External internal factor of personnel management. Theoretical aspects of external and internal factors affecting personnel management

Recruitment is an important human resource management function in an organization and is governed by a combination of various factors. Proactive HR professionals need to understand these recruiting factors and take the necessary actions to improve the organization.

When market conditions change, organizations also need to monitor these changes and learn how they affect resources and analyze these functions to make recruitment an effective process.

There are internal factors as well as external factors that affect the recruitment process.

Internal factors

Organizations control internal factors that affect recruitment functions.

  • Organization Size
  • recruiting policy
  • Organization image
  • Work pattern

Organization Size

Organization size is one of the most important factors influencing the recruitment process. For business expansion, recruitment planning is prerequisite to hire additional resources for future operations.

Dial Policy

Hiring from domestic or external sources organization is also a factor influencing the recruitment process. It defines recruitment objectives and sets out a framework for implementing recruitment programs.

Organization image

Organizations with a good positive market image can easily attract competent resources. Maintenance good connections with the public, the provision of public services, etc. helps the organization to increase its reputation in the market and thereby attract the best resources.

Work pattern

Job image plays a crucial role in recruitment. Jobs that have a positive image in terms of better remuneration, promotion, recognition, good working environment with career advancement opportunities are considered characteristics to attract qualified candidates.

External factors

External factors are those that cannot be controlled by the organization. External factors that affect the recruitment process include:

  • demographic factors. Demographic factors are related to the attributes of potential employees, such as their age, religion, literacy rate, gender, profession, economic status, etc.
  • Labor market - the labor market controls supply and demand work force. For example, if the supply of people with a particular skill is less than the demand, then hiring will require more effort. On the other hand, if demand is less than supply, hiring will be relatively easier.
  • Unemployment rate. If the unemployment rate is high in a particular area, hiring resources will be simple and easy since the number of applicants is very high. In contrast, if the unemployment rate is low, then recruiting tends to be very difficult due to fewer resources.
  • Labor law. Labor legislation reflects the social and political environment in the market, created by central and government bodies authorities. These laws dictate compensation, working conditions, safety rules, occupational health, and so on. for various kinds employment.
  • Competitors. When organizations in the same industry compete for the most qualified resources, it is necessary to analyze the competition and offer resource packages that are the best in terms of industry standards.

The life of any organization is influenced by a variety of external and internal factors.

External factors. 1. Legislation regulates the relationship between the employer and the employee, establishing: a guarantee of observance of human rights; equal employment opportunities; the amount of the minimum wage; working hours and working week; the duration and procedure for granting vacations; working conditions standards; labor safety standards; functions of trade unions. 2. Economic conditions, including: the level of social labor productivity; the nature of competition, which affects primarily wages and additional rewards; the nature of the labor market, which depends on the supply of labor (if the supply of labor significantly exceeds demand, the cost of hiring employees is minimal).

Internal factors. 1. Mission and goals of the organization. Personnel management depends on their clear formulation, the workload of line managers increases or decreases, and additional control over the work of team members may be required. 2. Corporate culture that influences the behavior, performance and expectations of employees, setting a set of standards in all important areas of the organization. 3. The nature of labor, determined by the following factors: the degree of physical activity; the degree of aggressiveness of working conditions; location of the place of work; labor intensity; intensity of communication at work; degree of autonomy and level of responsibility of employees of various levels; the degree of completion of labor and the structure of labor. 4. Working groups, which are an association of two or more people who see themselves as a group, who are independent of each other in terms of purpose and communicate and interact on more or less permanent basis. A benevolent climate in the team, close informal (friendly) relations between employees have a positive effect on the attitude of employees to their work, on the commitment to the organization, and significantly reduce staff turnover. An effective group is characterized by the fact that: members of the group exist and behave like a team (the overall result is above personal interests); all members are involved in the decision-making process; the goals of the group are clearly articulated; available resources match group goals; members of the group care about its prosperity. 5. Leadership style, which is a special type of relationship between the leader and subordinates. This is a set of techniques and methods of management inherent in a certain type of leaders. Traditionally, there are authoritarian, democratic and liberal (permissive) leadership styles. Experience and leadership style significantly affect personnel management, leave an imprint on organizational culture, form informal relationships within the organization.

Organization as a phenomenon.

Organization is a group of people whose activities are consciously coordinated to achieve a common goal.

The organization can be represented from the following elements: goals and objectives, structure, technology, personnel, finance, management.

Goals and objectives. Target is the specific end state that the organization seeks to achieve. A task- work that must be done in a prescribed manner and within a specified period of time.

Structure- this relationship levels of management and functional areas, built in a form that allows you to effectively achieve the goals of the organization.

Technology. Technology- means, methods, methods for converting initial resources into the final product.

Production and management technologies considered from the position of the dominant type joint activities workers, which is understood as a way of interaction between participants in a group solution of problems or problems. The basic ones include three types of joint activities: 1. joint-interacting is characterized by the obligatory participation of everyone in solving a common problem, the effectiveness of the group equally depends on the contribution of each of its participants. 2. joint-sequential is characterized by the temporal distribution of tasks and the order of participation of each in the work, the peculiarity of the activity of each participant is set by the specifics of the goals of the joint activity. 3. joint-individual is characterized by minimal interaction of labor participants, each of the performers performs his own scope of work and is personally responsible for it, the specifics of the activity are set individual features and the professional position of each, personal and direct interaction between the participants may be practically absent and carried out in indirect forms (telephone, computer), only the physical space of activity unites the performers, total time, the object of labor, which each of the participants processes in a specific way.

Staff. Personnel refers to the totality of all human resources that an organization possesses. These are employees of the organization, as well as partners who are involved in the implementation of some projects, experts involved in conducting research, developing a strategy, and implementing various events. To organize the effective activities of personnel, management needs to be well aware of the following characteristics of personnel: 1. features of individual behavior (inclinations, talents, needs, values, gender and age features, national and cultural characteristics); 2. features of group behavior (values ​​of the team, rules of conduct, stage of development of the team, features of leadership, ways of behaving in a conflict situation); 3. features of the behavior of leaders, who are characterized by features of both individual and group behavior.

Finance. Finance as an element of an organization is most often understood not only as monetary, but also as other resources that an organization has or can attract to carry out its own activities. From the point of view of personnel management, the most important integral part organization's resources is " human capital”, which is understood as the stock of knowledge, skills and labor motivation available to each employee, which in turn contribute to the growth of his labor productivity and production in general and thereby affect the growth of this person’s income.

Control. Management means the process of coordination various activities taking into account their goals, conditions of implementation, stages of implementation. Features of managing an organization are manifested in the dominant style of management.

The life cycle of an organization.

The life cycle of an organization refers to the period of existence of an organization in environment, which consists of four stages: 1. organization formation, 2. growth, 3. stabilization, 4. crisis.

1. Formation. The period of formation of the organization, awareness of their goals, creative upsurge. It is important for the organization to find the product that can be offered to the consumer.

2. Growth. The period of rapid growth of the organization, the volume of goods sold increases, the number of personnel, the number of divisions, and areas of activity increase.

3. Stabilization. growth stabilization period. The organization seeks to reduce the cost of production by reducing costs and maximizing the regulation of its own activities.

4. Crisis. A period characterized by a sharp drop in sales and a decrease in profits. The organization is looking for new opportunities and ways to hold markets. Characteristic: high turnover of personnel, the growth of conflicts. If an organization finds a new attractive product for the market, then a new life cycle Otherwise, the organization will die.

Any organization does not exist in a vacuum, its life is influenced by a variety of external and internal factors.

External factors. Such factors influencing the formation of the practice and policy of personnel management include legislation and economic conditions.

1. Legislation. Russian legislation regulates the relationship between the employer and the employee, establishing:

Guarantee of observance of human rights;

Equal employment opportunities;

The amount of the minimum wage; duration of the working day and working week; the duration and procedure for granting vacations;

Working conditions standards;

Labor safety standards;

Functions of trade unions;

2. Economic conditions. Three macroeconomic components influence the practice of personnel management:

The level of social labor productivity. At present, the level of social labor productivity in Russia is at a very low level compared to developed countries. According to some reports, it is 18 times lower than in the US and 14 times lower than in Europe. The general decline in production from 1990 to 2000, changes in the economic policy of the state (primarily reducing the cost of education and healthcare), the new taxation system do not yet contribute to its growth;

The nature of competition. It is usually measured by the degree of competition. A high level of competition forces the organization to reduce costs. Consequently, wages and additional remuneration are also subject to reduction;

The nature of the labor market. It has a direct impact on HR programs. If the supply of labor significantly exceeds the demand, the cost of hiring employees is minimal.

The state of affairs in the labor market in Russia is not uniform. Five years ago, there was a clear preponderance of supply over demand among engineering and technical employees, and, conversely, there was a catastrophic shortage of specialists in the main business areas: marketing, sales, public relations specialists, personnel management, strategic management, financial management. Today the situation has changed radically. The economic growth, attraction of foreign investment, expansion of domestic production led to a multiple increase in demand for engineers, technologists, representatives of working professions.

Internal factors. Internal factors affecting personnel management include the following components: the mission and goals of the organization; corporate culture; the nature of the pile; working groups; leadership style.

1. Mission and goals of the organization. M. X. Mescon, M. Albert and F. Hedouri define the mission as the main common goal organization - a clearly expressed reason for its existence.

Each organization, regardless of the field of activity, form of ownership (private, public or a combination of ) starts with a mission. We are talking about the purpose of the existence of the organization as an independent autonomous unit. Since its inception, the organization has been a living organism that exists and develops. The purpose of the existence of the organization should not be confused with the personal interests of its owners or other groups of influence (stakeholders). As a child, having been born, begins to develop, so an organization, having acquired an identity, begins a free existence, although it depends on the decisions made by the owners.

The lack of a clear goal statement has a negative impact on management, increasing the workload of line managers, and requires additional control from employees.

Sometimes when answering the question of what is the mission of typing, you can hear that the mission is to make a profit. This is not true. Making a profit is not goal, but condition existence and development of the organization. The purpose of its existence is the production of a unique product (service, technology) that distinguishes this organization from others and helps to attract a client who can use this product.

2.Corporate culture. Corporate culture is a system of values ​​that is shared by the majority of employees. It influences the behavior, performance and expectations of employees, sets a set of standards in all important areas of the organization's life.

The degree of physical activity;

The degree of aggressiveness of working conditions;

Location of the place of work;

Labor intensity;

Intensity of communication at work;

The degree of autonomy and the level of responsibility of employees at various levels;

The degree of completion of labor (a share of the social division of labor) and the structure of labor.

All of them are the object of special attention from the personnel service. World practice shows that investments in improving the situation of workers in terms of all these factors pay off many times over by increasing productivity and labor quality.

4. working groups. A group is considered to be an association of three or more people who see themselves as a group, who are independent of each other in terms of purpose and who communicate and interact on a more or less constant basis. A benevolent climate in the team, close informal (friendly) relations between employees have a positive effect on the attitude of employees to their work, on the commitment to the organization, and significantly reduce staff turnover.

An effective group is characterized by:

Group members exist and behave as a team (working for a common result as opposed to the implementation of their goals in the first place);

All members are involved in the decision-making process;

The goals of the group are clearly articulated;

Available resources are aligned with group goals;

Members of the group care about its prosperity.

5. Leadership style. Leadership style is understood as the prevailing stereotype of relations between the leader and subordinates. This is a set of peculiar techniques and methods of management inherent in a certain type of leader. Traditionally, there are authoritarian, democratic and permissive leadership styles. Leadership experience and style have a profound effect on HR management because most, if not all, HR programs are implemented by managers at the departmental level. The leadership style leaves an imprint on the organizational culture, forms stereotypes of working and informal relations within the organization.


The progressive development of production is due to the emergence of a special direction in the management system of the organization Itziami- personnel Management. The cardinal changes that took place in the world economy and the development of the means of production changed the view of the organization's personnel. From separate"cog" in the production system personnel has become a key resource and capital modern organization on which its success and prosperity depends. The cost of labor both in relative (share in the cost of goods) and in absolute terms increased.

Serious changes are taking place in the labor market, which require appropriate adjustments in such areas as the attitude towards employees, the policy of attracting them, retention and motivation.

Human resource management is becoming a powerful tool professional work with him. The allocation of personnel management as a special function helps the organization achieve its goals, contributes to the growth of competitiveness and efficiency.

During its existence, personnel management services have significantly expanded the areas of their activities, the degree of their participation in the affairs of the organization has increased. Modern methods personnel management help the organization to use the potential of each employee most effectively against the backdrop of increasing employee satisfaction with their work.

Questions for self-examination

1. Formulate the definition of the science of personnel management.

2. List the main stages in the development of the science of personnel management.

3. Describe the main features of the modern stage of personnel management.

4.What is management by human resourses?

5. Define human capital.

6. List the external and internal factors influencing personnel management.

7. What is the place of the personnel management function in the organization's management system?

8. What is the division of labor between the personnel management service and line managers?

9. List the most important areas of personnel management.

Control methods - a set of methods and techniques for influencing the subject of control through its unity on the controlled object to achieve the goal.

Ways, methods of influence of the subject on the object of management (not excluding the reverse impact of the object on the subject), the leader on the team and the team on the leader.

Methods of the management process - ways to perform individual operations, procedures, work that make up the management process. The management process methods include:

rules for setting goals;

methods of development and optimization management decisions;

· methods of organizational and practical work on the implementation of management decisions;

· methods of forecasting and planning, organization of regulation and control, etc.

Management methods are classified according to numerous criteria. So, there are methods of direct and indirect influence. When using the former, a direct result of the impact is assumed, while the latter are aimed at creating certain conditions for achieving specific results. There are methods of formal and informal influence. Their ratio reflects character traits management style.

The most important is the classification of management methods based on the objective laws inherent in the management system, as well as the needs and interests of the person or persons who are affected. On this basis, management methods are distinguished:

Organizational (organizational and administrative, administrative);



legal regulation.

Allocate organizational, economic and socio-psychological methods of management.

Organizational management methods are a system of influencing organizational relations to achieve specific goals. The same job can be done in different organizational conditions, at various types its organization: strict regulation, flexible response, setting common tasks, establishing permissible boundaries of activity, etc. In identifying the most effective type of organizational impact on the team for certain conditions, ensuring efficient and high-quality performance of work, organizational management methods find their manifestation. All of them can be classified into three groups of methods: organizational-stabilizing, administrative and disciplinary influence.

Economic methods of management - a set of methods of influence by creating economic conditions that encourage employees of enterprises to act in the right direction and achieve the solution of the tasks assigned to them. Among the economic methods of influence, planning, financing, pricing, economic incentives and cost accounting stand out.

Socio-psychological methods of management - methods of influencing the object of management, based on the use of socio-psychological factors and aimed at managing socio-psychological relations that develop in the team. They include the following set of methods of influence: the formation labor collectives taking into account the socio-psychological characteristics of people, abilities, temperament, character traits, which creates favorable conditions for their joint activities: the introduction of a system social regulation. The latter includes the use of contracts of obligations, the establishment of the procedure for the distribution of benefits, the order in which they are received; social stimulation - the creation of an environment of socio-psychological interest in the implementation of any important work or in general in achieving certain goals, results, milestones of development.

Economic methods of management

Economic methods of management are a system of methods and methods of influencing performers with the help of a specific comparison of costs and results (material incentives and sanctions, financing and lending, wages, cost, profit, price). At the same time, it should be taken into account that, in addition to purely personal goals, a participant in the process pursues both public and group goals.

The main management methods here are the system wages and bonuses, which should be maximally related to the performance of the performer. It is expedient to associate the remuneration of a manager with the results of his activities in the area of ​​responsibility or with the results of the activities of the entire company.

Among the economic methods and methods of personnel management, organizational and administrative methods of management are distinguished. These are methods of direct influence, having a directive, mandatory character. They are based on discipline, responsibility, power, coercion.

To the number organizational methods include:

organizational design,



At the same time, specific persons and specific dates of execution are not indicated. With administrative methods of management (order, instruction, briefing), specific performers and deadlines are indicated.

Economic methods of management are based on typical situations, while administrative methods are mostly related to specific situations. Usually managerial methods are based on organizational ones.

The essence of organizational regulation is to establish rules that are mandatory for implementation and determine the content and procedure for organizational activities (regulations on the enterprise, company charter, internal company standards, regulations, instructions, planning rules, accounting, etc.).

Organizational rationing includes the norms and standards for the expenditure of resources in the course of the company's activities. Regulation and rationing are the basis for the organizational design of new and existing firms. Production management is based on legal regulations which relate to organizational, property, labor and other relations in the production process.

Personnel management methods

Methods of personnel management are ways of implementing managerial influences on personnel in order to achieve the goals of managing an organization.

Distinguish: economic, administrative-legal and socio-psychological methods of personnel management, which differ in the ways and effectiveness of the impact on personnel.

Modern Russian economic relations do not contribute to maintaining a comfortable socio-psychological climate in the team. For this reason, it is important to predict the impact of socio-psychological methods of personnel management on his work, given that these methods are the most subtle tool for influencing social groups and the personality of a particular employee, such a tool requires a dosed and differentiated application.

Methods of personnel management - ways of influencing teams and individual workers in order to coordinate their activities in the process of functioning of the organization. Based on the technological chain of the cycle of work with personnel, there are methods:

Recruitment, selection and admission of personnel;

· business evaluation, career guidance and labor adaptation of personnel;

motivation labor activity;

organization of the training system;

management of conflicts and stress;

security management;

organization of work;

management of business career and service and professional advancement;

release of staff.

Personnel management methods include:

definition of goals and main directions of work with personnel;

· definition of means, forms and methods of realization of goals;

organization of work on the implementation of decisions;

Coordination and control over the implementation of planned activities;

Continuous improvement of the system of work with personnel.

The methods of personnel management are very closely interconnected and together form a certain system of work with personnel, where the changes that occur in the composition of each of the functions necessitate the adjustment of all other related functions. functional tasks and responsibilities. For example, the widespread use of the contract form of hiring personnel in the world practice has led to a noticeable change in functional responsibilities.


The policy of the enterprise on personnel management is carried out in a certain (in relation to the enterprise) external environment.

External factors of influence- factors of influence outside the firm (enterprises, organizations), for example, such non-production factors as federal laws, presidential orders, government decrees, other forms of state regulation, trade union requirements, the presence of competitors and external economic conditions, the nature of the labor market, and others. External factors have a significant impact on the company's personnel management policy and its programs.

powerful external factors impact on the personnel policy of the enterprise are labor law and regulation of labor relations by the government. Areas affected by such regulation include:

Legislative establishment of equal opportunities for recruitment, selection of personnel, their assessment and promotion and training;

Exclusion of discrimination based on gender and age;

Regulation of wage conditions, working hours, unemployment and similar regulation;

Benefit regulation affecting pensions and severance pay;

Health protection;

Laws governing labor Relations and others.

Problems arising from government regulation, boil down to the following:

Regulation promotes simplistic approaches to complex problems. The approach to small and large enterprises is almost the same, the same regulatory system is applied to different industries, etc.;

Decision-making deadlines are slowed down;

Regulation often does not lead to mutual accommodation and mutual benefit, but only to the need for more complex legal maneuvering;

The regulations are outdated, but nevertheless remain valid.

Of the external economic conditions, the presence of competition and conditions in the labor market most noticeably affect the personnel policy of an enterprise.

Internal factors of influence- internal (in the firm, in-house) factors, such as goals, organizational culture, style, tasks, working groups, leadership style.

There are many characteristics of jobs that attract or repel workers. Some of the more important ones are:

The degree of physical effort required. The contrast between the work of digging a ditch and the work of a computer programmer is obvious to everyone. In general, most people prefer jobs that require a minimum of physical effort;

Degree of harmfulness: people usually prefer physically comfortable and safe conditions;

Work location. Some types of work are carried out on the street, others - indoors. Some jobs involve being in the same place, while others require constant movement. Preferences of one kind or another here can be very individual;

Duration of work. Some jobs involve intense effort for short periods of time, others long hours of less demanding work. In some jobs the work is intermittent, in others it is continuous;

Interaction with other people while working. Some jobs require frequent contact with other people. There is a marked contrast between the position of the radar operator at an isolated station rarely meeting anyone, and the work of the persons involved in the organization of business receptions;

The degree of freedom in solving problems. The degree of freedom and responsibility of the worker determines the degree of his autonomy (compare, for example, the contrast between the autonomy of a university professor and a worker on an assembly line);

Purpose Identification: This refers to the degree of integrity of the job and the employee's sense of accomplishment. big job entirely - as opposed to expending energy on some a small part unknown to the employee of the whole.

Working group Two or more people who are aware of themselves as a group, work together to achieve common goals, are interdependent on each other in solving problems, communicate and interact on a more or less broad basis. In many cases (though not always) they work in succession.

A group is effective if:

Its members act as one team;

Its members are full participants in group discussions and discussions;

The goals of the group are clearly defined;

The available resources correspond to the tasks facing the group;

Members of the group are actively engaged in the search for techniques and means to better achieve goals.

Leadership experience and style have a direct impact on personnel management. The activity of line managers-heads is a decisive link in personnel management. Leaders must skillfully use the skills, experience, personal characteristics and motives of individuals. Their purpose is to promote group interaction. According to his role, the manager uses power and authority to achieve the desired behavior of employees. Moreover, it influences this desired behavior in such a way that it is maintained and improved. The leader is an important source of knowledge about the goals, objectives, personnel policy and programs of the organization. The manager's experience and practical style influence the choice of specific personnel policy programs and the effectiveness of their implementation.