Normative and technical basis of production activity quality management. Quality control

Product quality and its relationship with production management

Management as a field of activity implies three levels of solving managerial problems in relation to the system and its parts.

1. The macro level includes solving the problems of self-organization of the management system: the objectives of the policy and strategy for the development of the management system as a whole, determining its structure, functions of subsystems, and personnel management at the highest level.

2. Managing the effectiveness of the interaction between the subject and object of the management system, the performance of general management functions in relation to the really set goals, that is, this is essentially the technological aspect of management.

3. Managing the activities of specific management subsystems to achieve goals that lie at a lower level of the goal tree - that is, the performance of specific management functions.

This implies the main functions of control systems:

1) macrofunctions - the development of a mission (paradigm, philosophy) for the existence and development of the system, the development of a "tree" of the goals of the management system and criteria for their achievement, the development of a general policy for the behavior of the system, the development of a management structure and directions for its development, ensuring the integrity of the system and determining the degree of autonomy, functions and hierarchies of subsystems, approaches to the formation of human resources, especially methods of selection and rotation of top management personnel;

2) general management functions - planning, forecasting specific system parameters and operational management, which include the functions of organization, motivation, coordination and regulation, and also the final process of management or feedback, which includes analysis, accounting and control;

3) private management functions - management of the technical preparation of production, work with personnel, logistics activities etc.

Specific management functions are closely related to the specifics of the enterprise and its main areas of activity ( general management, financial management, production management, marketing, quality management, etc.).

The basis of both production management and quality management is the system of F.V. Taylor, who, in fact, was the first to create a holistic concept scientific management. Taylor's system included the concepts of upper and lower "quality limits", "tolerance fields" and the like, in which such measuring tools, as templates and calibers, and also justified the need for an independent position of a quality inspector, a system of administrative influence and a differentiated system of fines for spoilers. However, the target setting of the quality management system was to ensure certain conditions of individual products, assemblies and parts. Further actions in this direction led to a significant increase in costs, a decrease in production efficiency.

Between the 1920s and the early 1980s. ways of development general management and quality management are divided. The main problem of quality was perceived and developed by specialists mainly as an engineering and technical problem of monitoring and managing the variability of products and production processes, and the problem of production management was mainly of an organizational, economic and socio-psychological nature, associated with solving problems of improving performance. At this stage, quality management was a pronounced specific management function, that is, a structurally, organizationally, resource-dedicated subsystem of general management.

When statistical methods of quality control were developed - BOSS (A. Shewhart, G.F. Dodge, etc.), control charts appeared, selective methods of product quality control and regulation of technical processes were substantiated. In Deming's principles, it is difficult to separate the engineering methods of quality assurance from the organizational problems of management.

In 1950-1980. even large-scale in-house systems abroad were called quality control systems: TOS (Feigenbaum), (Kol. Ishikawa, seven quality tools), OGB, and the like. During this period, an active convergence of quality assurance methods with general management begins. Abroad, the most typical example is the system ("Zero Defects"), however, other quality systems are beginning to widely use the tools of scientific management.

A movement began to meet, which objectively and historically coincided, on the one hand, with the expansion of ideas about product quality and quality management methods, and on the other hand, with the development of the management system of organizations.

The solution of quality problems required the creation of an adequate organizational structure management, which should include not only all departments, but also every employee of the company, and at all stages life cycle products or "quality loops". From these considerations, the concepts of TQM (total quality management) and UQM (universal quality management) logically emerge.

At a time when ideas about quality management included more and more new elements of the production system in their orbit, accumulated and integrated them, general management, on the contrary, broke up into a number of specialized, fairly independent disciplines (finance, personnel management, innovation management, marketing, investment management, logistics, etc.), but in theoretical terms, presented as management by objectives. The main idea of ​​this concept is to structure and deploy goals, and then design a system of organization and motivation regarding the achievement of certain goals. At the same time, a powerful set of theoretical and practical tools has already been formed, which is called quality-based management (MBQ). Now in the asset of quality management:

International standards of the ISO series;

International system of certification of quality systems, including accredited certification bodies;

International Register of Certified Quality System Auditors;

Management audit system;

Similar auditing system at many regional and national levels;

More than 100 thousand companies in the world that have certificates for internal quality systems.

It can be stated that quality management is the management of the fourth generation, which in our time is becoming the leading direction for the successful functioning of the sphere of material production. At the same time, MBQ is growing into production management, but unlike the first stage in the Taylor system, at a new, qualitatively different level. Today, no company that is not positioned in the field of quality management and ecology can count on business success and any public recognition.

Thus, now not only in leading companies, but also at the state level, target systems of general management include the basic principles of a quality management system.

Product quality management should be carried out systematically, i.e. the company should have a quality management system, which is an organizational structure that clearly allocates responsibilities, procedures, processes and resources necessary for quality management.

General quality control, which is carried out by leading companies in the US, Japan and Western Europe, includes three basic conditions.

1. Quality as the main strategic goal of activity is recognized by top management, while specific tasks are set and funds are allocated for their solution. Since quality requirements are determined by the consumer, such a concept as a consistently high level of quality is an ever-changing goal.

2. Quality improvement activities should affect all departments without exception. Experience shows that 80-90% of activities are not controlled by quality and reliability departments. Particular attention is paid to improving the quality at such stages as research and development, which is due to the need for accelerated innovative development.

3. Stability of quality parameters dictates the need ongoing process learning that is projected onto each workplace and necessarily includes an increase in staff motivation.

The objects of product quality management are all elements that create a quality loop. The quality loop in accordance is understood as a product life cycle closed in the form of a ring (Fig. 8.1), including the stages: marketing; design and development technical requirements products; logistics; preparation of production and development of technology; production process; control, testing and examination; packaging and storage; sales and distribution of products; installations; operation; service maintenance; recycling.

With the help of the quality loop, the relationship between the manufacturer of products and the consumer and with all objects that provide a solution to the problems of product quality management is carried out.

Product quality management is carried out cyclically and goes through certain stages, called the Deming cycle. The implementation of such a cycle is called the turnover of the Deming cycle.

The concept of the Deming cycle is not limited to product quality management, but is also related to any managerial and household activities. The sequence of stages of the Deming cycle shown includes: planning (PLAN); implementation (DO); control (CHECK); action control (ACTION) (Fig. 8.2).

In a circular cycle that is subconsciously used in Everyday life, is the essence of the implementation of general management functions, bearing in mind that these functions are aimed at ensuring the creation of high-quality products and all the conditions for its high-quality use.

Rice. 8.1. in

Rice. 8.2. in

Quality management is different from control, which is basically about separating good products from defective ones. The quality of the product after the completion of the production process cannot be changed as a result of the control.

Quality management deals with the entire system of product development, production, operation and disposal. The task of quality management is to establish the causes of marriage, wherever it occurs, and then eliminate these causes and ensure the production of products that fully comply with the requirements of standards and the consumer.



1. Essence and tasks of labor and product quality management.

2. Standards as an organizational and technical basis for quality management, their classification.

3. Japanese labor and product quality management system.

4. Specificity of quality management in the USA.

5. The essence of the new management discipline KSUKP, its content. The manager's task is to create high quality products.

6. Problems of constructing a QMSQP in agriculture RB. (Here are the main reasons for the low quality of agricultural products)



Product quality is a set of properties that determine its suitability for meeting certain needs in accordance with its purpose. Such properties may include the content of substances useful to humans, reliability and durability of operation, aesthetic properties and grade of products.

Product quality largely depends on labor quality- a set of properties of the labor process, allowing you to perform all work operations in accordance with established requirements.

Product quality management- this is the establishment, provision and maintenance of the required level of product quality during its development, production, circulation, operation and consumption, carried out through systematic quality control and targeted impact on the conditions and factors affecting it.

The management of the quality of labor and products is carried out at different levels - the economy of the country as a whole, the industry and an individual enterprise.

In the process of product quality management, one should proceed from the principle "the consumer is always right". Wherein high quality production, as noted by foreign experts, begins with the preparation of labor and ends with the training of personnel. The quality improvement process starts with leadership. Every job is important; if not, it should not be done at all. The Japanese note that the problem that has arisen today is the result of poor work yesterday.


Back in 1974, the State Standard of the USSR, together with the KKTN and the State Planning Commission, approved the “Basic Principles unified system government controlled product quality” (ESGUKP), which have not lost their significance at the present time. main goal This system was the full use of scientific, technical, industrial and socio-economic capabilities of the country to improve the quality of all types of products. The organizational and technical basis of it was the state system standardization – establishing and practical application the most rational and economical methods of its work. There were state standards (GOST), industry (OST), republican (PCT), enterprise standards (STP).

One of methodological foundations state system is the differentiation of its objects depending on the category of standards. Thus, GOST objects are specific types of agricultural products (grain, potatoes, milk, etc.), rules and methods for their storage, packaging, labeling and transportation, acceptance procedures and test methods, units of measurement, typical technological processes of cultivation with / x crops and livestock production, chemical, bacteriological and biological methods for protecting plants and animals from pests and diseases, performance of machines and tools, measuring instruments, test and verification methods, labor protection standards.

Specifications (TS) are developed for products not yet covered by GOST or OST, as well as in cases where it is already standardized, but it is necessary to supplement the requirements for specific production conditions or the use of these products. The objects of technical specifications can also be specific types of work (for example, requirements for quality and timing repair work performed by contractors). The term of validity of the approved specifications is limited - it should not exceed 5 years.

Work on the creation of a standard and its dissemination goes through the following stages:

Organization of development and compilation terms of reference;

Processing feedback and developing the final draft;

Preparation, approval and submission of a draft standard for approval;

Consideration of the draft standard, its approval and registration;

Edition of the standard.

In the branches of the agro-industrial complex, enterprise standards (STP) must be used. They streamline and standardize the process of managing the quality of labor and products, determine exactly who, what and when and how should do it.

Enterprise standards are divided into basic, general and special. The main standards define the structure, functions and tasks of quality management, cover the entire production, technical, economic and social activities labor collective. General standards regulate Information Support, the procedure for the implementation of state and industry standards, the rights, obligations and procedures for the work of councils for production efficiency, labor and product quality, sections of these councils, quality posts, holding Quality Days, etc.

The development of STP is carried out by specialists who are well aware of the conditions of production, its real possibilities. Ready-made standards are approved by the head of the enterprise and are mandatory only for this economy.

STP objects can be:

regulations internal regulations;

functional responsibilities enterprise services;

a list of technological operations and techniques that make up a complete technological process for the production of a particular type of product, the procedure for material and moral incentives for workers for high quality work, products, etc.

All GOSTs and OSTs must be strictly observed when developing enterprise standards. For example, for the masters of machine milking, the STP should include the following technological and organizational requirements that are included in the industry standard.

The state system of product quality management is quite complex, its elements are implemented at different levels of management.

About the quality management system in the Republic of Belarus

At the international level, important tasks are solved by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), founded in 1964. It has its own charter and rules, and approves special procedures for creating standards. The highest body of ISO is the General Assembly, which meets every 3 years.

International standards contain the information necessary to ensure external relations: quality standards and methods for their verification, information about the devices that control quality, data on transportation methods, etc., which allows different countries, regardless of national characteristics, level economic development supply to the global market.

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1 . Product quality control

Product quality management systems and process control systems include the organization of control as the only possible source of feedback necessary to stabilize the process.

Product quality control- This is a check of compliance of product quality indicators with established requirements. In the process of quality control, products may be subjected to visual inspection, measurements for various parameters or tests.

Process control-- this is a check of the compliance of the characteristics, modes and other indicators of the technological process with the established requirements.

Process control-- this is the quality control of the product in the production process, the results of which make the necessary adjustments to the technological process.

In mechanical engineering, the following main types of control are used.

Input control- control by the consumer of raw materials, materials, components and finished products coming to him from other enterprises or from production sites.

Operational control- verification of manufactured products and their individual parts in the production process after the completion of each (or several) production operations.

Active Control- higher form operational control. Active control of products is carried out in the process of its manufacture by measuring instruments built into technological equipment, and is used to control the manufacturing process.

Acceptance control- control of the finished product, for which all the specified technological operations have been completed. Based on the results of this control, a decision is made on the suitability of products for delivery or use.

Depending on the volume of controlled products, input, operational and acceptance control can be solid or selective.

Solid control- verification of each unit of production, in fact, excluding the possibility of getting to the consumer of defective products. But in some cases, it is economically irrational to apply continuous control (with very large output programs) or impossible (if the test is associated with the destruction of products). In these cases, sampling is used.

Selective control used to determine the quality of controlled products based on the results of testing one or more samples from a batch. Analysis of the results of sampling control is carried out using methods mathematical statistics, therefore such control is called statistical.

Statistical control lies in the fact that, based on a limited number of control checks, the quality of the entire batch of products or the state of the technological process is judged with the required degree of accuracy. When organizing statistical acceptance control between the customer and the manufacturer, there must be an agreement (delivery contract) on the maximum allowable content of defective products in the supplied batch, which is called " defective quality level". Based on this, the supplier chooses a control plan - a set of data on the type of control, the volume of the controlled batch of products, the volume of samples, control standards and decision rules.

2 . Modern approach to product quality management

March 1987 . ISO approved the ISO series of standards 9000, and in November of the same year, the European Organization for Standardization issued similar European standards, assigning a series number 29000. In 1988 The USSR State Committee for Quality and Standards approved three of the five standards in this series, numbered from 40.9001 on 40.9003. |

In 1994 these standards have been revised. In 1999 series standards 9000 included five standards: MS ISO 9000:1994 “Standards for Quality Management and Quality Assurance. Selection and Application Guide”;

MS ISO 9001:1994 (GOST 40.9001-96) “Quality systems. Model for quality assurance in design, development, production, installation and maintenance”;

MS ISO 9002:1994 (GOST 40.9002-96) “Quality systems. Model of quality assurance in production and installation”;

MS ISO 9003:1994 (GOST 40.9003-96) “Quality systems. Model of quality assurance in the process of technical control and testing of finished products”;

MS ISO 9004:1994 “Quality management and elements of the quality system. Selection and Application Guide.

Later, other documents were developed, including the General Guide to Quality System Testing, as well as Quality Assurance Technology, which, after their approval as ISO standards, were assigned the number 10000.

The adoption of the 9000 series standards led to the creation general principles to a systematic approach to quality management in industry, since these documents, having absorbed all the best from the accumulated experience, contained more opportunities for their use by both suppliers and customers.

ISO standards 9000. Version 2000. Quality management. Editions of ISO standards 9000 in versions 1987 and 1994 based on real practice, on already tested ideas and concepts, which made it possible to formulate a definition of a set of elements necessary for a quality system. This allowed MS ISO 9000 to become the most used in the history of the International Organization for Standardization. The revision of MS MCO 9000 version 2000 reflects the newly formed principles of quality management.

According to MS ISO 9000:2000, management is a coordinated activity for the direction and management of an organization, and quality management is a coordinated activity for the direction and management of an organization in relation to quality.

Governance and management in relation to quality includes the development of policies and objectives in the field of quality, quality management, quality assurance and quality improvement. Total quality management (TQM) is a form of quality management based on the participation of all personnel in an organization.

ISO 9000:2000 introduces the concept of products , which is defined as the result of the process. However, it is divided into general categories: technical means, software tools, services and processed materials. Many products are combinations of these categories.

This set of documents contains an agreed pair of standards for quality management systems: MS ISO 9000 “Quality management systems. Requirements” and MS ISO 9004 “Quality management systems. Recommendations for improvement of activity”, as well as MS ISO 9000 “Quality management systems. Fundamentals and Dictionary” -- a dictionary of compatible terminology; MS ISO 19011 "Guidelines for the verification of the quality and security management system environment».

The eight principles of quality management have become the key elements of the quality management system.

Orientation of the organization to the customer (consumer). Organizations depend on their customers (consumers), therefore, they must understand their present and future needs, meet their requirements and strive to exceed their expectations. A quality management system (QMS) that meets the requirements of MS ISO 9001 should focus on customer requirements.

In terms of total quality management (TQM), this means a deep study of the customer, his current and future needs.

Increasing the competitiveness of products due to the flexibility and speed of response to the wishes of consumers.

The role of management in the quality management system. Leaders achieve the unity of the purpose of the organization, ways to achieve this goal and ensure the appropriate microclimate in the organization. They create an environment in which employees are fully involved in solving the problems of the organization in order to provide guidance within the QMS to achieve the greatest internal productivity and maximum customer satisfaction.

The implementation of this principle allows you to determine the goals of planning the QMS, highlight priority goals and objectives, increase the responsibility of management for the results of activities, ensure the orientation and motivation of personnel towards the implementation of common goals and tasks.

Involvement of employees in the functioning of the quality system. Employees at all job levels form the backbone of an organization, and their full involvement in quality activities makes it possible to use the abilities of each to the maximum benefit for the organization.

Quality control- a collective activity that requires joint efforts. This means that all personnel, without exception, including those involved in training and certification of personnel, sales, legal, economic, etc. it should be integral part QMS , not an addition to it. Quality responsibilities and authorities should be defined at all levels: scope of programs; technology (methods, rules) for their implementation; the degree of freedom of action of the personnel within its official competence.

The implementation of this principle ensures the desire of the staff to continuously improve the activities of the organization within the framework of the QMS; increased responsibility and increased interest of personnel in the results of their activities and in solving common problems.

Process approach. The desired approach is achieved more efficiently if all resources and activities are managed as processes, i.e., a set of sequential actions.

System approach to management (management). When developing a basic QMS, this principle means that the organization seeks to combine the processes for creating products or services with processes that allow checking the conformity of the product or service to the needs of the customer.

The advantages of this principle:

* establishing relationships between the processes of the system;

* identification of processes that the best way lead to the desired results;

* concentration of efforts on the most important processes;

* continuous improvement of processes through measurements and evaluations and subsequent upgrades.

Continuous product improvement. Continuous product improvement is an ongoing goal of the organization. To do this, corrective preventive actions are carried out, as a result, the competitiveness of products increases and a quick response to the emergence of progressive developments, technology methods and their implementation is achieved.

Fact-based decision making. Effective decisions are based on the analysis of actual data and information, the sources of which can be the results of an audit, corrective actions, statistical data, etc. As a result, it becomes possible to obtain reliable data and ensure the availability of information to personnel, which solutions.

Mutually beneficial relationships with suppliers. An organization and its suppliers are interdependent. Mutually beneficial relationships between them contribute to the expansion of opportunities for each of them.

The main goal is to change the organization's strategy for relationship with suppliers. It is the involvement of suppliers in the joint development of products at an early stage - the establishment of requirements and the implementation of large-scale development, which allows you to optimize resources and costs, provides flexibility and speed of joint coordinated responses to changing market needs.

The most important in these principles is the need for an integrated approach, when the entire management system - managers, processes, information, employees and suppliers work for quality as a whole. All activities of the supplier should be aimed at the fullest satisfaction of the customer's requirements, both real and supposed, established on the basis of marketing and studying the customer himself.

It can be concluded that the fundamental documents in the total quality management (TQM) are standards of various levels - from international (ISO) to enterprise standards.

3 . Statistical methods for assessing product quality management

Modern requirements for verification, audit of product quality, formulated in ST ISO 9004, are as follows.

Technical control and testing of finished products should be carried out at certain points production process. Verification should be carried out at those points where a controlled characteristic of the manufactured product occurs. Control may include the following checks:

Adjustment and technical control of the first part;

Technical control or test carried out by the machine operator;

Automatic technical control and testing;

Control at certain points at certain intervals throughout the entire production process;

Non-systematic (flying) control carried out by inspectors responsible for the implementation of individual operations.

For the final control of finished products, ST ISO 9004 recommends adopting one or two methods simultaneously:

Acceptance control or test confirming the conformity of units or batches with performance requirements and other quality characteristics. There may be a continuous check, sampling by lot or continuous sampling;

Checking the quality of products ready for shipment by sampling from a batch of finished products, both on a continuous and periodic basis;

Acceptance control and product quality control can be used to ensure fast feedback in order to adjust both the finished product and the production process. At the same time, statistical quality control in a number of cases is the only possible method of control (if control is associated with the destruction of products). management quality management leadership

In the product quality management system, the most important role is played by statistical methods of analysis and product quality management. However, these methods must be subject to several requirements: the procedures for collecting statistical data must be fairly simple and do not require special knowledge for their use; the results of processing and analyzing the information received should allow specialists to quickly analyze and improve the production process with sufficient accuracy and speed. Currently, for the analysis and management of product quality, the main areas of application of statistical methods have been formed:

Quality analysis;

Regulation of technological processes;

Quality control;

Quality ratings.

Statistical quality analysis. Statistical quality analysis is used to establish the properties of a random process in specific production conditions.

The quality of products depends on a large number of interrelated and independent factors, which are both regular and random. For example, for engineering products, such factors include equipment accuracy; rigidity of the system machine tool - fixture - tool - part; foreign inclusions in the workpiece material; temperature fluctuations; qualification service personnel; cutting tool error; machining modes; accuracy of compliance with the parameters of preliminary heat treatment, etc.

In the technological process of machining the surface of a part, all these factors are present simultaneously. The normalized quality parameters of parts obtained as a result of manufacturing have a certain spread, which is limited, as a rule, by tolerances for the manufacture of parts, shape, location and surface roughness.

The purpose of applying statistical methods of quality analysis is to identify the degree of influence of random and (or) regular factors on quality indicators.

If the influence of random factors is predominant, they say that the technological process is statistically controlled, and then the use of statistical methods for quality control and the progress of technological processes becomes possible.

If non-random factors predominate in the technological process (for example, the non-rigidity of the system machine - fixture - tool - part), the process is called statistically uncontrollable, and as a result, the use of the rest of the above statistical methods becomes impossible until the reasons for minimizing the degree of influence of non-random factors are identified. Then repeat the procedure again statistical analysis up to the achievement of statistical controllability of the process.

The use of statistical methods for quality analysis should in without fail precede the introduction of statistical methods of acceptance control and regulation of technological processes.

With the help of statistical methods of quality analysis, the following tasks are solved:

Determining the accuracy and stability of the technological process (without which statistical control and statistical regulation are impossible);

Establishing the nature of the difference in the average values ​​(random and non-random) of the same product quality parameter or its dispersion, manufactured in different production conditions (for example, on different equipment or in different shifts);

Estimates of the degree of influence (correlation) of two or more factors on product quality indicators;

Identification of factors that significantly affect the change in quality parameters, and factors that can be neglected;

Identification of changes in quality parameters over time and the nature (random or non-random) of this change, etc.

Statistical regulation of technological processes. Statistical regulation of technological processes is the management of product quality in the production process by timely intervention in the technological process (setting, changing the operating mode of equipment, adjustment, etc.).

Statistical methods of quality control are used in the regulation of technological processes to ensure their stability and prevent defects, i.e. during production, selective control of manufactured products is organized, based on the results of which the parameters of the technological process are promptly corrected, and the release of defective products is prevented. Statistical regulation of technological processes is carried out either quantitatively, or qualitatively, or alternatively. In the first case, the basis for making a decision on intervention in the course of the technological process for its adjustment is the discrepancy between the quantitative values ​​of the quality parameters and the requirements of the technological documentation; in the second - the ratio between the number of objects in several, predetermined groups of products that differ in quality; in the third - the ratio of the number of suitable and unsuitable products in the sample.

Methods of statistical regulation of technological processes are reflected in a number of existing state and international standards.

Statistical methods of acceptance control. Acceptance control is subject to products for which all or part of the technological operations have been completed and when it is necessary to make a decision on its suitability. It is used for incoming acceptance and inspection control, for periodic, type tests carried out at the request of the customer.

The essence of the methods of statistical acceptance control is that, based on a limited number of checks or control of a part of the products (sample), a decision is made on the quality of the entire batch of products with the required accuracy. In contrast to statistical regulation, with statistical acceptance control of products, a decision is made not about the state of the technological process, but about acceptance or rejection of products. There are four main methods of acceptance control: single-stage; two-stage; multistage; consistent.

At single-stage control the decision regarding the acceptance of the batch is made on the basis of the results of the control of only one sample. It is used when the cost of inspection is small, the duration of the test is long, and the lot cannot be held until the end of the inspection.

Two stage control is characterized by the fact that the decision to accept a batch of products is made based on the results of control of no more than two samples, and the need for the second is determined by the results of control of the first sample. These plans are used when single-stage control is not used due to the large sample size, and multi-stage control is not used because of the longer duration.

At multi-stage control the decision is made based on the results of the control of several predetermined samples, and the need to select each subsequent one is taken based on the results of the control of the previous one. This control plan is used when the cost of testing is high and the time for sampling is short.

Sequential control differs from multistage only in that the maximum number of samples is not set in advance. It is used when the sample size is small and the sampling cost is low.

Statistical methods for assessing quality -- methods of applied statistics used in determining the values ​​of indicators of product quality and processes that affect its quality; quality planning; development of standards incorporated into technical requirements, supplier assessments, etc.

List of sources used

1. GOST 15467 - 79. Product quality management.

2. Metrology, standardization and certification / A.I. Aristov, L.I. Karpov, V.M. Prikhodko, T.M. Cancer worker. M, Ed. Center "Academy", 2008.

3. Gray I.S. “Interchangeability, standardization and technical measurements", M, Agropromizdat, 1987.

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The purpose of this work is to analyze the effectiveness of quality systems in production, namely, the disclosure of the concept of a quality system, how it functions in an enterprise. To do this, it is necessary to study the entire quality assurance system and related documentation, as well as ways to control the performance of grass-roots units in their functions; evaluate quality costs, consider quality assessment methods in general and specifically for the enterprise, highlight the role of certification and standardization in quality management.
1588. Improvement of marketing tools in the quality management system 76.66KB
The marketing department, which organizes work with real potential (which is no less important) customers, i.e. with consumers, forecasting the situation on the market and much more, is becoming for many enterprises and organizations one of the most important conditions for a successful existence and a proud flight with their heads held high across the expanses of commercial activity.
1816. Modernization of the quality management system at Auto-Style LLC 120.45KB
Improving quality is impossible without changing the attitude towards quality at all levels. Calls for quality improvement cannot be realized unless leaders at various levels embrace quality as a way of life.
16245. The impact of social partnership on the evolution of quality management 159.13KB
It is generally accepted to consider quality as the correspondence of inherent characteristics to requirements, and the main attention is paid to the process of conformity assessment, taking only the wishes of the consumer as requirements. The positions of the groups of these participants determine the nature of the market, and their imposition on the level of development of industrial relations - the doctrine of conformity assessment, including in the field of quality. So, for example, if the state dominates in a society, then this usually leads to ...
13969. Study of the quality management system of the company LLC "Kama-Trade" 367.97KB
1 8 principles of the quality management system as a basis for improving the quality management system at the company Kamatrade LLC. For the organization acceptance right decisions is always a difficult task and only the use of fact-based information, taking into account experience and intuition, can help. To do this, it is necessary to organize a search for facts characterizing inconsistencies, the vast majority of which are statistical data, develop methods for analyzing and processing data to identify fundamental ...
1472. Evaluation of the functioning of the quality management system at the enterprise of OAO Neftekamskneftekhim 3.29MB
In industrialized countries, many firms and companies operate quality systems that successfully ensure the high quality and competitiveness of their products. For the most part, these systems are similar to domestic integrated product quality management systems, but unlike them, they are much more efficient.
The methodological basis of the study was the methods of comparative, systemic, situational analysis. The work was performed using a wide range of abstract-logical, computational-statistical, graphical and mathematical methods: logical and historical analysis, induction and deduction, comparison, scientific abstraction method, forecasting, tabulation and their description, diagramming, graphs, schemes.

1.The meaning of standardization and certification

Quality system - a set of organizational structure, distribution of responsibilities, processes, procedures and resources that provides overall quality management. This definition is given in the international standard ISO 8402.

To conclude a contract for the supply of products, a foreign client puts forward a requirement that the manufacturer has a quality system and a quality system, that there is a certificate for a quality system issued by an authoritative certification body.

Quality management is largely based on standardization. Standardization is a normative way of managing. Its impact on the object is carried out by establishing norms and rules, formalized in the form normative documents having legal force.

A standard is a normative and technical document that establishes the basic requirements for product quality.

An important role in quality management belongs to specifications.

Specifications is a regulatory and technical document that establishes additional requirements for state standards, and in their absence, independent requirements for product quality indicators, as well as equated to this document. technical description, recipe, reference sample

The standards determine the procedure and methods for planning the improvement of product quality at all stages of the life cycle, establish requirements for the means and methods of quality control and assessment.

Product quality management is carried out on the basis of state, international, industry standards and enterprise standards.

International organizations for standardization and product quality

The excess of supply over demand, the competition for the buyer led to the need to develop objective indicators to assess the company's ability to produce products with the necessary quality characteristics. At the same time, the quality of manufactured and supplied products must be stable and sustainable throughout the duration of the contract. The guarantor of stability is the presence of a quality system in the manufacturer that meets internationally recognized standards.

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) was established in 1946 by the UNO at a meeting of the Committee for the Coordination of UN Standards to promote standardization on a global scale to facilitate international trade and mutual assistance; to expand cooperation in the field of intellectual, scientific, technical, economic activity.

The main activity of ISO is the development of International Standards. ISO standards are voluntary for use. However, their use in national standardization is associated with the expansion of exports, the sales market, and maintaining the competitiveness of manufactured products.

International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC).

Created in 1906 in London. After its creation in 1946, ISO joined it on an autonomous basis, retaining independence in financial and organizational matters. Engaged in standardization in the field of electrical engineering, electronics, radio communications, instrument making. ISO - in all other industries.

The objectives of the IEC are to promote international cooperation in solving the issues of standardization in the field of electrical engineering, radio electronics. The main task is to develop international standards in the relevant field.

Modern methods of quality management are increasingly used in Russian enterprises. However, there is still a backlog from foreign firms.

For example, product certification (independent confirmation of product compliance with established requirements) in countries with market economy introduced in the early 80s. In Russia, the law "On Certification of Products and Services" appeared in 1992.

The first editions of the ISO 9000 series of international standards have been released. By the beginning of the 1990s, certification of quality systems abroad had become widespread. In Russia, the first certificate for the quality system was issued in 1994.

Since the mid-1990s, experts and practitioners abroad have been linking modern methods quality management with the TQM methodology - general (all-encompassing, total) quality management.

Certification of the quality system consists in confirming its compliance with certain requirements that the manufacturer has established/accepted

(independently or under the influence of external circumstances, for example, at the request of the customer).

Quality requirements are defined international organization for standardization (ISO or ISO) - eng. International Standard Organization - ISO. Requirements for quality systems are contained in the ISO 9000 series of standards:

ISO 9000 "General quality management and quality assurance standards - Guidelines for selection and use."

ISO 9001 "Quality system. Model for quality assurance in design and (or) development, production, installation and maintenance."

ISO 9002 "Quality system. Model for quality assurance in production and installation."

ISO 9003 "Quality system.. Model for quality assurance in final inspection and testing."

ISO 9004 "General quality management and elements of a quality system - Guidelines".

The basis of the State Standardization System Russian Federation(GSS) are five standards:

GOST R 1.0-92 "State standardization system of the Russian Federation. Basic provisions.

GOST R 1.2-92 "State standardization system of the Russian Federation. Procedure for the development of state standards."

GOST R 1.3-92 "The state system of the Russian Federation. The procedure for coordination, approval and registration specifications".

GOST R 1.4-92 "State system of the Russian Federation. Enterprise standards. General provisions."

GOST R 5 "State system of the Russian Federation. General requirements to the construction, presentation, design and content of standards.

There are three state quality standards in Russia:

GOST 40.9001-88 "Quality system. Model for quality assurance in design and (or) development, production, installation and maintenance"

GOST 40.9002-88 "Quality system. Model for quality assurance in production and installation."

GOST 40.9003-88 "Quality system. Model for quality assurance during final inspection and testing".

AT State standards Russian Federation includes the following provisions:

Requirements for the quality of products, works and services that ensure safety for life, health and property, environmental protection, mandatory requirements for safety and industrial sanitation.

Requirements for compatibility and interchangeability of products.

Methods for controlling the requirements for the quality of products, works and services that ensure their safety for life, health and property, environmental protection, compatibility and interchangeability of products.

Basic consumer and operational properties of products, requirements for packaging, labeling, transportation and storage, disposal.

Provisions ensuring technical unity in the development, production, operation of products and provision of services, rules for ensuring product quality, safety and rational use all types of resources, terms, definitions and other general technical rules and regulations.

Conditions for preparing quality systems for certification:

Existence of well-established procedures.

Few returns/rejections.

Availability of testing laboratories.

High performance.

Availability of quality managers in the enterprises.

Application of statistical methods of process control.

Have documented procedures

Availability of institutionalized quality systems

Availability of a quality department

Organization of product control

Precise definition responsibility.

Organization of defect detection.

A certified quality management system is a guarantee of high stability and sustainability of the quality of products manufactured by the supplier.

Having a quality system certificate is necessary condition to save competitive advantage On the market.

1. No problems with production management.

2. Few claims from customers.

Options for assessing the supplier's quality management system by the customer:

The customer is satisfied with the statement that the supplier has a quality system.

The client asks to provide documents in support of such an assertion.

The customer wants to test and evaluate the supplier's quality system itself.

The client requires certification of the quality system by a body he trusts.

2. Quality system

The quality system is created and implemented as a means of ensuring the implementation of a certain policy and the achievement of the goal.

The company's policy in the field of quality is formed by the top management of the enterprise.

The quality system includes: quality assurance; quality control; quality improvement. It is created by the management of the enterprise as a means of implementing the quality policy.

The quality system includes a customer (consumer) and a supplier (manufacturer).

The quality system that ensures the company's policy and the achievement of the goal in the field of quality includes:

Marketing, search and market research.

Design and / or development of technical requirements, product development.


Preparation and development of technical processes.


Control, testing and surveys.

Packing and storage.

Implementation and distribution

Installation and operation.

Technical assistance in maintenance.

Disposal after use.

The primary is the formation and documentation of the quality policy by the management of the company (enterprise).

When developing a policy, there may be the following directions:

improvement of the economic situation of the enterprise by improving the quality;

expanding or conquering new markets;

achieving a technical level of products that exceeds the level of leading enterprises and firms;

defect reduction, etc.

The quality policy should be set out in a special document, drawn up in the form of a program.

The overall quality management system may have subsystems for certain types company's products or activities.

Quality assurance activities include:

planning and design;

design of technological processes and preparation of production;


quality checking;

prevention of quality deterioration;

after-sales service;

obtaining information from the consumer;

checking the quality assurance system.

Example. The Aggregate Plant carried out work on the introduction of a product quality management system in connection with increasing competition in the sales market. The work proceeded according to the following scheme.

At the end of May, the General Director signed the "Guidelines for the quality of the aggregate plant". The document contains the main provisions for managing, ensuring and improving the quality of the plant's products, relating to all production units, marketing, design and sales services.

A quality service has been created to coordinate all departments of the enterprise in the field of quality. The quality service develops guidelines for quality. Functionally and administratively, this service is subordinate only to to CEO.

The quality service is built in accordance with ISO standards 9001.

The functional subordination of the plant services to the quality service is shown in fig. 6.1.

Rice. 1. Functional subordination of the plant services to the quality service

Thus, the functional subordination of the quality service includes: the marketing service, the development directorate, the production directorate, the economics and finance directorate, the personnel directorate, and the sales department.

The management of the enterprise not only controls the compliance of quality with international standards, but strives for continuous improvement of quality.

Specialized services study the needs of consumers and their requirements for product quality.

Non-compliance of product quality with certain standards is revealed directly in the production process. For this, quality control is carried out throughout the entire technological chain:

input control of materials and components is provided by the relevant laboratories;

the plant's production combines active control methods built into technological equipment, as well as selective or full control on operations and final control finished products;

laboratories are equipped with special stands for periodic testing of products.

At the same time, the managers of the enterprises give priority to the prevention of quality deviations from the standards, rather than to detection and elimination.

All staff are involved in quality work. For this, measures have been developed to increase the motivation of employees, including a flexible system of incentives and penalties, and advanced training.

Strict requirements have been established for management personnel, involving disciplinary and material measures for omissions in quality work, for unwillingness or inability to fulfill their duties.

The quality manual clearly describes the functions of each of the divisions of the plant and the duties of the heads of divisions, provides for specific responsibility for failure to comply with instructions.

A quality control system has been developed for the sale of products and the purchase of materials and components. For this, a contract is drawn up.

When selling products of the company, the quality service, legal bureau, financial and economic department carefully analyze the needs of the company and the wishes of the client.

3. Structuring the quality function

Each product should reflect the main functional and stimulating characteristics of quality. In this case, we are talking about the quality, which is determined by the consumer. It must be assumed that the buyer is unlikely to talk about many indicators of quality. He is interested in no more than two or three. Therefore, there is a problem of engineering embodiment of quality in the product.

To solve this problem, the Quality Function Structuring (QFK) method is applied.

SFC was developed in Japan in the late 60s. One of the first to use it was MITSUBISHI at a construction shipyard in Kobe. Subsequently, this method became widespread in the Ford Corporation.

The Ford Corporation defines the structuring of the quality function as follows:

"A planning tool for translating the quality characteristics that the customer requires (i.e., his wants, needs, expectations) into suitable product features.

The SFC model was developed by Dr. F Yaukuhara. The SFC process consists of four phases:

Product development planning.

Project structuring.

Process planning.

Production planning.

Phase 1: Product Development Planning

Buyer requirements are established, understood and translated into engineering design language in terms called Proxy Quality Measures. The most important ones are used for the next phase.

Phase 2 Structuring the project

Are being considered various concepts development of a product that would satisfy the structuring requirements, and the best one is selected. The project is then detailed, with particular attention to the essential characteristics of the product, which are calculated from the customer requirements structured in phase 1. The product development details are then structured in phase 3.

Phase 3. Process planning

The technological process of product development is considered. After selecting the most suitable process concepts capable of producing products given those characteristics that are already structured, the process is detailed in terms of essential steps and parameters. These characteristics are then structured in the next phase.

Phase 4. Production planning.

In this final phase, process control methods are considered. These methods must ensure that the products are produced in accordance with their essential characteristics identified in phase 2 and, therefore, satisfy the requirements of the buyer.

Therefore, throughout the 4-phase FCS process for product design, process development, and process engineering, a product is created that satisfies the customer's requirements.

SFC requires knowledge and experience from various areas and can be carried out by a team of specialists from different specialties.

4. Ongoing quality management

current management quality is related to the control of technological processes. The control parameters of the technological process are determined. Going outside the acceptable range of control parameters can lead to the release of defective products. Deviations of parameters occur under the influence of random factors. Statistical methods are used to control the quality of technological processes. The most common:

Pareto chart. It is used to assess the frequency of occurrence of defects (deviations in the dimensions of parts, low-quality raw materials, violation of the technological process, etc.).

The experience of studying the frequency of marriage shows that a small number of types of marriage makes up a large proportion of the total.

The total frequency of occurrence of defects in the "other" category should not exceed 10%, i.e., other types of defects should be included, the total share of which does not exceed 10%.

Ishikawa's scheme is a "fish skeleton".

Reflects the logical structure of relations between the elements, stages, works that make up the process under study. The scheme is based on the principle of four components that affect product quality: material, machines, raw materials, people. When constructing it, the factors are arranged in order of importance (the more significant factor is built closer to the goal). In this case, each factor goes through its own pre-processing cycle and can be divided into smaller, more detailed schemes. (see diagram).

The operations that make up the processing are shown by arrows. Each arrow is associated with estimates of certain indicators. For example, the product is heated, it becomes necessary to control temperature regime. "The fish skeleton is a tool for logical problem solving.

The scheme can be used in the analysis of the quality of products as a whole, as well as individual stages of its manufacture.

Checklists containing information about technological processes.

Histograms, control charts, etc. are used.

Control charts are one of the main tools in the vast arsenal of statistical quality control methods.

One of the main tools in the vast arsenal of statistical quality control methods are control charts. It is generally accepted that the idea of ​​the control chart belongs to the famous American statistician Walter L. Shewhart. It was stated in 1924 and described in detail in 1931. Initially, they were used to record the results of measurements of the required properties of products. The parameter going beyond the tolerance field indicated the need to stop production and adjust the process in accordance with the knowledge of the specialist managing production.

This gave information about when someone, on what equipment, received marriage in the past.

However, in this case, the decision to adjust was made when the marriage had already been obtained. Therefore, it was important to find a procedure that would accumulate information not only for a retrospective study, but also for use in decision making. This proposal was published by the American statistician I. Page in 1954. Maps that are used in decision making are called cumulative.

The control chart (Figure 3.5) consists of a center line, two control limits (above and below the center line), and characteristic (quality score) values ​​plotted on the map to represent the state of the process.

Rice. 5. Control card

In certain periods of time, n manufactured products are selected (all in a row; selectively; periodically from a continuous flow, etc.) and the controlled parameter is measured.

The measurement results are applied to the control chart, and depending on this value, a decision is made to correct the process or to continue the process without adjustments.

A signal about a possible adjustment of the technological process can be:

point going beyond the control limits (point 6); (the process is out of control);

the location of a group of successive points near one control boundary, but not going beyond it (11, 12, 13, 14), which indicates a violation of the equipment setting level;

strong scattering of points (15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20) on the control map relative to the midline, which indicates a decrease in the accuracy of the technological process.

If there is a signal about a violation of the production process, the cause of the violation must be identified and eliminated.

Thus, control charts are used to identify a specific cause, not a random one.

A definite cause is to be understood as the existence of factors that allow study. Of course, such factors should be avoided.

Variation due to random causes is necessary, it inevitably occurs in any process, even if technological operation carried out using standard methods and raw materials. The exclusion of random causes of variation is technically impossible or economically impractical.

Often, when determining the factors influencing any performance indicator characterizing the quality, Ishikawa schemes are used.

They were proposed by a professor at the University of Tokyo Kaoru Ishikawa in 1953 when analyzing various opinions of engineers. Otherwise, the Ishikawa scheme is called a cause and effect diagram, a fishbone diagram, a tree, etc.

It consists of a quality indicator characterizing the result and factor indicators (Fig. 3.6).

The construction of diagrams includes the following steps:

selection of a performance indicator that characterizes the quality of a product (process, etc.);

selection of the main reasons affecting the quality score. They must be placed in rectangles ("big bones");

selection of secondary causes ("middle bones") influencing the main ones;

selection (description) of the causes of the tertiary order ("small bones") that affect the secondary ones;

ranking factors according to their importance and highlighting the most important ones.

Cause and effect diagrams have universal applications. So, they are widely used in highlighting the most significant factors affecting, for example, labor productivity.

It is noted that the number of significant defects is insignificant and they are caused, as a rule, by a small number of reasons. Thus, by finding out the causes of the appearance of a few essential defects, almost all losses can be eliminated.

Rice. 6. Structure of the Cause and Effect Diagram

This problem can be solved with the help of Pareto charts.

There are two types of Pareto charts:

1. According to the results of activities. They serve to identify the main problem and reflect undesirable results of activities (defects, failures, etc.);

2. For reasons (factors). They reflect the causes of problems that arise during production.

It is recommended to build many Pareto charts using various ways classifying both the results and the causes leading to those results. The best chart should be considered as one that reveals a few, essential factors, which is the goal of Pareto analysis.

The construction of Pareto charts includes the following steps:

The choice of the type of diagram (according to the results of activities or for reasons (factors).

Classification of results (causes). Of course, any classification has an element of convention, however, most of the observed units of any population should not fall into the "other" line.

Determination of the method and period of data collection.

Development of a data recording checklist listing the types of information collected. It must provide free space for graphical data logging.

Ranking of the data obtained for each tested feature in order of significance. The group "other" should be given in the last line, regardless of how large the number turned out to be.

Building a bar chart (Fig. 3.7).

Rice. 3.7. Relationship between types of defects and the number of defective products

Of considerable interest is the construction of PARETO charts in combination with a diagram of causes and effects.

Identification of the main factors affecting product quality allows you to link production quality indicators with any indicator that characterizes consumer quality.

For such linking, it is possible to use regression analysis.

For example, as a result of specially organized observations of the results of wearing shoes and subsequent statistical processing of the data obtained, it was found that the service life of shoes (y) depends on two variables: the density of the sole material in g / cm3 (x1) and the adhesion strength of the sole with upper shoes in kg/cm2 (x2). The variation of these factors by 84.6% explains the variation of the resulting attribute (multiple correction factor R = 0.92), and the regression equation is:

y = 6.0 + 4.0 * x1 + 12 * x2

Thus, already in the production process, knowing the characteristics of the factors x1 and x2, it is possible to predict the service life of shoes. By improving the above parameters, you can increase the period of wearing shoes. Based on the required service life of footwear, it is possible to choose technologically acceptable and economically optimal levels of manufacturing quality features.

The most widespread practice is to characterize the quality of the process under study by evaluating the quality of the result of this process. In this case, we are talking about quality control of products, parts obtained in a particular operation. The most widespread are non-continuous methods of control, and the most effective are those based on the theory of the sampling method of observation.

Consider an example.

At the light bulb factory, the workshop produces light bulbs.

To check the quality of the lamps, a set of 25 pieces is selected and tested on a special stand (voltage changes, the stand is subjected to vibration, etc.). Every hour take readings about the duration of the burning of the lamps. The following results are obtained.