Remote work at home as a rewriter. What is rewriting and rewriting text

See, just an example - here is the article for a psychology website, I received 300 rubles for it. I wrote for about an hour.

Rewriting is a very common activity on the Internet.
The essence of the work of a rewriter is to rewrite ready-made texts for sale on special exchanges, or, as in my case, directly to the customer.
Texts can be taken from the Internet, newspapers, magazines and even from videos. The main task of the rewriter is to rewrite the selected text and make it unique, while retaining the meaning and information contained in it. Remember how in school years you wrote a presentation at the lessons of the Russian language.

To become a rewriter, you need two desires: to work and earn. As well as four qualities of character: diligence, patience, perseverance, perseverance. You need a computer, the Internet, and, most importantly, you need to have the following skills:

  1. write correctly with correct punctuation.
  2. Express the same idea in different words.
  3. skillfully select synonyms for words.
  4. make several simple sentences out of complex sentences.
  5. from several simple sentences to make one complex one.
  6. to formulate thoughts clearly, clearly, in public phrases.

If you have all the above qualities of character, tools and skills, then you can safely proceed, register on the exchange Etxt and start working. If you have any questions, please refer to my instructions. It will be more difficult for those who do not have Russian language literacy at their best. But if you have a strong desire, perseverance and hard work, you can also achieve great success in this field. In any case, you do not lose anything, but only gain: learn to write without errors, express your thoughts correctly, improve the culture of speech and, of course, earn money.

Where to start in order to earn the first money on rewriting?

Get ready. Let it take a week, but you will be protected from mistakes and unexpected surprises in the future. Visit all the major article exchanges, read the forums, ask for comments and reviews, ask me, read at least five or six articles on the topic of the work of rewriters. Along the way, you will become aware of many special terms and designations that are used in this type of activity. You will also hear expressions and phrases that representatives of this profession communicate with each other. Speak their language.

Register and also read ready-made articles, for example, on Advego exchange offered for sale. At the same time, look at the price newcomers put up for their articles, what percentage of uniqueness they offer, how much text is written and what topics are popular.

Review orders carefully. Find out which topics are currently popular and have the most orders, what requirements customers have for performers, and what kind of payment they offer.

  1. Get an e-wallet. It is better if it is a ruble account in Webmoney.
  2. Carefully study the information about three or four major exchanges and register on one of them. The most popular are Etxt And Advego. I made instructions for them.
  3. Download an anti-plagiarism program to your computer offered by the exchange with which you decide to cooperate.
  4. Pick up an article on a topic you like, read it carefully a couple of times, and without looking at the text, state the same information in your own words.
  5. Check spelling in Word.
  6. Check your work for plagiarism. You can do it right on-line, on the exchange itself. Or download the program to your computer from the same exchanges.
  7. Achieve at least 95 percent uniqueness.

The task of a conscientious rewriter is to strive to ensure that the cherished figure is as close as possible to 100%.

If the program indicates the lack of uniqueness, do not despair, increase it, try to refine the text. Practice on anti-plagiarism until you reach at least 85/90.

And only after that you can try to sell your first article. Before getting to the site, your article will be checked by a moderator. Be prepared for the fact that it can be returned for revision. The reasons for the return can be different: spelling errors, incorrect placement of words in the text, and so on.
Exchanges offer rewriters two options for activity:

  1. Write articles on topics that interest you and set your price, put up for sale.
  2. Write articles on topics specified by the customer, for the price assigned to him.

In the first case, you have to wait for someone to pay attention to your article and buy it.

To attract attention and find a buyer faster:

  • write articles on topics that are in demand;
  • create effective titles for your articles;
  • do not overestimate the price, but do not put too little, appreciate your work.

In the second case, with the exact execution of the order, earnings are guaranteed. But the difficulty is that the customer sets a deadline for the execution of his order. There is always a risk, especially for an inexperienced beginner, to miss the deadline and lose the order. Even worse, if your article is returned for revision, and you do not have time to correct it before the end of the deadline. As a result, you will let the customer down. On the forums and in the reviews you can find a lot of complaints about this. It is often written that orders are first accepted by rewriters, and then a refusal is received. To prevent this from happening to you:

  • take orders with the longest lead time;
  • take orders only on topics in which you are well versed;
  • if you are not friends with discipline, but want to be a rewriter, it is better to work according to the first option;
  • do not take on short-term orders when you have a difficult or nervous situation at home (for example, a child is sick or guests have arrived).

To be honest, making money copywriting is real. Here main secret in relation - you should be pinned to write. If the process of writing seems difficult, although this is a mistake, monotonous, although this is relative, then first you need to get rid of these sensations.

To write well, quickly and, as a result, profitably, you need practice, you need work and development. After a while, you yourself will feel that writing is easy and interesting, especially when you get paid for it. Subscribe to my blog updates Facebook group Let's learn this art together.

I hope the article was useful for you and you get the most out of it. My project tries to provide all the information about the activities of rewriters and copywriters, those who make a living writing texts. You will find information about article exchanges where you can register and start working, instructions for working on them, and how to write articles various types. And a lot of things.

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Write in the comments which difference is the most difficult and in how many minutes you did it. Search and be careful. Pavel Yamb was with you.

Hello dear performers! I'm looking for responsible rewriters, finished works over articles on automotive topics. A lot of work. It all depends on your time and willingness to work. The sources (copy-paste) are mine, you only need to rewrite the source text, which I will send to your e-mail. No placements on other resources, etc. no need, just rewrite the received text. The work will be accepted in the same file that you will receive from me, back after rewriting. You choose the volume and number of articles yourself. I don't need any tests from you! All other details by mail (receipt of an article for processing, performance of work, delivery of the finished article, verification and payment). As for payment, I’ll say right away that regular performers will receive more after completing a certain amount of work. I transfer funds only through Web money to a wmz wallet, so for those who do not yet have email. wallet, please start ( Cost of works: From 1 to 25 articles ($0.20./ per 1000 characters) after 25 articles ($0.30./ per 1000 characters) after 75 articles ($0.40./ per 1000 characters) after 150 articles ($0.50./ per 1000 characters) + Bonuses: after every 200 articles you get a bonus of $ 5 there is also work on a competitive basis, prizes from $ 1 to $ 5 Verification and Payment is carried out within 24 hours (without delay!) From you, the quality of performance is required works, namely: 1) Lack of punctuation and spelling mistakes 2) The uniqueness of the text must be at least 91% 3) When processing the text, do not change the meaning of this article

If you are considering ways to make money on the Internet, then you certainly will not pass by such an option as rewriting. What does this mean and can it be useful for you? In this article, we will look at this way of earning, rewriting techniques, as well as how much you can earn and how to get money.

Freelancing as a chance

The development of the Internet as a virtual world with endless possibilities has given the opportunity to earn money without leaving home. If ten years ago “making money on the Internet” was synonymous with the words “another scam”, today this is really a chance for many to receive stable income. After all, someone creates a virtual space, fills it with articles, photo and video materials, films, books that are interesting for users.

It takes a whole army of "servants" of the Internet to encourage people to visit their favorite sites again and again. These ministers are called freelancers, which means "civil employees" in English. Freelancing abroad is much more developed than in our country, and they earn many times more there. If you are fluent in a foreign language, then you can earn money “abroad”, that is, on sites hosted on foreign domains, since there are no borders on the Internet. But we, in the vastness of Runet, have an opportunity for those who are ready to work.

What is a rewrite

To most accurately imagine what the essence of rewriting is, remember the assignment from the literature lessons called “statement”. You read a short text several times, after which you try to write the same thing, but in your own words. Rewriting is the same presentation, but according to special rules. Firstly, you can not invent from yourself what is not in the original article.

You can not insert your opinion or comments on what is written into the text. If there are quotes, then their preservation is negotiated with the customer of the rewrite. And, of course, no grammatical or lexical errors are allowed. The word "rewrite" is formed from the English word "write", which means "to write", and the prefix "re-". The resulting word means "rewrite", which, in fact, is the meaning of rewriting.

Who Should Consider Rewriting?

The good thing about working online is that you can try any kind of freelancing and see if it suits you. In ordinary life, it is impossible to try out the work of an economist, a hairdresser and a pizza maker in a couple of days. But the Internet has its own rules.

Before considering rewriting as a money-making opportunity, answer the following questions:

  1. Do you have a mathematical or humanitarian mindset? Rewriting on the Internet is not suitable for people who consider themselves more mathematicians than humanists. After all, the basis of activity is the ability to quickly state the text in your own words.
  2. Did you like language and literature at school? Can you say that writing is your forte? If not, then you should not even consider rewriting as a way to make money. This kind of work will bring you not money, but constant frustration and headaches.
  3. Do you have a good vocabulary? If you admit you don't, then it's also not worth spending time learning about rewriting. After all, the essence of this work is to rewrite the original text in other words and at the same time your version will turn out to be quite literary and easily perceived by readers.
  4. Do you write well? If your literacy is lame, then you will not succeed in becoming a successful rewriter. The computer checks spelling, but the trouble with artificial intelligence is that it is less perfect than any person. Even texts edited in Word will in any case not be as good as those written by a literate and erudite person.

Who needs these services?

Rewriting (what kind of work is this, you already have general idea) can be mastered by almost anyone. But who needs these rewritten texts? As we have already said, new “building blocks” are needed to create a virtual space, and fresh articles are just such necessary elements.

The fact is that search engines are arranged in such a way that on the first pages, in response to a user request, sites with unique content are issued. "Unique content" means that the information for a given search has not been previously published on any of the sites.

The owner of any site is interested in having new visitors. To do this, it is necessary to constantly fill the site with information that is interesting for potential customers of the owner. But he does not always have a high style in order to create interesting texts himself. In this case, why not turn to people who will create unique articles or rewrite ready-made texts? To search for such employees, there are rewriting and copywriting exchanges.

Where to find a job as a rewriter

If you decide to try your hand at rewriting, then there is no better place to start than special exchanges. These sites are located, of course, on the Internet and are a place where customers and performers come together. The customer is a person who needs the services of a rewriter or copywriter. Contractor - one who is ready to fulfill an order on the terms set by the customer, such as the amount of text (measured in characters), terms, specifications(use of certain words in the text, headings, etc.).

Any exchange is an opportunity for a beginner to try out rewriting. Earnings at first, albeit small, but you can get the necessary experience.

What can you count on?

Let's move on to the most interesting part of the article - how much can a person engaged in this type of activity earn? Before answering this question, think how much an engineer can earn. Of course, it all depends on the qualifications of the specialist, the place of work and what exactly the person is working on. For example, a safety engineer in a small provincial firm will earn several times less than a specialist working on the design of a rocket.

If rewriting is your thing, then starting a career with a penny income, you can become a very successful and well-known specialist on the Web. But, of course, you will have to start with inexpensive orders. As mentioned above, payment is made according to the volume, the unit of measurement is 1,000 characters.

Modern rates

Rewriting for beginner freelancers can be found in large numbers on the stock exchange. You may not have qualifications and ratings (on each exchange it is awarded according to the work performed and customer reviews), so for starters, do not refuse the most inexpensive offers.

You can start from 5-10 rubles for 1,000 characters. When you have the first positive comments, and your rating starts to increase, it's time to move on to more expensive orders. average cost rewriting on domestic exchanges - 30-40 rubles per 1,000 characters. However, this is not the limit. While you are working on such orders, you have the opportunity to express yourself, get to know customers and, possibly, get a job that is more interesting and, accordingly, more expensive.

Withdrawal of earned money from the system

Since the Internet has long been a separately existing world, its own payment systems naturally appeared in it. Most often, copywriting and rewriting exchanges in Runet use Yandex.Money and Webmoney. By registering in such a system, you will receive your own “purse”, where you can transfer what you earn on the exchange. After that, the money can be withdrawn to a regular bank card.

It is worth mentioning the fact that you will have to pay a small commission to the exchange (for bringing you to the customer and providing the opportunity to choose a job) and the payment system (for the ability to withdraw money). That is, rewriting is a job in which you also need to pay small deductions.


What kind of work is rewriting, you already have a general idea. Retell the originally proposed sample text in your own words, competently, readable and literary. Such rewriting is easy for beginners in this field of freelancing. If you feel confident in this field, you can move on to rewriting, which is valued higher and paid more.

SEO rewriting is the rewriting of given texts, taking into account optimization. This means that you not only need to beautifully retell the text, but also insert the given words and phrases (“keys”), headings and subheadings into it. Such orders are placed by specialists who promote websites on the Web and optimize texts for the needs of visitors. 100-200 rubles for 1,000 characters - this is the average price for SEO rewriting. That this is a pretty good income, it is clear to everyone.


Turning to rewriting, you will immediately encounter the concept of synonymization. A few words about rewriting techniques:

  1. Rewriting the text with the replacement of words with similar meanings is called synonymization. Many people use programs that will readily give out suitable synonyms for words. However, abuse leads to the fact that the text can become unreadable.
  2. Substitutions for paragraphs and sentences. Unlike simple synonymization, a deeper rewriting is already being carried out here. Such a text will be more interesting to the customer, but more skills and abilities will be required from you.
  3. Rewriting as presentation. Rewriting professionals do not look at the original text when writing their version. They read the passage, and then completely rewrite the text in their own words, keeping the main idea.

Try your hand at regular synonymization. If rewriting is your thing, then you will naturally move on to other techniques.

Copywriting and rewriting: the difference between the concepts

When you talk about the difference between rewriting and copywriting, the phrase "party and Lenin" comes to mind.

A novice freelancer tries his hand at rewriting and, if he succeeds, begins to write texts himself, on given topics, thus moving directly to copywriting. People who are easily given such "writing" are not serious about rewriting. Well, absolutely wrong. By rewriting texts, you learn to play with words, to highlight the important from a given text, to change the composition without changing the meaning. This is a very good exercise for freelancing beginners as well as those who have been working in the field for a long time.

Benefits of a rewriter

Let the initial earnings be ridiculous, but later, lacking stars from heaven and very expensive orders, you will be able to receive from 15 to 30 thousand rubles a month, which is comparable to the average earnings of many of our compatriots. Unlike office workers, freelancers do not have a clear daily routine, the need to sit in the office from call to call or communicate with superiors, who are rarely beloved.

Rewriting at home also allows you to minimize the cost of travel, the dress code adopted by the company and other costs that are well known to everyone working for the "uncle". Freelancing is a real salvation for moms or those who cannot work in the usual way.

However, you don't have to work from home. If you have a “sedentary” job, like a janitor or administrator, then rewriting will be a way not only to kill work time, but at the same time earn some money.

The advantages of rewriting can also be attributed to the constant expansion of horizons. Today you are rewriting an article about cellular communication, tomorrow - about bank loans, the day after tomorrow rewrite reviews of films. You may not become a deep specialist in every topic, but you will become much more aware of many areas of life.

Don't be afraid to take orders on topics you don't find interesting. The fact is that, for example, reviews of books are paid lower than rewriting on specific topics, such as construction or medicine. Read articles on your own, develop and become a pro in a certain (and well-paid) field. These are unconditional advantages that you get access to by mastering rewriting. That this is a good income, we hope you understand from this article.

With the development of trade on the World Wide Web, many offers have appeared that allow you to work without leaving the volume. Working as a rewriter is one of the vacancies for remote earnings on the Internet, it consists in writing different texts for the site. Even without work experience, beginners with knowledge of the language and the ability to write correctly can become well-paid freelancers.

Who is a rewriter

When a person starts looking for vacancies for remote work, he often stumbles upon such concepts as a copywriter and rewriter. For most, these terms do not have a difference, but it still exists. Text rewriting involves working with the source text, a person retells in his own words what he has read from other sources. It may be several other articles on this topic. The main thing in the profession of a rewriter is to achieve high uniqueness. This parameter is checked using a special program or on sites.

Copywriting and rewriting

Both of these concepts imply writing unique content, but the principles of working with these formats are different. Employers, as a rule, indicate in their requirements what format they need, but sometimes even the customers themselves do not fully understand the difference. What is rewriting, if you describe this type of writing texts in simple words:

  1. The author collects information on a given topic, reads articles from other sources, looks for parts of the text that are suitable for the TOR.
  2. Next, the rewriter rewrites the collected materials in his own words. From the school curriculum, this is very reminiscent of the presentation, where the text is rewritten in your own words.
  3. The main task is the maximum replacement of words that are suitable in meaning, so that there are no repetitions of entire pieces of text on the Internet. This determines the uniqueness parameter of the article, the higher it is, the better.
  4. If you just copy different pieces of other texts, then the uniqueness will be very low, the section of the article where 4 words in a row match is no longer considered unique.

The services of rewriters, as a rule, are not highly paid, the average price per thousand characters without spaces is from 15 to 50 rubles. A copywriter works in a slightly different way. This is considered a completely author's text, a person does not use source materials and writes the entire structure of the article, given in it from own experience or research. Good money is paid for such tasks, but to create texts you need to have knowledge in the area you are writing about. It will be difficult for novice rewriters to cope with such a task.

Types of rewriting

Exist different variants text processing in order to increase uniqueness. There are several types that depend on the degree of text processing, the depth of rewriting:

  1. Surface or light. It consists in the selection of synonyms for words from the source. Structure, sections remain the same.
  2. Deep rewrite. A more complex revision of the original article is being carried out, the structure is changing, proposals are being written from scratch. When checking the text, good uniqueness is obtained (from 95%). The price for such high-quality rewriting is usually higher and only such texts are accepted on the freelance exchange.
  3. Translation. With good knowledge in English rewriter services may include translation of foreign articles into Russian with high uniqueness.

Earnings on rewriting

There are many vacancies for this type of remote work, but the payment for completing tasks is often underestimated. Rewriting for beginners will not bring good income, but after gaining experience, creating a portfolio, you can start looking for a permanent customer. Freelancing differs from the usual employment in that your earnings directly depend on the volume of tasks received. You yourself make your own work schedule, on what topics you are ready to write texts. As a rule, beginner rewriters start with work on the content exchange.

Where to begin

In the work of a rewriter, a lot is based on reviews and examples of finished tasks. Customers turn to proven and experienced copywriters more often, pay more, because they are confident in the quality of the tasks performed. A person will begin to receive profitable orders if he has knowledge in the field of copyright, portfolio and the ability to present himself. If you are not confident in your abilities and do not want to immediately scare potential permanent employers away from you, then you can start with sites for selling your texts. Each freelance exchange has its own rules and rating system.

Before starting work as a rewriter, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the basic concepts in SEO (search engine promotion methods). You need to know what keywords are, exact and diluted occurrences, classical and academic nausea, word frequency, uniqueness. All these terms are covered in detail and it is easy to find information about them. Customers will operate with these terms and you need to understand what is at stake.

Work as a rewriter at home

Remote work on the Internet has one big plus and minus. The advantage is that you yourself can adjust the volume of tasks and time, if it is difficult for you to work in the morning, you can write the task in the evening. The disadvantage is that the freelancer is constantly in search of a customer, high competition greatly reduces the cost for the work of a rewriter. Because of this, aspiring writers register on every content exchange to increase their chance of finding a job.

The best option would be to find a regular customer from whom you can receive orders. As a rule, they are large projects (sites) on the Internet that require rewriters for permanent work. You can find them on popular exchanges or on special services. With proper rewriting skill, you can get profitable orders on the permanent basis.

This is an example of a closed platform that works with authors on an ongoing basis. To start working with the system, you need to go through an easy registration procedure and contact the administration via Skype. You will be given a test task, which will describe the rules of work and the requirements of the customer. Serious demands are placed on the author for literacy, the ability to express thoughts. More often, the task is to rewrite source material from the Internet, so it is well suited for rewriters.

If the task is completed correctly, all requirements are met, then you will be paid for this task and given a new one. You will be able to independently order the required amount of work every day. The initial rate is 50 rubles per thousand characters, with the regular implementation of the TOR, the absence of comments from the editors, the price for the implementation of the TOR will increase. You do not need to wait for someone to redeem your text, the payment comes to your internal account immediately after the task is verified. Payments are made to the webmoney wallet.

All rewriters are provided with a convenient Personal Area and a form for submitting texts, which helps to conduct an initial check for compliance with the requirements: uniqueness, occurrence of keywords, accurate and diluted anchors. In the settings, you can mark the topics on which you would like to write articles. This is one of the most serious sites with permanent job for authors.


  • constant volume of work;
  • high wages;
  • lack of competition, you receive a task every day upon request;
  • quick withdrawal of funds;
  • no system commission;
  • payment immediately after checking the job.


  • beginners may not be able to cope due to the high requirements for texts.

Rewriting exchanges

For beginners and experienced authors, special platforms that act as an intermediary between the customer and the contractor can become a source of income. They are usually called rewriting or content exchanges. There are two types of work for authors there:

  • fulfillment of tasks from the employer;
  • putting up for sale their finished texts.

In the first case, customers go to the resource, make up their own technical task and add it to the catalog on the site. Contractors view orders and take them to work if the employer has not set rating restrictions. If you did a good job. Then the customer can add you to the white list and TK from him will immediately come to you for execution.

The second option is not open to all newcomers to the exchanges, on some sites for the sale of finished articles, you need to get a certain rating or pay a subscription. Then you can add an article written on any topic to the store on the site and independently set the cost for it. If someone likes it by topic or title, the site owner can buy it, and you will receive money minus the exchange commission.


An authoritative and old rewriting exchange, on which many newcomers formed their portfolio, gained experience. The system works according to the above scheme, you can take tasks and sell own work. The calculation is carried out in dollars, the minimum amount for withdrawal is $5. For the performance of the work, you will be awarded a positive rating that is visible to customers and the higher it is, the more expensive your services will cost.

When you open the opportunity to put your work on the stock exchange, they will first be checked by the editor. It may take from a day to several, but if there are errors or low uniqueness, it will be returned to you for revision. If the same article comes back more than 3 times, then you will not be able to sell your finished texts. It is important to choose the right topic for the text, because unpopular topics will not interest the buyer, and your work will hang in the catalog unclaimed.

  • available to beginners;
  • a large number of registered users;
  • convenient search directory.
  • big competition;
  • system commission for withdrawal 10%;
  • Dorogi a little TZ.


Another well-known and old rewrite exchange, which works according to the principle described above. There are a large number of performers and customers on the site, so the competition is high. The cost of work is different for newcomers to the exchange and for experienced rewriters who can take more expensive and profitable orders. The principle of taking an order is a tender one, several authors can apply for the same job as a rewriter at once, and the employer himself chooses who will fulfill the TOR.


  • many tasks;
  • in the catalog you can put your finished texts;
  • There is an opportunity for professional growth.


  • high competition;
  • low pay for beginners;
  • strict rating system.

text sale

major exchange with big amount users and orders/works in the catalog. The ability to sell ready-made texts appears when you receive a rating (1 star). You can get it only when completing the TK from the exchange. If you are confident in your texts and do not want to rewrite other texts for a penny, you can buy a reputation for a paid subscription and immediately start submitting your articles to the catalog. When withdrawing funds, you will be charged a 10% exchange commission.


  • many orders (if there is a rating);
  • a large database of performers and customers.


  • it is difficult to gain a rating, it is easier to buy it;
  • the need for a paid subscription or reputation to put up finished works for sale.


Did you find an error in the text? Select it, press Ctrl + Enter and we'll fix it!

is writing text from scratch rewriting This is a change to what has already been written. Why invent something out of your head and write a new text, when you can find a lot of ready-made articles on a topic of interest on the net, and just redo it. This will save time and save money.

The essence of the work of the rewriter

The work of a rewriter, unlike, has been familiar to all of us since childhood. Remember at school we all wrote presentations, when they read the text to us, and we put it in our own words on paper ?! It was a kind of rewriting. You find desired text, and simply state it in your own words, without losing or distorting the meaning of the original text.

The main types of rewriting

There are more than three of them, but here are the main ones: simple rewriting, complex, translation of texts.

  1. Simple rewriting- you are given one article, you remake it into another. The principle is this, the copywriter is given a ready-made article on the ordered topic, and your main goal and task will be to redo it so that the meaning of the original article remains, but the words have changed, that is, so that it becomes. A simple type of rewriting involves replacing words in the text with synonyms, so search engine robots perceive it as unique. Yet there is a danger here. Technology and progress do not stand still and not all search engines can recognize such text as unique.Remember: a simple rewriting is not an article by a certain author, but just a reworked material that is already ready for you.
  2. Complex rewriting- you are given several ready-made articles, you remake them into another one. That is, your task will be to write your own one out of, say, five articles. A complex type of rewriting implies a complete change in the structure of the text while maintaining its original meaning. This type is actually closer to copywriting.
  3. Translation of texts– is also considered rewriting. Your task is to translate the text, say, from English into Russian, and not lose the whole meaning of the text given to you.

The main task of the rewriter is to convey the meaning of the original text, greatly changing it. This is not an easy task, because even if you write a text from scratch, it is difficult to achieve its 100% uniqueness, because there are a huge number of different texts on any topic on the network, and since you will write on relevant topics, coincidences will still happen.

Rewriting sites for earnings

If you master the rewriting of finished texts in your own words, you can decently, and in fact, unlike all the others discussed on this site, this is a real full-fledged work as a rewriter at home. Currently, such work is in high demand, and you can find a rewriter on text (content) exchanges . Among these exchanges, I would like to recommend you these three, the services of which I myself constantly use and with which there are no problems, money is paid regularly:


The average price of a copyright for 1000 characters is $2

The average price of a rewrite for 1000 characters is $1.3


The average price of a copyright for 1000 characters is $2.6

The average price of a rewrite for 1000 characters is $1.4


The average price of a copyright for 1000 characters is $2.5

The average price of a rewrite for 1000 characters is $1.7

Find a rewriter job You can easily on these three and rewrite. These are time-tested, worthy projects that are highly respected both among authors and among customers. They work honestly, there have never been any problems with payments. I regularly use their services myself.

How to start rewriting

    Any work of a rewriter begins with the selection of synonyms, look for an online service for the selection of synonyms that you like, type in the appropriate query in the search bar of any search and go through the search results, evaluate the services and choose one or more that you liked the most.