unreasonable norms, unreliability of accounting and reporting on labor rationing, the heads of ministries (departments), enterprises, their structural divisions, in the prescribed manner, are subject to disciplinary and liability relevant managers and other officials guilty of these violations.

5. The order of planning, financing, development and approval of intersectoral and sectoral regulatory materials for labor rationing

5.1. The development of intersectoral regulatory materials for labor rationing is carried out on a five-year and annual plans scientific and regulatory research work.

Intersectoral plans for the development of regulatory materials for labor rationing (with the exception of construction) are prepared by the Central Bureau of Labor Standards (CBNT) at the All-Union Scientific and Methodological Center for the Organization of Labor and Production Management of the USSR State Labor Committee, coordinated with the relevant ministries (departments) and approved by the USSR State Labor Committee as agreed with the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions.

In construction, similar plans are prepared by the Central Bureau of Labor Standards in Construction (TsBNTS) at the All-Union Research and Design Institute of Labor in Construction of the Gosstroy of the USSR, coordinated with the relevant ministries (departments) and approved by the Gosstroy of the USSR in agreement with the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions.

The development of intersectoral normative materials for the regulation of labor is carried out within the framework of the all-Union scientific and technical program, approved for each five-year period by the State Committee for Science and Technology and the USSR State Committee for Labor.

Plans for sectoral scientific and regulatory research work on labor are developed and approved by the relevant ministries (departments). They provide for participation in the development of intersectoral (in accordance with the intersectoral plan) and sectoral (departmental) regulatory materials for labor rationing. In order to coordinate scientific and regulatory research work on labor, avoid duplication and parallelism in work, draft plans are agreed upon before they are approved with the USSR State Committee for Labor.

The implementation of these plans should meet the needs of industries in the norms and standards for labor, including for new types of work.

5.2. Financing of intersectoral and sectoral scientific and regulatory research work on labor is carried out by the ministries (departments) responsible for their implementation, in accordance with the Instructions on the procedure for planning, financing and accounting for costs incurred at the expense of the unified fund for the development of science and technology, approved by the SCST , Gosplan of the USSR, the Ministry of Finance of the USSR and the Central Statistical Bureau of the USSR on October 22, 1980 N 40-7 / 224. In construction, financing is carried out at the expense of the fund for the development of new equipment in capital construction, included in the planned and actual cost of construction and installation and repair and construction works, under the item "Overhead costs".

Ministries (departments) that do not have a single fund for the development of science and technology finance scientific and regulatory research work on labor at the expense of centralized funds provided for these purposes in the cost of production. Financing of contractual works is carried out at the expense of own funds.

5.3. The organization of the development and verification (and, if necessary, revision) of intersectoral norms and standards for labor (except for construction) is entrusted to the CBNT (in construction - to the CBNTS), and branch (departmental) norms and standards - to the relevant scientific and regulatory research organization, defined by the ministry (department) as the main (basic) for the development of regulatory materials for the regulation of labor in the industry.

5.4. When approving intersectoral and sectoral (departmental) labor norms and standards, including consolidated, complex norms, the terms of their validity are established depending on the nature of production, technological process, type of work, etc., but not more than 5 years.

A year before their expiration date, they are subject to mandatory verification for compliance with the achieved level of technology, technology, organization of production and labor. Based on the results of the inspection, the body that approved the relevant norms and standards makes a decision to extend their validity or to revise them with the introduction of appropriate amendments and additions.

5.5. Lists of intersectoral and sectoral (departmental) labor norms and standards applied at subordinate enterprises are approved for the current five-year period by the relevant ministries (departments) in agreement with the central (republican) committees (councils) of trade unions.

In the specified lists in the presence of the corresponding types of work in without fail should include intersectoral norms and labor standards approved by the USSR State Labor Committee and the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions, as well as the USSR State Labor Committee, the USSR State Construction Committee and the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions.
(Paragraph as amended by the joint resolution of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions and the USSR State Labor Committee of September 10, 1987 N 548 / P-9.

5.6. The timely provision of ministries (departments) with intersectoral normative materials for labor rationing is assigned to the CBNT, which in the prescribed manner ensures their publication through the Ekonomika publishing house (in construction - to the CBNTS and the Stroyizdat publishing house), and enterprises - to the relevant ministries (departments) .

Revision of the document, taking into account
changes and additions prepared
JSC "Kodeks"


Trade Union Chairman Managing Director

________________ _______________


on the procedure for establishing and revising labor standards in the "ENTERPRISE".

1 area of ​​use.

1.1. This provision determines the procedure for the development and application of labor standards, the organization of remuneration, the tariffing of work and workers, and other issues resolved by the service (subdivision) of labor rationing.

1.2. The position corresponds to:

  • Labor Code Russian Federation;
  • Regulations on the organization of labor rationing in the national economy, Goskomtrud of the USSR, 1986. (The only surviving and not canceled document concerning the organization of labor rationing).

2. The structure of the labor rationing service.

2.1. The rationing and remuneration service of the enterprise consists of the following units:

  • department of labor and wages;
  • bureau of labor and wages of workshops.

In departments, by order of the head of the department, a specialist is appointed who is involved in the preparation of documentation on labor and salary issues, which should be reflected in his job description.

2.2. The department of labor and wages of the "Enterprise" organizes its work in accordance with the "Regulations on the department of labor and wages".

2.3. Labor and wage bureaus of workshops organize their work in accordance with the "Regulations on labor bureaus and wages of workshops".

2.4. Managers and specialists of the department of labor and wages and BTZ workshops perform their duties in accordance with job descriptions.

3. Establishment of labor standards.

3.1. Types of labor standards applied at the enterprise:

3.1.1. The norm of time is the amount of working time in minutes (hours) established to perform a unit of work (a production operation, a set of operations, one product, etc.) by one employee or a group of workers (team) of a certain qualification in the organizational and technical existing at the enterprise conditions.

3.1.2. The service rate is the established amount of work to be serviced by an employee or a group of employees (team) of a certain number of objects (pieces of equipment, production areas, jobs, etc.) during a work shift or work month. In addition, service standards are developed to establish time standards for multi-machine (multi-unit) service.

3.1.3. The norm (norm) of the number of workers and employees is the established number of employees of the appropriate professional and qualification composition to perform certain production, management functions or scope of work. They are used in the form of staffing tables for auxiliary workers and employees.

3.2. Depending on the method of rationing, labor standards are divided into technically sound and experimental - statistical.

3.2.1. Technically justified standards are labor standards calculated:

  • via computer science according to programs developed according to the terms of reference of the department of labor and wages, or acquired in Kazan NIAT;
  • according to the standards of labor costs permitted for use at the enterprise in accordance with the RTMP (Guiding Technical Material Enterprises - a separate document that lists the applicable sources of standards or automated programs for calculating labor intensity standards acquired or developed at the enterprise itself).
  • based on timing observations;

The basis for establishing a technically sound standard for operations performed on machines with program management, serves as an act (f. OPU), represented by the department of machine tools with program control (OPU) of the OGT (department of the chief technologist).

3.2.2. Experimental - statistical norms are the norms established according to statistical data on similar details, or on the basis of the experience of a foreman or engineer in labor rationing.

3.3. Labor standards, depending on the validity period, are divided into permanent (conditionally permanent), temporary and one-time.

3.3.1. Constant (conditionally constant) norms of time are established for an indefinite period. Permanent norms should only indicate the date of their entry into force. The expiration date of the permanent norm is not specified. Record the start date of the norms either on the cover of the folder, or on each sheet of norms of time and prices.

3.3.2. Temporary norms can be established for the period of development of products, equipment, technology for a period of not more than 3 months. After this period, the temporary norms are replaced by the permanent ones. The status of rates "Temporary" is recorded on the top field of the statement of time rates and rates. In addition, the start and end dates of their validity must also be indicated there. For example: "Temporary, for the period from April 1 to June 30 200__". If some of the operations are temporary (for example, when new operations are introduced into a permanent technological process), all temporary operations should be drawn up on a separate sheet of VNiR (Statement of norms and prices) and coordinated in the prescribed manner.

The period of validity of the temporary norm can be extended by a joint decision of the workshop and the OTZ for a period of not more than three months, if there is no permanent technology by the time the initial three-month period expires.

3.3.3. One-time norms are assigned to casual work (emergency, economic, etc.) for the period of performance of these works. After completing this work, the one-time norm of time loses its value.

The status of rates "Single" is indicated on the top field of the statement of time rates and rates.

3.3.4. The status of the norm, like the norm itself, is considered valid only if there are signatures provided for by the statement of norms of time and prices (VNiR).

3.4. The company applies the norms of piece time. Preparatory and final time for machine (stamping, welding, etc.) work is not included in the unit time and is paid separately. Preparatory - final time for handmade, as a rule, is included in the piece time. An indication of this is contained in the annotations to specific time standards.

3.5. The calculation of the norms of the preparatory - final time and their application do not differ from the calculation and application of the norms of piece time.

3.6. Labor standards must be recorded in the appropriate document form:

  • norms of time - in the statement of norms of time and prices (VNiR);
  • norms for the number of auxiliary workers and employees - in the staffing table.

4. Calculation of technically justified norms of time (TON).

4.1. Calculation of TON is carried out by specialized divisions of Chief Specialists (OGT, OGS, OGMet) according to programs purchased from Kazan NIAT (in this case, specific software products developed specifically for the enterprise in accordance with industry affiliation) or developed at the “ENTERPRISE” based on terms of reference normative - research sector OH&S.

4.2. In the absence of software, the calculation of OET is carried out manually by the BTZ of workshops based on the standards of time and cutting conditions permitted for use at the enterprise in accordance with the RTMP (Guiding Technical Material of the Enterprise - a separate document that lists the applicable sources of standards or automated programs for calculating labor standards). List of standards.

4.3. The cutting conditions established and entered into technological maps by shop technologists should be accepted by shop labor rationing engineers as directives that must be followed.

4.4. Labor standards for operations with an indefinite amount of work (performed as needed, taking into account the selectivity of control, etc.) are established only on the basis of photochronometric observations. To determine the norm of time total time performance of work for the entire batch of parts is divided by the size of the batch. To the received time is added the time of regulated breaks.

5. Rationing of labor in the implementation of multi-machine (multi-unit) service.

5.1. When transferring to multi-machine (multi-unit) maintenance of all types of equipment (universal metal-cutting equipment, automatic and semi-automatic machines, including CNC machines; units, apparatus, installations, etc.), calculate the new time norm according to the formula:

Tms \u003d Tsht * K, where:

Тms is the projected rate of unit time for multi-machine (multi-aggregate) service.

Тsht - the current payment or technically justified norm of time;

K = coefficient to the current norm of time (see table).

These coefficients correspond to table 1 of the instruction - “Calculation of the norms of multi-machine (multi-unit maintenance and the procedure for their implementation.”

5.2 Calculation of norms of multi-machine maintenance and the procedure for their introduction into production is carried out in strict accordance with the INSTRUCTIONS.

5.3. The rate of maintenance of machines (aggregates) is taken from the technological map. In the event of disputable situations, the employment of workers should be monitored using a photograph of the working day, in which the presence of machine-free time and equipment downtime due to the worker's employment in other jobs should be analyzed.

5.4. The status of the new norm (TON or experimental-statistical) depends on the status of the original norm, that is, if the original norm is technically justified, then the norm for multi-machine (multi-unit) service will also be technically justified. The service rate specified in the technological map, but not confirmed by the calculation, should not be considered technically justified.

6. Standards for labor rationing.

6.1. The "ENTERPRISE" applies standards for labor rationing (standards for time, cutting modes, number, as well as software for personal computers), permitted for use in accordance with the RTMP (a separate document that lists the applicable sources of standards or automated programs for calculating labor standards). The list of standards is coordinated with the trade union committee "ENTERPRISE".

6.2. Changing the cutting conditions established by the standards or the Norma program can be made by order of the chief engineer, and in the event of an expected increase in labor intensity, the author of the change must justify its reasons.

7. Determination of the number of simultaneously processed parts.

7.1. By general rule, the number of simultaneously processed parts is taken from the technological chart (TC) or is determined by calculation based on the information contained in the TC (for example, calculation according to the consumption rate).

7.2. In the absence of information in the TC, the number of simultaneously processed parts is calculated according to the formula (except for parts made from bulk and liquid components):

n = 1500 / M ^ 0.4 / B ^ 0.7 / L ^ 0.7, but not less than one detail; where:

n - number of simultaneously processed parts;

M - mass of the part, kg.

B - part width, mm.

L - part length, mm.

7.3. The number of simultaneously processed parts made from bulk and liquid components is determined by calculation according to the loading rate and consumption rate.

8. The composition of the norm of piece time.

8.1. The formula for calculating the norm of piece time: Tsht = Tosn + Tvsp + Tobs + Toln.

8.2. The main time (Tosn) is the time spent by the worker on actions to qualitatively and quantitatively change the object of labor (its shape, size, appearance, mechanical properties, etc.).

8.3. Auxiliary time (Tvsp) is the time spent by the worker on actions that ensure the performance of the main work (installation and removal of parts, moving parts within the working area, equipment control, tool reinstallation, control measurements, worker movements necessary to complete the operation, and others similar works. Main and auxiliary time form operational time.

8.4. Workplace maintenance time (Tobs) is the time spent by the worker on caring for the workplace (changing tools, fixtures, moving workpieces (parts) within the workplace, lubricating equipment, cleaning up waste and chips, etc.)

8.5. Time for rest and personal needs (Toln) is the time provided for rest in order to prevent overwork, as well as for personal hygiene and natural needs.

8.6. The calculation of the norm of piece time is made on the basis of the current standards of time and cutting conditions, or with the help of chronometric observations and photographs of the working day.

8.7. in mechanized and automated production significant specific gravity occupies the time spent by the worker on monitoring the operation of the equipment (process time), which can be active and passive.

8.8. The time of active monitoring of the operation of the equipment is the time during which the worker closely monitors the operation of the equipment, the progress of the technological process, compliance with the specified parameters (cutting conditions, temperature, pressure, etc.). In each specific case, the time of active observation is determined using timing data or FRD. In the absence of this information, the active observation time is assumed to be 5% of the main one, but not less than 2 minutes. If the technological time is less than 2 minutes, then it is included in the time rate in full according to the actual costs.

8.9. The passive observation time (non-overlapping time) is the time when there is no need to constantly monitor the operation of the equipment or the technological process, but the worker does it due to the lack of other work. With a good organization of labor, the passive observation time should be covered by other work, in which case the overlapped part of the passive time is not included in the piece time.

8.10. Time norms with unused fully technological time are not considered technically justified.

9. Revision of existing and introduction of new labor standards.

9.1. In order to reduce labor costs, ensure the progressiveness of the current standards at the enterprise, a calendar plan for the replacement and revision of conditionally permanent labor standards is being developed before the new year.

When developing a plan, take into account:

  • the level of compliance with the time standards for the last three months before the development of the plan;
  • the level of technically justified labor standards;
  • the presence of loss of working time according to the photographs of the working day;

9.2. A mass revision of conditionally permanent and temporary labor standards simultaneously in all shops is carried out in accordance with the order of the managing director, agreed with the trade union committee of the "ENTERPRISE".

9.3. The head of the shop has the right to revise the conditionally permanent and temporary labor standards (tightening or redistribution of labor intensity within the products) at the sites and in the services of the shop by order for the shop, agreed with the OTiZ "ENTERPRISE" and the shop committee of the trade union.

9.4. A mass revision of conditionally permanent and temporary labor standards is carried out in the presence of the following factors:

  • the presence of outdated and erroneously established labor standards;
  • improvement of organizational - technical, sanitary - hygienic and other conditions of production;
  • training employees at the expense of the enterprise in colleges, advanced training courses, etc., and the subsequent increase in the qualifications and professional skills of employees;
  • increase in batches of manufactured parts.

9.5. Obsolete norms are the norms of time, service, number, the labor intensity of which has decreased as a result of a general improvement in the organization of production and labor, an increase in production volumes, and an increase in professional skills through training workers at the expense of the enterprise and improving the production skills of workers.

9.6. Erroneously established norms are labor norms in which organizational, technical and other conditions are incorrectly taken into account or errors are made when applying labor standards or when making calculations.

The revision of erroneously established norms is carried out as they are identified.

9.7. A sign of an erroneous or outdated norm of time is a high percentage of norms revision. A high percentage of the processing of norms on a technically justified norm testifies either to the exceptional abilities of the worker, or to poor-quality calculation. For such operations, it is necessary to either re-calculate OET, or conduct chronometric observations.

9.8. Conditionally - permanent and temporary labor standards are subject to mandatory and immediate replacement with new ones when the technological process is changed as organizational, technical and other measures are introduced into production, carried out at the initiative of the engineering services of the enterprise and workshops and ensuring an increase in labor productivity, .. Such measures include : the introduction of new and modernization of existing equipment or tools, the introduction of more advanced technology or blanks, the improvement of equipment and tools, the mechanization and automation of production processes, the improvement of the organization of workplaces and their rationalization, etc. In this case, both permanent and temporary norms can be established time.

9.9. Permanent labor standards after their revision should be introduced taking into account the opinion of the shop committee of the trade union. Temporary and one-time labor standards are introduced without taking into account the opinion of the shop committee of the trade union. The reduction in labor intensity when translating temporary norms into permanent ones is also carried out without taking into account the opinion of the shop committee of the trade union.

9.10. To obtain the "opinion" of the trade union organization of the workshop (see Article 162 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), the head of the BTZ of the workshop, before approving new labor standards, after completing the revision, submit the following documents to the workshop committee of the trade union:

  • the results of the revision of standards for sections and the workshop as a whole (the percentage of labor intensity reduction, the residual percentage of processing standards, the level of OET before and after the revision, the planned level of wages for workers at base output and taking into account the planned increase in labor productivity);
  • statements of workers who do not agree with the intended norms, and a proposed decision with a reasoned justification.

The workshop committee within five days must issue a protocol to the administration of the workshop for agreement or disagreement with the proposed labor standards. In case of disagreement, stating the reasons. Reasons for disagreement should be properly reasoned and presented in the form of a calculation.

The meeting of the workshop committee for the approval of new time standards should be held at the end of the two-month period provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation to familiarize themselves with the new labor standards.

9.11. Employees must be notified of the introduction of new standards after the revision no later than two months in advance. Employees may be notified of the introduction of temporary and one-time labor standards in less than two months, but in all cases before the start of work.

9.12. Notification of workers about the availability of new standards after their revision is carried out at a site meeting. The engineer for labor rationing of the BTZ of the shop must issue new (revised) time standards and rates to the site and bring the following information to the attention of the workers:

  • the number of the order for the enterprise (for the workshop), on the basis of which the revision of the time standards was carried out;
  • the results of the revision of the norms for the sections (the percentage of reduction in labor intensity, the residual percentage of the revision of the norms for the section and individual workers, the level of OET before and after the revision, the estimated level of wages at base output and taking into account the increase tariff rates and planned growth of labor productivity);

Two months after the issuance of the standards for the site, consider that all workers in the site are familiar with the labor standards. The familiarization period starts from the day following the day of issuing the norms for the site.

The familiarization procedure outlined above must be reflected in the minutes of the general meeting of the site. A copy of the protocol must be kept in the BTZ of the shop.

9.13. Notification of workers about the presence of constant norms when new parts (operations) are introduced is carried out by the labor rationing engineer of the BTZ shop by issuing sheets of norms and prices to the site with a message about this to the senior (shift) foreman. The time limit begins to operate immediately after its development, without observing a two-month familiarization period.

9.14. Notification of workers about the implementation of technically sound norms is carried out in the same way (see clause 2.12). The time limit begins to operate two months after familiarization.

9.15. Notification of workers about the availability of temporary time norms is carried out either by issuing a sheet of time norms and prices to the site, or by recording the time norm in the work order.

9.16. Statements of workers about their disagreement with the proposed time standards within two months after their revision, as well as in other cases, are submitted to the name of the shop manager and are subject to mandatory registration. Consideration of applications is carried out by a commission consisting of the head of the shop or appointed by him official, the head of the BTZ, the senior (shift) foreman of the corresponding section, the technologist of the section, the chairman of the shop committee of the trade union, the author of the application. A reasoned decision is made for each application.

9.17. Approval of new standards after their revision is carried out by order on the shop floor; in all other cases, the time norms are considered approved if the statement of time norms and prices is signed by the head of the workshop. The order is issued after the workshop committee for the harmonization of standards, but no later than the end of the two-month familiarization period.

9.18. The Managing Director of the "ENTERPRISE" delegates to the chiefs in accordance with the established procedure production shops and the head of OTiZ the joint right to approve all time standards for the main workers (conditionally - permanent, temporary, one-time). In other words, the norm of time is considered approved if there are two signatures - the head of the shop and the head of the OTiZ.

9.19. The presence of signatures provided for by the form of the statement of norms of time and prices (VNiR) for newly introduced details (operations) is mandatory. In order to simplify the procedure for collecting signatures (only after the revision of the norms), it is allowed to put all signatures on the first page of the bound VNiR book. From the department of labor and wages, the VNiR book is signed by the leading engineer of the corresponding workshop.

Correction of any details of the statement of norms of time and rates after its agreement with the OTiZ is allowed only on the basis of notices of changes in the VNiR, drawn up accordingly.

9.20. When the above conditions are met, a two-month period for familiarization with the time standards is not required in the following cases:

  • when transferring an operation to another worker in the same area;
  • when transferring operations from site to site or from shop to shop;
  • when new workers enter the shop.

9.21. The norms for the number of auxiliary workers of workshops and departments (staffing tables) are signed by the head of the shop (department), agreed with the head of OH&S and approved financial director- Deputy head of the enterprise.

9.22. The norms for the number of employees of workshops and departments (staffing tables) are signed by the head of the workshop (department), agreed with the head of the OTC and approved by the managing director of the "ENTERPRISE".

9.23. The use in the workshop (department) of unapproved and uncoordinated labor standards in accordance with the requirements of this provision entails administrative responsibility, which may be brought against:

  • head of the workshop (department);
  • head of the BTZ shop or a person performing these functions;
  • senior (shift) foreman of the corresponding section.

9.24. Sheets of norms of time and prices with permanent, temporary and one-time norms of time are sent to the central regulatory base of the enterprise immediately after their approval.

10. Establishment of increased time standards.

10.1. Increased time standards (reduced production standards) in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation can be established for the following categories of piecework workers:

  • students of general education schools for the period of their work on vacation days;
  • adolescents under the age of 18;
  • young workers of certain leading professions during the first four months of their independent work;
  • pregnant women in accordance with the medical report;
  • workers of pre-retirement age.

10.2. When implementing this provision of the Labor Code and the Code of Conduct, the value of the norm of time should not be changed, but an additional payment to the normalized salary should be made with a surcharge sheet.

The amount of surcharges and the period for which surcharges are established are documented in a special provision developed by the BTZ of the shop. The regulation is signed by the head of the BTZ, agreed with the shop committee and approved by the head of the shop. The payment of additional payments is made according to the worker along with the total piecework earnings for the month and is carried out according to the military education 004 "Piecework - premium". The normalized time is not calculated and is not recorded in the work order. The regulation may stipulate a minimum percentage of the fulfillment of time norms, upon reaching which a bonus can be paid. The premium is calculated on the amount of the above surcharges.

10.3. To stimulate the reduction of labor intensity and the introduction of technically justified time standards (TON), correction factors can be set for the price (but not for the time rate!). The maximum size of the coefficients and the procedure for their application are established by order of the head of the enterprise. As a rule, for each percentage reduction in labor intensity, the size of the coefficients can be from 0.3 to 0.9%%, depending on the complexity of the processing, observing the rule "The growth of labor productivity must outstrip the growth of wages."

10.4. When physically worn equipment is used in the workshops, the workshop submits to the OT&Z a certificate signed by the chief mechanic of the "ENTERPRISE" about what values ​​of machine spindle speed and feed values ​​this machine cannot provide due to its wear. If such a certificate is available, OTiZ organizes the correction of the passport data of the machines entered into the programs for calculating the OET, which will affect the value of the time norm.

11. Formulas for calculating the growth of labor productivity from reducing labor intensity and reducing losses of working time.

11.1. Growth in labor productivity, which should be obtained by reducing labor intensity:

Pts \u003d Po / Pp * 100 - 100, where:

By - the percentage of compliance with the standards in the reporting period;

Pp - the planned percentage of the implementation of the norms.

11.2. Calculation of the percentage of labor intensity reduction depending on the given percentage of labor productivity growth.

St \u003d Pts / (100 + Pts) * 100

12. Determining the type of production for the purposes of labor rationing.

12.1. In the conditions of "ENTERPRISE", depending on the size of the product series, small-scale and serial (medium-scale) type of production can take place ...

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On approval of the approximate regulation on the system of labor rationing in regional state cultural institutions subordinate to the Ministry of Culture of the Chelyabinsk Region

In order to organize work on labor rationing in regional state cultural institutions subordinate to the Ministry of Culture of the Chelyabinsk Region, in accordance with the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 26, 2012 N 2190-r "On approval of the Program for the gradual improvement of the wage system in state (municipal) institutions at 2012 - 2018", Decree of the Government of the Chelyabinsk Region dated April 19, 2013 N 84-rp "On approval of action plans ("road maps") "Changes in industries social sphere aimed at improving the efficiency of the cultural sphere of the Chelyabinsk region", "Changes in the sectors of the social sphere aimed at improving the efficiency of archiving in the Chelyabinsk region"


1. Approve the attached exemplary regulation on the system of labor rationing in the regional state cultural institutions subordinate to the Ministry of Culture of the Chelyabinsk Region.

2. The heads of regional state cultural institutions subordinate to the Ministry of Culture of the Chelyabinsk Region, on the basis of this order, ensure the development and approval of the regulations on the system of labor rationing in the institution before 09/01/2015.

3. Recommend to heads of culture management bodies municipalities of the Chelyabinsk region to ensure the development and approval of a standard provision on the system of labor rationing in relation to subordinate municipal institutions.

4. Senior Inspector of the Department of Organizational and Legal Work of the Ministry of Culture of the Chelyabinsk Region Ustyuzhanina M.A. bring this order to the attention of the heads of structural subdivisions of the Ministry of Culture of the Chelyabinsk Region, heads of regional state cultural institutions subordinate to the Ministry of Culture of the Chelyabinsk Region, heads of cultural management bodies of municipalities of the Chelyabinsk Region.

5. To the Chief Specialist of the Planning and Financial Department of the Ministry of Culture of the Chelyabinsk Region Tsvetkova Yu.Yu. ensure the placement of this order on the official website of the Ministry of Culture of the Chelyabinsk Region:

6. I reserve control over the execution of this order.

Minister of Culture
Chelyabinsk region

by order
Ministry of Culture
Chelyabinsk region
dated December 31, 2014 N 316


(name of representative body) (name of institution)
______________________________________ _____________________________
(Name of the head) (Name of the head)
"___" _________ 20___ Order N __________________
from "___" ___________ 20___

Approximate provision on the labor rationing system

at _________________________________________________ (name of institution)
___________________________ (location of institution)


This provision has been developed in accordance with and on the basis of the following regulations:

1) Labor Code of the Russian Federation;

2) Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 11, 2002 N 804 "On the rules for the development and approval of standard labor standards";

3) Decree of the State Committee for Labor of the USSR and the Presidium of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of June 19, 1986 N 226 / P-6 "On approval of the regulation on the organization of labor rationing in the national economy" (in the part that does not contradict the current legislation);

4) Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 26, 2012 N 2190-r "On approval of the Program for the gradual improvement of the wage system in state (municipal) institutions for 2012 - 2018";

5) Decree of the Government of the Chelyabinsk Region dated April 19, 2013 N 84-rp "On approval of action plans ("road maps") "Changes in social sectors aimed at improving the efficiency of the cultural sector of the Chelyabinsk Region";

6) order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation of May 31, 2013 N 235 "On approval of guidelines for federal executive bodies on the development of standard industry labor standards";

7) order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation of September 30, 2013 N 504 "On approval of guidelines for state (municipal) institutions on the development of labor rationing systems".

1 area of ​​use

This regulation on the system of labor rationing (hereinafter - regulation)

establishes a system of standards and norms on the basis of which the

the function of labor rationing, contains the main provisions governing

organization of labor rationing, as well as establishes the procedure for conducting

regulatory research work on labor in the institution


(name of institution)

This regulation shall come into force for application in all

departments of the institution _________________________________________________

(name of institution)

2. Terms and definitions

2.1. The following terms are used in this document with their respective definitions:

1) approbation - the process of introducing for a limited (test) period the results of the work performed (normative materials, labor standards) in order to analyze and study their impact on the labor process (activity) in conditions close to real (actual) and the effectiveness of the institution;

2) certified norms - technically substantiated norms corresponding to the achieved level of engineering and technology, organization of production and labor;

3) temporary norms - norms for repetitive operations established for the period of development of certain types of work in the absence of regulatory materials for labor rationing. Temporary norms are established for a period of up to three months and after this period they are replaced by permanent norms;

4) replacement and revision of labor standards - a necessary and natural process that requires an appropriate organization of control at the level of the institution and its divisions. This is explained by the desire of the employer to increase the efficiency of using the labor potential of employees, to find reserves, to take into account any opportunities to increase efficiency;

5) tension of labor standards - relative value, which determines the necessary time to perform specific work in specific organizational and technical conditions; tension indicator - the ratio of the required time to the established norm or actual time spent;

6) service time rate - the amount of working time costs established for the performance of a unit of work, the provision of services in certain organizational and technical conditions;

7) labor cost rate - the amount of labor that must be spent on the quality provision of services in certain organizational and technical conditions;

8) service rate - the number of objects that an employee or a group of employees of the appropriate qualification service during a unit of working time in certain organizational and technical conditions. A variation of the service norm is the manageability norm, which determines the number of employees who must be managed by one manager. The typical service rate is set according to the average for homogeneous jobs;

9) headcount rate - the established number of employees of a certain professional and qualification composition, necessary to perform specific functions, provide services, perform a certain amount of work in certain organizational and technical conditions;

10) normalized task - the amount of work (services) established on the basis of the above types of labor cost norms, which an employee or a group of employees must perform (provide) for a work shift (working day), month or other unit of working time. Normalized tasks are developed on the basis of the current norms of labor costs and may contain individual and collective labor costs, set taking into account tasks to increase labor productivity and save material resources. These tasks are set based on the opportunities available at each workplace. Therefore, normalized tasks, in contrast to the norms of labor costs, can only be set for a specific workplace and taking into account only its inherent features and possibilities for mobilizing reserves to increase labor efficiency;

11) sectoral norms - normative materials on labor, intended for the regulation of labor in work performed in institutions of one branch of the economy (culture, education);

12) erroneously established standards (erroneous) - labor standards, in the establishment of which organizational, technical and other conditions are incorrectly taken into account or inaccuracies are made in the application of labor standards and calculations;

13) one-time norms - regulatory materials on labor, established for individual work, of a single nature (unscheduled, emergency, accidental and other work not provided for by technology) and valid during the entire time of work, unless temporary or permanent norms are introduced for them ;

14) technically justified labor norm - a norm established by the analytical method of rationing and providing for the most complete and effective use working hours;

15) obsolete norms - labor norms for jobs, the labor intensity of which has decreased as a result of a general improvement in the organization of production and labor, an increase in the volume of work, an increase in professional skills and an improvement in the skills of employees;

16) intersectoral labor standards - regulatory materials on labor that are used to standardize the labor of workers engaged in the performance of work using the same technology in similar organizational and technical conditions in various industries economy;

17) local labor standards - normative materials on labor developed and approved in the institution.

2.2. Other concepts and terms used in this provision are applied in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. The main goals and objectives of labor rationing

3.1. Labor rationing is a priority and initial link in the economic mechanism, as well as an integral part of the organization of personnel management, ensuring the establishment of scientifically based labor standards in certain organizational and technical conditions to improve labor efficiency.

The main task of labor rationing in an institution is to establish reasonable, progressive indicators of labor costs in order to increase overall productivity and improve the efficiency of the use of labor resources.

3.2. The purpose of labor rationing in an institution is the creation of a labor rationing system that allows:

Improve the organization of production and labor from the position of minimizing labor costs;

Systematically reduce the labor intensity of works and services;

Calculate and plan the number of employees by workplaces and departments based on planned indicators;

Calculate and regulate the size of the fixed and variable part of the wages of employees, improve the forms and systems of remuneration and bonuses.

3.3. The main tasks of labor rationing in an institution are:

Development of a labor rationing system;

Development of measures for the systematic improvement of labor rationing;

Analysis and determination of optimal labor costs for all works and services;

Development of norms and standards for labor rationing for new equipment, technologies, works and services not covered by rationing;

Development of enlarged and complex norms of labor costs for the completed scope of work, services;

Improving the quality of developed regulatory materials and the level of their justification;

Organization of systematic work on the timely implementation of the developed norms and standards for labor and ensuring control over them correct application;

Ensuring the determination and planning of the number of employees in terms of the number, level of their qualifications based on labor standards;

Justification and organization of rational employment of workers in individual and collective workplaces, analysis of the ratio of the duration of work of varying complexity;

Identification and reduction of irrational costs of working time, elimination of losses of working time and downtime at workplaces;

Determination of the optimal ratio of workers of the same profession (specialty) of different qualifications in the departments of the institution;

Calculation of the norm of the number of employees required to perform the planned scope of work, services;

Substantiation of forms and types of bonuses for employees for quantitative and qualitative results of work.

3.4. The development of labor rationing should contribute to the improvement of labor organization, planning and analysis of the use of labor resources, the development of forms of use of labor resources, reducing the labor intensity of work performed, and increasing labor productivity.

3.5. In order to rationally and effectively achieve the tasks of labor rationing, it is necessary to widely use modern economic and mathematical methods for processing initial data and electronic computers, microelement rationing systems, video equipment and others. technical means measuring the cost of working time and studying the techniques and methods of work.

4. Regulatory materials and labor standards applied in the institution

4.1. The institution uses the following basic regulatory materials on labor rationing:

Labor standards (norms, standards of time, number, production, service standards), etc.

4.2. At the institutional level as baseline when developing local labor standards, calculating derived indicators, for the purpose of organizing and managing personnel, intersectoral and sectoral labor standards are used. In the absence of intersectoral and sectoral labor standards, institutions develop local labor standards.

4.3. Normative materials for labor rationing must meet the following basic requirements:

Correspond state of the art techniques and technologies, labor organization;

To take into account to the maximum extent the influence of technical, technological, organizational, economic and psycho-physiological factors;

Provide high quality established labor standards, the optimal level of tension (intensity) of labor;

Meet the required level of accuracy;

Be convenient for calculating labor costs in the institution and determining the labor intensity of work;

Ensure the possibility of using them in automated systems and personal electronic computers for collecting and processing information.

4.4. According to the scope of application, regulatory materials are divided into intersectoral, sectoral and local.

4.5. Establishing the amount of labor required for the performance of work is organically linked with the establishment qualification requirements to the performers of these works.

4.6. The degree of differentiation or consolidation of norms is determined by the specific conditions of labor organization.

4.7. Along with the norms established for work that is stable in terms of organizational and technical conditions, temporary and one-time norms are applied.

4.8. Temporary norms are established for the period of development of certain works in the absence of approved labor standards for a period of not more than 1 (one) year, which can be established by summary expert methods of labor rationing.

4.9. Permanent norms are developed and approved for a period of not more than 5 (five) years and have technical validity.

4.10. Technically justified are labor standards established on the basis of analytical methods of labor rationing, indicating qualification requirements for the performance of work and focused on the most complete use of all working time reserves in terms of the duration and level of labor intensity, the pace of work. Tariffication of work and determination of qualification requirements for employees are carried out in accordance with the norms of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.11. Along with the norms established according to the current regulatory documents for work that is stable in terms of organizational and technical conditions, temporary and one-time norms are applied.

4.12. One-time norms are established for individual works that are of a single nature (unscheduled, emergency, etc.), they can be calculated and experimental-statistical.

4.13. Temporary experimental-statistical norms of time, number, production or service are established in the absence of technically justified normative materials on labor in the institution for the performance of these types of work. Experimental-statistical norms are established on the basis of an expert assessment of a labor rationing specialist, which is based on systematized data on the actual time spent on similar work for the previous period of time.

The period of validity of temporary norms should not exceed three months (for frequently repeated work), and in a long process - for the period of execution necessary work. The persons responsible for rationing are personally responsible for the correct (reasonable) establishment of temporary labor standards.

4.14. On the introduction of temporary or one-time labor standards labor collectives must be notified prior to commencement of work.

5. Organization of the development and revision of normative materials on labor rationing

5.1. The development of normative materials on the regulation of labor in an institution is based on the initiative of the employer or the representative body of employees.

5.2. The main type of normative materials for the regulation of labor in an institution are technically justified labor standards.

5.3. Justified are the norms established by the analytical method, taking into account factors affecting the standard value of labor costs.

5.4. Factors influencing the standard value of labor costs, depending on the nature and direction of the impact, are divided into technical, organizational, psychophysiological, social and economic.

5.5. Technical factors are determined by the characteristics of the material elements of labor:

Items of labor;

The means of labor.

5.6. Organizational factors are determined by the forms of division and cooperation of labor, the organization of the workplace and its maintenance, the methods and techniques of performing work, the modes of work and rest.

5.7. Technical and organizational factors predetermine the organizational and technical conditions for the performance of work.

5.8. Economic forces determine the impact of the developed norms on labor productivity, the quality of services provided.

5.9. Psychophysiological factors are determined by the characteristics of the performer of the work: gender, age, some anthropometric data (height, leg length, strength, agility, endurance, etc.), as well as some production characteristics (parameters of the viewing area and reach area, working posture, workload of vision , pace of work, etc.). Accounting for psychophysiological factors is necessary to select the optimal variant of the labor process, which takes place under favorable conditions with normal labor intensity and a rational work and rest regime in order to preserve the health of workers, their high performance and vitality.

5.10. Social factors, as well as psychophysiological factors, are determined by the characteristics of the performer of work, his cultural and technical level, experience, work experience, etc. social factors also include some characteristics of the organization of production and labor - this is the content and attractiveness of labor, etc.

5.11. Identification and accounting of all factors influencing the value of labor costs is carried out in the process of developing norms and regulatory materials for labor rationing.

5.12. Factors are taken into account in the following sequence:

1) the factors influencing the normative value of labor costs due to a specific type of economic activity are identified;

2) possible values ​​of factors are determined when performing this work;

3) restrictions are defined that impose certain requirements on the labor process, as a result of which its permissible options are established;

4) combinations of factors are selected under which effective results of work are achieved in the most favorable conditions for their performers (designing a rational labor process).

These procedures are carried out at the stage of preliminary study of organizational, technical and other conditions for the performance of work. Some of the factors that depend on the performers of the work are taken into account at the stage of selecting personnel for supervision in the analytical and research method of establishing norms and standards.

5.13. The quality of the norms of labor costs and their validity depends on the methods on the basis of which they are established. Labor costs can be set in two ways:

Based on a detailed analysis carried out in the institution and the design of an optimal labor process (analytical method);

Based statistical reports on the development, time spent on the performance of work for the previous period or expert assessments (total method).

5.14. The analytical method makes it possible to determine reasonable norms, the introduction of which contributes to an increase in labor productivity and, in general, the efficiency of the use of labor resources.

5.15. The total method captures the actual labor costs. This method is used in exceptional cases when rationing emergency or experimental work.

5.16. The norms developed on the basis of the analytical method are justified, and the norms established by the summary method are experimental and statistical.

5.17. The development of reasonable normative materials is carried out by one of the methods of the analytical method: analytical-research or analytical-calculation.

5.18. With the analytical-research method of normalization necessary costs working time for each element of the normalized operation is determined based on the analysis of data obtained as a result of direct observation of the implementation of this operation at the workplace, where the organization of labor meets the accepted conditions.

5.19. With the analytical-calculation method, labor costs for standardized work are determined according to labor standards for individual elements previously developed on the basis of research, or by calculation, based on accepted modes optimal performance technological equipment.

5.20. The analytical and computational method is the most rational and preferred method for designing standard materials, as it is the most advanced and cost-effective way of standardization.

5.21. The improvement of the analytical and calculation method is carried out by developing systems of microelement standards, including simulation modeling.

5.22. The advantages of the analytical-calculative method of labor rationing do not exclude the use of the analytical-research method.

5.23. When developing normative materials on labor rationing in an institution, it is necessary to adhere to the following requirements:

1) regulatory materials on labor rationing should be developed on the basis of methodological recommendations approved for the type of economic activity;

2) regulatory materials on labor rationing must be justified based on their development period;

3) testing of regulatory materials for at least 14 calendar days;

4) when forming the results on labor rationing, the opinion of the representative body of workers should be taken into account.

5.24. Labor standards developed taking into account the specified requirements at the level of institutions are local and approved by the head of the institution and agreed with the representative body.

5.25. In order to ensure organizational and methodological unity in organizing the development, revision and improvement of regulatory materials for labor rationing, increasing their validity and quality, the following order of work is recommended:

1) revision standard norms labor in cases stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation, is carried out in the manner established for their development and approval;

2) in cases where the organizational and technical conditions of the institution allow the establishment of more progressive standards than the corresponding intersectoral or sectoral ones, or in the absence of them, local labor standards are developed;

3) the establishment, replacement and revision of labor standards are carried out on the basis of an order (instruction) of the employer, taking into account the opinion of the representative body of employees;

4) employees must be notified about the establishment, replacement and revision of labor standards no later than two months in advance. Employees must be notified about the establishment of temporary and one-time norms before the start of work;

5) the procedure for notifying employees is established by the employer independently;

6) at least once every two years, the structural unit (service) in the institution, which is entrusted with the functions of organizing and rationing labor, or the employee (employees) who are entrusted with these functions, checks and analyzes the current labor standards for their compliance with the level techniques, technologies, organization of labor in the institution. Outdated and erroneously established norms are subject to revision. Revision of obsolete norms is carried out within the time limits established by the management of the institution;

7) the revision of labor standards in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation is carried out in the manner established for their development and approval. The review is carried out every 5 years from the date of approval.

6. The procedure for agreeing and approving regulatory materials on labor rationing

6.1. The standards are of a unified nature and reflect the generalized organizational and technical conditions of the institution and the most rational techniques and methods for performing work.

6.2. Intersectoral regulatory materials are approved by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation.

6.3. Industry regulatory materials are approved Federal body executive power relevant industry or sub-sector upon agreement with the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation.

6.4. The procedure for agreeing and approving local regulatory materials:

1) at the level of institutions, regulatory materials are developed by the employer. The employer sends the developed normative materials to the representative body of employees to take into account the opinion;

2) the representative body of employees, in case of disagreement with the position of the employer, must submit a written protest substantiating its position, while the employer has the right to approve regulatory materials without a positive assessment of the representative body of employees;

3) in the event of a negative assessment of the normative materials on labor rationing, which are approved by the employer, the representative body of employees has grounds for filing a complaint and considering it in court.

6.5. The employer and the employees' representative body must:

1) explain to employees the grounds for replacing or revising labor standards and the conditions under which they should be applied;

2) to constantly support and develop the initiative of employees to review existing and introduce new, more progressive labor standards.

7. The procedure for checking regulatory materials for labor rationing for compliance with the achieved level of technology, technology, labor organization

7.1. The assessment of the level of current labor standards is carried out by analyzing the norms calculated according to these standards, with the conduct of selective studies and the study of the dynamics of the performance of indicators of production standards.

7.2. When carrying out verification of regulatory materials on labor rationing in an institution, it is necessary to perform the following work:

1) carrying out an analysis of the fulfillment of labor standards (production) established in the institution (conducted annually), in case of overfulfillment or non-fulfillment of labor standards by 15% or more, it is necessary to organize verification of indicators of labor standards and standards;

2) issuance of a regulation (order, order) on the verification of regulatory materials, indicating the period;

3) the establishment of a responsible unit for the process of verification of regulatory materials on labor rationing at the enterprise level;

4) organization working group with the involvement of the representative body of employees;

5) conducting selective research, processing the results;

6) carrying out the calculation of norms and standards for selective research;

7) making changes and adjustments based on the results of the calculation;

8) approval of regulatory materials with changes and notification of employees in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

7.3. A detailed procedure for checking normative materials on labor rationing is set out in the relevant methodological recommendations.

8. The procedure for the introduction of regulatory materials on labor rationing in an institution

8.1. The regulatory materials approved in accordance with the established procedure for labor rationing are introduced into the workplaces of the institution in accordance with their scope and scope on the basis of the order of the head, taking into account the opinion of the representative body of employees.

8.2. To ensure the effective implementation and development of regulatory materials in the institution, the following activities should be carried out:

Check the organizational and technical readiness of workplaces for work according to the new standards (as far as the organizational and technical conditions for the performance of work correspond to the conditions provided for by the new regulatory materials);

Develop and implement organizational and technical measures to eliminate identified shortcomings in the organization of labor, as well as to improve working conditions;

To acquaint with the new time standards all employees who will work according to these standards, within the time limits in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

8.3. Familiarization with the new standards should be accompanied by mass explanatory work, instructing employees, and, if necessary, training them to work in the new organizational and technical conditions.

8.4. If during the specified preparatory work it turns out that in the institution the existing organizational and technical conditions are more perfect than the conditions provided for in the new norms or norms, and the current local norms for the relevant work are more progressive than the new norms, then new norms or norms are not subject to implementation.

8.5. In those institutions where the actual organizational and technical conditions coincide with the conditions provided for in the collection, new norms or standards are introduced without any changes.

8.6. For work not covered by the new regulatory materials, local reasonable time standards are established, calculated by the methods of labor rationing.


<*>Clauses 6, 7, 8 of this regulation for each institution are specified and developed taking into account the specifics of the work

Model provision on labor rationing is used as a regulatory and methodological document that establishes a unified procedure for the development, amendment, approval and enforcement of labor standards, analysis of the implementation of standards, organization of accounting and reporting.

The task of labor rationing is to determine the measure of costs and results of labor in the form of labor standards and staffing standards. On the basis of established labor standards, the calculation is carried out production capacity Factories, calculation of the planned load of equipment and the number of jobs, the need of the Factory in the number of personnel of the corresponding quantitative and qualitative composition is determined, the planned cost estimate of a unit of production is calculated.

Objects of labor rationing of workers of the Factory:

  • time spent on production operations;
  • the number of pieces of products manufactured by an employee (group of employees) for a given period of time;
  • the number of production facilities (equipment) serviced by one employee;
  • the number of personnel required to carry out a given scope of work.

Compliance Responsibility model provision on labor rationing is assigned to the Technical Director of the Factory. Responsibility for the organization of labor rationing, control over the implementation of approved labor standards rests with the head of the O&M Factory. Responsibility for the development of new standards, the revision of existing standards, the implementation of approved labor standards rests with the Factory's HSE specialists.

Responsibility for the relevance of the description of the technological process in the labor standards submitted for approval to the Technical Director of the Factory lies with the Head of the Production Department of the Factory.

Terms and abbreviations of the standard provision on labor rationing

When calculating labor standards, the following indices of working hours are used and constituent parts norms reflecting the specifics of the Factory's production (Table 1).

Organization of work on labor rationing (sample model provision)

The organization of work on labor rationing consists of the following stages of work:

  • work planning;
  • development of labor standards;
  • reporting and control over the implementation of standards in production;

Work on the rationing of workers' labor is carried out on the basis of the Business Plan of the Factory for the planned year, on the basis of a monthly analysis of the fulfillment of the norms for the production of the main technological workers.

In accordance with the standard provision on labor rationing, Work planning and reporting on labor rationing includes the development of the following documents:

  • Plan for the development of labor standards in the development of new products in 20__
  • Calendar plan (report) for the replacement and revision of labor standards for the quarter.
  • Report on the implementation of the plan for the development of labor standards in the development of the production of new types of products.

The plan for the development of labor standards in the development of new products is compiled by the lead engineer for labor rationing on the basis of the "Development of new products" section of the Factory's Business Plan for the planned year, endorsed by the head of OH&S, the head of the workshop, the technical director approves, before January 01 of the planned year.

A report on the implementation of the plan for the development of standards for the production of new tires is prepared by the engineer for the standardization of the work of the workshop on a quarterly basis. Deadline - 25th day of the month following the reporting quarter.

In accordance with the model provision on labor rationing, the revision of labor standards is carried out in the following cases:

  • changes in technology and labor organization;
  • identifying obsolete norms;

The "Commission for the Revision of Labor Standards" (CRST) deals with the consideration of proposals for the revision of labor standards and the approval of standards. CPNT is formed in the following composition:

  • Chairman: Technical Director
  • Members of the commission: director of production, director of quality, director of personnel, chief technologist, head of OT&Z, chairman of the trade union committee.
  • Secretary of the Commission: Lead Engineer for labor rationing.

The purpose of the CPST is to consider the proposals received for the revision of labor standards and take decisions on them.

The CPNT meeting is held once a quarter.

The following decisions are made at the meeting:

  • the labor standard is subject to revision;
  • labor standards are not subject to revision.

The decision of the CPNT is drawn up in a protocol and approved by the chairman of the commission. The appendix to the CPNT protocol is the "Calendar plan for the replacement and revision of labor standards" for the planned quarter.

After the expiration of the quarter, at the next meeting of the CPNT, the lead engineer for labor rationing generates a report on the actual implementation of the calendar plan for the replacement and revision of the standards for the reporting quarter. The results are recorded in the CPNT protocol.

An analysis of the intensity and quality of the current labor standards in the divisions of the Factory is carried out by a labor rationing engineer, based on a certificate on the implementation of production standards for the reporting month. Based on the results of the audit, a presentation is made containing analytical information for consideration of proposals for the revision of labor standards at a meeting of the CPST. At the end of the quarter, a report is generated on the actual implementation of the calendar plan for the replacement and revision of standards for the reporting quarter, which is considered at the next meeting of the CPNT.

Time standards used in the calculation of labor standards

Technological services of the Factory calculate machine or machine-automatic time and send information to structural units and in OH&S for the next year - in October of the current year, and for new types of products and in an emergency - as needed.

When developing labor standards, the following time standards are used, developed by the technical services of the Factory:

  • modes of manufacturing products and their processing;
  • data on the actual wear resistance of products;
  • the speed of the equipment;
  • the percentage of defects in the manufacture of products;
  • the number of units of simultaneously produced types of products (flows);

Time standards for rest and personal needs are taken in accordance with the recommendations of the Research Institute of Labor as a percentage of the operational time for manufacturing a unit of production in accordance with table 2.

When calculating labor standards, the operating mode of the equipment, the duration of the work shift, the qualification and quantitative composition of workers are established on the basis of approved normative documents Factories: staffing and work schedules.

Development of labor standards in the model of a model provision on labor rationing

Taking photographs of working time. At this stage, the purpose of the PDF is determined (identifying the loss of working time, developing a norm, determining the content of work at the workplace, etc.), the object of observation is selected.

In accordance with type specimen regulations on labor rationing, it is necessary:

  • study the working conditions at the workplace;
  • read the technological manual;
  • prepare forms;
  • determine the indices of the cost of working time;
  • choose a place of observation;
  • check the measuring instrument for compliance with the requirements (the stopwatch must be verified);
  • to inform the employee about the objectives of the PV;

The implementation of the FRV consists in the sequential recording in the observation sheet of all operations and processes performed at the workplace.

Observation is carried out from the very beginning of work, therefore it is necessary to be present at the place of observation 10 minutes before the start of work. Recording is done in text, indexes or graphically on a time scale. To measure the cost of working time, use the following measuring instruments: a clock - for taking a photograph of the working day, a stopwatch - for timing.

Mandatory details to fill in the observation sheet: name of the work, operations, surname and initials of the performer and observer, start and end time of observation, name of working hours, current time during observation, duration of observation elements.

Processing the results of the FRV consists in compiling summary tables for calculating the labor rate. The goal is to analyze the content of the work and analyze the loss of working time. In the PDF sheet, the duration of certain elements of working time costs is calculated, indexes of working time costs are put down, working time costs of the same name are summarized and consolidated in a summary of working time costs of the same name.

Analysis of the results of the FRV consists in compiling a package of documents for the approval of the labor standard:

  • Chronocard;
  • Photo sheet of the working day;
  • Normalization map;
  • Normalization and pricing sheet;

Chronocard. Mandatory details for filling in the chronocard: last name and first name of the worker, name of the operation, mechanism (for machine-manual operations), duration of observation, names of the observer and the compiler of the map, dates of map compilation, names of working hours, periods of observation time, number of measurements per unit of time.

The number of necessary measurements during timing observations in tire production is determined in accordance with Table 3.

The processing and analysis of the observation begins with the calculation of the duration of each measurement (method or element of the operation) if the timing is carried out in a continuous way. The result is a series of numbers corresponding to the number of measurements taken, which is called a time series (or time series). Next, the coefficient of stability of the chronosequence is determined, the obtained coefficient is compared with the permissible value of the coefficient of stability of the chronosequence. The stability coefficient of the chronological series denotes the ratio of the maximum value of the duration of a given element of the operation to the minimum value. If the coefficient of the analyzed time series does not go beyond the allowable coefficient, then the time series can be considered stable. If the calculated coefficient is higher than the allowable one by 25% or more, the coefficient is considered unsatisfactory, and the time series is considered unstable, in this case the observation should be repeated.

The normative coefficient of stability of the time series is determined in accordance with Table 4.

Photo sheet of the working day. A working day photo sheet is compiled when identifying the presence of downtime of a different nature during the observation process, by filling in the same-name costs of working time and downtime recorded in the observation sheet of a working day photo.

Normalization map. The normalization card contains filling in the following details:

  • indication of the name of the operation process, product, mechanism, apparatus (in machine-manual operations);
  • profession of the performer, number of people (objects of observation), tariff categories;
  • tools and devices used in the work;
  • date of drawing up the map;
  • job description and working conditions;
  • names of work methods, time spent in minutes;
  • calculation of the production rate per shift, per hour;
  • calculation of the norm of time per unit of production in man-hours.

Rating sheet. The valuation sheet contains the following details:

  • name of the work (operation process, product, mechanism, apparatus);
  • the name of the profession;
  • number of workers, categories of work, working conditions,
  • detailed content of the work with a description of the acceptance and delivery of the shift, the performance of operations (works) in accordance with the description in the technological instruction;
  • production rate per shift, per hour;
  • norms of time per unit of production in man-hours.

The rationing - pricing sheet is signed by the developer - engineer for labor rationing, coordinated by the process engineer, head of the department, chairman of the trade union committee of the Factory. The valuation sheet is approved by the technical director.

The developed package of documents (time chart, photo sheet of the working day, rationing sheet, rationing card) is sent by the labor rationing engineer for approval and approval along the route: process engineer, head of department, technical director. The developed labor norm is agreed upon by the chairman of the trade union committee of the Factory.

For consideration and approval or return of the package of documents for revision, each visa applicant is given no more than 3 working days.

The employee must be notified of the introduction of new labor standards and the revision of existing labor standards no later than two months in advance. Notification of employees is carried out by issuing an order in the register of orders for the unit. The order is endorsed by the head of the department and the engineer for labor rationing. One copy of the order is posted on the information board in the unit, the second copy of the order is filed with the approved labor standard, and is a confirmation of the date the labor standard was introduced.

The current labor standards are posted on the information board in the unit.

When revising obsolete labor standards without changing the output rate, the introduction period is the date of their approval technical director, the order for the division is not issued.

Carrying out periodic checks of compliance of actual costs with the data of the technical regulation

Conducting control checks of compliance with the operating modes of the equipment and other technological parameters provided for in the calculation of production rates (time) is carried out by an HSE specialist with the involvement of specialists from the relevant departments and workshops of the Factory. Inspections are carried out in the main workshops once a quarter, selectively, or in accordance with the operational task of the Factory management.

Based on the results of the inspections, an inspection report is drawn up in a free form. The audit report is endorsed by the participants in the audit, the head of the unit and the head of the O&M. If serious deviations of the data included in the calculation of the norms from those received are identified, the OTiZ specialist prepares a draft order for the Factory to hold accountable the leaders in the unit being checked.

Appendix 1 to the model of the Model Regulation on labor rationing

Appendix 2 to the model of the Model Regulation on labor rationing

Appendix 3 to the model of the Model Regulation on labor rationing