Ready anti-crisis program. Anti-crisis business planning

Purpose of the plan anti-crisis measures enterprise is to provide stakeholders with a clear picture

the goals of anti-crisis management and the methods by which these goals will be achieved.

The anti-crisis action plan should be informative, objective, realistic and concise. The anti-crisis action plan is a “promotional” material, and in general it should be positive, although negative factors, risks and weak sides should also be presented, as well as ways to overcome them (Fig. 5.13).

Strategic Alternatives Business Plan

Rice. 5.13. Scenario method for optimizing the firm's strategy Source: A practical guide for an arbitration manager. Europe Aid project

"Effectiveness of Bankruptcy Procedures". M., 2004.

At the heart of the anti-crisis action plan are strategic relationships that must be consistent with the mission and goals of the company. In addition, its financial needs must be clearly stated. All data should be based on indicators of profitability, growth and return on investment. Optimal Strategy determined by developing scenarios and defining financial results for these scenarios.

Rice. 5.14.

important integral part plan of anti-crisis measures is repurposing strategy.

The purpose of the repurposing strategy is to increase the efficiency of the firm in recovery mode. In the course of assessing strategic alternatives in the recovery procedure, there are a number of strategic indicators, the consideration of which can be recommended:

  • cost level;
  • added value and strategies for differentiating it according to commodity groups;
  • vertical/horizontal integration;
  • investment policy;
  • acquisitions, mergers and unions;
  • diversification of production;
  • "branding", or own trademark;
  • sale of a business / liquidation of an enterprise.

The seven-variable model puts you in an advantageous position when implementing repurposing activities.

In some countries, it is possible to exchange debt for company shares by issuing new shares. This is an acceptable method, but expert advice is required to use it.

Financial debt can be a bank loan, a supplier loan, individuals, director, shareholder(s). Working capital sometimes it can be increased by financing through additional issue of shares.

Sometimes you can approach the existing shareholders of the enterprise with a request to allocate additional injections into the business or attract new shareholders. There are many operations where cost reduction can be achieved with new technologies, but it is worth remembering the costs associated with the implementation new technology, staff training costs, etc. The first consideration should be to rationalize existing production lines or operations by using existing technologies. It may be necessary to organize the production of individual components of the product at the enterprises of subcontractors with

necessary technologies and skills, with subsequent assembly at this enterprise. However, in an enterprise where stabilization measures have recently been implemented, it is not recommended to use a complicated management structure.

Unfortunately, poor leadership is the main cause of the problems that crisis managers work to solve. Management must be prepared to modern requirements business. The presence of an appropriate team of qualified top managers is the most important requirement for the further successful development of the enterprise.

If the efficiency of the enterprise cannot be increased to the required level, the most profitable way to bring the enterprise out of the crisis should be chosen and implemented, namely:

  • sale of the entire business or parts of it;
  • stoppage of the entire enterprise or parts of it, stoppage of all marketing activities or only in certain markets;
  • insolvency/bankruptcy - formal/legal procedures that open up additional opportunities for maintaining a business (for example, restoring solvency under bankruptcy law).
  • cm.: Gilson S.C. Creating Value Through Corporate Restructuring. Hoboken, NJ, U.S.A. : John Wiley & Sons, 2001.

Autumn 2008 was not the best period for the country's construction industry. This is a difficult stage that will test companies' resilience and ability to work not only in a rapidly growing market, but also in an environment of declining demand. In this regard, of practical interest are the measures taken by domestic manufacturers to maintain business during the crisis and overcome its consequences. As the experience of a number of companies shows, even in difficult economic conditions further development is possible if anti-crisis measures are taken in time.

1. Optimize costs

First of all, you should think about reducing non-production costs, in particular current administrative costs. “We have revised the amount of compensation paid to employees for mobile communications and the use of personal cars, travel and hospitality expenses,” says Christina Ignatovich, HR Director at Renova-StroyGroup.

A significant share of the current costs of companies is associated with the lease of offices. Here, a possible solution may be to move to a smaller area or to unite the overgrown administrative structures under one roof. “St. Petersburg is located not far from Moscow, so we decided to move the project preparation work to the capital. It is more profitable than maintaining a separate office,” Natalia Konovalova, head of the press service of the PIK Group of Companies, explained the closing of the Na Neva office.

In many cases, it is advisable to transfer part of the employees to remote work. For example, planners, designers, IT staff, accounting and some other categories of employees can come to the office only as needed.

2. Increase efficiency

Forced downtime gives time to understand the processes taking place within the organization in more detail and increase labor productivity. Right now it is possible, for example, to test enterprise management automation systems, improve the quality of customer relationships, optimize accounting, financial, logistics and other processes.

Perhaps it makes sense to reconsider the priorities in the work of the company's departments. “During the crisis, the tasks facing managers of the wholesale direction have changed: now they must deal with active sales more time to find new partners. Thanks to this, we have not yet seen a significant decline in sales,” says Elena Smirnova, CEO"Stroykomplekt" company, a manufacturer of building and finishing materials.

3. Raise the level of quality

Today, when construction volumes have decreased, more attention should be paid to its quality. “Projects that have not yet been put into production will be carefully finalized in a calm environment. Now there is no need to rush and force things, as it was during the period of market growth. For stable industry participants, this is a very convenient moment to analyze and correct past mistakes, improve the quality of future proposals,” says Vyacheslav Semenenko, member of the board of directors of the Setl Group development company.

Today, you can focus on design and pre-project work, deal with approvals, in other words, everything that you didn’t have time for before. In the future, this will bear fruit and will allow reaching a different level of quality and production volume.

4. Support partners

Difficulties, including economic ones, are always easier to overcome together. So many companies are expanding today partnership programs thus providing a stable market for its products.

For example, PROPLEX Group of Companies, one of the founders Russian market PVC profiles, carries out a comprehensive partner support program. “We help our processors to establish and optimize the production and sale of products, develop an effective advertising strategy, train staff, assist in preparing for tenders. In addition, we guarantee the availability of a stable assortment and compliance with delivery dates for all contracts, which is especially important in times of crisis,” says Rafik Alekperov, head of the customer service department.

Obviously, such a strategy will allow the manufacturer to retain its customer base and minimize inevitable losses.

5. Participate in tenders

The shift in emphasis from commercial to state building entails the need for a more careful approach to the issue of participation in tenders. It is necessary to carefully study the mechanism for conducting such procedures, as well as existing regulations. A great help in this direction can be the help of manufacturers, which has already been mentioned above.

“We developed a special support program for the processing partners of the PROPLEX Group of Companies participating in tenders back in September 2008, and today it has proven its effectiveness,” Rafik Alekperov notes. - According to the feedback of the program participants, cost optimization in some cases can reduce the cost of production by up to 15%. This happens by obtaining additional discounts, as well as increasing efficiency. production process in accordance with the recommendations of our experts.

6. Expand the field of activity

It is important not only to master new options for attracting customers, but also new areas of activity. So, some construction companies that previously worked in the high-rise construction market are successfully mastering low-rise construction today.

“Objects of low-rise construction are more liquid during the crisis. In a low-rise building there is no risk of “incompleteness”. The settlements can be put into operation in separate stages, when some of the houses are still under construction,” says Elena Nikolaeva, president of the National Agency for Low-Rise and Cottage Construction (NAMIKS).

7. Don't give up bartering

The liquidity crisis forces us not only to look for new niches, but also to turn to well-tested methods again. For example, the construction company Pervaya General Contractor stated that instead of money, it is ready to accept cars, equipment, materials, and food as payment from customers. “Paying with products is easier than paying with money. Firstly, it is savings on loans, the time of their receipt and interest. Secondly, we allow the customer to reduce implementation costs and increase sales. Thus, acting according to the barter scheme, the client saves twice. We receive our orders,” says Dmitry Smorodin, CEO of the company.

Although barter is not an ideal form of payment, as a temporary working tool it is quite suitable for many enterprises.

8. Participate in the creation of SRO

After talking about the crisis, another important topic for all builders faded into the background - the issue of transition from licensing to self-regulation. In the meantime, the need to create an SRO has not only not disappeared, but has become even more obvious. For example, it is these structures that could organize common barter platforms for all market participants, develop new financing and pricing mechanisms, and solve many other issues. In addition, SROs will reduce the administrative burden on businesses, in particular, simplify the procedure for obtaining the necessary documentation for construction.

Thus, the lull in construction sites should also be used to intensify work on the creation of SROs in different regions of the country.

9. Save frames

In recent years, much has been said about the chronic shortage of personnel in the construction industry. Nevertheless, many companies met the onset of the crisis with massive layoffs. It is possible that some optimization of the staff is necessary, but one should not thoughtlessly scatter specialists.

“There is a huge shortage of smart, experienced people in construction - builders, engineers, managers. The crisis can affect the fate of companies in different ways: some will cease to exist, while others will acquire vacant specialists and only benefit from this,” says Yuriy Pogiba, General Director construction company"Slavs".

Reducing costs by reducing experienced specialists is the easiest way. However, this is an extremely short-sighted step for a company that is going to work in the future, and not spend all the time looking for staff. It will hardly be possible to return the lost personnel in the future: more perspicacious business colleagues will not miss the opportunity to hire professionals who have lost their jobs on favorable terms.

10. Look for original solutions

Optimizing costs, improving efficiency and quality, supporting partners, expanding the scope of activities, industry integration, a competent personnel policy - all this will help you get through difficult times with minimal losses.

Perhaps many important points were ignored: the question is too voluminous to draw a line. In addition, each leader probably has his own vision of the problem and his own recipes for solving it. Someone will acquire land that has fallen sharply in price and Construction Materials, others will get rid of non-core assets; the third will find new partners, the fourth will decide to create a new business. You should not be afraid of non-standard solutions, because it is with them that real success always begins.

So, the most important thing today is not to freeze your activities completely, otherwise there is a risk of never “thaw out” again. Of course, building houses today is difficult, but it's time to make long-term plans. No crisis has yet ended in economic emptiness: the renewed markets of the future belong to those who will not be afraid of difficulties and will consistently move forward.

The material was prepared by the press service of the PROPLEX Group of Companies

Vlad Khitrov 08.12.2014

Crises on a national or global scale happen with some periodicity. And a rare company manages to avoid the fall financial indicators when the economy is seriously stormed. Even if the economic weather outside your office is calm, the company may find itself in the grip of an internal crisis associated with problems in the industry or product category. What anti-crisis measures should be applied at the enterprise? What needs to be done to reverse the negative trend?

1. Recognize the existence of a crisis situation

Until you admit there are problems, you will not be able to solve them. The longer the acceptance of the fact of the existence of problems is delayed, the more difficult and painful the way out of the current situation will be. One can endlessly hope for a trend reversal, or for an early fall in the exchange rate, or for obtaining lucrative contracts, but if the trend is confirmed every month for two consecutive quarters, then it is necessary to prepare anti-crisis measures.

2. Inform top management about the real situation

The sooner management understands the seriousness of the situation, the sooner it will be possible to begin to respond to crisis phenomena. Reveal all the details of the situation, all the main risks. At the same time, however, do not sow panic. Maintain a constructive working spirit.

3. Get yourself a support group

The survival of a company in a crisis is a team game. If you fail to find like-minded people and unite them with one idea or goal, consider that the chances have become five times less. In a crisis, rely on experience and loyalty instead of positions and high-profile regalia.

4. Create an anti-crisis committee

Gather ten or fifteen of the most experienced managers and talk about the situation in the company and in the market. Ask people for support and understanding. Warn that unpopular measures will be taken in the near future. Managers need to hear that they are expected to maximize their impact and increase efficiency. This can save them and their subordinates from taking the most unpopular measures - including layoffs, delays in paying salaries, canceling bonuses, etc. In the active phase of the crisis, working meetings of the anti-crisis committee should be held regularly - 1-2 times a month.

5. Define strategic priorities

What is important for your company? Sales volume, market share, profit or survival? Large experienced companies rarely find themselves in a commercial "reanimation" where the issue of life or death is decided. Even in the worst times, their resources allow us to survive the crisis without global losses. Often the giants use crises for rapid large-scale expansion - competitors are acquired, a share of shelf space is won, and advertising pressure increases. For small and medium-sized companies, I would recommend not to get involved in the game of market share. Focus on reducing risks and costs. Competent work in this direction can significantly increase your chances of a sharp increase after the end of the acute phase of the crisis. A company that is in good shape, operates efficiently, and is not "fat" will move on to development much faster than a competitor that tried to keep a share, but lost its turnover or got into debt.

6. Make the most pessimistic scenario

After discussing the pessimistic sales plan, subtract another 15-20 percent from it (sometimes we can’t believe that the fall will be so strong, but it’s better to “overdo it than underdo it.” If the situation turns out to be better, you will receive unplanned profits.
Budget the expenses for this pessimistic sales plan so that the minimum acceptable profit margin remains.

7. Reduce costs to this level

Expenditures need to be cut drastically. Without delay. Work on two fronts - first, remove unnecessary expenses entirely. Secondly, those items of expenditure that remain must be cut substantially.

8. Reduce purchases and reduce costs

Buy under a pessimistic plan, but ask suppliers to be ready to reorder. Shift the risks (within reason) to the suppliers of goods and services. By the way, the crisis is the best time to sell low-liquid stocks from warehouses (own and partner). Challenge buyers to reduce contract prices by an average of 10% in the currency of your sales. Even if you get only five, it's already good, given that often, along with a crisis, there is a sharp increase in purchase prices against the backdrop of an increase in exchange rates.

9. Reduce overhead

The cost of any service should be reduced by 20-30% (in addition to eliminating many inefficient and unnecessary services). Negotiate a lease. Engage an experienced negotiator from consulting company(they know how to develop a negotiation strategy and bargain). Keep your IT budget to a minimum. You definitely won't need new computers.

10. Rid the system of destabilizing elements

In a crisis, you can always find managers who make the system vibrate unnecessarily. Such personnel, instead of increasing efficiency, undermine the team, spreading rumors in the style of "everything is lost" in the tea rooms. My advice is to say goodbye to such employees. At the very least, isolate.

11. Reduce payroll

Fire inefficient people. Introduce a moratorium on salary increases, reduce salaries depending on the situation (the higher the level of the employee, the more significant the salary reduction), transfer part of the fixed salary to a variable, cancel the payment of bonuses based on the results of the current period if the goals are not achieved. Postpone the payment of well-deserved bonuses for six months or a year (this is a great motivation to work hard and not leave). If point 10 is fulfilled, then the reduction of the payroll will take place without any problems, especially if the crisis is on a national scale.

12. Abandon unprofitable projects

Abandon any projects that are not likely to be profitable in the next 6-12 months. Close them (a crisis is a good reason) or freeze them for a while.

13. Organize tight control over finances

Postpone payments as much as possible. Enter quotas for departments. Work hard with receivables (the seller's bonus must be tied to receivables as well). Check each application for payment personally.

Constant changes in the structure of the market and a difficult economic situation increase the risk of instability in the enterprise, which often leads to it. It is possible to avoid negative consequences and extend the life of the organization with the help of anti-crisis measures.

Essence and functions of anti-crisis management

Anti-crisis management is a comprehensive management system aimed at preventing and eliminating financial crisis organization, and the elimination of its negative consequences.

The main goal of the adoption of anti-crisis management decisions– restoration of the activity of an enterprise affected by adverse economic circumstances.

On the way to achieving this goal, anti-crisis management performs a set of such tasks:

  1. timely diagnostics and identification of weaknesses in the economy of the enterprise;
  2. Training to a crisis situation (capital accumulation, saving resources, reducing purchases and freezing reserves);
  3. Prevention crisis situation;
  4. and solving the problem of insolvency to employees, shareholders and creditors;
  5. Restoring Economic Resilience and establishing a strong position in the market;
  6. Taking preventive measures to avoid declaring or ;
  7. Elimination of consequences and compensation for damage;
  8. Organization post-crisis activities company, which should be built taking into account the factors and circumstances that led to negative consequences.

Objects of anti-crisis management– companies, organizations and enterprises affected by financial problems. Also, anti-crisis measures are provided for by the legislation in relation to regional, municipal and regional structures.

Subjects of anti-crisis management– owners and specialists who develop and implement a set of measures.

Enterprise financial crisis- a local threat to the economic stability of the enterprise, during which internal and external debt grows, solvency decreases and the threat of bankruptcy and liquidation of the company increases.

The essence of anti-crisis measures is expressed in the following provisions:

  1. Crisis situations can be prevented, accelerated or caused artificially;
  2. The crisis can be suspended, postponed or accelerated;
  3. The financial impact on the company can be minimized;
  4. Company destruction processes can be managed by management:
  5. The company must be prepared for any unforeseen adverse situations.

Basic techniques

The way out of the crisis can be carried out by the following methods:

  • Cost cutting - a necessary measure, which is to optimize the company's costs - the dismissal of staff; reduction of salaries; optimization labor resources; reduction product range; replacement of raw materials with cheaper analogues, etc.;
  • attraction Money – any property that is at the disposal of the company can be sold or leased for additional income. Selling can bring money to the company valuable papers, real estate; change in credit policy and optimization of sales;
  • Debt restructuring - a set of negotiations with creditors in order to obtain concessions and deferrals, allowing to reduce official obligations;
  • Drawing up a new plan strategic development - the company must adapt to new conditions and optimize its functionality as much as possible;
  • Company reorganization - cardinal changes in the structure and activities of the organization, which entail changes in all areas: sales, management and foreign policy.

Cutting costs is not the best way out of the situation, since a decrease in the quality of goods and services leads to a drop in sales and further ruin of the company.

It is much more efficient to look for new sources of funding and carry out strategic improvement activities.

Anti-crisis personnel management

In conditions of financial difficulties, it is important to stimulate employees, because it is their efforts that can revive and regenerate a failed system.

Personnel Management- a set of organizational and educational measures aimed at recruiting, redistributing personnel, improving qualifications and stimulating them by assigning incentive bonuses and bonuses.

During a crisis situation, the task of a specialist or manager is not only to organize the work of personnel, but also to provide him with psychological support. It is important to create a favorable atmosphere for the team and adapt employees to the new operating conditions of the enterprise.

The personnel policy should also be focused on attracting young qualified personnel and on early release from duties of employees, which do not fit into strategic plan development of the company and may hinder it.

Despite the fact that the personnel policy should be unified and fair for all employees, it should also be multi-level in order to cover all layers and groups.

The multilevel system consists of the following subsystems:

  • Recruitment and accounting of personnel;
  • Control labor relations within the team - the company should be aimed at a strategic result and work in one direction. The disagreement of the parties leads to conflicts that undermine the work process;
  • Optimization of labor resources - in difficult conditions, the company cannot afford additional employees who perform insignificant or unnecessary work;
  • Ensuring optimal working conditions;
  • Information support and staff training - the team must be aware of new circumstances and easily adapt to the realities;
  • Control social development– control and improvement of the internal climate at work.

Working for the future and development of the company, a competent manager is obliged to develop a system of criteria and determine the qualities that an employee should possess.

Based on this data, the new positions needed to support the new course of development are compiled.

Anti-crisis financial management

Measures to eliminate financial problems depend on the stage of development of the crisis.

At the first stage there is a drop in profitability and sales volumes, which entail financial losses.

Decision: improving the quality of labor and reducing the cost of production, and related services.

At the second stage production crosses a critical point and goes negative.

Decision: reorganization and strategic decision making.

At the third stage the company loses own resources, a reserve funds are at zero, because all earned goes to repay external debts to creditors.

Decision: debt restructuring.

At the fourth stage development of the financial crisis, the only way out is to declare bankruptcy.

Examples of anti-crisis management of an enterprise

Consider an example of a way out of a crisis situation on Ford enterprise. In 2009, the company faced a number of difficulties:

  • Conflicts within the company;
  • Decrease in the level of confidence on the part of buyers;
  • Rising prices for oil and components;
  • High growth of competition;
  • Economic crisis;
  • Selling part of the shares to competitors.

The difficult situation at the enterprise led to a wave of strikes demanding a 30% increase in wages. The company decided to partially meet this requirement by raising rates by 15%, but even such an increase in costs was not affordable for management, and 1,200 workers were laid off the following year.

To stabilize the situation, management took the following measures:

  • Reducing bonuses and incentive payments to employees, as well as a significant reduction in the interest rate for auctioneers;
  • Solving problems with trade unions, which helped to improve the climate within the enterprise;
  • Reducing the retirement age.

To reduce production costs, it was decided to reduce the lineup by focusing on 4 most requested models, reduce working hours and cut output. In order not to lose product quality, the company has optimized the production process.

Ford not only tried to strengthen its position in the home market, but also found new sales markets - in particular, in the CIS countries, where the dealer network was significantly expanded.

A feature of this set of anti-crisis measures was that the management, despite the difficult economic period, managed to maintain the reputation of a responsible employer that cares about its subordinates. This was achieved thanks to a competent personnel policy and interaction with trade unions, thanks to which it was possible to avoid undermining production from within.

The opposite example is the situation with holding "Rusclimat", which is engaged in the production of engineering parts and equipment. The despotic and disrespectful attitude of the management towards subordinates led to a large drain of valuable personnel and a drop in interest in vacancies in the labor market, despite the fact that salaries and working conditions were at a high level.

This led to the creation of a negative reputation, which also affected sales. Thanks to an effective advertising campaign and a new concept, the company managed to partially regain its good name, until information appeared about the criminal record of one of the leaders.

Rusklimat managed to stay afloat and eliminate some of the negative consequences of the crisis, but notoriety still affects the holding's activities.

Features of anti-crisis management on the example of Eldorado LLC

Popular European sales network household appliances Eldorado faced an economic crisis in 2008 when the tax authorities announced debt in the amount of 15 billion rubles. As a result, the organization's reputation has been shaken, banks worth $400 million, and regular suppliers have interrupted cooperation.

Despite the difficulties, El Dorado did not falter in financial plan- helped in this loan in the amount of $ 500 million from an international investment group, which subsequently bought a controlling stake from the owner of Eldorado and became a 100% owner, which it remains to this day.

The new owner of PPF immediately began to apply anti-crisis actions, which were very successful - despite the difficulties, the organization lost only 1% of sales.

The anti-crisis plan consisted of the following actions:

  • Change of commodity and transport logistics – the volumes of batches in warehouses were significantly reduced, and the delivery of goods began to take place in small batches, thanks to which it was possible to reduce transportation costs;
  • Introduction of the "Sale by Sample" System- the goods are delivered to the buyer from the manufacturer, the company acts as an intermediary, removing the percentage for organizing the transaction - this reduced the waste of storing goods in warehouses, and the company reduced the risks of unsold products;
  • Reduced personnel costs- managerial links were cut - the number of subordinates for each manager doubled. Instead of a large staff of managers, it was decided to increase the number of consultants, which increased sales at local points of sale. AT total amount about 12,000 employees were laid off.

These actions helped to keep the company afloat and remain competitive in the market, but significant mistakes were also made in making managerial decisions.

For example, the organization decided to tighten the conditions for employees, reducing them wages several times and entrust them with additional functions taking time to perform direct duties. Was the reward system has been eliminated(now the amount of earnings did not depend on the level of sales of each individual employee, but was distributed among regional offices).

As a result, a large wave of layoffs own will. Even experienced employees who had worked for more than three years left.

The drop in the level of qualification affected the company's service - sales fell, and the number of returns and dissatisfaction from customers increased significantly. The reason for this is unprofessional advice, which even constant trainings and training programs that Eldorado regularly spends money on are not able to fix.

As can be seen from this example, saving on personnel leads to undesirable consequences: Eldorado has a serious competitor on the market - There is currently talk of a possible merger between the two organizations or a buyout of Eldorado

As seen in this example, the system crisis management is individual in nature and should take into account the characteristics of a particular enterprise.

Anti-crisis management for small and medium businesses

The examples above are good for a general understanding of crisis recovery strategies, but what leaders need to know is less large companies? The video below shows a seminar during which the basic principles of crisis management are explained.

Drawing up an action plan is necessary not to quickly solve the problem and quickly overcome difficulties, but to achieve the goals set by the target date. As a rule, an anti-crisis action plan is drawn up in detail for the first quarter of the term. Forecasting for a longer period is considered inappropriate. This is due to the fact that the implementation of the program will subsequently be associated with various uncertainties. They can make an overly lengthy anti-crisis action plan seem bogus. Structure The anti-crisis action plan should contain a detailed list of interrelated actions. For each, the following information must be provided:

  1. duration.

Anti-crisis management of the enterprise

  • Formation of a specialized working group.
  • Evaluation and analysis of primary and additional measures to combat the crisis.
  • Formation of a list of management decisions.
  • Preparation of an action plan to resolve possible conflicts and contradictions between employees within the company.
  • Assessment of the need and expediency of the further functioning of the enterprise.
  • Forecasting the recurrence of crisis situations.
  • Efficiency of anti-crisis management of a company One of the important assessments of the work of an enterprise in the conditions of anti-crisis management is the assessment of the effectiveness of the latter.

Anti-crisis action plan. program for overcoming the economic crisis in the Russian Federation


On the basis of these studies, it becomes possible to develop a set of anti-crisis measures that will restore the ability of the company to pay. The diagnostic procedure during the anti-crisis management of the company takes place in several stages.


Initially, the belonging of the object under study to a particular class is determined. Further, the search for differences in the diagnosed object is carried out, for this, parallels are drawn between its parameters and the base data.

The final stage consists of identifying measures and procedures that allow you to stabilize the above parameters and return them to baseline values. The development of strategies for managing organizations in a crisis takes place in three main stages: 1.
Conducting an analytical study external factors crisis.

Anti-crisis program of the government of the Russian Federation 2018

It contains 120 items, for each of which the executors, expected results and deadlines are approved. But funding has not yet been identified for each. I got into the plan, but made it dependent on what the situation in the economy will be by the summer, the re-indexation of pensions.

The same - for free drug provision, according to summer vacation and health improvement of children in difficult life situation. The social section of the plan contains items that duplicate the provisions of federal law, says Vice-Rector of the Academy of Labor and social relations Alexander Safonov.

And the fact that they are fixed in the plan suggests that even in the most difficult economic situation, the state will fulfill these obligations. A fundamentally new item in the plan is payments from maternity capital, taking into account the criteria for the needs of families.

It is usually indicated in weeks from the start of implementation.

Improved layout

310 billion rubles are allocated to individual subjects of the Federation in order to achieve the expected result - reducing the current debt burden on independent regional budgets of the state. In simple words, the crux of the matter is recrimination. 7. Support for the promotion of Russian software - 5 billion rubles.
The intended purpose of financial injections is clearly stated here: the implementation of at least 8 projects to modify the Russian software, with its further promotion to foreign markets and attracting additional co-financing. 8. Implementation of measures to support the export of high-tech products - 13 billion rubles from additional sources.
9. VEB will receive its 8.1 billion rubles needed to improve the conditions for the development of non-commodity exports, using the property contribution of the Russian Federation to the Vnesheconombank corporation.

Plan for the development of anti-crisis programs

The last principle of social and labor protection says that management must respect all the rights of personnel in accordance with existing laws states. There are a number of processes and rules that are recommended to be followed during anti-crisis management of an enterprise. They are not only good tools to deal with current crisis situations, but also help prevent a recurrence of the crisis: 1. Formation of a specialized working group.2. Evaluation and analysis of primary and additional measures to combat the crisis situation.3. Formation of a list of management decisions.4. Preparation of an action plan to resolve possible conflicts and contradictions between employees within the company.5. Assessment of the need and expediency of the further functioning of the enterprise.6. Forecasting the recurrence of crisis situations.

Anti-crisis plan for 2018

Recently, the government of the Russian Federation announced the start of the anti-crisis plan, which is designed for 2018-2019. This introduction was caused by the difficult situation in Russia due to external economic and political influence.

The whole plan consists of 40 points. But for its concept it will be enough to disassemble the most basic points. Contents of the anti-crisis document Assistance to farmers.

Support planned for this year Agriculture in the amount of 50 billion rubles and another 2 billion in the form of subsidies for the purchase of agricultural equipment from domestic manufacturers. Protecting the most vulnerable layers. Families that are eligible for maternity capital will be able to receive a one-time assistance of 20,000 rubles. Only 16 billion rubles will be spent on improving the quality of medicines and on compensating the cost of foreign medicines due to a sharp jump in the exchange rate.

Enterprise anti-crisis plan: 4 effective solutions from practice

It provides for effective methods reducing the negative consequences of a critical situation and using the results to form a more sustainable development regime in the future. Possibilities of management in a downturn The effectiveness of anti-crisis measures is related to a person's ability to search for and select the best options for a way out of a critical situation.

People can adapt to problems, act in accordance with the prevailing conditions. Mobilizing to get out of the crisis, a person uses the experience of the past millennia.

The possibilities of management in a recession are also determined by the knowledge of the cyclical nature of the system development process. This, in turn, allows us to anticipate various problem situations and prepare for them.
Development of a strategy for anti-crisis management of an enterprise The development of strategies for managing organizations in a crisis takes place in three main stages.

  1. Conducting an analytical study of the external factors of the crisis. The implementation of this process allows you to identify the causes of the crisis and learn general information on the financial condition of the organization.
  2. Revision of the current management scheme and change of initial goals, the fulfillment of which is necessary for the fastest possible resolution of financial problems.
  3. Formation of alternative courses of action to bring the organization out of the financial crisis and the choice of the main strategy.

Even in a crisis, an organization can function stably and solve problems simultaneously without any damage to each of the processes.
A respectful attitude is necessary in order to win, and most importantly, maintain, the trust of employees in management. Professionalism, objective personal opinion, etc. should be additionally motivated and encouraged (not necessarily financially).4.

The principle of team unity in a crisis allows you to form a team that will work stably even in the absence of a leading department or person. Each member of a professional anti-crisis team will be ready to take responsibility and authority for the actions performed.5.

Horizontal cooperation, the essence of this principle lies in the fact that each employee, regardless of his level, has the right to independently make decisions on certain management issues in which he specializes.6.

Enterprise anti-crisis plan sample 2018

Competent anti-crisis management of the enterprise in a crisis, allowed the brand to as soon as possible restore stability to its production, get rid of financial problems and at the same time fully maintain confidence in customers and customers. Features As you can already understand from the above information, anti-crisis management of an enterprise is a set of processes and measures that includes competent planning, preparation and implementation of decisions that allow enterprises to get out of a critical situation as soon as possible.

In the process of implementing anti-crisis measures, it is necessary to observe a number of parameters and know all their features. So, competent management of the company is impossible without the following factors.

  1. Constant monitoring financial condition company - it allows you to detect problems at an early stage, therefore, gain time to find solutions.