Curriculum and program for training, retraining and advanced training of workers in the profession “Machinist for washing and repairing overalls. Machinist for washing and repairing workwear Machinist for washing and repairing workwear classifier

Tariff and qualification characteristics of the profession "Machinist for washing and repairing overalls" are required to determine the types of work, tariff rate and assignment of ranks according to Russian Federation.

Based on the specified characteristics of the work performed and the requirements for professional knowledge and skills, a job description for the driver for washing and repairing overalls is drawn up, as well as personnel documents, including for interviewing and testing when applying for a job.

When compiling work (job) instructions, it is necessary to take into account the general provisions and recommendations for release, if there is not enough information, refer to the search for a profession through alphabetically.

Machinist for washing and repairing overalls 2nd category

Characteristics of works. Washing overalls, towels, curtains in washing machines and washing by hand. Drying in tumble dryers (chambers) or natural conditions, ironing on presses, calenders or by hand. Minor repair of overalls by hand and on sewing machine, label patch. Preparation of cleaning and disinfecting solutions. Receiving, sorting and issuing uniforms. Preparing the required documentation.

Must know: technology of washing overalls from various materials; device, operating rules of the serviced equipment; types, properties of detergents and disinfectants used and methods of their use and preparation; rules for maintaining established documentation.

Hello! We hired a person who brought us a certificate that he is a 3rd category laundry driver. Based on which document we have to pay him wages for category 3, if in ETKS No. 62 we are talking only about the operator of washing machines of 2,3,4,5 categories and in ETKS No. 1 about a worker for washing and repairing workwear of the 2nd category? Is there a document that says that yes, there is a 3rd category laundry driver? And another question, is the laundry operator a civil servant who is entitled to a health allowance, and if so, based on what law?

The worker's profession "Machinist for washing linen and repairing overalls" (1st category) is included in the project ETKS issue 01, which this year the Ministry will send to state registration to the Ministry of Justice.

ETKS (65 issues by type of activity) are placed in the legal database "Adilet".

Payment should be made according to the profession "Worker for washing and repairing overalls" (2nd category).

Article 1 Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan civil servant - a person holding in established by law Republic of Kazakhstan, in the order paid position in government enterprises public institutions and exercising official powers in order to implement their tasks and functions and to carry out maintenance and ensure the functioning of state bodies.

The list of positions of civil servants was approved by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated September 27, 2007 N 850.

According to this list, civil servants, along with specialists of the appropriate skill level, include technical executors and skilled workers , whose work requires vocational training and special knowledge in accordance with the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Professions of Workers (hereinafter - ETKS).

Unskilled workers perform simple mechanical work, mainly associated with the use of hand tools and the expenditure of certain efforts. Most of this category of workers' professions is characterized by the presence of a basic general or secondary general education or secondary general education and individual training in the workplace. In practice, workers of the 1st and 2nd category are classified as unskilled.

The decision to classify workers as skilled and unskilled workers in each specific case is taken by the qualification commission on the basis of tariff and qualification characteristics.

Bekbosynova D.S. - chief expert of the Remuneration Department

I am interested in the question whether there is an approved professional standard for a laundry operator (laundress)? We have a fitness club and staffing there is a line "Washerwoman", if there is no professional standard, then you can leave the name "washerwoman"?


Answer to the question:

There is no professional standard for an employee whose labor function includes washing clothes.

But the title of the position should not be referred to as "laundress".

When choosing a job title, you need to be guided by ETKS.

By general rule, job titles, qualification requirements, the employer determines at his own discretion.

But if with the performance of work in certain positions or professions labor law links the provision of compensation and benefits(early pension , additional leave, increased wages) or establishes any restrictions, then the names of such positions and professions, qualification requirements must comply with qualification guides, professional standards . This correspondence should be observed as in employment contract with an employee, where his position will be indicated (performance of work by profession), and in the organization's staffing table. This is stated in Art. 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

This rule applies to:

1. Employees who work in hazardous working conditions;

2. Pedagogical, medical workers, "Northern" employees and others who have the right to preferential pension:;

3. Any other employees, if in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, other federal laws with the performance of work according to certain positions, professions, specialties related to the provision of compensation and benefits or the presence of restrictions.

CEN and ECTS have not been canceled due to the introduction of professional standards . See letter of the Ministry of Labor dated 04.04.2016 No. 14-0/10/13-2253. That is, you can continue to use them in your work, both on a par with professional standards, and in their absence.

note that in relation to employees filling positions for which the employee is entitled to guarantees, compensations, benefits, the requirements of prof. standards OR qualification handbooks are obligatory even now and were obligatory earlier already from 12/15/2012 (Article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Federal Law of 03.12.2012 N 236-FZ On Amendments to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and Article 1 of the Federal Law "On Technical regulation"

It should also be noted that arbitrary job titles can create certain difficulties for any organization. According to the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 426-FZ "On a special assessment of working conditions", each organization is obliged to conduct special assessment working conditions of their employees. This applies to all organizations, regardless of their type, organizational and legal form, form of ownership. When conducting a special assessment, it will be necessary to reflect not only the name of the position, but also its code according to All-Russian classifier species economic activity(Clause 2, Article 18 of the Law), and if the position is not provided for by any of the CAS, then it will be difficult for you to fulfill this requirement. On the proposal of the organization conducting a special assessment of working conditions, it will be necessary to rename the corresponding position.

An arbitrary job title will create difficulties for the organization in compiling various reports, for example, 1-T (prof).

Employers are required to apply professional standards in terms of:

 names of positions, if the performance of work on the position is associated with the provision of compensation, benefits or restrictions. In these cases, the title of the position must be indicated in accordance with the approved professional standard or qualification guides (Article 57, 195.3 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, clause 5 of the letter of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated April 4, 2016 No. 14-0 / 10 / 13-2253). If an employee is entitled to early retirement according to the list, and the job title in the professional standard does not match the job title in the list and the qualification directory, do not rush to change the title of the job according to the professional standard until the legislation changes and the identity of the professions is established.

 requirements for education, knowledge and skills. That is, if the qualification requirements that an employee needs to fulfill his labor function, are established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, federal laws or other regulatory legal acts (Article 195.3 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

In other cases, if the qualification requirements are not established by law, professional standards continue to be advisory in nature.

The "Qualification Directory of Worker Professions for which monthly salaries are set" (approved by the Decree of the USSR State Labor Committee, All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of February 20, 1984 N 58 / 3-102) (as amended on March 15, 1991) provides for the position of a machinist for washing and repairing overalls.

As we understand, it does not suit you.

You need to use the "Unified Tariff and Qualification Handbook of Works and Professions of Workers. Issue 66. Sections: "Dry Cleaning and Dyeing"; "Works and Professions of Laundry Workers" (approved by the Decree of the USSR State Committee for Labor, All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of October 31, 1984 N 320 / 21- 22) where there is a position washing machine operator.

Details in the materials of the System Personnel:

1. Situation: How to indicate the names of positions and professions when compiling the staffing table

Nina Kovyazina, Deputy Director of the Department medical education And personnel policy in health care of the Ministry of Health of Russia

When drawing up the staffing table, the employer can use form No. T-3, approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 No. 1, or an independently developed form. In column 3 of this form, you need to enter the names of positions, specialties, professions for the organization's staff units. As a general rule, positions are provided for employees who are primarily engaged in mental work: management, collection, analysis, processing of information, for example, deputy head of the production department, head of the department. In turn, the concept of "profession" refers to employees employed production process, physical labor, such as builders, electricians, mechanics.

The employer determines the names of positions and professions at his own discretion. For example, the position of the head of an organization may appear in the staffing table as a director, CEO, company president, etc.

However, if the labor legislation connects the provision of compensations and benefits, such as early retirement, additional leave, or establishes any restrictions with the performance of work in certain positions or professions, then the names of such positions and professions must comply with qualification reference books or provisions. professional standards. The indicated correspondence must be specified both in the employment contract with the employee, where his position will be indicated, and in the organization's staffing table. This follows from the provisions of paragraph 3 of part 2 of article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. non-compliance specified condition will deprive the employee of the right to receive benefits and compensation.

Speaking of qualification reference books, first of all it is necessary to use the following ones:

 All-Russian classifier of professions of workers, positions of employees and tariff categories, approved by the Decree of the State Standard of Russia of December 26, 1994 No. 367;

Qualification guide positions of managers, specialists and other employees, approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia of August 21, 1998 No. 37;

 All-Russian classifier of occupations OK 010-2014 (MSKZ-08), approved by the order of Rosstandart dated December 12, 2014 No. 2020-st;

 unified tariff-qualification reference books of jobs and professions of workers by industry.

In addition to the above documents, be guided also by:

 a list of industries, workshops, professions and positions with harmful conditions labor, work in which gives the right to additional leave and a shorter working day, approved by the decree of the USSR State Labor Committee, the Presidium of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of October 25, 1974 No. 298 / p-22;

 lists of industries, jobs, professions, positions and indicators that give the right to preferential pension provision, approved by the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR of January 26, 1991 No. 10.

Attention: Arbitrary naming of positions can create certain difficulties for any organization. The fact is that each organization is obliged to conduct a special assessment of the working conditions of its employees (Law of December 28, 2013 No. 426-FZ “On a special assessment of working conditions”). When conducting a special assessment, it is necessary to reflect not only the name of the position, but also its code according to the All-Russian Classifier of Economic Activities. If the position is not provided for by any of the CSAs, then it will be difficult to fulfill this requirement. On the proposal of an organization that conducts a special assessment of working conditions, it will be necessary to rename the corresponding position.
Also, arbitrary job titles will create difficulties for the organization in compiling various reports, for example, 1-T (prof).

From the answer "How to make a staffing table"


With respect and wishes for comfortable work, Svetlana Gorshneva,

Expert Systems Personnel

This program has been developed in accordance with STP 37.371.09012-03 “Quality Management System. Training, retraining and improving the competence of personnel. Organization of work”, GOST 12.0.004-99 “Organization of labor safety training. General provisions”and is intended for vocational training of workers in the profession of a driver for washing and repairing overalls.

The collection includes: qualification characteristics, curriculum, thematic plans and programs for theoretical and industrial training to prepare workers for the 2nd category, as well as exam tickets.

The duration of training for new workers is set at 1 month in accordance with the current List of Occupations for the Professional Training of Workers (Order of the Ministry of Education No. 3477 of 29.10.01).

Training can be carried out both in group and individual methods.

The qualification characteristic is compiled in accordance with the ETKS of works and the profession of workers in 1985, issue 01.

Changes and additions can be made to the thematic plans of the subject under study, taking into account the specifics of the enterprise, within the hours set by the program.

Industrial training is carried out at the workplaces of the economic section of the enterprise.

The master (instructor) of industrial training must train workers in the effective safe organization of labor, the use of new equipment and advanced technologies in the workplace, consider in detail with them ways to increase labor productivity and measures to save materials and energy.

In the process of training, special attention should be paid to the need for a solid assimilation and implementation of all labor safety requirements. For these purposes, a theoretical teacher and a master (instructor) of industrial training, in addition to studying general requirements labor safety, which must be observed in each specific case, draws attention to the observance of safety rules when working on specific equipment.

By the end of the training, each trainee should be able to independently perform all the work provided for qualification characteristic, technical conditions and norms established at the enterprise.

Students are allowed to work independently only after passing the qualification exam.

Qualification exams are held in accordance with STP 37.371.09012-03.

Updating the technical and technological base modern production requires the systematic inclusion in the existing programs of educational material on new technology and technology, saving materials, improving product quality, eliminating outdated educational material, terms and standards. Programs should also be supplemented with information on a specific economy.

The number of hours allotted for the study of individual topics of the program, the sequence of their study, if necessary, may be changed, provided that the programs are completed in full in terms of content and total number of hours.


"Machinist for washing and repairing overalls"

2nd category

Job Description. Washing overalls, towels, curtains in washing machines and washing by hand. Drying in tumble dryers (chambers) or natural conditions, ironing on presses, calenders or by hand. Minor repair of overalls by hand and on a sewing machine, patching marks. Preparation of cleaning and disinfecting solutions. Receiving, sorting and issuing uniforms. Preparing the required documentation.

Must know: technology of washing overalls from various materials; device, operating rules of the serviced equipment; types, properties of detergents and disinfectants used and methods of their use and preparation; rules for maintaining established documentation.


Laundry and repair worker

Training period 1 month

Well. Subject.

Number of hours

Theoretical training.

Economic course

Fundamentals of economic knowledge, organization and stimulation of workers' labor

Quality management system (QMS).

General technical course.

Electrical engineering.

Materials Science.

General information about technical mechanics.

Topic 1. Introductory lesson.

Familiarization with the purpose and objectives of training, with the requirements for drivers for washing and repairing overalls, the organization of the educational process, and qualification characteristics. The procedure for performing trial work and conducting a qualifying exam.

Topic 2. Basic information about the production and organization of the workplace.

The composition of the divisions of the plant.

Safe organization of workplaces. Inspection before starting work of the workplace: sufficiency of lighting, availability of fire extinguishing equipment, absence of foreign objects that may interfere with work. Safety rules for washing, drying and ironing overalls.

Checking the safety, convenience of the workplace.

Topic 3. Device and rules for the operation of serviced equipment.

Device purpose and principle of operation of the serviced equipment:

Washing machines such as KP-019, KP-011;

Laundry centrifuges type KP-215, TsPM-50A;

Drying drum KP-308;

Drying and ironing machine KP-40;

Press of the ironing automated KP-512.

Rules for the operation of the specified equipment.

The main components and mechanisms that are checked and adjusted during operation, exhaust ventilation.

Scheduled preventive maintenance of equipment, its essence and significance for the trouble-free operation of equipment.

Topic 4. Used detergents and disinfectants.

Types, properties, used detergents and disinfectants (washing powder, hydrogen peroxide, liquid glass, soda ash, etc.). Methods for the preparation and use of solutions.

Topic 5. The order of work.

Checking by external inspection: malfunctions of the equipment used, the absence of bare ends of the electrical wiring, the presence and reliability of grounding connections, the presence of guards and safety devices, a lock that does not allow one-handed operation, as well as with guards and other protective devices removed. Maintaining established documentation.

Topic 6. Security environment.

Ecological rights and obligations of citizens of Russia.

Administrative and legal responsibility of production managers and citizens for violations in the field of rational nature management and environmental protection.

Sources and types of environmental pollution. Creation of a normal ecological state of the environment.

Personal opportunities and responsibility of workers of this profession in environmental protection.

Requirements to ensure the protection of atmospheric air from pollutants by ventilation installations.

Standards for maximum allowable concentrations (MPC) of pollutants in the air.

Measures to reduce the dust content of the emitted air.

The procedure for collecting production waste.


Thematic plan.

Number of hours

Introductory lesson.

Requirements for labor protection during work.

Preparation of equipment for work.

Technology for performing work on:

washing machines

laundry centrifuges, drying drum

ironing press, drying and ironing machine

Adjustment and maintenance of equipment

Performing work as a machinist for washing and repairing overalls.

Qualification trial work.


Topic 1. Introductory lesson.

Familiarization with the workplace, the rules of internal work schedule, working conditions of the driver for washing and repairing overalls, forms of labor organization, modes of operation.

Safety briefings (conducted for each type of work) and fire safety. Training in the use of personal protective equipment.

Topic 2. Requirements for labor protection during work.

Topic 3. Preparation of equipment for work.

Make sure by external inspection that the equipment is in good condition, that the connection to the power supply network and the pneumatic network is in good condition. Check the presence of a grounding device and its reliability of fastening to the machine. Check for breaks and bare wires. Make sure that all guards are properly fastened to securely fasten the covers of the outer and inner drums during loading and unloading of processed materials, with devices that exclude the opening of hatch covers during operation of the drum and the inclusion of drum drives when the covers of the loading and unloading hatches are open. Make sure that the possibility of spontaneous switching from idle to working is excluded.

Topic 4. Work performance technology:

4.1. on washing machines

Before starting, inspect the washing machine, make sure that it is in good condition, open the cover of the loading hatch, load the laundry into the drum, avoiding loading more than indicated in the technical data. Close the lid of the loading hatch, securely fix it with a lock and lock. Close drain valve. Depending on the laundry processing operation to be performed, introduce into the outer drum: hot water through the hot water valve; cold water through the cold water valve; detergents through the filler hatch or valve; steam through a steam valve. Turn on and stop the machine with the "Start", "Stop" buttons. Monitor the operation of individual mechanisms, control the level of liquid in the machine, temperature, monitor steam pressure. At the end of the processing of linen, stop the machine, open the cover of the loading hatch, unload the linen into the trolley.

4.2. on centrifuges of laundries, drying drum

Wet linen, in accordance with the loading weight, evenly and smoothly spread out in the circumference of the rotor, after shaking each item, close the lid, set the control knob over the lid, turn on the electric motor with the "Start" button. After the end of the spin cycle, the motor switches off automatically and the signal light goes out. Slow down the rotor with the lever, open the lid, unload the laundry. Shake the laundry that has been spun in the centrifuge and load it into the tumble dryer. Close the door, set the time switch to the required drying time and press the "Start" button. When drying is complete, the drum switches off and the signal lamp goes out. Open the door, take out the laundry.

4.3. on an ironing press, a drying and ironing machine

Linen for ironing is placed flattened in the hopper. From the bunker, having leveled the leading edge, onto the conveyor belt. The conveyor feeds the laundry to the tray. Before the thick linen enters the ironing area, use the toggle switch on the control panel to raise the roller and immediately, after entering the front edge of the tray, lower it.

The ironed linen arrives on the table.

After the end of ironing, the roller rises so that the "clothing" of the roller does not burn.

Before starting work on ironing presses, open all valves on the connection lines and turn on the circuit breaker. After heating the ironing plate, place the laundry on the lower plate, smooth it with your hands (from the middle to the edges) and press the “Turn” button, which feeds the plate into the ironing area. While the laundry is being dried and ironed on one lower plate, place the laundry on the other and after ironing on the first plate, when the pressed plate with the laundry goes down, by pressing the “Turn” button again, move the second lower plate with the laundry to the ironing area. The cycle is repeated.

At the end of the shift, after finishing ironing, it is necessary to dry the gaskets of the lower ironing plates. To do this, let the press idle (without linen) and perform several cycles.

Topic 5. Adjustment and maintenance of equipment

For reliable, trouble-free operation of washing machines, centrifuges and drying equipment, it is necessary to produce Maintenance: monitor the cleanliness and condition of all parts of the machine, check the level of the working fluid in the turbo coupling, replenish grease in the shaft bearings and swivel joints, brackets supporting the axle. At the end of the shift, be sure to close all valves, turn off circuit breakers, check filters, V-belt tension, condition of heaters and threaded connections, etc.

Topic 6. Performance of work by a machinist for washing and repairing overalls.

Independent performance of the entire range of work of the driver for washing and repairing overalls, provided for by the qualification characteristic.

All work is carried out under the guidance of a master (or instructor) of industrial training.

Mastering the established norms of time, subject to specifications for the work being done.

The work must be carried out in compliance with technological instructions, instructions on labor protection and industrial safety.

Appendix: examination cards to test the knowledge of workers related to the operation of forklifts on gas-balloon fuel on 2 sheets.



to test the knowledge of workers by profession

Ticket number 1

"Machinist for washing and repairing overalls"

  1. Name the hazardous properties of waste.
  2. Technology for washing curtains, towels.
  3. Purpose and arrangement of the drying drum.
  4. Responsibility for violation of legislation and other normative acts on labor protection.
  5. What is a share?

Ticket number 2

"Machinist for washing and repairing overalls"

  1. Define the term "quality".
  2. Technology of drying clothes in tumble dryers.
  3. Appointment and device of the drying and ironing machine.
  4. Types of briefings on labor protection.
  5. What is inflation?

Ticket number 3

"Machinist for washing and repairing overalls"

  1. Name the hazard classes of hazardous waste according to the degree of their impact on humans and the environment.
  2. The technology of drying clothes on a tumble dryer.
  3. Purpose and device of the ironing press.
  4. What is "grounding", how is it designated, for what purposes is it used?
    1. What is a collective agreement?

Ticket number 4

"Machinist for washing and repairing overalls"

  1. Define the term "Quality Management System"
  2. The technology of ironing linen on the ironing press.
  3. How to protect the ironing surface of the tray from corrosion (tumble dryer)?
  4. Safety requirements when working on washing machines, centrifuges and ironing equipment.
  5. What is an employment contract?

Ticket number 5

"Machinist for washing and repairing overalls"

  1. Name the sources and types of environmental pollution.
  2. Types, properties applied by you detergents in your work.
  3. Explain how a press ironer works.
  4. Providing first aid to victims of electric shock.
  5. What is working capital?

Ticket number 6

"Machinist for washing and repairing overalls"

  1. What document establishes the requirements for a quality management system.
  2. Types and properties of disinfectants you use in your work.
  3. What instrumentation is installed on the ironing press?
  4. Weight lifting standards.
    1. What are fixed assets, funds?

Ticket number 7

"Machinist for washing and repairing overalls"

  1. List the prohibitions for handling hazardous waste.
  2. Describe how cleaning solutions are prepared and used.
  3. How do you control the liquid level in the washing machine, temperature, steam pressure?
  4. Rules for moving in the zone of "stepping" voltage.
  5. What is depreciation?

Ticket number 8

"Machinist for washing and repairing overalls"

  1. What is the primary focus of a quality management system?
  2. What is steel?
  3. The principle of operation of the laundry centrifuge.
  4. The main causes of fires in the workplace. Means and methods of extinguishing fires.
  5. What is share liquidity?

Ticket number 9

"Machinist for washing and repairing overalls"

  1. Name the types of control over activities in the field of environmental protection.
  2. What is cast iron?
  3. Purpose and device of the washing machine.
  4. What sections does the instruction on labor protection consist of?
  5. What is profit?

Ticket number 10

"Machinist for washing and repairing overalls"

  1. Basic requirements for a quality management system developed on the basis of GOST R ISO 9001-2001.
  2. Workwear washing technology.
  3. Purpose and device of the laundry centrifuge.
  4. Means of extinguishing fires in case of ignition of electrical installations.
  5. What is the profitability of the enterprise, the profitability of products?


  1. "Economic Theory", ed. A.I. Dobrynin. Ed. house "Peter" 2002
  2. "Materials Science" ed. Yu.A. Geller. M. Metallurgy, 1989
  3. "Theoretical Electrical Engineering" ed. V.S. Popov. "Energoatomizdat" 1990
  4. Unified Tariff and Qualification Reference Book of Works and Professions of Workers (ETKS) Issue 01. 1985.
  5. Intersectoral rules on labor protection during dry cleaning, washing POT R M 013-2000.
  6. machinist for washing and repairing overalls for households. plot.
  7. "Quality Management System. Training, retraining and improving the competence of personnel. Work organization".
  8. GOST 12.0.004-99 “Organization of labor safety training. General Provisions".
  9. 10. Manual and instruction manual for washing machines.
  10. 11. Manual and instruction for the operation of dryer-ironing machines.

Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of August 4, 2000 N 56
"On amendments to the tariff and qualification characteristics for industry-wide professions of workers"

The Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation in connection with the clarification of the nature of the work performed on individual professions workers decides:

Include in the Tariff and qualification characteristics for industry-wide occupations of workers, approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of November 10, 1992 N 31, a change in accordance with the appendix.

First Deputy Minister

labor and social development

Russian FederationV. Rozhkov


to the decision of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation

in Tariff and qualification characteristics for industry-wide
professions of workers, approved by the decree of the Ministry
Labor of the Russian Federation of November 10, 1992 N 31

Change the name of the profession "Worker for washing and repairing overalls" to "Machinist for washing and repairing overalls", setting out the tariff and qualification characteristics of this profession in the following edition:

"Machinist for washing and repairing overalls"

2nd category

Characteristics of works. Washing overalls, towels, curtains in washing machines and washing by hand. Drying in tumble dryers (chambers) or natural conditions, ironing on presses, calenders or by hand. Minor repair of overalls by hand and on a sewing machine, patching marks. Preparation of cleaning and disinfecting solutions. Receiving, sorting and issuing uniforms. Preparing the required documentation.

Must know:technology of washing overalls from various materials; device, operating rules of the serviced equipment; types, properties of detergents and disinfectants used and methods of their use and preparation; rules for maintaining established documentation.